iwc oct nl - iwc lausanne · gastronomy fair “salon suisse des gouts et terroirs, bulle 29...

SAVE THE DATES COFFEES Friday 3 October Area Coffee: Lavaux/ Riviera (LR) & North Lausanne (NL) Monday 6 October Area Coffee: Lausanne (LSN) & North Lausanne (NL) Wednesday 8 October Meet & Greet Coffee at Clubhouse Wednesday 15 October Area Coffee: La Cote (LC) Area Coffee: West Riviera (WR) & North Lausanne (NL) APERO Wednesday 29 October Lausanne Area (LSN): Wine Wednesday Yatus Wine Fundraising 10/10 Walk Thursday, 9 October , starting at 10:00 o'clock. Please join us for our annual 10/10 fundraising walk at Chalet à Gobet. and help us raise money for Terre des Hommes (, a charity which we have supported for many years. There will be a guided 10 km and 5 km course available, both on easy woodland paths and with delicious refreshments served at the end of the walk. This event is open to IWC members and their guests. To join us, ask friends and family to sponsor you to walk, or simply pay a donation on the day (minimum 35 CHF) and register to let us know you are coming. Registration Deadline: Monday 6 October 2014 Go to click on Club Activities – 10/10 Charity Walk and register online, or call the office 021 320 2688 and leave a detailed message. Full events details will be sent when we received your registration. IWC – Monthly Meetings Friday 10 October 2014, 9.30 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. Restaurant du Prieuré, Pully Sign up on the website or [email protected] The IWC monthly meetings will resume on 10 October in a NEW VENUE, The Restaurant du Prieuré (Auberge Communale since 1803), located in the historic centre of Pully. Everyone is welcome at the meetings! A great opportunity to hear what’s happening in and around the club. Introduce new ideas, raise any concerns or opinions, meet up with fellow IWC members you may not see regularly. Restaurant Prieuré is easily accessible and is a short walk from Pully Gare, Bus numbers 4, 25 to Pully Gare or bus numbers 9, 47, 48, 49 to Pully Clergère. Parking available at Coop, Migros and Pully Gare. Guest Speaker: Dr Andrea Garbea, dermatologist specialising in laser treatments and esthetic medicine, will speak on sun care and treatments for ageing skin. Refreshments will be served. Because of the change of venue there will No Longer be an entrance fee charge. Online PDF Version Check out our online color version of the IWC Connections newsletter! Each member receives the PDF version by email each month. GO GREEN! IWConnections OCT 2014 PAGE 1

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Page 1: IWC Oct NL - IWC Lausanne · Gastronomy Fair “Salon Suisse des Gouts et Terroirs, Bulle 29 October For those who appreciate good food this is a must for you! Established in 2000

SAVE  THE  DATES  !!COFFEES  Friday  3  October    Area  Coffee:  Lavaux/Riviera  (LR)  &  North  Lausanne  (NL)  Monday  6  October    Area  Coffee:  Lausanne  (LSN)  &  North  Lausanne  (NL)  Wednesday  8  October    Meet  &  Greet  Coffee  at  Clubhouse  Wednesday  15  October  Area  Coffee:  La  Cote  (LC)  Area  Coffee:  West  Riviera  (WR)  &  North  Lausanne  (NL)  !APERO  Wednesday  29  October    Lausanne  Area  (LSN):  Wine  Wednesday  -­‐  Yatus  Wine  

Fundraising 10/10 Walk !

Thursday, 9 October , starting at 10:00 o'clock. Please join us for our annual 10/10 fundraising walk at Chalet à Gobet. and help us

raise money for Terre des Hommes (, a charity which we have supported for many years. !There will be a guided 10 km and 5 km course available, both on easy woodland paths and with delicious refreshments served at the end of the walk. This event is open to IWC members and their guests. To join us, ask friends and family to sponsor you to walk, or simply pay a donation on the day (minimum 35 CHF) and register to let us know you are coming. !Registration Deadline: Monday 6 October 2014 !Go to click on Club Activities – 10/10 Charity Walk and register online, or call the office 021 320 2688 and leave a detailed message. Full events details will be sent when we received your registration.

