hkp editor guidelines and publishing tutorial.pdfhkp editor guidelines and publishing tutorial

EDITOR'S GUIDELINES These editor's guidelines and the publishing tutorial were created so that all editors will clearly understand: What our writers are expected to do for How to best guide our writers to publish proper news items, editorials, etc., on How to publish items on:'s website on Wordpress Twitter facebook ABOUT OUR WRITERS What Our Writers Do writers are expected to write news items, editorials, reviews and other articles for to the best of their ability. Although you will find some writers are more advanced in their craft than others, all of them are expected to adhere to's writer's guidelines and to write articles to the best of their abilities. Types of Writers There are several different types of writers on They are: News writers: write brief news items on daily breaking news; expected to write at least one article per day. Feature writers: write feature articles assigned by's Co-founder or Chief Editor. Deadlines are as assigned. Editorial writers: write though-provoking editorials; expected to write at least one editorial per week. Review writers: write reviews of K-Pop artists' work; no particular deadlines, but reviews should be timely. For example, a review of a new album should be posted immediately after the album's release.'s Expectations for All Writers Writers are expected to adhere to our writer's guidelines, which are posted on's Team Page, on facebook. Writers are expected to post publish-worthy articles for pending review within designated time frames. Writers are expected to be an active participant in the community, as much as their schedules allow. Writers are expected to submit original work. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. All sources must be hyper-linked for easy fact checking and must be properly cited.

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DESCRIPTION's Editor's Guidelines, Editing Tips and Publishing Tutorial document. Created for HKP's editing staff members.


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These editor's guidelines and the publishing tutorial were created so that all editors will clearly understand:

• What our writers are expected to do for• How to best guide our writers to publish proper news items, editorials, etc., on• How to publish items on:

◦'s website on Wordpress◦ Twitter◦ facebook


What Our Writers Do writers are expected to write news items, editorials, reviews and other articles for to the best of their ability. Although you will find some writers are more advanced in their craft than others, all of them are expected to adhere to's writer's guidelines and to write articles to the best of their abilities.

Types of Writers

There are several different types of writers on They are:

• News writers: write brief news items on daily breaking news; expected to write at least one article per day.

• Feature writers: write feature articles assigned by's Co-founder or Chief Editor. Deadlines are as assigned.

• Editorial writers: write though-provoking editorials; expected to write at least one editorial per week.

• Review writers: write reviews of K-Pop artists' work; no particular deadlines, but reviews should be timely. For example, a review of a new album should be posted immediately after the album's release.'s Expectations for All Writers

• Writers are expected to adhere to our writer's guidelines, which are posted on's Team Page, on facebook.

• Writers are expected to post publish-worthy articles for pending review within designated time frames.

• Writers are expected to be an active participant in the community, as much as their schedules allow.

• Writers are expected to submit original work. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated.• All sources must be hyper-linked for easy fact checking and must be properly cited.

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ABOUT OUR EDITORS's editor positions are leadership positions. As a editor, you are expected to:

• Adhere to these editor's guidelines.• Edit pending items without assistance.• Publish edited pending items on the website, on Twitter, and on facebook.• Work with our writers to troubleshoot and assist them, as necessary.• Encourage our writers to become active and engaged participants in's

community. • Support our writers in practicing their craft by helping them improve their writing skills.

Although we do not have set editing schedules, you are expected to:

• Check in with on a daily basis and assist with editing articles, as needed.• Check on the writers and, if requested, provided assistance.• Encourage the rest of the staff and support them in their work.

Below you will find:

• Some general tips to get you started.• A tutorial for publishing items on's website, which is hosted by Wordpress.

If you have any questions about any processes or procedures not covered in this document, please ask one of your co-editors, our co-founder, Phil Kuoch ([email protected]), or me, Chief Editor, Terri Robinson ([email protected]). Someone will be glad to assist you.

This document is a living document and, as such, will be updated from time to time. Please check back often for updates.

Terri :-}Chief


Active Engagement Requirement expects all staff members to be actively engaged in's community and its activities. Editors are expected to check the website and make sure that all articles are being published in a timely manner.

