i 6i clothesi inee

SEMI = WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL L rVOL XXXI STANFORD KY TUESDAY JUNE 30 1903 8 A M NO 35 f LAND STOCK CROPS ETC Hubbard Bold to George Rlu lambs at flo won tbo Oakwood Handi ¬ Chicago In a canter Smothers has purchased rhUV1 horse Grand for 111000 Jones la over from Key Weet 3Laao up a carload ot hogs he bought ego at bio week John Divine shipped 08 to tho city markets They 1703 News D OBannon U the Out farm ¬ county to finish threshing It averaged 10 bushels Uroi of Mereer have about of wheat They farm nearly 2000 acres ol Meroars beat land Lntse t Co shipped a oarload of lambs they bought at 6 to 6c and a car of toga for which they paW 6 to Wo A D Root bas bought a farm near i Roosevelt O T but we are glad to jay be will not leavoXilnooln oounty to work it- The Kenllworlh traek at Buffalo was bought at public auction for S 8 Rowland of New York for HOSWO It cost 1100000 D W Savage of Minneapolis re- fused tJZOOO for Dan Patehen and 01 r cMtn W W Gentry of Blooming too lad made the offer F It SALU oU EXCHANGE A two seat 1 surrey In good condition for a youig milk cow hogs or something of equal value Apply to George B Bar- re Crab Orchard Ky J M Sallee sold to J C Johnson 100 lamb at Bio At Winchester court ffooj Ikbt iteon brought 4c rood hell ert to Hie lot sheep 3e hogs t 90 to I Meier A Huffman bought Jul Jno Allen of Hurioavllle several fan cr 100 pound user at Ito also ol W n Shears a lot of hogs at bioAdve- cate ¬ CHURCH MATTERS rnted Presbyterians wilt raise 1- uOOM jubilee fund 113 J G LlvlagsUn wilt preach at Hoi tams Mill at 11 oclock next Sun day morning Ray O M Busy It aitUttncr In a protracted meeting at tbe Ltneasler Baptist church- Mvangelista Andrew Johnson and J B Kendall will go to MadlsgavUle to holdaTlvalJuly 119 EM C K Powell has accepted a call to tbe Parksvlll Gbrlillan church He will preach on the flat Sunday ol each month at well at the Saturday night before Te iuestlon ot changing the Jewish Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday will be ooo of the most Important matters disc nod at a meeting of leaders In the Jewish faith whloh began yesterday at DetroitSouthern Methodists gave for mis ¬ stoma the pest year the following Wo mane Home Board 150751 03 Wo mens Foreign Mission Societies 1112 t51 n churches for home missions l s250 07r churches for foreign mil clone 8203135 35 Rev Karl XVIIIIey pastor of the Now Cattle Pa Christian church occupied the pitchers box at a game of baseball played by focal clubs last week Mr Wllfey Is an earnest advocate of clean athletic sports and does all In his pow ¬ er to encourage them Tbe now union church at Valley View Madison county recently erect- ed ¬ by tbo Baptist and Christian donom nations was dedicated Sunday Rev B A Dawes of Louisville and Dr Burns A Jenkins of Lexington had charge of the dedication services Cholerat and Diarrhoea T + e uniform success of this remedy has made U the most popular preparation In use for bowel oomplalnta It h every I where recognized as the one remedy that can always be depended upon and hat Is pleasant to take It la especially valua bio far summer diarrhoea In children and it undoubtedly the means of saving the lives of a groat many children each year For sate by Craig A Hocker bittytwo years aco a man named k Jones moved from Kentucky to Dado county Mo taking with him his tam ¬ s lly of ten children At a reunion reo cpntly held at Evorton 1010 of his de ¬ scendants woo present and there are a tow who were unable to attend At most all his descendants have married and settled In the same neighborhood In southwestern Missouri 4 Tho full name of Mme PattI who ls about to make ono more final and fare ¬ well tour to America Is Adola Juana Merle Clorinda PattI Most people know her only as Patti forgetting that she has been the Marquis do Caux and and Signora Nlcollnl and la now Bar ones Ccdorstrom In a general shooting affray In Ma goffln countv Hiram Dennett was kill ed and Joe Hacker and John Henry Hacker wore wounded The trouble lit said to have arisen over a discussion of Burn Fitzpatrick action ai a juror In the Jett case at A West Ender Remembers Hls I Homo PaperWhlloOutwestSt- 7TBaaLMu MO June 6I left nqitonvlll tbe loih over the O S i Cincinnati and from there ojor the kO S W to Sandborn