immersion reactions

8/12/2019 Immersion Reactions 1/21 Anne Sharmaine P. Cortez 3-ALM Learning is not only centered within the four corners of the classroom; it is extended outside those four areas. And the best way of learning is learning from your own experiences and from other people’s experiences too. But learning is best retained from one’s memory if it is made not only by hearing or seeing something but also through extending help to those people who are in need. It was during the first days of the semester when I first heard about having an immersion as a final requirement in our theology class since its focus is Social Justice and Lay Apostolate. Professor Leal introduced it to us when he was giving us a brief discussion of what to expect throughout the semester in Theology 05. So upon hearing about the immersion, I suddenly felt excited about it because of the thought of socializing and dealing with other people, hearing their different stories and helping them in our very simple, yet best ways possible. This is an activity with a two-fold purpose: to learn while having fun.  At first glance I thought having an immersion is plain simple and easy but when we were about to start it, I was completely wrong. We have to undergo first an orientation, apart from those done inside the classroom by our professor, wherein we would be given some guidelines regarding the proper ways of conducting an immerion.  Also, from that orientation we’ve come to choose and decide a venue for our activity from which we have chosen the Gawad Kalinga situated at Brgy. ------ Another thing which made our immersion difficult is the time because the class which we were about to have an immersion with was scheduled for a 7:30am-10:30am. This is the only

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Anne Sharmaine P. Cortez


Learning is not only centered within the four corners of the classroom; it is

extended outside those four areas. And the best way of learning is learning from your

own experiences and from other people’s experiences too. But learning is best retained

from one’s memory if it is made not only by hearing or seeing something but also

through extending help to those people who are in need.

It was during the first days of the semester when I first heard about having an

immersion as a final requirement in our theology class since its focus is Social Justice

and Lay Apostolate. Professor Leal introduced it to us when he was giving us a brief

discussion of what to expect throughout the semester in Theology 05. So upon hearing

about the immersion, I suddenly felt excited about it because of the thought of

socializing and dealing with other people, hearing their different stories and helping

them in our very simple, yet best ways possible. This is an activity with a two-fold

purpose: to learn while having fun.

 At first glance I thought having an immersion is plain simple and easy but when

we were about to start it, I was completely wrong. We have to undergo first an

orientation, apart from those done inside the classroom by our professor, wherein we

would be given some guidelines regarding the proper ways of conducting an immerion.

 Also, from that orientation we’ve come to choose and decide a venue for our activity

from which we have chosen the Gawad Kalinga situated at Brgy. ------ Another thing

which made our immersion difficult is the time because the class which we were about

to have an immersion with was scheduled for a 7:30am-10:30am. This is the only

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schedule which is convenient for our group since two of our members have class by

12:00pm. Thus, we have to sacrifice some of our sleep because we need to meet at

Santolan Station as early as 6am in the morning for us to be on time.

During our first visit, we were oriented by Teacher Fanny, the one who is in

charge in teaching the children, together with Teacher Lourdes. We were oriented of the

do’s and don’ts  in dealing with the kids equipped with proper conduct to be shown

towards them. We made ourselves at ease with the environment, and of course to the

kids. On our second visit we had story telling with the kids through role playing which

the kids loved because it was different from the usual way of how their teacher read

them a story. Also, we taught them an action song where the children participated

actively. We also helped the kids in making the seatwork given to them by Teacher

Fanny. For our third visit, our group really prepared something for the kids that they

would really enjoy. Me and Bimbi read a story for the kids entitled “The Ant and the

Grasshopper,” and we also conducted easy Math board works for them.  Alyssa, on the

other hand, together with the other members, taught the kids two new action songs.

 After which, the kids took their own seats and opened their own books for a seatwork.

