kitti hiezl diplomadolgozat 2016 tavasz

University of Pannonia Faculty of Business and Economics Tourism management MA The competency GAP: Difference in competence between graduating students of the University of Pannonia and Front office managers. Dissertation Kitti Hiezl Supervisor: Edit Kővári 2016.

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University of Pannonia

Faculty of Business and Economics

Tourism management MA

The competency GAP:

Difference in competence between graduating students of the University of

Pannonia and Front office managers.


Kitti Hiezl

Supervisor: Edit Kővári


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Objective: In the hotel industry the main factor is the service provided. Companies put more and

more emphasis on the applicant’s skills, knowledge, and personal attributes because they know

that it is important to find the right people for the job as people are the one providing the service

“sold.” Most of the skills and knowledge should be thought at the university, so the graduates

should have all they need to get the job they want. Still, only limited number of students can reach

the front office manager position. This research wants to show the difference between the skills,

knowledge and personal attributes the graduate students of the University of Pannonia have when

they finish and the actual skills, knowledge and personal attributes a manager need and have, then

making suggestions how to improve the competencies of the students.

Method: The competency of the managers required to the roll were measured with interviews, the

competency level of the students and their idea of the importance of certain competencies were

measured with a questioner, and the gap was analyzed. The students had to fill out a short

competence measurement, which can also give a better picture of the competency of the students.

Conclusion: The students overestimated the importance of some theoretical knowledge where the

managers did not give that much significance. The self-evaluation of the students was close to the

managers, big differences were only in, motivating and developing, self-confidence, stress

handling and flexibility, judgment and decision making. In the competence questioner, they

performed poorly in speaking in front of public, self- confidence and self-esteem, applied


Implications: The theoretical background given to the students is sufficient to the potential future

job, but with more interactive classes, bigger student involvement, roleplay and situation exercise,

they would have a chance to practice their theoretical knowledge and make them more confident,

self-conscious better at handling stress and speak in front of public

Originality/value: The potential changes could give a competitive advantage to the students of the

University of Pannonia.

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Table of content

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 2

Table of content .............................................................................................................................. 3

List of Figure................................................................................................................................... 5

List of Table .................................................................................................................................... 6

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 7

2. Literature review ...................................................................................................................... 9

2.1. Human Resource Management ........................................................................................ 9

2.1.1. Functions of HRM .................................................................................................... 9

2.1.2. Staffing .................................................................................................................... 10

Recruitment ........................................................................................................................ 10

Selection ............................................................................................................................. 13

2.1.3. Competency ............................................................................................................ 18

Knowledge ......................................................................................................................... 19

Skill .................................................................................................................................... 19

Personal attributes .............................................................................................................. 20

Competence models ........................................................................................................... 20

2.2. Front office ..................................................................................................................... 23

2.2.1. Function of the front office ..................................................................................... 24

2.2.2. Function of the receptionist .................................................................................... 24

2.2.3. Function of the manager ......................................................................................... 25

2.3. Education of tourism in Hungary ................................................................................... 26

3. Research ................................................................................................................................. 30

3.1. Competency mapping and GAP analysis ....................................................................... 31

3.2. Research description ...................................................................................................... 32

3.3. Research method ............................................................................................................ 33

Interview 1. Hungary ............................................................................................................. 33

Interview 2 Hungary .............................................................................................................. 35

Interview 3 Hungary .............................................................................................................. 36

Interview 4 Hungary .............................................................................................................. 38

Interview 5 Netherlands ......................................................................................................... 39

Interview 6 Netherlands ......................................................................................................... 40

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Interview 7 Netherlands ......................................................................................................... 42

Interview 8 Netherlands ......................................................................................................... 43

4. Findings ................................................................................................................................. 45

4.1. Educational requirements by the Hotel managers .......................................................... 45

4.2. Difference between Hungarian and Dutch results.......................................................... 45

4.3. Students .......................................................................................................................... 47

4.3.1. Difference between students’ expectation of managers work and self-evaluation . 49

4.3.2. Difference between student self-evaluation and hotel managers rating ................. 51

4.4. Competency questioner students .................................................................................... 53

4.4.1. Communication. ...................................................................................................... 53

4.4.2. Theoretical knowledge ............................................................................................ 54

4.4.3. Applied knowledge ................................................................................................. 55

4.4.4. Adaptation to an organization ................................................................................. 56

4.4.5. Purposive................................................................................................................. 56

4.4.6. Self-knowledge and self-esteem ............................................................................. 58

4.4.7. Human relations ...................................................................................................... 59

4.4.8. Summarizing ........................................................................................................... 60

5. Suggestions ............................................................................................................................ 61

5.1. Speaking in front of public ............................................................................................. 61

5.2. Self-confidence and self-esteem..................................................................................... 62

5.3. Motivating and developing............................................................................................. 62

5.4. Stress handling ............................................................................................................... 63

5.5. Decision making ............................................................................................................. 65

5.6. Applied knowledge ........................................................................................................ 65

5.7. Summary ........................................................................................................................ 66

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 67

Books ......................................................................................................................................... 67

Article: ....................................................................................................................................... 68

Web ........................................................................................................................................... 69

Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 71

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List of Figure

Figure 1: Iceberg Model (my Edits) ........................................................................................................ 22

Figure 2 : Unemployment in Tourism between 2008 - 2015 (KSH; 2016) ........................................... 30

Figure 3: Degree of the students of the University of Pannonia (my Edits) ........................................ 48

Figure 4: Languages, excluding English and Germans (my Edits) ...................................................... 48

Figure 5: Speaking in public: divided by bachelor and master students (my Edits) .......................... 54

Figure 6: Knowledge used in the goal position separated bachelor and master students (my Edits) 55

Figure 7: Purposive; in percent Bachelor students (my Edits) ............................................................. 57

Figure 8: Purposive; in percent Master students (my Edits) ................................................................ 58

Figure 9: Trusting in own ability, comparing master awn bachelor students (my Edits) .................. 59

Figure 10: Working with others, divided by master and bachelor students (my Edits) ..................... 60

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List of Table

Table 1: Levels of the competence component ....................................................................................... 20

Table 2:Competency Mapping (own Table) ........................................................................................... 31

Table 3: Interview 1, results (own Table) ............................................................................................... 34

Table 4: Interview 2, results (own Table) ............................................................................................... 35

Table 5: Interview 3, results (own Table) ............................................................................................... 37

Table 6: Interview 4, results (own Table) ............................................................................................... 38

Table 7:Interview 5, results (own Table) ................................................................................................ 39

Table 8: Interview 6, results (own Table) ............................................................................................... 41

Table 9: Interview 7, results (own Table) ............................................................................................... 42

Table 10: Interview 8, results (own Table) ............................................................................................. 43

Table 11: Gap of knowledge in hotels (own Table) ................................................................................ 45

Table 12: Gap of skills in hotels (own Table) ......................................................................................... 46

Table 13: Gap of Personal attributes (own Table) ................................................................................. 46

Table 14: Cumulated answers from managers (own Table) ................................................................. 47

Table 15: Student expectation and self-evaluation, Knowledge (own Table) ...................................... 49

Table 16: Student expectation and self-evaluation, Skills (own Table) ................................................ 50

Table 17: Student expectation and self-evaluation, Personal attributes (own Table) ........................ 50

Table 18: Self-evaluation students and Hotel managers, Gap in Knowledge (own Table) ................ 51

Table 19: Self-evaluation students and managers, Gap in Skills (own Table) .................................... 52

Table 20:Self-evaluation students and managers, Gap in Personal attributes (own Table) .............. 52

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1. Introduction

Human resource management has a significant role in the hotel industry as the product sold is not

as much the accommodation itself but the service provided. To provide excellent service, finding

the person matching the job requirements is a difficult task but even finding the perfect entry level

employee is not enough if the manager is not showing an example, lead, motivate. In Hungary,

there are 15 colleges and universities offering tourism and catering BA and 6 of them have a master

program. Lots of students are graduating with a tourism diploma, but many of them will not stay

in the industry. Even from those who will, not everyone can reach the position of a manager. Being

a manager requires certain competencies which are necessary to be successful in the position, and

it requires time, knowledge experience. Naturally a fresh graduate has to get experience and cannot

start as a Front office manager immediately but even knowing the facts it can be difficult to get

into the position. Some argue if experience or degree is more important. Other researchers have

been made previously; such as the research of the AUT University Auckland (Harkison, 2011) in

which they were investigating students’ and industry’s expectations and assumptions of the desired

attributes of hospitality employees. As students sometimes “over qualified but under experienced

“(Harkinson, 2011: 381) it is important to see what are the skills and knowledge the graduates are


In this paper, there will be more emphasis on the position of the front office manager, and the

knowledge, skills and personal attributes required to fulfill the position. After having a brief

introduction to the literature of human resource management, the importance of proper recruitment

of competent employee and introducing the front office, the GAP between the competency level

of the students and already working front office managers will be examined. For this a survey has

been sent out to the students of the University of Pannonia and interviews has been made with

front office managers.

In this modern world, people do not need to restrain themselves to their hometown or province

while seeking for a job but can consider offers in other countries, too. Parallel to this opportunity

more and more people are moving abroad nowadays from Hungary. In the year 2009, 25% of the

migrating Hungarians were under 30, and 60% have not reached 40, yet. 18% of all migrants had

a diploma. This data (KSH,2014) is from 2009, and this number have been growing. Based on this

trend, the paper will compare not only the Hungarian managers and the students but also Dutch

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front office managers. After comparing the competencies of the University of Pannonia graduating

students, with the competence of the front office managers a clear picture can be determined, the

differences and the weak points of a student can be presented. Also, suggestions for the university

can be established. The goal of this research is to see what competencies the students have to grow

and to make a recommendation to the university how could they support the students in this

growing process.

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2. Literature review

2.1. Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management absorbed ideas and techniques from different theories and tools. It

has a long history of work practices and academic research.

The first form of human resource management by can be dated to the 18th century when the anti-

factory campaign to change the image of workers as people instead of pieces of a factory machine.

(Werner - DeSimone; 2012: 7)

Traditionally Human Resource management was considered as more of a necessary expense, than

a source of value to organizations because the economic value is usually correlated with capital

(cash, equipment, technology, and facilities.) As the management practices changed, it becomes

clear that human resource can be valuable. (Noe; 2011:1-3.)

The theories of HRM changed a lot during the years.

HRM is more than just keeping contact with the employee. Eventually, they reached the

understanding of the connection between HR and the success of the organization. The American

Management Association said in 2000 “Human resources can be described as the organizational

function accountable for obtaining and maintaining qualified employees. In today’s complex

environment, fulfilling that mission is a major contributor to an organization’s success.”(Price;

2011: 12.)

In 2007, Mathis and Jackson wrote: “Designing management systems to ensure that human talent

is used effectively and efficiently to accomplish organizational goals.” (Price; 2011: 12.)

2.1.1. Functions of HRM

Joshi (2013:45.) in the book human resource management said that HRM refers to the activities

which are responsible for the personnel objectives of the organization. Besides installing and

implementing strategies for the human resource of the organization, the human resource

department providing guidance and assistance to both management and employees.

Managing process can be described with five function; planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and

controlling. (Noe; 2011: 2)

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Later on, this thesis is only introducing Staffing like Recruitment and selection in more detail.

2.1.2. Staffing

Leaders of hospitality institutions often say “our people are our greatest asset.” In the hospitality

industry, people are critically important. One characteristic that has distinguished the hospitality

industry from others is the fact that a single innovative entrepreneur can make a remarkable impact.

It is proven that a single individual and often one who’s having an entry-level job can have an

incredible impact on the results in profit and imagine left behind in costumes. If the leaders want

success and satisfied costumers they will come the need to identify, train, and retain even more

talented people. These employees must be kept satisfied, focused on excellence, and committed to

the organization’s goals. (Hayes – Ninemeier; 2009: 116.) That is the reason why recruitment and

selection techniques and to fill new or existing positions are critical to the long-term success, in

all tourism and hospitality organizations, irrespective of size, structure or activity.

