karteek hoshangabade manifesto aiesec pune local committee president 2016

KAARWAAN Karteek Hoshangabade Applicant – President 2016 AIESEC for Pune India

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  • KAARWAANKarteek Hoshangabade

    Applicant President 2016AIESEC for Pune




    2013 2014 2015

    The end of the beautiful era Of Gen2015..

    Marks the beginning Of our Kaarwaan.



    AIESEC for


    Wig 30


    TUM CHAL, TOH...


    Curriculum Vitae

    applicant President, 2016AIESEC for Pune,


  • biography

    Born in the small town of Yevatmal, on 29th September 1994, karteekgrew up in the lovely city of Pune. Studying in one of the big schools

    in Pune, he developed a fancy for sports and since then, they have become a big part of his life. He is passionate about cricket and has also played professionally until 2010. He is still a child at heart when

    it comes to superheroes and dreams of becoming Spider-man someday, is a potterhead and still reads harry potter.

    3 years ago, a friend forced him to join AIESEC.The first time around, he ran away from the venue!

    The next day he went for GD|PI, turned out he was the only one who got recruited from

    that bunch. And he has never looked back. karteek has seen the best of successes

    and worst of failures, but its his passion that keeps him driving forward IN LIFE.

    The last 5 years have taught him that its okay to fail, but its not okay to be a failure.

    Today, he stands at a place in life, having grown up as a witness to so many impactful movements all around the world. hE dreams

    of leading one himself. He dreams of creating an AIESEC for Pune. he dreams of reaching

    there with you and he invites you, through these pages, to become a part of this

    Karwaan |

    applicant - President, 2016AIESEC for Pune,



    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India


    1.Present your AIESEC Experience (visual ly/graphical ly/tabular) and list the three most important experiences.


    September | RecruitedQ4 - Team Member BD

    20131st MB! The WolfpackQ1 - Team Leader BD

    (Alumni Relations)

    AGM 2013Business DevelopmentBest Department Award

    1st OC! March,South-West


    2nd MB! The Wolfpack II Q2 - TL oGCDP(Expansions)


    The GuardiansVP Expansions

    Executive Body Coordinator

    Feb Lcong13.

    Executive Body Coordinator

    JNC 2014, Goa


    RYLC14, Manipal



    The MarathasVP Learning & Development

    Executive Body Coordinator

    CSR Summit 2015

    The MarathasVP Business



    RYLC15, Vizag

    2016 What next?

  • 2. What have been your main achievements and non-achievements in AIESEC in the past?

    - Nagpur upgraded to an Official Expansion.- Cash flow of Rs.2,64,000 from Expansions.- EBC term, June National Conference 2014.

    Alumni event delivery, Q1-2013 -CSR Summit, Q2-2015 -Sale of GC(O) projects -

    Achievements Non- achievements

    3. What are your three basic Learnings/Values for life, which you have derived through your AIESEC experience?- Humility: This is something that has stuck with me since Q2-2013, when I went to Nagpur for the first time in my AIESEC experience. Being a TL, I went with plans and strategies for the Nagpur members. In a meeting with the Leadership Body and the LCC of Nagpur, I was surprised how attentively they listened to everything I had to say and the plans I proposed even when these people were the heads of operations in the city and I was a mere TL. Ever since, I have always ensured I am humble no matter what position I hold.

    - Calmness: A value I learnt in JNC 2014. This experience taught me the importance of calmness as a leadership value. Everything that could have gone wrong, was going wrong at this conference. And I had the responsibility of being a leader to the 48 people OC under me. I relate this experience to how a duck swims in the pond endless struggle and paddling under water, but all we see is the calm and cool above the surface.

    - Its okay to fail, but its not okay to BE a failure-This is the most important learning I have taken back from 3 years of my AIESEC journey. I have been on the receiving end of not being selected for the MB, not being selected on OCs, my events not being delivered, failing in college, quitting AIESEC and even losing LCP elections. And yet, here I am.Its okay to fail, but its not okay BE a failure.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    A Guardian.VP Expansions - the most challenging and fulfilling

    experience. Being a mentor to a whole entity, while handling operations as well was one of the most enriching experience.

    Upgrading to OE, financial contribution and exchange

    were just bonus points.

    EBC, JNC 14Conference management, team

    leadership, diversity of people, corporate

    exposure, friends in different countries, I experienced

    everything that AIESEC boasts about in this one experience of

    3 months.-With a bunch of brilliant new recs, I managed to deliver 650


    A Maratha.The amount of learning Ive gained in this year has been immense. It has broken all

    the notions I had about being a retermer or a senior member. It just restored my

    belief that the amount of learning and growth in

    AIESEC is limitless.


  • 4. List al l the conferences you have attended and in what capacity.

    C onference RoleRYLC - Sept 2012, Khadakwasla Delegate

    LCong - Nov 2012, Khandala Delegate

    RYLC - March 2013, Silvassa Onsite OC

    LCong Feb 2014, Khandala EBC/Faci

    JNC - June 2014, Goa EBC

    RYLC - Sept 2014, Manipal Faci

    C onference RoleLCong - Oct 2014, Khadakwasla Faci

    ALC - Jan 2015, Kolkata Delegate

    LCong- Feb 2015, Khadakwasla Faci

    JNC - June 2015, Goa Delegate

    LCong - Aug 2014, Lonavala Faci

    RYLC - Sept 2015, Vizag Faci

    5. What aspect of your Executive Body term could you have signif icantly improved upon? (personal ly and as a team)

    -Personally:One thing that I believe I could have definitely improved upon is my contribution as VP BDx. BDx being a new portfolio, there was a lot of scope for innovation and I could not harvest any output from it even after a lot of efforts by my team.

    - Team: I dont believe any operational aspect of the team needed to improve apart from accountability and communication & involvement in team spheres. Accountability is an important aspect in a team which faltered at some points. Whereas internal communication and involvement in team spheres lacked majorly in the first half of the year.

    My experience has been much more than what you read till now.Success, failure or learning, something I always ask myself -

    What next?



    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • 1. What are your key strength and weakness ? .How wil l they effect the role you are applying for and what wil l be your unique contribution because of these strengths and weakness ?

    Personal Questionnaire


    Inability to get angry.



    Emotional Intelligence

    Ethics & Integrity

    Strenghts:- I believe having good transferable skills helps me be a mentor to anyone, anywhere, anytime irrespective of the situation. Communication skills, interpersonal skills, leadership skills are the strengths I refer to when I say Transferable skills.-Being ethical and integrous is something that cannot be compromised and being so myself will reflect on the teams under me.-Strong emotional intelligence helps me understand people and their emotions, their state of mind and the required dialogue with him/her. I believe this quality is important for all leaders as it brings the leader closer to the people not as his followers but as people.

    Weaknesses:- I tend to be meticulous and focus on tiny details more than necessary. It may not go well with time.- I dont and cant get angry. The only way this might affect my term is people taking my word lightly.- Ive been a victim of procrastination in the past and this is one weakness I intend to do away with and not let it affect this term.

    I believe the unique contribution I can bring to the term through my strengths is that of being a transformational leader. You can read more about the same in the next answer!

    2. What is your Leadership style ? Explain with real stories from past leadership experiences.

    - Transformational Leadership:As fancy as it may sound, all I mean to say is that I have always been the kind of leader who will not give you solutions, but provide you with the resources and guide you to find a path which shall lead you to one.As a leader, Ive always been someone who visualizes and creates a vision and guide my members come up with their own ideas and solutions to reach the end goal.Ive been a mentor to many people in the last 2 years and if theres one thing that they all have to say about me, it would be the fact that I never tell them whats right or wrong, what should or should not be done, what is good or bad, but ask them powerful questions which makes them come up to an answer themselves.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Personal Questionnaire

    - To give an easy example of transformational leadership Parents.Parents are the transformational leaders who have their vision for the family and visualize a certain future, and hence give their children all the required resources and learning for them to grow.- A small story to connect to above would be my term as VP Expansions.I went to Nagpur in the beginning of the year and tried to understand every aspect of AIESEC in Nagpur so as to lead me to find out the problems they were facing. When I did, I visualized AIESEC in Nagpur upgrading in the national plenary and started working towards by taking a small decision - appointing their LCC. Throughout the year, I mentored the LCC, gave the Leadership Body the required resources and training and gave them complete freedom to pursue their ideas. They asked me for solutions with problems they were facing as a start up LC and expected me to put forward solutions which Pune implements. For a simple reason that the realities of the 2 cities are different, I refused to give them solutions and went and had an expansion visit where I worked with the LCC to come up with their own strategies and solutions for their reality.6 months into my term at JNC 2014, Nagpur got upgraded.I believe deep down, every person knows what is to be done in face of a problem. All they need is to hear someone say it. I believe that someone needs to be they themselves. The only way to lead them there, is

    by sharing the vision and making them visualize the path.

