golder 2013 dsm_introduction_presentation_feb6_ram_version1

Introduction to Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) R. A. (Bob) MacMillan LandMapper Environmental Solutions Inc. Presented to Golder Associates: Feb 6, 2013

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Introduction to Digital Soil Mapping


R. A. (Bob) MacMillanLandMapper Environmental Solutions Inc.

Presented to Golder Associates: Feb 6, 2013

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Outline• Unifying DSM Framework: Universal Model of Variation

– Z(s) = Z*(s) + ε(s) + ε

• Past: Early History of Development of DSM (pre 2003)– Theory, Concepts, Models, Software, Inputs, Developments

– Examples of early methods and outputs

• Key Recent Developments in DSM post 2003– Theory, Concepts, Models, Software, Inputs, Developments

– Examples of recent methods and outputs

• Future Trends: How do I See DSM Developing?– Theory, Concepts, Inputs, Models, Software, Developments

– From Static Maps to Dynamic Real-Time Models

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Universal Model of Soil Variation

A Unifying Framework for DSM

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Universal Model of Soil Variation• A Unifying Framework for Digital Soil Mapping

Z(s) = Z*(s) + ε(s) + ε

Predicted soil type or

soil property value

Deterministic part of

the predictive model

Stochastic part of the

predictive model

Pure Noise part of

the predictive model

Predicted spatial

pattern of some soil

property or class

including uncertainty

of the estimate

part of the variation

that shows spatial

structure, can be

modelled with a


part of the variation

that is predictable by

means of some

statistical or heuristic

soil-landscape model

part of the variation

that can’t be predicted

at the current scale

with the available

data and models

Source: Burrough, 1986 eq. 8.14

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Deterministic Part of Prediction Model:


• Conceptual Models

– Conceptual or mental soil-landscape models

– Produce area-class maps

• Statistical Models

– Scorpan – relate soils/soil properties to covariates

– Explain spatial distribution of soils in terms of known soil forming factors as represented by covariates

EOR Series DYD Series KLM Series FMN Series




COR Series

I n d i v i d u a l s a l in i t y h a z a r d r a t i n g s

f o r e a c h l a y e r

1 0 0 x 1 0 0 m g r id

L a n d s c a p e

c u r v a tu r e

V e g e ta t io n

R a in fa l l

G e o lo g y

S o i ls

L a n d s u r f a c e

S a l in i t y h a z a r d

m a p

L a y e r w e ig h t in g s

2 x

1 x

2 x

1 x

3 x

T o ta l s a l in i t y

h a z a r d r a t in g

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Stochastic Part of Prediction Model:


• Geostatistical Estimation

– Predict soil properties• Point or block kriging

– Predict soil classes• Indicator kriging

– Predict error of estimate

• Correct Deterministic Part

– Error in deterministic part is computed (residuals)

– If structure exists in error then krige error & subtract

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Pure Noise Part of Prediction Model:


• Some Variation not Predictable

– Have to be honest about this• Should quantify and report it

• Deterministic Prediction

– Mental and Statistical Models• Not perfect – often lack suitable

covariates to predict target variable

• Lack covariates at finer resolution

• Geostatistical Prediction

– Insufficient point input data• Can’t predict at less than the

smallest spacing of input point datad1 d2 d3 d4


Lag (distance)




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Early History of DSM Development

(pre 2003)On Digital Soil Mapping

McBratney et al., 2003

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Early History of Development of DSM


Soil Classes

Soil Properties


Soil Classes

Soil Properties

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Past Theory: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) Classed Conceptual Models– Jenny (1941)

• CLORPT (Note no N=space)

– Simonson (1959)• Process Model of additions,

removals, translocations, transformations

– Ruhe (1975)• Erosional -Depositional

surfaces, open/closed basins

– Dalrymple et al., (1968)• Nine unit hill slope model

– Milne (1936a, 1936b)• Catena concept, toposequences

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Past Concepts: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) Classed Conceptual Models








Soil = f (C, O, R, P, T, …)

Source: Lin, 2005 Frontiers in Soil Science

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Past Models: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) Classed Statistical Predictions• Fuzzy Inference

– Zhu, 1997, Zhu et al., 1996

– MacMillan et al., 2000, 2005

• Neural Networks

– Zhu, 2000

• Expert Knowledge (Bayesian)

