i street i spring wai i i stock sale - library of...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD SUNDAY MARCH 15 1908 2 r H Miss Marjorie Colton Honored by Selection for Queen of Car nival at Manila Col Colin Campbell and Mrs i Campbell to Visit Mrs Leiter THE WEEK IN SOCIETY I I ¬ ROM faraway Manila comes the story of the huge social success of Miss Marjorie Colton dough- ier of Col Francis Colton who left hero early in the autumn with Socrc tary Taf and Ms party After the return of the Taft party Miss Colton remained in the Orient with her brother Col George Colton who Its ofll cial business Miss Colton Is do voted to her stEer formerly Miss Daisy Colton marriage to Ileut Archibald Davis was a nuptial event of the fall and was disappointed not to Le able to attend the wedding Her stay In Manila however has been filled with pleasure from beginning to ond Now the crowning happiness of all lias come to this attractive and popular young woman who has been choton queen of the carnival in Manila Mist Colton will return hero some time this spring The stately old colonial mansion for years the home of Gen Robert E Lee and his family has staged a pretty romance which began some years ago when Miss Myrtle Lola Magoon and Mr Joseph L Rhoades were children Their respective families lived in the mansion at Arlington TIM father of the girl was superintendent of Arlington Cemetery The father of the boy was superintendent of national cemeteries The childhood attachment grew into something stronger as the young people grew Last Wednesday the young man twentyone years of age and the girl Twenty years old ran away and were mwrte at St Pauls Episcopal Church Washington Circle There was no family objection to the match only a desire that they should wait until they were older They took the matter in their own hands however and were quietly married The only person in whom they confided their plans was Gov Magoon of Cuba When he sailed away for the South last Saturday he carried with him the secret told him by his niece to whom ha gavo a wedding gift at parting which the family considered simply a farewell Col Colin Campbell one of the three British subjects to marry one of Mrs L Z LieUrs three daughters is return- ing with his wife to visit Mrs Letter They wilt arrive the first week April and will spendS some time Mrs Campbell was married a few weeks heron her sister Miss Daisy Letter be- came the Countess of Suffolk Mrs Loiter wtU not go abroad tiis summer as usual She has takea a cot- tage at ManchesterbytheSea the Head t state and will there peas thft warm month The younger set of the diplomatic circle has ben further recruited this pa t week by tilt arrival Of Prince Vincent Win uischGrartz who arrived here morning to assume his duties at Embassy The prince is young and goodlooking resembling somewhat the photographs of hc Duke of Marlborough That he will be an agreeable acquisition to Capital society goes without saying H will not be a marriageable party for the American girl Heir of an old media tized family he is debarred from marry- ing any woman not belonging to another mediatized or former sovereign MUM or to some princess of the present reigning dynasties or else some member of the grande noblesse Until Napoleon wept away their petty sovereignty along with the Holy Roman Empire the family of the Wtmlisch Graetz had a coinage of their own money still being extant with the family coat of arms upon It Prince Otto WlndlschGraetz is married to Archduchess Elizabeth of Austria granddaughter of Emperor Prartcte Jo- seph and only child Of the illfated Prince Rudolph Innumerable intermarriages with royal ty the family has to its credit along with some less exalted but more romantic unions such ag the marriage of one of the younger sons with the danseuse Marie Taglioni who was permitted to have the title and rank of her husband who was a younger son and cadet They were never received at court nor by the family By all of which It will plainly seen that the matrimonial aspirations usually ascribed to goodlooking titled young foreigners who come to these shores can not be Imputed in this instance The princes arrival completed tho personnel of the AustroHungarlan Embassy which can poast a full quota of secretaries and attaches all young men popular in Capi- tal society Bridge which line nourished all winter- to the demoralization of tile pockets and nerves of ninny devotees still continues extremely pOpuar and serves to lighten the Lenten calm which otherwise might weigh heavily The American game of poker vhlch strange to say the of the diplo- matic corps take to with the utmost avidity has become passe and every- where tho bridge table Is tho rage For- eigners tut well as Americans are play- Ing it It IB whispered that Baroness Monchour the pretty American wife of the Belgian Minister has bad such a strenuous win ter at the bridge table that she has to seek r st and recuperation at Old Point Comfort where she has boon for the last week If bridge still holds Its own It had a close rival in riding As the days become longer and warmer and the spring calls to the open equestrianism will become more and more a popular pastime with the leisure class The President and Mrs Roosevelt who never miss a thence of getting in the saddle are riding now every day they can get away An Interesting little story Is told of a ride they wok the other day Proceeding along the Conduit road the saddle girth of Mrs Roosevelts horse The President dismounted and fried to fix it It was Impossible to do so how- ever without a bit of leather So the President called to a small boy In the road and asked him If ho know who could help The boy volunteered The President wanted to know If he was not too small Tho boy proudly affirmed ills ability to fetch a strap which he did As the work of mending the break was in progress the President learned from the small the name of his father how ninny bothers and sisters the youngster had and what their names were A days later a package arrived at the hwmo f the boy It contained a book I there Com- mand r htre I Thurs- day be- Au troHunganan be memb rs anyone ho f w whose keep- sake I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > for each child with the autograph of the President on the title page Tile hero of the story found this written in his book In memory of the rawhide strap Theo doro Roosevelt No pBoudej boy walks the roads round the Capital now than this youngster who helped a President of the United States fasten the saddle girth of the First Lady In tho Land v Among those who are great riders are Mrs Carter wife of Senator Carter of Montana and their sons who are students- at Georgetown They guest Miss Tower who also halls the vest Riding out toward the city limits yester- day she made an attractive picture In her corduroy riding habit with divided skirt She rides astride according to the West- ern fashion Perched on her head was a jaunty soft slouch lint tilted up In front giving her quite Use air of a feminized cowboy Morgan Shustor who Is a mem- ber of the Philippine Commission and sec rotary of public Instruction for time Phil- ippine Islands arrived in San Francisco yesterday and will come direct to Wash- ington to join his wife and child who have been here for some time the guests Of Mr Shunters parents Mr and Mrs W M Shuster ENGA Mr antI Mrs Richard J Beau Jr an- nounce the engagement of the tetters sister Miss Prances Bainbridge Conrad- to Mr Milton Amory Hudson of New York The marriage will tako place in the near future and will be very quiet Miss Conrad is the youngest daughter of the late Capt and Mrs Thomas Nel- son Conrad Miss Lacey Stuart Johnston daughter of Mrs S Lacey Johnston and niece of Mr and Mrs Anderson B Jacey will be married to Mr Preston William- son Smith of Portland Oreg on April 22 Mr Smith Is a son of the late Mr Preston Smith who was prominently Identified with Oregon a nephew of Son ator and a grandson of Joseph Smith of Portland former Congressman- and district attorney Col J L McGee of Rlverilale Md announces the engagement o his Lois to D H Yant jr of Fairview W Va The wedding will take place at the Hyattsvllte Episcopal Church Friday the Rev Robert E Browning assistant rector of the ProCathedral otftciatlng ENTERTAINMENTS Every one In society and out of it was at the British Embassy last Wednesday night The Ambassador and Mrs Bryce gave a large oldfashioned eruea About 100 people were entertained