IWC – Monthly Meetings Friday 10 October 2014, 9.30 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.

Restaurant du Prieuré, Pully Sign up on the website or [email protected]

The IWC monthly meetings will resume on 10 October in a NEW VENUE, The Restaurant du Prieuré (Auberge Communale since 1803), located in the historic centre of Pully. Everyone is welcome at the meetings! !A great opportunity to hear what’s happening in and around the club. Introduce new ideas, raise any concerns or opinions, meet up with fellow IWC members you may not see regularly. !Restaurant Prieuré is easily accessible and is a short walk from Pully Gare, Bus numbers 4, 25 to Pully Gare or bus numbers 9, 47, 48, 49 to Pully Clergère. Parking available at Coop, Migros and Pully Gare. Guest Speaker: Dr Andrea Garbea, dermatologist specialising in laser treatments and esthetic medicine, will speak on sun care and treatments for ageing skin. Refreshments will be served. Because of the change of venue there will No Longer be an entrance fee charge.

Online PDF Version Check out our online color version of the IWC Connections newsletter! Each member receives the

PDF version by email each month. GO GREEN!

IWConnections OCT  2014  

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Page 2: IWC Oct NL - IWC Lausanne · Gastronomy Fair “Salon Suisse des Gouts et Terroirs, Bulle 29 October For those who appreciate good food this is a must for you! Established in 2000

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGEAfter a pretty miserable summer we're now hoping for a bright and sunny autumn. I can't promise you good weather but the one thing I can promise you is a lot to do and get involved in with the IWC. !We start the Fundraising Month of October with our major charity event, the annual 10/10 Walk (10 km on the 10th month of the year ), which this year will take place on Thursday 9th October at Chalet à Gobet as usual. !During the whole of October we hope that all of you will dig deep into your pockets and empty them of all loose change each time you take part in a club activity, event or outing. We are calling this “Le mois du petit sou.” This way we will be able to collect a reasonable amount of money in as short a time as possible, leaving the rest of the year free of all demands. !

The first Monthly Meeting of the year at the new venue, Le Restaurant du Prieuré in Pully, will be on Friday 10th October at 9.30. More details and information about the speaker can be found on the front page and on the website. !We are now planning hard for the first International Apéro which will take place in the evening of Friday 21st November at the Caveau du Singe Vert in Lutry. The idea is that apèros (food and drink) from different countries will be served so we can all get to know what makes the International Community buzz. This event is first come, first served as we have maximum participant capacity of 100 in the Caveau. So please sign up quickly. Contact us on [email protected] with any questions. Full information on the event can be found on page 3. !Please continue to use the website to update yourselves on events, activities and outings and to register for programmes. Just to remind you that the office is open every Monday afternoon and Board Members will be there to help and answer any queries you may have. !We are also looking for more contributions to the Newsletter in the form of travel articles, book, film and restaurant reviews to make reading more interesting! Please continue to send pieces in to [email protected]. !Let's look forward to a sociable and generous month. Susan Alloun

IWC CLUBHOUSE La Maison de la Femme Avenue Eglantine 6 1006 Lausanne (second floor) Tel: 021 320 26 88 Email: [email protected]

IWConnections is published nine times a year. No article may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of IWC Lausanne. IWConnections reserves the right to edit copy submitted. Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by IWConnections or IWC Lausanne. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Editors: Caitlin Patterson and Briana Steele-Zerbini Proofreader: Tracey Johns Advertising: Terrie Rietdijk

Nora  Marinescu    Nora  and  her  husband  moved  to  Lausanne  for  her  husband’s  work  from  Budapest,  Hungry.  Nora  is  an  aRorney-­‐at-­‐law  with  a  special  love  for  event  planning,  she  uses  her  creaTve  eye  for  visualisaTon  and  details  that  make  life  and  celebraTons  beauTful.  Nora  enjoys  parTcipaTng  in  group  acTviTes  where  she  can  meet  and  hang  out  with  others,  spending  her  free  Tme  playing  sports,  cooking,  enjoying  music.  Nora  joined  the  IWC  in  June  and  looks  forward  to  sharing  her  interests  with  new  friends.   !