Ind DI ed there on Wednesday In time breakfast Alter spending a couple of days pleasantly visiting friends and I looking over the beautiful meadows and listening to the many binder In the wheat fleldi whlob wore about boo log finished and also looking at the lit tie oorn some of It Just coming up late on account of so much wet weath ¬ er on Friday morning I left for this place over the B OS W to St Louis and over the M K Jr T to Suth- erland Mo I saw lots of water still In E 51 Louis I took a drive yester ¬ day of 10 miles with friends visiting relatives and looking at One cattle tbat1wereJat money Tbe same party bad a herd of shorthorn caws as flM as I eVIl saw We weighed OM yearling heifer 1050 pounder one sow 1660 pounds He also had mules that welched 1600 pounds I will leave tbla piss to morrow for Knob Neater Mo PUaee send me a paper there for It will be like a letter frost home The farmers borearo blue over their prospect for a corn orop Plenty ot fold yet unbroken Too muehsraio But If they should not raUc any they have plenty of pens lull left and 6nly worth 40o per bushel No wheat out hero yet Meadows and pas tares fine Your friend J W POWBLI HIGHLAND Biro to tbe wife of Al sao Skltlmore a fH Tbe staging eonduotod by Rev Oso Thompson was well attended on Satur day night Thomas Sims son of Mrs Mabala Sims living on Back Creek died a few days ago Ills remains were laldawav to rest near Klngtvlll Some of our teamster with their wagons nod teams leave to day for Oar rard and Jes amlno counties to haul wheat for Speaks thrusber E B Austin bat bis new house about completed and will soon be ready for a new housekeeper Ye widows and maidens dont all speak at once Mrs Margaref Uted Is slek Mr S S Baslln who has had a severe tussle with several oarbuncli on hie neck Is Improving Shell Used of Indianap ¬ olis who has boon hero for a few days visiting relatives returned to his home Sunday being accompanied by Ness Thomas end Dally Hutchison who go In sdarch of employment Harlan Newell of Somerset visited tbo faml ¬ lies of K U Bauph and A B Young Sunday Mrs L I Faulkner has gone to Cocbln Ula Baker has returned from Somerset Mrs Alex Gourley of Eubaoks Isvlslllog her parents Mr and Mrs DO Ballard Mr Blanken ship of near Crab Orchard visited his daughter Mr Pedro Green last week FAIR DATES The following is the list of fair dates flint for this year Kirkavllle July 17 and 18 Crab On bard July 22 4 lays Georgetown July 28 4 days Cynthlani July SfO 4 day Huttonville July 20 3 days Danville August 4 4 days Madlsonvlllo August 4 days llrodhesd Aug 103 days Lexington August 10 0 days Fern CreAk August 18 4 days Lawrcnceburg August 18 4 days Liberty Au 20 three days Shcpbcrdsvlllc August 35 4 days London Aug 20 three days Somerset Sept 1 4 days JJardstown Sept I C days Ellzabothtown Sept 84 days Howling Green Sept 15 4 days Ovcniboro Kentucky Stato Fair Sep ember 210 days I Adjt Gen Murray Is taking active steps to suppress lawlessness at Jack ¬ son lIe IlIIIucd stringent order to the provost guard yesterday to report all are rests to Police Judge Cardwoll The or dora state that absolute safety to life and property must be maintained and if there Is any violation of personal or property rights the extreme authority of the commanding ofllcnr will be ex ¬ ercised The Adjutant General has as ¬ lured Judge Cardwell of the fulles- protection and Cardwoll says ho will enforce the civil laws of the town with tile aid and support of the State Judge Cardwell has refused the tender ora military guard saying ho feels no alarm as to bis safety Church services were held In Jack- son Sunday night for the first tlmo In several months Joo Crawford and Ed Tharp the men arrested on suspicion of burning B J Ewlna hotel have been released on bonds of 11000 each e 4 NEWS NOTES IJohn Horn aged 100 Is dead In lIar county j Two Harvard students are held at Boston on ohargos at theft The oUlolal valuation of the Phila- delphia City nail and grounds Is 813 00 1 000 Hundreds of families are homeless as tbe result of tbe high waters of tbo Rio Grande Tbe public printing at Washington coat tbe people of the United States 10000000 a year Jacob Klopp one ol the wealthiest men of Boone county died suddenly of rheumatism of tbe heart Lamb Whitney u Negrowho as ¬ saulted a white man was lynched