imly^?si^^ n - nys historic...

SENT TO 1>#E It is»(rt : ^^nlS?^|t^P*!|'^EtoAt^rlptOT:^ toer of fcedpi? •Mtf&^&v^Zliinto -i^i- D**«^^i^6iwf.:ry'?'""; ,\',,.-'.. *'»'••*'.' ~*' NKW'- -^^v&'-4fcsp'?3» Savannah; the Peft^ltfAWfti'fe^enier'-.ferryb^t' mornin£ ? ±Tlie£eW^^ & utea in"7$ft«!iS of wafar within: 150 i?etf # her pfeff^tW«p'0oiaiHi*-8nd 'M&erty stteetsv '«--*,.*': •"'••''•.-. -yi-'"-- ;;:'>'•* •"..•• ^6^^Q,^?engep',we»»b^a»-in- cluding several .'women ano}. chyaren, Rowboattifroin; the°wb«tywj.and tugboats in the river resetted raahjf pasBengew^. obhewsiwmlahore,- - • ' ".".-•' Afte&as»ign* spenfcin draggingtothe mr^TBIferTffi^e^tinit^^ v ete aMsVto flnaTT)ut^e Body, tHStror John Bryion, adriverbfr* mall wagon. Th« dead: JonitBtiionV 483 Ifcst 15tb ure-to driver* ^of ^rnail -wagon. Body fonff* aiyfr Identified ^neMM-of"* jt^y; p.@ai«)Sflx^els. The woodwork WSB driven jnt$vtb&'engine worn. Had. the -vessel b;ee"n able to draw out immediately I couliftalylrgot the Chicago Into her Blip; •VI \$mhk there were 150 passengers On the: Chicago. -f~saw only three women. Tbere wbre. life preservers for all. .-. There was plenty of time for everybody to put thenrjoHi' I do npt think that any lives fere lost Unless that of Fireman V:soom„ I have accounted for all my mettaave him.!'. - r -/.-. ., HThe-^bieago is 803-fett long ana only. recen%. was entirely refltteaiand. redec- orated. She was .worth $100,000 accord- ing-to F. Li.Shqppard, the general super- intendent of the Pennsylvania Raiiioad ^o.-^.dtepateh^rojnjehiladelphiar^ves a statement- from the Pennsylvania gen,- eraiofflces that the Chicago will be raised, sjsoonaerposaible, Y Gen. Supt. P. E I*efevre and Gen. Agent C. E, Holdrldge of the Savannah fine are investigating t h e accident. ..- '•;, Th*adi«nl6 ^01»»V«ibttii flremairw the tiiW^imjfm into w>e rivet and notsnitflfearftftorfl. -V a ••• - In tte&'ftpitali August Wendebourne, 197 'TJ«fon:^tt«d, Brooklyn; •offering from »hock,and aabmeraion; Hudson Street Hbip 1 **^ -Iftis b»ltov»VFtiiiw^r »iy ii»mamiKci.»i_^ tie «etption^Bry»h4rera'Ba»dd. : Of -^a^lfaT^Ftliitr »)\ ywn*%jM* the crew of seven but onemantt misaing, Vroom. theflrernan,and II may 1» possi- ble that he"wa*caught in thilt|okhojte. WhenthaCWcago-left JerteyCity at 12 44 a. m. Captain William Dnrham was fa theforwgd^HolbhohJB-dlteothig the boat personally, and onepfhii deck hands was at the wheel. The night < was per- fectly clear. Thrtide"wurebblng-faet and Oapt*int».nrbam on thia account was obliged to keep his boa* beaded well-up stream/ As he neared" the New York shore he put his helm." over to head into the slip and as the GhicsgOBWmsg around the captain "caught sight of the City of AngUBta-bearinjg doiin oh Win. She was coming up strtani andyveyy clpae.' • The Boat* Cr*ito*o j«\h«r. Captain B^n'am^WiEwo^maatsofhis- 'whistle to .'signify his intention to pass to starboard, fffidpiftoghifSelmapprt he rang the rtgna]i;to;gQ^fie»J at JoTt speed. Tbo City of Auga»ta, .Captain Durham says, did not reply to the signal but kept right in her TOrmei- A moment later the S ty of Augustarammedthe Chicago just aft her paddle wheel on theifcarboard aide. •,••'•' ' • • The paiaengera, moat of whom had risen, ' ard-end off the fwryboat. to be prepared to leave aa-ahe reached htj slip, made a_ wild .acramfcle for life pre- 6erver« k .Fortnnately there Were few women on boaid'-^not more thanH Bix-and at first they were shoved to the rear. George Blematook and George Kay, trnokmen, who were coming over to the city with theirJoods of milk, jumped Into- the middle of the struggling mass andyelled: ' 'Hands off. The women fUst, Save the women." A score of men took up the ahout and in a trice the women were fitted with life preservers. The small- rramber of pas- BengeredidnofeTexhaBBt the supply of life preservers but many in theif excitement . didJatBtfiitJbtt-i " '"'.'_" overboard unprovided. It is feared that some such persons must; have gone down in the chilly waters before help came. - Conr»g« of the <}r« w. The deckhands displayed commendable courage. Captain, Durham and Chief Engineer Penfleld set them splendid ex- amples. Captain Durham was theJatt mantoleave his boat; • He-keptup a con- stant cali for help_ with M& whistle and whenjhe finally left he t&Mthe whistle to keep tip the sound and when the Chicago finally went %£s with her whis- tle blowing. Engineer Penfleld kept his /hand on the throttle until the water put ont his fires and lie only had time to run on deck and inmp^yMK>axd : when the •boatweatHaewa;^••- ~~ •" • — - - «Don, , iri^Fexeltetir^n¥ 1 irbm'tHtek,-'* theaeckhand»-crled-agiheyj;an among the passengers. ^Plehlgr oltime." -They managedtdTea^gurefchejmajority of the passengers. Captain; Durham saw the Chicago was certain to go down and he gave the command for all hands to go np ontheuppe?d,ecfc jCMk ofeaiied si new panic and men and. women by the dozen leaped m^6it^l^^-nxn^iS8: i t& get away from the vortex when it came. THREW. STONE THRO' A WINDOW. Ooxv^dlj' Act In Clinton—JJ»rrow Kioapa of Bfr». A. W. 8tc wait. CLINTON, Oct. BL—The fanrQy of Archie W. Stewart, on ;the Middle Set- tlement road, had an unpleasant surprise about g«>efookTait eTenmgsTfhd"a*aar- tow escape from personal injury-was ex- perienced by Mrs. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were sitting by the center table reading, when, with a crash, a stone abontata-large as & man's fist passed near Mrs. Stewart's head and fell to the floor. Some person had thrown it through the window Irom the street. " Mr. Stewart caught Tip his rifle,' -which wag standing in the corner jfif the room, ran out and fired three shots in the direc- tion offretwafting 8tep» ! heard golflg down ^ ^ the 'road; the shots and assisted inr scouring the neighborhood, bnt no one was found. . This moroing the tracks of the coward- ly miscreant were found Jeadldg "down a distance north from the home aria then appawintly taking to the fields in Mie di- Fir»t Important Sacceia Attendlrg tliB Boex'i Arnu—Boyal IriiH l"oalieen, th4 Oloaoeiterthlra Rpglmeiit and a Bat- tery Snrroundea on • H1U Ne»r Ladyv amlili and, After a Itaiperat* FIsU*, , Compeiled to Give UpJlvtlr iarnas—Got*. WKlt«'< fieport cf the IMsaster. .,' V to^DQN,. Got, Sl^The war o|lce4i,ak' received" a'dfspat'cli from Gen; JFWfe',; cpmmahding the British forces at Lady- imithy. re|o"ttmg TtEa^"-^Erroyal-.3W«*L fnsileersi J36.10 mountain battery and- IfeSj* Gloucestershire reghnfent* were^BrV rounded in the hills by the ,Boers and,, •ftfter loeing heavily, obliged to capitulate. Gen. y^lfeadds'.that ^he c^sualk^.have not yet'been ascertained. Text of the Dlipatch. IiONDOS,* Oci 3l.--The following lathe text of Gen. White's dispatch to the war office: " ... ><I**DSSMrfH, Oct. 80.— MftStTp; m.-—I have- to,-report a dleiaster to^the column sent .by me to .take a poaitidlron a bill to guard the left flank pt the troops. In these, operations today the royal Irish fuiileers, No. 10 mountain battery and the Gloucestershire regiment were anr- Tounded in-ihe'hiHajpandrafter-losinjf heavily, bad to capitulate, The casual- ties haye not yet been ascertained^ >*A man of the tuelleeraj employed as a hospital orderly, came In under a flag of truce with a letter from the survivors of the oolumh, who asked for assistance to bnryjthedead. I fear there is no doubt rectlon of the turnpike. Mr. Stewarthai his suspicions and will ruse eviry effort to bring the offender to justice. ' - ——- -—Jnilnton .Tfattni-ffr" 1 * . ,"",'••, °- QtiKTOir; Oct 81,—The wojk of scaf- foldlng up to the topvotL the Stone Church spire goes forward rapidly now, consider- ing the great height at whlah t h e men are now working. Five of the eight 8tories«e completedj^and by tomorrow night thewaffoidlngwillbo done; -Two of the workmen use the hoisting ropes to s!14% dowrfwSen, tbej: want to deeqend «adS8he-&Gm-the-t distance—of 120 ieet* seconds. Hon* James L.Dempeey has refcurned from a few dayB* rislb xo the metropolis. A. W. Mills is spending a itort time in J?ewi?ork. •Mrs. apary ll fflngi^nd, infant ,-»on.of Fulton, Whohavewm^Bpendlng,a>couple, of weekir-ia^^toe-fiulu^of-sCHiorgli^Kf Weift tb'HamllWil to6>y.** - t;«d«rt«li.tiBI»yOo»ibln». SyfeieusB, Oct. 81;—Thereto tallc tifan , undertakers' trust in SyraonJe. The not more thanUvs orfBchflmeatcorisolldatlonin^brwf-ioIlowsr The undertakers entering the combine, will have one central'or general office, In case a client calls and" wants the services of a certain undertaker nnd\ he la busy, the client will be tamed over to another member of the combine.- The combine will strive to cut down, expenses for Us members, doing away with many assist- ants and having a general bookkeeper. The combine will enter Into an agreement with caaket manufacturers and makers of undertakers' supplies' whtfeby they ped IwlllfieUgooda. culy fvo membars of the ' consolidation. A dear will KB mads with ,livfrymen for the^pnrpose of securing better prices for carriage hire. Chaneea Asaimt A's» Bird GatdUfjier. - AtnaST, Oct- 81.—Gov. Roosevelt while taking bieakJaBt at the executive man- sion this morning was-served/with_acqpx of the charges preferred against Uiatrict Atfctney Asa Bird Gardiner of N e w York county b x | B « cicy eta®. H ? y w t a s pi5= sented b^bawyor Edward £. Heydeoker, The governor hMtlly'*Canneftthesn ovtr and, then turned them everts Attorney General IKSvies and Secretary "5Toungs. There axe twenty .-counts in the charges which allege incompetency, wrongrfnland negleotfnl dniy-8nd general InelBclency to discharge pEhlg^n^y. - ^ 4 SreKtnl«j Vtvm *o Blohmondi WASmsGifo^ Oct.®Sl.—"President Mc- Klnley left Washington at 8 o'clock this morning; fdr Klohtnond, Va, Where he will attend the launching of. the torpedo boat Shnbrick. <HIa IJfe TTJMI SaTfd. Mn J. E. Jldlly,'* pTomhieht'cIld^no?; 8ECTION OF OFF" AND THE ARMV ! CAPTURED. CUT "I formed a plan, in the carrying out of which the disaster ocourred, and I a m alone responsible for the plan. There is no blame whatever to the troops, as the petition was untenable.'" ' tUBewa Takan Prlaonart. v • Gen. White, in a eubsequent dispatch says: . "ThefollowingIs a list of the officers taken, prisoners: todays - "Staff Major Adye. "Irish•FuaU»ers: Col. Carleton, Major Munn, Major Klncald. Captain Borrower, Captain Hice, Captain Silver, Lieut; Hard, Lieut..' Sbuthey,. Lietib. Phibbs, Llent. McGregor, Lieut. Holmes, Lieut. 'iSSvmiM ef«c.6tmiM ;s anQthert lerJgppg ;pice6lde.n^at8jpT|^ s'tllllasieep aiid'M" J " uralftlttmber Wffl vDr. Wlilfa^t^ Qlan:who isiatiir latter's home & the /greater," TFIr-g^Bratt^tl^telii Mlf-;Mrt - .»wl»|d«^T^|fe»^|?Htfe!UnAnnounces Hbtiart, m l h e l p M f t m of hls;phy:sician, iMly^?Si^^ ^S?^«B^ """"""telap's* 4 ; ":The"-vlcff bhis 'jtorh'ing.^as' piuicitly ln,.si"hatir ed bydrnggi -'. '. ^h^lttmily-iJHsBiff' _J4?;;B6bMat ; W | i 4 | h e night i n a roojbpt- ^tofgi"^Jsi|^&%hile^^^^^' Gtarrett Thttle, president, a brotj sg r., and . .Hybart ^JtjlhiW.'bt the- vice tileifttoy. rooms, @p^5Tve ouFa detailed. pr ; i s t i e a y s ' p.oti:ditibh- fobir t's nervour system mffit-ot' OVerworlc aft^ d;-\fc*en the. center aV p| patient had -been ,Dr; Newton wM s'tatendentasid; 1 h?. said' that" 'I4*;i: was vn^cksd^as'S- that his hwfc "'" taoked. - He->saj^f; sleeping four ho#i^ind was still asleep. Atl^'4decjLi»!