keenen photo health journal#1

The Good Life Leading a good life can make it easier to help others. Here are examples how I take time for myself inside and outside of my home so I am healthy and happy.

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Health Project 2011 Photo Journal


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The Good LifeLeading a good life can make it easier to help others. Here are examples how I take time for myself inside and outside of my home so I am healthy and happy.

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Larger Community Events: I was at the Phillies parade with my friend and hundreds of other Phillies fans. I had a great time, meeting the players and also new people. I made a couple new friends when I was at the parade, it was almost like a huge social event.

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Relaxing: After a long day at school and hockey I finally got home to relax and play with my puppy. When I relax a lot of my stress and tension eases and even goes away. I also use relaxing to rest my muscles and brain.

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Exercise and Fun With Friends: Its always a great thing to go outside and get some fresh air, going snowboarding is a great way to do both exercise and get fresh air. hanging out with friends and skiing is fun. Everyone should get exercise so why not do it with friends?

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Spending Time with Family: Spending time with family is always a good thing so you can catch up if you dont see them a lot. Being with family is comfortable and fun. Staying in touch with family is important, it always makes the family feel together even if you aren't.

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Playing with My Brother Peyton: Playing with your brother can get a little to serious at times but its always fun. My brother and I play around a lot but we both tier are selfs out quickly. Spending time with your family is always a fun time.

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SPORTS: Sports is always a great time to get exercise, no matter what sport it is. When you play sports, like baseball or football your team turns almost into a little family. In this picture I hit a grand slam and my team came to celebrate with me. Sports also gives you challenges that are good for you to experience.

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Being in Nature: takes the weak side out of you, it makes you think and realized things you wouldnʼt really think about. In this picture I remember thinking about all the happy things I have experienced in my life. It also makes you feel whole and comfortable.

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Going to Games Presentable and Respectable: For our school my hockey hockey team has to drees up, shirt/tie, to all of are games. We dress up because we want to show that are school isnʼt sloppy. It also show that we respect our sport and rules by wearing the nice cloths.

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Saving Energy: After I was done using the lights in the kitchen I turned off all the lights. By turning off the lights it saves money and electricity. If you arenʼt using the light why keep it on, so I and my family always turn off the lights when we are done.

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Personal Hygiene: By brushing your teeth you keep them clean and also you keep them. When you donʼt brush your teeth they have plaque build up and eventually have cavities. When you have cavities your teeth can have to have a filling and a guard to save them from more cavities and sharing cavities.

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Credits:Thank you to Dad, Mom, Aunt Marcie, Peyton (my brother), all my teammates for taking pictures and posing with me.

Software: Created in OS X (Mac) Pages & saved to a .PDF for compatibility


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