– Skidmore et al., 1991

– Cook et al., 1996, Corner et al., 1997

• Regression Trees

– Moran and Bui, 2002, Bui and Moran, 2003

I n d i v i d u a l s a l in i t y h a z a r d r a t i n g s

f o r e a c h l a y e r

1 0 0 x 1 0 0 m g r id

L a n d s c a p e

c u r v a t u r e

V e g e t a t io n

R a in f a l l

G e o lo g y

S o i ls

L a n d s u r f a c e

S a l in i t y h a z a r d

m a p

L a y e r w e ig h t in g s

2 x

1 x

2 x

1 x

3 x

T o t a l s a l in i t y

h a z a r d r a t in g

Source: Jones et al., 2000

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Past Software: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) Classed Statistical Predictions• Regression Trees

– CUBIST • Rulequest Research , 2000

– CART• Breiman et al., 1984

– C4.5 & See5• Quinlin, 1992

– JMP (SAS)•

– R•

• Fuzzy Logic


• Zhu et al., 1996, 1997

– LandMapR, FuzME

• Bayesian Logic

– Prospector

• Duda et al., 1978

– Expector

• Skidmore et al., 1991

– Netica


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Past Inputs: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) Classed Statistical Predictions

• C = Climate

– Temp, Ppt, ET, Solar Rad

• Mean, min, max, variance

• Annual, monthly, indices

• O = Organisms

– Manual Maps

• Land Use

• Vegetation

– Remotely Sensed Imagery

• Classified RS imagery

• NDVI, EVI, other ratios

• R = Relief (topography)

– Primary Attributes

• Slope, aspect, curvatures

• Slope Position, roughness

– Secondary Attributes


• P = Parent Material

– Published geology maps

– Gamma radiometrics

– Thermal IR, RS Ratios

• A = Age

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Past Inputs: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) Classed Statistical Predictions• Common Topo Inputs

– Profile Curvature

– Plan (Contour) Curvature

– Slope Gradient (& Aspect)

– CTI or Wetness Index• Sometimes, not always

• Less Common Topo Inputs

– Surface Roughness

– Relief within a window

– Relief relative to drainage• Pit, peak, Ridge, channel,

Profile Curvature Plan Curvature

Slope Gradient Wetness Index

Pit 2 Peak Relief Divide 2 Channel

Source: MacMillan, 2005

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Past Inputs: Non-DEM Airborne


• Radiometrics 4 Subsurface • Infer Parent Material

Source: Mayr, 2005

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Past Inputs: Non-DEM Satellite Imagery

Grassland Land Cover Types Alpine Land Cover Types

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Past Models: Deterministic Component


Examples of Predictions of Soil Class


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Approaches to Producing Predictive Area-

Class Maps

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Knowledge-Based Classification In SoLIM

Source: Zhu, SoLIM Handbook

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Knowledge-Based Classification Using

Boolean Decision Tree in USA






Component Soils





Source: Thompson et al., 2010 WCSS

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Knowledge-Based Classification In LandMapR

Source: Steen and Coupé, 1997

Source: MacMillan, 2005

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Knowledge-Based Classification In LandMapR

Source: Global Forest Watch Canada, 2012

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Note: Not simple slope elements but complex patterns

Source: Cole and Boettinger, 2004

Knowledge-Based Classification In Utah,

Knowledge-Based PURC Approach

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Approaches to Producing Predictive Area-

Class Maps

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Supervised Classification Using Regression Trees

Note similarity of supervised rulesand classes to typical soil-landformconceptual classes

Note numeric estimate of likelihood of occurrence of classes

Source: Zhou et al., 2004,


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Supervised Classification Using Bayesian

Analysis of Evidence/Classification Trees

Source: Zhou et al., 2004,


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Predicting Area-Class Soil Maps Using

Discriminant Analysis

Source: Scull et al., 2005, Ecological Modelling

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Uncertainty of prediction

Bui and Moran (2003)

Geoderma 111:21-44


Source: Bui and Moran., 2003

Predicting Area-Class Soil Maps Using

Regression Trees

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Supervised Classification Using Fuzzy Logic

• Shi et al., 2004– Used multiple cases of reference


– Each site was used to establish fuzzy similarity of unclassified locations to reference sites

– Used Fuzzy-minimum function to compute fuzzy similarity

– Harden class using largest (Fuzzy-maximum) value

– Considered distance to each reference site in computing Fuzzy-similarity

Fuzzy likelihood of being a broad ridge

Source: Shi et al., 2004

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Approaches to Producing Predictive Area-

