spec iadnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031997/1899-12-13/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · a letter prom tlio...

J>i »<\ Tn'"'"- 1 WfSyi, ClAfCB AMENDMHENT8 W C l I u W l ^ E R Tp RX^ItAXlMUM "fcATBfc tCAPITOL^ JUltMSft,-SAJiEM^ OREGON. ; " A Letter Prom tlio Executive Ofilce of Oregon* The GQteraoiP of Oregon is an ardeutj Us victims.. P c W n k n o t w l y enresjs*- 8 ..admirer of Pe-ru-na. Ho keeps it cpn-,| tarrh,' but prevents, livery household '^hrtfifllxln the"hrousBr^hr-a-re^cttt-tet^-i&ealdrbe-^sai^lh^wiih-lhis groat rom-- ter to Dr»Hartmau he says: 4 S.t\yH°op OREGON, EXESirtlViTDEPART-JIENT, KAt,i.^i t -Mtty9 r IS98'. £E ThePe-m-na Medicine Co., Columbus,0.s Ifeaf Sirs:--! have hadpecasion to use. your Pe-ru-na .medicine, in my family; for colds, and TE proved to be an excel- lent r.emody. I have not had occasion* to use it for other ailments. Yours very truly, W. M. Lord. —jlpy T""i who Wishes perfect health! edy for coughs, coltls and eo forth, , says he has not had occasion t& use Po- rn.iijg for other aliments.' frho reason for mast be entirely free from catarrh. Oa-> .tarrh is well-ntgh universal; almost; omnipresent. Pe-ru-na is tlie only abso- lute safeguard known. "A cold is the be- ginning "Of catarrh. To prevent colds, to Cure ooldffi^4o"cheatcatatrh-aat^fi this is, mest other- ailment's begii •With a cold. Using Pe-ru-na to prompt ly euro colds, ho protects his. far.iih against other ailments. This Uc\aeth •what every other f;:mily in th->-Vuitcc . States should do. KecpPu»ru-ua in th< house. Use it for coughs, colds, li grippe, and other climatic o-fiec-tioua c winter,'and the.ro v i a bo no oilier 1 air meats, in tho hojjse. Such . faiall!e> should provide themselves with a cop^" of Dr. H or tinea's frco book, cntlUoi "Winter Catarrh-" Address ,£u. n^n^.ficiluaihus., Qhjg: Farther, Prqvldo» TJiq& th* Commlasipn SIi«U W*ke and Efrtabliith UnitoMn Claijlflcatlon toug—irtid Short * »^,OW»»e vWU *fe Entirely Eliminated. WASHINGTON,. Dec. IS;—Senates uH^iH^SMritrM-Hced^'in^thecsenaie-a tohtgrehe.nSrve bill for the amenc?ment tf the, law creating the interstate com- merce c6mnn,isslQn. Jgbesstaill is'Jig, xno££. respects f similar to the Cullom bill of the la'st congress for the same purpose, but it has been changvd, In several !rnjnor,.parti'cular.s,.The main features of the-proposed. measure are as follows!, The. commission "7"is authorized 'after hearing a ease Kb make an order direct- ing the carrier Jto dgsjst from the vlo-« lat'ion found and also 'to "prescBibe In such .order,, the,, thing which the car4 rTerMs r ^ q u i r W t o do ORTnot t o c i o fbf the future to bring itself Into coftforny. Ity with"the act," "and, in so'doing, the; eommlssion^ia given power to fix max- imum. "ratesATSr Sx "Both - a lnaxrnrunr and mlniSium Tate at differential lif rntPH whpn ' npepapary to. prevent R • • OCKERS. A New and Attractive Line just received for the Tloliday Trade. '.. ~. 7 @ crimination; to determine the divisions ofj a joint -rate between ^onneetlng cap ri'ers. and the terms and conditions un-t d e r . which busindss shall be inter-* changed when necessary to t l j ^ . ,eh-t forcem'ent of- the act;.to make changes in classification,'and to amend tb^e tnlsg anil regulaltions under which ^ra'fnq Is Tnoved. The commission now has, nq 'tktmtkm* Stor *9C 811* miles npr£b.y<!st of tK^qiiiet tittle episcppal'cto o« Weils uses A lofty pe'afe sallea by the O e i e c a a t i v e s ^ W M k - am a "toi" i It la qonspieuous folf n^ilei around, wfth. the towei ot «in ancient chapeMn Its top, and witb.ja tfeat kittle coiintis y.'pffi'tt-SuSft tilfe ruins' ofta nptie "old abbe^.-- " - ' . / i ".•".''!" ».. ', "•'• ? 'i?,:~ Siifiapienfet ey ; {g^ijfce remains tq' &hoy% th«. i#e, abb^4S||i|i<of vaslb prpportioiftsi occupying,^ iall p)j.acres of'grbuijd, It -waft-I«vjffde^l#«la3s0h kingajisiasfih^het eridontved by t h e Normans iitid.'Plaitf tageaets. ^Cheigraiid chancel and.it^fipe chapels were built in the finest sferjo. o | later Norniaa.ai.'eJbJLtectur.e,. b^n£a$r;Uf$4~ moi-e than cri^ia.tli^g walls ahd, pjlfe^ testify to the on.ee great beduty fit, £hq abbey. ' »•' $hh. porch, at E^t JjOseph'.B cbapel,,.bAw< ever, is in "a faiS^EafejbT presorv Outside ther^. gKp,-«ts4he farajoua^(*lfl.^g.n;_ bury thorn thftt^osaoms but for .one diajj in. the', ye.ar, kn^'that Ohrlsifetnp.g 4^ 'ThlsT^efbTp^jS^ttahge history..' "" v '• During bis''ldti^.Qumey, h-qm'PaleslJpia ' St., Joseph of A^toathea viaij%d.'the.,d|s i ; fjict, fie anjj lus jfatr comirjiijoiig having be,en seni by St.. Philip, the** aposfl^.'to ^tfv^ertbrth^H^^ttea-TratjCu^aH^tr- <iin arid to cast out the Druid siipersti'! rttoftr .— • ^— "-• ^tj Joseph and hjs. followers £ou)|d ,.th.eii;" way to' Glastonbury, then knurwfr "aq "Xbiswytry'nl"—•rnejr'ffi anj, arriving on the su_u»«il_olt the hill, Joseph, who wjis'using, a hawthorn stick, as a walking staff, stuck it Jiitb"thq ground, and it burst iuto "bloom. The^ preseiat^Glastoiibury,. thorn is an offshoot» by continued grafting of S^. Joseph of «Arimathea's ' walking staff. London Mail. 1 > ART LAMPS. r0u^b]neris-r?tri-ind.ex—of- this year's most beauti- @. ful designs. Srr^lfcr-I ^ ROME, N>Y. FIIItWITlJItK DE1I.FJI. UNI>KRTAKER. HOLIDAY power In a»y. caje. to fix rates lot future-observance* by railroad conV panlea, . The bill jnakes the order of the com- mission .effective within the time speci- fled t which, ordjnMily-shalljojkftfeless .than" SOldaysr. A^'caoStet JnayT wTJhlii' SO days begin prBceedljigrm the "United States circuit court for a review of the order. Either party may appeal di- rectly to the"iaupreme court and the case have precedence in the courts. If the court upholds the order or if the order 'becomes effective otherwise, the carrier must "obey It or be subject to a forfeiture, of J&tfoO for each offense arid for 'every day <it 'continues in de- fault. If additional evidence Is folind necessary In court, the 'court must di- rect the commission to take it and make ir supplemental report 59jg/ «i ders of the commission now are not ef- fective until "It brings suit In the' court to enforce them, and the delays In- volved frequently extend over, a period 'of years. The- bill also further provides that "the •C'uiinitisslon-shall—mnke-and—estab-w llsh a uniform classification. T h e long and short-haul clause '.Is made an ab-. ; solute prohibition except upon leave granted by the commission.