global warming - copy

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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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How does GLOBAL WARMING change RAINFALL PATTERNS???WHAT DOES RAINFALL PATTERN MEAN?Rainfall pattern means the distribution of rain geographically, temporally, and seasonally. The tropics receive more rainfall than deserts. Cooler places like the poles receive no rainfall, as it is converted to snow before it falls to the ground. Rainfall happens more in a particular time of a year, during a rainy season. In other seasons, rainfall is scant. Therefore, agriculture (rain-fed), worldwide, is planned based on rainfalls natural pattern. Water storages, irrigation networks, and urban water supply systems are designed according to the average annual rainfall. If it rains a lot on a continuous basis for a longer time, there is possibility of flood and subsequent disaster to the infrastructure. No rainfall or little rainfall for a longer period (years) in an inhabited area could lead to drought and famine.CHANGE IN RAINFALLpattern is a consequence of global warming. The worlds agriculture, especially third world agriculture, depends upon the seasonal rainfall pattern. Recent erratic changes in rainfall pattern lead toward low agriculture production, thus creating food insecurity for an ever-increasing world population. Flood, drought, and famine are the consequences of these changing patterns.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS IN THE PROCESS?Global warming leads to a near-term collapse of the oceans thermohaline circulation. Thermohalinecirculation is a global ocean circulation pattern that distributes water and heat both vertically, through the water column, and horizontally across the globe. Due to this collapse of thermohaline circulation, warm surface waters move from the tropics to the North Atlantic and extra-warm water surfaces in the Pacific Ocean surrounding the equator. Thus, Western Europe, some parts of Asia, and many parts of the Americas get warmer than normal, and some parts of Europe get cooler rapidly. El Nino and La Nina are examples of this. This latest deviant trend generates dramatic weather impacts, such as rapid cooling in some parts of the world, and greatly diminished rainfall in agricultural and urban areas. UNESCO and other studies found that changes in rainfall pattern could be attributed to the shifts in global wind pattern. These shifts are due to the changes in the ocean surface temperature. Effect of human activity on the surface vegetation is also causing rainfall pattern variation. Widespread deforestation in parts of Africa and Asia is causing scarce rainfall and subsequent drought.FURTHER MORE;Washington, May 4 (ANI): A NASA-led modeling study has provided new evidence that global warming could change future global rainfall patterns and increase the risk of both flooding and drought.And what did William Lau of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., and lead author of the study say?"In response to carbon dioxide-induced warming, the global water cycle undergoes a gigantic competition for moisture resulting in a global pattern of increased heavy rain, decreased moderate rain, and prolonged droughts in certain regions,"

Now that is scary!!!

On reliability problemsSome might argue that changes in rainfall patternsare unfounded due to lack of instrumental records for a large time period. However, studies using indirect methods have proved that global warming, in fact, is causing serious rainfall pattern variability. Tree-ring analysis for predicting rainfall amounts in previous years (hundreds of years back) is one study, which proved that rainfall pattern variability is extensive in recent years.

And thats the end of the presentation

Our Earths on fire!

But not in a good waySo lets do something before

happens!Thank you