l w || i^f ilib.catholiccourier.com/1952-january-december-catholic-courier-journ… ·...

h*^<. hfahimt* i»y»»i«w^W^>g- ***** IV •> */ * A^, *. 'ft4)» , eW«e»**»>. K ^V' 3 ******* £&jH t^f 5 t: ^.«*S«C^«fi«»«t«.«*«»tis,»«»«4'« *»•«« *• j*> ^,iifc«Mrf ^ * \ ) ( 4 *"i I : ? a ii%iV'' w »i" || »'^'.^ i ^"fi r*r t * wmm* j<pm$h pmj^ $m ar. Southern Tier Mtlo* June Brides: 4«Mtf a* *$«*»% i* *h« Bwctot ««^r fr > ptaM0-far' tnffUl* lj»p#rta»t $kr#*«fc* *h#tf;4t;'10(rSite:' Jlswinaw for Your Home tofft^pjwlttf 40 many tw*W *«8\«* Jeofc *»r gotdowce to s E U% *L « « » St. Kmirct, N. Y; <_ sfy{» eno* Value* unequal* me&wiete Win ydM DriH Trophy In Baltimore Grftant War "Veterans* emcjc 6t$B 1*a«% tfto wlnpjng «a- ifcwasl c&araptoasMp honors a t ith© SaHssitp sa&ttoai cost- yeatien.w»-be*atuw3ay nfght,§'f'"•-'"-""-*;•' f '"——-' '""— Corning Weddings Ihvyer - MesAllIstex lose $8, Saturday night, at the Tournament of Mieraoirlal :-• %Jie^ea3gDS vM give m «SWM- fiemdM jjaturslay w d wfi} also compete. # t h i a *& wait lew isw^jaf ^ ^ ^ ' ' ^ ^ ^ K p t e ^ ^ ^ i t t B F of m, ana Mrs. BSQNCc WI5PH teams 3Q either states,, th$ Biuo &n»t9 Ja- J»J«wana 9t tewl? Smith, 8S Tiyoo ParK, isreife ad> jasSged national <jharopions after jja»«#atscra i a the «jree*ioft* ccaavfflotloa parade antf .,«ir!Blng In iKSht ot tlie reviewing standL n i e team ttsemhecs hW to l?3Eve tie convention Ijefore the Xfetss ail* Commuiilon breakfast w&ioh "btoaight tibe convention to at doss Sanday. Th^r missed a ma$<m -Tsttcts - wps -read—by feomas Oijte, l*ew Yorfe City, past states ?OBHnander and the irewWeeted natjonal cam-i nutnto. ,an Inscribe* trophy wffl be pteai?n.tei the team *$ .» later *!***«$ *e BHsrobers are 1QO» i n s torwaoa to defending it «t •4MM f^B* I.ABORAXORY C0tpfR«|l^ T«* INy '«" McAllister, KJ7 Park Ka«,,PalRted Posii became the bride of Joba W. 13wyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johrt F. Dwyer of Cordand, in a ceremony per- formed Saturday, .Fune 1^ feSt. Mary's Church by the Bev, Al- fred jJ. Horr, Tisststsant pastor, Attending the bride as maid of Jiqnor vras Miss Elbsabetti Dtsyer, r-slster of the hrldegroajsi. Peter W. Dwyer, Ism Mass^ served . j s best man for his hrotker. Ds&» «rs were Roger McaJUster ofXiV' : madicjJlyforffltilited End-Hab Crtd**»tii»fci«iflorb*wlt i t "Hi s m«m% PHARMACY ;r>»«opd-eDJ)veBtion. SesJdjeS Drfli Master rSmith, fljeinbers -snaldng the Baltimore trla^res GeorSe Barfl, Jfosaph Evauiietx, B«oWl J. S^maiSrer, Ayr/vf Gr*en, JRobert Johnson, Joseph. Sdtadt Frede** De- « k « e , Baiymon^ Z&Mtf Thomas & aBrennioa, Twver Caring Gor- don; yojjt -«J4 Stanley l*M&em Gives 2 Scholarships -^Stskl; Post "!S2 American I* S^oaa awuaflWl fee Ateerican 1* ^att Sdwaasttc Werife Awaxd Meaai«n6I-five dollar*, to DoSro- thy CrtctersW, 3U0 Wee^r St, tntt JTMKD& Janfcoittld, 31* wr«^ taw? St tu&faxxM the. gradaafc &IE cla»e«r of Sfc Ifcerea* amd St. Staml^Eini iSchools . reipec- aeipool, brother of *3ie bridev and Taul and Jerry Ihvyear, also brothers of the groom. A luncheon at the Baron Ste» lien Hotel for the insanediate fam- F,] 4Ues followed thse cereiaonsk^^. Xater the couple left by motor lor a trip through th« N e w En- gland states after w?Mch they will areslde in Syracuse. The bride, * gradsaate of Ifalirt- ed iPost High Schaool, attended ahe Upiveraity of Sflssourt and was graduated from Syracuse University. Mr. Dwsyer, a Navy veteran, attended N5ew york Mfl- itaxy Aeademy, jBoswIlnff Green, ijniyersity of Michigan and was graduated from Syracuse Uni versify. He! is employed bx tbe Cajrfcr Gorporatloa at Syracuse. It r ••» t T •Cbe astaxd* at* pte«e»ted each y e a r ;*t fia^flaaiOB: fcwreJwi oy tM Post t » . the utttSent? of tbe ,twr school* for tba W H » « t natfJc- Jtaiwclgl ; »ta«dJes.