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  • 8/9/2019 Kkkkk Kkkkk Kkkkk


    Consumer behavior is a term that references the actions a consumer takes

    in the marketplace. This includes shopping habits, buying patterns and brand

    decisions, among many other things. The link between personality and consumer

    behavior is proven and distinct. A consumer's specic personality can have a

    profound eect on behaviors, including which brands he buys, what types of

    marketing appeals to him and when he shops. t is important for companies to

    have a solid understanding of the personality traits of their customers so they

    can determine the best way to market and merchandise their products.


     The link between personality and consumer behavior is so important that

    many university business and marketing programs devote an entire course to the

    sub!ect. "tudying this link has re#uired a collaboration over time among

    psychologists, sociologists, economists and marketers. The results of these

    studies have invariably pointed toward a correlation between specic personality

    traits and specic buying behaviors.


    $randing is one ma!or eld in which it is critical to understand the

    relationship between personality and consumer behavior. Customers are more

    likely to buy brands they feel are relevant to their lives. %or e&ample, a downto

    earth woman who prides herself on saving money and making economical

    decisions is unlikely to purchase a lu&ury chocolate brand on a regular basis. (n

    the other hand, a woman who believes #uality is more important than price

    might be willing to pay the premium for what she considers a better chocolate.%or this reason, market research studies intended to uncover brand eectiveness

    often ask customers if they feel a brand is )for someone like them.)


    *arket positioning is another area in which personality and consumer

    behavior are linked. %or e&ample, a dating service might best be marketed to a

    shy, selfconscious person by presenting the service as a safe, nonthreatening

    way to screen potential dates without having to meet lots of people in person. f,

    however, the service were to be marketed to a busy, outgoing professional, then

    it might be better positioned as a timesaving mechanism.


    +ersonality can even aect decisions about where and when to shop. "omeone

    who does not en!oy crowds might choose to shop early in the morning, late at

    night or only in small bouti#ue stores. This person also might choose to do as

    much shopping as possible via the nternet, as might someone with an e&tremely

    demanding career and limited time. A person who loves the shopping

    e&perience, however, might prefer malls or shopping centers to small stores and

    would usually much rather choose items personally than select them on a


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    HSBC Holdings plc is a British multinational banking and financial services company

    headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the worlds second largest bank. It was

    founded in London in !""! by the #ongkong and $hanghai Banking %orporation to act as a

    new group holding company.&'(&)( *he origins of the bank lie in #ong Kong and $hanghai,

    where branches were first opened in !+-.&!( *he #$B% name is derived from the initials of

    the #ongkong and $hanghai Banking %orporation.&-( s such, the company refers to both the

    United Kingdom and #ong Kong as its /home markets/. &(

    #$B% has around ,00 offices in +0 countries and territories across frica, sia, 1urope,

    2orth merica and $outh merica, and around 0 million customers.&3( s of '! 4ecember

    50!', it had total assets of 65.3! trillion, of which roughly half were in 1urope, the 7iddle

    1ast and frica, and a quarter in each of sia89acific and the mericas.&5( s of 50!5, it was

    the worlds largest bank in terms of assets and si:th8largest public company, according to a

    composite measure by Forbes maga;ine.&+(

    #$B% is organised within four business groups< %ommercial Banking= >lobal Banking and

    7arkets ?investment banking@= Aetail Banking and ealth 7anagement= and >lobal 9rivate


    #$B% has a dual&!0( primary listing on the #ong Kong $tock 1:change and London $tock

    1:change and is a constituent of the #ang $eng Inde: and the C*$1 !00 Inde:. s of Duly

    50!5 it had a market capitalisation of E!05.3 billion, the second8largest company listed on

    the London $tock 1:change, after Aoyal 4utch $hell.&!!( It has secondary listings on the 2ew

    Fork $tock 1:change,1urone:t 9aris and the Bermuda $tock 1:change.

    rigins to 2000&edit(


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    *he #$B% 7ain Building in !"0! in #ong Kong, the headquarters of the #ong Kong and

    $hanghai Banking %orporation from !++ to !"'' for its #ong Kong operation.

    *he #$B% Building in 500- in $hanghai, the headquarters of the #ong Kong and $hanghai

    Banking %orporation from !"5' to !"-- for its $hanghai operation.

    For more information on the history of HSBC prior to the founding of HSBC Holdings in

    1991, see The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.

    *he Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was founded by $cotsman $ir

    *homas $utherland in the then British colony of #ong Kong on ' 7arch !+-, and in

    $hanghai one month later, benefiting from the start of trading into %hina,

    including opium trading. In !"+0, #$B% acquired a -!G shareholding in U$8based 7arine

    7idland Bank, which it e:tended to full ownership in !"+3.


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    #$B% #oldings plc was established in the United Kingdom in !""! as the parent company

    to the #ongkong and $hanghai Banking %orporation in preparation for its purchase of the

    UK8based 7idland Bank and the impending transfer of sovereignty of #ong Kong to %hina.