^rni^^ jervanta hnnlewt«^ftJ»e:a-®riJse^r ton, who ran aWlhf ^aylr^njias hphse; ttfthe.^tbbart reslde^Ba a'ndwasjsoou fol? Ibwid-by 'MiM^^^smM^- WmsJ& bart. -Ml orthaswrflgQwf Itt'themOTag? werelllunUnaUdaM figures could be seen running fromrobrijwriJbmvSiilbsEquehtily Dr. N e w t o n , ^ p b i p n g . , | o a ring at the door b e B / a t a W ^ M r wlffirlDSrHooart w a s s s l e e p h ^ i l | f e b l S btc^ieTSO^weak^ that the trained-rmnias in : attendance had btcome frigbteneayiad sent JOE the" doc- tor. Later tSe^tiHerottffC'pa^ent biF came- stronger wd fears \tn<tfc he was about -to die^TM?* ttil^tred for the momen^. r S ^ L *v. rJim&vr* .flfe,'iJ;«i,f«,»-^iii;- i o r m a n y . years fnpoMesaion:"of Thomat a sitting poattire'braced up with numer ons piUowa. ^hjlfche seemed to unfler- atana What was s*ld-«nd done joear him and appeared to desire to speak no sound paaed Ms lips ahd^for ,the time at least hs waa deprlverl Of t h e jk>we£ o| speech, CCCfiSttli... BBj Del. & Hud»on..:.12i Betjt,. «W T ,..«.Wl ?5^0^n«h^Ho^-Bii^nd-waiH^tate^^ . ^ .. JC ..... _ j^5.centr»u..-..jsa(( Ho.Paolfloptd '.fy W.Y 4 OeatraJ Am Kellyfiaeut. ffooner, Lieut. KInaban, Lieut, lain Matthews. Lieut Kentish, Jeudwine, Ohfk£ r *_SL -J^JJibelaboxe.capMffllB.fc3 and SllVer andLienA TJUonerwere wounded. "GlouceBter rlgiment: Major Hnrn=> phrey. Major Oapel-Care, Major Wallace, Captain Duncan, Captain Conner, Lieut. Bryany Lieut, Niabet, Lieut I ogham, Lieut. >Dj,vy, Lieut. Enox, Lieut. Tetn- pfo\ Lieut. KAdlce, "Lieut. .BreW, Lieut, nD» I4e«t. %$& Lleui.SmiajV'LMitit,' »iolr«nxl^ : EiwrferBeai1e^r Lieu& Gray,. , "Of tie above, Captains. Duncan and Conner were wounded. u ltoyal artlllyy: Major Bryani "Mountain battery: Lieut, Wheeler, Ltent. 'Nugent, Lieut Moore, Lieut. Webbr". - | * Later Mr. Hobal6iwji^erpedto;a''refllIg- ing position and dropped into an easy slumber. \ ^4^* - , ; - - - ' Dr. Newton atjwolookissued thefol* lowlag builettai''-. "The vice president a.woke at 9 o'clock feeling mcch refr«atted;and he has re- mained ve ry comfortable ever since. His pulse Is very good and he has taken con- Biderable nonrlB^mettfe JHejto i l t U n g .up at li oiclock andhls oondltlon.ia good. . ' ••7«Wr|oNilwt<Rt.'t ' Iropro»lB'|ff B n t W«ak.} PATEHSOK, jfiSteOcVJi:—I prm.— My. H o b a t t Wetllr^jSeBtipg quletfy. ,TSTo ehatigs for their^ie?3rtSCblpafea- thlir afternoon or ovtni#*fe Mr, Hohart awoka atO o'clock r'ofreshedj: and; feeling much, stronger than yisjejrdky. His puj3e w"aa firmer, and he t^k;isSniilderable nonrish^ ment. Hesat?upbM&9«dgeotthebed^ chitted:wlthifeM»teibt Wd -^|*4 the P»perg > -ahowlng.a3'Jlfchint«retii in whnt was «4lng on about 'him as when well. The doctor laid that he was improving, trllhonghInaWeak andcritlcalconditlop. The next bulletin wfll be Issued at 0 o'olock Mor* Ttoops afarBa OalUd Oat." LoNDOS^ot 81.—It Is learned by the Associated Press, that the war omceThaa ordered a sicond army corps to . be in readinesH to be called out. The military officials have-not yet declded-whetherthe conBummatlon of the plan will be neces- sary but they are determined to. have everythingtoreadiness either for a dera. ODstratlon in Europe of Great Britain's capabilities or fox-sending evonaJarger force to the scene of act!on._IJntlXthe re M»nafaotar«r». Want tna Old Ones Jta- pairad and New Odei Arranced. POTSUA^,. Oct. 3U—The agitation which has osen stirringfUp the manufac- turer*o£ the Black River valley with re- sptc8 to conserving the sources of water e Utipply by putting in new reaervolre Is Hcommnnicatlng itself to other "sections. The taiD?*6Wntra along the Baquette River, which, next" to-theJSadaon and Black Bivers, bos the largest watershed aster the latter course was considered out of the question, But, now, there.Ja na knowing what steps wHlbedecidetl upon. •:.'•< Xital&oan to»t HtiiTlIr. LoHbOH^Oct.Sl.—The'war oflloe hai sent the following dispatch to Gen. RnliBT; 5,'Three extra battalions of foot Th^^lSSlSnS.Mf^^ ^nrdbal^^o^tslyhia a Wonderful ;t?5 C !s?^§l^^ra d J ie 5 e !l2? Idelive^anle^^a frfthtfnl dealh^ In teUingofitheisajs: . "I was tal&eii^tth and One mountain battery With reserves will leave England during the course of ten days f& ntajSe goodine casnalifiw.** A special dispatch from Ladysmlth says the, Boers suffered aevere}y.dttring the engagement, somepersbos eitimatiug iheirloss at 900 to 1,000 killed and .wounded, Aastht? 3t«ttl# JpgiijpaHt-.^. GSFS^fkmS; G-3fe-^Sl-->4a40 Pv-M4— The Honfh" r ^trlc»mw8lptib1tthMtnwfo1?- lowingdlspatchi "Ladysmith, OctgiJ.-- Ahattle isprbceedtogarthlfoototjlms banbane. a few miles from Ladysmith. Several shells have dropped into the town." : - , -•.-... Iha Bluw ITnczpieUd. " TJBQHOH,' Oct 31.-^Nb•;" Ihpshinan everdreanied that such a crushing blow could o"e t""~~""" ' ~ able for a^fewt^rfibmehtiridTitet butof 1*e hole she had^made^ jEter anchor chains were entangledln the splinters and de- spite her reversed engines she was unable, at first todoTnorejthan pull the Chicago down stream withher.—The Cityaof Ant gusta's nose was'clearinto the Chicago's hull She Anally managed to get clear and backed away. .No effort was made by. her-crew-to- lowet^boats to help. the. passengers of. the Chicago, many of whom were then In the water, their cries being plainly audible on ahore, ateawHan the FafSMgaci. P The tug boat Channdey M. Depew reached tte scene before the Chicago sank and took 35 people from the ferry- boat andont of the water. The flreboat. the police boat Patrol, and several launches war* caUed to the scene and did valuable work inTrMcuing people. Several small boats were sent ont from the neighboring pters, arid to ones and twos and threes tin drenched, chilled and sometimes tuMonsolona .passengers were broughttothe pters, Where they received needed attention." -" J - John Bryson, wBo was drowned, was the driver of a/United States mail van goingfothe NeW York, post office. Be- sides the vehicle in Brysoa's charge there were on the Chicago a track*el6ngtog to the Adams Express Company contain- ing |8,000 Is silver bars', two produce trucks, two. milk truck*, and one other wagon. * < ^ _^_ Captain WllllanvTtorli* 111 oi tht> Gbl " wgosatd: f ' 'We had almost reached the New York side when I saw * vessel bearing down onus, tgaveiwoblastsofmv whistle, signifying my intention to go to star, - D""^, and pnt my helm hard apf 11 ^ the Cll?r^Anguati|.dlichargeA hi passengers aXK^tit^xeacntog helpler at Spring stre»< At5 »v m* she went to thepieratlSthi*re«t, Hoboken. < : Captain Itaipife hW oommander, dt; Typhoid J*ever, Mftis ran totoFhexunbnla. My lungs became hardened. I was*B0 weak I couldn't even sit npinbed. Noth- ing helped mer -1 expected to soon die of ConsumptlonrWhen^^heardof Drs^Klng's New Discovery. One' bottle g a v e great relief. I continued to use it. a n d now am well and "strong. ~I^can't eaytoo much" in its -praiser*'- Tln^-marveltrng' medicine, is the Barest and Quickest cure to the world for a l l Throat a n d Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50c. and f& Trial bottles free at Bronghton & Graves% drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 3 . VOLCANIC BBunxomr are grand, bnt Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bncklen's Arnica Salve cores them; alio Old, Run- ning and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bolls, Fel- ons, Corns, Wa% Cats, Braise*, Bams, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile Cure on earth. Drives o t i t Pains and Aches. Only 85c. a box. Cure guar- anteed. Sold by Bronghton fc ^GniTes, druggists. ^^ » j BisMABOK's IBOK N X B V * was t h e result of his splendid health. Indomitablewill and tremendous energy are n o t fonnd where Stomach, Idvex, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If yon want these 1 qualities and thesucoess they bring, use Dir-King's New Life Pills. Theyde- velop every power of brain said body. Only 86c. at Broughton it Gravea's drw store, - * •» --'— ^*** * XSO afam WanUd At the Hat Works, 115 North James street, to have their old .style hate r* blocked Into thelateet style Gayer, Bw WnrJKno*. gor a few days wra will w block one-hat for. each person- for 00 putltintheSwiUael. STORAGE R^8E.RV0lR : *|^0^-^e^wB^f^eJ&a^mrtfr3is^ : ofany sSeSm tn the st3ttg7 aBd has assay ,- it - . ^ ,..- .„ m jij a ajj^ piajjfg ft j 0Dg jts banks, arenow moving In, the matter. -The sentiment there culminated in a meeting held 7 in fotedam recently, whe»att association was formed for the protedtlbn of power Interests and the agitation of the reser- V6,lr idea. The organization is to be known, a* the Association of "Water Power Owners ofKscpietteRiver. SSbzage reservoirs were discussed at tblBtSfdiraMs length. ^hgaeiraasseiaileH admlmstered"by the Boers as GeninJonbe^ri djillverisa^ m, Gianl r White?i forces yesterday. The full extehtbt jEBi disaster Is not yet appreciated. The losi In effectivejnen must be-appalling to a general who-Is practically surrounded. The ^situation is altered very materially In favor of the Boers. The disaster "cost the-BrItlshvl,500 to 2,000 men and'tix seven-pound screw guns, which guns will greatly aid the Boers. The defeat will have-a depressing tffectupon the balance ot"the~BrltlshtoTM-ai-Lady»mlth,4uid will bring orow,d8 of recruits to-the Boer standard. - - . J The blame for the disaster can not be placed until-further news arrives. The, defe|t was due largely j to-the stamped- ing of the inulea with the guns. 43-offl« oers were niade.p|isSonera.and one news- paper correspondent, J. Hyde. OoaitarnaUoa in loaflon,^ \ There Was a big saleof newspapers here announcing the-news and crowds of nun and women eagerly read them. They stood stock still at the suiprlsina an- nouncement* of a reveres such as never before happenedtothe memory of living British subjects. The wax offlcewas-aur- roundedby crowds looking for nawa pf thedeadT—At the gpvsrament ofdoeav '.'15 is terrible," Wasthe verdict ' , 1 »,66o KM KUlad, The estimate of the best authorities is that 9,000 men were killed. As the day wore on the crowd around the wax office irfcreased and a t Glottorster, the' home of manyof tnose "engaged, the wildestrex- cltement prevailed. Special jedltioas of newspapers everywhere were speedily ex- hausted. Gloucester is in dire dismay, as this is the. second- engagemect in which residents of that town have been slaugh- tered., —— rtaparlns *• thWL KlallrttlwV. drgatrfssed by the election of George W. SlsslSn as president, K L Deweytreas- -urers -and O. H. J^ppan -secretary. Enough money was subscribed to meet the immediate needs of the association, and asyatera of assessment agreed upon fefcJma_xaiBlng of JfnrJhef^fundii. .Mill ownarjMMaother Htrp*ann»Tn.m Yorkaroieported to b^,working on slm Ip.IEues*' _ '." . „^__ ,, The new asaocratton will leek" at once to have the old reservoir dam, repaired, and storage reservoirs at other points will also receive attention. TJtfeaMeea Paid to JProdn«S«ai' iJncAi ,Oci^.