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G.I.S. G.I.S. Cutting edge articles about life at Garden International School

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Cutting edge articlesabout life at

Garden International School

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WELCOMEAn introduction from the editor Amy Marshall A warm welcome to the first edition of EYE ON G.I.S. an innovative magazine exploring the in’s and out’s of life at Garden International School.I am privileged to be working with an experienced number of young journalists (shown to the right in high spirits!) to produce this ground-breaking magazine which hopes to revolutionize the way people view the school. Many things go on in G.I.S. which are swept under the carpet and need to be addressed. After extensive undercover work, the young writers hope to share their views and shed some light on recent and up and coming events.light on recent and up and coming events.


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NO HOMEWORKStudents should have no homework

Students should have no homework because there is no proof that it helps us in exams. It also stresses students out, because for instance if you do not do your homework you will get detention. As students don’t do their homework it will just start to pile up and they will get more detention.

Teachers will also get stress because they will get so annoyed of student’s giving excuses and excuses everyday.

Professor Michael Barber has reported for the Depart for education and Employment conceded , like others before , no links could be provided between hours of homework will help you and will surly not improve on your exam result’s.

Students at Garden International School are complaining about the school uniforms. Some of the students are saying that it does not show a good impression to the visitors who are bringing their children to Garden International School. Some says that the uniforms are too plain. Plus almost everyone at Garden International School was complaining about our uniforms.People at Garden International School were also having trouble

BY:Bradley Lim 6iPeople at Garden International School were also having trouble with their uniform cause some students were late to school for not finding their uniforms. Most of the teacher were making one of the students jealous, that’s because they were wearing casual clothes and not them. Mr. Mann the principal of Garden International School said, “some students from secondary were swearing outside my office saying that our uniforms is awful”. Miss Furnivall, head of year six said that our uniform was quite cool but no one believed her. “ The uniforms are horrible! It’s not stylish and fashionable ” said Maya a year six student. Mr. Mann said that he would think about this. Well let’s hope that the students at Garden International School will be wearing casual clothes. For further more information, go to www.6i.magazine.com

Written by: Fiona

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SCHOOL TRAFFIC CHAOSSchools have massive traffic cause to small area.

Garden International School have chaos in due to traffic because of the big amount of space for the car park and little amount of lanes for the cars to go through. One lane for the cars and the other one for the school bus, van and cars also. We have heard that the school made a bigger parking lot and now have made a bigger traffic for the school and more traffic guards due to the crazy horning cars. Children will be late for their classes and have to get a late ticket to show to their teacher.

I have interviewed some school members and children and one of them said’’ All of this traffic is making my son late for school and my children told me that this is the only school that has the worst traffic. I told them to leave the school but they refused because of their friends”.

Also when I interviewed some other parents they told me that the traffic have got worse after the new car park was built. Many of them complained to the head of


In GIS a classroom in year 3 was all green. It was filled with green paper, plastic, plants and more. I was walking past looking around when I saw, a green classroom! When I looked inside the classroom all I could see was green. There were only a few spots of white and other colours. It was either the teacher was eco-friendly or they were doing a plants, rainforest or something to do with green topic. Even the carpet was green! It primary and he said to the parents” I will sort out this matter and before you know it

the traffic will be gone”. After two weeks I went an interviewed one of the parents who went and complained and in an angry face she said in a groaning voice” This is an out rage and the head of primary is not doing his job well also the traffic has got worse and worse”.

After that there was an angry mob outside of the primary office shouting and holding up sign that” WE WANT TO GET RID THE HEAD OF PRIMARY”. Miss Tila went to get him but when she entered the room he was gone. When she went to the front to tell them but all of them were gone they went I an angry mob chasing the head of primary. I went running with and interviewing then and one of them yelled” WE WANT TO GET RID OF HIM”. Soon they got him and threw him out of school.


green topic. Even the carpet was green! It was the green classroom. Maybe, they were even wearing green clothes. It was shocking and weird when I saw that. Afiq (reported different story) and I saw it and we both immediately wrote it down. Next to that class in a different class right outside it, there was a golf bag. It had a lot of clubs in it, maybe about 6. But that is not as exciting as the green classroom, so let’s get back to it. As said before , the classroom was filled with green and they were doing a topic with a lot of greenery in it. That was probably why there was greenery everywhere.

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Children are making the teachers not make children do math.

By: Fred Mann 6I

Math is getting way out of hand today. There are kids making angry mobs chanting “no more math!” they say it is too boring and are trying to make the President make a law so no student will have to

learn math. The mob was going on for twenty-four hours now.

We have managed to interview one of the students while the chaos was still going and this is what he said “There should be no math because it is stressing to many people out and it is way too boring!”

Some of the teachers are being tortured with tomatoes and water balloons being thrown at them and luckily we managed to interview one of the teachers “Friday the thirteenth is coming back to haunt


The commotion is getting worse and worse every hour and the police come in to help break it up and people say that this might go on for days.

During the chaos, the police couldn’t control the children so they had to start knocking them out!

During the chaos, the police couldn’t control the children so they had to start knocking them out!

When the police knocked out the last child, they locked them in prison and they said that they didn’t care if prison was only for adults..


G.I.S should have not exam’s because students will have to study move over the weekend and midterm breaks in stead of having fun or going to other countries.

Everyone in the past few centuries were never stressed until tests were made even parents are getting stress.

The teachers are not agreeing with us because they think that it is good for us students to study more and want us to do well in our exam’s . They also want to see whether we improve from last year and grade us for our class next year or when we go to secondary .

