hangha1 beaten up b -...

' { " , t ' * THE W^A^gf^. .. . Imorrow probably snow or rain, ' rising te^fl^x/. WI-UU^ 1 -'-. 1 M S»» •Haw ATT V aoM^glt; 55=SS3SSS3S 'MUCi-UkUS i p p p a a , NEW YORKti MONDAt, I T O U A B y 15,1932 x e i « i l w e r Affair i;. ij^twJiv^iWiafc. [ngton, Feb. Itir- ,A grave lie issue goijfrQiited Secre- 3tate B^enry L- Stjtnson. [a^. rejnPJ <rf.,» -Japanese |n Vice. Consul Arthur K, pj Shanghai, •, limson has-ordered a full formal protest may be tretkya* Tie §fi$nghai cofe |te^afty ; ?sai" protested to laese c&nslil general there, Iciijf it,,i$ the^ second of .its. •occur in: the past few It Wllp^s ?n expression of lota. Jajjan for the beating "consul Onlver B. Chamber- |Iuj£!leii recently,. General Edwin,. S. Qun- reported the attack on Br _ epjieague to Stinison. jiday although, $ is. under- lUa-Ke occurred AVednesdax, 1 Ringwajt and Jfas. L. [ail. American -citizen "re- IIKI of the Chinese race,", kten by a'apanase civilian: Irs as they ^ere searching Iwornaii's young "daughter, lilt'carried'9Qt only a, dip, J passport but also a Jap-- |iroYed pass from the municipal council and a •m tlie Japanese consulate. lissaAitted aj?fto. tiled to u> Yauiis ft otn rough, hand- Iths japajjfiBe. TighanVs, rebortistfrved. offi- |in a rjrifet ' Sunday rest itiqers o.f the 4^te depart' ment .telephoned the dispatch to Stimson a£ his liaise, "Woodley. A^uoh ^JsUH'bed, he promptly tele- graphed to Shanghai for more de- tails, JJiplpmatio and consular officers abroad are, under international law, immune uo attack, The grav- ity of abusing th.en\ was illustrated by the Chamberlain incident. Stimson then fq?mally protested to Tokyo. Japan punished the attack- era. - The •beating of Ringwnlt makes three recent Japanese actions to •which the United States objects. «#*!*» «*# A FAMttar JPABpfc * » teW4W|(%f#%ICe^ tod. tj H.I1I I »l,H!»)iii||> g^ ss* S= S„.,iil,,ftiji.yj- ;: -.; v ,; v ;•„;. : r^^^^j^j^J^.,,',,'", 'u^ i Lii^;.^,.^!. 1 .., nil I^A.^J.^'J^' J, 1 ,; 1 "^ 1 , 1 . 11 ;' " I" 1 ^ '"i W'; anmn«i*e-t*>tys**mm HANGHA1 BEATEN UP B RRJM2PES3® RECOVER BODIES OF 2 OF 3 DROWNED BOYS iff I", 1 i,ui«UH Jimyw* MB^THEHWBtOQW ^tavi^ |^h. H-4^Ser6W% K ^W'trom the"'dam r ., oj, the tlyee amalt feo|^ y$a V ^ : f l e e t i n g above the sitfta'^ilS ia^f .seen late Wt3l$Nay\£18yii|r- tHt9***tef. •' ##d ^iv'lJie.teeQf theTo^awftndajCree^ -™'-«-~ —* «-•»- • - ^-ABisii were, Recovered today ''beUmr tiS^. niK»iGipsl S» m > near "WiJlnut street The. recovery of the bodies, ! % Frank Bezon and Harry Gamp^ heHfe nin,e vear# old, gtyurtej} seargher^ it» tpeip effortsi to locsit^ the. third-body, that qf'Michael Ca$r •KH&tSMfflfe ;'• '; Wa_rrea Alien ot %S* Walni^ street fQUpd the bodies about 8:3f o'clock thte morning while he wftjg, walking along the bank of the s.trfflih.. Hf ijvsf SVW -tl\« h,ctay pj? t^ve 1,4W\> fto^ l« 8 WCftfth%ut40 «SSS .J-jliU-411-k-J-.i KILLERS ESCAP Itl- ,re s«^^^«J^^e«^^-For«c«at: fey tfpjt^l WttJxOutite |ew!iaitW(fe^b<fe#. # > » # JiajpSa^Wnittf ; ' > -Qhargoi 1 lindrow #i v SflWft- jiftrity t^ftr* ijfas ftle:$ b | |Btative> MCfiia'rtfisH (ft. #«. Iof Rhtt4o«Mahd. stt^Tft-r?. J&eorgiik p n tbk.tilipftwV jhargas -«li((*,^re' wia4e Troy, w. Y., JP"ob. 13—New Tork States effort to send WlUi^m Schemnitzer and Stanley Oliero of Broughton, Pa., t,o the electric chair for the slaying of Trooper Sergeant John E Prey ended in a second degree murder conviction, with a re,commeadation for lent enoy. Murder second degree carries & ^mandatory- sentence of twenty years., to life in. this State, That the defense conaid,Wed> the. verdict a viotory wast evidence^ \$t the attitudes of the attwrw$$'M& of relatives of the yauth?, Tlie two youths were ftemjaed, of kiUlnS Sergeant Prey fast ia.atc% .as they escapej aft^r he «ad a, fe^. ;ip\y troop^frco^rais c V$m% ph^A" wasted the"nt an suspf^n of rdjbdiery. The State MIM fts case on Cj^ pike's sAory. a? ^% orJnj,e,a^d, eg fne fact t h a t t l ^ p ^ o i Updltep«aid U»e pair took from Mm. tit gun •point was f6nnd in possesion of tUe accmed when tliey ijfere cap. tnred, alntQSt o rooutt fttler the ertmoi to WoAl8tei>,Q.fc.la< Both Ji8<| made confeagfon*, h«t the det iC»«e charged they- w e forcaft : mftde* throats. • ^i^«sff'^'' l a.?ft- For "Present We«k A period of stormy vte&theA* OVor the lakes area WR? n.r*$tei-. ed today by tho fedoraH&l&ftl fn fes. outlook for the ^i«k : b.ft. ginning today. Tpe forecfts.t &'*,$$ Region of the Great., i*^«f| Snew at beginning of -*«%. rather coW fln?t haJT; rea^etftfiag- tyitb ftcciisiaoal precipttntMft Sifter ha.lf. 5^==5 9MT RANSOM M EETiNG IPtacM, Fefc i f e p v c i ^ lot Harry ifc Bmd,^: J sEOHsaiaii, did s e t keoft Ifies lma natned for shoTtlj' rn today at Tapper Lake, Imily of tho-Bian, -who has |Id since Thursday night; tho publicity -given the* I frightened the kidnapers. iMs relatives v<ere waiting ler TOKI from them. They TT Rogers Kicks .Stacy jFoi- ITHsSpot g|idi the.?, i^ere rea.ay t? p y the, ?1,000 dethamlod at any time and islsips apprntoii. State- police %*pe not Ule, bnt Captain Ch%t\m J. ?roftaj!IeJdi # a Troop «£ SfjllaRi^ W»ci*e weft are working oft tha c*s&,SM|i!,d; th^df. had been no developments today. What atttiiprlliea could; Sot »i« ; Seratand is. t^ftat Tupftet I4*« should have been the pface seJect> ed f6r tho paynteai of t§§ rftnao.iil. mtmey. Tfiey ajtfd a matt scinld jto| «»• •< u JOW ©Y knows «, lot aiwtit -women Md traffic . just iBight be UMA this I k u been m theS^mily f s» it w«s nor t# ineiSd T, ham it», ^^»feby*t»d!Kitltti« some time w »d #e 1 MJk ht]d up lb« tlieUdy jratt scoot- ft mA M«v « «««9l« of I H4sts.lmt the W y paid S©he s e t put of. tli* »l.ace ofleii tt wat f^yftfc <3 'fpaidj ajnee tttHMPcm c^^ia ©iMfi ^ '" " the tew roads easily. It developed taflay th,a|the fiaji* fly h*.a tried tft Keep the. ftfrffipfat' R, jfi«cret ( lieIfiieSiJ|- 'T&Stfe |#Wient of the- fl.OdO demsstfei" "was tte- hest way out. State police «aa conservation of- ficers, who for two days tramped through the wtJadett Adirondack Hountains m ae^tcb of Blagden «pd his captefs. wej» driven in to day by ft biting snoi* storm, whip- ped: flown frok tho mou.ntains by a stiff wind. l«t«rtothe Wading out hito the airi Allen pulled the' body 'a^n'o:ref|p| called pqlice.