holt county sentinel (oregon, mo.). (oregon, mo) 1901-01 ... · the t volume xxxvi. oregon,...

the T VOLUME XXXVI. OREGON, MISSOURI, FRIDAY. JANUARY 4, 1901. NUMBER 33, i Pine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. FINE Holiday Presents. All kinds of Ladies' ancK-ent'- s (Sold and Silver Wataliesl Plain, Engraved and Set Kings' both in solid Gold and in Gold Filled. Ladies' Brooch Pins, lf: to i&.OO. Stick Pins, 5c to $1.25. A fine line of Ladies' Long Chains, also Cent 's Watch Chains. Link and Lever Cuff Buttons. urn Emblem Pins and Buttons. Sterling Silver Novelties. sterling Silver Thimbles, 25c to Clocks Rich 24 K, gold plated with cupid figures fully guaranteed to be good time keepers. Ladies', Misses', Children's and Baliv Bracelets both Gold and Silver. Child's Dress Pins, separate and with chains, faith in sets of three, and a very fine line of 6'fW. Call and get my prices. Opticitn and Jeweler SPeetacles Accurately fitted. Carey Dr. Simmons Residence third door south of opera house. Dr. J. L. Minton and family, are now residents of Mound City. TrW H. Smith anil familir .if Unnnil lv. riHVH rpmnvpii ro rcvinnirp- - inio. Mince Meat and Mince Meat Mater- ial, Cranberries and a fine line of Groc- eries at Moore & Kreek's. EtLS. Tyson, formerly of the Mound City Jeff ersonian, is now cm iucting a job printing office in St. Joseph. By reason or ill health, Prof. J. L. Whitmore has resigned his position as nsststmt principal of the Mound City schools Green Bro's are now ready to fur- nish you brick in any quantity, you may penitentiary, neighborhood. is neighborhood 75c. Cut Bunker. OREGON, Moore & fine prices revenue stamp office at Joseph, abolished on and to to at country. and one lot sale. on time. Reasonable price, to Claus of quit stock of to D. Maitland, a at want They have at least 25,000 of ex- - lin school. up. Kate was prize j recent j the teacher of fine paving brick. , J, William Smith is making arrange- - J- - C. has of his j ments to build a on thetw-n- -' utcnsii. in iu uaruwnru uusme-- B in ty-ac- re (arm neTcently purchased Mound City, to his J. S. Park- - Benton district. er. Mr. Parker will pass in ! on account of ill hea'th. in-circ- uit judges of state in j convention in ht. Louis last week, j Dr. 8. S. Bever, who used to prac- - j and as statutes reiiuT raide recom-- ' tice medicine in this city, it the coroner mendations regarding needed ! of Andrew and c the in our laws. Judge Craig of this cir- - inquest inquiry into me Killing 01 cuit was in attendance. Richardson, at Savannah, last . ... ... . i - ir- - - i .. . . . , , weec Lowney, ot Fomt, was I here the first of the week visiting. Mr. A strong petition will b presented Downey is one of Holt county's to governor this week, for citizens. He rarely gets, from pardon or Caleb Jesse, who sen- - home as is required tenced to the penitentary for two years look after Fill- -i ror tne Rilling ot f rank Urimn at Mary- - more Title, in April, 1899. I Miss daughter of Lon Dan. (senator) says: "The Wright, of Hickory township, and Claud game law makes no provision Lemon, of Savannah, married "shooting but the. Wednesday of last week, Dee 20th. 1900. nxt legislature at least, allow . The groom in this crap-shootin- the Saturday night They are most young before the full moon in each month. j and their many friends wish following county officers elect j them a ,onK and hatW upon their duties on 1st: I Schooler, who reside in Prosecuting attorney, sheriff, . California, is his judges ot the county court, sur-- 1 ters and those or old companions veyor, public administrator and c toner, who are left about Maitland. This is Nicholts Stock will not take charge of j his first trip back in 23 vears, so Mait-th- e office until March and Hand is a new town. He left William Weurhtman will enter his duties as assessor June 1st. Charles May, an shot and fatally Robert Martin and John Mcuee, at a dance near DeKalb Buchanan county, ot last week. Dec. 28, 1900. Martin is dead, and Mc-Ge- e cannot live. May was recently from the where he served a term with his uocle for the mur- der of a farmer named Durclette, in the same It reported that a certain young man escorted a charming young girl home from a sociable the other night, when he asked her what kind of monev abe Uked best The young lady replied: "Matrimony." "What interest does that asked the astonished youth ? "If properly invested," replied the charming belle, "it will double the orig- inal investment every three years." The gentleman is thinking seriously of in- vesting. George W. Glick's in the Blair caught rl-- e in the closet Christmas morning and destroyed all their clothing not in use and did seme damage to the building. The ori- gin of the fire is unknown The build- ing and insured in the J. Whitni"- -, and A. Crannel, secretary, went dawn in the afternoon and adjusted the lies as follows: Damage to f clothing destroyed, 6i2." -- Mound City News. cultivation, per acre. E. MO. jail See Kreek for China Glass and Queensw.ire, right. The internal St. whs the 1st. Henry Metts the Coojier lwys have gone Oklahoma, look the H"Ufe fur Part apply Wil- liam Kaucher. Peters, Corning, has business, sold his goods F. Scheele. Miss and Mary Morrison, of will take course tho Quincr, Illinois, business college. Miss Nellie Weller the winner, in the spelling bee given by Mr. Trapp, the Frank-- 1 tra Wright disposed residence partner, the the winter California were annual the changes county, nductd ana Frank win. solid asking away the was his attention his forming interests. Lever. Maude, Williams Missouri were for craps," thinks 9hould, formerly resided first county. excellent people, life- - -- The entered the George treasurer, visiting brother, bis collector's 1st, tohiiu. unon wounded Friday re- leased draw!'' resilience contents were Farmers Mutual. the house, 15; V4U veil having here about thirty years ago awd was back once. Wo are sorry to state that Mr. Schooler is in poor health. Mai t- -l land Herald. . I 'I was raised on a farm and have all J my life made a close study of the ways and habits of bird' and animals," said one of our most iironiinont nimrnrU tn I a crowd of our enthusiastic huntor.s one day last week. "I suspect that I know as much abiut quail as anv of you do. I am always amused therefore, when I i hear hunters say that when a covey sur-- ! vives me winter wim a dozen birds ; alive that there will be several brood raised by them. This is not so. A cov- ey of twenty may remain intact when breeding time comes in the spring and ' only one pair of them will raise young. They seem somehow to make a selec-- 1 lion of a suitable pair and these two will do the nesting for the whole covey, j may bo raising two broods doing the sea-- 1 son. The others will scatter but won't, raise young, anu in ine fall tne young and old come together in covey again: I have made careful note of this fact time and again and am willing to take oath on the matter. I suspect, however, that it in the spring the covey were caught divided into pairs, separated by miles, they would all raise young, but when they are left together on their old range, they simply won't. One pair ' will do all the nesting and I guess they i picK out tne nest pair as the breed nasn t deteriorated since 1 quail hunter." Some Bargains in Real Estate for Sale By R. C. BENTON, OREGON, - ... 1. 4C acres 3 miles northeast of Forest City. Has dwelling, stable, hog ocas, a?vm anu two gooa wens is acres or timothy and clover fenced hog tight about 4 acres oi timber balance in cultivation or in lots. Land in high state race, 2. 