Lots of student do not agree with the teachers but agree with no test!By:Bradley lim 6I

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Garden International School has two danger alarms to keep students safe

At Garden International School there are two alarms but before that there was one which was the fire alarm because when I interviewed a friend of mine in my class he reported “We was in Year 5G and I remember our class having golden time and while we were having it a smoking smell came into the class. The girls went tracking for the fire but when I went outside going to the toilet the fan conditioner was on fire I ran inside shouting fire and we all went outside the fire came up rapidly at us”. Also when I went to interview my class teacher Mr. Zammit he told me “ When I was on my computer with the girls checking my e-mail we could smell a smoking smell the girls said that there was was on my computer with the girls checking my e-mail we could smell a smoking smell the girls said that there was fire and I betted them $5 to prove that there was no fire and when Phavindra came in and shouted fire I had to owe them the money but before I gave it to them I ran around the classroom”.

Mr. Zammit hit the fire bell only on his floor everybody came out going to the hard-court. Miss. Tila went and told Mr. Gorman and he came rushing out with the fire hose. Amani told me when I interviewed him that ‘‘ Mr. Gorman came one floor below the fire and the brave fire fighter was having a fight with the fire soon Mr, Kirby came with another fire hose and had a though fight finally they won because the fire was out numbered 5 to 1”.

The maintenances came to disable the fan conditioner and while that was happening the ladder came out and when one of the man dropped it the fire came back and also the rest of them got on fire. The battle was harder now for the teacher also the battle lasted the whole day. The teacher’s went back to their apartments and went to sleep the whole night like a baby without changing.

Suddenly while the guard was walking around the school he could see that the fan conditioner had thick black smoke coming out of the conditioner.


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House Points

By Grace Gunawan

Never heard of ‘No hat no play?’

Secondary, studying on the other side of the building, were noticed by the Year 6 students that they had not been wearing hats while playing on the field.

“ Just because they finished primary, does not mean that they forget the rules they had in primary. Know what, that’s not all! Whenever the primary students are having lessons in Physical Education, they walk over the field and disturb us!”

Mr. Mann, Mr. Smith and Mr. Dyer had finally announced that Secondary should wear hats on field but the Secondary are trying to argue with the teachers who are asking them to wear hats on the field. Mr. Mann, Mr. Smith and Mr. Dyer, had recently told off some Secondary boys to wear hats on the field. Still, the Secondary students are not wearing hats however; the teachers are not loosing hope.

By: SHIN Jee Yoon

By Grace Gunawan

The house currently in lead is Chancellor tied with Queen with 210 points each, in second place is Sultan with 204 points leaving Crest in last place with 191 points.

Since Seri Kim, former house captain of Chancellor, left the school during the Christmas holidays, the spot as the Chancellor captain remained vacant until last week after inter house during a vote between Carina and Rachael, the new house captain was chosen. The winner of the vote was Rachael and Carina showed true sportsmanship as she later stated that she wasn’t sad or angry with Rachael or any of the Rachael supporters. Other house captains are: for Sultan: Amy Martin and Lee Yun Kai, for Crest: Zoe Ooi and Faizan Bashrollow, for Queen: Riku Oya and Isabel Bien.

One of the house captain’s jobs is to, every Thursday, spend their lunchtime counting all the merits their house has gotten and put into the merit box. Students can get house points from teachers if they’ve been good or from quizzes and inter house or from big events like the swimming gala or Sports day. 10 stars make a merit, 10 merits (100 stars) make a bronze certificate, 20 merits (200 stars) make a silver award, 30 merits (300 stars) make a gold award and 40 merits (400 stars) make a platinum award.

Further more there are house water bottles in house colours on sale. All of the proceeds will be given to animal welfare charities. They are 10 ringgits each and if you would like to buy one, ask one of the house leaders, Mr. Joe Whittaker, Mr. Oliver Tegjeu, Mr. Kyle Friendship or Ms. Anna Goh.

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Year 6 teachers are tired of their students having to go up during break time to mark late homework, so they have decided to hold a working break time everyday during students playtime for students who have not handed in their homework.

First student to get a working break Zhou Chen says:

Class Time

If you do well in class you will get Class Time! Class time is an activity where you can do anything you like. For example: reading, drawing, games and rubber band fun. It’s all about friendship and care. If you want a nice teacher to explore about and a great Class Time then come to Garden International School!

Class Time is based on your through-out-day work. You can communicate with friends, work as a work is neat, clean, with all the work in class you get PSHE or team or even finish off your homework at that time! Show your progress; show how proud you are of

“It’s not fair! We should not get working break times! I would rather do it after school!”

The students have cast a unanimous vote and have decided that working break times are unfair. It is unfortunate that it is not up to them to decide about that as it is always up to the teachers.

Parents also think that working break times are a great idea that was meant to ‘discipline the kids, but it is not like the good old caning days’

To students homework is useless and to think if they don’t do it they get punished is terrible idea to them. We shall see what happens to this situation soon.


Aishwarya Viswanath

Show your progress; show how proud you are of your school (in Garden International School) so always do your best!

Get silver award, bronze award, principal’s award and platinum award.

For more information go to our website by typing in Garden International School.


By Shreya

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Maths Competitions

Last week there was a maths competition and there will be another one in February

By Julienne Ching

On the 21st of January, three students from Mr Booton’s maths class who are called Jia, Nicholas and Julienne went and competed in an international maths competition to represent their school.

The maths competition was held in Mutiara International School and the organisers arranged this to test each school’s ability. They had to tackle all sorts of maths problems and even though they tried their hardest, they came in third with 23 points. Alice Smith International School came in fourth with 13 points, Mont’ Kiara International School came in second with 30 points and Mutiara International Grammar School came in first with 33 points. The top two schools received a book voucher for each individual participant.