^ He tlieii .^#Sf|r'"* fartlier- do*ft Stteanx•'-• ' a u c t * | | th»"ee rods away fauhd- the'tfifl'y|:f|S the eampobeMoboy washed'oltif#; a.nd in a, oluitrn of%llltiws. bodies 'W'et'e' ; 'tro!!ali, fill 17 Fishermen Are Rescu •MB 1& •gggr-ift l^^f.—L"* 0% F T&m Ytetofy co. p«wBMB»«« mot$&mh ter at the &mm -SstaWW* R^ | ^ their ftttjt; ^ c t e Of tho, IflttS leaf ue. Tho taisH iprti» Wtitt from Gaines by a cjoift-i«pj&. «RncJn« fotiftwed the gum«, w|i|(;g will bo ?en*«tea agnm the 26|4 Sillf!. Ao Hlg> ftattera (urniablHtlW ^to|e:. St\tnfflary ' Storfe W Ayvanlk RP i Montgpmery RP QroffiWeU IW StwdWi, C fIttard^ m ftfttntterr R8 JftlinRWj, BO .Syracuse, Jfi '¥";, P<Sb. 1 8 ' . i * | ^ I snteen ice^eifrt!«!n, .ca'^gjjtf^; ""^ Qpelda. Lake in thp breati-^|-jS| tfee ice, wete res^ue'jl .aitey;, » | | ( r ,of- theni Ha't teeen' |>lahgc<£ f'* ftbe vja% yeateWay* At !*MM ;wero (natoiwed on an IslR^.",.,* The men .were. 4U}Wng at |t|e : ^ ejrton arid Cleveland yhfx" " k Warm sun and mild Vfinda"<!8«i the ice to split inttt ftoe$^ ' group fishing ate Btewertoq v in the worst siM>«tion, n\o^ti them beinpf plunged into water almost jnMneuiately, ' One man was rescued nfffSi' clinging to the ed^o of- the |^% for fifteen minutes: Several othejt! were pulled to safety by a matt frojn *b.°r» ^Bft thr|w A rope^ :: $ A* ClerelMi* * ciianttel fl^jf; f«ffe wido opened suddenly &ti$ alt of tJi* flsjiwmqn were marirtjiiH e4 9flO ftst from show, They wer% f<!rrj(«>4 « h o r o am by one fa #- b«tf« *: AA tftoxt was to b» m«4e t4* tfay to rtnoh th« w»» oq ORK* t»«mj)| |fl»Rd^ f r ^ t h s k w» l«ti Q a 3 1 FT 2'8: O t 'tt CO. H Sinlth* fel* Cr#»in, O Ainworiht I.G Allen, m We«tnee?^ RO n a o l i l « 5 53 0 4 t « ft 8 |da <vi%-•fcteofogat.:thrt •«&»«; jits ^Ctiatt^y :Jtlffl$i- 0* a t ?etersbi«?« $» mii nbotef olnOue 0»t the nueei blossoms pqi the tree on her estate »''.i%E' V ''- , '"-'-'i"l'r"i; " ... •' i"-' •* S''* ••'"-- United States Apples Rushed t^> Britain * ^ Bscapfi Tariff Konfvllle^ N S^ Feb at~WHU the object of getting; th.elr prod? nets to Britain baton March 1, wheu the new British tariff goes into effect. United States export. era are making heavy shipments ot'apnles to the United Kingdom nwrket?, Several ships which had phinhed to call at -Halifax en rovt^ f ^ i i Ne\v York to London and Liv- ejjsool canoollea the stop-off be- qiutso thj»y had obtained ftdl car- goes,-at N*w York. It'-tft underatood the United sta- tois still to-aq, httge auantltios ot applos wlitelj; have been hold back ,for ft bottQr lastrjcet. In Nova Sco- r tlo, however,' on)y 50,000 barrels, {ei, (tnploa are left l« storage for Wport, These Svi.U probably bo held Until aftoe M^cch l, when tho preference ot 40 centa a barrel will'tJ^i r e c e i v e ath David EftfTgiggSBfe^SfeJItTWg'Wte ., Ravld W^eij, <*if Whuatvffle, while drMpg home Saturday 'from BatavTittSied very augdinilyV h the ent %lth him at tha tiitio ^iforo littt # % «nd two danghtora, he 4*fi4M^tt was 00 yesr» of 0 m4L » well known f»rrn*r of «ne*6» County OT^ la aurvived y hl» ;fjf«i; whtx WM fonn<*Iy |l«: .totmk of Rust Slsslby, two Atlgh.{*f|'-^V{« Rftd JjcWfi antl th*. lW)V*rt, •*** b» M d , * t his ..„ ..... ) mktfc- WtJv M*mm.*t U. S. BUILDING WOR EMPLOYS II JUHlKHHJilii mm win OFFER FINAL PfAC^tERMS Tokyo t Reh,. IS^(Monday)—Gen, Kankl6hi Uy.e<la, camuumtfor of the Japaueso land forces at %au^hai t was. expeotcd to snewnt w ultimatum to tho Ohiaoao alvott* ly demandtae wittuhnwal and it he were•retttaod, ta launch au oavly renewal or tha Japanese, offensive. This w«s soscalad today slmnb toneaualy on, sows of Japaneao troop movementa to tho Chinese city. (General IJyoda at SlmuRhol aald ho hoped an ultimatum on Chinese* would not bo necosaivry to effect their withdrawal^ bnt that tho Jaoanoao wero prepared to attack within a comparatively short whlla unless tho CMHOHO Wh treat was brought about l>> aon»o means) se ERLIN IN HIS OWN PLANE !iU'U!!'j J-.^^lU'ft^'l Washington, fob. t4-^«ettta?y^j ft® powons are employed cfte- Uc*k. of th* tabor OeparttnW. fijilft today %mw wt<m »*d «lero in conapctlon with the pro- jects for each one on it, ho cati- -hJ«nhrovtde<lewploymentthwughHf^ e f thro ° naatU>T f of ••«»»«« the toverBmcRV* bulWinf (fro- UH.11 ,1'Ui.l^lUl'. .1- 8 I I I \ feore at hjlS tta» &»• V 3$t *?o. Heferee, IStrJEell, Media* .<Hrt» gmltb. W Krown, Bid flaihes Girls Moore, BP Hoflenberk. LP ttush, C W. Taylor. RG E. Tayl«, RO I * I ft f r I s ft 4 0 0 K*W^«rtw Mt* Iwt tfem y««rs. 'ti^Nf ««ar^» ol the *hj*wrJs. (n|«isr^tiic|**ir:4«ttc«« th# Votor^ ana btrtitft t»4 tfe* W«r *«* Nsvy B*JW»ftiJaeal* ** * hiwM, thf Secre. tarf said tit* io«(it«»eht IW# »w»rd»d cfl«tfis«ti »l»*i SJarch R 102B, |oit> J40O.000._000 Of projects whic| *an01«d Ifrwst »wp.teyment for $&$,&& peri«i8|, fltarJa* that n»!'U'mi,',Ji«-m..».i 't'iiijijj^iii'ti*";;;"!?!. '.