- Large pen- altreB'afe provided agahret carriers in case of departure Cram the published, rate. The imprisonment' feature Is .'eliminated from the.act, and shippers are not liable for any offense except false billing or other fraudulent prac- trgS. A forfeiture Is Imposed uporTcar- r^erg- for failure to file annual reports •befoeo Sept. 30 of each year. The com- "mission Is atathoflzod 'to proscribe the forms of accounts and to Inspect the 'books of carriers, and it may employ special agents .or examiners who shall have authority under the order of thtl commission to Inspect and examine? Buch accounts.*^ FAVORS GOLD STANDARD. Gorman Stufllnjf For Roast Goo«e, Por German- shifting take one-half ouiid xst-freshr-bread. crumbs, oa pound each of cbo'pped npplesT^SBerledr raisins and blanched almonds, the goose liver parboiled and chopped, one table- spoonful of powdered sage, the rind of, a : lemon, two-scant teftspoonfnls of salt nnd : n teaspoonful'of chopped onion-. Mix, thor- auglily-.and-hiaiston.-Avith-a~toacupful_jot4-J melted butter. StAff tho' cr6p and body lightly (if packed' the dressiug -will be soggy), and the result will be a' gas- tronomic delight.—Selected. --• Doh'4-wait, Gome now -and^ee^oiir_aiS^ment of Christmas Novelties. We also carry a fine line of . - - . . . . . . Foreign- and Domestic CrSckery which will be sold.in sets or lots to suit'the purchaser. There is nothing more beautiful than a nice PICTURE for a Christmas present We have a beautiful assortment to select firotnr -Order yottr Pictures Framed at once from a fine line of moulding, Do not delay until the last minute. Our prices 7 ——-3Fo-rigkt f 14! NORTH JAMES STREET. SPEC IAD Russet Leather Suit Cases, Linen <JJQ Lined, Brass Trimmings -- * S O -— tEArTHER HAT BOXES-.--- : —- aentlemen's and tidies* Traveling Bags, New Shapes and "^ari. r "tJnin~SSS''&SivAs Cafes. TRTJNKS. tyleXori^BOden a n * IrorrChlbs,- -tiOtF-QOTJETS^r AH Caddy Bags, Balis and Tees. Uatspokeii ConKrciimnn From Brooklyn * In HI* Views. \y_ASHINGTON, Dec.' 13.—There Is »uch great pressureTdr Hrhe on the part of the members on both sides who .de- sire to participate In tho currency de- bate In the house that three night ses- sions have been* ordered. Interest in the bill Is not keen. JudgedJby ,the at- tendance in the galleries, although the members themselves are listening at- tentively to the speeches. Only one. Democrat thus far has spoken - In fa- vor of the bill, Mr. Drlggs of New York, who announced yesterday that he "had "pledged hlmseir before election to support the gold standard and pro- posed to redeem that pledge. He will ^beloined-byseveral ot his -Brooklyn col- '-leagues—an/I. pmhnhly" ftpvnrnl nHynnV- Mr. Drlggs declared that he believed the" dignity and pre=eminenee of tba-_ United. State* would be advanced by placing this- country apun tiie stan- dard of the most highly civilized coun- tries of the world. ""I do hot arrogate to myself," saUT he, addressing his Democratic col- leagues, "the presumption to say to you that I am right and yoo are wrong- But I believe as a Democrat tbat you would respect less If, knowing how I IK! "Tefl;XsBojJd ho^dpenly s Vlctlons and keep the pledges I made. Itfr. Drlggs, continuing, argued that thje doctrine of free silver at 16 to 1 v?aX TOt-~irr harnton-jr -with tbe-ldeas of some of the greatest men In the -Democratic party. He Irlstanc'ed. the "ijase of ^Madison, Calhoun and, Randall, who never swerved in their allegiance to the Democracy, but who offered sp'e- clflc policies. He announced that he Wuld remain "a" consistent Democrat remalfl"a" «ive only upon the coina'i*. question of free . A Siberian Superfftltlon. A strange" 'superstition, which may owe. something of its origin to the- associa- tions, bound tip with the Biblical narra- tive of thevNativity, obtains Si'edeuce.to r this. ;j.nyLaiWng^^fi-pea^ants^Qf^^em,^-: By therii-lttis"ll}e"Iieved that,,a "gift?o| h\injan speech"'anlTsupeibudian 'p'ropBecy descends upon the beasts o£ the' stall and; byre during the mystic hour that heralds the Christmas.dawn nnd that if one^is bold enough to hide beneath the straw, on sneli occasions be wjll hear his fafe for the coming year -foretpld by his do- mestic animals.'."A betrayal of Ids pres- ouae, however, entails certain destruc- tion-—Pall Mall Gazette. ' ''•'•• ty* WHHnBne»» ^o Help CIv«l*e Auicrlcuu fientben—A Self 3Io<lc Hillioiinfrc of Quiet Tastes and tVlae Keadiniff-HU "Wealth. NEW'YOBK, Dea 13.-[Special.]-In 8ubsci?ll>"ig $50*000 lb his own a M his wife!s name (arJ'the, benefit of the Tusklbgee (AW.) i%rraal and Industrial InBtllutel where negroes are praoftcally edri.qa,ied r -in"a practical way, Collis P. auati'^gton h'as,±alven his own advice uttered; six -OR eight years ago,- At that time, being inlportuned to make a con- ti1butjpa_to.tl>.e funds, for the conver- sion ofi the SiftiplielEorp^BBa^ltyTte; smile,d ap4_ salds •* _"•-.• ''^iiy not ti-y tp cpnyerTflie. heathen .Jh i^is^cpnn'tryi; T^ex.are qflite. l as deserving as thpse in Siam," n,nntlngtpn aa Hell. ^ Some one wlio'1beardrtbTs"remark iaoughti.iyie; Paciflc railroad magnate, raade it just, to tie" smart and at the same time silence the solicitor of mon : ey for .the conversion of the Siataeser but the outcome shows this judgment oQg. Iiunflng-ton-was-|— ready to„ give wh'ereyer the object presented was satisfactory to him. Yet- Huntington isr generally set down .among bis associates as<a witty man in a quiet "Way, and many of his sayings as repeated about town from time to tijne are well worth hearing. Once when Bome—eao—said—in—his—piSS: Cbrtstmnn Fires. ' When bright Christmas Area arc glowing And theflel&HkgLwhitcr'wUh«now, Doum-boW-theJalr IVmnharot There comes back t he-long »ffo. From Bohemia's gilded antics Do I longingfleeagain To the bygone dreams ot boyhood lUd the pine cl»d UUli o{ M»ine. Hdvr *e children watflhed the chimnejf Till our eyes closed tast in sleep; How we waitcil, watched ilia comlnsl . But wq never Rot n peep, ^ How we Bhorntcil tn ttm morning, "iierry ChrUtmasP'-awcet refrain— As we emptied all our stockings Filled by Santa Cfaus.of Maine. "OB,rtiwiopnjnrtays oVcfivtstreir— —'In-^that home ol olden-ttmei-- m—* Ily the great log Urea ft-gjowlrig -1, rmr^ hp«n t|^ voioos clllTne, Father's, mother's, sister*s,»brothDr'^ Jteunited gBee.«galnj .--^Tn-r-^'. — ^ Oh, j&g tuxtey, pies and pnddlngs '"' Seryed on Christmas up 16 iuinet I ' —Sew rtriesAi l^mei-Deinocnt ftaiJlgK II Hnnynii titptb, The fn-st paciinment house of the Bwor.