On February the 5th there will be four participants from Ms Ann’s maths class who are Isabel, Kevin, Talha and Winsome will be competing in another maths competition lasting three days. This is also an international maths competition and will be held in Alice Smith International School.

The school congratulated Jia, Nicholas and Julienne for their efforts while they wish Isabel, Kevin, Talha and Winsome good luck.

Teachers relax in the staff room during lunch and break under the cooling air-condition while children play out in the hot sun and return so sweaty and smelly. If you ever get a chance to go in there, do not deny it.

A BIG secret

On the 18th of January 2010 the sneaky Year 6 reporters went around interviewing and spying on people around the school. It has been reported that the staff room also known as the teachers lounge, secretly has been hiding cookies and burgers from the children. The teachers are extremely lucky to get luxurious chairs while the children have to sit on tiny, hard, plastic chairs.

According to researches the staff room has a huge shelf with about 56 cubbyholes and none of them are actually used by teachers. Also the kitchen in the staff room is rarely used, unlike the canteen kitchen and our kitchen at home, it is only used to store the cookies and coffee. Teachers who don’t have their own classroom often go into the staff room to mark their books or just relax with a cup of coffee, when they have not got anything to do.

The staff lounge is a great place to relax, but wait until you hear about the library!! By Abigail 6i

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Kids Trashes CanteenManager!WHAT ARE KIDS UPSET ABOUT ?This dangerous incident happened at break time…It was seen in many ways on how the children from primary school knockedThis dangerous incident happened at break time…It was seen in many ways on how the children from primary school knockeddown the manager’s door. Some kids were banging chairs on the door while others were screaming very loudly. The teachers’coffee cups in the staff lounge were shaking crazily. When a teacher asked a child what the chaos was about, the child replied, “Weare complaining about the dirt in our canteen. Did you know that there is bird poo on the canteen chairs?’’ The teacher had toagree about what the child said. To make things worst, the teacher joined in the fight.

The canteen manager was covered in bruises and could not speak. The crowd was chanting about why they were complaining.Their chant went like this, “People have food poisoning in the school. The food is not clean so we must protest!’’ The manager waswiping his tears away so he could speak. He answered, “I will always make sure that my workers wash their hands before andafter work.” He promised to make the canteen fully air-conditioned so as to keep flies out.

Suddenly, another batch of children were chasing after the manager demanding that the food be cheaper. The manager becamethe mouse and the children turned into cats chasing after the tiny mouse. Mr. Mann stepped outside his office to deal with thesituation. To stop things from becoming more chaotic, he fired the manager and told him to leave. The children were overjoyedabout the principal’s decision. That everyone did a Mexican wave to show their appreciation until Mr. Mann told them to settledown.

By Andrea Wong

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Miss Katie reveals herself

MISS KATIE teaches in room T2.

She is an EAL teacher and she will

reveal herself in our first article of

Teacher’s Secret Fact File…

On the 18th January 2010 the famous Y6 reporters went snooping around the school. As soon as they stepped into the EAL room they were astounded. It was tiny and extremely colourful. We then looked around and found lovely Miss Katie. Miss Katie has worked in GIS for 6 months nevertheless she seems to be fitting in very well. Miss Katie is from Scotland and enjoys relaxing and

Miss Amy revealed By Maya Parkin MISS Amy teaches in room T13. She is a teacher in 6I and she will reveal herself in my second article of Teacher’s Secret Fact File…

Miss Amy Marshall is an Y6 teacher in GIS. She has taught in this school for 2 years. She lives in Kiara Designer Suites and comes from Leicester, England. She came to Malaysia in 2007. GIS is the first ever school she taught in Malaysia. She has been a teacher for 4 years. In Malaysia Miss Amy has three fish to look after called, Sunrise, Rainbow and Spot. In the UK she has a dog-named Pippa. Pippa is a border collie/ Springer spaniel. Three points about Malaysia Miss Amy likes: The people and different cultures living in harmony, the beautiful beaches and the wonderful tropical wildlife. Miss Amy enjoys climbing mountains and swimming, but unfortunately she had injured her arm slipping over in the rain so she can’t swim at the moment. The things Miss Amy misses; “ I miss

Miss Katie is from Scotland and enjoys relaxing and sitting by the pool. She also likes taking walks and is very kind and generous. Her favourite thing about teaching is seeing children progress. She loves rewarding the children but she also likes teaching because it, in itself is rewarding. She has a pet fish called Martin Harry in Malaysia. Her favourite breed of dog is the Cocker spaniel. In Edinburgh it is cold and coming to Malaysia from Edinburgh was lovely. “Two facts I love about Malaysia are: The food and the weather,” quotes Miss Katie.

Secrets time!!

Did you know that Miss Katie thinks that there is a Loch Ness monster in the Loch? DO YOU?

For more facts on more teachers read my next article on Teacher’s Secret Fact File… A.M …

Maya Parkin

she can’t swim at the moment. The things Miss Amy misses; “ I miss Sunday lunch, I used to have Sunday roast every Sunday” quoted Miss Amy. Miss Amy uses the new video Skype to call her family every week. Miss Amy explained that she likes teaching because every day something new happens. Miss Amy is a kind hearted young teacher, as she will reveal. “ I enjoy teaching because I love to hear their thoughts. One of the main things I love about teaching is that when these children grow up they will lead successful lives and have a great future!” Miss Amy added.

Secret time! Miss Amy is my kind-hearted teacher and will help 6I lead

successful lives. ALSO SHE IS ALLERGIC TO SOAP! Read the next

article to find out what she uses instead.

