implementing the common core state standards: an extraordinary opportunity

Implementing the Common Core State Standards: an Extraordinary Opportunity

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Implementing the Common Core State Standards:

an Extraordinary Opportunity

SDE Welcome and Update

“ A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.” -Emerson

Why the Common Core State Standards?

Highlight of major shifts

What’s on the Test: Smarter-Balanced Consortium

Resources and PD Opportunities

Origin of the Common Core State Standards

What is the role of standards?

The Foundation:Standards describe what  we want students to know and be able to do - our shared vision of what skills and knowledge are important and valued

The Framing:Curriculum is the detailed plan for how the standards are taught and in what order [not a national curriculum]

The Finish Work:Instruction is the fine grain of how the curriculum is taught

The Inspection:Assessment reveals level of standards mastery-An INTEGRATED system

The Foundation:Standards describe what  we want students to know and be able to do - our shared vision of what skills and knowledge are important and valued

The Framing:Curriculum is the detailed plan for how the standards are taught and in what order [not a national curriculum]

The Finish Work:Instruction is the fine grain of how the curriculum is taught

The Inspection:Assessment reveals level of standards mastery-An INTEGRATED system

Origin of the Standards

In 2008 State chiefs, governors and CCSSO studied current standards and national achievement results:

Status quo: A mile wide and an inch deep, declining achievement on international assessments

Teachers, researchers, higher ed. education experts began work on the standards, nearly all states have adopted-evidence of exceptional cooperation

The goal: Fewer and deeper standards that raise the bar, are internationally benchmarked; consistent creation of deeper learning opportunities

English Language Arts and Literacy: Core Concepts

Need increase in text complexity K-12, foster close reading of these texts, and perseverance, literacy owned across all content areas

Writing is primary, not secondary. Students should write about complex texts, not their summer vacation. Goal: foster fluent, flexible, rhetorically agile writers

Creation and delivery of material orally highly valued as is collaboration with peers

Strategic use of digital resources, including research skills, is highly valued

Need to provide deeper learning opportunities to highest cognitive level: Creation

Mathematics: Core Concepts

Fewer concepts, deeper dive into each [more rigor]

Emphasis on conceptual and procedural understanding-not rote memorization of formulas

Clear Learning Progression across grades

Emphasize Math Practices-skills needed to indicate proficiency:

• Make sense of problems and persevere in solving• Model with mathematics• Construct viable arguments, critique other’s reasoning• Reason abstractly and quantitatively

A Sea Change: not nibbling around the edges

Old School, Cliff Notes version [the 12 day, 15 city European Tour]:

One class session on Transcendentalists, summary, no primary texts, tested by matching: Who wrote Walden?

“I think it’s about some dude who went fishing.”

Common Core:Read actual writings of Thoreau on civil disobedience and trace the lineage of this movement through Gandhi's work in India, the civil rights movement [MLK] in the US, and the Arab Spring.

Research and collaborate with a partner to create and deliver an oral presentation, standing for questions.

Individuals write an organized, detailed analysis on this topic, citing relevant text reference. Peer revise/edit. Final draft.

Must reach the classroom and change instructional practice

Text Complexity: Many Students not College and Career Ready

Those scoring below proficient [21] on ACT had common factor:

Inability to answer questions associated with complex texts [Seen across all subgroups]

One remedial reading course= 30% chance of graduating college versus 69%

Despite more complex text in the workplace,

text complexity has declined steadily over the last 50 years.“Appendix A: ELA and Literacy in History, Social

Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects”……… This reflects interdisciplinary approach; everyone owns literacy

CCSS View of Text Complexity

Can’t just look at simple word frequency or sentence length metrics [quantitative]–

Grapes of Wrath rates at the 2-3 grade level

Multiple Levels of meaning [qualitative] must factor in equation [familiar language to convey sophisticated ideas]

Reader and Task Considerations-Professional

Educators select for particular students or tasks

Key Change: Marriage of Reading and Writing

College and Career Ready Writing Standard #9: “Draw evidence from literary and informational text to

support analysis, reflection, and research.” [same for grades 4-12]

