history-1 u the aborigines were the only inhabitants of australia until the dutch began exploring...


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Page 1: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,
Page 2: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,
Page 3: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,
Page 4: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,


The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s.

In 1770, Captain James Cook took formal possession for Britain.

Starting in 1788, the British founded penal colonies, mainly in the areas of the present-day Sydney, Hobart, and Brisbane.

As a result, many of the early settlers were either prisoners or soldiers.

Page 5: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Australian EnglishAustralian English

Chrissie Christmas

“He’s flat out like a lizard drinking!” Very busy.

Grasshopper or Grassie Tourist

“It’s your shout, mate.” Your turn to pay for drinks.

Page 6: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,


Free settlements were established in Melbourne, Adelaide, and Perth.

The number of people immigrating to Australia increased rapidly after gold was discovered there in 1851.

The successful breeding of sheep also attracted immigrants.

1868: transportation of convicts to Australia ended.

Convicts there were declared free.

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1901: the colonies became states in Federal Commonwealth of Australia.

Western Australia attempted, but failed, to secede from Commonwealth in 1930s.

UK granted complete autonomy in 1942. Country has been stable and has grown

throughout 20th century. Most immigration was Caucasian, due to

discriminatory policies. Policy altered in 1966…immigration


Page 8: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,


Christians, divided equally between Anglicans and Roman Catholics, make up 76% of the population.

Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists are also present.

A significant proportion (13%) claim no religious affiliation.

Page 9: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,


Population of 18 million. Concentrated on southern and eastern

coasts. About the population of Florida in an area

the size of the USA. Aborigines constitute only about 1.2% of

population. 93% are of European ancestry.

Urbanization of 85+% One of world’s highest rates.

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First names are widely and quickly used in Australia.

However, it is wise to wait until invited to do so. Many visitors have found themselves surprised by

the speed with which Australians adopt the first name as a way of addressing their visitors.

This should not be mistaken as a sign of real friendship -- it only indicates Aussie friendly informality.

Australians are generally quite informal. Don’t be too stiff or overly tactful.

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People shake hands upon introduction as well as at the beginning and end of meetings.

The handshake should be firm and friendly. When addressing business colleagues, even senior

managers, the business title is generally not used. Australia has its share of British titles and honors.

Holders of such titles in Australia may or may not use them.

In case of doubt, the general term “Sir” may be used to address anyone with respect.

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Aussies greet each other with “Hello” or an informal “G’day,” but they tire of hearing tourists overuse the latter.

It is appropriate to present a business card at an introduction.

Don’t be surprised if you do not get one in return, since many Australians do not have them.

Page 13: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Social Conventions-1Social Conventions-1

Australians are direct, like people from the U.S.

There are many unique words and phrases in Australian English (more on this later).

Introductory conversation unrelated to business should be short.

The spectacular Australian architecture, local cultural events, and leisure and outdoor activities are useful conversation topics.

Avoid making comparisons between U.S. and Australia.

Page 14: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Social Conventions-2Social Conventions-2

Don’t give unsolicited advice and avoid “putting on airs.”

Australians demonstrate their disdain of class by sitting up front with their drivers, both in taxis and limousines.

Aussies are suspicious of pretension and status-conscious behavior.

It is very difficult to impress an Aussie. Men are fairly quick to call another man

“mate” if they take a liking to him.

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Social Conventions-3Social Conventions-3

Australians have a healthy sense of humor.

Often their barbs may be directed at the visitor in a good-natured way.

The international visitor should not take such teasing lying down -- while being frank and friendly, he or she can reply with good humor and become respected by the hosts.

Aussies frequently use humor when they are under stress.

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Social Conventions-4Social Conventions-4

Australians enjoy controversy and love to discuss subjects about which they disagree.

Fairness is an important principle in Australian life.

They do not give praise easily. When they do, it is often done in a

sarcastic, joking manner.

