guide to assessing road traffic noise

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  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    Guid t assssing rad-trac

    nis using NZS 6806 r stathighwa asst imprmnt


    Version 1.0, October 2011

    This guide describes the processes to be used onNZTA asset improvement projects or assessing and,

    where required, determining appropriate mitigation

    or road-trac noise. These processes are based on

    NZS 6806:2010. The guide also gives eect to the

    NZTAs state highway project development and

    delivery standards, in particular SM030 minimum

    standard Z/19 Social and Environmental


  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    Guid t assssingrad-trac nisusing NZS 6806 rstat highwa asstimprmnt prjcts

    1.0NZ Transport Agency

    October 2011

    ISBN 978-0-478-38042-2 (online)

    ISBN 978-0-478-38043-9 (print)

    Copyright: 2011 NZ Transport Agency

    National Oce

    50 Victoria Street

    Private Bag 6995

    Wellington 6141

    New Zealand

    T 64 4 894 5400F 64 4 894 6100

    Front cover image:

    Transparent noise barrier by SH1 at St Marys Bay, Auckland


    Intrductin 1

    Assssmnt mthd 3

    Trminlg 4

    NZTA prcsss 6

    Rprting 10

    Bst practicabl ptin 12

    Watriw Cnnctin 16

    Scp wrks 17

    Dsignatin cnditins 18

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0 1


    BackgroundThe NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) aims to be a good neighbour, taking social and environmental

    responsibility seriously, including management o noise. This is reected in external and internal

    strategy and policy documents that the NZTA is required to implement, including the NZTAs

    Environmental plan1. These documents are consistent with the requirements o the Land Transport

    Management Act 2003 and Resource Management Act 1991 (reer to fgure 1).

    1 Transit New Zealand (2008)

    Environmental plan, version 2.

    The NZTAs Environmental plan sets ormal objectives regarding noise rom the state highway

    network, including:

    N2 Determine reasonable noise requirements when seeking new or altering existing

    designations including when designating existing local roads by using RMA procedures

    New Zealand Standard (NZS) 68062 prescribes the methods and criteria that the NZTA uses to

    ulfl this objective (except where existing designation conditions require compliance with another


    NZS 6806 was published by Standards New Zealand on 30 April 2010 and is a process-based

    standard or measuring, predicting, assessing and, where required, determining appropriate

    mitigation or road-trac noise.

    2 Standards New Zealand (2010)

    NZS 6806:2010Acoustics road-

    trafc noise new and altered roads.

    FIGURe 1 Rlatinship this guid t k NZTA plic and stratg

    dcumnts and thr guids





    ct2003 ResourceM



    Stat highwa nis barrir

    dsign guid

    Guid t stat highwa

    rad surac nis

    Stat highwa guid t acustics

    tratmnt buildings

    Statmnt Intnt 20112014

    Guid t assssing rad-trac nis using Nw Zaland Standard 6806

    r stat highwa asst imprmnt prjcts

    Nw Zaland Standard 6806:2010

    Acoustics road-trac noise new and altered roads

    Stat Highwa enirnmntal Plan


    Plic Statmnt

    2012/13 2018/19



    VERSION 2 JUNE 2008
  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    2 NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0

    Purpose o this document

    This guide describes the processes to be used on NZTA projects or assessing and, where required

    determining appropriate mitigation or, road-trac noise, based on NZS 6806. The aim is to

    consistently and eciently apply NZS 6806, within the ramework o the NTZAs Project

    management manual (SM011)3, State highway proessional services contract proorma manual

    (SMO30)4, and minimum standards Z/65, Z/186, Z/197, Z/208, Z/219 and PSG/1310. Specifcally,

    this guide is to be used or road-trac noise assessment as required by Z/19. Some o the

    minimum standards are to be updated or consistency with this noise assessment process. This

    guide should be read in conjunction with NZS 6806.

    NZS 6806 should result in better social and environmental outcomes or stakeholders, with

    integrated design o noise mitigation measures. However, or high-risk improvement works (reer

    to page 7 and the Risk management process manual 11), signifcantly more eort is needed rom the

    project team at an earlier stage in the process, compared with previous assessments using the

    Transit guidelines12. This guide is aimed in particular at NZTA project managers, acoustics

    specialists and planners:

    NZTAproject managers now need to schedule and budget or the dierent processes brought

    about by NZS 6806.

    Acoustics specialists need to adopt new assessment methods, and are now required to prepareinormation about mitigation options in new ormats and provide analysis o the acoustics

    beneftcost ratio (BCR).

    Planners need to adapt the way designation conditions or noise are drated.

    Foreachproject,asuitably qualied expert (such as an environmental manager, planner or

    other person with a holistic viewpoint) now has responsibility or the fnal determination o the

    best practicable option (BPO) or noise mitigation.

    Supporting tools, templates and examples or the application o NZS 6806 are available on the

    NZTAs Transport Noise website: This includes an online eLearning

    training module on road-trac noise, including application o NZS 6806.

    NZTA Transport Noise website

    NZTA eLearning NZS 6806 case study

    4 NZTA (2011) State highway

    proessional services contract

    proorma manual (SM030).

    7 NZTA (2010) Minimum standard

    Z/19 Social and Environmental


    3 NZTA (2010) Project

    management manual (SM011).

    10 NZTA (2010) StandardProessional Services Guideline

    PSG/13 Social and Environmental


    11 NZTA (2004) Risk management

    process manual.

    8 NZTA (2009) Minimum standard

    Z/20 Project Feasibility Reports.

    6 NZTA (2009) Minimum standard

    Z/18 Scoping Report.

    www.nzta.govt .nz

    5 NZTA (2009) Minimum standard

    Z/6 Scheme Assessment Report.