Class Maps

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Concept of Fuzzy K-means Clustering

Credit: J. Balkovič & G. Čemanová

Source: Sobocká et al., 2003

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Example of Application of Fuzzy K-means

Unsupervised Classification

From: Burrough et al., 2001, Landscsape Ecology

Note similarity of unsupervised

classes to conceptual classes

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Example of Application of Disaggregation of

a Soil Map by Clustering into Components

Source: Faine, 2001

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Developments: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) Classed Predictive Maps in Past• Characteristics of Models

– Models largely ignored ε• Seldom estimate error

• Rarely correct for error

– Mainly use DEM inputs• Initially 3x3 windows

• Slope, aspect, curvatures

• Maybe wetness index

• Later improvements were measures of slope position

– Rarely use ancillary data• Exceptions like Bui, Skull

– Operate at single scale

• Characteristics of Models

– Many use expert knowledge• Data mining is the exception

• Training data seldom used

– Specialty software prevails• Software for DEM analysis


• Software for extracting rules

– Expector, Netica, CART, See 5, Cubist, Prospector

• Software for applying rules


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Past Models: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) for Continuous Soil Properties

Approaches Aimed at Predicting

Continuous Soil Properties

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Past Concepts: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) Continuous Soil Properties• Same Theory-Concepts

as for Classed Maps

– Except theory applied to individual soil properties

– Initially referred to as environmental correlation

– Soil properties related to• Landscape attributes

• Climate variables

• Geology, lithology, soil pm

• Key Papers

– Moore et al., 1993

• Linear regression

– McSweeney et al., 1994

– McKenzie & Austin, 1993

– Gessler at al, 1995

• GLMs in S-Plus

– McKenzie & Ryan, 1999

• Regression Trees

Soil = f (C, O, R, P, T, …)

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Past Models: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) Continuous Soil Properties• Regression Trees

– McKenzie & Ryan, 1998, Odeh et al., 1994

• Fuzzy Logic-Neural Networks

– Zhu, 1997

• Bayesian Expert Knowledge

– Skidmore et al., 1996

– Cook et al., 1996, Corner et al., 1997

• GLMs – General Linear Models

– McKenzie & Austin, 1993

– Gessler et al., 1995Source: McKenzie and Ryan, 1998

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Past Inputs: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) for Continuous Soil Properties

• Similar to Classed Maps But:

– Many innovations originated with continuous modelers

• Increased use of non-DEM attributes

– climate, radiometrics, imagery

• Improved DEM derivatives

– Wetness Index & CTI

– Upslope means for slope, etc.

– Inverted DEMs to compute

» Down slope dispersal

» Down slope means

» New slope position data

Source: McKenzie and Ryan, 1998

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Past Models: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) for Continuous Soil Properties

Examples of Predictions of Soil

Property Maps

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Past Models: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) Continuous Maps

• Aandahl, 1948 (Note Date!)

– Regression model• Predicted

– Average Nitrogen (3-24 inch)

– Total Nitrogen by depth

– Total Organic Carbon by depth interval

– Depth of profile to loess

• Predictor (covariate)

– Slope position as expressed by length of slope from shoulder

– Lost in the depths of time

Source: Aandahl, 1948

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Past Models: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) for Continuous Soil Properties

• Moore et al., 1993

– Seminal paper

– Focus on topography• Small sites

• Other covariates were assumed constant

– Got people thinking• About quantifying

environmental correlation, especially soil-topography relationships

Source: Moore et al, 1993

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Past Models: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) for Continuous Soil Properties

• McKenzie & Ryan, 1998

– Regression Tree: Soil Depth

Source: McKenzie and Ryan, 1998

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Past Models: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) for Continuous Soil Properties

• Gessler et al., 1995

– GLMs

– Largely based• Topo


• Others held

– Steady

Source: McKenzie and Ryan, 1998

Source: Gessler, 2005

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Credit: Minasny & McBratney

Regression tree2.17

1.18 2.84

Text: C Text: S,LS,L,CL,LiC

0.64 2.21 2.97 2.04


54.61 27.45

BD<1.43 BD>1.43 Clay<46.5 Clay>46.5

15.65 13.00 14.59 5.50

BD<1.42 BD>1.42

3.37 2.81

1.83 8.90

Past Models: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) for Continuous Soil Properties