Page 17: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Large power distance

Low individualism

Individualism and Power DistanceIndividualism and Power Distance


11 28 44 61 77 94 111

Small power distanceLow individualism































AULSmall power distanceHigh individualism

Large power distance

High individualism

Power Distance Index (PDI)



Page 18: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Uncertainty Avoidance and Uncertainty Avoidance and MasculinityMasculinity


































Weak uncertainty avoidance Feminine Weak uncertainty

avoidance Masculine

Strong uncertainty avoidance Feminine

Strong uncertainty avoidance Masculine















5 23 41 59 77 95

Masculinity Index (MAS)

Page 19: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Key Negotiating PointersKey Negotiating Pointers

Be punctual. Australians are easy-going, but they are

sticklers about time. Be informal, but courteous.

Americans tend to feel very comfortable dealing with Australians, who regard formality as insincere and artificial.

Efforts to impress usually are hurtful.

Don’t be afraid to use humor.

Page 20: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Key Negotiating PointersKey Negotiating Pointers

Make presentations detailed and factual. Be prepared to respond evenly to pointed

questions. Negotiations move quickly.

Make brief introductory remarks and then get down to business.

Keep your administrative requirements to a minimum.

Australians do not like being told what to do.

Operate with few rigid lines of authority.

Page 21: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Key Negotiating PointersKey Negotiating Pointers

Stress the practical over the conceptual. Australian negotiators are pragmatic and

profit-oriented. Make the opening offer fairly close to your

desired final position. Leave yourself some room for movement.

Australians do not tend to be “blue-sky” bargainers (haggling for long periods from very high initial offers).

Page 22: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Key Negotiating PointersKey Negotiating Pointers

Expect Australian negotiators to remind you of the competition and to keep pressure on to make concessions.

Patience is another often-used Australian tactic, as they hope to wait it out for you to concede.

Australians tend to make concessions in a descending pattern.

Generous at first, then tapering off.

Page 23: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Key Negotiating PointersKey Negotiating Pointers

Contracts are written, specific, and firm.

Page 24: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Business Practices-1Business Practices-1

Australians are motivated to word hard by affliction and quality of life.

Stark contrast to other countries, where status and money are viewed as key incentives.

Punctuality is highly regarded. Appointments are necessary, preferably

one month in advance. Business cards are routinely used.

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Business Practices-2Business Practices-2

Business is often conducted while having drinks.

Buy only when it is your turn, as it is considered rude to buy out of order.

Melbournians are slightly less conservative than their fellow Australians.

Meeting protocol: get down to business quickly.

Presentation should be complete, while not concealing problems areas.

Communicate directly and respond to their directness with confidence and good humor.

Page 26: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Business Practices-3Business Practices-3

Due to great distances, it is important to have representation within Australia.

There is an Australian version of the “Old Boy” network among senior industrial executives.

It helps to have connections.

Vast majority speak only English. Australians are, first and foremost, pragmatic.

Time has value and they will not waste it. Delays are viewed as inefficient.

Page 27: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Business Practices-4Business Practices-4

Decision-making still tends to be concentrated at top echelon of companies.

Informality reigns in matters of etiquette. People are seated in random fashion,

generally with no special seat of honor. Seniors in company status may receive

certain gestures of respect, but such a show is a formality only.

Australians do not practice deference -- their overall sense of equality is well-ingrained.

Page 28: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Business Entertaining-1Business Entertaining-1

Business lunches are a popular and acceptable way of both initiating and doing business.

However, business and pleasure do not mix in Australia.

Do not use social occasions, besides lunches, as opportunities to talk business.

Once a social relationship has been established, a businessperson may invite his/her contact to lunch.

Page 29: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Business Entertaining-2Business Entertaining-2

Dinner is usually about 6 pm. Come 30 minutes early or be on-time, but

never be late. Guests sometimes bring flowers or wine --

not gifts. A “thank-you” upon leaving is all that is

expected. More formal evening entertaining is in

order when the visitor is dealing with upper managerial levels or once a business relationship has been established.

