interior wellness

24 Summer 2012 FREE Prenatal Yoga Lateral Archangel What ELSE is POSSIBLE? MAGAZINE Who are We Really? A message from Metatron I nterior Wellness Hug An Addict Yoga, Health & Spirituality in Kamloops & B.C. Interior mini farming An Interview with Padma HEALING Craniosacral Therapy

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Interior Wellness Magazine Mid-Summer Issue 2012


Page 1: Interior Wellness

Summer 2012 FREE

Prenatal Yoga





Who are We Really?

A message from


Interior WellnessHug

An Addict

Yoga, Health & Spirituality in Kamloops & B.C. Interior

mini farming

An Interview withPadma


Craniosacral Therapy

Page 2: Interior Wellness


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Page 3: Interior Wellness

Issue #24Interior wellness

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Start your day or tStart your day or tPump up & refresh with a daily dose of positivity!Pump up & refresh with a daily dose of positivity!Pump up & refresh with a daily dose of positivity!Pump up & refresh with a daily dose of positivity!Pump up & refresh with a daily dose of positivity!Pump up & refresh with a daily dose of positivity!Pump up & refresh with a daily dose of positivity!

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Page 4: Interior Wellness

Summer 2012


Interior wellness

Lateral HealingI grew up with the belief that we become like our friends and if we want to know where we are in life all we need to do is look at who we are surrounded by. I’ve since learned that there was a misconception in this line of reasoning. Just changing friends does not necessarily mean anything about you changes. Sometimes, if it appears like you’ve changed, it is usually short lived. An example of this we see quite o�en is with

someone who struggles with addiction such as drugs or alcohol. Usually, they change their social circle to remove themselves from temptations and in�uence. However, more o�en than not, the person’s addiction free experience lasts for a short while before they �nd themselves back amongst old acquaintances falling back into the same old patterns.

All change starts from within. �ere are no exceptions to this fact. Our thoughts create our feelings which directly a�ect our entire experience in life. Dr. Wayne Dyer says in his book “�e Power of Intention,” if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. In other words, changing your thoughts around something, someone, or a situation will change your feelings around that topic. When your feelings change, so does the frequency in which all the atoms inside your body and your environment move. �e higher the frequency the more positively energized things become, and a lower frequency, creates the opposite e�ect. When we feel sick, our frequencies are low, and our thoughts are usually negative, especially around being sick. Just like with all other experiences, healing starts from within, but the question is, where does it go from there?

�e act of healing can be put quite simply as raising ones frequency high enough for positive change to occur. �is can be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual healing. Remember that when you raise the frequencies within you it directly raises the frequencies around you as well. We have all known someone, that all they had to do was walk into a room and the whole place lights up. Have you noticed how you become stressed when you here a crying baby, or how a baby’s laughter causes you to smile and feel good. It’s their frequency that changes the energy in where they are at. When you decide to heal an area in your life such as, health, �nances, work or relationships, simply start with your thoughts around it. Notice how your feelings change and even though you don’t have any control over anyone else, you will notice that people will react to the change in one way or another. People, who choose to stay stuck where they are at, will fall away. Many others with the same desire as you to heal and live a positive experience will draw closer to you and begin to heal with you.

�is process is called lateral healing.

If you would like more information or have any questions, feel free to contact Eivind Andersen. He is a certi�ed wholistic practitioner and hypnotherapist with Together in Wellness. Drop him a line at 250-372-8887 or email [email protected]

Together in Wellness – Mobile Wellness TeamChristie Sound Workshop Facilitator, Eivind Andersen Wholistic Practitioner

Tel: 250-372-8887, Email: [email protected]:

Tuesdays & Thursdays 5 - 6:30pm

Photographer: Kelly Tuohey

On the Cover...

Yoga teacher: Tania

Health |Yoga | Spirituality | Meditation | Dance |Fitness | Nutrition

Page 5: Interior Wellness

Issue #24Interior wellness

In my life journey this quote has become increasingly more important as a foundational principle in my personal and work life.

This statement holds true for all types of body movement, from physically moving our bodies to the micro-movement within our bodies. This micro-movement includes the natural physiological movements of bones, fascia,

body – whether we are physically moving or not. It is in these vital areas where restrictions or blocks at even the most minute level can compromise our health. If these restrictions are not released they can cause a much greater negative impact on the surrounding structures, affecting the entire body.

William Garner Sutherland developed CranioSacral Therapy (CST) over 60 years ago. His research led to techniques that allow the trained therapist to free up restrictions throughout the cranial sacral mechanism (housing the nervous system throughout the entire body). With gentle manipulation the CranioSacral Therapist uses his/her skill to free up the body allowing for the return of function to that area. As a result CST has a positive effect on vitality, health and sense of well-being.

(CSF) throughout the body. Produced within the cranium, CSF bathes and nourishes the brain and spinal cord and is imperative to all of the nerve and fascial functions within the body. We each possess a craniosacral rhythm that the entire body responds to, similar to a heart or respiratory rhythm. The CranioSacral Therapist can detect dysfunction by using palpation

restrictions allowing the body to be in an optimum state to heal the root cause of the problem. Areas of dysfunction can be the result of a wide range of causes including: trauma, medical conditions, emotional disorders, stress, surgery, chronic or acute pain, sinusitis, TMJ, insomnia and low energy. Signs and symptoms of cranial sacral rhythm dysfunction include: aches, pains, chronic conditions and lack of energy.

A long lasting injury will have many layers of compensations that need to be removed layer by layer, a process that can take a number of CranioSacral Therapy treatments. A recent injury or dysfunction may be corrected in fewer treatments.

The assessment and treatment techniques used in CranioSacral Therapy involve a wide variety of gentle manipulation techniques focusing on the membranes and vessels within the skull, the entire spinal column, sacrum and the body’s diaphragms. Once areas of dysfunction are freed up the body is able to return to a natural state of health and harmony.

Since the CranioSacral Therapist is working with the movement of the

at the Canadian College of Osteopathy. Scott is passionate about health and wellness in is own life and is dedicated to making a positive difference in the

lives of people living with pain, discomfort or lack of vitality. To book an appointment in Merritt or Kamloops call 250-378-9883 (Merritt) or email scott@


“Motion is life, life is motion.” - A.T. Still, Founder of Osteopathy


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In my life journey this quote has become increasingly more important as a foundational principle in my personal and work life.

This statement holds true for all types of body movement, from physically moving our bodies to the micro-movement within our bodies. This micro-movement includes the natural physiological movements of bones, fascia,

body – whether we are physically moving or not. It is in these vital areas where restrictions or blocks at even the most minute level can compromise our health. If these restrictions are not released they can cause a much greater negative impact on the surrounding structures, affecting the entire body.

William Garner Sutherland developed CranioSacral Therapy (CST) over 60 years ago. His research led to techniques that allow the trained therapist to free up restrictions throughout the cranial sacral mechanism (housing the nervous system throughout the entire body). With gentle manipulation the CranioSacral Therapist uses his/her skill to free up the body allowing for the return of function to that area. As a result CST has a positive effect on vitality, health and sense of well-being.

(CSF) throughout the body. Produced within the cranium, CSF bathes and nourishes the brain and spinal cord and is imperative to all of the nerve and fascial functions within the body. We each possess a craniosacral rhythm that the entire body responds to, similar to a heart or respiratory rhythm. The CranioSacral Therapist can detect dysfunction by using palpation

restrictions allowing the body to be in an optimum state to heal the root cause of the problem. Areas of dysfunction can be the result of a wide range of causes including: trauma, medical conditions, emotional disorders, stress, surgery, chronic or acute pain, sinusitis, TMJ, insomnia and low energy. Signs and symptoms of cranial sacral rhythm dysfunction include: aches, pains, chronic conditions and lack of energy.

A long lasting injury will have many layers of compensations that need to be removed layer by layer, a process that can take a number of CranioSacral Therapy treatments. A recent injury or dysfunction may be corrected in fewer treatments.

The assessment and treatment techniques used in CranioSacral Therapy involve a wide variety of gentle manipulation techniques focusing on the membranes and vessels within the skull, the entire spinal column, sacrum and the body’s diaphragms. Once areas of dysfunction are freed up the body is able to return to a natural state of health and harmony.