Source: Minasny and McBratney

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Developments: Deterministic Component

Z*(s) Predictive Maps up to 2003

• Main Developments

– Better DEM derivatives

• More and better measures of

landform position or


• Some recognition of scale

and resolution effects

– Different window sizes

– Different grid resolutions

– More non-DEM inputs

• Increased use of imagery

• New surrogates for PM

• Main Developments

– Integration of single models

into multi-purpose software

• ArcGIS, ArcSIE, ArcView

• SAGA, Whitebox, IDRISI

– Improved processing ability

• Bigger files, faster processing

– Emergence of 2 main scales

• Hillslope elements (series)

– Quite similar across models

• Landscape patterns (domains)

– Similar to associations

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Early History of Development of DSM


Soil Classes

Soil Properties


Soil Classes

Soil Properties

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Past Theory: Stochastic Component

ε(s)– Waldo Tobler (1970)

• First law of geography

– Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things

– Matheron (1971)• Theory of regionalized variables

– Webster and Cuanalo (1975)• clay, silt, pH, CaCO3, colour

value, and stoniness on transect

– Burgess and Webster (1980 ab)• Soil Property maps by kriging

• Universal kriging (drift) of EC

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Past Models: Stochastic Component

ε(s)– Universal Model of Variation

• Matheron (1971)

• Burgess and Webster (1980 ab)

• Webster and Burrough (1980)

• Burrough (1986)

• Webster and McBratney (1987)

• Oliver (1989)

Source: Oliver, 1989

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Past Models: Stochastic Component

ε(s) Optimal Interpolation by Kriging

Fit Semi-variogram to lag data









8 5



Collect point sample observations

Irregular spatial distribution

(of observed point values)

Compute semi-variance

at different lag distances

Estimate values and error at fixed grid locations

6.1 5.7 5.3 5.8

7.0 6.5 6.0 5.2

7.6 6.0 5.77.0

7.2 7.0 6.2 5.5

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Past Software: Stochastic Component

ε(s)• Earlier Stand Alone

– Pc-Geostat (PC-Raster)• Early version of GSTAT

– VESPER• Variogram estimation and

spatial prediction with error

• Minasny et al., 2005


– GEOEASE (DOS, 1991)•


• Later More Integrated

– GSTAT • Pebesma and Wesseling, 1998

• Incorporated into ISRISI

• Now incorporated into R and S-Plus packages

– Pebesma, 2004


– ArcGIS• Geostatistical Analyst

– SGeMS (Stanford Univ)•

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Past Inputs: Stochastic Component ε(s)

• Essentially Just x,y,z Values at Point Locations

1. Start with set of soil property values

irregularly distributed in x,y Cartesian space

2. Locate the regularly spaced grid nodes where predicted soil property

values are to be calculated

3. Locate the n soil property data points

within a search window around the current grid cell for which a value is

to be calculated

4. Compute a new value for each location as the weighted average of n

neighbor elevations with weights established by

the semi-variogram

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Past Models: Stochastic Component ε(s)

for Continuous Soil Properties

Examples of Predictions of Soil

Property Maps by Kriging

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Continuous Soil Property Maps by


• Very Early Alberta Example

– Lacombe Research Station

• Sampled soils on a 50 m grid

– Sand, Silt, Clay,

– pH, OC, EC, others

– 3 depths (0-15, 15-50, 50-100)

• Used custom written software

– Compute variograms

– Interpolate using the variograms

• Only visualised as contour maps

– Only got 3D drapes in 1988

– Used PC-Raster to drape

– Saw strong soil-landscape pattern










1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19


LAG (1 LAG = 30 M)







LACOMBE SITE: A HORIZON %SAND (1985)Source: MacMillan, 1985 unpublished

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Continuous Soil Property Maps by



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Continuous Soil Property Maps by


• Yasribi et al., 2009

– Simple ordinary kriging

of soil properties (OK)

• No co-kriging

• No regression prediction

– Relies on presence of

• Sufficient point samples

• Spatial structure over

distances longer then the

smallest sampling


Source: Yasribi et al., 2009

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Continuous Soil Property Maps by


• Shi, 2009

– Comparison of pH by

four different methods

• a) HASM

• b) Kriging

• c) IWD

• d) Splines

Source: Yasribi et al., 2009

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Developments: Stochastic Component