The embassy ballroom and two drawing rooms wore thronged throughout the evening The Ambaseador and Mrs Bryce have entertained but moderately since their ar- rival here What entertainments they given have taken the form of din- ners with the exception of their fret of flcial reception and Mrs Bryces at hontee Mme Mehmeti wif of Mehmed Alt Boy the Turkish Minister who has be come quite the rage with the women of the diplomatic corps since the Baroness Mayor set the fashion of inviting the lady from the far East to ton devoid of men in deference to the Oriental custom was entertained yesterday Mme Nabuco wife of the Brazilian Ambassador wee her hostess She varied the form of oniertatmnent giving a luncheon instead of a tea and had her two predecessors as hostesses the wives of the Italian and the French Ambassa- dors both present at the lunch The Secretary of State and Mrs Root entertained a box party at the National Theater Friday evening to see E3ea or- Robsoo as Satomy Jane In the party were the Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs Robert Bacon Mrs Root was gowned in Liberty satin of a pale shade of blue made Jumper style with corsage and sleeves of lace Mrs Bacon wore gray chiffon satin with point ppl ni yoke and sleeves and sur- plice bands over the shoulders of gold lace The Solicitor General and Mrs Hoyt were also in the audience the latter gowned m black chUXon and filet lace trimmed with motifs of black velvet Mr and Mrs Arthur Lee were present the latter gowned In dark blue chiffon satin and lace Mr Paul Patterson entertained a box party of ladles among them Mrs Breese Stevens who was gowned in pink chiffon satin with which she a picture hat of pink chiffon trimmed with plumes to match Mrs Joseph Crawfordand her daughter Miss Caryl Crawford were In the au- dience Mrs Crawford wore white lace and Miss Crawford pale blue crepe de chine trimmed with lace The Brazilian Ambassador and Mme Nabuco will entertain informally at dinner tonight according to their Usual Sunday custom Prof and Mrs Gallwudet will entertain- at dinner next Friday complimentary to the new pastor of the of the Cove- nant and Mrs Wood Paymaster General and Mrs Harris entertained a company at dinner last evening Their guests were the Minis- ter from Cuba and Mme Quesada and Rear Admiral and Mrs Leutze Mrs James Henry Moser and her re- cently marrieddaughter Mrs James Mil- ton will receive their friends Wedding Gifts of Known Quality will find in numerable gift suggestions in our large and selected Diamonds and Gems Artistic Jewellery Sterling Sil venvafe Rich c Inspection implies no obligation- to purchase GALT BRO Established Over a Century Jewellers Silversmiths Stationers 1107 Penna Ave Mr Grover daugh- ter have a yester- day had rich- ly F th rolf THOSE interested in approach stocksof front W GEMENTS WEDDINGS wore kurch ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Informally Tuolsday afternoon March 17 at the roaldane of Mrs Moser 1112 G street Cards have been issued by the Merry- makers for their St Patricks lance Tuesday evening at S30 at tho National Rfiles Armory rue Evening of Sung und Story to be given Tuesday evening March 17 at SaS In tim ballroom of the Now WlHnrd for the benefit of homeless waifs will include such talent as Mr Milton W Lusk one of the authors of Tho Prince of Parches Mr and Mrs S Anthony Savage of Boston Mrs Charles Good win Bennett of Now York Mrs X Olin Leech Miss Adelaide Slack Master Ros- well E Boothby Miss Joan Wilson all of Washington and Philip Loo Scantling Tills entertainment will make a pleasing finale to the week of meetings of tho Mothers Congress Miss Wilsons selec tions will portray the pathetic us well as the humorous sides of and Mrs Bennett will sing a group of Irish songs appropriate to Su Patricks Day Master Boothby one of the sweetest voices ever heard In tills city and will sing it charming bird song The ladles of board of visitors of Columbia Hospital will give an afternoon ton with music and candy sale at the residence of Mrs Cheater and Mrs Fitch 17W and 1796 K streeet northwest on Sat urday March 21 from 4 to Gao This tee Is for the purpose of replenishing the linen and other necessities required for the patients and If possible for adding some comfort to the homo of that hospital the only one In Washington exclusively for women The first spring meeting of the Mount Holyoke Alumnae Association was held at tho home of Mrs White of Unirersity place The guest of the afternoon Mrs Wallace Radcliffe gave a charming paper on Birds In literature The eleventh anniversary of the forma- tion of the Merrymakers Club will celebrated by them on St Patricks night Tuesday March 17 when they will give a big dance at National Rifles Hall Be sides dancing there will be special features for Abe occasion one of which will be the presence of the Twentieth Century Entertainers who will be intro- duced in songs and a grand cake walk The committee in charge vconstets of Mr H E chairman assisted by Messrs J WUUaiiiB and C E Engte Catholic Conversation Circle met Thursday evening at the home of the president Mrs Harry Coope 7C3 Eleventh street northwest Miss Prank Connelly was director for the evening and chose for her subject Passion Sunday and Ash Wednesday giving a brief history of the origin and devotions of each She then requested from the members m turn a paragraph on Ask Wednesday from the Catholic Sncycto- podfeu L Bernie Caliber presented the circle with six large photographs her own work of two latextors of St Patrick Church on Easter Sunday and Palm snowing the decorations and other religious subjects Miss Kathryn Kirby the secretary distributed the photographs for study purposes A vote of thanks was given to the donor Mrs Coope extended an invitation to public to attend a talk to be given at her home on Thursday evening March IS upon St Patrick by Mr Philip Gerry A general conversation then took place upon Catholic current events participated In by Mss Frank Connelly Miss Agnes Carroll Miss Kathryn Kirby Miss Grace Connelly Mrs Mary Yirta Miss Mary Schneider Miss Lohr Miss Alice Ron adds Miss Clue Dines and Mrs Coope The fourth of the WilsonGreene morn tag musicale which have been among the most popular and enjoyable concerts of the winter wilt take place in the ball room of the New WHined tomorrow moraine at 11 at Mme Corlnne RMer- Keisey a talented soprano will sing for the first time before a Washington audi- ence and just prior to her appearance in opera at Covent Garden London A well balanced and unusually good programme has been prepared Mr and Mrs 3 Goldsmith of Prince street Alexandria Va will be at home this evening from 7 to M oclock m honor of the engagement of their augitter Meryl and Mr Milton Kronhehw of this city The Ladles Auxiliary of the Eighth Street Temple will give a cWWreas mas- querade ball at Masonic Temple Wednes- day evening Mare 11 Handsome prizes will be awarded for the prettiest and the most original costumes Mr and Mrs Eugene Schwab wilt on tertata at dinner this evening compli- mentary to Mr David and Miss Geneva Herman whose engagement was recently announced er Mrs Isidore Kaufman yS Wolf and Mrs M Rosen Baltimore were at home on Tuesday afternoon at 6 G street south east They were assisted in receiving by Mrs A BrjrlawsM Mrs Joseph King Mrs Benjamin Held R B H Lyon Miss Amelia Wolf and 3Oss Tibbett Mr and Mrs Sol Meyer of the Ashley entertained at dinner on Tuesday evening Airs Ida WoW and Miss Edna Ball of Norfolk Miss Juliette Meyer Mr S W Meyer Mr Moss Eiseman Mr Robert Meyer and Mr Jerome Meyer The Octagon Pleasure Club gave a stag upper at the Mercantile Club on Wednesday evening in celebration of Its recent successful burlesque performan- cer Henry J Breslau the guest of honor who so ably coached the burlesquers was presented with a handsome monogram fob by the members Those present were Messrs Herbert J Rich Bernard Beer David Baer Maurice Eiseman Melville Fischer Stanley Fischer Milton Gold smith Lester Marx Alfred Haas Jacobi Milton King Melvin King Arthur Luchs Lester Nouman Arthur Neuman David Stern Stanley Lane burgh and Henry J Breslau Mrs Marx Kaufman Mrs Harry Kant man and Mrs Elliot Strauss of Balti more were hostesses at a delightful at home on Tuesday afternoon They haul with thorn Mrs Arthur Marks Mrs Hen ry Kaufman Mrs Benjamin Wollberg and Miss Irone Hollander Mrs Sam Rothschild entertained the Bridge Whist Club on Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Julius