james s. & sans - digifind-it.com · c^rrasbury avenuo and borgn street ... notary, pnhho....

Inrftjsisioaaf Sard?. ]J 6, KINMONTH, M. D , Corner Grand and Asbury Avenues, Offloe Boors—7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 8 p. m.,'6 to 8 p. m. X)KS. KEATOR & ACKERMAN, T •*-' Homavtfpathla Physicians and Sarffeons, C^rr Asbury avenuo and Borgn street Hotinj—ijntu 9 a. m., 7 to 9 p, m. Telephone chnneotinn*. Ph 11 adelphfe^ pface—1724 Cheptnat Bt iSB TJPHAM,. Third avenue, Aebury Park.N, J) ..... . iiwtoeus fefls. J)B.BLLi Offloe Hoars until A . ir. PAWLEY, ... ^ EENTIE 15 Bonga arc., Asbnry Fark. N, J. J)R . 8, T. SLOCUM, . DENTIST. • .. ........ . Offloe—304Tffala St., opposite RaHifftkt^tatlon, Gas administered. Asbnry Park. N. JV A. 8. BDRTOKv J>. » . II. a. JBURTOH, D. D. 0, . OURTON BROTHERS, D T>entliti< Donn Bnlldln?, 506 Cookman avo., Asbnrj Park. New York Office-69 West 85th ut Gas administered. Appointments made by tele- phone or by mall Honrs: 0 a. m. to 5 p. is. MTra of **ZOZQ "—the new preparation for cleansing and preserving the Teeth. jyn. p, a. Davison, Veterinary Sargenn and Dentist. graduate of New York Cohere of 4 . ... . VETERINARY8URGHON8. Late Veterinary Sunreon to 4th Are'. R. R. Co. 1B00 horses. —* OFFICESCoward's Llvory stable, «ewall aye. Williams’"Harness Store. 167 Main s t 81., Belmar N. J. Asbnry Park. r. siwKms. n u n Etnujro. IJJAWKINS A DURAND. - Attorneys-kt-Law, Solicitors A Masters in Chaa eery, Mikado Building* Cookman A t., Aabnry Park. N .J. ' —* JSAAO 0. KENNEDY. A tto m e c g f e U j.ta (te » Special attention given to examination of Title*, Monmouth Building, Ashury Park, New Jersey. J)AVID HARVEY, Jr., •Counsel or-at-Law, Solicitor, Master and Exam - iner In Chanoery, Notary, Pnhho. Aabnry Park, N, J. flEORGE W. BYRAM; ^ ... ATTORNEY ATLAW, ' Mas tor and flollottor In Chanoery- /; linen y M. Nsvnjs, Counsellor at Law. "M'KVIUS * WILSON, " Law < Edhotd Wilbojt, 1 Attorney at Law. RED BANK, N.J. - "nAVm-H. .WYCEOFP, Jtu" ----- --— •»- Jiutleeofthe Pefteennd G eneral V o lleetln r A| Room No. IT , Monmonth Balldlnp. All moneys promptly paid to patrons when re- ceived. pRANK V. BODINE, ARt M bs. john w. biroh, E L O C D TIO N I9T. 814 Seventh avenue, A8BURT PARK, N. J. Lessons «iven in Classes, or private, com- mencing Nov. 15. $ AMD EL d^RtfE, VIOLINIST and TEACHER. ‘703 EMORY STREET, ABBURY PARK, Violins and bowsrepalred. * . RS. ROSAIilNE T. RIPLEY, 907 Fourth avenue, Aabnry Park. TEACHER OF PIMIO, M O M ARO THEORY. Pupil of Richard Hoffman. L im K C O T T , T i l X i O a ,122 Mattison Ave. Men’s Furnishings ROBERT T. GRAVATT, )t DBAixani 8toT#B,Heater8,Ranges, ' . tin w a re , *o. : C oofem an .av., n e a r B ond at., i - r .asbbbs pauses; jr. Tl* EHEIRRr UUDEM, IBTTEI1, &0. « a m « , T il ABE SHEET II8K I H t ST AU iim J0F rastclsss work at low rates,,^! GENUNG & CO. DEALERS CN BLUE STONE and all kinds of Stone for Building •jParKMoo. , . nd H \“ ( iv a IpeeSiiiy. . ABBL^ MONUMENTS AND [E3. . SLATH MANTiLB. - yardtod Offlea—Second a n . I M b st,, ASBURY PARK, N, J. ; _ " M, M. CRQSBIE, Suocessor to David Cartwright, ; ud MuiilaE t o k Taf Pa^g^to«ato^jN.^r^Pwo and P . ® . Box 803. A sbnry Pftrb, Bf. J . COOK HOWLAND, (Snwwiorlb X, P. Hcriftm,) -----DEALER IN—~ - . FLOUR F£KD, HA^ STRAW, Prepared Food and Medtolncs for Dorses, Cattle, Poultry,-and all requisites in ench a business. M ain st. Ac Rlaiaroc ave.. Anbury Park. Contractor and Builder, riana and epeclfl- catlons furnished. financial. MONMOITTH ASBDBY PAKE; NEW JERSEY. $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Capital Paid in, |50,000 Interest Allowed on Deposit*. S afe D eposit Boxen In O re a n d trarirlar f l s r p ro o f T a n lt, in Monmonth Building, comor Mattlson avenue and Bond street. Wills receipted for and kept vylthout charge. ISAAC O. KENNEDY^ President. ‘ DR.U.S. KEATpR, Vlce-Prca’t , H. IL YARD, Secretly. A. C. TWINING, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: G. D: W. VROOM, Trenton, N. J. W. J. HARRISON, Lakewood, N. J.. OLIVER H. BROWN, Spring Ukke?8; J. HENRYH.Yard,Ocean Beach, N.J. J. H. BUCBANAN, Sprinf Lake, N. J. JOSEPH MoDERMOTT, EVoebold, N .J. n. B, PIBRSON, Philadelphia, Pa, GEO. F. KROEHL, Asbnry Park. N. J.‘ BRUCE S. KEATOR, M.D., *‘ • A. C, TWINING,__ •• «• r SAAO O. KENNEDY. « $15,000 To Loan on Good Mortgages. S. C. COWABT. Freehold, N. J ^geufUis. Qliyer H. Brown, “-HOUSePUBfilSHiHi- EMPORIUM^ J. H. B. JOHNSON, Practical Watchmaker, Dealer in Fine Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles Ac. Watches and Jewelry r<jpalrodat City Prices. M&ia ctT6at, w OoakmAS avanne, Asmny pabk. n. j. GREATLY ENLARGED, REWLY STOCKED, , KKTiBKLYRE-ARRAHGED. H. B. BEEGLE, (l4toH.B,^eegleA8oa) EEAI* ESTATE and V INSURAKC3E A€>ENT: 18 tlsiB Atum, Ocean foon, 11 Loans Negotiated ao«i Legal Papers Drawn H; B.DEEGLE, N otarj rtblloand Commlsaioher of Deeds for New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the Dlstrlot of Columbia. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE & . MORTGA.GE I.OAKS, , 70S Cookman Ave. s.% t (StturnUounl. seaside.SoaoBoardingandSaj Itaos! ForGltlsand Children. 12th year opens Sept. 18, 1890. Full course In English Studies, Mathemat- ics, Languages and Munlc. Address MISS ROBS, principal. CM Asbury avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. G E O . M . B E N N E T T , HOUSE PAINTING n all Its branoh Grain- ing, I Estimates furnlshedonac L. Box v plication. .............. 183, Ooean Grove, N. J.' H. O. IWARRYOTT, C o n tracto r an d B uilder, Estimates furnished for every description of — work* Jobblnjpattended-topromptlyr— Residence-1 61Z XflCtTKTBaOE JkTr&MXJEZ, lLock Box 716 ASBtJB Y PA R K , Pf. J. ' S A M U E L W . E I R E B RTD E, COIiTBACTOK,f Carpenter-& Builder. Plana and specifications furnished. - Jobbing , promptly attended to. Best of referenoe given. Hesidenoe—Plrst ave., bet Bond and Emory fits. Shop and Offloe—First ave. s ndMaln s t 1 P.O. Box748. ASBURY PARK. FRED. B. GOWDY. T OHAS. H. 1HTOH8B. GOWDY & PITCHER, Carriages, and M anufactu- rers of H arness. ! Beponltorles—4ibnrj Park, Bed Bank ; and Toms Blver. A. A. TAYLOR, IV|asoh and Builder. Bricklaying' and Plastering In’ all branches /• »*- of Masonry work. Jobbing promptly attended to. t P. O. Box C97. pffioe. 710 Mattlson avenne. IE0, W. PATTERSON'S §0N8, DEALERS IN " -- * v i-.-= PILING, TIMBER, ^ ' ■*: ' ' A.ND - ". .. ■* ■* ■ GenexaH Contractors, " ...... ____________________________ '*]' - ASBURY PARK, N. J. JACOB DOLL, Jr., PRACTIC ........... Itt|» m i it lowest prices. m letare Mouldings and Framea, connty, at W all PL .. J Par ---has otuhand the. largest and finest line of plain and gilt wfch papers and decoration^'inf the. nty, **“ * * II X ........................ p a p e r H a n g e r ’* S upplies, Etc, Fiames mado to order at short, notice. The best New York and Philadelphia paper hangers employed. Estimates famished for paper hang- 09 and fcotaomlnlng, f_ _______ ■■ ’ 541 Conit <stu avenue, m q u noioj^ — James S. Earle & Sans Tbe Finest Stock of HoraMrmsIiing Goods # fouhd on the New Jersey Coast. t Designs in Furniture. . ANTIQUE! tfAK lo BidriiDi Sails, Sldi Boards, Slate, Tililat, Ete.- C arpets, m attings, R eed and R a ttan Goods, . B EDDING,---- Sllverw are, lUampSj, Stores. 11 _ All the Novelties In '■French, Bwlusiulsm and Do* m estie Qlsss.- F o r e ig n a m i I><Mrw«8tle C hina an d T a b le W are< Goods delivered In Asbury Park and Ooead Grove. ADON LIPPINCOTT, Contractor & Builder Plans and estimates cheerfully furnished. Jobbing In all branohes promptly and oaroluQy attended to. ■- ' , v Ilealdenco and Ship, 007 Main St., bet 1st and 2d, Aphnry Park, N. J. GEO. C. ORMEROD, CiTMCTOt AND S B t t B B , ASBURY PABK, S. J. Established 1873. - Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of reference given. Office and Residence, , . COR, 8EWALL AVE, AND BOND ST. N. H. KHiMSB, r^BuiWer Plans and specifications furnished and .eaft- mntco madu on all hinds of carpeuler work. Jobbing of all kinds attended to* Box ?065. R Pieman ave., Ocean Grove. Archibald Reynolds, REMOVER OF NIGHT SOIL Orders by mall promptly attended to»^ r fftiarantee the bcrt •work at the lowest.price. Residency WEST ASBURY PAIUT. N-’J l ;/;■; ’ ■ -. r..O. BOS C05. A'SBGnt rA'lilt.''NrJ: GgO. W. REDDEN, CONTRACTOR S BUILDER. EnUmatO* furnish ed' for every description ol bulUlng. Jobbing attended to promptly. BoxfrJ. ASBUBY PABK» N, J. MIRRORS FOR THE . . HOLIDAYS should now be ' Belucted or ordered. Etchings, . Engravings^ Water Colors, Oil Paintings, J1 'ftautu, ciuw tu: ASBURY PARK ELECTRIC LIGHT r O W E B 0 0 . MAIN STATION? Railroad, nfcar First avenue. ; f-- Furnishes Electric Arc and lights at any location. 203=B- John P Femberlr --------- • V' . /i , .. ,. . .. . vr - Forly Years’ Experieh# Traimfern of Beal Bstate. List of Conveyance, Monmouth Connty Clerk’s Offleo,,for tho two weeks ending November mot • • ■y 48 nOBYPARK. Amelia Waliinrrt o t to Wm. n. Palmer—Iota ,fiOa and 200. 83,000. . ^John VanUorn lo Cornelius VanHom—lot fl05. r._JVm. Baldwin to Amelia Yontnans—part or lot (378. 53.COO. i Phlneaa M. Berber to Mary A. Finch—lot at ’Asbury Park. 87,600. / Batouo! A. IJonmnn to Frederlok C. Braentlgam »,4-Iot77& 11. ) .Maria F.Wegnor d oL to James N. Parramoro ’M ot—lot Asbary Park. 81,000, 0 ■^Francis A. Slone to AUrcd Cubborly—lot 218. cm I,.1.- ocbin o^ov*. Robert J. Andrews to Henry B. Bceglo—lot 1408. Same to cam e-Iot 1405. 8?50. j. .Wotnplo to Joseph GwklU-lot 100. TDMORS, : |ASCE^ Old, Neglected and Misu derstood Cases of Diseasl Specially Treated. ‘I Special Treatmenl, FOR EYE, FQR EAR, v FOR SKIN, F O R T H R O A T , FOR HEART, FOR^ LUNGS, FOB ■11,600.' /iJLouIsa 8. Coleman irf al, to Jane P. Pratt-lot Jteo. 55.CCO. -J . ,ffl»nc3 Black to Elizabeth Wood—loLs 600 and .^1 and r a t b of lota GP8 and 099. 87,COO . I MlnnloA Peters to George A- Clark—lot 408. 7I ,cX)Q i j^Tbomos TI. Clark to George W. Jarnctt—lot 1,451 i^-CO. •, . K mbptpnb TOTnreniT. jlJcnnle Jon<arf al to Abraham Stryker—land Tncar Ocean Grove. 82.0C0. I LlnnloS, Hetrick rt nt to Laura Johnson—lot jsear Asbmy Park. 8200. I Washington White ei aJ, to Jullel Blocnm—lot OTU Wes* Ashury Park. f James H. Sexton to Margaret Bennclt-lot 445, llotm t Pr<»poot Cemetery. 135. ! Michael Cornsr to Jo&epolno M. Winans—lot «S29, West Asbury Park. 1400. i Henry MItcbcll to Washington Wblte*~land In ffeptnne township. 91. I Jpbn P, L, Tilton, adm’r, to Wm, F, Morris-* |iJand in Neplone township. 8180. \ Washington Wfa Ito to Henry Mitchell—land In ewune township. 31. . • •• j Alfred -Cubberly to Francis A. Bower—lot 2 ^ Asbury Park. 8;00. Robert C. Love to ElJiabtth Gato-lot 17B, Key ..Mt. ?4,800. >.£flther RlcO to Edward Batchelor-lot 280, Avon 'y the 8<a. 81.. lam eto samo—Rame property. 81. r^r^ret^ Bennett to Mary E. L. James—land ear,Mhory Para. 82,000. j Hoop to Mary E. Newhardt—lotS7,Oeeanj “ ~L* 3 Green et al. ta Melissa Bennett—lots 0 West Asbnry Park. I860, 1 A. W, Hetrick to Francis A. Stone-rlot . . st Asbury Park. $400. • ( 4|sabelh Gate toBobt C.Iovc-lotln Neptnne rnahlp. $2,800. ; Ti ?!^. VISCEUA^XODS. ‘ | ■i ttalstwi H. Walnright a ol to Bachel Woolley—■ )afld lu Wall township. $510. v,JL T,.Stout to Charles II. Leonard—lota 1M and 4®. Loch Arbour. 83.500. ! iCaroUno^ilorfprd to Henry N. 8upp—land at Bed; ^Adallno_Clark to Mary Woolley—lot at-Long! f^W ob Hicks. Jiv, to Jac0b„Naus^two^lots ia* ycean township. *8I,BOO. ^ Manuel l-errar to to Rocco Firrante tl o l —lo t 60, tons Brancb. 8300. £John S. LUtle et al., to Charles Boston—land ini Matawan. $l. ?Mary J. Wilson et al, to Wm, Miller—land In Middletown township. 8160. Rebecca A. Perrlne fl at, to Wm. K, Truer— land In Freehold. 81. i Auron Corlles, Jr., to Carollno J. Hamilton—lots Bpilcn Lako Bcaoh. STiO . •John Comar to Michael Comai^lot 49, Bed Dank. 8^5 GO. 1 Irene (j Walker cl af., lo Fannlo Cook—lot Long [irancb. 81. j I?annlo O]ok, Ex'r, to Henry C. Walker—land * occanvllle. fcJ,GGa. ‘ nihonv Truax to Anthony T. Truax-land i&laud, Occari townsblp. $23. ard Ela pa rt al, to Emma Hamilton— John J. Thompson, late Sheriff, to Mary E. Ap- Wejrate ief /cy.-^ota; 4» and W, .Long Branch lantioT l?^hlI John ds-' igue to John Dowd—Jot 850, At* .CocQpton to rhrla. Wernefee-lot In Middletown tQTrnshlp. ^ 100. . Bnllding Contracts. riLBD TOAHD mOLTTDINtt.WOV 8, 1890. 2S05—AloiizoBrowerwith Edward O, DeRocho —jgdnting boHdinra, Freehold. 8^9.50. gfflfi—Mary Bowman with Low is Brown—build- ing. Little SUver, f3,^50. - . jS997—Henry Gogol with C. Y. N. Wllaon-bulld- In^ Lonp Branoh. W.200. ‘ with 1 1 . Mills with Benj. Albertson—build- ... ------------ ry Park. 88.8fil, Henrietta E. Chanfrau with Joseph Jtob- blMj& Cp,—hullBljur at Loon Bmn^_“f v ic i a .. 8000-Mary J. Mdlford with Carman A Hol- brook—building at Ocean Grovo. $2,800. 8001—Benjamin Albertson with Albert A. Tay- lor—bnlldinjc at Asbury Park. 8800. 8008—D, H, Attwater with Jobta Falkcnbijrg— bnilding at Red Bank. *3,007. 8003-JoaephIne M.-Wfnana with Wm.D. Stout —building at A*bory Pdrk. 83,800. 30M—Benjamin VanBrunt with Maria C.Henry —bulkheitd, Sea Bright, $1,160. - ............ . SOOB^Samuel B. Thorp -wit.. with *Tnllm Bash— IIsbTands. $4KS, 0 With Thomas Jenninifs— building a t Atlantio Highlands." $330. , 8007—Mary B. Montague with V, buildingat Atlantio Highlands. 82,77i «ot8-Wffl. B. stout with Robbins ____ son work on building at Asbnry Park. ftm . 8000—{door^e Brown with Wm. U. Jackson imlnting barn. Freehold. 8«8B0. 8010—Elizabeth Wood with kelson H Kllmor- btilldlng at Ocean Grove. $4.62). 8011—John W. Meroalth to H< house at Long Branch. W CO.). ------ -- - Wo at Long Wm. Kipp— ViUfjRobbiDs^ —ma* Horace Stanton- louseai ___ _...................... .8012—Rphm T. Tlgho with John Ryan, Jr.—sta- m $100. il ranch I'UUIIIU " ,v |S l Occan^ jri.Anthon , OCEAN AVENUE, LONG BRANCH, BOX 2. .‘‘Seeing is Believing" Perfect iuOtrngtrcctlao. ArHrtio in Bamga. lajcJAca b Ita Hgirfc Absolutely safe and u 11breakable p soslroOloB ehijdc&n manege It. It'a light la pnrer ana brighter than B*JtlIghfc,w>fter tb»n electric ilgJit, more-cbeerfnl than elUier.. Thero are OFnr-two niU|Ion tn use* ItmuBt be a (rood larop to mako aucfi aw llB ^ faeces, Hodocd It Is. (or lamps may come and lamp* rosy go, but “The BocbuUr,,Blilnca on forererl >We make ov^ nrtlttle vnrletles—Danzlns and lAxupa, Banquet aad Study, Voia and Plano I&mps- CTSry b in d , la Crcnw, Porcelain, JJraiss, K ^ e l and -r- WTQught i - g ! . . , , , ,- ........ :.. ^ v .: Our written guam*tee BOia wltli Qve*T. t&WP* » the lamp and th* guarantee, and I celtt upoa: e&eloztU \ stamp of tho gennlne-^'Toa ttoonflSlBB.’* ltti« Ump dealer hasn’J tbe «n n uluo Uoch cstef and theetjK jroti want,send touafor free lllortrated catalogue (and reduced prlce-llat),and we will bo* and send you any lamp safely by expreas, right to your door. If you can ft will p4y.you to visit our spacious stores (tbe largest in tlio w orld), and eee the display oi a r t in lamp-niaSdng.^ Wr hava hard you can muk*your gx/tniti to AVty YcrJt in h tyin g atinft*/awtj, OOlfEBTBB UWEIP CO.. ^ ■49 Park Place, 1n-™ <" ay Barclay B t., J ®cw I\iri flat* Barday Strut f>oth run into' oppoalit PotUOJJloi . Hiram IL Carapbollto John Gaskin—land Wall Vinnahlp. r Henry M. Nevlus d a i, to JoannaRlttcrbrand— lo t6711 Atlantio Uiablandn. $250. \CarrleTraband to Jacob 8, Rltteibrand—lot 673, tUntlcUlghlanda. £350. Rcbccca P. Qulgloy to Wm. R. Mortoa—land In Upper Freehold. Jss, E.Halle/at, to‘Wm. R. Norton-Macres landiTJpner Freehold. $823. John I. Llpplncott to Samuel Bills—land la T. Houdrlckson dal., to Bamuel Bills— land la Howell township. 8326. Julia Proctor d al., to Francis A. Force-land Shrewsbury township. 8360. j Wm, G. Hall et of., to James Nastaala—2 lots Springdale In Long Branch. &UX>. I Same to iuoo- lots 23 and 34. Sptlngdale. $275. Holmdel Cemetery Co. to Wm. I. Conover—lot 393. 921 50. ' Holmdel Cemetery Co. to Chaa. W. Conover— J t 290, north aide, $22 60. Holmdel Cemetery Co. to Peter S. Conover—lot 0. south side. $22 50. k). to J 0H1 in C. Conover-lot OFFICKRS j ' - ; • President—MYBON B. GOUL6, ‘ Yloe Prestr-GBO. F. KROEHL. TreasureWOHN ROCKAFBLLKR, Seo’y and Bup’tr-GEO, M. LANB. / * I -, D I R K O T O B S • ■ . V . Mvron S. Gould, Geo. F, Kroehl, John Rookafoller, J. Stanley Ferguson, Geo. M.Lano. PRESCRIPTIONS will reeelvo special care fcnd a’t4ent^s|a?'Bnd•J»iil• bo componhded from 1 Chemically Pare I Thoroughly Reliable t DRUGS at BBABONAUtB PBICKS, at * THOS. M; STEWART’S, " ((Successor to Woolloy <fc Reed,) Registered Pharmacist, ' CookmaBAvs. and Bond St. J. W . R O BER TS, AECSITBCT, ROOMS 14 AND 15, Flvat^Iatloital Dank Building:, ! ABBURY PABK, N. J. ^rMolmdelCemetery Co, j• Sherman B. Ovlatt to Charles H.IQy <t al—land AOanUo Highlands. *1,500. Addle E. Roberts to Agnes A. Edwards—lots 43 and 44, Atlantic Hlgblands. 83,100. .- Hluie Gardner el a l , to Paul M. Richards—lot 633, Atlantic Highlands. 81,250. ' tWnr. O. Hnll et ol., to Samuel M, HaU et of—lot 5, Halberton Equate. 81. fiamuel M. Ball et ai..to Julia Proctor—lot 86, Halberton Square. $600. Annie L. wlltberger &at, to Geo. W. WalUng— land Ocean township, '$1. • tThos. W. Cooper to Emma Cooper—lot at Lohg I&anch.-Sl. Qm. C. Ray. to Jolla C. Hendrickson—land In Wall township. 81. ^Hudson Bennett to Katie Crawford—land In Frt^hold township. 8125. Annie E. Wild « al.. to Geo. Mackey^and In Middletown township 8S00. Edward B. WyooiT to Addl Mount—land MU1- D^rfcebo A-Vtuide^ecr d al , to Sarah W, West— lots 103 and 104, Long Brancb. $1. Fannie M. Bright et a l , to Cynthia A, L. Jfym- mendcen—landln Ocean township. 816.000, ^Atlantic- Higiilimdj Assoclistion to_Wjn^Letls=. lot 517J4 Atlantio Highlands $200. Thompson H. Landon to Annlo Popo—land Atr lantlollljhlands. St. Geo. M, Lynch to Wm. P, Lynch—land Manala- pan township. $H>,ooo. - . M arr A. McGluty ei a l , to Sarah R. Wickham— land at Elberon. «3,6C0. Samo to eamo—land at Elberon. 81,000. Robert AJlen, Jr., to George W. YanScholek— lot land Red,Bank. 850. Freehold Land Co. to Freierick Parker—lots 21 and 26, Freehold. 8110. Elisabeth'A. Mitchell ei al., to JaC&b Truax— landBowell township 81, . “ Elfzabem Ai Mitchell et al., to Elizabeth Truax —land Howell township. 81. Ellaabeth A, jiltchell ci al, to John Truax— land In Howell townablpufll. 1 , John A, McGuire to Hannah McClane—land in freehold township. 810a * , Edward F, Lyman d at, to Clarence B. Poland 'v^a^^?..ManAiquun- fcM23. /7Tkeo:_L ia iB 3 ^ d |.Trr u m jux'T * w »J**V 'l u 'i a r "-Lont: Hranoh. «W4 87. • v- - Richard Tilton to Bella Pulmar-lofc 81. TUton Cemetery, 010. . . Clarence A. Tuttle to J. Edward Borden—land a‘Tho Freehold laud Co. to Matilda C. Terrine— lot 10, Ifreeholdl^nd Co. $115. . ' ” •" - August Rohbeck to Scrle Mlapa Auguste Mar- ahrens—land East Long Branoh/$7,500, Wm. G. Hall et al. to George W. Watson—lot 05, Halberton Square, near Long Branch. $400. Allaall V. Weaver etal. to Benry Jackson- land Shrewsbury township. $1, ' j _ •• . Thos. Leonara, Exr.. to Isaac T. Mayer—land Middletown township. $1,403 TO. ' Wm; C. Hamilton to Algernon 8. Logan—lots 17 and 18, Spring Lake Beach. $3,600. Isabella H. -Hallook et al. to Amy Fi.nlraore— ^ ^ w s S S ^ o k e s ^ to ^ R Camraora—laud, town- ehlps of Eatontown and Shrewsbury. $47-80. Jeremiah Bennett.to Ellen Flelder^-land In Wall township. 1160. Cattmrino B. Bennett to Jeremiah Bennott— T.C. COTTRELL ’IfEAiiiil IN A L L xcixtam OF Blue Slone , Brick , Cement, “Lime, Plaster and Hair. Curbing; and Paving n Sjiccblty, , omgs at jpifits’s Coal Vard, • Second avenuo and Mainstroot, ASBDBTPABH.K.J, ' JABEH W. POLABB, Buildings Raised and Moved, Residence—Nowark Av.AMaln Si.,.Occan P^rk P. 0, Bbx 780-rAsbnryJPark, N. J. Things to Tlilnk About. The Tribune bas a (ew words to offer to tboso manufactnrers, workingmen, farmers and others whose votes helped*he great Dem- ocratic vlctory’on Tuesday, Nor. 4 Are yon1ready to tty free trade? Dlssatlfl; fled with the practical applleallon bf the pro? ,teotl*e policy,- as you now ooderstand -Its effect^ jon vote to give power to a party whwe rttlitVR Idea is the extertnlaatlon of protective dalles. That le the mranlng of Democratlo fotea this year, if they hare any logical mean- ing ip respect to the tariff question: Some of yon hare made publlo yoar purpose tp vote against tho party made resgtaslble for tbo MoKlnley bill, because It did not give yon freo raw material**, -Others havo expressed the same purpose becaqae the measure eoemed to Qjnkoprices higher,-ri Republican party should tako yod at yonr word. It will not, being governed by pritlol- ples and convictions. Bat If Its Senators and Representatives shoald play the cheap politi- cian, and trim their sails to the popular Freese, how woald yoar votes affect yon ? Moro than a hundred cases have been chron- icled within the last month in which new man- ufacturing esiabliahtoenls were started or about to start becanpe of tho recent change of duties. All tbeso, and the thousands more behind ihetn, wohld reqnlre‘tbe work of me- obanlca nnd laborers in building, the work o f machlnlBta and iron producers In eaair,r'*nf, rootcrlala for ihoip a»o. Democrailo voles 'mean that tbo voters wont > 1 ^ sort or thlng- s’ .oppcd. Very well; nhat noxtf F^ree raw matorlal, free ores and coal, plg- lron, hidea, leather and Inmb'eT, free wool and barley and farm products of all kind?, would, mean iho closing of a great many establish- ments now In operation, and tho discharge or a great many workers la mines or forests or on farms. It la difficult to &ay how many, for the increased American demand would qafek- ly put np prices of each products abioad.and so enable part of the American prodncers to compete, after some reduction of wages. In a short time, for Instance, wool or iron ore would rise abroad, under the pressure of the Atnerlcap demand free of duty, toward the present price la tbis country, so tbat some conld tcntlnne to make iron here, and those wool-growers whoso land Is cheapest oonld, continue lo grow wool. Bnt a large part of the present American production would have to cease, because it could not compete with ihe prodncera ln other coantrles. A large army of workersTrlow thus employed woifld have to seekolher occnpy lonsalready crowd- ed, or go about the country In ^iln search for the work which we should then be paying foreigners for dolug. Men who have no em- ployment cannot buy largely of the food or clotting which tho labor of others fdrnlshes,. and bo the demand for all sorts of products wonld shrink, ^Dtmcorailc votes tbla year means all this, If they logically mean any- thin g." But. free raw maUclals mean also a great, rebootUnrcr abaoluteTrmovEl'of duties on manufactured products. Tbe millions who grow wool, or raise ore and coal from the earth, do not vote to pay'duties on goods of any kind If duties are not paid on coal and ore and wopl. When the duties on ,manufac; lured products come off, orJare cut down toa purely, revenae basis, how many concerns would! have to close t How many hundred thousand workers weald have, to Join tbe army of the unemployed so. tbat this country might buy cheaper goods abroad f Perhaps the manufacturers who have voted to help- tbe Democracy imagine.lhat they can retain protective duties on goods and yet got re- lAJlufcbf dotlea- (^®^V5rnir>j?^They wllf lind la townshlpof Wall. $lfl. .......................it " * .... .1. HuhI io: $8<XMt Tbo Methodlel ^ Wm H. Hushos—Inqd population of the United j3t&te$. Snporiiiitendent Porter has aent ont his offi- cial Census.pnlletin of tbe eleventh enntnera- tlon fo far as the population Is concerned In tbe eggtegalo. Spooial tiijiitaHon »od'«]iis*t Qcatlon, as well as Beld work, will bo reserved for future bulletins. .. - Exclusive of ibe whl.tos on the Indioq.reser vatlops, the ilidiau Torrltor'y and In Alaska;- (tbe latter not being yet . completed) tho can- vas ehows the population to beftfa,480,5i0 on June 1, ltf90. In 1880 tho population was 50,155,789, a percentage of inoreaeo of 34 B7, In 18ro the population aa atatod was 88,658,- 871, an Increase of 80.08 per cent. It Is claimed tb^t tlie censoa of 1870,was verv toac- On rate, especially Jp the 8oathern States, the law being , so Inadequate that the work was wholly within the province o^the enumera- tors. ■Tbo following comparative1table la -glvon with tho pprceutage of inoreaso Id, all but Ver- mont an^ Nevada, which show a decroaeo; States and Territories. 1800. " 1880. Per Ct, 060,261 Malte ...... ................ New Hampshire Vermont • ......... . MassachtmcttH ..i.. Ithode Islaud. ............ Connecticut............ ... Mew York., ................. New Jersey ............ Pennsylvania .... ....... .. Delaware. ........ ............. Maryland....... ..... ..... Dlstrlot of Columbia... "Virginia........................ WOit Virginia .............. RorthCarolina ............ . South Carolina......... Georgia ................... Florida ........................... Ohio.,.., ............... .... Indiana ............ Illinois ............................ Mlcbigau ............... . Wisconsin................ . Minnesota ..................... Iowa .. .. ....................... . fillssnuii. ................. . North Dakota .............. South Dakota................ Nebraska..... .. ............... Kansas . ... Kentucky ....................... Tennessee...................... Alabama ......... .; ....... Mississippi............ ... Louisiana*.. ..... C ... Texas... __ ; ................. Oklahoma ........ . Arkansan... ........ ........... Montana.. ..................... Wyoming........ ......... ... Colorado .............. ........ New Mexico....... . .. Arlaona ............. ........... Dtah .... ^. Ncvadstttt. tttt.v.; .... Idaho ................A ..... Washington... ............ Oregon .......................... California........................ 375,827 832/208 2,233.407 7W.861 5,081,034 1.441.017 5,248,571 107,871 1,010.431 229.996 1,648,1)11 700,448 1,017,310 1,147,161 1,834,866 390,435 3,060,710 2,189,03*1 3,818,630 2,089,702 1.688.697 1.800.017 1,006.729 2.077,080 182,425 327,818 1,050.793 1.423.4B5 1,850,430 1,763,723 1,508,073 1,284,887 1,110,828 2,232,220 • 61,701 1,125,385 131,709 60,689 410.975 144,862 . 69,6111 206,498 11,327 81,229 349,516 312490 1,201,002 045,930 340,901 832,280 1,783,(85 m.fcU 622,700 5.082.871 1,131,116 1,28^<®1 146,608' 934,943 177,621 1,512,605 615.457 1,399,750 995,677 1,642.180 209,403 8.198.0G2 1,978,801 3.077.871 1,636,937 1,315,497 780,773 I 6*4.615 2,168,380 30,909 , 98,208 452,402 896,000 1,618,690 1,542,359 1,262,505 1,131.597 339,916 1,691,719 802,525 39,159 20.789 194,327 119,563 40,440 143,903 ' W 206 32,610 75,110 174,7f; 864.0W 1.78 831 0.02 25.20 2188 19.78 17 27 40 22.58 14.50 ii .?h 29 37 0 01 22.f' 15.51 15.23 18.95 44.1 14.65 10.65 24.06. 27.06 27 99 66.60 1736 23.46 394 20 (.63 133.60 42 S I 12 64 ,4.35 19 45 13.55 18.82 40.24 4023 230 60 191.45 111 40 21.16 47.60 43.44 Tjnr 158.29 365.30 78.80 39 21 By comparison It will be seen that Now York and Pennsylvania stand relatively the same as first and second in point of popula- tion, while Ohio and Illinois have exchanged places. ; Texas rises from her position of No. II In 1B80 to No. 7 In 1S00 ; Kentucky drops from 8 to 11; Minnesota advances from 26 to 20^-N&brackft from 80 to 23; Maryland drops from S3 lo 07: Colorado tI*s » from W to S i; N&tfida from 42 t o l a n d A*l*»na from 44 to is. " .:r~ '/■ : Naturally tltol^Piatcst ratio of 'loorcase has been in the Northwestern Statgs and Territo- ries, while tbe Eastern and Southern States show slight Increase, Tbua tho North and South Atlantic divisions show an lucreaso over tbe lastceusna of less than 20 per cent, The Western division Bbows npward of TOper cent Increase, the.central divisions making but a moderate cbnngo. The diminution In Nevada ot 17,039 is due entirely to the failure of the mlnes^ Others of the mining States are suffering to some extent from tbe same cause. The relaUve differences in the growth of the State* will be better understood when all the conditions aro mado known. X. M. C. A. Week of Prayer. In accordance with the recommendation of the International Commltteo of the Y, H^C,' A., tbe present week has been obsprv^d as a season of prayer for ih'0'advanc^H«tfiis- soolatlon. ; / The opening service was held In the Ro- formed Church, Sunday ariernoon at 4 o’olock, John A. Botden, presiding. After a service of Bong Jtov. Dr. 8ondder read the Scripture lesson and offered prayer. Rov. vpr. J P. Sampson, of Bethel A. M. E. Church, waa introduced and addressed the Association on the Importance ot aalWiry-iti' their chosen work. “ Words/’ “ are of use only In eldvatlng onr fellow men and In bringing them to a knowledge of Chriai.*1 The speaker r.luStrated hla r«dnarka 'W ltb Tiotedexatnples. Rev. S. T. Horner followed with a strong' plea for more earnest consecration among the membership in^rltigifig others io know “ the way, the truth and ;tbe life.” Ho desired to do moro hlmfiQlf in thfl tam re and hoped to see others more active. , In the evening tho Aesooiatlon-attended the M. E. Church ia a body, Rev. G. O. Maddock preaching a eernton expressly adapted to tho occasion. Medllngs have followdd every evening during tho week at tbo hall over the poat office, which were led by the members. « More Florida Tourists. . 5 ; The flrst of the party of Soathern toorlflts . secured,by Mr. J. B, Thompson, representing the. Ocean Steamship Cp., will leave New York on Saturday, Nov. 15, by steamer City qf Augwla lot Savannah, arriving there on Monday evenlhg and reaching 'Jacksonville . on Tuesday morning. » Y Amohg the party will be Mr. and Mrs, M' J. Boyce and E. 8. Low, who oontlnae throagh' to DoLaad, .where they w allocate for the win- ter at tho Putnam House, wblch wlll be nnder ~ Mr. Boyce’s control; Mr. Low will be head cook at the Putnam {'Mr, B. Hoy man, the Cookman avenue marketman; Messrs. Tay- * .1 nr «nd ; Ywrmint. nf Snmonrltin t A. Wiseman and'wife, W. C. and Harry Wiseman, and Mrs, Motlar and son, j -— - Others who havo taken advantage of tbe low rat&s to parties will depart latep> this month and during December. The trlpVby7 . the Ocean Steamship line la made in a little over two days from New York, and the remainder of the distance to Jacksonville is covered by rail In a few hours. Nearly all tbe big winter hotels will be ready to open* by Thanksgiving ^ay. Travel southwards by tr^tn and steamer, has been heavy lately, and the iHorlda papers an- nounce, that the season is opening with a rush, . . . v\ Mr. Thompson* can obtain favorable ratoa and eligible staterooms for a few more for the second party, _whlch leaves' early In December. A postal card sent to either As- bury Park or Ocean Grove post office will seenro his attention. Hot Potatoes*' The children have taken np a new form of amuBement lately. liV bImpie, but very fas- cinating and draws an expectant crowd wher- “ ever it is practiced. The inventor of tho “ schomo was raking op leaves one after noon, aud after a fire bad been started In the street he^thought he could easily makeiuse ofrthe heat In roosting a few sweet potatoes that happened to be laying on the back porch to dry^^Soa hole was made in the centre of the p^eof leaves and the potatoes laid carefully the eoirth. Thei} the embers were piled top, more leaves added,- and in half an houfc. the potatoes—small ones-were baked ^olear-througlJr-^AftermuehsklrtiliBlringsboofe^^- to get them cool enough to eat, they were broken opent and the dozeti or so of children gathered around' to note^tho snccess of the , baking, considered them the finest they ever ate.' (_...., Next day, along one street, there were half ^ a dosen potato bakeries In full blast, eaoh surrounded f»y an apparently hungry crowd, and watched by parenta from the windows. . Evon tbe boys' and girls' mammas confessed to a feeling ot hunger as they witnessed the enjoyment of tho children in tbelr c a td o o j^ Innch. The “bakery” cao be tnkde by ^uijd- r - wilt assist In roasting quite a plUj ofpotatoeis —onoogb to feed a dozen youngsters. Evangelism Not Scriptural. Church, started a large aized buzzing at the preachers’ meeting In Ocean Grove, on Mon- day, by making scriptural aa well as practical objection to tbe employment of evangelists, Hla paper was formulated nnder the proposi- tion : '‘ Does the prevailing plan of employ- ing evangelists in special revival work tend to the promotion of a healthy condition ot Church life? ” ' He took tho ground that the' evangelists spoken of by Paul were In no sense liko thoao who go about tbe country for the pay that le in It, but they wero under the direction and 47 control of tbe apostles and were sent put T>y the church, referring to Tlmothens. , ■■ '“ t Tho evangelists had their supporters in the discussion but on tho vote there waa a pre- ^ ponderance against the methods of-modern., evangelists. r To P rotect tlie IJew Roadway. Jlho Township Commltteo held a meeting Saturday evening to discuss the question of opening the street near the Macadam rriid way, On motion It was resolved to prepare an ordinance forbidding the opening of Mala streOt nearer _tban six feet of the Maoadam or Telford roadbed, by the water or gas com- .. pantos. ' ... A petition was reoelyed -ItojBi the teddeate '' their mistake. The great Increase'of tho army of unemployed will mean a further shrinkage In the demand for all products of IndoBtry, Democratio votes I his year mean all this, if they mean anything. It fs'.not of t»nqh use now for manufac- turers or workingmen or. iatmers to regret that they bave Alven a great impulse to the Free-Trade ball. But It may bo‘or ndo for them to consider without much delay wheth- er they mean to let It roll* on ta.thp logical cn<J o r id-stop U.—.Y. Y. Tribune,/ _ . Episcopal Church, Ooeanlo. to land ia Shrewabury township, jTw. JoIdbod in Korioa V.-6anf«4-hwMn Kntontown township. $525. , . Tho Freehold Land Co. to Mlohaol Ford—lot 63, Froehold. ^0, , Annla E. Durdgo to Anthony B,-BurdpHl&nd la Howell towomilp. 81W. , Theo. Fields, ahotifl, to Garret B. Conover-, land M^nnlftpan fta^lon. $l0r Josoph McDermott, Aealgnoe, to John Slocum —OceaaUotel property, Lon*Branoh. $1,090. Bonry Corlles to Wm. S. Sanford-land . In Eatontown township. SI50. . RehJamia L. Wolcott tt al. to Wm. 8. Saaford —laua in Ocean townsblp. $200. - ’ ‘Theo. Flolds, Sheriff, to Eva If, Btahop-lota In ViUa Park. 8282.50. Chas. JoQobus to Agnos A. C. BUhardson—lot In Bolmar, S7&0, •- Chas. II, Freeman, Jr., to Porsous Wbltoohuroh -lo ts 11, Hr, 18, 14, 16 and JO, at Spring lake ReaohlmprovcmontCo. 812, 000. ' Wm. A. Dunlop et al. to BonJamln Striker— land tn Matawan. £.050 .. Wm. R.' Mops et al. to Mortis G. Blaokburn— land at Long Branch, €G00. - L, Bpenocr Gobjq to John Letohworth—Jot Brighton I>and Aesooiatlon. 8 V. 6 OO.' Isabella H. Hallook et at. to Jame —lot Ih Freehold. 8350. Tliomaalugllqg tt ul.% ta Vlrtrfnla F. T. Davto— land in Shrewsbury township. *1,200. - Phebo A. Johnson to Wm; U. Johnson—land at Sea fildo. 8100. . . Wm. T, Parker to Mary Bowmau-lot. In DhroWflbury township. 81,000. Janies G^ Maynard -Iron Steambpafc Co. Directorsi * The annual election for Directors of the Iron Steamboat Co. was held at the Central Hotel, Long BianOb, last week. The regu- lar ticket was o^pbsod by Interested parties claimed to hol'd proxies for shares voted by ^President Carpenter^ ^he proxies of the latter ehowed.a enbaeqaont dato to thoso bold by Treasurer Washington and wero allowed. The uovt S^ctdre ate; Samrie! Carpenter,: ^inile 'Vatable, W. II, JVpivoitou, G. M, Dodge, S. Now ton Smith, O. IE Bullin, L. C, Waohneri. J, H. Coffin and Caleb W. Shep* herd. The net earn!rigs for tho past season wero |98,'800; fe4O|o60 was passed to dividend account ahd the balance to surplus. Tapped the Till. , A few days, ago one of Mr. 8. Warce’s ten* ants callodat bis grocory and paid, a ten dol- lar bill for rent end supplies,' Two colored men who were In the atore ot the time called ifor some article that reqtilred Mrs. VVartte to go Into Ihe basement. When Bhe returned the ten dollar bill and. the oolored customers had vanished. Both the nienare known; tod tha recovery of tbe(.tnoney should be wsliy accompllahed. '■ v M akipg_M ore ^ o ra for Quests. Among the bettet olass of hotels in Ocean Crore la the United States, owned, by Mr. Wm. Orr. For Bevoral years the States has not been largo enourftf-tcnroooinmodBto all his guests, and the hltohen department was rather contracted, ~ V The Important qneation was whore to get room to expand. On threo sides were s^ets,. the basement was already utilized, and; the top was well toward the sky. The lots ad- joining on the west wero occupied by hand- some'cottages' Keeeutly Mr. Orr secured a pleasaot lot on Oiln street and made the own-; erof the'coitage next 10 tho States an offer, which was accepted, to trade lots, .he to more the cottage and put It In good order on thtf new lot.. .. Thus Mr. Orr speared a valuable lot adjoin- ing, and hrs new addltlop will give MA more roomB,with a largo klij^ifygoa carving room, Ffdaty woathar has caused a'commotion among wiia geese and duoks. * They ate p in g . Southwards In groat fioaks. The))diking, season opened on Chesapeake Bay last jjBator- day.; '; ' f' '. v _ t The New Jersey Ai/riculturiit, formerly pbb- llshed at Haddontteld. has been.purchancd byr parlies at Jamesborg, where U will bo Issued In.fatufor^ir.^JrH. Dravonstedt rotnalna in editorial co»Ul?l. t.~ * A large IIagafaff Is to be placed bolwea,h' thetwlo lights at Navoslnk Highlands, from which tbe stars ana ^trlpeo wiil float all day, bo that mariners and visitors coming Into port raa^y see 'the coqntry’s emblem as they ap* l>roaqh our shores. \ ' *( Miss Jones who h aa such nice red cheoks, , Bad accident befell h er; • - . / A rat ran twice around the room, Bhe turned a blopmlng yoller. * of South Main stroet complaining pf low awnings. It was received and an ordinance was prepared regulating the height ol awn*; lugs'from the sidewalk. The road bills engaged some attention and it .was decided to'make a tour of Inspection. A number of bills were passed and the Board adjonrotid till Tuesday night. ' V! -? ■.. , At tho adjourned meeting the^work of the road overseers and their expenses was con- sidered. sSpme of them had greatly exceeded their'allotment, contrary to law and tha la- straotlona'of the commltte#. One man nacd nearly double the amount voted for blB dia-~--'. t^ct. -The entire appropriation voted forthe current ,ye«r 'was $3,000; Tho meeting was^ ^ "yti.nffAction was taken to remedy The greatest tunnelling enterprise In the world Is the new aquodnct of the . Croton * water^wdr&s, supplying New Yorkclty’ , Ida S9,6a mUea long. The St, Gothard tnnnel through the Alps is 8# miles long, and was Considered the greatest engineering problem ofthe tlme.- v— ...... Neptune steamer was taken ‘out J^onday j, ; night for trial and also to test a lot of hose -. that was thought to be unservlceablo. Some of. it was found to stand tho pressure. 1 Most of onr jn^-towji residents want the ^ Ore alarm bell ^ooated In. tho oentjftl part of the town... • •> . . . . 7 ^ '^- -■.■ ' ;V. / , . It muet be discouraging toa hen just as 8he geta.lnto exolUBl^d society, to have sopiebody ' . break op her sot. ' ;. ‘; !*,' . It takcaoway tho sting of rogrot that iie ia no longer young when a man sees hla wife- washing her son behind the ears. * • 8terfi'Paretitnr-*AI say, Mr. Softly P* Softly —"Yes, eln” Stern Parent—“ Yon seem to stay around a great deal for a man who la/so^ badly <gone* aayoa are.*’ ■■ ;r ^ ^ ^ / If a woman was aa careful'in kalectlng a husband to match her dlspopltlon as she tp Boleotlng a dress to match her oomplexlonr there would bo feWer unhappy marriages th^gX ,^ there a r o . - ■/. ’ ......Engilfihmen—“ Isay, ye knawl th at’s the v ) bebkage to Boston f” Railroad Ticket Clerk —*1The whatage ?” Enallshman—1 ‘‘^ h e b o o k - agb, yo knaw—the tariff. What’s ^h’ tariff ?” Ticket.CUwk—VI haven’t time to talk poli- tics, V.. ' " •; - • : : ' ,-.V In 4893. Impatient travelertto conductor) • ^ ‘How soon shall we xCaobCblcago^,, C on-■ doctor—“ Wo etiterecUho city limits parly tbis "morning, alrt and' if we meet with no bad lack wo shall be at the exposition gronnda. about noon to morrowt” «

