holt county sentinel (oregon, mo.). (oregon, mo) …...c. nmno--l.t andsnl sabbaths at...

KV Jt"-- 1 ' . I rJCV.U WHIG llEIEl)cOJ'CERA'lA'G E1Q.UOR WKIV ADVERTISEMENTS PICNIC Bk.jC:U-- ..I t 1 TonaVIfoma fBO.JI JJtfS BOTTO.71. ELM GROVE AfC.VS. ... iiTvitiiitMfsm-ri- i M;; V' -- 77 Vlt -- 4liv-v H2 S-j- P MISSOURI ,mKkMU v.t d.llr St. Si J, it I' n r - - ' 7 H - wu j at I - I 5 - cx- - v Jt.r,lu.J L...L1 Ar 11:03 A. 1 i. Mn fcxprea, So; 4. " .'awlr.TesseeptSatui --i rtjWXo. 10, dalljj 2:15 r. M. BABSfAD. BciC'Wtetoa, 1 i Gen. isup't. Ass'tSup't. - A C DAWES, Gen. rM. Agt. IX IIOLT COIJXTT. Term ef the Circuit Court. alar Term, 3d Monday la April, August ecetnoer 01 every yT( ' the County Conrt. Monday In February, fjCycryyear tegular Tcrna,"-Mooda- y in J April, July aud October uf,every year AGENTS TOE THE SE1STINEL.- - TS. IVilCHKOHD. DruggUt and Postmaster .ubaeriplloiisandroakecollectloiis lor the ats- - .1sr.TrmnmAS. Druggists-ani- l Postmaster .at Mound chy, Mo.; i our authorllcd.ageiit to "take subscription and mate collection lor the 3East Forest Flouring Mill Company. : J?orest City, Missouri. Highest oiarLej price paid for grain. All llndof.stock and grolu shipped on commls-- ' ,CATK),flrJ'?(HAORtX KLEVATOIt. " ' ?Wheat perjubel first thirty days or part .Sttereor....:? ' 'parti aueceedliig thirty dayeorpart there-- i or., , i I: lite above rate include shipping and .iaud- - ijtag. If fanned, one cent extra added, and If ' ,aeldfu company, free of storage. ,j'btdm grinding every day excoept Sunday Will Insure our work euual to any in the J. 1'. ADAM.Sl'rra ' i V, X. GuAIlAJt. Pec. 30ni3 -- fajfr ApjBolnlacBts-Orcg- oa Circuit. Her. W. I.. EDMOSHS. p. c. nmno-- l.t andSnl Sabbaths at 10.'.' A. m. judB r. M. I1yrr 'Slet-tin- every IhurMlay : ' f jiight. Sabbath ftcnool every bauoauuiu o- - ' cloCCA. M. alnie iml Subbmlh at 10K A. si. and 4 r t -- ji. Sabbath "ol at tif A. K. ' Kichvllle th 4Mb Jiabbath at 0)i A.M. r ' Were 4thSabba!h at 4 r. M. , t rbea tthVabbath at 8 r. M. f -- l'oUittk' ith Sabbath at 4 r. . . ikirinr I'ullni will hold ervlce as follows: Hiettrille, lt- - Sabbath at low a. v. l'ierce'a V- - 04 Sabbath at 10; A.M. Oregon, 3rd Sabbath r. M. t uirview, 4iu sauuaiu ai w?. a. m Hoppers Are Going! Jans, at Kin" & Orcn's (Store, air per Prices v Sewing Machine ICwlIea for nctirly In use In the county; also Machine Oil, and repairs and extras 'wifybe furnished, at Wnv Jtaskins' JlartlXvarp Store, west side Public Square, Oregon. " 4Ctf Preaching. I will endeavor to be at the Brown"-- " lee School Ilouse the 1st Snnday ot each mouth at 11 o'clock, and at Chambers at 4 p. m. of the tamo day ; and at Lincoln School House' the 2nd .Sunday at 11 o'clock a. sr. - M. URATCIIEB, Pastor. Cent FeHHd. A.fcw weeks ago I found a casslinerc coat in (he Toad leading from Mottud 5- .Jlb'lUregon'. TIhs owner can have 11 4t by calling at the. residence of the tin- - iwsigHcd and paying for this tiscmcnt. .TAMES L. ALLENT. !L fUrnanv . ln .Turin 11 t7S ' ' - Mase Ball JWatrh. rC5, There w.IH.be $ Sail played aUnalch gamo of Uase on the Itiselow I):tsc Ball I- - Wt-ft- J!ilii.1. flu Trlilw .limn 't 10"7 nt (! ' - flTlrt.lr. 1 int 'rinii fhn A 1 n ti .I tlub and the Westerns of Bigelow. Bttnttel SMeetiHfi. .Tlierc will lasa Basket MeSlng at the Mineral Springs iSchool- - House, .commencing on Satarday"crenlng, the 3rd day of July and continue over the 4th. TbtT tncetlnff wllf be nridcr the jinspiccs of the United Brethren in Christ. Alf are cordially invited to at- tend. T. S. DOWNEY, Pastor, . ; Rev. J.,W,.tanghlln. of .Maryylllc, '"wMI tUgypr-- a temperance i4at Vf iBK trnmyien&n uhu rcsr,-- 1 urero r ,h Friday-evening-, Jnne.5OTwMrjt.fe tae refutation of JxlngJiUi MMe, weturers in Jfee:weflt, ham Wjwople will twS ostW.henr uevi ; .romis wlUspeelc on the Mbjiget of temporance "SiTorbes statioH, WMenday evenlHjJnne 28. I hajtMWHli.'bnshelaofgood sound orn forxk, will commence wlJftjrMoBdir'.'jHBe 21t, at myBi 2MIk6TreOrcgob. Will sell for. s days -- eH','E0e after that date, nil thosi wantlBgcera will apply between tho. zaJHW ;; . 8AMUKIJ A' GARTn v.. t, f. xs-- livft umi 4r'7KPk ing near ouBU'Uiry,-weTeTllo- charge of?OTand larceny anittqn 'be fore Geo. Weber, J. P., MDatt. a pcareu as counfei for . - jaraes idmmrd, iToseculingOTitney appeared lor the State. Dcldtuitjg waved examination and gave bolTXor nppearanoe to Circuit Cpurt.--!o- S400eacb. Major Rafllngton, the genial travel-in-" correspondent of the St. Joseph Morning Herald, was in town on Mon- day and favored us with a call. Our readers will find an interesting com- munication from his pen in this issue, which we copy from tho Herald. Master Tom Curry took a tramp City his native city Iowa, . where he intends to speuu A. Wise is in uaitimore. rty, and promises to out- - reneration. Bellamy Storer, an ex- - Tcinber of Congress lrom unio, anu late Judge of the Supreme Court of Cincinnati, a man of very high stand- ing in the community, a distinguished member of religious societies, Vice- - President of the United States Evan-mllc- nl Allianoe. died in Cincinnati about ten days ago, aged eighty years. Prof. W. F. Drake, principal of the Rock Port Public School, and lady are spending vacation in Oiegon and .arc the guests ot T. I. Kreck, Ksq. Mr. Marion Carson, who for the past C weeks has been tending a farm tn Smith countv-- . Kansas, returned to his home in this city last Monday. He says, the crops in Western Kansas look splendid and no grasshoppers. But myriads of them passed over them. He Sfgays that the colony from Holt v y & lTTvfrfthem Messrs. Baker, Wing, &c, were aifHo' rLtvingood, I ..,.1 ..!! .nf l,.,.r HUT lllll iWIU till! ltUl.il. M. out finely and was getting ready to harvested. EI. King, he says, had the finest crop that lie had seen in any country. George Fiegcnbaum, student of the Wesloynn University, Mount Pleasant, Iowa, returned to Ills home in this city on Monday, after an ab sencc of ten. months. Next term of school will commenco September 9th We have received tlidd number of the Western Ilcrald, a ''religious monthly periodical, devoted to , the education and Improvement ot the colored people of the West, and is the organ of the floiicral Baptist Conven tion of Missouri, and Is rmblishctLand edited jii3inm'"Cliyb'y'Tfev7 Amos Johnson. Mr. Moses Bennett last week finished burning a kiln of 1.00,000 brick, a first-rat- e article, and he is now ready to supply the public wants in this respect. On Saturday Dr. Lehnier received a beantrful 00 marble soda foun tain, manufactured in Shelbj ville. Indiana, and placed it in his drug store. How fortunate, to know where to go IhPse sultry days for a well- - fla vored, cooling drink of soda water? Bead Dr. F. W. Lane's card in an- other column. He is a practical phy sician and surgeon, who has lately es- tablished himself in the East llulo neighborhood. He has opened aJive-- ly practice in that part of Holt county, and is meeting with considerable suc- cess in.thejmrsuit of his calling. Bead Dan. Uunkcl's Washing Ma- chine advertisement. He is the inven- tor and manufacturer ol the best Wash ing Machines now in use. Examine the machTne and'juBgc for yourself. Head Markland & SlokeStwOu. this issue. They have associated to- gether in the practice ol the law, with headquarters in the Big Brick. Nicholas Stock has sold histailor-in- g establishment to Mr. M. O. Sulli- van, lately moved in lrom Osage Mis sion, Kansas. Mr. buiuvan is a urst- - class merchant tailor and has the ad vantage of many years experience. (live him a call at the old stand, one door south of the Price House. r Fresh Meat, Fresh Meat ! We desire to notify the citizens ol Oregon and vicinity that lrom and after this date we will have fresh meat at all time. Choice Cuts at 1( cents per pound. Our stand is on Nodaway street, one door west ol Bank. 52tf NOBLE &. PETER. oisiTir.tni. Death of .Tim. Jflary Foster. Mary Ely, wife of Jacob Foster, sr., departed this life in this city on Thurs- day, the 17th day ot June, 1875, aged CO years, after a lingering illness, brought about by paralysis. She was born of German parents in Washington county, Pa., whence at an early day she, with her father and mother moved to Knox county, Ohioj and subsequently to Richland couy In the same State, where abont lofy-- flveyears since she became the ic of Jacob lrom RlchlamWounty she, with her husband ajiamily, moved to Noble eon 1 tjJr Indiana, where they resided abonwine years, iiud in 18C0 they moved jfltlolt county, issouri. Mrs. FostcnV the mother ot xinctecircinitfreTljpSventeeu sons and two daughterjmvc of whom, (David, Jehu.ibco; Solomon Foster and Mrs. Colaian)" survive to mourn cr death. 9f c has been a member of c Rcgulawaptist Church "for some thirty yearand lived a consistant life. She closedBfe with those bright ami strong 'ooMolalions which faith in Him who is imj resurrection and the Ufa can give.Rie was one of the best of moth-- ; ooa wife ind a good neighbor, enough to iay In ail things and whore oit to be blameless an without oDukcT Her sorrowing husband Is pressing on to rejoin her in the better land. Just Received, 1At the store ofPeter & Son, north side "Public Square, Oregon, a splendid lot of the Latest Styles of Vriiils, Notlonsl '.!.;' anil Staple Goods, Whlch they will sell very cheap. Cal and them. 45tf 4 Editor Sentinel: It is seldom that we see anything in your valuable pa per lrom tins qimuer oi noil, uui as you were up lierc among us on Sat urday and could sec for yourself that there are some ot us left to tell the talc, I though TV6ttldmitold: We still have a falrpfoTspect for something to live upon another year. although the hoppere have damaged us badly in places, having in some instan ces eaten up an me growing tiujis, while, upon others adjoining theyhaye done comparatively little damage. Farmers, however, arc still planting corn and may raise a fair crop yet. The health" of the Bottom still re-- . 1 ...! .111 maius goou aiiuougu -- uig juuuuy has been to see us twice this spring. Some of the many emigrants who lelt us this spring for other climes may yet be glad to come back and winter with us, though there is one exception which 1 may mention, which by the way, I believe you failed to note the departure at the time. I refer to John McRoberts, a famous man, at onetime in the bottom. As lie left here differ- - pntlv from the others, it makes ine think he will be the last to come back Although he did not run away he nlaved the game pretty fine upon his creditors; he commenced disposing of his property early in the spring, sell ing most ot it to his brolhcr-iu-ia- Win. Mackcy, but being under bonds for his appearance-a- t the April term of our circuit court, in one caso to answer the charge of assault with In- - lont tn kill, and another ior norsc aTtho'n-.- . JIc did not ''''P1 t0 ,c:ive f TT..i; T.'r.':cniaincd and managed ,.?.,...,.... , , ,rfiy to foot the uina iur iiiiii, liieiutuiigviionitj "lamagcs, fines, costs, etc., promising to return the same sobnas he had sold his property, flint ivrinl'ilo.gngct the moncyTdf TtTwhich perhaps he will as he took the man with him to whom he sold. He managed to get away by sending his goods across the river by Win. Mackcy and going with his fami ly to Forest City.ostcnsibly to get their pictures taken, and there taking the train, since which Jnc he has not been heard frorii.