The main tasks of staffing are (Garner; 2013:4.):

Determining what kind of people you should hire

Recruiting prospective employees

Selecting employees

Training and developing employees

Setting performance standards

Evaluating performance

Counseling employees

Compensating employees


Recruitment is often neglected and mostly combined the discussion of recruitment with selection,

with greater emphasis on selection. On the other hand, the more efficient at identifying and

attracting the companies get, the less important the selection stage of hiring becomes. (Redman -

Wilkinson; 2013:103)

In the Recruitment process, the organization is looking for a way to attract and retain the most

suitable candidates, and then choosing from them. (Nickson; 2007: 105)

Garner (2012: 12-13.) says there are two main approaches in recruitment we can distinguish;

personal and system.

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The personal approach is based on the fact that we like to choose our friends and partners based

on sympathy and based on common interested. In this case, we are using the same technique which

could be effective but only if it is balanced by a system so one can avoid favoring. A form of this

can be the so-called Flexible approach when for instance the company is “keeping its ears open”

so they know who might want a new job, position. It is possible that they are going to approach

the person first. It is mostly applied in the private sector.

The systems approach, on the other hand, has a procedure for every step from job analysis to

selection. It also can be called as the Rigid Approach. This is how the public organizations recruit.

Choosing the right person, in the beginning, is important as they have to be motivated and also

have to have the knowledge or/end the experience the job requires.

As Nickson (2007:88) explains first, a job description has to be created which is ‘a document that

outlines the purposes of the job, the task involved, the duties and responsibilities, the performance

of objectives and the reporting relationships. It will give details of the terms and conditions,

including the remuneration package and hours of work’.” (Nickson; 2007:91)

We need to do job analysis in order to have job descriptions. Dessler (2013) said that job analysis

is the procedure through which you determine the duties of the positions and the characteristics of

the people to hire for them.

Following that Person specification has to be done where they specify the desired characteristics

of the person they want. Based on Dennis Nickson’s (2007) work personal specification comes

after we described the “what” aspect of the work in the job description. The person specification

should provide a profile of the perfect employee. There a person specification models existing, I

chose Alec Rodger model from 1952. (Nickson; 2007: 92)

Rodger seven-point plan:

1 Physical characteristics – such as the ability to lift heavy tools or appearance, speech, and


2 Attainments– educational/professional qualifications, work experience considered

necessary for the job.

3 General intelligence – such as the ability to define and solve problems.

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4 Special aptitudes – skills, attributes or competencies relevant to the job.

5 Interests – work-related or leisure pursuits that may have a bearing on the job.

6 Disposition – job-related behaviors, for example, demonstrating friendliness.

7 Circumstances – for instance, domestic commitments or ability to work unsocial hours.

The next step is advertising this job description with the characteristic of the desired person. There

are countless opportunity to announce a vacancy including TV, radio, cinema, careers exhibitions,

conferences and open days and posters, but that does not mean that all of these are beneficial they

are much less likely to be used by tourism and hospitality organizations.

Based on the books from Noe (2011) Gomez-Mejia (2012) and Redman-Wilkinson (2013) the

most common methods are;

Internal, which will give the current employee a chance to change into a higher position which

can be motivating to them.

External, when they bring an outsider into the company in case of entry-level positions or some

specialized upper-level positions.

Direct applicants are job seekers applying for a vacancy even though the organization was not


Referrals are people who apply because someone in the organization prompted them to do so.

Advertisements can be used locally or for specified region targeting.

Agencies and Headhunters: Based Redman - Wilkinson, (2013) in UK employers said that the

main reason for using agencies is to fill temporary vacancies in administrative positions or

some professional posts.

The agency is paid a fee normally based on the salary offered to the new employee. It is an

effective way to look for a specially skilled employee.

Work agencies are popular in the Netherlands among job seekers. All of these agencies

operating online and the candidates can search in the database themselves, and they can also

ask for professional help from the agency.

Some College has a job placement office that helps students make contacts with employers.

There are also on-campus interviewing which recruits for entry level.

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Internet recruitment and social networking: Thanks to the advanced usage of technology and

social media, the Web turn to a recruitment tool. Online recruitment is relatively cheap and

more dynamic than the classical methods.

One of the best-known sites is Job seekers can search for jobs by industry,

geographic location, languages or description. But not just the specialized web pages but social

media sites such as Facebook and Twitter is used for recruitment. There are moral questions

of using Facebook as a recruitment tool because employers might use these sites to evaluate

the potential employee.

Companies are also visiting network sites such as Linked, which is also concentrating on

professional connections and functions as and always growing and changing up to date CV.

Most companies have the career information available at their Web sites and often they have

they own portal for applicants. In the case of booking, after applying a vacancy on their web

page, the candidates become a user of the booking taleo site where applicants can modify them

CV any time and also can apply to other vacancies of

With E-recruitment, it is easier to target those how to have the right features and also easier to

handle a huge number of applications. Candidates like to receive an e-mail response that the

company has received the résumé and response that gives a timetable about further

communications from the company. But the actual communication with many applicants can

be difficult, and it is hard to handle the information. Also, this is not suitable for small


These organizations may get better results by going to the Websites that are set up to attract

job seekers, such as Monster, HotJobs, Professions, CareerBuilder, etc.

After the applicants react to the advertisement they make a shortlist which people they will

interview and in some cases will make selection tests before making a decision. This part is the



Human resource managers are trying to find the ideal people with the knowledge, skill, ability and

the personality to perform the job. It is difficult because one will not see how these people perform

before they get hired. This is the reason why prediction techniques and multifarious selection

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techniques have been developed. According to Rendman (2013) and Noe (2011), some standard

point was created which can be used to help with this evaluation process.

• The method of assessment must be reliable.

• The method provides valid information. (Relevant for the work behaviors they are

meant to predict.)

• The information can be generalized to apply to the candidates; i.e. the selection

method should treat all groups the same.

• The method offers high utility (practical value) for the organization.

• The selection criteria are legal.

There are differences between companies and them routine, used to hire new personnel. (Noe;

2011:158). Based on what is the most significant for the organization or the certain job, the

questions or techniques used can and should be different.

The Selection Process

It is necessary to involve the managers of the job in question because although the HR department

has an active role in selecting the line personnel will be supervising and teach the new employee,

and these managers often have job-related insights that members of the HR department may lack.

Noe (2011) said in the first step of selecting a professional is going to review the applications, and

then candidates who meet the necessary requirements will be contacted. Their abilities are going

to be rated by administering a test, reviews, work samples, etc. After that applicant with the best

skills will be invited for further interviews. Finally, for the top few candidate references and

background will be checked.

The most organization uses the same techniques they are familiar with in all cases, but it is better

if the organization creates a selection process in support of the certain jobs’ job description. For

that, it is essential to overcome some challenges the hiring process have. (Gomez;2012:172)

Determining which personal characteristics are most important to performance. As they also

did at the personal specifications.

Measuring those characteristics that determine performance are critical for the job performance.

Evaluating applicants’ motivation levels although motivation cannot offset a lack of ability as

even with the right competencies but the lack of motivation the performance will be poor.

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Deciding who should make the selection decision.

The selection tools the employers can use have to be both reliable and valid. (Dessler; 2013: 177)

While making Human resource decisions hiring personal have to put high emphasis that the tool

they're using is reliable which refers to the consistency of measurement and also shows how free

a measurement is from errors, (Noe; 2011: 160) and also that the test valid. It means it has to be

sure that the test is answering the question it intended to answer according to Dessler (2013).


Various selection methods were created because “no (…) selection method can guarantee success

in terms of choosing the right person for the job, especially given the level of human involvement

in the process.” (Nickson;2007:105)

Based on the Noes’ (2011) Redmann’ (2013) and Gomez’ (2012) work the most used are

mentioned here.

Application form - Gomez (2012:181) and Noe (2011:166) both said that application form is

an easy and cheap way to find out if the candidate has the minimum job specifications. This

method used in entry level jobs. These forms are similar in structure; they asked for contact

information, work experience, and educational background. (Noe; 2011:166)

CVs/ Resumes - The usual way of introducing themselves to the employer is sending in a

resume. It gives a good starting information to the company to decide if the candidates have

the basic requirements. (Noe; 2011: 166-167)

Employers will not invite candidates who resume is unclear, sloppy, or full of mistakes.

Letters of recommendations contain positive information related to the job performance but

(Gomez; 2012: 180) it does not necessarily mean that they are poor indicators of performance.

The content approach can increase the validity of the letters of recommendation. The approach

focuses on the content rather than on the extent of their positivity.

Employment Tests and Work Samples - After identifying candidates whose application for or

resume shows that they meet the basic requirement (Noe; 2011:170), the selection process will

be continued with narrower pool of candidates

o Ability tests - There are various types of ability tests which test the applicant’s verbal,

written or studying skills.

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o Cognitive ability tests:„Cognitive ability tests are designed to measure such mental

abilities as verbal skills (skill in using written and spoken language), quantitative skills

(skill in working with numbers), and reasoning ability (skill in thinking through the

answer to a problem).” (Noe; 2011:171)

o Physical Ability Tests: Gomez explained it as measuring the physical strength and

endurance. They are used in case of police of fire department.

o Skill test: In the hospitality industry means tasks like checking typing tests for office

workers, or for culinarians, food production tasks. (Hayes-Ninemeier; 2009:123

Background check - Not all candidates honest about themselves, so the employers do an

investigation about the facts presented. The employers can easily look up information on the

internet. (Hayes-Ninemeier; 2009:123) In the case of the hospitality industry, a background

check is critical, because the service is based on the individual performing the job.

Personality tests measure individual workers’ characteristics and were used in the 1940s and

1950s. They were stopped used because they revolve around the question of reliability and

validity, and one can argue that traits are subjective and unreliable therefore unrelated to job

performance. However, „recent research on personality measurement has shown that

personality can be reliably measured. The “big five” factors, now widely accepted in the field

of personality psychology, follow:” (Gomez, 2012: 182)

o Extroversion: Shows at which level is a person talkative, sociable, active, aggressive,

and excitable.

o Agreeableness: Shows how much a person is trusting, amiable, generous, tolerant,

honest, cooperative, and flexible.

o Conscientiousness: The degree to which someone is dependable, organized, conforms

and perseveres on tasks.

o Emotional stability: Shows how is secure, calm, independent, and autonomous

someone is.

o Openness to experience: The degree of a person’s intellectuality, philosophical,

insightfulness, creativity, artistic, and curiosity.

Of the five factors, conscientiousness appears to be most related to job performance.

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Drug Tests - Most of the cases they do drug test with jobs which have a safety hazard. Noe

(2011) and Gomez (2012) explains that drug testing requires the undergoing urinalysis as part

of routine selection procedures. Those who have positive test results are eliminated from

further consideration.

Medical Examinations - Noe (2011: 174) says that in the case of jobs where physical fitness

is important organizations do the medical examination. Also, applicants planning to work in

the kitchen have to go through a basic medical examination.

Graphology is an analysis of the physical characteristics and patterns of handwriting. The

purpose to be able to identify the writer, indicating psychological state at the time of writing,

or evaluating personality characteristics. Gomez (2012: 189) explains that although

graphology is getting more recognition it still should not be used as an only tool of selection.

Job Performance Tests - Many jobs require candidates who can perform a certain task like

operating with a certain machine or software. (Noe; 2011: 171) In the case of a receptionist, it

can be a keyboard speed test.

Interviews - In Employer’s guide of recruitment (Russel: 2012) stated that in order to make

sure that the applicant has the relevant information to do the job the interview have to have a

logical and fair structure. It is important that the interviewer makes relevant questions the best

way it to create competency-based questions.

Not preparing well enough for the interview can lead to poor reliability and low validity and

that is the reason why this technique can be criticized (Gomez; 2012: 182-183) It might happen

that in interviewers do not agree with one another on candidate assessments. The candidate’s

reply might suggest the next question. „Nondirective interviews typically include open-ended

questions about the candidate’s strengths, weaknesses, career goals, and work experience.”

(Noe; 2011: 174-175)

Research showed that interviewers make a decision about the candidate in the first three

minutes just like we do it in our personal life. Also, the decision made are based on limited

information. That is proved that the old fashioned interviews are not satisfactory enough that

is why structured interviews got invented. (Gomez: 2012: 182-183)

o Structured interviews: They are based on the job analyzes and contains series of job-

related questions. In the table below some example are sowed.

