high temperature gas thermometry and the …...high temperature gas thermometry and the platinum...

High Temperature Gas Thermometry and the Platinum Metals SOME ASPECTS OF NINETEENTH CENTURY DEVELOPMENTS By Ian E. Cottington The Johnson Matthey Group The present day importance to both science and industry of resistance thermometers and thermocouples utilising the electrical and thermoelec- trical properties of the platinum metals is so well known that it has tend- ed to overshadow the use of these metals for crucial components in gas pyrometers. For perhaps one hundred and fifty years gas thermometers, mostly incorporating noble metal bulbs, have provided a most accurate means of determining high temperatures. This article gives a selective ac- count of early developments in temperature measurement involving gas thermometry and the platinum metals, one result of which was the adop- tion of the first internationally recognised standard scale of temperatures, in October 1887. The origins of the platinum resistance ther- mometer and the work that led to it being used in 1927 to define the temperature range - 190 to 660OC on the first practical International Temperature Scale has been admirably covered in this journal previously (I). For a hundred years prior to this event the most accurate way of determining high temperatures was by means of gas thermometry. This relies upon the fact that for a suitable gas a quantitative rela- tionship exists between an increase in temperature of the gas, when expanding under either constant pressure or constant volume, and the amount of heat required to produce that temperature increase. Indeed the general acceptance of the platinum resistance ther- mometer was due in part to the fact that it per- formed favourably when compared with a gas thermometer, which incorporated hydrogen in an iridium-platinum bulb. In the early years of the nineteenth century no satisfactory method of measuring high temperatures existed, and as a result many manufacturing processes could not be control- led satisfactorily. For a long time the most popular means of monitoring high temperatures, particularly of enclosed furnaces, was by the use of cylindrical clay pieces devised by the English potter Josiah Wedgwood. These made use of the fact that clay was believed to contract in proportion to the intensity of the heat to which it was subjected. Thus by measuring the permanent change in length of a standard clay piece removed from a furnace the temperature to which it had been exposed could be determined. However, it was not easy to obtain clay pieces of uniform composition, while an even greater disadvantage of this method was the discovery that if such a piece were heated for a long time at a low temperature the contraction produced could be the same as that resulting from a shorter time at a higher temperature. The pro- blem caused wide concern. In 1815 Samuel Parkes wrote: “The want of a good pyrometer is severely felt by the manufacturersof Birmingham. Cases daily oc- cur of losses sustained in consequence of their not knowing the precise degree of heat in high temperatures. ”(2) The situation had not improved significantly by 1821 when J. F. Daniell, introducing his Platinum Metals Rev., 1987, 31, (4), 196-207 196

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High Temperature Gas Thermometry and the Platinum Metals SOME ASPECTS OF NINETEENTH CENTURY DEVELOPMENTS

By Ian E. Cottington The Johnson Matthey Group

The present day importance to both science and industry of resistance thermometers and thermocouples utilising the electrical and thermoelec- trical properties of the platinum metals is so well known that it has tend- ed to overshadow the use of these metals for crucial components in gas pyrometers. For perhaps one hundred and fifty years gas thermometers, mostly incorporating noble metal bulbs, have provided a most accurate means of determining high temperatures. This article gives a selective ac- count of early developments in temperature measurement involving gas thermometry and the platinum metals, one result of which was the adop- tion of the first internationally recognised standard scale of temperatures, in October 1887.

The origins of the platinum resistance ther- mometer and the work that led to it being used in 1927 to define the temperature range - 190 to 660OC on the first practical International Temperature Scale has been admirably covered in this journal previously (I) . For a hundred years prior to this event the most accurate way of determining high temperatures was by means of gas thermometry. This relies upon the fact that for a suitable gas a quantitative rela- tionship exists between an increase in temperature of the gas, when expanding under either constant pressure or constant volume, and the amount of heat required to produce that temperature increase. Indeed the general acceptance of the platinum resistance ther- mometer was due in part to the fact that it per- formed favourably when compared with a gas thermometer, which incorporated hydrogen in an iridium-platinum bulb.

In the early years of the nineteenth century no satisfactory method of measuring high temperatures existed, and as a result many manufacturing processes could not be control- led satisfactorily. For a long time the most popular means of monitoring high

temperatures, particularly of enclosed furnaces, was by the use of cylindrical clay pieces devised by the English potter Josiah Wedgwood. These made use of the fact that clay was believed to contract in proportion to the intensity of the heat to which it was subjected. Thus by measuring the permanent change in length of a standard clay piece removed from a furnace the temperature to which it had been exposed could be determined.

