google analytics - session discripton and audience

google analytics Audience Overview Mr.amanzadeh

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google analytics Audience OverviewMr.amanzadeh

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A session is a group of interactions that take place on your website within a given time frame. For example a single session can contain multiple screen or page views, events, social interactions, and ecommerce transactionsThere are two methods by which a session ends:• After 30 minutes of inactivity• At midnight• Campaign change:• If a user arrives via one campaign, leaves, and then

comes back via a different campaign.

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Time based expiration Example

How long does a session last?What happens if during a session to my site, Bob leaves open a page while he takes a 31-minute lunch break, then returns to continue browsing the site?

What happens if Bob leaves open a page on my site, but only takes a 29-minute lunch break before he continues browsing?

End of day expiry . . .

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Why Clickyab Clicks and Analytics Sessions don't match in your reports

SessionsBefore a session is recorded, several things happen:1.When the click takes place, the browser is pointed to the advertiser's landing page.2.The advertiser's website then responds to this request and starts to transfer data from the web server to the user's browser.3.When the browser starts to download the landing page, there may be a request for several files at the same time, including JavaScript, CSS, images, video, audio, etc. The requests for JavaScript include the Analytics tracking code.4.The JavaScript file (ga.js or analytics.js) must first be downloaded and interpreted by the user's browser.5.The user's browser/device and security settings must support: •Cookies •JavaScript •ImagesIf any of the above are disabled, Analytics may not be able to record a session. Universal Analytics doesn't strictly rely on cookies and users may handle client ID in their own ways.6.Next, the browser sends a separate request to, the Analytics servers.7.Finally, a session is recorded.

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Active UsersTrack active users for increments of 1, 7, 14, and 30 daysInterests Interest information gives you context for expanding your advertising into related markets (Affinity CategoriesDemographics (Age, Gender)Understanding the age-and-gender composition of your audience gives you an opportunity to precisely tailor your content and advertising

Geo (Language, Location)Technology (Browser & OS, Network)Mobile (Devices)See which mobile devices are being used to interact with your content.

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BenchmarkingBenchmarking allows you to compare your data with aggregated industry data from other companies who share their dataUsers FlowUsers Flow is a graphical representation of the paths users took through your site, from the source, through the various pages, and where along their paths they exited your site