-Dalry Frodoeti-BntUr, dai TT- A!. FARMER OF §T#HlNt6WM SHOOTS TWQh -WQNfEN- DEAD, He Then Flrea Two Bhota Into. Bits Own Breast, Bat Will Rtcovar-IIa Is a Mar,-' -rrea Aur With SI* CUlldten, Bufrif|4; Been latlmate With One of His Vlctlmi '•—Her Mother Tried to Keep Hint Away rnror one Tram slider^acfc^WHi Ornehee Into Another. RbcnasTEE, Oct. 81*:—Early this moryb^ ing as freight train No. 353 on the Palis rottdwaBproceeding-up a grade between i^pencerport flind- J Wesfr^lochestef-a^,c&up-r 3VMi pin..brdke, allowing a portion of the fc*ato to slide back and strike train Nor 3o5, whioh was following ashort distance lin--thiB#r.eafer:T=:-—rii . .-"•••" :••• ..-•.^^•'b-, Cbnduetpr Fred S. Staiey and Brake, xnan Percy Solan, both of Syracuse, who ' " " " saw SING SING'S BIG BLMR .$5.0 000.' DAMAGE- D O ^ E ^ O A PRISON STRUCTURE. NEW. -"TEoyr^OcI; farmer of 20 miles from-here, Sl;-^-.Geoi?ge *I«rmaus, ,a mtown, a village about went to theiiome of Sirs. Rhpda Horton, also of Stephentown, yeaterday. An argument ensued between Herm^ris, Iffrs, ,Hbrton and her daughter EUssaJane'and finally Hermans shot both women,, killing them almost instantly^. TaCermaiis then- fired t # b ahote into T hl.H own breast but will live;; He has been' brougit to the Troy Hospital and'when he Woovers will be lodged in iaii. Jeal- ousy is the cause of the crlmd.,Hermans has a wifeand six children bui had been ihtimatewlthJMtrs. Hortonls daughter. Recently she told htm to keep away toijpBir,^S-he wjaslalso^married, and ad one child, Hermotherls said to have been the canseof her deserting Hermans.* wrere on the detachedportion of No. •v^eviolentlyjshi t ow.n down and severely injured. - Conductoi' Staiey As the most sevlB , tts}yinittred,l)Bin^ painfully bruised about the head and limbB and in sneh. a 'statefljathe^ari notbe^eut-home/—- -' ^ralcemnn^lanjftjtter'hti wonn?s T were dressed,-wa»-sent ote to ^yraehge-thia^af terhooh, The caboose^ in which Gpn- ductor Saley waarHfiing- was wreck-Sd^ took Are and was burned, together with the trainmen's prdpjirty,. FINANCE ANP CdMM^FiCE. A REUIC Q> Q»D TIMES. A; PrlnrWhtob Waa~XHO*din t»*a Owned bjr Er*lBV V. Bojtoa. Jlcwini'.Boyaoni.son of fixed J, Bos- son of 518 ,Floyd avenue, has a curiosity to the snaps of an old print, which he has bad. framed f o r preservation., it was St,\Paul 4 Om.,.pl23 Gen.EIeotric, aew.131 K e a d i D K - . , . — — SIM 1913 by Jonathan Clark of Albany. The printer evidently took great pains with _ ,, „,»™ hlBirorkandWal quite -prottdnt^tJforJS»lno^wir!::::: |o! ^long the top la a Jule .which informs.the reader that it Waa printed with ths use of=Amerlcan-materialihcntlrely r -^At-_the. bottom of the sheet is the line:" ''Written by_Dr< Dwighty president of Y a l e C61- lege." Ths sheet contains ifrepresenta- Hlon of the i* Temple oflft«1doB|J,f whbn/ might have once shown resplendent In guilt bnt which now la* faded brown; There are alio very coarse wood outs of George Washington, John .Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Jamea^Madison. Other* cuts are those of a ship,- eagle, etc. The population of the United States and ahd>w¥fltorJes ia- given at" *T,S3M^i- ahd that of New York .etste.aa «$9,Qi». These figures were -according to the census of 1810« The sheet contains a Jpoem-eTMtrid^Cblmnbl^Hnd^x^rwft from the DBolar&Hbn of lodgjende^oBj "Washington'sf arewell address andWalh^ ington's resignation. Also a description' of the United States and their resources. The typographical appearance. of .the workisvay coarse a,u&-: cruder as.cbm/ pared with wbrktn^Waysr*^" Kolltlmeat No^n. Fyank Dygert of Oneida has enlisted at, the local recruiting station and was sent today to Sackets Harbor. Bpain'a Greatcit Need. Mr. R, P. Oliyla of BaTMlona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. O. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his bead. On using Electric Bit- ters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy", all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine Is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens Into every muscle, nerve arid organ of the body. If weak, tired or allingjTybtt need- it. Every bottle guarantesajfonly 50 cents. Sold by Broughton &'Graves, druggists. . Kit .3 tale Dairy Markets. '•I N*w Stoolca, Bonds «a<l atone?. „ TORK, Oct dt.—Opening:—thfr market this morhinsr opened With nt downward 1 " ••' " " uB.and speclair clflp and Louisville, Baltimore- A' 'Omo'pTd.'aiid tendency, t)»e ipUroailB imd specialties ieadlng. Of the former Norfolk & Wjaatern, Missou'rLJPa-' Union Pacific lost-.from 1 to 1H. Of the lat ter SuRar, Steel & Wire and. International Paper went down as much, {Trading wgs very active -and henTty blocks were thrown upon the market,. - Koon—fife market Ml Jhto-dullnoss but there was po Interruption to the degllh^,- Tliere^wag. coBBpIcuouB weaknesn la Qlucote,. tackawanna and Aooerlc/in Ice whlcli fell SQM. Otherwise the changes from the.ll o'clock level were not wide. Prices hftrderieit slightly, before pooili BaleB<901,81S shares. . . Money 8trTngenr"nr»r Paper" St 5Cr>Wf. -ISp change easy at 496MQ486-K for demand and S O S ^ e m ^ r ~ o O a y i ; posted .rates 48«r 4841ft and 4880i<8jUt 'ooinmerclsl bills, 488, BjWer wrtlflca&j, MflfOHt.' UMSUTM. ef^. larstfH. Government bpndioaaler,- .WestBffl:n«l0B„. 88-' Am.'Dngar..: 162J4 Mexioan dollars i Amur Express.... 140 before dawn .today, atoek |J30,00O^nlns,kred. . » . ' Tip fire starred at 3MW a,m. in the batery And 'litohen. . The' bskery. is olose to the administration building, a ibrick structure 000 feet long and. four stories high. The first floor is used na a mew room. The second floor was princi- pally . used ior a chapel. The top flioor was-the-prlsoh hojs]pItalr "Twenty^elght" pMIenta were the hospital wheuthe fire broke out. They were all quickly moved without;,disorder to the old hospi- tal building and temporarily provided lor there, : j' : , __ ' The are Ohtained greaTheadway ISThe administration building before the lira apparatus-of Sing SIng-and the near-by __ towtis could be brought Into action. It was only brought under control' after a hard four hours' 'light. Tn* *6bt of the administration building feinn; TBit- cause of the fire Is unex- Tenn. O. & I HI Out. & West.—.. 8$ itemsott.;„i.,„ si]««Uter:..». 2d; J»8. 5'sreg v V. 8. 5'g coup 111. Erie seconds....... 70« West Shore 4>»„..»8>i U . 8 . 4 ' s reg. new—189 V.B, 4's coupTiefr.180 saooHBsoian. Nsw Toaic, Oct. 8I^-« p. m.-8p<uulaUvo Intere«t-centered-in-Sugar r tho-looaUracUoa atosKs Ml tKe ine^jd protfertleii wMlch eon tlnueoio worlc-upwaKl. .Tl>ero was no reflec tlon of ihetrstrength In the standard IssutB « .eeptt'ln isolated instances. * ~Btcc*i^Io«eia-acUve*»a-flrm. :• ,-.., •• ..... AtobWn „...S2H Wheeling* LE-. IS pretitr**" - COS -Brooklyn !Tranilt-8a". oaaadaBootaeia. 68 , Ches A Ohio..,... S7« o«*o ..... '...jaa« :TW*afd»«a..,.;i2« »«1I.AW^ ....... J01: t*keBhore.-„.„.l«i TjoqIs7k]etasBb^. 8-5^. ietHtTtattw^^Or ^IatohtlTacIflo.T WM H - J 'CMstraiTL;t«..19l» ST ftentral; «I8S The admlni6tration building cost $300,- 000. Hasty estimates are that it can be restored at a cost of about |60,000. The top or third floor where the hospital was is burned land-the' roof is almost gone. TPfie cenrtht^ddr^ofiaie^c*pir«ar^tory - protected the'lower floors. Tte building wiU-b^rei»sitedr«^once^ There was no- exoltement^ aniong th* convicts, all of whamw^tXltftSlteJtedln^rjelr .cells this morning. Several hose compauiea were - :brought^cmi-Peeksklll--and-T&rry town- do 1st pfd ...... 60 doSdpfcU J0J4 Am«* aav<«w„ l$- -Ant 3SohMM...-i»lisJf do.pref«ws<l....MS Oonsoltdsted BM.1£0 Cedent Steel ..... W Inteir Paper.—... 2C« r d o — d o - pfdW-W-^ >ttTOso*S»riOT- Bnjar B»Hnery...lK! . !lSsOoU*,Iroa.ll8 JJCortheni Paaia«..«W w V" Telefriplj.. S8W D m. Wor Wjsti.w.;.™l'?i tJ8Kew4s-»t.>*lS9 72U ^a%WesrU-«»,.|8, „TJ^twm»on».iM; s Soak W»»a-»„...ll(>)4 w u 8 6'«T»K..... ~.K0t BW*0.~- Ml atPanl. 187 Ot Paul A Omaha. 12fr do 5'i;eoap..... lli. AtOhU0h4'S.... ». 88! de A4's."„.^.- tfi% «K*TildS.,.„. CSv* " " " i'i V>H l e x Pao tads »5 . Weat.flhore fonrs 413- a m Air Power old. 46 Southern Pacldo- 83% R« Ballwar P?d-~ 57 Union PWJIBC.... !; *W WaiosHPao'nfdS^. TM »V«fcash........... rt(j Hew York Prodaca Market. NKW Vonx, Oot 81.—Flour receipts, 22.210 barrels: sales. 6 600 psckaxea state and western (alrdenmnd. Wlntor.patents, straights,'J3.40aa.tiO; winter very steady with a fair $3.6003.65: winter extras, f9.65O3.00; winter low erodes, $'iJStt'i.*0; Minnesota patents, 18.9304 20: Bakers, $3.00® 3.80. Bye flour, qulot; salesj, barrels: good tn fair, |3 40a3.4a: choice to fanoy, $3,460)3.75. Wheat, receipts. 53 t 7& bushels; sales, 420.nno bushels. Options No. 8 r*d opened steady at Ko ndvhcce on cables sml EDKIIBII reverses In the Transvaal. .Later turned-easier. In lliefthsaflCfi - — - - 11106, Pe Diooa.KJneaupwio BWIUBCU, Bi^eutssneuB of outside Support. May. 78ma7*Hl0c, r>e- the nerves, putavtasy vigor and* how life «emberj J Ji!€B5 ! 4Hc* -nyer-niaritet-qiiletj—atato, »_.<.. 1 1- F.« .h'_w. _* xl. - <!•*> "U- ti ... 1. ml .... flirt' # « *. ndnnt. t-r% h*.«*4(M« _i;ll©is; #0M£r*^iitfcfowls, 1\ J^ttnrkeys 12, dnoks l(),^hickena 9tWi d r * « ^ p o % « ^ , . t M r W y * itlOCa) anclwl20«i chickens lljlja. . Fruits and Vegetable*—Apple* ttuah, 60a78, potatoes 36O40. beans, marrow, .12^5, medToia It S0«« 00. onions D 5 © 4 0 . _ L , — . _ aSawed How-Beavy, *v 5 0 % Ught 6®8M- T«Uow,-tried, 8 ^ 4 , rough 1HOS; f Hay—Eoxw»ton,$10qflf. : -v.. - - Hop*—1809 crop 0O10, ISWerop.TAS. Hide*. BldnssndPeltB—Green, trimmed hides, TS0.T.7HCT do- No 2 and bulls 'Bfte,- bone hides, Mo i; s»SS, fS S6ft> 60. do. Ko.^sidspiita, $1,000 150. -^saafiosTNo. i, 18/.lb*;aM^n«d*Pi'-»S *>i do-HoHar-lSe. per skin loss, daur aWnev No. 1, each, 45080,do7No.a, Sen, SOAJpanib peiu, saeh^toSawtaken off,— ^;_^* & "— -""--- Dairy Prodncto-BuH^.-JuajHr, •». try »«.7S^ahamt8 6004.00,— HesMuSjiper bush—Uni«». $9 25, narrows $lt0, pea $1.» _ Boair and Byrap--caoyer t f*, lSM,mapi» irrap,gai> esfl^.iaa; 22 cream- . leseUsV;) ssotiscpa. .meoloms boekwheat 'auiiur,*, UTICA. Oct 30—Cheese—Tho sale* Hf cheese on the Utica board today, as offloiaUy reported, showed a constdnrale falling off front (hose o(H- cially reported la t week. On the question of Drice. last week there were a,$l5 bases of large colore* clieose, and, iBO boxen of iarge watte, officially reported aa hating been aold for i2c. Inquiry today among all fnotorymen who sell the hi^ie'tjriced goods failed to discovera. sirlgleonewI^"nadrecelvedlhalffRure. mtaot only a few could he round who got a* much as llJic, and these probah-y soli on the curb. Jt seems likely that on the board HV* 'was as high BKanybody got. Ttoday-^unall cheese were re- ittedto have been sold at from 12J4o to 12Hc. i^aing buyers inclDdloc Frerident Brown of tneTbaHT«aimaTnTQTharnieBe- pftcsrweTS fictitious, and insisted that so small cheese had JtonsoJdJ'or'More than I2c. Stan there may pMsftlyTfflWBism-Wfctot 8bWHriS«£T"nieTe" was ho question raised as to the accuracy of the notations reported this week on largo cheose. Jab IBdiestions are that the meeting of the board will continue as late at least as last year,' or up to the second week in December. Following l i t list of the sales as officially re^ ported on we board, today: , Lots. Boxes, ~U ^410" OSji No. 2 western. Olc' f. o b. allont; to hrrive. Corn, receipts, lCO^'B bushels: sale», 6,000 bush- els. Options opened dull and nominally Ko lower, eao!e« being dlsappoin'tnK and export demand unsatisfactory. Later ruled dull. Hay, S8Wc. Oats, receipts", 79.0W bnshols. Norn I nnl in the absonce dt baeiarss. Track white, state, eoWiftS6o: track white, wosWro. 