A. “Apply grade 11-12 Reading Standards to literature two or more texts treat similar subjects”

[specific to grades 11-12] B. “Apply grades 11-12 Reading Standards to

literary nonfiction…delineate and evaluate reasoning in seminal US texts…”

On page 47 of your ELA CCSS Booklet

Writing is Primary not Secondary

Goal: Foster flexible, fluent, and rhetorically agile writers

Well versed and practiced in……

NarrativeInformational andPersuasive Writing

They consider purpose and audience Writing will be assessed at every grade in 2014-15

Changing NCLB’s unintended consequence

• demonstrate independence• build strong content knowledge

• respond to demands of audience, task,

purpose and discipline.• comprehend and critique• value evidence• use technology and digital media

strategically and capably• come to understand other perspectives

and cultures

Students who are college and career ready…

More than 30 states, Idaho is a lead

[Economy of size –Idaho gets a lot!]

Evidence based approach, support from national assessment, and educational experts

Common Core in force in all Idaho Schools 2013-14

SBAC tests replace ISAT in 2014-15!!

[except for science] Grades 3-8 and 11 tested

Smarter-Balanced Assessment Consortium [SBAC]

A National Consortium of States

29 states representing 48% of K-12 students

21 governing, 8 advisory states

Washington state is fiscal agent

What’s on the Test?

We test what we value!

SBAC tests will adhere closely to CCSS in a fully integrated system

With supports/tools/resources for teachers and students: interim banks [2014] and formative tools [2012]

Computer adaptive Technology enhanced,[drag and click] Constructed response [paragraph or two]

Emphasis on Performance Assessment [@50% of SBAC tests]:

On demand writing Performance tasks, some over several days, multiple

standards, use texts, video, speaking, listening, writing Sample items Item Writing Modules:


Item Types-Not the same old test

If you want to know if someone can do something, have them do it and score it by a set of rules [Rubrics]

Authentic, active, requires creativity and synthesis and application –highest cognitive complexity

Rubrics with student responses provide a platform for instruction and common language around learning

Marriage of assessment and instruction-Formative

SBAC: Writing will be assessed at every grade

What is performance assessment?

Write short paragraph about the first time you rode a rollercoaster. Directive: Which best communicates this experience [narrative mode]?

a. The line was a long line. It took a long time to get to the front. I felt sort of funny before I rode the rollercoaster. I am glad I road the rollercoaster after all. I ride it all the time now when I go there.

Try your hand

b. Looming before us was the infamous Wild Mouse Rollercoaster. The line of miners going up Chilkoot Pass had nothing on this one. Several birthdays came and went before we reached the front, while my stomach did wingovers, sweat beading on my forehead. Here we go! Visible still are my finger prints embedded in car 29’s safety bar.

c. It took 45 minutes to get to the front of the line, and I was getting nervous. I got more and more nervous until we finally reached the front. We were on, and it was fun, but I did not let go of the bar. I really like the part that goes through the pool of water. Now it is my favorite ride.

Build a Rubric; Learning progressions

Try your hand, cont.

Teacher involvement in all facets of test development is foundational principle for SBAC

Opportunities to review items; stimuli, eventually hand scoring

Contact: [email protected] to volunteer to help with review/write pilot items

SBAC Review Opportunities

SDE Common Core Toolbox, deconstructed standards, Hunt Videos, sample units, PD list

Webinars on CCSS subjects and office hours-fall 2012

Continued Summer Seminars with Strategic Partners; Best Practices Institutes

Teacher Newsletter

21st Century UDL Master Teacher Lesson Plan project, sample units across content areas shared statewide on SchooNet

Resources/PD Opportunities

Infuse CCSS training/concepts in all existing programs:

• PTE• Schoolnet• School improvement efforts• Capacity Builders• Response to Intervention• After school programs• Curricular Materials This is a marathon, not a sprint!

Creating Synergy in Existing Programs