159 acres well improved, mostly in grass with a largo young orchard just Beginning io oear, suuaieo in a gooa negnoornooa in forties township. Trice, S&50 per acre. 3. 89 acres with 2 dwellings, 1 having 3 rooms, summer kitchen, stable, corn cribs, cistern and well. The other 6 rooms, cistern, well, also living water, small stable, wt od shed, smoke house. About 15 acres of orchard bearing and otherwise on the farm. All the land in cultivation except some 2H acres of timber. About 56 acres fenced hog tight into 6 fields. 20 acres in timothy and clover. Trice. 000. Possession of 1 honse given any time. 4. 80 acres cf land in hills near Curzon Switch for 81,100. 5. 211 acres in the Oregon school district. Very good improvements - splen- did stock farm, at MO per nooses ror sue or rent in uresron or vacant lots suitable for huiidinir A tan have 1 dwelling in Forest City and 1 in Mound City that I will take a team or otbef good stock to the amount of owners equity. 1 four room vacant dwelling in Oregon for rent cbeup. 3 Great Redaction. in the following articles: is making our store headquarters ho has left with us Silver Knives & Forks. .$1.75 to 4-- r0 Bet Ners Pots Irons at !0c set lletter Irons $1.50 set Washing Machines. 8 3 50 to 6 (5 50 each Clothes Wringers.. 1 .V) to 3 50 each Sewing Midlines.. 12 00 to 35 00 each Carpet Sweepers... I 50 to .'J Oil each Roasting Fans. IS5 to I 25 each Fire Clay lioaste-- s JO to !5 each Table Cutlery, 3xxins. Razors. Shears Scissors and large stock of Pocket Cutleiy, prices 5o to SI each Great Reduction oruura o free JNew the to! the acre. Dbl anil $2 00 to SI 00 otr on Cooking Stoves 2 00 to .1 00 on on Heating Stoves We will give you bargains on our full line. Yours for goixl goods at low prices T. L. PRICE. Hardware Oregon, Mo. v SJBBBBBBBBBBH-- V OF Flour is down in price and up in quality at Moore x nxeeic s. Miss Maud Fike bos resigned as teacher of the Benton school. Try the Weekly Inter-Ocea- n from now until Jan. 1, 1901, for only 15 cents. Mrs. Ed. Weller is with her parents, Judge Goodpasture and family, of Mait-lan- You can't lieat Moore &Kreek's prices on Candies, Fruits, or Nuts for the Hol idays. Mrs. Jennie Higgle was the guest of Mrs. Alice Maple several days the past week. F. J. Curtis will conduct Milt Brum- baugh's farm in Clay township, the coming season. If you need brick call on Green Bro's. They are ready to supply you. Plenty of fine paring brick. "Billy" Everhart and family, of Maitland, passed the Christmas holidays at Maitland, visiting with old friends. Miss Carrie May Flinn, the thirteen year-ol- d daughter of Charley Flinn, is convalescing from a severe attack of the lonsilitia. Will Hiatt and Mrs. Fannfe Doocfc- - erty, of Mound City, were married by Probate Judge Murphy, on Monday of this week, Dec. 31, 1800. Bert Maple has returned home after spending several days hunting in the Highland district; be was entertained by his friend, Walter Riggle. All knowing themselves indebted to Dr. if. R Kenrney, are requested to pleaso call and settle at once, so that ho can settle his accounts now due. Removal. On and after January 1, 1901, Dr. J. R Kearney will occupy the rooms over the Montgomery & Roecker bank. Lin. Whitham and Mai. Mathews have been engaged to graft the S. N. Bucher nurrery stock, and will com- mence in a few davs. Thev expect to graft 150,000. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Took entertain-i-- o with eanls, Monday evening. Mrs. India Price and James Hind, were first prize winners, and Miss Gertie Stock and Mrs. Tillie Shutts won the Mioobies. - ICE The Zachman-Evan- s Co., will continue the ice business of J X. Zach-ma- n it Co. as heretofore. Parties want- ing ice for private use. can get it at the ponu as soon i.s it is thick enough to cut. For Sale -- Eight thoroughbred, male hogs, old enough for service. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ad- dress, J. J. Bullock, Oregon, Mo., or call at rarm, one mile east of Monarch school house. Roy, son or W. H. Mathews, of this city, who lives in the Fairview district, . had the nrsfortune to lose two or his horses the iast week from what is sup- posed to be the Pink Eye. Sterl. Math- - i cus also lost a horse recently. Miss Nora Johnson, and Elder J. L. , Thompson, or Odell, Nebraska, were j married at the home of the bride's pa rent", Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, in . Maitland, on Thursday last, Dec 27, ; 1900, the ceremony being ierformed by Elder Boulton, of Mound City. ! I have perfected arrangements whereby I am in a iosition again to loan eastern money at a low rate or in- terest on well located, high bottom or prairie farms. If in need of a loan, Avrite or call on me at Oregon, Missouri. R. C. Behtox. Sacrifice Sale AT T WTwTPD ftflfflK! auu miuwi uuuuu, Embracing Clothing, Caps, Underwear, Boots, Shoes, Dress Goods, Etc. have been a' THeSB gOOClS IllUSt eO 111 fact. Wfi Afft making a general cleaning: up sale, and will make prices so that you cannot keep from buying. Come in and see us, and we will Missouri i "show you" that we mean just what we say. !J. Watson & Co., OREGON, MO. Facts and Figures. Store News. The prices named in this little add will remind any one posted on prices of goods, that we are giv ing usual values. A few minutes spent in our store getting prices will be of advantage to you as well as to us. rne claim we mako is selling for cash, with com- paratively nc expenses, enables us to sell for less than if otherwise. It is safe to sajfthat no one who has for twelve months adopted the plan of pay as you go, ever goes back to the habit of buy ing on time. After trying it that long you have saved money that you do not need to buy on time. It is a good thing when you trade to lie on the safe side. There is no risk to run by dealing here, for if any- thing is not just as you thought it was, or is un- satisfactory in any way, all you have to do is promptly return same in a salable condition 1, for 15 J. C Office Hours: 5:00 Special Offer For December Duck Coats "It is an ill wind tlr-- t blowri body gooii." A certain manufacturer duck coats found h mself overloaded. We received a few lots very cheap. The savings effected are yours. Boy's duck coats, a few left only, blanket linol.T.lc Men's heavy duck coals with good quality, blanket lined 100 Men's duck coats, blanket lining with rubber inter- lining, from S1.2- - to. .31.4i- - Men's duck coa t s , in mackintosh style, short, s iinctbing new and a good thing, running rrom $125 62 00 Gnnt's underwear all made the best, with lock stitch seams all through, bought case lots early, enables us to make prices that are surprising for quality. One line, wool tleece, ier garment wOc Line, cotton llwe, garment. 40 Line, lleece, breast and hack, per garment Ladies' wear, jier var- ment 2.V Child's union suit, suit R. S. KEVE; Oregon, Mo. Tho January term of our circuit court will liegin Monday of next week. Mixed Candy 5 cents per pound: also better Cnndy at higher p ice at Moore Jk Kreek s. Give the Weekly Inter-Ocea- n a trial. We will send you from now until Jan. 1901, only cents. cotton For fushionable dress-makin- tailor made suits and jackets, call on Miss S. A. Bender, residence at Henry Mrs. Jennie Rimtle has returned to her home in the Highland district, af- ter spending the holidays with Oregon friends. ICE. The J&chman-Evan- s Co. will d -- liver ice tho coming season. Don't you worry about flint. Wo will do the worrying. Mike Buntz was in town Saturday, and was talking roads. He wants the county divided into as many road dis tricts as there are school districts. DENTIST WHITMER. to p. m. no of to in to di it to East Side Powell Building, OREGON, MISSOURI. 