-j''- •CSutenaW'' : of -«W S6>d^Bft A * « r d / -Ckwiimtt«ee-/W3i* pf-' ifst CSiffiJBSinda*-- Plerxeand Jowpfa Uwxence. = TOWHER REFF1S 4 1 4 - 4 1 6 CAHRCMX ST. "' QMIIM, N . Y. B«se Gbanet Corninr Tlie marriage of Miss Annette M danet, daugh- ter of Mrs. Mary G3anet of Shir- ley, Mass, 'and Charles L. Reese, son of 3fr. and Mrss. 4 Paul Oana- ber of 46 H, Sceori? SE. "Corn- bnc took place Saturday, June ZAr -Itt SL " _ " ' Shirley. ..'' , Attendants Tor thse bride were M w J ^ t e t e Viliettesr oi Shirley, maid of honor, and the Hisses Dorothy Holbein amd Lorraine Gianet Norman GLsanet, brother of the bride, was besst man. , A reeeption for 50 guests was bteld at the home otf the bride's noother JoUowing:tt^r"ceremony; JLffer the couple k t t to spend a tEfte brjdexattersaed Shirley ira&bols* Idr, Ke«s6. who attend* e s t <fe'rmn^--4r^0TO- 1* w A^nw- toeberah,. 'Having. »erc?ed In? Korea, He" is ^resoSfftr emptloyed by the C'*c«nwijwe*^ttt Plasalc Ocansunyi •E#amini*ter, MM*. . mmmm*?pmm/*mm NAZABEIH CHIJjaSQlr »t«dent» <*bove5 after three years of arts and sciences at the eolfcge we now at S t Joseph's ffos- pltal, Etaiirs, fdV a year fit clinical laboratory methods. In photo (fr>om left), the sftideata, 3»ary Sfotan, Hamilton, N. Y^ and Marjorle Klem", Bochester; Chetlove Sxupeljo, tissue tech- nlclan, and »r. James A, Mitchell, head ot the department. (CSourfejr StanT Photo) N«orelh Students Study In St. Joseph Laboratory Two students of Nazareth College, Eochest^r, Miss Mary Morau, Hanulton, N". Y. and Miss Marjorie Klem, Rochester are at ^t Joseph's Hospital* Elmrra to take a year of instretc- tloijs and practice in clinical laboratory tnethods. THE COURSE is as outlined by the Board Registry of the American Society of Clinical. Pathologists. The "two girls are taking the A|^fflr^AvAaHriai^co«jse as part,*! » four s&ur program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science In Medical Technology. They have already completed three years of liberal arts and sciences at Nazareth <oHese. After attaining the degree, the students are eligible for the reg- . -,. - -Axt-Cflla^-ftBateWb- -• June 39th will be the last Sun- d a y o|>eaing' of "But 'Memorial Jirt;C*fleiy -Defor* 'tfiesanHmer schedule of hotirs J;O«I into e£« IStefc Bejgttrilni % J<# .CaBery faotirs will b e d # > through Sat- •arday, 10 tjjx. $,&• p.m., Jfon- t&S%5Jr*oca> icrS-jMnv <3o«ed o n •v-( by the American Society of C3in- lcai Pathologists. T i p program at St Joseph's is under the direction of Br. James Mitchell. Dr. Mitchell is head Qt the department sad ioJlnM St, Joseph's staff as resident path- aslstant pathologist at King's ologist on March 1,1948. He -was County Hospital, Brooklyn for 18 years before coming" to Elmlra. Dr. Mitchell U a Diplomat of the American Board ot Clinical Path- ologists, Aquinm Footbdl Games Listed By School Paper Two night games, one at Aquinas Memorial Stadaxtm -4tn& another at Erie, Pa., are on tbe 1352 foathafl schedule t-fll Ao^inaslnstitute according to Mart^ Casey in the Jtrae 11, 'Mawott and itfhtte, school jubEcatlott. ', ^§<ft?en games are «n the Basil- Itn "school schedul* as released by Qa^Bew. CyrSl Carter, CJSJa, director ist amleGcs. *B**o old rivalries wfithe renewed and five newcomers axe, to.be met by the Bay JabJpnskl #iched team irt the fatt. OPENING T4DC .schedule at the StadSraa; Bldgeway Ave. and tm. Head Koulevanl, Father Pilecki To Sing First Mass on July 6 ,HSwt jleft. fleratrd A, J^ecW,. C, S»»-;*o:»; ol -Mr, artel jy&ati Franji: faeciWi 45 HoUbroolsfe St wis oner: his First Solemn Mass in t^fs Church, Rochester &B, Suhc?ay£j»1y 0 at in mm, - ^ftfo«a^P|iest who,|w^^»n' Ueted Ma w » p i *& tt* Jprtest- m$$ in the Cb^egattor* of St Basil, win be ordaiied Sunday, Itme 2^ by His i^newseJames Cardinal McGulgan in St. BasU's ^wrch, !i\>ronto> , * , Assisting in the First Solemn Mass will be the following: As- sistant Priest, the Rt Rey. Msgr. George W, Edsl, pastor of An- drew's; Deacon, the Rev, Jobm W. I,eVeq«ie, assistant pastor; sab deacon, "the Rev. Joseph SO&~isr~A^airaB- m- stitub?, • XHB SERMON will be preaca- ed by the Very Rev. John P. Murphy, C.S.B., president ot S t John Fisher College, Rochester. A reception will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. on July 6 