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Post on 30-Mar-2016




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The Mary Celeste is one of the greatest mysteries known to man. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle made the story of the Mary Celeste famous in 1884. Sir Doyle was struggling as an author before he created Sherlock Holmes and made a fictional short story about the Mary Celeste that caused it to turn into the immense mystery that it is today. It was captained by one of the most reliable captains around: Benjamin Spooner Briggs, and mated by another very reliable seafaring man: Albert Richardson. The Mary Celeste was a vessel carrying ten people and transporting 3500 dollars worth of alcohol from New York to Genoa that would be used for fortifying wine (maryceleste.net). Unfortunately for the people aboard the Mary Celeste, they were about to meet a very untimely and abrupt end on their journey across the Atlantic.

One of the most popular theories about the disappearance of the people aboard the ship is the work of beings from beyond ourplanet. Aliens from the planet Omicron Persei Eight needed alcohol in order to fuel their spaceships and needed humans in orderto conduct experiments on them so they could learn more about our race. The theory relies on the aliens having extremely advanced technology, far beyond our comprehension and understanding. The aliens have discovered a way to make their ships run on the high proof (and explosive) alcohol that the ship was carrying for light-years. The aliens abducted the many families and designed the ship to look like it was abandoned in a hurry. They then abducted the crew and emptied nine of the barrels for their fuel (alienmania.org). Their engines are so effective, that they didn’t need to take more than nine barrels, since that would last them almost a thousand years, which was more than enough time to get back home to their undiscovered planet at the edge of the solar system. As soon as the aliens had what they needed, they took the crew into the dark abyss of space in order conduct their sick experiments on those poor tortured souls.

However, it’s all a little unusual right? How could the aliens have possibly known that these ten people on this relatively small ship in the middle of the ocean would be carrying all of this useful starship fuel? It’s a simple answer honestly. The Dei Gratia accompanied the Mary Celeste on her journey and was captained by a man named David Reed Morehouse (Hicks). They “discovered” the ship drifting in the ocean and came aboard to find everyonemissing. They then piloted the ship to its destination in Genoa and were put on trial for suspected wrongdoing (maryceleste.com). Rightfully so however! Doesn’t it just seem to coincidental for Morehouse to just show up, know the ship wasdrifting, and pilot the ship? Doesn’t it seem suspicious that he was put on trial for his wrongdoing but then was still rewarded withone fifth of the cargo? The answer is clear. David Morehouse sold the people aboard the Mary Celeste to the aliens. He had been in contact with the aliens for years as a spy and as a slave trader for them. They paid him by sparing his life and in whatever the humans he sold left behind. When he told them about the massive amounts of starship fuel that the Mary Celeste was carrying, the aliens couldn’t pass up on such a wonderful offer. They agreed to only take what they needed and the humans, and they would allow him to keep the ship and whatever was on it. Unfortunately for Captain Morehouse, he knew that if the ship were to just disappear without a trace or a distress signal then suspicion would fall on him. He knew that he would have to turn in the ship to its rightful place, but knew he would still receive some cargo for his heroic actions. What he didn’t know however, was that he would be confronted by one of the greatest known enemies to the aliens of Omicron Persei Eight: the Gibraltar justice system. They knew of Morehouse’s previous connections with the aliens and were ready to make an example of him in front of the entire world. Unfortunately, the aliens expected this little hitch in their plan and decided that they would have to intervene in order to avoid being discovered and thus losing their supply of starship fuel due to the necessity of having to destroy the planet. They threatened the judge and prosecution that if they were to leak their existence to the public then the entire human race and all of Earth would pay for their mistake. Captain Morehouse ended up with one fifth of his reward and the aliens got to keep their fuel and test subjects. Unfortunately for the human race, we remain a plaything in the hands of these cruel aliens.

By: James Sikarskie

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