how not to meditate

1 HOW NOT TO MEDITATE R. STANLEY (Edited from his TV Talks by his daughter, Evangeline Jonas ) Introduction 1. Do not neglect any portion of the Bible. 2. Do not rush through your meditation. 3. Do not be lazy while studying the Bible. 4. Do not depend solely on your intellect. 5. Do not ignore the context of Bible verses. 6. Do not place experiences above the Scriptures. 7. Do not probe into secret things. 8. Do not neglect prayer life. 9. Do not delay obedience. 10 . Do not st agnate your knowledge. 11. Bible Re ading Calendar  12. What is the Bible? Introduction Towards the closing days of his life, Moses reminded God’s people of their two unique privileges, in Deuteronomy 4:7,8. The first one was that they had a prayer-answering God: “What great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the Lord our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him?” (v7). The second was that they had a God who had given them His very Word: “And what great nation is there that has such statutes and righteous judgments as are in all this Law which I set before you this day?” (v8). In other words, no one else had a God like theirs who would listen and speak to them! The first booklet I wrote in this Series was on Prayer. This booklet which is the second is on Bible Meditation. The first one was titled as How not to Pray . This one is titled as How not to Meditate. Why this negative approach? Unlearning is a prerequisite for proper learning. That’s why Jesus first told His disciples how not to pray before teaching them how to pray (Mt 6:5-13). So also when He taught on the disciplines like almsgiving and fasting (Mt 6:1-4,16-18). We unlearn and learn by way of correction from God’s Word, to escape the floods of false doctrine and to be established in the sound doctrine. False doctrine is usually a mixture of truth and error and needs to be exposed. It will be easy to detect it, if it’s 100 percent error. But normally and usually it’s a very subtle mixture. We cannot separate truth from error with our knowledge and intellect. Neither can we with human logic, reasoning and experience, but only by the Word of God. “The Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Heb 4:12). The spirit and soul too can be separated, and the thoughts and intents discerned by God’s Word!

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Post on 07-Apr-2018




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8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 1/20

8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 2/20

8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 3/20

8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 4/20

8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 5/20

8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 6/20

8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 7/20

8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 8/20

8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 9/20

8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 10/20

8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 11/20

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8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 13/20

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8/6/2019 How Not to Meditate 15/20

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