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Inrftjsisioaaf S ard? .] J 6, KINMONTH, M. D ,

Corner G rand and Asbury Avenues,Offloe Boors—7 to 9 a. m ., 1 to 8 p. m .,'6 to 8 p. m.X)KS. KEATOR & ACKERMAN, T•*-' Homavtfpathla Physicians and Sarffeons,

C^rr Asbury avenuo an d Borgn s t r e e t Hotinj—ijn tu 9 a. m ., 7 to 9 p , m.Telephone chnneotinn*.

Ph 11 adelphfe^ pface—1724 Cheptnat Bt


Third avenue,Aebury P a rk .N , J)

..... ■.

i i w t o e u s f e f l s .

J )B .B L L i

Offloe H oars until

A . ir. PAWLEY, ... ^

E E N T I E 15 Bonga a rc . , Asbnry F a rk . N, J .

J ) R . 8, T. SLOCUM,

. DENTIST. • .......... .Offloe—304Tffala St., opposite RaHifftkt^tatlon,

Gas adm inistered. Asbnry P ark . N. JV

A. 8. BDRTOKv J>. » . II. I» a. JBURTOH, D. D. 0, .OURTON BROTHERS,D T > en tliti<Donn Bnlldln?, 506 Cookman avo., A sbnrj Park .

New York Office-69 W est 85th u t G as administered. Appointments m ade b y te le ­

phone or by m all H onrs: 0 a . m. to 5 p . is . M Tra of ** ZOZQ "—the new preparation fo r

c leansing and preserving the Teeth.

j y n . p, a . D a v i s o n ,

Veterinary Sargenn and Dentist.g ra d u a te o f New York Cohere of

4 „ . ... . VETERINARY8URGHON8. Late Veterinary Sunreon to 4th Are'. R. R. Co.

1B00 horses. —*O F F IC E S C o w a rd 's Llvory stab le , «ewall aye.

Williams’" Harness Store. 167 Main s t 81., Belmar N. J . Asbnry Park.

r . siw K m s. n u n E tnu jro .IJJAWKINS A DURAND. -

Attorneys-kt-Law, Solicitors A Masters in Chaa eery, Mikado Building* Cookman A t.,

Aabnry Park. N .J . ' — *JSAA O 0. KENNEDY.

A t t o m e c g f e U j . t a ( t e »

Special atten tion given to exam ination o f Title*,

M onmouth Building, Ashury P ark , N ew Jersey.


•Counsel or-at-Law, Solicitor, M aster and E xam ­in er In Chanoery, Notary, Pnhho.

Aabnry P ark , N, J .


Mas tor and flollottor In Chanoery- / ;

linen y M. Nsvnjs, Counsellor at Law.

"M'KVIUS * WILSON, " Law <

E d h o td W ilbojt, 1 A ttorney a t Law.


- "nA V m -H . .WYCEOFP, J t u " ----- --— •»-J i u t l e e o f t h e P e f te e n n dG e n e r a l V o l l e e t l n r A |

Room No. IT, Monmonth Balldlnp.All moneys promptly paid to patrons when re­



A R t

Mb s. jo h n w . b ir o h ,E L O C D T I O N I 9 T .

814 Seventh avenue, A8BURT PARK, N. J .Lessons «iven in Classes, o r private, com­

mencing Nov. 15.

$A M D E L d ^ R t f E ,


Violins and bowsrepalred. * .

RS. ROSAIilNE T. RIPLEY,907 Fourth avenue, Aabnry Park.

TEACHER OF PIMIO, M O M ARO THEORY.Pupil o f Richard Hoffman.

L i m K C O T T ,

T i l X i O a

,122 Mattison Ave. M e n ’s F u rn is h in g s


8toT#B,Heater8,Ranges, ' . t i n w a r e , * o . :

C o o f e m a n . a v . , n e a r B o n d a t . ,

i - r .asbbbs pauses; jr.

■ Tl* EHEIRRr UUDEM, IBTTEI1, &0. « a m « , T i l ABE SHEET II8K I H t ST AU

i i mJ0F r a s t c ls s s w ork a t low r a t e s , , ^ !


BLUE STONEand all kinds o f Stone fo r Building

• j P a r K M o o . , .

n d H \ “ ( iv a IpeeSiiiy.. ABBL^ MONUMENTS AND [E3. . SLATH M ANTiLB. -

yardtod Offlea—Second an . I M b st,,ASBURY PARK, N, J . ; _ "

M , M . C R Q S B IE ,Suocessor to David C artw right, ;

ud MuiilaE to kTaf P a ^ g ^ to « a to ^ jN .^ r ^ P w o and

P . ® . B o x 8 0 3 . A s b n r y P f tr b , Bf. J .

C O O K H O W LA N D ,( S n w w i o r l b X , P . H c r if tm ,)

-----DEALER IN —~ - .

FLOUR F£KD, HA^ STRAW,Prepared Food and Medtolncs fo r Dorses, Cattle, Poultry,-and all requisites in ench a business. M a i n s t . Ac R la ia ro c a v e . . A n b u r y P a r k .

Contractor and Builder, r ia n a and epeclfl- catlons furnished.

f in a n c ia l .


A S B D B Y P A K E ; N E W J E R S E Y .

$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0

Capital Paid in, |50,000

I n t e r e s t A l lo w e d o n D e p o s i t* .S a f e D e p o s i t B o x e n I n O r e a n d t r a r i r l a r

f l s r p r o o f T a n l t , in Monmonth Building, com or Mattlson avenue and Bond street.

Wills receipted for and kep t vylthout charge.ISAAC O. KENNEDY^ President. ‘ DR.U .S. KEATpR, Vlce-Prca’t , H. IL YARD, S e c re t ly .A. C. TWINING, T reasurer.

DIRECTORS:G. D: W. VROOM, Trenton, N . J .W. J . HARRISON, Lakewood, N . J .. OLIVER H. BROWN, Spring Ukke?8; J . H E N R Y H .Y ard ,O cean Beach, N .J .J . H. BUCBANAN, S p rin f Lake, N. J . JOSEPH MoDERMOTT, EVoebold, N .J . n . B, PIBRSON, Philadelphia, Pa,GEO. F. KROEHL, Asbnry P ark . N. J . ‘ BRUCE S. KEATOR, M.D., *‘

• A. C, TWINING,__ •• «•r SAAO O. KENNEDY. «

$ 1 5 , 0 0 0T o Loan on Good Mortgages.

S. C. COWABT. Freehold, N . J

^ g e u f U i s .

Q liy e r H . B ro w n ,“-HOUSePUBfilSHiHi-


H. B. JOHNSON, Practical W atchm aker,

Dealer in Fine W atches, Jewelry, Spectacles Ac. W atches and Jew elry r<jpalrodat City Prices.

M&ia ctT6at, w OoakmAS a v a n n e , A s m n y p a b k . n . j .



H . B . B E E G L E ,( l4 to H .B ,^e e g le A 8 o a)

E E A I * E S T A T E a n d V

I N S U R A K C 3 E A € > E N T :

18 tlsiB Atum, Ocean foon, 11L o an s N e g o tia te d ao«i L e g a l P a p e r s D raw n

H ; B.DEEGLE, N o ta rj r tb l lo a n d Commlsaioher of Deeds for New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the Dlstrlot o f Columbia.

R E A L E S T A T E ,

I N S U R A N C E &

. MORTGA.GE I.OAKS, ,70S C o o k m a n Ave.

s .% t


seaside.Soao Boarding and Saj Itaos!F orG ltlsand Children. 12th year opens Sept. 18, 1890. Full course In English Studies, M athemat­ics, Languages and Munlc.

Address MISS ROBS, principal.CM Asbury avenue, Asbury Park, N. J.