If you find yourself not being able to participate actively for more than one week, please e-mail us to discuss your status. It is much better for us to know that you are going to be gone for some period of time rather than wonder and worry about what happened to you because you vanished.

People who disappear without a word, for long periods of time, will have their affiliation with suspended.

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Anti-fan activity and Bias

Hellokpop's approach to promoting K-Pop is a positive one and we want everyone's experience with to be pleasant. Thus, 'anti-fan' behavior is prohibited on

Writers should ensure that the news articles they write are factual, fair and unbiased. Editorial articles require a certain bias, as they are opinion-based. However, even editorials should still be 'anti-fan' in nature.

The affiliation of any writer or editor discovered to be engaging in 'anti-fan' behavior will be suspended.

Categories and Tags

Every article should be assigned the most relevant category. For example, song-related articles should be categorized in 'Music', Twitter news/accounts, in 'Internet', etc. Celebrity exclusives should only be used for stories exclusive to Hellokpop. (Terri and/or Phil will assign that category whenever appropriate.)

Writers should use only ONE category. Writers should not assign the 'Feature Article' category to their news items unless it is HUGE news. Featured articles are, 99% of the time, assigned as such by Phil or Terri. A new album isn’t huge news. DBSK breaking up was huge news.

Every article should be assigned the most relevant tags. Tags are keywords. Readers who are searching for news about their favorite K-Pop stars will key these keywords into search engines. We want them to be able to find our articles about their favorite stars when they do that. Please check the writers' tags and make sure they are relevant to the subject at hand. Headlines

Headlines are extremely important. They are often the first thing that a reader sees in a search engine, on facebook, or on our website.

Our headlines should be concise and powerful. Short, powerful headlines improve search engine results. Action verbs increase the power of a headline.

Editors may edit headlines to make them more effective. See the Writer's Guidelines on our facebook Team Page for more suggestions on and resources for how to write/edit effective headlines.

Hyper-Linking Sourcing

Every article must be hyper-linked to all original, related sources, to include the original news, video, and photo sources. All writers have been instructed on how to do this. If an article is missing a hyper-linked source, please do NOT publish it. Instead, tag the headline with the missing piece, so that the rest of our editors will know not to publish the article and then message or e-mail the writer and ask them to properly credit their sources.

If the writer is unreachable for some reason, if the source is easy to find, then you may hyper-link it yourself and then publish the article. However, the writer still needs to be told that they forgot to source the article properly, so that they will not make the mistake again. If the writer continues to improperly source articles, please notify me and Phil and we will address the issue.

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ImagesOn the new website, most thumbnails will fit nicely, but to ensure the thumbnail works, your picture needs to be at least 300 x 300 pixels in size. Images should always be a picture of a person or poster/cover art. We should never see a picture of buildings as thumbnails, for example (well, unless the article is about a building).

PlagiarismPlagiarism on will NOT be tolerated. The articles our writers write MUST be their own, original work. Copying and pasting entire articles and/or changing a few words/sentences here and there in a source article and then posting it as their own is NOT acceptable.

Writers will be given one warning ONLY with regard to this matter. Upon the second instance of this offense, their affiliation with will be terminated.

For an excellent explanation of what constitutes plagiarism, visit:

As an editor of, it is your responsibility to protection the intellectual property of other writers. Intellectual property, which includes articles posted on the Internet, is protected by copyright laws all over the world. can get in a great deal of trouble if we allow work to be plagiarized from other sites. So, PLEASE make sure you do your fact checking to ensure that the work our writers are writing is their own.

If you discover that a writer has plagiarized a source, please do the following:

• Send them a message or e-mail asking them about the article.• Find out what happened. For example, is it a direct translation? If it is, then properly post it

as an English Translation and credit the translator properly.• If you do find that one of our writers has plagiarized text from another source, then please

let me or Phil know and we will address the issue.

Again, writers will be given one warning only if we do find that they have plagiarized material. If it happens a second time, their affiliation with will be severed.

Proper SourcingMake sure writers are using credible sources and they are crediting them properly. Please make sure they are crediting the "original" news sources and not just from an intermediary source.