Peyser entertained on Thursday evening complimentary to their niece Miss Dora Garner of New- port News Va the guest of Miss Flor ence Gusdorf The guests present were Miss Myra Spandour of Norfolk Va Miss ECrraino Herman Miss Rena Fishel Miss Inez Silver Miss Natalie Mayer Miss Carrye Robinson Miss Gladys May er Miss Leona Hechinger Miss Camille Herman Miss Helene Stern Miss Leona Stern Miss Ernestine Rich Miss Rhoda Mantnor Miss Flora Ganss Miss Flor ence Gusdorf Miss Rita Baer Miss Ce- leste Goodman Miss Rhoda Walner Miss Marguerite Kaufman Miss Selma Kalm Miss Rena Fleischman Mr and Mrs Goldsmith SIgmund and Messrs Harold Price Leo Fishel Morris Simon Lester Marx Maurice Eiseman Lester Neuman Phil Herman Milford Stern David Stern Arthur Neuman Herbert Rich Alfred Stern Herbert Jacobi Edgar Kaufman Melville Fischer Alfred Haas David Baer Howard Sigmund Arthur Luchs Alvin Newmeyer Bert Celia Bernard human ltf has the numbs be Hunt The Sun- day the Roth bus ot Miss It O Mrs her- bert S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Beer Melville King Stanley Fischer Milton Goldsmith Lawronre Gassonheim or and Arthur Rosenberg Announcements are out for a dramatic recital of plantation songs and stories by Mrs Martha Glelow to take place at the residence of Mrs Augustus p Downing 1774 Massachusetts avenue Monday aft- ernoon March SJ at 4 oclock The Is for the benefit1 of the work of the Lutheran Industrial Educational Asso- ciation among the Illiterate Mrs Gle low is most popular in lair songs and stories of the Southland and great Inter- est is being manifested in the splendid work of her association for the mountain people The following ladies arc among her patrons Mrs Bryce Mrs James A Bayard Mrs Bankhead Mrs Alexander S Clay Mrs George Dewey Mrs Rich- mond Pearson Hobson Ira Joseph John- ston Mrs THltrmn Mrs Robert L Owen Mrs Thomas H Paynter Mrs Murray Addison Mrs Randolph H McKhn Mrs Augustus C Downing Mrs William Wil son FInlcy Mrs H C Bollon Mr Charles M Ffoulkc Mrs E K Golds borough Mrs Monte Griffith Mrs George Huntington Hull Mrs Prank O Lowden Mrs Lincoln Mrs John R Logan Mrs Morchead Mrs B B Mason Mrs Will lam Belden Noble Mrs George M Pull- man Mrs Thomas Nelson Page Mrs Fannie Ricks Mrs G T Smallwood Mrs Seth Shepard Mrs Leigh Robinson and Mrs C David White This is tho third of the series of enter- tainments given under social patronage for the benefit of educational work among the mountain whites Mr Aators enter- tainment in New York City was followed by the recital in Baltimore given by Mrs auxiliary of the Southern Industrial Educational Association Following this entertainment on the 30th Mrs Gielow will give a recital in New York City for her New York auxiliary about April 7 The association has created widespread Interest in this work so vital and neces- sary PERSONALS Signor Mentagna counselor of Ital- ian Embassy who for tHo pest week has been in Boston and New York returned yesterday While in New York Signor Montagna reserved passage to Europe for early in May It is his intention to take leave of absence Miss Daisy Ptersoa daughter of Gen Plerson of New York arrived yesterday- in Washington to be the guest for a week of Miss Helen Ffoolke at her home in Massaehueetts avenue AltoS com- pleting her visit with Miss Ffoulke Miss Plerson will visit Mrs George Loihrop Bradley Jamie Sullivan whose father Brig OeD Tbomak a SuWvaa U S A retired former chief of the ComaUsbmry Department died last week at Fort Mon- roe is with Mai Gen and Mrs GOleispfe Mrs R C McBwta who has been vis- iting Mai Gsa and Mrs Glttespie has returned to her home m Saratoga N Y Mrs Clarence Edwards and Miss Bes- sie Edwards wife and daughter of Brig Gen Edwards left yester- day for Cubs whore U yjWfl spend several weeks Mrs Francis of New York vice president of the Empire State Chap- ter of the Daughters of the Revotatioa is af the New WWard te also Mrs Richard Jackson Barker of Providence vice president of the Rhode Island chap terM rs Kerfoote vice of the New Jersey chapter Is with her mother Mrs Jackson at her borne la H ftrset Dr and Mrs Ralph Jenkins are spend the month of March in FiorUa The Belgian Minister and the Baroaess Moncheur will return today frost Old Point Comfort where the baroness went the first of the week to etovm from the stress of the long soda season the Min- ister joining her later in the week Mrs Clarke and the Misses Cterke of Scranton Pa have taken aa apart- ment at StoneJeigh Court for the season Mr Hdward Clarke the son of the tam Uy is In Florida with Prince Henry de Croi of Belgium but will Join his laotber and sisters later Mr Blame Atkins and his bride who have been passing their honeymoon m Mexico and Cube passed through here the past week from New York on their way to W Va They had one day to give to Senator Btkins the young mans father Mrs Picbard of New York is visiting Mrs Samuel Falcon at her home in Slas- aacbusetts avenue Mrs Harriet Btaina BfeeJe hiss as her gut her sister Mrs Waiter DamroseJt Mrs Cameron and Miss Cameron have closed their home on Lafayette square and gone to their country place at Cam- den a c Gov and Mrs Hoggatt of Alaska nave taken apartments in the Highlands for a few weeks Maj and Mrs Downey have given up their apartments at the Oakland and are at the Highlands for the remainder of the season Mtes Ethel Robson is visiting her aunt Mrs Price In Philadelphia for a few weeks Mrs Matthew Scott of Chicago mother of Mrs Charles S Bromwcll is at the Shqreliam Hotel for a few days Mis Amy Hull who has been the guest or Senator and Mrs Isidor Rayner hjas returned to her home in Baltimore Mr and Mrs John E Reyburn arrived in Washington from Philadelphia Thurs day evening for a short stay Mrs George Barnctt of Baltimore for- merly Mrs Basil Cordon after passing a week with Senator and Mrs Rayner has returned to Baltimore In May she will sail for China to join Lieut Barnett at Pekln Mrs J C Pritchard of Asheville N C who has boon visiting her mother on 31 street will leave soon for Richmond to join her husband Judge Pritchard Miss James of New York is the guost of Miss Harriman In her home on Connecticut avenue Mrs Wood wlfo of tho pastor of the Church of the Covenant who has recent- ly been Installed was the guest compli- mentary to whom Miss Ida Thompson ontartalnod at luncheon Friday Mrs Smith wife of Representative Wal- ter I Smith of Iowa joined her husband at their apartment at the Portland yes- terday Mrs William A Hammond has given up her house in Jefferson place and is visiting friends until she goes North to spend the summer Mrs Berkeley Davids of Nortliport L of this city who has boon the guest of the Misses Earle in Baltimore has re turned to her home Mrs Lowden wife of Representative Frank O Lowden is at Atlantic City and will not receive until Monday March 33 Mrs Pullman who accompanied Mrs I re- cital I Giflow under the auspices of the Vas Terry as PHalli at inK BUd I formerly Miss Emily the Mary- land Miss M City T1llinutnEarIe ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 931 F Street WAI i New Spring j At Removal Sale PricesO- ur entire line of Waists must be closed out at once pre- vious to removal to our new store 11151117 F st next to Huylers Stylish new Alantailored Shirt Waists in dainty white lawn just received made with long sleeves open in treat one broad tuck and two narrow tucks Sold for 5360 RmoVal Salo price Extremely retching styles in new Madras Shirt Waists in white and strip effects Sold for 45t Removal JJ price f Beautiful new White Lawn Shirt Waists allover tucked back and front accordionplaited ruffle down front S pearl buttons Sold for 500 Removal Sale price Dainty new White French Batiste Waists aae tucked yoke t with wash jabot edged with Valenciennes lace Sold for- M Removal Sale price i Handsome Net and Lace Waists in cern awT white Sold for 730 and JSO Removal Sale price One lot of Fine Silk Waists in navy red green brown and black Sold for S0 and 4799 Removal Sale price Two elegant Imported Net Dresses French model sizes 84 and 36 Sold for J3o Removal Sale price I Stylish Q2 50 00 I tilf3 0 4 50 net c fits 50 0 I 4 00 1P i Q 18 00 iP coo 1 plain P S ¬ Lowden to New York early in the week has returned to her apartment at the Arlington Lieut and Mrs Dallam whose marriage took place in New York Shrove Tuesday wilt spend today in Washington en route South The young couple have been ox entertained since their marriage and Friday evening