- - Uncle Jim fliTnlfs that goin" bH for men then paying their lawyers to get them out of the scrape, paying their lines and costs generally, in other words, becoming their scape goat, to the tnnc of about $200, Is not upon the wholo a paying business, and he will try something else. J. D. Perkins, near your city, was up here two or three days last week and managed to buy a farm near the river, known as the Draee farm, and after- wards selling the same to Mr. Vandu- - scn of Bigelow, thereby pocketing, I suppose, a nice surplus, and of course went home feeling happy for Jim likes to make a good trade. As to tbepic nic Saturday you was there and can tell vour readers all iboutit. it. Rush Bottos'i, June 21. 1875. Mrs. James Limhird's Closing out Sale ,f uuiim. Goods. Ladies, I will sell Good at the fol lowing prices: Untrimmcd Hats that are sold at J5.cls.IwiH ssU at 40 cts. $1 OTHrfrtrcls. $1 50 Hat for SO cts. $1 75 Hat for $1. Trimmed Hats, I will sell as follows A $1 25 Hat for 75 cts. A $1 75 Hat for $1-3- 0. A $2 25 Hat for $1 50. . A $2 75 Hat $2 00. A $3 50 Hat for '$2 60, A 5 00 Hat for 3 75. Shop South West Corner Public Square, Oregon, Holt countj', Mo. ,r)2tl A Card. We take this method of reluming thanks to the citizens of Holt count', who, by their liberal patronage have shown their appietiatiun ot our labors to please them by giving them more mid belter goods for less money than any other house in the county. We have just received Jiom Chicago an Immense Line' of Summer Dress Good?, Cqusistiiig of Cambrics fojiliits, Lustres, I'efcales, C, Sit. At 124 to SO cents per yard. Fine yard-wide.So- tt Finished Bleached Mus lin, 124 cents, ighams, 10 cents. Javdies' Cotton Hose4 to.25 cents. Choice Coffee, Jibs tolthe 81. All other goods in pro ory Rcs- - pcctlttlly, II. L. WILLIAM AicCo. At the Red Front. Forest (ly, Mo. 48tf Patents. I List of Patents issued from til u. s. Patent Oilice to Missoui i Inven ft-s.fo- r the week ending June 19, 187 and each dated June 1, 1875. Re rtcd for the Sentinel by Cox & Co.v, itors of Patents, Washington Cii m d. 1 Metallic Arch Budges, J. Eads, SL Louis. Apparatus for Laying out Coat Pat terns,. J. Bauer, at. Louis. Device for Welding Chain LlnlTs, AiljtisnreJc niiil Revfislhlu Chairs II. Voth and Crsijatt. St. Louis. Urgent A'oticCi My patrons arc respectfully Iniof; ed that I am very much in need of monev. And all persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersign- ed for goods sold them, and work doue arc kindly but urgently requested to pay theft arrearages, aud enable me to continue a healthy business. 51w2 GEO. NIES. Oregon, June 1 1, 1875. CaslWs tc Shoe JEmnor. itim ! gcrse Gaiters, at Castle's from $,25 !o S50. 43tf . Industrial Exposition ! The Scholars and patrons of the Elm Grove day school. C. M. Mosicr, tcaeli-cr.hel- d a very enjoyable pic nic on Saturday, the 19th instant. Hie Dcau-tif- ul grove ot Mr. Kobert Notlcy, situ- ated four miles south west of Bigelow, was selected as the "round for the pic nic, which partook largely of a juvenile industrial exposition. At 94 o'clock In the morning tnc "rand army of the school, under the niarshalship of Mr. Moshcr, began its line of march precccded by a beautiful banner, and the distance being only about half a mile, soon arrived on the "round. The exercises in the forenoon having been opened by prayer by Jolm ii. Shepard, alternated by singing by Elm firovc choir, class reading, soio sing- - in". Sic. The choir, led by W. J. Nash. furnished some very excellent vocal pieces. We can't forego the pleasure of mentioning, in this connection, the valuable services rendered by the Mis- ses Virginia Minton, Virginia Baker, Sarah G. Shepard. soprano; and Miss. Marv B. Shepard, alto. These young ladies have very good voices, and by a little practice will become excellent Rinners. The most interesting feature of the pic nic. however, was the Industrial-Exposition- . The boys and girls had i.ir tficbK nf makln" anvthin" with .l.olrflren lmnd torlWrTOffTOtUC HI--- - - - tnti. A Ion" tauie wab 6iwu the different articles placed pon it. In the boys' department we houkcu fnllnwinar entries: amesTa"nor, a double-shov- plow. bam W. Wilson, tlouulc-trcc- . Joseph Buttrick, hand rake. Sam Notlcy, revolving horsc-rak- c. Chas C. Moore, spade, boot-jac- k and rake. John Whaley, harrow, spade and pitch-for- John Combs, ox yoke and rake. Warren Buttrick, boot-jac- k and yoke. James Stewart, bob sleds. Douglas Buttrick, gun. Charles Williams, scoop-shove- l. Jesse Hicks. "A" harrow. Levi Buttrick. rake. JosepK-Morrls- , log-wag- and ax. Win. Stewan. nijr wooden boot and boot-jac- H In the girls' department the rvivivy- - Ing entries were made: Julia Duke, alum fruit basket and casket, four neck-tic- s and loal corn bread. Man J. Tagnor, piece quilt and era vat. Man' Etta Whaley, pin cushion and quilt, block-- . Ida j. Williams, 4 quilt blocks. Mary Book, pin cushion. Emma . a .. Williams. 2 pin cushions and ciotn Dim. .Taney Wells, quilt block. Julia Boyd. 3 quilt blocks. Beatrice Shepard. lar"c alum flower basket, book-mar- and quilt block. G. P. Morris, 2 quilt blocks. Mary Spahn, 4 lar"c nuilt blocks. pin cushion. A:c. Aiargret Van ltebbcr. fine piece of quiic. hale bpalin, 2 quilt blocks. Florence Buttrick, 2 quilt blocks. llnri'JIallaK.. quilt-bloc- ks SarnnJ. Stewart, 2 blocksr Eliza Lease, fancy dinner basket. Sarah A. Wilson, wreath. 2 quilt blocks and neck-tie- . Martha Combs, :l quilt blocks. Clara Moore, 5 qnilt blocks. Irene Whaley, 2 quilt blocks. Kae Stewart, neck-tic- - MrsVMoshcr furnished a nnmbcr of v articles of quilt, crochet, and needle work; flower and fruit caskets, which wcre all very fine specimens of worl niansMp. The programme called lor two ad dresses on industry and education, one from the editor of the Sentinel and (the other from Edmund Anibal. County .Commissioner of School. Mr. Henry Stewart also read an essay. A premium was offered for the best loaf of com bread. Three entries were made: Mary Wing, Lydia Jane Mil lcr and Julia Duke. A committee con- - rsistin" of Messrs. Henry Minton. .Christopher Catron and A. Klippel, decided that Miss Duke, was entitled to the first premium, and Miss Wing to the second. . - Ice Cream! Ice Cream! At Beaumont & Hill's Conleetionary, north side Public Square. ST. .YICUOLilS FOIl JTVLT Opens strongly and does not flag to the end. Its list of contributors is headed by fahrcc of the most popular female writers for children Rose Terry Cooke, Emily Huntington Miller and Louisa M. Alcott. The number has also one of the liveliest and most natural boys' storics-tha- t have appeared for months, written by Rossiter Johnson nnd enti tled "A 'Great Speculation." No true boy windfall to appreciate it. Then there is an, article on "How to Make a Boat," which will doubtless set ham- mer and jpaw to going, and introduce toic wafers of lake or river many a shapely craft, built by the same young hands an(J arms that man it. Our pa- triotic pride is awakened by tho fine portraits and anecdotes of "American Orators" and the Fourth-ol-Jnl- y spirit is addressed by an historical plcetch ot tho first wa- ters oncliundred years ago, and by the contrasted pictures of "Our Flag" then and now. The acconnt bv a Nebraska woman ot "How tho Grasshoppers Came," thoroughly proves its author- - uj me savor ol reality In Its vivid tirayai oi me devastation aud a smav which followed tho coining of theso small but destructive marauders. Su- san Coolidge aud Sarah O. Jewett con- tribute two capital stories for girls. io poems oi tho number are excel- - TtVwft.A 11 tnctnit fntlC lilt a flm a.n uai staiwgof St Nicholas, which leaves notlmV,)C dcs, d t, 2 i!!J,rKon8 in the . ... .. . a severe siiock oiau eanuntiaKo was lelt through south-wester- n Ohio and tho southern part of Indiana, on tho morning of the 18th inst. Buildings were cracked and In somcjilaces build- ings thrown down. Mrs. 51. II. Soper returicd last Fri Ishl day after an absenco in Oiio and Iu- -' Uiana of some seven wcekt i i ! . i Good Exann'le. of T. .71. Dans. Editoi: Sentinel: I sec your cor respondent at this point has forgotten to keep you posted, but as we have too great calamities in this State, I don't wonder that men become some- what stupid in their wits to make things move. The hoppers are leaving slowly, and in five or six days they will be ail gone. .Now, ir we couiu get me con- stitutional Convention to adjourn, we might have a little money left in the treasury. The hoppers have left a lit- tle corn and some small grain hereabouts, and all now feel hopeful that we may make halt a crop of corn. The small "rain will average live bush els to the acre. I was out around tho Valley a few days" since, and in my rambles I met Mr. Davis, familiarly called Mat. I found him very hopeful. He says Holt county will havt plenty and some to spare, and he don't think we ought to grumb'.c ycL Mr. Davis has been fumishhi" his unfortunate neighbors with seed corn at 50 cents per bushel. though he has not more than he needs for his .own stock. He has let seed corn go to Kansas, Nebraska and .to Cass county in this State, at 50 cents per bushel. A few "such men in neWidbrhood and it must thrive. say iuccMts to Matv 3Iay hUvishadow never grow less. c hoppers have barked all the ap ple.trces set out this spring, and all the'hedge plants. Straw stacks will be scarte in Holt this year. I hear some say.sow corn broadcast ,but I would say sow It in drills 18 inches apart, or plant it with a planter and double the rows ; thif leaves It 18 to 20 inches apart. thca it can be cut up and shocked so it will cure. Saw cut and ret up half shocks" and In a few days that will cure. And then you can cut up the re milnlng corn and linish your shocks In this way fodder will cure, but to cut It with the reapers or mow it, unless the weather is very lavorablc, it won't cure aud vour loddcr is lost. And as wo have had a dry spring we are like ly to have a wet fall, and I would sow some turnips, sow in the cornfields they arc good food for horses and cat tie and no better for sheep. I lcmain with respect, &c. YOUNG FARMER. Whig Valley, June 21, 1875. Fragments. The grasshoppers are still "wingin out" and leaving us for parts unknown For 10 days the atmosphere overhcpJ was filled with them, flying north and northeastward. The near approach of their departure has so elated the farm- ers that they are everywhere planting corn and sowing millet and buckwheat. The ircqnentaud soaking showers of last week have given vegetation a fresh impulse. Tho prospect now Is that the damage done by the hoppers to the earlier crops of small grain will be more than repaired by an abundant com crop. Everything bldi fair for an Inn...... jr.a-yrCOr- . wire of Mr. 11. M. Keyf; who resides some 0 miles north of Oregon, died on the 22nd Instant, and was burled at Cowan's grove. Mrs. Llmbird lias been quite sick for the past few weeks, so that she has not been able to attend to her duties at the millinery establishment. She is of- fering her entire slock of goods at greatly reduced prices. On Wednesday evening of last week a dense cloud of grasshoppers passed up the Nodaway Valley. So numerous were they that they complete ly darkened the sun, and their ap proach was heralded by a noise re sembling tho rumbling of a distant train. Mr. Hughes of Forbes town ship was in the cornfield at the time and they lit down nearly 'shoe-mout- h deep." He ran to his house for safety when he found his house full of the ugly things. Fortunately the hoppers remained but a shot time. Chas. W. Thomas, student of the North Missouri Normal Institute, Kirksvillc, returned to his home on Wednesday. Ho is one of the sopho more graduating class. lie says. Uavitt S. Alkire. II. T. Alki're. J. L. Minton and Sam Davidson, the other Holt students, came home this week. Lumber!! Lumber!! I have a very large quantity of different kinds oi merchantable lumber (good article) on hand, which I will 11.1 sen tne ensuing six weeks at ("retail ) at $12.50 per 1.000 feet. Or I will sell at whole sale at 11 50 ner . 