i^amicemsiir t il r man my failed to acre t...

W>*p<# TJEB WijATHPR I Wanner qloudy agd showers f \ •St'" IV [01 20yjOU122 MEDINA, HEW YOBK, i^aMiCEmsiiR A f •fl^ T* "ft****** ^^.ff ^^"**$"TP**fc 1 * MAN MY FAILED TO ACRE s Judge Harcoutt ierous Ballots * faken;Stoo48to4 I jurj in the case pf J D |an this placer -Who las I undergoing trt&l „be£ore Judge B.. E •* Harcourt in cot it tor tho-'" past „*our Jm aifaon cnttrge;, reported to Hai court *at nudnfght that pad failed to^reach an afe^ee, jurj received-tho evidence] casi amfsetlred ior a ver May be Alive Mia, PI, June 16—Hope -tjras today that Glenn Brophy, |sh diet who 4^api>eared 18, aS31i. is alJve among | |agan savages ofr3Eam!,Jiorth* ost of the Pbilippyie {Islandst Japanese fishing hpat < and Inoe .reported a sfcrangp figiire seen signalling from the of the island Strong cut heavy waves and fear of avages prevented small boats approaching to investigate fcphy vanished between Ma- phina, and Imzon, P. I., while flight ; # 0 m - &iangfe.ai . to diet at 2:45 Thursday, afternoon. After repeated baHotWjg it became apparent that no verdict could he agreed uppij v and this fact was re- ported to the. court. It is understood that the jury for sometime stood eight to four for conviction and at the conclusion the Balloting was .nine to three tor conviction., The Jury- was discharg- ed :• It is believed that District Attor- ney Munson will move for a new trial In the meantime Harrigan was returned to-the County Jail where he has Been retained since his arrest; he having failed to ob- tain bail. ^ , JUNE 17*1932 i 1 1*. IV gttC^OKNES ft HOOVER AND CURTIS NAMED BY REPUBLICANS Chicago, June 16—The Republi- can Party put its same Hoover-Cur- tis ticket bacK in the field today and the 2,000 delegates and alter- nates who accomplished tile deed' scattered to their homes for the political plowing. Preslent Hoover accepted the nomination and the platform in a message read to the convention in which he Said that the objectives of theSparty lie beyond "platforms and measures" in "that sacred realm of ideals, of hopes and as- pirations, those things of the spirit which make the greatness?] and the soul of the nation," Both.'the 'nomination of thttPresl- T Kansas _•.'•*. Marsbap Peputy,.alias Marshall Oe-j Pew, 37,' yesterday worn by hi? fu- tile attempt to evade punishment by flight to South Africa, was sen- tenced : to life»iftprisonmeht today for the kidnaping cff.Jrtrs. Nell Don- nelly wealthy sarmgnt manufac- turer, last December 16th, Be escaped -the shadpw of the nppse by a plea of guilty; in. re- turn for Which Prosecutor James fcan, 'macMH»:^to,4^u^|i|||ftT te^oday ibr>|hk'lf#l^--cafiW a ^tth ftft^$jfl^^;1$j a as the new chairtBan-bt the mai; committee* .. ."•"C.*,". ' adeftfi a former ^firstary to Went , Coolidge ih waSffftfe choice 'resident Hoover tor campaign Jager; TSiS name wfc& presented'! national teotoaSitte/er a t ft. Iting Justfiatt&f t|e\c3»Tention. lid By" "-Postmaster , .fleiteraf j m director pE this pro-conven-i | Hooyet- 8ct!vtti(& aafl .accept-? iitai^tQ-,*iia^6f^ift : *h%.c^rnitteotne^ •^tisof^thl^'lij^t^. »n'd : tthe; hprhiuioes ^4tah.S^r' : ^6un^;•Bovettnli6hy'•'• i"'|^'atorW8k-oi i Qh{^'th%'ietjlf- : ing ch^lrmah» aadAr. Hubert Work of (Joi^rido, the cbairman Iti the 1928 campaign, joined Sanders La presiding over the committee ses- sion. HanMotislyii a rijteetiiujf calleftfora^lrigMnrc^^igli Its nettfy^ chbse*".'npm&^e'i iident JHo'oyee > n d fice.Preii< : | Curtis, Medina People in Auto Accident Harry Stanley and Mlss^Dorothy .. _^ _ __ OT _ harinonyJ <Shatfee of Medina were severely ers' tw* t J in^i^8l*W *liatge|lniared in an anto accident Wed- iee'e-mmende'tt. the Uje jue_ mm?T*i. ^> M^mt\\ |h ScfioolJttiBXa : %, steS^ toast at ParW : #t:Jiiglht.; ? ." "' "''•"*' ' llabamtt/gctiQoi' fs paying * |ic at"%'4i'i^ 1 *^^ 1 **'.-"*^ m. M#^M|f^st'ifolahatt ( j watng* ^ g ^ f ^ e M JohjB*6ff lek sc|«rt;^o!ay >: «i''^a: *^fe p theifcpi^Hsw.:'">/v*• '• - ' _ |eorgo_:'i0^tt^,.6f ;:|&i*e'^tfE0f» ' Wend*'are enfoj^h^fo oatlhg; |ay at |jte.Mtjkfl ' '" :• he»day night on the. Campbell bft^evArdj-thrtie mitds west of totikporfc" - Their car was rammed by an aato owned by. James C Wrysback, of Tlnffalo |«(d. bjdry danjaged, Stanley's left arm ttas badly crashed and tho elbow bone broRen lh several places. Miss Chaffea ;s8fierea -ajivete lacerations of the leg and other bruises. James O'Donnell of Rlclimond ftnit i . Iv who- w«» riding to tho llBJsback ca? auaihlned several cuts on tho head and hands. Both f cars insra badly damaged. 7iil Rogers Pkks | tertt. Lacy Browning, Holltday ^attv) farmer and former school treasur- er, also pleaded guilty and was sentenced to servo- 25 years in the state penitentiary. Browning, regarded by officials as a minor figure in the kidnaping, arranged for tho use of a squalid cottage near Bonner Springs, Kan.,| for the imprisonment of Mrs, Don- nelly during negotiations for 575,- 000 ransom, 'l.want to get wherever it Is I'm going," Bald Deputy, known here fas. Martin DePew, when offered the opportunity of apeatctog In his own behalf-, U ymn sSSmSE iht» C0ttrt.