i n fit. An- drew's parish hall followed by Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament in the Church. Father Plleckl was born June IS, 1925. He attended St An- drew's and Holy Redeemer Schools aid Aquinas Institute and entered the Basilian Noviti- ate in 1943. hi 1944 he went to S t Michael's College In Toronto earning his B.A. degree in 1949. He attained a M.A. in English with a thesis on St Thomas More in 195L He alsq holds, a B-A, In English Language and literature from the University of Toronto. Knights To Hold Smorgasbord A Smorgasbord will be held Sunday, June 29 at the Knights and ladies of St John Club, 365 Andrews St from 4 t o 8 pan. The affair la betag-sponsored by Commandery 106 of Holy Rosary Church. Arrangements are In charge of Frank Gubsrlet, Lawrence De- Long, GBhert Ernst, Paul An- drews, Vernon Hart Charles Kel- ler, Ray Retfer,- George Mallory ahd Walter Corcoran. Tickets are available from members of the club. )"J iij-OwJ; | l »l | ,l"ji|iH!g> !""** B A few vacancies s p j-emain for'girls at Camp Villa Mafia, Etarira, Application blanks will be.mailed upon re- Quest, dial: the Camp Office 6t26. Girls from six to thirteen years of atge witt-feu aeeepted un- Jersey Wear** Jtfcn School of City, JSunday* Sept. 2& . Gswego Sigh School wiH come ift>m 'Owego on Priday, Oef# 8, iof * alght jgame to the- Stadfiuw Arc&oMcip Steplnac Hfgft School of. New Xork City is scheduled for a. gamfe oh Saada^>«c^-39.- I First of the oM time rivals to return «itt be tStihplie Central $C!fc'fttM>oiDBlnte:ato a Basflfan Fathers schooL to>- be met toihle istactiura oa Sunday, fifekM ; •-. •• : I Afflothir -r^comer, DeJilaffl* M i l , . Bcfeiwl -ol -Wasfiifigtod, ItJ. '43* *M meet the tsm Msh ift "ittur staiiuto on SuHdayi; "Tiis ; &sf, JSsay'»ircan-itome- :ouse> fo,$mWkL-G&sam tad. -ttv "M -plai'to* -^F-hlglit WJE be the; Irie Bltfi SchTOl-Aciuinas ma- 'temjfi,: tS^t-^h^ m- Friaay, Snv*: re **" T * "".' " «!ltfoajtetJo« ^easyg ifrBl be ""!fewft : in the Stadium oa ThaatosriviBr -*Oi Assumption Alumni Cenacle Lists 4 Retreats In July Four closed retreats and the Holy Hour are on the July schedule at Cenacle Convent; 693 East Av^e, Rochestertr the 1 ^ llgious in charge announced today. -' Juy tto" reu-ealg and' reixeatmasters wffl^ei auly4 ta 8 — Geneva^ High School, ireahmen and-vsopho- Robert a i k o d d , tar :# : ,*ssutnpti6tt Colte-g.e Atttmflt at- the- MferaJan Clnk #~-Atts*Adef'>'St # - Friday night $®m$, -a^.^-t>nlcerJE''oi'the- spra^aafes*. •tigmmm of i%& •)ENusflla1i-yatfars*t»lMe In-.ivtti'i •e% Rev. C&B. \ *uty 13L te AS=-St Jerome S> dality «H2 General, Res. J0h» P, 0"Mea«v<£S,B. Wedneaday, Jaly .If at tVs, m,, to «htarsaiy, StOf IT « * # »• » < i - Chfidre* 10 and 11 years of age, Sew. John P. cyMafiey* atMmtifo.*Wf | « t* *&***•<•* .lehird B, EflgUsh^ EJ# ; • Holy Hour tor; the Ihtentlcmit of 4h*:-&li^£$mi&&$ * 3, R'evi.Patt|cJS'ir Graae. '• -_ a .ig,, v,,;. >./ tm, efli^dtc«*BJ*op M ins ^««C Vto&S*,. «%.- fc- . .. ihev &mw'.at the- P6nHfic|I Mass of tiie TrJehnlal. Cer«*n* tioaoiffiuelfltern^tanaJ.Fe«Br4' tion.of ^thfllte^aOainn^^to hj Jietdiai^w? Xorfe «Sty mAttg#t ism. <mm& «i fl» *WRl« 'Attgtaf •3£> , 'ls'--the. AusdHIr^. Btshd^^ieph, itonWy* pi mm 5ferfe. \%Bt-mimm* -.i*«#. Csrdtot %^aa% .««Hnatirie,- ;• $m. &]&'•'*»&&& CoadJutor-SishoP' of WmWmto. BUELl/S FLOWERS % Dki! 5175 211 W. Gray St. d.EltJ.T.KlUY N- •uicnucAt BtrcrmMUKO •Ml wjmwcriKe 411 W«tt Hrtt StMrf mil itti-iuT 291-203 W* ^ Cor/N, «9?rt St. WfONE^-3137 M' MHi I.W.MIUYIMH FUN«ALH0M* l*JW*ta«t»t til a capacity enrollment Js at- tained, . * S&s. Giflhy 0^ara,"Cainp BI rector, wtll be i n charge of the Water Front, assisted by Tiedy' Hogan, Sally Sutter and Joan Connelly. Each camper will have at least one period of Instruction and a general swim each day. OTHER CAMP activities will include Music,.Dancing, Drama tics, Sports and Crafta, Evening program,* will feature original skits and songs composed by the ipers. St Patrick's Day In Au will be the therno of the specialprogranvwhen