1,000 feet- - - Also.- - a , vojy quality of Walnut lum ber. The above Lumber can be had at H. C. Layton's SawMill,5 miles south east of Oregon, and 2h miles above Forbes. 51tf llPalrons. Take Vofiee.t Masters, and their wives who ire matron, arc reouesteil to meet In Mound City, Saturday, June 2Cth, at ten a. m. lor tho purpose of organizing a county grange. All fourth degree members are invited. By order. j. ;V. CROW. Sec. 50 w2 A word iu regard to the granting of Saloon Licenses. This question seems to be attracting a good deal of atten- tion at present, and quite an eflbrt is being made to influence the County Court to not grant any saloon licenses in Holt county after the 4th day of July. Now is it for the public interest not to grant any more licenses ? The main argument against granting any is that it will do away the temptations now presented by open legalized dram- shops, consequently there will be no drinking. Now do the facts of past experience bear out aud sustain that argument? Every man in Oregon and elsewhere is cognizant oi the fact, that when there were no saloonsiu Oregon mil in Holt county the druggists, sold large quantities of liquor, drunkenness was more prevalent than to-da- y and no one was responsible for it, as the law then (as now) legalized the sale by dni""ists. and the county and State lost nearly two thousand dollars rev- enue per year. Saloons are designated as rum holes. etc., but is not any place where Intox icating drinks are sold just as deserv- ing of the same approbrious names even It sold by respectable druggists ? Liquor has the same effect and pro duces the same result whether pur- chased at a drti" store or a saloon, and the only difference we can see in this Is, those who keep saloons pay for the privilege ot selling liquor, while drug gist do not. The saloons of Holt county paid rev enue as follows: From May C, 1874, to May 7, 1875. Total State tax - - - $121 7C Total County tax - - 1,040 37 Total ... - 1.4C5 13 If there had been no saloons the druggists would have sold the liquor and the tax-pay- er would have paid theS1.4C5 13. There is a great deal to be said on both sides of this question The Mexican president has beep tried for Impeachment before tho Mex- ican Congress, but the charge?, were almost unanimously voted t oo A commission has bcrii'appointcd in England to go to tc United States, and examine an? report upon the Mississippi vaiuy as a place for tho settlement of English emigrants. Mrs.E1 Watson returned on Thurs- day frfm Cooper county, where she uaxDccn since April visiting friends. PUBLIC .ISSISTJIA'CE. Bate ll'c .lnu JS'cedn Famil- ies in Our .riidstl Judging from the proceedings of a public meeting in Forbes township aud a petition addressed to the County Court, published in our hist week's issue, asking for immediate relief, the public has been led to believe that we have some families in the county who are in a suffering condition. Judge Anderson went in person to the district Tvnoucc issued the cry of distress, and Upon ttlona. l.iMuo ly 1 Cx.mfSOtnfi actually destitute case?, where a little present assistance in the shape of seed lor replanting the fields, devastated by grasshoppers would go far in relieving the most pressing want. Believing that the people would sus- tain them, the members of the County Court have made arrangements to sup- ply those who have not the means with which to secure seed for replanting, or food to sustain themselves while rai? ing a crop, with all that Is needed, on their compliance with the following regulations : The applicant must makcoatii before the County Clerk of his inability to purchase seed for planting, or the means to procure food to live on. when the Clerk will furnish him with an order on some sccdman or grocer, for the amount required, the applicant do positing with said Clerk his note for the amount of the cost of said seed. payable on the 1st or January, 187G. We have no doubt but that this ac- tion will meet the approval of all right-thinki- ng citizens of the county, as it places within the reach of a class of our people the means of providing a living for themselves and families during the coming winter, which If withheld would result In great distress to many worthy but unfortunate persons, and impose a heavy burden upon the comity lor their maintenance. Up to this writing (Thursday, Juno 2!th) twenty-seve- n persons, represent ing as many families, havo availed themseelvcs ot the opportunity above offered. The cash value of these orders amounts to some $1G0. Americans are a J'ation of Dyspeptics. We live fast, dissipate and fill early "raves. We drink all kinds ot alcoholic spirits, aud svallows without mastication, pork, grease, and every kind or clogging, indigestible food. Hit. Walk rut's Veoetaule Vineoak Buteus will remove the evil etlects, and the recov- ered patient, with pure, vitalized clec-- r trical blood flowing through his veins wilt tuivs a clearer head and a cooler judgment, which added to experience will cause him to abstain In the future. 50wl .llarriagcs. MirriedtrJune SO. 1375. at the ltlchville .School House, bv Itev. il. S. Everlv Mr. JOHN KKI.LKN. uf St. Joseph, Mo", andMiss .M.u A.N.Yritun in , onion couunty, .no Marriedlune-JOIb- . 13T3.-b- 'Squire Wm. E. Hursl rivGV.lnir. .Mr. THUS. McCLINTIC to Mis KI.Olt tNLK M. LITTLE, both of Atchi son county. Mo. The Grare. Died. June 19. lsT.I.'fTi 'llOUIld Citr. Mo . JAMES HOltLlTZKLL, ai 'M J'ears. lour mouth and live days. ' ' He was bom near IfwM-iIIe- , Holt county, Movpf Methodist parents, aud some eight year ugnjnade a prore.-jto- or religion and and Joined tlieliurch. I(e was sick only about two weeks, and flied of what was pruuouni cd heart dijeaxe- - Hi uueieetert dcuth casts a gloom over the entire community. Hi re- mains were brought to tlie family burial place at Oregon, where they will tlcrp Until the 'moruoftueresurrsctiun." Dr. E. F. Lane P! u Surgeon 1 Having recently moreil ou his farm near Hulo Ferry, he offers bU professional service to me people of that part of Holt county. Careful and prompt attenllon given to all work entrusted to him. 5Jm3. E. D.MAEKLAND, J. W. 8T0KES. Attorneys & Counselors-at-La- w. Will practice in all the Court ol Northwest Missouri, Southeast eura3Ka ami jonnwest Kansas. Special Attention GiYen to Collections. nr.rnl 9ml n.irtlcular attention to all l'rohate itxtsiness entrusted to them. Examination of record of titles to real estate, furnisntns abstracts orillie when required. Deeds. Jlirtzaees, llonils Contract and oth- er instrument legally drawn. Conveyances made, Ac. All'Tiusiness appertaining to their proussion prompiij-ancnue- 10. They conttdcutly hope and jiect a reasona- ble share of the practice of their profession in the Courts ofNorthn est Missouri. Office, Becond Floor !a the Brick HocV over Ctai-- - --- , a i - rieasecallupandseeus. . 52 M. O. SULLIVAN", Merchant Tailor. rr n tTiimlrrsl-iif- would announce to the rml- - - lie that hav in; purchased the stoci: In trade of Nicholas Stoct, or Oregon, Holt countr. Mo., he is now prepared to execute all orders .ntrminl tn hi care with disnatch. and equal to any shop in tha State. Come, gi uu, present your order. Cutting Done on Short Notice. West Side Fublic Square, one Hoor South ol l'rice Ilouse, uregon. PRICE HOTEL The only Ural-cla- ss Hotel in the city. West Side Puulic Squake, OBEGON, MISSOURI. Has JiHt been refitted, and twentr rooms well furnished and in good condition, by the old proprietor, J. T. IIowcll. 5J STRAY XOTICE. rpAKKN up by John Hancock living in Lewis j lownsmp, in iioic counry, jiissoun, on the IS dav of J one. ISTir One Mare, of bar color, six to seven Tears old, US hands high, small saddle marks, her mane seems to have been cut off, branded on me rigni uiign wun ine teller r . Appraised at ill) by Joseph C. Boyd and Jas, uaiicocK, A true copy from my stray book. ueoulSk WKBKR. J. P. 52w3p 1'or Letrj Township. Order of Publication. In the Circuit Court of Holt county, Missouri ..tngusi ierm. is.j. STATE OF MISSOURI. 1., County or Holt. j" John II. Chaney, l'laintiu", ) Against VDivorce, Masiney Chaney, Defendant, J THIS DAY COMES THE FLA1NTIFK AT herein bv his attorney, before the under- - idzucd clerk of said Court in vacation, and Ales his petition and atUdavit ttating: among other minjra, mat ine auove namru ueienuani is a of the State of MKsouri and that the ordinary urucess of law cannot be served Uion her. Whereupon il Is ordered by the clerk that said defendant be notified bv publication. (hat plalntllTIiaa commenced a .uit again her iu lull ijuun, me iiiyec. aim gruerai nature UI i ll... rli'tlirTag-lMg-ilinre.i- .l rm B'hle.h of matrinniir now cxhtms between plaintiff and defendant, and that unless the said Masiney Chaney aforesaid be and apiiearat this lourt at ine nexi ierm inereoi, io ue uegnn anu holdsn at the Court Ilouse In the city of Oregon iu sam county, on Monday, the Vilh day of August, 1875, next, and, on or before the sixth day of snl.l terra, answer or plead tn the petition in said cau-- e, (be same will be taken as confessed, and jrdjrmeut will be rendered accordingly. I Aml it I further ordered that n copy hereof be published acconlin; to law in the II04.T Coumt Scntinf.i.. STATE OF M13SOUW, y County of Holt, I. W. A . Gardner .Clerk of the Circuit Court of Holt county, aforesaid, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of (he original order of publication, in the cause (herein named, a the same appear In my ufBce. gj. WITNESS my hand a Clerk, and the seal of said court. Done at office ll in Orecou, thU 2SnI dav or June, 1375. WM. A. UAIIDNEK, Uwt- Cleik. Trustee's Sale. William II. Slmms and Marr WHEIIEAS, Ids wife, by their certain deed ol trust, dated cn the 31st day of August, JS7I. aud recorded in the Kecorder'a Office, of Holt county, Missouri, in Hook "it," at pageSti. conveyed to the undersigned trustee a certain piece or parcel of laud, I) ing aud beiug situaie In the bald county of. Holt, and Statu of Mis- souri, AH of One Hundred Arcejof land in Section No. Nineteen (l'J), in Township Sixty-tw- o (tti) of Uanxe Forty (In) , Commencing at the North East corner of a tract of land boiighl by Jacob Waggoner of Aury Uallard, on Ibe uorth line of said Nineteen (IU), thence running Wet parallel with saiJ last named line far enough lu Include One Hundred Acre of Lanfl; Which said conveyance was made tu secure the pavmeu( or (wo certain promissory notes lu said ileeil of trutt mentioneil and deiribed; and, whereas, said notes are now duA together with the interest thereou rvmaiu unKld: Now, Uierefore, I (he uudrrsigneil (rusiee- - by virtue ot the power in me vested by .aid deed of trust, and at the request uf the legal bolder of said notes, will, on Monday, the 12A day of July, 1875, belween the hour of nine o'clock in the fore- noon and Ave o'clock iu the aUernoon ufthat day, at the Court Ilouse Door, ill the City or Oregon, county of Holt and State, of Missouri, proceed to sell the property abov described nt public vendue, to the highest bildrr, for cash In hand, for the payment of said notes which is now due aud unpaid, with inter si and (he cost 01 mis