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Business Entertaining-3Business Entertaining-3

Formal occasions, especially if the Australians host them, are likely to take place in a club.

Clubs are often formed around athletic events, but may also be professional.

The business visitor should not propose entertainment over the weekend.

Australians treasure their free time.

Page 31: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Business Entertaining-4Business Entertaining-4

Invitations to a home are not common and must be considered special.

Since this kind of entertaining could be formal or very informal, it is best to ask the host about appropriate dress.

Often such visits will center around a casual outdoor barbecue and will include all family members.

A modest gift for their home would be unexpected but appreciated.

Otherwise, the practice of giving gifts is unwelcome and might even be considered taboo.

Page 32: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Dining with Australians-1Dining with Australians-1

The main meal is eaten in the evening. It may be called dinner or tea.

Table manners are European, but viewed with informality and flexibility.

While it is considered proper to use the fork with the left hand, other styles are tolerated.

When eating soup, do so by moving the spoon away from you, not toward you.

Page 33: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Dining with Australians-2Dining with Australians-2

Salads are generally served with the main course.

Indicate that you have finished by laying your knife and fork parallel on your plate.

At a restaurant, use a simple hand gesture to get the waiter’s attention.

Beer is the most popular national drink.

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Gestures and Social Gestures and Social CustomsCustoms

Australians deny the existence of any taboos. However, they may have a double standard

about the use of their favorite expletives. While they may use strong language at times,

they do not appreciate it when an international visitor does likewise.

Winking at women is considered inappropriate, as are public displays of affection.

When yawning, you should cover your mouth and then excuse yourself.

Page 35: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Gestures and Social Gestures and Social CustomsCustoms

The “thumbs up” sign is considered rude. Good sportsmanship is very important in


Page 36: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Australian Game Plan-1Australian Game Plan-1

Australians suffer from sense of isolation from rest of world.

Important to show interest in them and physically visit them at least twice yearly.

Government is not so important in Australian business.

Therefore, a bank or corporate reference is more important than government reference.

Page 37: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Australian Game Plan-2Australian Game Plan-2

Australians do not suffer from inferiority complex among nations, but they do demand respect and recognition.

Proud of their country. Do not want to be thought of as a little

America. Any display of superiority will turn them

away. Strongest values are egalitarianism

and antiauthoritarianism. Treat them as equals.

Likewise, do not defer to them.

Page 38: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Australian Game Plan-3Australian Game Plan-3

Accept their informality and do not be too formal around them.

Do not be offended if they use your first name.

Do not assume it means friendship…it is a way to disarm and equalize opponents.

They do not like inflated prices. Bargaining as an art is a waste of time.

However, they are competitive and want the best deal.

Be ready to give up something (if needed).

Page 39: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Australian Game Plan-4Australian Game Plan-4

The Aussie’s self-worth is based on his feelings of equality and masculinity.

Compliments will not have the desired effects.

His/her motivations in decisionmaking are based on company policy and national interest., but there is also strong personal interest in performance.

Help to offer solutions to his problems. He/she will appreciate your partnership.

Page 40: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Language in Australia-1Language in Australia-1

English is the official language. Spoken by 95% of population. Australian grammar and spelling are mix

of British and American patterns. They use “labor,” not “labour.”

Communication problems can -- and do -- exist with foreign English speakers.

Extensive accent and slang have developed that make spoken Australian English quite unique.

Page 41: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Language in Australia-2Language in Australia-2

Some idiomatic differences in “Strine” (Australian) include:

“Full bottle” = fully informed; knowledgeable “No worries” = no problem “Fair dinkum” = true; genuine “Bludioth!” (Bloody oath!) = yes (emphatically

Aussies tend to shorten words to one syllable, then add a long “e” sound at the end.