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Someone took my hat off…

Someone had me take my hat off; someone won’t allow me to bring my math homework in late, SOMEONE HAD ME EXPOSED! There’s only one culprit, and one only… The ‘I-came-from-Britain’ Mr. Booton!

Mr. Jon Booton, of the one and only 6K, who hosts the math 1b band, and judged in the Math competition (which he got a box of Ferro Roche chocolates which made the math competition group groan in envy.) is the only teacher, who likes to ‘expose’ his chosen victims. He currently is married, with two children, one boy and one girl, both in Secondary, who both drive him late for ‘school’ (occasionally!).

Mr. Booton sometimes likes to reminisce about his early days, such as his father who was a carpenter, who liked everything ‘perfect’. The father had realised the lounge room floor was not parallel to the ceiling, so Mr. Booton and his father had smashed the entire floor (after clearing the furniture) and refilled it with ‘homemade’ cement. The next randomly told story was to the math group, about when he used to ‘drive’ on a wooden go- kart, all the way down a steep hill, getting bruises in the end.

Mr. Booton doesn’t just put on a sarcastic voice; he ‘exaggerates’ the truth! Most of the time, he just has a silly grin on his face, picking a victim, one by one, (Mostly, the ‘chosen one’ he picks, is usually Jeremy) making a hysterical event, and making the whole class burst in laughter. Mostly is when he is acting out a parody of ‘So you think you can dance?’, after most assemblies that has math for Year 6 one period later.

When it was a few days towards the math competition, Mr. Booton ‘over-reacted’ and chose somehow the best of the best trio of 1b, which included; Jia Kim, Julienne Ching, and Nicholas Fong. As he remarked, “It was a random pick, like Ms. Ann Jones did.” Amazingly it happened to be the best of the best trio. The pressure was on, and he was getting eccentric, towards the day of the competition, later the next day stating that the quiet one was chatty, and the chatty ones were chattier.

Many of his math students such as Julienne, comment that he is one funny teacher. But later, after the ‘working break time’ has started, he has this one peculiar habit of the ‘three strikes and in you go to detention’ system. Many students have been sent to the detention room, more often than usual. Will anyone manage to survive? Or will they just laugh for too long to get sent?

By Bin Ling

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Mr. Dyer: A very interesting teacher in school!From G.I.S (Garden International school) Shreya

Mr. Dyer works in the Primary office. He’s from England. He has worked in G.I.S for a very long time. He’s the person who organises the up-coming events just like the International fair or Chinese New Year. There are very naughty children in school. About three times Mr. Dyer had to talk to three parents about them. Don’t worry. There are also nice

Teachers are stressed out from school Are teachers in Garden International School becoming lazy?

Thirty teachers have been spotted going on a trip to Langkawi. One of the teachers was Miss Vicky Aldrige. She looked very tan after she came back from her trip so we know many teachers must have gone to the beach to surf or sunbath. While other hardworking teachers in Kuala Lumper were sitting at home preparing homework for children in their class.

Many other teachers were jealous on why they were not invited to the secret trip.When the thirty teachers came back from Langkawi they looked very fresh and joyful.They were boasting on what a wonderful time they had instead of looking infront of the computer marking homework.They said that the food was great and even the seafood did

children that you can find around. Before he came to G.I.S he had been working in other schools like-Chafford school, London Island School, Hong Kong, and West Island School, in Hong Kong as well.

He is also a senior teacher. The word ‘working’ is a big word for him. He has a touch screen phone. He has done almost every job. He loves juggling and under water photography. Once, as I was passing the year two lunch area, I saw Mr Dyer teaching some students juggling. I noticed that some students loved juggling, and he started a CCA (after school activity) on juggling. As I was telling you about his favourite activity, under water photography he had shown us some photos of fish.

homework.They said that the food was great and even the seafood did not give them rashes.The hotel they stayed in was rewarded to be the best hotel in whole of Langkawi.

The hotel rooms were gigantic. Inside the rooms were two tvs,a wine bar and a king size bed with soft comfartble pillows that make you go to sleep the minute you touch the soft pillow. You could order food to your room without paying for the service. The staff are always friendly to new guest that they help lost guess and children help to their destination.The buffet food was always freshly cooked while everyone was asleep.The chef only puts a little bit of MSG in the food so it makes the food healthier.

Mr Smith said “The teachers who went will never go on a holiday because when they came into school they did not where everything was.They must have thought that they were all still in Langkawi.Mrs Aldrige went up to the cashier and asked if she could have a coconut to drink.’’


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Ms Rosie is a teacher in the Learning Support. She helps children who don’t understand or aren’t keeping up and is now helping them with kind words and work.

Ms Rosie came to G.I.S in August last year. She loves to work with children and helping them understand the work that they are doing. The children work on computers or sheets with one of the teachers explaining what to do.

Ms Rosie is from New Zealand and loves to read and walk as her hobbies. She reads more books from her favourite Author, Terry Prachett. She is kind and gentle with the little one’s.

The Support room is decorated with colours, cushions, computers and smart and white boards. You can find this room opposite the Library, you might be able to find some children learning there during school hours.

By: Isabel V.V.

Mr. Steel a SHOWOFF“It’s hard to be this cool”

Last week, it had been reported that Mr. Steel, a teacher with his age unknown, had been showing offabout his coolness.“He said ‘it’s hard to be this cool’ in front of our whole class!” announced Iris who had been interviewingMr. Steel that day. “He is not cool” cursed the other male teachers who had been envying him for years.“He is just a show off.”However, Mr. Steel reported that he did not say anything about his coolness. “I did not say that! Ipromise!” cried Mr. Steel.Now, some of the teachers are trying to find out who is lying but there are no clues to be found.