>' "" n a > 4 4 I 0 2? Score at half Mm* Medina Referee, Parrel). z m »; 0« TseK^'ilglt'of tim wee* m»»iMi«r» Qf tt» A»sr.l«ii, A««.i««* jKKft **|toR A«tlitt»y ltttl!t*«t *t tifflos, Hatt .i» SMI-, :C««w $km fstff * » o « ^ A $SP«m «f fU*tt4$timeat whl(* *ritt i«*fu«e {en** »^Srtns "rttt r«8t«r» |h« «e- al|g and relr«tW«*H« wflt-fce aer- «H#,'.|bftt SMMHiHf <* the Cb? leanj! Csunty comittjiitee of the Antertcas Legion wttl h# held at the rooms «* the Jamiai P. Claris Post o« Wednesday night, Febro- ary W|h* the ttteeUng B.w be«n i called, bf E«i Saltfifisa of A{W»». county ec^mtmAim T*e Witanl eo^*'.«K Albion, SW$*» •BH* s - J ley wlft It* reprwi«il*d. t liilil been glvon work. «Thero an> und«r costtwcl now 1ft, tne saperviinng architect's of- flee, Treasury BopartBient, 4&1 •filS>iwt* and in other governmental arciitc^tofal offices nbont it# B««i«ct4? ©v«k ttportek «fa-M item «r» *31- Should th*nbi»hctt of jteraorw who were given more or less employment as the direct result of, thtwo projects bo carried bai'k to the ntltl^.iha njine* W<t lt»y production at *»w iftst#j»fe of every Wnd coaaidered, ft wonftl fm virtoallr impOBSiftlo to estimate th« swat bencflt that has aeeruotf to M otir people becninse of U»t» UBtldlnf program." Nov? tuM fab, M—Rnth NieUols, soclftty aviatrix, today ftow Claionco ehambertui's: Flying Pnranco to a now tvlt|tnde record, on tho basis of an unofficial read- 'lug of tho altlmotor. When; Kim landed, it registered 21,800 fw% whlio Clinnborlin's officlnl reconi for the Dlosol motored craft was 19.383 feet. M(s« Nichols took off at 4:15 p. m. trom iPloyd Bonuett airport and landed an hour and one minute Inter after on exciting «W. She encount'ored temperatures of iltteen degrees below aero, she eald, (s»i|*«*?2OiQO0 f e e t two of her »Jtntf«t» M«w out- At that height too> sh« •**# forcsit te UTO hoc osy- gen Tattle. In addition to tho scaled bare- graph, which wus taken from tho plnno at once to bo sent to Wwh> Ington for official caltbratloo, HUH Nichols hail threo uMhieter*, tyfb of which wem oat of eomnjUmtoH ,.i.,. g ...i, iifniili.i ,iii.. , «i'w.iiin»i Violates Pafole; ' it'' *ni •• In rnson Albany^S. Y., Feb. 18.«~Owney Mauden, wealthy New York, night club operate^ ordered returned to Sing 8lng prfcion for violation of a, jtatfll^, WW h**» a Iwnring ;.kr*r# %U $l*to- 9o«al- # P«*«l« o n Mftpch to *1» bes*a : Mujotjsc o<l today. J^itfden, atrented teat night fit New ?<jrk, was ordered returned to Slftp 8in c In co'totly of f»rele slfliart. Mftt^en went t« mntt 8$osr In lUlt after fc#tfj co»vlet«d (rf tlio slaying &f P«Uy Koylo fo it Now York &**wL Ha «•«» rejfwsd fh lKl!} ttodor jrarofe. tt Madden la not giv-fln further cc*fj|u'ernUon by thft boarf he m«a* *erve until 1535, in tho oflfiw atmosplierc. Tho mt- oftlglttl reading wns tn&on from tho third, OesijUo her olppled engine and tho-iwfc that sho hud no biakw, 8ho KflMO a porfoct landing J 'H»yUnofficial rending was gient- •-it than that of ChumUorim after W* jurats and It was iieiiovmi the 0^lo|4f««tteWlOI» would oitaHlah tito ,ii»W *g«i_rd for plwioi »r ihii typo, '<,-r ; . ^ It wja also (Uiuonnjced that tho two Japauqw divisions av'fe topten soutotl In ttoop strength at SJwng> hal and totaj foicpa them ^or6; loprcisented as about i y a o nwn, Thoy aio ltuslwlBft,ln tl\S 5th fe,«(X '•Snettaelifav ' ,*t^voloporoenti»," IncHulinis th^ es.ta.WJth.MMit of ftn \ntto{)ondout »tnt'o * 111 * Mtanctartn, wast nuth'iflutGil trtjl&n^a tl,»paiu oao. l^owa Agency ili^niitahea fioa\ Chaugohun. Tho utoa'jagiOH atttrt that CHtlnMa loadovs In Manchuria waro aHsQta* bllnK at Mukden tov the- Dxirvona of arenngtug Hunt diXftlh «f tho form.rtlow of « now Uuleuendont, state. Heavy Snow Keeps Smith Out |51?in»rc^ N. D., P^b, M*~Bth cau9o Usiavy rnmv* UtecKod pi^h'lo roadu, former Qovowor MfwA 15. Swjtth of %wf Vork >vW not tie. enter«d.ft^ta ^tnoorntfo pr«id»n* tisl cantlWnt* \\\ Sotth B*Kot*S Vfhon tho ttpis-for AJhijr of can- tHdnle* «*-plF«t\ at <Hia«lu;M Bai* fcrtoyV B«tltloiw |0r< Smith h«tt no| solved ftt tho neoiotoy tit suto'a bilieo ho»e. Vincent l*or« RUIOil hatl left Mlnott'iaft Wllw away, oarilpv In the tlay >v\th the potltton*, hut drifted *OM!X pro- vented W* <ttrW»l en iitoie. i.U'JMWiJ»ll»t'""" -w HOME BURNS, 3 GIRLS DIE, 2 ARE SAVED Rar J|arhor, Mo, Poh, 14—1 hr«n glrl#, ^10 da^S rn of Mr >nd afro. J«Stan 'l*racy, «oro burwui m «hflt»ft im'O (tp whlth denlrnved the Tracy ^nta^at Wojt Kd"». a few nill&r trOm-hore. Tho defldf Carolina, thtrteont IVfo^r, omVbri» oad omdy». aovon year* old. l Two other ohlldivo, Marcla, *IX* teen, KmfJulimt. six w«ro tnJMfliJ from theBlnsslng trolWlnftby WoyA Norwood, a neighbor. The lire started to «rt OSWwtOf Bisiiirsl Mrs. FuHer Wednesday t ,irhe remain* OT Mr», 6««?g« C. fftlttri, )t«i. |.ydja ffw«HMW»«, fffitt arrive in Medina tV*«dn««d*y ijS*i(|njt md will be taken to the !#te#*is£ iter brdtlon Hart D. WloffiWWsS, 90* Wi$t Avenue. •ffc# fitherat w«» fete held W«d- ndtdny a(ifin<K,n e§ 2:39. Tho Ifcifiii^ls O: Bfad/«rJ Witt of- #|6^,,.,S«ri»l at Mt &«***«*, "Irifey. Entertained 0as$ Mii» Marten Bogttt entertained her Banday School Cl«« rtt her homo on the By»n Road 8»tnnl»y «ft9rao«6, f h * «i*l# <liww maps »nd madi *, <*!«*« ftirfnty- refresh. Kent's were issrved, , 0e^th Mrs* He$eyjai California itt Frftncs Mr»i Oeorfi* It, tlcdtey of Ihkv- srly Ulllh OiUlorBia, *MH wWls visiting friends In Southern ProiKe, tho l«*t of Janttai^. Mrs. Hodtey formerly tlvatt In Msdltta Mid ha» m«ny frliftdit hore. ms? rsr-a^ft Utility Mr. and Sltfc llovrard W. Oayer, celebrated their goldea: weddinj? | *-. , anniversary 4t tfielf *ome Montoy. | Utility Class of the Mttttojtet, Cimter was serreil t e the temedl-! church will meet with Mr*. S^ *te family, covers being ttid for H w«w<i crooa f t her home 221Pant | frf^; at * t*M» de«oiate# l« gold and|Aven«e Weditesday PA, P » , ^^ centowiWith * #»t Of yellow i a.W p. t * ? # l r W«sW«fton a«d, tft»p«a»aak i K**4mK«»**ot , rbhe..; Liarcoln. A «Oed atte««*ft<!e «» ^ . M l W «*er and L<fec°»t«d fii jrsho*-. 