trust, accenting io me 1.1 sam ueett of truai. j. i..uuu.mi. Trustee. Oitruo.v, Mo., June 9, 1S7J, S0w5 Trustee's Stile. T17HEKEAS. Thomas Irdiis ami Sarah .1 TV Irons hi; wife, by tb.:lr certain dretlvf trust, dated on tliellrst day oC March, 1373, aud recorded in (lie Itecorper's Oulcc uf Holt countr. Missouri, in Hook "il." at nageSft. coiiveycil to the undersign ! trustee, a certain piece or parcel ofland. lying andbeius; tulUe cuuniy uriloit, ami Male CL.uisouri, Lot One (I) and Two (i).ClockSixteen(IC,in Chuning's addition 10 the. Town or lllgelow, II.lt oouiitvi Which said conveyance was made Io secure the payment cf two proiimiissory notes iivtald ueeu 01 intsi iiieniioiiuu auu u escribe l; ami Whereas, said note arts nuw due aud unpaid, together with the interred tUereun: Now, therefore, I the uudersigued trustee, by virtue of the power Iu tue vested bvsaid deed oftru-t- , and at the revest of lt legal hoklerof saui uvm, 1,111, uu Tuesday, the 20th day of Juist, 1875, Uetwceu the hours of nine o'clock In the fore noon aud tire o'clock; 'u the artemuon, lit the Court House dour. lulhe citr of Oregon. in Holt county mid Sla(e or Missouri, proered 10 sell (he property above described, at public .vendue to the highest bidder lor cash in batul, aud apply ine procerus oraale Tu me paynH-ui- sum ueot and cost herein expf-udeit- . a mentiviel ill said UeeU of trust. il AT11KW A. DUFF, W5 Trustee. AMERICAN WASH BLUE. For Linndry sal Household Use. MANCFACTUKED AT THE AEurican UltramiiM Worts, sswait, . Our Wash llluei the best in the world. It doe not streak, contains no.bing Injurious 10 health or fabric, aud is useifby all the laundries on account of iu nleaslna effect and cheapness. Superior fr wbitt washing. Put up in packages convenient tor lamily use rnre lu rem earn. Forsale by grocers everywhere, Alnajs a.--k for the Asuhu ax Wash r.Li-k- . ifyuu want the cheapest aiidbe!. AUiiHiUAK uiiinAAiamni. iiunno. omce, W illiam;.tri.t, New iutk. t'Jtf Order ofTublicaUou. In the Cirectl Court of Holt coontv Missouri, April term, 1S73. Wm. II. SterrWt, Fiaiiitiar, ) ayitnst I Squire Skidmore and Lewis 1 summers, .DefcwWnts. J T THIS DAY COMfel the p!alntin hereirf . bv hU attornev. and it appearing to the satisfoetlnn or (he court that th delendant. is a nt of tfie Stat- " ot Mliwonri, ana cannot be tji in action, whereapou it is ordered bf BweoBrt that be nofltlned Irr vuXiHratxr. that plaintis has commenced a smt anlnftt hliCt fa this sourf, 7v etject and generalairture o which i t" cvf rect u mistake in and foreclose a certain d.'fcd ot irnt, executed aud delivered bvSaulreSkidmorJon-rh- srth dayorMarrhi lg:o to Wm II Sterrctf.ta wtileh ilent ot rut sald'stidmore altemi4. iXjveo.wey the follow- ing real estate, situate IMreuuuty, MlssouJ " East Quarter f w North West Seclloin i; m VownshliiXumber-i'lsr- y -- umorr Three f, JJKf Thirty-Seve- n (SI; .1W S"iutli Kant Quarter rtf.lbe .North Wes Quf' ?r ofSectian-NumlrTwe..t- W , Number Mxty-'l- hi of J ange JJber ijuarier oiuic .ui m - Number Twenty ().' in Towiuhip Spnw Sixty-Thr- () of Kange -- Number AsliiSde.l by both l'laintiffand Def.ndant. anil that unless said Squire' Sfcidiuore be ami appear at thU Court at ine nexi leriu unm, tobe beguu and holden at the Court House iu the City of Oregon, Insaidcounty.on . Monday, the ICiA day of Augusl,ato, next, and, on or before (he sixth day of Jal term, answer or plead to the petition in said-- , cause, the same will be fatten as confessed, and: Judgment will be rendered accordingly. jMltl ll is mruier oruereu luai a cuuyciv be published according to lair in the HotT CocNTr SrsTisiL. STATE OF MlSSOUlir, 1 County dMkt, J" r Ifm A ll.nliwr. elrle nf lhi (Tirrniil Court of HoK county atortiaid, berelr certily' that the above i a true copy ot ofuublication.inllii.eauMterein najned, as "th same appear in rayoBice- - ..... . ii'rrvL-ii- d r... n.. mrtti wft seat of said conrt. Done at Ofliee Iu Orvcoo. tufe MUi Jnoe, Wii. WW..- - tf.VKDSKK, 5!w4 Clerk Order f FaW&at&H. In the Probate Court JoV Ue county of Ifolf, April Term, A. Jr. jsiff. STATE OF MfciioVKf, usrr or-- toi-- r, i Estate of Jacob Kan-7fw- ,, r nhfciOffrt kel, deceased. r " on thi day eomrWHiaro M. Runfccl, NOW or tlw estate of JiSe)b Kunkel, deceased, late of HoK county, Miv suuri, and present to tor esurt hi peti tion praying ior an uruer iur iwawe u. certain real esiate of which raid Jacb Knukel dleuV selzeil, and described a foIIaw ine ileal iiau 01 ine oouiii ies iprancr ol Section Eleven, and the South Kant (lukrlrr" (excep( a Ten Acre Tract Id -- Oie otm- West corner of said (Quarter Section,) desciibel3- - loiiows: uommenciu; ai ine &onm itcsicwrner of said Ouarter Section, thence running Fast Twenty (iO) Ho;!, thence North Eighty fW5 lious, iiieuce i.esL inruii u i.uiu, iiirm-.-Sou(- h Eighty (!0) Hod, (o the besinning corner of Section Ten, all in Township Jlxty (CU uf uange j niny-seTe- n (i)i The same'lrinjr. beinir situaie in the couctr of Holt and btate of Missouri; To pay toe debt of tald estate, which laid net ittun was aceamtianit-- hv the Mreimnf 4. l!.t and inventories a rniuireil by law, showing (bat said estate is indebted and (hat said iirbt. areunnaid. aud that there 1 not sufficient as set on hand tu pay the same. On examination, thereof, it is ordered by the court that all per- sons interested in the estate ofsald deceased, be notilied that application a aforesaid ha been , made, and that unles the contrary be shown on or be tore (be llrs't day of the next term Of this court, Ii ueneiu on Monday, the Villi day of July, 1875, next, an order will be made fur Ibe sale of the real estate tn sata petition ilescrluctl, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient for the pa , nivutofsaid debts, and the expense of said UeUl. anil the expenses olsucli sate. Anil it is further ordered, that thU notice be published in mime newspaper published In the .add ounty of Holt four week prior to the next term of this Court. A true copy; Attest: It. II. KCSSELL, Judse. Or.EGOf. Mo.. May i, lj. 1 Order of Publication. In (he l'robate Court for the county of Hull, .vpru ierm, ib.j. STATE OF UOUXTr Of HOLT. E3'dece"usei0.Ila Wi'SOD' Order or NOW on this day cornea William Hawkins, Administrator of Holt county. Missouri, In charge or the estate of Jonu Wilson, deceased, late of said county, ami presrntsto the court his pet!ti.n', praxing for an order for the sale of certain real esiate of widen said John Wilson died aud de- scribed as follow : I onunmenclnglliirly-thre- e trq KoiMSvuUi of ine ana esi corner or the Soar East FuurUi of the South West Quarter of Section number aeenlr--t- f) nCT.. ... nm,rt . or icange number Thirty-eig- ht (rr-M-u East tM tne East line of said SouUi at Fouriuf-then- ce South to the Mouth East Corner of said South East Fourth, thence West to the South West corner or said South East Fourth, thence North to the place or beginning. "Excepting one-ha- lf acre in the South Eat corner running North twelve (12) Hods, thence West to make ine uau acre;-- - uimatiiiug 1 weniv-iure-e ami a Quarter (SU) Acres, more or lea; The same lying and being situate Iu the coun- ty or Holt and Slate of Missouri; To pay I he debt or said estate which said pe- tition na accompanied by the account, list and inventories a required by law, shun lug that said estate Is Indebted awl that said debt are unpalil, and that there la not snBcicm as- - sets 011 hand tu uy the same. On examination thereof. It la ordered by (be Court that all per- son interested iu tho Citate of iaid deceased be uvtifled that application a aforesaid ha been made, and "bat nnleu the contrary be. t bnwn on or before the first day of the next teroO of (hi court, to beheld on Monday, the V2th day of July, 1375. an order will be made for the .ale or the real, estate in Said petition described, or so much (hereof a shall be salUcirnt for the payment or said debts and tlieexinnses or said debts audi (he expense of such sale. And It U further ordered that Cli. notice b published in some newspaper published ia said cuonty uf Holt for four Weeks prior to the next term of this conrt. A true copy; Attest : U. 11. KUSSELL, Judge. OKrcox, Mo., May 51, kCi. . 4Ut idalnlstntor's Sale. BY VIirrUE of sadder of the ITobate Court. the April term uf said court, 1 uiU in obedience to sacd order, on Monday, tktt 12M day of July, 1375, pexl. at the North Door of the Court House, iu Ibe city of Oregon, and during the session of the Prolate Court of the county uf Holt, expos at public auction all the Interest of Israel D. Hee- ler, deceased, in and IO (be foUowiug described parcel uf land, situate in (he county uf Holt aud State of Missouri, it; The North. West quarter or the South West Quarttr.aodtheNonh East Quarter of the South West Quarter, "except teu acre In the North East of said North East Quarter of said South. West Quarter;" also, four acres off the East Sole or (be South West Fourth of the South We4 Fourth, or the. South East Quarter, alt of Sectlcu Number Twenty-Eig- () , in TowaV . Khii Nuinb-- r Sixty-On- e, (01) of Uange NumbJt-'- Thirty-Eig- ht (.); also, the .North West Four$7v5 utlbe North West Quarter oraection Numbef Itlity-thre- e (S3), iu Township Number Slxty-oS- ! One (Gl). of Ilaue. Number Thlrtl -- Eight (W). "l. IKlkSS OF .SALE: One-thir- d In cash anil, lb balance in e.Ual payment or six and tiwlvo' raouths rrom (he day uf sale, the purcr-ase- r to giiunotiabearingten per cent interest for the pavioenU to be made, aud a deed to be execu- ted on the complete payment of the purchase money. I ICC 1 1 FENNEL, Atlrar. ut the estate oflsrael D. Ueeler, deceased. 4'JWl AdaiHlstrator's Sale. VIltTUK oran order of the Probate Court BY nude at the April term ofsaid court, I will in obedience to said order, on Monday, the V2th day of July, 1375. next, at the North Door or (he Court House, la- the city or Oregon and during the session of the Probate Court of the county of Holt, expose at public auction all the Interest or Alexander Wright, deceased, iu and to a lot, piece or par- cel of land, lying, being and situate la the county ufJiult and Stale oC Missouri, and des- cribed as follow: The North half of the North West Ouarter or Sectiuu Number One .1). lu Towosbtu Number Sixty-On- e (01). ofltauge Number Forty (40). TERMS OF SALE: One-thi- rd in cash nd the balance in equal payment of slxuu.U twelve mouths from the dav uf sale, the pur-cba- er to give note bearing ten per cent interest. ' fur the payment to. be made, and a deed Lj be. executed uu the complete payment ur the pur- chase money. WILLIAM UAWKINS. Pub. Admr. fur Holt countv. Mo . in ekare of ibe erf- - tateof Alexander Wrights, deceased. tiw4 Final Settlement. VT.OTICK 1 hereby given to all creditor: aatt 1 uth.rs Interested iu the estate of Dictur-- ahepard, deceased, that I, P.ter Prlce,adiuiiu (rator or said estate, intend to make Una! settle- ment ufsaid esiate, at the next term of the Pro- bate Court or Holt countr, Missouri, to be debt at Ihe Court Hurts, in the city of Oregon, ou the lith day ofjuly, 1S73. PKTKU PitlCE, taw Auminlstratuc ' STR.1Y XOTICE. TAKEX up by J. I.. Wright, or LScoora' Holt countr. Mu.. uaihn Oh day ofJune, 1S73. A certain Hay Horse about II or Anrtien vinr old and'Urieeii hand l.i.-- h i rMenhii spots on back supposed to be saddle mul. at-s- o small scar under li It eye, nu other rariu or uruaiu prcceivauie. Apuraised at fiftr il illjrs. br J. V. Wrisht Mtt.l .(.WM.h XVI K.. ....... tn- -. filial vuipoe. 1.. V KICIIMOND, J.P for Ciiiou Tun chiji,. 4r