* w a s under a banyan tree, under,, which; the rulers of" the Transvaal, gathered in, : •the^carlyadnys ot the repnblW ta.d3seus!s Errtrr ^wsHoi^affieettirg-the^-wMJUl^riwA-the •fi-ea tinsafiitsr tipcnmis ki»njnt,ny fhe^'urvfe volkskad of the Transyah),'^- The Boera call 4ir# sprit tVoiiilprbldmn.. lt ; -is g few ffiifes ofttslde of-feetpViar.nt^h& en- trance to a cleft in th<e>mot}iitnin. CiNTLY foOK HIS OVVri ADVICE ence that the snobbishness in' America of prominent visiting foreigners would be" vastly amusing were it not annoy- ing, the grizzled railroad builder "look- ; ed thotjghtful and acquiesced. -^ fi^et-atSkj;^ hiLatld6d : after" a" w<£ ment's" reflection", "how foolishly we encourage thein." .. In cold type this Isn't much above the commonplace, but it contains a genuine truth, though not very credita- _ble to, Americans, and it produced a profound Impression on Mr. Hunting- ton's audltor.8. In .person Collls P. Huntington Is an extraordinarily handsome old man, be- sides being too rich for any use, but in his mode of life he is simplicity itself. His food is hardly uioFe'claboraie tc- day than It was when be was a poor boy. His amusements arc few in num- ber, but he gives much time. 16 them, despite the exactions ojc b,Is really vnst interests.' He likes to'i play whist and has -come-to - know—th^-g(vme— pretty- welU He travels a good deal on busi- ness of necessity, but as much or m'ore for pleasure^ Between the two it is „aalll thaj. he has crossed the North American- continent more times tbaii any other man alFve. He reads onor- mSusly^ especially on trains. Hnntlnsion lr » Tngtc la Buolcg. It is true that Mr. Huntington-is,Jt self made man and that-his education- al advantages were very slight wlicn ho was young, but It is not true th.it lm is now. capable of talking udtnuig but shop or that he has no interests outsidQ his railroads and other properties. "'' In passlnglt may be" slated as a fact that most self made "men who climb near the top of the laddqc hecorao broad minded and exceedingly well in- formed, many Impressions to tho con- trary notwithstanding, and Huutlng- ton is a fine sample or tula. His read- lng has largely run to history nnd biog- raphy, and he iff one of-the best In* formed men in the United States along these lines. He "is also fond of archi- tecture nnd has read nearly all the standard historical and other works on that subject. Including ' even ' many purely, technical books,— Some of his 'Intimates declare' there is no doubt whatever that he could plan and put up. a structure Of grand proportions without wsteBSfimal help, adding that tho design- would unquestionably be scholarly and impressive. , He reads everything that" he can get but they needn't "last long -not any, kwagpt-tfeian it takes to p u t of-ata;:AlJebcfe r s, 2£°Pot0i& Plaster. Tne only thing- . '."* to looWoutfor¥l:Tiat y ou geT the right plaster. There are other§,;biit ^0|i ddn'twantiem; take bur wp^4:"%it, ani,there's, no time for exj>eri ; me,nt^g | arvd finfeif 0 u 4 ^ s t a k e s : f 4 ^ : ^ f c f b r . - AMcock ? s Porous Plasters and see th^tyou .get them. If they say thatsolme' Qther is just as good,tell them that wfy the best is^good enough for you. Allcosk's Porous" Plastos a r e ^ G ^ a i i d sure> aT«Hukiiow-~ ledged by the highest m,edi<?al authorities and everybody else to be the best ou't^ side remedy for pains and aches p/ every description. - ••>• x « - THE POROUS /PI-ASTER CO., SUCCESSORS. ,., : -• -£—... ^^jf^a-^ijj.^ja TUo Kind You Have Always^ Bought, aijupl vgPdLliaa l)ccti in us« foi- over 30 years', has boraiO the signature of /7^sj(£¥tf-f-#~ * sonal supervision !»Uiiw r i^ tnTancx.. 3^^^ / ^ > i ^' Allow nq one to deceive you fn thts. All Counterfeits, I nutations andSubsth^ufejs aiceTStit Ex- perhncuts that tiiflo "with and endanger the healtli of Infants and Children—Experience against Experuuout. <!ast<j*ia is a jai^atfttitft for flftsiffor OU. Paregoric^ Drops ^ and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and.Pleasant. It qonfeaius neither Opium, ivlorphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and iillays Pcverlshness. It cures Diarrlioaa aixu Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles* cures Constipation and Flittulciicy. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach an A Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE ALWAYS Bears tlie Signature of The Kind You tee llways Bought - In Use For Over 3 0 Years. hold of on municipal matters, also, Do? lug profoundly interested in city plans, city government, city sanitation and all the rest, lie has immense "firttir the f-utut'e of- the "BUftetf.States; an* particularly of its cities, and believes many of them will eventually be re- laid out In whole or in part. No* Very t'lind ot Society. Though by no means a society hater, jCollis P. Huntington has no special lpege for social pleasures. H ^ would; - It is not-only beautSttt j^bmea^fea h a m over the mirrot iti^the tribrrimg. A-nxioiis women who are watoHi«i?.the wast- jqg of their beaaty. stand "BefEjreJtife tnirror H8 W. DOMKNICK, ITS &CQL&&AY- when a Rm Cross Hegt^r v?W?tm Itecp the house as warm as toast, ' They a«e fuel ^saV^s too, are easy, to manage^TanS mike np dast. Lest lis ffiow tn'fiu ana^^uote you price?. We have;* full Urte of Stoves, ..Ranges arid furnaces and Housjekee|#||s Hardware. " Auicinds of Tin., Copper and Sheet Iron .Wor! |o ord^n it In the Seuste. , WASpiN.QTOJJj^DBc. 13. s -'Whettj ; er; Aobit"rai De^ey; Soling for t h e . frniteia States gdvernment, formally "or mfbr- Jmaliy recognized-the Philippine repub- lic at Manila is a qtte|tio'h wl^i/ift a|ft '^ettigiew cijC South rjakota dfejh;e|4hi| t ' na^y' ; li!epaVtment to ""answer. T H g ^ l f p y J diic'edr-*ri*splutlon—yeisi:erri^3r : ^rgcjtiwi the secretary o"f the iiaVy to suppSy tbe »enate with information- on the subject, bu.t Jdr.^Chandier of New Hampshire 11 obi w e d jto its consideration". Foilowlrig thls.bbjectlbri Mjr. Petfi- gcew and Mr. Chandler h£3U a sharp tilt bv«r the 'resoluUon ottered by the former* demanding ffom thfe secretary Of war. an explanation.of certain charges' against General Merriam in his conduct of th.e-Orwr.ae Atene trouble... Pqlific* vtaa Jpjected ihtb the controversy and "the ytajwouai ref«ren«es-^ade--by--each senator against the other ient^^orhe live- liness to an otherwise quiet se«sioii. much gather have $ few friends abou^ him than tbbea figure at a swell func- tion/ httn'self one of the most closely/, observed both b'eeause of his impor- tance in the world-of affairs and his ^6TH.iannatog personal appeoi-auce. — .When-he^goes-fiying aclross the con- .tinenfc jaatui-ally always -trayeling in Sis "own private, ear, he likes to d^* -w|e-4Ugoo^JBjillof^imeHin^4je-ti ~ - increasin "iie8 ,-«chl lft m oettQriS'trfjpez tun nx,u^> ,.