G E O . M . B E N N E T T ,

HOUSE PAINTINGn all Its branoh Grain­

ing, IEstim ates furnlshedonac

L. Box vplication ...............183, Ooean Grove, N. J.'

H. O. IWARRYOTT,C o n t r a c t o r a n d B u i l d e r ,Estim ates furnished fo r every description of

— work* Jobbln jpattended-toprom ptlyr— Residence-1

6 1 Z X flC tT K T B aO E J k T r & M X J E Z ,lLock Box 716 A S B tJB Y P A R K , Pf. J .

' S A M U E L W . E I R E B R T D E ,

COIiTBACTOK,fC a r p e n t e r - & B u i l d e r .

Plana and specifications furnished. - Jobbing , p rom ptly a ttended to . Best of referenoe given.

Hesidenoe—Plrst ave., b e t Bond and Em ory fits.Shop and Offloe—First ave. s ndM aln s t 1

P .O . B ox748. ASBURY PARK.


GOW DY & PITCHER,C a r r i a g e s , a n d M a n u f a c t u ­

r e r s o f H a r n e s s . !B e p o n lto r le s —4 i b n r j P a r k , B e d B a n k

; a n d T o m s B lv e r .

A. A. TA Y LO R , I V | a s o h a n d B u i l d e r .

Bricklaying' and P lastering In’ all b ranches • /• »*- of Masonry work.

Jobbing prom ptly attended to. t P. O. Box C97. pffioe. 710 M attlson avenne.

IE0, W. PATTERSON'S §0N8,’ DEALERS IN "-- * v ■ i-.-=

PILING, TIM BER,■ ' ■*: ' ' ‘ A.ND ‘- ". .. ■* ■ * ■ • ‘

GenexaH Contractors," ...... ____________________________

'*]' - ASBURY PARK, N. J .

JACOB DOLL, Jr . ,P R A C T I C ...........

I t t | » m i

it lowest prices. m l e t a r e M o u ld in g s a n d F r a m e a ,

connty , a t W a l l P L .. J P a r

- - - h a s otuhand the. largest and finest line o f plainand g ilt wfch papers and decoration^ 'inf the.

nty, ‘ **“* *I I X ........................

p a p e r H a n g e r ’* S u p p l i e s , E tc ,Fiam es mado to order a t short, notice. The

best New York and Philadelphia paper hangers employed. Estimates fam ished for paper hang- 09 and fcotaomlnlng, f_ _______ ■■’ 541 Conit <stu avenue,

m q u n o i o j ^ —

James S. Earle & SansTbe Finest S tock o f

HoraMrmsIiing Goods# fouhd on th e New Jersey Coast.

t D e s ig n s in Furniture.

. ANTIQUE! tfAKlo BidriiDi Sails, Sldi Boards, Slate,

Tililat, Ete.-C a r p e t s , m a t t i n g s ,

R e e d a n d R a t t a n G o o d s ,

. B E D D I N G , - - - -S l l v e r w a r e , l U a m p S j , S t o r e s .

11 _ All the Novelties In '■ •

F r e n c h , B w l u s i u l s m a n d D o * ■ m e s t i e Q l s s s . -

F o r e i g n a m i I > < M rw « 8 t le C h i n a a n d T a b l e W a r e <

Goods delivered In Asbury P ark and Ooead Grove.

ADON LIPPINCOTT,Contractor & Builder

Plans and estim ates cheerfully furnished. Jobbing In all branohes prom ptly an d oaroluQy

attended to . ■- ' ,v Ilealdenco and S h ip ,

007 Main S t., b e t 1st and 2d, Aphnry P ark, N. J .


C iT M C T O t AND S B t t B B ,A S B U R Y P A B K , S . J .

Established 1873. - Jobbing promptly attended to . Best of reference given.

Office and Residence, , .COR, 8EWALL AVE, AND BOND ST.

N. H . K H iM SB ,

r^ B u iW erP lan s and specifications furnished and .eaft-

mntco madu on all h inds o f carpeuler work. Jobbing o f a ll kinds attended to*Box ?065. R P i e m a n a v e ., O c e a n G ro v e .

A r c h i b a l d R e y n o l d s ,

REMOVER OF NIGHT S O ILOrders by m all prom ptly attended to»^

r fftiarantee the b crt •work a t the lowest.price. Residency WEST ASBURY PAIUT. N-’J l ;/;■;

’ ■ - . r ..O . BOS C05. A 'SB G nt rA 'lilt.''N rJ:


EnUmatO* furnish e d ' for every description ol bulUlng. Jobbing attended to promptly.

B o x frJ. ASBUBY PABK» N, J .


H O L ID A Y Sshould now b e '

Belucted o r ordered.

Etchings, . Engravings^ Water Colors,Oil Paintings,

J1' f t a u t u , c i u w t u :



r O W E B 0 0 .


Railroad, nfcar First avenue.■ ; f - -

Furnishes Electric Arc and lights a t any location.

2 0 3 = B -

John P Femberlr--------- • V ' . /i ,

.. ,. . .. . vr - Forly Years’ Experieh#

T r a i m f e r n o f B e a l B s t a t e .

List of C onveyance, Monmouth Connty Clerk’s Offleo,,for tho two weeks ending Novemberm o t • •■y 48 nOBYPARK.

Amelia W aliinrrt o t to Wm. n . Palmer—Iota ,fiOa and 200. 83,000. .^ J o h n VanUorn lo Cornelius VanHom—lot fl05.

r._JVm. Baldwin to Amelia Yontnans—p art o r lot(378. 53.COO.i Phlneaa M. Berber to Mary A. F inch—lo t a t ’Asbury Park. 87,600./ Batouo! A. IJonmnn to Frederlok C. Braentlgam»,4-Iot77& 11.) .Maria F .W egnor d oL to James N. Parramoro ’M ot—lot Asbary Park. 81,000, 0■^Francis A. Slone to AUrcd Cubborly—lot 218.c mI , .1. - ocbin o^ov*.

Robert J. Andrews to Henry B. Bceglo—lot 1408.Same to cam e-Io t 1405. 8?50.

j . .Wotnplo to Joseph G w klU -lo t 100.

TDMORS, : | A S C E ^

Old, Neglected and Misu derstood Cases of Diseasl Specially Treated.


Special Treatmenl,

FO R E Y E ,

F Q R E A R , v


F O R T H R O A T ,

FO R H E A R T ,

F O R ^ L U N G S ,


■11,600.'/iJLouIsa 8. Coleman irf al, to Jane P. P ra tt- lo t Jteo. 55.CCO. -J .

,ffl»nc3 Black to Elizabeth Wood—loLs 600 and .^1 and r a t b of lota GP8 and 099. 87,COO.I M lnnloA Peters to George A- Clark—lot 408. 7I , cX)Qij^Tbomos TI. Clark to George W. Jarnctt—lo t 1,451 i -CO. •, .

K ♦ mbptpnb TOTnreniT.j lJ c n n le Jon<arf a l to Abraham Stryker—land Tncar Ocean Grove. 82.0C0.I LlnnloS, Hetrick rt n t to Laura Johnson—lot jsear Asbmy Park. 8200.I Washington W hite ei aJ, to Jullel Blocnm—lot OTU Wes* Ashury Park.f James H. Sexton to Margaret B en n clt-lo t 445, l lo tm t Pr<»poot Cemetery. 135.! Michael Cornsr to Jo&epolno M. Winans—lot «S29, West Asbury Park. 1400. i Henry MItcbcll to Washington Wblte*~land In ffep tnne township. 91.I Jpbn P, L, Tilton, adm’r, to Wm, F, Morris-* |i J a n d in Neplone township. 8180.\ Washington Wfa I to to Henry Mitchell—land In

ewune township. 31. . • •• jAlfred -Cubberly to Francis A. Bower—lot 2 ^ Asbury Park. 8;00.Robert C. Love to ElJiabtth G ato -lo t 17B, Key

..Mt. ?4,800.>.£flther RlcO to Edward B atchelor-lo t 280, Avon ' y the 8<a. 81..

lam e to samo—Rame property. 81. r^ r ^ r e t ^ Bennett to Mary E. L. James—land ear,M hory Para. 82,000. j

Hoop to Mary E. Newhardt—lotS7,Oeeanj

“ ~L * 3 Green et al. ta Melissa Bennett—lots 0 W est Asbnry Park. I860, , »1 A. W, Hetrick to Francis A. Stone-rlot

. . st Asbury Park. $400. • (4|sabelh Gate to B o b t C .Io v c - lo tln Neptnne rnahlp. $2,800. ;

T i ?!^ . VISCEUA^XODS. ‘ |■i ttalstw i H. Walnright a o l to Bachel Woolley—■ )afld lu Wall township. $510. v,JL T,.Stout to Charles II. Leonard—lota 1M and 4®. Loch Arbour. 83.500. !iCaroUno^ilorfprd to Henry N. 8upp—land a t Bed;

^Adallno_Clark to Mary Woolley—lo t at-Long!

f^ W o b Hicks. Jiv, to Jac0b„N aus^tw o^lots ia* ycean township. *8I,BOO.^ Manuel l-errar to to Rocco F irran te t l o l—lot 60, to n s Brancb. 8300.£ Jo h n S. LUtle et al., to Charles Boston—land ini Matawan. $l.?Mary J . Wilson et a l , to Wm, Miller—land In

Middletown township. 8160.Rebecca A. Perrlne f l a t , to Wm. K, T ruer—

land In Freehold. 81.i Auron Corlles, Jr., to Carollno J. Hamilton—lots

Bpilcn Lako Bcaoh. STiO.•John Comar to Michael Com ai^lot 49, Bed

Dank. 8^5 GO.1 Irene (j Walker cl af., lo Fannlo Cook—lot Long [irancb. 81.j I?annlo O]ok, Ex'r, to H enry C. W alker—land

* occanvllle. fcJ,GGa.‘ nihonv Truax to Anthony T. T ru a x -la n d

i&laud, Occari townsblp. $23. ard El a pa rt al, to Emma Hamilton—

John J. Thompson, la te Sheriff, to Mary E. Ap- Wejrate i e f /cy.-^ota; 4» and W, .Long B ranch

lantioTl?^hlIJohn ‘ ds-'

igue to John Dowd—Jot 850, At*

.CocQpton to rhrla . W ernefee-lot In Middletown tQTrnshlp. ^ 100. .

B nlld ing Contracts.riLBD TOAHD mOLTTDINtt.WOV 8, 1890.

2S05—A loiizoBrow erw ith Edward O, DeRocho —jgdnting boHdinra, Freehold. 8^9.50.■ gfflfi—Mary Bowman with Low is Brown—build­ing. L ittle SUver, f3,^50. - . jS997—Henry Gogol with C. Y. N. W llaon-bulld- I n ^ Lonp Branoh. W.200.

‘ w ith 11. Mills w ith Benj. Albertson—build-... ------------ ry Park. 88.8fil,

Henrietta E. Chanfrau with Joseph Jtob-blMj& Cp,—hullBljur a t Loon B m n^_“f v i c i a ..

8000-Mary J. Mdlford with Carman A Hol­brook—building a t Ocean Grovo. $2,800.

8001—Benjamin Albertson w ith Albert A. Tay­lor—bnlldinjc a t Asbury P ark . 8800.

8008—D, H, A ttw ater with Jobta Falkcnbijrg—bnilding a t Red Bank. *3,007.

8003-JoaephIne M.-Wfnana w ith Wm.D. Stout —building a t A*bory Pdrk. 83,800.

30M—Benjamin VanBrunt w ith M aria C.Henry—bulkheitd, Sea Bright, $1,160. - ............. SOOB^Samuel B. Thorp -wit..w ith *Tn llm Bash—

IIsbTands. $4KS, 0 With Thomas Jenninifs—

building a t Atlantio Highlands." $330., 8007—Mary B. M ontague w ith V,

bu ild in g a t A tlantio Highlands. 82,77i«ot8-Wffl. B. s to u t with R obbins____

son w ork on building a t Asbnry Park. f tm .8000—{door^e Brown with Wm. U. Jackson

imlnting barn. Freehold. 8«8B0.8010—Elizabeth Wood with kelson H K llm or-

btilldlng a t Ocean Grove. $4.62).8011—John W. Meroalth to H<

house a t Long Branch. W CO.).------ -- • -Wo a t Long

Wm. Kipp—

ViUfjRobbiDs^ —ma*

Horace S ta n to n -lo u se a i____— .......................8012—R p h m T. Tlgho with John Ryan, J r.—sta-

m $100.il ranch

I'UUIIIU" ,v|S l Occan^ ■ jr i .A n th o n

, 1 £



BOX 2.

.‘‘S e e i n g i s B e l i e v i n g "

Perfect iuOtrngtrcctlao. A rH rtio i n B am g a .

la jc JA c a b I ta H girfcAbsolutely s a f e and u 11 b r e a k a b l e p soslroOloB

ehijdc&n manege It. I t 'a light la p n r e r ana b r ig h t e r than B*JtlIghfc,w>fter tb»n electric ilgJit, more-cbeerfnl than elUier.. Thero are O F n r-tw o n iU |Io n t n u se* ItmuBt be a (rood larop to mako aucfi a w llB ^ faeces, Hodocd It Is. (or lamps may come and lamp* rosy go, but “ The B ocbuU r, ,Blilnca on forererl > We make o v ^

n r t l t t l e v n r l e t l e s —Danzlns and lAxupa, Banquet aad Study, Voia and Plano I&mps- CTSry b in d , l a Crcnw, Porcelain, JJraiss, K ^ e l and

- r - WTQught i - g ! . . ,, , ,- ........ : . . ^ v .:Our written guam *tee BOia wltli Qve*T. t&WP* »

the lamp and th* guarantee, and I celtt upoa: e&eloztU \ stamp of tho g e n n ln e -^ 'T o a t to o n f lS lB B .’* l t t i « Ump dealer hasn’J tbe «n n u lu o Uoch cstef and theetjK jroti want,send to u a fo r free lllortrated catalogue (and reduced prlce-llat),and we will bo* and send you any lamp safely by expreas, righ t to your door.

If you can ft w ill p4y.you to visit our spacious stores ( t b e l a r g e s t i n t l i o w o r l d ) , and eee the display oi a r t in lam p-niaSdng.^W r hava h a r d you can m u k * yo u r g x / tn i t i to A V ty YcrJt in h ty in g a t in ft* /a w tj ,

OOlfEBTBB UWEIP CO.. ^■ 4 9 P a r k P la c e , 1 n -™ <"

a y B a rc la y B t., J ®c wI \ i r i f l a t * B a rd a y S t r u t f>oth r u n in to '

■ oppoalit PotUOJJloi

. Hiram IL Carapbollto John Gaskin—land Wall Vinnahlp.

r Henry M. Nevlus d a i , to JoannaR lttcrbrand— l o t 6711 Atlantio Uiablandn. $250.

\CarrleT raband to Jacob 8, R ltteibrand—lot 673, tUntlcUlghlanda. £350.Rcbccca P. Qulgloy to Wm. R. Mortoa—land In

Upper Freehold.Jss, E .H a lle /a t, to ‘Wm. R. N orton-M acres

landiTJpner Freehold. $823.John I. Llpplncott to Samuel Bills—land la

T. Houdrlckson d a l., to Bamuel Bills— land la Howell township. 8326.■ Ju lia Proctor d al., to Francis A. F orce-land

Shrewsbury township. 8360. j Wm, G. Hall et of., to James Nastaala—2 lots Springdale In Long Branch. &UX>.I Same to iuoo - lots 23 and 34. Sptlngdale. $275.

Holmdel Cemetery Co. to Wm. I. Conover—lot 393. 921 50.' Holmdel Cemetery Co. to Chaa. W . Conover—

J t 290, north aide, $22 60.Holmdel Cemetery Co. to Peter S. Conover—lot 0. south side. $22 50.

k). to J 0H1in C. Conover-lot

OFFICKRS j ' - ; •

President—MYBON B. GOUL6, ‘ Yloe Prestr-GBO. F. KROEHL. T reasureW O H N ROCKAFBLLKR, Seo’y and Bup’tr-GEO, M. LANB.

/ * I -, D I R K O T O B S • ■ . V .

Mvron S. Gould, Geo. F, Kroehl,John Rookafoller, J . Stanley Ferguson,

Geo. M .Lano.

PRESCRIPTIONSwill reeelvo special care fcnd a’t4ent^s|a?'Bnd•J»iil•

bo componhded from ■ 1

Chemically Pare I Thoroughly Reliable t D R U G S

a t B B A B O N A U tB P B IC K S , a t *

THOS. M; STEWART’S," ( (Successor to Woolloy <fc Reed,)

Registered Pharm acist,' CookmaB Avs. and Bond St.

J . W . R O B E R T S ,A E C S I T B C T ,

ROOMS 14 AND 15, F l v a t ^ I a t l o i t a l D a n k B u i ld in g : , !


^rMolmdelCemetery Co,

■j • Sherman B. Ovlatt to Charles H.IQy <t al—land AOanUo Highlands. *1,500.

Addle E. Roberts to Agnes A. Edwards—lots 43 and 44, Atlantic Hlgblands. 83,100..- H lu ie Gardner el a l, to Paul M. Richards—lot 633, Atlantic Highlands. 81,250. '

tWnr. O. Hnll et ol., to Samuel M, HaU et of—lot 5, Halberton Equate. 81.fiamuel M. B all et a i..to Julia Proctor—lot 86,

Halberton Square. $600.Annie L. w lltberger & a t , to Geo. W. WalUng—

land Ocean township, '$1.• tThos. W. Cooper to Emma Cooper—lot a t Lohg I&anch.-Sl.

Qm . C . Ray. to Jo lla C. Hendrickson—land In Wall township. 81.

^Hudson Bennett to Katie Crawford—land In Frt^hold township. 8125.

Annie E. Wild « al.. to Geo. M ackey^and In Middletown township 8S00.

Edward B. WyooiT to Addl Mount—land MU1-

D rfcebo A -V tuide^ecr d al , to Sarah W, West— lots 103 and 104, Long Brancb. $1.

Fannie M. Bright et a l , to Cynthia A, L. Jfym- m endcen—lan d ln Ocean township. 816.000,

Atlantic- Higiilimdj Assoclistion to_Wjn^Letls=. lot 517J4 Atlantio Highlands $200.

Thompson H. Landon to Annlo Popo—land Atr lan tlo llljh lan d s. St.

Geo. M, Lynch to Wm. P, Lynch—land Manala- pan township. $H>,ooo. - . •

M arr A. McGluty ei a l , to Sarah R. W ickham— land a t Elberon. «3,6C0.

Samo to eamo—land a t Elberon. 81,000.Robert AJlen, Jr., to George W. YanScholek—

lot land Red,Bank. 850.Freehold Land Co. to F reierick Parker—lots 21

and 26, Freehold. 8110.Elisabeth'A . Mitchell ei al., to JaC&b Truax—

landB ow ell township 81, .“ Elfzabem Ai Mitchell et al., to Elizabeth Truax —land Howell township. 81.

Ellaabeth A, jiltch e ll ci a l , to John Truax— land In Howell townablpufll. 1,

John A, McGuire to Hannah McClane—land in freehold township. 810a *, Edward F, Lyman d a t, to Clarence B. Poland'v ^ a ^ ^ ? ..ManAiquun- fcM23./7Tkeo:_L ia iB 3 ^ d |.Trr u m ju x 'T * w »J** V 'l u ' i a r"-Lont: Hranoh. «W4 87. • v - -

Richard Tilton to Bella Pulmar-lofc 81. TUton Cemetery, 010. . .

Clarence A. T uttle to J . Edward Borden—land

a‘Tho Freehold la u d Co. to Matilda C. Terrine— lo t 10, Ifreeho ld l^nd Co. $115. . ' ” • •" -

August Rohbeck to Scrle Mlapa Auguste Mar- ahrens—land East Long B ranoh /$7,500,

Wm. G. Hall et al. to George W. W atson—lo t 05, Halberton Square, near Long Branch. $400.

Allaall V. Weaver etal. to Benry Jackson- land Shrewsbury township. $1, ' j _ •• .

Thos. Leonara, Exr.. to Isaac T. Mayer—land Middletown township. $1,403 TO. ■ '

Wm; C. Hamilton to Algernon 8. Logan—lots 17 and 18, Spring Lake Beach. $3,600.

Isabella H. -Hallook et al. to Amy Fi.nlraore—

^ ^ w s S S ^ o k e s ^ to ^ R Camraora—laud, town- ehlps o f Eatontown and Shrewsbury. $47-80.

Jerem iah B ennett.to Ellen Flelder^-land In Wall township. 1160.

Cattmrino B. B ennett to Jerem iah Bennott—


A L L x c i x t a m O F

Blue Slone, Brick, Cement,“Lime, Plaster and Hair.

C u rb ing; a n d P a v i n g n S j i c c b l t y , ,

om gs at jpifits’s Coal Vard,• Second avenuo and M ainstroot,

A S B D B T P A B H . K . J , '

J A B E H W . P O L A B B ,

Buildings Raised and Moved,Residence—Nowark A v.A M aln Si.,.Occan P^rk

P . 0 , Bbx 780-rAsbnryJPark, N. J.

Things to Tlilnk About.The Tribune b as a (ew words to offer to

tboso m anufactn rers, w orkingm en, farm ers a n d o thers whose votes helped*he g rea t Dem­o cra tic v lctory’o n T uesday, N o r . 4

A re yon1 read y to t ty f ree tra d e ? Dlssatlfl; fled w ith the practical ap p llea llo n b f t h e pro? ,teotl*e policy,- as you now o oderstand -Its effect^ jo n vote to give pow er to a p a rty w hw e rttlitVR Idea is the ex tertn laa tlo n o f pro tective d alles. T h a t le the m ran lng o f Dem ocratlo fo tea th is year, if th ey h a re an y logical m ean­

in g ip respect to the tariff question: Some o f yon h a re m ade publlo y o a r purpose tp vote aga inst tho p a rty m ade resg ta s lb le fo r tbo M oKlnley bill, because It did n o t give yon freo raw material**, -O th e rs havo expressed the sam e purpose becaqae the m easure eoemed to Q jnkoprices h igher,-riRepublican p a rty should tak o yod a t yonr word. I t will not, being governed by pritlol- ples and convictions. B a t If Its S en a to rs and Representatives shoa ld play the cheap politi­cian, and trim their sa ils to the p opu lar Freese, how w oald y o ar votes affect yon ?

Moro th an a h u n d red cases have been chron­icled w ith in the la s t m onth in which new m an ­u fac tu rin g esiab liah toenls w ere s ta rted or a b o u t to s ta r t becanpe of tho recen t ch an g e o f duties. All tbeso, and the thousands m ore behind ihetn, w ohld re q n lre ‘tbe w ork o f me- obanlca n n d laborers in building, th e work o f machlnlBta an d iron p ro d u ce rs In e a a i r ,r'*nf,

rootcrlala for ihoip a»o. Dem ocrailo voles 'm ean th a t tbo voters w o n t > 1 ^ s o r t o r th lng- s ’.oppcd. Very w e ll; n h a t n o x tf

F^ree raw m atorlal, free o res a n d coal, plg- lron, hidea, leather and Inmb'eT, free wool and barley a n d farm p ro d u cts of a ll k ind?, would, m ean iho c losing o f a g rea t m any estab lish­m ents now In opera tion , a n d tho d ischarge or a g rea t m any w orkers la m ines or forests o r on farm s. I t la difficult to &ay how m any, for the increased A m erican dem and w ould qafek- ly p u t n p prices o f each products ab io ad .an d so enable p a rt o f the A m erican prodncers to com pete, a fte r some reduction of w ages. In a sho rt tim e, fo r Instance, wool o r iro n o re would r ise abroad , u nder the pressure o f the A tnerlcap dem and free o f d u ty , tow ard the p resen t price la tb is coun try , so tb a t som e conld tcn tln n e to m ake iro n here, an d those wool-grow ers whoso land Is cheapest oonld, con tinue lo grow wool. B n t a large p a rt o f the p resen t A m erican p ro d u ctio n w ould have to cease, because i t could n o t com pete with

i h e prodncera ln o th er coan trles. A large arm y o f workersTrlow th u s em ployed woifld have to seek o lh e r o cc n p y lo n sa lread y crow d­ed, o r g o ab o u t the co un try In ^ i l n search for the work which we shou ld th en be pay ing foreigners fo r dolug. Men who have n o em ­ploym ent canno t buy largely o f th e food o r c lo ttin g w hich tho lab o r o f o thers fdrnlshes,. and bo the dem and for all so rts of p roducts w onld sh rin k , ^D tm corailc votes tbla year m eans a ll th is , If they logically m ean any­thin g."

B ut. free raw m aU clals m ean also a great, re b o o tU n rc r ab ao lu teT rm o v E l'o f d u tie s on m anufactu red p roducts. Tbe m illions who grow wool, o r raise ore and coal from the ea rth , d o n o t vote t o p a y 'd u tie s o n goods of any k in d If d u ties are n o t p a id o n coal and ore and wopl. W hen the d u tie s o n ,m anufac; lu red p ro d u cts com e off, orJare c u t down to a purely, revenae basis, how m any concerns w o u ld ! have to close t How m any hundred th ousand workers w eald h a v e , to Join tbe a rm y of the unem ployed so. tb a t this coun try m igh t buy cheaper goods ab ro ad f Perhaps the m an u fac tu re rs who have voted to help- tbe Dem ocracy im a g in e .lh a t they c a n re ta in p ro tec tiv e d u ties on good s and yet got re- ■lA Jlufcbf d o tle a - (^® ^V 5rnir> j?^T hey wllf

lin d la tow nshlpof Wall. $ lfl ........................it " *

.... .1. H uhIio:$8<XMt

Tbo Methodlel Wm H. Hushos—Inqd

population of the United j3t&te$.Snporiiiitendent Porter has aent o n t h is offi­

cial C ensus.pn lle tin of tbe e leventh enntnera- tlon fo far as the population Is concerned In tbe eggtegalo . Spooial tiijiitaH on »od'«]iis*t Qcatlon, as well as Beld w ork, will bo reserved for fu tu re bulletins. . . -

Exclusive of ibe whl.tos on the Indioq .reser vatlops, the i lid iau Torrltor'y and In Alaska;- (tbe la tte r not being ye t . com pleted) tho can ­vas ehows the population to beftfa,480,5i0 on Ju n e 1, ltf90. In 1880 tho population was 50,155,789, a percentage o f inoreaeo o f 34 B7, In 18ro the population aa atatod was 88,658,- 871, a n Increase of 80.08 per cent. I t Is c laim ed tb ^ t tlie censoa o f 1870,was verv toac- On rate , especially Jp the 8o a th ern S tates, the law being , so Inadequate th a t th e w o rk was wholly within the province o ^ th e enum era­tors.

■Tbo following c o m p ara tiv e1 tab le la -glvon with tho pprceutage of inoreaso Id, all b u t V er­m ont an ^ Nevada, which show a decroaeo;

States a n d Territories. 1800. " 1880. Per Ct, 060,261M alte . . . . . . ................

New HampshireVermont • ......... .MassachtmcttH . . i . .Ithode Islau d .............Connecticut............ ...Mew Y ork .,.................New Jersey ............P en n sy lv an ia .............Delaw are......................Maryland....... ..... . . . . .Dlstrlot o f Columbia..."Virginia........................WOit Virginia ..............RorthCarolina............ .South Carolina. . . . . . . . .Georgia...................F lorida...........................O h io . ,. . , ............... ....Ind iana .......... ..Illinois............................M lcb igau ............... .Wisconsin.................Minnesota .....................I o w a .. . . ........................fillssnuii. ..................North Dakota..............South Dakota................Nebraska..... .................Kansas . . . .Kentucky.......................Tennessee......................A labam a......... . ; .......Mississippi............ . . .Louisiana*.. . . . . . C . . .T e x a s ...__ ; .................O k lah o m a........ .Arkansan........... ...........M ontana .. .....................Wyoming........ ......... . . .Colorado ......................New Mexico........ ..A rlao n a ............. ...........D t a h . . . . ^ .Nc vad s t t t t . tttt. v . ; . . . .Id ah o ................A . . . . .W ashington... ............Oregon ..........................California........................