8:00 to lliTOa. in. 1:00 The folloing gent'emcu anil their families enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Alice Maple, Christmas dav: C. A, and Will Nichol,, Lon. Kyle, V. II. Mat hews, Bert Dreher, Sterl. Mathews, Lin . Whitham. Twelve desperate prisoners in the county jail at St. Joseph, all of whom will serve terms in the penitentiary, va- rying from four to twenty years, made an almost successful effort to escape on Wednesday of last week, by digging out through the roof of the jail. The Burlington recorded a very fast run Christmas day of a special train from St Louis to Louisiana, Mo. car- rying Or. Tuhoiske to a patient, Mrs. Adam Wald, of that city. The arrange- ments for this special were made with- in thirty minutes from time of notice. The special made the run of ninety one miles in eighty-on- e minutes. , It is now county treasurer. Lwis 1. Moore, and Clark O. Proud it num- bered amone the has-beens- . The trans fer of the public funds to the former oc- curred Tuesday ot this week tho 1st ist, and the amount transferred was 818,013 belonging to the various revenue funds and S7,631 school funds, a total of 825,671. The transfer was made largely in the forms of. credit checks upon the various banks of our county,' and requir- ed but a few hours. In September. 1841, Gilbert Ray, then treasury, only had a balance of 25 cents to transfer to his successor, while the aggregate revenues were less than 8100. Mr. Proud, the re- tiring ; treasurer, had his books and every detail of bis business in perfect shape. He has made an officer of whom every citizen can be proud careful, painstaking and That Mr. Moore will maintain this standard, there is not a single doubt Another feature of the 3d constitu tional amendment is that the money loaners who reside in incorporated towns may be exempt from payment of city taxes on money loaned on farms. The amendment fays the holder of a "mort- gage has so much interest in tne land covered by his mortgage. If this be lit- erally true we see no reason for his pay ing city taxes on his interest in a farm which is located outside the corporate limits. A man living in town and own- ing a farm does not pay city taxes on his farm. If this interpretation of the law proves cerrect. then the incorporated towns, either small or large, will suffer from a decreased city tax and the schools will be materially crippled. Take Oregon for instance. A man living here and loaning money on farms pays a city and sbhool tax on the notes. If tho mort- gage is construed to bean interest in the land, then he pays no city tax on land; his school tax will go to the district in which the land is located. A can loan all his money on Kansas, Nebraska or Iowa farms, and not pay a cent taxes to the county oi Holt; city or sshool or state taxes, and at the same time be a resident of Qreeon. This will do away i with the domicile feature of our prro- - j ent revenue laws and upset things gen-- 1 erally. per Jier .. ."Mil-i- ll I tie las and get other goods or jour money baek. It is evident injustice to sell to one man on twelve ' months t'lne and to an- other man for cash and demand the same price from each. mere are a good many people giods. who send awavfor They pay the cash and expect to buy where they can buy the cl.eaiest. Th'B is all light and proper, vve want a chance to supply these wants It is more convenient to trade he r e , and t ho j goods we sell you cannot! be lmught tor le.--s in any market. j H you prefer a certain! one to wait on you do not be backward iii lettirg it ' be known. It is no offence here tor you io call on the one j whom you would rather i have wait on von. j (stock, Hi ds. prices MooreJfc have to argue Kreek old eustomera convince that I WS n; ... selling as cneap as some ,;. iqni ..i n- -i ii . one nw x ney nu kiiow this headquarters ' prices. 'H We not ashamed to publish our prices; they! will stand investigation and our goods will stand 6 exaiu-ning- . f And don't forget in ad di'ion to our prices we give 2'., per cent off for cash. Country produce is taken SoHthrrn fjmiilii. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Holt county and town lots and made! i - Wc the abstracts by since owned A. are furnish stracts title lands or Holt county short', need tiling that line write your business. Ii Stairs in Vniiltuskirk Iltiililiiiff. Mrs. Alice Maple now ooiivales c"ng from a severe sick spell. Flora Maple contined to lenne with a severe case of tonsilitis - Miss Lyila (iuiinccht.of St Joseph, is ihc giustof .Mrs. Miiia Curry. Will Carroll ami wife, have been fr ends in the High anil d strict. The Indies of the Christian church keep on I. anil a ;ond assortment or, ns at Mrs IVtrce's. ; Lewis Williams, colored, aired uliout. . twenty-liv- e Satnrdnr, M.Sayles. three doors of 2!. l'.HMi, and was buried Moudav. -- Mrs. Flora Ifcwhy, of Mound City, has ihe a the home of her parents, Mr anil Mis. Charles this city. For Sale One set of iluiililc buggy harness, nickel trimmed, as good as new. Call on address Thomas Kyger, Hotel Woodland, Oregon, Mo. Key. Selig. wife and son. of Hop- kins, have lie-- u e joing tne holiday season at the home of grandpa and grandma G. W. Cummins. - Harry Hanna, Miss Anna Fiegen-bain- . Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mills, St. Joseph, enjoyed the lirst day of the now year as guests of Mrs Mina Curry. Byron Johnstun, it is said, will in- vest a job printing outfit aii'l open up for business in Craig in the ne..r future. lie will al-- o publish a new-pa- per. No. ."i0! That's the you want for that celebrated 'Iinnli ililt Flour, Monkey CotTee.or anything in the staple or fancy grocery line. Co. Column David, Emmet Gaffney and Mrs. Joseph Wise attended th poultry show Oregon Friday and Saturday. Mr. David had several coops of poultry exhibition and carried off two blue ribbons and one red. Craig Leader. The docket is a small one, there being but five divorce cases. Perhaps the most important case to be tried that of the state against J I), and Ed. McOinnis, for attempted arson. This case was tried at the last August term, but the jury to agree. Prof. Carl Herrmann, the violinist, gave one of his pleasing at the Christian church, FrMay evening of last There disputing the fact that Mr. Herrmann is an artist of high nrdr, and always greeted here with a good audience, as well as a criti- cal one. He was greeted with a large and audience at Forest City on Saturday evening Because of an alleged scansions story which he had ciculated, Mrs Hen- ry Willis, of a prominent stockmrn and politician in the eastern part of Modaway county, snot, and probably fatally wounded Lawrence Growney, a wealthy farmer neighbor in Clyde, fifteen mibs suthea-- t of Maryville, on Saturday last, December 29, 1000. The woman shot Growney twice on .the street than followed h-- to a store Into j which he retteated and emptied the re volver into him, tiring six shots in all. five of which took effect exivpt stoolhwiiM Train N... l"OKKT CI TV T1IA1N SKKVICK. IMurt . IT KerOm.cil ltl:B anil Irem St. :ram IjmiI illnt M. 15 Fr Lincoln. Clirailo anil Pacific lrjim l'al from City ;ul M. Ji-.l- i. '.'1 For Council Otii.ili.i. Si. Paul . m MluiiKipolit Irom Kaiie. City & Si. JihtoIi A l: For Tatkti aril Nilan:iy Vallr lirachci .":1Tii: trrlll St..llM'lll. tr. ForCii'Micil III n Hi. Omtlia. St. Paul an-- l 1:21am MiuiicainiliH liom M. Kaut.ii Citv anil M. .Iiwi'li. A :u Way firicht north luiiiml. lt::naiii K For St. Joscih from Villixra anl Xixlawav J ::'.i:aiii anil Tarkio Valley branchi-i- . j sj To St..lieiili anil City from St. Paul. MiunaMlis. llmali.t ami Council ' II To St. St. .Iicli ami Kaniat City fir" am irnui Xlir.ika. Denver, Colorailn and l"sicinc jo To St. Joieph auil Kauii City from St. iJim Paul. Minin-aM)li- i. Omaha ami Council jr. T st. .lo-c- ih and Kanias City Irom Paciflc p m Colorado. and j: To St. Joifr.h and St. Ijiun from Omaha :X.')iii j and Council Bliilfi. A us Way fticsht ioiiUi iMimid. -- 'ini Can Nuts and Fruits, fres all all at We do not i s. our to i them we are i ' i is on low ses. Ziu. are 'f 13 7 14 JANUARY. tcis. vis. rsn. m. sat. '? J 8 9 20 21 27 28:29 23 30 TABLE. 