Our fourth visit was our last one. We prepared a 3-hour program for the kids wherein we

made environmental talks with them, taught them simple catechism through action

songs entitled “I Love You Jesus, Deep Down In My Heart” and “Who Is That Man,” and

after those we have parlor games with all the dancing and singing. We brought some

lunch for the kids and their parents, and to those present in the area. We brought with

us some tokens for each of the kids which include a pencil, a notebook and a cd which

contains kiddie songs. Also, we left some charts for them which would greatly help in

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their learning and better understanding of their lessons. And for the two taecher, we

gave them a token of appreciation for their warm welcome and accommodation.

 All of our sacrifices and hardships in making this immersion possible are worth it.

Seeing the faces of those kids, their warm welcomes whenever we enter their room, the

smiles painted on their faces during our story telling times, the laughs we all shared

together, all these are very heart-warming. This immersion we had is such a success!

Not only that it served an avenue for us to learn but also because we have shared

ourselves to these young children of our generation and that we have lend a hand in

building their future even just for a little time.

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Gianina Marie N. Jugo


Gawad Kalinga (GK), which means to “give care” in Filipino, is a Philippine-based

poverty alleviation and nation building movement. GK is building empowered

communities by people with faith and patriotism; driven by a culture of caring and

sharing, dedicated to eradicate poverty and restore human dignity.

When sir Leal told us that our finals is about doing an immersion, I thought that it

would be a new and exciting experience not only for me but also for my group mates.

Interacting with playful children, travelling and knowing more about my group mates,

and will learn new things through my own experiences made me feel so excited to do it.

Our first encounter with them was last September 14, 2012 (Friday). I was so

excited to go there and finally meet the children and their teachers. We didn’t

considered the time and distance as a valid excuse to change community. As we

reached the place, they were so warm in welcoming us. The playful children greeted us

with their cute smiles and cheerful greetings. I was shocked that they only had two

teachers (teacher Fanny and teacher Lourdes) which they handle three sections of

playful children a week. I don’t know how can they be so patient with them. And during

their break time, we had the chance to talked and play with them.

So after that visit, we continued it every other day. We had their whole attention;

we thought them to write alphabets, numbers and church songs. As we spend more

time with them, and as they become closer to us, we can feel that we’ve somehow

touched their hearts.

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In our last day with them, we spend a fun Sunday morning with them. Full of

surprises and games for them. Their smiles and laughs made our weariness all worth it.

Those children really enjoyed what we prepared for them. It was such a great joy seeing

them wearing those lovely smiles. Their parents, who have been watching them do the

activities, were also happy.

The whole experience was something worth remembering. I never thought I

would be doing it in my college life. I’ve learned that every small good things you show

to children, will surely be appreciated. What they really see to us, is what they think is

right. For the teachers, I salute them for being so patient to them, no matter how hard

headed and playful their students are. I really hope that this kind of organization would

expand more so that our country’s literacy rate would increase. 

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Dhenchelle Las


When I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to grow up so I can do everything I want.

But now that I’m a grownup, I want to go back. It seems that life was way much easier

when I was a kid that life is just like a fairytale. There are always a happy ending for

everyone but of course it gets more complicated eventually, just like what we’ve

encounter in our immersion these past few weeks in Gawad Kalinga in Taguig.

On the first day of our immersion, I was shy to interact with the kids and even

with my group mates but later that day I became more active and involve. The kids are

fun to watch even though that they are noisy and some are doing their own business. I

can tell that the teachers, Teacher Fanny and Teacher Lourdes, are having a hard time

to keep everyone’s attention on the lesson. It was a small class, twenty students more

or less. We are always exhausted because most of the time, we are singing, dancing

and teaching educational songs, reading stories and doing exercises with our fullest

energy. The classroom was small but it was beautifully painted, the ventilation was

neither excellent nor poor and there is no running water in the comfort rooms. There are

also school supplies which are provided for the kids for their learning.

I can tell that the place was full of love and hope. The people behind it and the

people in it want nothing but good for every child that is enrolled. I can see that in the

faces of the parents, how much they love their child and how they want to involve

themselves for their future. I have learned to value and cherish what I have right now

after our immersion. I was touched by the kids and I became very close to some of

them, I even thought of them as my siblings. I will miss them for sure, that’s why

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whenever I have a free time I will pay them a visit and help them in the very best that I

can. I became more matured and less self-centered that the earth doesn’t only revolves

on me. There are more complicated problems than what I have right now. I planned to

treasure and embrace what I have become after this immersion and that is having a

more positive and mature outlook on things.