-tb,$!pjtf8* josei jSptlelt^ Mfemoat fn whfciBf he said* he, hatched the plot to ttd- ftap Mrs. Dohnefly to an attempt . ti> collect *W,oi)0 rApJom. and en« igioeerod Its eiqehttfto. He declar- ed that through/rat his flight ho- bBlIeved his associates had collect- ed the ransom and "douhie-crossod'* him, Mrs. Donnelly was released -Without payment <$f t h e money, Deputy related in court that ho had married Ethel DePow, who is la ja8 awaiting trial in tho Don {nelly kidnaping, without tho for- mality of obtaining a divorce froth a wife lie deserted tn Downingtown, Pa, Ethel DePeW» a nurso once eniployed in th<^. Donnelly homo, had boon itistrwenW to, curing him of a narcotic habit, ho said. Awaiting trial with Mrs. DoPew are Paul Scheldt, owner of the cottage where Mrs. Connelly was held §0 Wars^ and Oharlia Mele,: whom Jlrs. Donnelly Identifled $& one of her guards. iii>n.ij~>;y!)i|iv!'»y. ^ e '©ryt'jiiift'?a^'||^--iw* ['•be afral.d^.'t'^eslc^-lft seen; [iot -or nertr#'.|ft>'a».*'J» «* *bn^ ; it's hatd to.;&s«Jt»i». 'air- aft fatisi I iittssV W <gffl '*iia{j <M m& Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Clint Bragdon of West avenua entertained at dlniier iChnrsday.Mr* ahd.MIJK iUR^Wat- 'son and Miss Mildred Hico of Nia- gara Falhj and Sirs. Robert Bayne anddanghter Crystal and Sirs. Bergman alt of KnckvIHe. *ths Ifniversity of Boffslo confer- red degrees on a class of 337 men aftd woinett yesterday. dent and Viceprebtdeut we\o amdelf unanimous, though there wera *$$m_ tered votes for other can.di!|||^|| during t h e balloting.. ",• •' '*|£% : f'*'' President Hoover re'celvod^lt 126% votes on ^oJKc^ia roll $$M with'others.spattered "* *KII«SS«S** as Coolidge, 4%; f?a^ .i^ll,™,,,. 6. Dawes, ,1; Senator ^fi?-Mw*!Sf| Blaine, vVisc ( 0|8{w...„13. a i o t ' | | p ""* 1 ' 3 9en|tor Jaijla". i? f New Tork, l f ^ r ,. W3*1i The general apathy tqwatt ! .;!fn| tis^ which w|*s mantte§li ,-^|^ boom for Dawes, which was | | | i ^ tnrgd by the former *teM?r^$)i$| %bmti\t yesterday was r | v | | M | | | ! the eathusiasMi diselayM-lql$tS^ candidatos. But thorn 'ms '%4$$i on whorni the delegates could.o^j ter, and the* ve|§raa Kahsan wJ^ff Voted annthef term t6 haoowa |f<|[" .flrat RepuhU^ii vlcopresiaBht 'imf> to succeed itnjjiejr. xt $$% Curtis ra«$!# : . «S??l, \ « r t « ^ i | the .otffciol |iate^_M«)^l&. wt^' nation wa^^nw'-unlfliWbuli, « ^ : Bets 5 to 3 on i id.—htsMi " " LIL i...i t ii.i„,i il ,i,i., , „., i i ,,<»»»>,i r .. vHifiyii,,,,,,,^—,1 I'MLimm .•.•.ii'r'>^V» "' i Hi" ' i»i..uM|iTC?iti-,. ^.M^IJIH,.. »,^,ff.Vir<ia„,ii,(ii i^.mw* ,. J,.M ffA.li n'ip & W^s^erU Hoover p.^fe.^GRANWJ) M« ,#' im Ne.w Tforh, June Winterbottbm, well IsnoWn York mortfefon, faJfcficfcinK dent Hoover to retain Ijis Ctlf M the big ilght t)j£«/fall H oddsW 5 to 9 agninst tM fteld. '• ] Wlntorbottom pYankcd dofn ; $1,000 with Setting CommissKmar Jack Doyle today against 5^0(|j placed on tho field by Krogh, man-about-to^rn. Doy1« said this was tho fin! Rtjp**:,'$ww J^-rAn ignominy oos aiSiW «<is ^bpared.* foct*y |for two convlcied terroriite, oftb |of whoin wa^'captttred only 10 (days ago v»th botntis Intended for premier MUSSOMKI, I Ono w*3 Ijoiisoiifco Bovane t ac- |cuso4 letter of a ghng that has Ibcon throwing estpioslycs In var- .ious parts of Itniy, ana tho other iwns hit henqhman, Angela Sbar« Frai»f'dollotto, who was arrested Juno •jB, nwe ths Premlert* ofllco with two;,bombs itnd an automatic on Mrs. D» Finite Dinner Guests Miss Emtio Boardman* Miss Edith Grant and tho Misses Ebba, Esther and Viotoarla Petoreon wore dinner guests of Mrs. Duano Fink at box homo In West Shelby; Wed- j nosajty- erctniW--.. ,^ . ) ,,,^ ; t bound astride chairs and shot in tie backs at dawn tomorrow, fh« Austrl'an ,daneejr sl«eelh«art of Bovone, Jfarghorfla Blahov and five others wcro sentenced to 30 years' imprlsonnwnt each. Two «{ero sontencod to 10 yonr* A special tribunal convened only this week presided over the $$*¥>•: I • y . J. ' ' :•« . • • .t? fliitiij-'liitii. ,'..•*,! )n, .i,j.,',,), ...M'.I^.LVI, EXTORTIONIS LED IN BUNCH BY POLICE Geneva* Jfnno tsWVSTord that thla city has boon aucccRsfal in its bid for tho 1033. convo«Mo»,of Uw Kow York State Orange wn» greeted with Joy hero tonight* Tho Executive Committee) of tho State Orange, after volint to meet to Geneva, fixed tho dates of tho convontioa «g Fob. 7, 8, 0 And 10. This rociin» th»t tho•• convention win ope4 o|i"» *U4«d»y »nd «ios© on, vmtti'm « HBmhflr of pro- '.ctmvtmtliw *«etti« *t«- -ifx#wte!j.to| W «i«««d-"*tt''-tfi* pifW*ifa(t Jtoit-' d»y. Uat woo* thd Ex'eoutWtt Coni- mlttee made k'y&A% cH-tasnictton TO lhl» city-, Before coming' hofft (ho commitUa Inipoctsd fftcllittes at Uko Plaeld and alter leaving horo porfornloa slmJlar tuuctIon» It« Buffalo anil Ni»«ara Falls, In I Knowlesville provlous years Uiq corawiupo hajt announccdi its d e e j a y lmmo!4tatt)3f (ottowtng Ita trto/oi IftspcoHoWlttJt tlits, year tho aaoiataa wass-aolayoa; B(Kjau8Q ; of iHj^UMtcttVof o^ertt otj other DWeo* tho cararnlttfto wlajie^ nxofo UwO; tft rfltt^h: % do^slpnr, t i * $* ^ Contingent on a court order from the State- Banking Benattmqttt, tho Stato Sank ot Hilton is ln,-i-e*dt- iioss to open it* door on S.artur4»# t Formal ^ppHcatton for; tghs qr^or ^uia tnado during tho forepart ot ttio week. •* * The