However, it was not easy to obtain clay pieces of uniform composition, while an even greater disadvantage of this method was the discovery that if such a piece were heated for a long time at a low temperature the contraction produced could be the same as that resulting from a shorter time at a higher temperature. The pro- blem caused wide concern. In 1815 Samuel Parkes wrote:

“The want of a good pyrometer is severely felt by the manufacturers of Birmingham. Cases daily oc- cur of losses sustained in consequence of their not knowing the precise degree of heat in high temperatures. ”(2)

The situation had not improved significantly by 1821 when J. F. Daniell, introducing his

Platinum Metals Rev., 1987, 31, (4), 196-207 196

--,_ -- -

- . . - 7 - - L / - - - :

7 - I , 1 ,

7-a- -- .

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- - - - . -,. . . -. - . - - - - - . . . . - .

The illustration that accompanied the account of the Schmidt air pyrometer showed it to consist of the same fundamental parts as later gas thermometers. The platinum bulb was joined by a platinum tube “of as fine a bore as possible” to a water-fded vessel. When the bulb was placed in a heated furnace, the air expanded forcing water up the graduated tube. Once due allowance had been made for the temperature of the air prior to the experiment, the true expansion of the air could be used to indicate the relative temperature of the furnace

new platinum expansion pyrometer, noted:

“It would be needless to preface much upon the utility of an instrument to measure the higher degrees of heat, as nothing in science has been more eagerly desired, and nothing, it is generally allowed, would tend more to the perfection of many of the arts.”(3)

During this period many people had tried to find a solution to the problem, and not surpris- ingly platinum, the recently available high melting point metal, had featured in a number of the proposals. Indeed as early as 1805 Nicholson’s Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts carried an account of a platinum pyrometer said to be capable of in- dicating the temperature of a furnace. This had been submitted by Mr. J. G. F. Schmidt of Jassy, in Moldavia, and it included a drawing of his apparatus (4). Having considered which substances were “capable of regularly contrac- ting or expanding, without altering their chemical properties, when subjected to elevated temperatures” he concluded that “the per- manently elastic aeriform fluids appear to me to be superior in those respects to any other

body” and his pyrometer was based upon moisture-free air contained in a vessel of platinum. Whether or not such an apparatus was ever made or used by Schmidt is not known by this writer. However a treatise published in 1832 contained a description of his pyrometer, but commented:

“It is so evidently a mere theoretical proposal, and is, besides, an expensive, clumsy, and pro- bably not very accurate mode of ascertaining high temperatures”.( 5 )

None the less the book included a redrawn figure of the Schmidt pyrometer.

It seems to be generally accepted (6) that the first practical pyrometer utilising the expansion of gases for the measurement of high temperatures was due to James Prinsep, and described by him in the year 1827; but a foot- note in his relevant paper tends to suggest that this may not have been the case.

Prinsep was a man of wide interests and great abilities; as a youth he had started to train as an architect but the close work damaged his eyesight, so it was necessary for him to seek another profession. He attended the chemical

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lectures of Dr. A. J. G. Marcet, at Guy’s Hospital, and afterwards was entered as a fee apprentice to Mr. Robert Bingley, the Assay Master of the Royal Mint, London from whom he received a certificate of proficiency (7). In 1819 he was appointed as Assistant to Dr. H. H. Wilson, Assay Master of the Calcutta Mint, and the following year he was nominated Assay Master at the Benares Mint (Varanasi, India). While he was resident at Benares he pursued his- interest in science, to keep pace with developments in Europe, and it was during this period that he prepared a paper on the measure- ment of high temperature which was com- municated to the Royal Society in London by Dr. P. M. Roget, on 13 December 1827, and afterwards published in the Philosophical Tran- sactions (8).

Prinsep’s Pyrometric Alloys In the first part of this most interesting and

informative paper Prinsep explained his use of pyrometric alloys to indicate the relative inten- sity of different heats. As the melting points of

pure silver, gold and platinum are determinate and unchangeable these three points can form the basis of a temperature scale, while in- termediate points can be established from the melting points of a series of binary alloys of dif- ferent proportions. Between the melting points of gold and platinum Prinsep proposed 100

degrees, each indicated by an alloy containing an additional one per cent of platinum. He found, however, that 45 per cent gold-55 per cent platinum was the highest melting point alloy which could be fused in his forge.

Before use the specimens were flattened and individually identified, then to establish a relative temperature an appropriate selection of alloys was positioned where the temperature had to be determined. Any samples that became molten at that temperature were readily identified, and:

“the heat of any furnace may be expressed by the alloy of least fusibility which it is capable of melting.”

