new records made iiod i - chronicling...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD SUNDAY TTTLT 19 1905 j 6 NEW RECORDS MADE Wall Street Prices Touch Highwater Mark STEEL SHAR THE LIST Railroad Stocks Particularly Strong Under Good Report Concerning Crops and Rate Bull Impulse Car- ried Clear ThronjtJi In All Quota- tion Trade Report Favorable July lTke inMtal tae ed practtcnltr s nrfcc Mines M corn pared with last MIStS dodng the fine sale of Untied Sates Steel tvMeh was rather late ta opentos was at This marked a new Ugh reeerd Jaw butt impulse toe whole Mat There after prices gAy began to move p and tkrts tendency was maintained to the activity tacreaetng as the session approached its dose untH tn the last few xntaatee It exceeded aaythta- eecn on the New York Stock Exchange in many months The facilities of the exchange for recording transactions were taxed to the Btmoet and ia the last half hour the ticker fell booted the actual transactions to such aa extent that not until seven atnotes after the cteee of business was It aWe to record the last sales The trading broadened sabstiurtlaHy Pennsylvania and New York Central quite active of reports that aa rates tat tnmk tee territory h4 practically West reached sad ovoid to some distant future Railroads Strong St Paul Union FacMc Fa c3c and also strong the kowa atftode oC Mr Hffl and Mr Harrtman toward the ques- tion of rate advances being regarded as clearly foreshadowtog nctto of IiI kind by the IVeoterm rondo Croat Northern however for aorati WMxptateed Too did not to any great silent participate Additional reaaon for the market action of the granger stocks was found SB the report of the Chicago BvrUagtoa and Quincy on crop einfctUna n X which gave a to elation of K for can in that State and said thatwheat thraah- cums United States Steel was the strongest stock on the whole raging to establishing a record nearly X points above last nights clUes and nearly doa- ble the loweM price of the panic Sotpans HlRli Records Many of the leadtng stocks such as Tnited States Steel Union North Pacific St and have now surpassed tbetr record for the year and hy doing have encouraged the hopes of speculators that e further Is yet to come Trade conditions are generally favorable for while the mercial agencies say business to slow the tendency is hi the right dtrectton and preparations are making for aa active fall trade The bank pertedly fai cash being preliminary reserve showing an of last week of KGaJH SEW TORK MONEY Tnt Jnre M 1 r c rt todBj Tl the wet from the fosift fatliac t altor tile itrtiB- aptr rates rasa 1 Pi money the week for somrmbat better Orhervfen the aaartit ikon B- ttk chasge for the week Kate H to 2 per eesrt for dart 2 to 4 fcr sdawty J JS to Si foor months 1 to s for five sad K to- 54i for aicotb The ttertJTia aoarket 19695 and iS between UTK Rates for actul kwtMU ne SfaU 4- 18S7S dtsand UT oWes tKfcJJTS bin rwe 4 The mrr GOVERNMENT BOWS MO- a ooopo JSZ- 5Pacama 3 3IISCELUSSBOIJS noDs Aznrrkim T S Atlantic C Central IaoVI- xmimll and llfcstmn- Xtw York CaMnl M- Tforfott and W ia Li Southern Iaeane ufaaelag is- Cnion lade to- TTnion Pacjne nfaadkis 4s- Ttrion Pacine eoEwerUMe 4s- iTnrted State Steel a Wabash refaaSas 4s CURD 3IARKHT- QjoUtloci t ilikil av K F BattMt Ciu- oembers New Tall Stork EsxhMge G Bowie Chlpman raaaaser Dal f atuu aanlmaL- Ooesk IHgk Lav CfcB- eBrlttsb CoL O gper S i i Chicago Subway Goidfirid CBuuMml W Greene CiB or K- Gmrie GoH SOrrr MS- Miema GoU Illliin SS- XenO Count H4- Xoradartai Caafwr Z KM ZMVK j- XIplMhie Miatec T i JH Hi- Eundard OiL LIVE STOCK HASKET New York July K CATTLE Receipts S3J and steady Dressed beef aveaaaged at Salt ttr to cboim MOa t- t SaUH moatry dremd dew at SHaWK SHEEP AND LAMRSRMBSBU JM heed teadr lambs alow sod cents lower tsar cat sold Cooaauai to apod ahtep 3UOOMJO fair to choice Imrab tV 7T- SHOOSReoetets UK bead inmlainj sceadr CATTLEReEHaw JSH800 heal HOGSBccdpta MXW heed asarket 5 rests Ucht ltat rein UfaUi atad tSAS LH head auket ochaas d While you think of it telephone your Want Ad to The Washlogton Herald and bilL will sent ou atl a word LEAD Xew York actions tEZ tlte stock w rec- orded Q the year for tIats lee aud gave a Iug to Ward end be- coming as a re- sult to extent be tftn to br tile lOt Northern ol XecUtweMeni were In tire strength oC the outer Mocks rMka lug was nader faYOraltle dr the crop ytiIiIDg wIL n- and ker- n Paul PeIID51Y1Uda high sabetantiol rise in prices Mateent siaowtIIg the sIa 1Iu1er than any oC tile esMea and Ute surpine ce tINs end > ket tend MdIft fill 11M fill oW- ntlral oC II tEIIIt fill eoII MIll J ftIIt IIIIIIdr at of sIr f c YU and onRy tM nine to the far at- rei of IIiD UIIM U NIls Tark hIIF 1LD Ii mat ql pdoes DIll o 0 JIti k 111 all h- k JII5 1t J3f4 Tork Ir JIStack bJa- daC T tIA- mrrtrua IL k D H k t 5s YOTt 40 liS 43 Ie lint 56 Total w SAUOO week SA MIl a r IK JK JK EIrtoi y O- SD m Sf St 811 K R JeS sH s h a a z Ik Ik JJI4 end 10 m en G- irt BaI1iou IS P OaIDI8D ALt 5t Sa ged ckmaDI1 S eb tDIItIIuIad bT7 L6Oa08 JQa ueiJL SHEEP be ant jasrket 1day e nth and atreg agreeeRt ad- Vance meet progreseing very list previoon so co made a noex in flIcM inaac cm I y in eWth r ks e Ur3eDt fvn s4 the the W ses aw the chea 3ss ad y e win q tD ISh so dir fi yrnsYi The UTe tin4iM 4ni zenitts S id ihs d adz1 sad ine s New so tha in tike tiginsmd i CtO5 SL su- 31rgMreiWa 1ie ass a New aa tr 4 Tcinon In Naw 94 licilr Lj- rew Centril 31 i4- Purnr1yteb L c L aobst lLnteo- 1U31 i2WtOS a 5 2- Ctabsiand 1 36 3 2- 3eKInkDemgk i Seines 1 4 311 316 1 nat ve vk on Ceajo tIrket err ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > < < < > = < < NEW YORK STOCK KASZET Hatlen Co- BMOfeen of tile New Ted Stock Entasse R Bests Chjaxnaa manager I3K F street Emthwtst Total nlc 37LSOO ashnm- SJrV Ofot Hism Low Am Oatlan O 4 3 JR4 3W ABU lee See JBW S 36- Am Loco JJM UK 9Hs SHi W Am Sasatt HJM B tK S ft- Aa sIt ft M stm l l TtUi Mfli1 Am Scsu 16M SRa in B U m T K jrfa 388 nt T4- J 2JW H MH 4 4 tt AL Gat Ltoa- Batta Ohio i 96i WH W4 SHi Break R T 2J- Caac r dfc M J- Oia Leather t 3iC- haa as ota LM W- CM Ot W UaO W C M ai St P SltW WK HW4 UK liPs C aad N W UK VK IK WM MS- CL E aad I H4 30 3I- IJSD ISMS OK US W Com Pnd Mi MK Mi Mt D aad II Mi MrS MHi MIH MIH Erie 1480 Ml 3 3SV a H- SH Z7 mil tsa mi iw i 4- UM OK ass M UK- W North the 4W at C sW M er jx Ua IHi IKi IIS 11H let MtcropaHtaa pM Ml M 3Bi IHi- M9 MH MU MU M4 3 MB MM M W 399 1H IB INK IWi- h 9 3M- Nailanal Lead New T k CeairaL X O t W N rMk i Western North ABWficu UW OH aiS S9- 4JOO MMi 1864 Ms K 199 7R T1H 71i TKi- Pres Steel US 39 3 i 39 3W- ITliaaig OJ 1MH IMIi IMS IKV 790 TS flit 71S TIS 900 Jni N KH Si- MJ500 S6S M 9K MH- Ssmrthna Ky ed S MK- Pacaac SW JK Jl 3H t Padne SUM ItMi HP m1 HS5 U Pipe Mil S SI U S Robber M IK tK fM E- c a steel mjm m 4 U S Steel Btt UB MH MK 1L lit Wi IK M i B- CentrU M9 His B ITS r- 3AITDIOEE STOCK MARKET SALBS- H8M UnatM Raflaya nnt 4s M e Seaboard Ah 4s MJM Seohoard Air Lhsa 4sH M- MJHSfOboaid tic 4s- JUW OoBserMaleel Ooa is yum BaL Tr N BaL Br ta- Sa s a- S5SS KaBw ya Pwari IHsfk fa- KjH CoattMstad GM Si- SUWifcm Rfcer mi b GAS AND HJ5CTRJC- Ciiiinaiiid M am fc Gts ECB ant fls M BANKS AND TBCHT COMPAMB- STrnii tmt Hircfcistt illml RAILROAD STOCKS IIod br Eo F Iff Anal I Pi II- Am C sad F I8IJ lOG 31 m 96 9- A II s 86 B St 100 JI IIIo JIii IE ft ca Pi 3- 00IIa o X sa O Brie T lOG V Gin rie IW J L SS31 RaM ok TK tie Y n 32JO T 3t < a 1IIiI MaIL M P P R SL os DIIi RtIL 5tfooL lIS 1M- RtIL L S JiM sIMnt 1aeiIIe 46 So 33 ftII a 1S IS S IS w U as JiiII- Lw JeIr 1l are tile tile aedoe heal 1Wdoaoare SMdt M LIllIe n tins 51 dIM a- u Pa- R RaiIwa- ptu 5- sJanI h- ml o s t5- L JIUIIc fill cee m- 5SJ III Qeotathes s- tins4ka N W 31 w 31 31 X 31 An 6- 4tts 31 11 W 31 ast 96 ai 164 W 4 4 P > 15 3- 1se 6e U- Gt eso p44 64 let 350 31 Isea nd Ls31s sP pM 510 3- 5L1ZTPI4 33- 1Mni Pac 54 31 35 31 Wi 15 35 15 633 63 33 63 then 115 146 134 144- Psee 3- 1PeenekaMa O11 131 Iron 31 W on5heM is Tai UI1 ii 44 333- Wabesh W pM W 31 sah- eq4 on t ien dss on the B 31 titosta and P33w he 73s- Lon Cells ion R i Us33d inns t4t4 IOso 4- L6L CM Oni a 3 31 theze rahci PS 1 t Nsrtb3ra 31 L eeg 49 63 4- 6Pb atI6 so1131- MIJ Itsek Pelsinere 359III- NsthI Uehe Ill > > Ccmcrml H 1 O4awVMfttVI JWKSTIVlHHXBiooo 2S7 STREET RAILWAYS Catted Kaftwaya aarf BIo Tr 11 CMtot Ratrmn aa B Ui Tr cats MIL lAao K see lot is IM- i Tr N K lit la JrK- MX K Ml- U H Doc hE