by a mob In Conoordla Parish La George Goatee a prominent club and ralroad man of Brunswick Go oom mitted suicide with dynamite Klllicopaltor bed In a hotel at Sari Praiclieo George P Honer the negro herb doctor of Philadelphia was found guilty of murder In tbe first degree A Trlgg county farmer discovered la a woodland the skeleton of a negro who disappeared from hit home some time ago The plant of the Cincinnati Abattoir Company at Cincinnati was destroyed by Ore The lots Is estimated at 1300 000At a South Chicago plant 1801 tons of steel rails were turned out In a day breaking the worlds record of 1772 tons lIon W W Wllktrson a distin ¬ guished jurist of Birmingham Ala died suddenly and unexpectedly of ape ¬ plexy A wealthy Alabama planter bas been sentenced to Ive yebra In prison for holding Negroes under the peonage systemOver a dozen iwnoes were hurt In a collision between an electric oar and a Chesapeake and Ohio freight train at Huntington W Va New Yorks real rotate ntsetrnenls this year aggregate 84790000000 and the personal assM menta 1078000000 a total of 408000000 I The ooroBers jury at Olive Hill ex ¬ onerated Marshal Louis White who killed Everett Beatty after batty had killed Deputy Marshal Gus Hall Fire presumably of Incendiary ori ¬ gin destroyed the furniture store of O M Phillips and the wholesale grocery of Haas Lleber Ie Coster al Hlokman The lots Is 116000 Gray Uaddlx the witness la the ar- son ¬ case at Jackson spent a day in tho country and returned home very much surprised to hear a report of his myc terlous disappearance- On account of tbo fact that all the laborers employed by B J Rwen have been secured by Hargla Bros Mrs Ewcn Is having a hard time to secure workmen to fulfill her husbands con ¬ tracts James W Staton Past Grand Mas tar of the Kentucky Masons died at Brooksvlllo as tbe result of a stroke of paralysis sustained at Paris several days ago while speaking at a Masonic banquetThe Educational Associa ¬ LIon closed its annual meeting Friday at Lexington M H Bourne of Owen ton was elected president and Mays vllle was selected as the next place of mooting A Frankfort money lender has brought suit against Governor Book bam to recover the amount of tbo sala- ry ¬ of an Owcnsboro Spanish war vote ran which the plaintiff alleges has been assigned to him Judge Miller appointed tho Louis ville Trust Company receiver for the Evening Poat Co holding that tbe do fondant can not oscipo a look at the books by fleeing to tho Federal court after submitting to jurisdiction In the Stato court Miss Margie Miller formerly of Wa ¬ co Tox was shot and probably fatally wounded by her brotherinlaw G Leo Walnscott at Winchester Mr Wain scott claims that Miss Miller and her father attacked him because ho tried to kiss his wife and that he was forced to fire In self defense Harvey Logan the notorious bank rob be a made a sensational escape from the Knoxville Teen jilt Ho lassoed a guard with a wlro and then tied him to the cage Securing a revolver he marched the jailor to the stable and compelled him to saddle a horse after mountainst A posse pur Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets are just what you need when you have no appetite feel dull after eating and wake up with a bad taste in your UoulhTbeywill improve your appo ¬ tite cleanse and invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for your food For sale by Craig sir Hooker A fire which originated In Mr El ¬ la Haggards millinery store at Win ¬ chester caused a 117000 loss j CAPT I M DiSN wbo will bo rlrg j marshal ut the Crab July ere 23 24 25 Ha Is a substantialt oltlMn of Uarrard and U a brother of Mrs ft S Baut bman of this place ++ + + hf + ++ +++ + + + + + + + KINGSVILLEi The trains are running more regular ¬ ly of late Some faoetloue person says that thus Is to be made a tttg station Claude Trimble was to unfortunate ai to shoot his eye out Thurs4ay with a toy pistol Kingevllle boasts pf two splendid barber shop oaa IIODdaWd by Jamas Ploranoe and the other by Morris WallsThomas Paloa poitpoead bis wedding which was to oMar oa the 2fltb on ao oooot of the failure of the bride to make her appearance Mrs Elizabeth Taylor who has been epandlag seine times In Louisville Is expected sees to make her home with her son T It Taylor and family Mite Wllford Davie of