the Carn> will entertain the members of the Executive Board and of the Closing Camp Ftoej to which pat* ents and relatives^ invited. Registrations haveNbeen made by a large number of ©% from Elrnir* and Chemung County. Applications have also been cepted fromt Gail Virginia Au, and Karen- Keating of Corning; Mary Agnes Murray, Kathleen Anne Parker, Dortha Ring, and Beth Williams of Painted Post; Mary Ann DIPonzio and Barbara Jean Sauera ot Rochester; Anne Marie Murray of Penfield; Mar- garet Jones of Mlllerton, Pa.; Religion Can't Be Taken Casually, Prelate Warns XSTobre Dame, InoV-fNC)—"No Catholic worthy of the name and the tradition he bears can take his religion quietly and casually in these momentous days." That statement was made by Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washington in his baccalaur- eate sermon at the University of Notre Dame commencement here. Serve Coca-Cola at home Ocfi<iau* """ and R«-*r«»»hSnq Martha Munley and Linda Ryan of Harrisburg, Pa, , Ditptntht Opticim If* S. BEMITCTT JNCOWOHATED Eye Examinations by GeorgtLHickey,Jr. . Rtgitftrti Qptomittiit Ytur Eyes DIMFKI Thi list c CMiuIt Ut for YtHr OptlcilHuds TLIO-112 i ^ G ^ A Y ST. Dial 27172 ^Imira ^hnii S BARRETT'S Service Station BATTERY CHARGING . WASHING ROAD SERVICE LUBRICATION ACCESSORIES TIRES MOBILGAS Dial 2-9311 - Walnut Wasaingtoa Ara. KEEFE FUNERAL HOME 436HOADWAY PHONE 6544 ELMIRA, N. Y. Wells' Photo Supply "ElMfjtA'S NEWEST CAMERA CENTEfc" CAMERAS AND PROJECTORS CERTIFIED IANGTRY PHOTOFINISHINO REPAIR SERVICE —FILM RENTALS ALt LEADING MAKES OP PHOTO EQUIPMENT . DIAL 3-2639 205 HOFFMAN St: vlcepr*s!^iit5 '•^3rthufr--iBuaanB i . leewsWrl". "A tWmte M Mil & Jdly «s. m% il«iopmpo»ne»i* «*tM twtorI^;*^f^.r«Wt^;Se«t#. ***** m mmtu «MOV* af^waac*. w. *. mmi**» tit mag an i lull i ^-^Uttatrawwist. } **iwt#iii;i%# Qtmnt lamumm %^ff^" »^^a YlTalalf II Viirfatf ^jJTtfalatf 1 MaJnttwniimSM, ir«f*iiHia>iiji tJutx Buwlw, StiwsftKeyw H«ird Uwi! Farms PAS1EUHZED MILK AND CIEAM OWE JtiJInrtitY Wf ^COifl'AH. HIGH TOO! I ffilWMimiiiiiuuiuj tat-, mmmemm om* mm witft heaaciltarfefiito*«gr ¥«!&. • Sis'inter^.^rp^rlfclp^tf ft* IFCJi a^vifie* In -im, *orfc exfettdest -tev^r' « l«ie .!*&«* *|. 'anie iosriisl ,«tt^. ^ ; f g * y | servett w Wot ffl®M&&jW ^«*- immn of ,the Jure* ;»«*»#>• Mates llr Ittitt^ ' aftad%-S|*r»-»tWCKAj8- tieat*fil«Mtu!t tl tftif Atoptttg; 1* be ft* first SpWj** Stfert ft» ttralbeft par*5hBte'3«»a]p. jte it a . Rev. mm AKW » t e l \ ^ o bailed ewf of * Jpa^e *t KS6 ieef, He v«I«»te«fed for itfc* |«Kp fff get * pesonal to «%te too te *w«a* «* ^ to«tt fe «|t«H Ba J»i«!sic» .4 mmmm H.L.ALLEN&SON PttMi H5T «Z *rMHtt- COXNIWS, H. r. issss Purcell Motor Co 201*211 fr M*rk*t St, "MM** Sll ' «c!*t4J iSi»»ttat CtMnrraM Car*' MAHat—SttUr: »i«». tt». »iM, IKM" SI* Ignatius Loyola Church K*T, J m i * H. HePoml, Gna4 a«4 Wut PIM Sbwta twodwoy Becfrie Shop Controdlnff and* tepairing * - ' * • " A 4s |M«Ma St Horaill, H. f. STEUBEN TRUST C6MPANY JKWNBkVH. Y. WTNEBTJHG * GLEASON | lit H«l» St. H*rmtK,N. r. Sgeney Gotham Gc*4 fkip* NYLON HOSIERY wtHtstmo a GUutsoM ore "CM^Ka «• NtiT* iTuttle & Rcnkweli Co. * Over 0 Years •i RttUbl* Strcht S, Holland's Sons j BRAUMSCHWEIGER'S «imm$«l,0ksp<>m PHARMACY , I M. L iMunicliwtliir, P«. G. ,! 320 Canwt.o Sf. Phon. 1629 to Roof •J* MAIN STKEET T 9 t * afiH MOKtCKth, N. r* SBV. LAWOtSCE W. CANNON, PJIHT Surs RMbuck & Co. ViiitOur Niw Mm'* find ioy»* Cfolhins D.pf. fft'ltiklpi ST, * Hdm«H # rM.Y. Ctm , Biionomkd Imjilri •«*FiilC8,.L,T.l), liWWMMiliWWWWWMWtJwitlW' 1 II— W 9.%*, 9, mil JACOBS BROS. SHOE STORE C t T T C t e i SHOES I , "W« Pit Th« Hari T# Kt" !2!MahtSt. Ph««» 151-M •OSNULI* H. t. Ho?fi^(l &airy^ Inc. QUAUTY MILK and BAItY ttODUCtS 503-305 Main Street HOKNBLL, tJ. V. . « . »n« » » , . » ., • »i <, i, ^ ^ . CATHOLIC HEADUNES ertWHAM,!2tilOStirkioif i»* 'J*44i^jja —^ j- WW*, **" •***-%*" -*« * <*.»**'*' *wW *»#• r *.i^«-^j.J(* * * *"**' .«•:*•«-,•»•'-* *<Vrf< 1 I t /_-.,- w?4i* Srt^ss- tt-r^T^i ^ '^^VTlw^^.. ^^si^g*;^;. * r /""W 1

