holds back name 1i get pay- i- t1 army ifl club tasks...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY OCTOBER 20 1908 n k o 5 Rev Dr Calvert Is Emphatic Against Being a Candidate i HARMONY NEEDED MINISTER DECLARE 1 Wants Freedom to Work for Man Who Would Fill Office and Unify the Diocese- In spite of his popularity among j rector of SL Andrews Church to- day stated positively that he will not be a candidate for the bishopric of Washington when the convention meets November Ifl Dr Cartor declared that when lie withdrew his name at tho previous convention his action was final The office should go to a man who will be the choice of the diocese not that of any particular party in the church Dr Carter said He should not be so high as to discourage the sup port of the low churchmen and he should not be too low to gain that of high churchmen This is one reason why I was particularly disappointed- that Dr Mann declined the bishopric- He is a man who could gain the help and support of all and make the diocese really and truly one Dr Carter said he was afraid if his name Is further linked with the bish opric it might mislead many into be lieving that he desired the office and this is why he makes a statement 1 have had no opportunity to discuss the matter with other clergymen and It is impossible to say at this time who will figure in the list of nominees I feel sure that Dr Grosvenor will not again be brought before the as a candidate Dr GroBvener is rector of the Church- of the Incarnation in New York and Is president of the standing committee of tliat diocese an able man in evory The statement that prob able candidates would be approached- on the subject before their names would he put into is one which hardly requires consideration Should such a thing be done and the man ex- press his willingness to come hore as and he be defeated in the convention think in what a nega- tive position he would be in the eyes of congregation That would amount to the same as express a condition which no congregation would be willing to abMe by and tho minister having been defeated by the convention would bo In a most awk- ward and humiliating position BECAUSE OF LOVE SHE KILLS A MAN Young Girl Declares She Shot Mc Donald Then Becomes Rav ing Maniac NEW YORK Oct 30 I loved him and I killed him After having made the foregqlng con- fession that she had shot and killed William McDonald her sweetheart in his home at 116 Greenpolnt avenue V11 liamsburg Nellie Waldron dgan rav ing and today she was pronounced insane at the Eastern Dis trict Hospital According to the confession made by the young woman immediately after the shooting she met McDonald a year ago He was then living in Flushing Three months ago she said he dis- appeared She started out from her home at 321 Madison avenue Flushing- to find him and Sunday evening she met him on Greenpolnt avenue Then she purchased a revolver and yesterday afternoon at McDo- nalds home After the shooting the young woman ran to the foot of Milton avenue and leaped into the river She was rescued by Policeman Doyle STRAW VOTE GIVES TAFT MINNESOTACH- ICAGO Oct 20 Governor John sons influence will fall to carry Minne- sota for Bryan according to the straw vote taken by the RecordHerald The vote shows Taft will carry Minnesota ty a of 120000 In 1MH Roosevelt carried Minnesota by 161464 GAME WARDEN SLAIN BUTTE Mont Oct B Peyton a deputy game warden was killed in a battle with Indians In the Swan river country in the western part of the State Warden Peyton was rid- dled with bullets In his attempt single handed to arrest four Flathead Indians but before he died he shot the four red skins dead BOY KILLED BY WAGON HONEYER N Y Oct 2C Edward Itath aged Jumped on his fathers wagon this morning and seized the reins and team The wz gun struck a post at the barnyard en trance and the boy was thrown out The wheels passed over his head killing him instantly DR BULL GROWS WEAKER NEW YORK Oct 20 Dr William T Bull the noted New York surgeon is reported today by his physicians as passed a fairly night He Is growing weaker little Is entertained for his recovery HOLDS BACK NAME FROM BISHOP RAGE the Rev G Calvert I I his desire to leave his own parish 20Charles ha ng however- an s Episcopalians Car- ter con- vention re- spect lug ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ADMIT ONE TO WHITE HOUSE Bryan and Kern Railroad Club TRAVELING Mr la a of BRYAN AND KERN RAILROAD CLUB in jicuJr standing and is entitled to mission to the White House at Washington D C during He entire Democratic administration Secretary BRYAN AND KERN CARD Issued to Members of Railroad Club as Receipt for Contributions 1I I- T1 1 No Ifl CARD bar L ChaIrman j You know that card of admission to the White House told about a few days ago Well Its here Yes the one issued by the Democratic national committee Some one in Washington while undergoing emotions which were at once philanthropic and curious sent a subscription to the Bryan and Kern Railroad Club which Is nothing more or less than another of the 234801 com- mittees formed for the collection of funds The subscription was acknowledged FUNERAL IS HELD Protestant Episcopal Prelate- Is Laid Away With Services- NEW YORK Oct 2 The funeral of Henry Codman Potter Protestant Epis- copal bishop of Now York took place today at Grace Church Broadway and Tenth street in the presence of an as semblage of the most eminent clergy and some of the beet known socially and financially of the laymen of the cityThe services were scheduled to begin- at 11 a m and up to within a quarter of an hour of that time men and all of whom held cards of admission filed into the church The edifice was almost filled and only a small part of a crowd of scores who waited were ad mitted to the remaining vacant seats The service was according to the full ritual of the Episcopal creed The of- ficiating clergy at the church were all of Episcopal rank The pallbearers numbered fourteen clergymen and fourteen laymen the lat ter including such names as J Plerpont Morgan John Jacob Astor and J R