3040360. Beef, marnst firm; fnroily. $U»00®12.C()i extra mess, f).txmw.m; wcknt, I10,6(to)i:60. Pork, steady; mesa. t9 00®9EO, family. $11.03312.00; short Woar, S10.»oi'2 TO. Lard, easy; prime, western steam, $5^7H notninaL Eggs, receipts. 13.210 pacicagesjjnarket steady; axe>te and ronBgyirfiSti, EOjjiaSic,; s a t s m tintrrndrtd at mark, HfluBc. Bnenr, raw, firm: fair refining. S 13 lCo bid; contrlthgal 00 test, 4 540c; molasses sugar. 3 0-lCc. Eeflned, Large colored. . ...... ai 'Large cblpred.... ;— ..•-... B Large cWoredV. ...... 18 Large-white..—. * i t Small colored . . 7 Small colored.. .v. 2> Small white.—..»..—..»- 0 Small white 6 Small white .._».. | Small white.. 8 Totals. .100 840' 7)7* 380 mi «o 400 140 3|5 260. Wl Y6*k aad Lwd-Lard, pare leaf, bamts, 6KO HUM U1UB1I « WVHWMHt # a « . v < ftaah jiaatt-Preased .. 4,oow»and pork totes ( 8, spring, dresMa^ inartevslO "saowse :«d Mftsts-Hams, » ^ i J s n n i ^ ham* 11© ly^CaHfofala hama 7<a7«. SMoWd J » ^ i e u S rfuVaVMsKBdknnckleenibaoosi80«i sootdden JHMS7* ~- 1 x .?•,-•'.--• '-''*" *" jreeah jTrnltj-Apples, o^ # 5 0 0 8 , e.ranber- p,.ij:.cwt,6ooeo,' rM. orate, p 25. Vetetibles-Onit .. BOA Potatoes, bush, 40©45;: BiUed Hay and Straw—Hs oat stwrtMSaW, rye straw .Orate and Feed—Oats, MM The transactions on Nov. 2, 1896-Were 4,431 boxes, with the ruling price OKo. The transac- ySinSbriNov. 1, 1897, w«re44Wboxe%with Oie ruling price fc. The traasactiona on Oct. 8T, 18K, were 4 944 boxes, wlth.the ruling price 8e. There were 86 packages of butter sold today atS4Jtc. j, Aiwisi! FALLS, Oct. 30,—<31ieese.- i The cheeiet trade shows some, change from a week. ago. Dealers are more divldedvio their viewi^as shown in the different prices paid for-full cream stock, llMo and 12c. Light skhns continue to go at lie, and there Is no trouble in securiog this priceforagoodarticle. Buyers are n<3w,selling each week as many as t ey receive, so that., there -are no additnons being made to stocks held. It Is" now believed, here that the October production will be no larger than that of the usual Norember faake. Many factories hare already closed. The sales today are as follows: Lots. Boxe*. Price* steady; crushed,5 5-16S: powdered, otic; K»w»TI- lated. 8 3-16c Coffee, steady; No ?. Btgo. Tallow, Bteady; city, < « c ; cauntry, 4K&4&C. Bay, quiet; shipping, GSaTnc, good io choice, 76f»8%o. -Mops; dall; atate common to^ ohoIceTl896 croprJfcl I » 7 crop, Boaiflal; 1808 crop, lOaitSc: 189J crop, laplSc; Paolflo coast" TBOe crop; •o*c; T8SW drop, BOTHHUU: 180S crop, l l © l f e ; 1*9 crop, 12ai5c. Lead, markeyi«e^.b^^a B ^E^^h^^ i ^ls«ce-, wl2||al.E0; N.Y., $l.C0aii5; llersey, #1 00j> 125;sontherD itweets,$l.I2^0185; Jerseylsweets. il.WQ2.QQ. _8traw, steady long rye, «Nfc70c; . _« . 'raw, 46c Beans, -1 It B short ryCf eoffiTOa; oat-- stra' quiet; marrow. 12.10^2.15; s medium, 180; 'pea, fl.66Ql.70; red kidney, Tool,, market dull; domestio Texas dry, 14Q17C. _j "lEkSf* aa«i OhNii, Nsw YORK,, Oct. 31—Butter, recelpte a§S3 •fleece, elpfi ,16} A Imlniatration Bnlldlna*. Oonstrncted by Convict Labor trader Warden Sage. n »" ... p»»troyed-T-AU the. Inmates Escapc-Or Igln of the IPIr* Unknown—Three Ltv N . Lost i n a Vtis In t h e Webster House sit vHtontar^al— A Aetttft'dfat^Senilnary at . HacUettatown, N, ,r., CJoes tip In riumes. r -JISv? vYofiK : r08fe fM.-r-'Enfrnew admiir- Istratlon building of the Sing Sing prison built hy-convict labor nhder-^Wardett Sage,' and cbnBidbred tohave-been one-of the haniisomest strnctares of the kind In the country, was half-destrojed hj-ftre The loaa abonfc _ s - \i "r-*i*- rav- en •pecial trains and with the Sing; Sing departmpnt bad. theflra, which started at 2 a. m., under control at 5 o'clock and extinguished at 8. , • • : ' . P/m,V FIRE AT MONTREAL. Thrsi Xlvcf Xtiit I n a ntaze In the Web- 4 _' '_"""'! ' _»^ejif"Ho***.' " Mosnar^L, ©cfc 81. -^(Ehe "WebaW Honsfcon^the comer of. JJ^ James, jnd 0athtdjral8tre«.ts w^B^btirnedtihianibrn^' ing. : Several peop^were bnrned or enf- focated. Three bodies have been re- covered. •.«.*•!. >v£oli?>wlag.Ji;* Itet M-'dead and fa- inr^:BXte.*8aacemtnedt " r ~- Dead: James Wilson, deputy sheriff, Sherhrooke, J? f Q ; J. T. Benbow, oare^ •taker, drill ahed, Ottawa.: lie had been to Quebec to see bis son, who fs with the Canadian contingent for the Transvaal; He jumped from a second story-window* Jane Gtffney, scrub woman, died from suffocating. Col. J. E. pswald, a retired . military officer, who boarded at the hotel, Is In a dying condition at Notre Same Hospital. Several othergnesta were slight- ly scorched. The Are started in a recess under the stairs near the dining room and quickly spread by means of the stairs to every part of the house. It was discov- ered ah 5 o'clock and much time waa lost by the fire brigade mistaking the Webster House for Hie Western House,>wMeh Is In another partct the city.?- L08S $300,000. ., Methodist Sani* t The Hackattstowo. N. J v lnary Goes Up In L'lamaa. Hir-KBTtsTOWK, N. J.; Oct 31.—The Hadkeftstown seminary building, owned by the Newark conference of the Meth- odlst Episcopal Church, was completely destroyed by Are this morning, causing a tees of absst $30&,S89, en whtefe tfests is only about $110,060 Insurance. l'ho structure was of brick 250 long, 160 feet hi width and six stories in hlght: It was located in. the outskirts of the town. Two hundred students, half of them female, occupied rooms in the building. All escaped uninjured hat hoc more than a quarter of them were ableid. save their clothing and other belongings. AbouTia^o^clock thT-iffnttor fowid— t1BS"h1Semeof Tail of smoke and 1ST" boiler room in flames. All persons were got safely ont of the building, which Is entirely, ruined. Two separate .brick buildings escaped serious injury. The structure burned will be rebuilt. *> td l&ic June, creamery, 17Q23a: fa< •1^= J»l^o;inilf»api^#.,lttfH^ Ko 9,fCD packages: dull ana ...'•v. 1,1, Large colored. Small white.... Small white ...... Small white Small colored.... Small colored .............. Small colored ......... f .... Twins, colored... Twins, colored ............. Twins, white. Twins, white ............... Twlna, white ...... -^ ...... 1 H 8 r 7 8 8 8 2 8- 8 6 100 410 4C0 aw 15* 254 ^J)Q IOT 4MJ 60S 5i54 ii»c lio- lie m . lte.- 12o uc OAPK UPW*, Oct.* 3U>—n ls'repfltirled from Barkly-westrthatrtherBoers are cob-' strncting forts sronnd Klmberleyfor the pnrpote of shelling the town* ' mj oorn-«a>' ftT,shona oats|17,00 Voana; Wb .. _ tlrem is the terror of ttUrasands of yowsjimothers, be<*use^ onitoreak Is H agonising Rn d fre^whHyfataL Shi- loh^Oooghand C^nsTUhpUon qnreacte like nisagloin cases of roonp. - It has utfvn beett known io fall. .The "iWW$Mmi»' Urred immediately. Price i»6c, 60a and |1. Sold by Brou«htofi * < ^ v y o n a ' " " * *'$&?$&-^• . . B* ^678 (Sales of! 18 paofe«Bs dairy butter were tt»dev, mostly at 2!@23c, An occasional small packftjte to the local grocery trade brings 2io. ,^; ,_- OowassBtrao. Oct SO.-^-Theire were 1.578 boxei> of cheese offered today, but no sales. The high- est buyers would give was H^o for twlmn . v ?- - CANTON, Oct. SS.-^Tflday 1^00 boxes or cheese were sold at l i k e toll^Je, and 70Otubs of bujrter at 83c. . '\ : ' » FULTON, Oct. EO-Today 18 factories were rjnfe .A with l.oarboxea of cheese. Large Sold BrnallsoidatliHc, ' )'V.' atimc, Elgin Butter Markat. BLOW, III., Oct. SO^-Bnitgrfirmat»««{:#£>, ferings CO tubs. Bids, S3Hc but fio takint; and- hoiaies. * ,.?£.K~; ' n -. * s&'if* wl _ j-JOa. Cheese, reoelpta _ weak: lsrgBTrhlto. iSo; sinaU" whiter i^o; large colored, 12@I2>io', small colored, lsjjo, ; > Baffala aVarkaW. ; Br»»»w>. 0*<t. 31.-8pring wheat, No. 1 north- ern, 75-%c; winter. No. 9 red. 74C; Ooira, «o. S rauow.MMe. Oau, No. t-wniu, SOc. . 1*~. - v.- Oattasa-.- Haw towx, Oct, St.—<Jottoa-»no» ooMo. datfen'tVcars^'eloted steady; Nov., 7(W.< Dae. 7.10a. Jaav, 7,130 «Teb. 7.14« MM**, 71(5 ; Aotil,7l7ar Haw, t.Mis Jtwa,7.20o; July,7.20o; mug.,ri?cjSepfe,«.Wc. * weavaia\ amawawwi. . amoMo, Oct, 81 —Opentu-Wheat, Pee., 7CMO70«ej May, wk©74c. <<om. Dec., Sl^iO SlSc; J a n . , l ^ c ; sUqr 8SJ«<W8o. . o a t s , May, Deft, 18.17; Jan., $6.85. . Bibs, JML. |[email protected]?«. 'Ocuoieo, Oct. 81.—OkWnit Wneat, Ota, 70«3i May, 74«o. . Obra. Oct., 81Mc; Nov., 8lgo-. J P»o..mHc; J«n..81o; May, SJjJo. oata, peHtKOct! ie.oei m* KM w'nm.'Nki Mar, «,80. Lard, Oct.. »612U; Dte.* Ma5; Jan„ 4«m..B4»pcU»4.85;T5eo.,f4.8^<t 3m., of hots today, S7.*0o Seadt tomorrow, 3S,l iMF!les*-OTer, rt 8;733; head; slow, lower; mixed'asid butchers, fAlomMi food htavy, ftloa4.K;run«h heavy, $a.MfKgo* ught, H06 OtSO, OatUtT reoslpts. slw head; market sMM$t:mmk, KBQoe.e0! ortwa and heifer*, S1.76O510; Texas_ steers, |3.2Sft4.tO; BtuckMs aidt#sd»rt,lsr50CiOO. , rekveaeeiia. frmnramt Oct. si.-OU *op«ud at $1.63. Caoaej at 11.53, ;, ; ,T*iT 4fiB0IiBnia HaUDACttB Would dtUckljf leave joti If; y o u used Dr. I p n g * SJiWJEdjfe Pills. Thonsanda of sniEerers have proved their matchleea merit for M$k. ahd Nenona headaehea,. Tney Tftsltft pnm ntoniLaiQtd strong jaeryei ahd _. A FBISHTPIJL BLTJKOitB wffl often eauae fc;4a horrible Bnrn, Scald, Cut or Braise, Bncklen's Arnica Salve, the bestTin tbtt world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Soree^ Ulcers, Bolls, Felons, jCbrhs, all. Skin Broptlons. Best Pile - Cure on earth. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed* Sold by .Broughton & Graves, drng- glsts. . ' " • 1 ". J 2ao«. Butter—Creamery 2tt _.8 L fe4»U28^C white wheat |4,M,«ranana ftSB. Com aad oats » 100 » s . 90§L0O, ecraei" 90311.00; cracked c o m 90, ahlpsJo, braa 90, seed oil meal $1.60, Indian meal,fine,$1.00, coarse " * - ™ ~"a9t " "'"" ,00, bated hay *300lMh 80, rj straw40,opnijsUteWbuahBe, westerajl • » ton $8.00 90,middliinM,ooara*,90,Jtoa9S, h a y * Sto.00, bale4h»»1001»W rye^w46;oat straw 40, eon, fttte* bush 56, westerar 83,ret»fl88,bnokwnait*bush86, ratsdl 45.ret»n60. Hldea,trimmed bulla 9 » oata rye 0»s,*t>lO, un Oll.oorprune Nb. 1 deacon akina" 86©40,'cutsjid steers 7M ._ . _ taMnl'.mh. 10 to 151«. each IT murjraln and grabby4d6, tarb deacos 30, unwiuuiedl^iajTamb pelta; eachJWOGS, small deacon skhu wooLwaahedfUli 190 up your health. Easy to take. Try lifiii,' 6hly25oentB. Money biwkii hot '•"•'" Sold by Bronghton; «s tfrAffi* shearlings 10O60, tallow u rough, » » l ) i ren- dered 3. ., '— - * r^j-si— Beans, medium aad, pea, etmsh tl^B, rttall 6o. *> quart, marrows $1.70, retail 8a f quart, potatoes £5fti0 * bush, retaa 60. Hew cab; osge 8c,«KaU 5 0 1 >OT^ rstaO, * bush,, 60 0$l.i». Onions 85, retail 40O00. ^mta-Pota »^WMyio^-tit. ptwk f* boga t dnta^%Cwt.1^0^5.75; hims retail 14, shouldsraT. retaillpplSl, bacon 10, rel pprkJiteaklO.porkroast 30, mutton 80*4,1 Jo»13, veal cnUet 18, roasts 10©14. stews 8040, ^ 'Ute *»ight,'-nrst quality $5.50, carcwH B^nVTlnxomb» »14, retail 18, beeswax ISO 18,retJ0120,tinetar, pure cider* gal.Uftre- tatt^i»uT*bC9S, re»U $105, hea^ubbiouV - H *tet*msm3.'kvg& fowla 10. retail 14. ducks 10, ducka 19^ retail ic, retail W»1C. MOfi6, yt»i.n« ^5.», Stove $5.1 " ;r«t*, d«U>rer*dito«, ofeMtnutff,to, pea. " "|E, A 4tidnhasrioghog. with.Pr. Mljea* Fato Pi>to^ (s&K2L*\,