ε(s) Predictive Maps up to 2003

• Main Developments

– Theory

• Becomes better understood

and accepted

– Concepts

• Regression-kriging evolves

to include a separate part for

regression prediction

– Models

• Understanding and use of

universal model grows

• Directional, local variograms

• Main Developments

– Software

• From stand alone and single

purpose to integrated software

• Improvements in

– Visualization

– Capacity to process large

data sets

– Automated variogram fitting

– Ease of use

– Inputs

• Developments in sampling

designs and sampling theory

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Present and Recent Past

Key Developments in DSM Since 2003

(2003-2012)On Digital Soil Mapping

McBratney et al., 2003

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Developments in DSM Since 2003


Soil Classes

Soil Properties


Soil Classes

Soil Properties

Increasing Convergence and Interplay

Scorpan (McBratney et al., 2003) elaborates and popularizes universal model of variation

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Theory: Key Developments Since 2003

• Deterministic Part

– Pretty much unchanged

• Still based on attempting to

elucidate quantitative

relationships between soils

& environmental covariates

– But

• Scorpan elaboration

highlights importance of

the spatial component (n)

and of spatially correlated

error ε(s)

• Stochastic Part

– Same underlying theory

• Still based on theory of

regionalized variables

– But

• Increasing realization that

the structural part of

variation (non-stationary

mean or drift) can be better

modelled by a deterministic

function than by purely

spatial calculations

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Concepts: Key Developments Since 2003

• Deterministic Part

– Scorpan Model

• Explicitly recognizes soil data

(s) as a potential input to

predict other soil data

– Soil inputs can include soil

maps, point observations,

even expert knowledge

• Explicitly recognizes space

(n) or location as a factor in

predicting soil data

– Space as in x,y location

– Space as in context, kriging

• Factors as predictors

– Factors explicitly seen as

quantitative predictors in

prediction function

Scorpan (McBratney et al., 2003) elaborates and popularizes universal model of variation

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Concepts: Key Developments Since 2003

• Stochastic Part

– Emergence of Regression

Kriging (RK)

• Key difference to ordinary

kriging is that it is no longer

assumed that the mean of a

variable is constant

• Local variation or drift can

be modelled by some

deterministic function

– Local regression lowers

error, improves predictions

– Local regression function

can even be a soil mapSource: Heuvelink, personal communication

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Models: Key Developments Since 2003

• Deterministic Part

– Improvements in Data

Mining and Knowledge


• Supervised Classification

– Training data obtained

from both points and maps

» Sample maps at points

– Ensemble or multiple

realization models (100 x)

» Boosting, bagging

» Random Forests

» ANN, Regression tree

• Deterministic Part

– Improvements in Data

Mining and Knowledge


• Expert Knowledge Extraction

– Bayesian Analysis of Evidence

– Prototype Category Theory

– Fuzzy Neural Networks

– Tools for Manual Extraction

of Fuzzy Expert Knowledge


• Unsupervised classification

– Fuzzy k-means, c-means

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Models: Key Developments Since 2003

• Stochastic Part

– Regression Kriging

• Recognized as equivalent to

universal kriging or kriging

with external drift

• Use of external knowledge

and maps made easier

– Incorporation of soft data

• Made more accessible

through implementation in

commercial (ESRI) and

open source software (R)

• Stochastic Part

– Regression Kriging

• Odeh et al., 1995

• McBratney et al., 2003

• Hengl et al., 2004, 2007,


• Heuvelink, 2006

• Hengl how to books

– http://spatial-




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Comparison of Soil Property Maps by

Kriging & RK

• Hengl et al., 2012

– Comparison of ordinary

kriging and regression


• Evidence supports RK as

explaining more of the

variation than OK alone

– Greater spatial detail

– Fewer extrapolation


– Better fit to data

Source: Hengl et al., 2012

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Software: Key Developments Since 2003

• Commercial Software

– JMP (SAS) (McBratney)•

– S-Plus, Matlab, • Used by soil researchers

– See5, CUBIST, CART• Regression Trees

– Netica (Bayesian)


– Improvements

• Better visualization

• Better interfaces

• Non-commercial Software

– Fuzzy Logic

• SoLIM Zhu et al., 1996, 1997

• ArcSIE Shi, FuzME

– Bayesian Logic

– Full Range of Options• R


– Regression Kriging

– Random Forests

– Regression Trees

– GLMs

• GSTAT (in R)