    9 NZTA (2009) Minimum standard

    Z/21 Large and Complex Projects

    I&R to D&PD Phase Handover

    12 NZTA (1999) Appendix 6:

    Guidelines or the management o

    road trac noise state highway

    improvements in Planning policy

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0 3

    Assssmnt mthd

    BackgroundRoad-trac noise rom state highways has previously been assessed using the Transit guidelines

    (appendix 6 in the NZTAs Planning policy manual). One o the weaknesses o the Transit guidelines

    is that they oten led to noise mitigation solutions to achieve perect compliance with the specifed

    noise limits, resulting in poorly integrated designs and at the expense o value-or-money. In some

    instances this has resulted in poor visual and urban design outcomes, and construction o

    substantial barriers or the sake o 1 dB attenuation, which is an insignifcant beneft.

    The NZTAs Value Assurance Committee13 has provisionally adopted NZS 6806 or all new and

    altered state highway projects (except where existing designation conditions require compliance

    with another standard). NZS 6806 is to be used in place o the Transit guidelines. This decision is

    subject to review ollowing urther verifcation that value-or-money solutions do result rom

    NZS 6806 when tested against an extended range o projects.

    The assessment method in NZS 6806 requires consideration o a number o noise mitigationoptions depending on the scale o a project. For a transitional period o two years until May 2012,

    the NZTA requires that assessments using NZS 6806 include consideration o a noise mitigation

    option complying with the Transit guidelines.


    Unlike the Transit guidelines, NZS 6806 does not set rigid noise limits. It gives categories (A, B and

    C) o noise criteria, and requires that the best practicable option (BPO) be identifed to mitigate

    road-trac noise. This process promotes integrated design encompassing a wide range o actors

    as well as noise levels. The upper category (C) provides a backstop against adverse health eects

    such as sleep disturbance, by requiring the insulation o houses i the external noise would not be

    suciently reduced using the BPO.

    Catgr Critrin Altrd rads Nw rad Nw rad

    > 75,000 AADT

    (i in Auckland)

    A Primar 64 dB LAq(24h)

    57 dB LAq(24h)

    64 dB LAq(24h)

    B Scndar 67 dB LAq(24h)

    64 dB LAq(24h)

    67 dB LAq(24h)

    C Intrnal 40 dB LAq(24h)

    40 dB LAq(24h)

    40 dB LAq(24h)

    Noise mitigation options are to be assessed and, i practicable, the category A criterion should be

    achieved. I this is not practicable, then mitigation should be assessed against category B. However,

    i it is still not practicable to comply with categories A or B then mitigation should be implemented

    to ensure the internal criterion in category C is achieved.

    Mitigation costs

    Mitigation options determined using NZS 6806 will typically comprise low-noise road suraces and

    noise barriers. I these are not sucient, then building-modifcation such as mechanical ventilation

    may be required so windows can remain closed. Use o the new criteria in NZS 6806 to date

    (September 2011) has shown:


    costs that would arise i the Transit guidelines were applied


    roads) in urban areas may be more than the noise mitigation costs that would arise i the Transit

    guidelines were applied.

    13 Value Assurance Committee

    minutes, 28 January 2010.

    TABLe 1 NZS 6806 critria

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    4 NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0


    NZS 6806 introduces several new terms. A summary o key terms is provided here, but many

    have complex denitions and reerence to NZS 6806 is essential.

    Altered road

    An existing road that is subject to a change in the horizontal or vertical alignment that without

    specifc noise mitigation would cause an increase in road-trac noise above thresholds defned in

    NZS 6806.

    NZS 6806 applies to new and altered roads. It does not apply to existing roads that are not being

    altered. An online screening tool to help determine whether or not NZS 6806 applies to a

    particular project is provided on the Transport Noise website ( ).

    Maintenance works such as resuracing are not classifed as an altered road project.

    Building-modication mitigation

    Measures to reduce the eects o internal trac noise levels in buildings include:

    acoustic insulation

    voice amplifcation systems

    building relocation.


    Any teaching or medical acility; or a minimum o three protected premises and acilities (PPFs)

    that are on the same side o the road being assessed, and are not more than 100m rom another

    PPF in that group.

    Decibels (dB LAeq(24h)


    Road-trac noise levels under NZS 6806are measured in decibels (dB) as the

    A-requency-weighted, time-average level

    over 24 hours (LAeq(24h)

    ). This is the same

    unit as the old Transit guidelines.

    Design year

    10 to 20 years ater the opening o a new or altered road.


    The scenario o no change to the existing road, but with trac growth that would have occurred at

    the design year.


    The scenario at the design year o a new or altered road having been constructed, but with no

    specifc noise mitigation measures implemented.


    The assessment position or road-trac noise has changed. Under the Transit guidelines, road-

    trac noise is assessed outside at 1m in ront o a building, including noise reected rom the

    building itsel (a acade level). Under NZS 6806 road-trac noise is now assessed at the position

    o the building acade excluding noise reected rom the building, as i it wasnt there (a ree-feld

    level). A ree-feld level (NZS 6806) is approximately 2.5 dB less than a acade level (Transit

    guidelines). To provide consistency within uture assessments, the noise limits rom the Transitguidelines will be reduced by 2.5 dB so that they can then be applied directly to ree-feld levels

    under NZS 6806.
  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0 5

    Protected premises and acilities (PPFs)

    Spaces in buildings used or:

    residential activities


    overnight medical care

    teaching (and sleeping) in educational acilities

    playgrounds that are part o educational acilities that are within 20m o buildings used or

    teaching purposes.

