j 1 i i i i i j i life is what we make itt talks puzzlers · 2017. 12. 26. · j41 1 ri r h u ij...

1 ri r j41 h u i j i Lili Ulu11 J 1110 4 I t 1 LL1 t < + I Life Is What We Make Ella Wheeler Wilcox IA J 1 1 I I B i- t Itt arsydtiht bans + O not ao through the world talk rag poverty and asking every- one yon deal with to show Ton spent consideratioai because you are poor and nnfortaaate If you do this with an Idea of saving always have to do it because you are creating poverty unnHlimi by your constant assertions It is a curious fact that the people Who are always flrminulnr considers ticn in that is zoing at the I have known a immaa to pica for cut prices hi a boai rites bouse because she was so poor yet she wasted the sunniest room rand tile heat tonation the house afforded It is the charity vattevfes who mahn the most complaint of a phyaadana nurses attention Dont Whine Over Poverty It you cannot afford a collate things or buy certain objects dont Rut when you decide you minr decide too that you wffi pay tile sad make no whining plea of poverty There the world one as distasteful as the other One is represented by the man who boasts of tile costliness of every provision and invites the whole weed to behold his opulence and expenditure His clothes big house Ilk servants his habits seem no different to the observer from his neighbors yet according to his story coat ten times the amount The other extreme ta the man who dresses well lives well enjoys an the comforts and of his associ- ate yet talks poverty continually and the mm nltj to him consideration to coaoei Another thing to avoid is the ruts of the chronically injured We all know him The Man With A Grievance He hu a continual grievance B suited disappointed and deceived We few dollars here JIll you wQl money matters the belt saaae u taNro price are two Oil people I r has been Ie r Li a these dad s er- a aztreares lot pecans cheated abss wsuaoed > + loss managed to exist as his troubles r either in bnatneaa or social We Everybody la ungrateful unkted aaUaa and be could not be made to believe that these All of us meet with occasional Mew from fate in the form of inaults or in- gratitude or trickery from an unex- pected source But If we nothing else but those disappointing experiences from life we may rest the fault lies where in ourselves We are not send out the rfght kind of mutual atuft or we nuiiM set better 1C till US You never ran tell what your thoughts do In brtngmr you hate or love Tor thbnxhta are thtega and their sky wives Are swift as a canter dove They follow the from humanity what we give to If we question r nullity to wh friends or love peome iAn else onestion ft If we doubt our ova Judgment and discretion in business others will doubt iC and the shrewd and un will take the ooaortunity by eel doubts of ourseivea to lacing upon us We Make It person we meet we create aa and unfortunate arnaosplicit about ourselves winch wttt unworthy and deceitful Stand firm in the universe Believe in yourself Be lieve in others If you make a mistake udder it only an incident If some one wrongs you cheats mis- uses or YOU let It pass aa one of tile lemons you lad to learn but do not that you are selected by fate for only such lessons Keep whole- some hopeful and sympathetic with tile world at large individuals may do Expect life to use yon better every year and it will not disappoint to tile long ma Yen what w or wiry we latera tree oC No see ever treats bite fairly were his own WIlt taw of the tmiverae Each thlnrr must create IibI kisd they speed oer tile track to YOU badE Whatever went oat from your JIIIbId Ia the Woe must et sett It give Life Ia What It consequence We urt every bring to the make It der Irm to stony of And bring main necessity dac led la unwhole- some i we- e ¬ ¬ ¬ I KISMET A OF CHANCE I- i I- I Old Clothes and Rain Win a Heart I FABLE I I T J j l II r y 1 1 NeE upon a tine there was a Girl who was Jolly Good Sort Sno was eves considered by Some to be Quite Good to Look Upon Needless to tray the Some at least the Majority of them were not oT use Persuasion Masculine She had numerous suitors None of whom however cached the Math Point That is No One ever asked this attractive Piece of Feminine to Wed MeT she asked herself at Home in secret conference with her Mirror Right here be it known her Mirror nas Not in her Private Boudoir She didnt have Such a Thing ao Disillu- sion Thyself at Once on That Score I am surely aa Good Loofe as the General Run of Chin who have for themselves that Desired of All Desired Things A Husband I am taken to the Theater and later for a Bite at the Restaurants quite as often as are Other Girls And as for Afternoons why often I have at least Two Invitations for Luncheon and the Matinee But three are always So Provoking in as much as They always come with Great UnExpectedaess and find me Quite UnPrepared SaratoriaUy for any such Jollification There She Ex- claimed Aloud That to It They aay Clothes have Nothing to do with It put They who Speak Such Things Speak Twaddle I know It for a Fact Stupid Thing that I am not to have Guessed Many Moons Ago Ha I have Thee Elusive Ore Come Saturday do I bedeck me tr ray Tailored Suit the One that is New Tbe One that fitteth me to a Perfec tion of Perfections With it shall I wear my Plumed Hat my Bestest Gloves Yea Verily even with it shall I wear my Dutch Collar of Priceless Baby Irish Which the Same was given unto me at Christmas Time by my Doting Aunt I Trust the Lace to Real Anyway It Looks the Part and She could Well Afford the Genuine Things With All These shall I wear a Bunch of Violets The Which I shall purchase Myself at the Little Shop near the Cor- ner when I am Sure No One Is Looking and which I shall have sent to the O known to be a Sow just what tile Matter with Love- liness is en- snared Satur- day ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PRODUCE IMPROVED- BY RECENT RAINS Prices of Vegetables Also Lower Since Showers Stimu- lated Growth The effect though they were to ma King itself evi- dent in the Increased freshness of the garden produce in tbe marches and also in the lowered price of a umber of the products String beans are now bringing a cents a half peck eons from JB to a ents a dozen and lettuce and endive 9 cents a basket Cabbage is as cheap as it has been for yean the market men claim and quantities of them are being sold for 35 and 49 cents a barrel Cucumbers- can e obtained for 35 cents per peek or four for 5 cents Tomatoes are bolding up the prices quoted being from 12 to 1 rents a quarter of a peck Prices on meat butter and eggs remain about the same COLORED DRESSES HURT BY THE SUN with a colored pattern on them should never be hung ia the son to dry ADJUSTABLE FRILLS Amon the nets for making life easier are frill reedy to be ad- justed ith a few minutes work to the underclothes or the Sap of a ideate