gospel revolution midweek devotions...gospel prayer. praying these four points of the gospel daily...

Midweek Devotions

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Page 1: Gospel Revolution Midweek Devotions...Gospel Prayer. Praying these four points of the Gospel daily during this series can help us to fully understand and be changed by the Gospel

Midweek Devotions

Page 2: Gospel Revolution Midweek Devotions...Gospel Prayer. Praying these four points of the Gospel daily during this series can help us to fully understand and be changed by the Gospel
Page 3: Gospel Revolution Midweek Devotions...Gospel Prayer. Praying these four points of the Gospel daily during this series can help us to fully understand and be changed by the Gospel

Gospel Prayer Introduction: As we walk through this sermon and small group series, our challenge is that you will commit to personally go through the devotions written below during each week. This will expand on what is being taught and discussed in the church. We also want to encourage you to keep up with the Gospel Revolution reading plan that will walk us through all four Gospels during the series. Finally, take a look below at the Gospel Prayer. Praying these four points of the Gospel daily during this series can help us to fully understand and be changed by the Gospel. Pray these truths to God along with the church.

1. “In Christ, there is nothing I can do that would make You love me more, and nothing I have done that makes You love me less.”

2. “Your presence and approval are all I need for everlasting joy.”

3. “As You have been to me, so I will be to others.” 4. “As I pray, I’ll measure Your compassion by the cross and

Your power by the resurrection.”

Page 4: Gospel Revolution Midweek Devotions...Gospel Prayer. Praying these four points of the Gospel daily during this series can help us to fully understand and be changed by the Gospel

Week 1 Week of 8/9 Week 5 Week of 9/6Day 1 Matthew 1-2 □ Day 1 Luke 5-6 □Day 2 Matthew 3-4 □ Day 2 Luke 7 □Day 3 Matthew 5-7 □ Day 3 Luke 8-9 □Day 4 Matthew 8-9 □ Day 4 Luke 10-11 □Day 5 Matthew 10-12 □ Day 5 Luke 12-13 □

Week 2 Week of 8/16 Week 6 Week of 9/13Day 1 Matthew 13-14 □ Day 1 Luke 14-16 □Day 2 Matthew 15-16 □ Day 2 Luke 17-19 □Day 3 Matthew 17-18 □ Day 3 Luke 20-21 □Day 4 Matthew 19-20 □ Day 4 Luke 22-24 □Day 5 Matthew 21-23 □ Day 5 John 1-2 □

Week 3 Week of 8/23 Week 7 Week of 9/20Day 1 Matthew 24-25 □ Day 1 John 3-4 □Day 2 Matthew 26-28 □ Day 2 John 5-6 □Day 3 Mark 1-3 □ Day 3 John 7-8 □Day 4 Mark 4-5 □ Day 4 John 9-10 □Day 5 Mark 6-7 □ Day 5 John 11-12 □

Week 4 Week of 8/30 Week 8 Week of 9/27Day 1 Mark 8-10 □ Day 1 John 13-14 □Day 2 Mark 11-13 □ Day 2 John 15-16 □Day 3 Mark 14-16 □ Day 3 John 17 □Day 4 Luke 1-2 □ Day 4 John 18-19 □Day 5 Luke 3-4 □ Day 5 John 20-21 □

Gospel Revolution Reading Guide

Page 5: Gospel Revolution Midweek Devotions...Gospel Prayer. Praying these four points of the Gospel daily during this series can help us to fully understand and be changed by the Gospel

Week 1 (Week of 8/9)

Devotion 1: Matthew 1


Matthew opens his Gospel account with a royal lineage of Jesus. The main purpose of this genealogy would be to show Jesus as a descendent of both Abraham and King David in order to fulfill Old Testament prophecy. However, Matthew also includes some information that would not have normally been included in Jewish genealogies. He includes 5 women in the list: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba (written as the wife of Uriah), and Mary. It would be helpful for you to take the time to look up each of these women’s stories in Scripture, but, in summary, at least two of these women were Gentiles (not Jewish) and three had some sinful and questionable pasts. Many of the men in Jesus’ lineage also had noted issues with certain sins. But Matthew does not shy away from these issues, instead he essentially highlights them. Jesus came to be the savior of Jews and Gentiles and all manner of sinners.

Matthew then cuts right to the announcement and birth of Jesus as “God with Us.” Only one chapter into Matthew’s Gospel and we have some incredible insight into the character and nature of Jesus.

Reflection Questions

What does the inclusion of women and Gentiles alongside kings and heroes in Jesus’ lineage foreshadow about the kingdom Jesus is inaugurating? How have you personally benefitted?

Look at the angel’s announcement (v. 21). What was Jesus’ primary purpose? What does that mean to you?

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Prayer and Meditation

Pray that God would allow this one purpose of Jesus to rest in your mind. That this would help de-clutter the various notions of Jesus that easily swirl in our culture. In the Gospel-centered mind, Jesus is first and foremost our Savior and Lord.

