rgs the store mat j^uwfel^wjw, *f...

nmmllllntl* 1 #mm0mmmmmUmmm»'^ i j I' %_> /V'.J Vtt im /" /> i. "s> «r &*«*• it- * /F 4 > *&** uy+ vr « * J ,. 1 ft. i*v -J ,v qw*~.^e*0*t&**» i-isBt^y^ V -WKV.i^f^ ?:;.t™.;:.cft":H^."^ P*V «* w ***• •«» - v a r t * i.^., •^vogg^nyw wjOfe'^PtJ'.'S? 1 ,? <»jw9W^p l i,'JMy>'Ji*'.*Bi'' 1 ' »B*g^«iff>»i»Li imiii if ji!,mii> 'IWjW'ffl'H' {'"I'lWfc "I l^l'lfi^ »W. -V-, The Store mat Saves You Money _____ Is the place you fought to trade, that is not an idle jest hat & stem , reality. Instigation will prove the truth of our statements. It*a worth your time to learn how cheaply you can buy here. ••i.(.jM>yiHl\.l,l'rgS ESSE PAfilSflNKWS. *T. •WDOIT'i. The sacrament of confirmation will * ^^aKWr% J^UWfel^wJW, *f 4)aVp*i WALL PAPER. All 5c Papers now 2c and 3c per roll. 10c Papers now 5c per roll. 20c Papers now 10c per roll. 25c Papers now 12 l-2c per roll. LACE CUBTAINS. 60c Curtains now 40c pair. $1.00 Curtains now ,65e pair. 11.25 Curtains now 75c pair. $2.00 Curtains nowfl 30 pair. OIL CLOTHS. 25c Oil Cloth 20c 35c Oil Cloth 25o 20o Oil Cloth 30b STRAW MATTINGS. 10c Mattings now 7c 12c Mattings now 8c 15c Mattings now lOe 25c Mattings now 16c WINDOW SHADES. 12c Shades now 8c 30c Shades now, 25c 40c Shades now 30e MOULDINGS. 2c Mouldings now 1 l-2c 3o Mouldingsnaw 2c 5o Mouldings now 3c CARPET LINING. Regular 10c kind now 5c Regular 6c kind now 3 l-2o beadiuiuisterect m tnie church Sunday morning after the 8 o'clock maw^ PAINTS. All Paints at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. BRUSHES. 10c Brushes now 5c •25c Brushes now 15c 50c Brushes now* 80c f 1.00 Brushes now 65o VARNISHES. 50c VarnUhes now 35o 75c Varnishes now 60o Bishop Michaud will officiate if hit health permits. The retreat for una member* of to* confirmation clan began last Wednes- day afternoon. We are pleased to announce that Bishop Michaud is recovering from hit illness. He will remain the guest of Father Hendrick over Sunday. A high mass of requiem was cele- brated upon Mooday and Thursday mornings of this week for the repose of the soul of Jeremiah Coffey. Ihey were given by Council 23, C. R. & B. A , and the Rosary society, «f which Mr, Coffey was a member. * mass of requiem will be offered each week during the month of No- vember for the repose of the souls specially recommended, A Polish priest was at this church Thursday and Friday to enable the Polish members of this parish to con- elude their jubilee. The Purgatorial society will meet next Sunday. The Cardinal Newman Reading circle will meet next Monday evening. A paper on Commodore John Barry uh wiUprt^t to the cVthclic public *<b*ttft*f ;-#i<'thirteenth c a n t o , vblch prVmriie*toan e*«*diDgly ;pleatlng,-iMid;««.inlewsattg «*M> Thel date of precaution will be announce in the uett iaaue of this papr. ^11 Saints Day," the •wmm were at 0,30 6,15,7, and a solemn high mat* .at 9 oWoefc. la the evening the solemn vesper* of fbe d»y*Mae followed by vesper*farU* dead* a aermoe and benediction of the Bleated Sacramrnt During, the month of November the week day masses will be at &30, ? and S o'clock., T h e R t Rev* Bishop speutye«tcr< day in Clyde, where ha went to bless the new hell for St. John** chftrch. Ix-Senator Wfcelan of Madiwni Wis,, is tliegneitof Dr. Moonay «f ^ h i a street. t h e engagement; is annouueed of Miss Antoinette Puffy of Lake ave- nue to Mr. Charles Riordait of Boa- ton. Mies Miriam Leni has attended the Teachers* Institute at Soottoviile du- ring the paat week. Mrs J. R. Calkin haswturoed, from Montreal, Miss Katharine Graham JOToa, who has been at home for soma time, has returned to Buffalo to resume her studiea V ^I^W;.'