isabgol - plantago ovata

Package Of Practices- Isabgol

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Package Of Practices- Isabgol

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Economic part –Husk &Seed

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• FAMILY- Plantaginacea•NATIVE PLACE- Persia• ECONOMIC PART- Husk , Seed •Chromosome number (2n)- 8• local Name –Blond Psyllium,spogel seed


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• ACTIVE PRINCIPLE- Mucilage, Xylose and Arbinose• Type of flower- Protogynous • Type of Fruit - Capsule• Medicinal Property –laxative property, used against irritation in

gastrointestinal , Constipation dysentery, Cooling and demulcent used to cure inflammation of mucous membrane .

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• Isabgol is a stemless annual herb .• Husk (odourless & tasteless) yield a colloidal mucilage

consisting of xylose ,arabinose and galacturonic acid .• The husk has the property of absorbing and retaining water

and it works as an anti diarrhoeal drug .• It is beneficial in dysenteries of amoebic and bacillary origin

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Origin and Distribution -

• It is indigenous to the Persia and west asia , extending up to the Sutlej ,sind ,and west Pakistan, Mexico.

• it has been introduced in India and cultivated specially in Gujrat and some parts of Rajasthan

• Varieties- Gujrat Isabgol-1, Gujrat Isabgol-2 ,Hariyana isabgol-5, Jawahar isabgol-4,Niharika

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• SOIL- It is an irrigated crop which grow well on light soil .Isabgol grow in sandy to sandy loam soil having PH range of 7-8 . soil are well drained and rich is organic matter .•CLIMATE –Isabgol is predominantly grown as cold season

crop . It is require cool climate and dry weather .the temperature is require for seed germination is 20-30 degree Celsius ,

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• Land preparation –Field must be free from weed and clods , have fine tilth for good germination . the land is laid in to flat body of convenient size i.e. 1.0x3.0 meter or 2.5x2.5 meter .

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•Propagation - It is propagated by seed .• Seed rate - 4kg/hectare • Time of sowing - November –mid December •Planting distance –Seed should be sown in lines line 30cm

apart .

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•Manuring – The FYM of 10-15 tonnes per hectare applied during land preparation . Isabgol does not require application of heavy dose of fertilizer . A fertilizer dose consisting of 50kg N, 25kgP2O5 , 30kg k2O/ha gives as a basal dose . the second split of N as a top dressing after one month of sowing.

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• Irrigation – After sowing light irrigation is essential . The seed normally germinate 6-7 days . If germination is poor, second irrigation may be given . Last irrigation should be given at the time when maximum number of

spike have reached milk stage.

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•Weeding- periodical weeding and hoeing is required . The medicinal plant have to be grown without fertilizer and use of pesticides . Organic manure like FYM, vermicompost , green manure , etc. may be used as per requirement of the species . To prevent disease , bio-pesticide ,could be prepared from neem , dhatura etc.

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• Pests.White grubs and termite damage the crop by cutting off the root which can be controlled by broad casting phorate 10G @10kg/ha . Aphid also attack the crop and can be controlled by spraying 0.2% Dimethoate.Disease-Downy mildew is the major disease caused by Peronospora plantaginis .It is controlled by Bordeaux mixture or Dithane M-45 or any copper fungicide @2-2.5g/l can be spray.

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•Harvesting –The crop mature during March -April .The crop ready for harvesting 110-130 days after sowing . Spike turn brownish ,at the time of harvest ,the atmosphere must be dry and not moisture in plant . Plant should be cut from ground level.

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•Processing – The harvest plant are threshed and winnowed and seed repeatedly sifted until clean. Seed are fed to a series of shellers and remove only the husk . It separated by fan and sieve .

• The husk:seed ratio -25:75

•Yield – 8-10 q/ha or 1 tonnes/ha

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