the headteacher’s weekly newsletter headteacher

How to contact us: Telephone: 01793 487286 Attendance: 01793 427749 Student Services: 01793 427755 Email: [email protected] @lawn_manor I LEARN TERM 4 FOCUS: ATTITUDE 9 th March 2018 A message from the Headteacher We have had a very busy week this week, particularly for Year 11. The week started for them with their final Prelim in English Literature, then Mock Interview Day on Wednesday and finally our Year 11 Steps to Success Evening last night. At our Steps to Success Evening, Year 11 were given folders with revision materials bespoke to them and the subjects that they are studying. This was accompanied by a lively presentation from ‘Made for Education’ to go through techniques that could be used and also involved parents in how they can help pupils at this time. It really is the final stretch now for our Year 11 pupils with the exams starting after Easter. I hope that they found the evening last night useful and use the resources and techniques in their revision schedule. Good luck with the revision! Sandra Muir Headteacher The Headteacher’s Weekly Newsletter The Year 8 Guided Pathways Evening will be held on Thursday, 22nd March in West Manor between 4:30 and 7:00 pm. This will give parents and pupils the opportunity to talk to teachers about which subjects would be best for them to study in Year 9. The option choices made at this time will be the subjects that your child will study for the next three years, so it is really important that the selections are made carefully and with as much information as possible. Teachers will be available for you to have informal discussions with and they will be able to give you further information regarding their subjects and the suitability for your child. There will be two presentations on this evening; one at 5:00pm and one at 6:00pm. These will be held in West Manor Hall – no booking is necessary for these. The presentation will explain the option process and also provide advice how to make the best choice. Full details about the evening can be found in a letter attached to the end of the newsletter. Dates for your Diary: Thursday 22 nd March Year 8 Parents Options Evening Tuesday 27 th March Progress Review Day Thursday 29 th March School finishes at 3pm for the Easter Holidays Progress Review Day Year 8 Options Evening Our second Progress Review Day will be Tuesday 27 th March. On this day pupils, accompanied by their parents, will meet with their I LEARN tutor for a 15 minute meeting. After discussing your child’s progress since the first Progress Review Day a new target will be agreed between your child, their I LEARN Tutor and you, to help them make further progress this year. Parents involved in the Achievement for All programme will be contacted separately regarding making their appointments for that day. Pupils will not be expected to attend school during the usual times on that day, but will instead only be expected to be present for the 15 minute progress meeting and for 15 minutes beforehand where you and your child can plan what you want to discuss in that meeting. Year 7 Parents Only - If your child is in the Year 7 Connect 7 group you will also be able to make an additional appointment with Ms Lister. Full details and information on how to make an appointment are attached to the end of the newsletter. We look forward to seeing you on this day. There are 3 spaces still available on the trip to Madrid taking place 15 th -19 th July. The trip is open to all year groups and the price is £577. If you would like your child to attend, ask them to pop and see Ms Tebby in 3E4 for further details and to pick up a letter. Madrid Residential Trip – July 2018

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Page 1: The Headteacher’s Weekly Newsletter Headteacher

How to contact us: Telephone: 01793 487286 Attendance: 01793 427749 Student Services: 01793 427755 Email: [email protected]



A message from the Headteacher

We have had a very busy week this week, particularly for Year 11. The week started for them with their final Prelim in English Literature, then Mock Interview Day on Wednesday and finally our Year 11 Steps to Success Evening last night. At our Steps to Success Evening, Year 11 were given folders with revision materials bespoke to them and the subjects that they are studying. This was accompanied by a lively presentation from ‘Made for Education’ to go through techniques that could be used and also involved parents in how they can help pupils at this time. It really is the final stretch now for our Year 11 pupils with the exams starting after Easter. I hope that they found the evening last night useful and use the resources and techniques in their revision schedule.

Good luck with the revision!

