hyphae with no septa. pore type within septum secreted catalyst

Hyphae with no septa

Upload: grace-diane-cook

Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Hyphae with no septa. Pore Type within Septum Secreted Catalyst

Hyphae with no septa

Page 2: Hyphae with no septa. Pore Type within Septum Secreted Catalyst

Pore Type within Septum

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Secreted Catalyst

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Structural Polymer in Oomycete Cell Walls

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Network of Hyphae

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Fusion of Nuclei

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Metabolic Pathway

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Large Bundles of Mycelia

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Fungal Storage Product

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Term for Asexual Life Cycle of a Fungus

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Term for Sexual Life Cycle of a Fungus

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Fusion of Cytoplasm

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Nuclear Condition of Hyphal Segment

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Thick-Walled Hyphal Segment;Breaks Off to Become a Spore

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Hyphal Outgrowth that Breaks Off and Functions as Spore

(Hint: This is NOT a Sporangium)

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Asexual Structure in which Spores are Produced

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Stalk of a Sporangium

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General Term for Spores (Zoospores, Aplanospores) ProducedIn a Sporangium

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Non-Flagellated Spores Produced in a Sporangium

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Fungal Cell Wall Component

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Term for Hyphae with Septa

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Type of Mitosis Common in Fungi

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Type of Organism which Uptakes Carbohydrates

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Name of Molecule

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Anaerobic Metabolic Pathway

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Anaerobic Metabolic Process

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Major Eukaryotic Clade

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Flagella Type

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In Saprolegnia, Ploidy Level of Anamorphic Stage

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Flagellated Spores released from Sporangium in Saprolegnia

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Emerging Hypha from Germinating Spore in Saprolegnia

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Female Gametangium in Saprolegnia

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Dormant Zygote in Saprolegnia

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Disease that Ravaged Ireland in mid-19th Century

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Oomycete responsible for Late Potato Blight

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Fungal Disease of Grapes

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Oomycete Responsible for Grape Downy Mildew

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Fungal Disease of Mustards

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Oomycete Responsible for White Rust

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Fungal Disease of Seedlings

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Oomycete Responsible for Damping Off Disease

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Name of this Structure

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Ploidy Level of a Nucleus in this Structure

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Name of this Reproductive Structure

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Dormant Phase of Physarum Plasmodium

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Name for Structure formed by Aggregating Myxamoebae

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Ploidy Level of Nucleus in Each Cell

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Chemical Messenger

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Name of Structure

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Name for Spore Producing Structure


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Mode of Food Uptake

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Name for “Arm”

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Fungal Group

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Flagellum Type

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Hypha-Like Structure in Chytrid that Tapers at End and has No Nuclei

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Life Cycle with Extensive Diploid and Haploid Phases(Same as in Plants)

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Sporangium Type in Allomyces

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Ploidy Level of Zoospores Produced Here

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Sporangium Type in Allomyces

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Ploidy Level of Zoospores Produced Here

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Type of Gametangium in Allomyces

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Type of Gametangium in Allomyces

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Dimorphic Gametes

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Gametes of Equal Size

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Life Form of Immersed Chytrid

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Life Form of Surface Chytrid

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Life Form of Free-Living Chytrid

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Chytrid Life Cycle in which Entire Thallus converts to Sporangium/Gametangium

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Chytrid Life Cycle in which Part of Thallus converts to Sporangium/Gametangium

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Eucarpid Chytrid with Multiple Sporangia/Gametangia

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Eucarpic Chytrid that forms One Sporangium/Gametangium

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Ploidy Level of Anamorph in Zygomycetes

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In Rhizopus, type of asexual spore produced within sporangium

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In Rhizopus, term for Fused Hyphae

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In Rhizopus, term for fused cells formed after septa form

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In Rhizopus, term for young structure after fusion septum dissolves


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In Rhizopus, mature sporangium (Teleomorph)

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In Rhizopus, type of Suspensors

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In Rhizopus, type of Sporangium produced from within Zygospore

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Term used to Describe Different Hyphal Strains that Fuse

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In zygomycetes, sporangia that produce very few spores

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In Pilobolus, swelling at base of Sporangiophore

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In Pilobolus, region below Sporangium that becomes Turgid

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In Pilobolus, region that produces asexual spores

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In Pilobolus, region just below subsporangial vesicle that is filled with carotenoids

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