Gsa and Mrs Fred ertek Dent Grant save a large reception at Governors Island complimentary to them Mrs Tuckerman of H street entertain- ed at dinner teat evening The German Ambassador and BaroiMMt von Sternborg have returned to the Em- bassy from Cubs where they have spent several weetes The Japanese Ambassador hi again at the Embassy in this city after a visit to New York where be wee extensively en Mr and Mrs Thomas Nelson ConcftA have returned from an extended trip to New Orleans other cities and are melting their home with Miss ConnuT mother la F street Mrs Andrew Y Bradley accompanied- by her mother Mrs Kellogg lies re- turned to Washington after spwMlmg tIM winter at Wernersville Pa At eat they are at Richmond but ex- pect to take possession of their house m I street which bee hess occupied Alexander Shepherd during the winter m a short time Mr Bradley to- ha Canada but wilt join his wife fa rev days Mrs Ptoebet left WnsMagtttt for a trip to Cube where sits expects to re- main until ttte eC ttte month Mrs J Vaa Veeaten Okeett hac to spending a few days New York Mrs Charles J who has been the guest of her aanwlaw and daughter Mr and Min Jvttan Rtptey m New Yerk has returned to her home hi Connecticut avenue t The Attorney General and Mrs Bona- parte after spending the week in Wash legion returned to Baltimore Friday They expect to open their country place at Buena about May L Miss Jones of North Cantata who has been the guest of irflss nee Bell left Washington yesterday to visit friends m Virginia before rsturateg to her borne Miss Jennie Spaum k vMtiag her pa- rents at Utagbamton N Y Dr Thomas V Hammsnd of H street soiled front New York for Cuba Satur- day to be goae two weeks Mr and Mrs Ts7 Kyle of Gadodca Abu sad their son R G Kyle a studeat at Tome Institute Port Dsportt urn house guests of Mr and Mrs 1 D Young 137 3 street northwest Mrs Al SigminNl of Ute AshUy left Tuesday evening for Norfolk Ya for a two weeks visit Miss Ball of Norfolk Vs s the guest of Miss Juliette Meyer Mr Morris SJnsaimer has returned from a short visit to New York Mr L Gumbincr of New York was a recent visitor to the city Mrs Adolph Kahn of the Ontario heaves for New York today where will remain until Thursday as st- ol the Council of Jewish Women Mrs Sol Meyer of the Ashley will be Fridays In March Mr and Mrs R B H Lyon re- turned from a visit to Atlantic City Mr and Mrs Samuel Rothschild gave a dinner alt Wednesday evening In honor of Miss Geneva Herman and Mr David Rothschild Mrs J Steiner of L street is visiting- in New York the guest of her daughter Mrs A K Loon Mrs Max Cohea left yesterday for Sa- vannah Ga where she will be the guest of her daughter Mrs Siegfried Fantl Mrs A Moses of Baltimore was a re- cent guest of Mr and Mrs Simon Kann Miss Lottie Krauskopl of Westminster place has as her guest Mrs Charles Ehr lieu of Now York Miss Stolla Sackarman of Mrs S Bonsinger will return to Balti- more tomorrow Mrs L Schwab is visiting in Now York tho gueSt of her daughter Mrs Albert Strauss Mrs Theresa Cohen of Baltimore is the guest of relatives in the city Miss IJIorence Jacobs of Richmond Va the guest of sIrs E A Stiebel left for Baltimore yesterday but will return to the city after a short stay Mrs Mayer Rosonbush of Baltimore is the guest of her mother Mrs S Bleber of 630 G street southeast Among the prominent people In attend- ance at the lecture given by Mrs Albert Chaffee yesterday afternoon in the ball room of the Shqroham were Mrs H B F Macfarland airs P Lee Phillips Miss tel and the Y- In and her this city after in Dell Vista lfL site Ute athome have the suost pros a has re- turned home In Edna ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Janet Richards Mrs M Murray Mrs Martin Knapp Miss Emery and Rev A JJ Turner Miss Irma Stern guest of Balti more friends Mr and Mrs Albert Kafka have re turned from a visit to Atlantic City Mrs A L Spandour ant Miss Myra of Norfolk Va are the guests of Mrs Peyjfer of U street BarehfeU of the Connec- ticut has as her guests Mrs George Btosq Mrs Btecabeth YeW Mrs J P Holmes and Fred Rohrkvite sf P Levy has returned to her home m New York after a delightful visit to Mrs Arthur Baqmsartoa of Avon Mr A D Prince lad Mr aad Mrs Sid MtK Ross WHines f Philadelphia Kpsteta left Wednesday for a visit to Baltimore Md Mrs Jutta Laths is the guest of reia ALEXANDRIA- Mrs William A Sawot jr to the gaeat of her sister Mrs Jama Bowaxd Gee bsU la SofloBt Va Miss Dana Stratton has retnraed to heir bom m thIs city from a visit to friends m Lfacbburg Mrs Mathew Kersey is vMtnuj her daughter Mrs C D Wood m Oxbsctoa O s CInwIotte Bhtekbora left here oa- Fraiay the Forest Qhn Md wken ska be tile guest af Mau TTIeanor Pratt Miss Lucy Douglas is the guest of friends m Warreatoa Va Mrs Honey Green left for Brooklyn on W iiusoHay she wffi max aa extended visit to ratadv Mrs William Herbert has as aer her danaiiter Mrs George Breoha of Mors towa W V Mr and Mrs E F Tfcer haw returaed from their boneymooa which was spent fat Jacksonville and St Angusttae Pin Mr and Mrs K GoUamith wm be at home tins eveatag from S aatil si oclock in bonor of tao anBULmuul their aaugiiter Myrle to Mr Miltoa Kroa- aomt of Washington D C Miss Kate Wbitebead has returned to her home in Worcester Mass after spending tovtral weeks wita her nephew Mr PF Gorman ta this efcy Miss EdIth Rameay was a weekend gnest of the Misses Paticrsoa m Balti- more test week Mr and Mrs George Gcurr Henry have returned to Merristowa N J Vter a weeks stay with Mrs Henrys steter Mrs Wttmua J Beotbe Jr Rev sad Mrs James Bomve are the guests of Mr and Mrs Albert Doyle Brocket m North Wasfetagtea street Mrs Greene of Zanesvllte oWe is visiting Mrs William D Greene m North Washington street Mrs Marshall McDonald has gone to BerryviHe Va where she was eaUed by tile illness of her mother Mrs McCor stick Miss Fraakie Taunt of Culpeper V- is visiting Mrs T C Smith Mr aad Mrs Jofea A Marabatt left here Prissy for Atlantic CIty and Phaadeiphia Miss Cora Cochran entertained a num- ber of friends on Monday evening at cards J Continued on Page 3 Column 3 Those Carriages For any occasion can obtain same at must reasonable rates of Downeys Stables K30 L st Thoroughly highclass service I Mrs For kfr Spa Mrs Mrs Mrs s the ney Piidsy fer a stay wile bees the of Mrs landers Uvea In Ie w t ef I Ele ant I lathe Andrew Pkthar Stznnee loft weeks Atisatie fty has guest PIdClpkln where ward Desiring < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Snioot Coffer McCalley 1216 F St Phone M 725 A Splendid Stock of Dress Goods and Silks This store is becoming more and more tile Mecca of all who seek the latest and most dependable Dress Goods and Silks The new lines for spring and summer are emi- nently complete All the latest weft in Wool Dress Goods and Choice Silks are shown hi new- est patterns and most fashionable shades Prices are well within rea- son Splendid line of Lupins Voiles in new shades of brown blue tan navy Co- penhagen blue Heik gray cream white and blade priced from 1 to 2 yd The mannish suit ings are shown in neat stripes checks plaids and mixtures and are priced at from to 2 yd EoHeime a fashionable silk and wool dress a variety of choice shades such as white cream gray navy Copenhagen blue lavender c per yd 1 New Silks Complete line of spotproof in neat dots spots and fancy figures in brown Copenhagen blue tight blue navy c priced at 8oc and 1 yd The new Rough Pongees 24 inches wide in blue brown light blue pink ecru and gray per yd SI The popular Rajah and the new Mirage Silks in rose mulberry brown green re seda pearl helio tan and Wade special per yd 135 Smoot Coffer McCalley 1216 F Street ROOT 817 Eleventh Street Late with Invites Your Inspection- of Imported Models and Exclusive Designs in Pattern Hatsf- or the Spring and Summer 1908 On Wednesday March Eighteenth- E F DROOP SONS CO You may Sembrich Song Recital as often as you like when you have a VICTOR The Sembrich records are among th best and most artistic produc- tions issued by the Victor Com- pany HOUSE 923925 Penna Ave 1 I newest 1 goodsin I J N W G mca have TALKING MACHINE DROOPS r the r MUSIC ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ BUCKHEAD SPRINGS CHESTERFIELD COUNTY VIRGINIA Pure Light Soft Healing Packed Only in New Glass Seated at the Springs PRICE 350 CASE OF 12 HALF GALLON BOTTLES Fresh supply just received THE W S THOMPSON PHARMACY 703 Fifteenth Street N W FRANK C HENRY Proprietor Lithia I r a

