friday 12th october 2018 issue 5 and as you wish that ......mrs ettridge and mrs bull ....

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  • Luke 6:31 And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    We hope you have all enjoyed the start of our Remembrance Commemorations. We are very proud of the display that is emerging on the bank at the front of school, and we invite everyone to walk among our poppies and read the thoughtful memories on the leaves. We want to thank all children and families who have contributed memories, and we hope that we will have a poppy from every child by November 11th, as well as many other poppies from the village and church communities. We want to say a particular thank you to Art Club and Anabel for adding to this display, and creating so many beautiful contributions.

    Beryl Simon This week, Sally Wilks came into school to share news of the Beryl Simon Project, and all children have brought home a letter with details of the project. This year it is a creative writing project linked to life 100 years ago, at the end of WW1. We hope that you will enjoy working on this project with your children, and we look forward to receiving all entries by Friday, November 2nd at the latest. As usual, children can submit entries on their own or can work together in small groups. We are all looking forward to sharing your creative entries. The cup will be presented at our special school event on the evening of December 5th.

    Friday 12th October 2018

    Issue 5

    Attendance Attendance in school last week was 95.1%. Well done to Maple class who had the

    highest attendance at 100%.

  • Poppy sales We want to say a big thank you to Isabelle and Issy for selling the beautiful knitted and crocheted poppies this week. Isabelle’s nana has created so many beautiful poppies and it is lovely to see so many children and adults wearing them. We are so pleased to share that she has so far raised £116 for the British Legion.

    Secondary School applications We know that many children in Years 5 and 6 have taken to opportunity of visiting secondary schools and attending their Open Days. We would like to remind all parents of Year 6 children that the deadline for submitting applications is 31st October.

    Home achievements Thank you this week to Acacia and Alexa for sharing the great work that they are doing to raise awareness of climate change. They have designed a poster which will be displayed around the village. Well done to both of them.

    E-safety corner It is the beginning of a new year and children are spending time on the internet for pleasure and when researching for homework. The children have now been given their new DB Primary logins so it is a good time to remind them all about being safe online.

    Staying Safe Online 1) Don’t post any personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile number.

    2) Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself. Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online most

    people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.

    3) Keep your privacy settings as high as possible

    4) Never give out your passwords

    5) Don’t befriend people you don’t know

    6) Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online. Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do

    7) Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are

    8) Think carefully about what you say before you post something online

    9) Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views it doesn’t mean you need to be


    10) If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off

    your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately.

    Mrs Ettridge and Mrs Bull

  • Headteacher’s Awards

    The class teachers have selected the following children this week:

    Reception – Layla Saunders for listening really carefully to sounds, especially during Freddy Frog Talk time and

    blending sounds to make simple words. Wow! Well done Layla. Keep it up

    Year 1 – Nevaeh Wright. This week, our Year One pupil was chosen by Mrs Keeley for science. She said, “Neveah was able to explain how our noses work and what happens when they get blocked.’ Fantastic work Nevaeh!

    Year 2 - Bella Malcolm for being resilient with her work in writing and maths. Great work Bella!

    Year 3 – Oakley Young for her determination in Maths and her improved confidence to answer questions. You have settled into Year 3 so well

    Year 4 – Leland Dema for his excellent poem about space. He used some fantastic descriptions and illustrated it beautifully

    Year 5 – Jack Wise for working so hard with his addition calculations and completing work independently and with confidence

    Year 6 – Ruby Eyre for her enthusiasm and dedication in subtraction work. Well done


    Another great week in Willow class.

    This week, the children have looked back at our Harvest Festival last week and thought about what they see and hear

    during Autumn and Harvest time. We listened to two stories, ‘The Enormous Turnip’ and ‘The Little Red Hen’, acted

    these out and then completed lots of Autumn/Harvest activities related to the stories.

    In Phonics, the children have continued to learn new sounds ‘p’ and ‘g’ this week which means we have been able to

    blend these sounds together to make even more simple words.