or pilloW ease These frills can be bad in various deateaa some of them the material hemstitched or with lists of drawnwork edged with torchon tece others with tie ln a ef beading agate finished wfeOt oamnatery or fratTatt stitching of tM reBelt apt 0 last 1 r rains tiff Dresses D ¬ > >> ¬ > House No One analLxSeib 3d me fiE m Mine Iniquity TJatofcs jyffl work KOnoefs for me to Luncheon Perhaps ts foe Matinee will know that He sent TbK Not And His Heart will be Afire with Jealousy Then May be may put his Fate to the Test and know All At Once According She did All These Thistle She look like a Bedecked Christmas Tree Not At AM She looked And She Knew It But nary a Suitor tame her Way on hat Saturday Determined Not to be IX heartened by one Chance iaappotr meat the Performance was repeated on the following Saturday Same Result And the on the Next Saturday Disgusted with Life The Maid did de- cide that the Experiment was Not Pan- ning out WelL According She wore her Old Clothes A Man appeared on the Horizon came over the Intervea Space and asked Her Would She Do- S Why oh why Could have Happened on One of the Saturdays when She had been Arrayed in All Her Gorgeousness 0h Pat Oh Perverse Fate She Walled in Her Innermost Soul of Souls Apparel Rather did he Concern Himself with her Charm Her Bright and Vivacious Manner And Lo It Began to Rate And Neither One tied an Umbrella Knowing that she wore Naught that was Perishable or that would be Harmed by a Soaking She took it All so Sweetly and Her Hair of a Natural Curliness Screwed itself up so Becomingly in the Nice Oosy Dampness that Surrounded Them as They Trudged Along that the Man Lost his Head and Became a Victim of tics that Minded Not the Wet And of a Truth Tfato would Not have been The Case if that Spic and Span Tail ored Suit that Genuine Baby Irish Collar and Those Ravishing Plumes had been slowly but surely going to their Utter and Eternal Ruination So He being a man of RusbiagRaag- ingTorr rt1rfcjic13les Proposed at Once and Miracle of Miracles Oo The Man He was Accepted Immediately And Thus were a Twain Made Happy and Thus were Her Good Clothes saved for her Trousseau Moral Whats the Use m trytaw to compete with Chance and her Twin Sister Kismet Mead Who and The honor to With HIm She said Yes but with Much SpIrit Inwardly But TIle Man noticed Not Her Wear Those Curls MId that Angelic I Sun- ning ala lug Lunch B1ttrcneas C lug T > ¬ ¬ ¬ TASTY SANDWICH- OF HORSERADISH Blend together two tabiespoonfuhc grated horseradish and soft fine bread crumbs Pour over enough rich milk or cream to teD Let stand an hour then press through a pave sieve Season with one quarter teaspoonful spoonfuls of vinegar or lemon Juice Spread between buttered slices of whole uheat bread of salt sugar and two eaeh shad table ¬ Beat two eggs lightly add one eup milk little salt tablespoon sugar and sufficient lour to make a thick drop of batter adding one teaspoon baking to each cup of tout Lastly stir in one cup of stoned cher- ries Turn late a Mattered mold wi steam two hours or until done Serve with a hard sauce pow- der ¬ s Briual Seite Brideelect I quite agr with you The constant use of the bridal music tom Lohengrin and Midsummer Nights Dream shows little imagina tion and there are really a great many other selections equally appro- priate aad beautiful Jensen has a suite in four numbers which includes a wedding march the wedding musk from Peramors bal let Rubenstein and the Swedish marches 1 and 2 of Sodermans will be found delightfully spontaneous and melodious Three are all that come to mind at the moment tboujrh this list may be multiplied several times over For the incidental music there is an less selection For Instance the cmnpanlments to some of Schuberts and Schumann songs might be very effectively employed or some of Griegs songs but much depends upon the player and his conception of significance of the moment Have a the ¬ ¬ ¬ PULL OUT EYELASH- TO PREVENT A STYE Styes are troublesome little boils that form at the root of the eyelashes They can often be prevented from de- veloping by pulling out the particular eyelash involved This Is easily dons otherwise very warm b rax water a heaping teaspoonful of borax to plat of hot water should be applied to the sty repeatedly this may cause it to riper more when it caa be opened with a sterilized needle When eyes become chronic appear- ing m successive crops the eye should be examined for some error in vision that can be corrected with carefully fitted passes this being the cue per- manent relief follows use with a tk of small pliers or forceps t a ¬ THE BEDTIME STORY rt MlAlted the ibetreatfiil mothers wfce trLii to read to the little while they are being tacked late their beds for the night THE DANDELION BRIDGE- BY FARMER SMITH I I I r r I I I I f I I I I s far fell f or I iy j 4sr e + = TNT BUG was tired He was still a lona ways from hccne That Wona was very rood coanway lie theuiht I wink he roold have taken ate tIN whole home suddenly Faauy cams i a Oh fir Sre Mr Worse be thought as he loaad Uaavett rbeht on the of a fttle brook How I am sotaa to wet serene that I know Funny Bat He wasted up aad down aloacr the brook looking for oaae way to set over Oh be skid agate si only the Worm were hrs he eouUget art vary I S dIF way Due tile W beak I 1Iy 0 was dark u ease F stand- still aid tape acre se eafflis- It 1esisrrsr 1rs very sari ago stars oat u1 wen as > DAILY FASHION TALK TO READERS I I I I I I I I I I I I tI 0 7 H3BK you see a woman dressed distinctly out of bet V y you may sot her down as lacking In good oonuaoa- cothec sense since the modes of the- Y a refuge for every d u RM be she fair or dark slight or ponderous large or small young or oM Pretty or the reverse There luui never been a time who fashion baa bees so lenient with Her votaries side by side with a bobble frock one may ae a fetching creBtfsa- embettfabed with flounces which diatte- suianed the votumlnou lit mode mar by another mondaiae who touches the Up notch of the swagger mode may be duK rtbtx beraelf IB a sown with a INk and u natty waistline distinctly marked thereby while her vteHvis maY be ae tax tunic that defines the figure M r There are models galore to choose from and materials aplenty to evolve these patterns Into garments which be rng well chosen from the standpoint of e Individual wearer will have all the ctoctlon and chic of a French crea- tion Duly thankful too should wom- ankind be for its emancipation from the thralldom of one style Eves so late decade ago should fashion favor a de that suited the links of a slender figure nothing was left for the plumper slater but a more or less of envious and a resigned spirit common sense of the women themselves has changed this unhappy state of affairs and while It will al ways be that the slender lissome ore is bound to look beet in the modes of the moment the