gt parent meeting

GT Parent Meeting GT Parent Meeting Monday, Monday, September 30, 2013 September 30, 2013

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GT Parent Meeting. Monday, September 30, 2013. Welcome! Our agenda for today is…. Introductions Implementation of GT at SFE Independent Study Projects for 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th After school programs available for 4 th and/or 5 th graders Duke TIP Questions. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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GT Parent MeetingGT Parent Meeting


September 30, 2013September 30, 2013

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Welcome!Welcome!Our agenda for today is…Our agenda for today is…

IntroductionsIntroductions Implementation of GT at SFEImplementation of GT at SFE Independent Study Projects for 3Independent Study Projects for 3rdrd, 4, 4thth and 5 and 5thth

After school programs available for 4After school programs available for 4 thth and/or and/or 55thth graders graders

Duke TIPDuke TIP QuestionsQuestions

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SFE Staff Available to GT StudentsSFE Staff Available to GT Students

Dana Zuercher, CounselorDana Zuercher, Counselor Sue Kyme, Paraeducator Sue Kyme, Paraeducator Rhydonna Anthony, Math ALT and GT LeadRhydonna Anthony, Math ALT and GT Lead

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Implementation at SFEImplementation at SFEThe following are all possible forms of implementation The following are all possible forms of implementation

available to our students:available to our students: Compacting out: Some concepts lend themselves to checking Compacting out: Some concepts lend themselves to checking

if a student already has grade level content mastered. If that is if a student already has grade level content mastered. If that is the case, students take a pre-test. Those who demonstrate the case, students take a pre-test. Those who demonstrate mastery are compacted out of class instruction time to mastery are compacted out of class instruction time to complete a menu of higher level extensions.complete a menu of higher level extensions.

Open Ended Activity: Teachers can also use resources that are Open Ended Activity: Teachers can also use resources that are designed to meet the needs of all levels within a classroom. designed to meet the needs of all levels within a classroom. The student then takes ownership of demonstrating his/her The student then takes ownership of demonstrating his/her giftedness with the response.giftedness with the response.

Push-In: Sue Kyme or myself will work with the classroom Push-In: Sue Kyme or myself will work with the classroom teachers to assist in extended students.teachers to assist in extended students.

Pull-Out: Sue Kyme or myself will pull the students as Pull-Out: Sue Kyme or myself will pull the students as needed to work on any kind of assignments or projects.needed to work on any kind of assignments or projects.

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55thth grade Mayflower lesson grade Mayflower lesson

55thth grade GT students are responsible for grade GT students are responsible for researching, organizing and teaching their 5researching, organizing and teaching their 5 thth grade peers a lesson about The Mayflower. grade peers a lesson about The Mayflower. They tape off the dimensions and help to They tape off the dimensions and help to create an idea of the conditions for the create an idea of the conditions for the pilgrims on The Mayflower.pilgrims on The Mayflower.

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The Texas Education Agency requires GT students to complete a continuum of learning experience that results in the development of advanced-level products and/or performances. To provide that opportunity to its GT students, Humble ISD has created Independent Study Projects. These projects are age appropriate and designed to showcase the academic giftedness of our students.

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33rdrd Grade Independent Study Project Grade Independent Study Project

Pet Parade: Pet Parade will engage your child Pet Parade: Pet Parade will engage your child as it gives them the opportunity to research and as it gives them the opportunity to research and choose a future pet to adopt or purchase. For choose a future pet to adopt or purchase. For this project, your child will complete many this project, your child will complete many different activities in the process of selecting and different activities in the process of selecting and planning for the perfect pet. planning for the perfect pet.

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44thth Grade Independent Project Grade Independent Project

Environmental Declaration: The students will Environmental Declaration: The students will research an environmental issue of their research an environmental issue of their choice. They will complete research on the choice. They will complete research on the issue and problem solve solutions to help issue and problem solve solutions to help possibly resolve the issue.possibly resolve the issue.