K B RAILROAD 9ONB3- CuoBaa Cnrtr1 fc- OKW Ort aa An- Ffcrtfc sod S Mtkm fa Car SwhoMd Air Lea BOX iJt u i Air Line IHMT K- SMWnd Air Law ex 3 ttr K ML tK- VOL CM ABC fe Ms- i Tenafad is IM 341SCELLANBOCS- AMiuna On C I C L Com Cotton D ck- Obsv CMtae tU- Mm Hirer R R fc PRICE CIIAXGES FOR TILE TEAR prices upon atost active bonds and steaks Hstad ea the Washington Steele Bxehange teat Krfgay and a the ewrespeadteg tate year ag GAS BONDS fa S- SRAIUtOAD BONDS Eteeufe 45 S MISCBtLANBOCS BONDS FctsssM Electric Light fc tad WMMBCHB liiMtnil St- CV J m ki ad FMOMC TcfcnhMC fa- WMkngtm Xariwt X HE prune UTILITY STOCK TrwUm- Ri nT at E etrte M TYPE MACHINE STOCKS McijvtttUcr ThOiie 189mi MINING STOCKS Gnroa Ctnun MK- MMduB 14 NATIONAL BANK STOCKS American yg- jFttatm sal Mrcfci cs jeo TRUST COMPANT STOCKS Sa e MO MiK Cra t m SAVINGS BANK STOCKS Mtnbaaai ol Hcefa INSURANCE STOCKS l R TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS Real Estate MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS lQn MfcuL nrftTTtd M- IM S 3r Stance 150 TO WASHINGTON CATTLE MARKET fctCO botcbtr JOa- N arm ZJOalO- GLHOGSPtr cat SiESaiS onssuj rat 10C iI3- EHEEPPrio IKhiS oriiimm t iOa- LAMBSSprisc 6 UJLiBlm Riaffl- iCALVESPlfeK per peasrf 7 atdtam Si 4- rrtsj Jt COWS Prime frest acfa W W st ISI- IaoC Mti elf So K iii D U- Pt lip ok Doe Pa 1I- MJtp Doe 4 tthic Coat Lbs fa 3531 E in M fiL Sa at Jot So Ala 9- r aIIa lot 3531 Jot k m 5644 t ft IIi Wt ecna lot m- W fill 0 dude C 1 RR Icdst 56 Mot s- Ca III daB Ossi FeUowtBg are the 111II J J B 801 Gas OM IlK CataI TncdIIo k SI sIIutJua Ss1IIiI00- 0I0 5s lIE 55 BatIwar c 8t 333 So JM Ceha4 IIC BaIhNJad- W me- rWtt sod SIeuoIIeL18 iii JIII 1P4 i 6- m II- OJ HIS Qv onIal Ji 91 3- MJs D I8- IUtip S6 141B sic7 TnIK1IfI 58 Ue JS sal Trt 569 319 SariJlta n ro 335 lM IMi Ie Sari Ii aF- IRE 2f1S Z 0aI00mWrniaI S PIftmsS JI 35 n 51 J- AIttrlteL3i fi UeiaDh s iii- Ii Wg63 Ce63 3 so S Gnl a Trndir Stan II Ia 1Fi CATrLZEifti per Crt per i vIll W LWsago Nscrs 3 heM son t 83 d 351L 53 31- Os Nor 3163353- 63k sal e in 13 Wi Vko 3551353 3N 11 sal 35- A831ic y 31- B441r33osa rri L 4 the one 31 31- stwss4 W- WkMas 63 Is 335 13- 5A33h sad P3onc 36- 4cBy ani 9- 6Csi33 31- 33Itroie64tea s 131 B- OWSghe NMin 351 Ml 31- 1Wai1tsi Maihe 131 2- Weton e33 e W4 Whin6tc 35- 5WahM1se Gse 35- 3Lason Monae Olr Lists In W Seent- Waegtcn Azsokan as Natieni Wu33se Lee line ringss 3- t Owen Fes- Ofra X4hssiI S 7 PIs 6 7 I 4 won 1 ii Waahthgtiu 39 gross 3133tw rj < > LOCAL PRODUCE MAESETP- rhxa quoted are wholesale TIle cendHbm of the vhaltaala market rcnafca- ynetttaBr BBtmuiZTd ECO here benz aanxr for the rut few days end ire hither Late in the week e the market ad prices were knocked Mr fa VrrtaM a are Maaewkat soS sf rather sooT oa tr doe 1 tile drr er ta the nearty Urrhcrj led a tearettr ta aocae Bora and t rkr been heM pretty attfi hi thU department The same is true t fraiti- HCTTERCronjtiT faeer S3a Wetter to fair to seed 1313 dalrj choice 13aB goou- M Mcirpartrt freak K- BGOSNear r freih Vfamda Ices off I7aHH- aT iat SK West Vinewiat and Soothmrt Vir gins MH Tecnewe 16 Ncrtk CaroJtea IS- CHEESENew York State factarr l rce H 1IH IbllH da mmmer amaH ISilU- LIVE POULTRTCUckena fancy ipriEC HaD bees MH tt roosters 7 docks prtas 1111 dos tege Mall do naaSL S grew 7aS Urrtf tfflsa per lb 30 de fcaiv H da I keata m DRESSED POOLTRTlnrtera tern raCrawn- prr aH Hal7 do arenre Bdraim Matt do thta KaK terns Ball apriec Na 17 scan Kali boo dwte CaH reetten 9 dark 9iMl DRESSED MEATS Hams coontrr tosu HaH VEGETABLES Potatoes bcrae grown per bcd CaaTi sew per LOOiiM Netth CaroHca per ML 00 Ncrfoiks ZOO McCmnack per bM LWaLS ew Soath CaraKaa S0a59 each eel err FfcrtU per crate 106siM do JOT bacX Ma 01 uuaaUri per basket ShS ecmiatM per crate TiiLOQ kilt prr itS 6Sg Rttaee grown per basket LOCaUSO enkm Eennada LOOaLS do EcTpttaa tag 300 MarHasd Vbstnfcu hiS LttaLTS peas per bas- ket ikLS crown per bbL JJ b43 radM per W SOaLOO strictr trio creea per basket tematoea aearbr per crate TSaLS aQaath Finite per buket SSUS wren cam per dir Mat GREEN FRUITSOransw ftr box ZJOaLO- Oda CaHavnia rued XOOiLOO cnpe fratt per box tSSaLCO peaches per sixbasket orrt T at Geareia per crate LSaLT a her SaUl caatafcmies per eats LOQai69 plaeaaajles per erate taSalOO backleberries per quirt SaK- Maekbeniea per oaart SaK iK ei sew per oH- iSHU do per buabel 5Ca75 per crate LSaLSD Tatermekos 3JOO peas per lOMJa- SVNDRIESBeesirax 3 UOair 4 beaej chew Wb sew 13 da Mb new MaK tttseac per ML SCOt6OT Seaeca per Ib W GaMen Seal a Itak Mandrake 1 Sect 35 DRIED FRWITSApples slIced fascr a7 do tttetd kriatx t- ORAINU keat S a aera on trade OaSS ne- BM onm secDX while 7Ea ate 2Bal- do car UailOO eats Western aMOs Ne X Oa- N d mUM SSaat WOOL AND HIDE3Wool nAvS free of hers per Rx 39 H da owrasaei free f per S A kany per HJL KaC ksaVs emu prr H 6a7 da dry per Jo lid tanepsaiaa eaek ISa da dry each Sa caiftklaj- treaa eath LCOaL2S NEW YORK PRODUCE Jiew Tok Mj HLSrOARTbe Leaden beet at lie id far tMs deflmy The fcol aawket far nw- O am BeaaxgaA eentrinwaL X- ili at tK m e i K S InC XK a4- i sapu 89 at ML BediM aa ar was NAVAL STOltESTbe saatket Sir farm tl top bat steady at tl Jar atdnw- t Sanaa feat shade IBaSH Rashi MS oafct at XM far ca- to coad srnrtcei Tar held steady at 430 MILL FBED tnec ea ek c trade Scrams to arrtre- e dty kna as ia MIlt W IMIML to oie- FLOCKth a 4 mw lVA Sperar aatoals TJ- r deam XJ tt- SaUO stadBMa 4J9L easars a9a4JL- RYK FlOVRMc t 4e dow 9NS X CORN MBALStnar niaated amjajri drtHN- CL 2 No 3 krjt RIftI d lIre rndt alii- oidon nee I ocamt This his tit J do InU 2IaS do liaJI JftCU Sa ell thin IdoL bbL louIIeI tWO esMse per hiS aa12 do Test per 1 pe- rm d- Id i IU- D neb Woo JaM a bon IlL a seed tedQ- De prtee sod ant tNt tat IIkC a- lit Sa > 11- 1SolI 3 N II a UI IIII dtI fIoUio IIntiMI U8I- oUI in lie Une t ill Mp 131 HAT fair ct 1 M deck eesdsllt aIres ewn have preen seoneds fsn oneS vints large tin geese red Bedy hem e hem 5 pas aMOs Saab neon emlort sei 3er s shh- taedg me33h a m was with d E sod soaaet he was md hei w one fin hem mcin red ds winer wbest has 3366 mel 0ATSeSmg M diU shis Ne 4 aWl 4 2 e4 sheer Kssosi mehs- s he eipmt 359 ss demeni M- ria ihs 31 No SaB < > > > > > Fksiflr SJn- iamlWF1ra nate aaffay- TALLOWDBH City aa ae a la 5S- 4LARBWcafer reins Wwm tM dtr U- kes atr Miita U al- eS clint K- BCTTKKRecnta sj paekaees cbnan a- OcanMry saw Zn nnts 9S dairy twM flnnt anet end to cMce- HflOC ILiJjiltlJL tK7 M M4ab3aat Weat GRAIN AND PROVISIONS by K F naatoa Cow Stork EM Baud of Trade O Bawl I star net F street Bortbwesc- Charsjin Jaty U Wheat opeoed at- oahka frees Lrr raoaL ht detBMd- iwenore bjosjht oa ky seal weather fa the Xoan- wvrt The hiss wheat time w weak and the aaar hit cfcca atewt at the kwtrat lead oJ aw dig Oem aad oats faaktwed the ama e teshaawwraaaaoa- WHEAT OI L Kirk Law Qua Irowc IUD 16J93- CCO KW- SW SJ BJi Sf e s r SM- J ar B WHEAT PJnn fair trade No I Sartmrra Dwksth to arriie LS N Z nc- k UK Xo X hint sew crop Lab LH- Htab LMH- CORNSearce WHtM Ne S etentor 8 i- S b H No 2 wkate catnaaal N 2 KYS Qwtat NO- W KAT Opes Hl Low Ore dao- eUK UK MBi LIP IjafKj K 88 1lt- Lft IK UIK Ul U t LMii Sept Doc BALTDIOEE GRAIN MAEKETna- MJsarre July 11 Faelawing are the fifees bees fr today WHEATStoek ta elerators 633 baoheis Set dial prices were No S red Western SS i- H 3C 96 Ne red 9 steamer No 2 red S8 4- atoaaatr N 2 rtd AVestem MU Western spot Jaly- ss umtract epot SGU JsJj H 3Mi Aejait- M tK September SS USOH CORN Stack Is eientors IZtST boskets price was Vex mixed 79H Western spot Jar SSH 8D asked OATSStocks ta e4ent n10lr4 tnabea shap frees eienton UN bicMf WWlc Xft heavy 60a i da Ne 2 H rt to Bedtan 5 N Vhaty 55Ha59 i do N X- CSHaMH do No 3 H fct 3P4a59 o N to k y STHaH m4xed No 2 5Sa35H do No JUaaFT da No SaSH RYEStoek a ekntcrs 24ffi brafceb no ship meats wcrslcrs FLOUR Wtoter extra ISOaJW do dear ISta- UB do atni rt UdaUJ do patent LKalJi- ms dear U a do atrai it t 3iiM- patoBt iaiaS6 CRy IBIs best patent SS do- Mjkei 9 palest IS dc hichcnda ctrai kt- L do ckslee fimfir JJ COTTON QMtatfens farabbrd by E F Hutton Ce eeteu f the New York Stork Exeteace aad the New Tark Cotton Exchasce O Bests CHpsaB ncrr BUI f itrect northwest f tke the due to reports of crap deterioration After the cast October iamsscd its adraacr bIt business be caiBe qck er The weather b the belt w s Eeaerasry dear and teaspentores were seasossMe Receipts at the parts were