    3. List the values you live by in your life and how you practice them in your day to day life. What kind of values would you want in your EB and the LC.

    - Humility: As I mentioned before, being humble is a value I live by every day. Be it through the interactions I have with colleagues or the conversations I have with friends, humility is a value that never leaves my side.

    - Calmness: Again, like I mentioned above, through AIESEC I understood the importance of calmness as a leadership value and it has stayed with me ever since. There is no specific way I practice this in my life. Ive become a calm person in these last 3 years.

    -Fun: This is something I have learnt not only through AIESEC but also in my personal life. If youre not having fun what youre doing, something needs to change. I get easily disheartened if what I do is not fun even if the situation I am in is supposed to be good. Example - I wasnt having fun studying electronics didnt care about dropping a year - changed my stream.

    -I believe values are something very personal to any individual. I do not wish to make my EB follow the values I live by. Id want my EB to be humble and approachable, emotionally intelligent and available for conversations. But other than that, theyre free to live by whatever values they live by as it is something very personal to each individual.- Something I want my EB & LC to follow is to have fun while they are in AIESEC alongside all the learning and work and targets and tangibles or whatever kind of stress. If Id not have had fun in my AIESEC journey, I would not have been here irrespective of how much I learn.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Personal Questionnaire

    4. What is driving you to continue in AIESEC ? What makes you apply for President?

    -My Purpose:Last year when I came back from RYLC as a facilitator, I started introspecting about what I really want to do ahead in my life. Till then, I had always lived under the impression that it is important to have a goal in life and kept trying to find mine but in vain. I knew for sure that I wanted to make a difference.There are 2 things I am really passionate about1- harvesting untapped potential from people who dont even realize they possess it.2- Cricket.And hence, throughout my Marathas term I kept wondering how can I make sure I do something I feel passionate about and manage to leave a mark. RYLC 2015 The 7 days that changed a lot of things. I realized having a goal in life is not the most important thing and instead one should find his mission, his purpose in life. I found my purpose after this conference

    To find the best talent in our country and provide them a platformto develop their skills as sports persons.

    For the next 5 years, I plan to work on my mission.

    - Still, why LCP?When I talk about creating a national platform for people to develop and showcase their skills, I dont mean I just intend to start an academy or an organization, but more importantly I intend to start a movement.A movement which realizes its potential when these people get the required platform, a movement which creates a stir and is joined by hundreds and thousands of aspiring sports persons, a movement where everyone walks together to one mission To develop and showcase the sports talent in our country.- This brings me to why I want to apply for the position. I intend to create a youth leadership movement in Pune. I dont see AIESEC being just a youth run organization, I visualize it as the Youth Leadership Movement which changes the city. - I have seen leaders come and go in AIESEC and it has made me believe in the power of an AIESEC experience. It has pushed me to take up challenges and this is one challenge I wish to take up. What drives me to continue in AIESEC is the wonderful opportunity of working on my passion of developing potential in the youth.

    Leaders dont create followers, They create more leaders.Because leaders, create movements and movements

    youll read this again ahead in the manifesto..


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Personal Questionnaire

    5. How wil l you make sure you execute your plans as execution is the biggest problem of al l the leaders?- Strategize? Execute? - Whats the biggest problem for leaders?Leaders are often found in situations where their biggest problems are usually between the both of the above. Either to strategize for a problem in hand or to execute the solution eventually both of them are interdependent and can cause problems in any movement.I visualize being a transformational leader who doesnt give solutions but only sets a vision for where the movement needs to go. How does this help me ensure the plans are executed? 1- I am not the one making plans. My team is the one making plans. My role here would be ensuring I create the kind of environment required. My role would be to provide all the necessary resources for them to come up with the strategies and to ensure they are on the pathway to the vision weve set for the movement.2- Being created by the team, the strategies will be something that come personally from everyone and would be a product of every individuals thought process. This gives every strategy a personal connection to the person involved in execution - a sense of ownership. This in turn ensures the kind of accountability we maintain and the execution of these strategies.Simple example to understand A boy wants to pursue cricket professionally as a career. Being the leader of the family, the parents role here is creating the kind of environment where the boy is free to pursue his dream. The parents role here is to provide him with all the necessary cricket equipment and training required for him to reach the vision of becoming a professional cricketer.As it is a personal choice and vision set by the boy for himself, he would ensure he takes the most out of the coaching and the training programs as this vision has a personal connection with the boy; which in turn ensures the fact that the boy puts in his efforts in the execution!

    7. What is that one thing that you want to learn from this Leadership Role and the reason for it?- For me, AIESEC is that movement which, through its actions and impact, inspires me to do more and be more every single day. Like I mentioned above, AIESEC has taught me its okay to fail but its not okay to BE a failure.- I stopped playing cricket when I was 16. That is something I always regret and term as a failure. But then again, AIESEC has taught me not to BE a failure! So here I am, passionately planning to create a movement of young talented individuals in the sphere of sport by creating the required spaces. - A major part of both the VP terms that I have done have been as a lone VP without members. Till now I have been someone who has walked continuously towards making AIESEC big but havent had the opportunity to lead more people along with me in this movement.This is my opportunity. One thing I want to take back from this LCP term is the understanding of how to spark a movement and then lead it. I want to learn how a movement is created and how it can change or impact the lives of people around it. Youll get a clearer picture on the next page!

    Main toh akela hi chala tha Janib-e-manzil magar,Log saath aate gaye, KAARWAAN banta gaya.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Personal Questionnaire

    6. What is your year theme. Why?

    To translate this word from Urdu, Kaar means a pursuit or a mission, while Waan refers to the people or the guardians of the mission.

    - Kaarwaan is a large movement of people who always travel together in pursuit of a mission. Irrespective of the challenges faced on the way, a kaarwaan stays united and keeps moving.

    -Around the time I was in my 8th-9th grade in school, I watched a small commercial by Times of India where they launched their Lead India movement. One line from that commercial has stayed with me in my mind

    always Tum Chalo, toh Hindustaan Chale literally translating to Be the front-runner; because when you walk, India walks with you.

    -Why do I want this to be my theme? Because I visualize AIESEC for Pune to become that Kaarwaan. I visualise AIESEC for Pune becoming the kind of movement which challenges convention, which is

    fearless, which is inclusive and one which is creating leaders everyday. And as you have read till now, when I talk about this Kaarwaan, I dont talk about an AIESEC in Pune.

    I talk about an AIESEC for Pune.And to achieve that, I need all of you to be the frontrunners. Because when you walk


    We live in an era of movements. In the last 2 years itself, movements have left a massive impact on the world. Egypt had fallen, Libyans had overthrown a powerful leader and

    there was a massive movement in Syria. Europes economic turmoil sparked movements in the UK, Spain and Greece. Protests targeting government corruption were occurring in India, led by Kejriwal and Hazare. Israelis took to the streets to rail against the rising costs of

    housing. Across countries, women dressed provocatively in the SlutWalk movement to change mindsets of people around the world.

    Every icon to the right symbolizes a movement.This is the power of movements they can start out with just a small group of people who believe passionately in something and they can

    end up changing the culture around the world.

    As I watched these movements transpire, I couldnt help but wonder how I can be part of something like that? Or if I could possibly help start something like that based around an issue that matters deeply to me?

    And I found my answer in this opportunity To lead an AIESEC for Pune.Movements are all about people being united behind a shared purpose a Kaarwaan.

    If we all work together to generate ideas that create more and more meaningful cultural connections, which drive our business as well as the societal impact that we create, more involved and meaningful relationships with our stakeholders, it puts us in the centre of communities, organizations and colleges as a virtual cycle of interactivity. This in turn, would help us not only identify but also effect the kind of relevant change required

    in all social, corporate and student sectors. AIESEC for Pune needs to be a Kaarwaan. AIESEC for Pune needs to be a Movement.