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It is»(rt:^^nlS?^|t^P*!|'^EtoAt^rlptOT:^

toer of fcedpi? •Mtf&^&v^Zliinto -i^i-

D**«^^i^6iwf.:ry'?'""; ,\',,.-'.. *'»'••*'.' ~*'

NKW'- -^^v&'-4fcsp'?3» Savannah;

the Peft^ltfAWfti'fe^enier'-.ferryb^t'

mornin£?±Tlie£eW^^ &utea in"7$ft«!iS of wafar within: 150 i?etf # her pfeff^tW«p'0oiaiHi*-8nd 'M&erty stteetsv '«--*,.*': •"'••''•.-. -yi-'"-- ;;:'>'•* •"..••

^6^^Q,^?engep' ,we»»b^a»-in­cluding several .'women ano}. chyaren, Rowboattifroin; the°wb«tywj.and tugboats in the river resetted raahjf pasBengew . obhewsiwmlahore,- - • ' ".".-•'

Afte&as»ign* spenfcin dragging to the mr^TBIferTffi^e^tinit^^

v ete aMsVto flnaTT)ut^e Body, tHStror John Bryion, adriverbfr* mall wagon.

Th« dead: JonitBtiionV 483 Ifcst 15tb ure-to driver* of ^rnail -wagon. Body fonff* aiyfr Identified ^neMM-of"* jt y;

p.@ai«)Sflx els. The woodwork WSB driven jnt$vtb&'engine worn. Had. the -vessel b;ee"n able to draw out immediately I couliftalylrgot the Chicago Into her Blip; •VI \$mhk there were 150 passengers On

the: Chicago. -f~saw only three women. Tbere wbre. life preservers for all. .-. There was plenty of time for everybody t o put thenrjoHi' I do npt think that any lives fere lost Unless that of Fireman V:soom„ I have accounted for all my mettaave him.!'. - r -/.-. . , • HThe-^bieago is 803-fett long ana only. recen%. was entirely refltteaiand. redec­orated. She was .worth $100,000 accord­ing-to F. Li.Shqppard, the general super­intendent of the Pennsylvania Raiiioad ^o.-^.dtepateh^rojnjehiladelphiar^ves a statement- from the Pennsylvania gen,-eraiofflces that the Chicago will be raised, sjsoonaerposaible, Y

Gen. Supt. P. E I*efevre and Gen. Agent C. E, Holdrldge of the Savannah fine are investigating the accident. ..- '•;,

Th*adi«nl6 ^01»»V«ibttii flremairw the tiiW^imjfm into w>e rivet and notsnitflfearftftorfl. -V a ••• -

In tte&'ftpitali August Wendebourne, 197 'TJ«fon:^tt«d, Brooklyn; •offering from »hock,and aabmeraion; Hudson Street Hbip1**^ -Iftis b»ltov»VF • tiiiw r »iy ii»mamiKci.»i_^

tie «etption^Bry»h4rera'Ba»dd. : Of -^a^lfaT^Ftliitr »)\ ywn*%jM*

the crew of seven but onemantt misaing, Vroom. the flrernan, and II may 1» possi­ble that he "wa*caught in thilt|okhojte.

WhenthaCWcago-left JerteyCity at 12 44 a. m. Captain William Dnrham was fa theforwgd^HolbhohJB-dlteothig the boat personally, and onepfhii deck hands was at the wheel. The night < was per­fectly clear. Thrtide"wurebblng-faet and Oapt*int».nrbam on thia account was obliged to keep his boa* beaded well-up stream/ As he neared" the New York shore he put his helm." over to head into the slip and as the GhicsgOBWmsg around the captain "caught sight of the City of AngUBta-bearinjg doiin oh Win. She was coming up strtani andyveyy clpae.' •

The Boat* Cr*ito*o j« \h«r . Captain B^n'am^WiEwo^maatsofhis-

'whistle to .'signify his intention to pass to starboard, f f f idpiftoghifSelmapprt he rang the rtgna]i;to;gQ^fie»J at JoTt speed. Tbo City of Auga»ta, .Captain Durham says, did no t reply to the signal but kept right in her TOrmei- A moment later the

Sty of Augustarammedthe Chicago just aft her paddle wheel on theifcarboard

a i d e . • , • • ' • ' ' • •

The paiaengera, moat of whom had risen, ' ard-end off the fwryboat.

to be prepared to leave aa-ahe reached htj slip, made a_ wild .acramfcle for life pre-6erver«k .Fortnnately there Were few women on boaid'-^not more thanH Bix-and at first they were shoved to the rear. George Blematook and George Kay, trnokmen, who were coming over to the city with their Joods of milk, jumped Into- the middle of the struggling mass andyelled: ' 'Hands off. The women fUst, Save the women." A score of men took up the ahout and in a trice the women were fitted with life preservers. The small- rramber of pas-BengeredidnofeTexhaBBt t h e supply of life preservers but many in theif excitement

. didJatBtfiitJbtt-i " ' " ' . ' _ " overboard unprovided. I t is feared that some such persons must; have gone down in the chilly waters before help came.

- Conr»g« of the <}r« w. The deckhands displayed commendable

courage. Captain, Durham and Chief Engineer Penfleld set them splendid ex­amples. Captain Durham was theJatt man to leave his boat; • He-keptup a con­stant cali for help_ with M& whistle and whenjhe finally left he t&M the whistle to keep tip the sound and when the Chicago finally went %£s with her whis­tle blowing. Engineer Penfleld kept his

/hand on the throttle until the water put ont his fires and lie only had time to run on deck and inmp^yMK>axd: when the •boatweatHaewa;^••- ~~ •" • — -- «Don,,iri^Fexeltetir^n¥1irbm'tHtek,-'* theaeckhand»-crled-agiheyj;an among the passengers. ^Plehlgr oltime." -They managedtdTea^gurefchejmajority of the passengers. • Captain; Durham saw the Chicago was certain to go down and he gave the command for a l l hands to go np ontheuppe?d,ecfc jCMk ofeaiied si new panic and men and. women by the dozen leaped m^6it^l^^-nxn^iS8:it& get away from the vortex when it came.

THREW. STONE THRO' A WINDOW. Ooxv^dlj' Act In Clinton—JJ»rrow Kioapa

of Bfr». A. W. 8tc wait. CLINTON, Oct. BL—The fanrQy of

Archie W. Stewart, o n ;the Middle Set-tlement road, had an unpleasant surprise about g«>efookTait eTenmgsTfhd"a*aar-tow escape from personal injury-was ex­perienced by Mrs. Stewart.

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were sitting by the center table reading, when, w i t h a crash, a stone abontata-large as & man's fist passed near Mrs. Stewart's head and fell to the floor. Some person had thrown it through the window Irom the street. "

Mr. Stewart caught Tip his rifle,' -which wag standing in the corner jfif the room, ran out and fired three shots in the direc­tion of fret wafting 8tep»! heard golflg down ^ ^ the 'road; the shots and assisted inr scouring the neighborhood, bnt no o n e was found. . This moroing the tracks of the coward­ly miscreant were found Jeadldg "down a distance north from t h e home aria then appawintly taking to t h e fields in Mie di-

Fir»t Important Sacceia Attendlrg t l iB Boex'i Arnu—Boyal IriiH l"oalieen, th4 Oloaoeiterthlra Rpglmeiit and a B a t ­tery Snrroundea on • H1U Ne»r Ladyv amlili and, After a Itaiperat* FIsU*,

, Compeiled to Give UpJlvt l r iarnas—Got*. WKlt«'< fieport c f the IMsaster. . , ' V

to^DQN,. Got, S l ^ T h e war o|lce4i,ak' received" a'dfspat'cli from Gen; JFWfe',; cpmmahding the British forces at Lady-imithy. re|o"ttmg TtEa^"-^Erroyal-.3W«*L

fnsileersi J36.10 mountain battery and-IfeSj* Gloucestershire reghnfent* were^BrV rounded in the hills by the ,Boers and,, •ftfter loeing heavily, obliged to capitulate. Gen. y^lfeadds'.that ^he c^sualk^.have not yet'been ascertained.

Text of the Dl ipatch . IiONDOS,* Oci 3l.--The following l a t h e

text of Gen. White's dispatch to the war office: " . . .

><I**DSSMrfH, Oct. 80.— MftStTp; m.-—I have- to,-report a dleiaster to^the column sent .by me to .take a poaitidlron a bill t o guard the left flank pt the troops. I n these, operations today the royal Irish fuiileers, No. 10 mountain battery and the Gloucestershire regiment were anr-Tounded in-ihe'hiHajpandrafter-losinjf heavily, bad to capitulate, The casual­ties haye not yet been ascertained^

>*A man of the tuelleeraj employed as a hospital orderly, came In under a flag of truce with a letter from the survivors of the oolumh, who asked for assistance t o bnryjthedead. I fear there is no doubt

rectlon of the turnpike. Mr. Stewarthai his suspicions and will ruse eviry effort to bring the offender to justice. '

- ——- -—Jnilnton .Tfattni-ffr"1* . ,"",'••, °-QtiKTOir; Oct 81,—The wojk of scaf-

foldlng up to the topvotL the Stone Church spire goes forward rapidly now, consider­ing the great height a t whlah t h e men are now working. F i v e of the eight 8tories«e completedj^and by tomorrow night thewaffoidlngwillbo done; -Two of the workmen use t h e hoisting ropes to s!14% dowrfwSen, tbe j : want to deeqend «adS8he-&Gm-the-t distance—of 120 ieet* seconds.

Hon* James L.Dempeey has refcurned from a few dayB* rislb x o the metropolis.

A. W. Mills is spending a itort t ime in J?ewi?ork.

•Mrs. apary l l fflngi^nd, infant ,-»on.of Fulton, Whohavewm^Bpendlng,a>couple, of weekir-ia^^toe-fiulu^of-sCHiorgli^Kf Weift tb'HamllWil to6>y.**

- t;«d«rt«li .t iBI»yOo»ibln». SyfeieusB, Oct. 81;—Thereto tallc tifan

„ , undertakers' trust i n SyraonJe. The not more thanUvs orfBchflmeatcorisolldatlonin^brwf-ioIlowsr

The undertakers entering the combine, will have one central'or general office, In case a client calls and" wants the services of a certain undertaker nnd\ he la busy, the client will be tamed over to another member of the combine.- The combine will strive to cut down, expenses for Us members, doing away wi th many assist­ants and having a general bookkeeper. The combine will enter Into an agreement with caaket manufacturers and makers of undertakers' supplies' whtfeby they

ped IwlllfieUgooda. culy fvo membars of the ' consolidation. A dear will KB mads with

,livfrymen for the^pnrpose of securing better prices for carriage hire.

Chaneea Asaimt A's» Bird GatdUfjier. - AtnaST, Oct- 81.—Gov. Roosevelt while taking bieakJaBt at the executive man­sion this morning was-served/with_acqpx of the charges preferred against Uiatrict Atfctney Asa Bird Gardiner of N e w York county b x | B « cicy eta®. H ? y w t a s pi5= sented b^bawyor Edward £. Heydeoker, The governor hMtlly'*Canneftthesn ovtr and, then turned them everts Attorney General IKSvies and Secretary "5Toungs. There axe twenty .-counts in the charges which allege incompetency, wrongrfnland negleotfnl dniy-8nd general InelBclency to discharge pEhlg^n^y. - — ^

4 SreKtnl«j Vtvm *o Blohmondi WASmsGifo^ Oct.®Sl.—"President Mc-

Klnley left Washington at 8 o'clock this morning; fdr Klohtnond, Va, Where he will attend the launching of. the torpedo boat Shnbrick. •

<HIa IJfe TTJMI SaTfd. Mn J . E. Jldlly,'* pTomhieht'cIld^no?;




"I formed a plan, in the carrying out of which the disaster ocourred, and I a m alone responsible for the plan. There i s no blame whatever to the troops, as the petition was untenable.'" '

tUBewa Takan Prlaonart. v • Gen. White, in a eubsequent dispatch

says: . "ThefollowingIs a list of the officers taken, prisoners: todays -

"Staff Major Adye. "Irish•FuaU»ers: Col. Carleton, Major

Munn, Major Klncald. Captain Borrower, Captain Hice, Captain Silver, Lieut; Hard, Lieut..' Sbuthey,. Lietib. Phibbs, Llent. McGregor, Lieut. Holmes, Lieut.


e f«c .6 tmiM ;s anQthert lerJgppg

;pice6lde.n^at8jpT|^ s'tllllasieep aiid'M"J" uralftlttmber Wffl vDr. Wlilfa^t^ Qlan:who isiatiir latter's home & the /greater,"

TFIr-g^Bratt^t l^te l i i Mlf-;Mrt

- .»wl» |d«^T^|fe»^|?Htfe!UnAnnounces

Hbtiart, mlhe lpMftm of hls;phy:sician,

i M l y ^ ? S i ^ ^ ^ S ? ^ « B ^ """"""telap's*4; ":The"-vlcff

bhis 'jtorh'ing.^as' piuicitly ln,.si"hatir ed bydrnggi -' . '. ^h^lttmily-iJHsBiff'

_ J 4 ? ; ; B 6 b M a t ; W |i4|he night in a roojbpt-

^ t o f g i " ^ J s i | ^ & % h i l e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' Gtarrett Thttle, president,

a brotj sg r., and . .Hybart

^JtjlhiW.'bt t h e - vice tileifttoy. rooms, @p^5Tve ouFa detailed. pr ; istieays' p.oti:ditibh-fobir t's nervour system mffit-ot' OVerworlc aft d;-\fc*en the. center aV

p | patient had -been

,Dr; Newton wM s'tatendentasid;1

h?. said' that" 'I4*;i: was vn^cksd^as'S-that his hwfc "'" taoked. - He->saj f; sleeping four ho#i^ind was still asleep.

A t l ^ ' 4 d e c j L i » ! ^ r n i ^ ^ jervanta hnnlewt«^ftJ»e:a-®riJse^r ton, who ran aWlhf aylr^njias hphse; ttfthe.^tbbart reslde^Ba a'ndwasjsoou fol? Ibwid-by 'MiM^^^smM^- WmsJ& bart. -Ml orthaswrflgQwf Itt'themOTag? werelllunUnaUdaM figures could be seen running fromrobrijwriJbmvSiilbsEquehtily Dr. Newton, ^ p b i p n g . , |o a ring at the door b e B / a t a W ^ M r wlffirlDSrHooart w a s s s l e e p h ^ i l | f e b l S btc^ieTSO^weak^ that the trained-rmnias in:attendance had btcome frigbteneayiad sent JOE the" doc­tor. Later tSe^tiHerottffC'pa^ent biF came- stronger w d fears \tn<tfc he was about -to die^TM?* ttil^tred for the momen^.

r S ^ L *v. rJim&vr* .flfe,'iJ;«i,f«,»-^iii;- iormany. years fnpoMesaion:"of Thomat

a sitting poattire'braced up with numer ons piUowa. ^hjlfche seemed to unfler-atana What was s*ld-«nd done joear him and appeared to desire to speak no sound paaed Ms lips ahd^for ,the time a t least hs waa deprlverl Of t h e jk>we£ o | speech,

C C C f i S t t l i . . . BBj Del. & Hud»on..:.12i Betjt, . « W T , . . « . W l

?5^0^n«h^Ho^-Bii^nd-waiH^tate^^ . ^ .. JC . . . . . _ j^5.centr»u..-..jsa((

Ho.Paolfloptd '.fy W.Y4 OeatraJ Am

Kellyfiaeut. ffooner, Lieut. KInaban, Lieut, lain Matthews.