<. w u i * ^ . 1JBW 'XQBK, Deo. l? l ?TTS,aJa.q**> < ;Lo-, pez, witK-h'er fotfr .chil'dreh^ ^ifto'^ji barge onlce on hir ^fiy^ft . . ^ b | t ^ & ' is going to endeavor to ^eg^|^ JieV lolp property. Senbr ibopea' wfas v 6tfab'i ; W '&•' der of General Weylef as an- insurgent Then-, his. T*ife vf$m' -ghjt ln» 'i%is.0ira. ; "Mi Mti§pib$ti hfiitttiiea per id esMpe/ '%^ nun-disguised the. senor|/'a.9 &'-st8te> jit charljfer. The ' refuged ^eiit to |tia;#* Janeiro/ wltere enST was ibinjsa?''bf :%<$_ chlldren> --.' - ^ . .?.-. -^'- - ftoori#&o*i*&*tMi&l*r sVir«if-•?>?•' the" m:»u t th. such waihfen, 'wreofctoihi body an|iiin' dtspositiiipyi hag^-d, table, J ipisO'sd, asebT*|?bcfe>r #r1jfceai®fe- s.-lerip/fp,-': *"'%.4f^n--d- i !5^ ^MrrHuntihgton mw with. stbdrbufaduig' form, . ^oataii's gsbefel' healtitf.depends l|^Kly tipoti the Ideal health;og 'the orfeaMSi ; ;«jis.% titictlvely feminine, ffregular periSas, in ,, . . . _ , aSgenhbbd,. fbHoivteO, aHjifrfflaft^g^gbyi- -3ide of tho country to tho other. Some ^fMUtatibg J*aS«Si. snjitAHftcommi^pVop-, there -are "who -believe hito-tobe a dis- L »«§tfence3 ot taotheihlb^^ lttflaniatatijbnv " ' "'" '' ' ijicefatibn, atfd aisiilli^aS'bifeaffs.'ra^lfie; •gieiiefal health. These ebnailibn^-aSi^fih-. . M i | 4 4 M . ^ # J y filled ffdmiglbjom ai ^,;!!lfi\0"|t6bej: 18891 ^eb1rtS;tb,S«Wiati! m |p tajkfeg !wifi) the ^nductor, while durihg .sijops he cftltfTntes jntimacies with the engineer ma fireman. He ;doesn?t give champ/gne suppers. He keeps no dog kenuels, and he main- tains ho^ racing stables. He doesn'J cut a 'daib of kbiyf sort, ,'in fact, «nd»he never\7i)I. - '.' • « )How Slnch Is Up WoKth.? - ./ be easy^tooay howmueS^ fsf" €go it eame'bttt that' his holdings were Jfrexcefss of $iOjQ0QiO00, hut thoy were ^ much befdw'par that their value " Vf&S iiot^morje fBan l^oiOOOi'MO at the h i g h ^ t ^ JJB,douhteflJy; they are higher ,^li real, estate la estjnj&ted to be wortjj Si;lPOO,000 or mpre, nnd besides he owns a. valuable collection of bpoks, which, hdweverV is ocattered from one ^^ JM Ma GARNET ^TOVEStS&^NGES ^iist-CIiSss Staves made OL_ the best material'; perfect ir. woTkmafjshipvi - §m^i and peratioit—^-^7 'k cofR|j[ete,st<5ck of V/al- iei^s^t^-JlleJyiie-Sbingles constantly OR hmii Agents , § 1 Asfeest<)"s itn<f American ^mwnwvm^- .-,• SetLlJi]^fiiiLi^y^mt._ r Erie Canal hsi Sq*rth W»^fefetori Street Corn ROME. nppointea; feaa despite^ liia financial •anS^es^; but thiere are othferat whtr de-, 'clire.JaiB. ; W8r$onal philosophy.and^con- tenipienjttW be i'eniarktble/ glinting, ttig^Mtiify tfao^ffari ofbelngld. ' ?.""• .. .. 'J&L' 3.'-" " ""Djexljiit 'SjiasHitt- Dominick Street. . ,__-._ii: : .^byv-wf'liitih\ i j(i#?thei .-,--„, 'j&mBmwws and .£aaa-ajy-«M#i^ -s^*^ HambUrg-Mie^icaii lffie stebtmer W^gflffl^f^tiag^"'' ' adia. Jrom aerioua intey t ..pie i •Ggj dfSctet yeitelday mma ipWt W fW, battititg atalnut **>e eiemeh** M ^ M | aani)b.urg ,«n4' MW J&tf&>.f0MR ^bniiiP^r -pm... %#}mjwk:$$ .,.. foUh»;I^(!i*!6Sf|y-i^'tfg, fef^S : ..|n r^a.,f(fe;^bttthW^^*;t, ,^lcQV» v 'Faprtt^ jR .. tttt»for«it-wa»MJ»UoWM; BOWI.: YOUR CHOPPING ffl|l|^&3liLBW»;. , :'i,«f.--* -Lb-*.- IM& of gobd«htthUlta«: f.?•:•''•{ -;"••. ••-,- ,Ao«iEl«tellM9tt|e|reU-taown JMS' ; ''\Jy%\'• ' n "v< «^"/int i^ii"k^J tii^» Blg»aut AaYUwtf ««J«^ .-'''••jXpr-Vf *" v ' * •'-'V^\;^iWy -,^^•••''"'> •>'"-./ It is now the easiest thing in the World t©* drive right up in „ of our stpre and ta% onii load of ,* * / '"•'•" W e sell all kinds; ^ F e e d W & a u t # MMti^TWki* -Try Vptfd's Fair- Flour for ligh^ s iwcj^fr«|3^f^^^4: ; :" front price. 120 S. Janies Street ; SOME, N.V. eor. N. w-shiwgtott *„* ^r^5^#^ ^,.y, mm, N. v. J*^™* atl "P^ 0 ^ W«^ i n c l u | | % Choice C a r t e d and Preserved ;poJ, ^ l e ^ n d ^ ; ^ i ^fe|Sa^ the :^Bran^pfr^ first- . |-stor<?» : * ^ r '«sa»»^. %s -.#*• '#<?• In the Ralieetp C mittee». WASHINOppIT, «D The. debates^in- t - tinan^IariilUiiave *sting. iC^eie/lia good speeches on nature of ? .ibi.;^u]t as to m a k e thje but entertaining -i son.. T h e fact i^hi hers also takes* result wal^/fo);! _ Boon^s^bfijppilb '-to' pHsr.t^einiie^lui some lively and' buUn^JEu^biLlfal • the speeebtes.werii Uuown a s "hgine' ' were necessarily; mentative rather poraneons-^ffiprts; running debates'"©] furnished eyidenc discussion Was nc members of the ] no yofcet eonld, be roll would hot'be mge of the free<i to look after bus —nrentSr-Wh-ile-tlios Ingtpn visited the! seers, that always eupItaC'atter.look ber for 'a"-few inc - place's-ol-more Jn " Politician* ] The regular qt of politicians oect ing of t h e Repul inittee t o choose date of tne".neirt. the city during th from the various tertnin t h e conver. about t h e lioteT c convention on a. uent Republican^ country made-the prominence great* The meeting ha< en nee upon the ft Its eourse i Is pret and v(ill .not be In oxpppt events -be politicians.' Tier discussion as to ct presidency, It beii conceded that Pre be n o m i n n t e d b j eblef interest In tl was the platform on the, ticket. Robert. I The interest in to Mr. Koberts o'l The tbdnnands of received by Bonn tlves previous to gress h a v e been si aands more each ask that Mr. Robe the house, but as! nraenmarent *fig J make it impossibl hold a n y ' oluco w will give the UnH to exist In Utah. W a i t i n g F< Roth senate n notlUng wltb the been Introduced i committees are n ate anCIappolntct time Speaker Hei mlttee which is E the senate have b ln e* to reconcile t the m e n who a places. There ar that need the att tees"bero?e fire hi well understood senators of .the f ready t o consfdei BosD-aa~tbe-vaea tee are filled. T before they are take up the nam president where tlons to the appoi lions, by the wa; names, T&eiflg a made since con March, and besii ments there wen of ariny appoint! officers of the vd - -—-——Sherr Several se'natoi Ing t h e adVlBSbil mer seiiator wh any other man senate ktiA, *iifr promittenfcft|ui'e and legistdtldn o a .mile jand/a- ] ffonBer^rra4he-l looking.the mat Washington, is'i it is-proposed-to be niimefi| 16f Jbl from-f- •rv '*-- •p* .s* 5