fact remains that there is stfll a happy haven for ethers not so well dowered by nature In the wide range the princess model which otters a refuge the slender and the full round nre nothing more attractive may be one who seeks a semi dressy frock suitable for an after- noon call on a summer than the costume illustrated Linen in any of the Shades of lilac or green or blue or white with embellishments of heavy lace oc embroidery and supplementary of hand work would make a charmingly becoming andl attractive costume after such a model while the bordered silks or the ever service able and comfortable foulards blue and white embroidered batiste or any of the pretty embroidered Swisses worked hi color also afford attractive mesas ilK its exploitation WAY TO PREPARE CHERRY PUDDING a style 7 Otter r- ot EYe reaely JoriaJI lICe In tetc- wat of chiffon with lusty yet not shit oC BIt or beartl fig a gal a straight hang and shows a ghd S as- a prolonged period The r afternoon touches fashion- able ¬ ¬ ¬ THE TIMES INQUIRY COLUMN a Answers to Questions 4 J- at 04 Asked by Its Readers 04 o I I t I I I I I I I I I t i i f I I I I I r r I g + m lust lie down OH bask of the brook until moraine e mid to himself and then maybe I oa rot across hi some x So be lax down wader a toad stool sad slept soundly until the sun came ua When Funny Bug opened Iris eyes al- most the first thins they lit upon was a nice big dandelion An idea coped into Funny Bins head so quick it almost made him junra He hunted around and found rose bush Pirkinar off stem tuU of thorns Funny Bur went over and knelt down beside the dandelion He began to saw back aad forth with the rose stem and noon the thorns began to cut through dandelion When he had almost sawed through the dandelion stalk Funny But cave it a push and it fell down rtebt across the brook nk a pretty brleht fellow if I do any It myself said runnY Bur as he hopped Jsiously across the brook I suers Ute Y Ut a a ins a Tin t ¬ I am sure he wfll enter heartily late your plans Cherry Bisque For cherry bisque one t my correspondents tells me to add sherries to a regular bisque icecream which ia made as follows Take one Cnart of good rich cream oneouarter pound stale macaroons two stale lady fingers four kisses onehalf pound caramel and five table spoonfuls sherry wine Take one of the cream and bring It to a boll add the and stir until bollta hot the fire and add the remainder of the cream Then cold turn into the freezer and churn in the When frozen nllla the caramel and pounded and run through a colander Lastly add the cherries and Mat until perfectly Drain the water from the tub add and let the mixture stand for several hours to ripen talk With the Chem Recipe collar teaapooul ot vanilla one teaspoonful t Remove from Wy properly a Ute Ya the wine the which should first M more salt and the dasher Ilene one regular cakes ice UNDERCLOTHES MADE OF COTTON CREPE- A family of mother and three daughters with one maid to the housework have provided them- selves with cotton crepe underclothing for the summer and these garments no ironing For nightgowns the P tUeoats the crepe to reship ideal where Sundry to a problem A who wears the cotton crepe waist more than any other white lingerie ones wb them herself In wash bo and dries them on a stick threaded through both sleeves and placed ever before am open window Sie round that when the waists were huiig to dry the sleeves stretch all Umlts The sleeves of cot cut lengthwise of the material and net crosswise The latter look better unless they stretch but will stretch as soon as the crinkles are pulled out GLASS TUBES WORN ON TULLE DRESSES Small tubes of glass black white dark blue lavender or yellow are nook in long lines on tulle dresses and tunics and a frock of black tulle beaded in these long lines over white sells with velvet band at the waist wad a bunch of roeee fastened on Ute corsage beneath a little fullness of black tulle was much at a recent gathering of modish wo I CUPS FOR PICNICKING When picnicking It te very convenient REMOVE PEACH STAINS To remove peach stains from linen creasa of tartar on the Afterward wash In the regular way and a stein will remain women do need I worn U1 I I t on th tee beyond ton crepe by the way should be to R hand a ngmber porcelain jr Suring the year I These may be packed In tiM luncbrh box or upside down over the hp j Of ue bottle of rootbeer They are firstrate drinking cups and may t thrown away feASt Is put w IIIId place tile article In sun i J worst bit x adtnlr meA have of small glan- so saved turned when over- TO stains the A eel eel ¬ I t J Francis corf t l Bailie Horoscope Tine stars lucllae but set Saturday July ag l i0 The marfcetteo tasay the ruling parts of the United States and much of Europe General over national interests to in the sign for it signifies grumbUags against rules Austria enters on a time of troubles to the signs that part Europe Merry thin day attains the greatest heUoceatric latitude north Jupiter a fortunate place controlling fa vorably for industry and trade in The znornag especially Tk tendencies are m favor of com morrisl dealings councOs concerning nuance and business contracts aad the undertaking of The tone should prove suspicious for new undertakings Travel to under good augury ruse l well for recreation especially in he opea air The sign o Leo to fiery fixed and royal Doing Ha rule great things may are higher than merely for temporary worldly advantage of the effects of the influences that may make itself felt today under the rule of Jupiter to for pride and haughtiness oa the part of Just and magnanimous persons if they are mis- understood or their motives are ques- tioned Firmness without austerity sinner without foolish and righteousness without cant are the qualities that wilt bout serve ia this The time saoufcl prove very fortunate for engaging men or women for any Striking sews will probably come seas and time Persons born date and July 2 are subject to the influence of the of CancerLeo a combination j that i fortunate according to astrology i because the fierce are of Leo is by the tact and prudence granted I by Cancer These happy their ambitions b h aad not on things j Persons with this birthdate are fur- ther governed by Aquarius arid should profit during the twelvemonth kind deeds and love for friends Children born today stars that promise sunny versa- tility CORRECT HAIR BOWS FOR THE YOUNGSTER The hair bow demands Its share of couMieration from the fashion makers end tt is well to remember there to no economy In buying cheep ribbons A toed ribbn will stand the test tying long after the vey cheap ribbn- basheea abaadoned Per wear with whole dresses there to no handsomer touch than the perky bow of broad black ribbon velvet There is a certain brows or red grown hair that should be tied with tile exact shade to mater It either to satin