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Alyssa Anne Bernadette J. Limboc


 At first, we found it hard to look for a location where we can have our immersion

but as we tried our very best we found this community, know as the Gawad Kalinga

Sibol at Brgy. Pinagasama, Taguig City. Group of children ranging from 4 to 7 years of

age were there.

In line with this, before we started to have our immersion, we first planned for the

easier way on how we can go there and meet those kids. We did have our schedule

based on the availability of each member. We wanted to go there as a group and feel

that we are doing it as one. On the first day we went there, we tried to observe the

location so we can plan for our next activities. We met teacher Fanny and teacher

Lourdes, they were the assigned teachers in the said location. They let us first observe

the student's behavior in order for us to know the proper way how to handle them. We

found the kids with full of joy and happiness. They were so active and cheerful. I thought

that, these kids would not accommodate us, but that was a big no. These kids were so

friendly and sweet to us. They asked a lot of questions but in the other way it really

helped us to get their trust. On that day, it seems that we met for several times already

because they welcomed us with their warm hearts. Even the teachers assigned

accommodated us very well. When we left the place, one thing that i realize is the big

difference of being a child than as we reach our maturity. You cannot see any problem

in their faces. You can only manifest the true meaning of happiness and no worries

when you look at their angelic faces.

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Honestly, it was very hard for us to handle our schedules because aside from

doing our immersion we are also thinking of our other subject, waking up early in the

morning after we slept late at night, but seeing these children made us alive and gave

us energy. As we were trying to gain their trust, it seems like we are not after the time of

how long we stayed their for a day because while teaching them, we found ourselves

enjoying. Teaching them actually is not that easy, although the lessons and the topics

are easy for us , we still need how to plan the ways on how we can get their attention.

We did a lot of creative ways on how they can easily learn the lessons. We taught them

some children songs.

In this immersion, i realize that teachers do their jobs whole heartedly. Obviously

it is very hard to handle kids at the ages of four to six, but when i saw teacher Fanny

and teacher Lourdes, they do their jobs patiently. There are times that we found it

difficult to handle these kids because they were so active. When we met the nursery

students it was like that we are in a public market, kids were all shouting and teasing

each other but in the other side, as we tried to control them they still listened to us. It is

really heartwarming in the other side seeing them happy when they see our presence.

 As i remember, they started their class already when we arrived and when they saw us

other students hugged some of us, it seems that they already missed us. Even though

we were so tried traveling from Mendiola to Taguig, seeing them so close to us made us

realize that those hardships were all worth it.

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  We divided our group and was given a specific task regarding the lesson plan.

Other members of our group were assigned to do the mathematical problems, some

were tasked to do story telling, others were to teach them children song and a lot more.

We were so thankful that the said two teachers entrusted to us some of the days to

teach those children. I remember when i was a kid, i used to participate on our class so i

can gain a lot of stars. Teacher fanny told us that we might observe those kids and

compare to ourselves when we were at that stage and that was so true. All i can say is

that i agree on what Tom Stoppard said, If you carry your childhood with you, you never

become older.

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Narag, Jhoanna Steffany G. Narag 

 According to the genius Albert Einstein, “Only a life lived for others is a life

worthwhile.”  You may be called dumb or weak or stupid when you sacrifice

yourself for others. Some may think that you will lose freedom if you devote

yourself to living for the sake of others. I don’t believe it. I know that there is joy in

living for others. And real freedom is doing something that makes you happy.