Roosevelt They consisted of Ute cleri- cal and lay members of the standing committee of the diocese of New York and the clerical and lay deputies to the convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church and archdeacons of the diocese of New York ENGINEER KILLED PASSENGERS HURT NEWTON Kan Oct 30 Engineer David Roberts was killed and twenty two were hurt when a Santa Fe passenger train collided headon with an extra stock train near Brad dock thirteen miles east of Newton Roberts WAS engineer of the stuck train None of the it is believed- is fatally hurt REPUBLICANS MEET AT G W U TONIGHTT- he Republican Club of George Wash ington University will hold a mass meeting at S oclock tonight In Univer sity Hall Columbian Unherslty The Hon A B Hayes will be the principal speaker and Isaac R Hltt jr will preside Friends of the students and of the University are Invited to join WOMAN BUILDS HOUSE MONTCLAIR N J Oct 20 Prac- tically with her own hands Mrs Chrrlcs Rice well known in Verona society has almost completed a con crete house in Verona Although somo of the detail work inside has not been finished Mrs Rice her Invalid husband and three children are already in pos- session of their new DO YOU KNOW ANY SKIN SUFFERERS If You Save a 7ziond Afflicted With Ecczma tell the Druggist About it If you have a friend suffering from eczema tell us about it the next time you are In the store Many eczema sufferers have tried so many useless remedies and spent so much money with doctors that they practically despair If they only kpew i of the simplest home cure for eczema It Is nothing more than oil of winter- green compound as mixed in D D Prescription Used with thymol and other healing ingredients in liquid form this remedy penetrates the pores of the numbing and the eczema germs while building up the healthy tissue If you will suggest to your friend af flicted with eczema to call we shall be glad to explain to sufferer about D D D Prescription Henry Evans Peoples Drug Store I FOR BISHOP POTTERI I I general passengers pass gers t t D Im- pressive wom- en i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE SHOE HEELo- f the average man strikes a 90 pound blow at every step This is the kind of hammering floor varnish has to stand KYANIZE FLOOR FINISH- is made with this fact in mind Its made to stand hard usage and IT DOES IT Made in Clear and Colors Good for all Interior Work as well c Floors 3 W Sunt Co 0215 H St 2T W O Jf Holland 15th and K Sts JTE B K Brown 1252 7th St 32 Edwards 1408 14th St IT W Wm B Hunt 831 4 St S W W T Largent Co 3300 14th st nw DeMalno 8s Co 3213 at St 3T W Wm B Walls 739 Eighth St S ZJ E S eadbeater Sons Alexandria Va Seven Beautiful I I x W t t R r fL00 FlNIS gosra t 4 i > with alacrity On the return mail came the general and perpetual admittance tc the Executive Mansion It is so much better than the present system Nowadays if ou want to dream of the when will be boss of the White House you must ask Secretary Loeb for a card every time you wish to gaze at some of the rooms n the White House Not ao with the traveling card issued by the Bryan and Kern Railroad Club Its it mortgage on the entrance doors of the White House good the entire Administration ID SPEAK TONIGHT Nebraskan Gets Rousing Re ception in Chicago Where Red Fire Is Plentiful CHICAGO Oct 20 William J Bryan left here for Indiana early today Prior to his departure It was said that the Democratic managers are trying to In- volve Roosevelt in another debate with Bryan and that during his coming trip the Nebraskan will fire a few broadsides trusting that the President will come- back Bryans reception in Chicago last night was made the occasion of a reception of the riproaring oldfashioned cam- paign methods with red fire Roman candles transparencies banners pa- rades and cheering crowds In the half hour between the time Bryan arrived and the time he made his speech as much enthusiasm was aroused and worked off as has been in evidence in Chicago during the wbOle campaign Bryan speaks at Evansville Ind to night going to Louisville tomorrow NOT TO WED BOWLES SAYS MISS HASKELL GUTHRIE Okla Oct 29 Miss Fran ces Haskell here today denied the truth of a report in Springfield Mass telling of her alleged engagement to Samuel Bowlos Jr son of Samuel Bowies editor of the Springfield Re publican Mias Haskoll intimated that she was engaged to marry Leslie G NiMock of Guthrie the Guthrie Leader and a prominent Democrat ANOTHER BIG GRAFT UNEARTHED IN CUBA HAVANA Oct 39 Details of the third huge graft of Cuban public moneys within the last two months are coming to light today in the investiga- tion of the affairs of Miguel de La Torre treasurer of the fiscal zone of Havana De La Torres is charged with the safe treasury department of close to 200000 He Is under arrest but refuses to state what has become of the money W B Moses Sons ou I or the afore- said Demo- cratic INDIANA t e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ << + ° Military Dictatorship Con sidered as Means to Pre serve New Rights PEACE PROBABLE WITH FERDINAND Reassuring Reports From Sofia Re leases Austrians CONSTANTINOPLE Oct 20 Suspect- ed of being cunneated with the growing reactionary movement the Sultan Is in grave danger of being deposed The Turkf ah cabinet is now in session and one of the questions that is report- ed to be up for consideration is the declaration of a military dictatorship as a means of combating ists If the dictatorship Is declared It will last until parliament meets when It Is expected that the situation can be re- lieved without trouble- Some of the Sultans accusers charge him with being the moving spirit of the reactionary plots while others be- lieve him to be only the tool of more designing politicians Messages received today from the Turkish representatives sent to Sofia to a settlement of the TurkoBulgarlan dispute say that Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria is In a conciliatory mood and that there is every iicAtlon that the conference will succeed The Bulgarian cabinet however is known