Although the melted alloys could easily be reflattened for further use the silver and gold

James Prinsep 1799-1840

In addition to his ofFicial duties, Prinsep engaged in a wide range of pursuits. Having skilfully amended the plans for the new mint to be built at Benares he was subsequently involved in a number of major pubkc works. In contrast to this, he is also credited with making an assay balance capable of measuring to an ac- curacy of three thousand parts of a grain. Despite such technical contributions, Prinsep is remembered largely for his literary works and for his studies of the antiquities of India, especially numismatics and the deciphering of inscriptions carv- ed in rock and on pillars Reproduced by permrrian of the British Library

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alloys lost weight during long exposure to heat, but Prinsrp observed that “the platina alloys are very durable”.

By themselves these alloys could not give ab- solute temperature values, but with them Prinsep was able to indicate relative heats. In- deed, the use of such alloys for pyrometry con- tinued into the twentieth century (9).

The “Golden Bulb” Thermometer Having explained his method of determining

the relative heat of his furnace Prinsep went on to describe his determination of the melting point of pure silver using his gas thermometer. Clearly he was most anxious to avoid any possibility of being charged with plagiarism for he noted that:

“Dr. Ure has recommended an air thermometer made of platinum; but I cannot learn whether his plan has ever been carried into effect”.

and this comment was qualifted by the footnote referred to previously which leaves open the possibility that Prinsep was not the first to use such a thermometer, for he recorded:

“I find since, that the instruments have been made for sale; but I have seen no statements of ex- periments made with them.”

His own thermometer used air as the gas, which was contained in a bulb of pure gold, nearly ten cubic inches in volume and weighing approximately 6500 grains troy. This was con- nected to a reservoir containing olive oil, and to a sensitive manometer so that the air could be maintained at a constant pressure; the absolute temperature being calculated from the weight of oil displaced as the air in the gold bulb ex- panded.

Small bone ash cupels containing silver and silver-gold alloys were arranged in the furnace adjacent to the bulb to monitor that the furnace had in fact melted the pure silver, but that the temperature had been insufficient to melt any of the gold-containing alloys. Prinsep found the average figure for the melting point of silver to be 1830°, which compared with 2 ~ 3 3 ~ as deter- mined by Daniell, and 4 7 1 7 ~ by Wedgwood. Although Prinsep used his air thermometer to establish the melting point of many of his

pyrometric alloys, its usefulness was limited by the relatively low melting point of the gold.

Pouillet’s Platinum Bulb Thermometer

Prinsep was followed by several other workers all using thermometers based upon the expansion of air at constant pressure, but none made any significant improvement to Prinsep’s apparatus until 1836 when Professor Claude- Servais-Mathias Pouillet ( I 790- I 868) reported to the AcadCmie Royale des Sciences his research on the measurement of high temperatures (10). At this time he was assistant

The Pouillet gas thermometer was a relatively simple instrument consisting of an ovoid platinum vessel and a U-shaped com- munication tube which enabled the volume of air expelled from the vessel, by expan- sion, to be determined. In 1888 Carl Barus, a respected authority on pyrometry, noted that “to Pouillet the form of constant pressure manometer is due very nearly as it is to be used in pyrometric work today”

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professor of physics at the Faculty of Science in Paris and also administrator of the Conser- vatoire des Arts et Metiers, and many of his lec- tures were regarded as important surveys of the state of the various branches of physics and of recent developments in them. A key compo- nent of his air thermometer was an ovoid shaped bulb, with a capacity of ~ O C C , made from a single piece of platinum. This bulb was soldered with gold to a platinum capillary tube, which in turn was joined by a silver tube to a manometer. The use of a platinum bulb enabl- ed him to measure higher temperatures than previously, including the melting point of gold; indeed he is credited with establishing gas ther- mometry on a sound footing (9).

In this paper Pouillet also put forward the idea of a “magnetic pyrometer”. This was a crude iron-platinum thermocouple, the platinum wire being enclosed in an iron gun barrel which served as the second metal of the junction and also shielded the platinum from the action of the furnace gases. The story of this amazing instrument has been reported briefly in this journal previously (11). In addition Pouillet made other contributions to pyrometry, one being his anticipation of the method of temperature measurement through determinations of the specific heat of platinum.

This idea was subsequently developed by Jules Violle (1841 - 1923) who used a gas thermometer to determine the specific heat of platinum at a number of temperatures up to 12moC, then ex- trapolating with this constant he determined the melting points of palladium and platinum to be 1500 and 1775-1779OC, respectively.

Over the following years advances in gas ther- mometry continued. During his classic resear- ches on heat, Henri Victor Regnault (I 8 10- I 878) made a number of improvements to the constant pressure gas thermometer, his studies establishing the validity of the idea (12)

and it is believed that the first constant volume gas thermometer was devised by Silbermann and Jacquelin in 1853 (9). However gas ther- mometry was soon to suffer a serious setback.