By Jee Yoon

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MS.BECK’S DUTYBy Katherine

Ms. Beck is the head of swimming department. She’d been working hard to help the students to be marvelous swimmers. She is always at the poolside training students. She teaches the dragons swimming team with Celine, Caroline and Cindy. All four of them did a fantastic job coaching the swimmers before the ISAKL swim meet. All the swimmers took part in the meet. I myself took part in the meet too. I won all 7 events I was given. We scored thousand over points and we won the in the meet too. I won all 7 events I was given. We scored thousand over points and we won the ISAKL trophy back from Alice Smith after 4 long years. All swimmers did fantastic in the meet. All thanks to Ms. Beck who’d been working hard everyday. Ms. Beck always encourages her swimmers to come for practice so that they can improve in their swimming and they can represent the school in ISAKL or Fobissea or any other school meet. Everyday you’ll see her running in and out of her office because she also teaches P.E lessons in secondary. She is really busy with lots of things. Ms. Beck always makes sure that we train hard but also have fun. In every meet we all actually had great fun because we win our swimming relays quite often. We swimmers try our best to make the school and Ms. Beck proud. We all try our best in every race during a swimming meet. No matter how competitive it is we just do our best, push ourselves to the limit. Ms. Beck knows what her duty is. Her duty is train the swimmers well to make her proud of her swimmers, and the swimmers can be proud to tell the other schools that Ms. Beck is our instructor.

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By: Kunal

Is Miss Prema really a Terrorist?…..Maybe she’s even a killer.

Miss Prema of Garden International School has been called a terrorist after she has been seenwith a glass of toxic and a dead baby.

Miss Prema who has been working in Garden International School for 2 years and has beenseen doing nothing bad since the whole time she has been here, but in the resource roomthere are all these scary things like a dead baby, two skeletons and acid in the resource room.She was seen holding a skeleton and putting it away in a box.

On the shelf (where all the supplies are for the children) there were a few bottles of toxic acid.

This is what the children have to say, I don’t want to come to this school anymore. She’s akiller. A teacher also had something to say, “She’s not a bad person at all, it’s just that theskeletons are just for display, The acid is not really acid it’s just empty and the other bottles aremosquitoes spray and the baby is just a doll. I wasn’t taking an acid bottle, I was only sprayingthe room with mosquito spray.”

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Garden International School’s Year 3 students have put on a show!

The year 3 students have put on a show for the entire primary and their parents! Using an Egyptian theme the show was a great success!

The story was about an Egyptian king who was bored and decided to put on a talent show! The kids really did have talent indeed! “It was really fun acting on stage but I liked helping the teachers paint!”

Teachers also helped along with some parents with props and the story-line.

“It was hard work but the kids were very cooperative and listened to everything we said and did and they never bugged us on how short or long their lines were or how hard their parts were!”

The cast were: The pharaoh, the queen, the pyramid builders, wild animals and many more!

The entire play took more than 2 months to finish! With all the hard work, memorising and making of props the Year 3 students, parents and staff were all ready to kick off their shoes and sleep on their living room couches but unfortunately it was back to work!

“I thought it was a great show! The year 3s must have worked their butts off for that play! I hope that our show will be as good as theirs!” said a year 6 student.

It is obvious that the Year 3s worked hard on their show so lets see if our other year groups can match their score!

By, Aishwarya Viswanath

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GIS PICASSOS, EXPOSED!What’s the scoop on the art galleries? How did the masterpieces manage to exist in this world? Well first, you’ll need canvas and paint. Then you’ll need the master of the creation. THE PICASSOS. Here’s the inside scoop of the latest, and old but cool artworks.


Year 4 volcano project

The year 4s have been making volcanoes for their year 4 projects.

All their volcanoes seem to be always erupting with yellow and red boiling magma. Wonderful!! Everyone would say whenever they see them outside their classroom above their lockers. The year 4 students are very proud of their work because their teachers are satisfied by their work. All the volcanoes were fantastic. All of them showed the volcano erupting and they also show how a volcano really looks like. All their work was marvelous. People who pass by would say “ wow nice work over there.” “It’s nice to hear people say that” a year 4 student told us.

the latest, and old but cool artworks.

Next to the primary cafeteria, is a huge, colourful mural, representing International week, and the Culture of the World. Artists Stefano Ang, and Jane Tan were usually caught painting and working away, throughout 2 years back in G.I.S. The smell of oil paints and a newly bought art canvas, filled the corridors with a strange odour, making the children wonder, What are they doing? Problem solved, they had been working on a mural. The mural had been painted yellow (background) and covered with painted over figures, such as a totem pole.

Cardboard away! Currently, the new building has been having a ‘lump’ of cardboard, which is right-now, a giant, extravagant, cardboard volcano! The volcano hasn’t erupted yet, though, hundreds of tiny, wired red mannequins have been spotted dangling over the mouth the volcano, and over the miniature, detached-from-the-rest, plaster of Paris volcanoes. Though people think of them to be ‘dead’, Chinese New Year decorations propped on the wall behind, many complaints from the Chinese mothers, saying that it is bad luck, and one of the many comments being, “It looks like all ‘souls day’”

Last year, this school held an artwork auction, featuring many artworks, and photographs, being displayed for auction. The prices of these fantastic artworks, range from RM 10 to RM 100.

