kelley brandt soprano · kelley brandt • soprano 1531 ne schuyler street, apt. 21, portland, or...

Kelley Brandt Soprano 1531 NE Schuyler Street, Apt. 21, Portland, OR 97212 857.234.2729 [email protected] Music Ministry Soprano Section Leader Portland, OR St. Mary’s Cathedral 2018-Present Cantor Portland, OR St. Thomas More 2016-Present Cantor Beaverton, OR St. Cecilia’s Church 2015-Present Cantor Tigard, OR St. Anthony’s Church 2015-Present Cantor Portland, OR Holy Family Church 2014-Present Concerts Fauré Requiem St. Mary’s Cathedral 2018 Händel Messiah Excerpts Tualatin Presbyterian Church 2016 Multiple Composter Portland Opera Gala Keller Auditorium 2014 Saint-Saëns Oratorio de Noël Tualatin Presbyterian Church 2013 Evan Lewis Four Picture Books Portland State University 2013 Vaughn Williams Hodie Trinity Episcopal Church 2011 Performed Operatic Roles Ariadne auf Naxos Echo Astoria Music Festival 2014 Rigoletto Giovanna Bleecker Street Opera 2010 Die Zauberflöte Zwei Dame New York Lyric Opera 2010 Competitions First Place Winner NATSAA Oregon Districts 2012 Conductors Directors Keith Clark Marc Astafan Benton Hess Martina Arroyo Michael Kleinschmidt Christopher Mattaliana Christopher Mattaliano Patricia Weinmann Training & Education Master of Music New England Conservatory of Music 2005 Bachelor of Music Pacific Lutheran University 2002 Lotte Lehmann Academy Perleberg, Germany 2009 Martina Arroyo Role Preparation Program New York, NY 2007 OperaWorks Los Angles, CA 2005 Bel Canto Northwest Portland, OR 2004

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Page 1: Kelley Brandt Soprano · Kelley Brandt • Soprano 1531 NE Schuyler Street, Apt. 21, Portland, OR 97212 857.234.2729 Music Ministry Soprano Section Leader

KelleyBrandt•Soprano1531NESchuylerStreet,Apt.21,Portland,[email protected] SopranoSectionLeader Portland,OR St.Mary’sCathedral 2018-PresentCantor Portland,OR St.ThomasMore 2016-PresentCantor Beaverton,OR St.Cecilia’sChurch2015-PresentCantor Tigard,OR St.Anthony’sChurch 2015-PresentCantor Portland,OR HolyFamilyChurch 2014-PresentConcerts Fauré Requiem St.Mary’sCathedral 2018Händel MessiahExcerpts TualatinPresbyterianChurch 2016MultipleComposter PortlandOperaGala KellerAuditorium 2014Saint-Saëns OratoriodeNoël TualatinPresbyterianChurch 2013EvanLewis FourPictureBooks PortlandStateUniversity 2013VaughnWilliams Hodie TrinityEpiscopalChurch 2011PerformedOperaticRoles AriadneaufNaxos Echo AstoriaMusicFestival 2014Rigoletto Giovanna BleeckerStreetOpera 2010DieZauberflöte ZweiDame NewYorkLyricOpera 2010Competitions FirstPlaceWinner NATSAA OregonDistricts 2012Conductors Directors KeithClark MarcAstafan BentonHess MartinaArroyo MichaelKleinschmidt ChristopherMattaliana ChristopherMattaliano PatriciaWeinmann Training&Education MasterofMusic NewEnglandConservatoryofMusic 2005BachelorofMusic PacificLutheranUniversity 2002LotteLehmannAcademy Perleberg,Germany 2009MartinaArroyoRolePreparationProgram NewYork,NY 2007OperaWorks LosAngles,CA 2005BelCantoNorthwest Portland,OR 2004