iran bazaar of isfahan2

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Page 2: Iran Bazaar of Isfahan2

The Bazaar of Isfahan or Isfahan Bazaar is a historical market in Isfahan, Iran, one of the oldest and largest bazaars in the Middle East, dating back to the 17th century. The bazaar is a vaulted two-kilometre street linking the old city with the new.

Supranumit perla Persiei, Esfahan este mândria întregii ţări şi unul dintre cele mai reprezentative oraşe islamice din lume. Bazarul său este unul dintre cele mai mari din Orientul Mijlociu şi datează din secolul XVII, mai mult de 2 kilometri de străzi acoperite de arcade.

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Mina-Kari Enamel working and decorating metals with colorful and baked coats is one of the distinguished courses of art in Isfahan.

Khatam -Kari

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Mina, is defined as some sort of glasslike colored coat which can be stabilized by heat on different metals particularly copper. The earliest-known example is an enameled copper mihrab dating from 1556

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Mina - Kari

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Khatam is one of the finest Persian/Iranian wooden Handicrafts. Persian micro-mosaic Inlay work is called Khatam. Khatam is the Persian marquetry (Persian intarsia), a mosaic-like inlay of contrasting materials such as bone, mother-of-pearl, woods of various colors, metal precisely-cut from gold, silver, brass in geometrical shapes. Khatamkari is the art of crafting a Khatam. Khatam works with smaller inlaid pieces are generally more highly valued.

Internet image

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Imagini internet

Iranian craftwork , are handicrafts works that are useful in ordinary life or are decorative. They are made completely by hand or using only simple tools. Usually the term is applied to traditional means of making goods.

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You can also find several mosques, tea shops, bathhouses, and even gardens. Small apertures in the vaulted roof let in sufficient light yet kept out the intense heat of summer and retained warmth in winter.

Aici poţi găsi chiar şi câteva moschei, ceainării, băi publice, restaurante, până şi grădini. Mici deschizături în acoperiş asigură lumină suficientă apărând însă întreg bazarul de căldura intensă a verii şi reţinând căldura iarna.

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Beautiful metal inlaid work from Esfahan. Inlaid work is the particular handicraft of Iran.

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Archaeologists have found evidence of bazaars in different parts of Iran. It is certain that the creation of cities was based on not only the growth of the population but also on the increase of production, which brought about the growth of trade and accumulation of wealth.Like most Iranian bazaars, Bazaar-e Bozorg is loosely divided into several interconnected corridors, each specializing in a particular trade or product, with carpet dealers, goldsmiths, samovar-makers, shoe makers, dyers, all having their own quarters.

Săpăturile arheologice au demonstrat existenţa bazarelor în diferite părţi ale Iranului. Este clar că întemeierea oraşelor se baza nu numai pe creşterea populaţiei ci şi pe creşterea producţiei care a dus la creşterea comerţului şi acumularea de bunuri. La fel cu majoritatea bazarelor persane şi cel din Esfahan este împărţit în coridoare care comunică între ele, fiecare fiind însă specializat în vânzarea sau producerea unui anumit tip de produs: covoare, bijuterii, samovare, pantofi, mina-kari (vase de metal emailate) sau altele

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Miniaturist at work in the Bazaar. Painting miniatures is a very old tradition in Iran and those who practice it are much respected members of society.

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Bazaar means a marketplace or assemblage of shops where miscellaneous goods and services are displayed to buy and sell.

The word "bazaar" refers to "waazaar", which is an ancient Persian word. This word, bazaar, has been transferred into Arabic countries, Ottoman Turkey, Europe and India and even China through economical interactions between Persia and these countries. A study of the usage of the word "bazaar" since ancient times reveals the economic exchanges between Persia and other countries.

Bazaar înseamnă un ansamblu de magazine unde diverse produse şi servicii sunt puse la dispoziţia cumpărătorilor.

Etimologic provine din “waazaar” un cuvânt din persana veche. Cuvântul bazar a intrat în limbile ţărilor arabe, ale Imperiului Otoman, în Europa şi India, ajungând până în China, pe calea relaţiilor comerciale pe care Persia le avea cu aceste ţări. Un studiu al cuvântului bazar din cele mai vechi timpuri, dezvăluie schimburile economice ale Persiei cu alte ţări.

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The Bazaar in Esfahan

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Mirror and candelabras are amongst the most important wedding ceremonial objects that are taken to the brides’ home and they are reminiscence of the Zoroastrian religious believes. Grooms’ family is expected to pay for all expenses and if they can not, they will be looked down at. The higher the status and social standing of the bride, the more lavish will be the banquets and the presents, especially the jewelry. An elaborate wedding in Iran presently costs around a hundred thousand dollars.

Oglinzile şi candelabrele sunt obiecte ceremoniale importante la nuntă încă din tradiţia zoroastriană. Mirele duce la casa miresei acest cadou iar familia lui trebuie să plătească toate cheltuielile de nuntă (care se ridică la circa 100.000 de dolari).

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There are efforts by the government to encourage people to simplify the weddings and lower the cost. Mass communal weddings sponsored and paid by the government have become increasingly popular. In February 2001, fourteen thousand couples married all across Iran in this manner.

Statul încearcă să ia măsuri împotriva acestor tradiţii (a scăzut mult numărul căsătoriilor) şi organizează căsătorii colective sponsorizate de guvern. (În februarie 2001 14.000 de cupluri s-au căsătorit astfel)

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Hookah also known as a water pipe, narghile, Qalyan, or shisha is a single or multi-stemmed instrument for smoking flavored tobacco in which the smoke is passed through a water basin (often glass based) before inhalation. The origin of the hookah is India, Persia, or at a transition point between the two.

Hookah, cunoscută şi sub denumirea de pipă de apă, narghilea, Qalyan sau Şişa este un instrument oriental de fumat. Savoarea este dată de o specie deosebită de tutun negru iranian, cultivat și astăzi. Acest tutun este umezit și împachetat în capătul de ceramică deasupra căruia se așeză direct cărbuni pentru a oferi o aromă puternică. Narghilele create în Imperiul Persan erau confecționate manual din lemn, având diverse forme.

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Mina - Kari

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Mina - Kari

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Mina - Kari

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Mina - Kari

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Mina - Kari

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Mina - Kari

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Mina - Kari

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Sound: Kiawasch Saheb Nassagh - Moments - November 14, 2000


Text : InternetPictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta LeuCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foiş