    And AIESECers for Pune need to be the frontrunners; because when you walk


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Organization Understanding

    1. What is your Understanding of AIESEC 2020? Envision the year 2020 for AIESEC in Pune in three statements as a leader of 2016.











    We envision a world where its possible for everyone to have access to an AIESEC experience - a world where engagement with AIESEC has no limits.

    I envision a Pune where AIESEC is present in all universities across the city and our digital

    systems are accessible across sectors.

    We envision AIESECersdisruptively changing the world with their innovative ideas and activities.

    I envision AIESEC being that movement which changes the

    city disruptively with its innovative projects and creates

    a better Pune with its Leadership experiences.

    We envision an AIESEC which addresses world issues through its projects and is dynamic in its response and collaborations with other organizations.

    I visualize not an AIESEC in Pune, but an AIESEC for Pune. I envision AIESEC being the solution to the problems in the city and

    being an AIESEC for Pune in collaboration with other organizations and legal authorities.

    Peace & Fulfillment of Humankinds Potential We envision and strive for this everyday through our activities. But exactly how do we achieve Peace and ensure the humankinds potential is fulfilled to the

    maximum?70% of the world is at peace today Is the vision of AIESEC relevant then?

    7 billion people in the world today How does AIESEC fulfill everyones potential?These are the kinds of questions we need to keep answering because these are the questions which will help us evolve with time. The AIESEC experience needs to evolve for the world. We dont need to fulfill 7 billion peoples potential! We need to create young leaders who can do that for us. We dont need to partake in

    political agendas and propagate peace! We need to create young leaders who have gone through a fulfilling experience and understand the concept of peace!

    And hence, our BHAG - Engage and Develop every young person in the world.What is it that we have to do to take us closer to engaging and developing every young person in the world?That is the most powerful question, we as AIESECers can ask ourselves and that is the question which has

    lead to the formation of the evolved ambitions of the movement.A2020 is important because it gives us a sense of direction in which we need to move to reach closer to

    Peace and Fulfillment of Humankinds Potential by making sure we Engage and Develop every young person in the world. And to reach there, AIESEC needs to become the worlds largest Youth Leadership

    Movement which shapes its activities around what the world needs, grows disruptively and is accessible to everyone, everywhere.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Organization Understanding2. We are moving towards a more customer centric organization. How wil l you in your year make AIESEC a customer centric organization? How wil l you increase customer experience in al l the programs that we offer?I believe the simplest way I can answer this question is by saying if we want to become Customer-centric, we need to change only one thing Behavior.Why do we need to change our behavior?-We go through inductions, learn about the portfolio, talk about experiences, we learn how to sell through sales sessions, we sell, we sell and we sell. What about delivery? Is delivery a formality or is it a behavior?

    Delivery is a behavior!The best organizations that we always remember and have respect for, are the organizations which stand-out because of their customer centricity. Take into context the Customer Flows - We as AIESECers focus all our energies on the attraction and consideration phases. We take inductions, we go for meetings, we sell, we Raise. This is precisely why the new CFs have come into place and implementation of the CFs along with all the Standards and Satisfaction checkpoints is the only way forward to becoming a customer centric movement.

    5 questions we need to ask ourselves at every single stage in the customer flow INTENT: What does the customer want to achieve at each step?EXPERIENCE: What actually happens at each step to serve the customers intent?ARTIFACTS: What does the customer physically touch, see, hear or encounter?OPERATIONS: What operations take place in the local committee?PEOPLE: Who, from our local committee manages the experience?

    -As much as I want AIESEC for Pune to be a bottom-up movement where I only play the role of a mentor and the actual front-runners are the AIESECers, I believe customer centricity is one thing where the process needs to be top-down. But how? An LCP doesnt even handle customers!-Being a customer centric organization does not only mean thinking about our external stakeholders. Our most valuable customers are the AIESECers themselves! I believe the behavior I demonstrate reflects on my team as well as the movement. Walt Disney liked taking walks around Disneyland whenever he got a chance. If he ever happened to see a paper on the ground, hed stoop down and pick it up. He called this Stooping to Excellence. He knew that as he walked through the park, all of the employees were watching him. He had to demonstrate excellence. He had to demonstrate that he wasnt beyond picking up trash off of the ground. If he didnt pick it up, he was effectively giving permission to all of the other Disney employees to walk past the trash.Simply put, when I demonstrate a certain behavior, my team shall do so too creating a kind of a culture.

    -How will that help us be customer centric?The top-rated customer service organizations are often the best organizations to work for as well. The reason is that the culture within the organization offers a similar experience to what the customer experiences on the outside. Hence, when we become centric to our biggest customers the AIESECers, we become centric to our stakeholders.Bottom line being that customer-centric organizations stand out. They are more enjoyable to work in and are desirable to work with! This not only helps us build our brand, but also helps us move towards becoming a Lovemark for people across sectors. I shall explain more about the concept of being a Lovemark in the Marketing specific questionnaire ahead.

    Lovemarks are the future beyond brands, they inspire Loyalty Beyond Reason and deliver beyond your expectations of great performance.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Organization Understanding

    3. Evaluate the new AIESEC way and LDM. How do you think they play an important role in an AIESECers life? If given a chance, what changes do you suggest in both? (If any)

    When Steve Jobs and Steve Woz started their venture in a garage, they named it Apple Computers Inc. because they made computers. Around the beginning of the 21st century, the same company revolutionalizedthe music industry with the launch of the iPod. Few years later they came out with the iTouch and changed

    the way people used gadgets. By this time, they had changed the name of their company from Apple Computers Inc. to Apple Inc. for a simple reason that the company had moved beyond making just

    computers and was rolling out other gadgets.

    The AIESEC Way as we knew it since the last few years, underwent an evolution and is now based around the Golden Circle theory.

    But why did the AIESEC Way have to change? Are we changing like Apple did? No, we arent changing.Our core value still remains the same Leadership.

    Understand that this is not the first time AIESEC has evolved and changed. AIESEC being the dynamic movement that it is, has evolved several times to best represent its relevance in that period of time. With the

    changing times, we need to evolve to ensure we are relevant to the world. The new and refreshed AIESEC Way has been simplified explaining in brief our WHY, our HOW, our

    WHAT, WHO we are and what VALUES we live by. It is a much simpler guide to any member working in AIESEC to understand the purpose of our existence and also the unique way in which we are achieving it.

    LDM // TheLEADERSwedevelop.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Organization Understanding

    This is the LEADERSHIP we believe in and develop.

    The AIESEC Way coupled with our Leadership Development Model creates a perfect portrayal of what AIESEC as a movement envisions and how it visualizes to reach there.

    I dont believe I would change or add anything in the AIESEC Way and the Leadership Development Model.

    We live in the most complex, interdependent and interconnected era in human history a reality we know as the hyper-connected world. This reality

    presents a new leadership context - shaped by adaptive challenges as well as transformational opportunities

    These parameters require a new type of LEADERSHIP.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Organization Understanding

    4. What is your understanding of the AIESEC Customer f low. C ompare it with a different companys customer f low and suggest what changes and improvement can you get in AIESEC Customer f low in Pune to achieve more results.

    Business Model Canvas

    Customer Relationships

    Simply put, The Customer Flow of AIESEC refers to the relationships we establish

    and maintain with our customers since the moment they have their first interaction

    with AIESEC until the moment the end their experience with us.

    You can see the workflow of e-commerce websites like Flipkart on the left.

    Similarities to observe: They too have an internal portal - the OMS like our EXPA and they have their main website, which is the public domain, like our OP. Once people order on their website, the order is downloaded on the OMS when the person registers on OP, the home LC can see it in the registrations. Once the order is generated, inventory allocation is done against that product Once a person registers, he is given access to our portal to browse internships (our inventory).After the inventory allocation, the order is packed along with the invoice and shipping label Once the person selects an internship, he is given a chance to apply and get matched.Once packed, the product is ready to be shipped from the warehouse to the customer once matched, the person is eligible to go for that internship and starts prepping!Order is handed over to the courier company to deliver it to the customer our EP is realized in the country and begins his internship.Finally, the product reaches the customer Our EP finishes the internship and comes back home.







    r Flo



    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Organization Understanding

    The Customer Flow does not need any changes to increase the value of the Customer Experience. The only thing that needs to be changed to help improve the customer flow efficiency is again behavior.