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W f S y i , ClAfCB AMENDMHENT8 W C l I u W l ^ E R Tp


tCAPITOL^ JUltMSft,-SAJiEM^ OREGON. ; " A Letter Prom tlio Executive Ofilce of Oregon*

The GQteraoiP of Oregon is an ardeut j Us victims.. P c W n k n o t w l y enresjs*-8

..admirer of Pe-ru-na. Ho keeps it cpn-,| tarrh,' but prevents, livery household '^hrtfifllxln the"hrousBr^hr-a-re^cttt-tet^-i&ealdrbe-^sai^lh^wiih-lhis groat rom--

ter to Dr»Hartmau he says :


KAt,i.^it-Mtty9rIS98'. £E ThePe-m-na Medicine Co., Columbus,0.s Ifeaf Sirs:--! have hadpecasion to use.

your Pe-ru-na .medicine, in my family; for colds, and TE proved to be an excel­lent r.emody. I have not had occasion* to use i t for other ailments.

Yours very truly, W. M. Lord. — j l p y T""i w h o Wishes perfect health!

edy for coughs, coltls and eo forth, ,

says he has not had occasion t& use Po-rn.iijg for other aliments.' frho reason for

mast be entirely free from catarrh. Oa-> .tarrh is well-ntgh universal; almost; omnipresent. Pe-ru-na is tlie only abso­lute safeguard known. "A cold is the be­ginning "Of catarrh. To prevent colds, to Cure ooldffi^4o"cheatcatatrh-aat^fi

this is, mest other- ailment's begii •With a cold. Using Pe-ru-na to prompt ly euro colds, ho protects his. far.iih against other ailments. This U c \ a e t h •what every other f;:mily in th->-Vuitcc . States should do. KecpPu»ru-ua in th< house. Use i t for coughs, colds, li grippe, and other climatic o-fiec-tioua c winter, 'and the.ro v i a bo no oilier1 a i r meats, in tho hojjse. Such . faiall!e> should provide themselves with a cop^" of Dr. H or tinea's frco book, cntlUoi "Winter Catarrh-" Address ,£u. n^n^.ficiluaihus., Qhjg:

Farther, Prqvldo» TJiq& t h * Commlasipn SIi«U W*ke and Efrtabliith UnitoMn

Claijlflcatlon — toug—irtid Short * » ^ , O W » » e vWU *fe Entirely

Eliminated. WASHINGTON,. Dec. IS;—Senates uH^iH^SMritrM-Hced^'in^thecsenaie-a

tohtgrehe.nSrve bill for the amenc?ment tf the, law creating the interstate com­merce c6mnn,isslQn. Jgbesstaill is'Jig, xno££. respectsf similar to the Cullom bill of the la'st congress for the same purpose, but it has been changvd, In several !rnjnor,.parti'cular.s,.The main features of the-proposed. measure are as follows!, The. commission "7"is authorized 'after hearing a ease Kb make an order direct­ing the carrier Jto dgsjst from the vlo-« lat'ion found and also ' to "prescBibe In such .order,, the,, thing which the car4 rTerMs r ^ q u i r W t o do ORTnot t oc io fbf the future to bring itself Into coftforny. Ity with"the act," "and, in so'doing, the; eommlssion^ia given power to fix max­imum. "ratesATSr Sx "Both -a lnaxrnrunr and mlniSium Tate at differential lif rntPH whpn ' npepapary to. prevent

R • •

OCKERS. A New and Attractive

Line just received for the

Tloliday Trade. '.. ~. 7


crimination; to determine the divisions of j a joint -rate between ^onneetlng cap ri'ers. and the terms and conditions un-t d e r . which busindss shall be inter-* changed when necessary to t l j ^ . ,eh-t forcem'ent of- the act; . to make changes in classification,'and to amend tb^e tnlsg anil regulaltions under which ^ra'fnq Is Tnoved. The commission now has, nq

'tktmtkm* Stor


811* miles npr£b.y<!st of tK^qiiiet tittle episcppal'cto o« Weils uses A lofty pe'afe sallea by the O e i e c a a t i v e s ^ W M k -am a " t o i " i It la qonspieuous folf n^ilei around, wfth. the towei o t «in ancient chapeMn Its top, and witb.ja tfeat kittle coiintisy.'pffi'tt-SuSft tilfe ruins' ofta nptie "old abbe^.-- " - ' . / i ".•".''!" ».. ' , "•'•?'i?,:~

Siifiapienfet ey;{g ijfce remains tq ' &hoy% th« . i#e, abb^4S||i|i<of vaslb prpportioiftsi occupying,^ iall p)j.acres of'grbuijd, I t

-waft-I«vjffde^l#«la3s0h kingajisiasfih^het eridontved by t h e Normans iitid.'Plaitf tageaets. ^Cheigraiid chancel and.it^fipe chapels were built in the finest sferjo. o | later Norniaa.ai.'eJbJLtectur.e,. b^n£a$r;Uf$4~ moi-e than cri^ia.tli^g walls ahd, pjlfe^ testify to the on.ee great beduty fit, £hq abbey. ' »•' •

$hh. porch, at E^t JjOseph'.B cbapel,,.bAw< ever, is in "a faiS^EafejbT presorv Outside ther^. gKp,-«ts4he farajoua^(*lfl.^g.n;_ bury thorn thftt^osaoms but for .one diajj in. the', ye.ar, kn^ ' tha t Ohrlsifetnp.g 4 ^ 'ThlsT^efbTp^jS^ttahge history..' "" v '•

During bis''ldti^.Qumey, h-qm'PaleslJpia ' St., Joseph of A^toathea viaij%d.'the.,d|si; fjict, fie anjj lus jfatr comirjiijoiig having be,en seni by St.. Philip, the** aposfl^.'to

^ t fv^e r tb r th^H^^ t t ea -Tra t jCu^aH^t r -<iin arid to cast out the Druid siipersti'!

rttoftr .— • ^— "-— • ^tj Joseph and hjs. followers £ou)|d ,.th.eii;" way to' Glastonbury, then knurwfr "aq "Xbiswytry'nl"—•rnejr'ffi anj, arriving on the su_u»«il_olt the hill, Joseph, who wjis'using, a hawthorn stick, as a walking staff, stuck it Ji i tb"thq ground, and it burst iuto "bloom. The^ preseiat^Glastoiibury,. thorn is an offshoot» by continued grafting of S^. Joseph of

«Arimathea's ' walking staff. — London Mail.

1 >

ART LAMPS. r0u^b]neris-r?tri-ind.ex— of-

this year's most beauti- @.

ful designs.

Srr^lfcr- I



FIIItWITlJItK D E 1 I . F J I . U N I > K R T A K E R .


power In a»y. caje. to fix ra tes lot future-observance* by railroad conV panlea, . The bill jnakes the order of the com­mission .effective within the time speci-fledt which, ordjnMily-shalljojkftfeless .than" SOldaysr. A^ 'caoSte t JnayT wTJhlii' SO days begin prBceedljigrm the "United States circuit court for a review of the order. Either party may appeal di­rectly to the"iaupreme court and the case have precedence in the courts. If the court upholds the order or if the order 'becomes effective otherwise, the carrier must "obey It or be subject to a forfeiture, of J&tfoO for each offense arid for 'every day <it 'continues in de­fault. If additional evidence Is folind necessary In court, the 'court must di­rect the commission to take it and make ir supplemental report 59jg/ «i ders of the commission now are not ef­fective until "It brings suit In the ' court to enforce them, and the delays In­volved frequently extend over, a period 'of years.

The- bill also further provides that "the •C'uiinitisslon-shall—mnke-and—estab-w llsh a uniform classification. The long and short-haul clause '.Is made an ab-.