tJSM bates asahtst MS week and If last year Fer the week SJKO- fM tat week inS 7 33 hist year at New Orleans were KS bales aratost last year sad at Houston US bales agsiatt MS lost year New York Open nigh Low Cfee- Jaar S40 910 SJ5 9J5 New Orleans Open High Lew Dies Jaty ISST IftS M8S MJi- Ocsaber 9JO 9E 9Jff 9 3- a a rnnm 93 S J 8JJ JUS u IJ- rBBHFs JUt IUllaJlCI- OIOBKLaqooIso JaJIU- WUIl IS Sonth JUt Tmt Sine JiIA 1uoF S DWd fvaIoMd of the sheet I1woWMIs we sal oIt daT IIIII- S t r II Wi 1 COIL ei 1M- SotIt r i- DA III- GA1 t- hIr m M II- Ofi OS U- f 15M 159 5S LARD tG 9e aI BIBS f 1 or e X Taot f I it- o Wi ra b Y m sL C8R r 81- IMI n Sot 111M JsI11Tt2M It the es14ss ruirket us faIrly arid trlcoa tr- epIar The lite tiens IBaeoood tIoe eihles whit were up on of masipuk bet sea4est lttatu SO Ocr 9n 91- 9Deamt 91S mdnite dmls 33 so Men 5a sM tl 31 re- inM Bss em 6ew 4 mere hush sins di em In4o WtsW Qesistles en New Tnt set 31 so wm usk 33 J Wi 31 Wi 96 564 Wi 31 3 73 56 w Wi 31i 131 W- iSepttcr Wi 43 46 4- 1Ssber 153- 1Oer 996 9X 556 05 SC 331 L e mrssd a pi64w 1 a J 35 Wi 31 Des J H 64331 I Se- tting 2 WillS ese 4 3 < iron 4 MAXT New tnt spets idly we sue stuljer w fetri Illis 9K 9 913 LII 915 < > > BALTIMORE PEODTJCE 2OEXET July IS FoTtoirmg are the cal price eatabUabed by Fruit ad Frodra Atso cUtto- oICTTKRCreamerr fincy per In tnltaUon- Ksa Maraud and Prmailiania IfistlT- atareparked Ohio and West Vlrsinia IRialT Mary land Vbsbaa sad rexrasjlmda dairy niata 16WT- ECGSMaryhnd Ptamarlrania and nearby firsts HH Shore Maiybnd and Virginia 17U- Wectera Ant BH Wit VlnfcU 17 LIVE PODLTRTSprfne chickens pacnd larg- JftiM amB UsIS old bens beaiywei ht CHall- Sfcinr ducks large KaU old decks M- POTATOESNew Norfolk per bbL No L 2S5a- U9 do Rsmahsnanek per large bbL 200a22e- Vx r smrnH bbL LKa2X do York lUres per MIL primes 2COal2S do Eastern Sbore Mary laid per teL tOOaJ GKEEX FRUITS AND VEGETABLESAprSes- MarrisBd sad Virdaia m bbL fancy LOQsLS do aan comraoa SDa dft per buket- n New York assorted per bbL LTSaXOO BestS satire per bsDCh lal 4 Vbckberrics Eastern Shore Maryland per qoart 35 da Karrabannock per backet SmS do Patuent SSoSH Cabbse na- Ure ITT 100 J00 ioa CiMahnprs Georgia per crate ISaLS dr Ame Arnndel Gems bintet- narrre daora NaK Qsaasbers ratiie per bMket 3SaML Eernhnts Norfolk per 25h Leo Orson beaan sattTe per buibel 3d Hackle beerlea Eaitcrn Shate per quart do Mary- land and Ttijwti prr bucket StaJi Lettuce New York per badnt LSaLTS Onfc s Pcnvytraaia per bushel 65aTO do new Bappahanaork per kaAet 5M do sew Riprahannock per bOiL LXaLSO Pushes GeorcU Etberta per carrier LS do Saath CaroKna per ctrrier 75tLO i Maryland aid Yliglaas per box aMS do Mary lead aa4 Tlnaait per Vbaskrt SSOL Pears lam tofea EHatMk per batket WaSO Raspberrie red per 3a4 do per q irt do Mack per Tamsloea Pxecaar per 6basket carrier NVrMk per 2buket carrier S0al do- HaayahsaaMCk per 6b ket carrier 33o 5 do Ba per H asket SGtja Watrmeiaai FtarMa each as to saae 5a3X SOME CURIOUS I claimed that Lake Erie produces more fish to the square mile than any other body of water in the world In Portugal married women retain their maiden names and are always by them There Is one lighthouse in existence that is not placed on any mariners chart It Is IB the Arizona desert and marks the spot where a well supplies pure fresh- water to the traveler The largest and heaviest building stone ever quarried In Britain was taken some- time ago irons the Ptenklngton bed near Norwich It was to one piece without crack or flaw and weighed ever thirty five tone A gold com passes from one hand to another 209MOQttt times before the stamp or impression upon it becomes obliterated or friction while a sliver eeln changes hands UMMMW times before It becomes entirely defaced The German Emperor owns most valuable draughtboard to existence The light and dark squares are made f sliver and gold and the draughts are also made of sliver and gold each having a dtamend or rub In the center OB the BdgIaa state railways all the newspapers left ta the trains belong to the government They are eent to the paper made kite pulp and serve afterward as railway tickets Over W8 tons of newspapers are collected every year Birds can eat and digest from ten to thirty times as ranch food in proportion to their abe as men eaR If a men could eat as ranch m proportion to Ms size consume he would a couple at doaen chickens fur breakfast and six turkeys for Ids evening meaL One of the most curious mines la the world ta m Tongktag China where IB a sand formation at a depth of from 14 I stems of trees The Chinese work tide roe the mils East prim bbL fI SOl nI habIa ussr bbL outs CaT Jot Bat fta2i de tier FACTS- It Js known Ute mills as a Sparrow Ia aIIIe Deed A sheep for dinner to fed there III a deposit or Ute 24 5 64 green per 102196- do peUw Tat qaiit whole feet 35 > > = > mine for timber which Is found So good condition and is used ta making cofltes and troughs aad for carving and other purposes After free years work Australias great transcontinental rabbitproof fence completed Its length Is i88S miles and the cost of its erection has been nearly JUS It is famished at In- tervals of the ties with systems sf traps hi which hundreds of rabbits are captured and destroyed dUlY Inside the t no trace of tbetr presence The authorities at tile Washington HydrograpUc Bureau have endeavored to ascertain the Mae ot the Atlantic From careful observation they fear that m height the waves usually about J feet hat In weather they attain from 49 feet to 4S feet In storms they are often from lee feet to 409 feet long and continue to move about ten seconds or eleven sec- onds wIlDe the longest yet known moos ured half a mile and did not exhaust it- self for twentythree seconds The London committee on cabs and omnibuses reports that as many as 36 undergoing adjustment or repair en any one day The average daily journey of each vehicle Is from MO to 131 miles with Ti per cent of them running the average total dally distance Is miles That Is In spite of eat high percentage of disabled vehicles the total mileage per annum of motor In London Is already nearly Fact About Meerschaum Rs the CUetga News Meerschaum is a hydrated silicate of magnesia appearing as an opaque earthy mineral white grayish or yeMewlsn la texture and breaking with a I or line earthy fracture Most of It comes from Asia Minor especially from the plates of ktechehr where It occurs hi nodular masses of variable size and irregular shape distributed through the alluvial deposits of the plain which are systematically worked for the extrac- tion by means of pits and galleries Meerschaum is found also bet less abundantly in Greece and in some of the Grecian Wands at Hrubschltz In Mora- via where It occurs In aerpentinoos matrix and In Morocco where It Is used when soft and fresh as a substitute for soap while coarse variety Is found at VaUecas near Madrid and Is employed as a building stone Meerschaum also oc- curs in South Carolina Almost the whole of the worlds supply of meerschaum comes from the district of Esklschehr In Asia Minor Mining Is done in a primitive fashion and precautions for safety are unknown although accidents occur from time to time A group of three to fifteen work- men work together to dig a shaft about one meter in diameter and no props are axed until they reach at a depth of twen- ty to forty and even sixty meters the bed of red clay under or In which the meerschaum Is found mixed with serpen- tine in the terra of Irregular pieces from the size of a hazel nut to that of an apple These pieces are often extracted with great difficulty after making long galleries in the red day In many places the earth is mined in such a way that the galleries- of several different excavations are con fused The work Is carried on day end night the workings being lighted by means of oil lamps The meerschaum is not sold by weight cba e the meerschaum which Is damp heavy and of a yellowish color is et to dry in the sun In summer time ondln the winter for about nine days In a drying oven heated day and night The product loses about twothirds of Its weight In the drying and becomes snow white Afterward it Is rubbed with flannel moistened with warm water any roughness Is removed with a knife the hollows are cleaned with sand and final ly the pieces are polished with wax In this condition the meerschaum Is sent to market While you think of it telephone your Want Ad to The Washington