Since the CranioSacral Therapist is working with the movement of the

at the Canadian College of Osteopathy. Scott is passionate about health and wellness in is own life and is dedicated to making a positive difference in the

lives of people living with pain, discomfort or lack of vitality. To book an appointment in Merritt or Kamloops call 250-378-9883 (Merritt) or email scott@


“Motion is life, life is motion.” - A.T. Still, Founder of OsteopathyIn my life journey this quote has become increasingly more important as a

foundational principle in my personal and work life.

This statement holds true for all types of body movement, from physically moving our bodies to the micro-movement within our bodies. This micro-movement includes the natural physiological movements of bones, fascia,

body – whether we are physically moving or not. It is in these vital areas where restrictions or blocks at even the most minute level can compromise our health. If these restrictions are not released they can cause a much greater negative impact on the surrounding structures, affecting the entire body.

William Garner Sutherland developed CranioSacral Therapy (CST) over 60 years ago. His research led to techniques that allow the trained therapist to free up restrictions throughout the cranial sacral mechanism (housing the nervous system throughout the entire body). With gentle manipulation the CranioSacral Therapist uses his/her skill to free up the body allowing for the return of function to that area. As a result CST has a positive effect on vitality, health and sense of well-being.

(CSF) throughout the body. Produced within the cranium, CSF bathes and nourishes the brain and spinal cord and is imperative to all of the nerve and fascial functions within the body. We each possess a craniosacral rhythm that the entire body responds to, similar to a heart or respiratory rhythm. The CranioSacral Therapist can detect dysfunction by using palpation

restrictions allowing the body to be in an optimum state to heal the root cause of the problem. Areas of dysfunction can be the result of a wide range of causes including: trauma, medical conditions, emotional disorders, stress, surgery, chronic or acute pain, sinusitis, TMJ, insomnia and low energy. Signs and symptoms of cranial sacral rhythm dysfunction include: aches, pains, chronic conditions and lack of energy.

A long lasting injury will have many layers of compensations that need to be removed layer by layer, a process that can take a number of CranioSacral Therapy treatments. A recent injury or dysfunction may be corrected in fewer treatments.

The assessment and treatment techniques used in CranioSacral Therapy involve a wide variety of gentle manipulation techniques focusing on the membranes and vessels within the skull, the entire spinal column, sacrum and the body’s diaphragms. Once areas of dysfunction are freed up the body is able to return to a natural state of health and harmony.

Since the CranioSacral Therapist is working with the movement of the

at the Canadian College of Osteopathy. Scott is passionate about health and wellness in is own life and is dedicated to making a positive difference in the

lives of people living with pain, discomfort or lack of vitality. To book an appointment in Merritt or Kamloops call 250-378-9883 (Merritt) or email scott@


“Motion is life, life is motion.” - A.T. Still, Founder of Osteopathy

Page 6: Interior Wellness

Summer 2012


Interior wellness



Midwife, Joanna Nemrava welcomes new baby Rowen Michael Stagg, born February 25th to proud parents Larissa &Bill of Tappen BC.

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�ose who attended our recent Kamloops Well-ness Festival may have seized the opportunity to experience yoga and meditation with Padma, one of Canada’s most respected and popular teachers of yoga and self-realization. She has produced and hosted several nationally aired TV series featuring Padma Yoga. Interior Wellness Magazine had a chance to connect with Padma personally to �nd out more about her journey and who she is.

Interior Wellness: I understand that you studied in India for 10 years. Can you tell us about your time there?

Padma: While traveling in Southeast Asia, many years ago, I happened upon a meditation teacher. I stayed for a few weeks, returned for 2 months and then 6 months. I was then able to obtain a student visa and eventually ended up living there for 10 years. �e location of this Meditation Institute is in an isolated area high in the Himalayan Mountains. �is location is rustic and beautiful, surrounded by terraced farmland.

�is was not a traditional ashram. I lived in my own small place, and looked a�er my own needs. �e teachers in the institute came from all over the world and taught the many aspects of yoga, including the Patanjali Sutras, Bhagavad-Gita studies, breath-work, Sanskrit and meditation. �is lineage of teaching encouraged one to become an authentic instructor, teaching in her own voice, instead of trying to copy the teacher.

IW: What happened when you returned to Canada?

Padma: I anticipated returning to my previ-ous line of work but kept getting called to teach. �ere was a demand for instruction in medita-tion, self awareness, yoga and the philosophy of meditation. So the unexpected opportunity was there for me to teach what I love.

IW: What type of meditation do you teach?

Padma: I have taken what I have learned and teach with my own voice, not trying to copy

my teachers, but answering the needs of my stu-dents. I learned to study with my teacher and to meditate, and this is the model that I use. Each person brings their own uniqueness to study and meditation and if asked for assistance I help the student to �nd their own freedom. �e skills and techniques vary, calling for a whole philosophy and perhaps lifestyle change. Even within larger groups the intention is to assist the individual �nd the meditation technique that works best for them.

IW: I have personally bene�ted from one of your “Modern Meditations” DVD. �e segment on anxiety was especially helpful.

Padma: In the “Modern Meditations” DVD series, various life challenges are speci�cally considered, such as anxiety. �is is therapeutic meditation and yoga, working through issues in each of the 23 minute segments. I bring the full practice of body, breath, philosophy and meditation to each of my classes. Students have successfully overcome anxieties such as the fear of �ying through using this speci�c therapy.

IW: Am I correct in assuming that Padma Yoga is more concerned with the development of con-sciousness than in perfecting the yogic poses?

Padma: Padma Yoga is about �nding free-dom through developing consciousness. All the techniques support that main purpose. What I teach uses many methods and practices, as previ-ously mentioned and may even include Tai Chi. In saying that, I am not just teaching speci�c techniques and postures for their own sake, but that their e�ect may strengthen and purify the subtle body. �is work also balances and clari-�es the capacity of the mind, releasing the power and freedom within. Padma Yoga assists people to become aware of their own pure presence. I o�er the supplementary skills to help the student to reach this awareness. It is important to know your main purpose and �nd a teacher with whom you can work.

IW: I understand that you return to India for 2 months each year.

Padma: I return to India to be with my teacher, to meditate, study and ask questions. My teacher is 86 years old and his wisdom supports me in the development of my own practice. We talk and we meditate for several hours each day.

IW: You are much appreciated for the thor-oughness and focus that you bring to the ex-panding understanding of yoga and meditation. Your DVD’s make your work very accessible.

Padma: �ank you. I have 2 series of DVD’s that present a full practice of body, breath, phi-losophy and meditation. �e Elemental Series and Modern Meditations are available on my website. “Mountain” and “Ocean” DVD’s, follow a di�erent format and have become best sellers in Canada. All three sets are sold individually.

IW: �ank you so much, Padma, for taking time for this interview. We look forward to see-ing you next year at our Wellness Festival.

Interview by Arlene Soloman. Arlene is a beloved and regular contributor to Interior WellnessMore info on Padma can be found at

An Interview with Padma

Page 7: Interior Wellness

Issue #24Interior wellness

Katrina Hokule’a ArielPlayful, Empowering, and Profound Yoga Instruction

Local Author ~ Yoga for Dragon Riders

www.Yoga With Katrina.comCheck Online for Class Schedule and Descriptions:

Yoga from the Heart

Page 8: Interior Wellness

Summer 2012


Interior wellness


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Did you ever wonder how to BE the change you want to see in the world? What would it take for your life to get better? - What if, for example, you could change your body, relationships, or money situation, just by changing your point of view? Twenty years ago, a man named Gary Douglas did just that. By asking “How can this get better?” and using simple tools and processes that anyone can learn, he experienced such profound improvements in his

life that he couldn’t help but share this discovery with the world. He called it Access Consciousness. What I love about Access Consciousness is that it is based on the question. A decision, conclusion, answer, belief, de�nition or judgment limits us, whereas a question opens us to in�nite possibilities. Living in question mode without judgment is how you tap into the in�nite and create change.

Let’s look at a simple example. �e last time you couldn’t �nd your car keys did you automatically conclude that you are getting forgetful and must be aging? How many limiting beliefs, conclusions, worries and judgments are in that kind of thinking? Had you instead asked the question (with no judgment, point of view or expectation) “How can locating my car keys get easier and

quicker?” You would lighten up, feel better about yourself, and create more possibilities for placing and �nding your keys next time.