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Miss Marjorie Colton Honored by Selection for Queen of Car

nival at Manila Col Colin Campbell and Mrs i

Campbell to Visit Mrs Leiter



ROM faraway Manila comes thestory of the huge social success

of Miss Marjorie Colton dough-

ier of Col Francis Colton who

left hero early in the autumn with Socrc

tary Taf and Ms partyAfter the return of the Taft party Miss

Colton remained in the Orient with herbrother Col George Colton who Its ofll

cial business Miss Colton Is do

voted to her stEer formerly Miss DaisyColton marriage to Ileut

Archibald Davis was a nuptialevent of the fall and was disappointednot to Le able to attend the wedding

Her stay In Manila however has beenfilled with pleasure from beginning to ondNow the crowning happiness of all liascome to this attractive and popular youngwoman who has been choton queen ofthe carnival in Manila

Mist Colton will return hero some timethis spring

The stately old colonial mansion foryears the home of Gen Robert E Lee andhis family has staged a pretty romancewhich began some years ago when MissMyrtle Lola Magoon and Mr Joseph LRhoades were children

Their respective families lived in themansion at Arlington TIM father of thegirl was superintendent of ArlingtonCemetery The father of the boy wassuperintendent of national cemeteries

The childhood attachment grew intosomething stronger as the young peoplegrew Last Wednesday the young mantwentyone years of age and the girlTwenty years old ran away and weremwrte at St Pauls Episcopal ChurchWashington Circle

There was no family objection to thematch only a desire that they shouldwait until they were older They tookthe matter in their own hands howeverand were quietly married

The only person in whom they confidedtheir plans was Gov Magoon of CubaWhen he sailed away for the South lastSaturday he carried with him the secrettold him by his niece to whom ha gavoa wedding gift at parting which thefamily considered simply a farewell

Col Colin Campbell one of the threeBritish subjects to marry one of MrsL Z LieUrs three daughters is return-ing with his wife to visit Mrs LetterThey wilt arrive the first week Apriland will spendS some time

Mrs Campbell was married a few weeksheron her sister Miss Daisy Letter be-came the Countess of Suffolk

Mrs Loiter wtU not go abroad tiissummer as usual She has takea a cot-tage at ManchesterbytheSea the Headt state and will there peas thft warmmonth

The younger set of the diplomatic circlehas ben further recruited this pa t weekby tilt arrival Of Prince Vincent WinuischGrartz who arrived here

morning to assume his duties atEmbassy

The prince is young and goodlookingresembling somewhat the photographs ofhc Duke of Marlborough That he will

be an agreeable acquisition to Capitalsociety goes without saying

H will not be a marriageable party forthe American girl Heir of an old mediatized family he is debarred from marry-ing any woman not belonging to anothermediatized or former sovereign MUM orto some princess of the present reigningdynasties or else some member of thegrande noblesse

Until Napoleon wept away their pettysovereignty along with the Holy RomanEmpire the family of the WtmlischGraetz had a coinage of their own moneystill being extant with the family coat ofarms upon It

Prince Otto WlndlschGraetz is marriedto Archduchess Elizabeth of Austriagranddaughter of Emperor Prartcte Jo-seph and only child Of the illfatedPrince Rudolph

Innumerable intermarriages with royalty the family has to its credit along withsome less exalted but more romanticunions such ag the marriage of one ofthe younger sons with the danseuseMarie Taglioni who was permitted tohave the title and rank of her husbandwho was a younger son and cadet Theywere never received at court nor by thefamily

By all of which It will plainly seenthat the matrimonial aspirations usuallyascribed to goodlooking titled youngforeigners who come to these shores cannot be Imputed in this instance Theprinces arrival completed tho personnelof the AustroHungarlan Embassy whichcan poast a full quota of secretaries andattaches all young men popular in Capi-tal society

Bridge which line nourished all winter-to the demoralization of tile pockets andnerves of ninny devotees still continuesextremely pOpuar and serves to lightenthe Lenten calm which otherwise mightweigh heavily

The American game of poker vhlchstrange to say the of the diplo-matic corps take to with the utmostavidity has become passe and every-where tho bridge table Is tho rage For-eigners tut well as Americans are play-Ing it

It IB whispered that Baroness Monchourthe pretty American wife of the BelgianMinister has bad such a strenuous winter at the bridge table that she has toseek r st and recuperation at Old PointComfort where she has boon for the lastweek

If bridge still holds Its own It had aclose rival in riding As the days becomelonger and warmer and the spring callsto the open equestrianism will becomemore and more a popular pastime withthe leisure class

The President and Mrs Roosevelt whonever miss a thence of getting in thesaddle are riding now every day theycan get away

An Interesting little story Is told of aride they wok the other day Proceedingalong the Conduit road the saddle girthof Mrs Roosevelts horse ThePresident dismounted and fried to fixit It was Impossible to do so how-ever without a bit of leather So thePresident called to a small boy In theroad and asked him If ho knowwho could help The boy volunteeredThe President wanted to know If he wasnot too small Tho boy proudly affirmedills ability to fetch a strap which he did

As the work of mending the break wasin progress the President learned fromthe small the name of his father howninny bothers and sisters the youngsterhad and what their names were

A days later a package arrived atthe hwmo f the boy It contained a book




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Thurs-day be-Au troHunganan


memb rs



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for each child with the autograph of thePresident on the title page Tile hero ofthe story found this written in his bookIn memory of the rawhide strap Theo

doro RooseveltNo pBoudej boy walks the roads round

the Capital now than this youngster whohelped a President of the United Statesfasten the saddle girth of the First LadyIn tho Land v

Among those who are great riders areMrs Carter wife of Senator Carter ofMontana and their sons who are students-at Georgetown They guest MissTower who also halls the vestRiding out toward the city limits yester-day she made an attractive picture In hercorduroy riding habit with divided skirtShe rides astride according to the West-ern fashion Perched on her head was ajaunty soft slouch lint tilted up In frontgiving her quite Use air of a feminizedcowboy

Morgan Shustor who Is a mem-

ber of the Philippine Commission and secrotary of public Instruction for time Phil-ippine Islands arrived in San Franciscoyesterday and will come direct to Wash-ington to join his wife and child whohave been here for some time the guestsOf Mr Shunters parents Mr and MrsW M Shuster


Mr antI Mrs Richard J Beau Jr an-

nounce the engagement of the tetterssister Miss Prances Bainbridge Conrad-to Mr Milton Amory Hudson of NewYork The marriage will tako place inthe near future and will be very quietMiss Conrad is the youngest daughterof the late Capt and Mrs Thomas Nel-

son Conrad

Miss Lacey Stuart Johnston daughterof Mrs S Lacey Johnston and nieceof Mr and Mrs Anderson B Jaceywill be married to Mr Preston William-

son Smith of Portland Oreg on April22 Mr Smith Is a son of the late MrPreston Smith who was prominentlyIdentified with Oregon a nephew of Sonator and a grandson of JosephSmith of Portland former Congressman-and district attorney

Col J L McGee of Rlverilale Mdannounces the engagement o his

Lois to D H Yant jr of FairviewW Va The wedding will take place atthe Hyattsvllte Episcopal Church Fridaythe Rev Robert E Browning assistantrector of the ProCathedral otftciatlng


Every one In society and out of it wasat the British Embassy last Wednesdaynight The Ambassador and Mrs Brycegave a large oldfashioned erueaAbout 100 people were entertained Theembassy ballroom and two drawingrooms wore thronged throughout theevening

The Ambaseador and Mrs Bryce haveentertained but moderately since their ar-

rival here What entertainments theygiven have taken the form of din-

ners with the exception of their fret offlcial reception and Mrs Bryces athontee

Mme Mehmeti wif of Mehmed AltBoy the Turkish Minister who has become quite the rage with the women ofthe diplomatic corps since the BaronessMayor set the fashion of inviting thelady from the far East to ton devoid ofmen in deference to the Oriental customwas entertained yesterday

Mme Nabuco wife of the BrazilianAmbassador wee her hostess She variedthe form of oniertatmnent giving aluncheon instead of a tea and had hertwo predecessors as hostesses the wivesof the Italian and the French Ambassa-dors both present at the lunch