Over a number of years from about 1857 Henri Sainte-Claire Deville, whose major

pioneering contributions to the metallurgy of the platinum metals have been noted here previously (13), and L. J. Troost (1825-1911) worked to determine a number of constant temperatures. Wishing to use a heavier gas than air in their gas thermometer they chose iodine. In addition they rejected the use of platinum for the containment vessel because it “is generally considered as having the property of condens- ing on its surface the gases with which it comes in contact” (14) and instead they used a bulb of porcelain. With this they measured the boiling points of cadmium and zinc which they found to be 860° and 1040°, respectively. However disagreements arose in 1863, when Pouillet’s work using air as the expanding gas in a platinum bulb was continued by Edmond Bec- querel(1820-1891). Remembered for his work on the platinum-palladium thermocouple first proposed by his father Antoine Cesar Bec- querel, Edmond concluded that cadmium boil- ed at 746.3O and zinc at 932O. These figures were not accepted by Deville and Troost who set out to discover why Becquerel’s results were so different from the ones they had obtained.

The Great Platinum Controversy Deville and Troost undertook a series of gas

diffusion experiments, initially using a homogeneous tube drawn from a well-worked ingot of platinum prepared by the traditional process of consolidating spongy platinum by hammering. However they were later able to repeat their experiments with a cast platinum tube having a wall thickness of 2mm made by George Matthey and sent to them “for the benefit of science”, and the results were exactly the same:- at high temperatures the platinum tube was porous to hydrogen. Apparently this problem had been avoided by Pouillet who had “heated his apparatus in an iron muffle very nearly closed” (15). Thus, in the opinion of Deville and Troost, platinum was quite un- suitable for the construction of gas pyrometers that were “to come into contact with the reduc- ing gases, or with the hydrogen of a furnace”. This was the first announcement of the permeability of hot platinum by hydrogen (I 6).

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It is not at all surprising that George Matthey contributed a cast platinum tube for Deville’s investigation of the diffusion of hydrogen through platinum, because a “great bond of sym- pathy” existed between the two men. Although the British patent for the French process of melting platinum in a lime crucible had been assigned to Johnson Matthey in 1857, several years of co-operation between the two parties were required before the operation was suc- cessfully achieved in London. In fact, Deville was present in Hatton Garden during March 1862 when a huge ingot measuring twelve by eight by six inches, and weighing 100 kilogram- mes, was cast; it was this ingot that was displayed at the Second International Exhibition of Industry, in London

A bitter controversy developed between Bec- querel on the one hand and Deville and Troost on the other. Both sides continued their temperature measurements, and obtained results which they claimed supported their earlier figures, and it was to be many years before the situation was resolved. In time very precise experiments showed that platinum was quite impermeable to all gases other than hydrogen ( I 7) which, although frequently pre- sent in flames due to incomplete combustion, could be avoided, for example by electrical resistance heating. Also it was established that iodine vapour does not obey the gas laws of Mariotte (Boyle) and of Gay-Lussac, the vapour density decreasing as the temperature increases (18), a property that makes it unsuitable for use as the expanding medium in a pyrometer. However, at the time the unfortunate result of this dispute was that platinum bulbs were discredited and porcelain substituted, a “backward step which was not retrieved for more than thirty years” (19).

Clearly, in gas thermometry the choice of a suitable gas and an appropriate material for the

bulb are both important considerations. Ideally the expansion of the gas should vary con- tinuously and uniformly with temperature change. Although no strictly “perfect gas” has been found, hydrogen is very close to this, while the accuracy obtained with nitrogen, which can be used over a greater temperature range, is “of the order of magnitude of a single degree” a t I I O O O C (20). It has already been noted that the bulb must be made from a material which has a sufficiently high melting point, and it must be impermeable to gases under pressure. In addition its coefficient of ex- pansion must be both small relative to that of the gas and also accurately known at the temperatures which are to be determined, in order that the unavoidable changes in the volume of the bulb which occur with changes in temperature can be allowed for.

The selection of porcelain by Deville and Troost was unfortunate because it was found to be porous unless it had been glazed. Also such a glazed surface coating could be incomplete, as well as being susceptible to cracking after heating to about 10ooOC. In addition porcelain

Plarinum Metals Rev., 1987, 31, (4) 20 1

In the Chappuis hydrogen thermometer the gas containment vessel, seen in the middle of this illustra- tion, consists of a platinum-iridium tube just over one metre long arranged horizontally. This is con- nected to the manometer, on the left, by a platinum capillary tube. The complexity of the manometer and the amount of ancillary equipment perhaps give an indication of the efforts that had to be made to upgrade earlier gas thermometers into an instrument that could measure temperatures with an ac- curacy that was internationally acceptable

dissolves some gases, including water vapour, which can then readily pass through the con- tainer wall, while inconsistent results may also arise due to variations in the coefficient of ex- pansion of different samples. As has been men- tioned earlier, their choice of gas was also a mistake. However, despite the misunderstan- ding that resulted from the investigations of Deville and Troost, work on gas thermometry was later revived.