Devotion 2: Matthew 4


In Matthew 4, Jesus goes from being publicly announced as the Messiah in chapter 3 to a time of fasting and isolation in the wilderness. Satan tries to take advantage of Jesus’ isolation and hunger in order to tempt Him into sin. Jesus remains faithful by valuing God’s Word over the words of the enemy. Jesus appears to be highly motivated by the love of the Father that was shown in Matt. 3:17 when He said. “This is my beloved Son. I take delight in Him!” Our call as Christians is to live under this same motivation knowing that in Christ we receive that same love from the Father.

Reflection Questions

Satan begins his attack on Jesus by questioning the very identity God just spoke over Jesus: “If you are the Son of God” (4:3). He does the same to us. How can you remember your identity as God’s child this week?

In what ways are you being tempted in your life right now? How does the truth that God is pleased with you (because of Christ) meet you in that struggle? OR If you have a hard time believing God is pleased with you, what truth can you depend on from today’s Scripture?

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God calls us to carry one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2) and to promote love and good works (Heb. 10:24). Who is another believe in your life you could do these things with on a consistent basis? Let’s try to make that happen this week.

Prayer and Meditation

Romans 8:1-2 says, “Therefore, no condemnation now exists for those in Christ Jesus, because the Spirit’s law of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.” Will you take time right now to thank God that you are free from the power of sin over you? Ask Him to help you live today, especially in those hard moments, in a constant awareness of and satisfaction in that freedom.

Devotion 3: Matthew 6


In Matthew 6, the disciples ask a question that so many Christians find themselves asking and wondering about “How should we pray?” Often the lack of confidence that many of us have in this answer leads to lackluster or completely lacking prayer lives. We know that we should pray but we often are not sure what to pray or lack the conviction that it really is doing anything. Jesus responds to the question with the famous “Lord’s Prayer.” This prayer isn’t so much intended to be a formula to be memorized and used at all times. It is meant as a lesson on the proper content and posture of our prayers. Let this walkthrough and time of reflection free you to pray with confidence and strength. The basics of this lesson are summarized below. When you pray:

Pray to an audience of One. 6:5-6

The heart matters, not the tongue. 6:7-8

Page 8: Gospel Revolution Midweek Devotions...Gospel Prayer. Praying these four points of the Gospel daily during this series can help us to fully understand and be changed by the Gospel

Prayer is first God-centered. 6:9-10

Pray as if your life depends on it. 6:11-13

Let our prayers flow from a heart that is captured and changed by the Gospel.

Reflection Questions

Does your prayer life feel vibrant or mundane? Which of the four elements listed above is your weakest link? How will the Gospel change your perspective?

Here in your first week, how is the Gospel Prayer challenging your prayer life? How does praying it impact the rest of your day?

Prayer and Meditation

There would be no better place to send you today than to Matthew 6:5-13. Pray like Christ called His disciples to pray. Don’t just recite it though. The psalmist’s prayer in Psalm 19:14 was, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.” Meditate on these words. Let them become your words from your mind and heart, not just words on a page. Then pray them back to God.

Week 2 (Week of 8/16)

Devotion 1: Matthew 13:1-23


In this passage, we get a deeper than usual look into one of Jesus’ teachings. Jesus often taught in parables, that (to help you out as you study other parables) were intended to illustrate one

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main principle. However, in this passage Matthew includes Jesus’ explanation of the parable that He gives to the disciples. The main principle being taught in this parable of the sower is about the nature of belief in the Gospel. By explaining the four types of soil, Jesus shows that there are some common obstacles or enemies that keep many people from fully accepting and living out the Gospel. The first is Satan and our own sinfulness that keep many from ever accepting the Gospel in the first place. The second is a failure to count the cost of following Jesus leading many to never move beyond an initial or one-time interest in the Gospel. Finally, there is the obstacle that many Christians and non-Christians face when it comes to the Gospel. These are the worries of this world or desire for wealth that often act as weeds and choke out or limit the growth of our ability to live out our faith. These obstacles do not have to block our path when it comes to following Christ, though. We can be like the fourth soil that allows the Gospel to fully take root and lead to gospel multiplication.

Reflection Questions

Notice that all but the first soil have an initially positive reaction to the Gospel. How does this warn us concerning how we “do church” in the present day?

The obvious question: In what areas of your life are you not allowing the Gospel to take root – to penetrate places where you really don’t want it to go? How does this passage encourage you to let the Gospel root and grow in you?

Prayer and Meditation

Consider your life and how open it is to the Gospel. Pray for God to break you of any pride that would keep the Gospel from taking root in your life. Ask Him for protection from the Enemy as you

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begin to follow Jesus in areas of your life that perhaps you have never surrendered to Him before. Don’t hesitate to ask that your life would be one that bears fruit (or evidence) of God’s grace given to you.