Sarah  Milo  Sarah  has  recently  moved  to  the  Lausanne  area  from  Columbus,  OH,  where  she  has  just  completed  her  doctoral  studies  in  Music.  A  classically  trained  soprano,  voice  teacher,  and  singing  health  specialist,  she  has  lived  in  Lebanon,  France,  Germany,  

and  the  USA  (NY/NJ).  Sarah  enjoys  classical  concerts,  languages,  travel,  cooking,  wine,  yoga,  swimming,  hikes,  and  is  looking  forward  to  being  a  first  Tme  mom  this  fall!  !

Myriam  Maystre    Myriam  is  Swiss  and  lives  in  Lausanne  with  her  husband  Lucien.    Myriam  is  a  reTred  teacher  for  children  with  learning  difficulTes.    Her  husband,  Lucien,  is  a  reTred  engineer  and  professor  of  EPFL.    Myriam  and  Lucien  have  a  daughter,  a  son,  and  five  grown  grandchildren.    Myriam  volunteers  as  a  ChrisTan  spiritual  counsellor.    She  is  involved  in  Ikebana  Sogetsu  flower  arranging  and  in  January,  she  joined  the  “original  readers”  in  order  to  improve  her  English.  !Carmen  Vivacqua    Carmen  is  Italian  with  an  internaTonal  footprint:  born  in  Brazil,  she  lived  in  France,  Switzerland  and  Portugal  before  moving  to  Servion  last  year.  She  enjoys  crabwork  such  as  quilTng  and  patchwork...but  her  favorite  hobby  is  cooking  and  baking.  She  has  turned  her  passion  for  delicious  pastries  and  cakes  into  a  professional  acTvity  by  confecToning  cakes  for  all  events  -­‐-­‐  from  weddings  to  birthdays  and  many  other  occasions.  She  works  out  a  lot  going  to  the  gym  and  walking  her  6  dogs.  She  is  looking  forward  to  meeTng  new  people  and  geeng  together  for  a  tea  or  coffee  and  a  bit  of  lady  chat.


! OCT  2014 !

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The  InternaTonal  Women's  Club  (IWC)  of  Lausanne  is  pleased  to  announce  that  we  will  be  having  an  InternaTonal  Apéro  on  Friday,  21  November,  for  club  members  and  partners/guests!  This  catered  event  is  being  held  in  celebraTon  of  our  name  change  and  to  help  everyone  feel  like  a  part  of  our  diverse  internaTonal  community.  The  Apéro  will  be  held  at  Caveau  du  Singe  Vert,  address  Place  du  Temple  3,  1095  Lutry.  We  are  asking  for  a  20  CHF  parTcipaTon  fee  per  person.  This  will  be  a  lovely  catered  event  that  will  include  appeTzers  as  well  as  beverages  and  wines  representaTve  of  many  of  the  naTonaliTes  within  the  IWC.  The  event  hours  will  be  from  7  p.m.  to  11  p.m.  We  have  a  form  in  which  to  sign  up  and  need  everyone  who  intends  to  parTcipate  to  please  register  by    31  October  so  as  to  get  an  accurate  headcount  for  the  event.  Maximum  number  of  parTcipants:  100  people  (50  couples).  We  look  forward  to  seeing  you  there  and  are  very  pleased  to  be  hosTng  this  most  celebratory  event!  !To  sign  up,  click  on  the  following  link:    hRp://


Signal  de  Bougy  family  ouTng  IWC  Kids  Club.The  Intl  Cooking  Group  of  Lausanne  enjoyed  a  wonderful  lunch  in  Milan  !    