There are some who might derive their joy at the cost of others, by harming

them. This is not the joy that Jesus wants us to feel. That is what I have

understood while on the road of immersing. Our life itself can be a source of joy

to others if we only live being aware that there are people around us who might

need our love, care, service and acceptance. Living for others is ultimately not a

burden or a sacrifice. For those who have reached the goal of life, those who are

blessed, and those who have the motivation to give, serve, and love others flow

spontaneously from their inmost being. They wish to give and serve for the sake

of the other, without seeking any benefit for themselves.

There are preparations of course and brainstorming before the actual

immersion in the area. I was surprised seeing my group members feeling excited

and being cooperative during meetings. Honesty speaking, at first I felt that they

may be discouraged or get bored when we plan but always expect the

unexpected. And with that, I really felt happy to know that I will work with people

like them, ready and wholeheartedly open for great experiences and adventure! I

will be a hypocrite if I will tell that we didn’t  face any problems on this project.

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Even before starting, we already experienced some difficulties and problems like

the area of immersion, scheduling for the itineraries, social justice issue to focus

on, meeting and planning and the hardest part is to gather the group knowing

that not everyone belong to the block section. During the immersion, the only

problem we had was waking up literally early, meeting up at 6 o’clock AM and

going to GK stay there until 2 to 3 o’clock PM and rushing back to school for our

class. But on the second time of our immersion, we didn’t treat it as a problem

anymore but rather enjoyed it and felt excited while on the roadtrip. We laugh in

the car, joke around, go sound tripping, talk about any stuff and we were actually


During the immersion, one would think about wealth, money, success and

or fame. I’ve been quiet thinking about what the GK coordinator told us, Mr. Raul

Ramiterre about the Povedan students. He told us that a lot of people would say

that Povedan students are “maarte, maluho at mayayaman”   but do we realize

that these people took a big part in our nation building? Povedan students are

one of those few that started a community of GK in Taguig City. They

participated in the building of houses and what is more surprising is that they

gave up their promenade and instead donated the money for building the

houses. In my point of views, these wealth, money, success or fame are not what

makes us really happy. The best things in life are not things and they are always

free. What is important is that what you are doing reflects your real emotion or

feeling towards something. If you are happy in helping, then do it and don’t be

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shy. Some people tend to be timid in doing things because they are afraid of

what people will say about them.

We have chosen civil kids. It is exciting to handle cute little babies. They

are ranging from 3 to 4 years, 4 to 5 years. One thing I learned from this

immersion is that seeing, judging and acting mediations are applicable even with

these children. Seeing them at first, getting to know them and being used and

comfortable being with them and identify what they need. After identifying, we

were ready to judge or realize what this kids need or what do they lack or what is

the issue that we saw then set out the possible solutions. Then we act. We tried

to solve the issue or at least prevent it. Week or days of immersion period is not

enough to cover everything. It is just a stepping stone, a start of a bigger

challenge that we could face as champions of GK Nation Building.

I also want to commend all my group members for being cooperative, patient and

uncomplaining while doing the immersion. I am proud that I never heard any

complaints or saw them having attitude. I am glad that we all worked hard for this

not just for compliance but I see that we were actually enjoying what we are

doing. We went there not as students from San Beda College immersing to get

the required hours but we were there enjoying and feeling like a kid. We were

going back to childhood!

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Jose Miguel T. Platero


“It's never too late to have a happy childhood.”  

Tom Robbins in his novel entitled Still Life with Woodpecker said that “It's never

too late to have a happy childhood.” As the youth, perhaps including the children, will

serve as our nation’s hope like what Dr. Jose Rizal have uttered during his time, I think

it is only correct to say that the kids deserve all the best things that life has to offer.

If I were to ask random people on what does it take to have a happy childhood,

undoubtedly, a lot would answer that it is about playing all the games which a normal

kid would play and having that unending fun with your playmates. Indeed, this would

make some sense, yet I would like to believe that the definition of a happy childhood is

something more than this. A happy childhood should not be limited to the enjoyment

from adventures or leisure in life, but should also include the bliss that could be rooted

from the experience of having enough and proper educational experience  –  a basic

need for every kid. I am proud to say that this was what our group did in our

immersion... to help children of Gawad Kalinga take pleasure in their school... to help

them appreciate education… to help them realize that they are our tomorrow’s hope.