Devotion 2: Matthew 16:13-20


Today we are studying what is referred to in Christian scholarship as “the Great Confession,” Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God. Jesus starts out with the general question of what the people are saying about Him and then moves to the personal asking what the disciples themselves believe about Him. The church and its mission are built on the solid rock that Jesus is exactly who He says He is. The Son of God who came to die and be raised again for the sin of the world. He then teaches that the church has an offensive (as opposed to defensive) mission to bring people back from death to life. The gates of Hades are not offensive weapons against the power of the church but defensive walls trying to hold back the life-giving power of the Gospel. They cannot stand up to power of who Jesus is and what His church is called to do. That is the mission we are called to as the church.

Reflection Questions

How does you perception of the Gospel change when you think of it as an offensive weapon to be used against the Enemy?

Does the reality that you are in spiritual wartime, not peacetime, affect your daily life? How could it?

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Prayer and Meditation

You are, whether you daily acknowledge it or not, in a war. While your Enemy is not merciful, he is not more powerful than the Gospel either. Pray for God to keep the Gospel readily on your heart and mind like you would hold to a weapon during a battle. Pray for the salvation of your friends and family who are on the other side of the gates of hell right now. Finally, ask God to mold your local church more into the image of the guardian and carrier of the Gospel that Christ talks about here in Matthew 16.

Devotion 3: Matthew 18:23-35


Today, we will focus on another parable of Jesus that demonstrates the incredible depth and implications of the Gospel. In the parable, a man who has just been completely forgiven of a debt equivalent to millions or billions of dollars assaults and throws a man in prison for not paying him back on a debt of less than $20. While this example sounds hyperbolic and ridiculous to us, Jesus says that Christians living a life that is not generous or unforgiving is just as hypocritical. In the Gospel, we see that we have been forgiven of a sin debt that we could never pay back by God simply based on His mercy and grace. So, for us to withhold forgiveness over human matters demonstrates that we do not understand what we have been forgiven of by God. Lack of forgiveness and generosity with others reveals a personal Gospel problem and misunderstanding in us. We are called to love and forgive others based on the love and forgiveness that we have experienced in Christ.

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Reflection Questions

Do you hold grudges? Do you have a hard time letting things go? How can you preach the Gospel to yourself in this area of your life?

Is there anyone in your life you need to exercise total forgiveness toward this week? List those who come to mind and make sure you forgive as you’ve been forgiven.

Using this passage and Part 3 of the Gospel Prayer (see at top of document), spend some time meditating on God’s total forgiveness of you.

Prayer and Meditation

Forgiveness is not easy, but it is foundational to the Christian life. As you pray today, ask God to give you a fresh awareness of the forgiveness He has given you through Christ and that His mercies really would be new to you today. Pray that He would humble you and grant you peace as you seek to forgive those in your life who have wronged you. Also, for those you have wronged, ask God for the humility and love to help you seek forgiveness and reconciliation with them. Pray His spirit would bring unity back to that relationship.

Devotion 4: Matthew 22:34-40


Today’s passage is a great reminder of the consistency and connectedness of all Scripture. Jesus constantly referenced the Old Testament in His teachings and showed that what was taught hundreds or thousands of years before His coming affirmed what He taught. Here Jesus does this as an answer to a question that

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the Pharisees asked trying to undermine Jesus. They ask Him to identify the Greatest Commandment in order to disparage Him for neglecting other commandments. Instead, Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 6:4-5 “You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” By teaching this, Jesus shows that the foundation of Christianity is not a list of laws to follow, but a loving devotion for who God is. This relationship and love then flows into love for others. In the Gospel, following God’s laws for life becomes easier, because it is inspired and empowered by our love for God.

Reflection Questions

As you consider the Great Commandment, make a list of the things you love about God – who He is and what He has done for you.

In what ways can this motivate you to love your neighbor?

Who can you discuss the issue of loving God and others with so they might be a gospel-encourager for you this coming week?

Prayer and Meditation

Everything we do flows out of a love for God. To try and love God is just another to-do list item. Instead, ask God to open your mind and heart to be receptive of His love for you. Pray that He would give you an awakening to the father-child relationship He wants to have with you. Also, ask God for wisdom and insight into relationships with your “neighbors” and to help you be able to love them as you have been loved.

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Week 3 (Week of 8/23)

Devotion 1: Matthew 26:6-13


What Mary’s sacrificial and loving gesture for Jesus versus the indignant response of the disciples shows is that Mary has a better understanding of what a relationship with Jesus should look like through the Gospel. She recognized that Jesus would only be with them for a short time, so honoring Him was the highest priority. The disciples’ call for the proceeds to be given to the poor is an example of a works-righteousness mindset. They think that Jesus will value their decision to do ministry more than Mary’s decision to lavish honor on Jesus in this moment. Jesus corrects them, revealing that He is worthy of everything that we own and that our ministry should flow from our devotion to Him fully.

Reflection Questions

Mary readily offered her most valued possession in worship of Christ because Christ was more valuable than anything else to her. What is competing for your worship right now? What would you have a very difficult time sacrificing?

The disciples thought they were saying the right thing. But their desire to be holy got in the way of their love of Jesus. How are you structuring your life so you don’t forget to give Jesus your heart every day?