The  Fit  and  Fun  group  at  the  Morges  Balade  Gourmande  on  Sat  6  Sept.

The  Fit  and  Fun  group  took  the  boat  to  Thonon-­‐les-­‐Bains  where  they  walked,  ate  lunch,  and  visited  the  market.  

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Page 4: IWC Oct NL - IWC Lausanne · Gastronomy Fair “Salon Suisse des Gouts et Terroirs, Bulle 29 October For those who appreciate good food this is a must for you! Established in 2000

Shopping in Lausanne 2 October – New to Lausanne or the area? This is the tour for you! While walking through the historic centre of Lausanne you will discover shopping malls, department stores, restaurants, cinemas, car parks, metro stations etc. Maps will be available highlighting the various locations. The tour takes approximately 2h30mins (with a break for coffee). Meet 9.30 a.m. under the large clock outside the entrance of Lausanne Gare. Sign up on our website or send an email to [email protected] !Out 2 Lunch Bunch 28 October - in the Cafe de Grancy ( at 12.00. We are looking forward to sharing a year of culinary discoveries! 12 participants max - first come, first served. Once full a waiting list will be made in case of cancellations. Sign-up on line on our website calendar. For more info: [email protected] !!!!!!!

Gastronomy Fair “Salon Suisse des Gouts et Terroirs, Bulle 29 October For those who appreciate good food this is a must for you!

Established in 2000 this gastronomic fair has become an important national event. Market stands and cafes provide a large choice of many different culinary Swiss delicacies. Discover, try and buy.... Entrance Fee: 13 CHF By Train: 9.00 a.m.Meet inside the entrance hall of Lausanne Gare. By Car: Meet 10.30 a.m. outside exhibition centre (parking available) Fare: demi-tarrif 20.80 CHF (return) Address: Espace Gruyère, Rue de Vevey 136-144, Bulle 1 Sign up on our website or send an email to [email protected] !Berger Foundry, Barau 21 November A once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity.....Cast a Swiss Cow Bell! Today the sound of cowbells originally used by farmers to find their cattle at night and in fog is a familiar sight throughout the Swiss countryside, featuring also at many festivals and sporting events. Would you like to know how a bell is manufactured? The group will shape and cast a bell together. Each participant will then add their own personal decoration making the bell a unique work of art. The visit also includes a tour of the foundry. Departing Lausanne 9.30 a.m. returning 5.30 p.m. For full details contact [email protected] If you are interested in this outing please register by 21 October. !

IWC Club Outings

Art Appreciation New group leaders : Margaret Ellison & Alison King.

Sign-up online for these events on our website calendar or call the office and leave a message. Please send queries to: [email protected]

Thursday 16 October Visit to Fondation de l'Hermitage to see the Peindre L'Amerique, 19th century paintings from the United States. This will be at 2pm. Cost of entry: group entry (10+) 15 CHF We are looking at the possibility of having an English speaking guide and the cost of this would then be shared in addition to the entry fee. Tea is available afterwards at the café in the grounds. !

Monday 27 October Visit to Palais Lumière Evian Marc Chagall Impressions This will be at 2pm Group entry (10+) 8€ It is possible to reach Evian by boat from Lausanne or by road via St Gingolph. The group should meet at the gallery at 2pm. It is possible to have lunch locally for those who wish and we will look for somewhere suitable to have coffee afterwards.