to be Inclined te war and Turkey- is continuing quietly her preparations for war A from Belgrade says Servin has a number of suspected Austrian spies and sent back to the threat of a bombardment from Austrian gunboats that are lying in the j Danube to the capital Balkan Conference Distant Powers May Never Hold It LONDON Oct 3 With actual nego- tiations now on between Turkey and Bulgaria and Austrias readiness to treat with Turkey over the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina as confirm- ed today at the foreign office the Balkan conference becomes a matter of small moment and it is even possible that it will not be called The most that the conference will be called upon to do English diplomats believe will be to the conclu- sions of the triangular conference The English foreign office has not been able to fathom Austrias change of front It believes that the con- ference between Austria and Turkey will be nothing more than a mask be- hind which Turkey will be permitted to make a graceful retreat from her for- mer defiant position and Austrias regular proceeding It Is not believed that Austria has re- considered her determination set to recompense for the loss of her nominal provinces other than by the cession of NoviBazar- The Balkan situation generally is so much eased these that war is believed to be only a remote pos- sibility TREES A BLESSING SHOULD NOT BE CUT- No re coral order for trees in front yards will be issued by the Commission ers as requested in a letter from Arthur Williamson transmitted hy Superintend- ent of Trees Lanham His contention that dead leaves litter adjoining prop- erty and sewers and sidewalks are In jured by the growing roots is not con sidered strong to weigh against the beauty of many trees the pleasure of their shade in summer and their pro tection as windbreaks in all seasons Founded 1861 SULTAN IN PERIL AS REAGTIONIST ConferenceServia to- day the I I Austria being forced to this action I I caned be given tne color ot a mote Turke b I I reaction released by pro- posed an- nexation a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Clerks Should Get Better Army Paymasters Report Department Work as Well Done as Similar Tasks in Business and Compensation Should Be as Great Pay- days Pri- vate ¬ In his annual report to the Secretary of WarT the paymaster general of tho army Charles H Whipple makes a plea for an increase in the pay of the departmental clerk and to say a few words in commendation of that much abused Government employe To those unacquainted with the busi ness of the administrative bureaus of the Government says the paymaster general the position of clerk in the Government service Is generally looked unon as a much desired berth carry ing good pay short hours and little workNo more erroneous Impression could possibly exist The work of this office will compare favorably In amount and character with that of any business house or corporation in the country- In efficiently meeting its requirements the clerks have generally proven their intelligence and they possess those qualities of application and industry which are recognised in business life as an indication of clerical ability of the highest order Continuing Paymaster General says The pay of general classes of departmental clerks has remained un changed alnre 136 when the salary of clerks of class four was fixed at 51800 class three at 1800 class 2 at 19 and class I at n3W and at the present time clerks must enter this office at 9M rn1- pass through an intermediate grade of 1000 before entering upon the lowest- of the general classes Itcreir mentioned Promotions have been necessarily slow dependent as they are upon the resignation or death of a clerk of a higher grade and it is surely time after tJe lapse of nearly fprty years that th clerks be given more adequate compen- sation for their long and faithful Drawing the same salary froth year to year with no advance to meet the constant and ever increasing de WASHINGTON STATUE THROWN INTO LAKE LUGANO Switzerland Oct 20 A bronze statue of George Washington has been removed from the top of a monu- ment on thr quay here and It is be- lieved thrown late the hy rowdies The inhabitants of the town are iadig nant at the outrage Tile statue was made in MR for the country hoots of an American resident Subsequently t wtis purchased by the municipality After Three and OneHalf Years of Suffering by Pyramid Pile Cure Trial Package By STall rree For three and onehalf years I with internal piles I suffered and lost enough sleep to send me to the asylum I tried all kinds of none save me relief After using 3 boxes I believe I am cured and after only the Srd application all Hchi x stopped I have lived here 21 years W L Johnson 28 Fulton St OhioWhat Pyramid Pile Cure has done others It can do for you Go to your druggist and buy a box now price fifty cents or send us your name and anti we will send yen a trial pack- age by mall free in plain wrapper If you dont desire or are too timid or mod to a k your druggist send us Pity Cure to von by mall In plain wrapper Address Pyramid Co 136 Pyramid Bldg Marshall Mich F St Cor 11th Internal PILES Cured rem- edies F rex cst rents and Pyramid Drug hip- pie fauna serv- ice like suf- fered ad- dress we send Pie ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > THE NEW LINE OF CRAFTSMAN FURNITURE HAS ARRIVED From the September Sale fie Closed Out at Bargain Prices Odd Pieces of FurnitureL- eft To About BureausReg Now Mhgy 2100 51500 Maple 1900 Golden Oak Bureau 2250 1700 Golden Oak Bureau 135 41000 Golden Oak 1500 Birch Bureau 1775 1300 Mhgy Bureau 300 2495 2065 Mhgy 2200 RockersReg Now Golden 300 175 Golden Oak Rocker 5J 395 Mhgy fin Rocker 325 275 Mhgy fin Rocker 300 5235 Golden Oak Rocker 325 273 Wea Oak Chair 425 350 Mhgy fin Chair 00 150 Wen Oak Chair 575 400 Bureau3000 Bureau3000 Bureau400 Bureau2600 I Oak > Chiffoniers Reg Now Mhgy Chiffonier 2159 1500 Maple Chif- fonier 2150 1SOO BirdsEye Maple 2000 1500 Mhgy Chiffonier 2000 1400 Maple Chiffonier 3103 19S Golden Oak Chiffonier2150 