Prayer and Meditation

It is so easy for us to lose the value of Christ in the immediate everyday needs of life and even in the ministry needs of our local churches. As you pray ask God to keep Jesus at the center of what you value and what you think on and to help you see what

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things you may be valuing more than Him. Repent to Him of your idolatry toward these things. Also, praise God that though you may lose sight of Christ sometimes, He never loses sight of you nor values you less than He did when He died for you on the cross.

Devotion 2: Matthew 28


This is an incredible chapter of Scripture. It begins with the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection changes everything in the Gospel. It is the vital event that validated Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our sins. It also confirms for Christians that this life is not the be all and end all for believers. We have hope for our own resurrection to be with Jesus. The chapter (and book) then closes with the famous Great Commission. It is important to note that the true imperative verb in the Great Commission is “make disciples.” Going, teaching, and baptizing are all aspects of making disciples. The true role of a Christian on earth is to live out this command and make disciples of those around them, whether that is at home or abroad. Living out this Commission is one of the key ways that Christians can live as followers of Christ and not just fans of Christ.

Reflection Questions

Would you characterize yourself more as a fan or follower of Jesus? Why?

Where in your life do you find the most joy in following Christ?

In what parts of your life do you ignore Christ’s commands most often? What do you think causes you to do so?

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Prayer and Meditation

If the resurrection weren’t true, Christians would be most pitied among men (1 Cor. 15:19). As you pray today, thank God that Jesus got up out of the grave. Praise Him for this victory over sin and death. Thank God that He gives you new life just as He gave Jesus new life (Romans 6:4). The Great Commission calls us to make disciples, which begins by telling them this great news. Ask God to give you a new drive for making disciples and a clear view of who you could share the gospel with.

Devotion 3: Mark 2:1-12


In this passage we see Jesus subvert expectations when it comes to what the purpose of His ministry on Earth was. The paralyzed man and his friends want nothing more than for the man to be healed by Jesus. They believe fully that He can heal their friend, so they do whatever it takes to get to Jesus even ripping up the roof above Him. But Jesus first tells the man that his faith leads to his sins being forgiven. This is what the man truly needs from Jesus, but it is not what he was looking for. Jesus then proves to the scribes and religious leaders that He has the power to both forgive sin and heal physical ailments. We fall into the trap of focusing more on our wants than our needs as well. We often struggle in our faith, because God does not always give us what we want. Instead, our focus should be on how gracious God has been in meeting our need for salvation in the Gospel.

Reflection Questions

What things are you asking God for in your life right now?

The paralytic and his friends are examples of great faith. Do you truly believe God can do what you are asking of Him? Do you

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have a few friends who will believe it with you? List their names here and ask them to pray with you in the days ahead.

If God were to say no, would you be okay with that? How do you respond in those times when God declines your requests? How does that need to change?

Prayer and Meditation

This prayer and meditation time is pretty straight to the point in light of Mark 2. When you pray today, read along with it Philippians 4:4-7. Tell God that you, as much as you know how, believe in His power and ability to provide what you are asking of Him. Ask Him to give you a sense of peace about this matter by making Jesus’ love for you bigger than whatever is going on in your life right now and in the future. In this mindset, with thanksgiving, ask God to provide for you and thank Him for how He has provided for you in Christ.

Week 4 (Week of 8/30)

Devotion 1: Mark 10:17-23


A man approaches Jesus, kneels to Him, and asks a question that many people want the answer to. “How can I inherit eternal life” or “Is there something more than this life and how do I get it?” Jesus’ answer is incredible. Verse 21 shows us that Jesus loves the man, so we must look at this response as one by someone that loves another person. Jesus first references following the Ten Commandments (knowing full well that people are not able to follow the commandments perfectly). The man first displays some pride and his own blind spots by claiming that he had followed

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the law perfectly from his childhood. Jesus then gets right to the heart of the matter by bringing up the man’s wealth. The man’s disheartening response reveals that he valued his own wealth more than he values God. The Gospel lovingly confronts our idols in this way. Growing in our belief of the Gospel requires us to evaluate our lives to see what areas are or can become idols that will compete with God for our highest commitment.

Reflection Questions

The rich young man gave wealth more significance in his life than anything else. What in your life are you likely to give more significance than God?

Notice how Jesus employs drastic measures to try and break the idol in this man’s life. If you have identified your own idols, what steps could you take to kick them off their pedestals in your life? Talk to your spouse or a trusted friend when you are ready to take this step. They can be an encouragement to you on this gospel journey.

Prayer and Meditation

Greed and materialism have a way of weaving themselves so intricately into our lives that we miss how toxic they can become. As you pray today, ask God to make you aware of what you are valuing more than Christ and to build a willingness, even in the small things, to submit your agenda and desires to His agenda and desires. Thank Him that He cares enough about your relationship with Him that He is willing to confront your idols head on.

