headteacher’s headlines - stamford-green.surrey.sch.uk

Welcome to our school newsletter - Issue 11 Thursday 24 April 2015 Headteacher’s Headlines www.stamford-green.surrey.sch.uk Follow us on Twitter @StamfordGreen Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome to the summer term and if you are anything like me, you are wondering where this year is going! As you will read later on in this newsletter, the build is going well… We are referring to the current school building as the ‘East Wing’ and the yet to be used building as the ‘West Wing’. This not only matches the school entrance gates but means we do not have to use new and old! In September YR, Y3 and Y6 will be based in the West Wing. By having these year groups together it will allow us to maintain our whole school feeling with this cross section of ages together. It will also enhance the relationship between YR and their Y6 Buddies. The other year groups will have an allocated slot, in one of the two remaining ‘spare’ classrooms, in the West Wing. This is so that they feel that it is part of their school too. In addition to this, all the children will all also get to use the studio space for either assembly, PE or other learning activities. We will of course keep you updated with further plans as things progress. Best wishes, Louise Druce Headteacher Water Bottles Please don’t forget to send in a water bottle with your child everyday as they do get thirsty! Old Wellies Mrs Druce would like to ask for donations of old wellies please. They don't have to be pairs and will be used as plant pots that we can attach to a fence and grow seeds/plants in. Thank you! Attendance The Education Welfare Officer will be visiting the school for her termly meeting this week to check on our school attendance and lateness records. If your child’s attendance is less than 90% or your child is persistently late, you may receive a letter. Comic Relief A big thank you for the fun filled muddy fun...Thanks to your generosity we have raised £385.25 for Comic Relief School Council Generations Coffee Morning Please don’t forget our next Generations Coffee Morning is on Tuesday 28 April at 10.00am for retired local residents/ Grandparents. Letters sent home via email and uploaded to our website YR, Y1-Y6 Weekly Information Extended Services Information from Sep 15 Y6 Bikeability Y6 Liddington Residential 2016 PTA Stay and Play

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Page 1: Headteacher’s Headlines - stamford-green.surrey.sch.uk

Welcome to our school newsletter - Issue 11 Thursday 24 April 2015

Headteacher’s Headlines www.stamford-green.surrey.sch.uk

Follow us on Twitter @StamfordGreen

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to the summer term and if you are

anything like me, you are wondering where this year

is going!

As you will read later on in this newsletter, the build is

going well… We are referring to the current school

building as the ‘East Wing’ and the yet to be used

building as the ‘West Wing’. This not only matches

the school entrance gates but means we do not

have to use new and old!

In September YR, Y3 and Y6 will be based in the West

Wing. By having these year groups together it will

allow us to maintain our whole school feeling with

this cross section of ages together. It will also

enhance the relationship between YR and their Y6


The other year groups will have an allocated slot, in

one of the two remaining ‘spare’ classrooms, in the

West Wing. This is so that they feel that it is part of

their school too. In addition to this, all the children

will all also get to use the studio space for either

assembly, PE or other learning activities.

We will of course keep you updated with further

plans as things progress.

Best wishes,

Louise Druce


News In Brief Water Bottles

Please don’t forget to send in a water bottle with

your child everyday as they do get thirsty!

Old Wellies

Mrs Druce would like to ask for donations of old

wellies please. They don't have to be pairs and will

be used as plant pots that we can attach to a

fence and grow seeds/plants in. Thank you!


The Education Welfare Officer will be visiting the

school for her termly meeting this week to check

on our school attendance and lateness records. If

your child’s attendance is less than 90% or your

child is persistently late, you may receive a letter.

Comic Relief

A big thank you for the fun filled muddy

fun...Thanks to your

generosity we have raised £385.25 for

Comic Relief

School Council Generations Coffee Morning

Please don’t forget our next Generations Coffee

Morning is on Tuesday 28 April at 10.00am

for retired local residents/ Grandparents.

Letters sent home via email and uploaded

to our website

YR, Y1-Y6 Weekly Information

Extended Services Information from Sep 15

Y6 Bikeability

Y6 Liddington Residential 2016

PTA Stay and Play

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Stamford Green Sports Summary- Spring Term

There has been a lot going on recently on the various sports fields and the children have

represented the school brilliantly.


The whole of the Year 6 netball club has enjoyed playing competitive matches against other

local schools and Mrs Smith and I have been impressed not only with the progress the children

have made since the start of the year, but also with their sportsmanship and behaviour. The

A team have finished 2nd in the league this year- a great achievement. They were also just

‘pipped at the post’ in the borough rally, losing to a competitive St Josephs team in the final

minutes of the match.

Tag Rugby

The school entered a team in every age group of the borough tournaments this year- and two

teams in the Year 6 competition. The tournaments are always a fun but tiring afternoon and

provide a great opportunity for the children to compete against many other local schools. The

Year 3 and Year 6 A team won their competitions and the Year 4 and Year 5 teams won the

majority of their matches. Well done to all the children on their excellent play and enthusiasm on

the days and making this year our most successful year on the rugby fields since 2009! A special

mention must go to our Y6 team who competed at the county finals this week and finished 4th

overall. All the teams there had won their own borough competitions so this result is quite an

achievement and the best in school tag history!