ribbon or velvet ribbon Glossy Mack hair needs Irreetot IbM scarlet or flamecolored ribbon and black hair of that certain du xy hue take the odd shades of blue that Are so fasctrating- Light blue usually is chosen for the child but the tall ends of soft black satin do sole bon are wonderfully attractive OR chfll dren with lightest hair J I I I tie oempeLW i J T t i s eaters Leo a I o rp I lit This and are be accomplished by those whose aims One i t elf i between this h ax d the wilt sa- nd C i- it r 3 t- F i TODAY sun sign discon- tent according governing oc- cupies afternoon evening a- shore con- trolled subjects culti- vate vain its er rib tike f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = I Talks With the Puzzlers 1 By Frances Carroll J J J J 2 t M t F 3 i + PRIZES OFFERED PUZZLE SOLVERSW- eekly prizes of flue three and two dollars respectively are given to the contestants for the ted on the Womans Pare of the Sunday eveamx edition of Tits TIarA each week for the three adludead worthy The contest which doses at 3 The awards are based primarily on correcimja timeliness and OrJgmaltty la wesentatJe al so receives consideration m award mjr ties orizes of my correapnndeaU made merry at the fifty sewn dif- ferent sorts of Jollies er the no grounds toe family I my y dull It is evidently they earthy brains Or maybe the rarined I n- IB ft 7rtday of sack k open to alt who to solve the puzzles very ret while Gee puzzle sothort the puraale which I presented from to day but I fancy will lave such of satire this week The wen been 1 a truth nonethereal with tits le so- lutions week oars neat- ness N OT a aRo she solvers day she apiece desclpcive puzele horrible fiery are aeveraIly bodice ¬ Of course I am dwjcuaatag the s a whole In particular mats mtdnsjence but three instances are lam- entably few and fcmeaomely far be- tween But then hearken to this 3 y dear Ma Carroll No more airy trips near enough 80 on my veranda dot and baking slowly But wont you tell me K the vMual who Is in command of the airship is aa American or aa start from a point m If I have my bearings Use right I should say the American shows a great fancy far Britate and the Britons and Italy and its environs Of course I dont expect you to answer these Queries but I do wish I might know whether or not I am hot or cold Well since this game of hlrtu and uk- wm have been receives you read this I competitor Is hof how she caa Cafl of aucccaa though Just about the tinge I have up my mind to that dear only knows what sU upon m to my utter undoing I 1 air of the strata lilt ol wtta they stsdd uer I have Of true aerial you aU think you read the tale of tile sil- l mare tIaaa I sea Me to tore I aDd It the latter Loednt s shout ended and since the r tile time this DOt see aut- hor sad ILIII work she upper dipoi namT vrocking pa as usual ethibidoer Just what w when ojafmtpre ut zbttiitg h rays and br fed lishmhn dace he tatay any soladons may fairly awls Sdrhig > METHODS IN SCHOOLC- hildren Learn by Observation NATURE i j 1 I I I I I I 3 3 = XAXXHNG by nature School at TfaT ff London The principals a Mr and Mrs Kteon whose pupUarange from the five to fifteen yearshold that powers developed In the absence of stereotyped textbooks while the garden Is the most pnpus at the Horne School have j Each child is re aaenanilii fur his or her own jnlaiatare garden Gardening indeed forms an as important a subject as history or geograpny We start on lines different from any site said one of the ptmcipalu to aa aanuarer Our method pnmmis i That was the befont boys were seat to be taught at monav their own all the study la We dvamatme scenes from the Odys- sey or Hiawatha for n or scenes from history and in acting them the children pta aa faisight in the real We of the period Not only do we nuke scholars use their ubotiifBtion They have to know fact and they steles hi the snit period of history they may be study ms The little ones are bonding an Aryan hut to tine garden and which is studying the Greek period makes models to scale for the science of surveying is taught of the Pantheon or chariots or Greek ships The children cook STIn weave on a large loom onie of the girls is 1 the system adopted at tile Home of and are healthiest rL a J- An tIMIIr own Garden chairs or De at full Ph on the All and leers and play to sad gab toe The pap make their J3 Sher tits roaenlt of their lhew to tmrry their into el OC zb ties th- ee and rr aashei ag- ed observation raoareaudnes affude and giats ego fa boys girls ether system tests nunneries own observation impresetoas sbeerratioms make ooh eretymiss gperWabg + are splendid while the boys can wonderfully woB The pupils cook some of tile meals they eat one cooking class lag the first of the dinner or the and the sweets Interesting discussions is the pivot round conversation turns In this book any pupil writes some question and the result te the dinner debate Aa interesting feature of the Home is of working bees which is encased In and stands in the schoolroom as an objectlesson to the small scholars Side by side with this real hive lesson is an aquarium where frogs fishes are on view The pupils also make up their cal endar saints and which included original Illus- trations of their particular heroes and heroines with apt quotations- The brush is as often in use as the pen and everything they write has original illustration The costumes of the children consist of linen jabber overalls 31 th green collars prettily embroi the boys wearing the same colors In knickerbocker suits COMPLETE GOWNS OF MARQUISETTEE- ntire gowns the cool and sheer but practical which first appeared as waists Irish mce to the prettiest possible trimming for it but cluny and the other A HOME WRECKER- Peter Peter little Peter Had a wife and couldnt keep ac- BHdxe she Teamed and math its Why then be kept her very wda Peter Peter had another Rut alas he didnt love her Peter learned himsrlf to play so her anyway Frm Allen Averys Mother Icose on Irdse j ahother eta Is p dcl1l1 g and an are now I made or are f0 ale responsible e- at w airy book whirl mar- tyrs grown i mar- quisette ate and got M the ¬ ¬ ¬ ALF the burden of day is removed by drinking a healthful cooling drink such as Clicquot Kleeko Club Ginger Ale The ginger the dash of lemon and the car- bonic gas used in Club are all beneficial- to digestion and the ginger is combined in a manner that entirely eliminates astringency- The superior quality water and ingredients makes Clicquot Club unusually good and our method of combining carbonating and makes it distinctly superior Other CLICQUOT CLUB Beverages Birch Beer Root Beer Serseperiila Blood Orange Lemon Sow K everywhere by the best grocers ftnd Arffists B B EARNSHAW BRO WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS I f H t t steriliz- ing t S r s 6- c7 qIt d- t f 2 E- r I1 1 rc the- o Clici not e J = =