Herald and bill will be sent you at 1 cent a woriL h- ast barrier appears as waves average rough per coot of motor are In about Ute InlllfteT of this traffic and the pros 1 cosopact a a but by the cee or box After the per J there oen1buses gar- age there- fore 47 oinie S ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FINANCIAL ZUUbUshed Oct a 1904 Commercial National Bank Cor 14th and G Sts Capital 50000000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 23535262 can be no ques as to the advan of being identi- fied with this bank The service we render em braces every desirable feature that can be consistently of- fered by a sound and conserv- atively managed financial in- stitution CTDepesUory for funds of Trus- tees In bankruptcy OFFICERS Frederick C Stevens Pres Geo W White ist Vice Pres N H Shea 2d Vice Pres A G Clapham 3d Vice Pres Geo O Walson Cashier BANK STATEMENT REPORT OF TilE CONDITION Of TUB Dime Savings At WuhfegMB D C at tile Mr J9X RBSOiHCH- Suw M wuO- rCTteas ttewn saiiean- dfne I LIAMLmB- SI tt4 l in nil pinjirt tek KJKM- xjatm XS3 Deterred rMt B Tout SWXXfl I JOHN X RMMtDON- Ml BMk 4 Mtnatf r thrt tke store rant M tree t the be t of mj tamlifci uL hoteL JOHN X BWRDOX Ciiattr- C l enU sod twecm belies e tOte Mni t- Mr MM HARRY W1Otf I THERE I case Bank 3t h ne aseId III etioft pc JIIobIaBSI in T1z See f3JIit 38 II paM IIL meet n to r W3HIO 1650 e Dttrid e cIIMIa M abaft 5 P due of and I 31- Mapemee lie 531- Beatiog sd di65vei 55153- 41hes friei idie4 heel Tenses 4336443- 33es 563314 lea 46300 p enS- IAfed meser rraere lank 1531503 TeaM so4Mai les so sasinle s- 2stloed elect 3- 6tri1wmests heng Withe Cesr 2 the eMs day Nedaty ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > OvnctAMnt X D HOSBNBEBG WX XONTBOMBRT- K J EVRXSHAW ALBERT OATLET- CKA8 C WILSON HARRY FRIEDLANDBB SUE SHEETZ Dfrrcwn BRYANS GREAT FITNESS Shown In the Adoption of His Ad- vanced Policies Nothing hi more conclusive evidence of Mr Bryans great power and fitaess than the fact that the Republican party to hope for future control has been coon polled make most pronounced In Its platform the policies which have been distinctly those advocated by the Demo- cratic nominee and his party The for the revision of the tariff the war against trusts of a monopolistic character railway regulation and cur- rency reform have been the cardinal planks of Democratic platforms Their adoption by the Republican party has has stood for them unfaultertogly In the past Not all the Democratic leaders were for Mr Bryan prior to the convention as Its Presidential candidate It behooves all who favor Democratic principles and policies to stand Mildly by their great leader and champion A Copenhagen newspaper with a view to testing the comparative rate of speed of various telegraph systems sent off to Itself two telesroTT of five words one telegram went eastward while the Shanghai the other went via Xew York and Shanghai The telegram sent ort by Shanghai of the eastern route arrived back In Copenhagen In three hours and twentythree minutes Each telegram had to be taken over and telegraphed afresh eight times during its transtnls zion Only the RnnnerBp Frees Taller The best man thought hed take a look round and see that everything was run- ning as a fastidious bride would wish It and up In the reem where the presents were displayed alone and unhappy look ing he came upon a youth seemingly ready like the wedding guest of the Eng- lish poet to beat isis breast lie was wondering about looking at sil- ver and cut glass without seeing them and the best man hardly knew how to approach him Er have you kissed the bride he asked at last And the answer told far more than its two meager words might have been to It was Not lately Sugar Restriction In Japan According to a Japan Chronicle state- ment furnished by Consul Hunter Sharp of Kobe the three leading sugar refineries of Japan have put up 5345660 gold as a guaranty to an agreement that their com- bined production would be restricted to I79ee9 bags They also agreed to adopt uniform marks and packing to distinguish sugar for export and for home markets Exposition at Puebla The board of directors has approved the project for the erection at a cost of J3flt e of the first building for the Mexi- can National Exposition at Puebla to be- held in 191 The state government Is also receiving plans for a building 1L A P The infant of the household was In its craddle The head of the house was at home peevish and faultfinding At length he became unendurable Youve done mis- takes tonight fea growled Yes she answered meekly I began by putting wrong baby to bed So FlaIIt the s LeaoI to de- ad been proof or the wiodom of him who But that the party has chosen him Round the World In 17 hours other went west One telegram went via York and while I London ex- pected 3Utake the I News I I now l1 each New London 11cr ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FINANCIAL FINANGJAL I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 2200000 Your Valuable Silverwarew- ill be safe from dange in any form if youl permit this com- pany to care for same during your absence Storage in special vaults located in a thoroughly modem banking house Reasonable rates no charge for cartage JJ Safe Deposit Boxes Rented 5a Year and Upward UNION TRUST COMPANY ftSi OFFICERS I ¬ Kdward 3 St Hwae n President G Payn lt Vice President Gee K HamMton M Vice President Attorney and Trust Officer K Fleming Secretary and Azet Trust OIBcer u lame Gee Edson B Olds Treasurer Harry O Wilson Ast Treasurer TV Frank D Herron Auditor Edward L HUIycrAs3t Secretary The Union Savings Bank 710 14th Street N W Your Opportunity Is oat always with If you have a savings account you can take advantage f It when It comes The difference Be- tween riches and poverty is in saving yar money and using It when opporta I H ItS SoJoo rirloo tI t 11 i a H I I I II HHv i t i you 1 f p i 4 4 4 ¬ + + + + + + + + < + n y eners Stat a savings account with this bent now We Pay 3 Interest Under Government Supervision- E QUIKCr SMITH President A L LOTHROP Vice President JOHX B SLEMAX Jr M Vice President EDWARD S ilUXPORD Tre aurer DIRECTORS J HRUrten teen lotteer- A 1L Lothrrj- E x w ai Dollar Opens an Account Ie i Doers open from 931 a m W 3 p I1 Iev to- t t J- t i t io WWKam B Kiag t B 5Iear t 1 Q Snith i f W Woodnrd t- One Ieft 1 o 10 H It It I t l Gecra1717ara soWNoie John S 1 4- I 4 0 r H H 4 > + + + +++++++++++++++++ ++ + +++ ++ +++ Organized 1879 Assets 224940509 THE EQUITABLECo- Operative Building Association Stock 4 PAYS 4 Shares 250 per Month 55th Issue Now Open for Subscription JNO JOT EDSOX President f FRAXK P REESIDE Secretary Office EQUITABLE BUILDING 1003 F ST K w GRIFFIN HALSTEAD CO Membtn WASHINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE CORRESPONDENTS OF BALLS 8TIEGLZTZ MEMBERS NEW TORK STOCK EXCHANGE 1344 F STREET N W Ttlnfcoora Mils SZ and ia CURD SPECIALISTS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Drafts On principal cities of the world Letters of Credit issued Exchange bought and sold Investments Collections made Stocks Bonds bought sold NATIONAL KlggS BANK- Pa opposite U S Treaary 1Il1tfIllfIIIIIiilItl i I t ro t t t H lot 11 I I I Jot a I II ZLUs6sriIui Ave I r 4f l4H Capital 31X0 Issued + + + TELEPHONES MAIN I364QGS AG Plant Co Bankers and Brokers 714 14th St Bond Bldg Interest paid on de posits subject- to check Members Washington Stock Exchange Private Wirfs to New York Thomas L Horne Go Brokerage Offices 1335FStMW Main SS3SS4 Member of the Washington Stock Exchange Uew York Stock Exchange Orders Executed bjr Private Wire MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN MONET TO LOAN ON D O REAL ESTATE flies of interest fjmtet on pricdcaj ot- JBO or Ban sectOred at tsf tatmt period THE F H SMITH co JI 90t Bond BM 198 N T Ave REAL ESTATE VS STOCKSSECURITI TS- DOCBT S Hi and IX noner In and n anru oo flnt traits tad teprored vnvult only Leery pes ible cacatdentiau fbcrrrn Um a THE HARRISON REALTT CO JJaia 330 m O am X SOL ALLEN C CLARK OB F it MONET TO LOAN ON APPROVED crt REAL prd l- triTiftCT mttk hrjpcrt to rricr pajaenta TYLER t RUTHERFORD 30 IStfc tnr asiiMt MONET TO US MAKE YOUR NEW hens or npcc old ones tont AR tnnuctteai oadaelM with xicnrak l- ccn dentioa for Itinuwtia WM Q 8AUNDCR- Joo ux y KES t 6 Telephone lowest large at Jtf MONET TO LOAN ctvr KSTATE U ntat JePnt correat of Interst It LOA LZT at Ic1rat Situ of D Nt S 015 nw it rites lee ¬ <