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Situational questions ask candidates how they would respond to particular work

situations. Can be made from job analysis.

Job knowledge questions assess whether candidates have the basic knowledge

needed to perform the job

Worker requirements questions assess candidates’ willingness to perform under

prevailing job conditions.

Structured interviews are valid predictors of job performance; they are mostly limited to

job-related factors, so the questions asked are consistent across all interviewees. This

makes it possible that all responses are scored the same way. Thanks to that the impact of

individual interviewers’ idiosyncrasies and biases are limited.

o A situational interview: „Is a structured interview in which the interviewer describes a

situation likely to arise on the job and asks the candidate what he or she would do in

that situation. This type of interview may have high validity in predicting job

performance.” (Noe; 2011: 175)

o A behavior description interview (BDI):A BDI s a situational interview where the

interviewer asks the applicant to explain how he or she handled a certain situation in

the past.

As it was presented, it is hard to find the person with the right skill and competencies, and that the

job description and the personal specifications are crucial for finding the perfect match. That is the

reason there have been bigger and bigger emphases in competency mapping and competence

management in the recent years.

2.1.3. Competency

Furnham (1970) states that though the term competence is new and fashionable, the concept is

old. Psychologists interested in personality, individual differences, organizational Behavior and

Psychometric have long debated these questions of personality traits, intelligence and other


Early research on competency can be related to McClellan (1973) who questioned if a person’

success could not be foreseen only based on an intelligence test.

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“Competency is a combination of observable and applied knowledge, skills and behaviors that

create a competitive advantage for an organization. It focuses on how an employee creates value

and what is actually accomplished.” (Nath: 2003:26)

Competency gives a stable resource to the individual who helps them to handle the situations they

find themselves. Competency is an action orientated concept because it leads to action, activity,

problem-solving, decision and implementation. Also, competency is a structured joint system

which is created by learning. It allows the individual to apply them knowledge and their

personality components. (Henczi; 2007:16)

Competency is the ensemble of knowledge, skills, and personal attributes; it does not only mean

that the using of knowledge is necessary but also the usage of the personal attributes are essential.

(Henczi: 2007:17)


Henczi (2007:27-28) said that knowledge constitutes the intellectual indicator of competence.

Without knowledge, we have nothing to use, so we cannot use our competence either. He

differentiates two levels of knowledge.

The permanent layer is the main source of knowledge this is the result of the studying

process and education. Thinking methodologies, world views. Here are the facts, concepts,

and processes,

The flexible layer it the special knowledge which are specialized to the field one works in.

In a different definition from Kaur at all. (2013) knowledge is understanding acquired through

learning it also refers to the information which relates to the job performance, the essential

knowledge to perform the job. Without knowledge it is impossible to improve other skills, but as

Henczi distinguished it is both educational and practical knowledge which is needed.


Any skill can be acquired with lots of practice. If we have a lot of routine in a certain activity, and

we can do it at a higher level than we call it a skill.

Skills are capabilities acquired through practice.

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Personal attributes

Five levels of competency can be distinguished. On the first three levels, we can see the knowledge

proficiency and facility(here only knowledge). These are easy to observe and relatively easy to

develop. Skill is the fourth pillar which is the base are the three other pillar mentioned before. Skill

is also possible to develop form, and everyone can reach and average level. Things like creativity

and aptitude also can be developed.

The fifth pillar the personal attributes are hard to see, but they influence the working ability.

(Henczi; 2007: 31-32)

In another way they are inherent characteristics which are brought to the job, representing the

essential foundation upon which knowledge and skill can be developed (Kaur,2013)

Table 1: Levels of the competence component

Feature of competence

observables and awareness

Components of competence Characteristic of


Easy to see, conscious cognitive component Easy to develop



Visible, conscious Skill Can be developed

Integrated into the

personality, manifesting in

situations, predominantly


Personal attributes Hard to develop

Source: (Henczi; 2007:37)

In the case of a job only those competencies are relevant which can help in the job. The human

resource department has to prepare job descriptions to find those competencies (Henczi;


Competence models

A competency model is a cluster of competencies that together define successful performance in

a particular work setting. A competency model is a tool that identifies the competencies needed to

operate in a certain role within an organization or industry.

If the workers have the right competencies, it can affect the organizational performance and

provide a competitive advantage. Competency models are the foundation for important human

resource functions such as recruitment and hiring, training and development, and performance

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management. They can be developed for specific jobs, job groups, organizations, occupations, or


Boyatzis (1982) realized that when a manager is selected, often it is based on, the basis of a mental

model of a good manager, which has little connection with the characteristics the role requires.

After McClellands’ research in 1973 the American Management Association asked McBer to

identify the personal characteristics of a manager. He had developed a Job Competence

Assessment Method, which compared the behaviors of the efficient and the less effective staff.

Competency models now commonly used in organizations but as McClelland was the first one

talking about the topic I choose his model. (Abijit, P. 2013)

Iceberg model

According to McClelland, competencies are best described as an iceberg. With a person’s

knowledge and skills representing the visible tip of the iceberg, while the underlying and enduring

personal characteristics or self-concepts, traits and motives (for example, self-confidence,

initiative, empathy, achievement orientation, etc.) which represent the larger portion of the iceberg,

hidden below the waterline.

The iceberg model is an approach that says the characteristics of a person make someone a good

choice for a particular position. The theory use and iceberg as a metaphor because the visible part

of an iceberg is much smaller than the part that remains hidden underwater. Just like, the objective

facts about a potential employee are often much less important than intangible personal qualities.

Because on before used methods the real value of some applicants did not show, McClelland

instead of focusing on intelligence or aptitude focused on competencies. (Thompson, 2015) They

divided six groups, and they identify 21 competence which can be used in every kind of

organization. More characteristics are influencing our actions these are the knowledge skill and

social role, self-image, traits, motives. These are different levels of the iceberg.

The characteristics, above the water, are the visible characteristics and under the water are the

invisible characteristics. (Gyökér;2010: 91)

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Figure 1: Iceberg Model (my Edits)

The first level is the knowledge and skills together built up the professional knowledge and

competence. The third level is the social roles which are important to the individuals both ethically

and morally. These rules are made by the individual and from the way of seeing the world or what

they are thinking of other people. Here we can find the personal and professional coordinate system

where the values, information, and standards have an important role.

The fourth level is the self-image which describes how the individual sees themselves; this will

characterize the reaction for different actions and situations. These part is barely visible, but they

are hard to change or develop. These things have to be developed and shape in the beginning

because later it is hard to be changed.

Motivation is also an important element because they can divert the direction or action. Motivation

is the reason behind every action we make. Therefor competencies have a high correlation between

things like value, guidelines, standards, life, attitude toward yourself and others. These views are

the hardest to change a person either have them or not. (Gyökér;2010: 92-93)

It is hard to choose the right personnel especially if the employer favors creative thinking and

innovative solutions over the rote performance of standardized tasks. While the resume can only

tell about the skills and knowledge the employee can bring from him or her previous education



Social Role,Self- Image

MotivesPersonal attributts

20% -

Good but limited.

Regarding to

education, experience,


80% -

The Essence of a


Thinking systems


Iceberg Model

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and work experience, it cannot say about the deeper and potentially more significant characteristics

he or she may possess. These characteristics are personality traits or motivation. In the iceberg

theory, skills and knowledge are represented as the tip of the iceberg, the part that is visible above

the water. Personality traits, self-image, social role and motivation are described by the part of the

iceberg that is hidden beneath the water. Thompson (2015) wrote the method says that for a certain

job a person with the right characteristics and passion is better than someone who have had worked

in that position.

While using the model the hiring person have to look under the surface. It is more important to

find the necessary skills than the proven record of previous sales or the understanding of

management theory in the case of a sales personnel. The study of Thompson (2015) it is also stated,

by asking the right questions, the HR person can find out if the applicant is a team player or a lone

wolf. How the candidate thinks of him or herself.

With the “above the water” knowledge and skills value becoming less as it becomes shorter and

shorter in today’s ever-changing world, the long enduring, ‘below the water’ competencies have

the real long term impact on how effectively an individual performs on the job.

Although the Iceberg model is old, it is still used in researches. For instance Salleh at all, (2015)

used it in Competency of adult learners in learning. They say the Iceberg competency model “is

one of the competency models which is based on three main aspects namely knowledge, attitude

and skills. It is also one of the models that is frequently adapted and modified at organisations for

establishing competency model.” (Salleh, at all, 2015, p. 330.)

Also it is used in “Training model for young teachers based on competency for China's application-

oriented universities”, (Li, at all, 2015 p. 583–587) which is the 131. Chapter of the book

Management, Information and Educational Engineering.

2.2. Front office

Front office or reception is the first place where guests arrive. This will be the first impression of

the hotel. In the hotels, the technical tools and the interior are vital but not as important as the

person who will provide the service. (Győrfi, 2004) As the reception is the first meeting point, it

is essential to have good personal. In small hotels, one person is enough to do the necessary work

but in big hotels, they need 2 or more personal (Bárfai-Varga, 2000)

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2.2.1. Function of the front office

The function of the front office is to get directly in touch with customers. Lead by the Front office

manager, it deals with receiving guests, guest service and then the turnover.

The different functions of the front office from Jávor (2008) and Bárfai -Varga (2000) are the


• Front office manager

• Sales and marketing manager

• Reception supervisor

• Receptionist

• Bell boy

• Security

• Business center assistant

• Cashier

• Reservation Assistant

• Call center

• Room Clerk

These functions can merge if the hotel is small and the work can be done by one person, and other

positions can exist if the hotel has some specialty, or high quality, for example, a concierge.

Later on, in this paper will only show the receptionist and the front office manager.

2.2.2. Function of the receptionist

Receptionist the first person to come in contact with the guest at the time of their arrival. The basic

function of a receptionist is to receive guests and answer their queries.

In many cases the front desk has to sell out all remaining rooms to walk-in and call-in guests, or

after the reservation closed. The receptionist can do up-sell by suggesting and selling a different

room, or to add breakfast to the booking. The receptionist is also responsible for the guest accounts.

All consumption of guests will be charged from various departments to the guest’s folio.

Front desk also has to provide information of the facilities of the hotel and the neighborhood.

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The night auditor is also part of front desk department. The main functions of the night audit staff

including post charges, ensure the charges are accurate, balancing guest accounts and estimate

areas that theft will potentially occur. (Bártfai-Varga, 2000:62)

Some example for the responsibility of reception from Győrfi (2004:160) and Bártfai-Varga


• Greet the guest on their arrival, handing out key cards.

• Complete the registration formalities of the guest with confirmed reservations.

• Check the availability of rooms in case of walk-ins.

• Assign rooms

• Helping the guest with mailing, taking messages or with information.

• Use upselling techniques to sell expensive rooms, to promote other hotel services,


• Coordinates room status updates with the housekeeping department.

• Notifying housekeeping of all check-outs, late check-outs, early check-ins, and

special requests.

• Process guest check-out requests.

• Maintain information rack.

• Updating handover book

• Night Audit

• Ect.

2.2.3. Function of the manager

The manager is in charge of the Front Office Department, allocates the available resources

(personnel, materials and financial) to achieve the organizational goals. The basic function is to

supervise all the Front Office personnel and to make sure that the operation is smooth. FOM reports

to the General Manager of the hotel. The front of house manager has to participate the annual profit

plan. (Jávor, 2008:118)

Functions of Front Office Manager:

• Participating in the selection of the Front Office members.

• Training the staff

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• Directs and coordinates the activities of the staff and schedules the tasks of the front

office employees

• Evaluate the job performance of the front office.

• Keep in contact with other departments

• Plan the present and future need of resources.

• Conduct training programs.

• Ensure all SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) are followed.

• Deal with customer complaints

• Motivate the staff to work in a team to achieve the organization objectives.

• Coordinate with the sales and marketing team

• Perform budgeting function.

• Reviews reports and financial reports included night auditors report.