^^'^' •- \ : -y:.; " ? **«jtt *f*«f« '^ , ^ , *T53SSBW?^3J ttj$f#&£&&. 14TWJ8TJ v - * ftowemNoek. fit »•< OVP !l 11.00 Varniaheanow 70c* 1 " 1 * P»P«ed by Mass Ella Ger $1.50 Varnishes now tl.00 ?« h & ** ° M 2? * ,CwnHtf To W CARPETS All -wool Ingrain Carpets (Lowell and Hartfords), supers. Regular price 75c and 80c per r\Ap nTlH yard; our price. extra 55C D.ISTUCK, State Street. W. H. GLEINNY & CO. m -Importers and Jobbers in- Ciockery, Glasswore, Silverware, Lamps, Clocks, etc. TO THE TRADE: We extend a pordiil invitation to retail dealers visiting Rochester to call and inspect our stock, which this season comprises a more extensive line than we have ever before placed on sale. Particular attention ie called to our large assortment of popu- lar prioed goods in French and German China, and to our magnificent display of Japanese Goods. We also show the best products of American manufacturers. A Generous Assortment of Goods For 10-Cent Counters. W. H. GLENNYI&iCO. PORTIERE FABRICS. This is the season to put your house in< order for the long winter months. Nothing adds so much to the dress and comfort of the home as heavy curtains at the doors and windows. Our stock 0 f Silk Brocades, Satin Damasks, Silk Arm ares, Silk and Wool Canvas, Metal Cloth, Venetain and Gobelin Tapestries, Flax, Titian, Imperial, Duchess and Silk Velours is very large and complete. The above are some of the more popular fabrics used for fcPortiere purposes and window hangings. Our line of made-up Forteries is ^especially attractive in all grades of goods, including mercerized Tapestries, cord edges and fringe effect, many of the designs being copies of expensive French curtains. Also a superb assortment of medium and low-priced Lace Curtains. Prices very low. and work- manship the beat. HOWE & ROGERS CO. 80 and 84 STATE STREET. All Losses Promptly and Fairly Adjusted. John H. McAnarney (Successor to O'Grtdy & Mcanarfley.) Reliable Fire, Fidelity, Bond, Plate Class Insurance Offices—101 and 109 Ellwanger & Barry Bldg. Entrance 39 State i Vote'for Wm. H. McDonald, Candidate for Member of Assem- bly in the Third District. $ Pan-American Route Between CLEVELAND and BUFFALO.. •TCAMKftS CITY OF BUFFALO AND CITY OF ERIC. •11 reapecta. tb« ftM* and teartwt Out art ma k toaesber beta* wtthoat deal of th« traTeltaii; pabUo ' abt, in in toe Dnlted Statei. bj Miss Mary Clancy. A vocal solo will be rendered by Mrs. W. F. Rampe. At the meeting of the Fortnightly Pedro club held last week at the home of Mrs. M. A. Htupp, the prizes were won by Mrs. W.' F. Rampe and Mrs. Thomas Galvin. Mrs. McElree of New London, Conn., is viaitiug relatives here. Bister Innooentia (Miss Anna 8tupp),who died at Nazareth Normal last Tuesday, was formerly a pupil of our school. Her funeral took place Thursday morning. The members of the Altar society spent a pleasant evening at Church* ville last Wednesday, the guests of Father Bresnihan. ST. MARY'S Miss Anna Peters and William Lambert were married Tuesday br Rev. Thomas Connors. The bride's siiter. Miss Elizabeth Peters, was maid of honor, and Frank Shaughnessy was best man. A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the