�ere are many wonderful tools and processes for change with Access Consciousness. �e most popular, foundational tool is a hands-on modality that anyone can learn called �e BARS. �ere are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head. �ey store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. �ere are Bars for healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, aging, sex and money to name a few. Each thought, decision or belief that you have �xed in place solidi�es the energy and limits your capacity to be generative in that area and have something di�erent show up in your life with ease. �e e�ect on your brain is analogous to defragging the hard drive on your computer.

You feel as though you’ve had an incredible massage. And when you let go of years of limiting patterns, your whole life can change.Reported bene�ts of having your BARS run include enhanced sleep and relaxation, quieter, clearer, more peaceful mind with reduced “chatter ”, health and weight changes, improved outlook, more abundance and joy…. How does it get any better than that?As an Access BARS Facilitator I have enjoyed watching myself and others create more fun, awareness and abundance in our lives. Last month, as I continued to ask my favorite question, What Else Is Possible? --What came up was the crazy idea of having a BARS practitioner training class in water! Typically your BARS are run reclining on a chair or massage table.

What an amazing event that was! We created the First Ever BARS class in WATER on the Planet, right here in Kamloops! How Does It Get Any Better �an �at?

Here are some pictures of this unprecedented event!

�e warm, body- temperature salt water of the CB Wellness Centre pool is not only in itself a therapeutic agent, but is also a great conductor of energy! You really should try doing your energy work in this amazing pool and genuinely healing environment!

Here are some of the comments we received from class

participants: “Just want to say again how much I enjoyed this class. Wow, that was fun. I really learned a lot from you as facilitator, it was really great to be in your really helped me �gure out how to �ow a bit more freely with the pacing of the day…the water was really fun! Loved it!”

Sheryl H, Armstrong

“Completing my second BARS class at the Centennial salt water Pool (Kamloops) was a unique experience one cannot explain fully to others but encourage them to try it...My body is light, full of energy and every cell is alive... Water BARS-what a �ank you, Cathy...

In gratitude and joy...Edith:) “Kamloops

With in�nite gratitude for all those who pioneered this event , I welcome any and

all to the next Access Bars training classes and Exchanges at the CB Wellness Centre.

For more details contact.

Kamloops Centennial Building (CB) Wellness Centre for more

information 250-374-7383.

For More Information about Access Consciousness, how to become a practitioner or to receive a private session from a local practitioner, visit

Cathy Lidster has 30 years experience in the Alternative Healthcare �eld, as a Nutritionist, Feldenkrais Practitioner, HypnoBirthing Educator, and Access BARS facilitator. She can be reached at 250-819-9041 or [email protected] and welcomes you and your questions. She is always available to speak to your interest group.

Centennial Building Wellness Centre Presents

A New Wave in Complementary Health Care

O�ering Pain Solutions for

Plus Access Bars exchange dates in Water!

For Further information please call 250 374 7383 or For Sound Health!

Centennial Building Wellness Centre Kamloops Inc. 103 - 153 Seymour Str.Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2C7

Grand Opening

Sept 15th

Centre for Self Healing

What Else Is Possible? - An Introduction to Access Consciousness

By Cathy Lidster

Page 9: Interior Wellness

Issue #24Interior wellness

Did you ever wonder how to BE the change you want to see in the world? What would it take for your life to get better? - What if, for example, you could change your body, relationships, or money situation, just by changing your point of view? Twenty years ago, a man named Gary Douglas did just that. By asking “How can this get better?” and using simple tools and processes that anyone can learn, he experienced such profound improvements in his

life that he couldn’t help but share this discovery with the world. He called it Access Consciousness. What I love about Access Consciousness is that it is based on the question. A decision, conclusion, answer, belief, de�nition or judgment limits us, whereas a question opens us to in�nite possibilities. Living in question mode without judgment is how you tap into the in�nite and create change.

Let’s look at a simple example. �e last time you couldn’t �nd your car keys did you automatically conclude that you are getting forgetful and must be aging? How many limiting beliefs, conclusions, worries and judgments are in that kind of thinking? Had you instead asked the question (with no judgment, point of view or expectation) “How can locating my car keys get easier and

quicker?” You would lighten up, feel better about yourself, and create more possibilities for placing and �nding your keys next time.

�ere are many wonderful tools and processes for change with Access Consciousness. �e most popular, foundational tool is a hands-on modality that anyone can learn called �e BARS. �ere are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head. �ey store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. �ere are Bars for healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, aging, sex and money to name a few. Each thought, decision or belief that you have �xed in place solidi�es the energy and limits your capacity to be generative in that area and have something di�erent show up in your life with ease. �e e�ect on your brain is analogous to defragging the hard drive on your computer.

You feel as though you’ve had an incredible massage. And when you let go of years of limiting patterns, your whole life can change.Reported bene�ts of having your BARS run include enhanced sleep and relaxation, quieter, clearer, more peaceful mind with reduced “chatter ”, health and weight changes, improved outlook, more abundance and joy…. How does it get any better than that?As an Access BARS Facilitator I have enjoyed watching myself and others create more fun, awareness and abundance in our lives. Last month, as I continued to ask my favorite question, What Else Is Possible? --What came up was the crazy idea of having a BARS practitioner training class in water! Typically your BARS are run reclining on a chair or massage table.

What an amazing event that was! We created the First Ever BARS class in WATER on the Planet, right here in Kamloops! How Does It Get Any Better �an �at?

Here are some pictures of this unprecedented event!

�e warm, body- temperature salt water of the CB Wellness Centre pool is not only in itself a therapeutic agent, but is also a great conductor of energy! You really should try doing your energy work in this amazing pool and genuinely healing environment!

Here are some of the comments we received from class

participants: “Just want to say again how much I enjoyed this class. Wow, that was fun. I really learned a lot from you as facilitator, it was really great to be in your really helped me �gure out how to �ow a bit more freely with the pacing of the day…the water was really fun! Loved it!”

Sheryl H, Armstrong

“Completing my second BARS class at the Centennial salt water Pool (Kamloops) was a unique experience one cannot explain fully to others but encourage them to try it...My body is light, full of energy and every cell is alive... Water BARS-what a �ank you, Cathy...

In gratitude and joy...Edith:) “Kamloops

With in�nite gratitude for all those who pioneered this event , I welcome any and

all to the next Access Bars training classes and Exchanges at the CB Wellness Centre.

For more details contact.

Kamloops Centennial Building (CB) Wellness Centre for more

information 250-374-7383.

For More Information about Access Consciousness, how to become a practitioner or to receive a private session from a local practitioner, visit

Cathy Lidster has 30 years experience in the Alternative Healthcare �eld, as a Nutritionist, Feldenkrais Practitioner, HypnoBirthing Educator, and Access BARS facilitator. She can be reached at 250-819-9041 or [email protected] and welcomes you and your questions. She is always available to speak to your interest group.

Centennial Building Wellness Centre Presents

A New Wave in Complementary Health Care

O�ering Pain Solutions for

Plus Access Bars exchange dates in Water!

For Further information please call 250 374 7383 or For Sound Health!

Centennial Building Wellness Centre Kamloops Inc. 103 - 153 Seymour Str.Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2C7

Grand Opening

Sept 15th

Centre for Self Healing

What Else Is Possible? - An Introduction to Access Consciousness

By Cathy Lidster Did you ever wonder how to BE the change you want to see in the world? What would it take for your life to get better? - What if, for example, you could change your body, relationships, or money situation, just by changing your point of view? Twenty years ago, a man named Gary Douglas did just that. By asking “How can this get better?” and using simple tools and processes that anyone can learn, he experienced such profound improvements in his

life that he couldn’t help but share this discovery with the world. He called it Access Consciousness. What I love about Access Consciousness is that it is based on the question. A decision, conclusion, answer, belief, de�nition or judgment limits us, whereas a question opens us to in�nite possibilities. Living in question mode without judgment is how you tap into the in�nite and create change.