• Will review the finances

• Organize regular staff meetings

There are other functions, depending on the organization itself. The functions chosen are from the

book Basic knowledge of the operation downstairs and upstairs of Hotels (Szállodák földszinti és

emeleti működésének alapismeretei, Bártfai-Varga, 2000: 36) and from existing job descriptions.

2.3. Education of tourism in Hungary

As other 46 countries in the EU Hungary has the Bologna system since 2006 which means there

is a bachelor, master, and Ph.D. Studies. (Felvi. 2016. A magyar felsőoktatási rendszer)

Some argue if academic knowledge of practical experience is more important, but as Peter Jarvis

defined lifelong learning “as the combination of processes through a lifetime whereby the whole

person – body and mind (knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, emotions, beliefs and senses) –

experiences social situations, the perceived content of which is then transformed cognitively,

emotively or practically (…) and integrated into the individual person’s biography resulting in a

continually changing (…) person. “ (Jarvis, P.,2007:1.) Therefore, both is important.

In the study of Harkison at all. researched mostly the industry of new Zeeland and were measuring

the possibilities of promotion in case of field experience or the case of a degree. They had referred

to the work of Landkin and Juwaheer’s study (Harkinson,2011:380) that those who had education

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spend shorter time working before they reach the general managers position but they spent time in

education, and those who didn’t had education have to work more years for the promotion. Both

ways show that knowledge and skills are important, and although someone has a degree they still

have to spend time in practice. The research showed that the employer gave bigger credit to 3 years’

experience then the degree in New Zeeland. (Harkinson, 2011:386) But responses showed that a

degree employee would get benefits or higher salary.

Based on the detail on, ( 2016. Turizmus-vendéglátás) the course of Economist

in Tourism and Catering is one of the most popular studies. During the study there are not only

professional subjects, like hotel management but also statistical, micro and macroeconomic and

marketing studies. The study requires languages knowledge and communication skills will be

developed. It is also required to have a 1-semester internship before graduation. Foreign language

requirements are at least from two languages at B2 level touristic languages exam or one B2 and

a C1 level.

There are 15 universities in Hungary (with the different faculties 17)

At the University of Pannonia, there is the possibility for Bachelor and Master studies both in

English and Hungarian.

In the University of Pannonia students will have the following knowledge, skills and competences

(Faculty of Economic Sciences, 2006. Tourism and Hospitality Bachelor program: Curriculum.):

They acquire knowledge in:

The characteristics and operation of the tourism industry, their sub-branches and the related

industries (hospitality, catering, tour operation, transport, etc.) both at the macro and micro


The characteristics of the tourism stakeholders, the key players interested in and affected

by tourism.

The system of services available for tourists.

The principles and methods of organising, managing and operating various tourism

businesses (hospitality, catering, tour operation, leisure attractions, etc.).

The technological processes supporting tourism services, the governing regulations and


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Tourism-related community and not-for-profit activities links to state administration,

government and local authorities, regional development, culture, etc., the organisational

system of tourism in Hungary and national and international tourism bodies.

The most important non-economic factors influencing the operation of tourism businesses,

geographic, cultural, environmental and legal factors.

The characteristics, principles of and methods used in the various operational areas and

functions of tourism businesses (such as marketing, finance, human resource management,

control, etc.).

The theoretical knowledge the BA tourism students acquire will enable them to enter higher

level(s) of education.

Students will have competencies in:

Undertaking tasks and jobs in the various specialist areas of tourism (such as hospitality,

catering, tour operation, etc.)

Addressing the problems related to services and intensive customer care in an efficient

manner, with particular attention to the potential intercultural conflicts.

Managing conflicting interests in tourism development.

Fulfilling communicational tasks involved with international tourism with high quality,

which requires the advanced level knowledge of at least one foreign language.

Using general and area-specific IT skills in an efficient manner using specific

communications techniques for business meetings, presentations, information gathering

and persuasion, which are of utmost importance in tourism.

Flexibly adjusting to the constantly changing (renewing) external and internal business

environments, autonomous career building, using the knowledge gained through

experience and organised continuous professional development training.

Widening and deepening their tourism-related knowledge acquired during their

undergraduate studies with practical experience, as well as adapting to the specific criteria

of the various tourism jobs undertaking management jobs in tourism businesses.

Students will have the following skills:

Abilities and willingness to become a member of the organisation of tourism businesses.

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Accepting the behavioural norms defined by the role played in the organisation both

regarding colleagues and the external world and with particular attention to the service


Positive attitude towards guests as customers using creativity to maximise the potential in

the external influencing factors for tourism linking individual and company success.

Willingness to make the most of the position within the company recognising the

responsibilities based on the awareness of the economic, social and environmental impacts

of the company’s operation (also understanding these responsibilities, for instance in

tourism marketing, at the personal level).

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3. Research

In this modern world, where we can consider working in other cities, regions and countries,

companies have the opportunity to choose from big variety of applicants. Competencies are

playing an even greater role when it comes to selection. One has to stand out from the crowd to

get selected, and after starting the work, it is hard to get into a higher position.

More than 4.5 million young people are unemployed today in the EU (European Commission,

2014) and in 2015, the unemployment rate between 20-24 was 15.6% in Hungary. In the case of

people between 25-29, this rate was still a strong 8,4 %. (KSH. 2016. Munkanélküliségi ráta

korcsoportok szerint, nemenként)

On the diagram we can see, that compared to previous years, in the case of the hotel industry the

unemployment rate was growing in the last year. (KSH: 2016. A munkanélküliek száma előző

munkahelyük nemzetgazdasági ága, ágazata szerint, nemenként.) As the diagram shows the

unemployment rate decreased after the year 2013 but it can be explained with the rising migration

of Hungarians. (Portfólió, 2016). If we make a forecast chart for 2016, it shows that the rate will

be 15.4 from 15.2%. As finding a job is a great challenge, the author of the paper wanted to see

y = 0.0392x6 - 1.0158x5 + 10.244x4 - 50.645x3 + 126.11x2 - 142.03x + 69.591R² = 0.9993







2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

The number of unemployment based on previous employment, accommodation and food sercive.

Figure 2 : Unemployment in Tourism between 2008 - 2015 (KSH; 2016)

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what are the differences in the competencies of the graduate students of the University of Pannonia,

and what are the competencies of the Front office managers; therefore, what are the competencies

where higher emphasis should be. The proposal of the author is that the difference is mainly in the

skills which can be improved with practice and not in the knowledge which must have been acquire

in school.

In the case of the tourism students, they get knowledge and skills in various areas, but it is still

important to see the specific competencies they have to develop. The difference between a manager

and a fresh graduate is not yet measured in Hungary in the case of tourism student. The relevant

studies internationally were either put higher emphases on the use of a diploma and measured the

difference between education and experience (Harkison, 2011) like the AUT University Auckland

"Hospitality graduates and managers: the big divide" article or it was in connection with the topic

of the expectation of graduate skills and the student perceptions of what hospitality managers value.

(Raybould, M. and Wilkins, H., 2005)

3.1. Competency mapping and GAP analysis

The competency mapping is necessary for the consolidation of the strategy, the corporate culture

and vision. Just as personal specification will show the exact characteristics of the desired person.

Competency Mapping establishes expectations for performance excellence. It helps in later

development or improvement in job satisfaction.

With competency mapping communicating the key strategies are easier as it gives a framework

and language. (Kaur, J., and Kumar, V.,2013)

Based on Front office manager job descriptions, (Front of house, 2016) and competency measuring

researches such as: Kaur, J., (2013.), Papulová at all, (2007.), Takey, S.M. at all, (2015) and Jeou-

Shyan, at, (2011.) a selection of competences have been made.

Table 2:Competency Mapping (own Table)

Knowledge Skills Personal attributes

Business Awareness Costumer oriented Goal-oriented

Organization Awareness Planning skill Responsibility

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Technical skills Leadership Self-confidence

External awareness Overall communication Team work minded

Foreign languages skill Problem solving Stress handling and flexibility

Delegating and supporting Judgement and decision


Motivating and developing

Gap analysis means the comparison of current performance with potential or desired performance.

Gap analysis identifies gaps between the optimized state and the current situation. This can show

areas that can be improved. A gap analysis is also used to analyze differences in processes and the

difference between the current outcome and the desired outcome. (Addagada, 2012)

As the objective of this thesis is to identify the areas of competences the students need to put

greater emphasis similar to Kaur J. and Kumar V.s’ (2013) research Gap analysis will be used.

3.2. Research description

The research is comparing the competency of the graduate students of the University of Pannonia

and Front office managers from Hungary and the Netherlands. There is a sample both from

Hungary and from the Netherlands to see if there is a difference in the competencies in different

EU countries or the competencies are more work related in case of the Front office manager.

The reference population was any Front Office Manager in Hungary and the Netherlands

regardless of the size of the hotel. Four interviews have been done in both countries.

The students were asked in questioner. The reference population was the graduating or graduated

tourism bachelor and master student at the University of Pannonia. The survey was finished by 40


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3.3. Research method

The students of Tourism and Catering at the University of Pannonia, were asked in a qualitative

method in a survey as it would be time-consuming to do that many interviews. From 72 surveys

there is 40 fully finished. The research was collected between 24th of March to 22th of April. The

survey was shared in online groups of the touristic students, on the mailing list of the faculty and

was sent to the email address of the graduating students by the faculty of tourism.

With the front office managers, qualitative interviews have been done. The interviews were in-

person, on the phone, Skype and in an online chat. An interview took approximately 30-40 minutes.

Emails have been sent out in the case of Hungarian hotels. For Dutch managers’ personal messages

were sent on Linkedin, and the author know 2 of the managers personally. The emails were sent

out in March so there was 1 month to find an appointment.

The managers were first asked about the definition of competence so the author could see how

detailed it should be explained so there would be no misunderstanding.

Finally, Zsofia Logemann-Molnár, Psychologist and Stress counselor was interviewed about the

findings, and about contradictions of the findings and was consulted about the theoretical

background of the potential suggestions.

Interview 1. Hungary

With the Front office manager of Nautis (4****, 81 room), a one-hour online talk was taking place.

The manager was ready to give advice and comments in every aspect of the topic.

His definition of competence was about the fact that the leader has to be respected by the employee.

He needs to have professional knowledge but most importantly have to build up trust. The defined

competence as the ability of the leader to be the team spirit and to motivate to a good work


It shows that he is aware of the essential elements, but it was a bit deficient therefor the papers

competency definition was discussed.

In the case of education, it is not important for them; experience is considered more valuable. He

admitted that degree can be an extra, but it is not enough itself and it is only a small thing compared

to the whole.

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The manager had to make three scale, of knowledge, skill and personal attributes. He had to scale

the elements on a 1-5 scale where 1 means that the element is not important in the job of the Front

office manager and 5 means it is extremely important. The results stand here:

Table 3: Interview 1, results (own Table)

Knowledge Skills Personal attributes

Business Awareness 5 Costumer oriented 5 Goal-oriented 4

Organization Awareness 4 Planning skill 5 Responsibility 5

Technical skills 5 Leadership 4 Self-confidence 5

External awareness 3 Overall communication 5 Team work minded 5

Foreign languages skill 4 Problem solving 4 Stress handling, flexibility 4

Delegating and supporting 4 Judgement, decision making 3

Motivating and developing 5

Among knowledge he ranked Business Awareness and Technical skills are vital to efficient work,

and he said that external awareness is the least important as they must accommodate if there is a

change but it is not as important to be effective as the other elements.

As technical knowledge, the Flexys system was mentioned, and the ability to work with Microsoft

programs such as Excel, Word and he highlighted that off course if necessary, the capacity to set

up a projector and similar electronic devices are needed.

Among skills being customer oriented, being able to plan ahead, communicate and motivate was

the highest rate. He maintained that a homely working environment is important to them and first

of all they want to satisfy the costumers. He believes that is the employees like to work and want

to provide an excellent service the guest will feel it too, and it will affect the business positively.

He mentioned that sturdiness and fairness are also important.

In the case of personal attributes responsibility, self-confidence, and teamwork mindedness was

the most important to him, which fits the homely environment they want to have. For him, fast

decision making was the least important as a manager should not rush decisions, but in the case of

emergency has to be confident and take responsibility. He highlighted that if it would be possible

he would give 6 for team work and costumer oriented.