7W.8615,081,0341.441.017 5,248,571




390,4353,060,7102,189,03*13,818,6302,089,7021.688.6971.800.017 1,006.729 2.077,080

182,425 327,818

1,050.793 1.423.4B5 1,850,430 1,763,723 1,508,073 1,284,887 1,110,828 2,232,220

• 61,701 1,125,385

131,709 60,689

410.975 144,862 . 69,6111 206,498 11,327 81,229

349,516 312490




5.082.871 1,131,116 1,28^<®1

146,608' 934,943 177,621

1,512,605 615.4 57

1,399,750 995,677

1,642.180 209,403

8.198.0G2 1,978,8013.077.871 1,636,937 1,315,497

780,773 I 6*4.615 2,168,380

30,909 , 98,208 452,402 896,000

1,618,690 1,542,359 1,262,505 1,131.597

339,916 1,691,719

802,525 39,159 20.789

194,327 119,563 40,440

143,903 ' W 206 32,610 75,110

174,7f; 864.0W


25.20218819.781727 40 22.5814.50 i i .?h29 37

0 01 22.f'15.5115.23 18.95 44.114.6510.65 24.06. 27.06 27 99 66.60 1736 23.46

394 20 (.63

133.60 42 SI 12 64 ,4.35 19 45 13.55 18.8240.24

4023 230 60 191.45 111 40 21.1647.60 43.44

T j n r158.29365.30 78.80 39 21

By com parison It will b e seen th a t Now York and Pennsylvania s ta n d relatively the sam e as first and second in poin t of popula­tion, while Ohio and Illinois have exchanged places. ; T exas rises from h e r position o f No. I I In 1B80 to No. 7 In 1S00 ; K entucky drops from 8 to 11; M innesota advances from 26 to 20^-N&brackft from 80 t o 23; M aryland drops from S3 lo 0 7 : Colorado tI*s» from W to S i ;

N&tfida from 42 t o l a n d A*l*»na from 44 tois . " . : r ~ '/■ ’ :

N aturally tltol^Piatcst ratio of 'loorcase h as been in the N orthw estern S tatgs a n d T errito ­ries, while tbe Eastern and S outhern S tates show sligh t Increase, Tbua tho North and South A tlan tic divisions show an lucreaso o ver tbe las tceu sn a of less th an 20 p e r cent, The W estern division Bbows npw ard of TOper cen t Increase, th e .c e n tra l divisions m aking but a m oderate cbnngo. T h e d im inu tion In N evada o t 17,039 is due entirely to the failure of the mlnes^ Others o f the m ining S tates a re suffering to som e ex ten t from tbe same cause. The relaUve differences in th e growth of the State* will be be tte r understood when all the cond itions a ro mado know n.

X. M. C. A. W eek o f Prayer.In accordance w ith the recom m endation o f

the In te rn atio n al Com m ltteo o f th e Y, H ^C ,' A ., tbe present week has been obsprv^d as a season of p ray er fo r i h '0 'a d v a n c ^ H « tf i i s - soolatlon. ; /

The opening service was held In th e Ro- form ed Church, Sunday a riernoon a t 4 o’olock, Jo h n A. Botden, presiding. A fte r a serv ice of Bong Jtov. Dr. 8ondder read the S crip tu re lesson and offered prayer. Rov. vp r . J P . Sam pson, o f Bethel A. M. E . C hurch , waa in troduced and addressed th e A ssociation on the Im portance o t aalW iry- iti ' th eir chosen work. “ W o rd s /’ “ a re o f use onlyIn eldvatlng o n r fellow m en and In b ring ing them to a knowledge of Chriai.*1 T he speaker r.luStrated hla r«dnarka 'W ltb Tiotedexatnples.

Rev. S. T. H orner followed with a strong ' p lea fo r more e a rn est consecration am ong the m em bership in^rltig ifig o thers io know “ the way, the tru th and ;tbe life.” Ho desired to d o m oro hlmfiQlf in thfl t a m r e and hoped tosee o thers m ore active. ,

I n th e evening tho A esooiatlon-attended the M . E . C hurch ia a body, Rev. G. O. M addock p reaching a eernton expressly ad ap ted to tho occasion. M edllngs have followdd every evening d uring tho week a t tbo hall over the poat office, which were led by the m em bers.

« M ore Florida Tourists. .5;The flrst o f the p arty o f S oa thern toorlflts .

secured ,by M r. J . B, Thom pson, representing th e. O cean Steam ship Cp., will leave New York on S aturday , Nov. 15, by steam er City q f A u g w la lo t Savannah, a rriv ing there on Monday evenlhg and reaching 'Jacksonville . on Tuesday m orning. » Y

Am ohg the party will be M r. and Mrs, M ' J . Boyce and E. 8. Low, who oon tlnae th ro ag h ' to D oL aad, .where they w a l lo c a te fo r th e w in­ter at tho P u tnam House, wblch wlll be n n d e r ~ Mr. Boyce’s c o n tro l; Mr. L ow w ill be head cook a t the P u tnam {'M r, B. Hoy man, the Cookm an avenue m ark e tm an ; M essrs. T ay- *

.1 nr « n d ; Y w rm in t. n f S n m o n r ltin tA. W isem an a n d 'w ife , W. C. an d H arry W iseman, and Mrs, M otlar and son, j - — -

Others w ho havo tak en advantage o f tbe low rat&s to parties will d ep a rt latep> th is m onth a n d d u rin g December. T h e trlpVby7 . the Ocean S team ship line la m ade in a l ittle over tw o days from New York, a n d the rem ainder of the distance to Jack so n v ille is covered by rail In a few hours.

Nearly all tbe big w inter hotels will be ready to open* by Thanksgiv ing ^ay . T rav el southw ards b y tr^ tn and steam er, has been heavy lately , and the iHorlda p ap ers an ­nounce, th a t the season is open ing with a ru sh , ■ . . . v\

Mr. Thompson* can o b tain favorab le ratoa an d eligible sta teroom s for a few m ore fo r the second p a rty , _w hlch lea v e s ' early In December. A postal ca rd sen t to e ith e r As­bury P ark o r Ocean G rove post office will seenro h is a tten tio n .

H ot P otatoes*'The children have taken np a new form o f

amuBement lately. l i V bImpie, b u t very fas­cinating and d raw s an e x p ec tan t crow d wher- “ ever i t is p racticed . T he inven to r o f tho “ schomo w as rak in g o p leaves one afte r noon, aud a fter a fire bad been s ta rte d In the s tre e t he^thought he could easily m akeiuse o frthe heat In ro o stin g a few sw eet po tatoes th a t h a p p e n ed to be laying on the b ack p o rch to d ry ^ ^ S o a hole was m ade in the cen tre o f the p ^ e o f leaves and the po tatoes laid carefully

the eoirth. Thei} the em bers were piled top, m ore leaves added,- an d in half a n

houfc. the potatoes—sm all o n e s -w e re baked ^olear-througlJr-^A fterm uehsklrtiliB lringsboofe^^- to get them cool enough to ea t, they w ere broken opent and the dozeti or so o f ch ild ren gathered a round ' to no te^ tho snccess o f th e , baking, considered them the finest they ever ate.' ■ (_....,

N ext day, a long one street, there were h a lf ^ a dosen p o tato bakeries In fu ll b las t, eaoh su rrounded f»y a n ap p aren tly hungry crow d, and watched by paren ta from the windows. . Evon tbe boys' and g irls ' m am m as confessed to a feeling o t hunger as they w itnessed the en joym ent o f tho children in tb e lr c a t d o o j ^ Innch. T h e “ b ak ery ” cao be tnkde by ^uijd-

„ r -wilt assist In ro astin g quite a plUj o fpotatoeis ’—onoogb to feed a dozen youngsters. “

E v a n g e l i s m N o t S c r i p t u r a l .

C hurch , s ta rte d a large aized buzzing a t the preachers’ m eeting In Ocean G rove, on M on­day, by m aking scrip tu ra l aa well a s p ractical objection to tbe em ploym ent of evangelists,Hla paper was form ulated nnder the proposi­tion : '‘ Does the prevailing p lan of em ploy­ing evangelists in special revival work ten d to the prom otion of a healthy condition o t Church life? ” ' •

H e took tho ground th at th e ' evangelists spoken of by P aul were In no sense liko thoao who go ab o u t tbe coun try for the pay th a t le in It, b u t they wero under the d irec tion and 47 control of tbe apostles and were sen t p u t T>y the church , referring to T lm othens. , ■■'“ t

Tho evangelists had their supp o rte rs in th e discussion b u t on tho vote there waa a pre- ^ ponderance against the m ethods o f-m o d ern ., evangelists. r

T o P r o t e c t t l i e I J e w R o a d w a y .

Jlho Tow nship Com mltteo held a m eeting S a tu rday even ing to discuss the question o f opening the s tree t near the M acadam rriid way,

On m otion I t was resolved to prepare a n ord inance forb idding the opening of M ala streOt nearer _tban six feet o f the M aoadam or Telford roadbed, by the w ater or gas com - .. pantos. ' . . .

A petition was reoelyed -ItojBi the teddeate ''

th e ir m istake. T he g rea t Increase 'o f th o arm y of unem ployed will m ean a fu rth er sh rin k ag e In the dem and fo r all p roducts of IndoBtry, D em ocratio votes I his y ea r m ean all this, if they m ean anyth ing .

I t f s '.n o t of t»nqh use now for m anufac­tu re rs o r w orkingm en o r . ia tm ers to reg re t th a t they bave Alven a g rea t im pulse to the Free-T rade ball. B u t It may b o ‘o r ndo fo r them to consider w ithout much delay w heth­e r th ey m ean to let It roll* on ta .th p logical cn<J o r id -s to p U.—.Y. Y. T rib u n e ,/ ■ _ .

Episcopal Church, Ooeanlo. to land ia Shrewabury township,

jTw . JoIdbod in Korioa V .-6anf«4-hw M nKntontown township. $525. , .

Tho Freehold Land Co. to Mlohaol Ford—lo t 63, Froehold. ^ 0 , ,

Annla E. Durdgo to Anthony B,-BurdpHl&nd la Howell towomilp. 81W. ,

Theo. Fields, ahotifl, to Garret B. Conover-, land M^nnlftpan fta^lon. $l0r •

Josoph McDermott, Aealgnoe, to John Slocum —OceaaUotel property, Lon*Branoh. $1,090.

Bonry Corlles to Wm. S. S an fo rd -lan d . In Eatontown township. SI50. .

RehJamia L. W olcott tt al. to Wm. 8. Saaford —laua in Ocean townsblp. $200. - ’ ‘Theo. Flolds, Sheriff, to Eva If, B tahop-lo ta In ViUa Park. 8282.50.

Chas. JoQobus to Agnos A. C. BUhardson—lo t In Bolmar, S7&0, • -

Chas. II, Freeman, Jr., to Porsous Wbltoohuroh - lo t s 11, Hr, 18, 14, 16 and JO, a t Spring la k e Reaohlm provcm ontCo. 812,000. ' •

Wm. A. Dunlop et al. to BonJamln Striker— land tn Matawan. £.050 . .

Wm. R.' Mops et al. to Mortis G. Blaokburn— land a t Long Branch, €G00. -

L, Bpenocr Gobjq to John Letohworth—Jot Brighton I>and Aesooiatlon. 8 V.6OO.'

Isabella H. Hallook et at. to Jame —lo t Ih Freehold. 8350. • • • „

Tliom aalugllqg t t u l.%ta Vlrtrfnla F. T . Davto—land in Shrewsbury township. *1,200.- Phebo A. Johnson to Wm; U. Johnson—land a t Sea fildo. 8100. . .

Wm. T, Parker to Mary B ow m au-lo t. In DhroWflbury township. 81,000.

Janies G^ Maynard

-Iron Steambpafc Co. Directorsi *The an n u a l e lection for D irectors of the

Iro n S team boat Co. was h e ld a t th e C entra l Hotel, L ong BianOb, l a s t week. T he reg u ­la r ticket w as o^pbsod by Interested parties

claim ed to hol'd prox ies fo r shares voted by President C a rp e n te r^ ^ h e proxies o f the la tte r ehow ed.a enbaeqaont dato to thoso bold by T reasu rer W ashington an d wero allowed. T h e uovt S ^ c td r e a t e ; Samrie! C arpenter,: ^ in ile 'V a tab le , W. II, JV p ivo itou , G. M, Dodge, S. Now ton Sm ith, O . IE Bullin, L. C, W ao h n eri. J , H. Coffin and Caleb W . Shep* herd . The net earn!rigs for tho past season wero |98,'800; fe4O|o60 was passed to d ividend acco u n t a h d the balance to surp lus.

Tapped the Till., A few days, ago o n e o f M r. 8. W arce’s ten* an ts c a llo d a t bis grocory and paid, a te n dol­lar bill for ren t e n d su p p lie s ,' Tw o colored m en who were In the atore o t the tim e called ifor som e artic le th a t reqtilred Mrs. VVartte to go In to I h e basem ent. W hen Bhe returned th e ten dollar bill and. the oolored custom ers had vanished. Both th e n ien a re know n; to d tha recovery o f tb e (.tnoney sho u ld b e w sliy accom pllahed. '■ v

M a k i p g _ M o r e ^ o r a f o r Q u e s t s .

Am ong the b e tte t olass of h o te ls in Ocean C ro re la the U nited States, owned, b y Mr. Wm. Orr. F o r Bevoral y e a rs the S ta tes has n o t been largo enourftf-tcnroooinm odBto all his guests, a n d the hltohen d ep artm en t was ra th e r contracted , ~ V

The Im p o rtan t qneation was w hore to get room to expand. On threo sides were s ^ e t s , . the basem ent was a lready utilized, and; the top w as well tow ard the sky . T he lo ts a d ­jo in in g on the west wero occupied by h a n d ­s o m e 'c o tta g e s ' Keeeutly Mr. O rr secured a p leasao t lo t on Oiln street and m ade the own-; e r o f th e 'co itag e next 1 0 tho S tates a n offer, which was accepted , to trade lots, .he to m ore the co ttage an d put It In good order o n thtf new lot.. . .

T h u s Mr. O rr speared a valuable lot ad jo in ­ing , an d hrs new addltlop will give MA m ore roomB,with a largo k lij^ ify g o a carv ing room ,

Ffdaty woathar has caused a 'co m m o tio n am ong wiia geese an d duoks. * T hey a te p i n g . Southw ards In g ro at fioaks. T h e ) )d ik in g , season opened on C hesapeake Bay la s t jjBator-day.; '; ' f' '. v _

t The New Jersey Ai/riculturiit, form erly pbb- llshed a t H addontteld. has been.purchancd byr parlies a t Jam esb o rg , where U will bo Issued In .f a tu f o r^ i r .^ J r H . D ravonstedt rotnalna in ed itoria l co»Ul?l. t.~ *

A large IIagafaff Is to be placed bolwea,h' th e tw lo lights a t Navoslnk H ighlands, from which tbe sta rs a n a ^trlpeo wiil float a ll day , bo th a t m ariners and v isitors com ing Into p ort raa^y see 'the co q n try ’s emblem a s they ap* l>roaqh o u r shores. \ ■ ' *(

Miss Jones who h aa such nice red cheoks,, Bad accident befell h e r ; • - . /A rat ran twice around the room,

Bhe turned a blopmlng yoller. *

of South Main s tro e t com plain ing pf low aw nings. I t was received and a n ord inance was prepared regulating the height o l a w n * ; lugs'from the sidew alk.

The road bills engaged some a tte n tio n an d i t .was decided to 'm ak e a to u r of Inspection.A n um ber o f bills were passed a n d the Board adjonrotid till Tuesday n ight. ' V! -? ■..

, At tho ad jo u rn ed m eeting the^w ork of the road overseers and their expenses was con­sidered. sSpm e of them had g reatly exceeded th e ir 'a l lo tm e n t, co n tra ry to law an d tha la- s trao tlo n a 'o f the com m ltte#. One m an nacd nearly double the am ount voted for blB dia-~--'. t ^ c t . -T h e en tire appro p ria tio n voted fo rth e cu rre n t ,y e « r 'was $3,000; T ho m eeting w as^

" y t i .n f f A c t io n was tak en to rem edy

The g rea te st tu nnelling en te rp rise In th e world Is the new aquodnct o f the . C roton * water^wdr&s, supplying New Y o rk c lty ’, I d a S9,6a mUea long. The St, G o th a rd tn n n el through th e Alps is 8 # m iles long, and was

Considered the g reatest engineering problem o f th e tlm e.- v — ......

N eptune s team er was tak en ‘o u t J ^ o n d a y j, ; n ig h t for tria l and also to te s t a lo t o f hose -. th a t was thought to be unservlceablo. Some of. i t was found to s tand tho pressure. 1

M ost of o n r jn^-tow ji residen ts w an t the ^ Ore a larm bell ^ooated In . tho oentjftl p a r t o f

th e town... • •> . . . . 7 ^ ' ^- -■ .■ ■ ' ;V. / , .I t m uet be d iscouraging to a hen ju s t a s 8he

geta.lnto exolUBl^d society, to have sopiebody ' . break op h e r sot. ' ; . ‘ ; !*,' .

I t tak cao w ay tho sting of rogrot th at iie ia no longer young when a m an sees hla wife- washing h er son behind th e ears. *• 8terfi'Paretitnr-*AI say, Mr. Softly P* Softly

—"Y e s , e ln ” S tern P a ren t—“ Y on seem to stay around a great deal for a m an who la /so ^ badly < gone* a a y o a are.*’ ■■ ;r ^ ^ ^ /

I f a wom an was aa c a re fu l 'in kalectlng a husband to m atch her d lspopltlon a s she tp Boleotlng a dress to m atch her oom plexlonr there w ould bo feWer unhappy m arriages t h ^ g X ,^ there a r o . - ■/. ’ ......■

Engilfihmen—“ Isay , ye knawl t h a t ’s th e v ) bebkage to Boston f” R ailroad T icket Clerk —*1The w hatage ?” E nallshm an—1‘‘^ h e b o o k - agb, yo knaw —the tariff. W hat’s ^h’ tariff ?” Ticket.CUwk—V I haven’t tim e to ta lk p o li­tics, V .. ' " •; - • : : ' ,-.V

In 4893. Im p a tien t t ra v e le r tto conductor) • ^ ‘How soon shall we xCaobCblcago^,, C o n - ■ do c to r—“ W o etiterecUho c ity lim its parly tbis

"morning, alrt an d ' if we m eet with n o bad la c k wo shall be a t the exposition gronnda. about noon to m orrowt” «



H H 9 I K


;':v ■: •;--v—-L W. F. UROY,- Assistant EorroB,—--— '

' rvsiisHxo jnuiiV at__ JTHE:A8aURYLPARK .BfUttTlNQ HOU8E,._ _ ^ ^ _ U ^ - _ r i a ,M A T t l8 Q M A y E K « e ^ • .. ...

Asteted b y Democratic officials. TlianUPgtvinft I>ay.They not only-found the .work in tlio , ^ t - gftDWsr ’p^rdoaf^oHW wrM nolT-

jury'"room very unsatisfactory, but tha manipulation by the-prosecuting officer

j-.v:__ t : ’ ---'in-r 'fit-.'! a# AWn Tnn/1(nn mn/IMo rtf hlniihlAa frtl* hh^SlU ?-

Entered as second-class matter a t t k t Asbury Park ■ ' Post Office, P r im a ry T.'M&

TJBXM8 O F S V n s C M P tlO N .1 year* in advance.*......6 months, ia a d y a n q e * .. ..- .......8 months, Jn advahoe......... .........................Single copies,, . . . v . i *

,..»1 BO, ,•■ TO

.'40. . . 3


We stall be glad toreoelyo communications on subjects of interest to this

f c s w p s r s t o it S t o n s S s r i a a - s W f i

D(WaMoannot re tu rn rejected oommanioatlooB, b n t trill hold them fo r a- lim ited tim e if re-

" I t f & S k Intended fo r-th e editorial o r news departm ent Bhould be addressed to tbo

, ‘ *: E ditor of Tnss JotnwtAx,ABbury Porki New Jersey*


t h e T ariff G ets th e B lam e.• r .That the Democrats and their newspa­

pers worked the. McKinley bill for a ll it was worth, a^d that many unthinking Be- publicans were fooled Into believing that they were to pay far more for the necessa­ries of life, and that-the country was going to ruin, may now bo classed aa M the tale that Waa told”—simply for its effect

T hat4t had Its effect on indifferent and lukewarm men a t a time, when they thought tjiere was no important Issue at stake, cannot be gainsaid. That tho ad*yance in prices was made, mainly for a piur-

- pose*, by "dealers was1 patent, and th a t the politicians magnified and distorted plain facts Is shown by the Budden^huab of the papers and >the resumption of old prices by free trade dealers. By reference to the prices current i t will be seen that the goods

.that-were said to have advanced are really - ' lower. Thus, tin was lower laat week than

for any period during the past six months. Clothing and leather, about which such a

* howl went up, are lower than at any time daring the year.

Thie Now York World, which teemed with abominable statements and subter­fuge as to the Injurious, effects of the Mc­Kinley. Mil on the poor consumer, was given the lie in every issue by its adver­tisers. I n the matter o f carpets, a leading.

■ New York house advertised and actually sold tapestry and Brussels carpets for less than the . duties on. forelifo. goods of. the same line and quality.

A large dealer of Aabiiry Park, though a Democrat. but an honest one, atated be­

fo re election that the slight advance In prices was due more to combinations In certain lines of goods thaifto any prospec­tive advance In duties. He did not be-

__ lieve ty the prevailing panic of rates( and”-^d id-no t chabge his prices.

Howfc.au Democrats TOnBcieuUouBly say

at rates as low, or less, than the duties on foreign make? . .

G o o d R o a d s a N e c e s s i t y ,

‘ The marked success of macadamizing' Main street and th]e Shark River road, which has so fully demonstrated the great advantage and utility of having better roads leading to Asbury Park, should be followed by further improvements in other directions.

The opening of an air-line road to Free- hqlfi has already been urged In these col-

-umns, which would be a fine thing both for this section and the county seat. Quite as important are the three thoroughfares between Asbury Park and Long Branch.

Ocean avenue Is probably the more im­portant of these as a driveway. There ha te been propositions to macadamize it between Eiberon' and Asbury Park by means o f a subscription fund or by a stock company. Under the first proposition a nqmbfer pf tour merchants would subscribe liberally, as they understancTfrom the im ­petus given to trade by the Shark Bfcer

witnesses. Parties who should have been indicted wont scot free._.i. A t the - election las$-weelt, 4 ha Erohlbi- tlonlsts-had another • opportunity t^ h e l p remedy the growing, evils of Democratic rule, among which Is jury fliing; blit with that unaccountable blindoess, now pro­verb! aVtliey voted for their ticket merely to show their apptitude for pure contrari­ness.: '

I f It is not that, we would like a better term. They know th a t . they throw their votes away, and have so acknowledged; yet those same votes, If properly placed, would go a long way In fighting the evils' they claim to wish out of the Way.

The Republican party.Is pledged to re­form In the management o f our county affairs, especially with reference to the juries, a t ^ y e t the Prohibitionists do all they can to Injure the party, and fall to give support to their worthy, efforts.

T he Surplug~Fut;to. G ood Use.At a recent Democratic convention great

stress was laid dfi the assumption that the administrationoiPreslctentCleveland hadweatea a glgHUlItfVl^^WluLlie Treciaaryand that it . had been squandered by; the present administration, ___

I t is fair to assume that a large anpount o f unused money lying idle In the vaults o f the United States, when interest is owing on bonds for many millions, and when , millions of these bonds , m ight be removed and interest stopped, Is really not a desirable surplus, and tho adminis­tration which nlerely hoard b i t for the sake of securing a mere show.ing of figures Is to be Censured, while >.the administration that uses ituto pay its just debts and puts the money in clrculatinn Is greatly to be praised,

The . resolution of the convention re­ferred to was false in its premised There Is no deficit. The outgo "from the Treas­ury lias been large, but the receipts have also been great. Nothing has been ex. pended except for an equivalent, and i t i$ a *• deficiency” with nearly sixty millions the Treasury, a Tbe Treasury also holds $800,089,471 In gold ctilh and bullion, and $342,474,665 in silver coin and bullion, besides Its aurpluB.

The report of the Secretary of the Treas­ury for Septem ber'is of great signifi­cance. At the beginning of the month the bonds of the United States bearing Interest were $680,078,020. The reduction made during the month was $42,287,050.

A reduction waa made in the so-called surplus of the treasury frorii $107,367,677 to $59,791,850, mainly for the redemption of bonds ond payment of interest. The

e Trt.. r to -

in drawing business from the summer pop* ulation a t Eiberon and West End. The coHsq^Qtkpi toll wouMJJnake a stock com pony objaciipnable.

A more feasible and equitable plan would be to operate under the new county road law, which gives the Freeholders the power, to designate certain important roads In the county, which may be im­proved by macadamizing under direction

. of-a competent engineer.Neptune, township has taken tbe initia­

tive in this direction, independent of the Freeholders, but we think the entire pop- ulation of Monmouth county should have Interest ehough. to inaugurate a system that would iu a few years result in a com­plete renovatiofi of our leading country

_ roads.': -iLi^ir^feyoad to Freehold, and Ocean aventle toTxrng Brancb.have-been men­tioned,. Two^dthers, leading from Asbury Park"-to Long Brancty—the old turnpike by Eiberon station, and tho road through Interlaken—are both feeders to our busi­ness and are. used more a'nd more each year."The first is a direct thoroughfare to

Long Branch village.-, and the other goes by way o f Oceanviiie and TVeBt Long Branch and Is much the shortest.' This drive Is u$ed by truckers who come from that direction, bringing in produce.

f «#®nder~ the new law the county bears I f t t^ w r tM B of the expense of issuing

•-/(|ijds, and is a t the expense of surveys the / |1me 'affif forjaew^roadfl. Union county

il/as*bonder fully improved its roadB by the 4ew coim tyact, and property has. greatly advanced in consequence.

Now is the time to adopt a general plan, ;J |k tegInnipg with some of the roadB men-.

l-\tloned, whichever Is most needed, and follow up the plan year after year until

are completed. By the bonding jyro- i t w ill give a term of yews to meet

th^obllgatloni ’W d tiie expanse will be p a r^ i jo r a e by future owners and by the advaW'^j In property values. '

log th e usual coBtom, Jaaued1 tho folloy^log proclam aU oi^BoU lnK apartThpw dtty, N ovem­ber 37,-aa a d ay o f Thanksgiv ing ; '

By thb grace > n d favorfit- Almighty God' the people o f this nation havo Been led to tho clodua daya of tho paralfig yeai^ whtcb has been fa ll 'o r the bleESlnga o f peftco and the comforts oi'Clontf, Boantlf\iroompeiS8at{oh 'haa;,cdm o'to na t o r tbe w ort o f oxtt minds and of onr hands ih every do-

recelpt8 frotri Uovernment revenues lo r the month were, 84,804,894, and the regu­lar expenses were $88,787,106. More than six millions were carried to tbe credit side,

I t Ib cause for congratulation that more than forty-two miillonsfrof interests bearing bonds have been wiped out, and the Secretary went even further in rgllev- ingrthe stringency o f the. money m arket by anticipating the payment of ,several

B icycles O iven Away*in- - CUANOa VOTi HOTS ANT>, OIBLB TO OWj?•• v...: v ••, M. •;modbl .To Interest the young

tlie /ouaKAi.’S Bubaoriptloh ilsr, the pnbifebei;

appoint Thuredty, the 27th day o f the presont month of November, to be observed oa a day of prayer and thankBgivlng; nnd I, do Invite tho people upou th a t day to ceaso lroni thetr labor, to meet in their accustomed booses of worship and to Join In rendering gratltudo and praise to our beneildent Creator for-the rich blessings Ho has 'ranted to ns as a nation^ and invoking tho oon- inuanceof Hla protection and graco for tbe fu­

ture. I commend to m y fellaw-cltlcona the prlvl^ lege of remembering tho poor, the homeless and the sorrowhil. t o t ns endeavor to m erit th e promised recompense of charity and tho gracious acceptance o f onr p raise .-

2n testimony thereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused tho seal o f th o United States to be affixed; "* - -• *.

Done a t the elly o f W ashington thla eighth day o f Kovomber, in tbe year o f our Lord one thou­sand eight hundred and ninety, and o f th e in d e ­pendence o f th e United States, tb e ono hundred and fltteenth. BENJAMIN HABBISON.By the President—J ames G; Bjuains, >8ecretary. of ■State. *

A G ong o f Tl)leycS'JuKK^d.

