inemmo business consulting brochure


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inemmo business consulting brochure


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“The difficulty lies not so muchin developing new ideas as inescaping from old ones.” – John Maynard Keynes

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Creative Vision

Businesses stem from ideas. But ideas alonedon’t generate success.

Successful businesses excel at innovation,creativity, problem solving, and improvement.

Successful businesses understand that ‘outthinking’ the competition is a never-endingchallenge.

How can your company foster a culture ofinnovation? How can your company tap intothe virtually limitless potential of each andevery employee? How do you free

, from narrow vision and in-grained habits that may hold the companyback?

Creative thinking and problem solving isthe place to begin.

� Encourage staff to take ownership ofproblems, becoming more solutionoriented

� Empower managers with decisionmaking techniques to encourageintelligent innovation

� Shift emphasis towards effective goalsetting that enhances problem solving

� Provide practical techniques to unlockcreativity and transform ideas intoreality

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The hallmark of every successful business iseffective leadership.

Management alone is not enough. Leadershipunlocks the genius inside the organisation.Companies who fail to identify and harnessleadership qualities within staff membersvery quickly find the organisation becomingunstable.

When persuasion replaces coercion, excellenceilluminates an entire enterprise. Truly effectiveorganisations integrate leadership skills intoevery level of the company. Employees becomeempowered, inspired, and motivated to ensurepersonal values ignite elevated performance.

This is the inemmo difference.

“As a business leader, I do feel more inspired, empowered and motivated and I knowthat what we do today will positively impact our business for many years to come.”

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“The task of the leader is toget his people from wherethey are to where they havenot been.” – Henry Kissinger

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“If your actions inspire othersto dream more, learn more,do more and become more,you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams

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Self Development

You believe you are effective as a manager.Moving to the next level, however, demandsleadership. Performance excellence is nolonger enough.

Inspiration and motivation are the traits ofoutstanding leaders. How, then, can youdevelop a greater sense of your own self asa leader, coach, and mentor? How can youpull from the well of your deepestresources to find the leader in you? Wheredo you find the communications skillsessential to transforming the organisation?

How do you master the paradox of bothdelegating and empowering others, sothat you become essential to theorganisation’s success formula?

inemmo’s individualised methods andprogrammes teach you how to developthe behaviours and competencies thatput you on the fast track to achievementand success.

“I now have very clear personal and business goals and the means to achieve them.”

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“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” – Abraham Lincoln

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Achieving Goals

Staff crave direction. They want to knowtheir progress can be measured ... andcelebrated. The success of your businesshinges on empowering your workforce tomeet goals and objectives, under thedirection of excellent leadership.

Excellence is undermined when employeesare left to wonder, “Where do I fit in?”

“How do my efforts contribute to thecompany’s success?”

The first goal of any organisation is toestablish and communicate clear goals thatintrigue and motivate staff.

Savvy businesses don’t leave goal settingand achievement to chance. They rely on theright training at the right time ... like theEffective Goal Setting and AchievementWorkshops offered by inemmo, where weteach staff and managers how to meet long-term objectives through the achievement ofshort-term successes, how to set up andeffectively organise projects, and how toempower staff to recognise and celebrateevery achievement.

“inemmo reorganised our 30 year old business within 3 months, and moved us froma loss-making position into solid profit; using existing staff and equipment, therebykeeping costs and upheaval to a minimum.”

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Process Optimisation

Many companies understand quite wellthey do. But do they know to do it best?

High quality processes are the bedrock of anysuccessful company. Key to developing highquality processes is process optimisation.

As business requirements and challengesconstantly change, optimising processes is notalways easy or straightforward. From helpingto institute better resource management,reporting, planning and control to applying KeyPerformance Indicators in areas such

as Quality Management, EnvironmentalManagement and Health & Safety, inemmocan show you how to improve everyprocess, from start to finish.

The inemmo consulting team includesLRQA (Lloyds Register Quality Assurance)Certified Lead Auditors for ISO9001 QualityManagement, ISO4001 EnvironmentalManagement and OHSAS 18001 OccupationalHealth and Safety. We will fully supportcompanies wishing to achieve ISO9001,ISO4001 or OHSAS 18001 accreditation.

“Thank you for guiding us through the ISO accreditation process. The audit daywent better than any one could have expected. We are delighted to have beenrecommended for accreditation and it was a real boost to get such a glowing auditreport on top.”

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Behold “the turtle. He makes progressonly when he sticks his neck out.” – James Bryant Conant

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The First Step to More Focused Success

Success in today’s business environment begins with the strength of relationships.

From CEOs and managers to team leaders and staff, there is an urgent need to thinkdifferently to achieve long-lasting success. inemmo Business Consulting’s coreprogrammes can realign your organisation, tap into the unique talents of each staffmember, and help you gain ... and communicate ... a clearer vision of the organisationalmission, purpose, goals and objectives.

To get started, please contact inemmo Business Consulting: 0845 838 1922 or visit ourweb site at

“Since working with inemmo, we have completely changed the way we work and thishas led to dramatic improvements in our productivity levels.”

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“Most successful [people] have not achieved theirdistinction by having some new talent or opportu-nity presented to them. They have developed theopportunity that was at hand.” – Bruce Barton

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Contact: Joy Maitland MIBC FCMI FInstLM

Email: [email protected]


Phone: +44 (0) 845-838-1922

Member of The Institute of Business Consulting, TheAmerican Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming,and The International Coach Federation; Fellow ofthe Chartered Management Institute and a Fellow ofthe Institute of Leadership & Management.