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Post on 09-Feb-2019




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Page 1: NEW RECORDS MADE IIod I - Chronicling · NEW RECORDS MADE Wall Street Prices Touch Highwater Mark STEEL



Wall Street Prices TouchHighwater Mark


Railroad Stocks Particularly StrongUnder Good Report ConcerningCrops and Rate Bull Impulse Car-

ried Clear ThronjtJi In All Quota-

tion Trade Report Favorable

July lTke inMtal taeed practtcnltr s nrfcc Mines M cornpared with last MIStS dodng thefine sale of Untied Sates Steel tvMehwas rather late ta opentos was

atThis marked a new Ugh reeerd Jaw

butt impulse toe whole Mat Thereafter prices gAy began to move p

and tkrts tendency was maintainedto the activity tacreaetng as thesession approached its dose untH tn thelast few xntaatee It exceeded aaythta-eecn on the New York Stock Exchangein many months The facilities of theexchange for recording transactions weretaxed to the Btmoet and ia the lasthalf hour the ticker fell booted the actualtransactions to such aa extent that notuntil seven atnotes after the cteee ofbusiness was It aWe to record the lastsales

The trading broadened sabstiurtlaHyPennsylvania and New York Central

quite activeof reports that aa

rates tat tnmk tee territory h 4practically West reached sad ovoid tosomedistant future

Railroads StrongSt Paul Union FacMc Fa

c3c andalso strong the kowa atftode oC MrHffl and Mr Harrtman toward the ques-

tion of rate advances being regarded asclearly foreshadowtog nctto of IiI kindby the IVeoterm rondo Croat Northernhowever for aorati WMxptateed Toodid not to any great silent participate

Additional reaaon for the market actionof the granger stocks was found SB thereport of the Chicago BvrUagtoa andQuincy on crop einfctUna n Xwhich gave a to elation of K for canin that State and said thatwheat thraah-

cumsUnited States Steel was the strongest

stock on the whole raging toestablishing a record nearly X points

above last nights clUes and nearly doa-ble the loweM price of the panic

Sotpans HlRli RecordsMany of the leadtng stocks such as

Tnited States Steel Union NorthPacific St and

have now surpassed tbetrrecord for the year and hy doinghave encouraged the hopes of speculatorsthat e furtherIs yet to come Trade conditions aregenerally favorable for while themercial agencies say business to slow thetendency is hi the right dtrectton andpreparations are making for aa activefall trade

The bankpertedly faicash beingpreliminaryreserve showing anof last week of KGaJH


Tnt Jnre M1 r c rt todBj Tlthe wet from the

fosift fatliac t altor tile itrtiB-aptr rates rasa 1 Pi

moneythe week forsomrmbat better Orhervfen the aaartit ikon B-ttk chasge for the week Kate H to 2 per eesrtfor dart 2 to 4 fcr sdawty J JS to Si

foor months 1 to s for five sad K to-

54i for aicotbThe ttertJTia aoarket

19695 and iS between UTKRates for actul kwtMU ne SfaU 4-

18S7S dtsand UT oWes tKfcJJTSbin rwe 4



a ooopo JSZ-

5Pacama 3


Aznrrkim T S

Atlantic CCentral IaoVI-

xmimll andllfcstmn-

Xtw York CaMnl M-Tforfott and W ia Li

Southern Iaeane ufaaelag is-

Cnion lade to-

TTnion Pacjne nfaadkis 4s-

Ttrion Pacine eoEwerUMe 4s-

iTnrted State Steel aWabash refaaSas 4s


QjoUtloci t ilikil av K F BattMt Ciu-

oembers New Tall Stork EsxhMge G BowieChlpman raaaaser Dal f atuu aanlmaL-

Ooesk IHgk Lav CfcB-eBrlttsb CoL O gper S i iChicago Subway

Goidfirid CBuuMml WGreene CiB or K-

Gmrie GoH SOrrr MS-

Miema GoU Illliin SS-

XenO Count H4-

Xoradartai Caafwr Z KM ZMVK j-

XIplMhie Miatec T i JH Hi-Eundard OiL

LIVE STOCK HASKETNew York July K CATTLE Receipts S3J and

steady Dressed beef aveaaaged at Salt ttrto cboim MOa

t-t SaUH moatry dremd dew at SHaWKSHEEP AND LAMRSRMBSBU JM heed

teadr lambs alow sod cents lower tsar catsold Cooaauai to apod ahtep 3UOOMJO fair tochoice Imrab tV 7T-

SHOOSReoetets UK bead inmlainj sceadrCATTLEReEHaw JSH800 heal

HOGSBccdpta MXW heed asarket 5 restsUcht ltat rein UfaUi atad tSAS

LH head auket ochaas d

While you think of it telephone yourWant Ad to The Washlogton Herald andbilL will sent ou atl a word