reopening la mado sosslhl* attQt sls'njpntha ot ^prsi'Qii tho {jpart of the depositors^ cotamftl^es the now Board oS DirectoU *ntl many other ,olti*ons pt tl^o c^oin* mt^htty. t * pitlwra of tho now bank wtU ho TlC \u Burrltt,. presid,ontf WilUaiw V % Jf^j»pomb» vtCApwaldaDit;; ^"Wft* + \w Curtis, •jlqe jijMJlJdwtf Pfod R Van Teohton lt oaahier, and iuan*i£8* ' t y u n Paxson^'a'Sststiant cashier* Tho oncers ^ay ,t;h^ b»»k will bo^ 8S nor cqnt^fquld when It reopen*, and thus bo. k' 1 a strong postttditv Praqtlcally 100 nor nmt fit thft Atp^ poallora^alKniatt toloa^ca o t a s pw cent ot thbtr deposits, tUo.:RooUes- tdi> T.rust'^ Stifs Bovost^Cdnfpalny acting fts'rfenqsttary ot tha fundV Albion Man Is Found Shot to Death ia Room J * urn* wwumw. \ 5 , > 1 mot, B«e4o«v ot 26 Wwt'ftirt? St'MBt, Albion,' y/as 1 " dlanowsd I shot to dsath, appavently by his owni.hanoV l»t« yeaterdny la » roojn c$«jpl*d; by Ihhft n* «!tt Jlrn slitting Offlc« in tb* «s6oud fiooV l$£ *tfi* Orleans Triwt*d9m»»ny •Mh Bt«don vtm about 60 year* . | 9 ^ r i t « op*rat«4 a tJry ! geo4ft #\<X W^n'n w«ar More" tti^ro' m^r« .than'2d y*»r», giving it "up att«i» "'^tjiiw " r^ver««s « year «gfr, jjcVthnt Mwe ho «pre*«nt»dl,«i J Rochester insurance ugeney.' !-?• |||"i»*vJ!wa: "by his w(d«W» Mtt< Blanche Beedon, four sons, and * da1»«ht^ * ' >.- « i * > ' % i ! 1 f t * East Side Soft B a t t f earn Won Tho Bast Sldo Soft Ball Team brought themselves "out or the losing column last night at tho Oak Orchard Ball Park by defeating the Elks 9 to 10 in tho first ton inn- ing game of the season. The Elka started off with a bang In tho first toatog scoriflg «<nrea.tftu& Ho#- over the East.'Biters tightened np Chicago, III,, Jtanr* ie—Ambush*] od by detectives, Ihrco alleged tortlonlsta wero killed by shotgun and pistol iiro today as they at- tempted to kidnap Morris Schccter, ganiblor. The shooting ocenrred in Scbec- tcjfs Ivodp hookmaklng establish- ment when raorahers of tho bant^ attempted to drag htm- from tho placo after h$ rofasod to pay them »i3,Q00. Last wmk they call- ed upon tho gambler and ordered' aim 1* havoi tho srrrfl ready today or tato tho conseijoences. Instead Schector notified Roche, chief investigator for tho stale'* attorney, and whoa the terrorists arrived today tboy wolk e# into a poltj? trap. t Ono of tho siain men wa^ (dent) •fied By Roeha oa Harold Partnpr after that and showed some ** htsiu>m M MWWWO m m markabto bail playing to nose the Elks oat by a ono run scora. tho East 8iders arti no* at a tfo wlt6 {the Soutts Side Bo#a tor the ceils? position, each having won one- games and lost foai?. PRESIDENT IS PROVED MM OF Hi ChfcagOi lit. Iqao id—Whoa the PreafdeW of thi . United States| goes to bed tonight he wfli be : *bteW'carry" with mm tba faQ consciousness that Herbert Hoover Is one] of the most powetfiii polltfc fcal manager tho RopabHeaa party has known In many years. There were, three btg issues to] bo presented at the KepaBlfea& ; conventloa as for as th© Admlals^ tratioa was -ettoeetnteSi Tfe® tfr\ nomination of the President. 'iFlce*! 'Jfterfdent ««i_tfie pissago of* ore-;! ltteJk;irjr-k»kl«ir:i^t1» tho *n 'ttes#>bif«i\4i6ft tfeti owe oi. »Kas^%^;^" :ao |jan| f . o t t hat- |tbe3r4,afoflt»'ti!at'i»rvoi)iS'laay ^tag te.*]ttei'0l':||i : eS«'f*t^w. oat 1 ft*l^eirttk'^lRcife.'liiist •Iter »hE3M, •-:'';-;v> v;,; , "fctf" ,sa9-:i»ys»'-:iri|i" it artrfol. zne that .**$> ,«tth * f*riwm«t*f' *«a*.«Bt:«V vuitelM^e.'* ._,;.."-itettBed •«« wet. 01 tbree we*erf« o*er wlfltoot a bfteh and tho I'.-deibaataia 3W : oa tlsiie way homo; fonlglit'Bfter thre© «elrd days. Hiss. rte^tealcatJOa ofi President SSotftBt «ate ttHtet Itt itestoL Q$t$. oitff othe* eattdid$tdr» Saisie. vm^ placed fceforb the caavcattsa a«d: thai isM..XasetSt I Ptmia of Slary.; land., to ttm votlr«* howoveii otftfiTi familiar names boMcd op. FO«K»; .6* 'Presidcat •CealldgO' 8 ^ *%. ; I voteSi Batwe* tSsev, Btalca thMceoj Franco fosr aistJ <m. owa «KssteF| ISatfswowti Oca htft Ifeavcjr swegt! :*rst .ballot- 4&di hSr»«Js&»J&». *a»f ^dawdt-uitaoBaww, ^_ < cate of title found in tho clothing of a second dead man, boro tbo nasip Prank Rogers, and a Chicago Address. The other victim was Sara Kau. Chicago police character, Roche wo3 cf tha opinion ail i(ent« nicrnbcro of a St. Loots gang t i s t has been preying upon peruana In tho middle west during tho Ittat two years* A relative.' ot Schecter, known prass McDonald, a 8 t toato gamo- tor. was kidnaped by tho «amo l^ag n year ago and forcedtobay J39.00O rahsont, the former told Roche. Wanted of their contemplated visit to tho hookmaklng establish- rnent today. Roebo and ate srjead secreted themselves in an eSteo adjoining tho gaming room and connected with it by » buzzer. i . : .. , ..,.,w.... y •»- t Birthday Party ' , Mr«. A, J. Richards of Btst 0 a t c r street «Bt«rtolned on Wed- &s#Jay its bonof of tho ItB Birth- ifilry of fago Richards ftwdy of Hkheaier who wo* her geedt, t m o a M eports wero etslbyerf ftflfV *e& by. detetottS' refrcshweti't*,: ^era-lsfdlor if. SOFT BALL At A 6M&€E -^arveys Moose Elks. Sooth S!i© .BistSMs wm •urn' 5- 4 8 2 •I •t 0 1 2 2 4 ijom nm ASM . u sa. moStf ^ sowmsmE- ,z «v mmm& .10- . •sumsum. tp Mm.. Situ. Walter