grameen uniqlo

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  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo



  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo



  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo



  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


    Grameen UNIQLO established a method so that all product-related processes can be completed

    within Bangladesh - from raw materials procurement, to production, to logistics and, finally, the

    sales of these products


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  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo




     Truly great clothing for the people of Bangladesh.


    Grameen UNIQLO's o!ecti"e is to address issues related to po"erty# pulic

    sanitation# education# gender issues and the en"ironment# y estalishing a

    sustainale# community$le"el usiness cycle. Local in"ol"ement in the design#

    production and sale of clothing pro"ides !os# %hile helping to de"elop the economyand impro"e the &uality of life in the country.

    areer Opportunities at UNIQLO

    Uni&ue Brand

  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


    UNIQLO is the flagship label of the !"#$ %&$"ILING group and has been changing the li'es

    of people through clothing since it opened its doors in ()*+ eli'ering high-uality, affordable

    and inno'ati'e apparel and accessories, UNIQLO is .ade for "ll UNIQLO offers basic fashion

    components with uni'ersal appeal to empower indi'iduals to e/press their own sense of style

    UNIQLO was also the first company in 0apan to establish itself as an integrated specialty storeretailer of pri'ate label apparel 1#2"3, o'erseeing all stages of the business to better control both

    uality and price

    UNIQLO scours the world for the best materials, securing a stable, high-'olume supply of top-

    uality materials at low cost by negotiating directly with materials manufacturers UNIQLO also

    harnesses technology to de'elop new products4such as our 5&"$$&65, #il7y ry and Ultra

    Light own lines4to offer unprecedented function and comfort

    Uni&ue Opportunities

    8ith locations in o'er (9 countries and regions, UNIQLO is uic7ly becoming a householdname worldwide UNIQLO:s remar7able growth, inno'ation and focus on fostering business

    managers mean unri'aled opportunities for employees

    8e are committed to nurturing employees into true business managers !or e/ample, our uniue

    UNIQLO .anager 6andidate 1U.63 positions for new graduates rapidly euip participants with

    the s7ills to run a business 8ithin a short time, many employees manage stores or super'ise

    areas with millions of dollars in sales "t UNIQLO, personal growth, responsibility and

    achie'ement are limited only by effort and ability

    Our business model means that we can offer truly di'erse e/periences that span multiplelocations, ;obs and brands 8e control e'ery aspect of our business, from planning and

     production to distribution and sales 8e ta7e ris7s on people and position them in roles ;ust

    outside their comfort

  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


    MI((ION ) *I(IONUNIQLO:s business is, and has always been, customer-dri'en, and customer-first $his is why

    we ha'e grown to where we are today, and why we belie'e we will continue to grow e'en further 

    in the future

    2roducts, stores, ser'ices, people, management &'erything we do = it all centers around the

    indi'idual who wears the clothes

    Our clothes are worn by people across the world, creating much happiness, ;oy and satisfaction

    in wearing them 8e belie'e this is a good thing, and therein lies our philosophy

    8e are building a company of the future If a good business can pro'ide clothing for people

    across the world, its success can spawn a new industry, and if we can create a new industry, we

    can definitely become number one in the world

    Unilo 6o, Ltd

  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


    Type 8holly owned subsidiary


    FoundedUbe, >amaguchi, 0apan()+)

    Headquarters .idtown $ower , "7asa7a)-chome, .inato, $o7yo, 0apan

    Key people

    $adashi >anai, 6hairman, 2resident ?6&O$a7ahiro 8a7abayashi, #enior @ice2resident

    Products 6lothing

    Employees A, 1C*3

    Parent !ast %etailing 6o, Ltd

    Website Uniloco;p

    Uniqlo Co., Ltd. 1株式会社ユニクロ  Kabushiki-gaisha yunikuro?3 1pronounced D>OU-nee-7loD in &nglishE(F3 is a 0apanese casual wear designer, manufacturer and retailer $he companyhas been a wholly owned subsidiary of !ast %etailing 6o, Ltd since No'ember C9, and islisted in the !irst #ection of the $o7yo #toc7 &/change

    In addition to 0apan, the company operates in "ustralia, Bangladesh, 6hina, !rance, Germany,5ong ong, Indonesia, .acau, .alaysia, the 2hilippines, %ussia, #ingapore, #outh orea, $aiwan, $hailand, the United ingdom, and the United #tates

    +istoryOrigins in ,apan,_Yamaguchi,_Tokyo,_Tokyo,_Tokyo,_Yamaguchi,_Tokyo,_Tokyo

  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


    Uni&lo in Gin-a# Toyo.