Let’s look at a simple example. �e last time you couldn’t �nd your car keys did you automatically conclude that you are getting forgetful and must be aging? How many limiting beliefs, conclusions, worries and judgments are in that kind of thinking? Had you instead asked the question (with no judgment, point of view or expectation) “How can locating my car keys get easier and

quicker?” You would lighten up, feel better about yourself, and create more possibilities for placing and �nding your keys next time.

�ere are many wonderful tools and processes for change with Access Consciousness. �e most popular, foundational tool is a hands-on modality that anyone can learn called �e BARS. �ere are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head. �ey store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. �ere are Bars for healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, aging, sex and money to name a few. Each thought, decision or belief that you have �xed in place solidi�es the energy and limits your capacity to be generative in that area and have something di�erent show up in your life with ease. �e e�ect on your brain is analogous to defragging the hard drive on your computer.

You feel as though you’ve had an incredible massage. And when you let go of years of limiting patterns, your whole life can change.Reported bene�ts of having your BARS run include enhanced sleep and relaxation, quieter, clearer, more peaceful mind with reduced “chatter ”, health and weight changes, improved outlook, more abundance and joy…. How does it get any better than that?As an Access BARS Facilitator I have enjoyed watching myself and others create more fun, awareness and abundance in our lives. Last month, as I continued to ask my favorite question, What Else Is Possible? --What came up was the crazy idea of having a BARS practitioner training class in water! Typically your BARS are run reclining on a chair or massage table.

What an amazing event that was! We created the First Ever BARS class in WATER on the Planet, right here in Kamloops! How Does It Get Any Better �an �at?

Here are some pictures of this unprecedented event!

�e warm, body- temperature salt water of the CB Wellness Centre pool is not only in itself a therapeutic agent, but is also a great conductor of energy! You really should try doing your energy work in this amazing pool and genuinely healing environment!

Here are some of the comments we received from class

participants: “Just want to say again how much I enjoyed this class. Wow, that was fun. I really learned a lot from you as facilitator, it was really great to be in your really helped me �gure out how to �ow a bit more freely with the pacing of the day…the water was really fun! Loved it!”

Sheryl H, Armstrong

“Completing my second BARS class at the Centennial salt water Pool (Kamloops) was a unique experience one cannot explain fully to others but encourage them to try it...My body is light, full of energy and every cell is alive... Water BARS-what a �ank you, Cathy...

In gratitude and joy...Edith:) “Kamloops

With in�nite gratitude for all those who pioneered this event , I welcome any and

all to the next Access Bars training classes and Exchanges at the CB Wellness Centre.

For more details contact.

Kamloops Centennial Building (CB) Wellness Centre for more

information 250-374-7383.

For More Information about Access Consciousness, how to become a practitioner or to receive a private session from a local practitioner, visit

Cathy Lidster has 30 years experience in the Alternative Healthcare �eld, as a Nutritionist, Feldenkrais Practitioner, HypnoBirthing Educator, and Access BARS facilitator. She can be reached at 250-819-9041 or [email protected] and welcomes you and your questions. She is always available to speak to your interest group.

Centennial Building Wellness Centre Presents

A New Wave in Complementary Health Care

O�ering Pain Solutions for

Plus Access Bars exchange dates in Water!

For Further information please call 250 374 7383 or For Sound Health!

Centennial Building Wellness Centre Kamloops Inc. 103 - 153 Seymour Str.Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2C7

Grand Opening

Sept 15th

Centre for Self Healing

What Else Is Possible? - An Introduction to Access Consciousness

By Cathy Lidster

Page 10: Interior Wellness

Summer 2012


Interior wellness


5:45 - 6:45 am Monday - ThursdayYOGA FITNESS BOOT CAMP Pre-Register! Let’s Move Studio

9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga: All Levels

Christine @ Let’s Move Studio

9:00 - 10:20 am Yoga: Align and Flow: All Levels

Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio

9:00 - 10:20 am Yoga: Deep Healing Restorative

Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio

10:00 -10:55amPILATES: Beginner Cardio Mat

Cassie M @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

12:00 - 1:00 pm Awareness Through Movement

Colleen @ Let’s Move Studio

12:00 - 1:00 pm Yoga: Any Shape, Any Size! Bonny Z. @ Let’s Move Studio

12:00 pm - 1:00 pmYoga: Beginners

Angie @ Let’s Move Studio

12:10 -1:00 pmPILATES: Well Backs Mat

Cassie M @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

12:30 - 1:30 pm Mon - Fri Ai Chi (Water Tai Chi)

Audrey @ CB Wellness Centre

12:30- 1:25 pmPILATES: Beginner/Intermediate Mat

Christine W. @ The Pilates Tree

5:00 - 6:00 pmYoga: Rehabilitative

Cheryl @ Let’s Move Studio

5:30 - 6:30 pm Woga (Water Yoga)Tuesdays & Thursdays

Audrey @ CB Wellness Centre

5:30 – 6:40 pmPower Yoga

Amber H. @ St Andrews

6:35 - 7:35 pmPilates: GUYS ONLY Mat Class

Christine W. @ The Pilates Tree

5:25 - 6:20 pmPILATES: Beginner Mat

Mira S. @ The Pilates Tree

6:30 – 7:30 pmYoga: Ashtanga Flow, All LevelsColleen @ Let’s Move Studio

5:00 - 6:00 pmYoga: Intermediate

Cheryl @ Let’s Move Studio

6:15 - 6:55 pmZumba: All Levels

Shay @ Let's Move Studio

7:00 - 7:55 pmZumba: All Levels

Amber D @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

6:10 - 7:00 pmZUMBA: All Levels

Shay @ Let’s Move Studio

7:00 – 8:00 pm Prenatal Yoga (pre-register)

Amber H. @ St Andrews

7:30 - 8:30pmZumba: Big Bash

Cactus Jacks: with Shay & Friends

7:00 - 8:10 pmPower Yoga

Amber H. @ St. Andrews

7:10 - 8:00 pmUrban Abs & Buns

Jaime @ Let's Move Studio

7:15 - 8:15 pmYoga: Beginners Any Shape, Any Size!

Bonny Z. @ Let’s Move Studio


Let’s Move Studio 925 McGill Place 250-372-9642

St. Andrews 159 Seymour St.

St. Paul’s Church Hall 360 Nicola St.

The Mind Body Connection 253 Victoria St. 250-374-2748/250-374-5421

The Pilates Tree #101-409 Seymour St. 250-320-BODY

Barnhartvale: R. L. Clemitson Elementary Todd Rd

Centennial Building Wellness Centre 153 Seymour 250-374-7383

Dallas Elementary: 296 Harper Rd

EVOLVE Pilates Studio #201-1361 McGill 250-372-7237


For class updates and changes check out:

Page 11: Interior Wellness

Issue #24Interior wellness

Issue #21


9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga: All Levels

Cheryl @ Let’s Move Studio

9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga: Morning Yoga, All Levels

Bonny @ Let’s Move Studio

10:10 - 11:05amPilates: Beginner Mat Class

Christine W. @ The Pilates Tree

10:00 - 11:25 amZUMBA & PILATES: All Levels

Amber D @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

12:00 - 1:00 pm Yoga: Any Shape, Any Size! Bonny Z. @ Let’s Move Studio

10:30 – 11:30 amYoga: All Levels

Cheryl @ Let’s Move Studio

12:00 - 1:00 pm Yoga

Carrie @ Let’s Move Studio

5:00 - 5:50pmHula Hoop Fit: Beginner (hoops provided)

Daryl @ Let's Move StudioSUNDAY

7:30 - 8:30 pm

Meditationby donation @ Let’s Move Studio

4:15-5:10 pmPilates: Beginner Mat

Tricia T. @ The Pilates Tree

5:00 - 5:55 pmPILATES: Beginner

Cassie M @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

5:00 - 6:30 pm Yoga: All Levels

Christine S. @ Mind Body Connection

6:30 – 7:20 pmZUMBA: All Levels

Shay & Friends @ Bentos Lodge Sunpeaks

6:30 – 7:30 pmYoga: Vinyasa Flow - All LevelsAlison @ Let’s Move Studio

7:45 – 8:35 pmZUMBA: All Levels

Tara @ Let’s Move Studio

Alison N. 250-573-4821 [email protected]

Amber D. 250-372-7237 [email protected]