T l i e O l l l c l u l P l u r a l i t i e s .

^ T h e C ounty poaFd^of C anvassers coot on Friday last, a t F reehold, b u t ow ing t6 the non-' a r r iv a l of th e vote- from , one o f the M iddle­tow n d istric ts they ad journed till Saturday . H on. M ichael T aylor w as chosen chairm an,.fflhn V- iw n a n m llh -q n A -W ThnmpanP. T-lt.tie, secretaries.

Tbe canvass show s the following p lu ra lit ie s :Congress—J . A G elasenhalner..; . . . . . 1.0018eaator^-T. B .R Brown............ 1,110Connty Clerk—John T .H a ig h t . . . . .... .......... 671Sheriff—Ru’.lff P.S m o c k . . . . . . . 76eAssembly.- 1st Cist—Aaron ■ E, Johnson.. . . • OOl

i* Bd Dist-W llllami D. Campbell.. 710 8d DIat—Charlea'I). I v i n s . . 1.782

Whole num ber of names e n ro l le d . . . . . . . . . . 18.921Ballots rejected «,,v ....................................... 160

OKJSSEMIIAlKBR'S PtUBAUTIES.Monmouth connty.. .. . . . . . . J . . . . . . . 1,001Middlesex c o u n ty ......... . . ..................... . . . 1,087U nio aco u n ty ... . . . ^ ..................... 1.567

Where Shall the B ell H aoK?T he Arc a la rm bell, how th a t i t has been

secured an d on the ground, seem a 'lo .b e an unsettled fac to r, aqd w here to place Ufla a question a t yarlanco am ong tb6 au thorities and snbsciibe^p. ' Aa th e J o u r n a l was Inter­ested in ra is in g th e fund It m ay be allowed a n expression Ini rela tion thereto . _

T he leading idea In b ay in g a n e w a re alarm w a n he fac t th a t the p resen t a la rm system conld n o tb e heard In tbe northern an d east­ern p a rts o f the tow n. Q uite a n um ber in these sections Subscribed w ith the- ob ject In view tb a t i t w onld he placed centra lly—not fa r th e r so n tb th an A sbury aveoue an d n ea r G rand avenue.

I t Is suggested th a t L ibrary 8q uare ia a su it­ab le location, an d a s U Is public property it could be m ade available. I t 'l s a cen tra l point an d an a la rm could be beard In an y p a r t o f th e Borough."- I f It Is located in th e tlo ln lty o f P ark H all o r M attison avenne there will be tbe sam e difficulty as a t p resen t if there is a s tro n g northeasterly wind.

T here a re a larm s already in th e vlolnlty or th eibu tiness p a rt—all th a t a re needed. T he ' d ire lilcga o t th e englneers a n d flremen o f the*

.of tK^Jleadlug models, o f bloyblos for bhiyaand glr)a.; tb offer tb era a s preujium a fo r / ,Hek p f i sobticribers. Th6eo wheels aro tho best niatlo and ro ia irn t from 633 to$50. T o n n y boy or g irl securing th e follow ing num ber of new nam es aa subscribers tp tbo J ournal fo i ;tho lon^tb of tlm o nam ed, an d tho casb, tlio pub­lisher will glvo ollb’of a Boy’s. Ju n lo r o r IJillo O lan t Bicycle. Tho glrla, o f course, can have the regulation ahape fo r tholr u so : ' • : ;r‘ ..

40 nam es for 1 year, a t ©I BO edcbV^85 nam es fo r 0 m onths, a t : .Tfteaoh.;!: v

lCO nam es for 8 m onths, o t .40eaoh^j T his Is a fine ohanco fo r any live bp y or

g irl to fibonro a b icycle. ' I t le n o t i* cbmp^tU.: tlon, becauso whoever seenrea t b o , rej^Uilod num ber o f subscribera gets a wheel,; W e a re ready to supply os m any a s m ay be carnM . Thoso who got to work flrst Btaiad tlie b& t chance. T here are 'epougb people in Ibe t 'a rk to m ake It passib le fo r h a lt a dozen'-bojratft g irls to earn a w b eq l; tw o o r th ree in Iho G ro v e ; one a t A v o n ; tw o o rm o re a t Boltoar, an d so on in any Of the neighboring to w n ^-:

I f any. who a re ' a lread y s u b s c r ib e s desire to assist those who cau o n them , they c^n ' have tho p ap er sen t to a friend in any p a ren t tb e country—a s-m a n y , In fac t, a s thoy wish to pay- for. ;. : ~*s -1>:. . ' ' ^ J -

. , ^ B e r e a v e d F a m i l y . - .

W niI^Cox* 8god 10 yearsj d ied a t th eV i^ P dence of b is m other, Mrs. Chas. M, Cox, on Bewail avonue, a t a b o u t 12 o ’clock on Toean day night, o f m ereuria l poisoning.

Y oung Cox w as a n a ssis tan t In Pach’s p h o ­tograph gallery la s t sum m er, an d Inadver­tantly, touched his tongue to som e o f the pots-/ onons chem icals. Drs. Jo h n so n an d Mitchell were called, an d tb o u ah he e'hpaped dea th 'fo r. tbo time, ho n o v e t. fn]ly reco v ered , from Its effeots.

Two o r three w eeks since, he oommenced work a t b is trad e a s m ason, b u t was obliged to relinquish w ork ow lng t o a sw elling which developed o n one o f b is legs,, th o u g h t to be tlio resu lt of- the poisoning. J3is lungs a lso appeared to" be affected. D f. Johnsonu a t ­tended him an d though he appearedj-to be, a little be tte r o n T uesday n ig h t a t 10 o ’oloek when tbe docto r called, ho was taken worse shortly a fter an d expired before m idnight.

T he m other feels th e loss very keenly o f h er beloved boy, w ho was a g rea t help an d solace

■to. liop in her widowhood. Indeed , tbe whole fam ily were, g reatly a tta c h ed to each o ther. The rem ains were tak en In ch arg e by U nder­taker J a s . H: Bexton a n d rem oved fo r burial a t W oodlaw u C em etery, P h ilad e lp h ia ,. tb la (F riday) m orning.



; A sbury ! Parle h as liud a m ild ex citem en t this’w^ek b ver th e dleoovery th a t a co ttag e a t-

^N brth 'A bbury P a rk had beeij en tered and Roods valued a t oyer $2O0carrIed aw ay. rTho' police wero ifetllled M onday: a fte rn o o n > an d they bavo douo good w ork fn ferreting out th e cu lp rits an d in socuring a portion of the goods.

s team ers a re connected w ith the telephone system s. 'T h e purpose ,of th e new bell, we u ndera taad it, Is for a general a larm th a t can be heard a t. an y .point. I f p laced a t Li i jr a ry Square i t could be connected w ith tbe Sterm -syjftem and a euro service* m ado av a il­ab le to every p a r t o f the borough.

Official Gltau fires.

nU llons oil Congress m ight wel

time to the application of the v a^ aimddnt of coin now held.,by the Government,, to the reducfion of its bonded d eb t E xist­in g laws stand la tbe way, bu t these m ight be revoked or amended to the relief of taxpayers and at the same tim e a 'great amount of Idle wealth could be made available.

Canada buys moat of her agricultural Implements here instead of England be­cause they are better and cheaper. Do our^farmers want English-made reapers and plowa? Ask the Australian farmers and those gf th a South American Stetea how, qur implements compare. The Buck- eye reaper and mower works a t Pough- keepsle'd^rlve their best trade from these countries, while hundreds annually go to Europe. - Ex-President Cleveland evident­ly knows little about farms and farming, or else he talks for buncombe wheh fie says of the lt^e' election that i t was “ the pro­test of farmers against a tariff which taxes their agricultural implements.^ f

■ ., . . _ Democratic newspapers have been veryroad ImproToment, that It would paj,,hem tlla cll.ctlon t0

•ra*" h a w s w o a s • iN to o y y ic% A a a w O oyjs o to n ■

Tuesday ah d W ednesday w ere Interesting, “ “ “ * days l a thQ offlciaV caleSdaiB o f tb u co’bittty

officials, a n d a legion o f th eir friends assem ­bled to w itness th e ir form al in tto d u c tio n )nto th e offices to which they w ere elected.

Tuesday m orning a t 10 o’clock Sheriff-elect Ruliff P. Smock, w as w aited on by Jn d g e J . C larence C onover, and in th e p re se n c e ^ ! his associates he w as sw orn in to office, having filed his bond-in $20,000 in tbe C lerk’s office. HIS depu ty will b e chosen in a few days.

Oa W ednesday, a b o u t noon, Ju d g e Conover adm inistered tbe oatb o f office to C ounty Clerk-elect J o h n T . H aight. Hon. Holm es W» M[urpby was sw orn In a s D eputy , and the A ssistan ts a re E. W. A rrow sm ltb, J r . , and George L. Adam s. -

T he election o f Mr. H aigh t to th e C lerkship left a vacancy in th e office o f C ounty Col* lector. T he Board o f Freeholders m et on W ednesday and accepted hla resignation , and proceeded to tbe ap p o in tm en t o f h is suc­cessor, T here w ere several cand ida tes, b u t tbe friends o f Hon. W m . 8 . Throckm orton rallied a t tbe cancus during the recess a n d be was m ade tbe nom inee. O n reassem bling a t 2 o 'c lock he was elected Collector. T wo m em ­b ers—M essrs. Cooper and Snyder—did n o t vote. ..

the fate of Senator M. B. .Quay, of Penn­sylvania, They have advised him to tell all he knows, reBlgn from the National Committee, keep his month shut, stay with the Committee, and do many other things. Some have even counselled patience and a suspension of judgm enttm -tbe part of the more rabid d e tra c to rs ^ Mr. Quay, and tackled the Republican organa for sad­dling the blame, for Pattison’s election as Governor of the Keystone State upon his unfortunate head. Mr. Quay has gone to Florida to refit and flsh, and says > e will be back a t the r&BS6mbll$g^of Congress^ in December, but whether he resigns as chairman of the'N ational Committee or pitches Into hla enemies for their voluml- nous slanders will hot be known until the 'proper tim e comes; Mr, Quay may have w e tn esses but he is not in tbe habit of telling all he knows upon the street cor-

F u r b l i n d P r o h i b i t i o n i s t s .

During the recent term of cour^ While the grand jrfynvas In session, some of our Prohibition friends had the satisfaction of seeing the result o f the working of the

> 'Mon^mouth county jury system as admin-

A merlesMechanics Is to be commended, fo^t^ne feature of its work—the raising o f Amer­ican flags over all the public schools. I t’s an inspiring sight in traveling about the country to note the Btars and stripes Hying In front of these institutions of learning— the places where the future citizens should be taught to reverence the “ emblem of tiie free,” and feel proud that they live to enjoy the benefits o f liberty and learntng.

W ant a W heel? -* Boys an d g irls Interested in the B icycle p re­mium will p lease no te a change in t h e nu m ­be r o f subscribers necessary to secure 16.- B etter term s have been m ade with the m anu- facturere, an d th is a ccoun ts fo r the change Iri fav o r cf^ihlL.young canvassers. Som e have th ough t th a t they m u st secure the fo il num ­be r fo r one length o f tim e, b u t th is Is Incor­rect. F o rty yearly subscribers a t il.50 eacb am ounts to $60, an d w hether th is sum Is .entirely -made tip Jn yearly BUbsorjbers, o r p a r t fo r half y e a r o r th ree m onths, I t is only necessary to secure enough o f ^ach to m ake th e am oun t 160. _ — •. I llu stra tions o f th e B loycle 's-are-no t q u ite ready to publish. The wheels are - tha, well-

t know n Boy’s Ju n io r an d G irl’s Jn n lo r, and a r e recom m ended by those fam iliar w ltb th eir co nstruc tion as th e b est to be had, h Get tp w ork an d see who shall have ihe flrst wbeoi. There a re batf a doeen boys an& glrls already securlog nam es, an d we-wlah them suooosa.

C l u b O f f i c e r s E l e c t e d .

T he Y oung Men’s R epublican C lub’o f Kepi- tu n e tow nship Is one o f^h e few organ laa tlo is o f Its b ind th a t m ain tains an ex istence f r o | | year to year, Tho m em bership Is large and the su ite of room s.In th e M ikado Building;Is an a ttrac tiv e cen tre an d m uch . frequented, especially a t cam paign tim e. - ^

Tbe a nnual m eeting was held Tuesday everf- ln jgantL the^ollow L ng-w crc-tileo ted 'O lB eefe fo rtb e co m T S ig j 'e a r : _ -

President—PW^k L. TenBroeck,1st Vice-president—C r. Samuel Johnson.2d Vice-president—William W. Dorsett.Financial Becrctary—Jameg R. Breece.Recording Becietar*—Marcus D. LeRojr.Treasurer—Joseph u . Weir. Jr.Trustees—U B. Watson, K. L. StafTord, 8. W.

Kirkbrld6, W, W. Dorsett, Lewis R*luear.Audittng Commltteo—Fred A. Leggelt, M.

^ ........ W. Treat.------------- jp commltteo—L. E. Watson,

Youmans, Tbeodoro lluJlek. . v. ,The clnb rooms are open evcry-cvenlng f c a l

the cccoramodaMon of Ing room is well, supplied with current lltera tore for thoso who aro itudloaa and pmfer | | spend, their time In seijf education, oud tbj billiard! and pool tabloa aro open toftlf a t jnoml/^l,^|eer^ M ^trors “should : tfiare/lt a point to drop lu frequently and bring fitiaog- era or friends,of llko political faith. (They will find the society congenial. * Frequent in- terobango of thought ahd opinion will pr<Jvij beneficial.

M r. w in , w!' Lolbort, o f Pblladelphlo, ow n­e r o f a c o tta g e ,a t S ixth and G r^nd avennes, closed I t n p securely* Oct. 1st, an d w ont back to the city , ; L ast M onday he camo dow n to look a fte r th ings a n d found a rea r ,.d o o r Jmd been opened and the bouse raneapked^ Tho a rtic le s miased were m en’s c lo thing,-w om en's dresses, lace c u rta in s , bed clothes, oto,

JNotlco w as a t onco given :t6“Chief Bailey, an d Officer Hogers began to w ork u p th e m at­te r; XIZzlo Rlloy, a colOrod dom estic o f u n ­sav o ry rep u ta tio n , w ho had been a se rv an t a t th e Qottago d u r in g th e sum m er, w as e x ­pected, and her hau n ts , h e a r . (> Hell’s k ltd fiy en ,” wore visited. A p ortion o f th e go w as secured, b u t t h e r e a t b ad been dlstTlb- n ted o r destroyed* Dresses an d bedclothes

;had been to rn In half, an d I tw a s ascerta ined th a t tbe lliley w om an had b u rn ed u p a p o r­tion so as to be tte r hide b e r com plicity la tbeth eft. / '•. ........V'" Jo h n 'Vincent, w ho occupied th e house n ea r |the b rick y a rd where, tbo goods were found, ’was a rrested an d p laced n nder bonds to ap­p e a r a s a w itness. A ccording to h is version o f th a m atter, Llzzlo Riley s ta ted tb a t M rs. L e ib ert gavo- h e r the goods. H e ^ s o said th a t she had d istrib u ted p ortions of tbe goods am ong her friends, giving a p a ir o f troaaors to J a m e s Miles, who had gone to Lakewood to get o a t o f tho w ay. A t the sam e tim e L iz­z ie w aa am ong the m issing. ';< Officer Rogers w ant to Lakowbod on W ed­nesday, found Miles, and b ro u g h t bim tb P a rk n a il . On T hursday m orning be accom ­pan ied tho .officer to L ong B ranch an d secured .the p rinc ipal, Lizzie Riley. She bad obtained w ork In the fam ily o f a leading m erchant.‘ She was b ro u g h t before Ju s tic e Wyokoff

a n d told a p lausible story , charg ing the ro b ­bery, to V incen t wbo,, sho said, had secreted th e goods along file fence a t the b a seb a ll g round , and got b e r to go and g e t tbem i whioh sho did. -

, T be bearing was s e t dow n for - 8 o’cloak on Thursday: afternoon,- a t P ark Hall. The evi­dence was con trad ic to ry , bpt both V incent an d M iles asserted ’th a t Lizzie s to le th e goods a n d they knew no th ing ab o u t th em until she cam e to the house. ^

M r. II. G. C layton m ade a p lea for th e wo man,- and Mr. H aw kins appeared for the State.

J u s tic e W yckoff com m itted a ll ib ree to tbe ca re o f th a new sheriff, Mr. Sm cck, the action n o t belng ballablo in a'JuH tice’s c o u r t ;-

. LIGHT FINOEUED BUUA LEE.W ithou t a d jo u rn in g co u rt, Ju s tic e W yckoff

disposed o f an o th e r case . L^szlo Blley charged E m m a Lee w ltb s tealing a gold ring , w ith pearl se ttings, from the Jewelty s to re o f H. B. Joh n so n a m onth o r-tw o slnco.

LlzzIeHIfey bad been seeja tow -ear the ring, a n d 't o d e a r herself, testified a g a in s t ^b er

~lBIe?Io"g p a ir^ fiF sT a tem e^n ts clearly indtca" -ted 'h a t E m m a took tho rin g whlto Mr. J o h n ­son was show ing a w atch to an o th er custo­m er, and th a (. she secreted It In her »hoo. The r in g is now in the. poaaession of F eter Force, w ho la o n t of th e place. Both wero com n e t­ted w ithout ball.

A p a ir of ear riugs ts also m issing an d I t Is believed tb a t they will bo recoverod' before long..- • •; ; ■

Flow ers that B l o o m F a l l .V R ev. Jo h n Llgglnsj a form er m issionary to

C h ina a n d .Japan, h as sen t (fie J o urna l a bbuquet-of ra re chrysan them um s, a l l grow n tn th e garden o f bis . residence o n F irs t ave­nne. The collection Is brillian t In co lors and tin ts , an d am TO g^heusTaSe'i’he"'**^Duchess” and th e ‘‘ Tem ple o f S o l o m o n , tw o late d o o m in g b u t very beau tifu l Varieties. M r. Llggtna’ ta s te tn floricu lture Ib m uch adm ired by th o hu n d red s w ho pass h is residence d ur­in g tbe tim e th e na tiona l flower of Ja p a n Is in fu ll b loom . ~ . . >

The W heelm en/to Contest.« T b a Aabury P a rk W heelm en’s C lnb has a rran g ed for a little trial o f speed on upper M ain s tre e t to tak e plao& on the afternoon, o f T hanksg iv ing d a y ,_beginning a t 8 o 'clock.. The flrar ran ; will# be a half mile for all wheels, A sbnry .^g^^hee lm en only, the cb^rfie frcjnnW ffl f c S M ^ ^ g ^ j o A:one . •

T he second ru n w ill b e a half m ile for. ordi­n a ry w h e e ls^ p e h to all amaUjnrs. . ... .>

The th ird rnn , a h a lf mile fo r sa fo l^ wheels •only, o p e n to all. ,.. T he foujfth will b e a q u a rte r mile dash for sa fe ty wheels only, for m em bers o f the club.

A Thankless Corporation.The a b a n d o n tn fn t of J h e Je rsey coast re-,

so rts t ^ t b e New York AsyLong Branch Rail­road is peotiUariy exaspera ting because of w h at som e o f those tow ns bave done fo r the ro ad . Mr. B radley, w ho founded A abury Park^ g^ve the railroad free r ig h t o f Way tbrongb the town; bU iir th e N orth Asbury P a rk depot, paid fo r half the m ain depo t, and even w ent so far a s to pay the w ages o f a baggagem an a t one o f the s ta tio n s all bust sum m er. T he fre igh t business a t th a t place Is 'the heaviest on (be road, and o ften am ounts to fifty cars a day, b n t nevertheless. Only seven passenger t ra in s a re a llo tted to tno eor- vlpe th is w in ter.—-iV. .•

Because pf One Sian's Pluck.■ \ ' ;r- :• ' " ’ •i Since the opening o f M r. Scbw ager's Peo- pIe’sr8 tore, on Cookm an avenue betw een Bodd an d E m ory, business a n d ..values h ave tak^n a n upw ard Jum p. T he new d ry goods palace Is o rn a te iu Ita .'w ay . ! T he fro n t, a lthough nom inally one story , Is im posing w ith Its wide s tre tches o f p late g loss an d o rnam en tal w oodw ork. E lectric ,lam ps b righ ten u p the neighborhood a n d those who occupy s to res in •the yiOlnUy. h ave no ticed a poraeptlblo ln- crease in their, trad e because the new estab ­lishm ent a ttrac ts strangcM as woll as o u r reg u lar residents; M r. Boh w ager’s fcuccecs a t th ta location Is a lready a ssu ted .

Fiist Steam ers South.There’s com petition th is fa ll for fioatherp

tourists. T he well-known •OC^&n S team sh ip Com pany, rea liz ing the fac t th a t m any As bury P ark and Ocean G rove people, w ith o th ­ers who spend tb e lr sum m ers h e re a n d a re reg u lar readers .of T its J ournal, go to m ore congenial c lim ate befo re oold weatbe^, preeeut some in fo rm ation In o u r advertising colum ns fo r th e ir consideration . I t is. tho b oast of tbo Com pany th a t tbelr s team ers a ^ tbe fas test th a t carry th e A m erican flag, and tbe accom m odations provided fo r passengers equal to tbe b e s t Thoso w ho co n tem pla te ;a S outhern to n r should b y a ll m ean s open co r­respondence w ith tb e Oceap S team ship Co. through their New Y ork offlM o r fchtf' l^cal representative , M r. J . B . Thoh) pson, o f Ocean Grove, who will give ra tes a n d snpp ly p am ­phlets an d folders th a t co n ta in 'm u e b vaiua: ble Intorraation. -i. - V

G roceries at W fiolesale.M. LI Btinim an Co, a re fitting u p their

second floor for the p n rpose o f estab lish ing a reg u la r wholesale grocery business. There Is n o t a p lace n o r a n estab lishm en t anyw here along the coast th a t has b e tte r facilities to carry on a business o f th ls k lnd , an d the suc­cess o f the ven tu re Is n o d o u b t an assu red f a c t

I t Is snob an d sim ilar un d ertak in g s th a t helpi to develop ABbury; P a rk a s a business center.

^Buildl og\ Notes.^ M^. Wtn. Mills h as given the co n tra c t fo r h is new residence o n E igh th av en u e to B enja­m in A lbertson a t |8 ,891. A, A. Taylor will a tten d to the m asou work . ' ‘

tA'biR fo ?Hiding th e W lnans co ttage op Aabury ave­

nue near G rand. D. W . R obbins & Co. Will do the b rick lay ing an d p lastering .

M rs. E . W ood, o f T ren to n , Is to e rec t a f i r e thousand d o lla r co ttag e in O cean a ro v e , .N» H . K ilm er h as the c o n tra c t. : ; -■

C arm an & Holbrook havo the co n tra c t for M rs. M ulfo td 's add ition to th e M ultord House-, Ocean Grove. I t Is to4)ost $3,200.

T he Library Public.— M onday evening, Nov. I7tb, a t 8 o ’olock, lu L ibrary H all, to l l -b e held tbo flrst of tbe au tum n and w inter en terta inm ents fo r the bonoflf o f th e L ib rary A ssociation. A n ex- coltont program baa been p rep a red ,.a s the following will p ro v e :

P lano so los by Mrs. R. V, J t ’ploy, Mlfs C handler and. Miss C lara Cornell.

V iolin d u e t by M asters Bam m an and San­ford.

Vocal eo!o& by Mlpscs U rid eg ra ffan d D a1R ecita tion by Mtas Efflo Ilagerm an.Tbo whole to couoludo with the b righ t little

ploy, “ A Love o f a B oonot,” C haracte rs to be taken by tho M isses M itchell, Jelllff, 8tiger, Borden, Miller an d nam m onu .

Adm ission 16 cen ts ; Children 10 cents.

H ands Off". 4Two com tnunicatlons have reaohed tbls

office from residents o f A sbury P a rk w bo aro averse to ' ‘ im p ro v in g M L ibrary Square. T hey plead fo r ru stio s im plicity , a n d hope the Com m issioners w ill, n o t glvo tb e lr consen t to m odernizing i t in- som e o f th e ; w ays sag-, gested. B oth 'artic les w ill a p p e ar n e x t week;

. .The m em bers of- the execu tive comm '.t.ee o f tbo L ibrary A ssociation a re requested to

T he A dam s Express Co. has oonolnded -to m eet a t th e close o f tho en te rta in m en t Mol refuse a ll dealings with th e lottery com panies. * day nlgbVto tra n sa c t business o t lmpo?tanoe,

Ko ll o f Honor*w - ^ T ^ w lo g p u p tis 'b av e n o t li& b iH w a t

J 3 d y d u rin g m onth ending Nov. 7 ,t5 9 0 ;A PatUAttT.

Liltatt Esrdeu?'- . Grace Boyce, EtJdlo Fielder, Howard Kroehi, Etbol Parker, George Sherman,

Befialo Bird, • Alvin Cllver.C George Hunt, John MatthewB, Anna Powers, Harvey Wilson,

Willie Wright, u pm haey . , •...

Harry-Bamman, Minnie Byram, Martha llelslcy, Winnie Hetrick,Viols Ingersoli, Freddie* Lew la, Bertie Parker, Charles Still wagon, Peter TenBroeck,

Edith Brown, ' 'Emma Cady,AllcoHunt,

, Thomas Herbert, Raymond Landis,

-Joseph O’Rourfce,Lily Schwager,Wlule Smoct.

n, Mamie VanCleaf,_LeRoy VanZlle-

O PBlBfASY.Fred Brown, Ella Boyce,fra n k Carson, Ida Lane,Emma Lewis, Addle May Weir,

Doris Weeden.

Sent tlie B oat to Sea.W est Grove baa its gang^pf h 90d lam s like

m any ,other place?, an d they enjofr mlBchie^as' well a s tb e average. L ast week fo u r of them , n am ed A lb ert a n d Eddfe Cboyce, Jo h n Me N abb and William- Bond, to o k D errick Hoag- tftad’s boat o n t o f tbe lake, launched It in to th eb o e a p , an d a fte r having their fun with it* s e n t It a d rif t. C om pla in t w as en tered before Ju s tic e Wyokoff an d th e cu lp rits w ere b rough t beforo him; T hey were sentenced to pay $18, th e value of tb e boat, an d If n o t paid to be

"locked u p . Young B ond appoared on W ed­nesday an d p a id h is share.

Beer B ottles Must Not B e Solti.A lb ert Faser, w ho fo r eotne tim e U&s been

industriously picking u p beer bottles, th ink he had enough fo r a s h ip m e n t p u t op three, barrels and took them to th e fre igh t s ta tion . M ichael B arrett go t wind o f th e s h lp m en tan d caused A lb ert’s a rre s t. The hearing la set dow n before J u s tic e B orden f o r S a tu rd ay . I t Is a m isd em ean o r to sell o th er people’s beer bottles, .

A l l S l i o u l d l l e s p o i t d .

. T here w a s no m eeting of the Board of T rade W ednesday evening, a large n um ber o l the ae tlve m em bers being engaged In the dlrectora* m eetings a t tbo banka. T ha m eet i a f f i i ^ b e bpui o n in esd a y e v e ^ n g "nexC lis avoid conflict. I t la to be hoped tb a t all memberatwill bo present, aa Im portant m at­te rs a re to be presen ted for tb e action o t tbe Board..

Golden W edding Anniversary,Mr. E . L, S tafford an d wlto p a rtic ip a ted Ip

the golden w edding anniversary o f Mr. and Mrs. R- C. Stafford, a t B lackwoodtowh, Mon day evening. T here waa a large oom pany of relatives and Trlends present, and m any beau tlful articles In Bolld gold woro p resented.

New Brunsw ick D istrict Conven­tion

a t r in sT w. e. catm tfti, nov . IU, 1890 iO (W At m.—D evotional exercises. Rev. C. B.

Fisher:lO W A r M ^ ^ T a e Relatlou o f Offiolal Men to

tbe Means of G race.” Rev. G, 8. 8ykes. 11.00 a. M —“ M etbodUm an d T em perance.”