    #$B% #oldings acquisition of 7idland Bank was completed in !""5 and gave #$B% a

    substantial market presence in the United Kingdom. s part of the takeover conditions for

    the acquisition, #$B% #oldings plc was required to relocate its world headquarters from

    #ong Kong to London in !""'.

    7aHor acquisitions in $outh merica started with the purchase of the Banco Bamerindus of

    Bra;il for 6!bn in 7arch !""3&!5( and the acquisition of Aoberts $ de Inversiones of

     rgentina for 600m in 7ay !""3. &!'( In 7ay !""", #$B% e:panded its presence in the

    United $tates with the purchase of Aepublic 2ational Bank of 2ew Fork for 6!0.'bn.&!)(

    2000 to 2010&edit(


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    *he #$B% 7ain Building in #ong Kong, which was designed by 2orman Coster  and

    completed in !"+-

    1:pansion into %ontinental 1urope took place in pril 5000 with the acquisition of  %rdit

    %ommercial de Crance, a large Crench bank for E.bn. &!-( In Duly 500! #$B%

    bought 4emirbank, an insolvent *urkish bank.&!( In Duly 5005, rthur ndersen announced

    that #$B% U$, Inc., through a new subsidiary, ealth and *a: dvisory $ervices U$

    Inc. ?*$@, would purchase a portion of ndersens ta: practice. *he new #$B% 9rivate

    %lient $ervices >roup would serve the wealth and ta: advisory needs of high net worth

    individuals. *hen in ugust 5005 #$B% acquired >rupo Cinanciero Bital, $ de %J, 7e:icos

    third largest retail bank for 6!.!bn. &!3( In 2ovember 5005 #$B% e:panded further in the

    United $tates. Under the chairmanship of $ir Dohn Bond, it spent E" billion ?U$6!-.- billion@

    to acquire #ousehold Cinance %orporation ?#C%@, a U$ credit card issuer


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    and subprime lender.&!+( In a 500' cover story, The Banker  noted /when banking historians

    look back, they may conclude that &it( was the deal of the first decade of the 5!st century/.

    &!"( Under the new name of #$B% Cinance, the division was the second largest subprime

    lender in the U$.&50(

    n 55 2ovember 500!, the #ongkong and $hanghai Banking %orp would provide a fi:ed8

    rate mortgage to buyers of %heung Kong ?#oldings@ Jictoria *owers residential


    *he new headquarters of #$B% #oldings at + %anada $quare, London officially opened in

     pril 500'.&55(

    In $eptember 500' #$B% bought 9olski Kredyt Bank $ of 9oland for 63.+m.&5'( In Dune

    500) #$B% e:panded into %hina buying !"."G of the Bank of %ommunications of


     In the United Kingdom #$B% acquired 7arks $pencer Aetail Cinancial

    $ervices #oldings Ltd for E3'm in 4ecember 500). &5-( cquisitions in 500- included 7etris

    Inc, a U$ credit card issuer for 6!.bn in ugust &5( and 30.!G of 4ar es $alaam Investment

    Bank of Iraq in ctober .&53( In pril 500 #$B% bought the "0 branches in rgentina of Banca


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    2a;ionale del Lavoro for 6!--m.&5+( In 4ecember 5003 #$B% acquired the %hinese Bank in

    *aiwan.&5"( In 7ay 500+ #$B% acquiredILC$ Investment, an Indian retail broking firm.&'0(

    In 500- Bloomberg 7arkets maga;ine accused #$B% of money8laundering for drug dealers

    and state sponsors of terrorism. *hen8%1 $tephen >reen said that /*his was a singular

    and wholly irresponsible attack on the banks international compliance procedures/, but

    subsequent investigation indicated that it was accurate and proved that the bank was

    involved in money laundering throughout 7e:ico.&'!(U.$. ssistant ttorney >eneral Lanny

    Breuer characterised #$B% compliance during this period as /stunning failures of

    oversight M and worse ... *he record of dysfunction that prevailed at #$B% for many years

    was astonishing./&'5(

    In 7arch 500", #$B% announced that it would shut down the branch network of its #$B%

    Cinance arm in the U.$., leading to nearly ,000 Hob losses and leaving only the credit card

    business to continue operating.&''(&')( %hairman $tephen >reen stated, /#$B% has a

    reputation for telling it as it is. ith the benefit of hindsight, this is an acquisition we wish we

    had not undertaken./&'-( ccording to analyst %olin 7orton, /the takeover was an absolute



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     lthough it was at the centre of the subprime storm, the wider group has weathered

    the financial crisis of 5003M50!0 better than other global banks. ccording to Bloomberg,

    /#$B% is one of worlds strongest banks by some measures/.&'3( hen #7

    *reasury required all UK banks to increase their capital in ctober 5003, the group

    transferred E3-0 million to London within hours, and announced that it had Hust lent E) billion

    to other UK banks.&'+( In 7arch 500", it announced that it had made U$6".'bn of profit in