    #ince .arch ()+), a >amaguchi-based company, Ogori #hH;i 1which, until then, had been

    operating mens clothing shops called D.ens #hop O#D3 e/isted in Ube, >amaguchi

    In .ay ()*+, they opened a unise/ casual wear  store in !u7uro-machi, Na7a-7u, 5iroshima 

    under the name DUniue 6lothing 8arehouseD It was at this time that the name DUniloD was

     born, as a contraction of Duniue clothingD In #eptember ())(, the name of the company was

    changed from DOgori #hH;iD to D!ast %etailingD, and by "pril ())+, there were o'er ( Unilo

    stores operating throughout 0apan

    /ri"ate$lael strategy

    In ())J, !ast %etailing adopted a set of strategies from "merican retailer $he Gap, 7nown as

    D#2"D 1for specialty-storeKretailer of pri'ate-label apparel3, meaning that they would produce

    their own clothing and sell it e/clusi'ely Unilo had begun outsourcing their clothing

    manufacturing to factories in 6hina where labour was cheap, a well-established corporate

     practice 0apan was in the depths of a recession at the time, and the low-cost goods pro'ed

     popular $heir ad'ertising campaigns also pro'ed fruitfulECF

    “In creating itsclothing lines#Uni&lo emracesoth shun andkino-bi. Shun 

    means 'timing#est timing# utalso at the sametime it's a trend#'something that'supdated and !ustin time# neitherearly nor late.,_Yamaguchi,_Hiroshima,_Hiroshima,_Yamaguchi,_Hiroshima

  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


     The companyo0ers clothingasics# ut asicsthat are current#that respond to

    %hat's going ontoday in art anddesign. Kino-bi means functionand eauty#

     !oined together1the clothing ispresented in anorgani-ed#rational manner#and that "eryorgani-ation and

    rationalitycreates an artisticpattern andrhythm. 2ll these&ualities re3ectthe de4ningcharacteristics ofmodern ,apaneseculture# modern' ,apaneseness.'

     4Nobuo omae, 6&O, Unilo U#"

    1"pril CJ3E(F

    In No'ember ())*, they opened their first urban Unilo store in $o7yo:s trendy 5ara;u7u 

    district, and outlets soon spread to ma;or cities throughout 0apan In C(, sales turno'er and

    gross profit reached a new pea7, with o'er 9 retail stores in 0apan 8hen Unilo decided to

    e/pand o'erseas, it separated Unilo from the parent company,E(F and established !ast %etailing

    10iangsu3 "pparel 6o, Ltd in 6hina In CC their first 6hinese Unilo outlet was opened in

    #hanghai along with four o'erseas outlets in London, &ngland

    But sales did not go well in &ngland, and stoc7s in 0apanese warehouses were o'erflowing In

    CC and CA, Unilo profits dropped sharply

    Ecitation needed F

     In C+, the company began  ;oint'entures with 0apanese fashion maga

  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


    Uni&lo in (hinsaiashi# Osaa.

    C9 saw more o'erseas e/pansion, with stores opening in the United #tates 1 New >or7 3, 5ong

    ong 1$sim #ha $sui3 and #outh orea 1#eoul3, their #outh orean e/pansion being part of a

     ;oint 'enture with Lotte "s of year-end C9, in addition to its o'erseas holdings, Unilo had

    around J stores within 0apanEcitation needed F By C sales were M+ billionE(F By "pril CJ, the

    company had set a global sales goal of M( billion and a ran7ing among the top fi'e global

    retailers, ;oining what at the time was Gap, 5?., Indite/, and Limited BrandsE(F

    !ast %etailing signed a design consulting contract for Unilo products with fashion designer  0il

    #ander  in .arch C)EAF #hiat

  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


    trillion yen in 6hina, one trillion in other "sian countries and one trillion in &urope and the

    United #tatesE+F

    Notale pro!ects

    7esigners In"itation

    $he Unilo esigners In'itation 2ro;ect saw the in'itation of womens wear designers 2hillip

    Lim, "lice %oi, $ina Lut< and .arcia 2atmos of Lut< ? 2atmos, "lper, and G@G@ and men:s

    wear designers 5alb, #atoru $ana7a, and "le/andre 2lo7ho' of 6loa7 to each design capsule

    collections of eight loo7s for #pringK#ummer CJ

    + additional designersKlabels were as7ed for the C) esigners In'itation 2ro;ect 8omens

    wear saw boutiue owner #te'en "lan and #hipley ? 5almos, while mens wear include

    Opening 6eremony and Gilded "ge

    In October C(C Unilo has teamed up with !rench label 6omptoir des 6otonniers to create a

    light down formulaEA*F  ;ac7et inspired by the iconic bo/y-cut style fusing !rench fashion and

    0apanese technology D8e wanted to use an easy sophisticated shape perfect for all elements of a

    womens lifestyleD said 6omptoir style director elphine NinousEA)F

     T$shirt con"enience store

     This section does not cite any references or sources. /lease help

    impro"e this section y adding citations to reliale sources. Unsourced

    material may e challenged and remo"ed. (December 2012)

    " store concept called DU$ 2ro;ectD, a futuristic con'enience store for t-shirts, was launched on