it, ^QWOU of Qenova is tlio, guest et hor slater Mrs. Clard A«blli». ' Mrs. JuraesWoodgldo will give a kitchen auower Saturday evening l» honor of Mto KlUabath Wood* side whoso manrl*«o takea place to tlto near fatur#» Mrs. Clara Whil«foll has gone to her cottage at Lakeside for tho samrocr. i About 10 attended tho animal meeting of Presbyterian Miss- ternary sotfety hold at tho beauti- ful homo of Mr. and .Mrs. Jcsje Hlrt- elatr •Steals? ittciBoBB. Intercstirnii tetiers *ero read from former p«»tors wives and merabefti. Mrs. *'red Artnatros^ had charge of a *pleodi(J proinram. & comedy skit "The Sr?nofies*iMo Uplift Sa- efety** was *Buf *b!y and pleaslBg* ly gi*oB. 8{r& SflSa t^Uaglil, Mrs. Mary Hqod, Mr». (itutge Aridcrsou and 2$**., tSat*f» smt -of Albion. Mrs, Arthur GiBelt, Km. Marvin WB- son Bad Mf. aaa Mra. WUlts Prod- den of Medio* wero prcaoat from out <r# towa. Thd 8. T. t* «s»sy contest *po»-i sere* by « * W * . ^ win elese with * iarerti inTSper fn tho M. B.. e&ate& tt^nflay evening, Jatto trjib, %% i o'docfc mttdata time. ' Th«- 4* «*i»y coffltestarjfit a«* itselr teacher*, dlatrist gt»ee*fntcml 'imw-Mra. Mm Cii***- «rfd,.^l«a liaelte Jfovrer «ad titsa 'Aw® Cm- mi Banliago. Chile, June 'l'«—Thij two-wcek»>ot4 socrslut, KbW$ ntont ot Chile-' was" hmttiieedi* t& n^ftt by a hostile trtflltw moV<| mont, (lesorlbod »s «o«n|eMto*ol|* ttonajry, whiuh threattonoa ft. PKcto ed baitfo at tbo prejldontial ?4 . CaiaMnore^ «»u \f0liint:O«Hi, flsti* irktcd W more than 1,(100 armed rafti), (tofoiidort tho pnl^cQ wlior<» .•tJatittiot leaders taught refuge HAS NEW REVOLT . Annual Picnic Tho Annoat ptohte dt tho AxullkH Cltib vrtjs-hcld In tho City Fnfft] la-tt ovemlns. Um O, A, Barn?*, chairmaaai «nd her wnrftittojj tkm. Hartley Tamer adtl Mis* Bdtf* l<otalntt Berry are- to bo «&n*t>tft intod oa tho mtccess of tlw evcii' i»» Mw.w,w.„,i» l ,i,f,u,,mi|,"'']»j"«)^'wwyH.i,.i,i",f"""'^i„. man over, CBunty ntWWont, will' p% gttest^ at thl* time, i Following tho supper * i»ro|rai» *i».fitt glwtt and t&fr prfatt essa^i «1U bo road and gr!»c» awarded by Mra. Dora yattnor, chairman ot tli» judges, Tho tmblie in oordlally Invited to tho progriaiv and onyeao ¥»?»!»• tag to attend tho twppar can d o s a by larolaMog a tare*o. Tha ladle* of tho Pres&ytcjrton; eharch v^Jt hold a ftemo mad* lc» er«s»m and strawberry fcaityal ojtl tho ciwEEch i»wr^ Wednesday «voa*| tag Juno 22(1, Illrti Ad* Bansontan la entertain- | Ing bar grandaaiiKbtor trom Lyrt" diinvilio this week, GbfiftMB'* 0»y vrlH hot oBsofVejd tn the Presbyterian enurclt Sunday. Htotftbb^^* * 1 ! f «chlne fcuus % ftnd,rin« ^quads' fpn embtrt »t wfaiiovY^ oa lit* balconies «a4 on tho reef ot the n«t«re, t^—. ' Just acres* tho plasfu the^Wott- Ing troons wero conecntrall'nx lot lft««ini|nf tt*mtierii at the W « MrhJ»t5y f ^»dor(ed WOrMrlrtf tn km afc oltlmnfunr; tij th> iororm W&. x i } I i t i W \ The refit*'force* rflreichia*out on the ttMfi behind palm, tree*, their risen Hi their tthlest w*tch»ii|C the p*l»^, > ' fithlnd the advance guard of the, fehels the rn*i» (orcea wer«f con* centralis nfoimd tho Min!*> try, whife- Ooneral Crt^y i*«s w porUd to b# heading th* military phase ot ill* movement I»tnrfi!t«ntt WPOrt* «M C*rio» 0. XMim, for^ mer »mb*»»»tiw to Woshlnitott and recintty on»te<t teem th« ne^ goei«li*t r«»im*, was involved; ih tho oiitbretK Since 5fOvo»6ar tut; Siedbon Connty 6s3\ dfcitrfrMted |W,U85.S« tn "oemo aqtf work relief. PRISE LEAVES FOR CONGRESS ftf&e, faint- 30-^-€^r#Ral 'fjor« mm Xmriri, legate oi: Pop«- Kte. SI th» EseftikMtte Congress at mm* i0^o^m«^iim tor ire* ^ectjl ^ aeeetttBaialed 1 bg. a speefal ff# wii!'- 'preriie-over, tho, ebtef' |'ce«mgaies''d #1 congress, afflftS- <A by ih» -fc«t'Amftr^0fl- .artdf C-ther card.n*[* and Amerfcsn m4 i^UfltJfe in th« mlsalon (a an Americart, Sfegr.. Frsiiel* #. SneBraaj^ WWfe mm,. -Mai*, wh» qaJtatt|i , fl|]r >< tettsdeaats f&s> Jfojwr** iiifcew 1 fres» t&e VflUtero. eadldj ttatfon* fhe Itsiloa goviftrtrnteut iem> to tfeil raBroadi StMtoa 4 -^etaetoerjl. of treopa on4-. a .fcJJUibjf bsMid tc*' teaser hanors '%»tfc# Fopo'a acrjr- bfeSsafar- and 03 Kfa'.tzara-poKtd o^i.ifte 'bisd'it%MI'..f|ipt i««t!feal' snth««t, and th* IfM^k pn«.entt4 Boyi in Bed by 9 <M« 'i"»m«'i" »• Wtliand, !J«t.» June ICU-T** t«d», each nlxteea sears ot^wv^t given sasptnded; «»nUWc** Irt Crewlsrid polk* courf t«i»y by, M«gl*t«tt* John OootMo e<» eh»rg«» of dsmseing th* Wfrtttrt Union ttfcrgraph. Company; \hmti They wtrfc ordered tofa*horn* *t » o'ctpeK •ifwy riSjjbt «niU fft*j< ,ar» W. f^r** ittV*t»if##, oa aW ilar chitrgiif wire r«tK*nd«<J wotif Jun* SSdf< > * « aeluttert to Th* Pr<tf««g«f * •tUdle* * Cast = * * A* th« man had retrstwedi his ove«oa& on ofldctirjjt th* Professor"* tivtnjir room, it wa* pfctffertfir patond he 6*4 not bee,?*, hanticitftjd. He JHtici ran <o¥«r ta rordn»»y f * Iromedlftfel? aftW •thofcaudSt*Idt, Th* i*dfe» *bt to yMcr, <m'» Sffaiuto atystecy *n& out of * large batch ot 00- liHloas the tw» fonowJa^ were- wJected: IPmrotny T. MsyBard, J20- Park &*ena*: Bori* Cowen, 2tt KWt OaS; Orcbird street;. Two Uekef i tn th* Diftn* l u s t r e ««<t(t tiw-if «rnn«.t» at th* P*ily Jairnat ottt$t* % i I* I'm f IM ^8' i ifj-, t: rH i, -t » H u 4