Versailles sod brother James Davis of Ohio ware tbe reoabt guests of their nnole Berry Prultt Another little daughter has arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs William Trimble The 4th of July picnic near Halos Well should and doubtless will be largely attended with snob inducements ae are being ollered vII First of course lIon Fontaine Fox Bobbltt and nice sweet wine Judge Bobbltt should speak three or fonr hours In German also as there will doubtless be very few Frenchmen present in com ¬ parison with the German Dr B F Walter of Lancaster Is hero to practice his profession Mrs W W Waltcraod Master Joseph Wal ter of Stanford ore the guests of her mother Mrs Fannie E Carey Mr end Mrs Will Carey and Httlo son Clarence Carey of Lebanon Junction arc visiting relatives hero Mies Elite Carey who has been In Lexington for several months past returned home Sunday Mesdamea Elizabeth Pcairs and J L McKee and Fred Burgess ot Louisville attended the burial of T L Shelton of Rowland Little Min Dora Hlgnoy will go to Junction Cit to visit Mrs James Robinson Mrs F M Howe and little Mies Etna Baker will go to Drv Ridge this week to visit relatives Little Miss Morrison Evans Is convalescing after her little life having been despaired of She Is pretty child and said to be very brigh- and lovabln A Diagnosis of Kentucky Kentucky hills arc full of rills And all the rills are lined with stills And all the stills are full of gills And all tbe gills are full of thrills And all tho thrills are full of kills You sec the feudlsts dot the hills And camp along the little rills Convenient to the busy stills And thirsting for tbo brimming gills And when the juice his system Oils Eaoh feudlst whoops around and kills Now If theydjnly stop the stills Theyd ouro Kentuckys many Ills Men would bo spared to climb the hills And operate the busy stills However this would mean more gills And that of course would mean more thrills Resulting in the same old kills So all the hills and rills and stills And all the Rills and thrills and kills Aro splendid for the collln mills And make more undertakers bills Chicago Tribune The Best Cough Medicine I soil more of Chamberlain Cough Remedy than of all similar preparations put together and it gives the best satis faction of any medicine I ever sold I guarantee every bottle of itF C JA QUITII Inland Mich This remedy h for sale by Craig fc Hocier Work has been stopped on tbo now courthouse at Parle by tbo architect because tome of the stone used was not I ho claim according to specifications Remit for your subscription t 4 t CLOTHESi 4Tobe Seen Inee i Wherever you go this Summer for pleasure or business New York San Francisco London or Paris you will be satisfied with your appear ¬ ance if you buy one of our good tailoredmade looking suits to wear on your trip IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE GLOBE Merchant Tailoring Cleaning Pressing and Repairing Your money back II youre not satisfied Tr 0 mILLER Danville KU i n B G G I E S I JaR HASELDEN Lancaster Ky A 1 iit ilH ft The Great Sanitary Refrigerators Yukonand Economic Solid Ash Antiquo Oak Finish Granite Rock Wool filled removable flues adjustable sliding shelves white enameled provision chambers not paint but pure enamel Our enamel is baked on galvanized iron and is flexible and durable with and without porcelain water coolers Locks and hinges finished in lac ¬ quered brass Full stock Call on us at 124 Main Street Phone 1- 0HigginsMKinney I JJ Invest In Paint Paint on your buildings adds 10 per cent to paintt ¬ ing gives an nn Good paint is always worth more than its cost and the best paints these days go far- ther ¬ andjlast longer than over before Mastic Mixed Paint Is the paint to use In applying it you will learn thnt it covers more surface than other paints but you must wait about five years to fully appreciate its QtT ALIT Pennys Drug Store YOUNG MAN I J I Drop in and examine our line of 300 and 350 LowCut Shoes W E PERKINS A MABOURNE ILancastor Ky Offers his services as Uotoinr to the people of Lincoln County He will please both In work and price Write to him Stanford Ky 1 Crab j1K STANFORD GREENHOUSE EVERGREENSBalaam Fir American Spruce Arbor vitas Manolias Floral deslgnlDn short notice Bedding and Vegetable Plants ot all kinds In season riioaeiJrlng3