Chappuis’ Hydrogen Thermometer

Accepting the need for an international agree- ment on an accurate and reproducible temperature scale, the Cornit& International des Poids et Mesures met in Paris exactly one hun- dred years ago to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the various devices then available for the measurement of temperatures. Having done so, on the 15th October 1887 they

adopted as their standard the Centigrade scale of the hydrogen thermometer at Sevres, the so- called Chappuis hydrogen thermometer. The official text of the resolution was in French (21); an English translation reads:

“The International Committee on Weights and Measures adopts as the standard thermometric scale for the international service of weights and measures, the Centigrade scale of the hydrogen thermometer, having for fixed points the temperature of melting ice (oo) and that of the vapour of boiling distilled water ( 100~) under standard atmospheric pressure; the hydrogen being taken at an initial pressure of I m of mercury, that is to say at 1ocd760 = 1.31 58 of the standard atmospheric pressure”. ( 2 2 )

The constant-volume thermometer employed included two essential parts, a bulb to contain the gas and a manometer to measure its pressure. The former was a platinum-iridium tube I. 10 metres long with an outer diameter of 0.036 metres, the volume being 1.03899 litres at the temperature of melting ice. In use the

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Pierre E. Chappuis 1855- 19 16

Born in Bremblems near Morges, in Switzerland, Chappuis studied first at the University in Basel and later in Leipzig, where he received a doctorate for his work on the solidification of gases on glass surfaces. Afler his move to Paris in 1882 he at first did further work in the same field but it then fell to him to carry out the principal work of research on thermometry, work that was still in- complete some twenty years later when he return- ed to Basel, for family reasons. However he built and equipped a private laboratory in the garden of his house, and there continued his scientific in- vestigations. In addition he made his considerable experience available to the Swiss scientific com- munity, and accepted a seat on the board of the Swiss Office for Weights and Measures CouncJy of the Trustees of the Science Museum, London

bulb was contained in a bath held at the temperature that had to be determined, the bulb being connected to the manometer by a platinum capillary tube with a diameter of 0.7 mm. The apparatus is reproduced here, from Chappuis’ principal publication on gas thermometry (23).

At the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures thermometry was an essential interest, related to one of its original objectives, namely the comparison of national prototypes of length with the international prototype. To enable the temperature of the standard metre bars and the coefficient of expansion of the platinum- iridium from which they were fabricated to be measured, two very accurate mercury-in-glass thermometers were supplied with each national prototype metre, and it was therefore necessary to establish a uniform temperature scale against which these could be compared. For almost two decades Chappuis devoted himself to this most exacting task and the extent of his major con- tributions to thermodynamic and practical

temperature scales can be learnt from an ac- count of his life and work written in 1916 by the then Director of the Bureau (24) and from two Swiss obituaries (25), all of which emphasise the painstaking care and precision of his measurements; while further details of the so- called “normal hydrogen scale”, and of more up-to-date gas thermometry, are contained in a recent publication (26).

The Measurement of Higher Temperatures

Work to improve the techniques of temperature measurement did not stop with the adoption of this standard scale in 1887; indeed it was continued with great ingenuity as scien- tists in several countries sought to overcome the limitations of the hydrogen thermometer, in particular the restricted temperature range over which it could be used and the accuracy of the results. The year 1887 also saw the publication of the first of four now famous, but then con- troversial papers by H. L. Callendar in which he described the essential requirements for precise resistance thermometry (27); and over the next four decades much notable work was done on various means of determining high

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temperatures, and again the platinum metals had important contributions to make.

Brief mention has already been made of early thermocouples, which resulted from an obser- vation of Thomas Johann Seebeck (I 770- 183 I)

that if one of the junctions of two dissimilar metals was heated by the warmth of his hand then an electric current was generated in the circuit. Following work by the Becquerels, Pro- fessor P. G. Tait and especially Professor H. Le Chatelier and Carl Barus, and others, the pro- cedure of measuring the electromotive force generated when a junction of two dissimilar platinum metals or alloys was heated developed into an effective practical means of determining temperature, and after calibration against a gas thermometer such a thermocouple could be us- ed in an intermediary role to measure other temperatures. Indeed in 1927 the temperature scale between 660 and 1063OC was defined by means of a 10 per cent rhodium-platinum against pure platinum thermocouple (28).