    500+ and announced a E!5.-bn ?U$6!3.3bn= #K6!'+bn@ rights issue to enable it to buy

    other banks that were struggling to survive.&'"( #owever, uncertainty over the rights issues

    implications for institutional investors caused volatility in the #ong Kong stock market< on "

    7arch 500" #$B%s share price fell 5).!)G, with !5 million shares sold in the last few

    seconds of trading.&)0(

    2010 to 2013&edit(

    + %anada $quare, the world headquarters of #$B% in %anary harf , London


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    n !! 7ay 50!! the new chief e:ecutive $tuart >ulliver  announced that #$B% would

    refocus its business strategy and that a large8scale retrenchment of operations, particularly

    in respect of the retail sector, was planned. #$B% would no longer seek to be the worlds

    local bank, as costs associated with this were spiralling and U$6'.-bn needed to be saved

    by 50!', with the aim of bringing overheads down from --G of revenues to )+G. In 50!0,

    then8chairman $tephen >reen planned to depart #$B% to accept a government

    appointment in the *rade 7inistry.>roup %hief 1:ecutive 7ichael >eoghegan was e:pected

    to become the ne:t chairman. #owever, while many current and former senior employees

    supported the tradition of promoting the chief e:ecutive to chairman, many shareholders

    instead pushed for an e:ternal candidate.&)!(&)5( #$B%s board of directors had reportedly

    been split over the succession planning, and investors were alarmed that this row would

    damage the company.&)'(

    n 5' $eptember 50!0, >eoghegan announced he would step down as chief e:ecutive of

    #$B%.&))( #e was succeeded as chief e:ecutive of #$B% by $tuart >ulliver , while >reen

    was succeeded as %hairman by 4ouglas Clint= Clint was serving as #$B%s finance director

    ?chief financial officer@. ugust 50!!< Curther to %1 $tuart >ullivers plan to cut 6'.- billion


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    in costs over the ne:t 5 years, #$B% announced that it will cut 5-,000 Hobs and e:it from 50

    countries by 50!' in addition to -,000 Hob8 cuts announced earlier in the year. *he consumer 

    banking division of #$B% will focus on the UK, #ong Kong, high8growth markets such as

    7e:ico, $ingapore, *urkey and Bra;il, and smaller countries where it has a leading market

    share.&)-(  ccording to Aeuters, %hief 1:ecutive $tuart >ulliver told the media, /*here will be

    further Hob cuts. *here will be something like 5-,000 roles eliminated between now and the

    end of 50!'./&)(&)3(

    In ugust 50!! /to align our U.$. business with our global network and meet the local and

    international needs of domestic and overseas clients/, #$B% agreed to sell !"- branches

    in 2ew Fork and %onnecticut to Cirst 2iagara Cinancial >roup Inc for around 6! billion and

    announced the closure of !' branches in %onnecticut and 2ew Dersey. *he rest of #$B%s

    U.$. network will only be about half from a total )30 branches before divestments. &)+( n "

     ugust 50!!, %apital ne Cinancial %orp. agreed to acquire #$B%s U.$. credit card

    business for 65. billion,&)"( netting #$B% #oldings an estimated after8ta: profit of 65.)

    billion.&-0( In $eptember it was announced that #$B% seeks to sell its general insurance

    business for around 6! billion.


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    In 50!5, #$B% was the subHect of hearings of the U.$. $enate permanent subcommittee for

    investigations for severe deficiencies in its anti money laundering practices. n ! Duly the

    committee presented its findings.&-!(&-5( mong other things it concludes that #$B% has been

    transferring 63 billion in banknotes from its 7e:ican to its U$ subsidiary, much of it related

    to drug dealing, was disregarding terrorist financing links and was actively circumventing

    U.$. safeguards to block transactions involving terrorists, drug lords and rogue regimes,

    including hiding 6!".) billion in transactions with Iran.

    In Duly 50!5 #$B% came under investigation for allegedly assisting in the money laundering

    of drug dealers&-'( and terrorist money&-)( for many years, after a probe by the U$ Cederal

    Aeserve and ffice of the %omptroller of the %urrency found that there was /significant

    potential for unreported money laundering or terrorist financing/. &--(&-(

    n !! 4ecember 50!5, #$B% agreed to pay a record 6!."5 billion fine in this money

    laundering case. /Bank officials repeatedly ignored internal warnings that #$B%s monitoring

    systems were inadequate, the Dustice 4epartment said. In 500+, for e:ample, the %1 of

    #$B% 7e:ico was told that 7e:ican law enforcement had a recording of a 7e:ican drug

    lord saying that #$B% 7e:ico was the place to launder money./&-3( *he 4D, however,


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    decided not to pursue criminal penalties, a decision which the Ne !ork Timeslabelled a

    /dark day for the rule of law./&-+(

    /e accept responsibility for our past mistakes. e have said we are profoundly sorry for

    them, and we do so again./ #$B% %hief 1:ecutive $tuart >ulliver said. &-3(

      '58page brochure published on the #$B% website provides details of 50!5 results in terms

    of markets, strategies, and businesses, as well as giving an outline of future plans. &-"(

    In Duly 50!', lan Keir was appointed %hief 1:ecutive of #$B% Bank plc after Brian

    Aobertson resigned from his post. Keirs duties include overseeing the firms UK, 1uropean,

    7iddle 1astern and frican divisions.&0(

    Since 2013&edit(

    In Dune 50!), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary #$B% Life ?UK@ Limited agreed to sell its

    E).5 billion UK pensions business to $wiss Ae.&!(


      map showing the countries of the world in which #$B% currently has operations


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    #$B% has its world headquarters at + %anada $quare in %anary harf , London.&5(

    #$B% has a significant presence in each of the worlds maHor financial markets, with the

     mericas, sia 9acific and 1urope each representing around one third of its business.