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Page 1: Holt County sentinel (Oregon, Mo.). (Oregon, MO) …...c. nmno--l.t andSnl Sabbaths at 10.'.'A. m. judB r. M. I1yrr 'Slet-tin-every IhurMlay: ' f jiight. Sabbath ftcnool every bauoauuiu

KV Jt"-- 1'

. I rJCV.U WHIG llEIEl)cOJ'CERA'lA'G E1Q.UOR WKIV ADVERTISEMENTSPICNICBk.jC:U-- ..I t 1 TonaVIfoma fBO.JI JJtfS BOTTO.71. ELM GROVE AfC.VS. ...iiTvitiiitMfsm-ri- iM;; V' --77 Vlt -- 4liv-v


,mKkMU v.t d.llrSt. Si




n r - -' 7

H - wu j at I-




cx--v Jt.r,lu.J L...L1 Ar 11:03 A.

1 i.Mn fcxprea, So; 4.

" .'awlr.TesseeptSatui --i

rtjWXo. 10, dalljj2:15 r. M.

BABSfAD.BciC'Wtetoa, 1 i Gen. isup't.

Ass'tSup't. -

A C DAWES,Gen. rM. Agt.


Term ef the Circuit Court.alar Term, 3d Monday la April, Augustecetnoer 01 every yT(

' the County Conrt.Monday In February,


tegular Tcrna,"-Mooda- y in JApril, July aud October uf,every year


TS. IVilCHKOHD. DruggUt and Postmaster

.ubaeriplloiisandroakecollectloiis lor the ats- -

.1sr.TrmnmAS. Druggists-ani- l Postmaster.at Mound chy, Mo.; i our authorllcd.ageiit to"take subscription and mate collection lor the

3East Forest Flouring MillCompany.

: J?orest City, Missouri.Highest

oiarLej price paid for grain. Allllndof.stock and grolu shipped on commls--


' ?Wheat perjubel first thirty days or part.Sttereor....:?

' 'parti aueceedliig thirty dayeorpart there--

i or., , iI: lite above rate include shipping and .iaud- -ijtag. If fanned, one cent extra added, and If

' ,aeldfu company, free of storage.,j'btdm grinding every day excoept Sunday

Will Insure our work euual to any in theJ. 1'. ADAM.Sl'rra

' i V, X. GuAIlAJt. Pec. 30ni3

--fajfr ApjBolnlacBts-Orcg- oa Circuit.Her. W. I.. EDMOSHS. p. c.

nmno-- l.t andSnl Sabbaths at 10.'.' A. m.judB r. M. I1yrr 'Slet-tin- every IhurMlay

: ' f jiight. Sabbath ftcnool every bauoauuiu o- -

' cloCCA. M.alnie iml Subbmlh at 10K A. si. and 4 r

t --ji. Sabbath "ol at tif A. K.' Kichvllle th 4Mb Jiabbath at 0)i A.M.r ' Were 4thSabba!h at 4 r. M., t rbea tthVabbath at 8 r. M.

f --l'oUittk' ith Sabbath at 4 r. .. ikirinr I'ullni will hold ervlce as follows:

Hiettrille, lt-- Sabbath at low a. v. l'ierce'aV-- 04 Sabbath at 10; A.M. Oregon, 3rd Sabbath

r. M. t uirview, 4iu sauuaiu ai w?. a. m

Hoppers Are Going!Jans, at Kin" & Orcn's

(Store, air per Prices

v Sewing Machine ICwlIea for nctirlyIn use In the county; also

Machine Oil, and repairs and extras'wifybe furnished, at Wnv Jtaskins'

JlartlXvarp Store, west side PublicSquare, Oregon.


Preaching.I will endeavor to be at the Brown"-- "

lee School Ilouse the 1st Snnday oteach mouth at 11 o'clock, and atChambers at 4 p. m. of the tamo day ;

and at Lincoln School House' the 2nd.Sunday at 11 o'clock a. sr. -


Cent FeHHd.A.fcw weeks ago I found a casslinerc

coat in (he Toad leading from Mottud5- .Jlb'lUregon'. TIhs owner can have

1 1 4t by calling at the. residence of the tin- -

iwsigHcd and paying for thistiscmcnt. .TAMES L. ALLENT.

!L fUrnanv . ln .Turin 11 t7S' '-

Mase Ball JWatrh.

rC5, There w.IH.be$ Sail played

aUnalch gamo of Uaseon the Itiselow I):tsc Ball

I- - Wt-ft- J!ilii.1. flu Trlilw .limn 't 10"7 nt (!' - flTlrt.lr. 1 int 'rinii fhn A 1 n ti . I

tlub and the Westerns of Bigelow.

Bttnttel SMeetiHfi..Tlierc will lasa Basket MeSlng at

the Mineral Springs iSchool- - House,.commencing on Satarday"crenlng, the3rd day of July and continue over the4th. TbtT tncetlnff wllf be nridcr thejinspiccs of the United Brethren inChrist. Alf are cordially invited to at-

tend. T. S. DOWNEY, Pastor, .

; Rev. J.,W,.tanghlln. of .Maryylllc,'"wMI tUgypr-- a temperance i4at

Vf iBK trnmyien&n uhu rcsr,--1 ureror,hFriday-evening-, Jnne.5OTwMrjt.fetae refutation of JxlngJiUiMMe, weturers in Jfee:weflt,ham Wjwople will twS ostW.henr

uevi ; .romis wlUspeelc onthe Mbjiget of temporance "SiTorbesstatioH, WMenday evenlHjJnne 28.

I hajtMWHli.'bnshelaofgoodsound orn forxk, will commencewlJftjrMoBdir'.'jHBe 21t, at myBi2MIk6TreOrcgob. Will sell for. sdays --eH','E0e after that date, nil thosiwantlBgcera will apply between tho.zaJHW ;; . 8AMUKIJ A' GARTn


t, f.xs-- livft umi 4r'7KPking near ouBU'Uiry,-weTeTllo-

charge of?OTand larceny anittqn 'before Geo. Weber, J. P., MDatt. apcareu as counfei for.-

jaraes idmmrd, iToseculingOTitneyappeared lor the State. Dcldtuitjgwaved examination and gave bolTXornppearanoe to Circuit Cpurt.--!o-


Major Rafllngton, the genial travel-in-"

correspondent of the St. Joseph

Morning Herald, was in town on Mon-

day and favored us with a call. Our

readers will find an interesting com-

munication from his pen in this issue,

which we copy from tho Herald.Master Tom Curry took a tramp

City his native city Iowa,

. where he intends to speuu

A. Wise is in uaitimore.rty, and promises to out- -

reneration.Bellamy Storer, an ex- -

Tcinber of Congress lrom unio, anu

late Judge of the Supreme Court ofCincinnati, a man of very high stand-

ing in the community, a distinguished

member of religious societies, Vice- -

President of the United States Evan-mllc- nl

Allianoe. died in Cincinnati

about ten days ago, aged eighty years.

Prof. W. F. Drake, principal of the

Rock Port Public School, and lady are

spending vacation in Oiegon and .arc

the guests ot T. I. Kreck, Ksq.Mr. Marion Carson, who for the

past C weeks has been tending a farmtn Smith countv-- . Kansas, returned to

his home in this city last Monday. Hesays, the crops in Western Kansas looksplendid and no grasshoppers. Butmyriads of them passed over them. He

Sfgays that the colony from Holtv y & lTTvfrfthem Messrs. Baker,

Wing, &c, were aifHo'rLtvingood,I ..,.1 ..!! .nf l,.,.r

HUT lllll iWIU till! ltUl.il. M.

out finely and was getting ready toharvested. EI. King, he says, had thefinest crop that lie had seen in anycountry.

George Fiegcnbaum, student ofthe Wesloynn University, MountPleasant, Iowa, returned to Ills homein this city on Monday, after an absencc of ten. months. Next term ofschool will commenco September 9th

We have received tlidd numberof the Western Ilcrald, a ''religiousmonthly periodical, devoted to , theeducation and Improvement ot thecolored people of the West, and is theorgan of the floiicral Baptist Convention of Missouri, and Is rmblishctLandedited jii3inm'"Cliyb'y'Tfev7 AmosJohnson.

Mr. Moses Bennett last weekfinished burning a kiln of 1.00,000

brick, a first-rat- e article, and he is nowready to supply the public wants inthis respect.

On Saturday Dr. Lehnier receiveda beantrful 00 marble soda fountain, manufactured in Shelbj ville.Indiana, and placed it in his drugstore. How fortunate, to know whereto go IhPse sultry days for a well- - flavored, cooling drink of soda water?

Bead Dr. F. W. Lane's card in an-

other column. He is a practical physician and surgeon, who has lately es-

tablished himself in the East lluloneighborhood. He has opened aJive--ly practice in that part of Holt county,and is meeting with considerable suc-

cess in.thejmrsuit of his calling.Bead Dan. Uunkcl's Washing Ma-

chine advertisement. He is the inven-tor and manufacturer ol the best Washing Machines now in use. Examinethe machTne and'juBgc for yourself.

Head Markland & SlokeStwOu.this issue. They have associated to-

gether in the practice ol the law, withheadquarters in the Big Brick.

Nicholas Stock has sold histailor-in- g

establishment to Mr. M. O. Sulli-

van, lately moved in lrom Osage Mission, Kansas. Mr. buiuvan is a urst--

class merchant tailor and has the advantage of many years experience.(live him a call at the old stand, onedoor south of the Price House. r

Fresh Meat, Fresh Meat !

We desire to notify the citizens olOregon and vicinity that lrom and afterthis date we will have fresh meat at alltime. Choice Cuts at 1( cents perpound. Our stand is on Nodawaystreet, one door west ol Bank.

52tf NOBLE &. PETER.

oisiTir.tni.Death of .Tim. Jflary Foster.

Mary Ely, wife of Jacob Foster, sr.,departed this life in this city on Thurs-day, the 17th day ot June, 1875, agedCO years, after a lingering illness,brought about by paralysis.

She was born of German parents inWashington county, Pa., whence at anearly day she, with her father andmother moved to Knox county, Ohiojand subsequently to Richland couyIn the same State, where abont lofy--flveyears since she became the ic ofJacob lrom RlchlamWountyshe, with her husband ajiamily,moved to Noble eon 1 tjJr Indiana,where they resided abonwine years,iiud in 18C0 they moved jfltlolt county,

issouri. Mrs. FostcnV the motherot xinctecircinitfreTljpSventeeu sonsand two daughterjmvc of whom,(David, Jehu.ibco; Solomon Fosterand Mrs. Colaian)" survive to mourn

cr death. 9f c has been a member ofc Rcgulawaptist Church "for some

thirty yearand lived a consistant life.She closedBfe with those bright amistrong 'ooMolalions which faith in Himwho is imjresurrection and the Ufa cangive.Rie was one of the best of moth-- ;

ooa wife ind a good neighbor,enough to iay In ail things andwhore oit to be blameless

an without oDukcT Her sorrowinghusband Is pressing on to rejoin her inthe better land.

Just Received,1At the store ofPeter & Son, north side"Public Square, Oregon, a splendid lotof theLatest Styles of Vriiils, Notlonsl'.!.;' anil Staple Goods,Whlch they will sell very cheap. Cal

and them. 45tf


Editor Sentinel: It is seldom thatwe see anything in your valuable paper lrom tins qimuer oi noil, uui asyou were up lierc among us on Saturday and could sec for yourself thatthere are some ot us left to tell thetalc, I though TV6ttldmitold:

We still have a falrpfoTspect forsomething to live upon another year.

although the hoppere have damaged us

badly in places, having in some instances eaten up an me growing tiujis,while, upon others adjoining theyhayedone comparatively little damage.Farmers, however, arc still plantingcorn and may raise a fair crop yet.

The health" of the Bottom still re--. 1 ...! .111maius goou aiiuougu --uig juuuuy

has been to see us twice this spring.Some of the many emigrants who leltus this spring for other climes may yet

be glad to come back and winter withus, though there is one exceptionwhich 1 may mention, which by theway, I believe you failed to note thedeparture at the time. I refer to JohnMcRoberts, a famous man, at onetimein the bottom. As lie left here differ- -

pntlv from the others, it makes inethink he will be the last to come back

Although he did not run away henlaved the game pretty fine upon his

creditors; he commenced disposing of

his property early in the spring, selling most ot it to his brolhcr-iu-ia-

Win. Mackcy, but being under bonds

for his appearance-a- t the April term ofour circuit court, in one caso toanswer the charge of assault with In- -

lont tn kill, and another ior norscaTtho'n-.- . JIc did not ''''P1 t0 ,c:ive

f TT..i; T.'r.':cniaincd and managed,.?.,...,.... , , ,rfiy to foot theuina iur iiiiii, liieiutuiigviionitj"lamagcs, fines, costs, etc., promisingto return the same sobnas he had soldhis property, flint ivrinl'ilo.gngct themoncyTdf TtTwhich perhaps he will ashe took the man with him to whom hesold. He managed to get away bysending his goods across the river byWin. Mackcy and going with his family to Forest City.ostcnsibly to get theirpictures taken, and there taking thetrain, since which Jnc he has not beenheard frorii.- - Uncle Jim fliTnlfs thatgoin" bH for men then paying theirlawyers to get them out of the scrape,paying their lines and costs generally,in other words, becoming their scapegoat, to the tnnc of about $200, Is notupon the wholo a paying business, andhe will try something else.