3 4 To" 11 17 18 24'25 All irallix il:iily noteil. lin:i!i:i Jel- - K:tn.a Itliitli. IjhiK Kaim Rluffi. l.oiii. Coa.it. BIuDi. toast. dirs. with 22 31 5 72 19 26 To lands promptly accurately PET RE Ju BROS., Oregon, - - Missouri! have purchased compiled Gouv. Morrir by VanHtiskirk prepared to ab- -' of to any town lots in on notice. When in of any in call on or us We want Square, OREGON, accommodating. PETREE BROS., is is visiting a; r M Kiiest Ansel-uient.nea- r of in Hello, one Zachman-Kvax- s at on is entertainments is no is I Mppreciative wife TIME J : MISSOURI. Write it 1W1 please. Henry Fiegenbauni and wife, of St. Joseph, are guests of relatives here. Hee has Hannibal Kansas City, state, some Very local Ed Orr. of the Mound City News, called upon Monday, and unjoin! friendly call. -- Mrs. F.tzmaurice has kindly North: daily trains rememlie.ed Three Montana Council di il Dec.: s. south failed week. tho ost oflicc. preared Imanlers during court week. 1901 ami take here will ovcrlxntl Sunday, Colorado, Salt evening, pcti'ion Thev their work Wednesday. Mis Kautznian, Craig, Kunkel week. Ada Kunkel. St. Louis viMtim with parents. Messrs. Hibbard and Stuhhs. representative and Jefferson City, the legislature having Ix-c- n order tb ST. at P. to to up no for us we T. P. to to is to 'I lie at or m.t was L na is our are now at lo on f s , ' ' j ( . - I s , :i , ( ! i i ' - Meyer.of tri. Territory a has I h- - will of all to -- l ' i W. Kicnaru .aciini n or .vipervuic, J. K Bender, of Gar-- ' den City, this stat- -, are home Zachman. Mr. has lieen sick, but is now some of Maitland, came Monday, ihe county's exchequer handsomely. HobIi:zell, of other heavy taxpayers were here same . ' ' to to Maitlard Newspaper. ' superintendent or schools time, president teachers' . week Jefferson at schools for entertained h of friends Saturday evening of at home in ' cousin, Clarence evening pleasantly served. Olive Maggie Messrs. Marvn a- - d Charley Sentney. Boyd. Charley Williams and acknowledge a time. Daily Except Sunday BESTTRAINS Nebraska, Colorado, Montana, Black Hills, Utah, California, Puget Sound, Chicago and St. Louis. lESTOUlEB THROUGH TRfJKS, SLEEPERS, DIHIRB CARS, CHAIR CARS (s).. CLLIOTMamHAU.,Oiv.PAs.AnSTsePv:i ELLIOTT, ccnti. MGR.. jcsph u:. af.WAKtLCY.aCN-lPAS3.AO- I .ST IOU-- w HOVEY, Agent, Mo. s.:THE BURLINGTON ROUTE. SOME GREAT TRAINS. No. Burlington-Korther- n Express," St. and St. Joseph for Northwest Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Tacoma. Seattle, "Portland, 'Oregon, via Montana: st the saver to Solid through train of coaches, chair cars, sleepers, dining cars, standard sleepeers. No. 1, St at nightman in forenoon and St. Joseph for Nebraska, Denver, Colorado, and No. 5, Nebraska-Colorad- o Sx. press," St. M., Knnsas City and St. Joseph at for Nebraska. Denver, Colorado. Utah '"One Denver." Earlv morninir train. No. 3. Poynter gone and Quiney ror county, this buy mirn St. Joseph and;lieyond. des-rabl- travel. his To East: and ii between Missouri joints and Chi- cago. 15 and 1G, 41 and 42, etween Missouri and St. To the us. of St. Pani. Minneapolis. train late years, California Excursions in through iersoiially conducted, ami St Joseph . Thursday mornini- r- preaching services "excursions. Theroute is. via the Union school house morn-- : Denver, Citi- ng and at the hours. Write for descriptive any did Monday: conienipiaieii wesi. secured the children New Dk L. W. Wakklf.v, Year's holiday. began again Dora of the guest of Miss the past Miss of her .senator elect called Wednesday and City Luke beirin Div. P. A.. St. Joseph. Mo. Howard Em.iiitt. General St Joseph. len i l'. Mo. Hovkv, Agent. Mo. Special Reduced Reduced rate to north- west. of first him! Tues- days in August December. lirst 82 for James, son ir Henry Hick- - includes Helena. ory township, and who has lieen stu-- , oi, laconia, Van dent at the university, gone opowane, Jefferson Citv. where act as Victoria. Ac. Final tickets Senator Stublw. '"J "'" 'te sale. W Illinois, Mrs guests the of Henry Zach man unite Davis, and helped swell quite Wm. Mound City, and several for the iiumosc. Mo. D. A. his 8"0 of cattle D"18 V-- " ,or ln0 rouna tr,n The Mni- - now in his pastures, and up to this muni rate to lie He has half or the gross rat- - for adults, will however placed .TOO or on feed on for or fiv and desires he has ',,r', of age neao inrougn spring-tim- e. Prof. W. S. Dermont. formerly of this county, and the Mound at one was elected of the state association at its session last in City. Prof Roberts, who was the head of the Oregon several was secretary. Misi Flo. Cain quite number her last week, her City, in honor of her Cleven-ge- r. The was with games, etc., a'ter which dainty refreshments were Those pres- ent wer-- : and Fawks, and Boyd, Sentney. Fawks. Tom Will Schu-mat- e. All very pleasant SOWARO VINE Forest City, 41, "The Pacific from Louis, Kan-su- - City Billings, the short. line, time the North- west. tourist from Louis Cif the noon, Scenic Utah, Pacific Coast. The from Louis 2:05 from night, Pa- cific Coast night to from Vernon the bast "hlf trams Fast trains points Louis. Two with several inpi daily pafiers. Muffs, Omaha tourist sleepers, from every the most successful Scenic usual matter School jou-ne- y their Jno. Witt. week. Manager, 'o. a., St City, Rates round trip the Dates sale to 1000. One class fare, phm round .Seattle, Louver state to limit incur. at lietter. to town chosen Forest pass- ed Misses Minnie Kansas Louis. Forest limited Butte. (Seneral PHS-.eni.- Agent. Hovr.v. Iycnl Airent. Forest Home Seekers" Excursions. The Great Burling Route apnounces its annual Home Seekers' Excurs;ons to the West-rn,Nor- th western and South- western territory. One lowest first class standard fare Gelvin head week round trip 89.00. One they have thrived right a'ong. them appy children under bluegrass and stocs fields twe'' carry City years, Pearl Hill, Zada May Rush Vixk third clerk Matt Vine City. Dateorsale; December! and 18;100; Jnnary 1 and 15: Feb'y 5 and 13; March 5 and 19: April 2 and 10 : Mny 7 and 21 : June 4 and 18, 1001. L. W. Wakki.v. Gen. Pass. Agt, St Louis, Mo. Vim: Hovkv. Local Ag't, Forest City, Missouri. The canning factory is a gc if the farm-'r- s do their part. The citizens of Rock Port have suliscribed the neces- sary town stock, and if tho farmers take alike interest in the enterprise Its sue cess is assured. It will not succeed un- less the farmers and truck gardners in- terest themselves and undertake to pro- duce the stuff to pack. The matter must be settled the coming week. Rock Port Journal.