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55thth Grade Independent Project Grade Independent Project

Career Aspirations: The students will research Career Aspirations: The students will research and set goals for potential choices for a career and set goals for potential choices for a career and career path. They will choose a career and and career path. They will choose a career and research the education and/or training required research the education and/or training required to obtain that career. to obtain that career.

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Classroom Presentations and Classroom Presentations and District Project Expo:District Project Expo:

The district expo date is Thursday, The district expo date is Thursday, December 5 from 6:45-8 at AHS. As I December 5 from 6:45-8 at AHS. As I get more details, I will send home parent get more details, I will send home parent e-mails. e-mails.

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Spring AssignmentsSpring Assignments

The students will be responsible for teaching The students will be responsible for teaching science concepts to different grades. Last year science concepts to different grades. Last year was our first year for doing this. The students was our first year for doing this. The students loved it! They completed research. The loved it! They completed research. The students worked in teams to decide content and students worked in teams to decide content and the order in which they were going to present. the order in which they were going to present. They used PowerPoint and Prezi to create their They used PowerPoint and Prezi to create their lessons. Then, the students completed lessons. Then, the students completed demonstrations and lessons in front of classes. demonstrations and lessons in front of classes.

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Science Lessons

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After school programsAfter school programs

44thth and 5 and 5thth grade GT students grade GT students are invited to join SFE’s Math are invited to join SFE’s Math Olympiad team. Math Olympiads is an enrichment math program. Olympiad team. Math Olympiads is an enrichment math program. We will spent time working in small groups on challenging We will spent time working in small groups on challenging problems. Students will learn concepts taught in higher grades. problems. Students will learn concepts taught in higher grades. They will also be exposed to problem solving techniques. During They will also be exposed to problem solving techniques. During the course of the program, the students will be given 5 timed tests. the course of the program, the students will be given 5 timed tests. SFE’s top 5 will compete against other Humble elementary schools SFE’s top 5 will compete against other Humble elementary schools in the spring. in the spring.

Ecobots is open to Ecobots is open to 55thth grade students only grade students only. Students work in teams . Students work in teams to design robots and compose programs to command the robots to to design robots and compose programs to command the robots to complete certain tasks. Ms. Lori Shortis is the teacher in charge of complete certain tasks. Ms. Lori Shortis is the teacher in charge of Ecobots. Information will be coming home in the next few weeks.Ecobots. Information will be coming home in the next few weeks.

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Math OlympiadsMath Olympiads

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Duke TIPDuke TIP Duke Talent Identification Program will provide services to meet the needs of Duke Talent Identification Program will provide services to meet the needs of

academically talented students with online curriculum, optional above-level testing, academically talented students with online curriculum, optional above-level testing, advanced educational programs, publications and encouragement to continue advanced educational programs, publications and encouragement to continue advancing. It is available for 4advancing. It is available for 4thth-5-5thth graders, and it does continue through middle graders, and it does continue through middle school and high and high school.

Students are nominated if they scored in the 95Students are nominated if they scored in the 95thth percentile or higher on any STAAR percentile or higher on any STAAR test. We have just received the information from Duke TIP and are in the process of test. We have just received the information from Duke TIP and are in the process of looking at scores. looking at scores.

If your child is nominated, he/she will have the opportunity to take ACT’s If your child is nominated, he/she will have the opportunity to take ACT’s EXPLORE test. EXPLORE test.

This program is available through 8This program is available through 8thth grade. At that point, students will be able to grade. At that point, students will be able to take an optional test developed by ACT. Students will be able to compare their take an optional test developed by ACT. Students will be able to compare their scores with other Duke TIP students nationwide. scores with other Duke TIP students nationwide.

There are fees involved in joining this program. There are fees involved in joining this program. This as an optional enrichment program for GT students and their parents. More This as an optional enrichment program for GT students and their parents. More

information is available at is available at

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Thank you for attending! We are Thank you for attending! We are looking forward to wonderful year!looking forward to wonderful year!