    #$B% is the largest bank in #ong Kong and prints most of #ong Kongs local currency in its

    own name. s of 5 pril 500+, according to Forbes maga;ine, #$B% was the fourth8largest

    bank in the world by assets ?with 65,')+."+ billion@, the second largest in terms of revenues

    ?with 6!).-0 billion@ and the largest in terms of market value ?with 6!+0.+! billion@. It was

    also the most profitable bank in the world with 6!".!' billion in net income in 5003

    ?compared to%itigroups 6'.5 billion and Bank of mericas 6!)."+ billion in the same

    period@.&'( In Dune 500, *he 1conomist stated that since the end of 500- #$B% has been

    rated the largest banking group in the world by *ier ! capital.&)( In Dune 50!) *he

    Banker ranked #$B% first in estern 1urope and -th in the world for *ier ! capital.&-( In

    Cebruary 500+, #$B% was named the worlds most valuable banking brand by The

    Banker  maga;ine.&(&3(


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    #$B% is known for a conservative and risk8averse approach to business M a company

    tradition going back to the !"th century.&+( *his reputation has been brought into question in

    the 5!st century.

    In its technical management, however, #$B% has recently suffered a series of headline8

    making incidents in which some customer data were allegedly leaked or simply went

    missing. lthough the consequences turned out to be small, the embarrassing effect on the

    groups image did not go unnoticed.&"(

    #$B% is currently audited by one of the Big Cour auditors, K97>. *he #$B% and K97>

    headquarters are adHacent to one another, with K97> occupying !- %anada $quare.

    &30(  #$B% 7ain Building, #ong Kong is also adHacent to K97> office located in 9rinces

    Building. decision on 5 ugust 50!' made public that 9ricewaterhouse%oopers will take on

    the #$B% audit in 50!-.&3!(

    In the si: months to '0 Dune 50!), the bank reported a E3.'' billion ?6!5.') billion@ profit

    before ta:, down from 6!).03 billion for the comparable period in 50!'. &35(

    Principal subsidiaries&edit(


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    *he #$B% building in 7anila, 9hilippines

    Asia Pacific&edit(

    • #$B% Bank rmenia

    • #$B% Bank ustralia Limited

    • *he #ongkong and $hanghai Banking %orporation Ltd

    #ang $eng Bank Ltd

    • #$B% Bank ?%hina@ %ompany Ltd

    • #$B% Bank 7alaysia Berhad

    • #$B% Bank 9hilippines Ltd

    • #$B% Bank India

    • #$B% Bank Indonesia

    • #$B% Bank Bangladesh


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    • #$B% $ri Lanka

    • #$B% Bank 9akistan

    • #$B% Bank Jietnam


    • #$B% Crance

    • #$B% *rinkaus und Burkhardt >

    • #$B% Bank International  M the offshore banking arm of the #$B% >roup, focusing

    on providing offshore solutions and cross border services to e:patriates and migrants.

    &3'( It provides a full range of multi8currency personal banking services to a range of

    customer segments, including a full internet banking and telephone banking service.

    $ometimes referred to as /#$B% ffshore/, the business also offers independent

    financial planning, and has representative offices all over the world, often working

    alongside local #$B% operations in those regions. #$B% Bank International originated

    from the business started by 7idland Bank and is based in the %hannel Islands with

    further operations on the Isle of 7an. Its operations in the %hannel Islands are centred

    around its headquarters on the seafront in $t #elier , Dersey.

    • #$B% Bank 7alta plc

    • #$B% Bank .N.

    • #$B% 9rivate Bank ?UK@ Ltd

    • #$B% Bank plc



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    *he headquarters of #$B% Bra;il in%uritiba

    • #$B% Bank U$ Inc

    • #$B% Cinance %orporation

    • #$B% Bank %anada

    !iddle East and "orth Africa&edit(

    • #$B% Bank 7iddle 1ast Ltd

    • #$B% Bank 1gypt $1

    • *he $audi British Bank

    Principal business groups and di#isions&edit(

    #$B% organises its customer8facing activities within four business groups< %ommercial

    Banking= >lobal Banking and 7arkets ?investment banking@= 9ersonal Cinancial $ervices

    ?retail banking and consumer finance@= and >lobal 9rivate Banking. &"(

    Coercial Banking&edit(

    #$B% provides financial services to small, medium8si;ed and middle8market enterprises.