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Inputs: Key Developments Since 2003

• Terrain Attributes

– More and better measures

• Primarily contextual and

related to landform position

– Real advances related to

• Multi-scale analysis

– varying window size and

grid resolution

• Window-based and flow-

based hill slope context

• Systematic examination of

relationships of properties

and processes to scale

Source: Smith et al., 2006

Source: Schmidt and Andrew., 2005

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Inputs: Key Developments Since 2003

• Terrain Attributes

– Multi-scale analysis

• Varying window size and

grid resolution

• Identifies that some

variables are more useful

when computed over larger

windows or coarser grids

– Finer resolution grids not

always needed or better

– Drop off in predictive

power of DEMs after

about 30-50 m grid


Source: Deng et al., 2007

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Inputs: Key Developments Since 2003

• ConMAP: Hyper-scale Contextual Analysis of Topographic Parameters

Source: Berhens et al., in press

– Neighborhood example

• Diameter

– 21 km

• Predictirs

– 775

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Inputs: Key Developments Since 2003

• ConSTAT: Hyper-scale Contextual Analysis of Topographic Parameters

Source: Berhens et al., in press

ConStat (ConMap)- neighborhood reduction

a) Full neighborhoodb) Reduction of radiic) Reduction on radii d) Combination of b and c

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Inputs: Key Developments Since 2003

• ConSTAT: Hyper-scale Contextual Analysis of Topographic Parameters

Source: Berhens et al., in press

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Inputs: Key Developments Since 2003

• Hyper-scale Terrain

Analysis in ConSTAT

– Systematic analysis of relative

importance of terrain

measures different scales

• Compute statistics of terrain

measures at different scales

– Use data mining (Random

Forests) to identify

importance of different

statistics at different scales

and at each different location

Source: Berhens et al., in press

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MrVBF: Multi-scale DEM AnalysisSmooth and subsample

Original: 25 m Generalised: 75 m Generalised 675 mFlatness


Valley Bottom


Valley Bottom




Source: Gallant, 2012

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Multiple Resolution Landform Position

MrVBF Example Outputs

Source: Gallant, 2012

Broader Scale 9” DEM

MRVBF for 25 m DEM

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Developments: Improved Measures of

Landform Position

• SAGA-RHSP: relative

hydrologic slope position

• SAGA-ABC: altitude

above channel

Source: C. Bulmer, unpublishedCalculation based on: MacMillan, 2005

Source: C. Bulmer, unpublished

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Developments: Improved Measures of

Landform Position

• TOPHAT – Schmidt

and Hewitt (2004)

• Slope Position – Hatfield


Source: Hatfield (1996)Source: Schmidt & Hewitt, (2004)

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Developments: Improved Measures of

Landform Position - Scilands

Source: Rüdiger Köthe , 2012

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Measures of Relative Slope Length (L)

Computed by LandMapR• Percent L Pit to Peak • Percent L Channel to Divide


Image Data Copyright the Province of British Columbia, 2003

Source: MacMillan, 2005

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Image Data Copyright the Province of British Columbia, 2003

Measures of Relative Slope Position

Computed by LandMapR• Percent Diffuse Upslope Area • Percent Z Channel to Divide


Source: MacMillan, 2005

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Developments: Improved Classification of

Landform Patterns Iwahashi & Pike (2006)• Iwahashi landform underlying 1:650k soil map

Source: Reuter, H.I. (unpublished)

steep gentle




Fine texture,

High convexity

Fine texture,

Low convexity

Coarse texture,

High convexity

Coarse texture,

Low convexity

Terrain Classes








2 6 10 14

3 7 11 15


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Inputs: Key Developments Since 2003

• Non-Terrain Attributes

– Systematic analysis of

environmental covariates

• Detect distances and scales

over which each covariate

exhibits a strong relationship

with a soil or property to be

predicted or just with itself

– Vary window sizes and grid

resolutions and compute

regressions on derivatives

– analyse range of variation

inherent to each covariate

» Functional relationships

are dependent on scale

Source: Park, 2004

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Inputs: Key Developments Since 2003

• Non-Terrain Attributes

– Systematic analysis of scale of

environmental covariates

• Select and use input covariates

at the most appropriate scale

– Explicitly recognize the

hierarchical nature of

environmental controls on


– Select variables at the scales,

resolutions or window sizes

with the strongest predictive

power for each property or

class to be predicted.