groom. After a brief western trip Mr. and Mrs. Lambert will make their home in this city. Allen D. Lawton, the dandy little catcher for our base ball team is at the University of Buffalo, taking a course in dentistry. His friends will be plessed to know that he is a member of the football eleven of the college, and doing fine work. We wish him success, and will be glad to see him home for the holidays. Frank Mulholland and Miss Lizzie Magee were married on Saturday last. There was a requiem mass on Wed nasday morning for Mrs. Anna Ma- honey, a late member of the Rosary society. There was a requiem mass on T h a n day morning for Patrick Bell. Friday being a holy day, the fu- neral mass of Mrs. Wright will he celebrated on Thursday morning at 8 o'clock. The funeral will take place on Friday morning at 9 o'clock. The masses on Friday, All Saints' day, were at 5.3ft, 1 and 9.30 o'clock. There was vespers and benediction in the evening The masses to-day (Saturday) All Souls day, are at 6, 7.15 and 8.30 o'clock. The corner stone of the new Blessed Sacrament church will be laid to-mor- row (Sunday) afternoon. There was a meeting of the St Anthony society on Wednesday even- ing in the church ball. The subscription will be taken up to-morrow,.the first Sunday in Ho* vember. TheW.G. BX.held a very success, falpedro party on Tuesday evening of this week. ' •«•-••• All member* of the Willing Help- ers are invited to attend the sewing on Thursday afternoons at the con vent. , Mrs. Frank Duffy and daughters, Mrs. John 6. Sheehan and Miss Marie TIME CARD-DAILY-APRIL 15th U OEC. 1st. !».«. J«*r» BuffalofcSOa. at I Leate Buffalo S p. n>. AnlTaClavalaaiftSiavia MDDITIOMiL SERVICE DUMMG JULY MB AUGUST UILY EXCEPT SUHDMY. J*M %. aa. I teare Buffalo.-- .JM»*»at Antra Buffalo „~- •*»> *• aa. I Anita Cl«TeUnA~ lam Oaniaad Tnaaiaya. Baandaya and Saturday* S ». n. AMT* Buffalo 8JS a.» Mondays, Watoaadaya ami fridaya ( ». at. Arrits CfeTtJanS,fcl» a. at laeh Sttaaaat. an Aafc a%sMl anaaH tar afekeai via 0. * M. UmC Setkl tear owis tar ,_-—__ naoinax anenr, ». F. RERalAJI, •aaahaaV «vS3 •kA^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaJaa AaVaaUkaaaai 1 j_am«^^^^^|^J| ^k w saBBa^B^aTaw__npa* srvHSS*aaaj_s, ^FW^a^wa^Ma^^BPjp ^ffe / Bluffy of East avenue, Brighton, have returned home, after an extended trip t o the JPau-American. tin. J. F. Tolan and daughter, Miss Nellie of East avenue, Brighton, have arrived' home after a very en- joyable tour. . V , Members of Our Lady of Victory Branch, L. C. B. A;/|dll pliy pe#S after their next meeting on * 1 - i *-- : evening, Nov. 6th Frank J. "^S 1 '^5^''^«!|^^P^^^^^P^^^^' iiiMACQiuAW ooxcarrioK, Miss Agnes Gorman and Frederick L. Cunningham were united iu mar- riage on Wednesday morning, Raw. William Oleaaon officiated at the nnp Ual mass, the musical part of the ceremony was adust by tMMisses Wickhsm and John Collins. Miss Madden presided at the organ, After a short eastern trip Mr. and Wrs.0un» ningham will be at home at 14* South Fitsbngh street. Mrs. Anna Powell, secretary of H A , attended the funeral of the state, president, Mary A. Laughlin of Buf- falo, this week. Miss Margaret McGiosky, #hcB«* been viiiticg her pireoU on South Ford street, left for her home in <5ali. fornia on Tuesday, The remains of Jjftuis W« Yecmani formerly of this cttv, who d i # - * i H d l Springs, Ark*, lait Sunday, were brought here for burial,, leaves