At the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt in Charlottenburg, an institute devoted both to theoretical research and to finding solutions to industrial problems, Professor Ludwig Holborn (1860-1926) and his colleagues, who included Wilhelm Wien and the American physicist Arthur Louis Day, pursued with vigour the investigation of gas thermometry. For temperatures up to 550°C they employed a borosilicate glass bulb and used hydrogen as the expanding gas, but to extend the range up to I IOOOC they initially tried porcelain bulbs glaz- ed inside and out, and filled with either hydrogen or atmospheric nitrogen. Later they changed to platinum for the bulb material and employed nitrogen as the expanding gas, which of course could not diffuse through the con- tainer wall (29). Their use of electrical resistance heating overcame any possibility of contamination or diffusion by furnace gases, and also increased the uniformity of the temperature around the bulb.

As platinum was found to be too soft for this purpose the famous firm of Heraeus, in Hanau, made a bulb from a platinum-iridium alloy which “contained as much iridium as could be

alloyed with the platinum and allow of its being properly worked-about 20 per cent” (30). The bulb which had a volume of about 208 cc and a wall thickness of 0.5 mm was made from three pieces of sheet welded together and the seams were “afterwards protected by a thick layer of platinum, melted and dropped on to the hot bulb-it then proved and has since remained perfectly tight”. The capillary stem that served to connect the bulb to the manometer was also made of platinum-iridium. The first 10 cm had an iridium content of 20 per cent, but for the remainder of the length only 5 per cent was employed, this alloy being less brittle and therefore more convenient to use. Later, to avoid any possibility of the vessel being distorted at the high pressures involved, a bulb with walls I mm thick-was made, the material being platinum-Io per cent iridium, and this proved to be as satisfactory as the first (31).

Despite many difficulties the researchers at the Reichsanstalt renewed their efforts to ex- tend the gas scale from 1150Oc towards 16ooOC. In fact using a pure iridium bulb with a capacity of only 50 cc, which had been made specially for the purpose by Dr. W. C. Heraeus, who took a great personal interest in their high temperature research, Holborn and his co-workers made several determinations of temperatures as high as 168ooC, a magnificent achievement for 1906 (32).

Work in the United States Work on gas thermometry and the measure-

ment of high temperatures was not confined to Europe. In order to be able to study the condi- tions of mineral and rock formation with greater accuracy than previously possible, Carl Barus of the U.S. Geological Survey undertook a comprehensive investigation of high temperature measurement (33). A literature survey of previous work probably helped him to appreciate the crucial importance of a uniform temperature distribution around the thermometer bulb, which he was able to achieve by enclosing the bulb in an iron muffle that was revolved rapidly inside a gas fired fur- nace. Thus every part of the bulb was protected

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Arthur Louis Day 1869-1960

After receiving his doctorate in 1894, Day remain- ed at Yale as an Instructor in physics until he mov- ed to Charlottenburg in 1897. In the same year that he returned to the U.S.A. he married Helene, the daughter of Fricdrich Kohlrausch-who was President of the Physikalisch-Technische Reiehsanstalt between 1895 and 1905. While Director of the Geophysica! Laboratory, Day made extensive studies of lavas and volcanic gases in Hawaii, and Californian geysers and hotsprings; he also played a prominent part in establishing and advancing seismological investigations, particularly in California. In addition to his academic activities he was appointed a Vice President of the Corning Glass Works in 1919. Many honours were bestow- ed upon him including, in 1941, the Wollaston Medal of the Geological Society Councry of rhc Gmcgrc lnrrirutron of Washington

from direct exposure to any temperature ir- regularity in the furnace.

This elaborate arrangement meant that ther- mocouples had to be used as intermediaries to compare unknown temperatures with the gas thermometer, and for this reason Barus made an extensive study of thermocouples, as a result of which he selected limbs of pure platinum and 90 platinum-Io iridium for his work.

In 1892 Barus published his final memoir on gas thermometry and thermoelements, and turned his attention to other matters when he moved to the U.S. Weather Bureau. However some time later, in 19 Arthur Day was recall- ed from Charlottenburg to the U.S. Geological Survey to equip a laboratory where the methods of physics and physical chemistry could be ap- plied to the study of minerals, and when the new Geophysical Laboratory provided by the Carnegie Institution of Washington was com- pleted in I907 he was appointed the first Direc- tor, and set out to establish petrology as a quantitative science. Indeed his own researches were largely responsible for perfecting the methods of high temperature measurement and standardising the thermometric scale to cover the whole range of mineral formation (34).

After being exhibited in 19w at the Congres Internationale de Physique in Paris, a platinum-10 per cent iridium bulb made by Dr. Heraeus was loaned to the American in- vestigators who used it in an initial attempt to eliminate or substantially reduce the errors that had previously occurred in gas thermometry measurements (35). The instrument was generally similar to that at the Reichsanstalt but the entire furnace was enclosed in a gas tight container, so that the gas containment bulb could be filled with nitrogen and also surround- ed by nitrogen at the same pressure. Thus there was no tendency for gas to diffuse through the walls of the bulb, or for the bulb to deform.