Amber H. 250-318-5370

Audrey/Alex 250-374-7383

Bonny Z 778-470-5803 [email protected]

Cassie 250-372-7237 [email protected]

Cathy 250 851-2909 [email protected]

Christine S. 250-374-5421 [email protected]

Emma 250-320-2639 [email protected]

Colleen 250-377-7203 [email protected]

Cheryl 778-220-0787 [email protected]

Katrina 250-374-6493

Marcia 250-319-8583 [email protected]

Rosi 250-372-9642 [email protected]

Shay 250-852-0564 [email protected]

Tania 250-572-1668


Teachers Contact Info


Sundays 9:30 am - 12 noon

Meditation with Ajahn Sona

March 18, April 15 @ Let’s Move Studio

Meditation With Birken Forest Monastery:

Sundays­­March­18th,­April­15th 9:30am-12:00­@­Let’s­Move­Studio­BY­[email protected]

6:00 - 6:50 pm ZUMBA: All Levels

Shay @ Let’s Move Studio

6:00 - 7:00 pmYoga

Alison @ Barnhartvale: R. L. Clemitson Elementary

5:00 - 6:30 pm Yoga: All Levels

Christine S. @ Mind Body Connection

5:00 - 6:30 pmBelly Dance: Beginners

Rosi @ Let’s Move Studio

12:05 - 12:55 pm Lunch Hour Yoga

Christine S. @ Mind Body Connection

11:00amMeditation: by donation

Christine S. @ Mind Body Connection

12:00 - 1:30 pm Yoga 50+

Christine S. @ Mind Body Connection

5:00 - 6:30 pm Belly Dance: AdvancedRosi @ Let’s Move Studio

7:00 - 8:20 pmPrenatal Yoga

Tania @ Mind Body Connection

Page 12: Interior Wellness

Summer 2012


Interior wellness

Crop Proportions for a Healthy Diet

Raised Beds

per season,

Maintaining Plant Health

Saving Seeds

Preserving your Harvest

Organic Produce Delivery Service

250-315-4743email: [email protected]:

Serving Merritt and Interior B.C.

Organic Produce -and More- Delivered

to Your Door






Page 13: Interior Wellness

Issue #24Interior wellness

Hug An AddictHug An AddictHug An Addict

Hug An AddictHug An AddictHug An AddictHug An AddictHug An AddictHug An AddictHug An Addict

Hug An AddictHug An AddictHug An AddictHug An AddictHug An Addict

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Celebration: 10:30 amMeditation: 10:00 am

Sundays at 540 Seymour St.Please join us:

.cslkamloops.orgwww250-314-2028 or

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Celebration: 10:30 amMeditation: 10:00 am

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.cslkamloops.org250-314-2028 or

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Page 14: Interior Wellness

Summer 2012


Interior wellness

Part III of a three-part series articulating a yogic meditation practice

KUNDALINI CHAKRA BREATH ee-parree-pahf a tf a th

ing Witntiaulctirs aeiret sree-pa otiattaiedc migoogg a ynng a y ecticarran po












Page 15: Interior Wellness

Issue #24Interior wellness

At the time of printing, my new babe, Juno Anne Taylor, will be nearly 3 months old. We are beginning to settle into a routine. The shift to two children has been completely overwhelming. By this I mean that anything people tell you about parenting that you know to be true intellectually, simply cannot be understood until you experience it physically and emotionally. It is just like people say: “Enjoy this, it happens so fast. They grow up before you know it.” It is so true! How do I balance the days that are gone in a blink of an eye with the ones that can’t end soon enough?

So where does yoga fit in? At the moment, it is spotty. Dinner still needs to get made. Dishes need to be done. I yell a lot and we watch a lot of TV. These things horrify me. I never wanted my children to watch a lot of TV, and how is it that a chilled out yogini can feel like she is going to metaphorically snap her crayons on a daily basis?

This situation isn’t forever, I remind myself. I won’t always be this tired. I won’t always have an active two year old and an infant, and I have to remember that there will be a time when I am sad that I don’t have a toddler with an insatiable lust for life and a wide eyed innocent babe who smiles and thinks I am the greatest. There are moments of indescribable bliss that go along with the low points.

The memory of those first few weeks is already feeling like a dream. I felt fragile and wobbly, like everything might fall apart at any minute, and at moments like it already had. But I felt much stronger than after the birth of my first daughter, both physically and emotionally. After my caesarean birth, I was up and doing a lap of the maternity ward on the second day! I truly believe that all of the focused belly breathing that I practiced before and after the birth of Juno helped me to heal, move on, and not mourn the things that did not go as I had planned as deeply as I did after Freja was born.

I had a huge struggle breast-feeding again but I let my practice become imaginative. As I inhaled I imagined myself reaching down deep within me and grasping all of my love, light and colour and with each exhale I imagined that this is what I was nourishing her with. I have started practicing pranayama in the car, pausing before I respond with an eruption, stretching my shoulders out before I get into bed. Occasionally I find time for a short asana practice. I have to be content with this for now. Ahimsa (doing no harm), right?

In the yoga model, the lower body or belly is where our instinct lies. Focusing our breath in the belly helps us to awaken our “gut” instinct. So far, with a second child I have learned that when a suggested or imposed strategy goes awry, my willingness to abide by my instinct as a parent is reinforced. This is very cool. And as I take a step back from a stronger physical practice for a while, I only hope I can retain some of the lessons from this intense time of learning. It is a simple time, not an easy time, of slowing down, listening, watching and being. As I begin teaching next week, I hope to be able to pass some of this on. But I apologize in advance if I don’t remember my left from my right and that I don’t know what day it is. Namaste.

Next Issue: Finding the balance between practice, teaching, and family.Tania is a 750-hour certified Hatha Teacher who has been teaching for 5 years. After having her first baby and discovering that there was no information for new moms and yoga, she has made it her mission to be better at documenting this journey and sharing it with others. You can find out more about Tania, her classes, and her other thoughts

My Changing Body, My Changing Practice a series exploring a yogini’s journey, both pre and post baby.

By Tania McCartney

Page 16: Interior Wellness

Summer 2012


Interior wellness

I am that I am.

Remember who you are.

Who ARE We Really?

I am love. I am Spirit. I am worthy.

I am that I am.where in you can, if you are willing to change your con

s a plane of awareness that you can opt to live at, “There’


I am that I am.where in you can, if you are willing to change your con

s a plane of awareness that you can opt to live at,

e WWe Who ARE

where in you can, if you are willing to change your cons a plane of awareness that you can opt to live at,

- sacredness. your back to you

that brings you






where in you can, if you are willing to change your con

ing any and all wishes that you have for yourself.”

get as spiritual beings we came here to have a hue forWWe for

we are unlimited; we are all powerful. e as human beings are powerful. WWe as human beings are powerful.

man experience. So, that tells us as we come here as Spirit

where in you can, if you are willing to change your con

, ayne Dyer -W -Wayne Dyer

ing any and all wishes that you have for yourself.”

get as spiritual beings we came here to have a hu

we are unlimited; we are all powerful. e are all-knowing; WWe are all-knowing; e as human beings are powerful.

man experience. So, that tells us as we come here as Spirit


get as spiritual beings we came here to have a hu

e are all-knowing;

-man experience. So, that tells us as we come here as Spirit

ake time out for yourself. Enjoy the stillness and the T

. bring you joyyou look at it, it will

Whenever . alterthat on your

What is sacred your

ake time out for yourself. Enjoy the stillness and the

you look at it, it will Whenever

ake time out for yourself. Enjoy the stillness and the

Therefore, what can we do to remind our, pg. 126). (Dyeryour highest self fearlessly proclaims I am (Spirit or) God”

if you presence, am I the are

with us.

man experience. So, that tells us as we come here as Spirit

not separated; we are one and we are Spirit. selves of who we really are, the I am.

Therefore, what can we do to remind ouryour highest self fearlessly proclaims I am (Spirit or) God”

self. highest your in trust if you

man experience. So, that tells us as we come here as Spirit

When we go not separated; we are one and we are Spirit. The Spirit and us are selves of who we really are, the I am.

Therefore, what can we do to remind ouryour highest self fearlessly proclaims I am (Spirit or) God”

And self.

man experience. So, that tells us as we come here as Spirit

-The Spirit and us are

Remember who you are.

this wise voice inside you.

