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  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    The Place of LiteraryCriticism in the High

    School Classroom

    Jamie L. Wills

    Kennesaw State University

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Do you use literary criticism

    in your classroom? If so,how do you use it?

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Readers

    Reflections on Literature through

    Literary Theories Joanne M. Golden& Donna Canan

    Main Point!

    The article provided a

    unique way to introduce

    and explain to studentsliterary theory.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Literary Theories and Snow White



    Enables us to see

    how language itself

    produces meaning.

    Binary Oppositions




  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Literary Theories and Snow White

    Feminist Criticism

    Exploring womensredefinition of their

    identity in writing.- Snow Whites life with the

    dwarves as important toher education as a

    submissive female wholearns lessons of service,selflessness, anddomesticity.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Literary Theories and Snow White

    The role of thedwarves is similar tothat of the peasantclasses in that itechoes the value ofhard work andsolidarity needed forsurvival. These

    dwarves support thefairytales socialorder.

    Marxist TheorySeeing society as

    a class struggle.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    The next step:

    Applying Literary Theories

    Structuralist: rich/poor,death/life, lucky/unlucky

    Feminist: Paul saves

    his mom, like princecharming always savesthe princess.

    Marxist: When they

    pool the money, it is asymbol of wanting toshare equally thewealth in the sameclass.

    D.H. Lawrence

    The Rocking-

    Horse Winner

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    The next step:

    Applying Literary Theories

    Structuralist: war/peace, reality/illusion,hate/love, truth/lies, sanity/insanity

    Feminist: Womens basic role is to havechildren.

    Marxist: The proles are worthless. Theyrejust like poor people, and they have no sayin what goes on.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Ours and StudentsResponses

    The novel should be finished before the

    theories are introduced.

    Additional theories could be used.

    The choice of works is important.

    Snow White was effective for introducing

    the theories.

    The theories should be wovenin over the course of the


  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Demystifying the Text:Literary Criticism in the High

    School Classroom

    Lisa Schade

    Criticism adds another level to our

    literary study and gives the studentsadded insight into the mysteries of

    literary interpretations.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Criticism all the year long

    Archetypal Criticism Gilgamesh

    Structuralism Oedipus Rex

    Reader-Response Criticism HamletBiographical CriticismDantes


    Marxist Kaffir BoyPhilosophical CriticismKafkas The


  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    The Final Product

    Students research in groups a

    geographical area of their choice.

    The research culminates in a 45 min.

    presentation about their country andits literary history. Students must

    locate and read poetry, essays, short

    stories, and one novel or long playlooking for a unifying philosophical or

    critical base.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Sing a New Song: A FreshLook at Literary Criticism

    Catherine P. Sagan

    Dr. Sagan, this is really tough. It

    took me half and hour to read a

    single page; its so dense!

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    The Response

    About eighteen years ago, experiencing

    mild guilt pangs at my audacity, I threw out

    all research assignments that mandated

    reference to formal literary criticism; in theirplace I asked my students to design their

    own thesis and surprise me-to link an

    original theory to an article found in a

    popular magazine they read for pleasure-e.g.,Mademoiselle, Cosmopolitan,

    Seventeen, Omni, Time.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    The Result The conch, rather thanbeing a symbol fordemocratic order, is an

    instrument of censorshipthat contributes to theevolving disorder on theisland.

    Simon is not a Christfigure but is sufferingfrom schizophrenicpsychosis, as described

    in an article inPsychology Today byDan Hurley, ImminentDanger.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    The rewards of using this research


    My students felt comfortable during

    later classroom discussions when I

    introduced the views of literary critics.

    The contemporary relevance of texts

    studied did not have to be defended:

    my students proved this by the

    connections they forged.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Reception Moments, Modern

    Literary Theory, and the

    Teaching of Literature

    - Patrick Sullivan

    Reception Moment examining

    how a text was received by the

    public when it was first printed

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Reception Moment #1

    Was characterized as rough,

    coarse and inelegantthe

    whole book suited to the

    slums than to intelligent,respectable people.

    Quote raises questions about

    the nature of language &

    deomonstrates the operationof different kinds of cultural


  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Reception Moment #2

    In later years the book wastermed as a grotesqueexample of racist trash everwritten.

    Questions students mayexplore comparing the firstreception with the secondmay include the explorationof why it wasnt seen asracist when it first cameout.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Classroom Application

    This is a great way to introduce

    literary criticism.

    Students can begin to appreciate the

    interrelationship between language,

    culture, and history as factors that

    influence the way we respond to the

    literature we read.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Lets give them something to talk

    (and think) about: Using literarytheory to enliven our

    classrooms. Jeffrey D. Wilhelm

    A look into the experts on

    literary criticism in the


  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Deborah ApplemanAppleman focuses onhow literary theory is notonly engaging tostudents because ithelps them to see theworld in a new way andto wield power in thatworld, but because ithelps them and us enter

    into and understandpositions other than ourown in a diverse andcomplex world.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Peter J. Rabinowitz

    Authorizing Readers

    Rabinowitz and co-authorMichael W. Smith talk

    about the authorialaudience. This is whenstudents adopt theknowledge andsensibilities of theaudience for whom thetext seems to have beenwritten.

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    Their Cooperative Conclusion

    English is about nothing! A high

    school student with whom I worked

    recently ranted on and on: English is

    about reading poems, telling aboutrhythm. English is about commas, for

    Gods sake! Its about nothing!

    Jeffrey D. Wilhelm

  • 7/27/2019 Jamie Wills


    SourcesGolden, J. M., & Canan, D. (2004, May). Mirror, mirror on

    the wall: Readers reflections on literature through literarytheories. English Journal, 93(5), 42-46.

    Sagan, C. P. (2003, July). Sing a new song: A fresh look atliterary criticism. English Journal, 92(6), 40.

    Schade, L. (1996, March). Demystifying the text: Literary

    criticism in the high school classroom. English Journal,85(3), 26-31.

    Sullivan, P. (2002, April). Reception moments, modernliterary theory, and the teaching of literature. Journal of

    Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 45(7), 568-578.

    Wilhelm, J. D. (2002, January). Lets give them something

    to talk (and think) about: Using literary theory to enlivenour classrooms. English Journal, 91(3), 128-130.