; solute prohibition except upon leave granted by the commission.- Large pen-altreB'afe provided agahret carriers in case of departure Cram the published, rate. The imprisonment' feature Is

.'eliminated from the.act, and shippers are not liable for any offense except false billing or other fraudulent prac-trgS. A forfeiture Is Imposed uporTcar-r^erg- for failure to file annual reports •befoeo Sept. 30 of each year. The com-"mission Is atathoflzod 'to proscribe the forms of accounts and to Inspect the

'books of carriers, and it may employ special agents .or examiners who shall have authority under the order of thtl commission to Inspect and examine? Buch accounts.*^


Gorman Stufllnjf For Roas t Goo«e, P o r German- shifting take one-half

ouiid xst-freshr-bread. crumbs, oa pound each • of cbo'pped npplesT^SBerledr raisins and blanched almonds, the goose liver parboiled and chopped, one table-spoonful of powdered sage, the rind of, a: lemon, two-scant teftspoonfnls of salt nnd:

n teaspoonful'of chopped onion-. Mix, thor-auglily-.and-hiaiston.-Avith-a~toacupful_jot4-J melted butter. StAff tho' cr6p and body lightly (if packed' the dressiug -will be soggy), and the result will be a' gas­tronomic delight.—Selected.

--• Doh'4-wait, Gome now -and^ee^oiir_aiS^ment of Christmas

Novelties. We also carry a fine line of . - -. . . . . .

Foreign- and Domestic CrSckery which will be sold.in sets or lots to suit'the purchaser.

There is nothing more beautiful than a nice PICTURE for a

Christmas present We have a beautiful assortment to select

firotnr -Order yottr Pictures Framed a t once from a fine line

of moulding, Do not delay until the last minute. Our prices

7——-3Fo-rigkt —

f 1 4 ! NORTH J A M E S S T R E E T .

SPEC IAD Russet Leather Suit Cases, Linen <JJQ

Lined, Brass Trimmings -- * S O

-— tEArTHER HAT BOXES-.--- :—-aentlemen's and t idies* Traveling Bags, New Shapes

and "^ari.r"tJnin~SSS''&SivAs Cafes.


tyleXori^BOden a n * IrorrChlbs,--tiOtF-QOTJETS^r AH Caddy Bags, Balis and Tees.

Uatspokeii ConKrciimnn From Brooklyn * In HI* Views.

\y_ASHINGTON, Dec.' 13.—There Is »uch great pressureTdr Hrhe on the part of the members on both sides who .de­sire to participate In tho currency de­bate In the house tha t three night ses­sions have been* ordered. Interest in the bill Is not keen. JudgedJby ,the at­tendance in the galleries, although the members themselves are listening at­tentively to the speeches. Only one. Democrat thus far has spoken - In fa­vor of the bill, Mr. Drlggs of New York, who announced yesterday that he "had "pledged hlmseir before election to support the gold standard and pro­posed to redeem that pledge. He will

^beloined-byseveral o t his -Brooklyn col-'-leagues—an/I. pmhnhly" ftpvnrnl nHynnV-Mr. Drlggs declared that he believed the" dignity and pre=eminenee of tba-_ United. State* would be advanced by placing this- country apun t i ie stan­dard of the most highly civilized coun­tries of the world. ""I do hot arrogate to myself," saUT

he, addressing his Democratic col­leagues, "the presumption to say to you that I am right and yoo a re wrong-But I believe as a Democrat tbat you would respect less If, knowing how I

I K ! "Tefl;XsBojJd ho^dpenly s Vlctlons and keep the pledges I made.

Itfr. Drlggs, continuing, argued that thje doctrine of free silver a t 16 to 1 v?aX TOt-~irr harnton-jr -with tbe- ldeas of some of the greatest men In the

-Democratic party. He Irlstanc'ed. the "ijase of ^Madison, Calhoun and, Randall, who never swerved in their allegiance to the Democracy, bu t who offered sp'e-clflc policies. He announced that he Wuld remain "a" consistent Democrat remalfl"a" «ive only upon the coina'i*.

question of free

. A Siber ian Superfftltlon. A strange" 'superstition, which may owe.

something o f i t s origin to the- associa­tions, bound tip with the Biblical narra­tive of thevNativity, obtains Si'edeuce.to rthis. ;j.nyLaiWng^^fi-pea^ants^Qf^^em,^-: By therii-lttis"ll}e"Iieved that,,a "gif t?o| h\injan speech"'anlTsupeibudian 'p'ropBecy descends upon the beasts o£ the' stall and; byre during the mystic hour that heralds the Christmas.dawn nnd that if one^is bold enough to hide beneath the straw, on sneli occasions be wjll hear his fafe for the coming year -foretpld by his do­mestic animals.'."A betrayal of Ids pres-ouae, however, entails certain destruc­tion-—Pall Mall Gazette. ' ''•'••

ty* WHHnBne»» ^o Help CIv«l*e Auicrlcuu fientben—A Self 3Io<lc Hillioiinfrc of Quiet Tastes and tVlae Keadiniff-HU "Wealth.

N E W ' Y O B K , Dea 13 . - [Spec ia l . ] - In 8ubsci?ll>"ig $50*000 lb his own a M his wife!s name (arJ'the, benefit of the Tusklbgee (AW.) i%rraal and Industrial InBtllutel where negroes are praoftcally edri.qa,iedr-in"a practical way, Collis P. auati '^gton h'as,±alven his own advice uttered; six -OR eight years ago,- At that time, being inlportuned to make a con-ti1butjpa_to.tl>.e funds, for the conver­sion ofi the SiftiplielEorp^BBa^ltyTte; smile,d ap4_ salds •* _"•-.•

' ' ^ i i y not ti-y tp cpnyerTflie. heathen .Jh i^is^cpnn'tryi; T^ex .a re qflite.las

deserving a s thpse in Siam," n,nntlngtpn aa H e l l . ^

Some one wlio'1beardrtbTs"remark iaoughti.iyie; Paciflc railroad magnate, raade it just, to tie" smart and a t the same time silence the solicitor of mon :

ey for .the conversion of the Siataeser but the outcome shows this judgment

oQg. Iiunflng-ton-was-|— ready to„ give wh'ereyer the object presented was satisfactory to him. Yet- Huntington isr generally set down

.among bis associates as<a witty man in a quiet "Way, and many of his sayings as repeated about town from time to tijne are well worth hearing. Once when Bome—eao—said—in—his—piSS:

Cbrtstmnn F i r e s . ' When bright Christmas Area arc glowing

And the flel&HkgLwhitcr'wUh «now, Doum-boW-theJalr IVmnharot

There comes back t he-long »ffo. From Bohemia's gilded antics

Do I longing flee again To the bygone dreams ot boyhood

lUd the pine cl»d UUli o{ M»ine.

Hdvr *e children watflhed the chimnejf Till our eyes closed tast in sleep;

How we waitcil, watched ilia comlnsl . But wq never Rot n peep, ^

How we Bhorntcil tn ttm morning, "iierry ChrUtmasP'-awcet refrain—

As we emptied all our stockings Filled by Santa Cfaus.of Maine.

"OB,rtiwiopnjnrtays oVcfivtstreir— —'In- that home ol olden-ttmei-- m—*

Ily the great log Urea ft-gjowlrig -1, rmr^ hp«n t | ^ voioos clllTne, Father's, mother's, sister*s,»brothDr' Jteunited gBee.«galnj .--^Tn-r-^'. — ^

Oh, j&g tuxtey, pies and pnddlngs '"' Seryed on Christmas up 16 iuinet

I ' —Sew rtriesAi l^mei-Deinocnt ftaiJlgK II Hnnynii titptb,

The fn-st paciinment house of the Bwor.* w a s under a banyan tree, under,, which; t h e rulers of" the Transvaal, gathered in,: •the^carlyadnys ot the repnblW ta.d3seus!s

Errtrr ^wsHoi^affieettirg-the^-wMJUl^riwA-the •fi-ea tinsafiitsr tipcnmis ki»njnt,ny fhe^'urvfe volkskad of the Transyah),'^- The Boera call 4ir# sprit tVoiiilprbldmn.. l t ; - i s g f e w ffiifes ofttslde of-feetpViar.nt^h& en­trance to a cleft in th<e>mot}iitnin.


ence that the snobbishness in' America of prominent visiting foreigners would be" vastly amusing were it not annoy­ing, the grizzled railroad builder "look-

; ed thotjghtful and acquiesced. - f i^et-atSkj;^ hiLatld6d : after" a" w<£

ment's" reflection", "how foolishly we encourage thein." .. In cold type this Isn't much above the commonplace, but it contains a genuine truth, though not very credita-

_ble to, Americans, and it produced a profound Impression on Mr. Hunting­ton's audltor.8.