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Devotion 2: Mark 13:32-37


“How and when is the world going to end?” This question has been talked and thought about for as long as humans have been alive. Jesus teaches in this passage that our focus should not be on the date and hour of the end but on how we live our lives for God during the time that we have. Only the Father knows the exact time, so there is no reason for us to endlessly speculate or stress about it. We are called to make the most of the time and live a life that is ready for the return of Jesus. Therefore, Christians should busy themselves with serving Jesus in light of the Gospel. We are stewards (servants who manage someone else’s possessions) of our time, treasures, and talents; and we are to give good account of what we did with them in Jesus’ name.

Reflection Questions

Okay, this question may feel familiar to you but this is a good place to ask it. If Jesus returned right now, would you be ready? Why or why not and what areas of your life need to be made ready for Jesus?

In a world always trying to guess when the end will come, how do we as Christians find peace in Jesus’ words and share it with others? How do we demonstrate that peace?

Prayer and Meditation

Christ’s future return creates hope in Christians, as it will usher in a world we believe will be free from the pain and brokenness of this world. Ask God to begin cultivating in your mind an active awareness of heaven so that you can live for the things above and not the things here on earth. Thank Him for the hope that comes with the promise that His work is not done on earth. Also, ask

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God to show you where, in light of heaven, you can be more generous with your life and resources since treasures on earth have no eternal value.

Devotion 3: Mark 15


This long chapter covers the entire day of Jesus’ crucifixion. A bloody, brutal, and dark day that we now celebrate as Good Friday. We can rightly call this day good, because Jesus’ death satisfied the wrath of God that was rightfully against us due to our sin and continual choice to rebel against God. Jesus had the power of God to remove Himself from the cross like the crowd jeered Him to but proved that He was God by faithfully dying according to the Father’s perfect plan. Mark notes the tearing of the curtain of the Temple at Jesus’ death in verse 38. This curtain was used in the Temple to separate people from the Most Holy Place where God’s presence dwelled. But because of the death of Jesus on our behalf, Christians now have direct access to God with no enmity between us.

Reflection Questions

When you read Mark’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion, what stands out to you?

What emotions do you feel as you read about Jesus’ death? OR have you heard the story so many times that you’ve lost sensitivity to it? If that’s the case, ask God to help you understand the extent of Jesus’ suffering so you can feel the weight of it and praise Him with your life.

Articulate in your own words why the death of Jesus is so important to you. Speak these words to God.

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Prayer and Meditation

At the cross we see the love and justice of God come together into the death of Jesus. This moment changed everything. As you consider the cross, thank God for giving Jesus as a sacrifice to take your place and pay the penalty for your sin. Praise Him for forgiving you of your sin through the blood of Jesus and for restoring you back to Himself. Finally, ask God for a sense of humility and joy that comes with remembering it was nothing you could do, but only what Jesus did, that has given you new life.

Devotion 4: Luke 1:26-56


The book of Luke gives us the most detailed description of Jesus’ birth of all the Gospels. In our text today we see God send the angel Gabriel to announce to the young virgin Mary the high honor of being the mother of the Messiah. She is highly favored by God to carry out this incredible task. Mary recognizes this honor from God and its place as fulfillment of what was taught in the Old Testament. She humbly submits to serve God in this way. The section closes with Mary’s Psalm of praise to God in vs. 46-55. This psalm gives us a clear picture of Mary’s heart before God. We’ve seen already in Matthew that Jesus came from unlikely ancestors, Mary proves to be the last in that line that God uses to accomplish His saving work.

Reflection Questions

Try to put yourself in Mary’s shoes. What would have been your own response to God?

Read verse 37. This verse seems to explain the reason why God chose a barren woman and a virgin as the mothers of John and

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Jesus—to display His power and majesty. How does this simple verse give you hope?

Prayer and Meditation

Mary gets huge news about the coming birth of Jesus and her response rings of a servant’s heart and mind. Today, ask God to give you a disposition like Mary’s (humble and joyful) for what He is calling you to for His glory in your life. Remembering that nothing is impossible with God, ask Him for whatever needs you have in your life. Thank God for His great redemption plan, designed for you, that culminated in the life and death of Jesus.

Week 5: Week of 9/6

Devotion 1: Luke 6:27-36


Jesus’ sermon in this passage flips the expectation that we have when it comes to justice and retribution. He is not calling Christians to be complete doormats. Instead He is pointing to real-life examples that point to His eventual death on the cross for sinners. God could rightfully seek retribution against us as sinners, but instead He extends grace through the work of Jesus on our behalf. We are called to imitate this in our lives.

Reflection Questions

Who are you holding a debt over right now? Would you, in light of Christ’s teaching here, be willing to release it?

Who has “struck you on the cheek” and in doing so caused you personal or professional harm (small or significant)? What is the forgiveness process like for you right now in that situation? What can you do to advance it?

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All of this stems from understanding how merciful the Father has been to you. In your own words, write out how God has been merciful to you. Start with Jesus and go from there.

Prayer and Meditation

Spend these next few moments asking God to give you a renewed awareness of the depth of His mercy on you. When God looks at a follower of Christ, He sees you as His own child. Ask Him to allow you to have rest and confidence in that identity. With that mindset, ask Him for strength and joy to love the enemies in your life.

