from the net to creative power, the kingdom mandate · 2019. 11. 30. · 1th 1:5 for our besorah...

From The NET to Creative Power, The Kingdom Mandate

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  • From The NET to Creative Power, The Kingdom Mandate

  • 1Co 4:15 For if you should have ten thousand instructors

    in Messiah, yet not many fathers, for in Messiah יהושע I

    have brought you forth through the Good News…1Co

    4:20 For the Kingdom of Elohim is not in word, but in


    Also, in Thessalonians:

    1Th 1:5 For our Besorah came not unto you in word, but

    also in power, and in the Ruach HaQodesh, and in much

    assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were

    among you for your sake.

  • נגע = 123 – Naga = Disease, Plague, *Leprosy.

  • ➢Act 1:8 “But you shall receive power

    when the Set-apart Spirit has come upon

    you, and you shall be My witnesses in

    Yerushalayim, and in all Yehuḏah and

    Shomeron, and to the end of the earth.”

    The word for POWER here is our DUNAMIS word.

  • ➢1Co 4:20 For the Kingdom of

    Elohim is not in word, but in power.

    Also, in Thessalonians:

    ➢1Th 1:5 For our Besorah came not

    unto you in word, but also in power…

  • ➢Endued - Luk_24:49 And,G2532 behold,G2400 IG1473 sendG649 theG3588promiseG1860 of myG3450 FatherG3962 uponG1909 you:G5209 butG1161tarryG2523 yeG5210 inG1722 theG3588 cityG4172 of Jerusalem,G2419 untilG2193G3757 ye be enduedG1746 with powerG1411 fromG1537 on high.G5311


    ➢ἐνδύω - enduō - en-doo'-o = enclothement. To be clothed upon with a Royal mantle. Notice the parallel from Genesis 3:21 to this point.

  • ם שֵׁ ַוַיְלבִּ – Va’yal’Bee’sheim = And he clothed them. The root of this word is Labash/לבש which means to clothe.

  • ➢Luk 10:18 And He said to them, “I saw Satan

    falling out of the heaven as lightning.

    ➢Luk 10:19 “See, I give you the

    authority(exousia = ability, authority, authorization.)to trample on serpents and

    scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy,

    and none at all shall hurt you. The authority is

    the lawful right to utilize the ability of the


  • •Mat 10:7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. (Why not at foot or side or leg or head? Why at hand? Well, the next verse explains why:) Mat 10:8 Healthe sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

  • ➢Heal – Gr. – θεραπεύω - therapeuō -ther-ap-yoo'-o. From the Hebrew word Asah/ עשה➢Cleanse – Gr. – καθαρίζω - katharizō - kath-ar-id'-zo. From the Hebrew origin: טהר/ Tahor = Unmixed with Chaos.

    ➢ Raise - ἐγείρω - egeirō - eg-i'-ro – from the Hebrew origin: יקץ– Ya’qatz = to awaken.

    ➢Cast out - ἐκβάλλω - ekballō - ek-bal'-lo. From the Hebrew origin found in Genesis 3:24: Vay'garesh, from Garesh which/ַוְיָגֶרשmeans to make a stranger by removal.

  • החיים יהושע המשיח המלך העצמהשלנו –

    The Empowering Life of Yahushua HaMashiach our King.

  • In our word B’reshith – תישארב . Can you see it? Woven inside this word. More specific woven inside the first word of all Scripture.

  • Rightside – ין־ַצד ָימִּ = Tzad Yamin. Observe this deep truth – we have a value of 204 which equals the Hebrew

    word – יק ַצדִּ – Tzadik = Righteous One!

  • יק י ָצדִּ ַהֶבֶגד יהוה ַמְלכִּThe Garment of Yahuwah is MalkiTzadik!