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Page 1: l w || i^f ilib.catholiccourier.com/1952-january-december-catholic-courier-journ… · ;r>»«opd-eDJ)veBtion. SesJdjeS Drfli Master rSmith, fljeinbers -snaldng the Baltimore trla^res

h*^< .

hfahimt* i»y»»i«w^W^>g- *****


•> * /

* A^, *. 'ft4)»,eW«e»**»>.


^V'3******* £&jH t^f 5t:^.«*S«C^«fi«»«t«.«*«»tis,»«»«4'« *»•«« *• j*> ^,iifc«Mrf ^ *

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aii%iV''w»i"||»'^'.^i^"fi r*r t *

wmm* j<pm$h pmj^ $m ar. w» Southern Tier Mtlo*

June Brides: 4«Mtf a* *$«*»% i* *h« Bwctot ««^r fr>ptaM0-far' tnffUl* lj»p#rta»t $kr#*«fc* *h#tf;4t;'10(rSite:' Jlswinaw

for Your Home tofft^pjwlttf 40 many tw*W

* « 8 \ « * Jeofc * » r gotdowce to

s E U% *L « « » St.

Kmirct, N. Y; <_

sfy{» eno* Value* u n e q u a l *

me&wiete Win y d M DriH Trophy In Baltimore Grftant War "Veterans* emcjc 6t$B 1*a«% tfto wlnpjng «a-ifcwasl c&araptoasMp honors a t ith© SaHssitp sa&ttoai cost-yeatien.w»-be*atuw3ay nfght,§'f'"•-'"-""-*;•' f ' " — — - ' '""—

Corning Weddings Ihvyer - MesAllIstex

lose $8, Saturday night,

at the Tournament of Mieraoirlal

:-• %Jie ea3gDS vM give m «SWM-fiemdM jjaturslay wd wfi} also compete. #thia *& wait lew isw^jaf ^ ^ ^ ' ' ^ ^ ^ K p t e ^ ^ ^ i t t B F of m, ana Mrs.

BSQNCc WI5PH teams 3Q either states,, th$ Biuo

&n»t9 Ja- J»J«wana 9t tewl? Smith, 8S Tiyoo ParK, isreife ad> jasSged national <jharopions after jja»«#atscra ia the «jree*ioft* ccaavfflotloa parade antf .,«ir!Blng In iKSht ot tlie reviewing standL

nie team ttsemhecs hW to l?3Eve tie convention Ijefore the Xfetss ail* Commuiilon breakfast w&ioh "btoaight tibe convention to at doss Sanday. Th r missed a ma$<m -Tsttcts - wps -read—by feomas Oijte, l*ew Yorfe City, past states ?OBHnander and the irewWeeted n a t j o n a l cam-i nutnto.

,an Inscribe* trophy wffl be pteai?n.tei the team *$ .» later *!***«$ * e BHsrobers are 1QO» in s torwaoa to defending it «t


f ^ B * I.ABORAXORY C0tpfR«|l^ T « *

INy '«" McAllister, KJ7 Park K a « , , P a l R t e d Posii became the bride of Joba W. 13wyer, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Johrt F. Dwyer o f Cordand, in a ceremony per­formed Saturday, .Fune 1 ^ feSt. Mary's Church by the B e v , Al­fred jJ. Horr, Tisststsant pastor,

Attending the bride as maid o f Jiqnor vras Miss Elbsabetti Dtsyer,

r-slster of the hrldegroajsi. Peter W . Dwyer, Ism Mass^ served . j s best man for his hrotker. Ds&» « r s were Roger McaJUster of XiV'