There is still more artworks to be awaiting to be displayed, so watch out for them, next month…

By Bin Ling

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DECENT DESIGNS ON DISPLAY Textile designs outside DT room

By: Clara Chok

For more than a month, some textile designs were displayed outside the DT room. There were three wooden models wearing shredded denim skirts and jackets with T-shirts that include sprayed on writing like “Back Off”

The first one consists of a denim jacket with one normal side and the other side torn, a denim skirt, and a T-shirt inside. The second design is my favourite, a shirt with only one sleeve and the words” Back Off” sprayed on, the latest teen fashion. Last but not least, a baggy T-shirt that says fly in Chinese on it.

Some pass by students made a few comments on the three designs. Most of them are positive remarks like this one from a year 3 girl:” I like the design of all of them, especially the one with the torn jacket.” But a year4 boy seems to think differently” these clothes look like it’s made of scraps from the floor!”

As a reporter, I myself think that these textile designs all have their own unique style to their design, the torn jacket, the single sleeve, and the idea of using Chinese. If you happen to pass by the DT room, it won’t waste any time to look at them.Chinese. If you happen to pass by the DT room, it won’t waste any time to look at them.


Reported by: Nao Tominaga

Year 2 classroom, tidy, colourful and full of joy!

Year 2, G.I.S’S young folks, has the most exciting classrooms ever! It’s more colourful and more full of happiness. The year 2’s artwork get’s displayed for everyone to see, and the year 2’s classroom is always fresh with new ideas. Each classroom shows a different subject the year 2’s did. Drawings, handwriting etc. Although the classroom seems small it’s the perfect size for the year 2 ‘s. Most of the doors on the year 2 levels are red. And sometimes even the water bottles of the year 2 are decorated with stickers.

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Height OrganizationBob j. Parker is requesting that Garden International School will have to base their years on height, not age.

By: Fred Mann 6I

In Garden International School ten weeks ago, the 16 of march 2009, there had been some major changes because Bob J. Parker is requesting that Garden International School will have to base their years on height, not age. They were taking kids and parents to court for deciding what we should do. About seventy-five percent of the children said that they should keep it as the age like as it is however the parents don’t approve of that, they are buying the most expensive lawyers in Kuala Lumpur to help them.

For about three weeks this has been going on, the children have been skipping half of school to go to this event in court. We got to interview of the kids who wants the age to stay and this is what he said. “This is probably happening because Bob is a very tall and slim man and is brother is short and fat. They are always trying to beat each other at everything, now Bob is on top.”

Today, Bob started running out of money for his lawyers, there for he is getting lawyers that aren’t very good. Later that day, we made a decision, thanks

Destroy condos

We should destroy the condos around school

By: Amani Massawe

There should be no condos around Garden International school everybody says so. It has destroyed the wildlife in Mount Kiara. When we first moved here it was all greens now its just condo after condo. It also causes lots of traffic coming to school most of the condos are meant for schools so why do we need so much.

Here is a comment “ I live in one of the condos around school but I am probably going to leave because all the time I look outside the window all I can see is condos so I don’t have much of a view”.

Besides their expensive too live so not many people live there people should stop moving in to the condos and live in a house not so far away from school

That way they will just have to take down the condos because they won’t have enough money to run it. That’s why we should stop building condos it will destroy our ozone layer

Today, Bob started running out of money for his lawyers, there for he is getting lawyers that aren’t very good. Later that day, we made a decision, thanks of all Bobs bad lawyers, the children and parents are aware that we should keep it as age.

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Fantastic Fashion in the Year 2 ShowBy: Grace Gunawan

On Friday, the 5th of February the year 2 show occurred at about 8:20 am, with all of the children in year 2 taking part and also some parents andteachers helping them.

The show was all about fashion from the past, present as well as the future, from the 1930s to the future and beyond. The 7-year-old children entertained the rest of the school with their creative costumes and their ability to dance and sing. The children stunned their parents with their fantastic fashion when they repeated the show again at about 7:00 pm for the last time.

In addition to the year 2 teachers, the year 2’s parents helped their children by making their costumes, helping them practice at home and in general giving them and the teachers a tremendous amount of help.

Some of the year 2 children’s costumes and roles were; disco dresses and suits, Elvis Presley and his fans, the punks and their fake but fantastic wigs


Lots of new Beast Quest books are out in the library for children to read. All of them are on the new books shelf. Most of them will be read by Yr 5 and 4. They were all different colours for every series. There was a monster on every cover of each book. Before, they already had a few of the Beast Quest books and now they have even more. A few people read the Beast Quest books as they think it is pretty good like others. Little kids in Yr3 would probably like the pictures of the beasts and monsters but they wont understand what the story is about except the fact that there are beasts in it. I have read a bit of the book and I think it is okay. After the first sentence I thought it was okay. So it is not surprising that a few people borrow the books from those series. Miss Siobhan thinks they are okay so she buys more and more of the series. There were lots there on the shelf probably about 5 books. I think people will borrow more of these books soon. They are big books based on 10-12 yr olds. The books there are all interesting and exciting. I wouldn’t really mind borrowing another one of the books from that series.

By Markus

Some of the year 2 children’s costumes and roles were; disco dresses and suits, Elvis Presley and his fans, the punks and their fake but fantastic wigs and last but not least, the future fashion of all mankind.

At the end of the show the school announced their thanks to the teachers and parents and in this article the school would again like to proclaim their thanks and gratitude to the students, family and teachers that made the show a success.

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International week preview! International week is coming up very soon and are you ready for all the excitement?

Reported by: Nao Tominaga

International week starts on the 22nd of march this year, and what better day to show of your country costume . And to strut your stuff on the International parade and see how many of your friends come from different countries.

A variety of continents in G.I.S school will be dressed up and parading around the school field to celebrate the International co-operation in the school. This event will at least take up 4 days. Each year group will be given a continent to study about. But International week isn’t that boring when you get to go to the International fair. New foods you can taste, new things to see and exotic games, toys, crafts and many more. And what more to be excited than to hear about which country that you are learning about. There are new things; prizes, foods and culture that you can learn about and you don’t even need to leave the country to experience the true culture and feeling of the certain country.