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Page 1: i^aMiCEmsiiR t il r MAN MY FAILED TO ACRE t inyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066521/1932-06-17/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · dinner guests of Mrs. Duano Fink at box homo In West Shelby; Wed-



I Wanner qloudy agd showers

f \

•St'" IV

[01 20yjOU122 MEDINA, HEW YOBK,

i^aMiCEmsiiR A f

•fl^ T* "ft****** ^^.ff ^^"**$"TP**fc

1 *

M A N M Y FAILED TO ACRE s Judge Harcoutt

ierous Ballots * faken;Stoo48to4 I jurj in the case pf J D |an o£ this placer -Who l a s I undergoing trt&l „ „be£ore

Judge B.. E •* Harcourt in cot it tor tho-'" past „*our

Jm aifaon cnttrge;, reported to Hai court *at nudnfght that

pad failed to^reach an afe^ee,

jurj received-tho evidence] casi amfset l red i o r a ver

May be Alive

Mia, P I , June 16—Hope -tjras today tha t Glenn Brophy,

|sh diet who 4^api>eared 18, aS31i. is alJve among

||agan savages ofr3Eam!,Jiorth* ost of the Pbilippyie {Islandst Japanese fishing hpat < and

Inoe .reported a sfcrangp figiire seen signalling from the

of the island St rong c u t heavy waves and fear of

avages prevented small boats approaching to investigate

fcphy vanished between Ma-phina, and Imzon, P. I., while

flight ; # 0 m -&iangfe.ai . to

diet at 2:45 Thursday, afternoon. After repeated baHotWjg it became apparent that no verdict could he agreed uppijv and this fact was re­ported to the. court.

I t is understood that the jury for sometime stood eight to four for conviction and at the conclusion the Balloting was .nine to three tor conviction., The Jury- was discharg­ed :•

I t is believed that District Attor­ney Munson will move for a new trial In the meantime Harrigan was returned to- the County Jail where he has Been retained since his arrest; he having failed to ob­tain bail.

^ , JUNE 17*1932 i 1 1*. IV

gt tC^OKNES ft


Chicago, June 16—The Republi­can Party put its same Hoover-Cur­tis ticket bacK in the field today and the 2,000 delegates and alter­nates who accomplished tile deed' scattered to their homes for the political plowing.

Preslent Hoover accepted the nomination and the platform in a message read to the convention in which he Said that the objectives of theSparty lie beyond "platforms and measures" in "that sacred realm of ideals, of hopes and as­pirations, those things of the spirit which make the greatness?] and the soul of the nation,"

Both.'the 'nomination of thttPresl-


Kansas _•.'•*. Marsbap Peputy,.alias Marshall Oe-j Pew, 37,' yesterday worn by hi? fu­tile attempt to evade punishment by flight to South Africa, was sen­tenced :to life»iftprisonmeht today for the kidnaping cff.Jrtrs. Nell Don­nelly wealthy sarmgnt manufac­turer, last December 16th,

Be escaped -the shadpw of the nppse by a plea of guilty; in. re­turn for Which Prosecutor James

fcan, 'macMH»:^to,4^u^|i|||ftT te^oday ibr>|hk'lf#l^--cafiW a t th ftft^$jfl^^;1$j a as the new chairtBan-bt the mai; committee* .. ."•"C.*,". ' adeftfi a former ^firstary to Went ,Coolidgeih waSffftfe choice 'resident Hoover tor campaign

Jager; TSiS name wfc& presented'! national teotoaSitte/er at ft.

Iting Justfiatt&f t|e\c3»Tention. lid By" "-Postmaster , .fleiteraf j m director pE this pro-conven-i | Hooyet- 8ct!vtti(& aafl .accept-?

iitai^tQ-,*iia^6f^ift :*h%.c^rnitteotne^ •^tisof^thl^'lij^t^. »n'd:tthe; hprhiuioes ^4tah.S^r':^6un^;•Bovettnli6hy'•'• • i"'|^'atorW8k-oiiQh{^'th%'ietjlf-:

ing ch^lrmah» aadAr. Hubert Work of (Joi^rido, the cbairman Iti the 1928 campaign, joined Sanders La presiding over the committee ses­sion.

HanMotislyii a rijteetiiujf


Its nettfy^ chbse*".'npm&^e'i iident JHo'oyee >nd fice.Preii<:|


Medina People in Auto Accident

Harry Stanley and Mlss^Dorothy .. _^ _ __OT_ harinonyJ <Shatfee of Medina were severely

ers' t w * t Jin^i^8l*W *liatge | lniared in an anto accident Wed-

iee'e-mmende'tt. the Uje

jue_ mm?T*i. > M^mt\\ |h ScfioolJttiBXa:%, steS^ toast at

ParW:#t:Jiiglht.;?." "' "''•"*' ' llabamtt/gctiQoi' fs p a y i n g * |ic a t "% '4 i ' i ^ 1 *^^ 1 ** ' . - "*^

m. M # ^ M | f ^ s t ' i f o l a h a t t (

j watng* g ^ f ^ e M JohjB*6ff lek sc|«rt;^o!ay>:«i' '^a: *^fe p theifcpi^Hsw.:'">/v*• '• - ' _ |eorgo_:'i0^tt^,.6f ;:|&i*e'^tfE0f» ' Wend*'are enfoj^h^fo oatlhg;

|ay at |jte.Mtjkfl • ' '" :•

he»day night on the. Campbell bft^evArdj-thrtie mitds west of totikporfc" -

Their car was rammed by an aato owned by. James C Wrysback, of Tlnffalo |«(d. bjdry danjaged,

Stanley's left arm ttas badly crashed and tho elbow bone broRen lh several places. Miss Chaffea ;s8fierea -ajivete lacerations of the leg and other bruises.

James O'Donnell of Rlclimond ftnit i . Iv who- w«» riding to tho

llBJsback ca? auaihlned several cuts on tho head and hands. Both

f cars insra badly damaged.

7iil Rogers Pkks |

tertt . Lacy Browning, Holltday ^attv)

farmer and former school treasur­er, also pleaded guilty and was sentenced to servo- 25 years in the state penitentiary.

Browning, regarded by officials as a minor figure in the kidnaping, arranged for tho use of a squalid cottage near Bonner Springs, Kan.,| for the imprisonment of Mrs, Don­nelly during negotiations for 575,-000 ransom,

' l .want to get wherever it Is I'm going," Bald Deputy, known here

fas. Martin DePew, when offered the opportunity of apeatctog In his own behalf-,

U ymn sSSmSE iht» C0ttrt.-tb,$!pjtf8* josei jSptlelt^ M f e m o a t fn whfciBf he said* he, hatched the plot t o ttd-ftap Mrs. Dohnefly to an attempt

. ti> collect *W,oi)0 rApJom. and en« igioeerod Its eiqehttfto. He declar­ed that through/rat his flight ho-bBlIeved his associates had collect­ed the ransom and "douhie-crossod'* him, Mrs. Donnelly was released -Without payment <$f the money,

Deputy related i n court that ho had married Ethel DePow, who i s la ja8 awaiting trial in tho Don

{nelly kidnaping, without tho for­mality of obtaining a divorce froth a wife lie deserted tn Downingtown, Pa, Ethel DePeW» a nurso once eniployed i n th< . Donnelly homo, had boon i t i s t r w e n W to, curing him of a narcotic habit, ho said.