Rov. Jo h n W, M orris.»1 9.00 p. m —’J*Systematic O lvlng.” Rev. R. i B. Qtevcn8on. - n 'i- - - •845 p. M —* 'C barob E xtension .” Rov. Dr.

Spencer. " *91 5 p. m .—4*Southern E ducation .” Rov.

Dr. Chadwick: ’’’ ' ?'.!'*;M.—A ddress hy I^ev- Chaplain Mo-

: Cobe, D. D. j ’T v* ■ ■ ■ S inging by tbe W byto bro tbeir, o f C anada

A.U invited . .. .J v

Union TliaukSKlvluR Service.

T he Churches.V>: • XtBTHOblBt. . ' ' ' "H' 7 ^

F irs t M. E . Qhurbh, Rev. G. C. M addook, p lu to r ... S w v Iw ;a t : i t f ^ A ^ ii . ; a u d j '7.80' p . m. T hejjnbJeot fo r even ing , *' The L o st L o rd .”---- --------- ---------

FIHBT PRESDITBUIAN. :;:, -■:T he pasto r, Rov. .Dr. C handler, will p reach .

M orning serm on, “ T ho jp y o f L ife .” T h e : Y o u n g ' ^bpiofs prayer-medtihg^^at J b 'o |oo^. T h e u&ual service In the ev'eblng. ' ' ^ ’.^ 7 r*

: LUTHEBA r. . • ,* E n g ljsb L u th e ra n - services^ will be held in

Y. M . C. A . H a ll, o v er the post-office* a t 10.45 a . m. a n d 7,80 p.

Rev. W m , A ehm ead Sohaeffer will oonijuot tho Bfcrvlccs n e x t S qnday,

’ WESTMINBTBR PRBBBVTEBIAN.Rov. S . E dw ard Young, th e pastor* will

preach. M orning prelude, S ta n l e y a n d h is W ork,” an d reg u la r serm on. E ven ing serv ice Conducted b y l u M, C. A. i special serm on by P aato r Young.

. . ■ BAPTI8T. .. ./Services In the m orn ing a t the Usual honr.

T he pasto r will preaoh In th e evening. ,' .. m' • ; ',: '* r k fo r m b d o sc rn c n . ' • : > Vr.. ’ -■ pervlcefl a t l0 .80^A ^xLjio4-780 p4 Mt 8un- i>8chpol a t 2.80. C hristian E ndeavor pray­

e r m eeting 0.45. D r.Soudder^V Ill p reach .EPISCOPAL.

Trinity^Church, co rn e r G ran d an d ABbury avenues, R ev. A. J . M iller, rec to r. Snnday servIoes^-Holy C om m union ,'7 .8 0 ; serm on a t 10.80; even 'song , 7.80. W eekdays—M orning p ray er a t 9 o’c lo c k ; on T h u rsd ay ^ m orn in g p ray e r a t 8 B0 ; Holy Com m union a t 9. 8un- day-sC hoblat 2.80. ' V! ' . ' \-

Court Summary.T he tria l of- th e Ind ic tm en t agalnBt R obert

C. P endleton for disorderly house a t Aabury P a rk (selling liquor a t the O pera H ouse d ru g store), w as m oved o p N ovem ber 5, b u t as none of th e d e fe n d a n t’s w itnesses appeared the case w as postponed. Dr. K in m onth bad b e e n served w ith a subpoena but- failed? to respond. T h e C o u rt o rdered a ru le to suOw cause to be served o n th e d o c to r w h y he Should n o t b e pnnlahed for contem pt. H e sa id he know n o th in g a b o n t the case.

I t w as announced th a t d u r in g th e th ree days1 sp°«Ion o f th e C o u rt o n th e reg istry lis ts sixty-*, seven app lica tions were received fo r perm is­sio n to have n am es entered .

O n Friday an o th e r d isorderly h o u se case cam e to tria l.- . Nelson V . Giles, p ro p rie to r o f a bu tcher shop o n Main, s tree t, A sbury P a rk / waa the defendant. H is testim ony‘-was deci­dedly lame. He s a id tb a t he m erely kep t beer o n s to rag e In bis Ico-bpx for custom ers and

boarders,” an d th ey p a id him fo r It. O f course th e in ju red Innocen t w ouldn’t d o such a th ing aa th e B ta te ’sw ltn essessw o re to . T hey sa id b e sold beer for five cen ts a bottle , n o t once b u t m any tim es. Tbe case ended, in & kicking m atch botw een p ro secu to r and coun­sel, and a fte r a s tro n g c h a rg e by Ju d g e Con­o v er the ju ry sw indled an o u traged public by disagreeing. ,

L B it^ lo n d ay E dw in R . Bnrdlck, keeper o f the speak-eaSy 'know n a s tbe O rien ta l d ru g store, was tr ie d u n d e r th e tecbnleal Indlot- m en t of disorderly bonse^ Burdlok p leaded the baby ac t, an d w id h em ere ly r a n tbe d ru g store for Dr. Jo h n Cj F aby , a g a in s t whom a n indict m en t w as found las t year fo r the sam e offence. ■This y ea r 'th e p iescrtp t lou w rite r w aa •• D r.” H enry, who sa id on th e s ta n d tb a t h e was also a c le rk . H is d iagnosis o f cases usually resu lted In prescrib ing whiskey o r b ran d y as required. The tw o d e tec ilves w ho b ro k e np the N ep tu n e C lub testified to tb e reg u lar sa le of liquors a t tbe p lace by the defendan t aud “ D r.” H enry, an d produced b o ttle ^o f wbta key w blch they b ad b ough t lo t 25 cents apiece. Burdiek denied th a t be b ad pold a n y liquor e x c e p t o a prescription—ih e prescrip tions of.

\ l eiooJ pl*toB. '*BrJ- Hoorjr. BetOBdani’s ' ooanacl dutered tho detecti.ea and conald-

ered tbelr aellons worse tban tha rntasellera. Mr. J o h n F . H aw kins, of Asbury P a rk , a ssis t­ed the-State’s a tto rnoy , a n d tbe final outcom o is duo m ainly to b is lab o rs a n d ' argum ent! H e asked for pro tcotion to th e in te rests of A sbury P a rk .. H e sa jd th a t th e place bold second position in tho h e a lth jls t o f th e S tate , au d y e t was burdened w ith nearly a score o f alleged d ru g s to re a H e loft th e Jury to sur- mleo w bat they wero a ll th ere for, Instancing tho O riental ru m pbop as a fa ir sam pte of m ost o f th e o tbors. The ju ry convfcled Bur- diok In sho rt order. H e w as sentenced la te r to p ay a fine o f $250 a n d costs . H is counsel took the usual ap p eal.

Tbo ball o f F . W. P resco tt, one of the4 N ep­tune C lub em ployes, w bo w as a rre s ted In A ugust on tb e d isorderly house ch arg e an d for m ain tain ing a gam bling place, 'w a s de d a re d fo rfe ite d .' I t Is rep o rted th a t P resco tt Is a t H ighland, N ^X * ’^where he bas opened a w atch a n d jew elry s to re . —— •--- -~. T h e app lica tion o f counsel for H alsted P o­land, for a postponem ent o f tria l u n til Deo, 11, w as granted . T he ch arg e is a ssau lt an d battery .

R obert C. Pendleton , th e A sbury P a rk liquor aeller, waa o n T h u rsd ay allow ed to go on bis ow n recogn izance u n til th e n e x t term of co n rt. ■ •

J . T ay lo r, o f M ataw an . w as conv icted of atrocious., assault- o n h la wife aud sentenced tcrtw o yeari"1tf S tk ttfp riso n . ^

C o u rt ad jo u rn ed ijl l N §v^34 t0 h ea r appeal


TO LET, FURNISHED, ;;■ifntll ‘April 1 comfortable hbuso. 18 rooms, twio double heaters; fivo-mlnutea’ walk ftom railroad Btatlon. Inquire of T. F rank Apploby.

1 BARN FQR,Corner Munroe and Grand avenues, . Apply &t J ournal office.

FOR ^ ALE,A slx-room cottage on Mt. Ilermon W ay and Whitfield avenuo, Ooean Grovo. Artesian w a te r and sewer connection* Address '

■ . . ISABELLA REID, Jamosburg, N. J .


SELL OR EXCHANGE.pur long experience gives us great facilities for wot is ting euccessfully. Twenty-four years* ref- CM from patrons, . B. A. DAILEY,

74 W. 86th St., New York City,

B S A 3 I E .

B a r g a in f o r H o in e lo d y .

A S e v e n -R o o m C o t la i r e , only six lots from the. Ocean, front.. Two thousandj dollars. Nicely furnished. ,

. D. C. COVERT, 27,Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean O rorc

WAN1Cottages or Lots

Asbury Park ^ ktokanqe Philadelphia Property near my Office.

v 0 . HARRY 8H6WAKER,Conveyancer and Jtotary.

Office—Cor. 17th and Oxford Sts., Phllada, Pa.

For Sale Cheap. 0-Rootai HoubQ, and Lot

SSxlOO, on MunrCto Avo, near Emory St.P B tC E 9S ,30Q If sold a t once,, Address or

call on W. fl. JONES. , .Onpremises, or Coal Yard, Main Street and

Second Avenue. .

N O C A S H .At “beautiful" AVON-bj-ths-Sa few choice cottage sites, In solect locations, a t very low prlees. for imm ediate Jmprovecdent. N o c a a h r c q n i r o d . Addres9 E. BATCHBLORo r see ROB BUT C. LOVE, Agent, a t A von-by- tbe*8ea, form erly Kev East Beach,

BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE, On Easy Terms— Fully Furnished.

Finely locatcd a t North Aabury Park, second block from Ocean, 24 rooms., Has done a splendld business. Owner otherwise eu gaged. Pnco $9,000. $3,000 down,,balance in easy yearly lnBtalments. Address nA. B„" care Jouenai, ofllco.

P o i S a j ^ ;Farm, 80 Acres, at Deal Beach, N. J,

(Kennedy Homestead) 10 m inutes from - 1IL K station . •

' 4000 PEACH TREESin full bearing. Good buildings. Land suitable for track and garden farm ing. Price moderate. Term s easy.

“ O rw im ? k ® ® IT rT 0 r t5 n f i’0f"fearS"f5 good ten a n ta t m oderate rent. Address

ISAAC C. KEN N EDY, Asbury Park, N. J .


AT DE^L D E A fll.

Tbo subscriber, wishing to retire, olfers bis tw o cottages and acres of lan d In lota to sutt

Mono of the finest e itaatlouaou the \ ?ast, and n o hseommendatton neoessary

-,Tltle pettfeot. T erm s essy. - 8. W . HENDRICKSON,

- ; . D eal Beach, N . J .

W . M . P A W L E Y A C O .

Well i t la a long timia since we have salfl riythlng'new to you, thrpVigh theso col-

un^ns. l^ o t becnuse we have bad nothing t« i^yt^^becaUfle#T ^liavea,t had tim e to say it—and the Jo u iin a l people inform us they don’t furnish “ brains’?-to fill adver­tising space. '. ^ . 1 W hat do you think of our Autumn wea­ther t We BDppqpeyou like it. So do wet. . Only Jack- . Frost Is not demonstrative enough t0 help us M move 0 2” some,of our heating stoves. They hav6 moved though, juat the same; many of them even if tire- weather has not been the most favorable Still we have lots to sell, and we hope you jvlll not wait until a lively cold snap so . adds to the everyday prsss of orders, &cM that we cannot wait upon you as we would like to.. Look out for three flrstclafla par» lor stoves which we will place in one of our windows next Saturday- and hi ark at astonhbthgly low prices. See. (i, V- -

1 No. 11 Junior Novelty, new patterb, self feed, U in. fire-pot; price $ 10, net. cash. Form er price, $15.

1 No. 17 Glide, Square Bose Burner,- nickel and tile trimmings; $16, net cash. t former price, $^4. ..

l.N o. 240 Brilliant Diamond; Full Re­turn F lu e , /^ a Kettle Attachment, nickeb- and.tUo trimmings; price, $18. Formerly

No uiore of “ them. *Take ’em quick. "Wabt tbe Toom. _■


T h e L e a d in g St o v k D e a l e k s o f t h e N e w J ei'ib e y Co a st .

100-1(58 Mafn St ., • Abbwiv Pauk, N .J .;

Ilousb^arnlsh ing Goods,Carpets, Oil ClothBt Rugs, &c.

A S U S U A L .




1891.Harper’s Young People


The Twelfth Volume o f .Uaner's Younj People begins on November 4,1890. ' This best and most comprehensive weekly in the world for young readers presents a rich and attractive programme. In Action there will be •' Campmates: - A Story of the Plains,” by K irk M unroe; " Mon of Iron,” a romance by Howaid Pyle, w ith Illustrations by th e au thor;. “ Flying Hill Farm .” by sopble $W ett; “ The Moon Prince,” by R. K. Munklt- r lo k ; and “ Yeliowtop,” by Annie Bronson King.

,In addition to theso five serials, there w ill be stories In two or tbreo parts by Thomas Nelson Page, BJalmar Hjorth Boyesen. Edwin LAssetter--------------— . . . --------- Wil-

and. ____________ ______ ____________ ure,games and sports, with hundreds of illustrations

Bynner, Harriet Prescott Spoflbrd, Mary E. Wil­kins, Nora Perry, and othera. Short stories, and articles on science, history, travel, adventure,

Tli© “Old Stand” Eu lurked.Ou tw o Saturday* late ly a t J o b W te ln b ac h ’s

“ 0 !d S tand ,” w hen th e specla l opening sales w ere in progress, the e a sb rece lp ts were g re a t­er than od any previous day In th e h istory o f the store, exoopt In th e height' o f th e sum m er season. T here a re specia l fea tu res th is w eek fo r new and .o ld custom ers.

T he dem and f o r add itional room bas been so g rea t recen tly th a t M r. S te lnbacb has ren ted half of M r. Charles E . B orden 's sto re o u the north , a n d will open passagew ays be? tw een. T he change will b e m ade ab o u t J&n- n a ry 1, au d wlil. increase th e ,a re a o f tb e Old 8 tand_about.onchth ird ,..

A Great Sportldpf Paper.TK e'N ew -Sork Sporting Times, a fte r N ov .’

23, wll'i be enlarged to a 16-page paper, the else of f la ip ^ r’s o r F rpnk Leslie's, thus m aking It tho largest 5-cent sp o rtin g jo u rn a l published In America, * 1 ^ ts the in ten tio n o f tbe pub­lishers to m ake it the m ost valuable sporting paper issued, and the following departm ents will be edited by th e m ost experienced w riters; Baseball, athletic*1, football, b o x in g ,'b lo y - o lln g ; In fac t, th e p ap e r will cover a ll o u t ahd Indoor sports . T be sn b scrip tlo n price Is only 13 a y ea r and va luab le prem ium s a re given away free wltb each BUbscriptlpn '8dnd y o u r b a rn a a n d ’address fo r prem ium lis t a n d a sam ple copy, v Secure one y early anbHorlp-

^ ’tlon and theyTillW find y o u an e x tra copy free, for si x m o n th s/A d d resa S p o rtin g T im es, Box 611 New York city.

The B asaar, u nder tbe snperln tondence of the lad les o f F irs t M. E . Church, closed very successfully T horeday evening; A ll. the booths wore filled w ith fancy and'tlfi^ful a r t i ­cles. The lad les vied w ith each 'o th er In their a tlen tio u to v i s i t o r . ; O nen o ticeab le fea tu re p ^ h e fa ir w as 'tbe “ Couni ry Store,” k^pt by

^W yokoff A Cornell/ T he Ju s tic e , lay log aside for the tim e t h e . ju d ic ia l erm ine,, filled well the 'position o f a n old- fashioned cOm^ry slorekeeper, .whlle Mr. J . H , Cornell enacted tbe role o r s ilen t p a rtn e r with g race an d dlg-iiity .V . ' . ; _ ... ‘ . ) v ^

Quito a n u m b er o f subscribers J o - t h e Boll F opd , who bavo n o t yet p a id tb e lr money, announce th a t ttfcy .wlftTtto$ -diO-;to u ^ t l l i t IbT b e B a p tk t, R eform ed, P resb y terian an d ____

M ethodist oburches o f A sbury Park will hold I se ttled th a t tbe bell lB to bavo a cen tra l Ioca A tiu lo n T hanksgiving service o n Nov. 27tb,' | t lo n . , The proposal to lo ca te it tem porarily j S 'ih e Haformtid C hurch , co rner of G rau^ and la th e B aptist s teeple does n o t m eet w ith th eir

„ S onall avenues I te r . 6. E dw ard -Y oung, approval. Tbe Gommfsslonrira sboutd select - 1 p as to r o f W estm inster P resbyterian Cburob, a site th a t will bo acoeplable to .tb e m ajo rity . ?-Will prqaoh the serm on. . 77 U -i of con ttibn to ra . * „ -

o f the highest character, will render Harper's Young People for 1801 unrivalled os a miscellany o t the best reading for boys and girls.

•* The best weekly publication for young people In existence. Is edited with scrupulous care and attentlonjotlL instructton and entertainment are mlngtod in 'its pages In Just tbe right propor­tions to captivate the minds o f tho young, ana at the same time to develop tbefr thinking pow er/’ —N. Y. Observer,

TE R M S: P ostage P repa id , $2 a Year.X I I begins November 4 ,1890.

Volumes VIII., X. and 'X I. o f llarpefs Young People bound in cloth will be sent by m all, post­age paid, on receipt of $3.60 each. The other vol­um es are ont o fp iln t.

specimen copy tail on receipt ctf a tioo-ceni stamp.Single Numbeis, Five Cents each.Remittances should be made by *Post Office

Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. ■’Jftimpaper* are not fa copy ihis advcriimaati with-

tiui tfie txjm*! order o f flAapEa * Bbotiiebs., Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New Yobk

1891.H a r p e r ’ s B a z a r .


pITarper's Basar is a Journal for tho Iromo. Jiv ing th e latest information with recrard to the B^shiqns, its numerous. Illustrations, fashion-plates^ and attern^Bheet____ _____ ______________jiem ents a re India-penaable alike to tb e home oreBs^makerand tho professional.modiste. No expense la spared In making Its artistlo attractiveness of the highest order. I ts clever abort stories, parlor plays, and thoughtful essays satisfy a ll tastes, and Its laat page ia fam ous as a budget of w it and humor. In Its weekly issues everything is included which is of Interest'to wotnont* During 1801 Agnes B. OrmBbee will w rite a sorles of articles ou ** The House Comfoitable," Juliet Corson will trea t or “ Sanitary Living,” and an Interesting: succes­sion of papers on “ Woman In Art and UiBtory,” superbly Illustrated, will bo furnished by Theo­dore Child. Tha serial Rtorlea wlUbo by W alter Besant and Thomas Hardy.

H A R P ER ’S ’ PER IO D IC A LS.i.;'/. i»«r Vear:

HARPER* BAZAR...........J . . . 4 V . . 00,HARPERS MAGAZINE. . ........4'00HARPER^ W E E K L Y ../ ., . , . .I ......... . 4 00HARPERS'YOUNG PEO PL E..:}...................8 00

Postage Fret to aM eut>scribera{-in the United sta tes, Canada, and Mexico. : , i

The Volumes of the Bazai? b e ^ n v?lth the flrsfe Number for January of each year. When no tim e is mentioned, subscriptions will begin w ith tho Number current a t the time of reoeipt o f or- d e r. .n.-1':' \ :

Bound Volumes o f Harper's Bazar for three years back, in-neat cloth binding, will bo sent by mall, postage paid, o r by express, free o f ex­pense (provided tho freight does n o t exceed one upBar per volume), for $7.00, per volume, i Cloth Cases for eaoh volumo, suitable fo r bind­ing, will bo sent by mail, postpaid , en roeelpt ol

-®LG0 eaoh.Remittances should be. m ade by' Post-offioe

Money .Order o r D raft, to avoid ohance ofloss*. Newspapers are not to copy. Mils advertisement

express order o f lU a rE a «fc BnomBRa..: Newspaper*withouttneea, . .. . ______ , ___ ___

Address: HARPER & BROTHERS. New Yobk.

PASTURE FOR HORSES■ "8. ' -...... ■ - • ■■ ■

and Board for.the Winter,a t reasonsb!o rates, on tbo Interlaken Farm, near Asbury Park. Apply lo Robert Potent, a t tho farm, or address Box 608, Anbury Park, N. J.

O L D S T A N D :

M a i n S t . a n d L a k e A v e .

■ m t u , jc tc .

THE PHILADELPHIA,607 Third Ayenuo,

Opposite E d u ca tio n a l'U allT a rk . Term s for ' August,-$7 to $10; Fall and W inter, $5 to 18 ; Table board, $ i. Special term s to families. Ex­cellent table. Open the eutire,year.

- . ^ -M . J . CAMP.

H Y C E I A H O T E L ,Central avenue, P itm an to fldcCllntock, "

OCEAN GROVE, N . J .,Open a l l the year fo r perm anent o r tran sien t guests. Steam h ea t, com fortable rooms, excel­len t table. Very reasonable term s.

S A N I T A R I U Mfo r the treatm ent of diseases by All m odern 1m- proved rhothods. Trained nprses. Best profes­sional and surgical skill. Medicated gases.1 Nursea furnished a t p rivate houses. Also port­

able Medicated Vapor B aths; Compound o r puro O xygens appara tus for Inhalation of hot air, 400 deg. to 600 deg.; also EleotrloUy and Massage. Turkish, Rufslan and o ther Baths a t tbe 8anltarlum . Outside practice lim ited to con­sultation and th e special ties of. the Institute. (Send-fortrtrouiar descriptive of the w ork o f the Sanitarium .) -D. M. BARR, M. D., Prop’r. Graduate Jeff. Med. Col., Phlla.. Member Penna.

State, Phlla.-: County and Phlla. Obst. Socie­tie s ; Consulting Physician Phlla. M. E. Or- phanage-t-Sutgc^BoatTTwG. A. R., Phlla.

Dressmaking Parlors. <Mrs. J . M. Connery, of New ark, formerly, o f-

S tem Bros., New York, h a s opened -her parlors and has. on view tho la te s t models in Bummer, Suits, W raps and Jackets. KINGSLEY ST.,* -

. N ex t to W eat End Hotel (up stairs.)'

M R S . E . W . F E R R I S ,

DRESSMAKING IN ALL ITS.Jfi&NGHES.Frenoh combination eyst'em of cu tting and’fit­

ting ladioa’ and children’s dresses and coata. Tailor finish' In cloth a specialty. C utting 'and fitting. 612 FI m i AVENUE.

MORROW, D A U CO.C a t e r e r s , B a k e r s ,

V —AND— ■ ■ * ' '

ICE CREAM MAKERS,81 Montgomery Street,

J E R S E Y C I T Y .

Weding Feasts, Party Sup­pers andCollations

served oyerywherei,. . .

B R ID E * S C A K E S always on .band.

i p p p n r i jyj--ordercd by mail o r wire * l u i . L n L A m promptly expressed. .T e a — quarts retail or tw enty quarts wholesale; - to . churches, Ac^i expreesageftee. -

A u c t i o n S a l e... — o y — ■ ' ' , ;

3000 Slieaves Cornstalks, MONOU, NOVEMBER 17, (180,

a t 8 p. m., a t the’fnteriak'en Farm, near Aibury Park. Terms mid conditions a t sale. -t •


■ :T :


and M O N M O U T H R E P U 8L IC A N .

B A TO R D A Y , N O V E M & E B 15 ,1890,

B ates o f Advertlalng.


W in .

F : ■'a ;•



10O1♦ITS 2 “25 300

, B50 1000

125i r80027*850450850




Mohthb. ;

150 178 “ “ 2 75

850 450 550 7B0

1500 80 00

*176 825 425 500

-700 800

ia oo 2800 4500

13$2&0if400!fc 600 4 00 COO 1000 8 50 8 00 1400 700 1000 1800 000 1500 S500

1200 8000 8500 1800 8000 6000 8600 5500 8500 68 00| 00 OOl 160 00

L ocal Notiobb.—A Ural tad num ber o f looal notices w ill bo adm itted a t the ra te o f fifteen cen ts per line. Thoy will be placed a t th e hot* to m o f th e lo c a l colum ns o n lr, and muBt h a re

adv ” a t th e end. Whon continued fo w freeks y t longer, a d iscount of 25^or c o n t la allowed;

Tbmis.—Yearly advertisem ents a re " ' 'y , In advquarterly , in advanco: advertisem ents fo r less

period th an th ree m onths a re oash.

• Geo. P. Rowell * Co., 10 Spruoe s t , New York.W. W. Sharp ss Co.. 81 Park Row, New York.Edwin Alden & Bro., 140 Nassau s t . New York,

and Clnolnnatl.J . H. Bates, 41 P a r t Row, N ew York.N, W. Ayer & 8on, Times Building. P blla’d.P ra t t & Co., N inth and Arch s ts ./P h lla ’iLWill reoolve advertisem ents fo r Tma <

At regular oubllshed rales.I a a l i a s e s wo reserve the ------

advertisem ent th a t mav be oblactlonabi


a r ig h t to re ie o t any -khletoos.

L e s a l N o t ic e s .O ur friends w ill pleaso b ea r In m ind t h a t Tn*

*■ -------------------- 1 *8 snch ii

m any o thera It Is o p tlo n a fw l& fhe’

JounWALis a legal newspaper, and aa proper m edium for all legal n vertlsem ents belong to na

___ ia thenotices. Some ad*

while w ith

ested as to w hat papCFfhould publish them.e p arty inter- ilisbthei

IM JFroe^H otfces.** .By^jnntnal J& ^ e m e n t, and bv reoommei

^ tlo n of the New Jersey Editorial Assodlat-—, tho newspapers of Asbury P ark h ave decided t( aboUah tho unfair and unw arranted custom o! giving free looal notloea to en tertainm ents of any kind which havo aa their objeot th e raising of money for tho benefit of societies o r In d t Vldnala. H ereafter wo shalU®afce a charge of 21ve cents per line to-residents an l« ten cents per line to travellnj? o r outside companies o r persons

The festive so ft olam Is now r ip e an d Juicy,

'* A chan go of tim e ta b le Is announced for S unday, Nov. 16.

Geo. E Iloppor has added a n tfleotrlp lig h t to tbo outside a ttrac tio n s o f -h is fam ish ing s to re .

-* **>- ----- ----------- r------- .Bad w eather on Tuesday necessita ted one

BeasloD a t the public schools. The children wore dism issed a t 1 o’clock for the day.

Com pany A. was out for drill on M onday n ight with nearly fo rty In line. Tho newly organized d rum corps g a te then^ m arching tim e 1o good order, ‘

Tho tra in to and from Cam den via. Tom s '■ttlver haa .beep restored by connection w ith th e Vi 50 tra in from New Y ork a t P o in t P leas­a n t on M ondays an d Saturdays.

Dr. C handler will preach In FJrst Presbyte rian C hnrch, Sunday morning, on “ T h e J o y

_ — o t-L l/e/^w hloh-w aa-announced fo r-tast-B ab^ ba th . The evening service will be as usual.

The Dsnny Neu>s has doubled its s lxe-after » w eek’s ex istence and addecL tbe word Z>a%.

° I t ’s a big nam e fOr a little’ p ap er. W hy n o t drop the t tn n y and m ake the nam e sim ply D ally Ifea t?

The pavilion over th e b a th houses a t Asbury. avenue, p u t np las t sum m er for th e u se of the

• ..beach band, haa been roofed over, m aking an ' adm irable place from which to give evening

concerts in tb e fu tu re . V------- -— l i - ‘

vff ailsu b sc r ip tio n s to th e 3 o urw A l. They

a re an x io u s for one of those bloyeles which a re to bo given aB pretnlamB. T he Uat to r e ­vised tb ls week. Look a t It. .

A sale of cem etery p lo ts will take p lace a t H am ilton M. E , Chi * •' J — - *' * '

-"L o n g Branch Is ag ita ted over Ihe proposed build ing o f a tboueand-room hotel npar the

The flrst Library en te rta in m en t fo r this Rea­son will be held on M onday n ight a t th e Hal}, G rand and F irs t avenues.