    Human minds are calibrated in such a manner that if we continue to do something as a process it becomes a habit, a behavior. Big organizations have fallen prey to this and hence, we need to change our behavior.

    We as a movement need to move beyond the Sales behavior to the Delivery behavior. If we want to become a customer centric movement, the only way forward is delivery beyond the greatest of expectations.

    Our promise to the world is Leadership.Our delivery cannot be exchanges, our delivery needs to be life changing leadership experiences.

    5. How wil l you use the 4DX model in you year? Explain each in detail.

    Act OnThe Lead Measures

    Create A Cadence Of


    Focus OnThe Wildly Important

    Keep A Compelling Scoreboard.

    The biggest learning for me from 4Dx was that it is not just a step-by-step process that needs to be followed but it is a behavior. If implemented well, it doesnt just reflect on the performance but also develops a healthy culture.

    To understand my thought process behind implementing 4DX, you need to understand the 2nd biggest learning I

    gained from the model.

    4DX is not driven by the Leader, it is driven by those in the ecosystem

    of execution.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    As you read on in this answer, you will understand the importance of the above statement.

    A simple thing to notice from the figure the flow moves from right to left and not left to right. Further in the answer,

    you will understand the significance of this point too.

    1st discipline Focus on the Wildly Important Goal (The WIG) :Every organization that tries to focus on 10-20 goals at a time, ensure they achieve none of them.Simple reason being that our efforts in execution are diverted towards 10 different goals and not more than 10% effort can be given to any. Focusing on the WIG is important to ensure the maximum efforts from us are put behind what is wildly important for us at the moment.I believe AIESEC for Pune needs to grow, and grow exponentially, in terms of not only the number of experiences we deliver but also the reach of our impact. Unfortunately the reach of our impact is constrained in the regular 8-10 countries we deliver experiences with. I dont have multiple WIGs for the LC, I have only one. My WIG for Pune -

    Experience delivery with 30


    The one way, I believe AIESEC for Pune can grow is by increasing the number of countries we do experience delivery with from a low 8-10 to at least 30 by the end of the year.It not only increases the reach of our impact but also creates presence across the AIESEC network. I have witnessed Pune do exchanges with 30-35 countries in the past and I believe it is very much possible if we put all our focus behind this one big Wildly Important Goal.

  • Organization Understanding


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    2nd discipline Act on the Lead Measures :Lag measures are what tell you the tangible status of the goal. Lead measures are the measures you can influence and are predictive in the sense that you can say it will impact and lead you the WIG. Organizations fail in execution simply because their focus is on the end goal and not on the measures that can lead them there. Here are the Lead and Lag measures in accordance to the WIG we have

    Experience delivery with 30


    Number of countries reached

    Number of ICX

    experiences delivered

    Number of OGX

    experiences delivered

    Lag measures

    IR Marketing GC(o)

    Lead measures

    The Lead Measures are mentioned in the Focus Areas for the year (Q.no. 4- LC Admin). Simple reason being, these are the 3 major areas we can act on to ensure we reach our WIG. IR : This is 1 major area we as an AIESEC entity lack. Something as simple as IR has been neglected in the recent few years and we have not moved beyond the same old 8-10 countries we do exchanges with. This has a direct impact on the number of experiences we deliver as we fail to reach out to more opportunities or more EPs.Marketing : I envision marketing playing a big role in the city working on the 2 major projects I have mentioned ahead in the manifesto. (a) Brand refresh of the city (b) Brand refresh in the city.Marketing needs to move beyond the spheres of digital media and needs a lot of groundwork. By the end of the year, I envision marketing playing a big role towards developing AIESEC for Pune as a lovemark in the eyes of our stakeholders.GC(o) : I cannot emphasize more on the importance of this portfolio. The portfolio itself is a the biggest lead measure if we want to achieve our WIG. Our oGX is strong and will always keep growing consistently owing to the fact that we are a student city. But GC(o) is one measure we need to influence and scale up disruptively to get closer to our WIG.

    3rd discipline A Compelling Scoreboard:The WIG and the lead measures being so simple to understand, something as simple as a world map can be used as a scoreboard. Every program team could have their own map which shows the countries reached out to. To add a fun aspect, Id want every member to pin down the countries and cities in which theyve established contact and made friends! This not only drives a sporty competition between the teams but also the spirit to WIN!

    4th discipline - Cadence of Accountability:This is the last but the most important discipline in 4DX. The reason why the flow in the figure moves from right to left is because accountability is the most important when it comes to execution. The ring surrounding the figure begins from accountability and ends with it. It is important that the strategies devised to work on the lead measures come from the people and not the leader because that gives an added value of ownership and accountability.Weekly team meetings, leadership body meetings are important to create a cadence of accountability.

  • Local Committee Administration

    1. Analyze the trends of the past four years (including 2015) of AIESEC Punes strategic direction (include performance & culture). How do you see the organizational direction of AIESEC Pune shaping up in the coming 2 years? Also, give a SW O T analysis of the LC for 2015.

    2011 2012 2013 2014



    2012-The year of stability! Marked a stable growth

    from previous year w.r.t exchanges.- Most exchanges till date in Pune

    - First ever CSR Projects sold. - Strong membership and

    leadership pipeline- LC in 12L debt

    262 exp.

    2013-The year of achievem

    ents! Steep growth in


    P, while iG


    was shut dow


    Most progressive oG


    in India,-

    Most progressive in Asia Pac.

    -Very less m

    embership and

    leadership retention-

    LC in debt free253



    he y


    of b


    ! M


    d a


    p gr


    of a


    t 40

    0% f




    s ye
















    BD in




    ng m



    p an







    LC in


    t of




    2014The year

    marked withups and downs.

    oGCDP missed cycles.No ICX contribution. F due

    to JNC 14. Nagpur upgraded &2 events delivered. Culture of non-

    achievement in the LC. Only 146 exp.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Local Committee Administration

    2015- GC(s) started with a slow summer, SU contribution negligible,

    - GC(o) failed to pick up throughout the year, missed summer matching peak.- GT(s) went through a slow matching period with a lot of unmatched EPs

    - GT(o) positive growth compared to last year, stable client delivery, lot of receivables in market.- You can read the Exchange Support analysis in the functions specific questionnaire.

    Strong financial baseNumber of members

    Strong VPs for all portfoliosGood membership in


    2 set SUsFinancial base for investmentsMarketing evolution in 2014

    good base for 2015.Membership base in Nagpur

    Lack of IR in the network.Lack of recognition in the

    network.Disgruntled membership in

    the HR of the LC.Member retention.

    Lack of senior membership.Negativity and culture of failure

    in the LC.No LC brand name as such in

    the city as well as in the international network.

    No pipeline.

    2. What is the stand you have for the LC in the year 2016? What are the key factors that wil l make AIESEC in Pune fulf il l this stand and how?

    The organizational direction that I visualize AIESEC for Pune to move towards in the next 2 years is reflected through what I envision for 2020. I envision AIESEC for Pune starting to work upon creating a base in all

    universities and across digital platforms to provide ease of access, I envision AIESEC for carrying out innovative activities and changing the city through leadership and I envision AIESEC for Pune to collaborate

    with like minded organizations and legal authorities and start working towards becoming an AIESEC for Pune.And last but not the least, I envision AIESEC as not just a brand but as a Lovemark for all our stakeholders as

    it is for me.

    A simple stand for the LC -To make AIESEC in Pune, an AIESEC for Pune by becoming the karwaan which symbolizes the Youth

    Leadership Movement that the city needs.What factors will fulfill this?

    AIESECers for Pune become the frontrunners of the LC, AIESEC becomes a lovemark for all stakeholders.How will that happen?

    When AIESECers for Pune get out of the trap of the current behavior of followership.

    Leaders dont create followers, They create more leaders.Because leaders create movements and movements shake the world.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Local Committee Administration

    3. What is your understanding of Lead and Lag Measures? Propose 3 lead and Lag measures that you wil l incorporate in your year?You can read about the same in my answer to Q no. 5 in the section - Organization Understanding

    4. What according tot you wil l be focus areas for AIESEC in Pune in 2016 and why? Explain.My focus areas are the lead measures we need to act on. My focus areas directly relate to the

    WIG I have envisioned for 2016. You can refer to my answer to Q no. 5 in the section -Organization Understanding - while your read this answer.


