indie development tips & tricks

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Post on 10-Jun-2015




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Independent developers are increasingly influencing the app markets. Flappy Birds’ creator, Dong Nguyen, is the perfect example of an independent developer who generated more downloads than some big publishers. The lecture will focus on how to take care of all aspects of app development including Rapid development of android apps, Getting the users - how to get many users to download your app with no marketing budget, Making money of your app - We will go over the available monetization options and ways to maximise revenues and Analytics - learn how your users actually use your app.


  • 1. Indie app developer Tips & Tricks Nir Orpaz June 2014

2. About Me Nir Orpaz Head of Mobile @ Widdit [email protected] 3. Its an indie world 4. 1 Billion Smartphones 5. Its an indie world 6. What it takes to be an indie app developer? 7. Wear many hats Entrepreneur Developer Project Manager Designer CEO / CTO / COO VP of Revenue Etc 8. Tip #1 Take the bus 9. Why? Greener Calmer Gives you time to update! Update yourself with the latest technology 10. What kind of application you should create? 11. Tip #2 Create apps that excite you 12. A Successful Indie Developer Develop apps really fast Effectively market them Monetize well 13. Rapid development 14. Tip #3 - UI First Methodology Design Create UI - MVP Test on people See Users reactions 15. Tip #4 - Do Not Re-invent The Wheel Dont use non standard & complex UI elements Create your own infrastructure Use existing code Use open-source 16. Tip #5 - Bypass Problems Avoid problems on product level Avoid server side If server needed use existing services 17. Tip #6 - Release to Google Play now! Release once you have a working something.. Translate your app description Get users reaction Add / Remove features 18. Rapid development UI first methodology Do not invent the wheel reuse your code Bypass problems Release to Google Play now! Not tomorrow, now! 19. Marketing 20. Tip #7 - Cross promote your apps Use your existing crowd Its FREE!! 21. Tip #8 - Use App SEO Appropriate application name Package name Add Rate Us button 22. Tip #9 Manage Reviews People remember negative reviews React on reviews 23. Tip #10 - Share button Encourage your users to share Sharing should be clearly visible 24. Tip #11 - Create a website 25. Tip #12 - Google+ and Facebook Google+ Page Facebook Page 26. Tip #13 - External links and articles Cover by authority sites: Pay them / Buy ads You are an industry rock-star You are interesting 27. Marketing Cross promote your apps Use App SEO and Rate us button Manage reviews Share button Create a website Use Google+ and Facebook External links and articles 28. Monetization Ads Interstitials Ads Banners Ads Video In-App purchase Offer wall Pay Per download Freemium 29. Popular monetization models 50% 50% 41% 35% 27% 20% 0% 15% 30% 45% 60% Interstitials In-App purchases Banner Ads Video Ads Offer-Wall Pay Per Download 30. Developers Average Monthly Revenues Source: Mobile Games Monetization Report 32% 13% 13% 12% 10% 20% $100K 31. Monetization vendors And many more 32. Tip #14 - Analyze Your App DAU / MAU Registrations Retention rate Measure actions 33. Tip #15 Personalize you apps 34. Tip #16 - Be cool & creative!