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September 14, 2012, marking our first day of immersion, served as our getting-

to-know time with the nursery and kinder students. As the days go by, I was able to

spend hours in the place teaching the children with basic lectures like the alphabet and

mathematical processes such as addition and subtraction. Although innocent from

realities of life, I could see in their eye the eagerness that they have towards learning

and that what struck me most. Noticing those angels happiness while participating in

our mini discussion of abc’s and 123’s made me appreciate everything that I am at the

moment brought by my education which my parents had never failed to provide for me.

More than the discovery of the real essence of education, I have also seen how

teachers Ms. Lourdes and Ms. Fanny would dedicate their time just to be instruments of

knowledge and understanding especially to the kids who belong to the unfortunate

families in our country. This wouldn’t be possible if not for their passion to serve despite

the call of bigger salary and more opportunities they could get in moving to another job.

San Beda had always been famous with two words “Ora” and “Labora” which

would mean prayer and work, respectively. Indeed, it is prayer and trust in the Lord that

gives us strength in achieving our goals in life. However, God himself will not put his

trust on us and bless us for our everyday yearnings if depend everything to him. A

prayer said, but is not accompanied by an effort or strive of turning wishes into realities

will never be answered by God. If want to help other people to learn the beauty of

surviving life even in the midst of trials, we should not merely pray for them. We should

set as good examples, and even through the smallest act we could do, give some help

by working with them so that they themselves will uplift their own life.

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Our immersion had been a simple, but satisfying experience for me. Without it, I

will not realize how lucky I am to be blessed with God’s gifts in life. I  have understood

that anyone could be God’s channel of love if he/she will open himself to other people.

With this, I am not only more encouraged and devoted into serving others and bringing

new meaning into their lives in the best way I can. I can say that I have also added a

happy and wonderful experience to my “childhood” –  I call it childhood because it’s

never too late.



Every human being in the universe has passed through childhood. This were the

time of our lives that molded our well being and the result of what we became to be in

the present. Every bits and pieces of our childhood are like diamonds that will never

vanish and will be forever cherished and remembered.

Some may have a dark and undesirable experiences in their childhood and some

may have never cherished their childhood but this scenarios in the past was the reason

why they became strong and firm in whatever challenges or obstacle they face along

the path of reality.

It has been said that a child is like a ball of light that illuminate a home. They are

those who give smile in every face of every member of the family. Every move they

make and every step they take or even in the simplest movement and swing of the

hands are like a spell that binds happiness and joy that fills every soul and heart. Every

child are truly blessed of a skill that only them embody and that is innocence.

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  In the immersion we conducted in a Gawad Kalinga Village located in Brg.

Pinagsama Phase 2, Taguig in their program of GKSIBOL, childhood has once again

reigned in our heart and soul. It felt that we came back from our past and very young

years as we mingle and interact with day care children having the age that ranges from

4-6 years old.

 As we get to know the place and the surroundings, the thought of being bored

and other negative thoughts were not attendant in the midst of our minds but rather the

excitement, enthusiasm and the challenge of teaching and playing with the children

were the superior idea. Excitement for the reason that personally being the youngest

sibling in my family, I was the one being taken cared of every time and the one who get

the attention and time of every one more often but this time around the cards were

rearranged and the places was shifted, now I will be the one who will take care of this

children and the one who will allot reasonable and prosperous time to this children.

Enthusiasm for the reason that this experience will make me even more understanding

of the things that I used to know about children and this is like an eye opening for me

because I know that in some way or another this children that I will be mingled with will

teach me lessons that I don’t know. Lastly, Challenging fro the reason that I may not be

good in dealing with children such as teaching them how to read, write and other things

that might be helpful to them and especially communicating with them mainly because I

do not have the experience in approaching and interacting with children in the home

that I grow up.