    RelationsGlobal Citizen


    Lovemarks are the future beyond brands. They inspire Loyalty Beyond Reason and deliver beyond expectations of great performance. Take away a brand from a person, and hell find an alternative. Lovemarksdont have an alternative. AIESEC for Pune needs to be the Lovemark that -- keeps our clients coming back- makes young people strive for leadership. Eg:We are a Lovemark for TajGoa, who come to us each year!We are a lovemark for all the aspiring LCP candidates!

    My WIG that you should be able to relate here, is to do experience delivery with at

    least 35 countries. AIESEC for Pune cannot grow beyond stagnancy if we keep

    doing exchange with the same old 7-8 major countries.

    IR is huge focus area for me because if we can create a presence in more and more

    countries, it will directly impact the number of experiences we

    deliver every year.The first focus area Marketing

    will also be instrumental in the efforts behind IR.

    My WIG of doing experience delivery with more than 35

    countries can only be fulfilled if Pune starts performing in

    this portfolio again. Pune has a history of being the topmost LC for GC(o) in the beginning of Gen2015 era and has been neglected in the latter half of

    the Gen2015 era. My Vision of becoming an AIESEC for Pune

    is meaningless if we are not shaping our activities around what Pune needs. The first 2

    focus areas are the biggest Lead measure for GC(o) to

    score big in the coming years.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Local Committee Administration

    5. Propose the organizational structure (Executive Body) that you plan to fol low for the next year.

    Id still want to keep the same OS as this year a flat structure.

    The changes that I would propose are-1- An added VP for GCo considering the kind

    of focus I want to drive in the program.2- An added VP for GTo considering it is one

    of the programs which can get in a major share of our exchange numbers.

    3- Single VPs in all Exchange Support function unlike 2015. Simple reason Clarity

    on job role, better and increased responsibilities. Wide open field for M, BD.

    Added VP X due to amount of responsibilities in the portfolio.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Local Committee Administration

    6. Propose a Governance & Accountability model for the LC for the year 2016.

    The 4DX model has a major focus on the accountability aspect. The implementation of 4DX itself will ensure the culture of accountability, not only in the EB but also the LC as a whole.For more details, you can read Q no. 5 in the sec - Organization Understanding.

    The points mentioned below are all the important aspects of Governance that will be followed in the year

    1. Leadership Bodies - Duties and responsibilities:I believe one major thing required in terms of Governance is crystal clear clarity on the roles and responsibilities of all the Leadership Body (EB/MB) positions in the LC. This ensures that the end responsible understand their role and can be hold accountable to the same.

    2. EB/LCP performance Review:I believe assessments and review is very important in any working body. It helps understand how far we are from the lag measures as well as understand which are the lead measures which will impact the operations the most. I also believe that the leaders performance needs to be reviewed as well from time to time to ensure there are no problems top-down.

    3. GB/MB review - Permanency grant: Membership review and grant of Voting rights and permanency shall be done twice - at the 2 LCongs. The criteria for permanency shall be decided by the LCP and VP GL together.

    4. Task Forces on the Executive Board: - Finance Task Force: FTF plays an important part and will be an important aspect of the governance model. The current finance policy shall be reviewed and revamped if necessary by FTF. The LCP, VP F and BD, M shall be on the FTF with VP F as the chair.- IR Task Force: This is one aspect we failed to capitalize on. Considering it is one of my focus areas, IRTF is important. All exchange VPs shall be on the TF with VP GCo as the chair.

    5. Conduct, HR Policy, F Policy:- Conduct: Simply put, the LC shall not be involved in unethical practices, non-transparent operations. - HR Policy: Something that we have never taken into consideration in Pune. HR Policy shall be a complete guide to management related governance policies. - F Policy: Again something that has never been strictly followed by Pune - the F Policy shall be crucial to the working of FTF as well as financial transparency in the LC.

    6. Culture of Leadership:- Last but not the least, I believe the leadership bodies play the most important role when it comes to organizational behavior and culture. Encouraging a culture of leadership to break away from this trap of followership will be an important role in the governance of the LC.

    Mere good governance is not enough. it has to be pro-people and pro-active.Good governance is putting people at the center of the development process.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Local Committee Administration

    7. According to you, what role wil l AIESEC play in the city of Pune as an International Youth Organization in 2016?

    Throughout the application, the one thing I have consistently mentioned is that I want this movement to not just be an AIESEC in Pune but to strive towards becoming an AIESEC for Pune. 3 focus areas to ensure AIESEC in Pune becomes AIESEC for Pune and in turn, plays its role as a International Youth Organization that changes the city in the next few years -

    Presence across all major

    colleges in the city.

    GC(O) scaling up its impact in


    Presence across all major collegesFor AIESEC to create an impact in the student sector as an International Youth Organization in 2016, we need to be present in all major colleges not only in terms of the people we send for internships, but also members - representatives of AIESEC in that college. Just having University Relations is not enough. We need to create a University Base inside all colleges. It is the only way we as a movement will move towards Being accessible to everyone, everywhere.

    Collaborations with the legal


    Collaborations with the legal authoritiesThe one major way AIESEC can grow in the city, FOR the city, is by collaborating with the concerned legal authorities and delivering projects in tandem to impact the city. This is one major factor if we as an International Youth Organization want to contribute to the Smart City initiative of the Indian govt. under which Pune has been selected. (You can read more about this in Q no.2 in sec Programs).This is a major way forward if we want to be Shaping our activities around what the world needs

    GC(O) scaling up its impact in numbersSimple question - how do we ever plan to change the city if our incoming exchanges do not even cross 50?Ive seen an AIESEC where we have delivered more than 200+ GC(o). I refuse to believe we cant even do 100 now. The only way AIESEC for Pune can increase the number of experiences we deliver every year is through GC(o). Our student sector is strong and shall keep growing, no doubt. OGX has been the focus throughout the Gen2015 era for Pune and we have grown immensely in the same.But again, heres the question - how do we measure our impact in the city? Are we even having any?The only way for AIESEC to grow in Pune is through GC(o) and we cannot afford to grow by 5-10 experiences a year. We need to start Growing Disruptively to have any kind of impact on the society.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Programs

    1. What according to you are going to be your f ive key synergy corners in the term? Why are these going to be the most important? Suggest specif ic projects you wil l work on in each corner for the exchange portfolios.

    Marketing being one of the focus areas, it will be a big synergy corner for the term. AIESEC has evolved in Marketing in only the last 2 years in Pune and still

    has a long way to go in terms of the Brand in the city.Brand refresh in the city and brand refresh of the city are 2 major projects for

    us to create any sort of presence not only in Pune but also in the AIESEC network which shall help us in the next point mentioned.

    Our strongest portfolio needs to be working in tandem with our weakest portfolio at the moment. IR being the focus project here, GC as a whole shall play a big role. Our WIG of delivering experiences with at least 35

    countries, shall be done majorly through GC. GC + M shall be a major synergy corner as well considering the above



    Task Forces

    M + BD

    Global Citizen

    GL + EB/MB

    - Events: delivery module right from conceptualization to sales, to be changed to M+BD being responsible for all events irrespective of the exchange portfolio in question. Whether it is a Nexus or a BKK, M+BD will be

    responsible and not GT(o) or GC(o) for example.- Collaborations with legal authorities: We require the full force of M+BD to be behind this project as it is not easy, but a necessity if we want growth.

    As mentioned before, our membership is our biggest customer and they cannot be left unsatisfied. Even though LnD failed as a portfolio in 2015, I

    want to inculcate LnD as a project for GL in synergy with the EB and the MB.Culture of Leadership: AIESECers from Pune needs to fall out of the trap of followership. The leadership bodies play a major role in developing a culture

    of Leadership.

    Task forces werent utilized in 2015. Only 2 task forces to be in place.IRTF: Consisting of all Program VPs with GC(o) as the chair.FTF: Consisting of LCP, VPF, M, BD VP F being the chair.

    While IR is a focus project not only for IRTF but for the whole LC. This TF will be crucial in reaching our WIG.

    Finance policy refresh is a major project for FTF


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • 2. What wil l be the changes that wil l leverage the volume of AIESEC in Pune ELD Experiences in 2016? How are these connected with the external environment?


    1- GC(o) has been the most underperforming portfolio for us since 2

    years now and that needs to change if we want the

    city to change in any manner.