8ttriiH0.nnted! aire* . ... ^ .. f .Xdna^SMtja^Me by a tniiilstttm bride an* l^ooin.,;-, ——: •• ' jf».»r^"-"?; y ^yjahdf* | At each end; *«fe yetio* candles i Button Were mametf « the [ « W * f c « 2 . ^ y centfr » large *httfr weettog be*! " a^P 1 *** * • Wr* 1 * » « *w»P«a*e«- ^ a «* M » c ^ s "G00O WRHSlilEP WAR SCOUTS BUS gf*nb*t» fiiuaty. atttlwslt&S'tffe Bt«w}t»K: t i , f Mr* sit *,€r1».;.«$o t*ite »p ^mitmwtt f t p mtmn., teapetn&f .#^«r«- h«» ":fsMi». *Jf ffetsws•& fiohte, L s « i p r « !ca<{- aslnted park conii»S«!^otM5r, f«i- R6thn?«l«r, •towtntE th* mrithdtrprjii 0. J»ek WortJsy'lliinfe 0»hlf#i(ttei»al meat rottd, bat the fcevl Ed«» Oreeo. p«*ter of tb* Wltat S! K LocSport. f««r cbildrf" tS!L*L3y J *«ft > „ « »go. Sit* » oiece of the or ; ^.re bom. two of *fcem s^«." fiRlnal wee««i <»s» ww o» dis- >'ProiHE .Gl»«r an * • * * » - Le3,, " : i '"^•SSSWI i "b*^ IBtaprtl'OiOTr « * *Ba*Wb+ B«ard9tey. Both of HglWnd. daHy*" Migft* #».-.,. *«fl -he- -do' « tei?**f'"*!fjW(» ,da'ly." s ..- .far : * » * i^r' 'iteetits «f"' Shitighsi ore ««iifttis*ii^ dlo.ri^-i'^ JhTpriWHit «m«r«K»ey. Whtn- th* ^M^HNt»<>»*' h '' iV "; tilitle*' b«s«B - a p « :ffcr»» w** fcJ 'j sjro U M K:otit« H»tt- Jsojong. ••&••; first to voiontiwr t**Jr scr-. • « , i„. the SI^K^i*«fttllt«* <"-'!»'! £inc« tfctr. t*f>%»V« !«««-1.^«.?'] ^«W K 0 4 o r d e r i i e . . WS<I 4 o l 8 g ; l^gfe' #gfrel" doty, Thoy 1un>i r *fo* mkt*ti let ifcc reitrf of •wftorinai'- ^ ' . ' ^ toerf Seem:. t « » n c « «$»; '•*<iff ft* 3«9 fo>» .*• oni«SW#.-'!^. ***tclt a» It inci-des 2ft :fi«tf#i|t; «JrtB«. , TJ*» JS AmeHcM ««iitf': # t ^ t e the mi^.-'f ,ac««l|ij% JNiog «&nc«Bli»tcd' («. tfe* Um' #|#.--8af^iosE wbctQ th#y , . « ^ "mmmit *feit Bvins .i«*rt«i* fhh Mtt^ot the Slate Fgtiiotte_ Program A patrtotie nregram Kjllf fee ££f¥$*i at Uto ««** of #«fi}0ttt# R*hjjt»h Loeh^i W«dlt«l48y-'*««£• tuf, tnelu<lfhi 8 o«f»*«| jl*jr t tm4«f the dlr««tfo« of KM. Attn* WWttlofon. fkfreAmontd ^Bt 6f «W«d^ II or rat which Mmr, Ttaey WW* he^V IUK on the stove |u MiftfattiUoa for fryfitfc daughmua flxt UWUIIIK tlatifd (low to nit p«vti v »" tl«> mM kitchou, Ht(U'$l»4- fltes^ v» «P*y , sidsi.' ••.-, .'•''-' t h o ftttiiar ot the fumttei who «TKt WiSfitti?. -WflOa With N'OrMOOtl oittsW* thtl il^Moom lieraci th«h« Cit Intoiijo Wt«hf« <wt U«*lt*c<l hit %lfo'tT«ro«lh Wie ll«H»}03. whlto fforwood, emwllflff on his handi M t l 1?iteo8i » « c « o d Mm da> and ioJIatt from tho J «n«r rooitt, Tho othfif three girls. trtftWoi|Crf by the esplosiou, tied to ttti \v\< mkbP&TMW? W t 0? tlW »ttBCS tore, from wltfcli It was Jpmswli»lo- to reactto tharft. Death Mt§k Johnson, East Shelby MJ* -fttilfct l»ttn«m, «hti»w- i}'- fho 1«to &org8 Jfoims^n of trast Shelby, d M la » iwrfalo U%Ml 8atiird# maniiiig' a«et| it jiat'a, 8h* hi (CttrVlveatt by otio jon, SJim* 1 * foftiaoitt. frt* Kmeitai wii* htlrt to ftttnawtt ftojn tho- hotftcs bf R#* WWtfai, jyftft Chnrt« «i«,rj[Kfe 0i«i9e»ee «&#«* with bn*lat «« Mlft- vttte eoittetiSfe" K*v= U A, ^r**» ,l».«l fSStett.t»4-y, Good ove»itt« eltltdreo fit th« "wee" corner? Haw diet you get ttiaitX with th» puajil^ tost tti^lit'i Well here ft is RS ft shottltl look; wSott completed. '»INT? 0 4 s r % » A I S Y CARRY WINDY t Thrra yoB: are;* The pfa«0 *hcr« 0«r niltk co;ti«-4 from is t!w KA111Y W».w*ti thai ft »i«ipte one? Ilore fat * story *^08£ a r«%e c«llei»" Shattihai, Feh, «f*U$&«- - 6by;-f^'.«&«i%liiE s»rvl"s « « » * « ^ | of " f ^ o ^ - g ^ f i d ^ - M ^ . t t i n d ' wr{f * ^«P*»'to» ft03o*« < . : . , Scant amtte w ijhii-'* 1 :jp(»i.- iara:i'f^-««,W--« te *^V'- ete(!fc ! IS ?,^"i: <* •«!* *•*•«*«»«* «*»*''i«W* ».«»,;' An ' »W«M*6i««d-'«os» # s s bun^; d M Friday Bight Ift #gjb««ter. : if»- w«» 75, - fe; : - : .- F»» dMtroy#i|*'|b>|j§'-;^itn on, t}w 'Tho«a» W « 4 l l > ; i i l ^ ; -town- of .Benton. nec»»tty pttrctiMM4 by ;MWP*rted. , ;•;.;;-'.j^ •In Cfiur-ty CoBjrfe In K o d f t p c r a .*13S fjw htfra* s « i i f « i : l # f e she Juorje- awarded- M*rM*» B»Mty» 15' WMt gCvcn » perOMU*^!*- «Mtt«- In. ;%,itioty shop. . ,!f«d .fe*««i |fj>«l. to, ft. garden ttft. ..«t^aft ftftcj^fr it* ealofr was *to% -••• U4&i.«l##2. Ostly. It r«are4 ; jt#., fcf.rl B l i f # ; # * t It wlmfti'iiffr ««#,,-, "c- f,?» ^Jigfief, p.,MC«t it fty« s -••-? * »*M«(HiS- lit * ' • Vbfo, .--.-•f-ftfeor « 8 ? . f t » tfecp rnt. ffWfl#» ''6«''£l|jWiiJifc>''' - t S*f#,'"«iifJrtii»' ti>7 - hoighi« »*<i Hmht* «mflt. : 1 am iiisfo«t»*. '•.r.," , 4*U «|ir »«te. ao* .f«t*f <*»• j,. •• !TO^* " P S ? ; s*H^, '(^^ ' ^> ^f 1 T^W" *<^ . 3ToT * IflttU- t t e l 4h* f«c# «t thA Bow # « Stos» lotsK^tt for a? *r«tl' wfth- t^t>,^ti)Sfi of w&*m< **»• #f-^MfcHttiHl," m«wwnJjr «iid tit# i | t e . "mi ytwtiuwntit 'Dtaniriit th»l««f«t|«fr hut | ssn^ n»vw ttotfeed," «)*{# ft» fto*>. "tft«r thi«k tt*l 1 a«t; fif-aaMW, t wMH I rotifer w»f#, M rone* «tt *-IJIW- t«l -t» *# ffc«jrmto«f.'* '%«. »r* ft««»tttul« ftfftt i'Hf»K (t iae Si» ott* *&#! *ft pl'-'fc JR* 1 to stse i«»' fe^tity, »ft(* n&i f*ty that, yt» f«« i$m wori'T f?«ft 3ffo»y tofty h ^ P ^ - t N l * me^lr .tr«*sv along tft» imff$ "itavo ' r o i r * * ^ , ^ 1 * '** w* ftom «Bo?«f, ;: " 'ht •'Sevch.' 1 ' »*Mi'ifc# S w t , "X f » * i*m ,tw»h «Btee>**«^ imm, **» 'tNt'Hty «hot« *r»W* *Te« tfi*f* «H fw twot'^r rttt* •,|re». cfeo^afef At»VT Mt>tJ,Y fl

