how to spark up love in your marriage

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Ikenna Uchegbu is an authority on anything that concernsmarriage, His teachings and well fashioned instructions has helpabout hundreds if not thousand of families and relationships, become stronger than they were before. His pen name ismurphyaik .He is married with four children.

 You can always contact him by sending an Email to him

!oin our "acebook fanpage https#$$$happymarriagebuilder

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I was as prompted to write this book after attending a white wedding ceremony. There, the master of ceremony asked oneimportant &uestion that changed my perspecties about marriage.

 !hat was the &uestion you may ask' He asked (If )od should saytoday, I want to dissole all the marriages for few days, and askthe marriage to begin again, how many men or women will go back to their marriage' I felt so ama$ed that almost *+ percentdid not raise their hands. This simply shows that many people are

staying together but they are not liing together.

-ome couples are ery smart. !hen they are outside, you will notnotice any difference between them, but when they are insidetheir houses, they become cat and dog. -ome others &uarrel at any time and anywhere. ut that is not what marriage is all about. It issimply an institution by )od. /or the bible said (/or this course, aman will leae his father and mother and is united with his wife,and they become one. You see0 )od1s plan for eery marriage is

that both the man and woman that came together shall lie asone. !hy then is there diision among couples'

It is eery couples dream to lie and last foreer in their marriage, but large numbers of marriages end in diorce mainly in theearlier year of their marriage. !hat is the reason' !hat are theydoing wrong'

 #s a marriage counselor, I noticed these factors to be the reasonsfor the fast increasing break up in marriages. I was one day

opportune to hae a chit chat with one of my friends that had thesame e2periences. These are what she told me about here2periences.

The reason why I am sharing these is because I know ery wellthat you will learn from it.[Type text]

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3ne slogan says (If you want a great marriage adice, then ask adiorced person4.

I beliee this is true because those of them who hae lost the mostimportant relationship in their lies, tend to spend a lot of timesthinking of their mistakes. /inding out those mistakes makesthem to be ery careful in their ne2t relationship.

I am ery sure you could learn one or more things from these too,so let5s get on with it. 360

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  Rshi!g i!to marriage.

7ost people did not plan so well before they go into marriage. They did notask the important &uestions they should hae asked simply, because theygot so caught up with the relationship. They did not spend much time instudying and knowing the person they want to share their whole life with.

 !hen they rush into this, they eentually notice that there is nocompatibility, and then things will not be the way it used to be. The endresult is diorce.

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-ome couple during their courtship is aware of one thing8 that they are notmeant for each other, yet they beliee things will change when they aremarried. It doesn1t really work that way. If there is no change during thecourtship, their will not be during the marriage. This is why you must think

 well before you go into that marriage. 3nce you make up your mind, there isno going back.


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Emotional intimacy is ery pertinent in marriage8 this is that relationship thatis supposed to e2ist between the couple. If this is present in marriage, thecouple is more rela2ed when they are together8 they hae enough time to talkabout themseles, their relationship together, there will be more cuddling,holding of hands and saying I loe you -how loe to one another, make

 yourseles feel better all the time.

 !hen these things are lacking in marriage, it makes couples beliee that

marriage is difficult. Howeer, marriage is not as difficult as we think. Theproblem is that some couples did not know most of the secrets of a happymarriage.

 !hat I want to share in my ne2t chapter, will help you so much to presereand make your marriage last longer.

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 #s I am rounding up this book, I think it is ery imperatie that I share theseimportant thoughts with you. I think this should be the most important thingto hae in mind before going out in search for the man of your dream. 3nething is to marry8 another thing is to hae a good, lasting and committedmarriage.

7arriage does not end in "ust saying a marriage ow or holding a marriagecertificate in your hand, )etting committed is ery important.

 !hen people say that they are committed in their marriages, what do theyreally mean' -ome may mean (oh I like this relationship and I will doanything to make it continue4. ut marriage means more than that. %ealcommitment in marriage is what preents marriages from diorce.

It is ery easy for one to say that he or she is committed to a marriageespecially when the marriage is going well, but the real commitment is knownor seen when the relationship is not the way it use to be.

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 #t that point you could say Yes I am committed to this marriage, and I will notlet it die. -o what is really commitment in a marriage'

It means doing whateer you hae to do to make a relationship successful.There may be s&uabbles in eery relationship, and you can comfortably saythat your man is wrong, but if you know that the relationship is important to

 you then you will let go, because you want to presere the relationship.

How can you do it'

3ne important way that you can do this is to pick up a pen and a pepper and write down.

/ie things that you want in a man or woman you want to marry./ie ways that you want to lie your family life.

/ie reasons why you don5t want diorce in your marriage.

-econdly, learn how to say (I am sorry4 There must always be &uarrels inmarriages no matter how strong the relationship is. Howeer, the ability tosettle the matter immediately is the key to a lasting and committed marriage.

 You may not be the cause of the matter, but you apologi$ed. 9eer entertainthe idea of inoling a third party when there is a discord. /ind a way to settleit, "ust the two of you.

 #ll these things will make you to keep moing when the road seems to be toorough in your relationship.

Thirdly, build up the emotional intimacy. :ike I hae said before, this is themost important part of eery relationship. -hare those funny "okes togetherand laugh together as well. ;on1t keep long faces. Hold hands together andrepeat those marriage ows once in a while.

/inally, neer critici$e your spouse.

If your spouse does something, but didn1t do it the way it is supposed to, neercritici$e. /ind a better way to correct him or her. You may start by saying

(Honey I appreciate what you did, but it would hae been better to do it theother way4.

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  Thank you for reading this book. I hope you enjoyed it?

Help to give this book to your friends; it ay be of good help to then.

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