three brothers, Frank X> <3hsjflssll, and Philip E YeowaRr tl*3fiti»er»l( : took place on Friday mo ning from the residence of hit brother, Frank Yeoman, 78 Columbia avenue.' The funeral of Michael Rendsland took place from this church, after;: which the remains were taken to Lima for burial. Tuesday morning there*was a re> quiemroass offered up for the repose of the soul of ThomssCaffery, Sunday, the Brat Sunday cf the month, the Rosary society will hold their regular meeting, During the paat week $483 was paid toward the subscription. o o k r u i oHft&m. There was a requiem mass on Wed- nesday morning at 8 o'clock to^ tin. Foley. Messrs. C. H. Crowley, William Wynn *nd Harry Crowley wen in Buffalo this week at the Pen-Ameri- can. v Misa Mary Lynch and Willlsm O'Brien of Brooklyn were united in matrimony at a nuptial mass on Wed- nesday morning at 9 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Birr, 3Pate,Curranr « » Owing to the laying of the corner stone of the new Blessed Sacrament church which is being built at the cor- ner of Butger street »nd Monroe ave- nue, the Rosary society meeting will be postponed to the following Sunday, at 4 o'clock Acne T-erney died Friday, October 25th, at tBe_ residence ot her sister. Mrs, John Coyle, 105 Davis street, aged 53 years. She leaves one sister, Mn. John Coyle, and four brothers, Edward, Patnck, John and Jamse Tierney. The funeral took {dace from the house on Monday morning at 8 30 and froaa this church st 9 o'clock. ; " f Ladies' Auxiliary 45, Knights cf S t John, held a pedrc party at th* jmi»h hall Wednesday night; Cards were dealt »t 70 table* aim eight prizes were aWarded. Ice creatn and eake%ere s*rved to the pwiiefpanta after the games. 'Phis was the 4SOAI» mittee in charge: Kate Barter, chairs wiaui,,Sarah {ichande^ TTsmwIno, Mamie Schmnd, Anna Keiter. Tneaxlay afternoon at this chureb, ifrf^riii .^iSsl We open to-day a big shipment of chotce a prominent Eajtsra manufawtnxs), a T ^ are aU deaygni Buying in* such large quaatitisiwe are prices nearly one-third lower than mm/lfy^kli^..^ are At center draught, complete wdUglCoejf and in colors and t p*ttema, ? \ ^^ \-^ Handsome Lamps at $ i , IS. 50 tad 19.nr - Kemarkable ralu-Ji at | 4 , 4W, f 5 . 5 0 and up tb 99^ • ! * * ^aw«s^a**aW ^ * <i \^ i^^^lli Weis & Hstel . % 116118313(851. 2-StirtS 44I-4456IUII •haaai v**t +.T**. v :r- Scholdl Bcclfei' : -ii*dl -"/:'- ; s : ••i\v, •v^'f'^.tS^^Bt^! .>-• •is; 4 Htim>mmmm •\fr~ •m WALL. m AlItheNswandPr-ityTsaafiii W and make your natation fros* taa-15,(ljP0 roils, had at * ' Tapcctrieg•,..., .... ^*.^...40c to tl^'riSi Vtrni«li<3lilti,. .A it5c lo »0e a$& PlaiciGilta,. .>„<„. ^-v^aatUar- io-J&xA^ Whit* Blank. .„,„.,. .^£&3ti8b&QF WmitcBlanks t M **,v** r rfJTXjW X also otrry Bungirt't ^ Kcture Frames sjai W b i m ^ « "fc WAXXiTAPm ^faoletele: audi Rtialt. a. ^ttjsa 8fM tSr-Wfttan ; * ' l 4** Fifteen Different Kiode of O l E U l A ^ M ^ S l ^ i S ^ Inolndiif the OMhoHe Hosne Anwsml^V Aim « New Line of PWsjre Fria^e MdBit m L. BERK, u m Gtwttlnjr R«ady for The Chrlafanaa hosiaans. l k a l > what are doing sow a dm, - Our stock of Diamonds< Wasobee and Jewelry comprieas thelateat and Seat goods on the mrfcet. >N e iilao have the finest liwi of •ociety |)u>a in the city. Jamas tally 154 East Mail St. Ovor Besvdle «% SherborM CMb *> M. NalM, r M N m NwaaWa Vote for William i & for Assefladbl! m l^A^p^^^^i 'iiii "K- M Fm