Remember who you are.

this wise voice inside you.

I am Spirit.I am love.

I am Spirit.I am love.

out into the lush gardens of Mother Nature or the dry des

not separated; we are one and we are Spirit.

absorb the ancient wise enerus. Find a place outside where you can rest and be still and we are visiting ourselves. It isn’ert, swim in the healing waters of lakes, rivers or oceans

out into the lush gardens of Mother Nature or the dry des

When we go not separated; we are one and we are Spirit.

gies of the sweet earth.absorb the ancient wise enerus. Find a place outside where you can rest and be still and

t nature and us; nature is in we are visiting ourselves. It isn’ert, swim in the healing waters of lakes, rivers or oceans

Nurture it and as you do tobacco, sage, and lavenderBring this place gifts like

out into the lush gardens of Mother Nature or the dry des

When we go -

us. Find a place outside where you can rest and be still and t nature and us; nature is in

ert, swim in the healing waters of lakes, rivers or oceans

Nurture it and as you do . tobacco, sage, and lavender

Bring this place gifts like interest in Earth Based Medicine led her Biography: Michele’

interest in Earth Based Medicine led her s twenty years experience and her Biography: Michele’

worthyam I

s twenty years experience and her

. worthyworthy.

intersection between heaven and earth. It is a place for

home; it represents the Create an altar in your

this you nurture yourself.Nurture it and as you do

intersection between heaven and earth. It is a place for

home; it represents the Create an altar in your

this you nurture yourself.Nurture it and as you do

intersection between heaven and earth. It is a place for

.ca.intutivehealerContact information: [email protected] and www

to pursue the Shamanic teachings of the Inca

.ca.Contact information: [email protected] and www

to pursue the Shamanic teachings of the Inca

.Contact information: [email protected] and www

radition, Tto pursue the Shamanic teachings of the Inca

As we travel through our lives we need to step out

of the every daily demands and embrace the opportunity to be still, breathe and rest.

Take time out to enjoy the stillness, connecting with your breath and listening to your inner wise self Meditation offers a gentle experience of self care

Michele’s Intuitive Healing & Massage: Workshops, Meditation, CranioSacral, Intuitive Readings & Shamanic Healing. #2 - 231 Victoria St.

Tuesday Evenings

6:00 - 7:30pm September 25

October 23November 27December 18

Thursday Mornings

10:00 - 11:30amSeptember 27

October 25November 29December 20



s Intuitive Healing & Massage: W


connecting with your breath and listening to your inner wise selfake time out to enjoy the stillness, TTake time out to enjoy the stillness,

opportunity to be still, breathe and rest.of the every daily demands and embrace the

As we travel through our lives we need to step out with Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselman

editationwith Michele Gieselman

editationMeditationeditationeditationeditationeditationeditationwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele GieselmanM


orkshops, Meditation, CranioSacral, Intuitive Readings & Shamanic Healing. #2 - 231 V


connecting with your breath and listening to your inner wise selfake time out to enjoy the stillness,

opportunity to be still, breathe and rest.of the every daily demands and embrace the

As we travel through our lives we need to step out with Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselman

editationeditationeditationeditationeditationeditationwith Michele Gieselmanwith Michele Gieselman

s Intuitive Healing & Massage: W

orkshops, Meditation, CranioSacral, Intuitive Readings & Shamanic Healing. #2 - 231 Vconnecting with your breath and listening to your inner wise self

As we travel through our lives we need to step out

Meditation offers a gentle experience of self care

6:00 - 7:30pm

December 18November 27October 23

September 256:00 - 7:30pm

Evenings uesday T

December 20November 29October 25

September 2710:00 - 1


orkshops, Meditation, CranioSacral, Intuitive Readings & Shamanic Healing. #2 - 231 V

Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday

[email protected]

763 Front Street, KamloopsLocation #1 -

250-851-0966Contact Michele $15.00 drop in

Meditation offers a gentle experience of self careDecember 20November 29October 25

September 271:30am10:00 - 1

Mornings Thursday

ictoria St.

[email protected]

763 Front Street, KamloopsLocation #1 -

250-851-0966Contact Michele $15.00 drop in

Meditation offers a gentle experience of self careorkshops, Meditation, CranioSacral, Intuitive Readings & Shamanic Healing. #2 - 231 V

Page 17: Interior Wellness

Issue #24Interior wellness

­­­ Vital Point Acupuncture Jennifer­Larsen,R.Ac.­Offering­Classical­Acupuncture,­Facial­Rejuvenation,



Wild Roots Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture ClinicDr.­Andrea­Hansen,­Doctor­of­Chinese­Medicine­&­LicencedAcupuncturist.­Acupuncture,­herbal­medicine,­food­therapy.Create the Conditions for Healing.­­­­[email protected]


Kamloops Esthetics: Jan WynnychukDiscover­amazing­results­using­a­holistic­approach­to­skin­care.­­“Successful­Ageing”­#­301-141­Victoria­St.­­250-828-0909


Global Goddess Aromatherapy




Personal Training & Bootcamps

Home­Stretch­Fitness:­Wendy­Peterson.­­­­­250-31­[email protected]


SIGN UP NOW for your FREE consultation and join one of my Results Driven Fitness Programs

“Your success is my passion”

HOME STRETCH FITNESS • 250.319.7890 • [email protected]

Wendy Peterson

Shift EnterprisesThe­ULTIMATE­in­fitness­fun­&­dance!Zumba,­hula­hoop,­hip­hop­&­­[email protected]­­(250)­852-0564



Interior Wellness DirectoryYoga, Health & Spirituality in Kamloops & B.C. Interior


­­­­Yoga Potion: High­Grade­Essential­Oil­Blends;­Medicinal,­Skin­Care.­Environmental­&­Perfume­Potions.No­chemicals­or­synthetics­added.­Hand­made­in­B.C.1-888-974-6259­­­[email protected]

Breath Integration Counselling

Lynn­Aylward­250-319-7364Breath­Integration,­Counselling,­Bodywork­[email protected]­

Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness StudioDrs.­Lisa­and­Robert­"Live­the­life­you­were­meant­to­live"250-819-8585­(Lisa)­250-851-1145­(Rob)


Fluid Fire: Lisa­Hyder:­firedance­equipment,­LED­toys­&­custom­hula­hoops.­lessons­and­performances­­[email protected]

Yoga Fitness Bootcamp for WomenHave­fun­while­you­get­in­shape.­Get­strong­&­inspired!


Traditional and Modern Bellydance &­Tribal­FusionBellydance.­Classes­for­beginner,­intermediate­and­advanced­at­Let's­Move­Studio.­Fatamorgana

Bellydancers available­for­workshops­&­performancesRosi:­250-318-5445­[email protected]


Ariadne Sassafrass: Intuitive Awareness


Angela Strank, Intuitive Consultant,

Life & Abundance Coaching Founder­of­the­'LivingYour­Best­Life­Series'­­­Phone­Consultations:­250.532.9638­[email protected]­Your­Best­Life­Awaits­YOU!­What­Are­YOU­Waiting­For?