The Secretary of State and Mrs Rootentertained a box party at the NationalTheater Friday evening to see E3ea or-

Robsoo as Satomy Jane In the partywere the Assistant Secretary of State andMrs Robert Bacon

Mrs Root was gowned in Liberty satinof a pale shade of blue made Jumperstyle with corsage and sleeves of lace

Mrs Bacon wore gray chiffon satin withpoint ppl ni yoke and sleeves and sur-plice bands over the shoulders of goldlace

The Solicitor General and Mrs Hoytwere also in the audience the latter

gowned m black chUXon and filet lacetrimmed with motifs of black velvet

Mr and Mrs Arthur Lee were presentthe latter gowned In dark blue chiffonsatin and lace

Mr Paul Patterson entertained a boxparty of ladles among them Mrs BreeseStevens who was gowned in pink chiffonsatin with which she a picture hatof pink chiffon trimmed with plumes tomatch

Mrs Joseph Crawfordand her daughterMiss Caryl Crawford were In the au-dience Mrs Crawford wore white laceand Miss Crawford pale blue crepe dechine trimmed with lace

The Brazilian Ambassador and MmeNabuco will entertain informally at dinnertonight according to their Usual Sundaycustom

Prof and Mrs Gallwudet will entertain-at dinner next Friday complimentary tothe new pastor of the of the Cove-nant and Mrs Wood

Paymaster General and Mrs Harrisentertained a company at dinner lastevening Their guests were the Minis-ter from Cuba and Mme Quesada andRear Admiral and Mrs Leutze

Mrs James Henry Moser and her re-cently marrieddaughter Mrs James Mil-ton will receive their friends

Wedding Giftsof Known Quality

will find innumerable gift suggestions inour large and selected

Diamonds and GemsArtistic Jewellery Sterling Silvenvafe Rich cInspection implies no obligation-to purchase

GALT BROEstablished Over a Century

Jewellers Silversmiths Stationers1107 Penna Ave









F th rolf

THOSE interested in approach
























Informally Tuolsday afternoon March 17at the roaldane of Mrs Moser 1112 Gstreet

Cards have been issued by the Merry-makers for their St Patricks lanceTuesday evening at S30 at tho NationalRfiles Armory

rue Evening of Sung und Story tobe given Tuesday evening March 17 atSaS In tim ballroom of the Now WlHnrdfor the benefit of homeless waifs willinclude such talent as Mr Milton WLusk one of the authors of Tho Princeof Parches Mr and Mrs S AnthonySavage of Boston Mrs Charles Goodwin Bennett of Now York Mrs X OlinLeech Miss Adelaide Slack Master Ros-well E Boothby Miss Joan Wilson allof Washington and Philip Loo ScantlingTills entertainment will make a pleasingfinale to the week of meetings of thoMothers Congress Miss Wilsons selections will portray the pathetic us well asthe humorous sides of andMrs Bennett will sing a group of Irishsongs appropriate to Su Patricks DayMaster Boothby one of the sweetestvoices ever heard In tills city and willsing it charming bird song

The ladles of board of visitors ofColumbia Hospital will give an afternoonton with music and candy sale at theresidence of Mrs Cheater and Mrs Fitch17W and 1796 K streeet northwest on Saturday March 21 from 4 to Gao Thistee Is for the purpose of replenishing thelinen and other necessities required forthe patients and If possible for addingsome comfort to the homo ofthat hospital the only one In Washingtonexclusively for women

The first spring meeting of the MountHolyoke Alumnae Association was heldat tho home of Mrs White of Unirersityplace The guest of the afternoon MrsWallace Radcliffe gave a charming paperon Birds In literature

The eleventh anniversary of the forma-tion of the Merrymakers Club willcelebrated by them on St Patricks nightTuesday March 17 when they will give abig dance at National Rifles Hall Besides dancing there will be specialfeatures for Abe occasion one of whichwill be the presence of the TwentiethCentury Entertainers who will be intro-duced in songs and a grand cake walkThe committee in charge vconstets of MrH E chairman assisted byMessrs J WUUaiiiB and C E Engte

Catholic Conversation Circle metThursday evening at the home of thepresident Mrs Harry Coope 7C3 Eleventhstreet northwest

Miss Prank Connelly was director forthe evening and chose for her subjectPassion Sunday and Ash Wednesday

giving a brief history of the origin anddevotions of each She then requested fromthe members m turn a paragraph on AskWednesday from the Catholic Sncycto-podfeu

L Bernie Caliber presented thecircle with six large photographs her ownwork of two latextors of St PatrickChurch on Easter Sunday and Palm

snowing the decorations and otherreligious subjects Miss Kathryn Kirbythe secretary distributed the photographsfor study purposes A vote of thanks wasgiven to the donor

Mrs Coope extended an invitation topublic to attend a talk to be given ather home on Thursday evening March ISupon St Patrick by Mr Philip Gerry

A general conversation then took placeupon Catholic current events participatedIn by Mss Frank Connelly Miss AgnesCarroll Miss Kathryn Kirby Miss GraceConnelly Mrs Mary Yirta Miss MarySchneider Miss Lohr Miss Alice Ronadds Miss Clue Dines and Mrs Coope

The fourth of the WilsonGreene morntag musicale which have been amongthe most popular and enjoyable concertsof the winter wilt take place in the ballroom of the New WHined tomorrowmoraine at 11at Mme Corlnne RMer-Keisey a talented soprano will sing forthe first time before a Washington audi-ence and just prior to her appearance inopera at Covent Garden London A wellbalanced and unusually good programmehas been prepared

Mr and Mrs 3 Goldsmith of Princestreet Alexandria Va will be at homethis evening from 7 to M oclock m honorof the engagement of their augitterMeryl and Mr Milton Kronhehw of thiscity

The Ladles Auxiliary of the EighthStreet Temple will give a cWWreas mas-querade ball at Masonic Temple Wednes-day evening Mare 11 Handsome prizeswill be awarded for the prettiest and themost original costumes

Mr and Mrs Eugene Schwab wilt ontertata at dinner this evening compli-mentary to Mr David andMiss Geneva Herman whose engagementwas recently announced

er Mrs Isidore Kaufmany S Wolf and Mrs M RosenBaltimore were at home on

Tuesday afternoon at 6 G street southeast They were assisted in receiving byMrs A BrjrlawsM Mrs Joseph KingMrs Benjamin Held R B H LyonMiss Amelia Wolf and 3Oss Tibbett

Mr and Mrs Sol Meyer of the Ashleyentertained at dinner on Tuesday eveningAirs Ida WoW and Miss Edna Ball ofNorfolk Miss Juliette Meyer Mr S WMeyer Mr Moss Eiseman Mr RobertMeyer and Mr Jerome Meyer

The Octagon Pleasure Club gave astag upper at the Mercantile Club onWednesday evening in celebration of Itsrecent successful burlesque performan-cer Henry J Breslau the guest of honorwho so ably coached the burlesquers waspresented with a handsome monogramfob by the members Those present wereMessrs Herbert J Rich Bernard BeerDavid Baer Maurice Eiseman MelvilleFischer Stanley Fischer Milton Goldsmith Lester Marx Alfred Haas

Jacobi Milton King Melvin KingArthur Luchs Lester Nouman ArthurNeuman David Stern Stanley Laneburgh and Henry J Breslau

Mrs Marx Kaufman Mrs Harry Kantman and Mrs Elliot Strauss of Baltimore were hostesses at a delightful athome on Tuesday afternoon They haulwith thorn Mrs Arthur Marks Mrs Henry Kaufman Mrs Benjamin Wollbergand Miss Irone Hollander

Mrs Sam Rothschild entertained theBridge Whist Club on Thursday evening

Mr and Mrs Julius Peyser entertainedon Thursday evening complimentary totheir niece Miss Dora Garner of New-port News Va the guest of Miss Florence Gusdorf The guests present wereMiss Myra Spandour of Norfolk VaMiss ECrraino Herman Miss Rena FishelMiss Inez Silver Miss Natalie MayerMiss Carrye Robinson Miss Gladys Mayer Miss Leona Hechinger Miss CamilleHerman Miss Helene Stern Miss LeonaStern Miss Ernestine Rich Miss RhodaMantnor Miss Flora Ganss Miss Florence Gusdorf Miss Rita Baer Miss Ce-leste Goodman Miss Rhoda Walner MissMarguerite Kaufman Miss Selma KalmMiss Rena Fleischman Mr and MrsGoldsmith SIgmund and Messrs HaroldPrice Leo Fishel Morris Simon LesterMarx Maurice Eiseman Lester NeumanPhil Herman Milford Stern David SternArthur Neuman Herbert Rich AlfredStern Herbert Jacobi Edgar KaufmanMelville Fischer Alfred Haas DavidBaer Howard Sigmund Arthur LuchsAlvin Newmeyer Bert Celia Bernard

human ltf










bus ot


















Beer Melville King Stanley FischerMilton Goldsmith Lawronre Gassonheimor and Arthur Rosenberg