Therefore, a barbecue becomes a “barbie,” a mosquito becomes a “mozzi,” and the people are known as “Auzzies.”

Page 42: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Australian English - 3Australian English - 3

“There’s nothing better after a day at the beach than a few sherberts.

Beers Up a gum tree

Confused Ripper, as in “Bloody ripper, mate!”

Someone or something really good. Pommy

Someone form the UK (convicts used to have initials “P.O.M.E on their clothing [Prisoner of Mother England])

Page 43: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Language in Australia-4Language in Australia-4

Avoid the terms “stuffed” and “rooting;” very vulgar in Australia.

Words which originated in the Australian frontier:

Digger = Australian Amber = beer Banana bender = Queenslander Roo = kangaroo Heart starter = first drink of the day Grizzle = complain Across the ditch = New Zealand

Page 44: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Communicating with Communicating with Australians-1Australians-1

There is no manual for correct behavior in Australia. Country lacks clearly defined social and

conversational map. Most Aussies see this as a strength -- a

license to be erudite or rude in any situation. This keeps conversation lively.

While not entirely true, egalitarianism is a cherished myth.

Americans must be careful not to threaten this notion.

Page 45: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Communicating with Communicating with Australians-2Australians-2

In many countries, accents and education will tell you a lot about a person -- not in Australia!

It is a relatively classless society. Hardly any regional variations, no class pressures on

one’s way of speaking, and people switch from broad to cultivated Australian at will.

However, language is not boring: Uglier than a robber’s dog. Blind Freddie could have seen it. He had kangaroos in his top paddock (he’s

crazy). Can I bot a chewie? (May I borrow a stick of


Page 46: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Communicating with Communicating with Australians-3Australians-3

There are certain conversational subjects which are considered safe or dangerous:

Safe Sports Shows of modesty

Dangerous Being criticized by foreigners. Being constantly or too enthusiastically praised by

foreigners. Taking yourself or your country too seriously.

• Aussies are proud of fact that their Prime Minister is frequently booed at public appearances and that many Australians do not know the words to National Anthem.

Page 47: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Women in Australia-1Women in Australia-1

Although Australians shun class distinctions, some American women assigned to Australia have found difficulties in being accepted.

Male chauvinism is still strong. Foreign women are often confronted with blunt,

earthy males who are uncomfortable with women. Australian women seem to enjoy that their major

responsibilities are home and family. However, generally there will be no problems

between men and women associates.

Page 48: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Women in Australia-2Women in Australia-2

You usually won’t find a man winking at a woman.

It is considered impolite. If, after a large meal, you say: “Oh, I’m

stuffed,” Australians will think that you’re announcing that you’re pregnant.

If a man approaches you and says “Hi, I’m randy.” That’s not his name.

“Randy” means “horny.”

Page 49: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Gestures in AustraliaGestures in Australia

The thumbs-up sign is considered rude. Men should not be too physically

demonstrative with other men.

Page 50: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Business DressBusiness Dress

Generally informal. Fashions follow American trends,

although women wear pants much less than in the U.S.

Men may wear a dark suit and tie (jacket can be left off in the summer).

Women may wear a skirt and blouse or dress.

Page 51: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Portrait of an Australian Portrait of an Australian Businessperson-1Businessperson-1

What does he believe is a person’s responsibility?

Personal satisfaction and enjoyment of life; independence.

What does he expect of others? Equal treatment.

How does he interact with others? Open and friendly. Very informal. First

names are used almost immediately.

Page 52: History-1 u The Aborigines were the only inhabitants of Australia until the Dutch began exploring parts of the continent in the 1620s. u In 1770,

Portrait of an Australian Portrait of an Australian Businessperson-2Businessperson-2

What impresses him? What does he respect in another?

Accomplishments through use of masculine traits.

What is his attitude towards foreigners? Friendly and not defensive. Foreigners

are held separate from the group if their culture is very different. Aussies are intolerant of different behavior.