1650 Mhgy Chiffonier JSCO 23 5- Mhgy Chiffonier 1350 1735 Brass Beds Regular Now Brass Bed 4 ft 6 in 2700 2250 Brass Bed 4 ft 6 in 3200 2475 Brass Bed 4 ft 3600 3675 BlrdsE e Chif- fonier ¬ Tables Regular Golden Oak Table 426 Golden Oak Table 600 Golden Oak Table 559 Mhgy fin Table 556 Mhgy fin Table Goo Mhgy fin Table 458 Mhgy fin Table SJ5 Jap Wood Table 300 Birdseye Center Table 600 China Cases Regular Gold Oak China Closet 2300 Gold Oak China Closet 27SO Gold Oak China Closet 2600 Now US 47i S SUO 250 265 100 tS5 Now m9 S22fiO 2i95 80 375 Special Rugs Sale of Axminster Rugs Worth Special 6 ftx9 2000 1220 8 ft 3 inxlO ft 6 in 2250 1685 2500 1975 Wool Smyrna Rugs Worth Special 1 ft 9 inx3 ft 9 125 095 2 ft 2 inx4 ft 6 in 200 125 2 ft 6 inx5 ft 225 149 3 ftx6 ft 400 238 ft 9 ftx12 ft in Body Brussels 8 ft 3 inxlO ft 6 in Royal Wilton 3 6 in 3 Rugs Worth Special 2750 2225 3000 2445 Rugs Worth Special 2500 2085 3500 2625 4000 2890 3500 2985 9 ftx12 ft 6 ftx9 it u 8 ft inxlO ft 9 ftx12 ft 8 ft inxlo ft 6 in W B MOSES SONS J 0 F Street Cor11th mand for greater living expenses they have cheerfully performed their suites and I earnestly hope they will receive their reward through e substantial of salary which mil extend to all classes of Government clerks The Paymaster General speaks in high terms of the paymasters clerks of army and says the Government should possess an efflctent corps oi trained accountants He recommended- the enactment of legislation to give the clerks the status of warrant officers Under the existing conditions the army cannot keep the clerks after they be come really valuable as accountants- and calls attention to the fact that within the last seven years twentytwo have resigned to accept better posi- tions In civil life thus causing to the service embar- rassment in- crease ¬ ¬ BEWARE PNEUMONIA According t mortality statistics pneumonia Is one of the most fraouent said fatal diseases to which humanity Is subject action Is o rapid that victim to often te a precarious condition before reaming more eertoyc is the matter than a severe cold to one of that may Jft therefore the best of reasons why one should check a cold at UK start A simple Inexpensive and effective rem edy that win usually break a cold over of Virgin OH of Pine compound with two ounces of and a half pint of good Whisky Take a ful every four hours It to claimed thl mixture will cure any that Is curable and provides a tity to last the average family an year Get the Ingredients separately- and mix theta yourself In preparing this formula It to essen- tial to use the best quality of Glycerine and Whisky with genuine Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure The latter preparation Is a combination of the active principles of the Pine Santalwood trees to retain the healing healthgiving properties for which trees are In order to insure its purity and freshness it to securely sealed in a round wooden case Tb Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure Is prepared only in the laboratories of the Co Cincinnati yyYV V- yi Its Its a g tile follow neglect or a coW and Di te the mixture or onehalf t e and Ohio cough or ounce sum nc entire t ¬ ¬ 1 IT PAYS TO DEAL AT GOLDENBERGS The Dependable Store I Regular 15c Scotch Flannels Tomorrow i v Heres a timely bargain in just the kind of material wanted dresses and mens shirts and pajamas For Wednesdays special selling we offer 50 pieces of 34inch Scotch Flannels a softfia quality that has the exact appearance of the most expensive allwool French flannel Choice of a wide assortment of styles including stripes checks cad blocks in light blue gray tan etc Tomorrow at 8c a yard instead of ISc Sale of Lace Curtains for 3 350 and 4 Qualities- We bought 500 pairs of these Lace Curtains at a sacrifice aad we stall share our good fortune with you v The lot consists of fine quality Nottingham Scotch and Cable Jfet- Certaias of new cad attractive designs that are exact copies of the most expensive imported lace curtains IB novelty effects plain motif and heavily worked center 56 to 60 inches wide 3 and 3 yards long Tomorrow at 19S a pair for kinds worth 3 350 and 4 Regular 75c Grade jf Housekeepers who have been on the lookout for one of our J sales of Linoleum will flock here tomorrow to supply their needs big We offer rolls of the fu o s Cooks heavy weight Floor In large and small figures light and dark eotonags Patterns taetade mosaic paraaette flooring tiling and Inlaid designs Not remnants or short lengths bat frail pieces therefore yon may buy just as much as you require All m S oarter widths Regular 75c quality for 3c a yard tomorrow Regular 5 Value Ostrich Plumes are in greater favor this season than ever and this fact should lift this offering of Ostrich Plumes high in your favor New fresh stock guaranteed perfect quality Phases wkfe large heads and fibres m beautiful glossy black white sad sack desirable- as brown leather Copenhagen canard bine emerald taupe etc Regular price KM Ore day for 32 HOU E ERRMANN We have an assembly of the handsomest Sideboards and Buf- fets ever shown in Washington- And it is no longer necessary to spend a large sum in the pur chase of one At from 20 up we have many designs of un usual merit One is shown in to days advertisement quartered oak ceaetracted in an ex- cellent manner and highly polished it has swell tep drawers French ber mirror and roomy drawers O r special price a very J Jt low one fe JJ When in Doubt Buy of HOUSE HERRMANN7- th and I Eye Streets N W Convenient Credit Terms Arranged YYYYYYYYVYYYVYYYVYYYYYYYYYYYYVYYYYTYYYVYYYYYYYYYYYY 44 i el U n- S and K Streets i a at 4 jest now for inaking womens warn house garments waists y tc f i I- i 1 i i S n i Cooks Linoleum 19 f C ok at this heavy urJap and cork filled at t i Ostrich Plumes 1 33 i tJ k A AAA A f A A A Sideboard Selection r This well4eslgned Sideboard is In el I J c a 0 x even xX C k 3 1 7t i r k- inked 9 I o k fi ores x de- signs x r 3c lr x saving it Linol- eum back 3c a K K k 4 8 t j Tt is irry as I v i 4jv 1 4 t 1- f t l pgte i s > ¬ < >