International week not only educates us but it gives you the knowledge and the feeling of being in the certain place. And remember that International week is on 22nd of March to the 25th of March.

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PRIMARY OFFICE CHANGEOffice changes insideBy: Afiq

During the Christmas holidays, the primary office changed and it looked much better than the old primary office because the new one is much more brighter and it has more pictures example Egyptian stuff like hieroglyphics and Tutankhamen and all the sorts of weapons they use to attack people or people that just budge in the door or sacred door.

The size of the primary office is still the same but its just brighter than the old one because the old primary office is nearly totally The size of the primary office is still the same but its just brighter than the old one because the old primary office is nearly totally green this is because the carpet is really green but not the wall last time it used to have no pictures which was completely white.

Once you enter the primary office, you think that its small but once you’ve looked through all of the rooms you’ll know it really big because its got really big rooms with computers, laptops, holes to keep files for classes in but only for primary from nursery to year 6.

It’s a very nice office some teachers may even say, “This changed office will make us stay here forever!” As you all know those teachers are really proud of the office change because they don’t really like dull colours like dark green and some boring pictures.

In the office there are more trophies that you can ever imagine, it has fobissea trophies, Milo trophies and all sorts of trophies of all sorts of awards. It is nice that they have a lot of trophies and also, once you have entered the office, you think its small but actually when you explore the whole place you know 5 or more teachers can fit in rooms.

We are proud that the workers have changed the primary office because it will make the school upgraded. The office that the workers upgraded is really good because the new students will know it’s a nice school and also it has macbooks and i-macs for laptops and computers.

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Hello Technology, Goodbye Paper and Pencil!Children throw away pencil

BY : Ong Ching Han BY : Ong Ching Han

At 9:15am on the 18th of January 2010, Children were seen playing around with computers in their ICT lessons in the ICT suite at GIS (Garden International School). They were using Mac Os X. Their Teacher, Mr Whittiker, found the children in Crest, Queen and Chancellor dumb and the he had to do all the work for them. He also found out that only the children from Sultan didn’t need help with their work.

“I never knew that some children from Crest, Queen and Chancellor were so dumb. Only the children from Sultan finished their work quietly. I am teaching the children for everyday life and preparing them for the future. In the future, there might not even be a pen or pencil. This is very important.” Said Mr Whittiker. We also interview some kids.

“I think ICT is very important and fun but sometimes I can’t seem to focus and sometimes I don’t understand what the teacher is talking about.” Admitted a student from Crest. Some parents are also complaining about their children not able to do homework on the computer. “Why are my children not able to do homework on the computer? What have the teachers been teaching our children?” exclaimed some upset parents.

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ICT teacher Ms Bonello has made use of the excelpatterns the year 3 made by displaying them in the ICTsuite. The fine work includes some wonderfully brightcolours like green, orange, yellow and so on. It is sometruly marvellous work done for such a young age.

The colourful patterns brighten up the simple room


GIS is a school, which has a lot of technology. Most of the homework has to be submitted on the GIS website. They have a section called moodle that has a lot of websites and videos in it. It is a very complex section because the

The colourful patterns brighten up the simple roomand Ms Bonello thinks so too.” I think they really addssome color to the room.” Some students who have seenit also commented” it’s really nice to look at and I reallylike it” says a girl in year 4. Not just good to look at,these patterns were also a fun excel experience for theyear 3 children” It was really fun and I liked how mineturned out” said one of the lucky 3rd graders.

The wonderful patterns are all on display right nowright above the whiteboard in the ICT suite if you wantto see them. Plus, I’m sure the year 3 would appreciateit since they must have worked so hard on it.

videos in it. It is a very complex section because the teachers can add websites; add shortcuts to forums, chats and e-mail. They also have books that are borrowed by students recorded on super computers.

GIS is making a lot of money because of this. In the future, it is believed that GIS will be the richest school. It will also produce the most carbon dioxide even though the students and teachers of the school are trying to save the world.

The electronics that GIS has are smart boards, Mac Books, Dell laptops, Dell computers, Mac computers, clocks, fire bells and lookdown sirens.

It looks like the government will have to close down the school if the school doesn’t stop using electronics.

By: Pranjal Jain

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We should have more PE time

By: Amani

We should have more PE time and less literacy after all everybody like it better and


IT was reported that year two and year three were having their sports day at GIS on the sports field.

Builders were building a new and short track for them. They were building it on Saturday and Sunday, the two holidays before Monday the 18th of January. Mr Mann was very happy that his school would have more runners that could win. We should have more PE time and less literacy after all everybody like it better and

children concentrate in it. If you could read someone’s mind during literacy you will probably hear “when is literacy going to finish” then you will probably agree with me to give them more PE they might even take classes more seriously because they will feel more enthusiastic and do their work more.

PE seems to go much faster and students feel annoyed so if they had more PE they would not feel so bad. If you ask children if they like PE most people will say yes so why can’t we have it at least three times a week.

Lots of people find PE the most fun subject of the week. It’s also good for you to get healthier. Some people don’t do any sports so there only chance of doing it is by doing PE. PE is exercise, and exercise makes you use extra parts of your brain, which makes you do better in school.

That’s why we should have more PE.

that his school would have more runners that could win.

On the day of the sports day every year three and year two were very excited and were already practicing in the morning when they arrived

By: Pranjal Jain

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Backcourt Graveyard

There are balls stuck on ceiling of the backcourt


At G.I.S [Garden International School] there were lots of competitions! Like; Swimming Gala, sports day, basketball competitions, football competitions, etc.