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Page 1: Holt County sentinel (Oregon, Mo.). (Oregon, MO) 1901-01 ... · the T VOLUME XXXVI. OREGON, MISSOURI, FRIDAY. JANUARY 4, 1901. NUMBER 33, i Pine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. FINE


i Pine Watchand JewelryRepairing.


Holiday Presents.All kinds of Ladies' ancK-ent'- s (Sold and Silver Wataliesl

Plain, Engraved and Set Kings' both in solid Gold andin Gold Filled.

Ladies' Brooch Pins, lf: to i&.OO.

Stick Pins, 5c to $1.25.

A fine line of Ladies' Long Chains, also Cent 's WatchChains.

Link and Lever Cuff Buttons. urn

Emblem Pins and Buttons.Sterling Silver Novelties.

sterling Silver Thimbles, 25c toClocks Rich 24 K, gold plated with cupid figures

fully guaranteed to be good time keepers.Ladies', Misses', Children's and Baliv Bracelets both

Gold and Silver.Child's Dress Pins, separate and with chains, faith in

sets of three, and a very fine line of 6'fW.Call and get my prices.

Opticitn and Jeweler

SPeetacles Accurately



Dr. Simmons Residence third doorsouth of opera house.

Dr. J. L. Minton and family, arenow residents of Mound City.

TrW H. Smith anil familir .if Unnnillv. riHVH rpmnvpii ro rcvinnirp- - inio.

Mince Meat and Mince Meat Mater-ial, Cranberries and a fine line of Groc-eries at Moore & Kreek's.

EtLS. Tyson, formerly of the MoundCity Jeffersonian, is now cm iucting ajob printing office in St. Joseph.

By reason or ill health, Prof. J. L.Whitmore has resigned his position asnsststmt principal of the Mound Cityschools

Green Bro's are now ready to fur-nish you brick in any quantity, you may








Moore & fineprices

revenue stamp office atJoseph, abolished on

andto to at


and one lot sale. ontime. Reasonable price, to

Claus of quitstock of

to D.

Maitland, a at

want They have at least 25,000 of ex- - lin school.



was prize j

recent j

the teacher of

fine paving brick., J, William Smith is making arrange- -

J- - C. has of his j ments to build a on thetw-n- -'utcnsii. in iu uaruwnru uusme-- B in ty-ac- re (arm neTcently purchased

Mound City, to his J. S. Park- - Benton district.er. Mr. Parker will pass in !

on account of ill hea'th. in-circ- uit judges of state in j

convention in ht. Louis last week, j

Dr. 8. S. Bever, who used to prac- - j and as statutes reiiuT raide recom-- 'tice medicine in this city, it the coroner mendations regarding needed !

of Andrew and c the in our laws. Judge Craig of this cir- -inquest inquiry into me Killing 01 cuit was in attendance.

Richardson, at Savannah, last . ... ... .

i - ir- - - i. . . .


, ,

weec Lowney, ot Fomt, wasI here the first of the week visiting. Mr.

A strong petition will b presented Downey is one of Holt county'sto governor this week, for citizens. He rarely gets, from

pardon or Caleb Jesse, who sen- - home as is requiredtenced to the penitentary for two years look after Fill- - iror tne Rilling ot f rank Urimn at Mary- - moreTitle, in April, 1899.

I Miss daughter of LonDan. (senator) says: "The Wright, of Hickory township, and Claud

game law makes no provision Lemon, of Savannah, married"shooting but the. Wednesday of last week, Dee 20th. 1900.

nxt legislature at least, allow . The groom in thiscrap-shootin- the Saturday night They are most youngbefore the full moon in each month. j and their many friends wish

following county officers elect j them a ,onK and hatWupon their duties on 1st: I Schooler, who reside in

Prosecuting attorney, sheriff, . California, is hisjudges ot the county court, sur-- 1 ters and those or old companions

veyor, public administrator and c toner, who are left about Maitland. This isNicholts Stock will not take charge of j his first trip back in 23 vears, so Mait-th- e

office until March and Hand is a new town. He leftWilliam Weurhtman will enterhis duties as assessor June 1st.

Charles May, an shotand fatally Robert Martin andJohn Mcuee, at a dance near DeKalbBuchanan county, ot last week.Dec. 28, 1900. Martin is dead, and Mc-Ge- e

cannot live. May was recentlyfrom the where he

served a term with his uocle for the mur-der of a farmer named Durclette, in thesame

It reported that a certain youngman escorted a charming young girlhome from a sociable the other night,when he asked her what kind of monevabe Uked best The young lady replied:"Matrimony." "What interest doesthat asked the astonished youth ?"If properly invested," replied thecharming belle, "it will double the orig-inal investment every three years." Thegentleman is thinking seriously of in-

vesting.George W. Glick's in the

Blair caught rl-- e in thecloset Christmas morning and destroyedall their clothing not in use and didseme damage to the building. The ori-gin of the fire is unknown The build-ing and insured in the

J. Whitni"- -,

and A. Crannel, secretary, wentdawn in the afternoon and adjusted thelies as follows: Damage tof clothing destroyed, 6i2." --MoundCity News.

cultivation, per acre.




See Kreek for ChinaGlass and Queensw.ire, right.

The internalSt. whs the 1st.

Henry Metts the Coojier lwyshave gone Oklahoma, look the

H"Ufe fur Partapply Wil-

liam Kaucher.

Peters, Corning, hasbusiness, sold his goods

F. Scheele.Miss and Mary Morrison, of

will take course thoQuincr, Illinois, business college.

Miss Nellie Weller thewinner, in the spelling bee givenby Mr. Trapp, the Frank-- 1

traWright disposed residence

partner, thethe winter

California wereannual


county, nductdana


solidasking away

the was his attentionhis forming interests.


WilliamsMissouri werefor craps," thinks

9hould, formerly residedfirst county. excellent

people,life- ---The

entered the Georgetreasurer, visiting brother,


collector's 1st, tohiiu.unon






contents wereFarmers Mutual.

the house,15;




here about thirty years ago awd wasback once. Wo are sorry to state thatMr. Schooler is in poor health. Mai t- -l

land Herald. . I

'I was raised on a farm and have all J

my life made a close study of the waysand habits of bird' and animals," saidone of our most iironiinont nimrnrU tn I

a crowd of our enthusiastic huntor.s oneday last week. "I suspect that I knowas much abiut quail as anv of you do.I am always amused therefore, when I i

hear hunters say that when a covey sur-- !vives me winter wim a dozen birds ;

alive that there will be several broodraised by them. This is not so. A cov-ey of twenty may remain intact whenbreeding time comes in the spring and 'only one pair of them will raise young.They seem somehow to make a selec-- 1

lion of a suitable pair and these twowill do the nesting for the whole covey, j

may bo raising two broods doing the sea-- 1

son. The others will scatter but won't,raise young, anu in ine fall tne youngand old come together in covey again: Ihave made careful note of this fact timeand again and am willing to take oathon the matter. I suspect, however, thatit in the spring the covey were caughtdivided into pairs, separated by miles,they would all raise young, but whenthey are left together on their oldrange, they simply won't. One pair '

will do all the nesting and I guess they i

picK out tne nest pair as the breednasn t deteriorated since 1quail hunter."

Some Bargains in Real Estate for Sale By


1. 4C acres 3 miles northeast of Forest City. Has dwelling, stable, hogocas, a?vm anu two gooa wens is acres or timothy and clover fenced hog tight

about 4 acres oi timber balance in cultivation or in lots. Land in high staterace,

2. 159 acres well improved, mostly in grass with a largo young orchard justBeginning io oear, suuaieo in a gooa negnoornooa in forties township. Trice,S&50 per acre.