M embers of C. K, H all P o s t D rdm C orps a re requested to m eet on M onday n ig h t tn M anning Bnildlog a t 7 sha^>.

The m em bers of Corson Com m andery, after, their m eeting on T hu rsd ay evening, p artook of a collation a t W“clr’s r e s ta u ra n t

• The rain- o f Tuesday and W ednesday (jave way on ThufsdayTo. b lao skies and Bunahlne, with the tem pera ta r^ d u rin g the a fternoon a t 48 degrees. ’ r

Mr. J . N. Sharewood has reopened his, shoe, sto re in Freehold. The A sbury i*ark brflnob. In Cook’s building, Is conducted by Mrs. Sharew ood. 4

C om pany ~G, o f K eyport, Is w ithout com m issioned officers. I t form erly was the ban­ner com pany by seniority of officers, b a t will dow go to the left o f the line.

Von Thursday a num ber o f hardw ood and syca- nlore cases for H avlland’s ch in a s to re In N ew York. They were very e legent In design and finish.

T he special sales of footw ear by H,<feW* N affal on recen t S a tu rdays have been ao suc­cessful th a t they con tinue th is w eek With m any pew features. T h e S ta r Shoe S to re be­lieves in “ quick sales a u d sm all profits.” -

T here were 28 persons p resen t a t tb e m ee t log laat M onday n igh t fo r tho o rgan isa tion o f a m ixed chorus. The n e x t rehearsal w ill be In th e Y. M. C, A. H all, over the post-offlae, on M onday n ig h t T here Is room ye t for new mem bers.

The T eachers’ Iiib titu te for M onm outh n o d O cean counties will b e held In A sbury P a rk ,Dec. 4, 5 and 6. S u p t Lockwood also gives notice th a t a a e x a m lu ^ o u .fo r ''teachers’ license Jo the th ird g rade will be held In th e Freehold school building S a tu rday , N o r. 29.

■It Is stated th a t a fte r M ondar, when th ere Ib a s ligh t obange in tra in s chiefly fo r the benefit of Lakewood, N o rth A sbary s ta tio n will be closed for tbe w inter. T he add ition of an express tra in fo r Lakew ood, leaving New York a t 4 20, will give passengers som e relief over the present slow schedule. "I-This express will overtake tbe m all tra in a t Red Bank, to which a c a r for through passengers will doubt­less be attached . ' * /

./■A glance a t the prices/of olof blog a u d shoes

a t H enry S telnbach’e O cean P a lace refutes, tbe cam paign falsehood th at prices h ave gone np . They have not advanced a t a ll—rath e r decreased—an d those ' who have m oney to spend cab do a s welL q uality fo r quality , a s ln any of the cities. T he atook carried is Im­m ense, and the bargains offered a t tbe speolal sale*-*acb-8atarday;and-M ondarT janoorherp b u t a ttra c t p a tro n s from all o v er th e county . M ake it a po in t to call thla week and see w bat la in sto re-fo r you..

T he L adlea’ Society of W estm inster Cbnroh wish to express their tbank£ to Mr. Jam es A. Bradloy for the use of E ducational Hal), and to o thers who kindly aided In m aking their

^ g tp r t a l m n e n t a gratify ing success.

Gen G rubb, who was to have been a guest o f A aron W ilkes Post, G. A. R ., o f T renton , o n Monday, n ight, was u n ab le - to be iftreaent. Hla daughter. Miss EEQe Grubb, an d Miss George, of Philadelphia, accepted thehonors.

The large dw elling bonse p n th e fa rm o f George R. Lord, near Colts Neck, w as burned Satu rday night, I t jw a s occupied by G ordon Lord and wife,, who bad barely tim e to get o u t o f the house a fte r the Ore was discovered.

M ary E . Choyce m ade a com plain t before Ju s tic e W yckoff ag a in st Jo h n M cN abb and Bnssell H order, charg log them with a ssau lt­in g one o£,ber boys. I t proved to beionly a fracas am ong the ‘'g a n g ” and the case was

'dism issed* ______

St. P au l’s Church, Ocean Grove, waa the ooly one in th is oounty which bad a m ajority in favor o f tbe eligibility of women to seats in the M. E. General C onference. T he m ajo r­ity o f three In th a t case was said to have been obtained afte r It was announced th a t tbe vote B lood 45 to/45, - .y j

Tbe TrenKfa Horse Railroad C om pany, In o rd er to com ply with, the terras o f Its char­te r to have conductors as well q s : drivers, com m euced thia week to em ploy bbys who g a th e r the fare^ -T h e-serv ice la satisfactory: T he E lectric Railw ay Co! o f A sbury Park ^ Ig h t do the #ame th ing a t sm all expense. (

* R ev, Dr. M cClelland, o f P ittsb u rg , f a .preached in tho Presbyterian C burch Sunday m orning. Dr. C handler gave a dlqoourae to tho young people In tbe evonihg, u s in g 'th e p artin g in junc tion of David to^Solomon i “ Be th o u strong, therefore, and show thyself a m an .” I t abounded in good counsel t o th e y ou th of both sexes, to do tholr whole d o ty as

. C hristians in w hatever lin e ,o f,action, they a re- cajledi. . ... ^ • . -

If you a re in n e e d .o f a now p a rlo rs jo v e o r k itchen range, o r a supply of u tensils for dom estic use, rem em ber th a t D. E n rig h t, 705 pookmUkb aVenue, bas tbe best atook and sells a t low prices. Tin roofs an d g u tte rs fu r­n ished for new buiVdings, or rep a irs for o ld

- ones;—Adv; » ' ■H a^py and co n ten t is a hpnaa . w ith “ T he

Rochester,” a lam p with the ligh t, o f th e m orning . Call ou or w rite to R icheatet L am p Co., 42 P a rk P lace, New >-Y oik.-^4^«

A, InU Hno o f beayy fiboes and w arm Caps for the w inter a t • R ockafeller’e,

. M ain Bt. o p p . D epot.—Adu.

B ourne’s E n g lish Dyspepsia Pills ao t o n th e food, Insuring healthy d igestion and j j r o p e r assim ilation. D ruggists keep them .—Ad?.„ " ' — 1 •

Ju sc received ’a t Schneider’s, 500 W ilton Rugs, a t $1.05 each. .167-69 M ala S t —Adv.

KlngQsher Is tbe capita l o f Oklahoma, G uth rie got left in sp ite of ber p rio rity o f claim . _________ ____ ____

Tho boundary betw een the U n ited S ta tes a n d C anada is n o t ap Im aginary one, , b u t Is well defined by Iron posts, s tone m onument*, o r In the forests by felling o r trees. The poets a re one m ile a p a rt,x each oouotry, e recting ; them alte rna te ly . . , > <

C ookm an Im rtltuie, for colored a tu d ea ts, a t Jacksonville, F la ., has grow n to snch an ex ­te n t tb a t another lo t bas been purchased and a now three-story b rick ; 'b u ild in g will be’ prected. Tho num ber noW in a tte n d a n ce is abou t throe hundred nnd forty .

D uring the exoltem ent on th e New York $ to ck Exchange on M onday, J a m e s S tru th- era d ied suddenly ' on the floor from a stroke o f apoplexy. Tbo E xchange ad jo u rn ed ha lf an bonr, and tb e p ap ers claim th a t a n inci­pien t panic in stocks was averted,

Tbe British c ru iser Serpent w ent o n the rocks in M onday’s storm , tw enty miles n o rth of C ape F ln isterre , on the Spanish c o a s t was pounded to pleoes. H er crew o f 170 and relief crews for o th er m en-of-w ar on th e African c o a s t , . nearly 300 men, were a ll lo st b n t three, :

On her last t r ip South the steamshlp^ Aly<m- fluln, o! the Clyde L ine, ran a fou l o f the sunk­en schooner Jfargraves o f B am egat In le t O n e ^ f th e schooner’s m asts was cu taw ay , and in falling^crasbed in to tbe steam er's p ilo t houHe,. n arro w ly y n lsa ln g C a p t McKee, and do ing o ther dam age. R epairs were m ade a fte r arriv ing a t Jacksonville.

Boys’^chool Caps for fio. tbls Satu rday only, a t R ockefeller’?, M ain St, opp. D epot.—Adv.

Tlie Universal Expression.I t Is the universal expression of the custom ­

ers a t Charles Bob wager’s People’s S to re tb a t It 1? very nice, an d th at' be has a fine llnejOf d rygoods, shoes and genUem en’^lu rn ish lngs, which are sold lower th an gmy house in tg y o , quality for quell ty.-tA de.',

Morrow’s Slioe^the best m ade, pan only be bad a t. tbe Old 8 tand~ of Jo h n Stelnbacb, M ain street and Lake- avenue.-^A fo .

P e o p l e W h o C o m o ; a n d t t o . *

Mra. S. D . Roberts, has retu rn ed to her Lake avenue oottage for a brief stay.

Rev. Charles EverlU j p f 'EDgHahtown^ haSj been called to th e ^ q ty ^ HB ranch P resbyterian Churoh, ' «■"

• Mrs, J , E . R alph, w ith Mias V irginia and M aster P a u \ fealnb, v |:ited Asbury P a rk on Tbareday.

Mr. R obert I . Sloan, engineer of th e Chicago E levated R ailroad , was in tho Park th is week, on a^vlslt to bla family.

Rev. D. Charles Preyer .haa beep in a ta ik d pasto r o f the K nox Presbyterian,CLburch a t Kearney, near N ew ark, w

Chas. J . H unt, whn reconlly le f t the A tlan ­tic House, Ocean Grove, ia a t Pom ona, C ftl^ aa m anager o f the Hotel Polomares,' ^ ■

Mr. J i H erbert W luans passed , bis legal e x ­am ination In New Jersey las t ^ eek and Is e n ­titled to praptkw aa an attorney-at-law^

M r. E, W. irfurpfeey, with a p a rty from Albany,, was in th e P a rk on Sunday, and on M onday w ent to B ^rnegat B ay fo r several days am ong th^ duoka. • 4 *

C onductor Jam es Riddle la on reg u la r d u ty ; on the P . R. R tra in s betw een Long Branch au d Trenton. He has changed hla realdcnce from M anasquan to Long B ranchr-

Mra. M. Nelli haa closed' feer oottage a< T h ird avenue and Bergh B treet, and will spend the w inter m onths In Philadelphia. For a short tim e she will be a t her M ain Avenue co ttage In Ocean Grove,

Rev. S. Edw ard Young, p asto r of W est­m inster Church, haa recently received tw o "calls” —ono from a M ethodist congregation In Canada, tbe o ther from a w ealthy Brooklyn churoh. Both declined w ith th an k s .

Mr. W. H. W yckoff, o f tbe o lotblng firm o f H art <$ W yckoff, w as m arried la*t,w eek to Mlsa E H tabeth Bell, of Brooklyn. T he cere­mony was perform ed by Rev. D r. S oudder a t W oodbine Cottage, co rner Em ory S treet rind Bangs avenue.

Mrs. 8. J . C. Downs, of Ooean Grove, Mrs. M. Helen Crane, o f/A sb u ry P ark , -and Mrs. T. W. Seabrook, of^Keyport, a re the delegates from M pnm outh l a a tten d an ce tb ls week a t the N ational C onvention of the W. C . T. XL, a t A tlan ta, Ga'.

D r. Bruce S. K eato r m ado a call a t bis Asbury Park office on T hursday and a tten d ed the jneotlng o r the d irectors o f tbe F irs t N ational Bank. Since bis rem oval to Phjja- delphla his health hgs g rea tly im proved. ^5e w tirppend the w inter there , having a u office a tltl724 Cheatnut s tre e t, and re tu rn to the P ark early nqxt seaeon fo r th e sum m er,

Mr. W. C. Kelly, of Plainfield, was In the Park on M onday m aking arrangem ents w ith Mr. G. W. T rea t to handle a p o rtion o f h is F lorida orange c ro p .. M r. Kelly has a^farge grove and a floe prospect for tb ls winter. He leaves In a few days fo r F lorida w ith an ou tfit o f team s, &0 ‘, to m arke t tbe crop. N ot m any years ago Mr. Kelly waa a p a rtn e r o f the Palitnateera a t A sbury P a rk In the lum ber trade. H e contro ls several thoueand aorea of p ih e Jan tU n N orthw estern Florida. - ' -

ia . .

It Goes B ight On.Our g rea t C loak, sale. Inaugurated last

week, will be continued . These a re excellent value?, secured a t Sheriff’s Sale o f the g rea t M ercantile C loak Co. In Now York.

J ohn S tbin b a cb ’s Ol d Stand ,M ain s tree t an d Lake avenue. —Adv,

B aptist Sociablea t H otel A sbury , o n W ednesday evening, N o v.

AdmUelon, 10 cenU . • p a y 's tee c ream for sa le and » ^ i o r t e a te r ta |B«py>t g l v jn ^ 'f p .

L a < l ie 9 8 h o u l d C a n 1

and exam ine those hand-sew ed W aokenpbaat and Common Sense boota, p ronounced to be tbe finest In town, a t Charles Schwagcr’s Peo­ple’s Store.—Adv. •-

Peetc & CurtlHhave ju s t publlahed a sp icy “ novel” en titled “A Btorm Aehore,”* -it° ,1a a very Interesting Btory, a h d shows ho w lin p leasan t m ost homea a re w ithout a m uelcal in strum en t, esjp^eiallj th e “ O pera” P lano . The book is free to any address, o r a p o n application , Peek & C u ttle , P ianos and Organa, Red Bank, N. J . —-Adv.

O v e r c o a t s . •

B eaver, Kersey an d M elton. Largest stock ever exhibited In the county, a t prices th a t, will su rp rise you.

j J o h n 8 tb in b ac iT 8 O ld S ta h d .—Adv.

Consum ption and liver com plain ts a re the resu lt of deranged digestive organs. B ourne’s PUia c a re quickly. T ry a box an d you will never be w ithout this sovereign English rem ­edy,-r-Adv. ..

JFor Bale.'A choice ten-room Pottage on A sbury av e­

nue, . fu rn ished com pletely. L ot 50x150. handsom e law ns a u d shrubbery-; house con­nected with A rtesian w ater and sewer.

A ddress “ C .” care J o u b n a l office,—A*fv.

Two Force Pum ps.Good a s new, fo r sa leo b eap . A ddress

“ P umps, ’’ ca re J o d sn a l office.—Ado

s t y l e 3 .

A furnished pottage for ren t, s itu a ted on th e northeast corner of G rand and Sewall ave­nues. In q u ire on the prem ises.—Ado. i

T H E E L K S .Netf Ritual. Social session.

— v------ - p a s p c p s i a l i a s n o T e r r o r s . ,N othing better know n to toiateria mcdica for

Indirection in any of its phM ^s than BouBNB’9 E n g l is h 'T o n ic D tsp b p u i^ P i l l s , Will cu re headache instan tly . Briscoe & Stackhouse, agents, 533 Arch St., Philadelphia.—Adtf.

1% & O. R oute W est.. T he F. F . V ., a solid tra in o f P u llm an ves­

tibule sleepers, dln jng c a r an d day coaches, heated by s te a m ,'a n d lighted b y electriolty ,

/ Now York to C incinnati and Louisville, »vla .W ashington , w ith o u t ex tra fare ,'leaves New York by Ponnaylvanla Railroad, 5.00 t 1. u .£ Philadelphia. 7.40 p. m. ; arrives C in c in n a ti.6 P . M. n ex t a a y j Loulsyllle, 9 8 0 ; S t Louis, 7.05 nex t m orning, giv ing d irect connections

‘ to p tfn ta beyond: i •F irs t class-lira Ited rates from A sbury P ark

to Clnolnnatl, $10; Louisville, $19.50; S tLonls^ $01.25. T hrough tickets an d b aggage oheoks RttAsbury-P(»k fltatlon.

. . • O. RU Jis h o p , G, E . AV FBA.NK McCONNBELJlTrP. A.,

v - V ' 802'Uroad.way, Now T o ^ k .—Adv.

This Ib a new “ Opera” P lano , ju s t o n t, and it m arks a decided advance over any th in g yet produced In tbe p iano trade , con tain ing tbe w onderful “ jE O L U N ECHO” ; pedal. Also

.ou r celeb rated act!oo,..,tppe „an<L flpI«h.T. J t , a lso -has certa in p a ten ted Im provem ents of g rea t value possessed by n o o th er planp. M any C hristm as novelties ju s t ont. T uning and repairing . Peek & C ard*, P ianos and O rgans, Red. B ank, H . J .y A d v .

. B ap tis t Sociable a t H otel Aabury, W ednes­day evening , Nov, l?.-4-Ad?..~

You W ill itece lv e a Circular.Henry S telnbacb, o f the Ocean Palace, bas

secured the p a s t ftfw d a js som e g rea t and decided bargalds. I t will be Impossible to enum era te them here, b u t everyone w ill r e ­ceive a c ircu lar. Fleake carefully note the con ten ts.— Adv.' ' t

Jolin Btelubacliwill offer 10,01)0 yard s Burah Silks, all colors, a t 58 cents, sold everyw here a t 76.

Old S tand , near the L ake.—idt».

Less tlian Halt Cost.“ Why, this l^ ju s t like p u ttin g m oney In a-

ban k ,” said a custom er a t Sohnetder’s last week, a s he la ld jp ld e fifteen of those W ilton and A xm lpster m g f. They will las t a I lf# tim e and canno^be^ dup lica ted again a t the price—$165. G et o ne before th ey a re gone. —Adu.

Before th e A dvaiiee^-' ' :T he las t lot of W rapper Goods offered be­

fore the price goes. np . will be sold b t J o h n Stelnbacb’s Old S laijd om ^& tarday , Nov, 15.

^ rA d o - y: - •Two W ater Tankpi

of good s ite , Suitable* for hpteV purposes where t^ere a re np w ater works, w ill be sold ch eap . Apply td ' T . F rank Ap p l e b t ,

| | 706 Cookm an.avenije.—A dv.

J u a t received a t Sobnelder’s, 5$ ) W lUon a t W.05 eaob. 167-60 M ain f i t—Adv.

W ^ J S T T E U D .A good white girl for general housework in a

family o f three. ' • ■* Call a t 609 6I5O0ND AVBNU8,

J^OTXOE OF DISSOLUTION.Notice la hereby given th at the partnership

between the underBlftned, under tho Ann nam e of Stelnbacb Brothers, ia this day dlssol’ timl consent.

rtved by mu-this day

^ThFundenlgned, John Stelnbach, will sign In liquidation of the firm’s affairs aa to tho Aibary Park business, and tho underaljroed, Jacob flteln- bach, will sign lu liquidation or the flrm'a affairs aa to tbe Long Branch buBimBa, Tho agreement o f dissolution requires an Immediate settlement o f the flrm’a accounts. '

Dated S ep t 30,1&90. . 30HN STEINBACH,' JACOB S'fBINBACa,

N o v e m b e r i o t h , i '8 g o .

G o o d m a c h i n e w o r k i s n o w

s o ^ | 6? e ' t o h a r i c i w o r k i n s h o e -

m a k i n g t h a t o n l y - a n e x p e r t c a n

d i s t i n g u i s h b e t w e e n ’ t h e m , a n d

h e m u s t r i p t h e s h o e t o b e s u r e

I t i s i t h e r e f o r e , e a s y t o u n d e r ­s t a n d t h a t d e a l e r s c a n s e l l m a ­

c h i n e f o r h a n d m a d e w i t h o u t

m u c h n e e d o f d e t e c t i o n , w h i l e

t h e i r . c o n s c i e n c e s ( i f t h e y h a p ­

p e n t o p o s s e s s a n y ) a r e s o o t f i e c

b y t h e k n o w l e d g e t h a t t h e s h o e

i s j u s t a s d u r a b l e a s i f h a n d

m a d e , a n d b a s y i e l d e d a m u c h

l a r g e r p r o f i t .

F o r $ 4 w e s e l l a c a l f s k i n

G o o d y e a r m a c h i n e - s e w e d s h o e

t h a t w i l l p a s s c u r r e n t a s h a n d ­

m a d e , - a n d m o r e m e n o u g h t t o

k n o w o f t h e m . ’ H a n d - w e l t S h o e > : o f A m e r i c a n c a l f f o r $ 5 .

F r e n c h c a l f , b o t h w e l t a n d s o l e

h a n d - s e w e d , $ 6 . 5 0 .

F ree delivery to all points with In one hundred miles of New York City,

R O G E R S , P E E T & C O .

TH R EE (Prince, BROADWAY-{Warren, *

STORES, ( 33d at.


The Tariff and tlie Farm er.The Tribune will devote much spaob during '

1801 to tho Tariff af? It effcctB the Farmer aud tho Mechanic.

Ifpn. Roswell G. ITorr, o f Michigan, bas been added to the utaff of Tailff w riters forthis purpose, l ie will, through the columns of The JWtrune, devote himself to thla toplo, ami w ill’Invito and answer auostlona upon points wblch perplex tho American Farm er and Me­chanic. Iio will also, ao fa r as o ther duties will allow, a tten d ' Farm ers’ Institutes and agricul­tu ra l Katherines tho coming w inter and spring, and expound tha principles o f jh o Tariff.

Thoso w ho desire the presence of Mr. Dorr a t Farmers’ Institutes, e tc ,aro Invited to oommnnl- cate promptly wltb The Tribune.

Young Men wbo wish to Succeed.Many a man feela tlio lack of oarly direotlon of

his energies and early inouloatlon o f tho maxima which promote the form ation of character and auofeaa in a fter llfo. Every such man would gladly see tbo young men of to-day be tte r guided In youth th an he was. Tht TH61/ h« has planned the following aeries of valuablo articles, which will appear In thla paper on ly : .W hat eh all I D ol By 8 .8 . Paokard, Pre^ldoni ot

Packard/a Business College.Suggestions for the BOya on the Farm who aro

Ambitious. By the ilou ,_J. If. Brigham, of

Byk Conirnuatlon o f "*“Tiow to Win Fortune?” wfey Andrew Carnegie, whose remarkable a rtic le o f las t Spring was so lull of enoouragement to poor men.

M ultlplklty of Paying Occupations In tbe United States, By the Hon. Carroll I), f r ig h t , Com- mlssloncr of tho D epartm ent ol I>abor.

A Talk w ith American Boya. By P. T. Barnum, of Bridgeport, Conn., tho great American show­man, temperance tecturer, ttaveler and writer.

Examples in the History of Our Own Country, By Gen. A. 8. Webb, the gallant aoldier o f Get- ^ sb u rg and Spottsylvania and College Preat-

Importanco of Good ifanncrs. Tho view* of Ward McA II la tor. f.

A Col)ego Education Good for A ll; W bat Is Best lor Tnoso WhA Cannot Oct f t. By Pn»ldont WlU lam Pepper, University of Pennsylvania,Th* Tribune will print, from week to week.well-

Vita! Topics of Tho Day.. and Future Bcopo of American

Agriculture. By tho Hon. Jerem iah Itm k. Pmpcr Function of tho Minority In Legislation.

By tbe Hon. Julius C. Burrows, Kaiamaxoo. Village Improvement Associations, their Practi­

cability in Rural Districts, with tho Story e f Certain Model Villages. By the Hon. B, G, Northrop, of Clinton. Coun.

Principle in Politica and tbe Virtue o f Courage.By the Hon. James 8. Clarkson, of Iowa.

Influences of the Labor Movement upon Human Progress. By Bamuel Gampcre, P m iden t o f the American Federation of Labor.

America’s Suburban and, Rural Homes, By Geo.' Pallsser, o f New York.Warehouses for Farm Producta By L. L. ro lk ,

President of tbe National Farmera’ Alliance. Glaciers o f tho United 8tatcs. By Professor Israel

C. Ruaaell, o f tbe United States Geological Sur­vey and explorer of Alaska. ’

Other '-Features,During 1891 The TH&un« wllL p rin t a valuable

series o f articles wrltteu by l» « w n traveling cor­respondent, on the agriculture of tho United States, with explanations<bf a largo num ber of model &rms. —

A special correspond cut, a practical farmer, Is iow in France, visiting tho farms and farm build-

JngB of that thriftiest o f tho agricultural natlona of tho world, He will report upon the dairy, grain, stock and other branches o f French A rm ­ing in illustrated articles.

Mrs. Annlo WIttcnmeyor, president of the Wo-, m an 's Relief Corp*, will contribute a column of notes aud news to 7hc lYibune’e Q. A. R. page, eveirw eek . ' '_ Admirable letters o f travel In tho Southern States, Illustrated w ith pictures, will bo printed, describing the 8outh aa it exists Unlay.

All the regular features will be continued.Tbe Home Circle columns will bo varied by

frequent illustrated articles on homo decoration, fasblousand o ther aubjeota of intense Interest ta women. Written principally • fur people with little money.

Mrs. Bayard Taylor, the widow of Bayard Tay­lor. will writo articlca on coofcerv. Sho la a r e m arkable housekeeper, with a aclentlflo as wel’ as practical knowledge or hor aubloct.

Steloliz. the great cocas champion o f tbo world, will supply a column a week on tho greatest and

Purest 01 all tho games of tbe home.Foreign letters, good storlea, tbo news o f tbe

day, the best of m arket roporta, book reviews and literary newa, witty Jokes, etc. • . ..

The Tribune is printed in largo typo- aind broad columns, and Is the easiest paper to read In the country..

— ; P r e m iu m s .Premium List for 1891, containing m any new

and uscfUl articles, will bo sent to any applicant, free.

P r i z e s f o r X a r g e C lu b sClub rnlaera are Invited to writo to thla office for

The Ti-ibimJe new Terms to Agents.

Subscriptions.The Weekly, *1.00 a y ea r; free' for tbo'.Ten ol

1890. Rom 1*Weekly, W.00; free Car tbe rest-o f lqoo. Dally, 810.00? Sunday Tribune.83fee. T it bune Monthly, glOO. Sample cople* free.

Tub TnrnoNX, New York.

Ocean Stapsliip Co.O F S A V A N N A H ,


The SOUTH and SOUTHWESTFastest Passenger Bliips Car*,

ry ingthe American JEfag

r iR 8 T - C r & 8 S TA BLE B’H O T t , •

U N S U R P A S S E D f tC C O M M C ffc iT lO M IS. S, Kntieaa City,8. 8. City of Birmingham,' 8, 8. City of Augusta,'8. H. c ity of Savannah, k S. 8. TnllahaBseo, I

8. R, Chattahoochee, 8. S. Naoooohee,H. 8. C Ity o f Macon, 8r 8, G ate City, • S.'S.'Desjoug.


E v e r y H o l i d a y . W e d n e s d a y , F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y , a t 3 p . m , r *—

Ixom plom a# atid M. N. B., frtot of Spring Street^ Now York, ormneotln»r with express trains for J a c k s o u v l l t e v T l i< m ia « v t t l e and N e w O rlcm ta i, Through pwhago tickets, and bills of lad les issued for ail principal points in

1 Georgia; Florida and Alabama.

i r S . ! a s a,Uo" !,!i 9 i! ; 'S ‘i i !s*K„pas ? o rOoean 8 .8 . Co., Now Plerfla, N. It.,

W. E. ARNOLD, G*P. T. A., New York. New York,

J . B. THOMPSON,Local Agent, Ocean Grove, N .J .

HARRY J.Bucccwir l o p o R T E R T H E M A T T E R ,


Men’s, Women's&Children *s Shoesalwaya on haild.

S^l** A gent fur th o W . A . F a j c h s r d a n d W . i t . Dongrlwi ^elpbralMi Shoes. .-.v ;

220 la in St, Opposite Depot.