    *he group has more than ' million of such customers, including sole proprietors,

    partnerships, clubs and associations, incorporated businesses and publicly quoted


    $lobal Banking % !arkets&edit(

    >lobal Banking and 7arkets is the investment banking arm of #$B%. It provides investment

    banking and financing solutions for corporate and institutional clients, including corporate

    banking, investment banking, capital markets, trade services, payments and cash

    management, and leveraged acquisition finance. It provides services in equities, credit and

    rates, foreign e:change, money markets and securities services, in addition to asset

    management services.


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    >lobal Banking and 7arkets has offices in more than 0 countries and territories worldwide,

    and describes itself as /emerging markets8led and financing8focused/.&3)(

    >lobal Banking and 7arkets is currently being led by former fi:ed8income trader $amir

     ssaf , who was promoted from global head of markets on !0 4ecember 50!0.&3-(

    $lobal Pri#ate Banking&edit(

    "ain arti#le$ HSBC %ri&ate Bank 

    *he main London office of #$B% 9rivate Bank in $t Damess

    #$B% 9rivate Bank is the marketing name for the private banking business conducted by

    the principal private banking subsidiaries of the #$B% >roup worldwide. #$B% 9rivate

    Bank, together with the private banking activities of #$B% *rinkaus, known collectively as

    >roup 9rivate Banking, provides services to high net worth individuals and their families

    through "' locations in some )5 countries and territories in 1urope, the sia89acific region,

    the mericas, the 7iddle 1ast and frica. ccording to the $corpio 9artnership >lobal

    9rivate Banking Benchmark 50!), the bank had '+5 U$4 Bn of assets under management

    ?u7@ a decrease of )G on the 50!' figure. &3(

    In $eptember 500+, #$B% announced that it would combine its two $wiss private banks

    under one brand name in 500", with #$B% >uyer;eller and #$B% 9rivate Bank to be

    merged into one legal entity, under the newly appointed %1 of #$B% 9rivate Bank,

     le:andre Oeller .&33(

    &etail banking and 'ealth anageent&edit(

    #$B% provides more than -) million&3+( customers worldwide with a full range of personal

    financial services, including current and savings accounts, mortgage loans, car financing,

    insurance, credit cards, loans, pensions and investments.


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    Aetail Banking and ealth 7anagement ?also known as AB7@ was previously referred to

    as 9ersonal Cinancial $ervices ?9C$@. *his rename was announced during #$B%s 50!!

    Investor 4ay.&3"(

    $roup ser#ice centres&edit(

     s a cost8saving measure #$B% is offshoring processing work to lower cost economies in

    order to reduce the cost of providing services in developed countries. *hese locations take

    on work such as data processing and customer service, but also internal software

    engineering at 9une ?India@, Bangalore ?India@, #yderabad ?India@, Jishakhapatnam?India@, %

    alcutta ?India@, >uang;hou ?%hina@, %uritiba ?Bra;il@ and Kuala Lumpur  ?7alaysia@.

    *he #$B% >lobal *echnology %entre in 9une, India&+0(

    %hief perating fficer lan Debson said in 7arch 500- that he would be very surprised if

    fewer than 5-,000 people were working in the centres over the ne:t three years< /I dont

    have a precise target but I would be surprised if we had less than !- ?global service centres@

    in three years time./ #e went on to say that each centre cost the bank from 650m to 6'0m

    to set up, but that for every Hob moved the bank saves about 650,000 ?E!0,)00@.&+!(

    *rades unions, particularly in the UK and U$, blame these centres for Hob losses in

    developed countries, and also for the effective imposition of wage caps on their members. &+!(

    %urrently, #$B% operates centres out of nine countries, including= United Kingdom ?Leeds,

    #amilton, 1dinburgh, $wansea, 7anchester, %oventry Leicester@, Bra;il ?%uritiba@, the

    %;ech Aepublic ?strava@, India

    ?%alcutta, #yderabad, Bangalore, Jisakhapatnam, Bombay,>urgaon and 9une@, %hina

    ?$hanghai, >uang;hou and $hen;hen@, 7alaysia ?Kuala Lumpur @, 9oland ?Krakow@, $ri

    Lanka ?AaHagiriya@ and the 9hilippines ?7anila@. *he 7alta trial for a UK high value call

    centre has resulted in a growing operation that country. n option under consideration is

    reported to be a processing centre in Jietnam to access the Crench skills of the population

    and therefore cut costs in the banks Crench operations.

    Global product lines&edit(

    HSBC (irect&edit(


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    #$B% 4irect is a telephonePonline direct banking operation which attracts customers through

    mortgages, accounts and savings. It was first launched in the U$ &+5( in 2ovember 500- and

    is based on #$B%s Cirst 4irect subsidiary in Britain which was launched in the !"+0s. *he

    service is now also available in %anada,&+'( *aiwan,&+)( $outh Korea,&+-(Crance and India.