    PPFs are the locations where road-trac noise is assessed and or which noise mitigation measures

    may be required. NZS 6806 does not apply to PPFs in urban areas that are located more than

    100m rom the edge o the closest trac lane or the new or altered road, or PPFs in rural areas

    located more than 200m rom the edge o the closest trac lane.

    Structural mitigation

    Measures to reduce noise such as:

    low-noise road surace materials noise barriers (including walls, ences and bunds).


    An urban environment is a main urban area, a satellite urban community or an independent urban

    community (Statistics New Zealand). Any area that is not urban is classifed as a rural environment

    or the purposes o NZS 6806. Details o these areas are available rom Statistics New Zealand

    ( and the NZTAs Spatial Viewer (

    Altered road NZTA Spatial Viewer showing urban and rural areas

    Structural mitigation

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    6 NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0

    NZTA prcsssThe ull assessment process detailed in NZS 6806 requires signifcantly more eort than previous

    assessments using the Transit guidelines. However, or many routine NZTA projects, noise

    mitigation is not warranted and neither is a ull assessment using NZS 6806. To determine whereNZS 6806 requires mitigation, the NZTA has adopted a three-tiered approach to noise

    assessment, as shown in fgure 2. For many projects the Tier 1 and 2 assessments can be quickly

    and simply conducted by NZTA project sta without the need or acoustics specialists. Tier 3

    assessments are not required on all projects, but do require the use o acoustics specialists.

    The let-hand side o fgure 2 shows NZTA state highway project stages. The appropriate tier o

    noise assessment varies or each stage, depending on the risk associated with the project. Generally,

    or larger higher-risk projects, the more detailed Tier 2 and 3 assessments will be required in earlier

    stages. The noise risk associated with the project is determined rom the Tier 1 assessment. The

    Tier 1 and 2 noise assessments are conducted separately or each project option. The Tier 3 noise

    assessment is only conducted or the preerred option determined in the Scheme Assessment.

    Stag Nis assssmnt tirItm



    Scoping Report

    Schm Assssmnt 1

    (easibility/scoping update)

    Schm Assssmnt 2

    Scheme Assessment Report (SAR)






    High risk







    High risk





    FIGURe 2

    Assssmnt prcss







    oprat and MaintainConsent compliance


    Implement mitigation


    Outline Plan o Works



    Project Feasibility Report

    Schm Assssmnt 3

    Assessment o Environmental Eects

    (AEE) / Notice o Requirement


  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0 7

    14 NZTA (2010) Social and

    Environmental Management Form,


    Tier 1 Noise risk assessment

    A Tier 1 assessment indicates the noise risk associated with a project option. The assessment is a

    simple process that can be completed in a matter o minutes by a non-specialist. It is based solely

    on the volume o trac at the opening year and the number o protected premises and acilities

    (PPFs) within 200m o the proposed alignment. An estimate o these parameters will usually be

    sucient to determine the appropriate category in table 2.

    The Tier 1 assessment orms part o the Social and Environmental Screen (SES) required by

    minimum standard Z/19. The results o the assessment or each project option are to be reported

    on separate copies o orm PSF/1314, together with the assessments o other potential social and

    environmental eects required by Z/19. As the project progresses through Feasibility, Scoping and

    the beginning o Scheme Assessment, the assessment or each current option should be reviewed

    and updated as necessary. No reporting other than PSF/13 is required or Tier 1 assessments.

    Beside each owchart on the ollowing pages is a list o the tools available to NZTA sta and

    consultants. Many o these tools are on the Transport Noise website (

    Within the website, results rom tools can be saved in a central location or each project.

    Instructions or doing this are provided on the website.

    Dtrmin th annual aragdail trac (AADT) at thpning ar.

    estimat hw man prtctdprmiss and acilitis (PPFs) arwithin 200m th alignmnt.

    Dtrmin th rall riskusing th tabls blw.

    Cmplt th Scial andenirnmnt Scrn (SeS) nrm PSF/13.

    Spatial Viewer

    PSF/13 & PSG/13

    Indiidual rating Annual arag dailtrac (AADT)

    Prtctd prmiss andacilitis (PPFs)

    Nt applicabl (NA) 50,000pd > 200 PPFs

    orall rating Indiidual ratings (AADT/PPFs)

    Nt applicabl (NA) eithr NA

    Lw risk (L) Bth L

    Mdium risk (M) on M and n L r M

    High risk (H) on H and n L, M r H

    FIGURe 3 Tir 1

    TABLe 2 Risk rating

    Projects do not always exactly ollow the progression o stages shown in fgure 2. For example, a

    project might progress straight rom Feasibility to Scheme Assessment with no Scoping stage, or

    there might be a period o several years between Scoping and Scheme Assessment. In these cases,

    all relevant tiers o the noise assessment should be completed or reviewed when commencing the

    next project stage. For the purposes o noise assessment the Scheme Assessment has been split

    into three stages, although the division is not a ormal part o NZTA processes.
  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    8 NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0

    Tier 2 NZS 6806 screening assessment

    NZS 6806 only requires mitigation to be considered in clearly defned circumstances. The purpose

    o the Tier 2 assessment is to screen out those project options where mitigation is defnitely not

    required. The Tier 2 assessment or each project option should take no more than 5 to 10 minutes

    to complete by a non-specialist using the screening tool on the Transport Noise website. The

    assessment is made on the basis o estimated details o the project (AADT, surace, gradient) and

    the relationship to the nearest PPF.