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Post on 18-Jun-2018




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' • { • " ,

t ' *

THE W ^ A ^ g f ^ . .. .

Imorrow probably snow or rain,

' rising te^fl^x/.


M S»» •Haw

ATT V aoM^glt;


'MUCi-UkUS i p p p a a , NEW YORKti MONDAt, I T O U A B y 15,1932

xei«i lwer Affair i;. ij^twJiv^iWiafc.

[ngton, Feb. Itir- ,A grave lie issue goijfrQiited Secre-

3tate B^enry L- Stjtnson. [a^. rejnPJ <rf.,» -Japanese |n Vice. Consul Arthur K,

pj Shanghai, •, limson has-ordered a full

formal protest may be tretkya* Tie §fi$nghai cofe |te^afty; ?sai" protested to laese c&nslil general there, Iciijf it,,i$ the^ second of .its. •occur in: the past few It Wllp^s ?n expression of lota. Jajjan for the beating "consul Onlver B. Chamber-|Iuj£!leii recently,.

General Edwin,. S. Qun-reported the attack on

Br _ epjieague to Stinison. jiday although, $ is. under-lUa-Ke occurred AVednesdax, 1 Ringwajt and Jfas. L. [ail. American -citizen "re-

IIKI of the Chinese race,", kten by a'apanase civilian: Irs as they ^ere searching Iwornaii's young "daughter, lilt'carried'9Qt only a, dip, J passport but also a Jap--|iroYed pass from the

municipal council and a •m tlie Japanese consulate. lissaAitted aj?fto. tiled to u>

Yauiis ftotn rough, hand-Iths japajjfiBe. TighanVs, rebortistfrved. offi-|in a rjrifet ' Sunday rest itiqers o.f the 4^te depart'

ment .telephoned the dispatch to Stimson a£ his liaise, "Woodley. A^uoh ^JsUH'bed, he promptly tele­graphed to Shanghai for more de­tails,

JJiplpmatio and consular officers abroad are, under international law, immune uo attack, The grav­ity of abusing th.en\ was illustrated by the Chamberlain incident. Stimson then fq?mally protested to Tokyo. Japan punished the attack-era.

- The •beating of Ringwnlt makes three recent Japanese actions to •which the United States objects.

4 £

«#*!*» «*# A FAMttar JPABpfc * »

teW4W|(%f#%ICe^ tod.

tj H.I1I I »l,H!»)iii||>



S= S„.,iil,,ftiji.yj-

;:-.;v,;v ;•„;. : r^^^^j^j^J^.,,',,'", 'u^ i Lii^;.^,.^!.1 . . , nil I^A.^J.^'J^' J,1,;1"^1,1.11;' " I"1 ^ '"i W'; anmn«i*e-t*>tys**mm




I",1 i ,u i«UH J i m y w *


^ t a v i ^ |^h . H - 4 ^ S e r 6 W % K ^ W ' t r o m the"'dam r . , oj, the tlyee amalt feo|^ y$a V ^ : f l e e t i n g above the s i t f ta '^ i lS ia^f .seen late Wt3l$Nay\£18yii|r- tHt9***tef. •' # # d ^iv'lJie.teeQf theTo^awftndajCree^ -™'-« -~ —* «-•»- • - ^-ABisii were, Recovered today ''beUmr tiS^. niK»iGipsl S»m> n e a r "WiJlnut street The. recovery of the bodies, !% Frank Bezon and Harry Gamp^ heHfe nin,e vear# old, gtyurtej} seargher^ it» tpeip effortsi to locsit^ the. third-body, that qf'Michael Ca$r •KH&tSMfflfe ;'• ';

Wa_rrea Alien ot %S* Walni^ street fQUpd the bodies about 8:3f o'clock thte morning while he wftjg, walking along the bank of the s.trfflih.. Hf ijvsf SVW -tl\« h,ctay pj? t ve 1,4W\> fto^ l« 8 WCft fth%ut 40

«SSS .J-jliU-411-k-J-.i


Itl-,re s«^^^«J^^e«^^-For«c«at:

fey tfpjt^l WttJxOutite |ew!iaitW(fe^b<fe#. # > » #

JiajpSa^Wnittf;' > -Qhargoi1

lindrow # i v SflWft-jiftrity t^ftr* ijfas ftle:$ b | |Btative> MCfiia'rtfisH (ft. #«.

Iof Rhtt4o«Mahd. stt^Tft-r?. J&eorgiik p n tbk.tilipftwV jhargas -« l i ( (* ,^re ' wia4e

Troy, w. Y., JP"ob. 13—New Tork States effort to send WlUi^m Schemnitzer and Stanley Oliero of Broughton, Pa., t,o the electric chair for the slaying of Trooper Sergeant John E Prey ended in a second degree murder conviction, with a re,commeadation for lent enoy.

Murder second degree carries & ^mandatory- sentence of twenty years., to life in. this State,

That the defense conaid,Wed> the. verdict a viotory wast evidence^ \$t the attitudes of the attwrw$$'M& of relatives of the yauth?,

Tlie two youths were ftemjaed, of kiUlnS Sergeant Prey fast ia.atc%

.as they escapej aft^r he «ad a, fe . ;ip\y troop^frco^rais c V$m% ph A" wasted the"nt an suspf^n of rdjbdiery.

The State MIM fts case on Cj^ pike's sAory. a? ^% orJnj,e,a^d, eg fne fact t h a t t l ^ p ^ o i Updltep«aid U»e pair took from Mm. tit gun •point was f6nnd in possesion of tUe accmed when tliey ijfere cap. tnred, alntQSt o rooutt fttler the ertmoi to WoAl8tei>,Q.fc.la< Both Ji8<| made confeagfon*, h«t the det iC»«e charged they- w e forcaft

: mftde* throats.

• ^i^«sff'^''la.?ft-

For "Present We«k A period of stormy vte&theA*

OVor the lakes area WR? n.r*$tei-. ed today by tho fedoraH&l&ftl fn fes. outlook for the ^i«k :b.ft. ginning today. Tpe forecfts.t &'*,$$

Region of the Great., i*^«f | Snew at beginning of -*«%. rather coW fln?t haJT; rea^etftfiag-tyitb ftcciisiaoal precipttntMft

Sifter ha.lf.

5^==5 9 M T

RANSOM M EETiNG IPtacM, Fefc i f e p v c i ^ l o t Harry ifc B m d , ^ : J sEOHsaiaii, did s e t keoft Ifies lma natned for shoTtlj' rn today at Tapper Lake, Imily of tho-Bian, -who has |Id since Thursday night;

tho publicity -given the* I frightened the kidnapers.

iMs relatives v<ere waiting ler TOKI from them. They

T T Rogers Kicks

.Stacy jFoi-ITHsSpot

g|idi the.?, i^ere rea.ay t? p y the, ?1,000 dethamlod at any time and islsips apprntoii.

State- police %*pe not Ule, bnt Captain Ch%t\m J. ?roftaj!IeJdi # a Troop «£ SfjllaRi^ W»ci*e weft are working oft tha c*s&,SM|i!,d; th^df. had been no developments today.

What atttiiprlliea could; Sot »i« ; Seratand is. t ftat Tupftet I4*« should have been the pface seJect> ed f6r tho paynteai of t§§ rftnao.iil. mtmey. Tfiey ajtfd a matt scinld jto|

«»• •< u J O W

©Y knows «, lot 6£ aiwtit -women Md traffic

. ju s t iBight be UMA this I k u been m theS^mily f s » it w«s n o r t # ine iSd T, ham i t » ,

^^»feby*t»d!Kitltti« some time w » d # e

1 MJk ht]d up l b « t l i eUdy jratt scoot-

ft mA M«v « «««9l« of I H4sts.lmt the W y paid


s e t put of. tli* »l.ace ofleii tt w a t f^yftfc <3 'fpaidj ajnee tttHMPcm c^^ia ©iMfi ^ '" "

the tew roads easily. It developed taflay th,a|the fiaji*

fly h*.a tried tft Keep the. ftfrffipfat' R, jfi«cret( lieIfiieSiJ|-'T&Stfe |#Wient of the- fl.OdO demsstfei" "was tte-hest way out.