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Page 1: rgS The Store mat J^UWfel^wJW, *f 4)aVp*ilib.catholiccourier.com/1900-october-1903-february-catholic-journal... · Father Hendrick over Sunday. A high mass of requiem was cele

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i.^., •^vogg^nyw wjOfe'^PtJ'.'S?1,? <»jw9W^pli,'JMy>'Ji*'.*Bi''1' »B*g^«iff>»i»Li imiii if ji!,mii> 'IWjW'ffl'H' {'"I'lWfc "I l ^ l ' l f i ^ » W .


The Store mat Saves You Money _____ Is the place you f o u g h t to trade, that is not a n idle jest hat & s t e m

, reality. I n s t i g a t i o n will prove the truth of our statements. It*a worth your time to learn how cheaply you can buy here.

••i.(.jM>yiHl\.l,l'rgS ESSE


*T. • W D O I T ' i .

The sacrament of confirmation will

* ^ ^ a K W r % J^UWfel^wJW, *f 4)aVp*i

WALL PAPER. All 5c Papers now 2c and 3c per

roll. 10c Papers now 5c per roll. 20c Papers now 10c per roll. 25c Papers now 12 l-2c per roll.

LACE CUBTAINS. 60c Curtains now 40c pair. $1.00 Curtains now ,65e pair. 11.25 Curtains now 75c pair. $2.00 Curtains nowfl 30 pair.

OIL CLOTHS. 25c Oil Cloth 20c 35c Oil Cloth 25o 20o Oil Cloth 30b

STRAW MATTINGS. 10c Mattings now 7c 12c Mattings now 8c 15c Mattings now lOe 25c Mattings now 16c

WINDOW SHADES. 12c Shades now 8c 30c Shades now, 25c 40c Shades now 30e

MOULDINGS. 2c Mouldings now 1 l-2c 3o Mouldingsnaw 2c 5o Mouldings now 3c

CARPET LINING. Regular 10c kind now 5c Regular 6c kind now 3 l-2o

beadiuiuisterect m tnie church Sunday morning after the 8 o'clock maw^


10c Brushes now 5c •25c Brushes now 15c 50c Brushes now* 80c f 1.00 Brushes now 65o

VARNISHES. 50c VarnUhes now 35o 75c Varnishes now 60o

Bishop Michaud will officiate if hit health permits.

The retreat for una member* of to* confirmation clan began last Wednes­day afternoon.

We are pleased to announce that Bishop Michaud is recovering from hit illness. He will remain the guest of Father Hendrick over Sunday.

A high mass of requiem was cele­brated upon Mooday and Thursday mornings of this week for the repose of the soul of Jeremiah Coffey. Ihey were given by Council 23, C. R. & B. A , and the Rosary society, «f which Mr, Coffey was a member.

* mass of requiem will be offered each week during the month of No­vember for the repose of the souls specially recommended,

A Polish priest was at this church Thursday and Friday to enable the Polish members of this parish to con-elude their jubilee.

The Purgatorial society will meet next Sunday.

The Cardinal Newman Reading circle will meet next Monday evening. A paper on Commodore John Barry

uh wiUprt^t to the cVthclic public *<b*ttft*f ;-#i<'thirteenth c a n t o , vblch prVmriie* to b« an e*«*diDgly ;pleatlng,-iMid;««.inlewsattg «*M> Thel date of precaution will be announce in the uett iaaue of this papr.

^11 Saints Day," the •wmm were at 0,30 6,15,7, and a solemn high mat* .at 9 oWoefc. l a the evening the solemn vesper* of fbe d»y*Mae followed by vesper* far U* dead* a aermoe and benediction of the Bleated Sacramrnt

During, the month of November the week day masses will be at &30, ? and S o'clock.,

TheRt Rev* Bishop speutye«tcr< day in Clyde, where ha went to bless the new hell for St. John** chftrch.

Ix-Senator Wfcelan of Madiwni Wis,, is tliegneitof Dr. Moonay «f ^ h i a street.

the engagement; is annouueed of Miss Antoinette Puffy of Lake ave­nue to Mr. Charles Riordait of Boa-ton.

Mies Miriam Leni has attended the Teachers* Institute at Soottoviile du­ring the paat week.

Mrs J. R. Calkin haswturoed, from Montreal,

Miss Katharine Graham JOToa, who has been at home for soma time, has returned to Buffalo to resume her studiea

V ^ I ^ W ; . ' ^ ^ ' ^ ' •- \:-y:.; •

" ?**«jtt * f * « f «

'^ ,^ ,*T53SSBW?^3J

ttj$f#&£&&. 14TWJ8TJ v - * ftowemNoek.

• f i t • »•< OVP!l

11.00 Varniaheanow 7 0 c * 1 " 1 * P»P«ed by Mass Ella Ger $1.50 Varnishes now t l . 0 0 ?«h& ** ° M 2? * , C w n H t f T o W

CARPETS All -wool Ingrain Carpets (Lowell and Hartfords),

supers. Regular price 75c and 80c per r \ A p nTlH yard; our price.



D.ISTUCK, State Street.

W. H. GLEINNY & CO. • m

-Importers and Jobbers in-

Ciockery, Glasswore, Silverware, Lamps, Clocks, etc.