    Ive answered this question in the manner that you understand the following 4 points-1- the current state 2- the direction in which the program should move in3- the lead measures than can take us there4- the relevance of these visions to the external environment.

    I do not propose any age-old strategies, for a simple reason that strategies are something that I believe need to come from my team; which, like I mentioned in the 4DX model, will not only increase

    ownership and accountability but also reflect on the performance

    2- Develop GC(o) to be the driving factor for an AIESEC for Pune.

    3- Lead Measures to take us closer:- Collaboration with legal authorities.- Umbrella projects creation in collaboration with organizations who have the similar vision of changing the city.- Cultural projects in accordance to the Marketing focus area.

    4- External Relevance:- Collaborating with the legal authorities to run projects in coordination with them ensures we are not just doing exchange, but actually shaping our activities according to the citys needs.- Umbrella projects will help us to pin-point the problems of the city and solve them in collaboration with similar organizations.- Cultural projects will not only help us increase the brand of AIESEC but Pune as a city in general in the AIESEC network.

    2- GC(s) to be the first choice volunteershipprogram for students in the city.

    3- Lead Measures to take us closer:- Moving beyond University Relations; Development of University Bases.- IR being focus, wider range of countries to give wider range of opportunities to EPs.- Marketing focus to be utilized to drive growth.

    4- External Relevance:- A lot of colleges in the city are coming up with compulsory social internship programs for their students in the first/second years. This is an external factor we can capitalize on to create relevance in universities.- An AIESEC base in the university will help them understand the edge of an AIESEC experience over local volunteership.

    1-GC(s) has been the most consistently growing

    portfolio in the last 3 years. But it has reached a phase of stagnancy with no significant change in



    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Programs

    1- GT(o) has been the most inconsistent portfolio for us since 4 years now. No proper CRM, lack of delivery and no track of

    clients has been the trend over the years.

    2- GT(o) to focus on delivering stakeholder experiences which last.

    3- Lead Measures to take us closer:- Constant update on CRM tool to ensure good IM. - IR focus to ensure wider range of country options to help grow sales as well as penetrate the startup market.- SnS implementation to be a behavior.

    4- External Relevance:- Pune has been selected in the 100 Smart Cities initiative by the Government. This is the brightest ray of hope for GT(o) as it will kickstart economy boost in the city along with influx of companies. - Pune ranks 2nd only after Bangalore in the country in terms of the startup ecosystem. Startups are always on the lookout for young working professionals and GT(o) can capitalize with short term, cost friendly internships.

    2- GT(s) to be a premium partner in colleges for internship opportunities for students

    3- Lead Measures to take us closer:- Collaborations with colleges to provide their top students internship opportunities through AIESEC.- Utilization of the Japan IR to boost growth in the city.

    4- External Relevance:- Many students nowadays prefer doing a job or finding an internship after graduation before they go for Masters. This is one major trend we can capitalize on.- Capitalizing on the global startup trend to provide students short term, professional experiences.

    1- GT(s) has been slow in 2015, but the base set up

    will provide a good support for the future.

    3. P lease give probable targets for the next year. P lease justify the same, especial ly along the lines of :a. Membership Volume & Experience b. Logistical Managementc. Stakeholders Experience Delivery d. International Relations






    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

  • Programs

    Logistical Management:Logistics includes 3 things if you take a look at the SnS Airport pick up, Documentation, Departure support.Simple IM and tracking required to ensure smooth delivery, no other complicated processes. Exchange VPs and MBs responsible for the same.Like I keep saying - not a process, a behavior.

    Membership Volume & Experience:-2 major recruitment cycles with the focus shifting to Feb recruitments more than Aug.-4 MB cycles- TMP required to the LC on the basis of targets Q1 - 51 Q2 - 60Q3 - 73 Q4 - 90- TLP (MB)Q1 12 Q2 20Q3 14 Q4 18 LnD as the focus project w.r.t HR to ensure strong leadership experiences.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    Stakeholder Experience Delivery:Focus on AIESECers to move out of sales behavior to adapt delivery behavior.SnS, IM and accountability are important aspects.

    International Relatiions:IR is a major focus area as you have read before.To achieve the WIG of reaching out to deliver experiences with at least 30 countries requires us to contact 35, 40+ countries in search of partnerships. There are no alternatives to IR unless we want to be stagnant and keep delivering exchanges with the same 8-10 countries.

    4. What action steps do you propose for a stronger quality of experiences delivered ? Propose Action steps for NEP, IGC, IGT, OGC and OGT.

    INTENT: What does the customer want to achieve at each step?

    EXPERIENCE: What actually happens at each step to serve the customers intent?

    ARTIFACTS: What does the customer physically touch, see, hear or encounter?

    OPERATIONS: What operations take place in the local committee?

    PEOPLE: Who, from our local committee manages the experience?

    As I mentioned above Delivery needs to be a behaviour. We have our customer flow in place, we know Standards & Satisfactions, what is missing? If you refer to Q.no.2 in sec - Organization Understanding, I mentioned 5 questions that we need to ask ourselves when it comes to experience delivery.5 questions every single stage in the experience delivery flow

    Given below is a small example of only the attraction phase of out customer flow. By the end of the answer you shall understand why these questions are important and how they will help us in ensuring strong experience

    delivery. While you go through the example, keep in mind the SnS .

  • Programs


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    This is just an example of how these questions will answer exactly what happens in every phase of our customer flow.

    But only following the customer flow or the SnS will not make a customers experience good. It is the behavior which makes or breaks any experience. Are we treating our clients like wed like to be treated

    in any professional setting? If the processes are in place and the answer is still no, then the only changes required are behavioral.

    Keeping in mind these 5 questions and simple changes in behavior will ensure stakeholder delivery and experience.

    Customer service is the new MARKETING.CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE is our biggest PRODUCT!

  • Functions BD/ER


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    1. Propose key projects for BD in 2016 for Pune and Expansions.

    Youth Speak Forum-


    Nexus May

    Youth Speak Forum-August

    BKK November





    Key projects

    Events delivery module to be changed No involvement of any portfolio apart from M+BD to be in charge of all events.

    YSF: Key project, twice in the year right after recruitments and before the summer/winter peaks.Nexus: Project for May to boost attraction phase for GT(o), board leverage important.Balakalakaar: Not just a PR event for the newspapers, I want BKK to be an event to mark the end of the education project as it is supposed to. JBM : Important to ensure we capitalize on the renewed board relations from 2015 and strengthen.YSF Nagpur : Before summer peak to boost GC(s) attraction in Nagpur.

    2. Evaluate the performance of BD in the year 2015 for Pune.Business Development 2015

    - 2 new BoA members at the beginning of the year.- Slow start to Q1 for BDx.-Failure to sell GC(o) projects.- CSR Summit delivery failure.- Renewed board contact with all the BoA.

  • Functions BD/ER


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    Business Development 2015- Contribution to JNC with raised conference requirements.- Failure to deliver any youth centric event.- No cash flow- Joint Board Meeting for the first time after 4 years.- Board contribution to upcoming Nexus.- Lack of synergy with M/GC(s) for YSF or college penetration.- Lack of any events in the city.- No membership/leadership development from the department.

    3. Give your (probable) BD target for the next year. Justify the same, considering the ground realities faced in the LC in 2015 and 2014.Business Development Targets for the year 2016 as according to the budget

    BusinessDevelopmentAnnualBudget2016 TotalHead Area Description Budgeted



    ERIncome Boardcontribution+Alumni 75,000

    Events FundsRaisedthroughevents 350,000

    ExchangeIncome NEPIncome(Consideringavg Rs.8000and20Re.) 160,000

    TOTAL 585,000GrandTotal 585,000



    CRMActivities Season'sGreetings,PartnershipLaunches 20,000

    Events ExpensesforLCevents 175,000SalesDevelopment Databasesetc 5,000

    TOTAL 200,000NetEarning 385,000

    According to the budgeted figure, Rs.3,85,000 is the Net Earning from Business Development.- Lack of sales in the last 2 years itself is a justification to the low target numbers.- Efforts to be put to capitalize on the recently made Alumni Board as well as the newly renewed relations with the BoA.- Other than the money aspect, collaboration with the legal authorities to boost ELD is a major focus for BD/ER this year.

