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  • 8/14/2019 fossnews-26


    Free Open Source Software News 1

    FossNews Weekly

    Issue : 26

    Team : T.Shrinivasan ( [email protected] ) , K.Balavignesh ( [email protected] )Date : 17-08-2009

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    1. Linux - The New 'Hot' Job Skill

    2. How To Setup OpenVZ under RHEL / CentOS Linux

    3. Demonstrates First New UI Prototypes

    4. How to Videoconference Linux and Windows with Ekiga

    5. Microsoft Acknowledges Linux Threat to Windows Client6. ffmpeg Cheat Sheet - 19 Best Practices

    7. KDE release 4.3 adds 2,000 features

    8. 10 super-cool Linux hacks you did not know about

    9. 60 Beautiful Ubuntu Desktop Wallpapers

    10. What is the most popular language used in Open Source projects?

    1. Linux - The New 'Hot' Job Skill

    Nationwide unemployment may be heading toward double-

    digits in the U.S., but among the skills that are in highest

    demand are those of a Linux sysadmin. That's partly due to the

    effects of the recession -- more companies are willing to

    experiment with lower-cost open source alternatives to

    proprietary software. Still, the good news is qualified: Many of

    those jobs can be done anywhere on the planet.


    2. How To Setup OpenVZ under RHEL / CentOS Linux

    I need to run more than instance of Linux operating system and different Linux distributions under

    CentOS. How do I use OpenVZ virtualization to optimize the usage of my Dell servers, and create

    test Linux VPS running Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS Linux? How do I deploy OpenVZ underCentOS / RHEL Linux?
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    Free Open Source Software News 3

    4. How to Video Conference Linux and Windows with Ekiga

    Ekiga, formerly known as GnomeMeeting, is a videophone program

    similar to Skype. Its free, open source, and has so far worked better

    for me than Skype ever did. Today, well cover how to use Ekiga to

    conference Linux and Windows clients together.


    5. Microsoft Acknowledges Linux Threat to Windows Client

    Microsoft for the first time has named Linux distributors Red Hat and Canonical as competitors to

    its Windows client business in its annual filing to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

    The move is an acknowledgement of the first viable competition from Linux to Microsoft's

    Windows client business, due mainly to the use of Linux on netbooks, which are rising in

    prominence as alternatives to full-sized notebooks.

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    Free Open Source Software News 4

    6. ffmpeg Cheat Sheet - 19 Best Practices

    ffmpeg is a multiplatform, open-source library for video and audio files. It is usualy available in

    your distribution repositories, so search for it and install it.

    This article will present 19 ffmpeg very useful commands.

    7. KDE release 4.3 adds 2,000 features

    The KDE Community released the 4.3 version of its popular Linux/UNIX desktop environment,

    representing more than 63,000 code changes by 700 contributors, 10,000 bug-fixes, and 2,000 new

    features. KDE 4.3 adds numerous improvements to the Plasma Desktop Shell and Application

    Development Framework, among many other enhancements.

    Code-named "Caizen," release 4.3 offers a wide variety of enhancements to KDE, which competes

    with Gnome as well as smaller players in the competition for Linux desktop environments. The

    release is expected to show up in major Linux distributions in a few months.
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    Free Open Source Software News 5

    8. 10 super-cool Linux hacks you did not know about

    This article is a compilation of several interesting, unique command-line tricks that should help you

    squeeze more juice out of your system, improve your situational awareness of what goes on behindthe curtains of the desktop, plus some rather unorthodox solutions that will melt the proverbial

    socks off your kernel.

    9. 60 Beautiful Ubuntu Desktop Wallpapers

    This following entry is dedicated to all you Ubuntu users. We figured you could wear it proud and

    for starters, a nice Ubuntu wallpaper on the desktop.

    Finding sets of nice looking Ubuntu wallpapers was one challenging task and heres what we

    managed to collect 60 Beautiful Ubuntu Desktop Wallpapers. Full list after jump.
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    Free Open Source Software News 6

    10. What is the most popular language used in Open Source projects?

    Did it ever really go away? New report shows developers are using more JavaScript and PHP, but C

    still dominates in one measure.

    According to a new study from Black Duck, a software-license code analysis vendor, C represents

    more than 40 percent of all code written for open source software.

    Black Duck made its determination by counting the actual lines of code. While C is the leader by

    that measure, PHP and JavaScript are on the rise when you look at the broader picture of how open

    source projects use programming languages.

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    Free Open Source Software News 7


    To meet the FOSS users and to know/discuss more about FOSS, Join in

    Indian Linux Users Group - Chennai (ILUGC).

    Please read and share with your Friends

    Prepared with OpenOffice 3.0.1