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Hubbard Bold to George Rlulambs at flo

won tbo Oakwood Handi ¬

Chicago In a canterSmothers has purchased

rhUV1 horse Grandfor 111000

Jones la over from Key Weet

3Laao up a carload ot hogs he boughtego at bio

week John Divine shipped 08

to tho city markets They1703 News

D OBannon U the Out farm ¬

county to finish threshingIt averaged 10 bushelsUroi of Mereer have aboutof wheat They farm nearly

2000 acres ol Meroars beat landLntse t Co shipped a oarload of

lambs they bought at 6 to 6c and acar of toga for which they paW 6 to Wo

A D Root bas bought a farm neari Roosevelt O T but we are glad to

jay be will not leavoXilnooln oounty towork it-

The Kenllworlh traek at Buffalo was

bought at public auction for S 8Rowland of New York for HOSWO

It cost 1100000D W Savage of Minneapolis re-

fused tJZOOO for Dan Patehen and 01

r cMtn W W Gentry of Bloomingtoo lad made the offer

F It SALU oU EXCHANGE A twoseat 1 surrey In good condition for a

youig milk cow hogs or something of

equal value Apply to George B Bar-re Crab Orchard Ky

J M Sallee sold to J C Johnson 100

lamb at Bio At Winchester courtffooj Ikbt iteon brought 4c rood hell

ert to Hie lot sheep 3e hogs t 90 to

I Meier A Huffman bought JulJno Allen of Hurioavllle several fancr 100 pound user at Ito also ol Wn Shears a lot of hogs at bioAdve-cate



rnted Presbyterians wilt raise 1-

uOOM jubilee fund113 J G LlvlagsUn wilt preach at

Hoi tams Mill at 11 oclock next Sunday morning

Ray O M Busy It aitUttncr In aprotracted meeting at tbe LtneaslerBaptist church-

Mvangelista Andrew Johnson and JB Kendall will go to MadlsgavUle toholdaTlvalJuly 119

EM C K Powell has accepted a callto tbe Parksvlll Gbrlillan church Hewill preach on the flat Sunday ol eachmonth at well at the Saturday nightbefore

Te iuestlon ot changing the JewishSabbath from Saturday to Sunday willbe ooo of the most Important mattersdisc nod at a meeting of leaders In theJewish faith whloh began yesterday at

DetroitSouthernMethodists gave for mis¬

stoma the pest year the following Womane Home Board 150751 03 Womens Foreign Mission Societies 1112

t51 n churches for home missionsl s250 07r churches for foreign mil

clone 8203135 35

Rev Karl XVIIIIey pastor of the Now

Cattle Pa Christian church occupiedthe pitchers box at a game of baseballplayed by focal clubs last week MrWllfey Is an earnest advocate of cleanathletic sports and does all In his pow ¬

er to encourage themTbe now union church at Valley

View Madison county recently erect-



by tbo Baptist and Christian donomnations was dedicated Sunday Rev

B A Dawes of Louisville and DrBurns A Jenkins of Lexington hadcharge of the dedication services

Choleratand DiarrhoeaT + e uniform success of this remedy has

made U the most popular preparation In

use for bowel oomplalnta It h everyI

where recognized as the one remedy thatcan always be depended upon and hat Is

pleasant to take It la especially valuabio far summer diarrhoea In children and

it undoubtedly the means of saving thelives of a groat many children each yearFor sate by Craig A Hocker

bittytwo years aco a man namedk Jones moved from Kentucky to Dado

county Mo taking with him his tam ¬

s lly of ten children At a reunion reocpntly held at Evorton 1010 of his de¬

scendants woo present and there are atow who were unable to attend Atmost all his descendants have marriedand settled In the same neighborhoodIn southwestern Missouri