    &+( 9oland is launching business direct in $eptember 500". In the U$, #$B% 4irect is now

    part of #$B% dvance&+3(


    #$B%net&++( is a global service that caters to local business needs by offering specialised

    functionality for different regions worldwide.

    *he system provides access to transaction banking functionality M ranging from payments

    and cash management to trade services features M as well as to research and analytical

    content from #$B%. It also includes foreign e:change and money markets tradingfunctionality.

    *he system is used widely by #$B%s high8end corporate and institutional clients served

    variously by the banks global banking and markets, commercial banking and global

    transaction banking divisions.

    #$B%net is also the brand under which #$B% markets its global e8commerce proposition to

    its corporate and institutional clients.

    HSBC Ad#ance&edit(

    #$B% dvance&+"( is the groups product aimed at working professionals. *he e:act benefits

    and qualifications vary depending on country, but typically require a transfer of $alary of

    U$4 !,-00 or more every month or 7aintain U$4 5-,000 of deposits in a $avingsP%urrent

     ccount or investments. dvantages may vary depending on country, such as day8to8day

    banking services including but not limited to a 9latinum %redit %ard, dvance *7 %ard,

    %urrent ccount and $avings ccount. 9rotection plans and Cinancial 9lanning $ervices.

    #$B% dvance customer enables the customer to open accounts in another country and

    transfer their credit history.

    HSBC Preier &edit(

    #$B% 9remier &"0( is the groups premium financial services product, comparable to the

    %enturion service of merican 1:press. It has its own 1lite %ard entitled #$B% 9remier

    orld %ard. *he e:act benefits and qualification criteria vary depending on country.

    %ustomers have a dedicated 9remier Aelationship 7anager, global 5)8hour access to call

    centres, free banking services and preferential rates. #$B% 9remier customer receives the

    #$B% 9remier services in all countries that offer #$B% 9remier, without having to meet that

    countrys qualifying criteria ?/9remier in ne, 9remier in ll/



    Money laundering&edit(


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    7oney laundering has been an issue in rgentina, India, the United Kingdom and the United


    Collowing search warrants and raids beginning in Danuary 50!', in mid87arch 50!'

     rgentinas main ta:ing authority accused #$B% of using fake receipts and dummyaccounts to facilitate money laundering and ta: evasion. &"5(&"'(&")(

    n !" Duly 50!5, India assured to get to the bottom of alleged violation of safety compliance,

    in which Indian employees are presumed to be involved. &"-( n " 2ovember 50!5, Indian

    activist and politician rvind KeHriwal claimed he had details of 300 Indian bank accounts

    hiding black money with a total value of 0 billion ?U$6"30 million@ with #$B% in >eneva.

    &"( In Dune 50!', a media outlet in India did an undercover e:pose where #$B% officers

    were caught on camera agreeing to launder /black money./ #$B% placed these employees

    on leave pending their own internal investigation.&"3(

    In early Cebruary 50!', appearing before UKs 9arliamentary Banking $tandards

    %ommission, %1 $tuart >ulliver acknowledged that the structure of the bank had been /not

    fit for purpose./ #e also stated, /7atters that should have been shared and escalated were

    not shared and escalated./&"+( #$B% has also been accused of laundering money for terrorist


    In both 500' and 50!0, U.$. regulators ordered #$B% to strengthen its anti8money

    laundering practices.&!00( In ctober 50!0, the United $tates %% issued a %ease and 4esist

    rder  requiring #$B% to strengthen multiple aspects of its nti87oney Laundering ?7L@

    program. *he identified problems included a once massive backlog of over !3,000 alerts

    identifying suspicious activity, failure to file timely suspicious activity reports with U.$. law

    enforcement, failure to conduct any due diligence to assess risks to #$B% affiliates before

    opening correspondent accounts for them, a three8year failure by #BU$ from mid8500 to

    mid8500" to conduct any 7L of 6!- billion in bulk cash transactions from those same

    #$B% affiliates, failure to monitor 60 trillion in annual wire transfers by customers in

    countries rated lower risk by #BU$, and inadequate and unqualified 7L staffing, resources,

    and leadership. It was noted that #$B% fully cooperated with the $enate investigation. &!0!(

    In 2ovember 50!5 it was reported that #$B% had set up offshore accounts in  Dersey for

    suspected drug8dealers and other criminals, and that #7 Aevenue and %ustoms had

    launched an investigation following a whistleblower  leaking details of E300 million allegedly

    held in #$B% accounts in the %rown dependency . &!05(

    In 4ecember 50!5, ssistant U.$. ttorney >eneral Lanny Breuer suggested that the U.$.

    government might resist criminal prosecution of #$B% which could lead to the loss of the

    banks U.$. charter. #e stated, /ur goal here is not to bring #$B% down, its not to cause a

    systemic effect on the economy, its not for people to lose thousands of Hobs./&!00(


  • 8/9/2019 Kkkkk Kkkkk Kkkkk


    In 4ecember 50!5, #$B% was penali;ed 6!." billion ?U$@, the largest fine under the Bank

    $ecrecy ct, for violating four U.$. laws designed to protect the U.$. financial system.