But in the end, the experience of teaching, story telling, playing and interacting

with this young and innocent children were priceless. Every laugh and smile they paint

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in their soft and gentle faces every time they draw images of thing, color a book or race

their hands in the discussion were the reasons we keep on being motivated to go back

like a magnet that drags our feet back to their classroom.

Yes, I will admit that it was never easy for me to just step there and do what I

have to do. Interacting with children takes a great weight of courage, tons of patience

and mountain of energy and this are the things that this children taught to me and to the

rest of the members of the immersion.

Ronne Kendrick C. Uy 


Our first encounter with the children at immersion was on September 14, 2012.

We went there to observe the surroundings and the people we are going to be with for

the rest of our immersion hours. On our first few hours, everything seems to be perfect

and everything seems to be normal. But as time flies by, we became tired and

exhaustion comes to the scene. We went there from early in the morning to afternoon

so that our time would not be wasted because we still have classes starting at 4pm.

I am not used to those kind of environment so at first it was kind of hard for me to

encounter or to react with the people over there. But as we used to go there every now

and then, I felt something that I have not felt before, the feeling of helping other people.

My mom always told me that “it is better to help other people, than other people helping

you”. I just realized and personally saw what my mom truly wants me to realize about

the statement she said.

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For just little amount of hours teaching or helping the teachers, Ms. Fanny and

Ms. Lourdes, we really got tired from all the shouting, teaching, and chasing of children

another factor was that, they only have 3 electric fans to circulate the air inside the

classroom while there were almost 30 students inside. We just handled the student for

 just few hours in a day and we go there every once a week so that it would not be too

tiring for us student, but how do teachers manage all the hardships, sacrifices and

everything just to get to school, teach the ____ students, and earning salaries which is

 just enough to make a living for day to day problems.

I also realized how lucky am I compared to other people or family, having a

complete family, enough to have what is needed for everyday, having the chance to eat

3x a day without getting starving. While they are working like a horse, but still their life

could not be better and cannot earn enough to support the everyday life of their family. I

really learned and realized a lot from this immersion. And I know my parents would be

so happy hearing this kind of reaction or comment about the immersion that I have been

doing throughout these past few weeks. This is a kind of learning that teachers could

not teach to student until the students themselves learn and see at their own eyes the

true events or happenings in other people’s shoes. 

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Mike Solomon Vardeleon


“When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel

loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.” -Dalai


The first thing that struck me when I heard that we were going to do an

immersion is the thought that everything would be tough and that what we are about to

do would exhaust not only our strengths but also our finances. At first I was anxious and

a bit withdrawn to the idea that we will be extending our time and efforts to those people

whom we never met and knew, but as the days go by I seem to realize the true essence

and the true meaning of having to experience life outside of our comfort zones.I have

come to see thing in a different light and in a different perspective. I started to recognize

that I was blessed more than anything else for what I have is much and much more

adequate than what I truly need.

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  Our first encounter in the area of our chosen organization, the Gawad Kalinga in

Barangay Pinagsama, was a bit of a surprise for us because what we originally planned

was just to actually introduce our selves and familiarize ourselves to the place and to

get to know the coordinators and the children, but it turned out to be way different than

what we expected it to be, when we arrived at the area what we did first was to see the

kids and when we saw them we fell in love with them instantly and from then on we

never left their side because they were just too cuddly and huggable to be left with. With

that of course we also helped them in their daily activities in school giving the teachers a

helping hand in facilitating the kids.

 As we went along with the immersion in the succeeding days I felt a deep sense

of fulfillment in what we are doing even though it amounts only to little things, but for me

I felt a deep feeling of happiness and contentment that I have given time, effort and,

myself to actually help those who are less fortunate. I have come to realize that it is not

the worldly things that make a person but it is his character and passion to seek what is

righteous and what is good for the others that make him worthy.

With this activity I fully understood why it was called an “immersion.”   It was to

throw and absorb ourselves into the situation of others. Even thou the experience that

we had was tough still if given the chance to actually do what we had done I would and I

will still do it for the second time around because now I can truly say that what we did

was worth it.