    "pril C*, CJ in 5ara;u7u, $o7yo &ach t-shirt style is displayed on forms in stainless steeldisplay cases, with indi'idual t-shirts pac7aged in clear plastic canisters resembling tennis ball

    cans $he t-shirts are stored on open shel'es, ma7ing the shopping e/perience 'irtually self-


    $he pro;ect featured a limited-edition collection of t-shirts designed by renowned artists,

    designers, photographers and musicians including $erry %ichardson, Nobuyoshi "ra7i, B;orn

    6opeland of Blac7 ice, im 0ones, 2eter #a'ille, Gareth 2ugh


     This section re&uires e8pansion. (September 2009)

    Uniloc7, a web-based !lash widget as well as downloadable screensa'er combination of Music-

     Dance-Clock , was launched on 0une (9, CJ #eason (E+F features four girls auditioned from

    >ou$ube wearing Unilos C color dry polo shirt , dancing freestyles similar to ballet, with

     bac7ground music composed by !antastic 2lastic .achine  Blog-parts were !lash components

     pro'ided so that Uniloc7 can be inserted into indi'idual blog pages Uniloc7 soon gained

     popularity, as shown in its World Uniqlock  page Until No'ember C* there were up to ()(

  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


    million clic7s from o'er C countries, with up to +, blog-parts in ** countries Uniloc7

    #eason C,E+(F launched in No'ember CJ, featured 6ashemere nits, with the same dancers,

    dance style, as well bac7ground $he mo'ie uality was impro'ed, and dancers would appear to

     be asleep if the time in the specified region is nighttime "lso in each hour special clips would be

    shown instead #eason C features C men playing music, doing cleanup chores In season AE+CF C

    color t-shirt promotion, + new dancers were introduced in addition to the original +, switched byhour On "ugust A(, C), #eason #i/ premiered in the new setting of  2aris, !rance $he cloc7s

    time was also changed to display the time in 2aris

    Grameen UNIQLO

    In C(, UNIQLO partnered with Grameen 5ealthcare $rust in Bangladesh to promote social

     businesses $he social businesses are aimed to address issues of po'erty, illiteracy and poor

    sanitation, by selling clothes that the poor can afford, with profits in'ested in these businesses E+AF 

    8ithin three years, the goal of this initiati'e is to create (,9 ;obs and ha'e a total of ( million

    units of production and salesE++F

    /harrell 9illiams' apsule ollection

    2harrell 8illiams released a collection for Unilo in "pril C(+ entitled i am O$5&%  It was

    created with Nigo creati'e director of U$, the companys $-shirt di'ision


    $he German fashion designer 0il #ander , appreciated for her minimalist aesthetic, ;oined the

    Unilo in C), and was appointed creati'e director  of the brands menswear and womenswear -

    as well as launching a new label, P0 collection, which won C(( Brit Insurance esign !ashion

    "ward #ander sees a thrill in offering a utopian ideal of high-uality clothing to the masses Ili7e the concept of basic clothes in a democratic world, she said Unilo reminds me of "pple

    6omputers fantastic design for e'eryone "nd I li7e what is 0apanese about Unilo, a strong

    sense of tradition, the orderly approach to e'erything, great 7now-how and logisticsE+9F

    - 0apanese $echnology

    - $he social business shares clothing production technologies, customer ser'ice standards andstore de'elopment e/pertise from 0apan with the people of Bangladesh

    - 6omfortable clothing made of functional materials -- perfect for the hot and humid climate of


    - 6omfortable clothing for the people of Bangladesh, regardless of age or gender,_France,_France,_France,_France

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    Te !tores in te City

    • "irpur #$ !tore

    (st floor,#umon 2la

  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


    Grameen UNIQLO has been educating G%".&&N ladies 1borrowers of the G%".&&N Ban73to be sales assistants and conducting the sales acti'ity by door to door sales

    $o begin, I e/press my sincere condolences for the 'ictims of the %ana 2la

  • 8/16/2019 Grameen Uniqlo


    Our mission is to do more than pro'ide uality apparel 8e aim to unleash the inherent 'alue in

    clothing, to impro'e li'es and change society for the better #imply, we want people worldwide

    to e/perience the ;oy of wearing truly great clothing

    Our social business in Bangladesh began in agricultural communities

     Now, we e/pect to open retail outlets in urban areas Our social business initiati'es are built upon

    UNIQLO:s e/pertise in production and sales $hey pro'ide ;obs at the community le'el, while

    gi'ing us the opportunity to offer comfortable and affordable clothing, of the highest uality 8e

    help to produce clothes by locals, for locals

    8e rein'est all profits bac7 into our social business, to establish a stable business cycle that can

    help to address issues related to po'erty, hygiene and education $hrough these efforts, we hope

    to continue to enrich people:s li'es and promote sustainable self-sufficiency Our goal is to use

    the power of clothing to contribute to the economy and raise li'ing standards for the people of


    $han7 you

    Tadasi *anai

    6hairman, 2resident and 6&O

    !ast %etailing 6o, Ltd

     ompany Information|/ri"acy /olicy