3. 89 acres with 2 dwellings, 1 having 3 rooms, summer kitchen, stable, corncribs, cistern and well. The other 6 rooms, cistern, well, also living water, smallstable, wt od shed, smoke house. About 15 acres of orchard bearing and otherwiseon the farm. All the land in cultivation except some 2H acres of timber. About56 acres fenced hog tight into 6 fields. 20 acres in timothy and clover. Trice.000. Possession of 1 honse given any time.

4. 80 acres cf land in hills near Curzon Switch for 81,100.5. 211 acres in the Oregon school district. Very good improvements - splen-

did stock farm, at MO pernooses ror sue or rent in uresron or vacant lots suitable for huiidinir A tan

have 1 dwelling in Forest City and 1 in Mound City that I will take a team orotbef good stock to the amount of owners equity. 1 four room vacant dwellingin Oregon for rent cbeup.


Great Redaction.

in the following articles:

is making our store headquarters ho hasleft with usSilver Knives & Forks. .$1.75 to 4--

r0 BetNers Pots Irons at !0c setlletter Irons $1.50 setWashing Machines. 8 3 50 to 6 (5 50 eachClothes Wringers.. 1 .V) to 3 50 eachSewing Midlines.. 12 00 to 35 00 eachCarpet Sweepers... I 50 to .'J Oil each

Roasting Fans. IS5 to I 25 eachFire Clay lioaste-- s JO to !5 eachTable Cutlery, 3xxins. Razors. Shears

Scissors and large stock of PocketCutleiy, prices 5o to SI each

Great Reductionoruura o








$2 00 to SI 00 otr on Cooking Stoves2 00 to .1 00 on on Heating Stoves

We will give you bargains on our fullline. Yours for goixl goods at low prices

T. L. PRICE. Hardware

Oregon, Mo.



Flour is down in price and up inquality at Moore x nxeeic s.

Miss Maud Fike bos resigned asteacher of the Benton school.

Try the Weekly Inter-Ocea- n fromnow until Jan. 1, 1901, for only 15 cents.

Mrs. Ed. Weller is with her parents,Judge Goodpasture and family, of Mait-lan-

You can't lieat Moore &Kreek's priceson Candies, Fruits, or Nuts for the Holidays.

Mrs. Jennie Higgle was the guestof Mrs. Alice Maple several days thepast week.

F. J. Curtis will conduct Milt Brum-baugh's farm in Clay township, thecoming season.

If you need brick call on GreenBro's. They are ready to supply you.Plenty of fine paring brick.

"Billy" Everhart and family, ofMaitland, passed the Christmas holidaysat Maitland, visiting with old friends.

Miss Carrie May Flinn, the thirteenyear-ol- d daughter of Charley Flinn, isconvalescing from a severe attack of thelonsilitia.

Will Hiatt and Mrs. Fannfe Doocfc--erty, of Mound City, were married byProbate Judge Murphy, on Monday ofthis week, Dec. 31, 1800.

Bert Maple has returned home afterspending several days hunting in theHighland district; be was entertainedby his friend, Walter Riggle.

All knowing themselves indebted toDr. if. R Kenrney, are requested topleaso call and settle at once, so thatho can settle his accounts now due.

Removal.On and after January 1, 1901, Dr. J.

R Kearney will occupy the rooms overthe Montgomery & Roecker bank.

Lin. Whitham and Mai. Mathewshave been engaged to graft the S. N.Bucher nurrery stock, and will com-mence in a few davs. Thev expect tograft 150,000.

Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Took entertain-i-- o

with eanls, Monday evening. Mrs.India Price and James Hind, were firstprize winners, and Miss Gertie Stockand Mrs. Tillie Shutts won the Mioobies.

- ICE The Zachman-Evan- s Co., willcontinue the ice business of J X. Zach-ma- n

it Co. as heretofore. Parties want-ing ice for private use. can get it at theponu as soon i.s it is thick enough tocut.

For Sale -- Eight thoroughbred,male hogs, old enough for

service. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ad-dress, J. J. Bullock, Oregon, Mo., orcall at rarm, one mile east of Monarchschool house.

Roy, son or W. H. Mathews, of thiscity, who lives in the Fairview district,

. had the nrsfortune to lose two or hishorses the iast week from what is sup-posed to be the Pink Eye. Sterl. Math- -

icus also lost a horse recently.

Miss Nora Johnson, and Elder J. L., Thompson, or Odell, Nebraska, werej married at the home of the bride's parent", Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, in

. Maitland, on Thursday last, Dec 27,; 1900, the ceremony being ierformed by

Elder Boulton, of Mound City.! I have perfected arrangementswhereby I am in a iosition again toloan eastern money at a low rate or in-

terest on well located, high bottom orprairie farms. If in need of a loan,Avrite or call on me at Oregon, Missouri.

R. C. Behtox.

Sacrifice Sale

AT T WTwTPD ftflfflK!auu miuwi uuuuu,


Clothing, Caps, Underwear,

Boots, Shoes,

Dress Goods, Etc.

have been a' THeSB gOOClS IllUSt eO 111 fact. Wfi Afftmaking a general cleaning: up sale, and willmake prices so that you cannot keep frombuying. Come in and see us, and we will

Missouri i "show you" that we mean just what we say.

!J. Watson & Co.,OREGON, MO.

Facts and Figures.

Store News.

The prices named inthis little add will remindany one posted on pricesof goods, that we are giving usual values.

A few minutes spent inour store getting priceswill be of advantage toyou as well as to us.

rne claim we mako isselling for cash, with com-paratively nc expenses,enables us to sell for lessthan if otherwise.

It is safe to sajfthat noone who has for twelvemonths adopted the planof pay as you go, ever goesback to the habit of buying on time.

After trying it that longyou have saved moneythat you do not need tobuy on time.

It is a good thing whenyou trade to lie on the safeside.

There is no risk to runby dealing here, for if any-thing is not just as youthought it was, or is un-satisfactory in any way,all you have to do ispromptly return same in asalable condition

1, for 15

J. C

Office Hours:5:00

Special OfferFor December

Duck Coats"It is an ill wind tlr--t

blowri body gooii." Acertain manufacturerduck coats found h mselfoverloaded.

We received a few lotsvery cheap.

The savings effected areyours.

Boy's duck coats, a fewleft only, blanket linol.T.lc

Men's heavy duck coalswith good quality,blanket lined 100

Men's duck coats, blanketlining with rubber inter-lining, from S1.2- - to. .31.4i- -

Men's duck coa t s , inmackintosh style, short,s iinctbing new and a goodthing, running rrom $125

62 00

Gnnt's underwear all madethe best, with lock stitchseams all through, bought

case lots early, enablesus to make prices thatare surprising for quality.One line, wool tleece, iergarment wOc

Line, cotton llwe,garment. 40

Line, lleece,breast and hack, pergarment

Ladies' wear, jier var-ment 2.V

Child's union suit,suit

R. S. KEVE; Oregon, Mo.Tho January term of our circuit

court will liegin Monday of next week.Mixed Candy 5 cents per pound:

also better Cnndy at higher p ice atMoore Jk Kreek s.

Give the Weekly Inter-Ocea- n a trial.We will send you from now untilJan. 1901, only cents.


For fushionable dress-makin- tailormade suits and jackets, call on Miss S.A. Bender, residence at Henry

Mrs. Jennie Rimtle has returned toher home in the Highland district, af-ter spending the holidays with Oregonfriends.

ICE. The J&chman-Evan- s Co. willd --liver ice tho coming season. Don'tyou worry about flint. Wo will do theworrying.