J. D. Perkins, near your city, was uphere two or three days last week andmanaged to buy a farm near the river,known as the Draee farm, and after-wards selling the same to Mr. Vandu- -

scn of Bigelow, thereby pocketing, Isuppose, a nice surplus, and of coursewent home feeling happy for Jim likesto make a good trade.

As to tbepic nic Saturday you wasthere and can tell vour readers alliboutit. it.

Rush Bottos'i, June 21. 1875.

Mrs. James Limhird'sClosing out Sale ,f uuiim.


Ladies, I will sell Good at the fol

lowing prices:Untrimmcd Hats that are sold at

J5.cls.IwiH ssU at 40 cts.

$1 OTHrfrtrcls.$1 50 Hat for SO cts.

$1 75 Hat for $1.Trimmed Hats, I will sell as follows

A $1 25 Hat for 75 cts.

A $1 75 Hat for $1-3- 0.

A $2 25 Hat for $1 50. .

A $2 75 Hat $2 00.

A $3 50 Hat for '$2 60,

A 5 00 Hat for 3 75.

Shop South West Corner PublicSquare, Oregon, Holt countj', Mo.


A Card.We take this method of reluming

thanks to the citizens of Holt count',who, by their liberal patronage haveshown their appietiatiun ot our laborsto please them by giving them moremid belter goods for less money thanany other house in the county. Wehave just received Jiom Chicago anImmense Line' of Summer

Dress Good?, Cqusistiiig ofCambrics fojiliits,

Lustres, I'efcales,C, Sit.

At 124 to SO cents per yard. Fineyard-wide.So- tt Finished Bleached Muslin, 124 cents, ighams, 10 cents.Javdies' Cotton Hose4 to.25 cents.Choice Coffee, Jibs tolthe 81. Allother goods in pro ory Rcs- -

pcctlttlly, II. L. WILLIAM AicCo.At the Red Front. Forest (ly, Mo.


Patents. IList of Patents issued from til u. s.

Patent Oilice to Missoui i Inven ft-s.fo- r

the week ending June 19, 187 andeach dated June 1, 1875. Re rtcdfor the Sentinel by Cox & Co.v,

itors of Patents, Washington Ciim d.1

Metallic Arch Budges, J. Eads, SLLouis.

Apparatus for Laying out Coat Patterns,. J. Bauer, at. Louis.

Device for Welding Chain LlnlTs,

AiljtisnreJc niiil Revfislhlu ChairsII. Voth and Crsijatt. St. Louis.

Urgent A'oticCiMy patrons arc respectfully Iniof;

ed that I am very much in need ofmonev. And all persons knowingthemselves indebted to the undersign-ed for goods sold them, and work douearc kindly but urgently requested topay theft arrearages, aud enable me tocontinue a healthy business.

51w2 GEO. NIES.Oregon, June 1 1, 1875.

CaslWs tc Shoe JEmnor.itim !

gcrse Gaiters, at Castle's from $,25!o S50. 43tf.

Industrial Exposition !

The Scholars and patrons of the Elm

Grove day school. C. M. Mosicr, tcaeli-cr.hel- d

a very enjoyable pic nic on

Saturday, the 19th instant. Hie Dcau-tif- ul

grove ot Mr. Kobert Notlcy, situ-

ated four miles south west of Bigelow,

was selected as the "round for the pic

nic, which partook largely of a juvenile

industrial exposition.At 94 o'clock In the morning tnc

"rand army of the school, under the

niarshalship of Mr. Moshcr, began its

line of march precccded by a beautiful

banner, and the distance being only

about half a mile, soon arrived on the

"round.The exercises in the forenoon having

been opened by prayer by Jolm ii.Shepard, alternated by singing by Elm

firovc choir, class reading, soio sing--

in". Sic. The choir, led by W. J. Nash.

furnished some very excellent vocal

pieces. We can't forego the pleasure

of mentioning, in this connection, the

valuable services rendered by the Mis-

ses Virginia Minton, Virginia Baker,

Sarah G. Shepard. soprano; and Miss.

Marv B. Shepard, alto. These young

ladies have very good voices, and by

a little practice will become excellent

Rinners.The most interesting feature of the

pic nic. however, was the Industrial-Exposition- .

The boys and girls had

i.ir tficbK nf makln" anvthin" with

.l.olrflren lmnd torlWrTOffTOtUCHI--- - - -

tnti. A Ion" tauie wab 6iwuthe different articles placed pon it.

In the boys' department we houkcufnllnwinar entries:amesTa"nor, a double-shov- plow.

bam W. Wilson, tlouulc-trcc- .

Joseph Buttrick, hand rake.Sam Notlcy, revolving horsc-rak- c.

Chas C. Moore, spade, boot-jac- k andrake.

John Whaley, harrow, spade andpitch-for-

John Combs, ox yoke and rake.Warren Buttrick, boot-jac- k and

yoke.James Stewart, bob sleds.Douglas Buttrick, gun.Charles Williams, scoop-shove- l.

Jesse Hicks. "A" harrow.Levi Buttrick. rake.JosepK-Morrls- , log-wag- and ax.Win. Stewan. nijr wooden boot and

boot-jac- HIn the girls' department the rvivivy--

Ing entries were made:Julia Duke, alum fruit basket and

casket, four neck-tic- s and loal cornbread.

Man J. Tagnor, piece quilt and eravat.

Man' Etta Whaley, pin cushion andquilt, block-- .

Ida j. Williams, 4 quilt blocks.Mary Book, pin cushion.Emma

. a . . Williams. 2 pin cushions andciotn Dim.

.Taney Wells, quilt block.Julia Boyd. 3 quilt blocks.Beatrice Shepard. lar"c alum flower

basket, book-mar- and quilt block.G. P. Morris, 2 quilt blocks.Mary Spahn, 4 lar"c nuilt blocks.

pin cushion. A:c.Aiargret Van ltebbcr. fine piece of

quiic.hale bpalin, 2 quilt blocks.Florence Buttrick, 2 quilt blocks.llnri'JIallaK.. quilt-bloc-


SarnnJ. Stewart, 2 blocksrEliza Lease, fancy dinner basket.Sarah A. Wilson, wreath. 2 quilt

blocks and neck-tie- .

Martha Combs, :l quilt blocks.Clara Moore, 5 qnilt blocks.Irene Whaley, 2 quilt blocks.Kae Stewart, neck-tic- -

MrsVMoshcr furnished a nnmbcr ofv

articles of quilt, crochet, and needlework; flower and fruit caskets, whichwcre all very fine specimens of worlniansMp.

The programme called lor two addresses on industry and education, onefrom the editor of the Sentinel and(the other from Edmund Anibal. County.Commissioner of School. Mr. HenryStewart also read an essay.

A premium was offered for the bestloaf of com bread. Three entries weremade: Mary Wing, Lydia Jane Millcr and Julia Duke. A committee con- -

rsistin" of Messrs. Henry Minton..Christopher Catron and A. Klippel,decided that Miss Duke, was entitledto the first premium, and Miss Wing tothe second.

. -Ice Cream! Ice Cream!At Beaumont & Hill's Conleetionary,north side Public Square.


Opens strongly and does not flag to theend. Its list of contributors is headedby fahrcc of the most popular femalewriters for children Rose Terry Cooke,Emily Huntington Miller and LouisaM. Alcott. The number has also oneof the liveliest and most natural boys'storics-tha- t have appeared for months,written by Rossiter Johnson nnd entitled "A 'Great Speculation." No trueboy windfall to appreciate it. Thenthere is an, article on "How to Make aBoat," which will doubtless set ham-mer and jpaw to going, and introducetoic wafers of lake or river many ashapely craft, built by the same younghands an(J arms that man it. Our pa-triotic pride is awakened by tho fineportraits and anecdotes of "AmericanOrators" and the Fourth-ol-Jnl- y spiritis addressed by an historical plcetch ottho first wa-ters oncliundred years ago, and by thecontrasted pictures of "Our Flag" thenand now. The acconnt bv a Nebraskawoman ot "How tho GrasshoppersCame," thoroughly proves its author- -

uj me savor ol reality In Its vividtirayai oi me devastation aud a smav

which followed tho coining of thesosmall but destructive marauders. Su-san Coolidge aud Sarah O. Jewett con-tribute two capital stories for girls.

io poems oi tho number are excel--TtVwft.A 1 1 tnctnit fntlC lilt a flm a.n

uai staiwgof St Nicholas, whichleaves notlmV,)C dcs, d t,2 i!!J,rKon8 in the

. ... .. .a severe siiock oiau eanuntiaKo waslelt through south-wester- n Ohio andtho southern part of Indiana, on thomorning of the 18th inst. Buildingswere cracked and In somcjilaces build-ings thrown down.

Mrs. 51. II. Soper returicd last Fri


day after an absenco in Oiio and Iu- -'

Uiana of some seven wcekt i

i !


Good Exann'le. of T. .71. Dans.

Editoi: Sentinel: I sec your correspondent at this point has forgottento keep you posted, but as we havetoo great calamities in this State,I don't wonder that men become some-

what stupid in their wits to makethings move.

The hoppers are leaving slowly, andin five or six days they will be ailgone. .Now, ir we couiu get me con-

stitutional Convention to adjourn, wemight have a little money left in thetreasury. The hoppers have left a lit-

tle corn and some small grainhereabouts, and all now feel hopefulthat we may make halt a crop of corn.The small "rain will average live bushels to the acre.

I was out around tho Valley a few

days" since, and in my rambles I metMr. Davis, familiarly called Mat. I

found him very hopeful. He saysHolt county will havt plenty and someto spare, and he don't think we oughtto grumb'.c ycL Mr. Davis has beenfumishhi" his unfortunate neighborswith seed corn at 50 cents per bushel.though he has not more than he needsfor his .own stock. He has let seedcorn go to Kansas, Nebraska and .to

Cass county in this State, at 50 centsper bushel. A few "such men inneWidbrhood and it must thrive.say iuccMts to Matv 3Iay hUvishadow

never grow less.c hoppers have barked all the ap

ple.trces set out this spring, and allthe'hedge plants. Straw stacks will bescarte in Holt this year. I hear somesay.sow corn broadcast ,but I would saysow It in drills 18 inches apart, or plantit with a planter and double the rows ;

thif leaves It 18 to 20 inches apart.thca it can be cut up and shocked so itwill cure. Saw cut and ret up halfshocks" and In a few days that willcure. And then you can cut up the remilnlng corn and linish your shocksIn this way fodder will cure, but to cutIt with the reapers or mow it, unlessthe weather is very lavorablc, it won'tcure aud vour loddcr is lost. And aswo have had a dry spring we are likely to have a wet fall, and I would sowsome turnips, sow in the cornfieldsthey arc good food for horses and cattie and no better for sheep. I lcmainwith respect, &c.

YOUNG FARMER.Whig Valley, June 21, 1875.

Fragments.The grasshoppers are still "wingin

out" and leaving us for parts unknownFor 10 days the atmosphere overhcpJwas filled with them, flying north andnortheastward. The near approach oftheir departure has so elated the farm-

ers that they are everywhere plantingcorn and sowing millet and buckwheat.The ircqnentaud soaking showers oflast week have given vegetation a freshimpulse. Tho prospect now Is that thedamage done by the hoppers to theearlier crops of small grain will bemore than repaired by an abundantcom crop. Everything bldi fair for anInn...... jr.a-yrCOr- .

wire of Mr. 11. M. Keyf; whoresides some 0 miles north of Oregon,died on the 22nd Instant, and wasburled at Cowan's grove.

Mrs. Llmbird lias been quite sickfor the past few weeks, so that she hasnot been able to attend to her duties atthe millinery establishment. She is of-

fering her entire slock of goods atgreatly reduced prices.

On Wednesday evening of lastweek a dense cloud of grasshopperspassed up the Nodaway Valley. Sonumerous were they that they completely darkened the sun, and their approach was heralded by a noise resembling tho rumbling of a distanttrain. Mr. Hughes of Forbes township was in the cornfield at the timeand they lit down nearly 'shoe-mout- h

deep." He ran to his house for safetywhen he found his house full of theugly things. Fortunately the hoppersremained but a shot time.