    &!0'( #$B% had allegedly laundered at least 6++! million in drugs proceeds through the U.$.

    financial system for international cartels, as well as processing an additional 60 million for

    banks in U$ sanctioned countries. ccording to the report, /*he U.$. bank subsidiary &also(

    failed to monitor more than 630 billion in wire transfers and more than 6".) billion in

    purchases of physical dollars from its 7e:ico unit./&!0'( s part of the agreement deferring its

    prosecution, #$B% acknowledged that for years it had ignored warning signs that drug

    cartels in 7e:ico were using its branches to launder millions of dollars, and also

    acknowledged that #$B%s international staff had stripped identifying information on

    transactions made through the United $tates from countries facing economic sanctions such

    as Iran and $udan.&!00(

      Cebruary 50!' article in 'olling Stone maga;ine, which was critical of what they regarded

    as the timid response by the U.$. Dustice 4epartment, stated /Fes, they issued a fine M 6!."

    billion, or about five weeks profit M but they didnt e:tract so much as one dollar or one day

    in Hail from any individual, despite a decade of stupefying abuses/ and further stated, /In this

    case, the bank literally got away with murder M well, aiding and abetting it, anyway./&!0)( 

    4ecember 50!5 CNN"oney  article compared the !." billion dollar fine to #$B%s profit /last

    year/ ?50!!@ of !.+ billion.&!00(

    Other controversies&edit(

    In the report titled /In the Cuture *here ill Be 2o Corests Left/ produced by >lobal itness,

    the bank is also being accused of supporting the seven largest 7alaysian timber

    conglomerates which are responsible for rapid deforestation in the 7alaysian state

    of $arawak without any C$% certifications.&!0-( #owever, the bank declined to divulge its

    clients on this issue, citing the confidentiality of its clients= but the bank maintains that the

    accusations that its clients violate forestland and forest8products policy is not accurate. &!0(

    #$B% also held billions of dollars of assets for the Libyan Investment uthority, which was

    controlled by %olonel 7uammar >addafi= after >addafis overthrow and assassination, the

    bank refused to reveal information about the funds, citing customer confidentiality.&!03(&!0+(&!0"(

    In 50!) #$B% refused to allow customers to withdraw large cash amounts without a third8

    party letter confirming what the money would be used for.&!!0( 4ouglas %arswell, the

    %onservative 79 for %lacton, was alarmed by the #$B% policy< /ll these regulations which

    have been imposed on banks allow enormous interpretation. It basically infantilises the

    customer. In a sense your money becomes pocket money and the bank becomes your



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    In 50!) #$B% closed 2orth London %entral 7osques account and some muslim clients and

    groups accounts.&!!!(&!!5(&!!'( &!!)( &!!-( &!!( &!!3( $everal sources report that #$B% closed them

    because they donated their money to 9alestine during the 50!) Israel8>a;a war. &!!+( &!!"( &!50(


    *he group announced in 2ovember !""" that the #$B% brand and the he:agon symbol

    would be adopted as the unified brand in all the markets where #$B% operates, with the aim

    of enhancing recognition of the group and its values by customers, shareholders and staff

    throughout the world.

    *he he:agon symbol was originally adopted by the #ongkong and $hanghai Banking

    %orporation as its logo in !"+'. It was developed from the banks house flag, a white

    rectangle divided diagonally to produce a red hourglass shape. Like many other #ong Kong

    company flags that originated in the !"th century, and because of its founders nationality,

    the design was based on the cross of $aint ndrew. *he logo was designed by ustrian

    graphic artist #enry $teiner .&!5!(


    *he 500) Daguar Aacing Cormula ne car, being driven by 7ark ebber 

    #aving sponsored the Daguar Aacing Cormula ne team since the days of  $tewart >rand

    9ri:, #$B% ended its relationship with the sport when Aed Bull purchased Daguar Aacing

    from Cord. #$B% has now switched its focus to golf, taking title sponsorship of events such

    as the #$B% orld 7atch 9lay %hampionship, #$B% omens orld 7atch 9lay

    %hampionship ?now defunct@, #$B% %hampions and #$B% omens %hampions.

    In football #$B% sponsors Crench club  $ 7onaco and 7e:ican club %.C. 9achuca, andin rugby league, #$B% sponsors *elford Aaidersin the Augby League %onference. In

     ustralia, #$B% sponsors the 2ew $outh ales aratahs rugby team in $uper

    Augby rugby unioncompetition, as well as the #awthorn Cootball %lub in the ustralian

    Cootball League.

    #$B%s other sponsorships are mainly in the area of education, health and the environment.