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Page 5: IWC Oct NL - IWC Lausanne · Gastronomy Fair “Salon Suisse des Gouts et Terroirs, Bulle 29 October For those who appreciate good food this is a must for you! Established in 2000

Classifieds  VILLA  JUMELLE  for  sale  in  Blonay.  Three  Bedrooms,  3  floors  with  finished  basement.    Constructed  December  2009.  Minergie.    Contact  078-­‐6672786  !SCS  CATERING  SERVICES  AND  PARTY  ORGANIZER,  For  all  occasions,  according  to  your  budget.  Visit  or  contact  Sabine  Shabetai  on  022  361  89  71  or  [email protected]

Kids  Group  is  a  group  with  the  primary  goal  of  being  a  supporTve  and  fun  community  for  English  speaking  women  (moms,  grandmas,  and  others)  and  their  kids  of  all  ages.  Any  and  all  women  (and  yes  dads  too)  with  kids  are  welcome.  We  hope  to  be  a  resource  for  families  regarding  things  that  impact  them  and  their  children  while  living  here.                The  third  Wednesday  we  will  meet  up  with  the  kids  and  have  a  planned  event.  On  the  first  weekend  of  each  month  there  will  be  a  planned  ouTng  the  enTre  family  can  enjoy.  The  locaTon  for  each  of  these  meetups  will  be  dependent  on  the  weather  and  the  Tme  of  the  year.  

             Everyone  is  always  welcome  regardless  of  the  age  of  the  children.  An  RSVP  is  never  necessary  but  can  be  helpful,  just  so  I  know  who  we  are  waiTng  for  at  the  Tme  we  are  meeTng.  If  you  are  not  yet  a  member  please  come  along  and  see  if  the  group  is  of  interest  to  you  and  your  family.  UPCOMING  EVENTS:  please  RSVP  to  me  just  so  I  know  who  we  are  waiTng  for,  but  of  course  come  at  the  last  minute  if  you  can.  Just  want  to  try  and  include  everyone.  I  will  have  a  small  IWC  flag  or  a  balloon.  If  the  ouTngs  suit  you  and  your  family  we  can  discuss  membership  to  the  club;  the  benefit  is  that  you  get  access  to  other  really  great  happenings  and  groups.                Please  refer  to  the  IWC  Kids  page  on  our  website  or  the  Facebook  page  for  updates!!  Contact  Krista  Chavez  at  kids@iwc-­‐  with  your  queries.                  

5  October  Sunday  @1030-­‐1330    Weekend  Family  OuTng    Zoo  du  Servion  We  have  never  been  here  so  if  someone  has  an  idea  of  where  to  meet  let  me  know.  Price  10  CHF  for  adults  and  5  CHF  for  kids  over  6  Meet  at  the  main  entrance  between  10  and  1020  hRp://www.zoo-­‐              !15  October  Third  Wednesday  Meetup    CANCELLED  FOR  VACATION                31  October  @  1600-­‐1800  Halloween  Party  We  will  meet  for  a  fun  Tme  at  the  clubhouse.  Costumes  are  not  necessary,  but  dress  if  you  would  like  to.  There  will  be  Halloween  treats  and  everyone  is  welcome  to  bring  something  fun  to  share!    

IWC Kids

HAIRDRESSER  English  speaking,  Lutry  in  a  salon  on  Thursdays,  Fridays  and  Saturdays.    For  info  or  book  an  appointment:  [email protected]  or  SMS  to  078  922  53  73.    First  visit  10%  off!  

MEMBER  ADVERTISEMENT  POLICY    The  Member  AdverTsement  Policy  is  available  on  the  IWC  website  (iwc-­‐  under  the  menu  item  “AdverTse  With  Us.”  

OCT  2014

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Join  us  for  a  coffee  or  drink  and  meet  your  neighbors!    Your  region  is  listed  next  to  your  name  in  the  directory:  Lausanne  (LSN),  North  Lausanne  (NL),  West  Riviera  (WR),  Lavaux  Riviera  (LR),  La  Cote  (LC).  Everyone  is  welcome  to  aRend,  coffees  and  drinks  are  at  your  own  expense.  !!!!!LAUSANNE/NORTH  LAUSANNE  (LSN/NL)  The  Lausanne  Area  will  meet  on  Monday,  6  October,  14:00-­‐16:00  Lausanne  Palace  Hotel,  Rue  du  Grand-­‐Chêne  7,  1003  Lausanne      lsn.area@iwc-­‐    Area  Contacts:  Cynthia  Clark,  Krista  Chavez,  Diana  Stone,  Aminia  Brueggemann  &  Deb  Delau.  !!