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The manager was asked to make a rank of the most important elements from the competency table.

1. Customer orientated,

2. Business awareness

3. Communication

4. Responsibility

5. Teamwork minded

6. Motivation

7. Organizational awareness

8. Foreign language skill

9. Planning

10. Self-confidence

Interview 2 Hungary

The interview was done with the Duna Wellness Hotel (23 room of 4**** and 18 room of 3***)

via phone. It took approximately 25 minutes. The managers' definition of competence was ability

and skill which means the manager had a clear idea of the definition. In the case of education, they

prefer specialization of hotel studies at least the level of vocational school.

The manager had to make three scale, of knowledge, skill and personal attributes. The elements of

the scale had to be on a 1-5 scale where 1 means that the element is not important in the job of the

Front office manager and 5 means it is extremely important.

The answers of the scale question stand hereby.

Table 4: Interview 2, results (own Table)

Knowledge Skills Personal attributes

Business Awareness 4 Costumer oriented 5 Goal-oriented 4

Organization Awareness 5 Planning skill 3 Responsibility 4

Technical skills 4 Leadership 4 Self-confidence 5

External awareness 3 Overall communication 5 Team work minded 4

Foreign languages skill 5 Problem solving 5 Stress handling, flexibility 5

Delegating and supporting 4 Judgment, decision making 4

Motivating and developing 5

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The interviewee mentioned the organization awareness and the foreign language skill as most

important and external awareness as least important. The most important technical skills were

named as information technology systems and software, common knowledge of hotel software and

property security systems.

In the case of skills customer orientation, communication, problem-solving, and motivating was

mentioned as most important. They believe that costumers are the most important but problems

can occur, so they try to solve it as efficient as possible. He wants to motivate the employee to

have this costumer oriented view and to be more independent. Least important for this Hotel was

the planning skill.

He highlighted that people skill can be crucial as being customer oriented is essential.

As personal attributes he mentioned self-confidence and good stress handling, as dealing with the

costumers can be challenging.

The ranking of the competences was the following;

1. Customer-oriented

2. Communication

3. Foreign language

4. Stress handling

5. Self-confidence

6. Organizational awareness

7. Motivation

8. Business awareness

9. Teamwork minded

10. Leadership management

Interview 3 Hungary

The manager of Ramada Aquaworld (4****, 261 room) had only limited time, so he only answered

the interview questions in email.

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The definition of competence is a combination of skills and abilities. The manager was aware of

the meaning of competence. It was also stated that language skills, good communication skills,

good appearance, accuracy, independence, and good problem-solving skills are more valuable than

a degree.

Table 5: Interview 3, results (own Table)

Knowledge Skills Personal attributes

Business Awareness 3 Costumer oriented 5 Goal-oriented 4

Organization Awareness 4 Planning skill 3 Responsibility 5

Technical skills 4 Leadership 3 Self-confidence 4

External awareness 3 Overall communication 5 Team work minded 5

Foreign languages skill 5 Problem solving 5 Stress handling, flexibility 5

Delegating and supporting 3 Judgment, decision making 5

Motivating and developing 5

The languages skill had greater importance than the other knowledge.

In the case of technical skills, the use of Word, Excel, and different software was mention as

essential. When it comes to skills, the manager only gave 3 and five as something is either neutral

or critical. Beside the examined competences creativity and empathy was ranked necessary.

In personal attributes, he said they all important only goal-oriented and self-confidence got the

lower rate.

1. Foreign language skills

2. Communication

3. Problem solving

4. Self-confidence

5. Teamwork minded

6. Stress management

7. Decision-making

8. Responsibility,

9. Motivation

10. Technical skills

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Interview 4 Hungary

The manager of Puchner Castle Hotel Anikó Weich was fast replying to the email. The talk with

her was just 15 minutes on the phone. Her definition of competence is: Competence is the

combination of expected behavior, norms of conduct and personal attributes which a person can

fulfil his or her position.

She was aware of the idea of competence. About the educational requirements, she said that an

economical, mostly touristic degree is advantage but not necessary. She said that there are skills

and personal attributes more important than the degree.

She highlighted excellent communication skills, excellent problem solving skills, the confident

use of language, and body language, and the adequate knowledge of using a computer. She also

mentioned some personal qualities such as: good appearance, determination, and empathy.

Table 6: Interview 4, results (own Table)

Knowledge Skills Personal attributes

Business Awareness 3 Costumer oriented 5 Goal-oriented 4

Organization Awareness 4 Planning skill 4 Responsibility 5

Technical skills 5 Leadership 4 Self-confidence 4

External awareness 3 Overall communication 5 Team work minded 5

Foreign languages skill 5 Problem solving 5 Stress handling, flexibility 5

Delegating and supporting 3 Judgment, decision making 5

Motivating and developing 5

For her external awareness and business, awareness was least important than foreign languages

skills and technical skills the most essential. They are a castle hotel which has different competitors

so they do not find external awareness essential.

Technical skills are mostly computer skills and hospitality systems.

The most important skills were being customer oriented having great communication skills and be

able to motivate. As a leader have to lead but cannot do it without being able to motivate and

communicate. She did not add any other skills as she agreed that the list contains the most

important elements.

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She said being responsible and being able to handle stress is equal to decision making and

teamwork mindedness and all of them key for the job.

Her ranking was the following:

1. Technical skills

2. Foreign language skills

3. Communications

4. Problem solving

5. Decision-making

6. Customer-oriented

7. Organizational awareness

8. Stress management

9. Leadership, management

10. Business awareness

Interview 5 Netherlands

With Donna van Eekeren, the front office manager of Wyndham Apollo Hotel Amsterdam (4****,

223 rooms) in a 20 minute meeting the questions were talked through. Her definition of

competence was the following “The ability of an employee to do the job right.” This definition

was really close to the definition this paper use so after a short introduction of the theory, we could

talk about the questions. As educational requirements, Hotel school or anything related like MBO

(middle-level applied education, something similar to the Hungarian vocational school but it is

done after high school and can take from 1-4 years) or HBO (higher professional education, more

like college) does not matter which one. The character and experience are more important.

Table 7:Interview 5, results (own Table)

Knowledge Skills Personal attributes

Business Awareness 4 Costumer oriented 5 Goal-oriented 3

Organization Awareness 5 Planning skill 5 Responsibility 5

Technical skills 4 Leadership 4 Self-confidence 4

External awareness 3 Overall communication 4 Team work minded 4

Foreign languages skill 4 Problem solving 4 Stress handling, flexibility 5

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Delegating and supporting 4 Judgment, decision making 5

Motivating and developing 5

In case of knowledge external awareness was mentioned as least important as politics, and

economical changes does not change the flow of tourist in Amsterdam. Most important she said is

the Organizational awareness as the front office manager has to be aware where the company is

going. The mostly used technical skills which are essential are in terms of systems Opera, Dyflexis

(HR program), Microsoft Office and knowledge of the staff/room key system. Being able to

analyze data from those systems and turn them into action. As talking about skills she mentioned

that all the skills are important so they mostly go high rank. In terms of personal attributes goal

oriented was less important for the job, and being able to handle stress, being responsible and be

able to make decisions more essential.

1. Planning skill

2. Responsibility,

3. Stress handling and flexibility

4. Costumer oriented

5. Motivating and developing

6. Judgement and decision making,

7. Organization Awareness,

8. Technical skills

9. Self-confidence

10. Team work minded

Interview 6 Netherlands

With the manager, Jodie Steiger of Mgallery from Accor we had the chance for a two-hour

informal talk. Her definition was the following “Something you are able to do; you can be good

or bad at it but it is not necessarily job related.” This shows that she is aware of the idea of

competence and was able to define it. In the sense of education, she has educational background

of hotel management but it is not required. She said in general it is better to have a degree, but

people with great experience has good chances to get any job.

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Table 8: Interview 6, results (own Table)

Knowledge Skills Personal attributes

Business Awareness 5 Costumer oriented 5 Goal-oriented 4

Organization Awareness 3 Planning skill 4 Responsibility 5

Technical skills 3 Leadership 5 Self-confidence 4

External awareness 4 Overall communication 5 Team work minded 5

Foreign languages skill 4 Problem solving 4 Stress handling, flexibility 4

Delegating and supporting 3 Judgment, decision making 4

Motivating and developing 5

A hotel has to be aware of the competition therefore she gave 5 to business awareness, but only 3

to technical skills as a front office manager should see the greater picture and delegate certain tasks.

Still on contrary she only gave 3 for delegating as other skills are even more important. She

mentioned motivating, delegating, coaching, mentoring as essential and the value in embracing the

personality of the person itself and embrace they own uniqueness. All personal attributes are

important. She mentioned that Decision making is between 3-4 because as a front office manager

she should make decisions but on the other hand Netherlands have a more informal working style

and she wants the receptionists to solve the problems and make decisions, so in that way it would

be only 3. The rank of competences is:

1. Costumer oriented

2. Motivating

3. Responsible

4. Teamwork

5. Leadership

6. Communication

7. Business awareness

8. Self confidence

9. Planning skill

10. Organization awareness

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Interview 7 Netherlands

Christian Koch the new manager of Pension hotel was ready to help. The interview was 40 minutes

long and mostly informal. During our talk I understood that a homely environment is important to

Pension Hotel. No school is required but experience in tourism, ability to deal with numbers,

overview the system is important. Christian does not like to give 5 for anything because he does

not think somethings are essential, only important. Therefore, here there is no higher point then 4.

In case of foreign language skill, he intended to give a smaller point as he find language a basic

requirement. After understanding that it means it is important, he gave his maximum, four.

Table 9: Interview 7, results (own Table)

Knowledge Skills Personal attributes

Business Awareness 3 Costumer oriented 4 Goal-oriented 3

Organization Awareness 4 Planning skill 4 Responsibility 4

Technical skills 4 Leadership 3 Self-confidence 4

External awareness 2 Overall communication 4 Team work minded 4

Foreign languages skill 4 Problem solving 4 Stress handling, flexibility 4

Delegating and supporting 4 Judgment, decision making 4

Motivating and developing 3

Christian did not put high emphasis on motivating as his believe is that if the employee needs

motivation then they are in the wrong workplace, and people should motivate themselves. He

mentioned the Dutch work culture as employee should be independent and work on they own. He

said it is important to be able to laugh during job and be patient as guest can be difficult. Goal

oriented was not important in his job as he explained, Amsterdam is always so busy so they can

sell the rooms regardless.

The rank of the competences by Christian:

1. Teamwork minded

2. Problem solving

3. Overall communication

4. Organization awareness

5. Stress handling and flexibility

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6. Planning skill

7. Costumer oriented

8. Judgement and decision making

9. External awareness

10. Responsibility

Interview 8 Netherlands

The manager of the 2** hotel of 300 rooms choose to remain anonym, and he only had a short 10

minutes to answer the questions. For them experience and knowledge of hospitality is enough but

degree helps. The idea of the hotel is to hire interesting people with different personalities and

enthusiasm rather than professionals. His competence definition was more for the company as for

a person; “if another company is working better than we do, but we can catch up with them it

means we have competence”. He was not entirely aware of the definition of competency but after

discussing the working definition we were able to proceed. He said that experience and knowledge

of hospitality is enough but degree can help.

As Amsterdam is really international the knowledge of foreign languages skill is essential, but as

the hotel is cheap, they do not worry about external awareness.

Table 10: Interview 8, results (own Table)

Knowledge Skills Personal attributes

Business Awareness 4 Costumer oriented 4 goal-oriented 2

Organization Awareness 3 Planning skill 4 responsibility 5

Technical skills 3 Leadership 5 self-confidence 4

External awareness 2 Overall communication 5 Team work minded 5

Foreign languages skill 5 Problem solving 5 Stress handling, flexibility 5

Delegating and supporting 5 Judgment, decision making 5

Motivating and developing 5

The technical skills are computer skills, the ability to use Hospitality systems (MEWS) and to be

able to work with Excel, Word, and the internet. The skills were all important, but in the case of

the personal attributes goal-oriented was only 2 as he did not feel like it would be an essential part

of his work.