T O T H E T R A D E : W e extend a pordii l invitation to retail dealers visiting

Rochester to call and inspect our stock, which this season comprises a more extensive line than we have ever before placed o n sale.

Particular attention ie called to our large assortment of popu­lar prioed goods in French and German China, and t o our magnificent display of Japanese Goods. W e also show the best products of American manufacturers.

A Generous Assortment of Goods For 10-Cent Counters.


PORTIERE FABRICS. This is the season to put your house in< order for the long

winter months. Nothing adds so much to the dress and comfort of the home as heavy curtains at the doors and windows. Our stock 0f Silk Brocades, Satin Damasks , Silk Arm ares, Si lk and W o o l Canvas, Metal Cloth, Venetain and Gobelin Tapestries, F l a x , Titian, Imperial, Duchess and Silk Velours is very large and complete. The above are some of the more popular fabrics used for fcPortiere purposes and window hangings. Our line of made-up Forteries is ^especially attractive in all grades of goods, including mercerized Tapestries, cord edges and fringe effect, many of the designs being copies of expensive French curtains. Also a superb assortment of medium and low-priced Lace Curtains. Prices very low. and work­manship the beat.


All Losses Prompt ly and Fairly Adjusted.

John H. McAnarney (Successor to O'Grtdy & Mcanarfley.)

R e l i a b l e F ire , F ide l i ty , B o n d , P l a t e C l a s s I n s u r a n c e Offices—101 and 109 Ellwanger & Barry Bldg. Entrance 39 State i

Vote'for Wm. H. McDonald, Candidate for Member of Assem­

bly in the Third District.


Pan-American Route Between C L E V E L A N D and BUFFALO..

• T C A M K f t S C ITY OF BUFFALO A N D CITY O F E R I C . •11 reapecta. tb« ftM* and teartwt O u t art ma k toaesber beta* wtthoat deal

of th« traTeltaii; pabUo ' abt, in in toe Dnlted Statei.

bj Miss Mary Clancy. A vocal solo will be rendered by Mrs. W . F . Rampe.

At the meeting of the Fortnightly Pedro club held last week at the home of Mrs. M. A. Htupp, the prizes were won by Mrs. W.' F. Rampe and Mrs. Thomas Galvin.

Mrs. McElree of New London, Conn., is viaitiug relatives here.

Bister Innooentia (Miss Anna 8tupp),who died at Nazareth Normal last Tuesday, was formerly a pupil of our school. Her funeral took place Thursday morning.

The members of the Altar society spent a pleasant evening at Church* ville last Wednesday, the guests of Father Bresnihan.


Miss Anna Peters and William Lambert were married Tuesday br Rev. Thomas Connors. The bride's siiter. Miss Elizabeth Peters, was maid of honor, and Frank Shaughnessy was best man. A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the groom. After a brief western trip Mr. and Mrs. Lambert will make their home in this city.

Allen D. Lawton, the dandy little catcher for our base ball team is at the University of Buffalo, taking a course in dentistry. His friends will be plessed to know that he is a member of the football eleven of the college, and doing fine work. We wish him success, and will be glad to see him home for the holidays.

Frank Mulholland and Miss Lizzie Magee were married on Saturday last.

There was a requiem mass on Wed nasday morning for Mrs. Anna Ma-honey, a late member of the Rosary society.

There was a requiem mass on Than day morning for Patrick Bell.

Friday being a holy day, the fu-neral mass of Mrs. Wright will he celebrated on Thursday morning at 8 o'clock. The funeral will take place on Friday morning at 9 o'clock.

The masses on Friday, All Saints' day, were at 5.3ft, 1 and 9.30 o'clock. There was vespers and benediction in the evening

The masses to-day (Saturday) All Souls day, are at 6, 7.15 and 8.30 o'clock.

The corner stone of the new Blessed Sacrament church will be laid to-mor­row (Sunday) afternoon.

There was a meeting of the S t Anthony society on Wednesday even­ing in the church ball.

The subscription will be taken up to-morrow,.the first Sunday in Ho* vember.