Awaiting trial with Mrs. DoPew are Paul Scheldt, owner of the cottage where Mrs. Connelly was held §0 Wars^ and Oharlia Mele,: whom Jlrs. Donnelly Identifled $& one of her guards.


^ e '©ryt ' j i i i f t '?a^ ' | |^-- iw* ['•be afral.d^.'t'^eslc^-lft seen; [iot -or nertr#'.|ft>'a».*'J» « * *bn^;

it's hatd to.;&s«Jt»i». 'air-aft fatisi I iittssV W <gffl '*iia{j

<M m&

Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Clint Bragdon of

West avenua entertained at dlniier iChnrsday.Mr* ahd.MIJK iUR^Wat-'son and Miss Mildred Hico of Nia­gara Falhj and Sirs. Robert Bayne anddanghter Crystal and Sirs. Bergman alt of KnckvIHe.

*ths Ifniversity of Boffslo confer­red degrees on a class of 337 men aftd woinett yesterday.

dent and Viceprebtdeut we\o amdelf unanimous, though there wera *$$m_ tered votes for other can.di! | | |^ | | during the balloting.. ",• •' '*|£%:f'*''

President Hoover re'celvod^lt 126% votes on ^oJKc^ia roll $$M with'others.spattered " * *KII«SS«S** as Coolidge, 4%; f ? a ^ . i ^ l l , ™ , , , . 6. Dawes, ,1; Senator ^fi?-Mw*!Sf| Blaine, vVisc(0|8{w...„13. a i o t ' | | p ""*1'3

9en|tor Jaijla". i?f New Tork, l f ^ r,. W3*1i

The general apathy tqwatt!.;!fn| tis^ which w|*s mantte§li , - ^ | ^ boom for Dawes, which was | | | i ^ tnrgd by the former *teM?r^$)i$| %bmti\t yesterday was r | v | | M | | | ! the eathusiasMi diselayM-lql$tS^ candidatos. But thorn 'ms '%4$$i on whorni the delegates could.o^j ter, and the* ve|§raa Kahsan wJ ff Voted annthef term t6 haoowa |f<|[" .flrat RepuhU^ii vlcopresiaBht 'imf> to succeed itnjjiejr. xt $$%

Curtis ra«$!# :. «S??l, \ « r t « ^ i | the .otffciol |iate^_M«)^l&. wt^' nation wa^^nw'-unlfliWbuli, « ^ :

Bets 5 to 3 on i


" " L I L i...i tii.i„,i i l,i,i., , „., i i , ,<»»»>, i r . . vHifiyii,,,,,,,^—,1 I'MLimm .•.•.ii'r'>^V» "' i Hi" ' i»i..uM|iTC?iti-,. ^ . M ^ I J I H , . . »,^,ff.Vir<ia„,ii,(ii i ^ . m w * ,. J,.M ffA.li • n'ip

& W^s^erU Hoover

p. fe. GRANWJ) M« , # '

im Ne.w Tforh, June

Winterbottbm, well IsnoWn York mortfefon, faJfcficfcinK dent Hoover to retain Ijis C t l fM t he big ilght t)j£«/fall H o d d s W 5 to 9 agninst t M fteld. '• ]

Wlntorbottom pYankcd dofn ;

$1,000 with Setting CommissKmar Jack Doyle today against 5^0(|j placed on tho field by Krogh, man-about-to^rn.

Doy1« said this was tho fin!

Rtjp**:,'$ww J ^ - r A n ignominy oos aiSiW «<is ^bpared.* foct*y

|for two convlcied terroriite, oftb |of whoin wa^'captttred only 10 (days ago v»th botntis Intended for premier MUSSOMKI, I Ono w*3 Ijoiisoiifco Bovanet ac-|cuso4 l e t t e r of a ghng tha t has Ibcon throwing estpioslycs In var-.ious parts of Itniy, ana tho other iwns h i t henqhman, Angela Sbar«

Frai»f'dollotto, who was arrested Juno •jB, n w e ths Premlert* ofllco with two;,bombs itnd an automatic on

Mrs. D» Finite Dinner Guests

Miss Emtio Boardman* Miss Edith Grant and tho Misses Ebba, Esther and Viotoarla Petoreon wore dinner guests of Mrs. Duano Fink at box homo In West Shelby; Wed- j nosajty- erctniW--.. , ^ . ) , , , ^ ; t

bound astride chairs and shot in t i e backs at dawn tomorrow, f h « Austrl'an ,daneejr sl«eelh«art of Bovone, Jfarghorfla Blahov and five others wcro sentenced to 30 years' imprlsonnwnt each. Two «{ero sontencod to 10 yonr*

A special tribunal convened only this week presided over the $$*¥>•: I • y . J. ' ' :•« . • • . t? fliitiij-'liitii. ,'..•*,! ) n , . i , j . , ' , , ) , . . .M'. I^.LVI,


Geneva* Jfnno tsWVSTord that thla city has boon aucccRsfal in its bid for tho 1033. convo«Mo»,of Uw Kow York State Orange wn» greeted with Joy hero tonight*

Tho Executive Committee) of tho State Orange, after volint to meet to Geneva, fixed tho dates of tho convontioa «g Fob. 7, 8, 0 And 10. This rociin» th»t • tho•• convention win ope4 o|i"» *U4«d»y »nd «ios© on, vmtti'm « HBmhflr of pro-'.ctmvtmtliw *«etti« *t«- -ifx#wte!j.to| W «i«««d-"*tt''-tfi* pifW*ifa(t Jtoit-' d»y.

Uat woo* thd Ex'eoutWtt Coni-mlttee made k'y&A% cH-tasnictton TO lhl» city-, Before coming' hofft (ho commitUa Inipoctsd fftcllittes at Uko Plaeld and alter leaving horo porfornloa slmJlar tuuctIon» It« Buffalo anil Ni»«ara Falls, In

I Knowlesville

provlous years Uiq corawiupo hajt announccdi its dee jay lmmo!4tatt)3f (ottowtng Ita trto/oi IftspcoHoWlttJt tlits, year tho aaoiataa wass-aolayoa; B(Kjau8Q; of iHj^UMtcttVof o^ertt otj other DWeo* tho cararnlttfto wlajie^ nxofo UwO; tft rfltt h: % do^slpnr,

t i • * $* ^

Contingent on a court order from the State- Banking Benattmqttt, tho Stato Sank ot Hilton i s ln,-i-e*dt-iioss to open i t* door on S.artur4»# t

Formal ^ppHcatton for; tghs qr^or ^ u i a tnado during tho forepart o t

ttio week. •* * The reopening la mado sosslhl*

attQt sls 'njpntha ot ^prsi'Qii tho {jpart of the depositors^ cotamftl^es

the now Board oS DirectoU *ntl many other ,olti*ons pt tl^o c oin* mt^htty. t *

pit lwra of tho now bank wtU ho TlC \u Burrltt,. presid,ontf WilUaiw V% Jf^j»pomb» vtCApwaldaDit;; "Wft* + \w Curtis, •jlqe jijMJlJdwtf Pfod R Van Teohtonlt oaahier, and iuan*i£8*