Chas. W. Thomas, student of theNorth Missouri Normal Institute,Kirksvillc, returned to his home onWednesday. Ho is one of the sophomore graduating class. lie says. UavittS. Alkire. II. T. Alki're. J. L. Mintonand Sam Davidson, the other Holtstudents, came home this week.

Lumber!! Lumber!!

I have a very largequantity of differentkinds oi merchantablelumber (good article)on hand, which I will

11.1sen tne ensuing sixweeks at ("retail ) at$12.50 per 1.000 feet.Or I will sell at wholesale at 11 50 ner


1,000 feet- -

- Also.- - a , vojyquality of Walnut lumber.

The above Lumbercan be had at

H. C. Layton'sSawMill,5 miles southeast of Oregon, and 2hmiles above Forbes.


llPalrons. Take Vofiee.tMasters, and their

wives who ire matron, arc reouesteilto meet In Mound City, Saturday, June2Cth, at ten a. m. lor tho purpose oforganizing a county grange. All fourthdegree members are invited. Byorder. j. ;V. CROW. Sec.


A word iu regard to the granting ofSaloon Licenses. This question seemsto be attracting a good deal of atten-

tion at present, and quite an eflbrt isbeing made to influence the CountyCourt to not grant any saloon licensesin Holt county after the 4th day ofJuly.

Now is it for the public interest notto grant any more licenses ? The mainargument against granting any is thatit will do away the temptations nowpresented by open legalized dram-

shops, consequently there will be no

drinking. Now do the facts of pastexperience bear out aud sustain thatargument? Every man in Oregon andelsewhere is cognizant oi the fact, thatwhen there were no saloonsiu Oregonmil in Holt county the druggists, soldlarge quantities of liquor, drunkennesswas more prevalent than to-da- y and noone was responsible for it, as the lawthen (as now) legalized the sale bydni""ists. and the county and Statelost nearly two thousand dollars rev-

enue per year.Saloons are designated as rum holes.

etc., but is not any place where Intoxicating drinks are sold just as deserv-

ing of the same approbrious nameseven It sold by respectable druggists ?

Liquor has the same effect and produces the same result whether pur-

chased at a drti" store or a saloon, andthe only difference we can see in thisIs, those who keep saloons pay for theprivilege ot selling liquor, while druggist do not.

The saloons of Holt county paid revenue as follows: From May C, 1874,

to May 7, 1875.Total State tax - - - $121 7C

Total County tax - - 1,040 37Total ... - 1.4C5 13

If there had been no saloons thedruggists would have sold the liquorand the tax-pay- er would have paidtheS1.4C5 13. There is a great deal tobe said on both sides of this question

The Mexican president has beeptried for Impeachment before tho Mex-

ican Congress, but the charge?, werealmost unanimously voted t oo

A commission has bcrii'appointcd inEngland to go to tc United States,and examine an? report upon theMississippi vaiuy as a place for thosettlement ofEnglish emigrants.

Mrs.E1 Watson returned on Thurs-

day frfm Cooper county, where sheuaxDccn since April visiting friends.


Bate ll'c .lnu JS'cedn Famil-ies in Our .riidstl

Judging from the proceedings of apublic meeting in Forbes township auda petition addressed to the CountyCourt, published in our hist week'sissue, asking for immediate relief, thepublic has been led to believe that we

have some families in the county whoare in a suffering condition. JudgeAnderson went in person to the districtTvnoucc issued the cry of distress, andUpon ttlona. l.iMuo ly 1 Cx.mfSOtnfiactually destitute case?, where a littlepresent assistance in the shape of seedlor replanting the fields, devastated bygrasshoppers would go far in relievingthe most pressing want.

Believing that the people would sus-

tain them, the members of the CountyCourt have made arrangements to sup-

ply those who have not the means withwhich to secure seed for replanting, orfood to sustain themselves while rai?ing a crop, with all that Is needed, ontheir compliance with the followingregulations :

The applicant must makcoatii beforethe County Clerk of his inability topurchase seed for planting, or themeans to procure food to live on. whenthe Clerk will furnish him with anorder on some sccdman or grocer, forthe amount required, the applicant dopositing with said Clerk his note forthe amount of the cost of said seed.payable on the 1st or January, 187G.

We have no doubt but that this ac-

tion will meet the approval of all right-thinki- ng

citizens of the county, as itplaces within the reach of a class of ourpeople the means of providing a livingfor themselves and families during thecoming winter, which If withheld wouldresult In great distress to many worthybut unfortunate persons, and imposea heavy burden upon the comity lortheir maintenance.

Up to this writing (Thursday, Juno2!th) twenty-seve- n persons, representing as many families, havo availedthemseelvcs ot the opportunity aboveoffered. The cash value of these ordersamounts to some $1G0.

Americans are a J'ation ofDyspeptics. We live fast, dissipateand fill early "raves. We drink allkinds ot alcoholic spirits, aud svallowswithout mastication, pork, grease, andevery kind orclogging, indigestible food. Hit. Walkrut's Veoetaule Vineoak Buteus willremove the evil etlects, and the recov-ered patient, with pure, vitalized clec-- r

trical blood flowing through his veinswilt tuivs a clearer head and a coolerjudgment, which added to experiencewill cause him to abstain In the future.



MirriedtrJune SO. 1375. at the ltlchville.School House, bv Itev. il. S. Everlv Mr.JOHN KKI.LKN. uf St. Joseph, Mo", andMiss.M.u A.N.Yritun in , onion couunty, .no

Marriedlune-JOIb- . 13T3.-b- 'Squire Wm. E.Hursl rivGV.lnir. .Mr. THUS. McCLINTIC toMis KI.Olt tNLK M. LITTLE, both of Atchison county. Mo.

The Grare.

Died. June 19. lsT.I.'fTi 'llOUIld Citr. Mo .JAMES HOltLlTZKLL, ai 'M J'ears. lourmouth and live days. ' '

He was bom near IfwM-iIIe-, Holt county,

Movpf Methodist parents, aud some eightyear ugnjnade a prore.-jto- or religion andand Joined tlieliurch. I(e was sick only abouttwo weeks, and flied of what was pruuouni cdheart dijeaxe- - Hi uueieetert dcuth casts agloom over the entire community. Hi re-

mains were brought to tlie family burial placeat Oregon, where they will tlcrp Until the'moruoftueresurrsctiun."

Dr. E. F. LaneP! u Surgeon 1

Having recently moreil ou his farm near HuloFerry, he offers bU professional service to mepeople of that part of Holt county.

Careful and prompt attenllon given to allwork entrusted to him. 5Jm3.


Attorneys & Counselors-at-La- w.

Will practice in all the Court ol NorthwestMissouri, Southeast eura3Ka ami jonnwestKansas.Special Attention GiYen to Collections.

nr.rnl 9ml n.irtlcular attention to all l'rohateitxtsiness entrusted to them.

Examination of record of titles to real estate,furnisntns abstracts orillie when required.

Deeds. Jlirtzaees, llonils Contract and oth-

er instrument legally drawn. Conveyancesmade, Ac. All'Tiusiness appertaining to theirproussion prompiij-ancnue- 10.

They conttdcutly hope and jiect a reasona-ble share of the practice of their profession inthe Courts ofNorthn est Missouri.Office, Becond Floor !a the Brick HocV over Ctai--

- --- , a i -rieasecallupandseeus. . 52


Merchant Tailor.

rr n tTiimlrrsl-iif- would announce to the rml- -- lie that hav in; purchased the stoci: In trade

of Nicholas Stoct, or Oregon, Holt countr.Mo., he is now prepared to execute all orders.ntrminl tn hi care with disnatch. and equalto any shop in tha State. Come, gi uu, presentyour order.

Cutting Done on ShortNotice.

West Side Fublic Square, one Hoor South oll'rice Ilouse, uregon.

PRICE HOTELThe only Ural-cla- ss Hotel in the city.West Side Puulic Squake,


Has JiHt been refitted, and twentr rooms wellfurnished and in good condition, by the oldproprietor, J. T. IIowcll.


STRAY XOTICE.rpAKKN up by John Hancock living in Lewisj lownsmp, in iioic counry, jiissoun, on

the IS dav ofJ one. ISTirOne Mare, of bar color, six to seven Tears

old, US hands high, small saddle marks, hermane seems to have been cut off, branded onme rigni uiign wun ine teller r .

Appraised at ill) by Joseph C. Boyd and Jas,uaiicocK,

A true copy from my stray book.ueoulSk WKBKR. J. P.

52w3p 1'or Letrj Township.

Order of Publication.In the Circuit Court of Holt county, Missouri

..tngusi ierm. is.j.STATE OF MISSOURI. 1.,

County or Holt. j"John II. Chaney, l'laintiu", )

Against VDivorce,Masiney Chaney, Defendant, J

THIS DAY COMES THE FLA1NTIFKAT herein bv his attorney, before the under--idzucd clerk of said Court in vacation, and Aleshis petition and atUdavit ttating: among otherminjra, mat ine auove namru ueienuani is a

of the State of MKsouri and thatthe ordinary urucess of law cannot be servedUion her. Whereupon il Is ordered by the clerkthat said defendant be notified bv publication.(hat plalntllTIiaa commenced a .uit again heriu lull ijuun, me iiiyec. aim gruerai nature UI

i ll... rli'tlirTag-lMg-ilinre.i- .l rmB'hle.h of matrinniir now cxhtms betweenplaintiff and defendant, and that unless the saidMasiney Chaney aforesaid be and apiiearat thislourt at ine nexi ierm inereoi, io ue uegnn anuholdsn at the Court Ilouse In the city of Oregoniu sam county, on

Monday, the Vilh day of August, 1875,next, and, on or before the sixth day of snl.lterra, answer or plead tn the petition in saidcau-- e, (be same will be taken as confessed, andjrdjrmeut will be rendered accordingly.I Aml it I further ordered that n copy hereofbe published acconlin; to law in the II04.TCoumt Scntinf.i..

STATE OF M13SOUW, yCounty of Holt,

I. W. A . Gardner .Clerk of the Circuit Court ofHolt county, aforesaid, hereby certify that theabove is a true copy of (he original order ofpublication, in the cause (herein named, a thesame appear In my ufBce.gj. WITNESS my hand a Clerk, and the

seal of said court. Done at officell in Orecou, thU 2SnI dav or June,1375. WM. A. UAIIDNEK,

Uwt- Cleik.

Trustee's Sale.William II. Slmms and MarrWHEIIEAS, Ids wife, by their certain deed

ol trust, dated cn the 31st day of August, JS7I.aud recorded in the Kecorder'a Office, of Holtcounty, Missouri, in Hook "it," at pageSti.conveyed to the undersigned trustee a certainpiece or parcel of laud, I) ing aud beiug situaieIn the bald county of. Holt, and Statu of Mis-souri,

AH of One Hundred Arcejof land in SectionNo. Nineteen (l'J), in Township Sixty-tw- o (tti)of Uanxe Forty (In) , Commencing at the NorthEast corner of a tract of land boiighl by JacobWaggoner of Aury Uallard, on Ibe uorth line ofsaid Nineteen (IU), thence running Wetparallel with saiJ last named line far enoughlu Include One Hundred Acre of Lanfl;

Which said conveyance was made tu securethe pavmeu( or (wo certain promissory notes lusaid ileeil of trutt mentioneil and deiribed;and, whereas, said notes are now duA togetherwith the interest thereou rvmaiu unKld:

Now, Uierefore, I (he uudrrsigneil (rusiee- - byvirtue ot the power in me vested by .aid deedof trust, and at the request uf the legal bolderof said notes, will, onMonday, the 12A day of July, 1875,belween the hour of nine o'clock in the fore-noon and Ave o'clock iu the aUernoon ufthatday, at the Court Ilouse Door, ill the City orOregon, county of Holt and State, of Missouri,proceed to sell the property abov described ntpublic vendue, to the highest bildrr, for cashIn hand, for the payment of said notes which isnow due aud unpaid, with inter si and (he cost01 mis trust, accenting io me 1.1 samueett of truai. j. i..uuu.mi.Trustee.