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Page 1: HOLDS BACK NAME 1I Get Pay- I- T1 Army Ifl Club Tasks ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1908-10-20/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY OCTOBER 20 1908 k n o


nk o


Rev Dr Calvert Is EmphaticAgainst Being a




Wants Freedom to Work for Man

Who Would Fill Office and

Unify the Diocese-

In spite of his popularity among j

rector of SL Andrews Church to-

day stated positively that he will notbe a candidate for the bishopric ofWashington when the convention meetsNovember Ifl Dr Cartor declared thatwhen lie withdrew his name at thoprevious convention his action was final

The office should go to a man whowill be the choice of the diocese notthat of any particular party in thechurch Dr Carter said He shouldnot be so high as to discourage the support of the low churchmen and heshould not be too low to gain that ofhigh churchmen This is one reasonwhy I was particularly disappointed-that Dr Mann declined the bishopric-He is a man who could gain the helpand support of all and make the diocesereally and truly one

Dr Carter said he was afraid if hisname Is further linked with the bishopric it might mislead many into believing that he desired the office andthis is why he makes a statement

1 have had no opportunity to discussthe matter with other clergymen andIt is impossible to say at this time whowill figure in the list of nominees

I feel sure that Dr Grosvenor willnot again be brought before the

as a candidateDr GroBvener is rector of the Church-

of the Incarnation in New York and Ispresident of the standing committee oftliat diocese an able man in evory

The statement that probable candidates would be approached-on the subject before their names wouldhe put into is one whichhardly requires consideration Shouldsuch a thing be done and the man ex-press his willingness to come hore as

and he be defeated inthe convention think in what a nega-tive position he would be in theeyes of congregation That wouldamount to the same as express

a condition which no congregationwould be willing to abMe by and thominister having been defeated by theconvention would bo In a most awk-ward and humiliating position



Young Girl Declares She Shot Mc

Donald Then Becomes Rav

ing ManiacNEW YORK Oct 30 I loved him

and I killed himAfter having made the foregqlng con-

fession that she had shot and killedWilliam McDonald her sweetheart inhis home at 116 Greenpolnt avenue V11

liamsburg Nellie Waldron dgan raving and today she was pronounced

insane at the Eastern District Hospital

According to the confession made bythe young woman immediately after theshooting she met McDonald a yearago He was then living in FlushingThree months ago she said he dis-

appeared She started out from herhome at 321 Madison avenue Flushing-to find him and Sunday evening shemet him on Greenpolnt avenue

Then she purchased a revolver andyesterday afternoon at McDo-nalds home After the shooting theyoung woman ran to the foot of Miltonavenue and leaped into the river Shewas rescued by Policeman Doyle


ICAGO Oct 20 Governor Johnsons influence will fall to carry Minne-sota for Bryan according to the strawvote taken by the RecordHerald Thevote shows Taft will carry Minnesotaty a of 120000

In 1MH Roosevelt carried Minnesotaby 161464


Peyton a deputy game warden waskilled in a battle with Indians In theSwan river country in the western partof the State Warden Peyton was rid-dled with bullets In his attempt singlehanded to arrest four Flathead Indiansbut before he died he shot the four redskins dead


Itath aged Jumped on hisfathers wagon this morning and seizedthe reins and team Thewz gun struck a post at the barnyard entrance and the boy was thrown outThe wheels passed over his head killinghim instantly


Bull the noted New York surgeon isreported today by his physicians as

passed a fairlynight He Is growing weaker

little Is entertained for hisrecovery



the Rev G Calvert



his desire to leave his own parish


ha nghowever-



Episcopalians Car-


























Bryan and Kern Railroad ClubTRAVELING

Mrla a of BRYAN AND KERN RAILROAD CLUBin jicuJr standing and is entitled to mission to theWhite House at Washington D C during He entireDemocratic administration



Issued to Members of Railroad Club as Receipt for Contributions


T1 1

No Ifl





You know that card of admission tothe White House told about a fewdays ago Well Its here Yes theone issued by the Democratic nationalcommittee Some one in Washingtonwhile undergoing emotions which wereat once philanthropic and curious senta subscription to the Bryan and KernRailroad Club which Is nothing moreor less than another of the 234801 com-mittees formed for the collection offunds

The subscription was acknowledged


Protestant Episcopal Prelate-Is Laid Away With


NEW YORK Oct 2 The funeral ofHenry Codman Potter Protestant Epis-copal bishop of Now York took placetoday at Grace Church Broadway andTenth street in the presence of an assemblage of the most eminent clergyand some of the beet known sociallyand financially of the laymen of thecityThe

services were scheduled to begin-at 11 a m and up to within a quarterof an hour of that time men and

all of whom held cards of admissionfiled into the church The edifice wasalmost filled and only a small part of acrowd of scores who waited were admitted to the remaining vacant seats