  • Functions Finance


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    1. Define a f inancial ly sustainable LC. How do you envision AIESEC in Pune in 2016 with respect to being financial prof itable and investment-friend ly?I believe the following points need to be taken into consideration when defining a financially sustainable LC:1- Operational Reserve: The operational reserve for an organization is to cover and sustain an organization in case of stall of operations. An operational reserve should ideally range from 4-6 months of average operational cost and importance needs to be given to increase of these funds for AIESEC for Pune in 2016.2- Corpus fund: The implementation of the Corpus fund model is of utmost importance for a financially sustainable LC. Corpus fund is the fund generated and preserved for the sustenance of an organization and is restricted from use for other purposes. 3 Capital Reserve: I believe the LCs having potential of creating short-term funds that help in creation of assets for the LC can be termed as a financially sustainable LC (office space, furniture, etc)

    Focus in 2016 needs to be on the following to ensure smooth management and sustainability:



    Training and


    ReserveCreation &Investment



    Training and Education Training and education in the LC for the financial processes not only ensures an AIESECers understanding of the financial processes but also the importance of the efforts they put in to achieve the goals of the LC. Periodic Internal Assessment Periodic assessment internally ensures smooth tracking of finances. It helps us hold a person accountable on their TvA along with maintaining transparency in the LC.Reserve Creation & Investment strategies Something I believe has lacked in our LC is strategizing for reserve creation and investments. But as much as the LC needs to build its reserves, it is also important to make stipulated amount of investments in areas which will give us good RoI. The role of a VPF is not to maintain finances, but to make smart investments.Financial Policy refresh I simply fail to understand why a 28 year old LC still doesnt have a concrete financial policy or follows any financial compendium. This is a major project for VPF to ensure the financial processes in our LC are standardized, starting this year.

    Major investment focus on:1 International Relations and Internal Branding2 Marketing and PR3 Events4 TM/LnD

  • Functions - finance


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    2. Attach an outline budget with respect to your ELD program targets, including BD income from events, col laborations etc.The following table is only an outline budget showing the cash inflow and outflow. The detailed budget with the annual budget, admin, functions and programs is attached with the application package.

    AIESECinPuneAnnualBudget2016 TotalHead Area



    GlobalCitizen(Org) 624,000GlobalCitizen(Students) 1,465,000

    GlobalTalent(Org) 832,500GlobalTalent(Students) 397,500

    TOTAL 3,319,000


    BusinessDevelopment 535,000GL 25,000

    TOTAL 560,000


    ExchangeIncome 663000SupportIncome 0

    TOTAL 663,000GrandTotal 4,542,000



    GlobalCitizen(Org) 537,500GlobalCitizen(Students) 490,000

    GlobalTalent(Org) 367,500GlobalTalent(Students) 52,500

    TOTAL 1,447,500


    Promotion&Marketing 190,000HumanResources 182,000Administration 812,400EventExpenses 200,000

    TOTAL 1,354,400


    ExchangeExpense 276,500AdminExpense 100,000

    TOTAL 376,500

    MCFeesAffiliationFee+NERF 170,000

    TMPTLPFee 61,200TOTAL 231,200

    TotalExpensesexcludingExchangeFees 1,685,600TotalExpensesincludingExchangeFees 3,409,600

    NetTotal/Profit 1,102,400


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    3. Evaluate the performance of Finance in the year 2015.Starting with the financial status Pune started off 2015 on, I believe finance could have played a much more proactive role in operations.-Decent financial tracking-Lack of investment planning-No adherence to any sort of financial policy-Financial knowledge in the LC negligible-FTF did not play any role in finance matters post May.-Lack of any financial strategy-New office, one of the biggest investments-Too many investments, too little ROI-Free internship-PR Investment showed no ROI-Marketing investment showed no ROI- CSR Summit was a loss making event- Receivables still in market.

    1. What is your understanding of the distinction between TM as a function and TM as a program? Evaluate the performance of both in 2015.

    functions - TM & LnD

    Something we always fail to take into consideration when we talk about ELD, is the aspect of TM as a program.TM as a function is what we as AIESEC implement internally keeping in mind the HR of the entity.Whereas TM as the program is what we offer to our biggest customer base - our members. To understand the difference between both, relate it to any exchange portfolio. For eg- GC(s)GC(s) as function is what we do internally in AIESEC to recruit people for volunteer experiences abroad.Whereas GC(s) as a program is what we offer to the students who go abroad, the experience.If you refer to the quote after Q.no.4 in Programs, you will understand exactly why I refer to our members as our customers and the experience as your product.

    FUNCTION:TM as a function involves all the internal processes as following-1- Tracking membership experience/journey2- Tracking productivity, efficiency, learning & development3- Fulfilling talent needs of portfolios4- Induction modules for members5- Performance evaluation and appraisals6- Coaching and mentoring throughout TMP/TLPThese are the various functions of TM

    PROGRAM:Understanding what TM as a program offers is as easy as reflecting on your own experience. The Global Leaders Program is what we all are going through.1- Learning and development in personal as well as professional aspects2- Practical team experiences3- Practical leadership experiences4- Entrepreneurial outlook5- Corporate exposure etcare the few value we provide along with TM as a program or GLP.

    Functions - finance

  • functions - TM & LnD


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    TM as a portfolio has shown a lot of holistic growth in terms of the operations and processes we implement in the LC. And yet it has had its ups & downs. AIESEC for Pune has never had set processes for TM as a portfolio and membership experiences have been going for a toss.

    TM/LnD in 2015- HR managers concept worked well in Q1- Failure to retain members from the first recruitment (more on this in the next answer)- None of the MBs have been up to the mark- Lack of retention of senior members from last year- No LnD contribution whatsoever.- No induction/training modules prepared by LnD for the LC until August- No external learning for the membership - Mentorship circles failed to optimize any advantage- New and improved recruitment module one of the big innovations of the year.- Lack of leadership development initiatives from LnD

    2. Analyse the recruitment conducted this year. What innovations do you propose in the existing processes to make them even more effective for next year?

    Feb Recruitment The only way I could describe the Feb recruitment would be by saying it was unplanned, underprepared and not thought through.We dont have any of those people still working in the LC apart from the senior members and the recruitment did not contribute to any kind of operational support to the LC.Keep in mind, TM or LnD as a portfolio is not at fault here as all departments failed to retain members and create any kind of leadership experiences.

    Aug Recruitment This recruitment was one of the major innovation projects of the LC for 2015. We implemented the Myers-Briggs personality assessment test as the focal point of the recruitment.1- The EB went through the test and the results were obtained.2- The people who came for recruitments were put through this test to understand their personality traits, helping to gauge the compatibility with the EB.3- The simple point was that people falling in same personality traits groups tend to work together better. This factor would have ensured retention as well as good engagement,Drawbacks post recruitment:-failure to generate productivity inspite of a good selection procedure.- lack of organizational knowledge in the membership- culture of low engagement and lack of office culture.

    Innovations to the existing recruitment module I would not like to propose any innovations the existing model, I believe it is good enough. The aspect of recruitment which needs more work on is the post-recruitment phase of a new member. Analyzing personality traits of a person doesnt only help us understand which portfolio is he/she suitable for but also understanding him/her as a person. One thing I want the recruitment model to help in the next recruitment is understanding values of a person and not just the competencies.

  • functions - TM & LnD


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    Value Based RecruitmentsValue based recruitment is a concept of talent selection on

    the basis of the values that drive the organization.The idea is to select the candidates who best demonstrate

    the behaviors connected to the values and can be aligned to the purpose of the organization. These people are generally

    culture-fits and engage within the LC easily.

    Why value? Why not competencies?Competencies of a person are something that can be

    developed along the course with training and development.Whereas values are a part of the personality of a person that are very difficult to change. He/she would immediately align

    themselves to the purpose of AIESEC.

    3. Propose key projects for TM and L&D for the year 2016.



    IXP:iXP is one major focus area for GL which will lead us closer to our WIG. I visualize at least 20 AIESECers from Pune going abroad for iXPs. One way we can get closer to our WIG is by sending our own people to the countries we want to penetrate for the focus IR project. I have set aside a budget of Rs.1L only for iXP subsidies as it is one big lead measure towards our WIG.Lnd:As mentioned before, I visualize using LnD as a project and not just a portfolio. LnD modules to be created for every portfolio. LnD project not only for the members but also for the EB/MB because I believe the leadership bodies of any organization are the ones who need the most amount of knowledge and training even more than the members. Alumni Board, BoA offices to be utilized for the project.Culture of Leadership:This is not only a TM project as a whole but also for both the leadership bodies in the LC. I see the MB and EB playing a big role in development of a culture of leadership for us to fall out of the culture of followership. The whole motive behind creating a Kaarwaan is to create a leadership movement in the city, not for you to follow me, but for you to be the front-runners of this LC.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    4. How do you see LDM contributing to 2016 and customer experiences? Propose a model for the same.

    functions - TM & LnD

    Our Leadership Development Model

    AIESECs leadership development model seeks to prepare youth to take a stand on what they care about and become capable to make a difference through their

    everyday actions. We place our confidence in the youth because they

    possess the passion, dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit that is needed to shape the future.