For example, lately, I've seen some writers indicating that Naver was the original source of the news they were reporting. That isn't always correct. Naver is a search portal, similar to Google, and so often the news they report comes from other news sources.

How can a writer tell whether or not news the news they are reporting is original to Naver? Well, at the top of the news article on Naver, one will often find a link to the original article on another news site, say, for example, on Osen. Another easy way to check is to scroll down to the bottom of the news article being sourced and look at the reporter's name and e-mail address. That will show who wrote the news and which organization they work for.

Just to be safe, the proper way to cite news residing on an intermediary source would be to credit both sources as follows:

Sources: News & Pics ~ Osen via Naver News (And adding a hyperlink to both articles, of course.)

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Rejection of Pending ArticlesIf, for some reason, you find yourself having to reject an article that has been submitted for review and you cannot publish it, please do the following:

Tag the title in some way to flag that something in the article is incorrect, so that another editor will know not to publish the article without the correction. For example:

Work with the writers on the HKP Team or Family Page to bring these issues to light or, if you can, correct the article yourself and publish it anyway, especially if it is a quick fix. Refer to the writer's staff list on the Editing Team Page to find the name of writer and information on how to contact them.

Post a message on the Team Page to the writer, so that they will know to go back and check their post. Otherwise, they might miss it and not go back to check it. (Yes, everyone should be going back to check their work, but still.)

StylizationEnsure the writers are using the proper text styles (I.e., setting text in bold and italics properly. Only using quotation marks for direct quotations, etc.).

Self-PublishingIt is OKAY to publish your own posts as an editor. However, the best practice is to write your post and then have another editor edit and publish it, just to make sure you haven't overlooked any errors you've made yourself. Two sets of eyes are always better than one.

VulgarityWriters should keep their language clean. We are writing for the general public. That means that our articles should be crafted for a general (G-rated) audience. Certainly, there will be some subjects that are racier than others, but writers must still work hard to keep the tone of their work as professional as possible.

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Congratulations on your appointment as an editor of and welcome to our team. We are delighted you are here!

My name is Terri Robinson ([email protected]) and I'm's Chief Editor. My job is to hire and manage the writing and editing staff at I'd also like to introduce you to Phillip Kuoch. Phil ([email protected]) is's founder and he is in charge of the majority of's affairs. He also serves as the Chairman of our Management Committee.


To be an effective editor for, there are several things you will need to learn to do. Although this tutorial attempts to cover most of the basics of editing for, you may find some of your questions still not answered. If you have any questions after reading this document, please feel free to reach out to me, Phil, or another more experienced editor on We are a friendly bunch and we will be glad to assist you in any way that we can.

Initially, there are three things you will need to know how to do on to get started:

• How to access and edit articles via Wordpress• How to publish the articles you edit on's Twitter account• How to publish the articles you edit on's facebook page

Below are the steps for utilizing each of these three accounts as an editor:

Step 1: Read the Writer's Tutorial You should have received the Writer's Tutorial when you submitted your Editor Appointment Letter to us. If you did not receive a copy of the Writer's Tutorial, please let me or Phil know. It is very important that you read the Writer's Tutorial, so you will know what we are expecting from the writer's when they write articles and submit them for review.

Step 2: Locate Login Page & Register on Wordpress

Our website is powered by You will find's login page on Wordpress at:

If you are already a registered user on Wordpress, then you can use the same username/password, if you like. Once you are registered on Wordpress, please send Terri and Phil a message, saying that you have created an account. Give them your username, so that they can identify you and give you “editor” access to

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Step 3: Access's DashboardAfter you are informed that you have been granted “editor access,” go to and login to Wordpress via's administrative portal.

After you have logged in, you will see our dashboard, where you will be able to manage your editing activities.

Step 4: Editing & Publishing on Hellokpop.comTo begin editing posts, you will need to click on the 'Posts' page, on the left sidebar or on the dashboard.

When you open the 'Posts' page, you will find a listing of all of's posts and their:

• Titles and status• Authors• Categories• Tags• Last modification and/or publishing date

On the list, after the title of each post, you will also find the status of any articles still in draft or review form. Click on one of the posts that are 'Pending Review.'