The service was according to the fullritual of the Episcopal creed The of-ficiating clergy at the church were all ofEpiscopal rank

The pallbearers numbered fourteenclergymen and fourteen laymen the latter including such names as J PlerpontMorgan John Jacob Astor and J RRoosevelt They consisted of Ute cleri-cal and lay members of the standingcommittee of the diocese of New Yorkand the clerical and lay deputies to the

convention of the ProtestantEpiscopal Church and archdeacons ofthe diocese of New York


NEWTON Kan Oct 30 EngineerDavid Roberts was killed and twentytwo were hurt when a SantaFe passenger train collided headonwith an extra stock train near Braddock thirteen miles east of NewtonRoberts WAS engineer of the stuck trainNone of the it is believed-is fatally hurt


he Republican Club of George Washington University will hold a massmeeting at S oclock tonight In University Hall Columbian Unherslty

The Hon A B Hayes will be theprincipal speaker and Isaac R Hltt jrwill preside Friends of the studentsand of the University are Invited tojoin


tically with her own hands MrsChrrlcs Rice well known in Veronasociety has almost completed a concrete house in Verona Although somoof the detail work inside has not beenfinished Mrs Rice her Invalid husbandand three children are already in pos-session of their new



If You Save a 7ziond Afflicted WithEcczma tell the Druggist About itIf you have a friend suffering from

eczema tell us about it the next timeyou are In the store

Many eczema sufferers have tried somany useless remedies and spent somuch money with doctors that theypractically despair If they only kpew

i of the simplest home cure for eczemaIt Is nothing more than oil of winter-green compound as mixed in D DPrescription

Used with thymol and otherhealing ingredients in liquid form thisremedy penetrates the pores of

the numbing and theeczema germs while building up thehealthy tissueIf you will suggest to your friend afflicted with eczema to call we shall beglad to explain to sufferer aboutD D D PrescriptionHenry Evans Peoples Drug Store







pass gers






















f the average man strikes a 90 poundblow at every step This is the kind ofhammering floor varnish has to stand

KYANIZE FLOOR FINISH-is made with this fact in mind Its madeto stand hard usage and IT DOES IT

Made in Clear and ColorsGood for all Interior Work as well c Floors

3 W Sunt Co 0215 H St 2T W O Jf Holland 15th and K Sts JTEB K Brown 1252 7th St 32 Edwards 1408 14th St IT WWm B Hunt 831 4 St S W W T Largent Co 3300 14th st nwDeMalno 8s Co 3213 at St 3T W Wm B Walls 739 Eighth St S ZJ

E S eadbeater Sons Alexandria Va

Seven Beautiful

I Ix W



rfL00 FlNIS

gosra t




with alacrity On the return mail camethe general and perpetual admittancetc the Executive Mansion It is somuch better than the present systemNowadays if ou want to dream of the

when will be boss of theWhite House you must ask SecretaryLoeb for a card every time you wish togaze at some of the rooms n the

White House Not ao with thetraveling card issued by the Bryan andKern Railroad Club Its it mortgageon the entrance doors of the WhiteHouse good the entire



Nebraskan Gets Rousing Reception in Chicago Where

Red Fire Is Plentiful

CHICAGO Oct 20 William J Bryanleft here for Indiana early today Priorto his departure It was said that theDemocratic managers are trying to In-

volve Roosevelt in another debate withBryan and that during his coming tripthe Nebraskan will fire a few broadsidestrusting that the President will come-back

Bryans reception in Chicago last nightwas made the occasion of a receptionof the riproaring oldfashioned cam-paign methods with red fire Romancandles transparencies banners pa-rades and cheering crowds In the halfhour between the time Bryan arrivedand the time he made his speech asmuch enthusiasm was aroused andworked off as has been in evidence inChicago during the wbOle campaign

Bryan speaks at Evansville Ind tonight going to Louisville tomorrow


GUTHRIE Okla Oct 29 Miss Frances Haskell here today denied thetruth of a report in Springfield Masstelling of her alleged engagement toSamuel Bowlos Jr son of SamuelBowies editor of the Springfield Republican

Mias Haskoll intimated that she wasengaged to marry Leslie G NiMock ofGuthrie the Guthrie Leaderand a prominent Democrat


third huge graft of Cuban publicmoneys within the last two months arecoming to light today in the investiga-tion of the affairs of Miguel de LaTorre treasurer of the fiscal zone ofHavana

De La Torres is charged withthe safe treasury department ofclose to 200000 He Is under arrestbut refuses to state what has becomeof the money

W B Moses Sons



or the


















Military Dictatorship Considered as Means to Pre

serve New Rights


Reassuring Reports From Sofia


leases Austrians

CONSTANTINOPLE Oct 20 Suspect-ed of being cunneated with the growingreactionary movement the Sultan Is

in grave danger of being deposedThe Turkf ah cabinet is now in session

and one of the questions that is report-ed to be up for consideration is thedeclaration of a military dictatorshipas a means of combatingists

If the dictatorship Is declared It willlast until parliament meets when It Isexpected that the situation can be re-lieved without trouble-

Some of the Sultans accusers chargehim with being the moving spirit ofthe reactionary plots while others be-lieve him to be only the tool of moredesigning politicians Messages receivedtoday from the Turkish representativessent to Sofia to a settlementof the TurkoBulgarlan dispute saythat Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria is Ina conciliatory mood and that there isevery iicAtlon that the conferencewill succeed

The Bulgarian cabinet however isknown to be Inclined te war and Turkey-is continuing quietly her preparationsfor war