Y6 Tag Team Y5 Tag Team

Y4 Tag Team Y3 Tag Team

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Scatter Ball


Coming up this term….

Year 6 Quick sticks hockey event

Y5 boys Kwik Cricket tournament

Y6 boys Kwik Cricket tournament

Y6 girls Kwik Cricket tournament

Y3 football tournament

Y4 football tournament

Y45 Dance festival

Y3456 District sports competition

Y6 Rounders Rally

I would like to personally thank all the children who have taken part in these events for their

positive attitudes and great sportsmanship. Thank you also to all the parents who have made it

possible for the children to attend and for your continued support with the sport at Stamford

Green Primary School.

Mrs Peters

Phase 3 and PE Leader


We sent two Year 2 teams to this competition held just

before the Easter break. The children have been

learning the skills needed for Scatter Ball in their PE

lessons and were looking forward to applying them

in competitive game situations. Both teams played

brilliantly and lots of fun was had by all. Both teams

enjoyed wins and it was great to see them improving

their skills as the afternoon went on.

The Year 6 football team has been playing their league

matches and have shown excellent resilience as they have

often had to come back from being behind to secure a

win. They faced a formidable team from St Martins in the

final match of the league this week and played

fantastically. St Martins ended up winning the match (and

the league as a result) but it was one of the most impressive

performances by our team this season.

Finishing 2nd in the football league is our best result since


Grow, Cook and Enjoy have got spaces on

Monday and Thursday cooking club sessions.

If you would like to join cooking club

please contact Jayne McGhee on

[email protected]

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Outstanding writing by Katie Baker (6SB)

School, most people spend a large quantity of their lives in school. Surely anyone would agree that the

memories you gain from school are to be treasured for the rest of your life. The fact that it does not have a

price tag, makes it even better. It does not have a value in money but it has sentimental value. It is really

important to me; I have spent over half my life there, grown up, made friends and have had a life-changing

education. Anyone would agree that school - special in its own way—is one of life’s pleasures.

I definitely cannot compare my time at school to any other experience. It is unique and amazing. My time at

current school (Stamford Green Primary School) is nearing an end so make the most of this incredible

opportunity to learn and enjoy yourself in a warm, enhancing environment.

At school there are many things you can learn that will help you in later life, not just writing and maths, the

most important things are taught to you without you even realising. Such as co-operation, manners, how to

ride a bike (bikeability), how to skip, you might try new foods and find new hobbies. Your time at school is

important - more important than most subjects and activities that do have a cost. The benefit you have

from being able to be educated is not always appreciated as much as it deserves, however I do

appreciate it in that way. School is extremely special to me and it should be to you to.

Mrs McGhee is looking for volunteers to help watering the plants in the area outside the

office please...

It only takes about 10 - 15mins but she would like to organise a rota during the summer

months to make sure they are watered regularly.

If you can help please contact her on [email protected]

A big thank you for bringing in your old and unwanted clothes at the recent bag2school

collection. We have received a cheque of £144 for the bags we collected.

The PTA says thank you for the books you have bought at the recent PTA Booksale - £103.50

has been raised for the school and £103.50 for Comic Relief too! Many thanks!

Thank you to Y2 ….

Because of the Y2 Sleepover

fundraising efforts we have been

able to buy fantastic new

equipment for the playground.

Well done and thank you!

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Celebration Assemblies 16.4.14 & 20.4.14

Winner of Pepe the punctuality puppy was 2W

Winner of Annabelle the attendance ape was 6KB

The winning house with the most house points this week was Horton

Merit awards were given


Achiever of the week

Poppy Giles 6SB Aimee Bloomfield

Finlay Kesson 5PJ Scarlett Carswell

Dylan Pitchford-Smith 3L Hayden Brady

Joshua Kelly-Brown 4B Dora Andric

Shriya Ravishanker 6KB Jemima Hebden

Isabella Davies 2W Ben Ayley

Ben Williams 1S Cameron Saunt

Jessica McCabe 5V Evie Kearns

Arthur Wisden 1V Lauren Thorpe

Amber Brameld

Isaac Viera

Daisy Stambrey

3FE Update:

The builders have been busy over Easter working on the

landscaping around the playground and field. We have

also had 2 shed bases laid and the sheds for playground

and PE equipment will be going up soon. This week the wa-

ter and electricity services are being put in across the roof

of the school which is why there are lots of orange barriers

and builders on the roof. The cladding is going up around

the studio and all the scaffolding is now down. Inside the

new building, electrics are being fitted and walls are being


All Weather Pitch

The final balance for the All Weather Pitch was raised just before

the Easter break. The total of £77,255.27 was raised in under 2

years thanks to the fantastic efforts of our whole school

community including the PTA and the Trust Fund. Thank you to

everyone who worked so hard to make this superb facility

available in such a short space of time. The final footballs have

now been added to the totaliser.

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