    The Tier 2 noise assessment orms part o the Social and Environmental Assessment (SEA)

    required by minimum standard Z/19. For each project option, the one-page results sheet rom the

    NZS 6806 screening tool should be appended to orm PSF/13. The orm and screening assessment

    should be reviewed and updated as necessary as the project progresses. For Scoping Reports and

    Scheme Assessment Reports the Tier 2 noise assessment should comprise just PSF/13 and the

    appended results sheets. For a project where no mitigation is required then or statutory approvals

    a Road-trac Noise Assessment Report should be prepared based on the screening report

    template provided on the Transport Noise website.

    Idnti urban/rural aras andPPFs

    Dtrmin rad/tracparamtrs

    Spatial Viewer


    Cmplt SeA n PSF/13.Attach scrning tl rsults

    estimat likl mitigatin

    Road-trac noise calculator

    Noise barrier design guide

    Guide to road surace noise*

    Guide to acoustics treatment*

    * In preparation

    PSF/13 & PSG/13




    NZS 6806rquir mitigatinptins t bdlpd?

    FIGURe 4 Tir 2
  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0 9

    Tier 3 NZS 6806 assessment

    A Tier 3 assessment determines the BPO or noise mitigation. This requires an acoustics specialist.

    Cnduct nis mdlling rd-minimum scnari

    Cmplt Rad-trac NisAssssmnt Rprt rSAR/Aee

    Road-trac noise calculator

    Screening report template

    BCR spreadsheet

    Noise mitigation cost upload tool





    Updat SeA n PSF/13Prduc Rad-trac NisAssssmnt Rprt r SAR

    Prjct tam ll in aluatinmatrix r assssmnt ara

    Aran PPFs

    ab NZS 6806catgr A?



    Instigat mitigatin ptins

    Calculat BCR r ach ptin

    Dtrmin indicati BPo rnis mitigatin

    Uplad mitigatin cstcmparisn

    Prpar a summar papr rach assssmnt ara

    Dtrmin th BPo r nismitigatin

    Prduc Rad-trac NisAssssmnt Rprt r Aee

    Dlp mitigatin dtailddsign and cnrm that anariatins t mitigatin ar stillth BPo

    entr as-built nis mitigatindtails in th RAMM databas

    Prduc Rad-trac NisMitigatin Plan (oPW)

    Road-trac noise calculator

    Noise barrier design guide

    Guide to road surace noise*

    Guide to acoustics treatment*

    * In preparation

    PSF/13 & PSG/13

    Templates and examples

    Matrix template

    Report template

    Road-trac noise calculator

    Noise barrier design guide

    Guide to road surace noise*

    Guide to acoustics treatment*

    * In preparation

    Report template

    FIGURe 5

    Tir 3

    SM030, section 8

    Drat dsignatin cnditins Model conditions



    Hld a BPo wrkshp rlarg/high-risk prjcts
  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    10 NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0


    Minimum standard Z/19 Social and Environmental Management (within SM030) will be updated

    to provide outline details o the requirements or Tier 1 and 2 noise assessments or NZTA projects.This includes the use o orm PSF/13 to document the Tier 1 assessment as part o the Social

    Environmental Screen, and the Tier 2 assessment as part o the Social Environmental Assessment.

    The owcharts on the previous pages indicate when results rom the noise assessment should be

    recorded on PSF/13. The ollowing provides guidance and examples o how to use that inormation

    to complete PSF/13. More detailed guidance can be ound in PSG/13.

    Social and Environmental Screen (SES)

    The Tier 1 noise assessment is part o the SES or each option. The assessment is limited to the

    identifcation o PPFs and consideration o the opening year trac. At this stage, the frst three

    columns o PSF/13 should be completed separately or each alignment option.


    The deault text in column A or the row noise should remain unchanged. The ollowing guidanceor the remaining columns only relates to road-trac noise, but additional inormation may also be

    required or construction noise.


    The opening year AADT and approximate number o PPFs should be recorded. A brie summary

    should be given o the PPFs (urban/rural area), the existing noise environment and a qualitative

    description o the predicted new road-trac noise.

    Degree o efect

    The degree o eect should be reported as the overall risk obtained rom table 2.

    optin dscriptin

    Scial and enirnmntal Scrn


    Social and environmental



    Describe the potential social and environmental eects o

    the option, including where the option may improve social

    and environmental outcomes

    Dgr fct

    H / M / L / NA


    eg construction noise,trac noise,

    maintenance noise,

    presence o sensitive

    receivers (homes,

    schools, hospitals).

    opning ar AADT 18,000pd

    PPFs within 200m 40 huss

    Th prjct is a nw rad in an urban rsidntial

    ara. Thr ar n signicant xisting nis

    surcs in cls prximit t th PPFs and th

    nw rad wuld intrduc a clarl nticabl

    nw nis surc.


    TABLe 3 Scial and enirnmntal Scrn xampl Prjct X

    15 NZTA (in preparation) State

    highway construction noise guide.

    This example only shows road-trac or operational noise eects. The NZTA guide to state

    highway construction noise15 provides similar examples or construction noise eects.

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0 11

    Social and Environmental Assessment (SEA)

    The Tier 2 noise assessment is part o the SEA. At this stage the second three columns o PSF/13

    should be completed or each option, building on or updating the SES completed previously. The

    SEA should occur beore detailed acoustics computer modelling and determination o the BPO or

    noise mitigation are undertaken. The SEA should be updated once the noise mitigation has been



    I a designation exists and has noise conditions, the CSVue15 reerence should be given with a brie

    summary o the conditions. Objective N2 in the NZTAs Environmental plan should always be listed,

    as shown in the example below.