Devotion 2: Luke 8:40-56


Today, Jesus twice displays His power over the brokenness that has brought into this world. One is healing a mysterious ailment that had persisted for 12 years with just a touch of faith, and the other is raising a dead 12 year old girl with a touch of a hand and simple request. May we bring our struggles to Jesus with the same kind of faith that the bleeding woman and the desperate father brought theirs to Him.

Reflection Questions

How have you seen the power of God change things in your life before? If you struggle to answer this question then here is another question for you: Have you ever really asked or invited Jesus into your life?

Do you have friends or relatives who need the power of God right now? Could you come to Jesus on their behalf and believe Him for their needs? Write the needs below and consider praying

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through them for a week. Be sure to tell those you’ve been praying for about the power of God when you tell them you’ve been praying on their behalf.

Prayer and Meditation

Obviously, we cannot physically touch Jesus today, but God has given us another means to reach out and touch Jesus: prayer. Prayer is our means of coming before the throne of grace with confidence (Heb. 4:16) and asking our great High Priest Jesus to intercede before God on our behalf. Continue to pray for the friends or family you wrote about in the Reflection section with the belief that God can restore and bring hope to the situation.

Devotion 3: Luke 12:22-34


Fear and anxiety are universal human conditions. They manifest in different ways for different people, but they are present in everyone. Jesus targets and seeks to ease by pointing out God’s role as the sustainer of all of His Creation. He cares for things like birds and plants, how much more will He care for people made in His own image. Christians are not freed from fear to seek out their own desires, though. When we are free of fear it allows us to fully seek God’s kingdom serving Him boldly in this life.

Reflection Questions

What are you anxious about right now in your world? What has your mind spinning with concern on a regular basis? List these things below.

The Gospel says the love of Christ is the antidote to that anxiety. How does that apply to your specific situation? Draw a line

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through the things you listed above as you take them to the Heavenly Father.

Prayer and Meditation

Take a look at Philippians 4:4-7. Paul sets up here a prescription for dealing with fear and worry. He says to live free from fear. Pray. Pray always. Pray joyfully. When you become anxious, Paul says to pray with “thanksgiving.” He wants us to remember our salvation so that the very words of our prayers will acknowledge what happened on the cross. Then, when we cast our cares on Christ, His peace will guard us in Him. The answer to and the protection from worry is Jesus. Ask God for the peace that passes understanding to guard you and your family in Jesus.

Week 6: Week of 9/13

Devotion 1: Luke 14:25-33


Jesus teaches something here that almost no modern church movements would do. He doesn’t make Christianity seem like the easy or painless thing to follow. We should be thankful for this. Jesus is honest that there is a cost to truly becoming a follower of Him. Following Jesus means putting aside your own desires and agenda in favor of His, and He wants those that follow Him to go into that with their eyes open and the costs considered. Jesus affirmed by His life and ministry in the Gospel that, while the Gospel certainly has a cost to it, that cost is more than worth it.

Reflection Questions

Jesus is calling you to lay everything down under His control. To give up everything. This is the ongoing practice of a disciple of

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Christ. When you look at your life, what specifically stands out that has not been or will not be easy to give over to God? Ask yourself why?

Have you ever formally made that decision to renounce all that you have to follow Christ? If so, what was it about your life that caused you to do that? If not, are you willing to do that now?

Prayer and Meditation

Jesus reiterates this cost of discipleship in John 12:25 when He says one must hate his life in this world in order to keep it in eternity. Jesus is trying to get at how much more valuable life with Him is than life as we know it with ourselves in control. Spend some time meditating on two things: Where have you seen the blessing of giving control over to God? Thank God for His faithfulness there. Also, where are you struggling to let go of control? Ask God for help from His Holy Spirit.

Devotion 2: Luke 21:1-4


The story of this poor widow and her two small coins is an example of what Jesus taught back in Luke 14. Following Jesus calls for full devotion and dedication of our entire lives to Him. Jesus sees past the size of the offerings from the rich to the heart of why they are giving. Our generosity with our money and other aspects of our lives is never to be out of compulsion but out of the overflow of love that we have for Jesus and His Kingdom.

Reflection Questions

Our spending habits tend to reflect what we value. What does your family or personal budget show that you value?

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Could this be an opportunity to, like the widow, lay your life down at the feet of God and take up His agenda and purposes for you life?

What do you think a next step in that direction might be? What is God calling you to do?

Prayer and Meditation

The Gospel is the epitome of generosity. The generosity of Christ should give rise to more and more generosity in us the longer we live as followers of Christ. Ask God to take you deeper into the generosity of Jesus so that today you might be freshly awakened to the depth of God’s mercy on your behalf. Ask God to cultivate, through His Holy Spirit, a character of radical generosity in you.