In .person Collls P. Huntington Is an extraordinarily handsome old man, be­sides being too rich for any use, but in his mode of life he is simplicity itself. His food is hardly uioFe'claboraie tc-day than It was when be was a poor boy. His amusements arc few in num­ber, but he gives much time. 16 them, despite the exactions ojc b,Is really vnst interests. ' He likes to'i play whist and has -come-to - know—th^-g(vme— pretty-welU He travels a good deal on busi­ness of necessity, but as much or m'ore for pleasure^ Between the two it is

„aalll thaj. he has crossed the North American- continent more times tbaii any other man alFve. He reads onor-mSusly^ especially on trains.

Hnntlnsion l r» Tngtc la Buolcg. I t is t rue that Mr. Huntington-is,Jt

self made man and that-his education­al advantages were very slight wlicn ho w a s young, but It is not true th.it lm is now. capable of talking udtnuig but shop or that he has no interests outsidQ his railroads and other properties."''

In passlnglt may be" slated as a fact that most self made "men who climb near the top of the laddqc hecorao broad minded and exceedingly well in­formed, many Impressions to tho con­trary notwithstanding, and Huutlng-ton is a fine sample o r tula. His read-lng has largely run to history nnd biog­raphy, and he iff o n e of-the best In* formed men in the United States along these lines. He "is also fond of archi­tecture nnd has read nearly all the standard historical and other works on that subject. Including ' even ' many purely, technical books,— Some of his 'Intimates declare ' there is no doubt whatever that he could plan and put up. a structure Of grand proportions without wsteBSfimal help, adding t h a t tho design- would unquestionably be scholarly and impressive. ,

He reads everything that" he can get

b u t they needn ' t "last long -not any, kwagpt-tfeian

it takes to p u t of-ata;:AlJebcfers, 2£°Pot0i& Plaster. T n e only thing-

. '."* to looWoutfor¥l:Tiat y ou geT the right plaster. There are other§,;biit ^0|i d d n ' t w a n t i e m ; take bur wp^4:"%it,

ani,there's, no time for exj>eri;me,nt^g | arvd finfeif 0 u 4 ^ s t a k e s : f 4 ^ : ^ f c f b r . -AMcock?s Porous Plasters and see th^tyou .get them. If they say thatsolme' Qther is just as good,tell them tha t w f y the best is^good enough for you. Allcosk's Porous" Plasto s a r e ^ G ^ a i i d sure> aT«Hukiiow-~ ledged by the highest m,edi<?al authorities and everybody else to be the best ou't^ side remedy for pains and aches p / every description. - ••>• x «


, . , : -• -£—... ^ ^ j f ^ a - ^ i j j . ^ j a

TUo Kind You Have Always^ Bought , aijupl vgPdLliaa l)ccti in us« foi- over 3 0 years', has boraiO t h e signature of

/7^sj(£¥tf-f-#~ • * sonal supervision !»Uiiwri^ tnTancx.. 3 ^ ^ ^ / ^ > € i ^ ' Allow nq one to deceive y o u fn thts. All Counterfeits, I nutations andSubsth^ufejs aiceTStit Ex-perhncuts t h a t tiiflo "with and endanger t h e healtli of Infants and Children—Experience against Experuuout.

<!ast<j*ia is a jai^atfttitft for flftsiffor OU. Paregoric^ Drops ^ and Soothing Syrups. I t is Harmless and.Pleasant . I t

qonfeaius neither Opium, ivlorphine no r other Narcotic substance. I t s age is i t s guarantee. I t destroys "Worms and iillays Pcverlshness. I t cures Diarrlioaa aixu Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles* cures Constipation and Flittulciicy. I t assimilates t h e Food, regulates the Stomach an A Bowels, giving healthy and na tu ra l sleep. Tho Children's Panacea—The Mother 's Friend.


Bears tlie Signature of

The Kind You tee llways Bought - In Use For Over 3 0 Years.

hold of on municipal matters, also, Do? lug profoundly interested in city plans, city government, city sanitation and all t he rest, l i e has immense "firttir t he f-utut'e of- the "BUftetf.States; a n * particularly of its cities, and believes

• many of them will eventually be re-laid out In whole or in part.

No* Very t ' l ind ot Society. Though by no means a society hater,

jCollis P . Huntington has no special lpege for social pleasures. H^ would;

- I t is not-only beautSttt j^bmea^fea h a m over the mirrot iti^the tribrrimg. A-nxioiis women who are watoHi«i?.the wast-j q g of their beaaty. stand "BefEjreJtife tnirror


ITS &CQL&&AY-when a Rm Cross Hegt^r v?W?tm Itecp the house as warm as toast, ' They a«e fuel saV^s too, are easy, to manage^TanS mike np dast. Lest lis ffiow tn'fiu ana^^uote you price?. We have;* full Urte of Stoves, ..Ranges arid furnaces and Housjekee|#||s Hardware. " Auicinds of Tin., Copper and Sheet Iron .Wor! | o ord^n


In the Seuste. , WASpiN.QTOJJj^DBc. 13.s-'Whettj;er;

Aobit"rai De^ey; Soling for t h e . frniteia States gdvernment, formally • "or mfbr-

Jmaliy recognized-the Philippine repub­lic at Manila is a qtte|tio'h wl^i/ift a|ft

'^et t igiew cijC South rjakota dfejh;e|4hi|t ' na^y';li!epaVtment to ""answer. T H g ^ l f p y Jdiic'edr-*ri*splutlon—yeisi:erri^3r:^rgcjtiwi the secretary o"f the iiaVy to suppSy tbe »enate with information- on the subject, bu.t Jdr.^Chandier of New Hampshire11

obi w e d jto i t s consideration".

Foilowlrig thls.bbjectlbri Mjr. Petfi-gcew and Mr. Chandler h£3U a sharp tilt bv«r the 'resoluUon ottered by the former* demanding ffom thfe secretary Of war. an explanation.of certain charges' against General Merriam in his conduct of th.e-Orwr.ae Atene trouble... Pqlific* vtaa Jpjected ihtb the controversy and "the ytajwouai ref«ren«es-^ade--by--each senator against the other ient^^orhe live­liness to an otherwise quiet se«sioii.

much gather have $ few friends abou^ him than t b b e a figure at a swell func­tion/ httn'self one of the most closely/, observed both b'eeause of his impor­tance in the world-of affairs and his ^6TH.iannatog personal appeoi-auce. —

.When-he^goes-fiying aclross the con-.tinenfc jaatui-ally always -trayeling in Sis "own private, ear , he likes to d^* -w|e-4Ugoo^JBjillof^imeHin^4je-ti ~ -

i n c r e a s i n "iie8 , -«chl lft


oettQriS'trfjpez tun nx,u^> ,.<. wui* ^ . 1JBW 'XQBK, Deo. l?l?TTS,aJa.q**>< ;Lo-, pez, witK-h'er fotfr .chil'dreh^ ^ i f t o ' ^ j i barge onlce on h i r ^fiy^ft . . ^ b | t ^ & ' is going to endeavor to ^eg^|^ JieV lolp property. Senbr ibopea' wfasv6tfab'i; W '&•' der of General Weylef as an- insurgent Then-, his. T*ife vf$m' -ghjt ln» 'i%is.0ira.; "Mi Mti§pib$ti hfiitttiiea per id esMpe/ '%^ nun-disguised the. senor|/'a.9 &'-st8te> jit charljfer. The ' refuged ^eiit t o | t i a ; # * Janeiro/ wltere enST was ibinjsa?''bf :%<$_ chlldren> --.' - ^ . . ? . - . -^'- -

ftoori#&o*i*&*tMi&l*r sVir«if-•?>?•'

the" m:»u t th.