    Addressing efects and meeting requirements

    The specifc action, i mitigation is required, will usually be to undertake a Tier 3 assessment to

    determine the BPO in accordance with NZS 6806. However, i the analysis is advanced at the time

    the SEA is completed then more specifc details or mitigation should be provided. The estimated

    cost or mitigation cannot be given prior to analysis o options. I rom experience it is considered

    likely that mitigation will be required then the estimated cost should be marked TBC (to be

    confrmed). Once the BPO has been identifed then the approximate cost or noise mitigation canbe determined using the BCR spreadsheet on the Transport Noise website.

    In the example below, noise barriers and low-noise road suraces have been identifed as being the

    likely noise mitigation options. Detailed analysis to identiy the BPO or noise mitigation is not

    expected at this stage. Indicative calculations or proessional judgement based on knowledge o

    similar projects are acceptable to determine likely noise mitigation when the SEA is frst completed.

    optin dscriptinScial and enirnmntal Assssmnt


    List all legal requirements and

    relevant NZTA social and

    environmental objectives

    Addrssing fcts and mting rquirmnts

    List actions to be taken to meet specifc social and environmental

    requirements and objectives and address all eects identifed. Include an

    estimated cost.

    Spcic actins estimatd cst($)


    (CSvu 12345, cnditin 5)

    Assssmnt in accrdancwith NZS 6806.

    Spcic NZTAbjctis:

    (Environmental plan N2)

    Dtrmin rasnabl

    nis rquirmnts whn

    sking nw r altring

    xisting dsignatins,

    including whn dsignating

    xisting lcal rads b

    using RMA prcdurs.

    Cnduct nis mnitring th xisting


    Cnstruct an acustics cmputr mdl

    and calculat nis lls r: xisting,d-nthing, d-minimum and mitigatin

    ptins (including an ptin t cmpl

    with th Transit guidlins).

    Dtrmin th BPo in accrdanc with

    NZS 6806.

    Th BPo is likl t includ nis barrirs

    and lw-nis rad suracs, but th cst

    ths cannt b rliabl stimatd at

    this stag.


    15 CSVue ( is the

    online database used by the NZTA

    or consent management. Contact

    the Environment and Urban Design

    Team ([email protected]).

    TABLe 4 Scial and enirnmntal Assssmnt xampl Prjct X
  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    12 NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0

    Waterview Connection, Sector 1 South, option 1

    Bst practicabl ptin

    Key to the NZS 6806 process is the determination o the BPO or noise mitigation. The ollowing

    provides more detailed guidance on the actions required or NZTA projects during thedetermination o the BPO. This process should ensure the BPO is determined in a robust and

    consistent manner.














    1. The project should be split into discreteassessment areas. In urban

    environments separate assessment

    areas should be used or each side o

    the state highway.

    2. The project acoustics specialist should develop a number o noise mitigation options oreach assessment area. These should be documented in a summary paper or each

    assessment area using the ormats provided on the Transport Noise website (actual

    project examples are also provided on the website). One o the mitigation options must

    be designed to comply with the Transit guidelines.

    Waterview Connection, Sector 1 North, option 1

    Waterview Connection, Sector 1 North, option 2 Waterview Connection, Sector 1 South, option 2


    Category A PPF

    Category B PPF

    Category C PPF

    Barrier (with height in m)

    15 assessment areas or theTransmission Gully Project

    Close-up o one assessment area











  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0 13

    3. The project acoustics specialist should calculate the BCR or each mitigation optionusing the spreadsheet template available on the Transport Noise website. The relative

    merits should be added to the assessment area summary paper.

    4. The project acoustics specialist should prepare an assessment matrix or eachassessment area using the template on the Transport Noise website. The acoustics

    specialist should fll in the assessment or the acoustics criteria and then circulate the

    matrices with the options summary papers to the project team. For each assessment

    criteria the matrices include a seven-point qualitative rating rom triple-plus to triple-

    minus. Early trials proved that a quantitative scoring system could not correctly balance

    the dierent criteria in the matrix, as the appropriate weightings change in each

    assessment area. The template allows the assessment criteria to be customised so thatthey are relevant to the specifc project and location. As a minimum the criteria should

    cover the actors listed in section 6.3 o NZS 6806.








    $0Option 1 Option 2



    Option 3 Option 4


    5. All relevant project team members should complete the matrix. The key responses inaddition to acoustics will usually be the landscape/visual and urban design, although all

    other disciplines are important in determining the BPO. The NZTA Asset Manager

    should contribute to the matrix to ensure operation and maintenance issues are

    adequately considered.

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    14 NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0

    8. Ideally the BPO will be determined by consensus at the noise mitigation workshop. Inmany cases, minor variants to mitigation options will need to be remodelled ollowing

    the workshop and reviewed by specifc workshop participants. I consensus cannot be

    achieved then a suitably qualifed expert with a holistic view is responsible or balancing

    the dierent considerations and judging which option constitutes the BPO.




    P r o

    j e c


    m a n a g e r





    NZTA acousticsspecialist































    6. The responses to the matrices should be collated and reviewed by the project manager,planner and acoustics specialist. I the choice o noise mitigation options is clear-cut on

    the basis o the assessment matrices then these may be selected as the BPO. For simple

    projects it is envisaged that this will oten be the case. For large, complex and high-risk

    projects it will usually be necessary to hold one or more noise mitigation workshops to

    review the matrices beore determining the BPO.

    7. I necessary, hold a noise mitigation workshop. Precirculate the completed assessmentmatrices to all attendees. Attendees may include:



    consultantteam:acoustics,planning,social,consultation,roading,structures,visual/landscape, urban design, construction, ecology, stormwater


    NZTAregionaloce:planning,maintenance(regionalmaintenancestaarecriticalcontributors as the long-term perormance o the mitigation depends on practicable

    maintenance) acousticsadvisorsfromthecouncilortheEnvironmentalProtectionAuthority(EPA)

    (observer only as NZS 6806 is a process rather than perormance based standard, itis benefcial or the regulatory authoritys acoustics advisor to be able to witness theprocess so that they can veriy it was correctly implemented).