Oitruo.v, Mo., June 9, 1S7J, S0w5

Trustee's Stile.T17HEKEAS. Thomas Irdiis ami Sarah .1TV Irons hi; wife, by tb.:lr certain dretlvf

trust, dated on tliellrst day oC March, 1373, audrecorded in (lie Itecorper's Oulcc uf Holtcountr. Missouri, in Hook "il." at nageSft.coiiveycil to the undersign ! trustee, a certainpiece or parcel ofland. lying andbeius; tulUecuuniy uriloit, ami Male CL.uisouri,

Lot One (I) and Two (i).ClockSixteen(IC,inChuning's addition 10 the. Town or lllgelow,II.lt oouiitvi

Which said conveyance was made Io securethe payment cf two proiimiissory notes iivtaldueeu 01 intsi iiieniioiiuu auu u escribe l; amiWhereas, said note arts nuw due aud unpaid,together with the interred tUereun:

Now, therefore, I the uudersigued trustee, byvirtue of the power Iu tue vested bvsaid deedoftru-t- , and at the revest of lt legal hoklerofsaui uvm, 1,111, uuTuesday, the 20th day of Juist, 1875,Uetwceu the hours of nine o'clock In the forenoon aud tire o'clock; 'u the artemuon, lit theCourt House dour. lulhe citr of Oregon. in Holtcounty mid Sla(e or Missouri, proered 10 sell(he property above described, at public .vendueto the highest bidder lor cash in batul, aud applyine procerus oraale Tu me paynH-ui- sum ueotand cost herein expf-udeit-

. a mentiviel ill saidUeeU of trust. il AT11KW A . DUFF,

W5 Trustee.


For Linndry sal Household Use.MANCFACTUKED AT THE

AEurican UltramiiM Worts, sswait, .

Our Wash llluei the best in the world. Itdoe not streak, contains no.bing Injurious 10health or fabric, aud is useifby all the laundrieson account of iu nleaslna effect and cheapness.Superior fr wbitt washing. Put up in packagesconvenient tor lamily use rnre lu rem earn.

Forsale by grocers everywhere, Alnajs a.--k

for the Asuhu ax Wash r.Li-k-. ifyuu want thecheapest aiidbe!.

AUiiHiUAK uiiinAAiamni. iiunno.omce, W illiam;.tri.t, New iutk.t'Jtf

Order ofTublicaUou.In the Cirectl Court of Holt coontv Missouri,

April term, 1S73.

Wm. II. SterrWt, Fiaiiitiar, )ayitnst I

Squire Skidmore and Lewis1 summers, .DefcwWnts. J

T THIS DAY COMfel the p!alntin hereirf. bv hU attornev. and it appearing to the

satisfoetlnn or (he court that th delendant.is a nt of tfie Stat- "

ot Mliwonri, ana cannot be tji inaction, whereapou it is ordered bf BweoBrtthat be nofltlned Irr vuXiHratxr.that plaintis has commenced a smt anlnftt hliCtfa this sourf, 7v etject and generalairture owhich i t" cvf rect u mistake in and foreclosea certain d.'fcd ot irnt, executed aud deliveredbvSaulreSkidmorJon-rh- srth dayorMarrhilg:o to Wm II Sterrctf.ta wtileh ilent ot rutsald'stidmore altemi4. iXjveo.wey the follow-

ing real estate, situate IMreuuuty, MlssouJ

" East Quarter f w North WestSeclloin i; m

VownshliiXumber-i'lsr- y

-- umorrThree f, JJKf

Thirty-Seve- n (SI; .1WS"iutli Kant Quarter rtf.lbe .North Wes Quf'

?r ofSectian-NumlrTwe..t- W ,Number Mxty-'l- hi of J ange JJberijuarier oiuic .ui m -

Number Twenty ().' in Towiuhip SpnwSixty-Thr- () of Kange --Number

AsliiSde.l by both l'laintiffand Def.ndant.anil that unless said Squire' Sfcidiuore be amiappear at thU Court at ine nexi leriu unm,tobe beguu and holden at the Court House iuthe City of Oregon, Insaidcounty.on .

Monday, the ICiA day of Augusl,ato,next, and, on or before (he sixth day of Jalterm, answer or plead to the petition in said-- ,

cause, the same will be fatten as confessed, and:Judgment will be rendered accordingly.

jMltl ll is mruier oruereu luai a cuuycivbe published according to lair in the HotTCocNTr SrsTisiL.


County dMkt, J"r Ifm A ll.nliwr. elrle nf lhi (Tirrniil

Court of HoK county atortiaid, berelr certily'that the above i a true copy otofuublication.inllii.eauMterein najned, as"th same appear in rayoBice- -..... .ii'rrvL-ii-d r... n.. mrtti wft

seat of said conrt. Done at Ofliee IuOrvcoo. tufe MUi Jnoe, Wii.

WW..- - tf.VKDSKK,5!w4 Clerk

Order f FaW&at&H.In the Probate Court JoV Ue county of Ifolf,

April Term, A. Jr. jsiff.STATE OF MfciioVKf, usrr

or-- toi-- r, iEstate of Jacob Kan-7fw- ,, r nhfciOffrt

kel, deceased. r "on thi day eomrWHiaro M. Runfccl,NOW or tlw estate of JiSe)b

Kunkel, deceased, late of HoK county, Mivsuuri, and present to tor esurt hi petition praying ior an uruer iur iwawe u. certainreal esiate of which raid Jacb Knukel dleuVselzeil, and described a foIIaw

ine ileal iiau 01 ine oouiii ies iprancrol Section Eleven, and the South Kant (lukrlrr"(excep( a Ten Acre Tract Id --Oie otm- Westcorner of said (Quarter Section,) desciibel3- -

loiiows: uommenciu; ai ine &onm itcsicwrnerof said Ouarter Section, thence running FastTwenty (iO) Ho;!, thence North Eighty fW5

lious, iiieuce i.esL inruii u i.uiu, iiirm-.-Sou(- h

Eighty (!0) Hod, (o the besinning cornerof Section Ten, all in Township Jlxty (CU ufuange j niny-seTe- n (i)i

The same'lrinjr. beinir situaie in the couctrof Holt and btate of Missouri;

To pay toe debt of tald estate, which laidnet ittun was aceamtianit-- hv the Mreimnf 4. l!.tand inventories a rniuireil by law, showing(bat said estate is indebted and (hat said iirbt.areunnaid. aud that there 1 not sufficient asset on hand tu pay the same. On examination,thereof, it is ordered by the court that all per-sons interested in the estate ofsald deceased, benotilied that application a aforesaid ha been ,made, and that unles the contrary be shown onor be tore (be llrs't day of the next term Of thiscourt, Ii ueneiu onMonday, the Villi day of July, 1875,next, an order will be made fur Ibe sale of thereal estate tn sata petition ilescrluctl, or somuch thereof as shall be sufficient for the pa ,

nivutofsaid debts, and the expense of saidUeUl. anil the expenses olsucli sate.

Anil it is further ordered, that thU notice bepublished in mime newspaper published In the.add ounty of Holt four week prior to the nextterm of this Court.

A true copy; Attest:It. II. KCSSELL, Judse.

Or.EGOf. Mo.. May i, lj. 1

Order of Publication.In (he l'robate Court for the county of Hull,

.vpru ierm, ib.j.STATE OF


E3'dece"usei0.Ila Wi'SOD' Order or

NOW on this day cornea William Hawkins,Administrator of Holt county.

Missouri, In charge or the estate of JonuWilson, deceased, late of said county, amipresrntsto the court his pet!ti.n', praxing foran order for the sale of certain real esiate ofwiden said John Wilson died aud de-scribed as follow :

I onunmenclnglliirly-thre- e trq KoiMSvuUi ofine ana esi corner or the Soar East FuurUiof the South West Quarter of Section numberaeenlr--t- f) nCT.. ... nm,rt .or icange number Thirty-eig- ht (rr-M-uEast tM tne East line of said SouUi at Fouriuf-then- ce

South to the Mouth East Corner of saidSouth East Fourth, thence West to the SouthWest corner or said South East Fourth, thenceNorth to the place or beginning. "Exceptingone-ha- lf acre in the South Eat corner runningNorth twelve (12) Hods, thence West to makeine uau acre;-- - uimatiiiug 1 weniv-iure-e amia Quarter (SU) Acres, more or lea;

The same lying and being situate Iu the coun-ty or Holt and Slate of Missouri;

To pay I he debt or said estate which said pe-tition na accompanied by the account, listand inventories a required by law, shun lugthat said estate Is Indebted awl that said debtare unpalil, and that there la not snBcicm as- -sets 011 hand tu uy the same. On examinationthereof. It la ordered by (be Court that all per-son interested iu tho Citate of iaid deceasedbe uvtifled that application a aforesaid habeen made, and "bat nnleu the contrary be.t bnwn on or before the first day of the next teroOof (hi court, to beheld onMonday, the V2th day of July, 1375.an order will be made for the .ale or the real,estate in Said petition described, or so much(hereof a shall be salUcirnt for the payment orsaid debts and tlieexinnses or said debts audi(he expense of such sale.

And It U further ordered that Cli.notice bpublished in some newspaper published ia saidcuonty uf Holt for four Weeks prior to the nextterm of this conrt.

A true copy; Attest :U. 11. KUSSELL, Judge.

OKrcox, Mo., May 51, kCi. . 4Ut

idalnlstntor's Sale.

BY VIirrUE of sadder of the ITobate Court.the April term uf said court, 1 uiU

in obedience to sacd order, onMonday, tktt 12M day of July, 1375,pexl. at the North Door of the Court House, iuIbe city of Oregon, and during the session of theProlate Court of the county uf Holt, expos atpublic auction all the Interest of Israel D. Hee-ler, deceased, in and IO (be foUowiug describedparcel uf land, situate in (he county uf Holtaud State of Missouri, it;

The North. West quarter or the South WestQuarttr.aodtheNonh East Quarter of the SouthWest Quarter, "except teu acre In the NorthEast of said North East Quarter of saidSouth. West Quarter;" also, four acres off theEast Sole or (be South West Fourth of the SouthWe4 Fourth, or the. South East Quarter, alt ofSectlcu Number Twenty-Eig- () , in TowaV .Khii Nuinb--r Sixty-On- e, (01) of Uange NumbJt-'-Thirty-Eig- ht (.); also, the .North West Four$7v5utlbe North West Quarter oraection NumbefItlity-thre- e (S3), iu Township Number Slxty-oS- !

One (Gl). of Ilaue.Number Thlrtl -- Eight (W). "l.IKlkSS OF .SALE: One-thir- d In cash anil,lb balance in e.Ual payment or six and tiwlvo'raouths rrom (he day uf sale, the purcr-ase- r togiiunotiabearingten per cent interest for thepavioenU to be made, aud a deed to be execu-ted on the complete payment of the purchasemoney. I ICC 1 1 FENNEL, Atlrar.

ut the estate oflsrael D. Ueeler, deceased.4'JWl

AdaiHlstrator's Sale.VIltTUK oran order of the Probate CourtBYnude at the April term ofsaid court, I will

in obedience to said order, on

Monday, the V2th day of July, 1375.next, at the North Door or (he Court House, la-the city or Oregon and during the session of theProbate Court of the county of Holt, expose atpublic auction all the Interest or AlexanderWright, deceased, iu and to a lot, piece or par-cel of land, lying, being and situate la thecounty ufJiult and Stale oC Missouri, and des-cribed as follow:

The North half of the North West Ouarter orSectiuu Number One .1). lu Towosbtu NumberSixty-On- e (01). ofltauge Number Forty (40).

TERMS OF SALE: One-thi- rd in cashnd the balance in equal payment of slxuu.U

twelve mouths from the dav uf sale, the pur-cba- er

to give note bearing ten per cent interest. '

fur the payment to. be made, and a deed Lj be.executed uu the complete payment ur the pur-chase money.

WILLIAM UAWKINS. Pub. Admr.fur Holt countv. Mo . in ekare of ibe erf- -tateof Alexander Wrights, deceased. tiw4

Final Settlement.VT.OTICK 1 hereby given to all creditor: aatt1 uth.rs Interested iu the estate of Dictur--ahepard, deceased, that I, P.ter Prlce,adiuiiu(rator or said estate, intend to make Una! settle-ment ufsaid esiate, at the next term of the Pro-bate Court or Holt countr, Missouri, to be debtat Ihe Court Hurts, in the city of Oregon, outhe lith day ofjuly, 1S73. PKTKU PitlCE,

taw Auminlstratuc 'STR.1Y XOTICE.

TAKEX up by J. I.. Wright, or LScoora'Holt countr. Mu.. uaihn Oh

day ofJune, 1S73.A certain Hay Horse about II or Anrtien

vinr old and'Urieeii hand l.i.-- h i rMenhiispots on back supposed to be saddle mul. at-s- o

small scar under li It eye, nu other rariu oruruaiu prcceivauie.

Apuraised at fiftr il illjrs. br J. V. WrishtMtt.l .(.WM.h XVI K.. ....... tn- -.

filial vuipoe. 1.. V KICIIMOND, J.Pfor Ciiiou Tun chiji,.