Mike Buntz was in town Saturday,and was talking roads. He wants thecounty divided into as many road districts as there are school districts.



to p. m.






it to

East SidePowell Building,


8:00 to lliTOa. in. 1:00

The folloing gent'emcu anil theirfamilies enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs.Alice Maple, Christmas dav: C. A,and Will Nichol,, Lon. Kyle, V. II. Mathews, Bert Dreher, Sterl. Mathews, Lin .

Whitham.Twelve desperate prisoners in the

county jail at St. Joseph, all of whomwill serve terms in the penitentiary, va-

rying from four to twenty years, madean almost successful effort to escape onWednesday of last week, by digging outthrough the roof of the jail.

The Burlington recorded a very fastrun Christmas day of a special trainfrom St Louis to Louisiana, Mo. car-rying Or. Tuhoiske to a patient, Mrs.Adam Wald, of that city. The arrange-ments for this special were made with-in thirty minutes from time of notice.The special made the run of ninety onemiles in eighty-on- e minutes.

, It is now county treasurer. Lwis1. Moore, and Clark O. Proud it num-bered amone the has-beens- . The transfer of the public funds to the former oc-

curred Tuesday ot this week tho 1stist, and the amount transferred was818,013 belonging to the various revenuefunds and S7,631 school funds, a total of825,671. The transfer was made largelyin the forms of. credit checks upon thevarious banks of our county,' and requir-ed but a few hours. In September. 1841,Gilbert Ray, then treasury, only had abalance of 25 cents to transfer to hissuccessor, while the aggregate revenueswere less than 8100. Mr. Proud, the re-

tiring ;treasurer, had his books andevery detail of bis business in perfectshape. He has made an officer of whomevery citizen can be proud careful,painstaking and ThatMr. Moore will maintain this standard,there is not a single doubt

Another feature of the 3d constitutional amendment is that the moneyloaners who reside in incorporated townsmay be exempt from payment of citytaxes on money loaned on farms. Theamendment fays the holder of a "mort-gage has so much interest in tne landcovered by his mortgage. If this be lit-erally true we see no reason for his paying city taxes on his interest in a farmwhich is located outside the corporatelimits. A man living in town and own-ing a farm does not pay city taxes on hisfarm. If this interpretation of the lawproves cerrect. then the incorporatedtowns, either small or large, will sufferfrom a decreased city tax and theschools will be materially crippled. TakeOregon for instance. A man living hereand loaning money on farms pays a cityand sbhool tax on the notes. If tho mort-gage is construed to bean interest in theland, then he pays no city tax on land;his school tax will go to the district inwhich the land is located. A can loanall his money on Kansas, Nebraska orIowa farms, and not pay a cent taxes tothe county oi Holt; city or sshool orstate taxes, and at the same time be aresident of Qreeon. This will do away

i with the domicile feature of our prro- -j ent revenue laws and upset things gen-- 1



Jier.. ."Mil-i- ll

I tie


and get other goods orjour money baek.

It is evident injustice tosell to one man on twelve 'months t'lne and to an-other man for cash anddemand the same pricefrom each.

mere are a good manypeoplegiods.

who send awavfor

They pay the cash andexpect to buy where theycan buy the cl.eaiest.

Th'B is all light andproper, vve want a chanceto supply these wants Itis more convenient totrade he r e , and t h o j

goods we sell you cannot!be lmught tor le.--s in anymarket.


H you prefer a certain!one to wait on you do notbe backward iii lettirg it '

be known.

It is no offence here toryou io call on the one jwhom you would rather i

have wait on von. j

(stock, Hi ds. prices MooreJfchave to argue Kreek

old eustomeraconvince that I WS

n; ...selling as cneap as some ,;. iqni..i n- -i ii .one nw x ney nu kiiow

this headquarters '

prices. 'HWe not ashamed to

publish our prices; they!will stand investigationand our goods will stand 6exaiu-ning- . f

And don't forget in addi'ion to our prices wegive 2'., per cent off forcash.Country produce is taken



ABSTRACTS OF TITLEHolt county and town lots and made!



Wc the abstracts bysince owned A. are furnishstracts title lands or Holt county short',

need tiling that line writeyour business.

Ii Stairs in Vniiltuskirk Iltiililiiiff.

Mrs. Alice Maple now ooiivalesc"ng from a severe sick spell.

Flora Maple contined to lennewith a severe case of tonsilitis

- Miss Lyila (iuiinccht.of St Joseph,is ihc giustof .Mrs. Miiia Curry.

Will Carroll ami wife, have beenfr ends in the High anil d strict.

The Indies of the Christian churchkeep on I. anil a ;ond assortment or,

ns at Mrs IVtrce's. ;

Lewis Williams, colored, aired uliout. .twenty-liv- e Satnrdnr, M.Sayles. three doors of2!. l'.HMi, and was buried Moudav.

-- Mrs. Flora Ifcwhy, of Mound City,has ihe a the home of herparents, Mr anil Mis. Charles

this city.For Sale One set of iluiililc buggy

harness, nickel trimmed, as good as new.Call on address Thomas Kyger, HotelWoodland, Oregon, Mo.

Key. Selig. wife and son. of Hop-kins, have lie-- u e joing tne holidayseason at the home of grandpa andgrandma G. W. Cummins.

- Harry Hanna, Miss Anna Fiegen-bain- .Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mills, St.

Joseph, enjoyed the lirst day of thenow year as guests of Mrs Mina Curry.

Byron Johnstun, it is said, will in-

vest a job printing outfit aii'l openup for business in Craig in the ne..rfuture. lie will al-- o publish a new-pa- per.

No. ."i0! That's the youwant for that celebrated 'Iinnli ililtFlour, Monkey CotTee.or anything in thestaple or fancy grocery line.

Co.Column David, Emmet Gaffney and

Mrs. Joseph Wise attended th poultryshow Oregon Friday and Saturday.Mr. David had several coops of poultry

exhibition and carried off two blueribbons and one red. Craig Leader.

The docket is a small one, there beingbut five divorce cases. Perhaps the mostimportant case to be tried that of thestate against J I), and Ed. McOinnis,for attempted arson. This case wastried at the last August term, but thejury to agree.

Prof. Carl Herrmann, the violinist,gave one of his pleasingat the Christian church, FrMay eveningof last There disputing thefact that Mr. Herrmann is an artist ofhigh nrdr, and always greeted herewith a good audience, as well as a criti-cal one. He was greeted with a largeand audience at ForestCity on Saturday evening

Because of an alleged scansionsstory which he had ciculated, Mrs Hen-ry Willis, of a prominent stockmrnand politician in the eastern part ofModaway county, snot, and probablyfatally wounded Lawrence Growney, awealthy farmer neighbor in Clyde,fifteen mibs suthea-- t of Maryville, onSaturday last, December 29, 1000. Thewoman shot Growney twice on .thestreet than followed h-- to a store Into

j which he retteated and emptied the revolver into him, tiring six shots in all.five of which took effect

exivpt stoolhwiiM

Train N... l"OKKT CI TV T1IA1N SKKVICK. IMurt .

IT KerOm.cil ltl:B anil Irem St. :ramIjmiI illnt M.

15 Fr Lincoln. Clirailo anil Pacific lrjiml'al from City ;ul M. Ji-.l- i.

'.'1 For Council Otii.ili.i. Si. Paul . mMluiiKipolit Irom Kaiie. City & Si. JihtoIi

A l: For Tatkti aril Nilan:iy Vallr lirachci .":1Tii:trrlll St..llM'lll.

tr. ForCii'Micil III n Hi. Omtlia. St. Paul an-- l 1:21amMiuiicainiliH liom M. Kaut.ii Citvanil M. .Iiwi'li.