    But we already know all this. Then why am I repeating it multiple times? Because that is what we as AIESECers fail to do externally. We know all these things and we discuss them internally. But do our customers know why we exist? Do they know why theyre taking interns from us? Do they know how we develop leaders? Mostly, the answer is no.

    3 important aspects where we need to utilize LDM to ensure good customer experience


    We love Sales, dont we all?But have we ever thought about including the LDM in our sales?

    We go and sell to a customer without the customer understanding why we want to develop leaders or how we do the same.

    Using Leadership Development Model in our sales not only makes them understand the fundamental solution we seek to develop but also gives them an idea of the

    credibility of our organization looking at the leaders we develop.It helps us take a step ahead and become a strategic partner for a company and

    not just an organization who fills their talent gaps. It helps us become the platform the youth always wanted and not just a vacation abroad.


    We have been calling ourselves the Youth Leadership Providers of the world since 2010, we say AIESEC is not an exchange organization, it is a leadership organization. But like I asked before, do we say it externally? For students, we are still an exchange

    organization and for companies we are still like an HR consultancy. Using LDM in our promotion by explaining AIESEC through LDM, showcasing leadership stories will help us in the following: 1- A brand as a leadership

    organization. 2 -Clear expectation setting for students, companies regarding their experience . 3- Overall, leading to better understanding of AIESEC by the customer,

    leading to better experiences.


    Lastly, but most importantly, education of AIESECers themselves. How many of our members actually understand the value behind adoption of the LDM? How many of

    them even realize these are the leadership qualities they are developing? Our members are the biggest brand ambassadors of AIESEC and need to be educated well in terms of organizational knowledge. One thing I have always believed in is selling AIESEC and not selling internships or events. Thats where we need to go.


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    1. What emphasis does Marketing as a function hold currently for AIESEC in Pune ? Critical ly analyze the same. Also evaluate its contribution to growth in al l ELD programs, including G lobal Leaders Program in 2015 .I cannot emphasize more on the importance of marketing for AIESEC today. Unfortunately enough, we stand at a phase in time where we do not understand what we require of marketing as a function in local realities. Every exchange portfolio wants marketing to boost their numbers, TM wants marketing to bring people for recruitments, BD wants marketing to promote their events, in short, all we ask from marketing is promotion. Is promotion, marketing? I want to emphasize here on this fact because ever since we first started evolving the function of Marketing in Pune, we have only banked on promotions. But beyond promotions, what next? Our promotions are becoming stagnant year by year and not much growth has been noticed in the exchange numbers even after having marketing as focus since 2 years.Marketing in 2015 -Lack of synergy with BD- no outcome out of YSF-No onground partnerships to boost brand or ELD- blog page only got ready around Aug-Sept.- No events in the city- no concrete contribution to any exchange portfolio apart from GCs, which was the focus all year long- Online registrations for GLP did not turn out to be a good output for TM in recruitments- started linkedin marketing and email marketing.

    As seen above, marketing hasnt really been able to do much and we yet ask for more promotions.You can read about how marketing needs to move beyond promotions and social media to evolve and develop as a function.

    2. How should Marketing evolve in the LC in 2016? How do you see it contributing to ELD programs in 2016?Before we get to 2016, lets answer these simple questions and judge ourselves on where we actually stand.1- Are we growing as a movement?2- Are we a brand? Are we a lovemark for anyone? Who are these people?3- Less than 100 exchanges incoming, are we creating impact? Does our LC have any presence globally?4- Are we delivering the best experiences? Are we creating Advocates?5- Are we solving problems in the city? Is AIESEC the solution?6- Are we an exchange organization? Are we a leadership organization?7- Who are we? What is AIESEC?

    Functions - MARKETING


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    Evolution of MarketingWhat answers do we get when we read the above questions? Not sure, maybe, unclear!Marketing as a function needs to evolve from being the function which is only utilized in the Attraction phase of the CF to becoming a portfolio which is at the center of all activities.Anyone who has studied basic marketing will understand the 4 Ps of marketing Product, Promotion, Price, PlaceProduct being an analysis of what actually a customer wantsPromotion being an analysis of how we promote the product Price being an analysis of how feasible a product is to a customerPlace being the place where the product meets the customer and is bought.

    Why are these things important?Since years now, we have been doing exchange and not experience delivery. Experience delivery needs to be the core of our operations because when we do experience delivery, we create advocates.

    Customer Service is the new Marketing, Customer Experience is the biggest ProductMarketing needs to evolve into becoming the function which not only promotes the leadership programs of AIESEC but also ensures the delivery of our promise. Our promise to the world is Leadership. Our delivery cannot be exchange, our delivery has to be life-

    changing leadership experiences.

    I believe all VPs have to be VP marketing when it comes to experience delivery. And their focus only needs to be to create Advocates. Because when we create advocates, we become a lovemark.

    2 major projects for Marketing--Brand refresh in the city: Focus on showcasing leadership stories and advocacy through our marketing activities. YSF is a big project in itself to ensure we reach out to our customers and understand what they actually want and how we can deliver it. -Brand refresh of the city: Focus on delivering beyond expectations to all incoming interns to ensure our presence globally. IR is also a major project which in synergy with marketing will have to ensure the showcasing of our experiences and again create and showcase advocates.

    1. What are the various spheres in the LC in which communication & Information Management plays a huge role or can a play a huge role? Propose innovations for al l of the spheres.

    Internal communication

    External communication

    Knowledge Management

    Data analysis and


    Policy Management

    EXPA usage, delivery


    Functions - MARKETING

    Functions - ciM


    Karteek Hoshangabadeapplicant President, 2016

    AIESEC for Pune,India

    Simple question Why do we need innovations in the field of CIM if we dont have any basic process set? The most important field where CIM needs to grow is to become a behavior in the LC. That is the only we need to implement this portfolio in right now and we dont need any innovations for the same.Information Management is something that goes with Governance as a whole according to me and needs to be driven down by the leadership bodies. The tools used for information management along with the channels used for internal as well as external communication are some vital parts of CIM that need to be put in place for this portfolio to start functioning. Database management, impact reports, event reports, client newsletters, LC newsletters, any and every kind of information flow needs to be recorded and documented.Like I said before for marketing, every VP needs to be VP CIM.

    2. C omment on how you envision the role of Information Systems in the functioning and administration of the local committee in 2016.-EXPA being our biggest information system at the moment, first and foremost important step is educating our members about EXPA and the online processes. - The support tool needs to be utilized by Marketing to understand our customers thoughts for us to take action.- Expanding and establishing our Citys presence in the global network -Implementation of the CF begins with expa and ends with EXPA, leveraging out of marketing to drive all traffic to EXPA- Brand establishment through external communication.-Storing experience records to increase internal as well as external brand presence.

    Functions - cim

  • Proposal Letter


    Gorkey Patwal,Local Committee President,AIESEC in Pune,India.

    Subject: Proposer for Karteek Hoshangabades application for the position of Local Committee President 2016.

    Of the past ten months Ive been in AIESEC in Pune, Karteek has been a very vital part of myexperiences as a member. He has always been someone I, as a member, as a mentee or as ateam leader, have looked up to in terms of his leadership style and his selfless love anddedication for the organization.As VP BD Exchange, he worked tirelessly towards sustaining the department and to providesupport to his team, which was essential in a department as tough as BD. Karteek, despite hiscalm demeanour, believes fiercely in his goals, and does not give up until it is successfullycarried out. As members, we have idolized Karteek as someone who works hard in silence, andlets his success speak for itself. The cumulation of all his efforts was the delivery of Punes firstever CSR Summit 2015 as its EBC. In spite of many hurdles faced by the team, he made surethe event was delivered to its full glory. His p