Lieut Kentish, Jeudwine, Ohfk£r

*_SL -J^JJibelaboxe.capMffllB.fc3 and SllVer andLienA TJUonerwere wounded.

"GlouceBter rlgiment: Major Hnrn=> phrey. Major Oapel-Care, Major Wallace, Captain Duncan, Captain Conner, Lieut. Bryany Lieut, Niabet, Lieut I ogham, Lieut. >Dj,vy, Lieut. Enox, Lieut. Tetn-p f o \ Lieut. KAdlce, "Lieut. .BreW, Lieut, nD» I 4 e « t . % $ & Lleui.SmiajV'LMitit,'

»iolr«nxl^:EiwrferBeai1e^r Lieu& Gray,. , "Of t i e above, Captains. Duncan and Conner were wounded.

u l toyal artlllyy: Major Bryani "Mountain battery: Lieut, Wheeler,

Ltent. 'Nugent, Lieut Moore, Lieut. Webbr". - |

* •

Later Mr. Hobal6iwji^erpedto;a''refllIg-ing position and dropped into a n easy slumber. \ ^ 4 ^ * - ,; - - - ' •

Dr. Newton at jwolookissued thefol* lowlag builettai''-.

"The vice president a.woke at 9 o'clock feeling mcch refr«atted;and he has re­mained ve ry comfortable ever since. His pulse Is very good and he has taken con-Biderable nonrlB^mettfe JHejto iltUng .up at l i oiclock andhls oondltlon.ia good.

. ' ••7«Wr|oNilwt<Rt.'t ' Iropro»lB'|ff B n t W«ak.}

PATEHSOK, j f iSteOcVJi:—I prm.— My. Hobatt Wetllr^jSeBtipg quletfy. ,TSTo ehatigs for their^ie?3rtSCblpafea- thlir afternoon or ovtni#*fe Mr, Hohart awoka atO o'clock r'ofreshedj: and; feeling much, stronger than yisjejrdky. His puj3e w"aa firmer, and he t^k;isSniilderable nonrish^ ment. Hesat?upbM&9«dgeotthebed^ chit ted:wlthi feM»teibt Wd -^|*4 the P»perg>-ahowlng.a3'Jlfchint«retii in whnt was «4 lng on about 'him as when well. The doctor laid that h e was improving, trllhonghInaWeak andcritlcalconditlop. The n e x t bulletin wfll be Issued at 0 o'olock

Mor* Ttoops a f a r B a OalUd Oat." LoNDOS^ot 81.—It Is learned by the

Associated Press, that the war omceThaa ordered a sicond army corps to . be in readinesH to be called out. The military officials have-not yet declded-whetherthe conBummatlon of the plan will be neces­sary but they are determined to. have everything to readiness either for a dera. ODstratlon in Europe of Great Britain's capabilities or fox-sending evonaJarger force to the scene of act!on._IJntlXthe re

M»nafaotar«r». Want tna Old Ones Jta-p a i r a d and New Odei Arranced.

POTSUA^,. Oct. 3U—The agitation which has osen stirringfUp the manufac-turer*o£ the Black River valley with re-sptc8 t o conserving the sources of water

eUtipply b y putting i n new reaervolre Is Hcommnnicatlng itself to other "sections.

The taiD?*6Wntra along the Baquette River, which, next" to-theJSadaon and Black Bivers, bos the largest watershed aster the latter course was considered

out of the question, But, now, there.Ja na knowing what steps wHlbedecidetl upon. • : . ' • <

Xital&oan to»t HtiiTlIr. LoHbOH^Oct.Sl.—The'war oflloe hai

sent the following dispatch to Gen. RnliBT; 5,'Three extra battalions of foot

T h ^ ^ l S S l S n S . M f ^ ^ ^ n r d b a l ^ ^ o ^ t s l y h i a a Wonderful ; t ? 5 C ! s ? ^ § l ^ ^ r a d J i e 5 e ! l 2 ? Idelive^anle^^a frfthtfnl dealh^ In

teUingofitheisajs: . "I was tal&eii^tth

and One mountain battery With reserves will leave England during the course of ten days f& ntajSe goodine casnalifiw.**

A special dispatch from Ladysmlth says the, Boers suffered aevere}y.dttring the engagement, somepersbos eitimatiug iheirloss at 900 to 1,000 killed and .wounded,

A a s t h t ? 3t«ttl# l » JpgiijpaHt-.^. GSFS^fkmS; G-3fe-^Sl-->4a40 P v - M 4 —

The Honfh"r^trlc»mw8lptib1tthMtnwfo1?-lowingdlspatchi "Ladysmith, OctgiJ.--Ahattle isprbceedtogarthlfoototjlms banbane. a few miles from Ladysmith. Several shells have dropped into the town." : - , -•.-...

I h a Bluw ITnczpieUd. " TJBQHOH,' Oct 31.-^Nb•;" I h p s h i n a n

everdreanied that such a crushing blow could o"et""~~""" ' ~

able for a^fewt^rfibmehtiridTitet butof 1*e hole she had^made^ jEter anchor chains were entangledln the splinters and de­spite her reversed engines she was unable, at first todoTnorejthan pull the Chicago down stream withher.—The Cityaof A n t gusta's nose was'clearinto the Chicago's hull She Anally managed to get clear and backed away. .No effort was made by. her-crew-to- lowet^boats to help. the. passengers of. the Chicago, many of whom were then In the water, their cries being plainly audible on ahore,

ateawHan the FafSMgaci. P The tug boat Channdey M. Depew

reached tte scene before the Chicago sank and took 35 people from the ferry­boat andont of the water. The flreboat. the police boat Patrol, and several launches war* caUed t o the scene and did valuable work inTrMcuing people. Several small boats were sent ont from the neighboring pters, arid to ones and twos and threes tin drenched, chilled and sometimes tuMonsolona .passengers were brought to the pters, Where they received needed attention." -" J -

John Bryson, wBo w a s drowned, was the driver of a/United States mail van going fo the NeW York, post office. Be­sides the vehicle in Brysoa's charge there were on the Chicago a track*el6ngtog to the Adams Express Company contain­ing |8,000 I s silver bars', two produce trucks, two. milk truck*, and one other wagon. * < ^ _^_

Captain WllllanvTtorli*111 oi tht> Gbl" wgosatd: f

' 'We had almost reached the New York side when I saw * vessel bearing down onus, t g a v e i w o b l a s t s o f m v whistle, signifying my intention to go to star,

- D""^, and pnt my helm hard apf11^ the Cll?r^Anguati|.dlichargeA hi

passengers aXK^tit^xeacntog he lp ler at Spring stre»< A t 5 »v m* she went to thepieratlSthi*re«t, Hoboken. < :

Captain Itaipife hW oommander, dt;

Typhoid J*ever, Mftis r a n totoFhexunbnla. My lungs became hardened. I was*B0 weak I couldn't even s i t npinbed. Noth­ing helped mer -1 expected to soon die of ConsumptlonrWhen^^heardof Drs^Klng's New Discovery. One' bottle gave great relief. I continued t o use it. a n d now am well and "strong. ~I^can't eaytoo much" i n i ts -praiser*'- Tln^-marveltrng' medicine, is the Barest and Quickest cure to the world for a l l Throat a n d Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50c. and f & Trial bottles free at Bronghton & Graves% drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 3 .

VOLCANIC BBunxomr are grand, bnt Skin Eruptions rob l i f e of joy. Bncklen's Arnica Salve cores them; alio Old, Run­ning and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bolls, Fel­ons, Corns, W a % Cats , Braise*, Bams, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile Cure on earth. Drives o t i t Pains and Aches. Only 85c. a box. Cure guar­anteed. Sold by Bronghton fc ^GniTes, druggists. ^^ » j

BisMABOK's IBOK N X B V * was t h e result of his splendid health. Indomitablewill and tremendous energy are n o t fonnd where Stomach, Idvex, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If y o n want these1 qualities and thesucoess they bring, use Dir-King's New Life Pills. Theyde-velop every power of brain said body. Only 86c. a t Broughton it Gravea's d r w store, - * •» - - ' — ^***

* XSO afam WanUd At the Hat Works, 115 North James street, to have their old .style hate r* blocked Into thelateet style Gayer, B w WnrJKno*. gor a few days wra will w block one-hat for. each person- for 00

putlt intheSwiUael .


*|^0^-^e^wB^f^eJ&a^mrtfr3is^ :ofany sSeSm tn the st3ttg7 aBd has assay , - i t - . ^ ,..- .„ mjija ajj^ piajjfg ftj0Dg jts banks, arenow

moving In, the matter. -The sentiment there culminated in a meeting held7 in fotedam recently, whe»att association was formed for the protedtlbn of power Interests and the agitation of the reser-V6,lr idea. The organization is to be known, a* the Association of "Water Power Owners ofKscpietteRiver.

SSbzage reservoirs were discussed at tblBtSfdiraMs length. ^hgaeiraasseiaileH

admlmstered"by the Boers as GeninJonbe ri djillverisa^ m, GianlrWhite?i forces yesterday. The full extehtbt jEBi disaster Is not yet appreciated. The losi In effectivejnen must be-appalling to a general who-Is practically surrounded. The situation is altered very materially In favor of the Boers. The disaster "cost the-BrItlshvl,500 to 2,000 men and'tix seven-pound screw guns, which guns will greatly aid the Boers. The defeat will have-a depressing tffectupon the balance ot"the~BrltlshtoTM-ai-Lady»mlth,4uid will bring orow,d8 of recruits to-the Boer standard. - - . J

The blame for the disaster can not be placed until-further news arrives. The, defe|t was due largely j to-the stamped­ing of the inulea with the guns. 43-offl« oers were niade.p|isSonera.and one news­paper correspondent, J. Hyde.

OoaitarnaUoa in l oa f lon ,^ \

There Was a big saleof newspapers here announcing the-news and crowds of n u n and women eagerly read them. They stood stock still at the suiprlsina an­nouncement* of a reveres such as never before happened to the memory of living British subjects. The wax offlcewas-aur-roundedby crowds looking for nawa pf thedeadT—At the gpvsrament ofdoeav '.'15 is terrible," Wasthe verdict ' ,

1 »,66o K M KUlad, The estimate of the best authorities is

that 9,000 men were killed. As the day wore on the crowd around the wax office irfcreased and a t Glottorster, the' home of manyof tnose "engaged, the wildestrex-cltement prevailed. Special jedltioas of newspapers everywhere were speedily ex­hausted. Gloucester is in dire dismay, as this i s the. second- engagemect in which residents of that town have been slaugh­tered., —— rtaparlns *• thWL KlallrttlwV.

drgatrfssed by the election of George W. SlsslSn as president, K L Deweytreas--urers - and O. H. J^ppan -secretary. Enough money was subscribed t o meet the immediate needs of the association, and asyatera of assessment agreed upon fefcJma_xaiBlng of JfnrJhef^fundii. .Mill ownarjMMaother Htrp*ann»Tn.m Yorkaroieported to b^,working on slm Ip.IEues*' _ '." . „^__ ,,

The new asaocratton will leek" at once to have the old reservoir dam, repaired, and storage reservoirs at other points will also receive attention.

TJtfeaMeea P a i d to JProdn«S«ai' iJncAi ,Oci^.-Dalry Frodoeti-BntUr, dai

TT-A ! . FARMER OF § T # H l N t 6 W M


He Then Flrea T w o Bhota Into. Bits Own Breast, Bat Wil l Rtcovar-IIa Is a Mar,-'

-rrea A u r With S I * CUlldten, Bufri f |4; B e e n la t lmate W i t h One of H i s Vlctlmi

'•—Her Mother Tr ied to Keep Hint Away

rnror one Tram slider^acfc^WHi Ornehee Into Another.

RbcnasTEE, Oct. 81*:—Early this moryb^ ing as freight train No. 353 on the Palis rottdwaBproceeding-up a grade between i^pencerport flind-JWesfr^lochestef-a^,c&up-r 3VMi pin..brdke, allowing a portion of the fc*ato to slide back and strike train Nor 3o5, whioh was following ashort distance

lin--thiB#r.eafer:T=:-—rii . .-"•••" :••• ..-•.^^•'b-, Cbnduetpr Fred S. Staiey and Brake,

xnan Percy Solan, both of Syracuse, who ' " " " saw




-"TEoyr^OcI; farmer o f 20 miles from-here,

Sl;-^-.Geoi?ge *I«rmaus, ,a mtown, a village about

went to theiiome of Sirs. Rhpda Horton, also of Stephentown, yeaterday. An argument ensued between Herm^ris, Iffrs, ,Hbrton and her daughter EUssaJane'and finally Hermans shot both women,, killing them almost instantly^.

TaCermaiis then- fired t#b ahote intoThl.H own breast but will live;; He has been' brougit to the Troy Hospital and'when he Woovers will be lodged in iaii. Jeal­ousy is the cause of the crlmd.,Hermans has a wifeand six children bui had been ihtimatewlthJMtrs. Hortonls daughter.

Recently she told htm to keep away toijpBir,^S-he wjaslalso^married, and ad one child, Hermotherls said to have

been the canseof her deserting Hermans.*

wrere on the detachedportion of No. •v^eviolentlyjshitow.n down and severely injured. - Conductoi' Staiey As the most sevlB,tts}yinittred,l)Bin^ painfully bruised about the head and limbB and in sneh. a 'statefljathe^ari notbe^eut-home/—- -' •

^ralcemnn^lanjftjtter'hti wonn?sT were dressed,-wa»-sent ote to ^yraehge-thia^af terhooh, The caboose^ in which Gpn-ductor Saley waarHfiing- was wreck-Sd^ took Are and was burned, together with t h e trainmen's prdpjirty,.