  • In Maths, the children have enjoyed learning about and investigating another new number, Frisky Five. We have been

    counting up to 5 and in some cases beyond 5, adding 5 things to a picture, practising the correct formation of 5 and

    finding groups of 5 things around the classroom. The children have also had a go at making repeating patterns with

    anything we could find; harvest vegetables, conkers, leaves, 2D shapes and Numicon pieces!

    We have also been learning about how to control our class Bee-Bot.

    As our class Christian symbol is the dove, a symbol of hope and peace, the children have created their own doves this

    week and we have added them to our quiet, reflective area in our classroom. They are rather beautiful and have a

    hopeful message on the back – something that the children hope for this year.

    Don’t forget that Monday is Toy Day where all the children are asked to bring in a favourite soft toy from home. We

    look forward to meeting some new friends on Monday!


    In maths this week, the Year Two children have continued with drawing their own number lines but his time to subtract ones from a 2digit number. They had to remember which way they had to draw their number line so that they counted backwards and they had to remember to count backwards!

    In Year One, the children have been making addition sentences by adding two numbers together. They have used part-whole models and used reasoning skills to answer addition problems.

    In literacy, the guided groups are editing their independent write of a ‘Dear Diary’ based on the Charlie and Lola story, ‘But excuse me, that is my book.’

    In Mrs Hunter’s group for science, the children were investigating what happens when we exercise and discussing why they thought this was important to keep their bodies healthy.

    In topic, Mrs Boyers group were creating wooden spoon puppets! First they discussed what different designs they could have and what materials they would need to create them. They practised drawing a few designs first and then made their own individual puppets which look fabulous!

    NOTE: If anyone has any old toys that they are happy for the children to explore and look at, could we please have them in ready for next Thursday.

    Also, if you haven’t already done so, please could you send in a wooden spoon for your children to use in topic. Thank you.


    We have continued to consolidate using a written method to add and subtract this week. The children had to solve problems using the written method and these problems were presented in a number of different ways. They have also started to recall known multiplication facts ready to complete their times tables challenge next week.

    In Literacy, we have been looking at poetry. The children had the opportunity to read and perform a selection of traditional poems. They thought about the language used and how they could change their voices according to what they were reading. They also looked at acrostic poems and had a go at writing one about Remembrance.

    In ICT, the children have been creating a powerpoint presentation about a stone age animal. They are focussing on what food the animals eat which links into our Science topic. We are going to make comparisons between the food that was eaten in the Stone Age and the food that is eaten now.

    Year 3 and 4 are still enjoying their swimming lessons on a Friday and all of them are listening carefully to their teacher to make sure they improve every week. While the main focus is on building their confidence and skills in the water, we are also looking at how to stay safe.


    In maths we have completed addition calculation. We used concrete and pictorial representation for subtraction and started to learn and rehearse written methods; we will finish this work on Monday.

    Tom Pursglove joined us at school on Monday. I was so proud of how well the class listened to the information Mr Pursglove shared with us. We then had our own ‘Oak Class Question Time’ and I was impressed with the range of questions the children put to our local MP. The children then created their individual fact files noting down all the new information they had gained from this session.

    We have spent time in literacy working independently and together to plan our final diary entry as Anne Frank. The children all worked really hard to produce their warm write and I am really looking forward to reading these and celebrating their successes. The children edited their work in pairs and also self-assessed their writing against the success criteria they generated at the beginning of this focus.

    In science the children investigated soluble substances.

  • There were a range of substance including sugar, coffee, flour, rice which the children added to water to see if they dissolved. We discussed the difference between dissolving and melting and factors that can help or hinder these processes. The class were very methodical in their testing and were able to support their answers.

    In Spanish we revisited the words for our body parts. The children recalled well and were able to read and write the words accurately.

    In hockey the children were passing the ball using a push pass and dribbling the ball which ended in a push pass to their partner. They needed to keep the ball as close to the end of their stick as possible.