LA  COTE  (LC)  Wednesday,  15  October,  10:00  La  Longeraie,  Morges      lc.area@iwc-­‐  Area  Contacts:  Anne  Cappin,  Carole  Gaeker,  Jewell  Pahl,  Debbie  Cepla  and  Carol  Barry.  !WEST  RIVIERA  (WR)  Wednesday,  15  October,  9:30,  Hotel  de  Ville  Le  Rivage,  Port  de  Lutry.  wr.area@iwc-­‐  Area  Contacts:  Françoise  André,  Bronwen  Coyne,  Jane  Miners,  Tanis  Vollmann  and  Karen  Wilson.  !LAVAUX/RIVIERA  (LR)  Friday,  3  October,  9:30  Manor  Restaurant,  2nd  floor,  St.  Antoine  Shopping  Centre,  Vevey  lr.area@iwc-­‐    

Area  Contacts:  Margaret  Ellison,  Maggie  Fern,  Janet  Greenwood,  Philippa  Stanley.  !MEET  &  GREET  COFFEES  Members  and  non-­‐members  welcome    Wednesday,  8  October  9:30-­‐11:00  IWC  Clubhouse,  Avenue  EglanTne  6,  1006  Lausanne.  membership@iwc-­‐  !IWC  APERO:  LAUSANNE  WINE  WEDNESDAY  Wednesday,  29  October,  17:30-­‐19:30  Yatus  Wine  Bar,  Lausanne  winewed@iwc-­‐  Contacts:  Briana  Steele-­‐Zerbini,  Krista  Chavez  and  Maija  Remlinger.


IWC  APERO:  WINE  WEDNESDAYS  On  the  last  Wednesday  of  each  month  we  take  a  liRle  Tme  out  to  share  a  glass  of  wine  with  new  and  old  friends  at  a  local  wine  bar.    Everyone  is  welcome  and  it  gives  our  working  ladies  an  opportunity  to  come  along  for  an  ouTng.    We  share  

laughs,  good  conversaTon  and  some  nice  wine!    Yatus  Wine  Bar  Rue  du  PeTt  Chêne  11  1003  Lausanne  from  1730-­‐1930  or  whenever  we  get  finished  chaeng.  !

Wednesday,  29  October    @17:30-­‐19:30  Yatus  Wine  Bar,  Lausanne    winewed@iwc-­‐  

Contacts:  Briana  Steele-­‐Zerbini,  Krista  Chavez  and  Maija  Remlinger

Dinner  Club  

Leader:  Carmen  Vivacqua  

dinnerclub@iwc-­‐  !The  Dinner  Club  has  found  a  new  leader,  Carmen  Vivacqua.    Carmen  is  a  pastry  chef  with  internaTonal  experience  and  good  food  is  very  important  in  her  life.  She  hopes  very  much  to  be  able  to  find  other  food  lovers  to  share  a  good  meal  with.  !The  idea  is  to  meet  monthly,  on  a  Saturday  evening  with  partners,  at  a  member’s  home.  The  hosts  provide  non-­‐alcoholic  drinks,  the  main  course,  as  well  as  tea/coffee.  Guests  sign  up  to  bring  the  wine,  appeTzers,  salads,  side  dishes  or  dessert.  The  monthly  host  lets  the  group  know  in  advance  what  the  main  course  will  be,  so  people  can  coordinate  their  dishes  accordingly.  The  main  goals  are  geeng  to  know  one  another,  exchanging  different  viewpoints  and  of  course  spending  a  nice  evening  together.  EaTng  is  just  the  excuse!      

If  you’re  interested  in  joining  please  contact  Carmen.