Sandra Muir Headteacher










The Year 8 Guided Pathways Evening will be held on Thursday, 22nd March in West Manor between 4:30 and 7:00 pm. This will give parents and pupils the opportunity to talk to teachers about which subjects would be best for them to study in Year 9. The option choices made at this time will be the subjects that your child will study for the next three years, so it is really important that the selections are made carefully and with as much information as possible. Teachers will be available for you to have informal discussions with and they will be able to give you further information regarding their subjects and the suitability for your child.

There will be two presentations on this evening; one at 5:00pm and one at 6:00pm. These will be held in West Manor Hall – no booking is necessary for these. The presentation will explain the option process and also provide advice how to make the best choice.

Full details about the evening can be found in a letter attached to the end of the newsletter.

Dates for your Diary: Thursday 22nd March

Year 8 Parents Options Evening Tuesday 27th March Progress Review Day Thursday 29th March

School finishes at 3pm for the Easter Holidays

Progress Review Day Year 8 Options Evening

Our second Progress Review Day will be Tuesday 27th March. On this day pupils, accompanied by their parents, will meet with their I LEARN tutor for a 15 minute meeting. After discussing your child’s progress since the first Progress Review Day a new target will be agreed between your child, their I LEARN Tutor and you, to help them make further progress this year. Parents involved in the Achievement for All programme will be contacted separately regarding making their appointments for that day.

Pupils will not be expected to attend school during the usual times on that day, but will instead only be expected to be present for the 15 minute progress meeting and for 15 minutes beforehand where you and your child can plan what you want to discuss in that meeting. Year 7 Parents Only - If your child is in the Year 7 Connect 7 group you will also be able to make an additional appointment with Ms Lister.

Full details and information on how to make an appointment are attached to the end of the newsletter. We look forward to seeing you on this day.

There are 3 spaces still available on the trip to Madrid taking place 15th-19th July. The trip is open to all year groups and the price is £577. If you would like your child to attend, ask them to pop and see Ms Tebby in 3E4 for further details and to pick up a letter.

Madrid Residential Trip – July 2018

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The Science Technicians now have science revision guides in stock for the students to purchase. Any student who would like to buy one, should pop along to the Science Prep room at lunch time.

Science Revision Guides

We have organised an exciting trip to London on Thursday 19th July 2018 to see Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical, The School of Rock. We have booked the matinee performance at 2.30pm. We will leave school at 11.00am, returning to school at approximately 7pm. The total price, including theatre ticket and coach travel is £37.00 – this is a fantastic price as we have secured a special group discount on the tickets! There are 50 places available and these will be allocated on a first come first served basis. A letter has been sent home with full details, if you would like another copy, please email [email protected] or call 01793 487286. Although Year 11 will have left us, they are still welcome to attend.

London Musical Trip – School of Rock

Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about us, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time. Please follow this link to find out more, click ‘Give your views’ to register and complete a short survey:

Please Give Us Your Views

An additional INSET day has been set for Friday 29th June and school will be closed to pupils on this day. A reminder that term dates can be found on our website.

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World Book Day is a celebration day and took place on Thursday 1st March. It's a celebration of Authors, Illustrators, books and (most importantly) it's a celebration of reading. In fact, it's the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading and marked in over 100 countries all over the world.

To make the day a little more exciting, many staff dressed up as a character from one of their favourite books. We had Mary Poppins, Alice, The Mad Hatter, The Cheshire Cat and a gang from Holes to name but a few. The Queen of Hearts was there to welcome them in. At break time, KS3 pupils were

all given a FREE book and a money off voucher to use in participating book shops. There was a great buzz in the Library, but the bad weather did cut the day a little short as we had to close early due to the snow.

Over the next couple of weeks, students will also be asked to take part in an event called ‘Read for Good’. This is sponsored by Readathon to motivate students to read more. The money they raise will help provide much needed books and storyteller visits to our nearest local children’s hospital. To find out more about this great event use this link

World Book Day at Lawn Manor

On Wednesday, a group of our Year 11 students, who are on the Villiers Park Scholars Programme, prepared and delivered a Business Workshop for students in I LEARN Group 7A. The Year 11 Scholars worked hard over the course of several weeks to plan, prepare and promote a workshop that would give the Year 7 students an insight into business. The workshop featured a Chocolate Business Game, in which five teams competed to manage the chocolate company that made the biggest annual profit. The teams were encouraged to make tough strategic decisions about adjusting sale price and stock levels according to the time of year and other factors. The chocolate-entrepreneurs learnt important lessons about risk-taking and managing finances, which are key parts to running a business. With 100% excellent feedback, everyone who attended the workshop enjoyed the activities delivered by the Year 11 Scholars.