­­­­Creative Transformation for Body, Heart & Mind Marilyn­Puff­BSW,­Intuitive­Bodywork,­Breathwork,­Coaching,­Scalarwave­Technology,­Sound­and­Drum­Healing­Journeys­250­579-7688,­[email protected]

Page 18: Interior Wellness

Summer 2012


Interior wellness

Innovative Changes - Kim JensenUsui­&­Karuna­Reiki­Master­Practitioner­&­TeacherCeltic­Reiki­Practitioner


George Cheyne 1-888-804-4773 250-804-4776Certified­Live"­­Blood­Analysis,­Body­Management,­cleanses,herbal­supplements,­instructor,­cardiovascular­scanning.,­[email protected]

HARMONICS HEALING Val­MacKay-GreerVocal­Toning­for­Bodymindspirit­[email protected]


Michelle Morrison: The Balanced SoulIntuitive­Readings,­Meditation­&­Energetic­Healing

Usui­Reiki­Master­and­Shamanic­Practitioner250-682-8176­[email protected]

Marilyn Manderson, Attunement­PractitionerA­sacred­healing­art­&­spiritual­practiceDeepen­your­connection­with­[email protected]­­250-579-9444

Feldenkrais, Yoga and Reflexology


Paul Laviolette HHP ACTP RCRT


Tania Niedbala Tesla Healing Practitioner


Michele’s Intuitive Healing and MassageWorkshops,­Meditation,­Massage,­CranioSacral­&Intuitive­Readings­&­Shamanic­Healing.­250-851-0966,­[email protected]


Thai Massage & Feldenkrais with TysonRelax­-­Release­Stress­-­Reduce­Pain­

Fully-clothed­acupressure­massage­By Donation

1-250-226-6826 [email protected]­­

Therese Dorer Private­Consultations:­Medium,Shamanic­Healing,­Meditation,­empowering­youthrough­direct­connection­with­your­Spirit­Guides.­­­250-578-8447­



Stone Therapy Massage & Holistic Massage


Bach­Flower­Consultation,­Stone­Massage­TherapyAdvanced­PSYCH-K®­[email protected]­250.374.4073­

FINDING THE BALANCE WITHIN Justine­Richmond,­BSc.­BFRP.­ One-On-One Fitness and Massage


Sharyl Johnson: Angel Energys

Reiki,­Cranio­Sacral­Therapy,­Meditation­Facilitation,­Ceremony­&­Blessings:­Merritt.250-378-5385­­[email protected]

Katina O'Neil - Healer/Spiritual Consultant

Reiki­-­Shamanic­Healing­-­Spirit­Guides­&­yourSoul­brought­together­for­your­healing­journey.250-314-1413­­­[email protected]

Together in Wellness

Christie­Sound­–­Owner­/Workshop­FacilitatorEivind­Andersen­–­Wholistic­Practitioner250-372-8887­­[email protected]


Lori Putoto: Breath Integration Counsellor


Scott Fisher, Wellness in Motion

CranioSacral­Therapist­and­student­of­Osteopathyprovides­treatments­in­Merritt­and­Kamloops.­250-378-9883­[email protected]

Cameron Grant - Healer-Chakra­Stone­and­Ke­alahoku­Shamanic­Massage.­Breath­Integration­Heal-ing-­Discover­your­natural­being­on­the­Journey.250-318-3008­[email protected]­

Therese Laforge Access­Consciousness­Bars­facilitator,­energetic­facelift,­Theta,­Yuen,­BodyTalk­and­Scalar­Sound­practitioner.778-471-5598­or­[email protected]

Page 19: Interior Wellness

Issue #24Interior wellness


Hands On Homeopathy: Constitutional­approach­for­acute­and­chronic­concerns.­With­manual­chi­gong­for­maximum­benefit.­



HOMEOPATHYShambhala Meditation Group of Kamloops



­­­­Darlene Fair, RMT, RYT Craniosacral,­VisceralMassage,­Osteopathic­Techniques,­MyofascialRelease­and­Unwinding.­­Seymour­250-318-6300


Body Mind Spirit Coaching: Marlena Field, PCC,­CPCC­Professional­Certified­Coach:­Learn­to­trust­your­body'swisdom­as­you­face­challenges­and­make­­­250-851-0145

Mystic Dreams: Your­North­Shore­Metaphysical­Store!


BODY: HEALTHY - Wendy McLean, RMTcranial­osteopathy­-­myofascial­-­visceral­headache­-­neck/back­pain­-­pregnancy­injury­-­stress­­­­­­­­Effective­Holistic­Care­­­#260­-­546­St­Paul­St.­­­­­­­778-220-2225­­



In the kamloops naturopathic clinic

100 - 1315 Summit dr., KAMLOOPS, BC V2C 5R9


Carrie Martens, Advanced Homeopath

Consultations,­Home­Remedy­Kits,­and­Training­for­Families.­[email protected]­­­250-372-1760

Thompson Rivers Wellness CentreCraniosacral­Therapy,­Energetic­Healing,­Acutonics,­Homeopathy,­Hypnotherapy­and­much­more­for­yourwell-being­­­#­104­-­418­St.­Paul­Street


Let’s Move Studio

Yoga­&­Dance­classes,­Infrared­Sauna,­Workshops,­Events,­Meditations­and­more! 250-372-9642


Meditation in Daily Life With­Head­Abbot­AjhanSona from the Birken Forest Monastery: Medi-tation,­potluck­and­Q&A­­

Starts­back­up­in­September9:30am-12:00­Let’s­Move­Studio­BY­[email protected]

­­­­Cameron Grant, MA CEH ARW Generative­Hypnotherapy­and­Psychotherapy.­Restoring­harmony­and­balance­to­the­subconscious­and­somatic­minds.www.kamloopshypnotherapy.comPhone­Cam­today­250-318-3008


Centennial Building Wellness Centre

Freeing the body in water: Watsu, Ai Chi,

Woga, Aqua Jogging, Water Dance & Sound Baths 250-374-7383

Musings and Mud Coaching Studio

Create­the­life­that­sings­to­your­soul.Janet­L.­Whitehead,­Certified­Professional­Life­Coach­250­376-8402­[email protected]­

­­­­Find Strength in Action Life Coaching Kathy­Richins,­ICF­Certified­Life­CoachCoaching­for­Health,­Wellness­&­positive­change(778)­471-2634­or­(250)­574-7521

[email protected]­


Breath Integration CounsellingIndividual,­couples,­family­counselling.­One­dayworkshops,­6­month­Personal­EmpowermentTrainings.­Body­work.­Sunday­Spiritual­­250-554-6707



Weekly Meditation Group



Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness StudioDrs.­Lisa­and­Robert­"Live­the­life­you­were­meant­to­live"250-819-8585­(Lisa)­250-851-1145­(Rob)

InyouGo Inspiration: downtown­Armstrong,­pro-vides­a­wonderful­array­of­crystals,­gemstone­jew-ellery­and­imports­for­mind,­body,­spirit­&­soul­aswell­as­workshops­and­classes­for­your­­­250-546-2741

Interior Wellness Yoga,­Health­and­Sprituality­Your­Free­Online­Wellness­Resource­in­BC!Articles,­Recipes,­Practitioners,­Classes,­

Page 20: Interior Wellness

Summer 2012


Interior wellness

Dr. Melissa Bradwell, ND



Mighty Oak Midwifery Care


Thompson Rivers Midwifery Holistic­Mother-Baby­Care.­Free­for­BC­residents.Choose­Home­or­Hospital­Birth.­Accepting­new­clients!­(250)-572-0632­­


­­­­Snug Glee Bumz Diaper Service

[email protected]­250-554-9722Ease of Disposables, Benefits of Cloth.


Lynn Roberts - Health & Wellness Coach


­­­­ True Balance Nutrition and WellnessAlexis­Blueschke,­Registered­Dietitian­and­CertifiedLaughter­Yoga­Instructor.­Change­your­life­one­bite­

at­a­time.­250.319.7521­[email protected]


Suite with two treatment rooms and reception area to­rent­or­cost/shareGreat­downtown­location­with­elevator­accessNumerous­amenities­possible­Very­resonable­rate­call­250-319-7292

Laura Kalina, RD, M.Ad.Ed, Registered Dietitian

USANA­Nutritional­Supplements,­Low­GI­Eating,­Weight­Loss,­Diabetes­Management­­[email protected]­­

PRODUCE: Local, Organic

Organic Produce Delivery ServiceOrganic­Produce­-­and­More­-­Delivered­to­Your­Door


[email protected]

The PILATES Tree -



EVOLVE Pilates Studio 250-372-7237


Holistic Physical Therapy

Cathie Levin, BSc. PT: Registered­PhysiotherapistThe­Bodymind­Centre,­#205-635­Victoria­[email protected]­or­250-374-4383


Focus on Health PhysiotherapyErna­Stassen­BSc.­PT.­Registered­Physiotherapist



Ulis Mountain Retreat & Massages


Food allergies? Need to Detox? Cathy Lidster:


Lynne Kraushar, Certified Rolfer




Marilyn Manderson(250) 579-9444

[email protected]

Interior Wellness Yoga,­Health­and­Sprituality­Your­Free­Online­Wellness­Resource­in­BC!Articles,­Recipes,­Practitioners,­Classes,­