State police «aa conservation of­ficers, who for two days tramped through the wtJadett Adirondack Hountains m ae^tcb of Blagden «pd his captefs. wej» driven in to day by ft biting snoi* storm, whip­ped: flown frok tho mou.ntains by a stiff wind.


Wading out hito the airi Allen pulled the' body 'a^n'o:ref|p| called pqlice.^ He tlieii .^#Sf|r'"* fartlier- do*ft Stteanx•'-• ' auct* | | th»"ee rods away fauhd- the'tfifl'y|:f|S the eampobeMoboy washed'oltif#; a.nd in a, oluitrn of%llltiws. bodies 'W'et'e';'tro!!ali, fill

17 Fishermen Are Rescu



•gggr-ift l^^f.—L"*

0% F T&m Ytetofy

co. p«wBMB»«« mot$&mh ter at the &mm -SstaWW* R ^

| ^ their ftttjt; ^ c t e Of tho, IflttS leaf ue. Tho taisH iprti» Wtitt from Gaines by a cjoift-i«pj&. «RncJn« fotiftwed the gum«, w|i|(;g will bo ?en*«tea agnm the 26|4 Sillf!. A o Hlg> ftattera (urniablHtlW ^to|e:.

St\tnfflary • '

Storfe W Ayvanlk RP i Montgpmery RP QroffiWeU IW StwdWi, C fIttard^ m ftfttntterr R8 JftlinRWj, BO

.Syracuse, Jfi '¥";, P<Sb. 18' . i* |^I snteen ice^eifrt!«!n, .ca' gjjtf^;""^ Qpelda. Lake in thp breati-^|-jS| tfee ice, wete res^ue'jl .aitey;, » | | ( r

,of- theni Ha't teeen' |>lahgc<£ f'* ftbe vja% yeateWay* At !*MM ;wero (natoiwed on an IslR^.",.,*

The men .were. 4U}Wng at | t | e : ^ ejrton arid Cleveland yhfx" " k

Warm sun and mild Vfinda"<!8«i the ice to split inttt ftoe$^ ' group fishing ate Btewertoq v in the worst siM>«tion, n\o^ti them beinpf plunged into water almost jnMneuiately, '

One man was rescued nfffSi' clinging to the ed^o of- the | % for fifteen minutes: Several othejt! were pulled to safety by a matt frojn *b.°r» ^Bft thr|w A rope^::$

A* ClerelMi* * ciianttel fl^jf; f«ffe wido opened suddenly &ti$ alt of tJi* flsjiwmqn were marirtjiiH e4 9flO ftst from show, They wer% f<!rrj(«>4 «horo am by one fa #-b«tf« • *:

AA tftoxt was to b» m«4e t4* tfay to rtnoh th« w»» oq ORK* t»«mj)| |fl»Rd^ f r ^ t h s k w» l«ti



3 1

FT 2'8:



Sinlth* fel* Cr#»in, O Ainworiht I.G Allen, m We«tnee? RO

n a o l i l «

5 53

0 4

t « ft 8

|da <vi%-•fcteofogat.:thrt •«&»«; jits ^Ctiatt^y :Jtlffl$i- 0* a t ?etersbi«?« $» mii nbotef olnOue 0»t the nueei

blossoms pqi the tree on her estate »''.i%E'V''-,'"-'-'i"l'r"i; " ... •' i"-' •* S ' ' * ••'"--

United States Apples Rushed t > Britain

* ^ Bscapfi Tariff Konfvllle^ N S^ Feb at~WHU

the object of getting; th.elr prod? nets to Britain baton March 1, wheu the new British tariff goes into effect. United States export. era are making heavy shipments ot'apnles t o the United Kingdom nwrket?, Several ships which had phinhed to call at -Halifax en rovt^ f ^ i i Ne\v York to London and Liv-ejjsool canoollea the stop-off be-qiutso thj»y had obtained ftdl car­goes,-at N*w York.

It'-tft underatood the United sta-tois still to-aq, httge auantltios ot applos wlitelj; have been hold back ,for ft bottQr lastrjcet. In Nova Sco-rtlo, however,' on)y 50,000 barrels,

{ei , (tnploa are left l« storage for Wport, These Svi.U probably bo held Until aftoe M^cch l, when tho preference ot 40 centa a barrel will'tJ^i r e c e i v e

ath David


., Ravld W ^ e i j , <*if Whuatvffle, while drMpg home Saturday 'from BatavTittSied very augdinilyV

h the ent %lth him at tha tiitio iforo littt # % «nd two danghtora,

he 4*fi4M^tt was 00 yesr» of 0 m4L » well known f»rrn*r of

«ne*6» County OT^ la aurvived y hl» ;fjf«i; whtx WM fonn<*Iy

| l«: . totmk o f Rust Slsslby, two Atlgh.{*f|'-^V{« Rftd JjcWfi antl

th* . lW)V*rt, •*** b» M d , * t his

..„.....) mktfc- WtJv M*mm.*t



mm win OFFER FINAL PfAC^tERMS Tokyot Reh,. IS^(Monday)—Gen,

Kankl6hi Uy.e<la, camuumtfor of the Japaueso land forces at %au^hait was. expeotcd to snewnt w ultimatum to tho Ohiaoao alvott* ly demandtae wittuhnwal and it he were•retttaod, ta launch au oavly renewal or tha Japanese, offensive.

This w«s soscalad today slmnb toneaualy on, sows of Japaneao troop movementa to tho Chinese city.

(General IJyoda at SlmuRhol aald ho hoped an ultimatum on Chinese* would not bo necosaivry to effect their withdrawal^ bnt that tho Jaoanoao wero prepared to attack within a comparatively short whlla unless tho CMHOHO Wh treat was brought about l>> aon»o means)



!iU'U!!'j J-.^^lU'ft^' l

Washington, fob. t4-^«ettta?y^j ft® powons are employed cfte-Uc*k. of th* tabor OeparttnW. fijilft today %mw wt<m »*d

« lero in conapctlon with the pro­jects for each one on it, ho cati-

-hJ«nhrovtde<lewploymentthwughHf^ef t h ro° naatU>Tf of ••«»»«« the toverBmcRV* bulWinf (fro-

UH.11 ,1'Ui.l^lUl'. .1-

8 I I I \ feore at hjlS tta» &»• V 3$t *?o.

Heferee, IStrJEell, Media* .<Hrt»

gmltb. W Krown, Bid

flaihes Girls Moore, BP Hoflenberk. LP ttush, C W. Taylor. RG E. Tayl«, RO

I * I ft

f r I s

ft 4

0 0

K*W^«rtw Mt* Iwt tfem y««rs. 'ti^Nf ««ar^» ol the *hj*wrJs.

(n|«isr tiic|**ir:4«ttc«« th# Votor ana btrtitft t»4 tfe* W«r *«* Nsvy B*JW»ftiJaeal* ** * hiwM, thf Secre. tarf said tit* io«(it«»eht IW# »w»rd»d cfl«tfis«ti »l»*i SJarch R 102B, |oit> J40O.000._000 Of projects whic| *an01«d Ifrwst »wp.teyment for $&$,&& peri«i8|, fltarJa* that n»!'U'mi,',Ji«-m..».i 't'iiijijj^iii'ti*";;;"!?!. '.>' ""

n a > 4 4 I 0

2? Score at half Mm* Medina

Referee, Parrel).

z m »;

0« TseK^'ilglt'of tim wee* m»»iMi«r» Qf tt» A»sr.l«ii, A««.i««* jKKft **|toR A«tlitt»y ltttl!t*«t *t tifflos, Hatt .i» SMI-, :C««w $km fstff * »o«^ A $SP«m «f fU*tt4$timeat whl(* *ritt i«*fu«e

{en** »^Srtns "rttt r«8t«r» |h« «e-al|g and relr«tW«*H« wflt-fce aer-

«H#,'.|bftt SMMHiHf <* the Cb? leanj! Csunty comittjiitee of the Antertcas Legion wttl h# held at the rooms «* the Jamiai P. Claris Post o« Wednesday night, Febro-ary W|h* the ttteeUng B.w be«n i called, bf E«i Saltfifisa of A{W»». county ec^mtmAim T*e Witanl eo^*'.«K Albion, SW$*» •BH* "»s- J ley wlft It* reprwi«il*d. t

liilil been glvon work.