Please do NOT use the 'Pending' function in the menu at the top, as that will bring up all of the pending articles from all time, and that will only confuse you. Instead, click on the pending articles in the list.

Hellokpop's standard is to publish articles on a “first in, first out (FIFO)” basis. Find the article that has been pending for the longest period of time and edit it to the best of your ability.

If you discover that two similar articles have been written on the same subject matter, then choose the article that was submitted first. (Exception: If one of those articles is substandard and you would really rather choose the latter and better-written article, then do that, but please inform the writer as to why you chose the latter article over the former, so they will understand. If you can give the writer some constructive feedback, then that would also be helpful.)

Once you have completed all of your editing checks (made sure that the article is error-free, that the proper category and tags have been chosen and that the sources have been properly cited, etc.), then you will click the Publish button to publish the article. Once you have published an article, please view the post to ensure everything looks okay.

You will often see posts on the list that are still in 'draft' form. 'Drafts' are posts on which the writers are still working. They are articles that have not yet been submitted for publishing. Please do NOT publish these articles. They aren't ready.

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Step 5: Editing & Publishing on facebookPlease send me and Phil your facebook user name, so one of us can add you to our Hellokpop pages there. Terri's facebook page link is Terri Robinson, at Phil's facebook page is Phillip Kuoch, at Please send both of us a friend request, if we don't send one to you.'s facebook page is As soon as you send us your facebook username, we will give you administrative access to our facebook page. This will allow you add posts to our facebook page.

To post on's facebook page, do the following:

Switch to using your facebook as a administrator. Click on 'Use Facebook as Page.' Then, click the 'Switch' button to switch to using your facebook page as a administrator.

In a separate tab or window, from the 'Posts' page on Wordpress, find the article (in the posts list) that you are trying to publish on facebook. Click the 'View Post' button. Copy the URL of the post (in green, below).

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Click on the “Share Link” feature. Copy the URL into the 'Share Link' window. Click 'Attach'.

Facebook will expand the 'Share Link' function, to show you how the post will look on the page. The featured image in the post will appear as the thumbnail for the post. When you are sure that the post is ready to post on facebook, then click on the 'Share' button.

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As soon as you click on the 'Share' button, the post will be published to's facebook page.

Please DO NOT share the link using the 'Share Status' feature. If you use the 'Share Status' feature, the link to the post on will show in its entirety, instead of saying, “” Posting the entire link looks messy on the page. also maintains the following private staff pages on facebook:

• Management Committee Page: Open only to hellokpop's management committee.• Editing Team Page: Open only to hellokpop's editing team. • Team Page: Open to the entire hellokpop team. Talk on this page should be limited to hellokpop-

related work.• Family Page: Open to the entire team. The Family Page is a private

page where members of the hellokpop staff can talk about their favorite K-Pop subjects. It is a fun place.

• Fan Cafe: Open to the public. A great place to engage with fans of both and K-Pop, in general.

Facebook is a place where we all can send direct messages to each other and/or chat if we need help in a hurry. Facebook is also where we have rare but very important team meetings. So, it is important that you log into and actively participate on our main facebook pages as much as your schedule allows.

Step 6: Publishing on TwitterYou will also be given the username and password to's Twitter account. Login to Twitter with the username and password and complete the following steps to tweet all of the posts you publish on Twitter.

• Log onto Twitter with the username and password.• Log onto on Wordpress.• Find the post you want to tweet and click on Edit.• Copy and paste the post headline into the Twitter Status• Click on the 'Get Shortlink' button• Copy and paste the shortlink into the Twitter Status• Add these words to every tweet: ~via @hellokpop• Click 'Tweet'

Below are the visuals for these steps.

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OR you can also use the Tweet function at the bottom of the post on, once the article is published. Click on the Twitter Bird.

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The 'Share a Link' window will pop up:

Edit the tweet as you see fit. For example, I don't like the (from @hellokpop). So, if I tweet, I always change it to ~via @hellokpop:

Click the 'Tweet' button and your tweet will be published on Twitter:

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If you have any questions at all about these editing guidelines or the publishing process on, please let me or Phil know. We will be delighted to assist.

Terri :-}Chief