Villiers Park INVOLVE Event

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Once upon a time… in Lawn Manor Library, the theme was ‘Disney’…

My absolute Favourite and also voted by students as a popular theme. Young and Old we all love Disney! Disney is full of Fun, Sparkle, Adventure, Villains, Romance, loveable characters and great make believe story lines.

So pop into the Library and have a look at the variety of books available to loan out and get whisked away with the magic and enchantment of Disney!

And remember …all it takes is Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust!

Hope to see you all there.

Rachel Library Officer

Children from the Little A Nursery took part in a Disney storytelling session at Lawn Manor Library on Tuesday to help them develop a love of books, reading and of course Disney. The event was organised by Rachel Reynolds, Library Officer, to coincide with World Book Day last week and the theme of the month which is Disney. Rachel Reynolds was dressed as Olaf from Frozen to set the mood!

Rachel said “each month we create a new theme to try and encourage more pupils in to the library. This month is a particular favourite of mine, but was chosen by the pupils themselves. Even Year 11 joined in! Disney is wonderful because it doesn’t matter if you are 2 or 102 you can still get swept away in the sparkle, adventure and make believe storyline of a good Disney book.”

Library helpers from Years 7, 8 & 9 took it in turns to read stories to the excited toddlers, as they sat quietly to listen. As well as stories the children also got to take part in a Disney sing along with ‘Let it Go’ still being the favourite song to sing along to! They then left with a book from World Book Day and a balloon.

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Lawn Manor Academy – Inspiring and Creating Futures for All

Proud to be part of the Royal Headteacher: Sandra Muir / CEO: George Croxford Wootton Bassett Academy Trust Salcombe Grove, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 1ER Company Number: 07569743 T. 01793 487286 E. [email protected] W.

22nd March 2018

Our Ref: BPR/ACO/Options

Dear Parent/Guardian The Year 8 Guided Pathways Evening will be held on Thursday, 22nd March in West Manor between 4:30 and 7:00 pm. This will give you and your child an opportunity to talk to teachers about which subjects would be best for your child to study in Year 9. The option choices that are made at this time will be the subjects that your child will study for the next three years at Lawn Manor so it is really important that the selections are made carefully and with as much information as possible. Teachers will be available throughout from 4:30-7.00pm for you to have informal discussions with and they will be able to give you further information regarding their subjects and the suitability for your child. They will be based in subject/faculty teams in the classrooms on the ground floor of the West Manor building. Please note that we won’t be operating an appointment system on this evening as all staff will be available. There will be two presentations on this evening; one at 5:00pm and one at 6:00pm. These will be held in West Manor Hall – no booking is necessary for these. The presentation will explain the option process and also provide advice how to make the best choice. The students will also be having a special assembly with me on Friday 16th March when I will talk through the option process. They will receive their option booklets and forms at the options evening. Following on from the Guided Pathways Evening on the 22nd March, the conversations that you have with your son/daughter are really important as once the choices are made they cannot be easily changed. The students will all also meet with a senior member of staff to talk through their choices once the forms have been returned. The forms need to be returned to tutors by Thursday 29th March. I look forward to meeting you on Thursday, 22nd March. If you require more information about the option process you can contact me by email at [email protected]

Yours faithfully

Mr B Prevost Assistant Headteacher

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Lawn Manor Academy – Inspiring and Creating Futures for All

Proud to be part of the Royal Headteacher: Sandra Muir / CEO: George Croxford Wootton Bassett Academy Trust Salcombe Grove, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 1ER Company Number: 07569743 T. 01793 487286 E. [email protected] W.