A from Belgrade says Servinhas a number of suspectedAustrian spies and sent back to

the threat of a bombardment fromAustrian gunboats that are lying in the jDanube to the capital

Balkan Conference DistantPowers May Never Hold ItLONDON Oct 3 With actual nego-

tiations now on between Turkey andBulgaria and Austrias readiness totreat with Turkey over the annexationof Bosnia and Herzegovina as confirm-ed today at the foreign office the

Balkan conference becomes amatter of small moment and it is evenpossible that it will not be called

The most that the conference will becalled upon to do English diplomatsbelieve will be to the conclu-sions of the triangular conference

The English foreign office has notbeen able to fathom Austrias change offront It believes that the con-ference between Austria and Turkeywill be nothing more than a mask be-hind which Turkey will be permitted tomake a graceful retreat from her for-mer defiant position and Austriasregular proceeding

It Is not believed that Austria has re-considered her determination set torecompense for the loss of hernominal provinces other than by thecession of NoviBazar-

The Balkan situation generally is somuch eased these thatwar is believed to be only a remote pos-sibility


No re coral order for trees in frontyards will be issued by the Commissioners as requested in a letter from ArthurWilliamson transmitted hy Superintend-ent of Trees Lanham His contentionthat dead leaves litter adjoining prop-erty and sewers and sidewalks are Injured by the growing roots is not considered strong to weigh againstthe beauty of many trees the pleasureof their shade in summer and their protection as windbreaks in all seasons

Founded 1861







IAustria being forced to this action




be given tne color ot a mote


























Clerks Should Get BetterArmy Paymasters Report

Department Work as Well Done as Similar Tasks inBusiness and Compensation Should

Be as Great




In his annual report to the Secretaryof WarT the paymaster general of thoarmy Charles H Whipple makes aplea for an increase in the pay of thedepartmental clerk and to say a fewwords in commendation of that muchabused Government employe

To those unacquainted with the business of the administrative bureaus ofthe Government says the paymastergeneral the position of clerk in theGovernment service Is generally lookedunon as a much desired berth carrying good pay short hours and littleworkNo more erroneous Impression couldpossibly exist The work of this officewill compare favorably In amount andcharacter with that of any businesshouse or corporation in the country-In efficiently meeting its requirementsthe clerks have generally proven theirintelligence and they possess thosequalities of application and industrywhich are recognised in business lifeas an indication of clerical ability ofthe highest order

Continuing Paymaster Generalsays

The pay of general classes ofdepartmental clerks has remained unchanged alnre 136 when the salary ofclerks of class four was fixed at 51800class three at 1800 class 2 at 19 andclass I at n3W and at the present timeclerks must enter this office at 9M rn1-pass through an intermediate grade of1000 before entering upon the lowest-

of the general classes Itcreir mentionedPromotions have been necessarily

slow dependent as they are upon theresignation or death of a clerk of ahigher grade and it is surely time aftertJe lapse of nearly fprty years that thclerks be given more adequate compen-sation for their long and faithful

Drawing the same salary frothyear to year with no advance to meetthe constant and ever increasing de


LUGANO Switzerland Oct 20 Abronze statue of George Washington hasbeen removed from the top of a monu-ment on thr quay here and It is be-lieved thrown late the hy rowdiesThe inhabitants of the town are iadignant at the outrage

Tile statue was made in MR for thecountry hoots of an American residentSubsequently t wtis purchased by themunicipality

After Three and OneHalf Years ofSuffering by Pyramid Pile Cure

Trial Package By STall rreeFor three and onehalf years I

with internal piles I sufferedand lost enough sleep to send me tothe asylum I tried all kinds of

none save me relief After using3 boxes I believe I am cured and afteronly the Srd application all Hchi xstopped I have lived here 21 years WL Johnson 28 Fulton StOhioWhat Pyramid Pile Cure has doneothers It can do for you Go to yourdruggist and buy a box now price fiftycents or send us your name and

anti we will send yen a trial pack-age by mall free in plain wrapper Ifyou dont desire or are too timid or mod

to a k your druggist send us Pity

Cure to von by mall In plain wrapperAddress Pyramid Co 136 PyramidBldg Marshall Mich

F St Cor 11th




cstrents and Pyramid








we send Pie










From the September Salefie Closed Out at Bargain Prices

Odd Pieces of FurnitureL-eft




Mhgy 2100 51500Maple 1900Golden Oak Bureau 2250 1700Golden Oak Bureau 135 41000Golden Oak 1500Birch Bureau 1775 1300Mhgy Bureau 300 2495

2065Mhgy 2200


Golden 300 175Golden Oak Rocker 5J 395Mhgy fin Rocker 325 275Mhgy fin Rocker 300 5235Golden Oak Rocker 325 273Wea Oak Chair 425 350Mhgy fin Chair 00 150Wen Oak Chair 575 400






ChiffoniersReg Now

Mhgy Chiffonier 2159 1500Maple Chif-

fonier 2150 1SOOBirdsEye Maple

2000 1500Mhgy Chiffonier 2000 1400Maple Chiffonier 3103 19SGolden Oak Chiffonier2150 1650Mhgy Chiffonier JSCO 23 5-

Mhgy Chiffonier 1350 1735

Brass BedsRegular Now

Brass Bed 4 ft 6 in 2700 2250Brass Bed 4 ft 6 in 3200 2475Brass Bed 4 ft 3600 3675

BlrdsE e




Golden Oak Table 426Golden Oak Table 600Golden Oak Table 559Mhgy fin Table 556Mhgy fin Table GooMhgy fin Table 458Mhgy fin Table SJ5Jap Wood Table 300Birdseye Center Table 600