A :u Way firicht north luiiiml. lt::naiiiK For St. Joscih from Villixra anl Xixlawav

J ::'.i:aiiianil Tarkio Valley branchi-i- . j

sj To St..lieiili anil City from St.Paul. MiunaMlis. llmali.t ami Council

'II To St. St. .Iicli ami Kaniat City fir" am

irnui Xlir.ika. Denver, Colorailnand l"sicinc

jo To St. Joieph auil Kauii City from St. iJimPaul. Minin-aM)li- i. Omaha ami Council

jr. T st. .lo-c- ih and Kanias City Irom Paciflc p mColorado. and

j: To St. Joifr.h and St. Ijiun from Omaha :X.')iiij and Council Bliilfi.

A us Way fticsht ioiiUi iMimid. --'ini

Can Nuts and Fruits, fresall all at

We do not i s.our to i

them we arei '


is on


ses. Ziu.


'f 13




tcis. vis. rsn. m. sat. '?

J8 9

20 21

27 28:2923



3 4

To" 11

17 18


All irallix il:iilynoteil.

lin:i!i:iJel- -
















To lands promptly accurately

PETRE Ju BROS.,Oregon, - - Missouri!

have purchased compiled Gouv. Morrirby VanHtiskirk prepared to ab- -'

of to any town lots in on

notice. When in of any in call on or usWe want

Square, OREGON,






a; r


KiiestAnsel-uient.nea- r



Hello, one

Zachman-Kvax- s





is no

is I






Write it 1W1 please.

Henry Fiegenbauni and wife, of St.Joseph, are guests of relatives here.

Hee has Hannibal Kansas City,state, some Very

localEd Orr. of the Mound City News,

called upon Monday, and unjoin!friendly call.

-- Mrs. F.tzmaurice has kindly North: daily trainsrememlie.ed Three

Montana Councildi il Dec.: s. south



tho ost oflicc. prearedImanlers during court week.




here will ovcrlxntlSunday, Colorado, Salt


pcti'ionThev their work

Wednesday.Mis Kautznian, Craig,

Kunkelweek. Ada Kunkel. St. Louis

viMtim with parents.Messrs. Hibbard and Stuhhs.

representative andJefferson City, the legislature having

Ix-c- n ordertb




toto up

no for

us we

T. P. to


is to

'I lie at


wasL na


ourare now

atlo on f
















- Meyer.of tri. Territorya

has I

h- - will of allto --l '

i W.Kicnaru .aciini n or .vipervuic,

J. K Bender, of Gar--'den City, this stat- -, arehome Zachman. Mr.

has lieen sick, but is nowsome

of Maitland, cameMonday, ihe

county's exchequer handsomely.HobIi:zell, of

other heavy taxpayers werehere same



to toMaitlard Newspaper.


superintendent orschools time,

president teachers' .

weekJeffersonat schools for

entertained hof friends Saturday evening

of at home in '

cousin, Clarenceevening pleasantly


Olive MaggieMessrs. Marvn a- - d

Charley Sentney.Boyd. Charley Williams and

acknowledge atime.



Nebraska, Colorado,

Montana, Black Hills,

Utah, California,Puget Sound,

Chicago and St. Louis.




ELLIOTT, ccnti. MGR.. jcsph u:.af.WAKtLCY.aCN-lPAS3.AO- I .ST IOU-- w

HOVEY, Agent,Mo.



No. Burlington-Korther- n

Express," St.and St. Joseph for Northwest

Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho,Washington, Tacoma. Seattle, "Portland,

'Oregon, via Montana:st the saver to

Solid through train of coaches,chair cars, sleepers, dining cars,standard sleepeers.

No. 1, St at nightmanin forenoon and St. Josephfor Nebraska, Denver,

Colorado, andNo. 5, Nebraska-Colorad- o Sx.

press," St. M.,Knnsas City and St. Joseph at forNebraska. Denver, Colorado. Utah

'"One Denver."Earlv morninir train. No. 3.

Poynter gone and Quiney rorcounty, this buy mirn St. Joseph and;lieyond. des-rabl-



To East:and ii between Missouri joints and Chi-cago. 15 and 1G, 41 and 42,

etween Missouri and St.To the

us. of St. Pani. Minneapolis. trainlate

years, California Excursions in throughiersoiially conducted,

ami St Joseph. Thursday mornini- r-

preaching services "excursions. Theroute is. viathe Union school house morn-- : Denver, Citi-ng and at the hours. Write for descriptive any

did Monday: conienipiaieii wesi.secured the children New Dk L. W. Wakklf.v,

Year's holiday. beganagain

Dora ofthe guest of Miss the past

Miss ofher

.senator elect

called Wednesday





Div. P. A..St. Joseph. Mo.

Howard Em.iiitt.General

St Joseph.

len i l'.Mo.



Special ReducedReduced rate to north-

west. of first him! Tues-days in August December.lirst 82 for

James, son ir Henry Hick- - includes Helena.ory township, and who has lieen stu-- , oi, laconia, Vandent at the university, gone opowane,

Jefferson Citv. where act as Victoria. Ac. Final ticketsSenator Stublw. '"J "'" 'te sale.


Illinois, Mrsguests the

of Henry Zachman unite

Davis,and helped swell

quiteWm. Mound City, andseveral

for the iiumosc.


D. A. his 8"0 of cattle D"18 V--" ,or ln0 rouna tr,n The Mni- -

now in his pastures, and up to this muni rate to lieHe has half or the gross rat-- for adults, will

however placed .TOO or on feed on for or fiv and

desires he has ',,r', of ageneao inrougn spring-tim- e.

Prof. W. S. Dermont. formerly ofthis county, and theMound at one waselected of the stateassociation at its session last in

City. Prof Roberts, who wasthe head of the Oregon

several was secretary.Misi Flo. Cain quite

number herlast week, her City,

in honor of her Cleven-ge- r.

The waswith games, etc., a'ter which dainty

refreshments were Those pres-ent wer-- : and

Fawks, and Boyd,Sentney.Fawks. Tom

Will Schu-mat- e.

All very pleasant


VINEForest City,

41, "ThePacific from Louis, Kan-su- -


Billings, the short.line, time the North-


from LouisCif thenoon, Scenic

Utah, Pacific Coast.The

from Louis 2:05 fromnight,

Pa-cific Coast night to


the bast "hlf trams

Fast trainspoints Louis.Two

with several inpi dailypafiers. Muffs, Omaha

tourist sleepers,from every

the most successful

Scenicusual matter

School jou-ne-y

their Jno. Witt.





Ratesround trip the

Dates saleto 1000. One

class fare, phm round

.Seattle, Louverstate tolimit








Misses Minnie





(Seneral PHS-.eni.- Agent.Hovr.v. Iycnl Airent.


Home Seekers" Excursions.The Great Burling Route apnounces

its annual Home Seekers' Excurs;onsto the West-rn,Nor- th western and South-western territory.

One lowest first class standard fareGelvin head

week round trip 89.00. Onethey have thrived right a'ong.

them appy children under

bluegrass and stocs fields twe''carry



Pearl Hill,ZadaMayRush






Dateorsale; December! and 18;100;Jnnary 1 and 15: Feb'y 5 and 13; March5 and 19: April 2 and 10 : Mny 7 and 21 :June 4 and 18, 1001.

L. W. Wakki.v.Gen. Pass. Agt,

St Louis, Mo.

Vim: Hovkv. Local Ag't, Forest City,Missouri.

The canning factory is a gc if thefarm-'r- s do their part. The citizens ofRock Port have suliscribed the neces-

sary town stock, and if tho farmers takealike interest in the enterprise Its suecess is assured. It will not succeed un-

less the farmers and truck gardners in-

terest themselves and undertake to pro-duce the stuff to pack. The mattermust be settled the coming week. RockPort Journal.