Our Ref: CY/TK 9th March 2018

Progress Review Day Dear Parent/Carer On Tuesday 27th March we will be holding our second Progress Review Day at Lawn Manor Academy for all pupils and parents to attend. On this day pupils, accompanied by their parents, will meet with their I LEARN tutor for a 15 minute meeting where their progress in school so far this year and since the first Progress Review Day can be discussed. After discussing your child’s progress a target will be agreed upon by them, your I LEARN tutor and you to help them make further progress this year. The first Progress Review Day was a real success – we had lots of positive feedback and superb attendance from our pupils and parents. We believe this second day will help ensure that your child continues to make progress through the second half of this year. Your son/daughter will not be expected to attend school during the usual times on that day, but will instead only be expected to be present for the 15 minute progress meeting. Refreshments will be available on the day, and there will be presentations on Show My Homework and GCSE Pod. You will also be able to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team or your child’s Year Leader if you wish. You will be able to make an appointment between 8.30am and 5pm on the day and details on how to make the appointments are on the following page – we are using our popular online booking service. Should you not be able to access this, for your child you can agree an appointment time with their I LEARN tutor during I LEARN. We look forward to seeing you and your son/daughter on this day and welcoming you back to Lawn Manor Academy. Please feel free to contact me with any queries you may have. The booking system is now live so you can make your appointment from today. [email protected] Yours faithfully

Ms C Young Lead Professional in Student Progress

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Parents’ Guide for Booking Appointments

Browse to

Step 1: Login

Please fill out all the details on the page. A confirmation of your appointments will be emailed to you and we may use the phone number to contact you. Please use your child’s “preferred” forename that matches our records (no abbreviations). Date of birth – eg: 26/11/2005

Step 2: Select Progress Review Day

Click the green tick to select Progress Review Day you want to make appointments for.

Step 3: Choose Teachers

Your children’s ILEARN tutor will appear. Ensure the ILEARN tutor you wish to see is selected in green. Click on the Continue button to proceed.

Step 4: Book Appointments

Click ‘Book’ to make your appointment with the teacher for the time you wish. Optionally enter a short note to the teacher to help structure the appointment. After you have finished making appointments, click on “click here” in the yellow box at the top of the page to send the confirmation email.

Step 5: Finished

You will receive an email confirmation of your appointments. Please print this out and bring with you to the parents’ evening. To send the school feedback about this system, click on “Send Feedback”.

Viewing/Editing/Printing Appointments

You can also view and print your appointments online by clicking the “Appointments” tab. Please bring a print out of your appointment times to the parents’ evening. You can change your appointments by clicking on “Add/Edit/Delete Appointments”. There is a link at the bottom of the confirmation email which logs you back into the system.

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What is revision?

Revision means “to look at again”.

We all need to look at things again to remind ourselves of the things we have learned as well as in preparation for exams.

But, we do need active ways to do this “looking again”. Here are some top revision tips.

When should revision take place?It is important to balance revision time with leisure time and one of the best ways to do this is to create a revision timetable. Below are some tips on how to do this:

• Fill in leisure, relaxation and family commitments• Put in some sessions that can be devoted to revision• Share out the available revision sessions between subjects• Allow extra sessions if you know some subjects will take longer than others• Vary the subjects – don’t do all Maths revision in day one!

Here’s an example for one weekend:

How to revise?The first step is to try and change what is written in exercise books/revision guides into a different form. By doing this we kick start our brains and start to think of new ways of presenting and remembering the information. Ways to change things include:

• Making diagrams • Mind maps• Charts and flow charts (for processes)• Outline cards• Audio recordings (great for languages)

What’s the point of revising?

1) Revision helps learning.2) Revision increases achievement in

tests.3) Achievement in tests gives wider

choices later on.4) Achievement improves

confidence and motivation.

Outline Cards - - -

Morning Morning Afternoon EveningSaturday Football Maths, Geography Science, RE FilmSunday English Lunch at gran’s Still at gran’s French, History