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His ratings were the following:

1. Leadership

2. Motivating and developing

3. Foreign languages skill

4. Delegating and support

5. Responsibility

6. Technical skill

7. Business awareness

8. Judgement and decision

9. Problem solving

10. Costumer oriented

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4. Findings

4.1. Educational requirements by the Hotel managers

Among Dutch hotels, there was only one having the requirement of at least an MBO or HBO but

the other hotels put a higher emphasis on characteristics and experience. Among Hungarian hotels,

it was a similar result. One hotel manager said they need hotel studies at least vocational school

level, but the other managers were highlighting competencies and experience and capabilities.

Regardless of the country or the size of the hotel, they all agreed that degree can help, but they

didn't find it essential.

4.2. Difference between Hungarian and Dutch results.

As it is visible in Table 11, the greatest difference is with the technical skills. The Dutch managers

gave less importance than the Hungarians. It can be explained that the Dutch culture is different,

less autocratic so there are more tasks done by the reception employees. Foreign languages skill

got a smaller rank in the Netherlands, but manager Christian Koch consciously scaled it less

important as he identified it as basic requirement therefore not important. It is important to note

that although Dutch children start to learn foreign languages at the age of 12, they interact with

English language in the everyday life just by watching television or a movie, therefor by the age

of 20, almost every person can speak at least 2 languages.

Table 11: Gap of knowledge in hotels (own Table)

Knowledge Hungarian

hotel managers

Dutch hotel



Business Awareness 3.75 4 0.25

Organization Awareness 4.25 3.75 0.5

Technical skills 4.5 3.5 1

External awareness 3 2.75 0.25

Foreign languages skill 4.75 4.25 0.5

All elements of skill (Table 12.) have a 0.5 difference. Planning and leading was a bit more

important in the Netherlands, while costumer oriented and communication got a bit higher point

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in Hungary. All together we can say there is no significant difference and these skills are important

regardless of the surroundings.

Table 12: Gap of skills in hotels (own Table)

Skills Hungarian

hotel Managers

Dutch hotel



Costumer oriented 5 4.5 0.5

Planning skill 3.75 4.25 0.5

Leadership 3.75 4.25 0.5

Overall communication 5 4.5 0.5

Problem solving 4.75 4.25 0.5

Delegating and supporting 3.5 4 0.5

Motivating and developing 5 4.5 0.5

In case of Personal attributes (Table 13.), responsibility has equal score in both countries.

Teamwork mindedness, stress handling, and decision making has a non-significant difference. The

only significant Gap was in being Goal-oriented, as the last hotel, interview number 8 did not find

it important at all, and interview number 7 also said it is not important as the nature of Amsterdam

is different than other cities.

Table 13: Gap of Personal attributes (own Table)

Personal attributes Hungarian

hotel Managers

Dutch hotel



Goal-oriented 4 3 1

Responsibility 4.75 4.75 0

Self-confidence 4.5 4 0.5

Team work minded 4.75 4.5 0.25

Stress handling and

flexibility 4.75 4.5 0.25

Judgment and decision

making 4.25 4.5 0.25

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All together there were 2 competences with a significant Gap, Technical skills and Goal oriented

with a Gap of 1, but other than that there is no significant difference therefor in the following part,

the summarized manager answers will be compared with the student answers.

Table 14: Cumulated answers from managers (own Table)

Knowledge Skills Personal attributes

Business Awareness 3.35 Costumer oriented 4.75 goal-oriented 3.5

Organization Awareness 3.65 Planning skill 4 responsibility 4.75

Technical skills 3.9 Leadership 4 self-confidence 4.25

External awareness 3.13 Overall communication 4.75 Team work minded 4.63

Foreign languages skill 4.15 Problem solving 4.5 Stress handling, flexibility 4.63

Delegating and supporting 3.75 Judgment, decision making 4.38

Motivating and



In each interview the managers were asked to make a rank of the most important skills. Comparing

their answers we can see that in the top 5 most important, the most common word was

Responsibility. It was never mention as the first but five manager mentioned it in the top 5, two

times as the second most important. It is followed by Communication, Motivating, Teamwork

mindedness and Costumer oriented, all of them were mentioned four times in the top 5. Costumer

oriented was mention two times as the most important. Stress handling and Foreign languages was

mentioned 3 times, and foreign language was always higher than 3rd place.

4.3. Students

The questioner was filled out mostly by female students, only 3 of them was male. The degree of

the students can be seen in the diagram (Figure 3). 11 person had master degree 17 had finished

bachelor degree, and the others were either studying on the bachelor level or in Higher Education.

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Figure 3: Degree of the students of the University of Pannonia (my Edits)

The main language the students speak is English as 36 of them choose it as a language they speak.

Second was, with 27 students, German.

Figure 4: Languages, excluding English and Germans (my Edits)

Beside the most common English and German, some of them spoke other European languages,

and in the other option two of them gave Japanese, 2 of them speak Romanian, one person knows

Slovakian and Swedish, and one spoke Dutch. 22 students were speaking 2 languages, 9 Students

were speaking 3 languages 1 student choose 4, but 8 students choose only 1 language. As the




Degree of the students

BA MA Other









Spanish Italian French Russian Other


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University of Pannonia offers classes in different languages and the students have the chance to be

active at the university with the ERASMUS students, or go on an ERASMUS exchange themselves,

the language knowledge seems sufficient.

4.3.1. Difference between students’ expectation of managers work and self-


The scale the students gave to the certain elements when they were asked what could be the level

of a manager was always higher than the actual answer of the managers. It means that the students

put their expectations higher than it is in reality. Before comparing the actual self-evaluation of

the students with the self-evaluation of the managers, it is good to see how the students are

experiencing the Gap.

In the Table of knowledge, we can see, that most of the elements are higher than 0.5. In case of

business Awareness and Organization awareness there is an average 0.8 difference between what

they think the need and what they think they have. The closest to expectation and self-evaluation

is foreign languages skill. The University of Pannonia offers classes on foreign language therefore

the students have the chance to practice.

Table 15: Student expectation and self-evaluation, Knowledge (own Table)

Knowledge Students


Students Self



Business Awareness 4.15 3.35 0.8

Organization Awareness 4.45 3.65 0.8

Technical skills 4.525 3.9 0.625

External awareness 3.625 3.125 0.5

Foreign languages skill 4.575 4.15 0.425

In the Table of Skills, elements such as Costumer oriented and Planning skill does not have a big

gap. It can be explained by the nature of the studies; university studies require the ability to be able

to plan ahead. On the other hand, Problem solving, Delegating and Leadership has a great

difference. Leader ship has the greatest 1.1 difference. The students didn’t experience the

opportunity to develop this skill. The students were asked what kind of skills they would find also

important. They mentioned negotiation, more than three of them mentioned patience and two of

them mentioned empathy. Other than that they put high emphasis on visible properties such as

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appearance and charisma. These elements, like appearance and emphaty, were mentioned by the

managers also, so it shows that the students are aware of the most important characteristics.

Table 16: Student expectation and self-evaluation, Skills (own Table)

Skills Students


Students Self



Costumer oriented 4.875 4.55 0.325

Planning skill 4.425 4.225 0.2

Leadership 4.7 3.6 1.1

Overall communication 4.95 4.4 0.55

Problem solving 4.875 4.175 0.7

Delegating and supporting 4.35 3.725 0.625

Motivating and developing 4.55 4.15 0.4

In personal attributes the biggest difference between the current level and the expected were

Decision making, Stress handling and Self-confidence. All of these are important characters of a

leader. On the other hand, there was no gap between the expected and the self-evaluated level of

goal oriented, and only a slight difference in Responsibility. Teamwork mindedness also seems to

be close to the expected level. As the students have to work in groups in a lot of cases, they already

have experience working in teams.

Table 17: Student expectation and self-evaluation, Personal attributes (own Table)

Personal attributes Students


Students Self



Goal-oriented 4.35 4.35 0

Responsibility 4.725 4.6 0.125

Self-confidence 4.425 3.575 0.85

Teamwork minded 4.6 4.225 0.375

Stress handling and


4.85 3.9 0.95

Judgment and decision


4.675 3.85 0.825

In the end it was asked from the students what kind of competencies should have been mentioned.

The word empathy and patience was mentioned again. Some of the managers were also mentioning


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The students were also asked if there were any king of competence they think they would need but

they feel like they could not have the chance to learn it at the university. The answers were the


Theoretical and practical knowledge about sales

Language, help from the university in developing the second language

Leadership skills

Two student mentioned that they would like to use the theoretical knowledge in practice

but they did not see a chance in the framework of the studies.

None of the managers have mentioned sales but leadership and practical knowledge was important.

4.3.2. Difference between student self-evaluation and hotel managers


The difference in self-evaluation and the manager rating is not as big as it was in the case of the

students’ expectation. In the sense of knowledge, they rate the importance of Technical skills the

same as the managers. The biggest difference is in business awareness which is 0.5. It can be

explained with the fact that Business Awareness comes with practice in workplace environment

and graduate students will not spend much time in that environment.

Table 18: Self-evaluation students and Hotel managers, Gap in Knowledge (own Table)

Knowledge Students






Business Awareness 3.35 3.875 0.525

Organization Awareness 3.65 4 0.35

Technical skills 3.9 4 0.1

External awareness 3.125 2.875 0.25

Foreign languages skill 4.15 4.5 0.35

Students rate Delegating and supporting as important as managers did, and there is no significant

difference between being Costumer oriented or in Planning skill. The only significant difference

is at Motivating and developing. There is a 0.6 point different which shows there is room for

improvement for the students.

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Table 19: Self-evaluation students and managers, Gap in Skills (own Table)

Skills Students






Costumer oriented 4.55 4.75 0.2

Planning skill 4.225 4 0.225

Leadership 3.6 4 0.4

Overall communication 4.4 4.75 0.35

Problem solving 4.175 4.5 0.325

Delegating and supporting 3.725 3.75 0.025

Motivating and developing 4.15 4.75 0.6

There is more significant difference in the personal attributes. Students rank themselves lower with

0.525 in decision making and judgement, 0.675 in self-confidence and 0.7 at stress handling.

Goal-oriented on the other hand was 0.85 point grater in the favor of the students. It can be

explained with the fact that the Dutch managers found goal oriented less important, because the

nature of the city and the amount of tourist will bring a stable occupancy and good business,

Table 20:Self-evaluation students and managers, Gap in Personal attributes (own Table)

Personal attributes Students






Goal-oriented 4.35 3.5 0.85

Responsibility 4.6 4.75 0.15

Self-confidence 3.575 4.25 0.675

Team work minded 4.225 4.625 0.4

Stress handling and

flexibility 3.9 4.625 0.725

Judgment and decision

making 3.85 4.375 0.525

After seeing the differences, it can be stated that significant GAP is present in case of Business

Awareness, Motivating and developing, Decision making, Self-confidence and Stress handling.

Based on the self-evaluation these are the competences the university should put higher emphasis.

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4.4. Competency questioner students

The students had to answer with yes and no questions to statements regarding they competence.

This part of the questioner was in order to determine where else do they have deficiency.

The questions can be divided into groups, measuring communication, theoretical knowledge,

applied knowledge, adaptation to an organization, tendentiousness, self-knowledge and self-

esteem, and human relations.

4.4.1. Communication.

Summarizing the results, the students got high score on the elements of communication.

The statements they had to answer were, I have good spelling, I can express myself accordingly

and understandably, I am good with comprehension and I speak confidently in public.

o Good spelling, in 85% yes

o Comprehension in 85% yes

o I can express myself, in 77.5% yes

o Speaking in front of public in 52.5% yes

The students could get a high rate in competence, as they got high score, but speaking in front of

public got only 52.5% in total. It means that the students have problem with this element.

If the data is studied separately at Figure 5, it is clear that master students have a better rate then

bachelor students. (11 master student and 29 bachelor student) Master students answered yes in

63.64% of the time and only 48.28% of the bachelor students answered yes to this question.

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Figure 5: Speaking in public: divided by bachelor and master students (my Edits)

In can be explained with the nature of the master program. The classes are more concentrated,

there is more space for discussion and the students have to perform presentations.

