is a world without racial conflict an impossible dream

Is a world without racial conflict an impossible dream? The lyrics of the famous song ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon cites that ‘ Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will be as one.’ The lyrics illustrates the idealistic nature of such a hope, possible perhaps in our ‘[dreams]’. Despite the countless efforts in our modern day context in ensuring racial equality through implementation of laws and policies, however at the end of the day, such laws are rational while us humans are emotional. The result of prioritising emotional needs of the human race such as standing up for our own race might very well be the reason that a world without racial conflict remains a ‘dream’. Such a world without racial conflict is an impossible dream because Man can never rise above racial belonging and racial loyalty, and are constantly reminded of differences in race because of the visual aspect. It is natural that one will side people of the same race as one will automatically identify with people of the same race and tend to fight for them even when they are in the wrong. There is an automatic sense of protection of someone of one’s own race that is instinctive and natural, ingrained in human primodial behaviour. For example, the Myanmar government intensifies an ethnic civil war against the Kachin tribe over the tribe’s rich resources. The Burmese stands on the side of its government for they support their justification in gaining more resources and land for the good of the country. On the other hand, the Kachins remain supportive of their own troops so as to protect their sovereignty. In either case, it is unlikely that anybody from either race would choose to support the opposite party as both parties stand to benefit in supporting their own side. Therefore, this illustrates the loyalty and belonging rooted in the behaviour of humans, which would result in a world without racial conflict impossible as supporting and protecting their own side will be the instinctive way to go.

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Post on 19-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Is a World Without Racial Conflict an Impossible Dream

Is a world without racial conflict an impossible dream?

The lyrics of the famous song ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon cites that ‘Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will be as one.’ The lyrics illustrates the idealistic nature of such a hope, possible perhaps in our ‘[dreams]’. Despite the countless efforts in our modern day context in ensuring racial equality through implementation of laws and policies, however at the end of the day, such laws are rational while us humans are emotional. The result of prioritising emotional needs of the human race such as standing up for our own race might very well be the reason that a world without racial conflict remains a ‘dream’.

Such a world without racial conflict is an impossible dream because Man can never rise above racial belonging and racial loyalty, and are constantly reminded of differences in race because of the visual aspect. It is natural that one will side people of the same race as one will automatically identify with people of the same race and tend to fight for them even when they are in the wrong. There is an automatic sense of protection of someone of one’s own race that is instinctive and natural, ingrained in human primodial behaviour. For example, the Myanmar government intensifies an ethnic civil war against the Kachin tribe over the tribe’s rich resources. The Burmese stands on the side of its government for they support their justification in gaining more resources and land for the good of the country. On the other hand, the Kachins remain supportive of their own troops so as to protect their sovereignty. In either case, it is unlikely that anybody from either race would choose to support the opposite party as both parties stand to benefit in supporting their own side. Therefore, this illustrates the loyalty and belonging rooted in the behaviour of humans, which would result in a world without racial conflict impossible as supporting and protecting their own side will be the instinctive way to go.

Unfortunately, such a world is an impossible dream because each member of each race is brought up with difference experiences, culture and mindset, including their status and position in society. The stark differences in the socio-cultural and historical background could be the factor impeding the achievement of such a world without racial conflict. The upbringing of an individual is very much tied to the ideas, ideals and characteristics of the race. Thus, everyone will imbibe differences brought about by society, history and culture. With these differences, there are bound to bring about conflict especially in terms of values and religions, which are racially determined. Classic examples would be the Muslim fundamentalists against American insurgents and the longstanding Sudanese Civil War (1983 – Present). The former incident arose from the initial bombing of the World Trade Center in America, which has resulted in tension between the perceptions of ideals and characteristics of each individual group. As a result, these differences are what results in the gap between the harmony of the two groups, therefore causing further separation and conflicts. The latter example has been a longstanding war since 1983, where there was the conflict between the North and the South for greater area of autonomy, which resulted in a continued conflict between the two groups. These examples are key in illustrating the conflicts that are bound to happen due to

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conflicts between any groups of people and how then it makes a world without racial conflict remain an impossible dream.

Furthermore, such a world is an impossible dream because races will always divide Mankind as each race will always see other races as competitors rather than as brothers. A prime example would be the longstanding Rwanda civil war between the Tutsis and the Hutus. The prevalence of this war since the 1983 to present times shows the impossibility of the assimilation between the difference groups of people. As a result, they perceive the opposite party as a foe rather than a friend. These historical precedence and experience have resulted in unequal development of the difference races. Under such circumstances, it is also impossible for racial conflict not to surface, as all races will strive to improve their lot even at the expense of other races. Therefore, as the different races continue to compete to outshine the other, this rivalry will create an environment not conducive for the creation of a world without racial conflict, causing it to remain as a dream, impossible and unreachable.

However, even with the dominance of these conflicts, there are pockets of possibilities today that suggest a world without racial conflict a possible dream. The world is, today, becoming more civilized and there is increasing recognition of equality among races. There is growing acceptance that all Man are equal regardless of race and this is reflected in the growing number of democracies that give equal status to all races. The USA acts as a role model (regardless of its success) and as a policeman in this aspect. For example, the Arab Spring in recent times have resulted in democratic elections in Egypt, Libya and Bhutan. This illustrates the prevalence of democracies as opposed to the subjugation of a certain race, which translates to the possibility of the increasing equality given to the people today. Therefore, as there is the increased awareness and recognition for the need for equality, this vision of today may then become a possible future of tomorrow.

In addition, such a world is not an impossible dream because laws and global groups can ensure that nobody will bring about racial conflict regardless of the reasons, or try to solve such conflicts. The world is no longer simple a group of countries, which exist independently of each other. Ever since the World Wars, countries have formed global unions in order to ensure that racial conflicts do not take place while other countries stand by without doing anything. Such groups have had successes in ensuring the racial conflicts are kept to a minimum, and there is every confidence that the effectiveness will only increase in the future, so eradication of racial conflict may occur in the future. The United Nations ensures that racial conflicts are prevented from happening through persuasion, dialogue and meetings. When such conflicts do occur, the UN tries to resolve it as soon as possible to minimize damage. It sends clear and consistent messages that racial conflicts are not condoned nor justified. Therefore, with the practice of such upholding of mediating conflicts immediately and properly, such a habit of today may possibly translate to a result of a world without racial conflicts tomorrow.

In conclusion, laws and policies implemented are rational while humans are emotional and they will still react along racial lines individually or as a country. It is

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too idealistic to believe that laws will be effective in controlling or diffusing racial conflict. People are emotional and they will be involved in conflicts along racial lines because their sense of loyalty and justice is based on racial links. They will see what they are doing as legal and just or even civilized. Also, despite the increase in inter-racial marriages, such unions are not the norm, suggesting that race is still seen as a barrier between them and us. Ultimately, it is premature to say that a world without racial conflict is a possible dream because of how the nature of decisions of humans are after all fuelled by emotions and not rationale.