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Page 1: J 1 I I I I I J I Life Is What We Make Itt Talks Puzzlers · 2017. 12. 26. · j41 1 ri r h u ij iLili Ulu11 J 1110 4 I t 1 LL1 t I Life Is What We Make Ella Wheeler Wilcox IA J 1

1 ri rj41 h u ij iLili Ulu11 J 11104

I t 1 LL1 t



I Life Is What We MakeElla Wheeler Wilcox

IA J 1 1 I

I B i-



arsydtiht bans+

O not ao through the world talkrag poverty and asking every-one yon deal with to show Tonspent consideratioai because

you are poor and nnfortaaateIf you do this with an Idea of saving

always have to do it because you arecreating poverty unnHlimi by yourconstant assertions

It is a curious fact that the peopleWho are always flrminulnr considersticn inthat is zoing at the

I have known a immaa topica for cut prices hi a boai rites bousebecause she was so poor yet she wastedthe sunniest room rand tile heat tonationthe house afforded

It is the charity vattevfes who mahn themost complaint of a phyaadana

nurses attentionDont WhineOver Poverty

It you cannot afford a collatethings or buy certain objects dontRut when you decide you minr decidetoo that you wffi pay tile sadmake no whining plea of poverty

Therethe world one as distasteful as theother One is represented by the manwho boasts of tile costliness of everyprovision and invites the whole weedto behold his opulence and expenditure

His clothes big house Ilk servants hishabits seem no different to the observerfrom his neighbors yet according tohis story coat ten times theamount

The other extreme ta the man whodresses well lives well enjoys an thecomforts and of his associ-ate yet talks poverty continually and

the mm nltj tohim consideration to coaoei

Another thing to avoid is the ruts ofthe chronically injured

We all know himThe Man WithA Grievance

He hu a continual grievance B

suited disappointed and deceived We

few dollars here JIll you wQl

money matters the beltsaaae u taNro


are two Oil people



has been Ie

rLia these



aztreares lot


cheated abss wsuaoed



loss managedto exist ashis troubles

r eitherin bnatneaa or social We Everybodyla ungrateful unkted aaUaa and becould not be made to believe that these

All of us meet with occasional Mewfrom fate in the form of inaults or in-gratitude or trickery from an unex-pected source

But If we nothing else but thosedisappointing experiences from life wemay rest the fault lieswhere in ourselves

We are not send out the rfght kindof mutual atuft or we nuiiM set better1C tillUS

You never ran tell what your thoughtsdo

In brtngmr you hate or loveTor thbnxhta are thtega and their sky

wivesAre swift as a canter dove

They follow the

from humanity what we give to Ifwe question r nullity to wh friends orlove peome iAn else onestion ft

If we doubt our ova Judgment anddiscretion in business others will doubtiC and the shrewd and un willtake the ooaortunity by eel doubtsof ourseivea to lacing upon us

We Make Itperson we meet we create aa

and unfortunate arnaosplicit aboutourselves winch wtttunworthy and deceitful Stand firm inthe universe Believe in yourself Believe in others

If you make a mistake udder itonly an incidentIf some one wrongs you cheats mis-

uses or YOU let It pass aa oneof tile lemons you lad to learn but donot that you are selected byfate for only such lessons Keep whole-some hopeful and sympathetic with tileworld at large individualsmay do Expect life to use yon betterevery year and it will not disappoint

to tile long ma Yen what

w or wirywe latera tree oC

No see ever treats bite fairly

were his own


taw of the tmiveraeEach thlnrr must create IibI kisdthey speed oer tile track to

YOU badEWhatever went oat from your JIIIbIdIa the Woe must et sett


giveLife Ia What

It consequence We urt every

bring to the

make It

der Irmto stony


And bring

main necessity

dac led









i I-

I Old Clothes and Rain Win a Heart I


I I T J j l II





NeE upon a tine there was aGirl who was

Jolly Good Sort Sno was evesconsidered by Some to be

Quite Good to Look Upon Needlessto tray the Some at least the Majorityof them were not oT use PersuasionMasculine

She had numerous suitors None ofwhom however cached the MathPoint That is No One ever askedthis attractive Piece of Feminine

to Wed

MeT she asked herself at Home insecret conference with her MirrorRight here be it known her Mirrornas Not in her Private Boudoir Shedidnt have Such a Thing ao Disillu-sion Thyself at Once on That Score

I am surely aa Good Loofe as theGeneral Run of Chin who have

for themselves that Desired ofAll Desired Things A Husband I amtaken to the Theater and later for aBite at the Restaurants quite as oftenas are Other Girls And as for

Afternoons why often I have atleast Two Invitations for Luncheon andthe Matinee

But three are always So Provokingin as much as They always come withGreat UnExpectedaess and find meQuite UnPrepared SaratoriaUy for anysuch Jollification There She Ex-claimed Aloud That to It They aayClothes have Nothing to do with Itput They who Speak Such ThingsSpeak Twaddle I know It for a FactStupid Thing that I am not to haveGuessed Many Moons Ago Ha I haveThee Elusive Ore

Come Saturday do I bedeck me trray Tailored Suit the One that is NewTbe One that fitteth me to a Perfection of Perfections With it shall Iwear my Plumed Hat my BestestGloves Yea Verily even with it shallI wear my Dutch Collar of PricelessBaby Irish Which the Same was givenunto me at Christmas Time by myDoting Aunt I Trust the Lace to RealAnyway It Looks the Part and Shecould Well Afford the Genuine Things

With All These shall I wear a Bunchof Violets The Which I shall purchaseMyself at the Little Shop near the Cor-ner when I am Sure No One Is Lookingand which I shall have sent to the

O known to be a

Sow just what tile Matter with











Prices of Vegetables Also Lower

Since Showers Stimu-

lated GrowthThe effect

though they were to ma King itself evi-

dent in the Increased freshness of thegarden produce in tbe marches and alsoin the lowered price of a umber of theproducts

String beans are now bringing a centsa half peck eons from JB to a ents adozen and lettuce and endive 9 centsa basket Cabbage is as cheap as it hasbeen for yean the market men claimand quantities of them are being soldfor 35 and 49 cents a barrel Cucumbers-can e obtained for 35 cents per peekor four for 5 cents