E state a n d In su ran ce Ageyicty,.........---t ' ' • 2 0 8 - j V T ^ I K S T I r E E T . ' — -

■ ••• . . . ' ■; •'■ ■■ 1. • ' " ' ; ‘ *■■■’■OPPOSXTP llA T L IlO A D STAT IO N ', A S B U B Y PARIC, N . / ,

S H O E S !" O u r S p e c i a l S a l e t o o k bo w e l l t h a t w e h a v e d e c i d e d

t o h a v e a n o t h e r S a l e t i n s ■' ■

itorday and Monday, Nov. 15 and 17,/ w h e n w e w i l l o f f e r t h e f o l l o w i n g :

Ladles’ D ongola B utton S hoes___ ______________

Ladlea* Par la Kid Button Shoes__________.Ladles1 A No. 1 Dongola Button,_____ ___ _________Ladles’ “ French Process’.’ ButtonSboea__ ____ __________Ladles’ French Kid, hand tu rn e d -- - ..___ ________•Ladles’ French Kid, best grade___ _____ ____Men's Calf Slfoes, lace or button_____ -_____ _Men’s Fin© Calf Shoes—___ __ - - - - - - ____ —Men’s Hand-sewed B b e 9, warranted-,.______Boyfl’ A No. 1 School 'Shoes-__ ____________ ___Boys’ Fine Calf Shoes..______ _______ _

M e n ’s B u b b e c B oo ta^_______ __________________ j - — _.In fa n ts ’ F re n c h K id ,S h o es, h a n d t u r n e d . - _______ _

I S ' s o n w i l l h a v e t o c a l l e a t f y t o s e c u r e s o r i i e ’ o f ^ I h e s e

B a r g a i n s . W e w i l l e n d e a v o r t o h a v e h e l p e n o u g h t o

w a i t p r o m p t l y u p o n a l l c u s t o m e r s .

8flc1 251 87' 75c1 50a 508 008 501 25

■_ 1 50s oo

89c1 60 'X 981 CO

_ 1 98,»■ 50c

3 D J f t L . 3 S T I E I . Z L a G - C O V E B T .

REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT,27 Plljprim Pathway, Ocean Grove, NVJ.

- L o a n s N e g o t i a t e d o n R e a l E s t a t e .

■' Correspondence Solicited.-'

IF YOU A R EB u i l d i n g , a n d d e s i r e p r o t e c t i o n a g a i n s t l o s s

o r d a m a g e b y F I R E , L I G H T N I N G o r W I N DS T O B M S — ..............

O R ,w a n t t o B U Y , S E L L , o r B E N T P R O P E R T Y ,

'm A p p l y t o ■■■" ■

T. FRANK APPLEBY7 0 6 C o o k m a n A v e . , A s b u r y P a r k .

6 5 M a i n A v e . , O c e a n G r o v e ,

„ . . Organized February, 188C. . : ^ ^ ;QK °. KUOBHX^TrorfdeBt . . O. H. Vice President.

MARTIN V. D A S3R Ain’t Cashier.

. H . 5S c T F T ,

S T i K S H O E S T O R E , 1 1 1 a n d 1 4 9 M a in S t r e e t .

- r n ~

JUST A FEW WORDSH a v e 3 ' o u i n s p e c t e d t h e S t o c k o f

Notions, Hosiery, Fancy Goods, Cloaks/ Capes, Men’s Furnishings, Shoes, Etc,

u n v o u L .T n n iu tiii i.ALBBET C. TWINING, Cashier.



. „ A S B U B Y P A B K N . J .C a p i t a l , $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . H a r p l o s , 1 7 0 , 0 0 0 .Transacte ( c i u t s l tan k in g business, issues lettew o f orodie a ra llab ls In the principal e t t tN o f the world. Porolen and dom estic exchangee bought and sold. - — :

Collections carefully mado and prom ptly aooounted for.


Collections carer oily m ade and prom ptly aooounted for.BOARD*OF DIRECTORS;

A lbert O. Twining,G. F . Kroehi;B ruoe«rK 6ator,MllaaTloss.John L,- Coffin.

Oliver H. Brown, M. L. Bamman. Sherman B. Oviatt.

Isaao C. Kennedy, Henry H. Yard. C haa A, Atkljas. Chas. A. Young.

Hkhbt O. Wnffloa, President. ^ ‘. Q w . W. EVAira, Vme-preaiaent. Edkuhd E. Daytow, Cashier


* ' OSQiNIZKD JAHUABY, 1883. . ■■ ■ - ^c a p i t a l s b o . o o o . o o . . B t m p i . u a , s i o . o o o . o a

Transacts a gonor&l Banking Business. Issues Foreign and Domemtio Draili.Prompt atten tion given to a ll m atten entranted tons,




I J c o n t a i n e d i n

c m s e i w M i i * s

P E O P L E ’S STORE?I f y o u h a v e n ’ t , y o u s h o u l d d o s o a t o n c e .

T h e G o o d s a r e a l l n e w , a n d t h e p r i c e s a v e

r i g h t i n e v e r y p a r t i c u l a r . C o m o i n a n y d a y

a r i d s t r o l l t h r o u g h t h e v a r i o u s d e p a r t m e n t s .

Y o u w i l l b e w e l c o m e , e v e n i f y o u d o n o t

p u r c h a s e a c e n t ’s w o r t h .

THE CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO.New York, Charleston, 8. 0., & Jacksonville; Fla., Service.1

S t . J v h r i t R iv e r Service b d t /u n J a e 'io n a ilU fin d S a n f ir d , F lu , a n d till in te r tn td ia b . ' I m M n g t on S t . J o h n ’t l i i v ir .

A r e V o n I d k a t h e M a n W ! k> F e l l O n t o f t h e B a l lo o n —H o t I n I t ?

Experienced C lerkWanted in b n r Goods and Groceries. Must have GOOD REFERENCES. I have a now stock, new store heated by steam, and a ll other ipodern Im­provements. Will pay a fair salary and give a . I to w o ^ u p .

: ii \ . .* P . O. Box 25, Jameabiirg, N. J ,

A G E M T S WANTEDfoip D B .T A I M A « E ’S N e w B o o ts , covering:hia l i f e ’# w o r k aiid great trip, •‘T o , T b r o n g b . a n d f r o m t b o C h r l tU L a n d ,” cnfftled

11 F R O M M A N G 1 E T O T H ? ; 0 N E / ’Embracing a H e w L l F B anda B to ry o f P a l e H t l n e a a d llo P e o p le , illns- trated with o v e r 4 0 u wonderful engravings of scenery In Holy Land, conies of o ld m a s t e r s , and famous pictures from t h e & o n d a n d -T Iq ies o f t b e S a v io u r , also a grand'plcturo o f Jeru­salem on tho day of the crucifixion, in 12 colors and ten fecfr in length, This ls DIt. .TALMAGE'S life-work and his greatest book. Orders brei now. pouring tn from all parts of the civilized world; V o n fwftll n e v e r l i a v « 'o n o t l i e r I l h e I t . I ,o o o io o o 'c o p le a will bo sold the first year. Agents should drop all else an d secure territory. Snch chances como odly once in a lifetime. ‘ Ex­clusive territory g iv en -fu ll prbtectlon, Tho most remarkable and wonderful of a ll hooks about the Land, Times and People of the Biblo. Go to work WOKT and you will mako hundreds o f dollars. Territory going with a ru a h ; act.nowj. no capital needed. Name territory you want, and ^ rito a t once for particulars to

* World Publishing Co.,N , E. Oor. 18th'and Marfeet Sts., PMSa,

TJITE CALL THE ATTENTION OF ALL CON- *» templatlng erecting dwellings for renting

to tbo importance of ’ ( ....

Wirings Electric LightsAsk any o f bur Real Estate Agents how many

houses wblch are not piped for gaa they failed to runt simply becauso tenants who aro desirable in ­sist on having

A ll t h e M o d e r n I m p r o v e m e n t s ,and tho I n e a o d M e e n t K le c tH e L i g h t ii truly one of them.

City people are dally becoming users o f the Electric Light, and will In a short time expect to have it In 'th e homes they rent a t the seashore,. Risk,an eyeon tho G O D D E S S O F LIB** E R T Y thla week In our show wludow, -

712 COOKMAN AYE.jB e r r a n g & Z a c h a r i a s .

A S S I G N E E 'S S A L E... o r - ;• •

g S T A mThe'aubscrlber, assignee' for.tho boneflt o f orcd-

ltors o fl^ lc o L. Emmons, of Asbury Park, will soil a t PUBLIC VENDUE, to tho highest blddor,O n S a t u r d a y , D c c . 1 3 , 1 8 9 0 ,

a t 2 1*. M., the following rea l estate i_Fimrr 'TnAcf—Being lot 8, on a map of tho Tuck-

or White cn(ate, containing i aero and 43 I'M) o f an acre, known os tho Slaughter Houso lot. west o f l»uck Creek and cast of tho Ccmttory rood.

Second T b act—Near ABbury park. ..Bolmr an loo House lot on Asbury avonue, bounded on tho north by Deal Lake, and conveyed to said Etn- mons by llaunab Hcultboip in I8«2.

flarSaloot Park-Uall, ABbury Park. Oondltlous a lsa le . '


‘Tri-wofkly departures betw een New York and Cbnrleston. R. O., the Bouth and Eouthwest, Jack­sonville, Tla., aud all Florida Points.

Tho Fleet Is composed of tbo following E legant Steam ers:IROQUOIS, Capt YEMA88BE, Cap

ALGONQlTfN. (new), C a p t ------- •DELAWARE, Capt. L K, Chichester. CHKROEBli, Capt. II. A. Boars.

. L. W. Pennington* Capt. Jos; McKee.

8EMINOLE, CapL'S. C. P latt.

ono of which Is appointed to sail from P i e r 29 , F»u* B i v e r (foot of Roosovelt Btreot), N . ’Y- B lo n d n y s , W e d n e t td a y a aud F r i d a y s a t 8 p. m.

log IL H R ,

This Is the only lino betw een N e w Y o r k a a d J k e k i o n v l l l e , F l a . , without ohange, mak- close oonneotion a t Jacksonville w ith tho P. C. & P, R. R.i J . T. & K. W. By., and J . 8 t . A . 4 D.

CLYDE’S BT: JOHN'S B IV E R BBRVXCB,4 ifv o fJ a ek io n v lile , Fr«d'k DeBary, Errrglndc

m.^meptr&aturd&ys^ for Hanford, F la., and in- rail Lines a t PaU tka, Astoj, Blue Springs and

Comprising the elegant eteanfiors i l l y o f Jfae kao n vllle, F r « d 'k D e B a r y , B yrrv ln d eand W fla lc a * leaving JaokaottvUie dally a t a.80 n. m .^ n je ^ tS a tu rd a y s? for Hanford, Fla., audio ; tormodtato landings, making connection with all ralt'anford fo r all polntB In Florida. . - „ , . „ . ,

P issenger accommodations unaurpasBedrsteamers being supplied Wilh all m odem improve­ments, steam Bteoring gear, electric lights, elecfjrla bells, baths, etc. . - v . . . The Cuisine of, the steamera on tho r i y d e I l in e Ib unexcelled by any other line, tab le being

supplied with the best that N orthern and Bouty jm m arkets afford. '• JJ6r further la form at ion, apply to )/ ' ' ' •

I W I L L I A M P . - C L Y P E $ C O . , G e n e r a l A g e n t s .5 B e W lln ft f i r e e n , N e w Y o r k . 19 H o a lh W faa rv ea , P b i l a d e l p h i t t , Fl*.

T B IE O . E , E G E B , T r a f f ic W n n a g c r , « B o w l i n g G*t<e n , W ew I f i r l r .

1 M U 1 S F 0 R S M .E| About 75 Loads

o f tho bo<it fltablo mannro a t T aylor’i'stahlps« Ooean Grovo. Call a t Bakery, corner Pilgrim Pathway and n tm o n avonue. . , «


I S I p V E L T . I E SFIijg s ta tion ery , • D olls, Toy#, '

Cutlery, W riting M aterials, etc*

A t d U I N B Y & C O . ' S


Wain olrofjt, opposite Depot.

™ f r r v = =

.V Aucticuction Sale of

BURIAL PLOTSWednesday, Nov. 19, a t 2 P. M.

A t H a m i l t o n C e m e t e r y , i n

f r o n t o f t h e n e w C h u r c h .

I f the’day should bo stormy the lalo will take place the next lair Cay a t same bou*.

^Tho above plots are very desirable. The <£n>o- tery Ib nicely enoloa^J. the ground high and fer­tile for shrubbery, with additional acoommedai- tion of a neat church In ftont for services, #


THE GREAT SALE,With Some New and Decided


November 15,

- O f f -

HENRY STEINBACHCookman Ave. and Main St., Aabury Pirk, H. L

( :

J-i t..-



' o ^ k T & i P U R E

x P R E P A R E D ^ P A t N T


~ T j10 F r e e

Henry C. Miner, theatre proprietor', tfru* ttaiidlng in the entrance o^M aJFif fell Av?_ nuo theatre the other day, whon a seedy

*'t beg panion, Mr. Miner,” he said, “jbavq you a copy of tho new tanff'iaw?T'T~

**1 have,” replied Mr. Miner. r_ i ,-WJll_you_be klnd _Gnough- to-run -it through and aeo If I am on the free -listf I may want to look in a t tho theatre to­night.” • *

Ingenious^ but' It didn’t . work.—1Texa& Siftings. . *

arawto’JSWi Dealer In Select Brands o f .

M attlson avenue, Aabnry P a rk , 2J. J .™«irafii561nM31illsril aBiBow llBit Kooms att&ohad,-



Q -ep . W . "X ira-aoc, Licensed Auctioneer,

$lOO,Q.0C|to Loan on 1st Mortgage,

REAL ESTATE ill!) IIISURANCL AfiENT210 Main St., Asbury Park, N. J.

; L ead er o f G a n g —Dia m o rn in ’ w h en I d id n ’t h av e no show w ld yor, y e r w u a a -g o in ’ to k ick t ie r s tu ff in ' o u t o ’ m o, so y o u sa id , N ow , w h y d o n ’t c h e r d o it?—iato., - ; • ——;---- ;--- ----------------

<ienfun in th e K itc h e n .B a g le y ($o n e w ly im p o rte d s e rv a n t)—

Y oij n e v e r saw a lo b ste r before, d id y ou , B rid g e t?

B rid g e t—S h u re , an* O i’vo seen 'h u n d re d s a v t h e red th in g s sh>viinm in’ in th e c reek s a v th o o ld c o u n th ry , •> -

B ag ley —B u t lo b ste rs a re g reen , B r id g e t , b efo re th e y a re p u t in b o ilin g w a te r.

B rid g e t (n o t to be p u t dow n)—S h u re , an! th e re ’s b o ilin ’ s h p r in g s \ r o lg h t in tlie c reeks, so r.—J u d g e . '**

H e Suffered th e Sanitf.E m p lo y e r—Y ou a re very Iato th ia m orn*

ln g , M r. T hreada .C le rk —Y es, air; I su ffe red sevorely fro m

in so m n ia lo at n ig h t, an(l w h en I fin a lly g o t to sleep I o v e rs lep t m yself.

E m p lo y er—I d id n ’t k n o w you hiuj in ­so m n ia .

Clorl*—J k a v e u ’ti h u t m y buby baa,— J u d g e , ■

T oo T e m p tin g .S ta r A c tre ss—T h e re is a g r e a t p a r t in

th e p la y fo r y o u . . 'A c to r—T h n t’sg o o d .S ta r A ct^esfrrc^he c lim ax o f th o f ir s t a c t

fQivsists in y o u r in d ig n a n t ly a p % n iu g a $10,000 b ribe . . - _

A c to r (d o u b tfu lly )-^ I d o n ’t t h i n k f co u ld c o n s is ten tly d o th a t .—M u i i a e y ^ iVo^kly.

, i>r«»i» OOP.S ea ttlo , W aah .^ ia a t r i f le lu ily .“ M y frie n d ,” sa id a new c o m er, ineo tftig

a n a tiv e on T h i r te e n t l r a tre e t, “ c a n you d ire c t m e to th e a h o r te s t- ro u te to F i r s t s tre e t? , I a m in a h u r ry .” ' , ^

*‘.W al,” respjwaded th o n a tiv e , “jeHt g o to th e e n d o f th is b look a n d d ro p off^ yrhyreyqU la n d w ill » tm : t , ,‘* -P u o k .

A C lev e r M utd . : .j" : ■«“ A h , R os^ lig f!’ e lg h e d .her f r ie n d , “ you

d o n ’t k n o w w h a t you m isa by n o t c a rin g to d a n c e ,"

“ p o n ’t I t ” rep lied th e g i r l , “ t h a t ’s a ll r i g h t . , I ’ve h a d five p ro p o sa ls n lreu d y th is season w h ile s i t t in g o u t d an ces in th o con­s e rv a to ry .’’—M unsey’s W eek ly .

T h is In f lu lu g T o o ^F ar.“ Y ou look as if y o u hn d been s to lo n ,’’

sa id J a w je , as h e en c o u n te red a frien d w ho w aa in a b ro w n s tu d y .‘ .“ W h y f” ' '

J lY O u h a v e an a b s tra c te d a i r l a n d J a w jef ^ n t jy w a l t^ m m s 6 lr« /« < j& —W a sh in g to n P o st.

A Compliment.P re s id e n t O ld w o rth y —W ell, d a u g h te r ,

how d id -th e y e n jo y m y lec tu re ?G lad y s O ld w o rth y —O h, v e ry n itlc h in ­

deed I Som e of y o u r fre sh m en w ere t e l l in g th e f u n n ie s t s to r ie s y o u ev e r h e a rd a ll th ro u g h th e e v e n in g .—H a rp e r ’s B azar,

T h e Season ' O pened .M rs. D e S ty le—D ear m e! w h a t a lo t o f

so c ie ty new s y o u ’ve g o t h o ld o f—even to a fu ll d escrip tio n o f M iss T ip to p ’s P a r is t ro u sse au ! W h e re d id you h e re i t a ll?, M iss De S ty le —A t th e sy m p h o n y con­

c e r t .—N ew Y o rk W eek ly .• -*•A u O v ertax ed A m erican .

M rs. C a lla ro u n d -^ P su ppose you a re d e ­lig h te d to g e t b ack to th e U n ited S ta te s?

M rs. S hoddy—O h, yea; i t ’s a g r e a t re ­l ie f to t a l k to no.bodies a f te r convocaUig with~She crow ned h eads o f E u ro p e so long . —M u n ao y 's 'W eek iy r— -v

F O U R T H(Eiiiatiiliahed lo Kew V oib Iftfil.)




L . \ LiiflG, Iriitb , H&L»

a t the old established yard " V iIN R E A R OF LA K E V IEW HOUSE. ' V ^

Branoh offlces^-tL II. Shepherd’s Grocery. Sewall ave. and Emory st., Aebury Park , and AnDftbv’s ileal Estate office, 66 Main aveM Ocean Grove BRANCH YARD AT SPRING LAKK. C

TELEPHONE CALL 87 A. » * * * • )

CAUTION vmrrnnt? r - is s J & y j a ih a s b i s n a m e n n d p r ic e s tam p ed o n p o tfo m . .. ........BRUSH M ANUFACTURERS,

251 P earl-S tree t, near Fulton Street, New.Have oooi*pied the same building m ore th an a q uarte r of a oentury. Their floods a re shipped to a il p arts o f the United States..Jjaily, per m o n th , ...................

Daily, jwrjuiati*;........Sunday, per year, ....................Dally and Sunday, per year,. Dally and Sunday, perm ontn, Weekly £un, ope y e a r .............

Address T H E SU N , NEW YORK.

I Tw o or a K in d .

H e (slig h tly rude)—I called because I th 'o u g h t you w ere o u t.

Sho (aw ee tly W W ell, do you know , I ^ .th o u g h t I w a s o u t too. T h e nm id m u at ‘h av e th o u g h t you w ere Some one else.— H a rp e r ’s B azar. • ^ s ;

Com m itted a M i«lem o anor or Matrimony.

“ N otice t h a t m an o v er th e re —hovy n e r ­vo u s ho ap p ears — .co n stq n tly lo o k in g a ro u n d to see if a n y b o d y ia w a tc h in g h im . I ’l l b e t h e ’s a b u rg la r .”

‘‘Yes, o r a b rid eg ro o m .” •— M unsoy’a W eek ly , - ■ .______ -

H e H as Arrived.

“ I read in a sc ien tif ic a r t ic le to d ay t h a t th e co m in g m a n w ill huve n e ith e r tee th n o r h a ir .”

“ T h en th o c o m in g m an Js here . T h a t tie s c rib es m y liaby e x a c tly ,” ~-.Ne\v Y o rk S un ,

' i l r _ ' H la CKftico.- -i-'—F o o tp a d —Y o u r m oney o r y o u r life)I iish rim n —Och, yez b e tte r UCko me’ life.

I w a n t ray. m o n ey to liv e o n .—N ew Y o rk - H e ru ld u____

■ P ointed ..

H e—Do c ig a re tte s m ak e y o u 111?...She—N o; b u t th o pooplo. w ho sm o k o th em

■flo.—M u n sey ’s W eek ly . (

There Are M uny Like H im .

Sho—H e ta lk s l ik e a book.He-^VVhat a p i ty he d o esn ’t s h u t u p a s

easily !—Life. '•

W a n te d .

Two arm s around my neck entwipe,A smooth cheek closely presses mine;I know what such carosaea mean . p-.And In my cbolr I backward loan.“Wliftt la it, daughter mlno," I aay;“W hat Is It th at you want today?Some m ote new dresses or a bat*"“No, dear paja, i t Isn't that.”“I hope It ten t laces, then>**“You dear old dad, just guess again.”“iio re diamonds, or perhaps a poarlf No? , Tben what do you want, my girl TV “I don’t want anything; ypusee

- v i r It*« Tom tma'tlraeTaniT—ha Wonts me.” "V -1 1 ' jt i„ * . —F. H. Curtiss in Llfe^ .

Lumber, Building Hardware, Ready mi ed Paints (all prices) White Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, &c.,

is a t the Largo Establishm ent of

Is this picture a^ebw T Well, yes, I t te to some, but not to a live buslMea m an. Do you notice that young man running off with a great big dol­lar on hla back? He !■ going to plant i t where" It wHlgjow.’ Observe the other who ia returning; gaze a t hls satisfied face and note particularly the greenback he carrica nnder his arm . Do. you gra^p tbe allegory ? I t is th ia : tbe persistent and judicious advertiser wUl reap flve dollars profit for.every dollar he spends with tho printer. Now la the time to sow the se ed ; there aro 300 crops

M_______ ^

$ 3 & $ 2 S H O E S Ahavo Boon most favorably-rccolveil sinco Introduced and tho recent Improvements mako them superior to any shoes sold nt thcuo prices.

Ask your Dealer, and Jf uo cannot supply you send direct to factory enclosing advertised price, or m postal for order blanks. „____ W. L. UOUGI.AS, nrockton, K w .

Harry I. Rockafeller, Agent,1. Main St.", opp. S tation, Aabury Park, N« J .

B U C H A N O N & S M O C K■ Successors to N. E. Buclianon & Co., .'

Cor; Main St. anlAsbury Av?., ASBURY PARK, N. J.Wo m ake a specialty of C B D A H B H I N G L K 8 a t wholesale as well as re ta il ,

wblfeh we m anufacture a t M anahawken, N .J . ;»*

^-Also A D A M A N T f a p aten t PlasterryrKloh Ib superior to anything In th e maij(ot*-and is ju st the th ing for cold w eather, as freezing does not affect It. '

r ■ Satisfaction Guaranteed to all.Customera.

• ' Si, A, Sboc!!.

L . M o N a U yPraotloal and Reliable Maker of -

- an d L ead ero ftJ ty le . “ Easy fit for deformed Qr tender feet^ l a t c l m a l * ?

aniievelerMAIN ST

Largo clock in front of the stow


^.JEWELRYI Fine repairing andadjusting a specialty

Excels in speed, qjiallty o f work and durability.Easily writes forty words a m inute.

. ' 7": Elghty-ono characters.

s e n d fx)r c ir c u l a r a ^ i> Sp e c im e n s .

M anufacturers and Dealers In a ll branohes o f

„ 4- v o e k ]M a i n S t r e e t , M u n r o e A v e n u e a n d R a i l r o a d ,

ASBURY PARK, N. J.W in d o w P r a m e a r H a s h , B l in d m, D o o r s ,r f o a l d l n g s , B r a c k e t s a n d i r a m d W o rh

H a r d a n d Soft, W o o d B fa n te l tf I n r D l q ^ a n d H e ro ll H a w in g a Spe* e l a l t y . 'D M lg n a a n d P r i w ( F u r n i s h e d ‘o n A p p l i c a t io n . . '■& ■

E s t a b l i s h e d 18 8 1Repairing of all kind.

PAINTER,7 1 9> M a t t i s o n A v e

H ekijto FoBt Ofioo Bullditejc.

JOHS F . STHATT02T & S O S ,4& & 46 W alker S t . M S W Y O R K ,

to(relher«vrltU o u r ‘I«r#« "j 0,111 o«*eh»l d .

DOtil do U to «how W hit wo tenij you lo th0»e‘,w ho r»l)—your (Viand* Ciid uclKhbor* and thoto «boul you—thdl« lw *ya i t i u I i i

‘ im i lu i t i lo tr»U* for u i , which hold* for ye*r» when once »U ri«d,' ■nd 'hu* we are repaid. W o p*y a l) e * p rm . f r t t fh t , e te. A fttr rou kn o w a!f, I f you would ilko to go to vrcrk fbr u i, you ran e*™ •'•om &--£<> to S G O per week «nd upw «rdl. A ddren , S t l m o u a s C o . , B o x S I » , l * p r t l u n d , M a i n e .

•cope. Tho fo llow ing c(

; Highest dtgree o f quality insures lowest cost and le s t work.

Tlie price per gallon higher, but quantity need­ed Is less than if any other paints wero used.

Any building th&t Is not satisfactorily painted with It, or upon which Its use has not cost less than If o th er paints had been used, w i l l b « r e p t f i n t ' ed a t o n r e i p e n a e .


• • J 8 r - 1 P ain ts, Oils, Varnishes, G lass, &c.,

Artists’ Tube Color*, Brushefl, WaU Paper.NO. SOfl BOND BTREET,

Established 1801) Asbury Park , N. J ,

R E A t E S T A T E , ;

.X N SUH ANCE& - MORTGAGE LOANS', L . 708 Cootmaa Ave. ,


» D A V I D T A Y L O R ’S

First - tllass Liyery,. 507 F p jiiiT ii A v e .,- A s n c n r P ^ e k , i f . J . •

Stylish a iid 1 oleah Coaches and * Cabriolets. Teams furnished fo r conveying parties to and from Btaflhn,.or to weddings, balls, shopping and pleasure driving, o r funerals. ■ *

PHOTOGRAPHY^ I n I t s P o r fo o tY o h J rKii.' ■ ■(INSTANTANEOUS.) ■ \ p N E W S T U D I O . ^ NO STAIRS TO CLIMB.

IfP A C H B R O S .’ ■ QQCvIlEftADWAY,— 3 0 3 , ■ He w y o iik .

Asbury Palrk; Printing House.Newest de&f&ua of ty p e ; la te s t improved ma­

chinery ; skilled'W orkmen; every' description of prin ting; estimated given. Special premiums ftowi tlie Count*. Fair Gpr fine printing. : - -•

Ppholfitering in all its branohes carried on, also a fulI Une of Pioturo Frames and Mouldings kept obnBtantly on hand. Window Cornioee of all deecriptdons.

i^ifth Ayenuo Misfit ja ilo r .

I \ F l 1*1 IA COR. BROOME f I f A A I j A a n d c r o s b y s t s .,

NEW YORK,T he on}y genuine'dealer in leading Amerioah

and Edropean Misfits a t half price. Dress Suita for sale and hire; Established in 1869. Also Be^dy.lU de Clothing foi'Hen and Boys

Haying had sevoralTeara’ experience In the undertakingIraelness in Asbury P a rk and viob ity I feel oom petent to give satisfaction to a ll yvho m ay.favor me with their patronage. - • • -

TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS w ith principal hotels and Btoresin J f y k an d Grove. •. /

Is your Business Dull?A i l _ % e a l t h y m e r c h a n t s h a v e

l i b e r a l l y p a t r o n i s e d . t h e

n e w s p a p e r s . j . *■

' ’IniiMrtert nfand Whol«i»l*D*«I»T» (n all Undiof •M U S I C A L M E R C H A N D I S E ,

y i m v m , b u i t a i w , B iN Joir,ifA H D oii5iis, A o e M A t e HarmSnfoag, * o.

, . A l^ k u d i orSTIUiKm , o tc .,;« tc ..l U a k e i t L i v e l y b v A c t v c r t l s l c s .

OKc« open dtr slaibt.