Announcements are out for a dramaticrecital of plantation songs and stories byMrs Martha Glelow to take place at theresidence of Mrs Augustus p Downing1774 Massachusetts avenue Monday aft-ernoon March SJ at 4 oclock The

Is for the benefit1 of the work of theLutheran Industrial Educational Asso-ciation among the Illiterate Mrs Glelow is most popular in lair songs andstories of the Southland and great Inter-est is being manifested in the splendidwork of her association for the mountainpeople The following ladies arc amongher patrons Mrs Bryce Mrs James ABayard Mrs Bankhead Mrs AlexanderS Clay Mrs George Dewey Mrs Rich-mond Pearson Hobson Ira Joseph John-ston Mrs THltrmn Mrs Robert L OwenMrs Thomas H Paynter Mrs MurrayAddison Mrs Randolph H McKhn MrsAugustus C Downing Mrs William Wilson FInlcy Mrs H C Bollon MrCharles M Ffoulkc Mrs E K Goldsborough Mrs Monte Griffith Mrs GeorgeHuntington Hull Mrs Prank O LowdenMrs Lincoln Mrs John R Logan MrsMorchead Mrs B B Mason Mrs Willlam Belden Noble Mrs George M Pull-man Mrs Thomas Nelson Page MrsFannie Ricks Mrs G T SmallwoodMrs Seth Shepard Mrs Leigh Robinsonand Mrs C David White

This is tho third of the series of enter-tainments given under social patronagefor the benefit of educational work amongthe mountain whites Mr Aators enter-tainment in New York City was followedby the recital in Baltimore given by Mrs

auxiliary of the Southern IndustrialEducational Association Following thisentertainment on the 30th Mrs Gielowwill give a recital in New York City forher New York auxiliary about April 7

The association has created widespreadInterest in this work so vital and neces-sary


Signor Mentagna counselor of Ital-ian Embassy who for tHo pest week hasbeen in Boston and New York returnedyesterday While in New York SignorMontagna reserved passage to Europe forearly in May It is his intention to takeleave of absence

Miss Daisy Ptersoa daughter of GenPlerson of New York arrived yesterday-in Washington to be the guest for aweek of Miss Helen Ffoolke at her homein Massaehueetts avenue AltoS com-pleting her visit with Miss Ffoulke MissPlerson will visit Mrs George LoihropBradley

Jamie Sullivan whose fatherBrig OeD Tbomak a SuWvaa U S Aretired former chief of the ComaUsbmryDepartment died last week at Fort Mon-roe is with Mai Gen and Mrs GOleispfe

Mrs R C McBwta who has been vis-iting Mai Gsa and Mrs Glttespie hasreturned to her home m Saratoga N Y

Mrs Clarence Edwards and Miss Bes-sie Edwards wife and daughter of BrigGen Edwards left yester-day for Cubs whore U yjWfl spendseveral weeks

Mrs Francis of New Yorkvice president of the Empire State Chap-ter of the Daughters of the Revotatioais af the New WWard te also MrsRichard Jackson Barker of Providencevice president of the Rhode Island chap

terMrs Kerfoote vice of the

New Jersey chapter Is with her motherMrs Jackson at her borne la H ftrset

Dr and Mrs Ralph Jenkins are spendthe month of March in FiorUa

The Belgian Minister and the BaroaessMoncheur will return today frost OldPoint Comfort where the baroness wentthe first of the week to etovm from thestress of the long soda season the Min-ister joining her later in the week

Mrs Clarke and the Misses Cterkeof Scranton Pa have taken aa apart-ment at StoneJeigh Court for the seasonMr Hdward Clarke the son of the tamUy is In Florida with Prince Henry deCroi of Belgium but will Join his laotberand sisters later

Mr Blame Atkins and his bride whohave been passing their honeymoon mMexico and Cube passed through herethe past week from New York on theirway to W Va They had oneday to give to Senator Btkins the youngmans father

Mrs Picbard of New York is visitingMrs Samuel Falcon at her home in Slas-aacbusetts avenue

Mrs Harriet Btaina BfeeJe hiss as hergut her sister Mrs Waiter DamroseJt

Mrs Cameron and Miss Cameron haveclosed their home on Lafayette squareand gone to their country place at Cam-den a c

Gov and Mrs Hoggatt of Alaska navetaken apartments in the Highlands for afew weeks

Maj and Mrs Downey have given uptheir apartments at the Oakland and areat the Highlands for the remainder ofthe season

Mtes Ethel Robson is visiting her auntMrs Price In Philadelphia for a fewweeks

Mrs Matthew Scott of Chicago motherof Mrs Charles S Bromwcll is at theShqreliam Hotel for a few days

Mis Amy Hull who has been the guestor Senator and Mrs Isidor Rayner hjasreturned to her home in Baltimore

Mr and Mrs John E Reyburn arrivedin Washington from Philadelphia Thursday evening for a short stay

Mrs George Barnctt of Baltimore for-merly Mrs Basil Cordon after passinga week with Senator and Mrs Raynerhas returned to Baltimore In May shewill sail for China to join Lieut Barnettat Pekln

Mrs J C Pritchard of Asheville N Cwho has boon visiting her mother on 31street will leave soon for Richmond tojoin her husband Judge Pritchard

Miss James of New York is theguost of Miss Harriman In her homeon Connecticut avenue

Mrs Wood wlfo of tho pastor of theChurch of the Covenant who has recent-ly been Installed was the guest compli-mentary to whom Miss Ida Thompsonontartalnod at luncheon Friday

Mrs Smith wife of Representative Wal-ter I Smith of Iowa joined her husbandat their apartment at the Portland yes-terday

Mrs William A Hammond has givenup her house in Jefferson place and isvisiting friends until she goes North tospend the summer

Mrs Berkeley Davids of Nortliport L

of this city who has boon the guest ofthe Misses Earle in Baltimore has returned to her home

Mrs Lowden wife of RepresentativeFrank O Lowden is at Atlantic City andwill not receive until Monday March 33Mrs Pullman who accompanied Mrs




Giflow under the auspices of





PHalli at



I formerly Miss Emily

the Mary-land





























931 F Street

WAI iNew Spring j

At Removal Sale PricesO-

ur entire line of Waists must be closed out at once pre-vious to removal to our new store 11151117 F st next toHuylers

Stylish new Alantailored Shirt Waists in dainty whitelawn just received made with long sleeves open in treat onebroad tuck and two narrow tucks Sold for 5360 RmoValSalo price

Extremely retching styles in new Madras Shirt Waists inwhite and strip effects Sold for 45t Removal JJ

price fBeautiful new White Lawn Shirt Waists allover tucked

back and front accordionplaited ruffle down front S pearlbuttons Sold for 500 Removal Sale price

Dainty new White French Batiste Waists aae tucked yoke twith wash jabot edged with Valenciennes lace Sold for-

M Removal Sale price i

Handsome Net and Lace Waists in cern awT white Soldfor 730 and JSO Removal Sale price

One lot of Fine Silk Waists in navy red green brown andblack Sold for S0 and 4799 Removal Sale price

Two elegant Imported Net Dresses French modelsizes 84 and 36 Sold for J3o Removal Sale price



Q2 50

00 I

tilf3 0

4 50net c

fits 500


4 001P i

Q 18 00iPcoo





Lowden to New York early in the weekhas returned to her apartment at theArlington

Lieut and Mrs Dallam whose marriagetook place in New York Shrove Tuesdaywilt spend today in Washington en routeSouth The young couple have been ox

entertained since their marriageand Friday evening Gsa and Mrs Fredertek Dent Grant save a large receptionat Governors Island complimentary tothem