TheW.G. BX.held a very success, falpedro party on Tuesday evening of this week. ' •«•-•••

All member* of the Willing Help­ers are invited to attend the sewing on Thursday afternoons at the con vent. , Mrs. Frank Duffy and daughters, Mrs. John 6. Sheehan and Miss Marie

T I M E C A R D - D A I L Y - A P R I L 15th U OEC. 1st. ! » . « . J«*r» Buffalo fcSO a. a t I Leate Buffalo S p. n>. AnlTaClavalaaiftSiavia


J*M %. aa. I t eare Buffalo.-- .JM»*»at Antra Buffalo „ ~ - •*»> *• aa. I Ani ta Cl«TeUnA~ l a m Oaniaad Tnaaiaya. Baandaya and Saturday* S ». n . A M T * Buffalo 8JS a . »

Mondays, Watoaadaya ami fridaya ( ». at. Arrits CfeTtJanS,fcl» a. at l a e h Sttaaaat.


Aafc a%sMl anaaH tar afekeai via 0. * M. UmC Setkl tear owis tar ,_-—__

naoinax anenr, » . F. RERalAJI,


«vS3 •kA^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaJaa AaVaaUkaaaai1 j _ a m « ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ J | ^k w saBBa B aTaw__npa* srvHSS*aaaj_s, ^FW^a^wa^Ma^^BPjp ^ffe


Bluffy of East avenue, Brighton, have returned home, after an extended trip to the JPau-American.

tin. J. F. Tolan and daughter, Miss Nellie of East avenue, Brighton, have arrived' home after a very en­joyable tour. . V ,

Members of Our Lady of Victory Branch, L. C. B. A; / |d l l pl iy p e # S after their next meeting on *1-i*--:

evening, Nov. 6th

Frank J . "^S1' 5 '' «!| ^P^^^^^P^^^ '

iiiMACQiuAW ooxcarrioK, Miss Agnes Gorman and Frederick

L. Cunningham were united iu mar­riage on Wednesday morning, Raw. William Oleaaon officiated at the nnp Ual mass, t h e musical part of the ceremony was adust by tMMisses Wickhsm and John Collins. Miss Madden presided at the organ, After a short eastern trip Mr. and Wrs.0un» ningham will be at home at 14* South Fitsbngh street.

Mrs. Anna Powell, secretary of H A , attended the funeral of the state, president, Mary A. Laughlin of Buf­falo, this week.

Miss Margaret McGiosky, #hcB«* been viiiticg her pireoU on South Ford street, left for her home in <5ali. fornia on Tuesday,

The remains of Jjftuis W« Yecmani formerly of this cttv, who d i # - * i H d l Springs, Ark*, lait Sunday, were brought here for burial,, H« leaves three brothers, Frank X > <3hsjflssll, and Philip E YeowaRr tl*3fiti»er»l(:

took place on Friday mo ning from the residence of hit brother, Frank Yeoman, 78 Columbia avenue.'

The funeral of Michael Rendsland took place from this church, after;: which the remains were taken to Lima for burial.

Tuesday morning there*was a re> quiemroass offered up for the repose of the soul of ThomssCaffery,

Sunday, the Brat Sunday cf the month, the Rosary society will hold their regular meeting,

During the paat week $483 was paid toward the subscription.

ookrui oHft&m. There was a requiem mass on Wed­

nesday morning at 8 o'clock to^ tin. Foley.

Messrs. C. H. Crowley, William Wynn *nd Harry Crowley wen in Buffalo this week at the Pen-Ameri­can. v

Misa Mary Lynch and Willlsm O'Brien of Brooklyn were united in matrimony at a nuptial mass on Wed­nesday morning at 9 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Birr, 3Pate,Curranr « »

Owing to the laying of the corner stone of the new Blessed Sacrament church which is being built at the cor­ner of Butger street »nd Monroe ave ­nue, the Rosary society meeting will be postponed to the following Sunday, at 4 o'clock

Acne T-erney died Friday, October 25th, at tBe_ residence ot her sister. Mrs, John Coyle, 105 Davis street, aged 53 years. She leaves one sister, Mn. John Coyle, and four brothers, Edward, Patnck, John and Jamse Tierney. The funeral took {dace from the house on Monday morning at 8 3 0 and froaa this church st 9 o'clock. ;"

f Ladies' Auxiliary 45, Knights c f S t John, held a pedrc party at th* jmi»h hall Wednesday night; Cards were dealt »t 70 table* aim eight prizes were aWarded. Ice creatn and eake%ere s*rved to the pwiiefpanta after the games. 'Phis was the 4SOAI» mittee in charge: Kate Barter, chairs wiaui,,Sarah {ichande^ TTsmwIno, Mamie Schmnd, Anna Keiter.

Tneaxlay afternoon at this chureb,


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