' t y u n Paxson^'a'Sststiant cashier* Tho o n c e r s ^ay ,t;h^ b»»k will b o ^

8S nor cqnt^fquld when It reopen*, and thus bo. k '1 a strong postttditv Praqtlcally 100 nor nmt fit thft Atp^ poallora^alKniatt toloa^ca o t a s p w cent ot thbtr deposits, tUo.:RooUes-tdi> T.rust '^ Stifs Bovost^Cdnfpalny acting fts'rfenqsttary ot tha fundV

Albion Man Is Found Shot to Death ia Room

J * urn* wwumw. \ 5 , > 1

mot, B«e4o«v ot 26 Wwt'ftirt? St'MBt, Albion,' y/as1" dlanowsd

I shot to dsath, appavently by his owni.hanoV l»t« yeaterdny la » roojn c$«jpl*d; by Ihhft n* «!tt Jlrn slitting Off lc« in tb* «s6oud fiooV

l$£ *tfi* Orleans Triwt*d9m»»ny

•Mh Bt«don vtm about 60 year* . | 9 ^ r i t « op*rat«4 a tJry!geo4ft #\<X W ^ n ' n w«ar More" tti^ro' m^r« .than'2d y*»r», giving it "up att«i» " '^tj i iw" r^ver««s « year «gfr,

jjcVthnt Mwe ho «pre*«nt»dl,«i J Rochester insurance ugeney.' !-?• |||"i»*vJ!wa: "by his w(d«W» Mtt<

Blanche Beedon, four sons, and * da1»«ht^ * '

>.- « • i * > ' % i ! 1 f t *

East Side Soft Ba t t f earn Won

Tho Bast Sldo Soft Ball Team brought themselves "out or the losing column last night at tho Oak Orchard Ball Park by defeating the Elks 9 to 10 in tho first ton inn­ing game of the season. The Elka started off with a bang In tho first toatog scoriflg «<nrea.tftu& Ho#-over the East .'Biters tightened np

Chicago, III,, Jtanr* ie—Ambush*] od by detectives, Ihrco alleged o » tortlonlsta wero killed by shotgun and pistol iiro today as they at­tempted to kidnap Morris Schccter, ganiblor.

The shooting ocenrred in Scbec-tcjfs Ivodp hookmaklng establish­ment when raorahers of tho bant^ attempted t o drag htm- from tho placo after h$ rofasod to pay them »i3,Q00. Last wmk they call­ed upon tho gambler and ordered' a im 1* havoi tho srrrfl ready today or t a t o tho conseijoences.

Instead Schector notified P « Roche, chief investigator for tho stale'* attorney, and whoa the terrorists arrived today tboy wolk e# into a poltj? trap. t

Ono of tho siain men wa (dent) •fied By Roeha oa Harold Partnpr

after that and showed some * * h t s i u > m M M W W W O m m markabto bail playing to nose the Elks oat by a ono run scora. t h o East 8iders arti n o * at a tfo wlt6

{the Soutts Side Bo#a tor the ceils? position, each having won one-games and lost foai?.


ChfcagOi lit. Iqao id—Whoa the PreafdeW of th i . United S ta tes | goes to bed tonight he wfli be

:*bteW'carry" with mm tba faQ consciousness that Herbert Hoover Is one] of the most powetfiii polltfc fcal manager tho RopabHeaa party has known In many years.

There were, three btg issues to] bo presented at the KepaBlfea& ; conventloa as for as th© Admlals^ tratioa was -ettoeetnteSi Tfe® tfr\ nomination of the President. 'iFlce*! 'Jfterfdent ««i_tfie pissago of* ore-;!

l t teJk;ir jr-k»kl«ir: i^t1» tho

*n 'ttes#>bif«i\4i6ft tfeti owe oi. »Kas^%^;^" : a o | j an | f .o t t hat-

|tbe3r4,afoflt»'ti!at'i»rvoi)iS'laay ^tag te.*]ttei'0l':||i:eS«'f*t^w. oat 1 ft* l^eirttk'^lRcife.'liiist •Iter »hE3M, •-:'';-;v> v;,; , • "fctf" ,sa9-:i»ys»'-:iri|i" it artrfol.

zne that .**$> ,«tth * f*riwm«t*f'

*«a*.«Bt:«V vuitelM^e.'* ._,;.."-itettBed •«« wet. 01 tbree we*erf«

o*er wlfltoot a bfteh and tho I'.-deibaataia 3W: oa tlsiie way homo; fonlglit'Bfter thre© «elrd days.

Hiss. rte^tealcatJOa ofi President SSotftBt «ate ttHtet Itt itestoL Q$t$. oitff othe* eattdid$tdr» Saisie. vm^ placed fceforb the caavcattsa a«d: tha i isM..XasetSt I Ptmia of Slary.; land., to ttm votlr«* howoveii otftfiTi familiar names boMcd op. FO«K»; .6* 'Presidcat •CealldgO' 8 ^ *%.;

IvoteSi Batwe* tSsev, Btalca thMceoj Franco fos r aistJ <m. owa «KssteF| ISatfswowti Oca htft Ifeavcjr swegt!

:*rst .ballot- 4&di hSr»«Js&»J&». *a»f ^dawdt-uitaoBaww, ^_<

cate of title found in tho clothing of a second dead man, boro tbo nasip Prank Rogers, and a Chicago Address.

The other victim was Sara Kau. Chicago police character,

Roche wo3 cf tha opinion ail

i(ent« nicrnbcro of a St. Loots gang t i s t has been preying upon peruana In tho middle west during tho Ittat two years*

A relative.' ot Schecter, known a» prass McDonald, a 8 t toato gamo-tor. was kidnaped by tho «amo l^ag n year ago and forced to bay J39.00O rahsont, the former told Roche.

Wanted of their contemplated visit to tho hookmaklng establish-rnent today. Roebo and ate srjead secreted themselves in an eSteo adjoining tho gaming room and connected with it by » buzzer. i .

: .. , ..,.,w.... y •»-

t Birthday Party ' , Mr«. A, J. Richards of Btst 0 a t c r street «Bt«rtolned on Wed-&s#Jay its bonof of tho ItB Birth-ifilry of fago Richards ftwdy of Hkheaier who wo* her geedt,

tm o aM eports wero etslbyerf ftflfV *e& by. detetottS' refrcshweti't*,:

^ e r a - l s f d l o r if.


-^arveys •

Moose Elks. • Sooth S!i© .BistSMs

wm •urn' 5-4

• 8 2 •I •t

0 1 2 2 4


nm ASM . u sa. moStf ^ sowmsmE- ,z «v mmm& .10-

. • •sum sum. tp n» Mm..

Situ. Walter it, ^QWOU of Qenova is tlio, guest et hor slater Mrs. Clard A«bll i» . '

Mrs. JuraesWoodgldo will give a kitchen auower Saturday evening l» honor of Mto KlUabath Wood* side whoso manrl*«o takea place to tlto near fatur#»

Mrs. Clara Whil«foll has gone to her cottage at Lakeside for tho

samrocr. i About 10 attended tho animal

meeting of U» Presbyterian Miss-ternary sotfety hold a t tho beauti­ful homo of Mr. and .Mrs. Jcsje Hlrt-elatr • S t e a l s ? ittciBoBB.

Intercstirnii tetiers *ero read from former p«»tors wives and merabefti.