Devotion 3: Luke 22:14-23


Here Jesus introduces something that anyone associated with the church is familiar with, the Lord’s Supper. Different churches go about the Lord’s Supper in different ways, but we should always remember this: the Lord’s supper is meant to visual represent Jesus’ death on the cross and should be done in community as a unifying event for the church. Jesus’ body and blood were essential to our salvation. The Lord’s Supper is God’s way of giving the church a beautiful reminder of that fact.

Reflection Question

Why do you think Christ wanted the Lord’s Supper to be a regular practice in church life?

How can this practice of the Lord’s Supper become not just a church ordinance but a lifestyle for you?

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Prayer and Meditation

One central command Jesus gave as He instituted this meal was to “remember” Him. He wanted this to be a place where distractions, fears, worries, and everything else were cast aside in order to focus on the Gospel. Take a few minutes to simply remember Jesus. Remember this Gospel you’ve been immersed in for six weeks now. Remember His body broken on the cross and His holy blood pouring out as payment for your sin.

Devotion 4: John 1:1-18


These verses are some of the richest and theological texts in the entire Bible. They showcase so clearly the fact that Jesus as the Son of God is at the center of all time and how His coming to earth as a man is mind-blowing. John also introduces Jesus as Light and will continue to develop that theme throughout the rest of this Gospel. Without light, we are unable to see and perceive anything. Jesus serves as that light for God, we perceive God because Jesus makes Him known to us.

Reflection Questions

Thinking about what you’ve read in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, what stands out most to you about Jesus’ character?

What does this tell you about who God is and what He is like? Make a list of character traits, glorifying God for who His is.

Prayer and Meditation

Verses 12-13 of chapter 1 tell us that it was by the will of God that those who are followers of Christ have become children of God. John declares that the Creator of the world has called you His

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child. Spend some time now thanking God that in all of His power, He has chosen to shower you with His grace. Thank Him for sending Jesus, God in the flesh, to give you that grace.

Week 7: Week of 9/20

Devotion 1: John 3:16-21


John 3:16 is the most well known and publicly seen verse in all of Scripture. This is fitting, because it so clearly displays Jesus’ purpose on earth and the nature of the Gospel. This gives us our mission as the church. We are to call people to this love and grace that God has for them. Condemnation is for God and not us to hand out to those that choose to reject this free gift. We should also investigate ourselves to see what areas of life we are still trying to keep in the dark not allowing Jesus light transform them.

Reflection Questions

When you meditate on John 3:16-17, what does God say most clearly to your heart? Write your responses as if God is addressing you personally.

If God has gone to such measures to set us free, why do you think anyone would live more out of fear of His judgment than in celebration of His mercy? Which of the two do you think God would rather see in our lives: fear or celebration? Why?

The church is to be a beacon of hope, mercy, and freedom in our world. How is your local church perceived in your community? What can you do to help?

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Prayer and Meditation

This whole Gospel story began because the Creator of the universe loved you and me. The Gospel is the account of the greatest act of love in history: God’s own Son made a way to restore us to the Father and grant us eternal life with God. In your prayer time today, spend time thanking God for His great act of love found in the cross, and for His great power see in the resurrection.

Devotion 2: John 6:1-15


The feeding of the 5,000 is the only miracle of Jesus recorded in all four Gospels. Jesus displays His incredible power as the Son of God. He approaches the disciples first when the problem of food for the crowd comes up. They express what is true for humans, there is nothing that they can do to fix the problem. Jesus has the power to fix it, though. Later in the chapter in vs. 22-40 Jesus gives a reason for the miracle. He uses His provision of physical food to teach that what they truly need is Him as their Bread of Life from heaven.

Reflection Questions

Put yourself in the shoes of one of these disciples. It’s late, you’ve got a mob, you’re tired, and your leader doesn’t appear to be worried at all. Are there present-day applications in your life here? Describe.

How do you tend to handle these “pressure cookers”? In what ways are you like the disciples? Different?

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What is going on in your life for which you are not yet trusting in the power of Christ?

Prayer and Meditation

In John 6 Christ is clearly and pointedly calling people to believe on Him for their salvation. At the same time He is showing them His great power that is available to them and to us. The same power that fed thousands would later raise Christ from the dead. That same power brings salvation to you and me. Take some time to confess to God where you are forgetting to lean on His power to meet your needs. Ask Him for wisdom in understanding how the Gospel, and the power behind it, can meet you in your needs today.

Week 3: John 12:20-26


Jesus teaches a hard lesson in this passage. How are we supposed to live like we hate our own lives? The idea is about focus. If our only focus is our goals in this life, we will have a hard time truly following Jesus. We often find ourselves with divided loyalties in this life. Do I want to be in control or do I want Jesus to be in control? If we want full control of our lives, then we are not giving Jesus the control that He deserves. Trusting and following Jesus fully helps us to live for eternity and frees us to live this life as effectively for Him as possible.

Reflection Questions

Dying to self-rule is certainly not easy. In what areas of your life do you find this most difficult?

If you have already decided to give your life to Christ, describe how this life compares to when you were the ruler of your own life. Thank God for this difference.