4.4.2. Theoretical knowledge

The elements of this category were to show if the student have the theoretical knowledge. It is

important for example in the case of Business and Organization Awareness.

The statements of this part were:

During my studies I acquired the theoretical knowledge; in 62.5% yes

I monitor the evolution of theoretical knowledge in the profession: in 35% yes

Ready to learn about the theoretical issues affecting my profession: in 65% yes

I am prepared in the theoretical knowledge affecting my profession: in 62.5% yes.

This competency got lower rate in average, but the statements about theory which could be

acquired in school was above 60%. The only low rate is about monitoring the changes in the

profession. This is a volunteer activity and based on the data we can assume that the students do

not motivated to get more information in the free time.

It is also important to note that master students gave 72.73% of acquiring and preparedness in

theoretical knowledge compared to 58.62% of the bachelor student. Interestingly the bachelor




Master students, 63.64%

Master students, 18.18%

Master students, 18.18%

Speaking in public divided by bachelor and master studnets

yes no I don't know

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students got higher rate about being ready to learning about the theoretical issues 68.97%

compared the master students 54.55%.

4.4.3. Applied knowledge

Applied knowledge is the theoretical knowledge used in practice. The statements of this part were

the following:

I am aware of the knowledge I have to use in my goal position: in 47.50% yes

I am familiar with the activities of my profession, in 60% yes

I can apply the tricks of my profession, in 35% yes

During my studies I acquired the necessary knowledge for my profession: in 50% yes

The answers apply that the students are not familiar with the practical knowledge. They know what

kind of activities the profession requires but they do not know the tricks and not aware of the exact

knowledge of the position they desire.

If the data is examined separately it shows that bachelor students think to be aware of the

knowledge necessary to the goal job but the master student 36.36% said only yes. The same amount

who was not sure in the answer.

Master, yes, 36.36%

Master, no, 27.27%

Master, 36.36%

Bachelor , 51.72%

Bachelor , 27.59%

Bachelor , 20.69%

Knowledge used in the oal position

yes no I don't know

Figure 6: Knowledge used in the goal position separated bachelor and master students (my Edits)

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Also being familiar with the activities of the profession ranked higher with the students of bachelor

studies than with the students of Master studies. Zsofia Logemann-Molnár said that it can be

explained with the fact that the more someone know about something, the more aware they become

how much they do not know about it.

4.4.4. Adaptation to an organization

This skill got excellent rate. The students seem to be grate in adapting to a group.

I have no problem adapting to the norms of a group, in 92.50% yes

I am quick recognizing expectations towards me, in 80% yes

I can adapt easily to the work frameworks, in 90% yes

I can fit in well (to a work or university group), in 82.50% yes

As students have to work together, many of them are living together in dormitories or participating

in university activities, they learn to adapt to groups.

The only significant difference between master and bachelor students in the case of recognizing

expectations. Master students said yes only in 63.64% and bachelor students 86.21% said yes. As

students are lack of practical experience and presumably they only referred to academic

experiences, the expectations of the master students are more complex than the bachelor students’

therefor it could explain the difference.

4.4.5. Purposive

Based on the answers this element is also good. During job search and at a new job a person can

perform better if they can define what he or she wants to do.

I have definite goals and ideas about my work, in 82.50% yes

I'm purposeful, in 8ten7,50% yes

I can draft what I want to achieve in my job, in 70.50% yes

I do according to my purpose: in 85% yes

Figure 7 and figure 8 shows the difference in percentage. In the first two statement there are big

differences between the master and bachelor students. Master students seem to be less certain about

the goals and ideas about their work, with 26% and in the case of them purpose they also rated

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20.37% less than the bachelors. There is a slight difference in the last statement acting according

to their purpose. Bachelor students agreed in a higher percent.

Figure 7: Purposive; in percent Bachelor students (my Edits)

The only element in this competence where master students ranked higher was in defining what

they want to achieve in their job. It can be also explained with the before mentioned phenomenon,

the more someone knows about the chosen field the more they understand how much they do not

know. Also as the interviews with the managers showed, the degree only counts as an extra and

experience is more valued. There is a possibility that even if the students finish they master studies,

they will not necessarily able to start to work in the desired field.

89.66% 93.10%75.86%




I have definite goals andideas about my work

I'm purposeful I can draft what I want toachieve in my job

I do according to mypurpose


yes no I don't know

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Figure 8: Purposive; in percent Master students (my Edits)

4.4.6. Self-knowledge and self-esteem

Trusting in ourselves can help to reach our goals. The students in average got good results for the

certain elements.

I trust my own abilities, in 82, 50% yes

I have good self-knowledge, in 80% yes

I trust in myself, in 70% yes

The same answers separated by the level of the students there is a big difference. Master students

appeared to have lower self-esteem. They trust less in their abilities, and also trust in themselves

is only 45.45% while 79.31% of the bachelor students said yes.














I have definite goals andideas about my work

I'm purposeful I can draft what I want toachieve in my job

I do according to mypurpose

Master students

yes no I don't know

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Figure 9: Trusting in own ability, comparing master awn bachelor students (my Edits)

4.4.7. Human relations

Human relations also got good rating from the students. If someone have problems with working

together others or handle human relations, it is better to have a job where they can work alone and

can be free form interactions. Tourism is not a profession like that especially the hotel industry so

it good that the students are ready to interact with others.

I listen to my comrades, in 92.50% yes

I can handle tension from human compassion, in 80% yes

I am interested in working with others, in 85% yes

I strive to develop friendly working atmosphere, in 97.50% yes

Working with others had big differences as bachelor students mostly answered with yes, but only

54.55% of the master students agreed. It can be because the master students have more

responsibility in their tasks.







Trust in own abilities

yes no I don't know

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Figure 10: Working with others, divided by master and bachelor students (my Edits)

With only one exception, all students are committed to develop friendly working atmosphere.

4.4.8. Summarizing

The students’ self-evaluation and the managers’ evaluation was really close so it seems the

students have the desired competency in most elements. The only elements where were bigger

difference were; motivating and developing, self-confidence, stress handling and flexibility,

judgment and decision making. Based on the competency evaluation, the students have good

competences in many of the most important characteristic like communication, but there are some

elements they answered poorly. This week points are, speaking in front of public, self- confidence

and self-esteem, applied knowledge and.





Working with others

yes no I don't know

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5. Suggestions

In this chapter there will be some suggestions of the author, how could the University strengthen

the weak points of the students. First, a plan was created and then a short consultation with

Psychologist and Stress counselor Zsófia Logemann-Molnár was made. She gave some

professional background to the author about the different methods and based on that a final list of

suggestions was created.

5.1. Speaking in front of public

Speaking in public is a common fear, but students may get into a position when they have to use

this skill and not necessary on a managerial level. Even at the reception position it can happen that

there is a group arrival, and the receptionist has to address the entire group.

The skill of presenting and speaking can be improved with a short term plan, but would be more

efficient if a long term solution would be implemented.

Short term plan

There could be a workshop (3-5 days) or a training (1-2 days) for the students, possibly profession

specific. A trainer can teach the necessary knowledge of speech, intonation, posture.

In a psychological point of view, the expert mentioned that it was important to accept the body

reactions. Reactions like blushing cannot be controlled therefore it is easy to become more nervous

just because one tries to avoid it. The students can be thought that instead of getting more nervous,

accepting it can help them more, and they will perform better. Similar body reaction is shaking

hands, or voice. The more they worry about it, the worse it will get. That is why it is important to

accept it, and not letting the fear and worry overtake. Repetition can also help. If there is a

presentation they are really afraid of; they have to practice it at home. Front of the mirror, front of

the roommates. They can record it or film it, so later they can observe it.

The students could learn techniques what they can practice, and build into the presentations.

This plan needs either an expert or a teacher who has the knowledge and as a workshop or training

could be introduced.

Long term plan

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As the results show, the master students had less problem with talking in front of public,

presumably, because they have to perform many presentations during their studies. Bachelor

students, on the other hand, do not have the chance to perform that often.

A possible solution could be the increase of the interactive classes. When the classes are interactive,

and the student has to participate in giving answers and forming an opinion, then in a safe

environment they will get used to talking in front of others. Also, if they did 2-3 presentations per

each class, it would force them to practice the skill. This is already works in practice at the master


5.2. Self-confidence and self-esteem

Lack of self-confidence can come from the fact that the students might not be aware of their skills

and attributes. First, they have to know what they are good at and where they want to develop and

after that action can be taken. The students have to get positive feedback.

This practice could be developed for instance during the Professional practice. The obligatory

practice is four months, and the students have to make a report in the end. This could be modified

in a way when they have to, for example, write a diary (weekly) what have happened and what

does it tell about them. This way they would be forced to self-evaluate and realize they high points.

The responsible from the company should give feedback not only the end of the four months but

at least every four weeks (preferably 2) at the end of the practice, the direct colleges of the student

should also give a short evaluation with highlighting also the good characteristics. This would

help the students understand them strong points and would give them more confidence.

In the specialized subjects (where there are fewer students, and the teacher have the opportunity),

in every quarter (2 months) the teacher could also give feedback, what the student did good, and

where is improvement or competence noticeable.

5.3. Motivating and developing

Motivating others is not something which can be a design class, but it could be built in the routine.

Motivating others will help the students to realize they own strength and also can motivate


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There could be a two-time motivation training organized. In the first training a little theoretical

background can be discussed, how can we give good feedback, why is it good for us to give

constructive criticism, how to focus on others success and compliment them for it, how can it be

beneficial to be aware of the needs of others. It can offer books and written material. At the class

after the theory, they could practice with roleplay. Also, there are tests available so the students

could be aware how they can be motivated, and it will help them to understand others. After the

first training, an online material could be available and interim tasks and exercises can be handed

out (online), where the students have to make a short video or write a summary how they completed

the task. (for example, they have to compliment strangers, or there is a roleplay they have to play

out and record.)

Later on, at the end of the semester, a second training can be held, where they can summarize what

they learned, and they can get feedback.

5.4. Stress handling

Stress handling starts with identifying the coping strategy one uses. How the individual will coop

with stress. There are active and passive strategies. Active strategy is for example running, boxing,

or cleaning the house. Passive is when they start to do something else than the source of the stress.

A small theoretical background is necessary, so the students can have an idea when is it worth it

to be active and fight stress and when they just have to accept it and be passive. For instance,

explained the expert, if there is a sick person in the family, an active strategy such as looking for

a cure can be more harmful than a passive strategy when they make sure they spend the time


They have to be aware what are the sources of stress, what can be avoided and how to deal with

the unavoidable.

The elements the students can develop are the following:

o Self-fulfilling prophecy, for example, they convince themselves they will fail on analyses,

how can they change they attitude and how can they distinguish between realistic and

nonrealistic fears.

o Time-management and making priorities. If they can avoid the last minute, deadline

situations they can avoid stress.

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o Relaxation techniques, sports like meditation, yoga, running, etc.

o The importance of healthy routine; eating, sleeping habits.

o They have to be aware of their energy balance and do things which gives them energy, so

they can have a healthy balance.

o Communication, how well can they communicate they needs with their surroundings.

Short term plan:

It can be an online training, workshop or 2 days training depends on the number of students

interested and the amount of resources invested.

The before mentioned points can be addressed in the training and situations, and roleplay can be a

part. The problem with the short term solution, that it would be similar to a theory only class, and

that should be avoided.

Long term plan

Stress handling could be introduced as a class for the second year students for signature only. This

would help them not only to handle working stress but to handle the stress ahead of them during

they studies.

After the above-mentioned theory, they can have roleplays, where they can get into a stressful

situation in a safe environment. The theory can be held in bigger classes, but the practice cannot

have more than approximately 20 students at once.

They can play out situations such as; one student has the role of the lecturer and have to try to

teach something or just explain something to the other students. The other participates of the class

have to do everything not to pay attention. It can be with extremely passive behavior but also the

other end where everyone is talking and misbehaving. The student in front has to try to regulate

the others. At the end of the task, they can talk about how they felt in their role, and they can get

feedback from the other students. They can learn from each other’s experiences, and get experience

themselves as every student should get into this or a similar role.