«Thero an> und«r costtwcl now 1ft, tne saperviinng architect's of-flee, Treasury BopartBient, 4&1

•filS>iwt* and in other governmental arciitc^tofal offices nbont i t # B««i«ct4? ©v«k ttportek «fa-M item «r» *31- Should th*nbi»hctt of jteraorw who were given more or less employment as the direct result of, thtwo projects bo carried bai'k to the ntltl^.iha njine* W<t lt»y production at *»w iftst#j»fe of every Wnd coaaidered, ft wonftl fm virtoallr impOBSiftlo to estimate th« swat bencflt that has aeeruotf to M otir people becninse of U»t» UBtldlnf program."

Nov? tuM fab, M—Rnth NieUols, soclftty aviatrix, today ftow Claionco ehambertui's: Flying Pnranco to a now tvlt|tnde record, on tho basis of an unofficial read-'lug of tho altlmotor. When; Kim landed, it registered 21,800 fw% whlio Clinnborlin's officlnl reconi for the Dlosol motored craft was 19.383 feet.

M(s« Nichols took off at 4:15 p. m. trom iPloyd Bonuett airport and landed an hour and one minute Inter after on exciting « W .

She encount'ored temperatures of iltteen degrees below aero, she eald, (s»i|*«*?2OiQO0 feet two of her »Jtntf«t» M«w out- At that height too> sh« •**# forcsit te UTO hoc osy-gen Tattle.

In addition to tho scaled bare-graph, which wus taken from tho plnno at once to bo sent to Wwh> Ington for official caltbratloo, HUH Nichols hail threo uMhieter*, tyfb of which wem oat of eomnjUmtoH

, . i . , . g . . . i , i ifnii l i . i ,iii.. ,«i'w.iiin»i I «

Violates Pafole; ' it'' • *ni ••

In rnson Albany^S. Y., Feb. 18.«~Owney

Mauden, wealthy New York, night club operate^ ordered returned to Sing 8lng prfcion for violation of a, jtatfll^, WW h**» a Iwnring

;.kr*r# %U $l*to- 9o«al- # P«*«l« on Mftpch to *1» bes*a: Mujotjsc o<l today. J^itfden, atrented teat night fit New ?<jrk, was ordered returned to Slftp 8in c In co'totly of f»rele slfliart.

Mftt^en went t« mntt 8$osr In lUlt after fc#tfj co»vlet«d (rf tlio slaying &f P«Uy Koylo fo it Now York &**wL Ha «•«» rejfwsd fh lKl!} ttodor jrarofe. tt Madden la not giv-fln further cc*fj|u'ernUon by thft boarf he m«a* *erve until 1535,

in tho oflfiw atmosplierc. Tho mt-oftlglttl reading wns tn&on from tho third,

OesijUo her olppled engine and tho-iwfc that sho hud no biakw, 8ho KflMO a porfoct landing J

'H»yUnofficial rending was gient-•-it than that of ChumUorim after W* jurats and It was iieiiovmi the 0^lo|4f««tteWlOI» would oitaHlah tito ,ii»W *g«i_rd for plwioi »r ihii typo, '<,-r;. ^

It wja also (Uiuonnjced that tho two Japauqw divisions av'fe topten soutotl In ttoop strength at SJwng> hal and totaj foicpa them ^or6; loprcisented as about i y a o nwn, Thoy aio ltuslwlBft,ln tl\S 5th fe,«(X

'•Snettaelifav ' ,*t^voloporoenti»," IncHulinis th^ es.ta.WJth.MMit of ftn \ntto{)ondout »tnt'o * 111 * Mtanctartn, wast nuth'iflutGil trtjl&n^a tl,»paiu oao. l^owa Agency ili^niitahea fioa\ Chaugohun.

Tho utoa'jagiOH atttrt that CHtlnMa loadovs In Manchuria waro aHsQta* bllnK at Mukden tov the- Dxirvona of arenngtug Hunt diXftlh «f tho form.rtlow of « now Uuleuendont, state.

Heavy Snow Keeps Smith Out |51?in»rc^ N. D., P^b, M*~Bth

cau9o Usiavy rnmv* UtecKod pi^h'lo roadu, former Qovowor MfwA 15. Swjtth of %wf Vork >vW not tie. enter«d. ft^t a ^tnoorntfo pr«id»n* tisl cantlWnt* \\\ Sotth B*Kot*S

Vfhon tho ttpis-for AJhijr of can-tHdnle* «*-plF«t\ at <Hia«lu;M Bai* fcrtoyV B«tltloiw |0r< Smith h«tt no| solved ftt tho neoiotoy tit suto'a bilieo ho»e. Vincent l*or« RUIOil hatl left Mlnott'iaft Wllw away, oarilpv In the tlay >v\th the potltton*, hut drifted *OM!X pro-vented W* <ttrW»l en iitoie.

i.U'JMWiJ»ll»t'""" - w


Rar J|arhor, Mo, Poh, 14—1 hr«n glrl#, ^10 da^S rn of Mr >nd afro. J«Stan 'l*racy, «oro burwui m «hflt»ft im'O ( tp whlth denlrnved the Tracy ^nta^at Wojt Kd"». a few nill&r trOm-hore.

Tho defldf Carolina, thtrteont IVfo r, omVbri» oad omdy». aovon year* old. l

Two other ohlldivo, Marcla, *IX* teen, KmfJulimt. six w«ro tnJMfliJ from theBlnsslng trolWlnftby WoyA Norwood, a neighbor.

The lire started to «rt OSWwtOf

Bisiiirsl Mrs. FuHer Wednesday

t ,irhe remain* OT Mr», 6««?g« C. fftlttri, )t«i. |.ydja ffw«HMW»«, fffitt arrive in Medina tV*«dn««d*y ijS*i(|njt md will be taken to the !#te#*is£ iter brdtlon Hart D. WloffiWWsS, 90* Wi$t Avenue. •ffc# fitherat w«» fete held W«d-

ndtdny a(ifin<K,n e§ 2:39. Tho I f c i f i i i^ l s O: Bfad/«rJ Witt of-# |6^, , . ,S«ri»l at Mt &«***«*,


Entertained 0as$ Mii» Marten Bogttt entertained

her Banday School Cl«« rtt her homo o n the By»n Road 8»tnnl»y «ft9rao«6, f h * «i*l# <liww maps »nd madi *, <*!«*« ftirfnty- refresh. Kent's were issrved, ,

0e^th Mrs* He$eyjai California itt Frftncs Mr»i Oeorfi* It, tlcdtey of Ihkv-

srly Ulllh OiUlorBia, *MH wWls visiting friends In Southern ProiKe, tho l«*t of Janttai^. Mrs. Hodtey formerly tlvatt In Msdltta Mid ha» m«ny frliftdit hore.

ms? rsr-a^ft

Utility Mr. and Sltfc llovrard W. Oayer, celebrated their goldea: weddinj? | *-. , anniversary 4t tfielf *ome Montoy. | Utility Class of the Mttttojtet, Cimter was serreil t e the temedl-! church will meet with Mr*. S^ *te family, covers being ttid for H w«w<i crooa f t her home 221Pant |

f r f^ ; at * t*M» de«oiate# l« gold and|Aven«e Weditesday P A , P » , ^ ^ centowiWith * #»t Of yellow i a.W p. t * ? # l r W«sW«fton a«d,

tft»p«a»aakiK**4mK«»**ot ,rbhe..; Liarcoln. A «Oed atte««*ft<!e «» ^ .

M l W «*er and L<fec°»t«d fii jrsho*-. 8ttriiH0.nnted! aire* . ... ^ .. f

. X d n a ^ S M t j a ^ M e by a tniiilstttm bride an* l^ooin.,;-, — — : •• ' j f » . » r ^ " - " ? ; y

^ y j a h d f * | At each end; *«fe yetio* candles i Button Were mametf « the

[ « W * f c « 2 . ^ y centfr » large *httfr weettog be*!