Xew Yorkactions tEZ tlte stock w


orded Q

the year for tIats lee aud gave a Iugto


be-coming as a re-sult to

extent be tftn to br tile lOt

Northernol XecUtweMeni were

In tire strength oC the outer Mocks


lug was nader faYOraltle drthe crop ytiIiIDg wIL



ker-n Paul PeIID51Y1Udahigh

sabetantiol rise in prices

MateentsiaowtIIg the sIa

1Iu1er than any oC tileesMea and Ute surpinece tINs end


ket tend MdIft fill 11Mfill oW-

ntlral oC II tEIIItfill eoII

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k JII5 1tJ3f4

Tork Ir JIStack bJa-daC

T tIA-mrrtrua


D H k t5sYOTt 40



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3eKInkDemgk iSeines


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BMOfeen of tile New Ted Stock Entasse R BestsChjaxnaa manager I3K F street EmthwtstTotal nlc 37LSOO ashnm-

SJrV Ofot Hism Low

Am Oatlan O 4 3 JR4 3WABU lee See JBW S 36-

Am Loco JJM UK 9Hs SHi WAm Sasatt HJM B tK S ft-Aa sIt ft M stm l l TtUi Mfli1Am Scsu 16M SRa in B U m

T K jrfa 388 nt T4-J 2JW H MH 4

4 ttAL Gat Ltoa-Batta Ohio i 96i WH W4 SHiBreak R T 2J-Caac r dfc M J-

Oia Leather t 3iC-haa as ota LM W-CM Ot W UaO WC M ai St P SltW WK HW4 UK liPsC aad N W UK VK IK WM MS-

CL E aad I H430 3I-

IJSD ISMS OK US WCom Pnd Mi MK Mi MtD aad II Mi MrS MHi MIH MIHErie 1480 Ml 3 3SV a H-

SH Z7 miltsa mi iw i 4-

UM OK ass M UK-W North the 4W at C sW

M er jx Ua IHi IKi IIS 11Hlet MtcropaHtaa pM Ml M 3Bi IHi-


399 1H IB INK IWi-h 9 3M-

Nailanal LeadNew T k CeairaLX O t WN rMk i WesternNorth ABWficu

UW OH aiS S9-

4JOO MMi 1864 Ms K

199 7R T1H 71i TKi-

Pres Steel US 39 3 i 39 3W-ITliaaig OJ 1MH IMIi IMS IKV

790 TS flit 71S TIS900 Jni N KH Si-

MJ500 S6S M 9K MH-Ssmrthna Ky ed S MK-

Pacaac SW JK Jl 3H tPadne SUM ItMi HP m1 HS5

U Pipe Mil S SIU S Robber M IK tK fM E-

c a steel mjm m 4U S Steel Btt UB MH MK 1L

lit Wi IK M iB-

CentrU M9 His B ITS r-


SALBS-H8M UnatM Raflaya nnt 4sM e Seaboard Ah 4sMJM Seohoard Air Lhsa 4sH M-

MJHSfOboaid tic 4s-

JUW OoBserMaleel Ooa isyum BaL Tr N BaL Br ta-

Sa s a-S5SS KaBw ya Pwari

IHsfk fa-

KjH CoattMstad GM Si-

SUWifcm Rfcer mi b

GAS AND HJ5CTRJC-Ciiiinaiiid M am fc


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L6L CM Onia 331 theze rahci PS 1t Nsrtb3ra 31

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6Pb atI6 so1131-MIJ Itsek Pelsinere 359III-NsthIUehe Ill



Ccmcrml H 1


STREET RAILWAYSCatted Kaftwaya aarf BIo Tr 11

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i Tr N K lit la JrK-

MX K Ml-U H Doc hE K B


CuoBaa Cnrtr1 fc-

OKW Ort aa An-Ffcrtfc sod S Mtkm fa


SwhoMd Air Lea BOXiJt u i Air Line IHMT K-SMWnd Air Law ex 3 ttr K ML tK-

VOL CM ABC fe Ms-i Tenafad is IM



Com Cotton D ck-

Obsv CMtae tU-

Mm Hirer R R fc


prices uponatost active bonds and steaks Hstad eathe Washington Steele Bxehange teatKrfgay and a the ewrespeadteg tate

year agGAS BONDS

fa S-


Eteeufe 45 S

MISCBtLANBOCS BONDSFctsssM Electric Light fc

tad WMMBCHB liiMtnil St-

CV J m ki ad FMOMC TcfcnhMC fa-WMkngtm Xariwt X HE


Ri nT at E etrte M

TYPE MACHINE STOCKSMcijvtttUcr ThOiie 189mi



jFttatm sal Mrcfci cs jeo


Sa e MO MiKCra t m


Mtnbaaai ol Hcefa


l R



lQn MfcuL nrftTTtd M-

IMS 3r Stance 150 TO


fctCO botcbtr JOa-N arm ZJOalO-GLHOGSPtr cat SiESaiS onssuj

rat 10C iI3-EHEEPPrio IKhiS oriiimm t iOa-LAMBSSprisc 6 UJLiBlm Riaffl-iCALVESPlfeK per peasrf 7 atdtam Si 4-

rrtsj J tCOWS Prime frest acfa W W

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fill 0dude C 1 R R Icdst 56

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PIftmsS JI 35n 51 J-AIttrlteL3i fiUeiaDh

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53 31-

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6Csi33 31-33Itroie64tea s 131 B-OWSghe


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rhxa quoted are wholesaleTIle cendHbm of the vhaltaala market rcnafca-

ynetttaBr BBtmuiZTd ECO here benz aanxr forthe rut few days end ire hither Late in the week

e the market ad prices were knockedMr fa VrrtaM a are Maaewkat

soS sf rather sooT oa tr doe 1 tile drrer ta the nearty Urrhcrj led a

tearettr ta aocae Bora and t rkr been heMpretty attfi hi thU department The same is truet fraiti-HCTTERCronjtiT faeer S3a Wetter

to fair to seed 1313 dalrj choice 13aB goou-

M Mcirpartrt freak K-

BGOSNear r freih Vfamda Ices off I7aHH-aT iat SK West Vinewiat and Soothmrt Virgins MH Tecnewe 16 Ncrtk CaroJtea IS-

CHEESENew York State factarr l rce H 1IHIbllH da mmmer amaH ISilU-

LIVE POULTRTCUckena fancy ipriEC HaDbees MH tt roosters 7 docks prtas 1111 dostege Mall do naaSL S grew 7aS Urrtf tfflsaper lb 30 de fcaiv H da I keata m

DRESSED POOLTRTlnrtera tern raCrawn-prr aH Hal7 do arenre Bdraim Matt dothta KaK terns Ball apriec Na17 scan Kali boo dwte CaH reetten 9dark 9iMl

DRESSED MEATS Hams coontrr tosuHaH

VEGETABLES Potatoes bcrae grown per bcdCaaTi sew per LOOiiM Netth CaroHca perML 00 Ncrfoiks ZOO McCmnack per

bM LWaLS ew Soath CaraKaa S0a59 each eelerr FfcrtU per crate 106siM do JOT bacX Ma01 uuaaUri per basket ShS ecmiatM percrate TiiLOQ kilt prr itS 6Sg Rttaeegrown per basket LOCaUSO enkm Eennada

LOOaLS do EcTpttaa tag 300MarHasd Vbstnfcu hiS LttaLTS peas per bas-

ket ikLS crown per bbL JJ b43 radMper W SOaLOO strictr trio creea per basket

tematoea aearbr per crate TSaLS aQaathFinite per buket SSUS wren cam per dirMat

GREEN FRUITSOransw ftr box ZJOaLO-Oda CaHavnia rued XOOiLOO cnpe fratt perbox tSSaLCO peaches per sixbasket orrt T

at Geareia per crate LSaLT a herSaUl caatafcmies per eats LOQai69 plaeaaajlesper erate taSalOO backleberries per quirt SaK-

Maekbeniea per oaart SaK iK ei sew per oH-iSHU do per buabel 5Ca75 per crateLSaLSD Tatermekos 3JOO peas perlOMJa-

SVNDRIESBeesirax 3 UOair 4 beaejchew Wb sew 13 da Mb new MaK tttseacper ML SCOt6OT Seaeca per Ib W GaMen Seal

a Itak Mandrake 1 Sect 35DRIED FRWITSApples slIced fascr a7 do

tttetd kriatx t-

ORAINU keat S a aera on trade OaSS ne-BM onm secDX while 7Ea ate 2Bal-do car UailOO eats Western aMOs Ne X Oa-N d mUM SSaat

WOOL AND HIDE3Wool nAvS free ofhers per Rx 39 H da owrasaei free fper S A kany per HJL KaC ksaVs emuprr H 6a7 da dry per Jo lid tanepsaiaa

eaek ISa da dry each Sa caiftklaj-treaa eath LCOaL2S


Jiew Tok Mj HLSrOARTbe Leaden beet

at lie id far tMsdeflmy The fcol aawket far nw-

O am BeaaxgaA eentrinwaL X-

ili at tK m e i K S InC XK a4-i sapu 89 at ML BediM aa ar was

NAVAL STOltESTbe saatket Sir farm tl topbat steady at tl Jar atdnw-

t Sanaa feat shadeIBaSH Rashi MS oafct at XM far ca-

to coad srnrtcei Tar held steady at 430MILL FBED tnec ea ek c trade Scrams

to arrtre-e dty kna as ia MIlt W

IMIML to oie-

FLOCKth a 4 mw lVA Sperar aatoals TJ-

r deam XJ tt-

SaUO stadBMa 4J9L easars a9a4JL-RYK FlOVRMc t 4e dow 9NS XCORN MBALStnar niaated amjajri drtHN-