Similarly, to this, profession specific situation can be played out too. This class would not only

help them to coop with stress, but would also make them practice talk in front of others, would

develop they performing skills, help them to have less trouble to speak in front of public, and

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would help their self-esteem. If the class is coordinated with the other specialized classes from

tourism, they can introduce situations they should be able to solve based on the theoretical


For this, a professional is needed or a teacher willing to learn a bit about the topic.

5.5. Decision making

At master studies, the class managerial decisions with case studies which helps the master students

develop this skill. As not every student goes to study masters but bachelor students will also face

with decision making, the idea of the class could be introduced at the bachelor level.

It is also important to make the students understand the basics. Those who are perfectionists can

become indecisive because the can wait for too much to make a decision. Same goes for those who

have higher analytical skills; they can get simply over analyzing situations.

They can practice it with tasks like there is an amount of data or short period 10 minutes and they

have to make an instant decision. (just like at managerial decisions) As introducing the class to the

syllabus can be difficult, these exercises can be introduced in other classes occasionally so that the

bachelor students can have a bit of practice. Decision making has a strong relation with self-esteem,

as confident people make decisions easier.

5.6. Applied knowledge

The student gave the feedback that they would like to have more practice, or practice the theoretical

knowledge but they felt like they did not have the chance to that. Also in the competency

measurements showed they have problems applying the theory.

Many of the hotel schools have a “practice” hotel where the students can go and work in a group

of maximum 10 and learn in real life. As building up a similar working relationship with existing

hotels in Veszprem can be difficult, there should be other possibilities for the students to practice.

Next to the already existing field trips where students can have a better idea of the theory, there

could be the before mentioned situation, and role plays introduced.

Playing out the possible situations could help them try their abilities in a safe environment so that

they would be more certain about their abilities. Feedback is given by the students and the teacher

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could also help with their self-esteem. Situations, where they have to deal with costumers, can

make them practice decision making. Roleplay itself makes them get used to public speech.

Also easy tasks like making a schedule or a fictional order could be an exercise.

5.7. Summary

The theoretical background given to the students is sufficient to the potential future job, but with

more interactive classes, bigger student involvement, roleplay and situation exercises, they would

have a chance to practice their theoretical knowledge and make them more confident. As building

a hotel where the student could practice in every department and have a close look how a hotel

works in reality is time and resource consuming, therefore unrealistic, the thesis would suggest the

introduction of roleplay and more interactive classes.

Also, the introduction of a stress management class would be an excellent way to practice these

necessary skills.

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Management competences

Knowledge Skills Personal attributes

Business Awareness Costumer oriented Goal-oriented

Organization Awareness Planning skill Responsibility

Technical skills Leadership Self-confidence

External awareness Overall communication Team work minded

Foreign languages skill Problem solving Stress handling and


Delegating and supporting Judgement and decision


Motivating and developing

Business Awareness: set of attributes required to take business decisions for achieving

business objectives.

Organization: Awareness: Knowledge of the business, such as short- long term goals,

product knowledge, roles and relationships between various departments.

Technical skills: functional knowledge to perform the responsibilities for the job.

(knowledge of the operating system like opera, hostware; scheduling, analyzing)

External awareness: knowledge of the various market dynamics, new politics of the

government, regarding the industry, competitor’s strategies

Foreign languages skill- able to communicate and handle businesses and meetings in a

foreign language.

Costumer oriented- Making customers and their needs a primary focus of one’s actions;

developing and sustaining productive customer relations.

Planning and strategic thinking - Attribute required for understanding interrelationships

and requirements of different activities to be performed achieving the desired objectives.

Leadership – Attribute required taking responsibility for accomplishing the desired


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Communication – Ability to communicate, convey messages to everyone in the

organization. Also being good in interpersonal communication as listening, body language,

verbal language and conduct.

Problem solving and creativity: ability to search and find new solutions

Delegating and supporting - Attribute required enabling the subordinates to be effective in

the assigned job and contribute to the organization.

Motivating and developing- the skill of motivating others. With finding the interest of the

employee using it for further development.

Goal-oriented - be able to set real goals and respect the goal’s hierarchy

Responsibility - sense for achieving set goals and objectives and to delegate the correct

jobs to the right people

Self-confidence- belief in own strength and ability to achieve goals, able to take the

indicative and don’t wait for solution

Team work minded- understand how to work better with others. Helping the employee to

work better together.

Flexibility and stress handling- able to remain calm, and adjusting to the situation, able to

overcome barrier when achieving goals

Judgement and decision making – Able to make quick logical decisions in uncertain,

ambiguous situation calling for high level of intuitive/ judgment

Top five competences ranked by the managers.

Planning skill Costumer oriented

Teamwork minded

Leadership Customer orientated,

Foreign language skills

Technical skills Planning skill

Responsibility, Motivating Problem solving

Motivating and developing

Business awareness

Communication Foreign language skills


Stress handling and flexibility

Responsible Overall communication

foreign languages skill

Communication Problem solving

Communications Stress handling and flexibility

Costumer oriented

Teamwork Organization awareness

Delegating and support

Responsibility Self-confidence

Problem solving Costumer oriented

Motivating and developing

Leadership Stress handling and flexibility

Responsibility Teamwork minded

Teamwork minded

Decision-making Motivating and developing

Page 73: Kitti Hiezl Diplomadolgozat 2016 tavasz

Interview for front of house managers

Whit this interview I would like to see what are the most important competences for the role of

the front of house manager. The questions

What is your definition of competence?

Do you have a requirement for the education level of the Front of house manager? (If yes

what is it)

Competences can be divided into 3 categories; Knowledge, Skills and Personal attributes. I

would like to briefly analyze these 3 category, will ask for ranking and for the opinion of the



Please rate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following: 1 = Strongly

Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree

o Business Awareness

o Organization Awareness

o Technical skills

o External awareness

o Foreign languages skill

What are the technical skill you think are essential for fulfilling the role?


Please rate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following: 1 = Strongly

Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree

o Costumer oriented

o Planning skill

o Leadership

o Overall communication

o Problem solving

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o Delegating and supporting

o Motivating and developing

In your opinion is there a skill which was not mentioned but you would add or find it


Personal attributes:

Please rate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following: 1 = Strongly

Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree

o goal-oriented

o responsibility

o self-confidence

o Team work minded

o Stress handling and flexibility

o Judgement and decision making

Pleas choose the 10 most important competences from the table and put rank them.

Knowledge Skills Personal attributes

Business Awareness Costumer oriented goal-oriented

Organization Awareness Planning skill responsibility

Technical skills Leadership self-confidence

External awareness Overall communication Team work minded

Foreign languages skill Problem solving Stress handling and


Delegating and supporting Judgement and decision


Motivating and developing

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+ Is there anything you would add to the list?

Survey of the students

1. Neme

o Férfi

o Nő

2. Legmagasabb végzetsége

o Alap

o Mester

o Egyéb

A kompetenciák három kategóriába sorolhatók, Tudás, Képesség, Személyiség jegy,

Kérem, jelölje 1-5 terjedő skálán a következő Tudás elemeket (1 az egyáltalán nem értek egyet

és 5 a teljes mértékben egyetértek)

3. Mennyire fontosak az alábbi elemek egy FOH menedzser munkájában:

üzleti tudatosság 1 2 3 4 5

szervezet tudatosság 1 2 3 4 5

Technikai készségek 1 2 3 4 5

külső tudatosság 1 2 3 4 5

Idegen nyelv készség 1 2 3 4 5

4. Mennyire igazak jelenleg önre az alábbiak

üzleti tudatosság (magyarázat) 1 2 3 4 5

szervezet tudatosság (magyarázat hogy mit jelent ) 1 2 3 4 5

Technikai készségek 1 2 3 4 5

külső tudatosság 1 2 3 4 5

Idegen nyelv készség 1 2 3 4 5

5. Milyen idegennyelven beszél?

o Angol

Page 76: Kitti Hiezl Diplomadolgozat 2016 tavasz

o Német

o Francia

o Spanyol

o Egyéb:

Kérem, jelölje 1-5 terjedő skálán a következő Képességeket (1 az egyáltalán nem értek egyet és 5

a teljes mértékben egyetértek)

6. Mennyire fontosak az alábbi elemek egy FOH menedzser munkájában:

Ügyfélorientált 1 2 3 4 5

Tervezési készség 1 2 3 4 5

Vezetés 1 2 3 4 5

Kommunikáció 1 2 3 4 5

Probléma megoldás 1 2 3 4 5

Delegálás és támogatás 1 2 3 4 5

Motiváció 1 2 3 4 5

7. Mennyire igazak önre az alábbiak?

Ügyfélorientált 1 2 3 4 5

Tervezési készség 1 2 3 4 5

Vezetés 1 2 3 4 5

Kommunikáció 1 2 3 4 5

Probléma megoldás 1 2 3 4 5

Delegálás és támogatás 1 2 3 4 5

Motiváció 1 2 3 4 5

8. Milyen egyéb képességekkel rendelkezik?

Kérem, jelölje 1-5 terjedő skálán a következő Tulajdonság (1 az egyáltalán nem értek egyet és 5

a teljes mértékben egyetértek)

9. Mennyire fontosak az alábbi elemek egy FOH menedzser munkájában:

Célorientált 1 2 3 4 5

Page 77: Kitti Hiezl Diplomadolgozat 2016 tavasz

Felelősség tudat 1 2 3 4 5

Önbizalom 1 2 3 4 5

Csapatmunkában gondolkozó 1 2 3 4 5

Jó stressz kezelés és rugalmasság1 2 3 4 5

Gyors döntéshozatal 1 2 3 4 5

10. Mennyire igazak önre az alább felsoroltak?

Célorientált 1 2 3 4 5

Felelősség tudat 1 2 3 4 5

Önbizalom 1 2 3 4 5

Csapatmunkában gondolkozó 1 2 3 4 5

Jó stressz kezelés és rugalmasság1 2 3 4 5

Gyors döntéshozatal 1 2 3 4 5

11. Van e olyan tudás, készség, tulajdonság amit fontosnak tart de nem volt felsorolva:

12. Kérem válaszoljon az alábbi eldöntendő kérdésekre Igen / nem

1. Határozott elképzeléseim és céljaim vannak a munkámmal kapcsolatban

2. Bízom a saját képességeimben.

3. Jó a helyesírásom

4. Tanulmányaim során jól elsajátítottama z elméletet.

5. Tisztában vagyok vele, milyen feladatokkal fogok szembesülni a kitűzött


6. Nem okoz gondot egy csoport normáihoz való alkalmazkodás (egyetemi,


7. Odafigyelek a társaimra

8. Céltudatos vagyok

9. Jó az önismeretem

10. Pontosan és érthetően ki tudom fejezni magam

11. Figyelemmel kísérem a szakmával kapcsolatos elméleti tudás fejlődését

Page 78: Kitti Hiezl Diplomadolgozat 2016 tavasz

12. Járatos vagyok szakmám tevékenységeiben

13. Gyorsan felismerem a felém támasztott elvárásokat (munkahelyi, egyetemi)

14. Jól tudom kezelni az emberi együttérzéssel járó feszültségeket.

15. Meg tudom fogalmazni, mit szeretnék a munkám által elérni.

16. Bízom önmagamban

17. Nyilvánosság elött is magabiztosan beszélek

18. Szívesen tájékozódom a foglalkozásomat érintő elméleti kérdésekről.

19. Jól tudom alkalmazni a szakmámban használatos gyakorlati „trükköket”

20. Könnyen alkalmazkodom a munkavégzés kereteihez.

21. Szívesen dolgozom együtt másokkal

22. A céljaimnak megfelelően cselekszem

23. Képességeim megfelelnek a célállomásomnak

24. Jó szövegértéssel rendelkezem

25. Felkészült vagyok a foglalkozásommal kapcsolatos elméleti ismeretekről

26. Tanulmányaim során elsajátítottam a megfelelő és szükséges ismereteket

27. Jól be tudok illeszkedni (a munkahely szervezetébe, az osztályba stb.)

28. Barátságos (munkahelyi) légkör kialakítására törekszem.

13. Van-e olyan Tudás, képesség vagy tulajdonság, amit ön fejlesztene, de úgy érzi egyetemi

keretek között nem volt rá lehetőség