Source: Park, 2004

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Inputs: Key Developments Since 2003

Source: David Jacquier, 2010

Harmonization of soil profile depth data through spline fitting

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Inputs: Key Developments Since 2003From discrete soil classes to continuous soil properties



Fit mass-










averages for

spline at



ranges, e.g.,


depth ranges



Clearfield soil seriesWapello County, Iowa

Mukey: 411784Musym: 230C

Source: Sun et al., (2010)

Harmonization of soil profile

data through spline fitting

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Outputs: Key Developments Since 2003

• From Classes to Properties

– Non-disaggregated soil maps

• Weighted averages by polygon

by soil property and depth

– Calling version 0.5

– Disaggregated Soil Class Maps

• Estimate soil property values at

every grid cell location & depth

– Based on weighted likelihood

value of occurrence of each of

n soils times property value for

that soil at that depth

– Likelihood value can come

from various methods

Source: Sun et al, 2010

Source: Hempel et al., 2011

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Outputs: Key Developments Since 2003

• From Classes to Properties

– Disaggregated Soil Class Maps

• Estimate soil property values at

every grid cell location

Source: Zhu et al., 1997

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Recent Models

Recent Examples of Predictions of

Soil Class Maps

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Predicting Area-Class Soil Maps

Source: Grinand et al., 2008

Clovis Grinand, Dominique Arrouays,

Bertrand Laroche, and Manuel Pascal Martin.

Extrapolating regional soil landscapes from an

existing soil map: Sampling intensity,

validation procedures, and integration of

spatial context. Geoderma 143, 180-190

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Recent Knowledge-Based Classification In

Africa, Multi-scale, Hierarchical Landforms

Source: Park et al, 2004

Elevation + Slope + UPA + Catena

( 2 km support)

SOTER Soil and landforms

(1:1 million – 1.5 million

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soil series



Point Data

Detailed soil maps









Digital Soil Mapping

in England & Wales

using Legacy Data

Source: Mayr, 2010

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Source: Sun et al., 2010

Predicting Area-Class Soil Maps Using

Multiple Regression Trees (100 x)

Prepare a database and tables of mapping units & soil series, and covariates

Select 1/n of the points systematically (n=100)

Sample soil series randomly from the multinomial distribution of mapping unit composites

Construct decision tree

Predict soil series at all pixels

Calculate the soil series statistics based on the n predictions for each pixel

Calculate the probability for each soil series

Generate soil series maps

Repeat n


Used See 5, (RuleQuest

Research, 2009

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Source: Sun et al., 2010

Predicting Area-Class Soil Maps Using

Multiple Regression Trees (100 x)

A closer look at the junction point in the middle of 4 combined maps,

(a) the original map units, and

(b) the most likely soil series map and its associated probability.

The length of the image is approximately 14 km.




High : 100

Low : 7



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Recent Models

Recent Examples of Predictions of

Continuous Soil Property Maps

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Continuous Soil Property Maps by

Kriging & RK

• Hengl et al., 2004

– Comparison of topsoil

thickness by four

different methods

• a) Point locations

• b) Soil Map only

• c) Ordinary Kriging

• d) Plain Regression

• e) Regression-kriging

– Evidence supports RK

Source: Hengl et al., 2004

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300 soil point data


field data

Source: Minasny et al., 2010

Recent Example: Regression-Kriging

(scorpan + ε)

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Assemble covariates for

the predictive model

Recent Example: Regression-Kriging

(scorpan + ε)

Source: Minasny et al., 2010

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Linear ModelOC = f(x) + e


AspectLandsat band 6


Soil-Landscape Unit

Perform regression to

build a predictive model

Recent Example: Regression-Kriging

(scorpan + ε)

Source: Minasny et al., 2010

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Predict both

property value

and standard

error over the

entire area

Recent Example: Regression-Kriging

scorpan + ε)

Source: Minasny et al., 2010

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Fit a variogram to the


Recent Example: Regression-Kriging

(scorpan + ε)

Source: Minasny et al., 2010

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Krige the residuals

Recent Example: Regression-Kriging

scorpan + ε)

Source: Minasny et al., 2010

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+Linear Model Residuals

Final Prediction

Add interpolated

residuals to the

prediction from


Recent Example: Regression-Kriging

scorpan + ε)