China CasesRegular

Gold Oak China Closet 2300Gold Oak China Closet 27SOGold Oak China Closet 2600







Special RugsSale ofAxminster Rugs

Worth Special6 ftx9 2000 12208 ft 3 inxlO ft 6 in 2250 1685

2500 1975

Wool Smyrna RugsWorth Special

1 ft 9 inx3 ft 9 125 0952 ft 2 inx4 ft 6 in 200 1252 ft 6 inx5 ft 225 1493 ftx6 ft 400 238


9 ftx12 ft


Body Brussels8 ft 3 inxlO ft 6 in

Royal Wilton

3 6 in


RugsWorth Special2750 22253000 2445

RugsWorth Special2500 20853500 26254000 28903500 2985

9 ftx12 ft

6 ftx9 it u8 ft inxlO ft9 ftx12 ft8 ft inxlo ft 6 in



F Street Cor11th

mand for greater living expenses theyhave cheerfully performed their suitesand I earnestly hope they will receivetheir reward through e substantial

of salary which mil extend toall classes of Government clerks

The Paymaster General speaks inhigh terms of the paymasters clerksof army and says the Governmentshould possess an efflctent corps oitrained accountants He recommended-the enactment of legislation to give theclerks the status of warrant officersUnder the existing conditions the armycannot keep the clerks after they become really valuable as accountants-and calls attention to the fact thatwithin the last seven years twentytwohave resigned to accept better posi-tions In civil life thus causing

to the serviceembar-






According t mortality statisticspneumonia Is one of the most fraouentsaid fatal diseases to which humanity Issubject action Is o rapid thatvictim to often te a precarious conditionbefore reaming moreeertoyc is the matter than a severe cold

to one of that mayJft therefore the best of reasons why oneshould check a cold at UK start Asimple Inexpensive and effective remedy that win usually break a cold overof Virgin OH of Pine compoundwith two ounces of and a halfpint of good Whisky Take aful every four hours It to claimed thlmixture will cure any that Iscurable and provides atity to last the average family anyear Get the Ingredients separately-and mix theta yourself

In preparing this formula It to essen-tial to use the best quality ofGlycerine and Whisky with genuineVirgin Oil of Pine compound pure Thelatter preparation Is a combination ofthe active principles of the PineSantalwood treesto retain the healing healthgivingproperties for which trees are

In order to insure itspurity and freshness it to securelysealed in a round wooden case Tb

Virgin Oil of Pine compoundpure Is prepared only in the laboratoriesof the Co Cincinnati

yyYV V-


Its Itsa g

tilefollow neglect or a coW and

Di te the mixture or onehalf

t e



cough or


sumnc entire





The Dependable Store

I Regular 15c Scotch FlannelsTomorrow i

vHeres a timely bargain in just the kind of material wanted

dresses and mens shirts and pajamas For Wednesdays specialselling we offer 50 pieces of 34inch Scotch Flannels a softfia

quality that has the exact appearance of the most expensiveallwool French flannel

Choice of a wide assortment of styles including stripes checkscad blocks in light blue gray tan etc

Tomorrow at 8c a yard instead of ISc

Sale of Lace Curtainsfor 3 350 and

4 Qualities-We bought 500 pairs of these Lace Curtains at a sacrifice aad

we stall share our good fortune with you v

The lot consists of fine quality Nottingham Scotch and Cable Jfet-Certaias of new cad attractive designs that are exactcopies of the most expensive imported lace curtains

IB novelty effects plain motif and heavily worked center56 to 60 inches wide 3 and 3 yards long

Tomorrow at 19S a pair for kinds worth 3 350 and 4

Regular 75c Gradejf Housekeepers who have been on the lookout for one of ourJ sales of Linoleum will flock here tomorrow to supply their needs

bigWe offer rolls of the fu o s Cooks heavy weight FloorIn large and small figures light and dark eotonags Patterns taetade

mosaic paraaette flooring tiling and Inlaid designsNot remnants or short lengths bat frail pieces therefore yon may

buy just as much as you require All m S oarter widthsRegular 75c quality for 3c a yard tomorrow

Regular 5 ValueOstrich Plumes are in greater favor this season than ever

and this fact should lift this offering of Ostrich Plumes high inyour favor

New fresh stock guaranteed perfect quality Phases wkfe large headsand fibres m beautiful glossy black white sad sack desirable-as brown leather Copenhagen canard bine emerald taupe etc

Regular price KM Ore day for 32


We have an assembly of the

handsomest Sideboards and Buf-

fets ever shown in Washington-

And it is no longer necessary to

spend a large sum in the pur

chase of one At from 20 up

we have many designs of un

usual merit One is shown in to

days advertisement

quartered oak ceaetracted in an ex-

cellent manner and highly polishedit has swell tep drawers French ber

mirror androomy drawers O rspecial price a very J Jtlow one fe JJ

When in Doubt Buy of

HOUSE HERRMANN7-th and I Eye Streets N W

Convenient Credit Terms Arranged



elU n-

S and K Streets

i aat 4jest now for inaking womens warn house garments waists



i I-

i 1 ii




Cooks Linoleum 19f Cok

at this

heavy urJap and cork filled at

ti Ostrich Plumes 1 33 i




Sideboard Selection


This well4eslgned Sideboard is In








k3 1

7t ir




I ok




signs xr


xsaving it

Linol-eum back 3c a







is irry as

I vi

4jv14 t


f tl pgte