: madicjJlyforffltilited


Crtd**»ti i»fci«if lorb*wlt





;r>»«opd-eDJ)veBtion. SesJdjeS Drfli Master rSmith,

fljeinbers -snaldng the Baltimore t r l a ^ r e s GeorSe Barfl, Jfosaph Evauiietx, B«oWl J. S^maiSrer, Ayr/vf Gr*en, JRobert Johnson, Joseph. S d t a d t F r e d e * * De-« k « e , Baiymon^ Z&Mtf Thomas & aBrennioa, Twver Car ing Gor­don; yojjt - « J 4 Stanley l*M&em

Gives 2 Scholarships -^Stskl; Post "!S2 American I *

S^oaa awuaflWl fee Ateerican 1 * ^ a t t Sdwaasttc Werife Awaxd Meaai«n6I-five dollar*, t o DoSro-t h y CrtctersW, 3U0 W e e ^ r St, t n t t JTMKD& Janfcoittld, 31* wr«^ taw? S t tu&faxxM the. gradaafc &IE cla»e«r of Sfc Ifcerea* amd S t . Staml^Eini iSchools . reipec-

aeipool, brother of *3ie bridev and Taul and Jerry Ihvyear, also brothers of t h e groom.

A luncheon at t h e Baron Ste» l ien Hotel for the insanediate fam- F,] 4Ues followed thse cereiaonsk^^. Xater the couple l e f t by motor l o r a trip through th« N e w En­gland states after w?Mch t h e y will areslde in Syracuse.

The bride, * gradsaate o f Ifalirt-e d iPost High Schaool, attended a h e Upiveraity of Sflssourt and w a s graduated from Syracuse University. Mr. Dwsyer, a Navy veteran, attended N5ew york Mfl-i taxy Aeademy, jBoswIlnff Green, ijniyersity of Michigan and was graduated from Syracuse Uni versify. He! i s employed b x tbe Cajrfcr Gorporatloa at Syracuse.

I t r ••»

t T

•Cbe astaxd* a t * pte«e»ted each y e a r ;*t fia^flaaiOB: fcwreJwi oy t M Post t » . the utttSent? of tbe ,twr school* for t b a WH»«t natfJc-Jtaiwclgl;»ta«dJes.-j''-

•CSutenaW'':of -«W S6>d^Bft A*«rd/ -Ckwiimtt«ee-/W3i*

pf-' ifst CSiffiJBSinda*--Plerxeand Jowpfa Uwxence.



4 1 4 - 4 1 6 CAHRCMX ST. "' QMIIM, N . Y.

B « s e • Gbanet Corninr — Tlie marriage o f

Miss Annette M d a n e t , daugh­t e r of Mrs. Mary G3anet o f Shir­l e y , Mass , 'and Charles L . Reese, s o n of 3fr. a n d Mrss.4 Paul Oana-b e r of 46 H, Sceori? SE. "Corn-b n c took place Saturday, June ZAr -Itt S L " _ " ' Shirley. ..'' ,

Attendants Tor thse bride were M w J ^ t e t e Viliettesr oi Shirley, maid of honor, and the Hisses Dorothy Holbein amd Lorraine Gianet Norman GLsanet, brother o f the bride, was besst man. , A reeeption for 5 0 guests was

bteld at the home otf the bride's noother JoUowing: tt^r" ceremony; JLffer the couple k t t to spend a

tEfte brjdexattersaed Shirley ira&bols* Idr, Ke«s6. who attend* est <fe'rmn^--4r^0TO- 1* w A^nw-toeberah,. 'Having. »erc?ed In? Korea, He" is ^resoSfftr emptloyed b y the C'*c«nwijwe*^ttt Plasalc Ocansunyi •E#amini*ter, MM*. .


NAZABEIH CHIJjaSQlr »t«dent» <*bove5 after three years o f arts and sciences at the eolfcge w e now at S t Joseph's ffos-pltal, Etaiirs, fdV a year fit clinical laboratory methods. I n photo (fr>om left ) , the sftideata, 3»ary Sfotan, Hamilton, N. Y ^ and Marjorle Klem", Bochester; Chetlove Sxupeljo, tissue tech-nlclan, and » r . James A, Mitchell, head ot the department.

(CSourfejr StanT Photo) —

N « o r e l h Students Study In St. J o s e p h Laboratory

Two students of Nazareth College, Eochest^r, Miss Mary Morau, Hanulton, N". Y. and Miss Marjorie Klem, Rochester are at ^t Joseph's Hospital* Elmrra to take a year of instretc-tloijs and practice in clinical laboratory tnethods.

THE COURSE i s as outlined by the Board o£ Registry of the American Society of Clinical. Pathologists.

The "two girls are taking the A|^fflr^AvAaHriai^co«jse as p a r t , * ! » four s&ur

program leading to t h e degree of Bachelor of Science In Medical Technology. They have already completed three years o f liberal arts and sciences at Nazareth <oHese.

After attaining the degree, the students a r e eligible for the reg-

. - , . - -Axt-Cflla^-ftBateWb- -• • June 39th wil l be the l a s t Sun­

d a y o|>eaing' of "But 'Memorial J irt ;C*fle iy -Defor* 'tfiesanHmer schedule of hotirs J;O«I i n t o e£« IStefc Bejgttrilni % J < # .CaBery faotirs will be d # > through Sat-•arday, 10 tjjx. $,&• p.m., Jfon-t&S%• 5Jr*oca> icrS-jMnv <3o«ed o n

•v-( by the American Society of C3in-lcai Pathologists.