However when the gas containment bulb was made from iridium, or an alloy containing even small amounts of iridium, a problem arose when a noble metal thermocouple, which had been standardised against the gas thermometer, was used for the actual temperature determina- tion. Above about 9m°C the limbs of the ther- mocouple became contaminated by vapour from the iridium, thus changing the electrical

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characteristics of the junction which then in- dicated erroneous temperatures.

To avoid this contamination U.S. workers later used an alloy of platinum-20 per cent rhodium. Although less rigid than platinum- iridium at temperatures above IOOO~C, the platinum-rhodium bulb performed entirely satisfactorily up to I 550°C provided equal pressure was maintained inside and outside (36).

Making the Standard Scale Available

It may be apparent from this review that gas thermometers are cumbersome and compli- cated precision instruments, and belong in the standards laboratory rather than in the factory. Indeed at many stages during their develop- ment it must have seemed that the early criticism of Schmidt’s pyrometer was correct. Nevertheless the genuine limitations of gas thermometers have not always been appre- ciated. In the early part of this century “a well- known engineer” asked Day what the cost of a dozen gas thermometers would be. Day was obliged to answer that he:

“knew of but one in this country, and this one had cost us upward of four thousand dollars to date and might cost even more before we had finished with it” (37).

However once it was accepted that gas ther- mometers could provide an accurate standard it was then possible to use them to calibrate other intermediary devices which, being more prac- tical, fulfilled the needs identified in the early nineteenth century by Parkes, Daniel1 and others. Initially the Chappuis hydrogen ther- mometer was made more generally available when it was used to calibrate a series of very accurate mercury in verre dur thermometers made by Tonnelot, of Paris in the late I~OOS, a number of which are still preserved (38). Later other precision mercury-in-glass thermometers made by Baudin, about 1900, were also calibrated in this way. At times these high- precision mercury-in-glass thermometers were designated “primary standards”, but of course this was a misnomer. Later, platinum ther- mocouples and resistance thermometers were

employed to compare temperatures with the gas thermometer, and their use has become widespread for scientific and industrial applica- tions. This part of the contribution of the platinum metals to temperature measurement is already well known (39).

Some of the investigations mentioned here were carried out during the first ten years of this century, and are therefore outside the stated period of this review. This work is in- cluded because of the major role played by the platinum group metals, and because it was a logical sequence to the late nineteenth century work.

Gas thermometry is still an accepted method of relating absolute measurements of temperature to thermodynamics, in accordance with the definition of the unit of ther- modynamic temperature, the kelvin (40). Addi- tionally, in anticipation of a future need for an updating of the International Practical Temperature Scale a number of standards in- stitutes are currently undertaking work which may be relevant to such a revision (41). In the last century when Holborn and Day were engaged in their investigations of gas ther- mometry at the Reichsanstalt they were hindered by the fact that few studies had been made of the expansion of materials at high temperatures, and the results were not very ac- curate. They therefore devised an improved method of determining the expansion of materials, and used it to study some platinum metals and alloys (42). It is therefore interesting to note that a recent paper from the National Bureau of Standards at Gaithersburg has described a technique for the accurate measure- ment of linear thermal expansions over the temperature range -27 to 5s°C, and deter- minations of the thermal expansion of platinum and two platinum-rhodium alloys; this work being carried out in support of the National Bureau of Standards Gas Thermometry Pro- gram (43).

Thus the platinum metals continue to contribute to the usefulness of gas thermometry for the most accurate determination of temperature.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1987, 31, (4) 2 06


The author has gained much information from three standard texts on the measurement of high temperatures, these being “Bulletin No. 54, U.S. Geological Survey” by C. Barus, “The Measurement of High Temperatures” by G. K. Burgess and H. Le Chatelier, and “High Temperature Gas Ther- mometry” by A. L. Day and R. B. Sosman, as well

as from “A History of Platinum and its Allied Metals” by D. McDonald and L. B. Hunt. Grateful thanks are due to Dr. J. A. Chaldecott of the Science Museum, London and to Dr. T. J. Quinn of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, Sevres for reading this manuscript and suggesting additions to the text, and to Mr. P. G. Smyrk for translating Chappuis’ obituaries. Thanks are due also to the archivists who have contributed information.