CL 2 No 3

krjt RIftI d lIre rndtalii-

oidon nee


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JdoInU 2IaS do liaJI JftCU Sa





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he eipmt359 ss demeni M-

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Fksiflr SJn-iamlWF1ra nate aaffay-

TALLOWDBH City aa ae a la 5S-

4LARBWcafer reins Wwm tM dtr U-

kes atr Miita U al-eS clint K-

BCTTKKRecnta sj paekaees cbnan a-

OcanMry saw Zn nnts 9S dairytwM flnnt anet end to cMce-

HflOC ILiJjiltlJL tK7 MM4ab3aat



by K F naatoa CowStork EM

Baud of Trade O Bawl I

star net F street Bortbwesc-Charsjin Jaty U Wheat opeoed at-

oahka frees Lrr raoaL ht detBMd-iwenore bjosjht oa ky seal weather fa the Xoan-wvrt The hiss wheat time w weak and the aaarhit cfcca atewt at the kwtrat lead oJ aw dig

Oem aad oats faaktwed the ama eteshaawwraaaaoa-

WHEAT OI L Kirk Law Qua

IrowcIUD 16J93-


SW SJ BJi Sfe s r SM-

J ar B WHEAT PJnn fair tradeNo I Sartmrra Dwksth to arriie LS N Z nc-

k UK Xo X hint sew crop Lab LH-Htab LMH-

CORNSearce WHtM Ne S etentor 8 i-

S b H No 2 wkate catnaaal N 2

KYS Qwtat NO-

W KATOpes Hl Low Ore dao-eUK UK MBi LIP IjafKj

K 88 1lt-Lft IK UIK Ul U t LMii



MJsarre July 11 Faelawing are thefifees bees fr today

WHEATStoek ta elerators 633 baoheis Setdial prices were No S red Western SS i-

H 3C 96 Ne red 9 steamer No 2 red S8 4-

atoaaatr N 2 rtd AVestem MU Western spot Jaly-ss umtract epot SGU JsJj H 3Mi Aejait-M tK September SS USOH

CORN Stack Is eientors IZtST bosketsprice was Vex mixed 79H Western spot

Jar SSH 8D askedOATSStocks ta e4ent n10lr4 tnabea shap

frees eienton UN bicMf WWlc Xftheavy 60a i da Ne 2 H rt to Bedtan

5 N Vhaty 55Ha59 i do N X-

CSHaMH do No 3 H fct 3P4a59 o Nto k y STHaH m4xed No 2 5Sa35H do No

JUaaFT da No SaSHRYEStoek a ekntcrs 24ffi brafceb no ship

meats wcrslcrsFLOUR Wtoter extra ISOaJW do dear ISta-

UB do atni rt UdaUJ do patent LKalJi-ms dear U a do atrai it t 3iiM-

patoBt iaiaS6 CRy IBIs best patent SS do-Mjkei 9 palest IS dc hichcnda ctrai kt-L do ckslee fimfir JJ


QMtatfens farabbrd by E F Hutton Ceeeteu f the New York Stork Exeteace aad the

New Tark Cotton Exchasce O Bests CHpsaBncrr BUI f itrect northwest

f tke

the due to reports of crap deterioration After thecast October iamsscd its adraacr bIt business becaiBe qck er The weather b the belt w s Eeaerasrydear and teaspentores were seasossMe

Receipts at the parts were tJSM bates asahtst MSweek and If last year Fer the week SJKO-

fM tat week inS 7 33 hist yearat New Orleans were KS bales aratost

last year sad at Houston US bales agsiatt MSlost year

New YorkOpen nigh Low Cfee-

Jaar S40 910 SJ5 9J5

New OrleansOpen High Lew Dies

Jaty ISST IftS M8S MJi-Ocsaber 9JO 9E 9Jff 9 3-

a a rnnm 93 S J 8JJ JUS



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JsI11Tt2M It thees14ss ruirket us faIrly arid trlcoa tr-epIar The lite tiens IBaeoood

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New tnt spetsidly we

sue stuljerw fetri


9K 9913 LII 915




BALTIMORE PEODTJCE 2OEXETJuly IS FoTtoirmg are the calprice eatabUabed by Fruit ad Frodra Atso

cUtto-oICTTKRCreamerr fincy per In tnltaUon-

Ksa Maraud and Prmailiania IfistlT-atareparked Ohio and West Vlrsinia IRialT Maryland Vbsbaa sad rexrasjlmda dairy niata 16WT-

ECGSMaryhnd Ptamarlrania and nearby firstsHH Shore Maiybnd and Virginia 17U-

Wectera Ant BH Wit VlnfcU 17LIVE PODLTRTSprfne chickens pacnd larg-

JftiM amB UsIS old bens beaiywei ht CHall-Sfcinr ducks large KaU old decks M-

POTATOESNew Norfolk per bbL No L 2S5a-

U9 do Rsmahsnanek per large bbL 200a22e-Vx r smrnH bbL LKa2X do York lUres perMIL primes 2COal2S do Eastern Sbore Marylaid per teL tOOaJ

GKEEX FRUITS AND VEGETABLESAprSes-MarrisBd sad Virdaia m bbL fancy LOQsLS doaan comraoa SDa dft per buket-n New York assorted per bbL LTSaXOO BestS

satire per bsDCh lal 4 Vbckberrics Eastern ShoreMaryland per qoart 35 da Karrabannock perbacket SmS do Patuent SSoSH Cabbse na-

Ure ITT 100 J00 ioa CiMahnprs Georgia percrate ISaLS dr Ame Arnndel Gems bintet-

narrre daora NaK Qsaasbers ratiie perbMket 3SaML Eernhnts Norfolk per 25hLeo Orson beaan sattTe per buibel 3d Hacklebeerlea Eaitcrn Shate per quart do Mary-land and Ttijwti prr bucket StaJi Lettuce NewYork per badnt LSaLTS Onfc s Pcnvytraaia

per bushel 65aTO do new Bappahanaorkper kaAet 5M do sew Riprahannock per bOiL

LXaLSO Pushes GeorcU Etberta per carrierLS do Saath CaroKna per ctrrier 75tLO i

Maryland aid Yliglaas per box aMS do Marylead aa4 Tlnaait per Vbaskrt SSOL Pears lamtofea EHatMk per batket WaSO Raspberrie redper 3a4 do per q irt do Mack per

Tamsloea Pxecaar per 6basket carrierNVrMk per 2buket carrier S0al do-

HaayahsaaMCk per 6b ket carrier 33o 5 do Baper H asket SGtja Watrmeiaai FtarMa

each as to saae 5a3X


claimed that Lake Erie producesmore fish to the square mile than anyother body of water in the world

In Portugal married women retain theirmaiden names and are always bythem

There Is one lighthouse in existencethat is not placed on any mariners chartIt Is IB the Arizona desert and marksthe spot where a well supplies pure fresh-water to the traveler

The largest and heaviest building stoneever quarried In Britain was taken some-time ago irons the Ptenklngton bed nearNorwich It was to one piece withoutcrack or flaw and weighed ever thirtyfive tone

A gold com passes from one hand toanother 209MOQttt times before the stampor impression upon it becomes obliteratedor friction while a sliver eeln changeshands UMMMW times before It becomesentirely defaced

The German Emperor owns mostvaluable draughtboard to existence Thelight and dark squares are made f sliverand gold and the draughts are also madeof sliver and gold each having a dtamendor rub In the center

OB the BdgIaa state railways all thenewspapers left ta the trains belong tothe government They are eent to thepaper made kite pulp and serveafterward as railway tickets Over W8

tons of newspapers are collected everyyear

Birds can eat and digest from ten tothirty times as ranch food in proportionto their abe as men eaR If a men couldeat as ranch m proportion to Ms size

consume he woulda couple

at doaen chickens fur breakfast and sixturkeys for Ids evening meaL

One of the most curious mines la theworld ta m Tongktag China where IB asand formation at a depth of from 14

I stems of trees The Chinese work tide





bbL fI


nI habIa ussr bbL




fta2i de



It Js




as a Sparrow Ia aIIIeDeed A sheep for dinner

to fed there III a deposit or Ute



64 green per 102196-do




feet 35





mine for timber which Is found Sogood condition and is used ta makingcofltes and troughs aad for carving andother purposes

After free years work Australias greattranscontinental rabbitproof fence

completed Its length Is i88S milesand the cost of its erection has beennearly JUS It is famished at In-

tervals of the ties with systems sftraps hi which hundreds of rabbits arecaptured and destroyed dUlY Inside the

t no trace oftbetr presence

The authorities at tile WashingtonHydrograpUc Bureau have endeavoredto ascertain the Mae ot the Atlantic

From careful observation theyfear that m height the waves usually

about J feet hat Inweather they attain from 49 feet to 4S

feet In storms they are often from leefeet to 409 feet long and continue tomove about ten seconds or eleven sec-onds wIlDe the longest yet known moosured half a mile and did not exhaust it-self for twentythree seconds