Tomatoes are bolding up theprices quoted being from 12 to 1

rents a quarter of a peck Prices onmeat butter and eggs remain aboutthe same


with a colored pattern onthem should never be hung ia the sonto dry

ADJUSTABLE FRILLSAmon the nets for making

life easier are frill reedy to be ad-justed ith a few minutes work tothe underclothes or the Sap of a ideateor pilloW ease These frills can be badin various deateaa some of them thematerial hemstitched or with lists ofdrawnwork edged with torchon teceothers with tie ln a ef beading agatefinished wfeOt oamnatery or fratTattstitching

of tM reBelt apt














House No One analLxSeib 3d me fiEm Mine Iniquity

TJatofcs jyffl work KOnoefsfor me to LuncheonPerhaps ts foe Matinee will knowthat He sent TbK Not And His Heartwill be Afire with Jealousy Then May

be may put his Fate to the Test andknow All At OnceAccording She did All These ThistleShe look like a Bedecked ChristmasTree Not At AM She looked

And She Knew It Butnary a Suitor tame her Way on hatSaturday Determined Not to be IXheartened by one Chance iaappotrmeat the Performance was repeated onthe following Saturday Same ResultAnd the on the Next SaturdayDisgusted with Life The Maid did de-cide that the Experiment was Not Pan-ning out WelL According She wore herOld Clothes A Man appearedon the Horizon came over the InterveaSpace and asked Her Would She Do-

S Why oh why Couldhave Happened on One of theSaturdays when She had been Arrayedin All Her Gorgeousness0h Pat Oh Perverse FateShe Walled in Her Innermost Soul ofSouls

Apparel Rather did he ConcernHimself with her Charm Her Brightand Vivacious Manner And Lo ItBegan to Rate And Neither One tiedan Umbrella Knowing that she woreNaught that was Perishable or thatwould be Harmed by a Soaking Shetook it All so Sweetly and Her Hairof a Natural Curliness Screwed itselfup so Becomingly in the Nice OosyDampness that Surrounded Them asThey Trudged Along that the ManLost his Head and Became a Victim oftics that Minded Not the Wet Andof a Truth Tfato would Not have beenThe Case if that Spic and Span Tailored Suit that Genuine Baby IrishCollar and Those Ravishing Plumeshad been slowly but surely going totheir Utter and Eternal Ruination

So He being a man of RusbiagRaag-ingTorr rt1rfcjic13les Proposed atOnce and Miracle of Miracles Oo TheMan He was Accepted ImmediatelyAnd Thus were a Twain Made Happyand Thus were Her Good Clothes savedfor her Trousseau

Moral Whats the Use m trytaw tocompete with Chance and her TwinSister Kismet



The honor to With HImShe said Yes but with MuchSpIrit Inwardly

But TIle Man noticed Not Her Wear

Those Curls MId that Angelic I

Sun-ning ala











Blend together two tabiespoonfuhcgrated horseradish and soft fine breadcrumbs Pour over enough rich milk orcream to teD Let stand an hourthen press through a pave sieve

Season with one quarter teaspoonful

spoonfuls of vinegar or lemon JuiceSpread between buttered slices of wholeuheat bread

of salt sugar and twoeaeh shad table


Beat two eggs lightly add one eupmilk little salt tablespoon sugar andsufficient lour to make a thick drop ofbatter adding one teaspoon baking

to each cup of toutLastly stir in one cup of stoned cher-

ries Turn late a Mattered mold wisteam two hours or until done Servewith a hard sauce



s Briual SeiteBrideelect I quite agr with you

The constant use of the bridal musictom Lohengrin and MidsummerNights Dream shows little imagination and there are really a greatmany other selections equally appro-priate aad beautiful

Jensen has a suite in four numberswhich includes a wedding march thewedding musk from Peramors ballet Rubenstein and the Swedishmarches 1 and 2 of Sodermans will befound delightfully spontaneous andmelodious Three are all that cometo mind at the moment tboujrh thislist may be multiplied several timesover

For the incidental music there is anless selection For Instance thecmnpanlments to some of Schuberts

and Schumann songs might be veryeffectively employed or some ofGriegs songs but much depends uponthe player and his conception ofsignificance of the moment Have a






Styes are troublesome little boils thatform at the root of the eyelashes

They can often be prevented from de-

veloping by pulling out the particulareyelash involved This Is easily dons

otherwise very warm b rax water aheaping teaspoonful of borax to platof hot water should be applied to thesty repeatedly this may cause it toriper more when it caa be

opened with a sterilized needleWhen eyes become chronic appear-

ing m successive crops the eye shouldbe examined for some error in visionthat can be corrected with carefullyfitted passes this being the cue per-manent relief follows use

with a tk of small pliers or forceps




THE BEDTIME STORYrt MlAlted the ibetreatfiil mothers wfce trLii to read to the little

while they are being tacked late their beds for the night


I I I r r I I I I


I I I Is

farfell f

or I



4sr e



TNT BUG was tired He wasstill a lona ways from hccne

That Wona was very roodcoanway lie theuiht I wink heroold have taken ate tIN wholehome

suddenly Faauy cams i a

Oh fir Sre Mr Worse bethought as he loaad Uaavett rbeht onthe of a fttle brook

How I am sotaa to wet serene thatI know Funny Bat

He wasted up aad down aloacr thebrook looking for oaae way to setover

Oh be skid agate si only theWorm were hrs he eouUget


vary I



tile W




was darku ease




tape acre se eafflis-It 1esisrrsr 1rs very

sari ago stars oatu1 wen






7 H3BK you see a womandressed distinctly out of bet

V y you may sot her downas lacking In good oonuaoa-

cothec sense since the modes of the-Y a refuge for every d u RM

be she fair or dark slight orponderous large or small young or oMPretty or the reverse