    Not all o these people will be needed or every noise mitigation workshop, and theapproprite attendees should be determined by the NZTA project manager.

    Stakeholder engagement

    Stakeholder input is required in this process, including rom those people living adjacent toproposed barriers. Ideally, community opinions will be known when completing assessment

    matrices and prior to any noise mitigation workshop. Otherwise, the selected options should

    remain subject to confrmation ollowing community consultation ater the workshop.

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0 15

    Case study Transmission Gully Project

    The Transmission Gully Project is a proposed new 27km expressway providing an inland route

    between Wellington (Linden) and the Kapiti Coast (MacKays Crossing). An assessment o uture

    road-trac noise in accordance with NZS 6806 was conducted or the project in 2010. As a large

    project aecting a signifcant number o PPFs, a hal-day noise mitigation workshop was held to

    determine the BPO or each o the assessment areas. In accordance with the procedures detailed in

    this guide, mitigation options were circulated and assessment matrices completed by the project

    team prior to the workshop. Participants at the workshop included all those shown in the diagram

    opposite, and the EPA acoustics advisor was present to witness the process. In several cases the

    BPO was identifed as being a modifcation to one o the options that had been prepared. The

    proposed modifcations were tested in the noise model ater the workshop and reviewed/

    confrmed by the aected team members at a ollow-up meeting the next day.

    Following the workshop the project acoustics specialist and a member o the planning team visited

    all building owners adjacent to proposed noise barriers. This included around 30 households, a

    primary school, a preschool, a teen-parent unit and a marae. Wherever practicable, wishes o

    neighbours were considered. Individual site inspections also allowed building heights to be refned

    in the noise model. Any alterations that

    materially aected the BPO identifed at

    the noise mitigation workshop were then

    reviewed with the relevant team members.

    As well as balancing noise and visual

    considerations, other positive urban

    design outcomes rom this process

    included the maintenance o a communitywalkway. Initially the noise barriers were

    proposed on property boundaries.

    However, an area was identifed where this

    would sever an inormal, but heavily used

    community walkway on crown land. It was

    determined at the workshop that the

    barrier could be positioned closer to the

    road to maintain the walkway behind, but

    that the walkway would need to be

    ormally established due to the steep

    slope in the remaining space available.

    The team liaised with the council, which

    agreed to accept the land and establish

    the walkway. The adjacent residents alsoconfrmed their support or the walkway.

    Noise mitigation workshops

    To give eect to the process detailed on the previous pages, a noise mitigation workshop needs to

    be well planned and organised. This should include the ollowing:


    drat assessment matrix or each area at least one month beore the workshop. Allteammembersshouldcompletetheirpartsoftheassessmentmatricesatleasttwoweeks

    beore the workshop.


    beore the workshop.


    projection screen to display the options being discussed.





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    16 NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0

    Watriw Cnnctin

    The Waterview Connection in Auckland is the

    largest roading project in New Zealand in recenttimes. It includes 4.5km o new state highway

    connecting SH20 with SH16, o which 2.5km will

    be in tunnels, as well as alterations to 7km o the

    existing SH16. The section between SH20 and

    SH16 is unique in that the new surace road is

    expected to carry more than 80,000 vehicles per

    day and passes through established residential

    urban areas with relatively low existing noise

    levels. In contrast, the works to SH16 are on a road

    carrying around 130,000 vehicles per day through

    an urban area already subject to high road-trac noise levels.

    In 2010, the Waterview Connection was one o the frst projects where NZS 6806 was used or

    road-trac noise assessment. It was also the frst roading project where the notices o requirementor designations and applications or resource consents were submitted to the Environmental

    Protection Authority under the RMA national consenting process. This process has a time limit o

    nine months, which restricted the time available or the Board o Inquiry to consider and analyse

    the development and implementation o NZS 6806.

    In its fnal report, the Waterview Board o Inquiry stated the ollowing concerns:


    those in Category C



    and possibly social wellbeing relative to the social wellbeing and health o directly aected people



    It is noted that many Category A and B PPFs in the vicinity o that part o the existing SH16 being

    altered as part o the project already receive high internal (and external) noise levels as part o the

    current (2011) existing environment.

    Despite reerring to the concerns noted above in its fnal report, in its fnal decision on the

    Waterview designation conditions the Board o Inquiry imposed the amended designation

    conditions proposed by the NZTA (in its comments on the Boards drat decision).

    For the majority o the Waterview Connection the operational noise conditions imposed by the

    Board are completely consistent with NZS 6806. The only signifcant variation rom NZS 6806 is in

    relation to a specifc area (Sector 9) where a section o new surace road expected to carry over

    80,000 vehicles per day would be constructed through an established quiet residential

    neighbourhood. In its comments on the Boards drat report the NZTA accepted that, due to thelevels o trac involved, the situation in relation to Sector 9 is unique in the New Zealand context

    and, accordingly, the NZTA accepted the imposition o noise conditions that would require more

    noise mitigation than would be required under NZS 6806.

    Under the noise conditions applying to Sector 9 only, regardless o what NZS 6806 category a PPF

    alls into, road-trac noise levels inside the PPFs are not to exceed 40 dB LAeq(24h)

    , with building-

    modifcation mitigation required i structural mitigation is not sucient. The NZTA accepts this

    condition is appropriate to manage adverse road-trac noise eects in the unique situation

    aecting Sector 9.