4Tho full name of Mme PattI who ls

about to make ono more final and fare ¬

well tour to America Is Adola JuanaMerle Clorinda PattI Most peopleknow her only as Patti forgetting thatshe has been the Marquis do Caux andand Signora Nlcollnl and la now Barones Ccdorstrom

In a general shooting affray In Magoffln countv Hiram Dennett was killed and Joe Hacker and John HenryHacker wore wounded The trouble lit

said to have arisen over a discussion of

Burn Fitzpatrick action ai a juror In

the Jett case at

A West Ender Remembers Hls I

Homo PaperWhlloOutwestSt-7TBaaLMu MO June 6I left

nqitonvlll tbe loih over the O S i

Cincinnati and from there ojor thek O S W to Sandborn Ind DIed there on Wednesday In timebreakfast Alter spending a couple ofdays pleasantly visiting friends and I

looking over the beautiful meadowsand listening to the many binder Inthe wheat fleldi whlob wore about boolog finished and also looking at the littie oorn some of It Just coming uplate on account of so much wet weath ¬

er on Friday morning I left for thisplace over the B OS W to StLouis and over the M K Jr T to Suth-erland Mo I saw lots of water stillIn E 51 Louis I took a drive yester ¬

day of 10 miles with friends visitingrelatives and looking at One cattle

tbat1wereJatmoney Tbe same party bad a herd ofshorthorn caws as flM as I eVIl sawWe weighed OM yearling heifer 1050pounder one sow 1660 pounds He alsohad mules that welched 1600 poundsI will leave tbla piss to morrow forKnob Neater Mo PUaee send me apaper there for It will be like a letterfrost home The farmers borearo blueover their prospect for a corn oropPlenty ot fold yet unbroken Toomuehsraio But If they should notraUc any they have plenty of pens lullleft and 6nly worth 40o per bushel Nowheat out hero yet Meadows and pastares fine Your friend



Biro to tbe wife of Al sao Skltlmorea fH

Tbe staging eonduotod by Rev OsoThompson was well attended on Saturday night

Thomas Sims son of Mrs MabalaSims living on Back Creek died a fewdays ago Ills remains were laldawavto rest near Klngtvlll

Some of our teamster with theirwagons nod teams leave to day for Oarrard and Jes amlno counties to haulwheat for Speaks thrusber

E B Austin bat bis new house aboutcompleted and will soon be ready for anew housekeeper Ye widows andmaidens dont all speak at once

Mrs Margaref Uted Is slek Mr SS Baslln who has had a severe tusslewith several oarbuncli on hie neck IsImproving Shell Used of Indianap¬

olis who has boon hero for a few daysvisiting relatives returned to his homeSunday being accompanied by NessThomas end Dally Hutchison who goIn sdarch of employment HarlanNewell of Somerset visited tbo faml ¬

lies of K U Bauph and A B YoungSunday Mrs L I Faulkner has goneto Cocbln Ula Baker has returnedfrom Somerset Mrs Alex Gourley ofEubaoks Isvlslllog her parents Mrand Mrs DO Ballard Mr Blankenship of near Crab Orchard visited hisdaughter Mr Pedro Green lastweek


The following is the list of fair datesflint for this year

Kirkavllle July 17 and 18

Crab On bard July 22 4 laysGeorgetown July 28 4 daysCynthlani July SfO 4 dayHuttonville July 20 3 daysDanville August 4 4 daysMadlsonvlllo August 4 daysllrodhesd Aug 103 daysLexington August 10 0 daysFern CreAk August 18 4 daysLawrcnceburg August 18 4 daysLiberty Au 20 three daysShcpbcrdsvlllc August 35 4 daysLondon Aug 20 three daysSomerset Sept 1 4 daysJJardstown Sept I C daysEllzabothtown Sept 84 daysHowling Green Sept 15 4 daysOvcniboro Kentucky Stato Fair Sep

ember 210 daysI

Adjt Gen Murray Is taking activesteps to suppress lawlessness at Jack ¬

son lIe IlIIIucd stringent order to theprovost guard yesterday to report all arerests to Police Judge Cardwoll The ordora state that absolute safety to lifeand property must be maintained andif there Is any violation of personal orproperty rights the extreme authorityof the commanding ofllcnr will be ex ¬

ercised The Adjutant General has as ¬

lured Judge Cardwell of the fulles-

protection and Cardwoll says ho willenforce the civil laws of the town withtile aid and support of the State JudgeCardwell has refused the tender oramilitary guard saying ho feels no alarmas to bis safety