There luui never been a time whofashion baa bees so lenient with Hervotaries side by side with a bobblefrock one may ae a fetching creBtfsa-embettfabed with flounces which diatte-suianed the votumlnou lit mode marby another mondaiae who touches theUp notch of the swagger mode may beduK rtbtx beraelf IB a sown with a INkand u natty waistline distinctly markedthereby while her vteHvis maY be ae

tax tunic that defines the figure M r

There are models galore to choosefrom and materials aplenty to evolvethese patterns Into garments which berng well chosen from the standpoint of

e Individual wearer will have all thectoctlon and chic of a French crea-tion Duly thankful too should wom-ankind be for its emancipation from thethralldom of one style Eves so late

decade ago should fashion favor a dethat suited the links of a slenderfigure nothing was left for the plumperslater but a more or less

of enviousand a resigned spirit

common sense of the womenthemselves has changed this unhappystate of affairs and while It will always be that the slender lissomeore is bound to look beet in the modesof the moment the fact remains thatthere is stfll a happy haven for ethersnot so well dowered by nature

In the wide range the princessmodel which otters a refugethe slender and the full roundnre nothing more attractive may beone who seeks a semidressy frock suitable for an after-noon call on a summerthan the costume illustrated

Linen in any of theShades of lilac or green or blue or whitewith embellishments of heavy lace ocembroidery and supplementaryof hand work would make a charminglybecoming andl attractive costumeafter such a model while the

bordered silks or the ever serviceable and comfortable foulards blue andwhite embroidered batiste or any of thepretty embroidered Swisses worked hicolor also afford attractive mesas ilKits exploitation




7 Otter r-ot EYe

reaely JoriaJI lICe In tetc-wat of chiffon with

lusty yet not shit oC BItor



a gala straight hang

and shows aghd S












a Answers to Questions 4 J-

at 04 Asked by Its Readers 04 o

I I t I I I I I I I I I t


i fI

I I I I r




m lust lie down OH baskof the brook until moraine e mid tohimself and then maybe I oa rotacross hi some x

So be lax down wader a toad stool sadslept soundly until the sun came uaWhen Funny Bug opened Iris eyes al-

most the first thins they lit upon was anice big dandelion

An idea coped into Funny Binshead so quick it almost made himjunra

He hunted around and found rosebush Pirkinar off stem tuU of thornsFunny Bur went over and knelt downbeside the dandelion He began to sawback aad forth with the rose stem andnoon the thorns began to cut through

dandelionWhen he had almost sawed through

the dandelion stalk Funny But cave ita push and it fell down rtebt across thebrook nka pretty brleht fellow if I doany It myself said runnY Bur as hehopped Jsiously across the brook

I suers Ute








I am surehe wfll enter heartily late your plans

Cherry Bisque For cherry bisque onet my correspondents tells me to addsherries to a regular bisque icecreamwhich ia made as follows Take oneCnart of good rich cream oneouarterpound stale macaroons two stale ladyfingers four kisses onehalf pound

caramel and five tablespoonfuls sherry wineTake one of the cream andbring It to a boll add the andstir until bollta hotthe fire and add the remainder ofthe cream Then cold turn into thefreezer and churn in theWhen frozennllla the caramelandpounded and run through a colanderLastly add the cherries andMat until perfectly

Drain the water from the tub addand let the mixture stand for severalhours to ripen

talk With the

Chem Recipe

collar teaapooul ot vanilla oneteaspoonful


Remove from

Wyproperly a Ute Yathe winethe which should first M

more salt and the dasher







A family of mother andthree daughters with one maid tothe housework have provided them-selves with cotton crepe underclothingfor the summer and these garments

no ironing For nightgowns theP tUeoats the crepe to reship ideal whereSundry to a problem Awho wears the cotton crepe waist morethan any other white lingerie ones

wb them herself In wash boand dries them on a stick threadedthrough both sleeves and placed everbefore am open window Sieround that when the waists were huiigto dry the sleeves stretchall Umlts The sleeves of cotcut lengthwise of the material andnet crosswise The latter look betterunless they stretch but will stretchas soon as the crinkles are pulled out


Small tubes of glass black whitedark blue lavender or yellow arenook in long lines on tulle dressesand tunics and a frock of black tullebeaded in these long lines over whitesells with velvet band at the waistwad a bunch of roeee fastened on Utecorsage beneath a little fullness ofblack tulle was muchat a recent gathering of modish wo

I CUPS FOR PICNICKINGWhen picnicking It te very convenient

REMOVE PEACH STAINSTo remove peach stains from linencreasa of tartar on the

Afterward wash In the regular way anda stein will remain



worn U1



on th teebeyondton crepe by the way should be

to R hand a ngmberporcelain jr Suring the year

IThese may be packed In tiM luncbrhbox or upside down over the hp

j Of ue bottle of rootbeer They arefirstrate drinking cups and may tthrown away feASt Is

putwIIIId place tile article In sun

i J


bit x


have of small glan-so saved


when over-


stains the






t J

Francis corf tl

Bailie HoroscopeTine stars lucllae but set

Saturday July ag l i0

The marfcetteo tasay

theruling parts of the United States

and much of Europe Generalover national interests to in the

sign for it signifies grumbUags againstrules

Austria enters on a time of troublesto the signs that

part EuropeMerry thin day attains the greatest

heUoceatric latitude north Jupitera fortunate place controlling fa

vorably for industry and trade in Theznornag especially

Tk tendencies are m favor of commorrisl dealings councOs concerningnuance and business contracts aad theundertaking of

The tone should prove suspicious fornew undertakings

Travel to under good auguryruse l

well for recreation especially in heopea air

The sign o Leo to fiery fixed androyal Doing Ha rule great things may

are higher than merely for temporaryworldly advantage

of the effects of the influencesthat may make itself felt today underthe rule of Jupiter to for pride andhaughtiness oa the part of Just andmagnanimous persons if they are mis-understood or their motives are ques-tioned

Firmness without austerity sinnerwithout foolish and

righteousness without cant are thequalities that wilt bout serve ia this

The time saoufcl prove very fortunatefor engaging men or women for any

Striking sews will probably comeseas and

timePersons born date and

July 2 are subject to the influence ofthe of CancerLeo a combination j

that i fortunate according to astrology i

because the fierce are of Leo isby the tact and prudence granted I

by Cancer Thesehappy their

ambitions b h aad not on things j

Persons with this birthdate are fur-ther governed by Aquarius arid shouldprofit during the twelvemonth kinddeeds and love for friends

Children born today starsthat promise sunny versa-tility


The hair bow demands Its share ofcouMieration from the fashion makersend tt is well to remember there to noeconomy In buying cheep ribbons

A toed ribbn will stand the testtying long after the vey cheap ribbn-basheea abaadoned