I L. B. Hunt, Platinum Metals Rev . , 1980, 24, (3),

2 S. Parkes, “Chemical Essays”, Baldwin, Cradock

3 J. F. Daniell, Quart. J . Sci., 1821, XI, 309 4 J. G. F. Schmidt, J . Nar. Phil., Chem. &Arts

(Nicholson), 1805, XI, 141 5 Thermometer and Pyrometer, in “Library of

Useful Knowledge, Natural Philosophy” Baldwin and Cradock, London, 1832, p. 31

6 For example, see A. L. Day and R. B. Sosman, “High Temperature Gas Thermometry”, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington D.C.,

7 H. T. Prinsep, “Memoir of the Author”, in “Essays on Indian Antiquities, Historic, Numismatic, and Palaeographic”, by the late James Prinsep, ed. Edward Thomas, London, John Murray, 1858, Vol. I, pp. i-xvi

8 J. Prinsep, Phil. Trans., 1828, 118, 79 9 Op. cit., (Ref. 6), p. 5

104; see also R. Price, 1959, 3, (3), 78

and Joy, London, 1815, p. 376

1911, P. 4

10 C. S. M. Pouillet, Comptes rendus, 1836, 3 , 782 I I L. B. Hunt, Platinum Metals Rev . , 1964,8, ( I ) , 23 12 R. C. Mackenzie, Thermochim. Acta, 1984, 73,

(3), 290 13 J. C. Chaston, Platinum Metals Rev . , 1981, 25,

(3), 121; D. McDonald, 1958, 2, (2), 55; B. Swindells, 1975, 19, (3), 110

14 H. St.-C. Deville and L. J. Troost, Phil. Mag.,

1 5 Op. cit., (Ref. IS), 339 16 W. W. Randall, Am. Chem. J . , 1897, 19, 682 17 G. K. Burgess and H. Le Chatelier, “The

Measurement of High Temperatures”, 3rd Edn., 1912, Wiley, New York, p. 54

1863, 26, 4, 336

18 Op. cit., (Ref. 17), p. 85 19 Op. cit., (Ref. 6), p. 6 20 A. L. Day, Metall. Chem. Eng., 1910, 8, ( 5 ) , 257 21 Comite Intern. Poids et Mesures, Proces-Verbaux

des SCances de 1887, 1888, 85 22 J. A. Hall, The International Temperature Scale,

in “Temperature Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry”, Vol. 2, ed. H. C. Wolfe, Reinhold, New York, 1955, p. 115

23 P. Chappuis, “Etudes sur le thermometre a gaz et comparaison des thermometres a mercure avec le thermom2tre a gaz”, Trav. Mem. Bur. Int. Pods Mes., 1888, VI

24 Ch.-l?d. Guillaume, “Pierre Chappuis et le Dkveloppement moderne de la Thermomktrie”, Extrait de la Revue Gnkrale des Sciences, Avril 1916, 0. Doin et Fils, Editeurs, Paris

25 A. Hagenbach, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 1916, XXVII, 86-92; H. Zickendraht, Verh. Schweiz. Naiurforsch. Ges., 1917, 1-7

26 T. J. Quinn, “Temperatures”, Academic Press, London, 1983

27 H. L. Callendar, “On the Practical Measurement ofTemperature”, Phil. Trans., 1887, 178, 160, as quoted in E. F. Mueller, “Precision Resistance Thermometry” in “Temperature Its Measure- ment and Control in Science and Industry”, Reinhold, New York, 1941, p. 162

28 Op. cit., (Ref. 22), p. 118

29 L. Holborn and A. L. Day, “On the Gas Ther- mometer at High Temperatures,” Am. J. Sci., 1899, 4th Series, 8, (49, 165

30 Op. cit., (Ref. 29), p. 186 31 Op. cit., (Ref. 17), p. 69 32 Op. cit., (Ref. 6), p. 12

33 C. Barus, Bull. U.S. Geological Suruey, 1889, 54 34 C. E. T., Proc. Geol. SOC., (London), 1959-60,

35 Op. cit., (Ref. 6), p. 15 36 Op. cit., (Ref. 6), p. 50 37 Op. cit., (Ref. zo), 258 38 J. A. Chaldecott, “Temperature Measurement &

Control”, Science Museum, London, 1976, 2nd Edn., (II), p. 15, item 43

39 D. McDonald and L. B. Hunt, “A History of Platinum and its Allied Metals”, Johnson Mat- they, London, 1982

40 “Le Systeme International d’Unites (SI)”, 5th Edn., (French and English texts), 1985, BIPM, p. I 06

41 P. P. M. Steur and M. Durieux, “Constant- Volume Gas Thermometry between 4K and rooK”, Metrologia, 1986, 23, ( I ) , I

42 L. Holborn and A. L. Day, “On the Expansion of Certain Metals at High Temperatures”, Am. 3. Sci., IYI, Fourth Series, 11, (65), 374

43 R. E. Edsinger, M. L. Reillyand J. F. Schooley, “Thermal Expansion of Platinum and Rhodium- Platinum Alloys”, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand.,

(1582), 130-132

1986, 91, (6), 333

Platinum Metals Rev. , 1987, 31, (4) 207