A REUIC Q > Q»D TIMES. A; PrlnrWhtob Waa~XHO*din t » * a Owned

bjr Er*lBV V. Bojtoa. Jlcwini'.Boyaoni.son of fixed J, Bos-

son of 518 ,Floyd avenue, has a curiosity to the snaps of an old print, which he has bad. framed for preservation., i t was

St,\Paul 4 Om.,.pl23 Gen.EIeotric, aew.131 KeadiDK-.,.—— SIM

1913 by Jonathan Clark of Albany. The printer evidently took great pains with _ , , „ , » ™ hlBirorkandWal quite -prottdnt^tJforJS»lno^wir!::::: |o! ^long the top la a Jule .which informs.the reader that it Waa printed with ths use of=Amerlcan-materialihcntlrelyr-^At-_the. bottom o f the sheet is the line:" ''Written by_Dr< Dwighty president of Yale C61-lege." Ths sheet contains ifrepresenta-

Hlon of the i* Temple of lft«1doB|J,f whbn/ might have once shown resplendent In guilt bnt which now l a * faded brown; There are alio very coarse wood outs of George Washington, John .Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Jamea^Madison. Other* cuts are those of a ship,- eagle, etc. The population of the United States and ahd>w¥fltorJes ia- given at" *T,S3M^i-ahd that of New York .etste.aa «$9,Qi». These figures were -according to the census of 1810« The sheet contains a Jpoem-eTMtrid^Cblmnbl^Hnd^x^rwft from the DBolar&Hbn of lodgjende^oBj "Washington'sf arewell address andWalh^ ington's resignation. Also a description' of the United States and their resources. The typographical appearance. of .the w o r k i s v a y coarse a,u&-: cruder as.cbm/ pared with w b r k t n ^ W a y s r * ^ "

Koll t lmeat No^n. Fyank Dygert of Oneida has enlisted at,

the local recruiting station and was sent today to Sackets Harbor.

Bpain'a Greatcit Need.

Mr. R, P. Oliyla of BaTMlona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. O. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his bead. On using Electric Bit­ters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy", all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine Is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens

Into every muscle, nerve arid organ of the body. If weak, tired or allingjTybtt need-it. Every bottle guarantesajfonly 50 cents. Sold by Broughton &'Graves, druggists. . Kit .3

t a l e Dairy Markets. '•I

N*w Stoolca, Bonds «a<l atone?. „

TORK, Oct dt.—Opening:—thfr market this morhinsr opened With nt downward 1 " ••' " " uB.and speclair clflp and Louisville, Baltimore- A' 'Omo'pTd.'aiid

tendency, t)»e ipUroailB imd specialties ieadlng. Of the former Norfolk & Wjaatern, Missou'rLJPa-'

Union Pacific lost-.from 1 to 1H. Of the lat ter SuRar, Steel & Wire and. International Paper went down as much, {Trading wgs very active -and henTty blocks were thrown upon the market,.

- Koon—fife marketMl Jhto-dullnoss but there was po Interruption to the degllh^,- Tliere^wag. coBBpIcuouB weaknesn la Qlucote,. tackawanna and Aooerlc/in Ice whlcli fell SQM. Otherwise the changes from the.ll o'clock level were not wide. Prices hftrderieit slightly, before pooili BaleB<901,81S shares. . .

Money 8trTngenr"nr»r Paper" St 5Cr>Wf. -ISp change easy a t 496MQ486-K for demand and S O S ^ e m ^ r ~ o O a y i ; posted .rates 48«r 4841ft and 4880i<8jUt 'ooinmerclsl bills, 488, BjWer wrtlflca&j, MflfOHt.' U M S U T M . ef^.

larstfH. Government bpndioaaler,-.WestBffl:n«l0B„. 88-' Am.'Dngar..: 162J4

Mexioan dollars i Amur Express....140

before dawn .today, atoek |J30,00O^nlns,kred. . » .

' Tip fire starred a t 3MW a,m. in the batery And 'litohen. . The' bskery. is olose t o the administration building, a ibrick structure 000 feet long and. four stories high. The first floor is used na a mew room. The second floor was princi­pally . used ior a chapel. The top flioor was-the-prlsoh hojs]pItalr "Twenty^elght" pMIenta were i¥ the hospital wheuthe fire broke out. They were all quickly moved without;,disorder to the old hospi­tal building and temporarily provided lor there, : j ' : , __ '

The are Ohtained greaTheadway ISThe administration building before the lira apparatus-of Sing SIng-and the near-by __ towtis could be brought Into action. It was on ly brought under control' after a hard four hours' 'light.

Tn* *6bt of the administration building feinn; TBit- cause of the fire Is unex-

Tenn. O. & I HI Out. & West.—.. 8$ itemsott.;„i.,„ si]««Uter:..». 2d; J»8 . 5'sregv

V. 8. 5'g coup 111. Erie seconds....... 70« West Shore 4>»„..»8>i U.8.4's reg. new—189 V.B, 4's coupTiefr.180

saooHBsoian. Nsw Toaic, Oct. 8I^-« p. m.-8p<uulaUvo

Intere«t-centered-in-Sugarr tho-looaUracUoa atosKs Ml tKe ine^jd protfertleii wMlch eon tlnueoio worlc-upwaKl. .Tl>ero was no reflec tlon of ihetrstrength In the standard IssutB « .eeptt'ln isolated instances. * ~Btcc*i^Io«eia-acUve*»a-flrm. :• ,-.., •• ..... AtobWn „ . . .S2H Wheeling* L E - . IS

pretitr**" - COS -Brooklyn !Tranilt-8a". oaaadaBootaeia. 68 , Ches A Ohio. . , . . . S7«

o«*o..... '...jaa« :TW*afd»«a. . , . ; i2« »«1I.AW^.. . . . . .J01: t*keBhore.-„.„. l«i TjoqIs7k]etasBb^. 8-5 .

i e t H t T t a t t w ^ ^ O r

^IatohtlTacIflo.T WM H - J 'CMstraiTL;t«..19l» S T ftentral; «I8S

The admlni6tration building cost $300,-000. Hasty estimates are that it can be restored at a cost of about |60,000. The top or third floor where the hospital was is burned land-the' roof is almost gone. TPfie cenrtht^ddr^ofiaie^c*pir«ar^tory -protected the'lower floors. Tte building wiU-b^rei»sitedr«^once^ There was no-exoltement^ aniong th* convicts, all of whamw^tXltftSlteJtedln^rjelr .cells this morning. Several hose compauiea were

- :brought^cmi-Peeksklll--and-T&rry t o w n -do 1st pfd. . . . . . 60 d o S d p f c U J0J4

Am«* aav<«w„ l$--Ant 3SohMM...-i»lisJf

do.pref«ws<l....MS Oonsoltdsted B M . 1 £ 0 Cedent Steel... . . W

Inteir Paper.—... 2C« r d o — d o - pfdW-W-^

>ttTOso*S»riOT-Bnjar B»Hnery...lK!

. ! lSsOoU*,Iroa . l l8 JJCortheni Paaia«..«W w V" Telefriplj.. S8W

Dm. Wor Wjsti.w.;.™l'?i tJ8Kew4s-»t.>*lS9 72U ^a%WesrU-«»,.|8, „TJ^twm»on».iM;

s Soak W»»a-»„...ll(>)4 wu 8 6'«T»K.....~.K0t BW*0.~- Ml atPanl. 187 Ot Paul A Omaha. 12fr

do 5'i;eoap.....lli. AtOhU0h4'S....». 88!

de A4's."„.^.- tfi% « K * T i l d S . , . „ . CSv*

" " " i'i V>H l e x Pao tads »5 . Weat.flhore fonrs 413-a m Air Power old. 46

Southern Pacldo- 83% R« Ballwar P?d-~ 57 Union PWJIBC.. . . !; *W WaiosHPao'nfdS^. TM »V«fcash........... rt(j

Hew York Prodaca Market. NKW Vonx, Oot 81.—Flour receipts, 22.210

barrels: sales. 6 600 psckaxea state and western (alrdenmnd. Wlntor.patents, straights,'J3.40aa.tiO; winter

very steady with a fair $3.6003.65: winter — extras, f9.65O3.00; winter low erodes, $'iJStt'i.*0; Minnesota patents, 18.9304 20: Bakers, $3.00® 3.80. Bye flour, qulot; salesj, — barrels: good tn fair, |3 40a3.4a: choice to fanoy, $3,460)3.75. Wheat, receipts. 53t7& bushels; sales, 420.nno bushels. Options No. 8 r*d opened steady at Ko ndvhcce on cables sml EDKIIBII reverses In the Transvaal. .Later turned-easier. In lliefthsaflCfi

- — - - 11106, Pe Diooa.KJneaupwio BWIUBCU, Bi^eutssneuB of outside Support. May. 78ma7*Hl0c, r>e-t h e nerves, putavtasy vigor and* how l i fe «emberjJJi!€B5!4Hc* -nyer-niaritet-qiiletj—atato, »_.<. . 1 1 - F.« .h'_w. _ * x l . - <!•*> "U- ti . . . 1. ml • . . . . flirt' # « *. n d n n t . t-r% h*.«*4(M«

_i;ll©is; #0M£r*^iitfcfowls, 1 \ J^t tnrkeys 12, dnoks

l(),^hickena 9tWi d r * « ^ p o % «^, . tMrWy* itlOCa) anclwl20«i chickens lljlja. .

Fruits and Vegetable*—Apple* ttuah, 60a78, potatoes 36O40. beans, marrow, .12^5, medToia It S0«« 00. onions D 5 © 4 0 . _ L , — . _

aSawed How-Beavy, *v 5 0 % Ught 6®8M-T«Uow,-tried, 8 ^ 4 , rough 1HOS;

fHay—Eoxw»ton,$10qflf.:-v.. - -Hop*—1809 crop 0O10, ISWerop.TAS. Hide*. BldnssndPeltB—Green, trimmed hides,

TS0.T.7HCT do- No 2 and bulls 'Bfte,- bone hides, Mo i ; s»SS, fS S6ft> 60. do. Ko.^sidspiita, $1,000 150. -^saafiosTNo. i , 18/.lb*;aM^n«d*Pi'-»S *>i do-HoHar-lSe. per skin loss, daur aWnev No. 1, each, 45080,do7No.a, S e n , SOAJpanib peiu, saeh^toSawtaken off ,— ^;_^*& "— -""---

Dairy Prodncto-BuH^.-JuajHr, •».

try »«.7S^ahamt8 6004.00,— HesMuSjiper bush—Uni«».

$9 25, narrows $lt0, pea $1.» _ B o a i r and Byrap--caoyertf*,

lSM,mapi» irrap,gai> esfl^.iaa;

22 cream-. leseUsV;) ssotiscpa.

.meoloms boekwheat 'auiiur,*,

UTICA. Oct 30—Cheese—Tho sale* Hf cheese on the Utica board today, as offloiaUy reported, showed a constdnrale falling off front (hose o(H-cially reported la t week. On the question of Drice. last week there were a,$l5 bases of large colore* clieose, and, iBO boxen of iarge watte, officially reported aa hating been aold for i2c. Inquiry today among all fnotorymen who sell the hi^ie'tjriced goods failed to discovera. sirlgleonewI^"nadrecelvedlhalffRure. mtaot only a few could he round who got a* much as llJic, and these probah-y soli on the curb. J t seems likely that on the board HV* 'was as high BKanybody got. Ttoday-^unall cheese were re-

ittedto have been sold at from 12J4o to 12Hc. i^aing buyers inclDdloc Frerident Brown of

tneTbaHT«aimaTnTQTharnieBe- pftcsrweTS fictitious, and insisted that so small cheese had JtonsoJdJ'or'More than I2c. Stan there may pMsftlyTfflWBism-Wfctot 8bWHriS«£T"nieTe" was ho question raised as to the accuracy of the notations reported this week on largo cheose.

Jab IBdiestions are that the meeting of the board will continue as late at least as last year,' or up to the second week in December.

Following l i t list of the sales as officially re ported on we board, today: ,

Lots. Boxes, ~U ^410"

OSji No. 2 western. Olc' f. o b. allont; to hrrive. Corn, receipts, lCO 'B bushels: sale», 6,000 bush­els. Options opened dull and nominally Ko lower, eao!e« being dlsappoin'tnK and export demand unsatisfactory. Later ruled dull. Hay, S8Wc. Oats, receipts", 79.0W bnshols. Norn I nnl in the absonce dt baeiarss. Track white, state, eoWiftS6o: track white, wosWro. 3040360. Beef, marnst firm; fnroily. $U»00®12.C()i extra mess, f).txmw.m; wcknt, I10,6(to)i:60. Pork, steady; mesa. t9 00®9EO, family. $11.03312.00; short Woar, S10.»oi'2 TO. Lard, easy; prime, western steam, $5^7H notninaL

Eggs, receipts. 13.210 pacicagesjjnarket steady; axe>te and ronBgyirfiSti, EOjjiaSic,; s a t s m tintrrndrtd at mark, HfluBc. Bnenr, raw, firm: fair refining. S 13 lCo bid; contrlthgal 00 test, 4 540c; molasses sugar. 3 0-lCc. Eeflned,

Large colored. . . . . . . . ai 'Large cblpred....;— ..•-... B Large cWoredV. . . . . . . 18 Large-white..—. * i t Small colored . . 7 Small colored.. .v. 2> Small white.—..»..—..»- 0 Small white 6 Small white .._».. | Small white.. 8

Totals. .100

840' 7)7* 380 mi «o

400 140 3|5



Y6*k aad Lwd-Lard, pare leaf, bamts, 6KO HUM U1UB1I « WVHWMHt #a« .v<

ftaah jiaatt-Preased .. 4,oow»and pork totes (

8, spring,

dresMa^ inartevslO " s a o w s e

:«d Mftsts-Hams, » ^ i J s n n i ^ ham* 11© ly^CaHfofala hama 7<a7«. SMoWd J » ^ i e u S rfuVaVMsKBdknnckleenibaoosi80«i sootdden JHMS7* ~ - 1 x . ? • , - • ' . - - • '-''*" *"

jreeah jTrnltj-Apples, o ^ #5008, e.ranber-


rM. orate, p 25. Vetetibles-Onit ..