T i p program at S t Joseph's is under the direction of Br. James Mitchell. Dr. Mitchell is head Qt the department sad ioJlnM St, Joseph's staff a s • resident path-aslstant pathologist a t King's ologist on March 1,1948. He -was County Hospital, Brooklyn for 18 years before coming" to Elmlra. Dr. Mitchell U a Diplomat of the American Board o t Clinical Path­ologists,

Aquinm Footbdl Games Listed By School Paper

Two night games, one at Aquinas Memorial Stadaxtm -4tn& another at Erie, Pa., are on tbe 1352 foathafl schedule t-fll Ao^inaslnstitute according to Mart^ Casey in the Jtrae 11, 'Mawott and itfhtte, school jubEcatlott. ', §<ft?en games are «n the Basil-Itn "school schedul* as released by Qa^Bew. CyrSl Carter, CJSJa, director ist amleGcs. *B**o old rivalries wfithe renewed and five newcomers axe, to.be met by the Bay JabJpnskl #iched team irt the fatt.

OPENING T4DC .schedule at the StadSraa; Bldgeway Ave. and

tm. Head Koulevanl,

Father Pilecki To Sing First Mass on July 6 ,HSwt jleft. fleratrd A, J^ecW,. C,

S»»-;*o:»; ol -Mr, artel jy&ati Franji: faeciWi 45 HoUbroolsfe St wis

oner: his First Solemn Mass in t fs Church, Rochester

&B, Suhc?ay£j»1y 0 at in mm, - ^ftfo«a^P|iest who,|w^^»n' Ueted Ma w » p i *& tt* Jprtest-m$$ in the Cb^egattor* of S t Basil, win be ordaiied Sunday, Itme 2^ by His i^newseJames Cardinal McGulgan in St. BasU's ^wrch, !i\>ronto> , * ,

Assisting in the First Solemn Mass will be the following: As­sistant Priest, the Rt Rey. Msgr. George W, Edsl, pastor of An­drew's; Deacon, the Rev, Jobm W. I,eVeq«ie, assistant pastor; sab deacon, "the Rev. Joseph

SO&~isr~A airaB- m-stitub?, •

XHB SERMON will b e preaca-e d by the Very Rev. John P . Murphy, C.S.B., president ot S t John Fisher College, Rochester.

A reception will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. on July 6 i n fit. An­drew's parish hall followed by Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament i n the Church.

Father Plleckl was born June IS, 1925. H e attended S t An­drew's and Holy Redeemer Schools a i d Aquinas Institute and entered the Basilian Noviti­ate in 1943. hi 1944 he went t o S t Michael's College In Toronto earning his B.A. degree in 1949. He attained a M.A. in English with a thesis on S t Thomas More in 195L He alsq holds, a B-A, In English Language and literature from the University o f Toronto.

Knights To Hold Smorgasbord

A Smorgasbord will be held Sunday, June 29 at the Knights and ladies of S t John Club, 365 Andrews S t from 4 t o 8 pan. The affair la betag-sponsored b y Commandery 106 of Holy Rosary Church.

Arrangements are In charge o f Frank Gubsrlet, Lawrence De-Long, GBhert Ernst, Paul An­drews, Vernon Hart Charles Kel­ler, Ray Retfer,- George Mallory ahd Walter Corcoran.

Tickets are available f r o m members of the club.

)"J iij-OwJ; |l»l|,l"ji|iH!g> !""**


A few vacancies s p j-emain for'girls at Camp Villa Mafia, Etarira, Application blanks will be.mailed upon re-Quest, dial: the Camp Office 6t26. Girls from six to thirteen years of atge witt-feu aeeepted un-

Jersey Wear** Jt fcn School o f City, JSunday* Sept. 2& . Gswego Sigh School wiH come ift>m 'Owego on Priday, Oef# 8, iof * alght jgame to the- Stadfiuw Arc&oMcip Steplnac Hfgft School of. New Xork City is scheduled for a. gamfe oh Saada^>«c^-39.-I First of the oM time rivals to return «itt be tStihplie Central $C!fc'fttM>oiDBlnte:ato a Basflfan Fathers schooL to>- be met toihle istactiura oa Sunday,

fifekM ; •- . •• : I Afflothir -r^comer, DeJilaffl* M i l , . Bcfeiwl -ol -Wasfiifigtod,

ItJ. '43* *M meet the tsm Msh ift "ittur staiiuto on SuHdayi;

"Tiis ;&sf, JSsay'»ircan-itome-:ouse> fo,$mWkL-G&sam tad. -ttv "M -plai'to* -^F-hlglit WJE be the; Irie Bltfi SchTOl-Aciuinas ma-'temjfi,: tS^t-^h^ m- Friaay, Snv*:re**"T* "" . ' " «! l t foaj te tJo« ^easyg ifrBl be


in t h e Stadium o a ThaatosriviBr

- * O i

Assumption Alumni

Cenacle Lists 4 Retreats In July

Four closed retreats and the Holy Hour are on the July schedule at Cenacle Convent; 693 East Av e, Rochestertr the 1 ^ llgious in charge announced today. -'

J u y tto" reu-ealg and' reixeatmasters wffl^ei

auly4 ta 8 — Geneva High School, ireahmen and-vsopho-

Robert a i k o d d ,

tar :# : ,*ssutnpti6tt Colte-g.e Atttmflt at- the- MferaJan Clnk #~-Atts*Adef'>'St#- Friday night

$®m$, -a^.^-t>nlcerJE''oi'the-spra aafes*. •tigmmm of i%& •)ENusflla1i-yatfars*t»lMe In-.ivtti'i

•e% R e v . C & B . \

* u t y 13L te AS=-St Jerome S > dality « H 2 General, R e s . J 0 h » P, 0"Mea«v<£S,B.

