how solar lights work in the garden

How solar lights work in the garden Solar products and their potential are receiving more and more attention as people become increasingly interested in alternative forms of energy. Of course, this isn’t the only thing that contributes to their popularity. Many people simply love keeping up with new technology. This technology in particular is known for being easy to install, use, and maintain. It is not necessary to purchase a large amount of solar products in order to reap benefits for the home. Many single solar items can make a difference on an energy bill and lessen personal impact on the planet. A wise exchange is to replace basic on-grid outdoor lights with solar powered outdoor lights.

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: How solar lights work in the garden

How solar lights work in the garden

Solar products and their potential are receiving more and more attention

as people become increasingly interested in alternative forms of energy.

Of course, this isn’t the only thing that contributes to their popularity.

Many people simply love keeping up with new technology. This

technology in particular is known for being easy to install, use, and


It is not necessary to purchase a large amount of solar products in order to

reap benefits for the home. Many single solar items can make a difference

on an energy bill and lessen personal impact on the planet. A wise

exchange is to replace basic on-grid outdoor lights with solar powered

outdoor lights.

Page 2: How solar lights work in the garden

An alternative to paying for electricity that is being utilized by many

today is solar lighting. One place in the home in particular where this type

of illumination is being used more and more is in the garden. As this area

is already outside, it is easy to see why it is a popular locale for lights that

are charged by the sun's powerful rays to reside. But how exactly do

garden solar lights work?

The most important element of garden solar lights is what is known as the

photovoltaic cell. This cell is what transforms light from the sun into an

electrical current and is housed within the solar panel. The size and

excellence of this cell directly correlates to the solar panel's success.

Another aspect in determining the effectiveness of the panel is how clear

the protective cover is. All three of these factors establish the quality of

the resulting solar light. Generally, the solar cell is the most expensive

component within the illuminator as the final output of light depends

upon it.

Electricity that has been generated by the photovoltaic cell is stored in

rechargeable batteries. These batteries have been directly wired to the

solar cells and a diode is placed between the two to make sure that the

electric current only courses into the battery. They can stand up better to

numerous charge and discharge rounds and also hold an important

Page 3: How solar lights work in the garden

environmental advantage when compared to NiCad batteries. NiMH

batteries can be thrown away without any damage being done to the


Miniature light bulbs known as LEDs are used in garden solar lights

because they do not need a filament nor do they produce excessive waste

heat. Both of these factors are directly related to the incredibly long

lifespan of these solar cool gadgets. Comparatively speaking, LED lights

typically last one hundred thousand hours while a standard bulb yields

just three thousand. It is easy to see why LED lights are favored in these

solar illuminators.

The wiring decides how well the garden solar lights will work. Circuitry

is a vital concern as it basically hooks up the cell that captures the

sunlight and converts it into usable electricity to the batteries that store

that power to the LED bulbs that utilize the electrical energy to convert it

into shining beams of light. How well the wiring is set up directly affects

the output of illumination.