such waihfen, 'wreofctoihi body an|iiin' dtspositiiipyi


table, J ipisO'sd,




*"'%.4f n--d-i

!5^ ^MrrHuntihgton

mw with.

stbdrbufaduig' form, . ^oataii's gsbefel' healtitf.depends l |^Kly tipoti the Ideal health;og 'the orfeaMSi;;«jis.% titictlvely feminine, ffregular periSas, in , , . . . _ , aSgenhbbd, . fbHoivteO, aHjifrfflaft^g^gbyi- -3ide of tho country to tho other. Some

^fMUtatibg J*aS«Si. snjitAHftcommi^pVop-, there -are "who -believe h i to- tobe a dis-L

»«§tfence3 ot taotheihlb^^ lttflaniatatijbnv " ' "'" '' ' ijicefatibn, atfd aisiilli^aS'bifeaffs.'ra^lfie; •gieiiefal health. These ebnailibn^-aSi^fih-.

. M i | 4 4 M . ^ # J y filled ffdmiglbjom ai

^,;!!lfi\0"|t6bej: 18891 eb1rtS;tb,S«Wiati! m

| p tajkfeg !wifi) t h e ^nduc to r , while durihg .sijops he cftltfTntes jntimacies with the engineer ma fireman. H e ;doesn?t give champ/gne suppers. H e keeps no dog kenuels, and he main­tains ho^ racing stables. He doesn'J cut a 'daib of kbiyf sort, ,'in fact, «nd»he never\7i)I. - '.' • «

)How Slnch I s Up WoKth.? - ./ b e easy^tooay howmueS^

f s f " €go it eame'bttt that ' his holdings were Jfrexcefss of $iOjQ0QiO00, hut thoy were ^ much befdw'par that their value " Vf&S iiot^morje fBan l oiOOOi'MO at the h i g h ^ t ^ JJB,douhteflJy; they are higher

, ^ l i real, estate la estjnj&ted to be wortjj Si;lPOO,000 o r mpre, nnd besides he owns a. valuable collection of bpoks, which, hdweverV is ocattered from one

• — ^ ^



^iist-CIiSss Staves made OL_ the best material'; perfect ir. woTkmafjshipvi - §m^i and

peratioit—^-^7 'k cofR|j[ete,st<5ck of V/al-

iei^s^t^-JlleJyiie-Sbingles constantly OR hmii Agents

, § 1 Asfeest<)"s itn<f American ^mwnwvm^- .-,• • SetLlJi]^fiiiLi^y^mt._

r Erie Canal hsi Sq*rth W»^fefetori Street Corn

R O M E .

nppointea; feaa despite^ liia financial •anS^es ; but thiere are othferat whtr de-, 'clire.JaiB.;W8r$onal philosophy.and^con-tenipienjttW be i'eniarktble/ glinting, ttig^Mtiify tfao^ffari ofbelngld.

' ?.""•.. .. 'J&L' 3.'-" " ""Djexljiit 'SjiasHitt-

Dominick Street.

. ,__-._ii::. byv-wf'liitih\ij(i#?thei .-,--„,

'j&mBmwws and .£aaa-ajy-«M#i^ -s^*^

HambUrg-Mie icaii lffie stebtmer W^gflffl^f^tiag^"'' ' adia. Jrom aerioua i n t e y t . . p i e i •Ggj dfSctet yeitelday mma ipWt W fW, battititg atalnut **>e eiemeh** M ^ M | aani)b.urg ,«n4' MW J&tf&>.f0MR

^bniiiP^r -pm... %#}mjwk:$$

.,.. foUh»;I^(!i*!6Sf|y-i^'tfg,

fef^S:..|n r^a.,f(fe;^bttthW^^*;t,

,^lcQV»v 'Faprtt^ j R . .



ffl|l|^&3liLBW»;.,:'i,«f.--* -Lb-*.- •

IM& of gobd«htthUlta«: f.?•:•''•{ -;"••. ••-,-,Ao«iEl«tellM9tt|e|reU-taown

JMS'; ''\Jy%\'• 'n"v< « ^ " / i n t i^ i i"k^J t i i ^ » Blg»aut AaYUwtf ««J«^

.-'''••jXpr-Vf *"v' * •'-'V^\;^iWy -,^^•••''"'> •> ' " - . /

It is now the easiest thing in the World t©* drive r ight up in „ of our stpre and ta% on i i load of ,* * / '"•'•"

W e sell all kinds; ^ F e e d W & a u t # MMti^TWki* • -Try Vptfd's Fair- Flour for l igh^ s iwc j^ f r« |3^f^^^4 : ; : "



120 S. Janies Street ; SOME, N.V.

eor. N. w-shiwgtott *„* ^ r ^ 5 ^ # ^ ^,.y, mm, N. v. J*^™* a t l " P ^ 0 ^ W«^ inc lu | |% Choice C a r t e d and Preserved ; p o J , ^ l e ^ n d ^ ; ^ i ^ f e | S a ^ the : ^ B r a n ^ p f r ^ first- .

|-stor<?» :*

^ r ''«sa»» . %s

-.#*• '#<?•

In the Ralieetp C mittee».

WASHINOppIT, «D The. debates^in- t

- tinan^IariilUiiave *sting. iC^eie/lia good speeches on nature of?.ibi.;^u]t a s to m a k e thje but entertaining -i son.. T h e fact i hi

hers a lso t a k e s * result w a l ^ / f o ) ; !

_ Boon^s^bfijppilb '-to' pHsr.t^einiie^lui

some lively and' buUn^JEu^biLlfal

• the speeebtes.werii Uuown a s "hgine'

' were necessari ly; mentative rather poraneons-^ffiprts; running debates'"©]

furnished eyidenc discussion Was nc members of the ] no yofcet eonld, be roll would hot'be mge of the free<i to look after bus

—nrentSr-Wh-ile-tlios Ingtpn visited the! seers, t h a t always eupItaC'atter.look ber for 'a"-few inc

- place's-ol-more Jn " Pol i t ic ian* ]

The regular qt of politicians oect ing of t h e Repul inittee t o choose date of tne".neirt. the city during th from t h e various tertnin t h e conver. about t h e lioteT c convention on a . uent Republican^ country made-the prominence great* The meeting ha< en nee upon the ft Its eourse i Is pret and v(ill .not be In oxpppt events -be politicians.' Tier discussion as to ct presidency, It beii conceded that Pre be n o m i n n t e d b j eblef interest In tl was the platform on the, ticket.

R o b e r t . I The interest in

to Mr. Koberts o'l The tbdnnands of received by Bonn tlves previous to gress h a v e been si aands more each ask that Mr. Robe the house, but a s ! nraenmarent *fig J make it impossibl hold any ' oluco w will give the UnH

to exist In Utah. W a i t i n g F<

Roth senate n notlUng wltb the been Introduced i committees are n ate anCIappolntct time Speaker Hei mlttee which is E the senate have b lne* to reconcile t the men who a places. There ar that need the att tees"bero?e fire hi well understood senators of .the f ready t o consfdei BosD-aa~tbe-vaea tee are filled. T before they are take u p the nam president where tlons to the appoi lions, b y the wa; names, T&eiflg a made since con March, and besii ments there wen of ariny appoint! officers of the vd

- -—-——Sherr Several se'natoi

Ing the adVlBSbil mer seiiator wh any o ther man senate ktiA, *iifr promittenfcft|ui'e and legistdtldn o a .mile jand/a- ] ffonBer^rra4he-l looking.the mat Washington, is'i it is-proposed-to be niimefi| 16f Jbl


•rv '*-- •p* .s*5