But lately no students from G.I.S wanted to join teams that are part of the competitions, they said it was to hard for them to do. Mr. Mann principle of G.I.S said that he was going to add more competitions that are suitable for the students.

Lets hope that most of the students will join some of the competitions. Now lets all say……….. GO COMPETITIONS!!!

By: FionaBy Julienne Ching

There had been several footballs kicked up by the secondary students, now stuck on the ceiling of the backcourt and are not able to get the balls back because of the height of the ceiling, so some of them use another football to hit the ball on the ceiling.

This has been happening since the start of term 2 when a year eight student kicked the football high up into the air for fun. Secondary students like to kick the balls high up into the air for two main reasons. One of the reasons is because they are playing football then kick it up by accident and the other one is because for fun. Teachers find it reasonable when they kick it up by accident however they do not accept the fact that some people just do it for fun. Some teachers advise them not to do so however there are still some people doing this. One secondary teacher quoted,” It is very unnecessary of boys to kick up footballs and getting them stuck and having to buy another football.” A year eight student comments,” It’s our things so they shouldn’t care.”

Students agree that teachers should not care about their property while teachers think that footballs should not be kicked up. The adults try to use various different methods to get the footballs down to their owners and mainly prevent any other accidents.

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Children become Famous golfers!

The billboard is the best place to get the latest information at school. Surprisingly the billboard changes its news only every once a month. The billboard near the P.E office usually talks about sports and the Dragons team. The CCA board tells everyone what CCA’S are going on. If you took part in any sports event or if you are in a Dragons team your name or picture just may be up there, same goes with CCA’S your name will be there, I guarantee you.On the 18th of January it has been discovered that the longest primary billboard is about 7 meters long or more. Our notice board right outside the canteen is the board of everything, it tells you about what all the classes are doing or what is coming up. You could also find more information about school on the newsletter on our G.I.S website, just go to www.gardenschool.edu.myBy: Abigail 6I

Children become Famous golfers!At 9:10am on the 18th of January 2010, golf club, gloves and golf bags were spotted by Pranjal Jain and OngChing Han outside the room S10. It was reported that some children wanted to be a golfer just like TigerWoods. The golf bag had lots of different type of clubs. It also had gloves. The owner was a young boy whichhas big dreams. It was seen that the young boy was staring at his golf club while his teacher was teachinghim maths.

“ I hope he can pay attention in my class because his parents told me he was bad in maths. If he can’tconcentrate in my class then I will have to write a note to his parent saying that he can’t bring his golf clubsto school anymore.” Said his teacher shaking her head side to side.

“ My dream is to become a world famous golfer, I want to be better than Tiger Woods, I want to be themaster of Golf. Studying maths, literacy or IPC is just a waste of my time.” Said the child which has been seenstaring at his golf clubs all day.

“ I will let him chase his dream but I must make sure he study. Last time his report card said he needs tostudy more and he might have to take Year 3 again.” Said his parents.

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GIANT PAINTINGHuge painting pinned to wallBy: Afiq

There was a really big painting pinned to a wall near the primary office. It was really big, it could nearly fit the size of theentire wall! Although there is art around the school, some people think this gigantic painting is good. A fact about this painting is that this piece of art is done by secondary students. They are really good at art, most of the paintings are doneby secondary students but some pieces of arts are done by primary students some only and only in the calendar.by secondary students but some pieces of arts are done by primary students some only and only in the calendar.

Parents say that this piece of art is really good, they mean if there was a museum of art they would like to buy it but sometimes it cannot fit a wall in their house because they have other paintings and, some parents also think that maybe their child was involved in painting this art, even if their not I still think that this piece of art will get parents to come to see it, but if they try and sell it in the museum I think it will cost thousands because secondary students who did this are really proud of themselves. We all hope that there will be more paintings that primary students do because mostly it’s the secondary but now lets all give a chance to the primary students so their parents could be really proud with their child, allbecause of their art skills.

The painting was like a variety of pictures, big pictures, small pictures etc. There is also a painting of a self-portrait near the sports hall but not as good as this huge one. The secondary students really did hard work they painted it for 3-4 days. The painting I just saw was nice and it also had an Indian god in black, blue sky, big and small pictures etc.

Art is a talent for all of the people in the school because parents will be so proud that they will buy a room full of art, painted or drawn by their own child. But if they go to secondary the primary students have a chance to learn how secondary students learn to paint and draw. They will keep on going like this until they go to year 13 which means from year 7 to year 13 they will do art for about 7 years starting from year 7.

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Gold has been found in a classroom. Gold has been found inside and outside year two classrooms.

A teacher in year two had a huge treasure chest in her classroom under her chair. Mr. Mann ,the school principal said “you can’t keep gold in your class you have to return it.

By: Kunal

Chinese New Year is around the block and everyone is buzzing with excitement! We got dress up day and the year 2 play about Chinese New Year.

It’s nearly Chinese New Year and everyone is spring cleaning at their homes, the staff are decorating the school with C.N.Y decoration.

We have dress up day where we have to dress up in Chinese cultural clothes or if you don’t have any you can ether buy them with your parents or wear the colours of the clothes. You are mostly expected to wear the cultural clothes.

There is also a cultural Lion Dance when professional dancers get in a fuzzy Lion Demon thing and start dancing to people makingloud music, they can also , but very carefully, jump on high stool like things and hop around.

The year 2 will do a C.N.Y show for us and their mums and dads afterwards. They might do a few mistakes but let them be.

Happy Holidays everyone.

By: Isabel V.V