Attunement Circle Sundays­at­Lets­Move­StudioRelaxing,­healing,­nurtures­change,­enhances­connection­with­SourceBy­donation.­Marilyn­­(250)­579-9444­[email protected]­contact­for­details

Page 21: Interior Wellness


Issue #24Interior wellness

Meditation in Daily Life With­Head­Abbot­

Ajhan­Sona from the Birken Forest Monastery




BY­DONATION­[email protected]

­­­­The Way of the Shaman: Basic Workshop Shamanic­Journeying,­Power,­&­Healing­In­this­workshop,­participants­are­introduced­to­core­shamanismand­initiated­into­the­classic­shamanic­journey­for­awakening­dor-mant­spiritual­abilities,­healing,­problem­solving,­and­restoring­spiri-tual­power­&­health.­September­15-16,­2012­at­Let's­Move­Studio,Kamloops.­Registration:­$260­-­Space­is­limited­-­register­early!Instructor:­Gizelle­Rhyon-Berry,­M.A.­ED,­www.shamanism.orgContact:­Wade­at­[email protected]­or­604-378-9127Completion­of­The­Way­of­the­Shaman­workshop­is­a­prerequisitefor­more­advanced­workshops­and­training­courses­in­shamanismand­shamanic­healing­with­The­Foundation­for­Shamanic­Studies­

­­­­Hand Drumming with Raven:

Drum­circle­facilitator­&­teacher,­250-828-2953,­[email protected]­on­drum­events,­drum­circles,­lessons,­&­festivals.­Join­the­Ujamma­Drum­Circle-all­levels­&­ages,­comeand­be­a­drum­buddy!Contact­the­website­for­the­current­schedule­and­fees.

Sunday Spiritual Service 10:00­am,­Sundays:July­15­&­29th;­Aug­12­and­26th;­Sept­9th­@Scotch­Creek­prov.­Park­&­Sept­23rd.­#­204­-­535­Tranquille­Road­250-554-6707

Centre for Spiritual Living



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Sharing tools to transform your personal life���������and make a difference in the world.���������������� ���������������������������� ������������������������������������� �� ����� �������� ���!���" ��#��$���$#�#%����&&&'!��(����� �'��)�


Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of

Kamloops Freedom­of­religious­thoughtSunday­services,­Children's­programs,­Socialand­Environmental­Projects­

VIBRATIONAL SOUND THERAPY­­­­Vibrational Transformation Acutonics


You Can Heal Your Life Weekend Workshop

Based on the philosophy of Louise L. Hay

coming­in­September!­Contact­for­details!At­Let's­Move­Studio­­Cost:­­$165Register­with­Pauline­Tasker­­250-546-0348­­email:­­[email protected]

Sacred Bliss Wedding Ceremonies. Let your ceremony

tell the story of your relationship.­Specializing­in­same­sex­andalternative­wedding­ceremonies.­Licensed­with­Vital­StatisticsCanada.­Angela­Clark­250-318-2930­


Kamloops Hot Yoga



Bikram Yoga


Let’s Move Studio: Yoga­-­Dance­-­Wellness­Yoga,­Bellydance,­ZUMBA,­Fitness­&­moreKamloops’­Most­Diverse­Studio­ signup­for­a­free­class

Elemental Foundations Workshop with Padma


or­contact­Wendy­at­[email protected]

YOGA LOFT Yoga­for­you.­Yoga­for­your­family.­Your­yoga­community.4th­&­Seymour­@­409­Seymour­­250-319-8583



Interior Wellness


Workshops & Events

Interior Wellness

www.InteriorWellness.comYOGA Directory

Attunement Circle Sundays­at­Lets­Move­StudioRelaxing,­healing,­nurtures­change,­enhances­connection­with­SourceBy­donation.­Marilyn­­(250)­579-9444­[email protected]­contact­for­details

Page 22: Interior Wellness

Summer 2012


Interior wellness

Marcia Wilson


Yoga with Amber ~ RYT500 with Yoga BC


[email protected]­or­250-318-5370

­­­­ Innergize YOUR workplace!Bringing­the­benefits­of­yoga­into­thecorporate­­

­­­­South Okanagan Yoga Academy - Yoga­Teacher­Training­Registered­Yoga­School­for­RYT200­and­RYT500Flexible­Training!­

Immersions­or­Extended­programs­in­BC,­AB­&­Mexico!­­[email protected]­250-492-2587


Psoma Yoga Therapy: Donna Martin 635­Victoria­St.­250-374-2514­­[email protected]­­,­­

Optimal Health with Optimal Alignment

Katrina­Ariel­~­250-374-6493Freedom­from­pain­through­­­[email protected]


­­­­Darlene Fair, RMT, RYT Private­&­semi­private­yoga­sessions­available­relax-rejoice-renew­­Seymour­250-318-6300


Elizabeth Beeds, Editor, Publisher250-371-1938

[email protected]

For subscriptions, comments, advertising opportunities,information or to contribute articles contact us!

facebookInterior Wellness Magazine

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Interior WellnessYoga, Health & Spirituality in Kamloops & B.C. Interior


If you came to the third annualInterior Wellness Festival heldJune 1-3 at TRU, you will knowwhat I mean when we say wehave an inspiring wellness andyoga community here in Kam-loops and BC Interior. People

travelled from all over BC to join us at this unique annual event.One of the most inspiring comments I received was from aguest-presenter from Vancouver who says that they attendmany “large shows’ in Vancouver and none of them have theCOMMUNITY feel that we have at our festival. We are unique!

One of the things I love most about our community is that if youwant something to happen you can just start it! We are smallenough that it probably hasn’t already been done 1000 timeslike in larger centres but large enough to support all we cangive. The community enjoys all that is offered.

What has emerged over the last 5 years since starting the YogaTree/ Interior Wellness Magazine is a connected community ofwellness practitioners, teachers and students. Interior WellnessMagazine is very proud to be an integral part of the commu-nity, a source of inspiration and information. Thank you again toall those who participated and especiallly to our local Nature’sFare for making the event possible!

The word Inspiration comes from the word INSPIRE which alsomeans to breathe in. To take in new energy, new life and nour-ishment which moves us forward in life. I hope you get inspiredthis summer.

Free, local, inspiring. Interior & on facebook!We’d love to hear from you. Tell us your stories! How has InteriorWellness helped or inspired you or someone you know? We willpublish your responses! Please email [email protected]

The intention of this publication is and always has been tobring local information about what is going on in ourcommunity to our readers while inspiring them towardwellness. It is also a free resource where practitioners andteachers reach out to their local community through post-ing wellness services, workshops and class es.~:) Elizabeth, Editor & Publisher [email protected]

Interior Andrea Jittler-Friesen, Yoga InstructorChildren’s­&­Adult­Classes­Available.­On-going­classes­@­North­Shore­Community­CentreTues­6:30-8pm,­Thurs­10-11:30am­All­Levels­Welcome250-375-0082­­[email protected]


Page 23: Interior Wellness

A community ofpractitioners

offering beautiful andholistic treatments to

empower individuals to achieveharmony in Mind, Body, and Spirit

Wellness and Personal Development Coaching Vibrational Body Massage Psychological Kinesiology


MSc (Hons) AIP Certified NLP Mental Performance Trainer for Sports and Business 250-320-7047

Michelle Morrison Intuitive Readings,Energetic Healing and Guided Meditation(250)682-8176

Reflexology, chartered herbologist, holistic massage, intuitive readings(250)318-0735

Cara Beckett Wellness and Personal Development Coach, EFT, meditation, weight loss and much more 250-372-5883”

Scott Fisher Craniosacral Therapy(250)378-9883

Karen BeckClinical Hypnotherapy and Intuitive Massage(250)

Holistic and complete Maternity Care, home or hospital birth, fully funded under MSP. Phone: (250)572-0632

Page 24: Interior Wellness

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*ATM=Awareness Through Movement


.yogawithkatrina.comwwwwww.yogawithkatrina.comMon-Thurs 5:45-6:45amoga Fitness Boot CampY

*ATM=Awareness Through Movement

.yogawithkatrina.comMon-Thurs 5:45-6:45amoga Fitness Boot Camp

11 Expires September 30, 2012

Expires September 30, 2012