    In 2ovember 500, #$B% announced a 6- million partnership with $$ %hildren as part of

    Cuture Cirst.&!55(


  • 8/9/2019 Kkkkk Kkkkk Kkkkk


    #$B% sponsors the >reat %anadian >eography %hallenge, which has had around 5 million

    participants in the past !5 years. $ince 500!, #$B% has sponsored the %elebration of Light, 

    an annual musical fireworks competition in Jancouver, British %olumbia, %anada. In 5003

    #$B% announced it would be a sponsor of the 2ational #ockey LeaguesJancouver

    %anucks and %algary Clames. #$B% has also sponsored a professional gaming team that

    was disbanded late 5003. #$B% is also committed to local sponsorships, the 7andarins

    %ricket %lub being one e:ample.

    #$B% sponsored the 500" British and Irish Lions tour to $outh frica.&!5'(

    #$B% is the official banking partner of the imbledon *ennis %hampionships, providing

    banking facilities on site and renaming the Aoad to imbledon Hunior event, as the #$B%

    Aoad to imbledon 2ational !) and Under %hallenge.&!5)(

    #$B% was named the fficial Banking 9artner of the pen %hampionship, in a five8year

    deal announced in 50!0.&!5-(

    In ctober 50!0, the International Augby Board announced that they had concluded a -8

    year deal with #$B% which granted them status as the first ever title sponsor of the IAB

    $evens orld $eries. *hrough the accord, #$B% is paying more than 6!00 million for the

    title naming rights to all the tournaments in the IAB $eries, beginning with the 4ubai $evens

    on ' 4ecember 50!0, and ending in the spring of 50!-. #$B% opted to sub8license the

    naming rights to all but one of the individual tournaments, while retaining its name

    sponsorship of the overall series as well as co8sponsorship ?with %athay 9acific@ of the

    worlds most famous 38a8side rugby tournament, the #ong Kong $evens. &!5(

    See also&edit(

    I2*A4U%*I2< 91A$2LI*F 24 %2$U71A B1#JIA

     ccording to the parado: of personality in marketing, we all have a personality, but we do

    not know how it is systematically related to our consumer behavior ?lbanese !"+"@. 1fforts

    to operationali;e the personality have had a nefarious history in marketing. *he most

    notorious effort was that of Cranklin B. 1vans ?!"-"@ to use the 1dwards 9ersonal9reference $chedule to differentiate the personalities of Cord and %hevrolet owners. $ome

    effort was made to reinterpret 1vanss results in a positive way ?Dacoby !""@= however, it

    would be hard to demonstrate on any grounds that there was a wits worth of difference

    between Cord and %hevrolet owners in the late !"-0s, or for that matter, in the early !""0s.

    *he literature review on personality and consumer behavior can be broken down into the

    4ark ges and the Aenaissance. *he 4ark ges refer to the negative attitude within the field

    of marketing toward the area personality and consumer behavior and is most notably

    represented by KassarHian and $heffet ?!""!@. Cirst published in !"3!, republished virtually

    unchanged in !"+!, and then again !""!, there are no consequential differences in any of

    the versions of this survey, thereby dismissing two decades of research which has steadilymoved toward revitali;ing this area.


  • 8/9/2019 Kkkkk Kkkkk Kkkkk


    *he Aenaissance in marketing began most notably with #olbrook ?!"++@, and continues with

    Co:all and >oldsmith ?!"+"@, and lbanese ?!""0@. #olbrook ?!"++@ uses the study of

    individual personality to go into greater depth in the analysis of consumer behavior, while

    Co:all and >oldsmith ?!"+"@ and lbanese ?!""0@ go beyond the personality of the individualto e:plore wider applications to more general patterns of behavior.

     t the !""! conference of the ssociation for %onsumer Aesearch in %hicago, illiam ells

    made the following observation with respect to the work of Creud, braham, Dung, and dler<

    /It seems to me that it is time to go back and take a look at what these seminal thinkers hadto say and take them seriously, which we have never really done./ &ells made this

    comment as a discussant at a $pecial *opics $ession on 9ersonality and 9sychoanalytic

    *heory< %urrent *heoretical and 1mpirical Aesearch.(

    Aather than trying to squee;e out any empirical direction from the marketing literature on

    personality and consumer behavior, it is far more fruitful to /strike another match, go start

    anew/ ?4ylan !"+-, p. !3"@.

    *he Q 9roHect

      proHect has been established to operationali;e the personality organi;ation from

    psychoanalytic obHect relations theory using the %alifornia Q $ort. *he primary purpose of

    this report is to describe setting up the Q 9roHect and to discuss some theoretical

    implications of the preliminary results. It is not meant to be a comprehensive survey or

    summary of efforts to operationali;e psychoanalytic theory, or to review the e:tensive

    literature on the Q methodology, or even the %alifornia Q $ort.

     t this stage of my research, I am using the technique to classify an individuals personality

    organi;ation along the 91A$2LI*F %2*I2UU7 for the purpose of doing further

    research on behavior related to that personality organi;ation ?lbanese !""0@. *he

    91A$2LI*F %2*I2UU7 is the integrative framework behind this research. If this

    technique proves to be useful to clinical psychologists for diagnostic purposes, I would be

    delighted= however, that is not my primary purpose.

      personality organi;ation is the central analytic construct and it is