Mrs. *'red Artnatros^ had charge of a *pleodi(J proinram. & comedy skit "The Sr?nofies*iMo Uplift Sa-efety** was *Buf *b!y and pleaslBg* ly gi*oB.

8{r& SflSa t^Uagl i l , Mrs. Mary Hqod, Mr». (itutge Aridcrsou and 2$**., tSat*f» smt -of Albion. Mrs, Arthur GiBelt, Km. Marvin WB-son Bad Mf. aaa Mra. WUlts Prod-den of Medio* wero prcaoat from out <r# towa.

Thd 8. T . t* «s»sy contest *po»-i sere* by « * W * . ^ win elese with * iarerti inTSper fn tho M. B.. e&ate& tt^nflay evening, Jatto trjib,

%% i o'docfc mttdata time. ' Th«- 4* «*i»y coffltestarjfit a « * itselr teacher*, dlatrist gt»ee*fntcml 'imw-Mra. Mm Cii***- «rfd,.^l«a liaelte Jfovrer «ad t i t sa 'Aw® Cm-


Banliago. Chile, June 'l '«—Thij two-wcek»>ot4 socrslut, KbW$ ntont ot Chile-' was" hmttiieedi* t & n^ftt by a hostile tr tf l l tw moV<| mont, (lesorlbod »s «o«n|eMto*ol|* ttonajry, whiuh threattonoa ft. PKcto ed baitfo at tbo prejldontial ? 4

. CaiaMnore^ «»u \f0liint:O«Hi, flsti* irktcd W more than 1,(100 armed rafti), (tofoiidort tho pnl^cQ wlior<»

.•tJatittiot leaders taught refuge


. Annual Picnic Tho Annoat ptohte dt tho AxullkH

Cltib vrtjs-hcld In tho City Fnfft] la-tt ovemlns. Um O, A, Barn?*, chairmaaai «nd her wnrftittojj tkm. Hartley Tamer adtl Mis* Bdtf* l<otalntt Berry are- t o bo «&n*t>tft intod oa tho mtccess of tlw evcii' i»» Mw.w,w.„,i»l,i,f,u,,mi|,"'']»j"«)^'wwyH.i,.i,i",f"""'^i„. man

over, CBunty ntWWont, wi l l ' p% gttest^ a t thl* time, i Following tho supper * i»ro|rai» *i».fitt glwtt and t&fr prfatt essa^i «1U bo road and gr!»c» awarded by Mra. Dora yattnor, chairman o t tli» judges,

Tho tmblie in oordlally Invited to tho progriaiv and onyeao ¥»?»!»• tag to attend tho twppar can do sa by larolaMog a tare*o.

Tha lad le* of tho Pres&ytcjrton; eharch v^Jt hold a ftemo mad* lc» er«s»m and strawberry fcaityal ojtl tho ciwEEch i»wr^ Wednesday «voa*| tag Juno 22(1,

Illrti Ad* Bansontan la entertain-| Ing bar grandaaiiKbtor trom Lyrt"

diinvilio this week, GbfiftMB'* 0»y vrlH hot oBsofVejd

tn the Presbyterian enurclt Sunday.

Htotftbb^^* * 1 ! f«chlne fcuus%ftnd,rin« ^quads'

fpn embtrt »t wfaiiovY^ oa lit* balconies «a4 on tho reef ot the n«t«re, t^—. '

Just acres* tho plasfu the^Wott-Ing troons wero conecntrall'nx lot lft««ini|nf tt*mtierii at the W « MrhJ»t5yf^»dor(ed WOrMrlrtf • tn km afc oltlmnfunr; tij th> iororm W&. x i } I i t i W \

The refit*'force* rflreichia*out on the ttMfi behind palm, tree*, their risen Hi their tthlest w*tch»ii|C the p*l»^, > '

fithlnd the advance guard of the, fehels the rn*i» (orcea wer«f con* centralis nfoimd tho W « Min!*> try, whife- Ooneral Crt y i*«s w porUd to b# heading th* military phase ot ill* movement I»tnrfi!t«ntt WPOrt* «M C*rio» 0. XMim, for mer »mb*»»»tiw to Woshlnitott and recintty on»te<t teem th« ne^ goei«li*t r«»im*, was involved; ih tho oiitbretK

Since 5fOvo»6ar tut; Siedbon Connty 6s3\ dfcitrfrMted |W,U85.S« tn "oemo aqtf work relief.


ftf&e, faint- 30-^-€^r#Ral 'fjor« mm Xmriri, legate oi: Pop«- Kte . S I h» th» EseftikMtte Congress a t

mm* i0^o^m«^iim tor ire* ^ectjl ^ aeeetttBaialed1 bg. a speefal

ff# wii!'- 'preriie-over, tho, ebtef' | ' ce«mgaies ' 'd # 1 congress, afflftS-

<A by ih» -fc«t'Amftr^0fl- .artdf C-ther card.n*[* and Amerfcsn m4

i UfltJfe

in th« mlsalon (a an Americart, Sfegr.. Frsiiel* #. SneBraaj^ WWfe mm,. -Mai*, wh» qaJtatt|i,fl|]r><

tettsdeaats f&s> Jfojwr** iiifcew1

fres» t&e VflUtero. eadldj ttatfon* f h e Itsiloa goviftrtrnteut iem> to

tfeil raBroadi StMtoa 4 -^etaetoerjl. of treopa on4-. a .fcJJUibjf bsMid tc*' t e a s e r hanors '%»tfc# Fopo'a acrjr-bfeSsafar- and 03 Kfa'.tzara-poKtd o^i.ifte 'bisd'it%MI'..f|ipt i««t!feal ' snth««t, and th* IfM^k pn«.entt4

Boyi in Bed by 9 P« <M«

' i"»m«'i" »•

Wtliand, !J«t.» June ICU-T** t«d», each nlxteea sears o t ^ w v ^ t given sasptnded; «»nUWc** Irt Crewlsrid polk* courf t« i»y by, M«gl*t«tt* John OootMo e<» eh»rg«» of dsmseing t h * Wfrt t t r t Union ttfcrgraph. Company; \hmti They wtrfc ordered to fa* horn* *t » o'ctpeK •ifwy riSjjbt «niU fft*j< ,ar» W. f^r** ittV*t»if##, oa a W ilar chitrgiif wire r«tK*nd«<J wotif Jun* SSdf< >

• * «

aeluttert to Th* Pr<tf««g«f * •tUdle* * Cast =

* *

A* th« man had retrstwedi his ove«oa& on ofldctirjjt t h * Professor"* tivtnjir room, i t wa* pfctffertfir patond he 6*4 not bee,?*, hanticitftjd.

He JHtici h© ran <o¥«r t a rordn»»yf* Iromedlftfel? aftW •tho fcaudSt* Id t ,

Th* i*dfe» *bt to y M c r , <m'» Sffaiuto atystecy *n& out of * large batch ot 00-liHloas the tw» fonowJa^ were- wJected:

IPmrotny T. MsyBard, J20-Park &*ena*:

Bori* Cowen, 2 t t KWt OaS; Orcbird street;.

Two Uekef i tn th* Diftn* l u s t r e ««<t(t tiw-if «rnn«.t» at th* P*ily Jairnat ottt$t* %

i I* I'm

f IM




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