Source: Minasny et al., 2010

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+(Std.err. of regression)2

(Std. err. of kriging)2

(Total Variance)1/2

Add regression variance

and kriging variance to

get total variance

Recent Example: Regression-Kriging

(scorpan + ε)

Source: Minasny et al., 2010

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Mean 64.0

Min 27.0

Max 87.9

CV% 18.4

RMSE 9.8

RI (%) 19.7

Mg C/ha










Final C map

C=100-1.2EC-5.2REF-0.6REF2-2.1ELC predicted for

sampled locations

C predicted for

all grid locationsResiduals




Recent Example: Regression-Kriging

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Continuous Soil Property Maps by

Hybrid Bayesian Analysis

Source: Mayr et al., 2010

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Future Trends

Personal View of Likely Future DSM


(Post 2012)

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The Future: Lets Go Back and Talk About

the Universal Model of Variation Again

Source: Heuvelink et al., 2004

Deterministic part of

the predictive model

Stochastic part of the

predictive model

Lots of things qualify

as regression!

Regression just

means minimizing


What is all this talk

about optimization?

Z(s) = Z*(s) + ε(s) + ε

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The Future: A Conceptual Framework for

GSIF – A Global Soil Information Facility

Source: Hengl et al., 2011

Collaborative and

open and modelling

on an inter-active,

web-based server-

side platform

Collaborative and

open production,

assembly and sharing

of covariate data

(World Grids)

Collaborative and

open collection,

input and sharing of

geo-registered field


(Open Soil Profiles)

Maps we can all contribute to, access, use, modify and

update, continuously and transparently

Everything is


transparent and


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The Future: Functionality for GSIF – A

Global Soil Information Facility

Source: Hengl et al., 2011

Possibility of making

use of existing

legacy soil maps

(even new soil maps)

needed for soil

prediction anywhere

Possibility of

rescuing, sharing,

harmonizing and

archiving soil

profile point data

needed for soil

prediction anywhere

Possibility to

develop and use

global models (even

for local mapping)

Possibility to

develop and use

multi-scale and


hierarchical models

Possibility to assess

error and correct for

it everywhere

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The Future: Conceptual Framework for

GSIF – World Soil Profiles

Source: Hengl et al., 2011

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The Future: Implemented Framework for

GSIF – World Soil Profiles


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The Future: Implemented Framework for

GSIF – World Soil Profiles


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The Future: Conceptual Framework for

GSIF – World Grids

Source: Hengl et al., 2011

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The Future: Implemented Framework for

GSIF – World Grids


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The Future: Implemented Framework for

GSIF – World Grids


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The Future: Implemented Framework for


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The Future: Collaborative Global, Multi-

Scale Mapping through GSIF

Source: Hengl et al., 2011

Possibility for combining

Top-Down and Bottom-up

mapping through weighted

averaging of 2 or more sets

of predictions


Possibility to

develop and use

global models (even

for local mapping)

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The Future: Global, Multi-Scale Modeling

of Soil Properties through GSIF

Source: Hengl et al., 2011

Possibility to

develop and use

global models (even

for local mapping)

Possibility to

develop and use

multi-scale and


hierarchical models

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The Future: Global, Multi-Scale Modeling

of Soil Properties through GSIF

Global Models

inform and

improve local


• Global DSM Models

– Make use of ALL data

• From everywhere in

the world

– Provide initial coarse

local predictions

• That can be refined

and improved with:

– More & finer local data

– Local model runs

Source: Hengl personal communication, 2013

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The Future: Global, Multi-Scale Modeling

of Soil Properties through GSIF

Source: Hengl et al., 2011

Global Models

inform and

improve local


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The Future: Functionality for GSIF – A

Global Soil Information Facility

Source: Hengl et al., 2011

Anyone can

access and

display the


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The Future: Functionality for GSIF – A

Global Soil Information Facility

Source: Hengl et al., 2011

Slide credit: Tom Hengl,


With Google

Earth everyone

has a GIS to

view free soil

maps and data

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The Future: Collaborative Global, Multi-

Scale Mapping through GSIF

Source: Hengl et al., 2011

A Global


Working together

we can map the

world one tile at a


The next generation

of soil surveyors is


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The Future: From Mapping to

Continuously Updated Modelling

Possibility to move from single

snapshot mapping of static soil

properties to continuous update and

improvement of maps of both static and

dynamic properties within a structured

and consistent framework.