    The NZTA considers NZS 6806 is a robust tool to help assess what are reasonable levels o road

    trac noise, and to help determine appropriate mitigation o the noise eects o new and altered

    roads. NZS 6806 was subject to the usual committee process or approval o New Zealand

    standards and involved a wide range o stakeholders, many with the publics interest as their

    responsibility, together with science experts, who considered and weighed the available evidenceand sought wider input through public submissions.

    For uture projects, the model conditions on pages 1921 should be promoted by the NZTA.

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0 17

    Scp wrks

    For a Tier 3 assessment (reer to fgure 5) the ollowing items o work should be perormed by an

    acoustics specialist. The templates and spreadsheet reerred to are on the Transport Noise website.

    Scheme Assessment 2



    o veriying the noise model or the existing scenario and quantiying the existing environment.




    and do-minimum scenarios, and determine noise levels at each PPF.


    I all PPFs are category A or do-minimum, or all levels are within NZS 6806 section 1.5.2thresholds, use the screening report template to prepare a Road-trac Noise Assessment Report

    which will be suitable or both the SAR and AEE. No urther work is required.

    I any PPFs are in NZS 6806 categories B or C:


    model, in accordance with NZS 6806 section 7. One option must meet the Transit guidelines.


    average noise reduction or each mitigation option relative to the do-minimum scenario.





    Scheme Assessment 3





    workshop or large/high risk projects (workshop attendees to include the EUDT).












    Road-trac Noise Mitigation Plan and individual mitigation agreements.



  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    18 NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0

    Dsignatin cnditins

    Figure 6 shows which noise standard should be applied to a particular designation.

    FIGURe 6 Dsignatin cnditins



    ys Us mdl cnditins t gifct t NZS 6806



    Nw dsignatin?

    Altratint dsignatin



    cnditins alradxist?

    Number oafectedPPFs

    < 10 PPFs

    10-50 PPFs

    > 50 PPFs

    Assss mitigatinundr xistingcnditins (tpicallTransit guidlins)

    Sk guidanc rmth enirnmnt andUrban Dsign Tam([email protected])

    Cnsidr analtratin t thcnditins t applNZS 6806


    nis cnditinsxist?


    N Dtrmin an nis mitigatin

    rquird using NZS 6806


    Appl xisting cnditins

    (g Transit guidlins)

    Cnsidr an altratin t thcnditins t appl NZS 6806


    cmplx, ragmntdand likl t lad t pr

    urban dsignutcm?




  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0 19

    Model conditions

    It is not possible to prescribe a simplistic perormance standard, such as a noise limit, to the

    NZS 6806 process or the results o the process. The BPO is determined by ollowing the correct

    process and not by achieving an absolute limit. Recommended designation conditions that

    encapsulate the NZS 6806 process are shown below. The conditions provide certainty in the noise

    mitigation outcome to be provided, while allowing or development during normal detailed design


    Condition N1

    For the purposes o Conditions [N2N12] the ollowing terms will have the ollowing meanings:

    a) BPO means the Best Practicable Option.

    b) Building-Modifcation Mitigation has the same meaning as in NZS 6806:2010.

    c) Habitable Space has the same meaning as in NZS 6806:2010.

    d) Noise Assessment

    OPTION 1 Build now designation- means the Road-trac Noise Assessment Report [re] submitted with the NOR.

    OPTION 2 Route protection designation

    - means the Road-trac Noise Assessment Report in accordance with condition [N2].

    e) Noise Criteria Categories means the groups o preerence or time-averaged sound levels

    established in accordance with NZS 6806:2010 when determining the BPO mitigation option,

    ie Category A primary noise criterion, Category B secondary noise criterion and Category C

    internal noise criterion.

    ) NZS 6806:2010 means New Zealand Standard NZS 6806:2010 Acoustics Road-trac

    noise New and altered roads.

    g) PPFs

    OPTION 1 Build now designation- means only the premises and acilities identifed in green, orange or red in the Noise


    OPTION 2 Route protection designation

    - has the same meaning as in NZS 6806:2010 or the purpose o the preparation o the Noise

    Assessment. Once a Noise Assessment has been prepared in accordance with Condition

    [N2], PPFs means only the premises and acilities identifed in green, orange or red in the

    Noise Assessment.

    h) Structural Mitigation has the same meaning as in NZS 6806:2010.

    OPTION 1 Build now designation

    Condition N2The NZTA shall implement the road-trac noise mitigation measures identifed as the Selected

    Options in the Noise Assessment as part o the Project, in order to achieve the Noise Criteria

    Categories indicated in the Noise Assessment (Identifed Categories), where practicable, subject

    to Conditions [N3N11] below.

    OPTION 2 Route protection designation

    Condition N2

    The NZTA shall appoint a suitably qualifed acoustics specialist, a suitably qualifed planner

    approved by the Council, and other designers, to determine the BPO or road-trac noise

    mitigation in accordance with NZS 6806:2010. No later than 6 months prior to construction

    starting, the NZTA shall submit to the Council a Road-trac Noise Assessment Report (Noise

    Assessment) detailing the assessment process, Selected Options or noise mitigation, and the

    Noise Criteria Categories or all PPFs (Identifed Categories). The NZTA shall implement the

    Selected Options or noise mitigation identifed in the Noise Assessment as part o the Project, in

    order to achieve the Identifed Categories where practicable, subject to Conditions [N3N11] below.

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    20 NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0

    Condition N3

    The detailed design o the Structural Mitigation measures in the Selected Options (the Detailed

    Mitigation Options) shall be undertaken by a suitably qualifed acoustics specialist prior to

    construction o the Project, and, subject to Condition [N4], shall include, as a minimum, the


    a) Noise barriers with the location, length and height in general accordance with the Noise

    Assessment; and

    b) Low-noise road suraces in general accordance with the Noise Assessment.