Church services were held In Jack-son Sunday night for the first tlmo Inseveral months Joo Crawford and EdTharp the men arrested on suspicionof burning B J Ewlna hotel havebeen released on bonds of 11000 each




IJohn Horn aged 100 Is dead In lIarcounty j

Two Harvard students are held atBoston on ohargos at theft

The oUlolal valuation of the Phila-delphia City nail and grounds Is 813

00 1 000Hundreds of families are homeless

as tbe result of tbe high waters of tboRio Grande

Tbe public printing at Washingtoncoat tbe people of the United States10000000 a year

Jacob Klopp one ol the wealthiestmen of Boone county died suddenly of

rheumatism of tbe heartLamb Whitney u Negrowho as ¬

saulted a white man was lynched by amob In Conoordla Parish La

George Goatee a prominent club andralroad man of Brunswick Go oom

mitted suicide with dynamite

Klllicopaltorbed In a hotel at Sari Praiclieo

George P Honer the negro herbdoctor of Philadelphia was found

guilty of murder In tbe first degreeA Trlgg county farmer discovered la

a woodland the skeleton of a negro whodisappeared from hit home some timeago

The plant of the Cincinnati AbattoirCompany at Cincinnati was destroyedby Ore The lots Is estimated at 1300

000Ata South Chicago plant 1801 tons

of steel rails were turned out In a daybreaking the worlds record of 1772tons

lIon W W Wllktrson a distin ¬

guished jurist of Birmingham Aladied suddenly and unexpectedly of ape ¬

plexyA wealthy Alabama planter bas been

sentenced to Ive yebra In prison forholding Negroes under the peonage

systemOvera dozen iwnoes were hurt In a

collision between an electric oar and aChesapeake and Ohio freight train atHuntington W Va

New Yorks real rotate ntsetrnenlsthis year aggregate 84790000000 andthe personal assM menta 1078000000 atotal of 408000000 I

The ooroBers jury at Olive Hill ex¬

onerated Marshal Louis White whokilled Everett Beatty after batty hadkilled Deputy Marshal Gus Hall

Fire presumably of Incendiary ori ¬

gin destroyed the furniture store of OM Phillips and the wholesale groceryof Haas Lleber Ie Coster al HlokmanThe lots Is 116000

Gray Uaddlx the witness la the ar-


case at Jackson spent a day in thocountry and returned home very muchsurprised to hear a report of his mycterlous disappearance-

On account of tbo fact that all thelaborers employed by B J Rwen havebeen secured by Hargla Bros MrsEwcn Is having a hard time to secureworkmen to fulfill her husbands con ¬

tractsJames W Staton Past Grand Mas

tar of the Kentucky Masons died atBrooksvlllo as tbe result of a stroke ofparalysis sustained at Paris severaldays ago while speaking at a Masonic

banquetTheEducational Associa ¬

LIon closed its annual meeting Fridayat Lexington M H Bourne of Owenton was elected president and Maysvllle was selected as the next place ofmooting

A Frankfort money lender hasbrought suit against Governor Bookbam to recover the amount of tbo sala-ry


of an Owcnsboro Spanish war voteran which the plaintiff alleges hasbeen assigned to him

Judge Miller appointed tho Louisville Trust Company receiver for theEvening Poat Co holding that tbe dofondant can not oscipo a look at thebooks by fleeing to tho Federal courtafter submitting to jurisdiction In theStato court

Miss Margie Miller formerly of Wa ¬

co Tox was shot and probably fatallywounded by her brotherinlaw G LeoWalnscott at Winchester Mr Wainscott claims that Miss Miller and herfather attacked him because ho triedto kiss his wife and that he was forcedto fire In self defense