" a ^ P 1 * * * * • Wr* 1 *»« *w»P«a*e«- ^ a « * M » c ^ s


gf*nb*t» fiiuaty. atttlwslt&S'tffe • Bt«w}t»K: t i , f Mr* sit *,€r1».;.«$o t*ite »p ^mitmwtt f t p mtmn., teapetn&f .#^«r«- h«» ":fsMi». *Jf

ffetsws•& fiohte, L s « i p r « !ca<{-aslnted park conii»S«! otM5r, f«i-R6thn?«l«r, •towtntE th* mrithdtrprjii 0 . J»ek

WortJsy'lliinfe 0»h l f# i ( t t e i»a l

meat rottd, bat the fcevl Ed«» Oreeo. p«*ter of tb* Wltat S! K

LocSport. f««r cbildrf"

t S ! L * L 3 y J * « f t > „ « »go. Sit* » oiece of the or ; ^.re bom. two of *fcem s ^ « . " fiRlnal w e e « « i <»s» w w o» dis- >'ProiHE . G l » « r a n * • * * » - L e 3 , , " : i

' " ^ • S S S W I i "b*^ IBtaprtl'OiOTr « * *Ba*Wb+ B«ard9tey. Both of HglWnd.

daHy*" Migft* #».-.,. *«fl -he--do' « tei?**f'"*!fjW(» ,da'ly."

s..- .far : * » * i^r' 'iteetits «f"' Shitighsi ore ««iifttis*ii^ dlo.ri -i' JhTpriWHit «m«r«K»ey.

Whtn- th* ^M^HNt»<>»*' h''iV"; tilitle*' b«s«B - a p « :ffcr»» w**fcJ'j sjro UM K:otit« H»tt- Jsojong. ••&••; first to voiontiwr t**Jr scr-. • « , i„. the S I ^ K ^ i * « f t t l l t « * <"-'!»'!

£inc« tfctr. t*f>%»V« !«««-1. «.?']

^ « W K04 orderiie.. WS<I 4o l8g; l gfe' #gfrel" doty, Thoy 1un>ir*fo* mkt*ti let ifcc reitrf of •wftorinai'-

^ ' . ' ^ toerf Seem:. t«»nc« « $ » ; '•*<iff ft* 3«9 fo>» .*• oni«SW#.-'! . ***tclt a» It inci-des 2ft :fi«tf#i|t; «JrtB«. , TJ*» JS AmeHcM ««i i tf ' : # t ^ t e the m i ^ . - ' f ,ac««l|ij% JNiog «&nc«Bli»tcd' («. tfe* Um' #|#.--8af^iosE wbctQ th#y , . «^ "mmmit *feit Bvins .i«*rt«i*

fhh Mtt^ot the Slate

Fgtiiotte_ Program A patrtotie nregram Kjllf fee

££f¥$*i at Uto ««** of #«fi}0ttt# R*hjjt»h Loeh^i W«dlt«l48y-'*««£• tuf, tnelu<lfhi 8 o«f»*«| jl*jrt

tm4«f the dlr««tfo« of K M . Attn* WWttlofon. fkfreAmontd ^Bt 6 f «W«d^


or rat which Mmr, Ttaey WW* he^V IUK on the stove |u MiftfattiUoa for fryfitfc daughmua f lxt UWUIIIK tlatifd (low to nit p«vtiv»" tl«> mM kitchou, Ht(U'$l»4- fltes^ v» «P*y , sidsi.' ••.-, .'•''-'

t h o ftttiiar ot the fumttei who «TKt WiSfitti?. -WflOa With N'OrMOOtl oittsW* thtl il^Moom lieraci th«h« Cit Intoiijo Wt«hf« <wt U«*lt*c<l hi t %lfo'tT«ro«lh Wie ll«H»}03. whlto fforwood, emwllflff on his handi Mtl 1?iteo8i »«c«od Mm da> and ioJIatt from tho J«n«r rooitt,

Tho othfif three girls. trtftWoi|Crf by the esplosiou, tied to ttti \v\< mkbP&TMW? W t 0? tlW »ttBCS tore, from wltfcli It was Jpmswli»lo-to reactto tharft.

Death Mt§k Johnson, East Shelby

MJ* -fttilfct l»ttn«m, «hti»w- i}'-fho 1«to &org8 Jfoims n of trast Shelby, dM la » iwrfalo U%Ml 8atiird# maniiiig' a«et| it jiat'a, 8h* hi (CttrVlveatt by otio jon, SJim*1* foftiaoitt. frt* Kmeitai wii* htlrt to ftttnawtt ftojn tho- hotftcs bf R#* WWtfai, jyftft Chnrt« «i«,rj[Kfe 0i«i9e»ee «&#«* with bn*lat «« Mlft-vttte eoittetiSfe" K*v= U A, r**» ,l».«l fSStett.t»4-y,

Good ove»itt« eltltdreo fit th« "wee" corner? Haw diet you get ttiaitX with th» puajil^ tost tti^lit'i Well here ft i s RS ft shottltl look; wSott completed.

' » I N T ? 0 4 s r % » A I S Y C A R R Y W I N D Y t

Thrra yoB: are;* The pfa«0 *hcr« 0«r niltk co;ti«-4 from is t!w KA111Y W».w*ti thai ft »i«ipte one? Ilore fat * story *^08£ a r«%e c«llei»"

Shattihai, Feh, «f*U$&«- - 6by;-f^'.«&«i%liiE s»rvl"s « « » * « ^ | of " f ^ o ^ - g ^ f i d ^ - M ^ . t t i n d 'wr{f* ^«P*»'to» ft03o*«<.:. , Scant amtte wijhii-'*1:jp(»i.- iara: i ' f^-««,W--« t e*^V'- e t e ( ! f c ! I S?,^"i: <* •«!* *•*•«*«»«* «*»*''i«W* ».«»,;' A n ' »W«M*6i««d-'«os» # s s bun ;

d M Friday Bight Ift #gjb««ter. :if»- w«» 75, - fe;:-

:.-F»» dMtroy#i|*'|b>|j§'-;^itn on,

t}w 'Tho«a» W « 4 l l > ; i i l ^ ; -town-of .Benton. nec»»tty pttrctiMM4 by

;MWP*rted. , ; • ; . ; ; - ' . j ^ •In Cfiur-ty CoBjrfe In Kodftpcr a

.*13S fjw htfra* s « i i f « i : l # f e she Juorje- awarded- M*rM*» B»Mty» 15' WMt gCvcn » perOMU* !*- «Mtt«- In.

;%,itioty shop. .

,!f«d .fe*««i |fj>«l. to, ft. garden ttft. ..«t^aft ftftcj^fr it* ealofr was *to% -••• U4&i.«l##2. Ostly. It r«are4;jt#., fcf.rl B l i f # ; # * t It wlmfti'iiffr ««#,,-, "c- f,?» ^Jigfief, p.,MC«t it fty« s -••-? * »*M«(HiS- lit * ' • Vbfo, .--.-•f-ftfeor «8?.ft» tfecp rnt. ffWfl#» ''6«''£l|jWiiJifc>'''

-t S*f#,'"«iifJrtii»' ti>7 - hoighi« »*<i

Hmht* «mflt.: 1 am iiisfo«t»*. '•.r.,", 4*U «|ir »«te. ao* .f«t*f <*»•

j , . • • !TO * "PS?; s*H^, ' ( ^ ^ ' > ^f1 T^W" *<^

. 3ToT * IflttU- t t e l 4h* f«c# «t thA

Bow # « Stos» lotsK tt for a? *r«tl' wfth- t^t>, ti)Sfi of w&*m<

**»• #f- MfcHttiHl," m«wwnJjr «iid tit# i | t e . "mi ytwtiuwntit

'Dtaniriit th»l««f«t|«fr hut | ssn n»vw ttotfeed," «)*{# ft» fto*>. "tft«r thi«k tt*l 1 a«t; fif-aaMW, t wMH I rotifer w»f#, M rone* «tt *-IJIW-t«l -t» *# ffc«jrmto«f.'*

'%«. »r* ft««»tttul« ftfftt i'Hf»K (t iae Si» ott* *&#! *ft pl'-'fc JR*1 t » to stse i«»' fe^tity, »ft(* n&i f*ty that, y t» f«« i$m wori'T f?«ft 3ffo»y tofty h ^ P ^ - t N l * me^lr .tr«*sv along tft» imff$

"itavo ' ro i r**^ ,^1* '** w * ftom «Bo?«f, ;:" 'ht

•'Sevch.'1' »*Mi'ifc# S w t , "X f»* i*m ,tw»h «B tee> **«^ imm, **» 'tNt'Hty «hot« *r»W*

*Te« tfi*f* «H fw twot'^r rttt* •,|re». cfeo^afef

At»VT Mt>tJ,Y