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Prayer and Meditation

Turn to Philippians 3:7-11. Paul says he counts everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ his Lord. Is this a present reality of your life? Ask God to show you more of Himself. The more you know Christ, the less you’ll desire to control your own life. When you dwell in Christ, His wants and desires become yours. Ask God to cultivate in you this same attitude toward Jesus and toward self that engulfed Paul’s heart and mind.

Week 8: Week of 9/27

Devotion 1: John 14:1-7


We’ve been diving into the Gospel for 7 weeks now. We have talked about its beauty and power numerous times. There is another aspect of the Gospel that the world often does not like, however. The Gospel is an exclusive message. It is unique among other religions in the world. Jesus teaches that He is the ONLY way to become right with God. This exclusive nature of the Gospel should compel us to live lives that are defined by sharing the Gospel with others. If it is the only way to God, we must be faithful to tell as many people as possible about that way. See Romans 10:13-15 for more.

Reflection Questions

If Jesus really is the only way to heaven, how does that impact the way you respond to Him?

In what ways can you be (or are you currently) involved in the church’s effort to reach others for Christ?

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Prayer and Meditation

When you really consider the weight of the claim that the Gospel you’ve been studying for eight weeks is the only means of salvation, your soul will begin to ache for those who have not heard of Christ. As you pray today, pray for God to intervene and bring people in your life to salvation. Pray for them by name. Then pray for unreached people groups around the world. If you do not know of any, consult your local pastoral team or check out www.operationworld.org or visit www.imb.org and click on Pray for a listing of those people groups and how to pray for them.

Devotion 2: John 17:20-23


We all have stories about relationships that experienced strife and disunity. Whether this is friendship, marriage, or group relationship like the church, fighting and wronging of each other is almost inevitable when more than one person is involved. Here we seeing Jesus praying to the Father that this would not be so for His church. He desires that the bond of people in the church would be the same as the bond between Jesus and the Father (and they’re part of the inseparable Trinity)! In verse 21 we see that this unity is so important that it is a main way that the message of the Gospel is seen to be true by those that witness the church. Our goal is to display the results of the Gospel by our love and actions toward our brothers and sisters in the faith.

Reflection Questions

What, if any, disunity are you experiencing with another Christian right now (spouse, friend, pastor, other church member)?

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How does the Gospel give you the power to begin mending this disunity?

What non-Christians in your life are able to see the way you interact with other believers? How could you make your Christian community more accessible to non-Christians?

Prayer and Meditation

We have a tendency when it comes to disunity to place the blame on the other person. Rarely do we readily admit our own faults. Before taking steps to resolve conflict however, take time to pray and ask God to convict you of where you have sinned against another believer. Remember, you are first a sinner, second sinned against! Pray for God to give you the humility and confidence in Christ to be able to forgive and to ask for forgiveness in those situations. Lastly, pray for God to move you into deeper friendships that begin to put on display the Gospel for the watching world.

Devotion 3: John 19


Take the time to read through this chapter multiple times today, it will not be easy. Reflect on the brutal and horrible path that Jesus followed to the cross. Let the pain and suffering that Jesus endured and died from on that day teach you the extent of His love for us as our Savior.

Reflection Questions

What emotional reaction does the pain Jesus went through during His trial and crucifixion create in you? Why?

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The death of Jesus puts on display the compassion and love of God for you. How is God cultivating a life of thanksgiving for the cross in your life?

Prayer and Meditation

This one is pretty simple. The only way our debt could be paid was for God Himself to pay it. The payment owed was death. So, God came in human form and died for us. This is the Gospel message: Jesus in your place. Spend time reviewing the scene from John 19 while praising God for His sacrificial love for you. Thank Him for Jesus’ death on the cross as atonement for your sin. Worship Him for it.

Devotion 4: John 20:19-31


In verses 30-31 John gives us the entire purpose of him writing his Gospel account. He wrote so that those who read it would believe in Jesus for their salvation. Those that believe will then “have life in His name.” That has been the entire point of this Gospel Revolution series. As we believe in Jesus and the Gospel, we experience life more and more as God intends us to. We can be freed from the focus on earthly things and live in light of our coming eternity with God. The end of John highlights multiple appearances and encounters between Jesus and His followers. Our aim as Christians is to continually encounter Jesus in our spiritual walk so that we can grow more into the life that He has for us.

Reflection Questions

Jesus is still performing signs in the presence of His disciples. In what ways has Jesus displayed His great love for you lately?

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What specific things are you walking away from this Bible study experience with (increased belief, goals, prayers, etc.)? Be sure to share some of these takeaways with others!

Prayer and Meditation

The resurrection changes everything. Because Jesus got up out of the grave, you and I have victory over sin and death. We have new life in Him. The resurrection makes the Gospel great news. This is the testimony you’ve spent the past eight weeks reading. Spend some time thanking God for Jesus’ resurrection and its implications for your life. Thank Him for how He is changing you as a result of your time in His Word. Thank Him for the Gospel and for the life you get to experience because of it.