BOA Potatoes, bush, 40©45;: BiUed Hay and Straw—Hs

oat stwrtMSaW, rye straw „ .Orate and Feed—Oats, MM

The transactions on Nov. 2, 1896-Were 4,431 boxes, with the ruling price OKo. The transac-ySinSbriNov. 1, 1897, w«re44Wboxe%with Oie ruling price fc. The traasactiona on Oct. 8T, 18K, were 4 944 boxes, wlth.the ruling price 8e.

There were 86 packages of butter sold today atS4Jtc. • j,

Aiwisi! FALLS, Oct. 30,—<31ieese.-iThe cheeiet trade shows some, change from a week. ago. Dealers are more divldedvio their viewi^as shown in the different prices paid for-full cream stock, llMo and 12c. Light skhns continue to go at l ie , and there Is no trouble in securiog this priceforagoodarticle. Buyers are n<3w,selling each week as many as t ey receive, so that., there -are no additnons being made to stocks held. It Is" now believed, here that the October production will be no larger than that of the usual Norember faake. Many factories hare already closed. The sales today are as follows:

Lots. Boxe*. Price*

steady; crushed,5 5-16S: powdered, otic; K»w»TI-lated. 8 3-16c Coffee, steady; No ?. Btgo. Tallow, Bteady; city, < « c ; cauntry, 4K&4&C. Bay, quiet; shipping, GSaTnc, good io choice, 76f»8%o. -Mops; dall; atate common to ohoIceTl896 croprJfcl I » 7 crop, Boaiflal; 1808 crop, lOaitSc: 189J crop, laplSc; Paolflo coast" TBOe crop; •o*c; T8SW drop, BOTHHUU: 180S crop, l l©l fe ; 1*9 crop, 12ai5c. Lead, m a r k e y i « e ^ . b ^ ^ a B ^ E ^ ^ h ^ ^ i ^ l s « c e - ,

wl2| |al .E0; N.Y., $l.C0aii5; llersey, #1 00j> 125;sontherD itweets,$l.I2^0185; Jerseylsweets. il.WQ2.QQ. _8traw, steady long rye, «Nfc70c;

. _« . 'raw, 46c Beans, -1 It B

short ryCf eoffiTOa; oat-- stra' quiet; marrow. 12.10^2.15; s medium, 180; 'pea, fl.66Ql.70; red kidney, — Tool,, market dull; domestio

Texas dry, 14Q17C. _j "lEkSf* aa«i O h N i i ,

Nsw YORK,, Oct. 31—Butter, recelpte a§S3


elpfi ,16}

A Imlniatration Bnlldlna*. Oonstrncted by Convict Labor trader Warden Sage. n » "

... p»»troyed-T-AU the. Inmates Escapc-Or Igln o f the IPIr* Unknown—Three Ltv N

. Lost i n a Vtis In t h e Webster House sit vHtontar^al— A Aetttft'dfat^Senilnary at

. HacUettatown, N, ,r., CJoes tip In riumes.

r-JISv? vYofiK:r08fe fM.-r-'Enfrnew admiir-Istratlon building of the Sing Sing prison built hy-convict labor nhder- Wardett Sage,' and cbnBidbred tohave-been one-of the haniisomest strnctares of the kind In the country, was half-destrojed hj-ftre

The loaa i» abonfc _s - \i



en •pecial trains and with the Sing; Sing departmpnt bad. theflra, which started at 2 a. m., under control at 5 o'clock and extinguished at 8. , • • : ' .


Thrsi Xlvc f Xtiit I n a ntaze In t h e Web- 4

_' '_"""'! ' _»^ejif"Ho***.' " Mosnar^L, ©cfc 81. -^(Ehe "WebaW

Honsfcon^the comer of. JJ^ James, j n d 0athtdjral8tre«.ts w^B^btirnedtihianibrn^' ing.: Several peop^were bnrned or enf-focated. Three bodies have been re­covered. • . « . * • ! . >v£oli?>wlag.Ji;* Itet M-'dead and fa-inr^:BXte.*8aacemtnedt "r~-

Dead: James Wilson, deputy sheriff, Sherhrooke, J?f Q ; J . T. Benbow, oare^ •taker, drill ahed, Ottawa.: l i e had been to Quebec to see bis son, who fs with the Canadian contingent for the Transvaal; He jumped from a second story-window* Jane Gtffney, scrub woman, died from suffocating. Col. J . E . pswald, a retired . military officer, who boarded at the hotel, Is In a dying condition at Notre Same Hospital. Several othergnesta were slight­ly scorched. The Are started in a recess under the stairs near the dining room and quickly spread by means of the stairs to every part of the house. It was discov­ered ah 5 o'clock and much time waa lost by the fire brigade mistaking the Webster House for Hie Western House,>wMeh Is In another partct t h e city.?- —

L08S $300,000. ., Methodist Sani*

t •

The Hackattstowo. N. J v

lnary Goes Up In L'lamaa.

Hir-KBTtsTOWK, N. J.; Oct 31.—The Hadkeftstown seminary building, owned by the Newark conference of the Meth-odlst Episcopal Church, was completely destroyed by Are this morning, causing a tees of absst $30&,S89, en whtefe tfests is only about $110,060 Insurance.

l'ho structure was of brick 250 long, 160 feet hi width and six stories in hlght: It was located in. the outskirts of the town. Two hundred students, half of them female, occupied rooms i n the building. All escaped uninjured hat hoc more than a quarter of them were ableid. save their clothing and other belongings.

AbouTia^o^clock thT-iffnttor fowid— t1BS"h1Semeof Tail of smoke and 1 S T "

boiler room in flames. All persons were got safely ont of the building, which Is entirely, ruined. Two separate .brick buildings escaped serious injury. The structure burned will be rebuilt. *> td

l&ic June, creamery, 17Q23a: fa< •1^= J»l^o;inilf»api^#.,lttfH^ Ko 9,f CD packages: dull ana w «

. . . ' • v . 1,1,

Large colored. Small white.... Small white.. . . . . Small white Small colored.... Small colored. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Small colored. . . . . . . . . f . . . . Twins, colored... Twins, colored. . . . . . . . . . . . . Twins, white. Twins, whi te . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Twlna, white . . . . . . -^ . . . . . .

1 H 8 r 7 8 8 8 2 8-8 6

100 410 4C0

aw 15* 254 ^J)Q IOT 4MJ 60S 5i54

i i » c l io -


m . l t e . -12o uc

OAPK UPW*, Oct.* 3U>—n ls'repfltirled from Barkly-westrthatrtherBoers are cob-' strncting forts sronnd Klmberleyfor the pnrpote of shelling the town* '


oorn-«a>' ftT,shona oats|17,00

Voana; Wb .. _ t l r e m is the terror of ttUrasands of

yowsjimothers, b e < * u s e ^ onitoreak Is H agonising R nd fre^whHyfataL Shi-loh^Oooghand C^nsTUhpUon qnreacte like nisagloin cases of roonp. - I t has utfvn beett known io fall. .The "iWW$Mmi»' Urred immediately. Price i»6c, 60a and | 1 . Sold by Brou«htofi * < ^ v y o n a

' " " * • *'$&?$&-^•

. . B* ^678 (Sales of! 18 paofe«Bs dairy butter were tt»dev,

mostly at 2!@23c, An occasional small packftjte to the local grocery trade brings 2io. ,^; ,_-

OowassBtrao. Oct SO.- -Theire were 1.578 boxei> of cheese offered today, but no sales. The high­est buyers would give was H^o for twlmn . v ?- -

CANTON, Oct. SS.-^Tflday 1 00 boxes or cheese were sold at l i k e toll^Je, and 70Otubs of bujrter at 83c. . '\: ' » FULTON, Oct. EO-Today 18 factories were rjnfe

.A with l.oarboxea of cheese. Large Sold BrnallsoidatliHc, '

)'V.' a t i m c ,

Elgin Butter Markat. BLOW, III., Oct. SO^-Bnitgrfirmat»««{:#£>,

ferings CO tubs. Bids, S3Hc but fio takint; and-hoiaies. • * ,.?£.K~; 'n -. * • s&'if*

wl _ j-JOa. Cheese, reoelpta

_ weak: lsrgBTrhlto. iSo; sinaU" whiter i ^ o ; large colored, 12@I2>io', small colored, lsjjo, ; > •

Baffala aVarkaW. ; Br»»»w>. 0*<t. 31.-8pring wheat, No. 1 north­

ern, 75-%c; winter. No. 9 red. 74C; Ooira, «o. S rauow.MMe. Oau, No. t-wniu, SOc.

. 1*~. - v.- Oattasa-.-Haw towx, Oct, St.—<Jottoa-»no» ooMo.

datfen'tVcars^'eloted steady; Nov., 7(W.< Dae. 7.10a. Jaav, 7,130 «Teb. 7.14« MM**, 71(5 ; Aotil,7l7ar Haw, t.Mis Jtwa,7.20o; July,7.20o; mug.,ri?cjSepfe,«.Wc. *

weavaia\ amawawwi. . amoMo, Oct, 81 —Opentu-Wheat, Pee., 7CMO70«ej May, wk©74c. <<om. Dec., Sl^iO SlSc; J a n . , l ^ c ; sUqr 8SJ«<W8o. .oats, May,

Deft, 18.17; Jan., $6.85. . Bibs, JML. |[email protected]?«. 'Ocuoieo, Oct. 81.—OkWnit Wneat, Ota,

70«3i May, 74«o. . Obra. Oct., 81Mc; Nov., 8lgo-.JP»o..mHc; J«n..81o; May, SJjJo. oata,

peHtKOct! ie.oei m* KM / £ w'nm.'Nki Mar, «,80. Lard, Oct.. »612U; Dte.* Ma5; Jan„

4 « m . . B 4 » p c U » 4 . 8 5 ; T 5 e o . , f 4 . 8 ^ < t 3m.,

of hots today, S7.*0o Seadt tomorrow, 3S,l iMF!les*-OTer,rt8;733; head; slow, lower; mixed'asid butchers, fAlomMi food htavy, ftloa4.K;run«h heavy, $a.MfKgo* ught, H06 OtSO, OatUtT reoslpts. s l w head; market sMM$t:mmk, KBQoe.e0! ortwa and heifer*, S1.76O510; Texas_ steers, |3.2Sft4.tO; BtuckMs aidt#sd»rt,lsr50CiOO. ,

rekveaeeiia. frmnramt Oct. s i . -OU *op«ud at $1.63.

Caoaej at 11.53, ;, ;

,T*iT 4fiB0IiBnia HaUDACttB Would dtUckljf leave joti If; you used Dr. I p n g * SJiWJEdjfe Pills. Thonsanda of sniEerers have proved their matchleea merit for M$k. ahd Nenona headaehea,. Tney Tftsltft p n m ntoniLaiQtd strong jaeryei ahd

_ . A FBISHTPIJL BLTJKOitB wffl often eauae fc;4a horrible Bnrn, Scald, Cut or Braise,

Bncklen's Arnica Salve, the bestTin tbtt world, will kill the pain and promptly heal i t . Cures Old Sores, Fever Soree^ Ulcers, Bolls, Felons, jCbrhs, all. Skin Broptlons. Best Pile - Cure on earth. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed* Sold by .Broughton & Graves, drng-glsts. . ' " • 1 ".


2ao«. Butter—Creamery

2tt _.8Lfe4»U28^C

white wheat |4,M,«ranana ftSB. Com aad oats » 100 » s . 90§L0O, ecraei"

90311.00; cracked com 90, ahlpsJo, braa 90, seed oil meal $1.60, Indian meal, fine, $1.00, coarse " * - ™ ~"a9t " "'""

,00, bated hay *300lMh 80, rj straw40,opnijsUteWbuahBe, westerajl

• » ton $8.00 90,middliinM,ooara*,90,Jtoa9S, h a y * Sto.00, b a l e 4 h » » 1 0 0 1 » W r y e ^ w 4 6 ; o a t straw 40, eon, f t t t e * bush 56, westerar 83,ret»fl88,bnokwnait*bush86, ratsdl 45.ret»n60.

Hldea,trimmed bulla 9 »

oata rye

0»s ,* t> lO, un Oll.oorprune Nb. 1 deacon akina" 86©40,'cutsjid

steers 7M ._ . _ taMnl'.mh.

10 to 151«. each IT murjraln and grabby4d6, tarb


30, unwiuuiedl^iajTamb pelta; eachJWOGS, small deacon skhu wooLwaahedfUli 190

up your health. Easy to take. Try lifiii,' 6hly25oentB. Money b iwki i hot '•"•'" Sold by Bronghton; «s tfrAffi*

shearlings 10O60, tallow u rough, » » l ) i ren­dered 3. • ., '— - * r j-si—

Beans, medium aad, pea, etmsh tl^B, rttall 6o. *> quart, marrows $1.70, retail 8a f quart, potatoes £5fti0 * bush, retaa 60. Hew cab; osge 8c,«KaU 5 0 1 > O T ^ rstaO, * bush,, 60 0$l.i». Onions 85, retail 40O00. ^ m t a - P o t a »^WMyio^-t i t . ptwk f * boga tdnta^%Cwt.1^0^5.75; hims * » retail 14, shouldsraT. retaillpplSl, bacon 10, rel

pprkJiteaklO.porkroast 30, mutton 80*4,1 Jo»13, veal cnUet 18, roasts 10©14. stews 8040, ^ 'Ute *»ight,'-nrst quality $5.50, carcwH

B^nVTlnxomb» » 1 4 , retail 18, beeswax ISO 18,retJ0120,tinetar, pure cider* gal .Uftre-tat t^i»uT*bC9S, re»U $105, hea^ubbiouV - H

*tet*msm3.'kvg& fowla 10. retail 14. ducks 10, ducka 19 retail ic,

retail W»1C. MOfi6, yt»i.n«

^5.», Stove $5.1 " ;r«t*, d«U>rer*dito«,

ofeMtnutff,to, pea.

" "|E, A 4tidnhasrioghog. with.Pr. Mljea* Fato Pi>to^