    Condition N4

    Where the design o the Detailed Mitigation Options identifes that it is not practicable to

    implement a particular Structural Mitigation measure in the location or o the length or height

    included in the Selected Options either:

    a) i the design o the Structural Mitigation measure could be changed and would still achieve the

    same Identifed Category or Category B at all relevant PPFs, and a suitably qualifed plannerapproved by the Council certifes to the Council that the changed Structural Mitigation would

    be consistent with adopting the BPO in accordance with NZS 6806:2010, the Detailed

    Mitigation Options may include the changed mitigation measure; or

    b) i changed design o the Structural Mitigation measure would change the Noise Criteria

    Category at any relevant PPF rom Category A or B to Category C, but the Council confrms that

    the changed Structural Mitigation would be consistent with adopting BPO in accordance with

    NZS 6806:2010, the Detailed Mitigation Options may include the changed mitigation measure.

    Condition N5

    The Detailed Mitigation Options shall be implemented prior to completion o construction o the

    Project, with the exception o any low-noise road suraces, which shall be implemented within

    12 months o completion o construction.

    Condition N6

    Prior to construction o the Project, a suitably qualifed acoustics specialist shall identiy those PPFs

    which ollowing implementation o all the Structural Mitigation included in the Detailed Mitigation

    Options are not in Noise Criteria Categories A or B and where Building-Modifcation Mitigation

    may be required to achieve 40 dB LAeq(24h)

    inside habitable spaces (Category C Buildings).

    Condition N7

    a) Prior to commencement o construction o the Project in the vicinity o a Category C Building,

    the NZTA shall write to the owner o each Category C Building seeking access to such building

    or the purpose o measuring internal noise levels and assessing the existing building envelope

    in relation to noise reduction perormance.

    b) I the owner(s) o the Category C Building approves the NZTAs access to the property within

    12 months o the date o the NZTAs letter (sent pursuant to Condition [N7(a)]), then no more

    than 12 months prior to commencement o construction o the Project, the NZTA shall instruct

    a suitably qualifed acoustics specialist to visit the building to measure internal noise levels and

    assess the existing building envelope in relation to noise reduction perormance.

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    A owchart illustrating application o conditions N6 to N11 is provided in the NZTAs State highwayguide to acoustics treatment o buildings.

    NZ Transprt Agnc | Road-trac noise assessment | SP/M/023 | October 2011 / version 1.0 21

    Condition N8

    Where a Category C Building is identifed, the NZTA shall be deemed to have complied with

    Condition [N7] above where:

    a) The NZTA (through its acoustics specialist) has visited the building; or

    b) The owner o the Category C Building approved the NZTAs access, but the NZTA could not

    gain entry or some reason (such as entry denied by a tenant); or

    c) The owner o the Category C Building did not approve the NZTAs access to the property within

    the time period set out in Condition [N7(b)] (including where the owner(s) did not respond to

    the NZTAs letter (sent pursuant to Condition [N7(a)] within that period)); or

    d) The owner o the Category C Building cannot, ater reasonable enquiry, be ound prior to

    completion o construction o the Project.

    I any o (b) to (d) above apply to a particular Category C Building, the NZTA shall not be required

    to implement any Building-Modifcation Mitigation at that Category C Building.

    Condition N9

    Subject to Condition [N8], within six months o the assessment required under Condition [N7(b)],

    the NZTA shall give written notice to the owner o each Category C Building:

    a) Advising o the options available or Building-Modifcation Mitigation to the building; and

    b) Advising that the owner has three months within which to decide whether to accept Building-

    Modifcation Mitigation or the building, and i the NZTA has advised the owner that more than

    one option or Building-Modifcation Mitigation is available, to advise which o those options

    the owner preers.

    Condition N10

    Once an agreement on Building-Modifcation Mitigation is reached between the NZTA and theowner o an aected building, the mitigation shall be implemented (including the NZTA obtaining

    any third party authorisations required to implement the mitigation) in a reasonable and practical

    timerame agreed between the NZTA and the owner.

    Condition N11

    Subject to Condition [N8], where Building-Modifcation Mitigation is required, the NZTA shall be

    deemed to have complied with Condition [N10] above where:

    a) The NZTA has completed Building-Modifcation Mitigation to the Category C Building; or

    b) The owner o the Category C Building did not accept the NZTAs oer to implement Building-

    Modifcation Mitigation prior to the expiry o the timerame stated in Condition [N9(b)] above

    (including where the owner did not respond to the NZTA within that period); orc) The owner o the Category C Building cannot, ater reasonable enquiry, be ound prior to

    completion o construction o the Project.

    Condition N12

    The NZTA shall manage and maintain the Detailed Mitigation Options to ensure that, to the extent

    practicable, those mitigation works retain their noise reduction perormance or at least 10 years

    ater the opening o the Project to the public.

  • 7/30/2019 Guide to Assessing Road Traffic Noise


    This newsletter is printed on environmentally-responsible paper manuactured using FSC-certifed,

    mixed-source pulp harvested rom sustainable well-managed orests and bleached using an elemental

    chlorine-ree process. All inks in this document are vegetable based and sealers are water based.

    our cntact dtails

    Furthr inrmatinNZTA Transport Noise website,

    Standards New Zealand (publishers o NZS 6806),

    Rob Hannaby

    Principal Environmental Specialist

    Highways and Network Operations

    Proessional Services

    Telephone: 09 928 8761

    Mobile: 021 242 0853

    [email protected]