Mrs Tuckerman of H street entertain-ed at dinner teat evening

The German Ambassador and BaroiMMtvon Sternborg have returned to the Em-

bassy from Cubs where they have spentseveral weetes

The Japanese Ambassador hi again atthe Embassy in this city after a visit toNew York where be wee extensively en

Mr and Mrs Thomas Nelson ConcftAhave returned from an extended trip toNew Orleans other cities and aremelting their home with Miss ConnuTmother la F street

Mrs Andrew Y Bradley accompanied-by her mother Mrs Kellogg lies re-

turned to Washington after spwMlmgtIM winter at Wernersville Pa Ateat they are at Richmond but ex-

pect to take possession of their house mI street which bee hess occupied

Alexander Shepherd during thewinter m a short time Mr Bradley to-

ha Canada but wilt join his wife farev days

Mrs Ptoebet left WnsMagtttt fora trip to Cube where sits expects to re-main until ttte eC ttte month

Mrs J Vaa Veeaten Okeett hacto

spending a few days New York

Mrs Charles J who has been theguest of her aanwlaw and daughterMr and Min Jvttan Rtptey m New Yerkhas returned to her home hi Connecticutavenue t

The Attorney General and Mrs Bona-parte after spending the week in Washlegion returned to Baltimore FridayThey expect to open their country placeat Buena about May L

Miss Jones of North Cantata who hasbeen the guest of irflss nee Bell leftWashington yesterday to visit friends mVirginia before rsturateg to her borne

Miss Jennie Spaum k vMtiag her pa-rents at Utagbamton N Y

Dr Thomas V Hammsnd of H streetsoiled front New York for Cuba Satur-day to be goae two weeks

Mr and Mrs Ts7 Kyle of GadodcaAbu sad their son R G Kyle a studeatat Tome Institute Port Dsportturn house guests of Mr and Mrs 1 DYoung 137 3 street northwest

Mrs Al SigminNl of Ute AshUy leftTuesday evening for Norfolk Ya for atwo weeks visit

Miss Ball of Norfolk Vs s theguest of Miss Juliette Meyer

Mr Morris SJnsaimer has returnedfrom a short visit to New York

Mr L Gumbincr of New York was arecent visitor to the city

Mrs Adolph Kahn of the Ontarioheaves for New York today wherewill remain until Thursday as st-ol the Council of Jewish Women

Mrs Sol Meyer of the Ashley will beFridays In March

Mr and Mrs R B H Lyon re-turned from a visit to Atlantic City

Mr and Mrs Samuel Rothschild gave adinner alt Wednesday evening In honorof Miss Geneva Herman and Mr DavidRothschild

Mrs J Steiner of L street is visiting-in New York the guest of her daughterMrs A K Loon

Mrs Max Cohea left yesterday for Sa-

vannah Ga where she will be the guestof her daughter Mrs Siegfried Fantl

Mrs A Moses of Baltimore was a re-cent guest of Mr and Mrs Simon Kann

Miss Lottie Krauskopl of Westminsterplace has as her guest Mrs Charles Ehrlieu of Now York

Miss Stolla Sackarman ofMrs S Bonsinger will return to Balti-more tomorrow

Mrs L Schwab is visiting in NowYork tho gueSt of her daughter MrsAlbert Strauss

Mrs Theresa Cohen of Baltimore isthe guest of relatives in the city

Miss IJIorence Jacobs of RichmondVa the guest of sIrs E A Stiebel leftfor Baltimore yesterday but will returnto the city after a short stay

Mrs Mayer Rosonbush of Baltimore isthe guest of her mother Mrs S Bleberof 630 G street southeast

Among the prominent people In attend-ance at the lecture given by Mrs AlbertChaffee yesterday afternoon in the ballroom of the Shqroham were Mrs H BF Macfarland airs P Lee Phillips Miss







her this city afterin







the suost





turned home In














Janet Richards Mrs M MurrayMrs Martin Knapp Miss

Emery and Rev A JJ TurnerMiss Irma Stern guest of Balti

more friends

Mr and Mrs Albert Kafka have returned from a visit to Atlantic City

Mrs A L Spandour ant Miss Myraof Norfolk Va are the guests

of Mrs Peyjfer of U streetBarehfeU of the Connec-

ticut has as her guests Mrs GeorgeBtosq Mrs Btecabeth YeW Mrs J PHolmes and Fred Rohrkvite sf

PLevy has returned to her home

m New York after a delightful visit toMrs Arthur Baqmsartoa of Avon

Mr A D Prince lad Mr aad Mrs Sid

MtK Ross WHines f Philadelphia

Kpsteta left Wednesday for a visit toBaltimore Md

Mrs Jutta Laths is the guest of reia


Mrs William A Sawot jr to the gaeatof her sister Mrs Jama Bowaxd GeebsU la SofloBt Va

Miss Dana Stratton has retnraed toheir bom m thIs city from a visit tofriends m Lfacbburg

Mrs Mathew Kersey is vMtnuj herdaughter Mrs C D Wood m Oxbsctoa

O s CInwIotte Bhtekbora left here oa-Fraiay the Forest Qhn Md wken ska

be tile guest af Mau TTIeanor PrattMiss Lucy Douglas is the guest of

friends m Warreatoa VaMrs Honey Green left for Brooklyn

on W iiusoHay she wffi max aaextended visit to ratadv

Mrs William Herbert has as aerher danaiiter Mrs George Breoha ofMors towa W V

Mr and Mrs E F Tfcer haw returaedfrom their boneymooa which was spentfat Jacksonville and St Angusttae Pin

Mr and Mrs K GoUamith wm be athome tins eveatag from S aatil si oclockin bonor of tao anBULmuul theiraaugiiter Myrle to Mr Miltoa Kroa-aomt of Washington D C

Miss Kate Wbitebead has returned toher home in Worcester Mass afterspending tovtral weeks wita her nephewMr P F Gorman ta this efcy

Miss EdIth Rameay was a weekendgnest of the Misses Paticrsoa m Balti-more test week

Mr and Mrs George Gcurr Henry havereturned to Merristowa N J Vter aweeks stay with Mrs Henrys steterMrs Wttmua J Beotbe Jr

Rev sad Mrs James Bomve are theguests of Mr and Mrs Albert DoyleBrocket m North Wasfetagtea street

Mrs Greene of ZanesvllteoWe is visiting Mrs William D Greenem North Washington street

Mrs Marshall McDonald has gone toBerryviHe Va where she was eaUed bytile illness of her mother Mrs McCorstick

Miss Fraakie Taunt of Culpeper V-

is visiting Mrs T C Smith

Mr aad Mrs Jofea A Marabatt left herePrissy for Atlantic CIty and Phaadeiphia

Miss Cora Cochran entertained a num-ber of friends on Monday evening at cards

J Continued on Page 3 Column 3

Those CarriagesFor any occasion can obtain same at mustreasonable rates of Downeys Stables K30L st Thoroughly highclass service


Mrs For kfr




Mrs sthe

ney Piidsy fer a stay

wile bees the of Mrs landers

Uvea In




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Stznnee loft weeksAtisatie fty

has guest










Snioot CofferMcCalley

1216 F St Phone M 725

A SplendidStock ofDress Goodsand Silks

This store is becoming more andmore tile Mecca of all who seek thelatest and most dependable DressGoods and Silks The new linesfor spring and summer are emi-nently complete All the latestweft in Wool Dress Goods andChoice Silks are shown hi new-est patterns and most fashionableshades Prices are well within rea-son

Splendid line of LupinsVoiles in new shades ofbrown blue tan navy Co-

penhagen blue Heik graycream white and blade pricedfrom 1 to 2 yd

The mannish suitings are shown in neat stripeschecks plaids and mixturesand are priced at from to

2 ydEoHeime a fashionable silk

and wool dress avariety of choice shades suchas white cream gray navyCopenhagen blue lavender

c per yd 1

New SilksComplete line of spotproof

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The popular Rajah and thenew Mirage Silks in rosemulberry brown green reseda pearl helio tan andWade special per yd 135

Smoot Coffer McCalley1216 F Street

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Late with

Invites Your Inspection-


Imported Models andExclusive Designs in

Pattern Hatsf-or the

Spring and Summer

1908On Wednesday

March Eighteenth-


You may

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VICTORThe Sembrich records are among

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