Leader:  Debbie  Cepla  

bunco@iwc-­‐  !Get  ready  for  some  dice-­‐rolling  fun!  Bunco  is  a  social  dice  game  that  involves  100%  luck  and  no  skill.  It’s  easy  to  learn  and  very  fun  to  play!  We  meet  on  the  last  Friday  evening  of  each  month,  beginning  in  January,  usually  at  7:30  pm.  Debbie  hosts  at  her  home.    Each  parTcipant  puts  CHF  5  into  a  “pot,”  which  is  distributed  to  several  lucky  winners  at  the  end  of  the  evening.    Spouses  are  invited,  but  you  need  not  have  a  partner.  We  pair  up  according  to  the  number  of  parTcipants.  Each  person  or  couple  brings  some  food  item  to  share....nothing  fancy....and  whatever  you’d  like  to  drink  (BYOB).  Please  contact  Debbie  if  you’d  like  to  join.  RSVP  is  needed  so  seaTng  can  be  arranged.  !*  Friday,  31  October    at  7.30  

*  Friday,  28  November  at  7.30  

*  None  for  December,  we  will  resume  in  January.  

OCT    2014

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Page 7: IWC Oct NL - IWC Lausanne · Gastronomy Fair “Salon Suisse des Gouts et Terroirs, Bulle 29 October For those who appreciate good food this is a must for you! Established in 2000

OCT    2014


Page 8: IWC Oct NL - IWC Lausanne · Gastronomy Fair “Salon Suisse des Gouts et Terroirs, Bulle 29 October For those who appreciate good food this is a must for you! Established in 2000

Nature Matters by Wainwright

This wet summer has meant the slugs and snails have flourished. Not ideal for gardeners but wonderful for hedgehogs who love to feed on them. These prickly creatures need to put on weight over the summer in order to have enough stored fat to get them through the winter months when they are dormant. They are one of the few small mammals, along with the bat and dormouse, who truly hibernate and reappear in March when the worst of winter is past. This month they will be looking around for a suitable safe,warm, dry spot to curl up, under a shed or a pile of dry leaves. Apparently considered a delicacy by the Romans and Gypsies, baked in clay in the embers of the fire, these days they have more to fear from dogs and garden tools, strimmers beings a particular hazard. The collective noun for hedgehogs is an "array" or "prickle of hedgehogs" - the latter seems most appropriate! !The lovely sunny days at the beginning of autumn are perhaps a sign we will see wonderful leaf colour this year. Deciduous trees drop their yellowing leaves and the fruit trees: pears, plums and apples are laden. For photo worthy places The Valais is usually the best direction to go. Visit Pont du Nants near Bex, where there is a very good restaurant and a nice, gentle walk along the river to see the golden larches. Or go to Les Iserables to see a 'New England style' tapestry of autumnal shades. Take the cable car from Riddes or if you feel energetic walk up and ride down.

!Travelling to Amsterdam for a day trip sounds a little crazy but six members of the Vevey International Cooking Group did just that in May this year. The object of the exercise was to experience an authentic Rijsttafel, a meal of Indonesian inspiration based on many small dishes served with rice. Arriving early in the city we enjoyed a walking tour around the canals, map in hand and a sharp eye out for cyclists – an ever present danger in Amsterdam. The early start and the morning walk meant we arrived at our restaurant with a good appetite and as the rain had started to fall we settled in to enjoy our culinary treat. Fifteen dishes later our appetites were well satisfied and dessert was out of the question.

Strenuous activity after such a generous lunch didn’t appeal and so we spent the afternoon relaxing on a canal boat tour to see the city from the water. Then it was time for the trip back to the airport where the departure lounge shop sustained a serious attack on its supply of cheese and syrup waffles as we had omitted to make these purchases during the day. We arrived back in Geneva late in the evening, exhausted but keen to re-create the Rijsttafel experience with the members of our group who weren’t able to join our culinary jaunt. We are looking forward to sharing this meal and planning many more culinary experiences during the next club year.

Vevey International Cooking Club: Rijsttafel in Amsterdam

OCT    2014