Harvey Logan the notorious bankrob be a made a sensational escape fromthe Knoxville Teen jilt Ho lassoeda guard with a wlro and then tied himto the cage Securing a revolver hemarched the jailor to the stable andcompelled him to saddle a horse after

mountainstA posse pur

Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets are just what you need when youhave no appetite feel dull after eatingand wake up with a bad taste in yourUoulhTbeywill improve your appo ¬

tite cleanse and invigorate your stomachand give you a relish for your food Forsale by Craig sir Hooker

A fire which originated In Mr El ¬

la Haggards millinery store at Win ¬

chester caused a 117000 loss


CAPT I M DiSN wbo will bo rlrg j

marshal ut the CrabJuly ere 23 24 25 Ha Is a substantialtoltlMn of Uarrard and U a brother ofMrs ft S Baut bman of this place+ ++ +hf++ ++ ++++ +++++

KINGSVILLEiThe trains are running more regular ¬

ly of lateSome faoetloue person says that thus

Is to be made a tttg stationClaude Trimble was to unfortunate ai

to shoot his eye out Thurs4ay with atoy pistol

Kingevllle boasts pf two splendidbarber shop oaa IIODdaWd by JamasPloranoe and the other by Morris

WallsThomasPaloa poitpoead bis wedding

which was to oMar oa the 2fltb on aooooot of the failure of the bride tomake her appearance

Mrs Elizabeth Taylor who has beenepandlag seine times In Louisville Is

expected sees to make her home withher son T It Taylor and familyMite Wllford Davie of Versaillessod brother James Davis of Ohioware tbe reoabt guests of their nnoleBerry Prultt Another little daughterhas arrived at the home of Mr andMrs William Trimble

The 4th of July picnic near HalosWell should and doubtless will belargely attended with snob inducementsae are being ollered vII First ofcourse lIon Fontaine Fox Bobbltt and

nice sweet wine Judge Bobblttshould speak three or fonr hours InGerman also as there will doubtless bevery few Frenchmen present in com ¬

parison with the GermanDr B F Walter of Lancaster Is

hero to practice his profession MrsW W Waltcraod Master Joseph Walter of Stanford ore the guests of hermother Mrs Fannie E Carey Mrend Mrs Will Carey and Httlo sonClarence Carey of Lebanon Junctionarc visiting relatives hero Mies EliteCarey who has been In Lexington forseveral months past returned homeSunday Mesdamea Elizabeth Pcairsand J L McKee and Fred Burgess otLouisville attended the burial ofT L Shelton of Rowland Little MinDora Hlgnoy will go to Junction Citto visit Mrs James Robinson Mrs FM Howe and little Mies Etna Bakerwill go to Drv Ridge this week to visitrelatives Little Miss Morrison EvansIs convalescing after her little lifehaving been despaired of She Ispretty child and said to be very brigh-and lovabln

A Diagnosis of KentuckyKentucky hills arc full of rillsAnd all the rills are lined with stillsAnd all the stills are full of gillsAnd all tbe gills are full of thrillsAnd all tho thrills are full of kills

You sec the feudlsts dot the hillsAnd camp along the little rillsConvenient to the busy stillsAnd thirsting for tbo brimming gillsAnd when the juice his system OilsEaoh feudlst whoops around and killsNow If theydjnly stop the stillsTheyd ouro Kentuckys many IllsMen would bo spared to climb the hillsAnd operate the busy stillsHowever this would mean more gillsAnd that of course would mean more

thrillsResulting in the same old kills

So all the hills and rills and stillsAnd all the Rills and thrills and killsAro splendid for the collln millsAnd make more undertakers bills

Chicago Tribune

The Best Cough MedicineI soil more of Chamberlain Cough

Remedy than of all similar preparationsput together and it gives the best satisfaction of any medicine I ever sold Iguarantee every bottle ofitF C JAQUITII Inland Mich This remedy hfor sale by Craig fc Hocier

Work has been stopped on tbo nowcourthouse at Parle by tbo architectbecause tome of the stone used was not Iho claim according to specifications

Remit for your subscription t



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and Vegetable Plants ot all kinds In seasonriioaeiJrlng3