The London committee on cabs andomnibuses reports that as many as 36

undergoing adjustment or repair enany one day The average daily journeyof each vehicle Is from MO to 131 mileswith Ti per cent of them running

the average total dally distance Ismiles That Is In spite of

eat high percentage of disabled vehiclesthe total mileage per annum of motor

In London Is already nearly

Fact About MeerschaumRs the CUetga News

Meerschaum is a hydrated silicate ofmagnesia appearing as an opaque earthymineral white grayish or yeMewlsn

la texture and breaking with aI or line earthy fracture Most

of It comes from Asia Minor especiallyfrom the plates of ktechehr where Itoccurs hi nodular masses of variable sizeand irregular shape distributed throughthe alluvial deposits of the plain whichare systematically worked for the extrac-tion by means of pits and galleries

Meerschaum is found also bet lessabundantly in Greece and in some of theGrecian Wands at Hrubschltz In Mora-via where It occurs In aerpentinoosmatrix and In Morocco where It Is usedwhen soft and fresh as a substitute forsoap while coarse variety Is found atVaUecas near Madrid and Is employedas a building stone Meerschaum also oc-

curs in South CarolinaAlmost the whole of the worlds supply

of meerschaum comes from the districtof Esklschehr In Asia Minor

Mining Is done in a primitive fashionand precautions for safety are unknownalthough accidents occur from time totime A group of three to fifteen work-men work together to dig a shaft aboutone meter in diameter and no props areaxed until they reach at a depth of twen-ty to forty and even sixty meters thebed of red clay under or In which themeerschaum Is found mixed with serpen-tine in the terra of Irregular pieces fromthe size of a hazel nut to that of anapple

These pieces are often extracted withgreat difficulty after making long galleriesin the red day In many places the earthis mined in such a way that the galleries-of several different excavations are confused The work Is carried on day endnight the workings being lighted bymeans of oil lamps

The meerschaum is not sold by weight

cba e the meerschaum which Is dampheavy and of a yellowish color is etto dry in the sun In summer time ondlnthe winter for about nine days In a dryingoven heated day and night

The product loses about twothirds ofIts weight In the drying and becomessnow white Afterward it Is rubbed withflannel moistened with warm water anyroughness Is removed with a knife thehollows are cleaned with sand and finally the pieces are polished with wax Inthis condition the meerschaum Is sent tomarket

While you think of it telephone yourWant Ad to The Washington Herald andbill will be sent you at 1 cent a woriL


barrier appears as


average rough

per coot of motor are In

aboutUte InlllfteT of this traffic and the pros





but by the cee or box After the per



oen1buses gar-age

















ZUUbUshed Oct a 1904

CommercialNational BankCor 14th and G Sts

Capital 50000000Surplus and UndividedProfits 23535262

can be no quesas to the advan

of being identi-fied with this bank

The service we render embraces every desirable featurethat can be consistently of-

fered by a sound and conserv-atively managed financial in-

stitutionCTDepesUory for funds of Trus-

tees In bankruptcy

OFFICERSFrederick C Stevens PresGeo W White ist Vice PresN H Shea 2d Vice PresA G Clapham 3d Vice PresGeo O Walson Cashier



Dime SavingsAt WuhfegMB D C at tile

Mr J9X

RBSOiHCH-Suw M wuO-rCTteas ttewn saiiean-




tt4 l in nil pinjirt tek KJKM-xjatm


Deterred rMt B



I JOHN X RMMtDON-Ml BMk 4 Mtnatf r thrt tke store

rant M tree t the be t of mj tamlifci uL hoteLJOHN X BWRDOX Ciiattr-

C l enU sod twecm belies e tOte Mni t-










III etioftpc JIIobIaBSI

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Mapemee lie 531-Beatiog sd di65vei 55153-

41hesfriei idie4 heel Tenses


33es 563314 lea 46300p

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so4Mai lessosasinle s-

2stloed elect3-


Withe Cesr 2 theeMs














Shown In the Adoption of His Ad-

vanced Policies

Nothing hi more conclusive evidence ofMr Bryans great power and fitaess thanthe fact that the Republican party tohope for future control has been coonpolled make most pronounced In Itsplatform the policies which have beendistinctly those advocated by the Demo-

cratic nominee and his party Thefor the revision of the tariff the

war against trusts of a monopolisticcharacter railway regulation and cur-rency reform have been the cardinalplanks of Democratic platforms Theiradoption by the Republican party has

has stood for them unfaultertogly In thepast

Not all the Democratic leaders werefor Mr Bryan prior to the convention

as Its Presidential candidate It behoovesall who favor Democratic principles andpolicies to stand Mildly by their greatleader and champion

A Copenhagen newspaper with a viewto testing the comparative rate of speedof various telegraph systems sent off toItself two telesroTT of five wordsone telegram went eastward while the

Shanghaithe other went via Xew Yorkand Shanghai The telegram sent ort byShanghai of the eastern route arrivedback In Copenhagen In three hours andtwentythree minutes Each telegramhad to be taken over and telegraphedafresh eight times during its transtnlszion

Only the RnnnerBpFrees Taller

The best man thought hed take a lookround and see that everything was run-

ning as a fastidious bride would wish Itand up In the reem where the presentswere displayed alone and unhappy looking he came upon a youth seeminglyready like the wedding guest of the Eng-

lish poet to beat isis breastlie was wondering about looking at sil-

ver and cut glass without seeing themand the best man hardly knew how toapproach him

Er have you kissed the bride heasked at last

And the answer told far more than itstwo meager words might have been

to It was Not lately

Sugar Restriction In JapanAccording to a Japan Chronicle state-

ment furnished by Consul Hunter Sharpof Kobe the three leading sugar refineriesof Japan have put up 5345660 gold as aguaranty to an agreement that their com-bined production would be restricted toI79ee9 bags They also agreed to adoptuniform marks and packing to distinguishsugar for export and for home markets

Exposition at PueblaThe board of directors has approved the

project for the erection at a cost ofJ3flt e of the first building for the Mexi-can National Exposition at Puebla to be-

held in 191 The state government Is alsoreceiving plans for a building

1L A PThe infant of the household was In its

craddle The head of the house was athome peevish and faultfinding Atlength he became unendurable

Youve done mis-takes tonight fea growled

Yes she answered meekly I beganby putting wrong baby to bed


FlaIIt thes LeaoI



been proof or the wiodom of him who

But that the party has chosen him

Round the World In 17 hours

other went west One telegram went viaYork and while I













New London
















Your Valuable Silverwarew-ill be safe from dange in any form if youl permit this com-

pany to care for same during your absenceStorage in special vaults located in a thoroughly modem

banking houseReasonable rates no charge for cartage

JJ Safe Deposit Boxes Rented 5 a Year and Upward




Kdward 3 St Hwae n PresidentG Payn lt Vice President

Gee K HamMton M Vice PresidentAttorney and Trust OfficerK FlemingSecretary and Azet Trust OIBcer



Edson B Olds TreasurerHarry O Wilson Ast TreasurerTV Frank D Herron AuditorEdward L HUIycrAs3t Secretary

The Union Savings Bank710 14th Street N W

Your OpportunityIs oat always with If you have asavings account you can take advantagef It when It comes The difference Be-

tween riches and poverty is in savingyar money and using It when opporta


H ItS SoJoo rirloo tI t 11 i a H I I I I I HHv

it i



p i


4 4¬

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n y enersStat a savings account with this bent


We Pay 3 Interest

Under Government Supervision-

E QUIKCr SMITH PresidentA L LOTHROP Vice PresidentJOHX B SLEMAX Jr M Vice PresidentEDWARD S ilUXPORD Tre aurer


J HRUrtenteen lotteer-A 1L Lothrrj-E x w ai

Dollar Opens an Account


iDoers open from 931 a m W 3 p I1 Iev



t itio WWKam B Kiag

t B 5Iear t1Q Snithi f W Woodnrd t-



1 o 10 H It It



l Gecra1717ara soWNoieJohn

S1 4-I 4


r H H 4





++++++++++++++ +++ + + + +++ ++ +++

Organized 1879Assets 224940509



Operative BuildingAssociation Stock 4

PAYS 4Shares 250 per Month

55th IssueNow Open forSubscription


1003 F ST K w






1344 F STREET N WTtlnfcoora Mils SZ and ia


DraftsOn principal cities of the world

Letters of Credit issuedExchange bought and soldInvestments Collections madeStocks Bonds bought sold

NATIONALKlggS BANK-Pa opposite U S Treaary






H lot 11 I I I Jot







4f l4H

Capital 31X0


+ + +


A G Plant CoBankers and Brokers714 14th St Bond Bldg

Interest paid on deposits subject-

to check

MembersWashington Stock ExchangePrivate Wirfs to New York

Thomas L Horne Go

Brokerage Offices


Main SS3SS4

Member of the Washington StockExchangeUew York Stock Exchange Orders

Executed bjr Private Wire


MONET TO LOAN ON D O REAL ESTATEflies of interest fjmtet on pricdcaj ot-

JBO or Ban sectOred at tsf tatmt periodTHE F H SMITH co

JI 90t Bond BM 198 N T Ave


S Hi and IX noner In and n anru ooflnt traits tad teprored vnvult only Leery pesible cacatdentiau fbcrrrn Um a



prd l-

triTiftCT mttk hrjpcrt to rricr pajaenta TYLERt RUTHERFORD 30 IStfc tnr asiiMt

MONET TO US MAKE YOUR NEWhens or npcc old ones

tont AR tnnuctteai oadaelM with xicnrak l-

ccn dentioa for Itinuwtia WM Q 8AUNDCR-Joo ux y KES








ntat JePnt correat of Interst


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