Per wear with whole dresses there tono handsomer touch than the perky bowof broad black ribbon velvet

There is a certain brows or redgrown hair that should be tied with tileexact shade to mater It either to satinribbon or velvet ribbon

Glossy Mack hair needs IrreetotIbM scarlet or flamecolored ribbon andblack hair of that certain du xy hue

take the odd shades of blue thatAre so fasctrating-

Light blue usually is chosen for thechild but the tall

ends of soft black satin do solebon are wonderfully attractive OR chflldren with lightest hair


tieoempeLW i


t iseaters Leo a



rp I lit

This and are

be accomplished by those whose aims



t elfi

between this

hax d






it r 3t-



TODAY sun sign


according governing


afternoon evening


con-trolled subjects culti-vate


its er










I Talks With the Puzzlers 1

By Frances Carroll

J J J J 2







eekly prizes of flue three andtwo dollars respectively are givento the contestants for theted on the Womans Pare ofthe Sunday eveamx edition of TitsTIarA each week for the three

adludead worthyThe contest which doses at 3

The awards are based primarilyon correcimja timeliness and

OrJgmaltty la wesentatJe also receives consideration m awardmjr ties orizes

of my correapnndeaU mademerry at the fifty sewn dif-ferent sorts of Jollies er the

no grounds toe

family I myy dull It is

evidently they

earthy brains Or maybe the rarined


n-IB ft 7rtday of sack k opento alt who to solve the puzzles

very ret while Gee

puzzle sothort the puraalewhich I presented from to day butI fancy will lavesuch of satire thisweek

Thewen been 1

a truthnonethereal with

tits le





NOT a aRo

she solversday

sheapiece desclpcive


horrible fieryare aeveraIly bodice


Of course I am dwjcuaatag thes a whole In particular mats

mtdnsjence but three instances are lam-entably few and fcmeaomely far be-tween

But then hearken to this3 y dear Ma Carroll

No more airy tripsnear enough 80on my veranda dotand baking slowlyBut wont you tell me K thevMual who Is in command of theairship is aa American or aastart from a point mIf I have my bearings Useright I should say the American

shows a great fancy farBritate and the Britons and Italyand its environs Of course I dontexpect you to answer these Queriesbut I do wish I might know whetheror not I am hot or cold

Well since this game of hlrtu and uk-wm have been receivesyou read this Icompetitor Is hofhow she caa Cafl of aucccaa though Justabout the tinge I have up my mindto that dear only knows what sUupon m to my utter undoing

I 1air of the stratalilt ol wtta they stsdd uer

I have Of true aerial

you aU thinkyou read the tale of tile sil-l mare tIaaa I sea Me to

tore I

aDd It the latterLoednt

s shout ended and since the rtile time

thisDOt see

aut-hor sad ILIII work she

upper dipoi namTvrocking paas

usual ethibidoer

Just what wwhen


utzbttiitg hrays

and brfed

lishmhn dace hetatayany

soladonsmay fairly




hildren Learn by Observation







XAXXHNG by nature

School at TfaT ff LondonThe principals a Mr and Mrs

Kteon whose pupUarange from thefive to fifteen yearshold that powers

developed In the absence of stereotypedtextbooks while the garden Is the most

pnpus at the Horne School have j

Each child is reaaenanilii fur his or her own jnlaiataregarden Gardening indeed forms anas important a subject as history orgeograpny

We start on lines different from anysite said one of the ptmcipalu to

aa aanuarer Our method pnmmis i

That was the befontboys were seat to be taught at monav

their own all the study la

We dvamatme scenes from the Odys-sey or Hiawatha for n orscenes from history and in acting themthe children pta aa faisight in the realWe of the period

Not only do we nuke scholars usetheir ubotiifBtion They have to know

fact and they steles hi the snitperiod of history they may be studyms

The little ones are bonding anAryan hut to tine garden and

which is studying the Greekperiod makes models to scale for thescience of surveying is taught ofthe Pantheon or chariots or Greekships

The children cook STIn weaveon a large loom onie of the girls


1 the system adopted at tile Home

of and are

healthiest rL a J-An

tIMIIr own Garden chairs or De at fullPh on the

All and leers and play to

sad gab toe

The pap make their J3 Sher

tits roaenlt of their

lhew to tmrry their into elOC zb ties



rr aashei


observation raoareaudnes

affude and



boys girlsether system

tests nunneriesown



ooh eretymiss gperWabg

+ are splendid while theboys can wonderfully woBThe pupils cook some of tile meals

they eat one cooking classlag the first of the dinner

or theand the sweets

Interesting discussionsis

the pivot round conversationturns In this book any pupil writessome question and the result te thedinner debate

Aa interesting feature of the Homeis of working bees

which is encased In and standsin the schoolroom as an objectlessonto the small scholars

Side by side with this real hivelesson is an aquarium where frogs

fishes are on viewThe pupils also make up their cal

endar saints andwhich included original Illus-

trations of their particular heroesand heroines with apt quotations-The brush is as often in use as thepen and everything they write has

original illustrationThe costumes of the children consist

of linen jabber overalls 31 thgreen collars prettily embroithe boys wearing the same colorsIn knickerbocker suits


ntire gownsthe cool and sheer but practical

which first appeared as waistsIrish mce to the prettiest possible

trimming for it but cluny and the other

A HOME WRECKER-Peter Peter little Peter

Had a wife and couldnt keep ac-BHdxe she Teamed and math itsWhy then be kept her very wdaPeter Peter had another

Rut alas he didnt love herPeter learned himsrlf to play

so her anywayFrm Allen Averys MotherIcose on Irdse

jahother eta Isp dcl1l1




are now I made or




e-at w airy book






and gotM the




ALF the burden ofday is removed by

drinking a healthful coolingdrink such as ClicquotKleeko Club Ginger Ale

The ginger the dash of lemon and the car-bonic gas used in Club are all beneficial-to digestion and the ginger is combined in amanner that entirely eliminates astringency-

The superior quality water and ingredientsmakes Clicquot Club unusually good and ourmethod of combining carbonating and

makes it distinctly superior

Other CLICQUOT CLUB BeveragesBirch Beer Root Beer Serseperiila

Blood Orange Lemon SowK everywhere by the best grocers ftnd ArffistsB B EARNSHAW BRO









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