Wedneaday, Ja ly .If a t tVs, m,, to «htarsaiy, StOf IT « * # »• » < i -Chfidre* 10 and 11 y e a r s of age , Sew. John P. cyMafiey*

atMmtifo.*Wf | « t* *&***•<•*

.lehird B , EflgUsh^ EJ# ; • Holy Hour tor; the Ihtentlcmit

of 4h*:-&li^£$mi&&$ * 3, R'evi.Patt|cJS'ir Graae. '•

-_ a .ig,, v,,;. >./

tm, efli dtc«*BJ*op M ins ^««C Vto&S*,. «%.- f c - . .. ihev &mw'.at the- P6nHfic|I Mass of tiie TrJehnlal. Cer«*n* tioaoi ffiue lfltern^tanaJ.Fe«Br4' tion.of ^thfllte^aOainn^^to hj Jietdiai^w? Xorfe «Sty mAttg#t ism. <mm& «i fl» *WRl«

'Attgtaf •3£>,'ls'--the. AusdHIr . Btshd^^ieph, itonWy* pi mm

5ferfe. \%Bt-mimm* -.i*«#. Csrdtot %^aa% .««Hnatirie,-;• $m. &]&'•'*»&&& i» CoadJutor-SishoP' of WmWmto.


%Dki! 5175

211 W. Gray St.


N -

•uicnucAt BtrcrmMUKO



411 W«tt Hrtt StMrf m i l itti-iuT

291-203 W* ^ Cor/N, «9?rt St.

WfONE^-3137 M '



F U N « A L H 0 M *


til a capacity enrollment Js at­tained, . * •

S&s. Giflhy 0^ara,"Cainp BI rector, wt l l be i n charge of the Water Front, assisted b y Tiedy' Hogan, Sally Sutter and Joan Connelly. Each camper will have at least o n e period of Instruction and a general s w i m each day.

OTHER CAMP activities will include Music, .Dancing, Drama tics, Sports and Craf ta, Evening program,* will feature original skits and songs composed by the

ipers. S t Patrick's D a y In Au will be t h e therno of the

specia lprogranvwhen the Carn> will entertain t h e members of the Executive Board and of the Closing Camp Ftoej to which pat* ents and r e l a t i v e s ^ invited.

Registrations haveNbeen made by a large number of © % from Elrnir* and Chemung County. Applications have also been cepted fromt Gail Virginia Au, and Karen- Keating of Corning; Mary Agnes Murray, Kathleen Anne Parker, Dortha Ring, and Beth Williams of Painted Post; Mary Ann DIPonzio and Barbara Jean Sauera ot Rochester; Anne Marie Murray o f Penfield; Mar­garet Jones of Mlllerton, Pa.;

Religion Can't Be Taken Casually, Prelate Warns

XSTobre Dame, InoV-fNC)—"No Catholic worthy of the name and the tradition h e bears can take his religion quietly and casually in these momentous days."

That statement was made by Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washington i n his baccalaur­eate sermon at the University of Notre Dame commencement here.

Serve Coca-Cola at home

O c f i < i a u * """ a n d R«-*r«»»hSnq

Martha Munley and Linda Ryan of Harrisburg, Pa, ,

Ditptntht Opticim


Eye Examinations by

GeorgtLHickey,Jr. . Rtgitftrti Qptomittiit

Ytur Eyes DIMFKI

Thi list c CMiuIt Ut for YtHr


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tat-, mmmemm om* mm witft heaaciltarfefii to *«gr ¥«!&. • Sis'inter^.^rp^rlfclp^tf ft* IFCJi a^vifie* In -im, *orfc exfettdest -tev r' « l«ie .!*&«* *|. 'anie iosriisl ,«tt^. ^ ; f g * y | servett w Wot ffl®M&&jW «*-

immn of ,the Jure* ;»«*»#>•

Mates l l r Ittitt^ ' • aftad%-S|*r»-»tWCKAj8-tieat*fil«Mtu!t t l tftif Atoptttg;

1* be ft* first SpWj** Stfert ft» ttralbeft par*5hBte'3«»a]p.

j t e it a . Rev. mm AKW »te l \^o bailed ewf of * Jpa^e *t KS6 ieef, He v«I«»te«fed for itfc* |«Kp fff get * pesonal to

«%te too te *w«a* «* ^ to«tt fe «|t«H Ba J»i«!sic»




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M A H a t — S t t U r : »i«». t t » . » i M , I K M "

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twodwoy Becfrie Shop

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BAItY ttODUCtS 503-305 Main Street HOKNBLL, tJ. V.

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